Chapter 12.30
12.30.010 Residence owner duty.
12.30.020 Starting points for numbering system.
12.30.040 Affixing number to premises.
12.30.050 Notice of owner noncompliance.
12.30.060 Violation – Penalty.
12.30.010 Residence owner duty.
It shall be the duty of the owner or tenant of every residence or place of business or other structure opening upon or having access to the streets of the city to cause to be placed in a conspicuous place upon the main entrance or at a principal place of ingress to such premises a number, such number to be ascertained as provided by this chapter. [Ord. 260 § 1, 1976].
12.30.020 Starting points for numbering system.
It shall be the duty of the city administrator to maintain such a map or maps of the city which clearly indicate the numbers which shall be used to designate the corresponding premises, as provided in RRMC 12.30.010, and to keep on file such map with the city recorder. In assigning such numbers the city administrator shall use Pine and Main Streets as base lines for starting points for such numbers and shall allow 100 numbers to each block and not less than one number to each 25 feet of street frontage; odd numbers shall be placed upon the north and west sides of the streets and even numbers upon the south and east sides. [Ord. 260 § 2, 1976].
12.30.030 Numbering system.
No single or double digit numbers shall be used. The first number on the south and east side of any street shall be number 100 and on the north and west side shall be number 101, with the first 25 feet of frontage in each of the succeeding blocks being allowed the numbers 200 and 201, 300 and 301, and so on to the end of each street. [Ord. 260 § 3, 1976].
12.30.040 Affixing number to premises.
It shall be the duty of the property owner or tenant, as provided in RRMC 12.30.010, to ascertain from the city administrator the number so assigned to his or her respective premises, and to cause that number to be affixed in figures not less than two and one-half inches high, such figures to be so placed as to be easily legible from the adjoining sidewalk or street. [Ord. 260 § 4, 1976].
12.30.050 Notice of owner noncompliance.
It shall be the duty of the city administrator to cause written notice to be given to either the owner, agent or occupant of each residence and place of business within the city, which have not been numbered as herein provided by the first day of July 1978, which notice shall designate the proper number to be affixed to said premises, and shall require the same to be affixed within 10 days from the date of service of such notice upon such owner, agent, or occupant, and, upon the failure of such owner, agent or occupant to so affix said number within said 10 days, the city council may cause the same to be affixed and the costs thereof shall be declared a lien upon the particular lot or parcel of land upon which said costs are expended, which lien shall be recorded upon the city lien docket and thereafter enforced against the property therein described in all respects in like manner and with like effect as a lien for the improvement of any street.
Compliance with this chapter by all commercial or business activities shall be not later than July 1, 1978. [Ord. 293 § 2, 1977; Ord. 266 § 1, 1977; Ord. 260 § 5, 1976].
12.30.060 Violation – Penalty.
Any person occupying any residence, place of business or other building in the city who fails to number his building after notice given in accordance with this chapter by the city administrator is guilty of a misdemeanor and after conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $50.00; and every week’s failure and neglect to so number said building after the expiration of 30 days constitutes a separate and distinct offense. [Ord. 23-418-O § 58; Ord. 260 § 6, 1976].