Chapter 16.20


16.20.010    Compliance with zone area and dimension requirements.

16.20.020    Buildable lots.

16.20.030    Lot width to depth ratio.

16.20.040    Through lots.

16.20.050    Side property line.

16.20.060    Curved property line at street intersections.

16.20.070    Flag lots.

16.20.080    Authorized lots.

16.20.090    Unauthorized lots.

16.20.100    Signatures required when platting unauthorized lots.

16.20.110    Lot authorization.

16.20.120    Street standards.

16.20.010 Compliance with zone area and dimension requirements.

All new lots shall conform to the provisions of Title 17 RRMC and this title for lot area, lot width, setbacks, site development standards and the following criteria. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.105].

16.20.020 Buildable lots.

Each new lot shall be designed as a buildable lot, taking into consideration topography, soils, floodplain and other site limitations. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.110].

16.20.030 Lot width to depth ratio.

Lot depth shall not exceed three times lot width. This standard may be exceeded:

A. Where a portion of a lot is located within the floodway and the portion outside of the floodway cannot be further divided; or

B. Where a flag lot is approved under RRMC 16.20.070. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.120].

16.20.040 Through lots.

Lots that have frontage on more than one street, except corner lots, shall be avoided except where necessary to provide separation of residential developments from arterial streets or to overcome specific topographic constraints.

A. Lots that front on more than one street shall be required to locate motor vehicle accesses on the street with the lower functional classification.

B. When a residential subdivision is proposed that would abut an arterial, it shall be designed to provide through lots along the arterial with access from a frontage road or interior local road. A berm or buffer yard may be required at the rear of through lots to buffer residences from traffic on the arterial. The berm or buffer yard shall not be located within the public right-of-way. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.130].

16.20.050 Side property line.

As far as practical, the side property line of the lot shall run at right angles to the street upon which it faces, except that on a curved street the side property line shall be radial to the curve. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.140].

16.20.060 Curved property line at street intersections.

At all street intersections, an arc along the property line shall be established to allow construction of standard curb and sidewalk wholly within the right-of-way. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.150].

16.20.070 Flag lots.

All flag lots shall meet the following requirements:

A. A street cannot reasonably or practically be created to serve the property.

B. The flag pole shall be at least 25 feet in width. The maximum length for a flag pole shall be twice the width of the lot or twice the length of the lot, whichever dimension is less.

C. The flag pole shall be designed such that a driveway meeting city standards could be constructed within the flag pole, unless an alternative access is provided by easement. The access shall not encroach upon or cross a live stream, ravine, irrigation ditch or similar topographic feature without provision for an adequate structure, fill, or culvert to provide access for emergency vehicles. Any such required structure shall be constructed prior to final plat approval for the partition, subdivision or planned unit development which approved the flag lot. The structure shall be certified by a registered engineer as meeting this standard.

D. Abutting flag poles are not permitted, unless approved through the variance procedures in Chapter 16.50 RRMC.

E. Flag lots shall not be permitted when the result would be to increase the number of properties requiring direct and individual access connections to the state highway system or other arterials, unless approval for the additional access is given by the highway or arterial street authority.

F. Flag lots may be permitted for residential development when necessary to achieve planning objectives, such as reducing direct access to roadways, providing internal platted lots with access to a residential street, or preserving natural or historic resources, under the following conditions:

1. Flag lot driveways shall be separated by at least twice the minimum frontage requirement of the underlying zoning district.

2. The flag driveway shall have a minimum width of 12 feet and maximum width of 24 feet.

3. In no instance shall flag lots constitute more than 10 percent of the total number of building sites in a recorded or unrecorded plat, or more than three lots, whichever is greater.

4. The lot area occupied by the flag driveway shall not be counted as part of the required minimum lot area of that property.

5. No more than one flag lot shall be permitted per private right-of-way or access easement. [Ord. 23-418-O § 96; Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.200].

16.20.080 Authorized lots.

The following are considered discrete units of land for purposes of this title:

A. A parcel in a partition or property line adjustment, or a lot in a subdivision.

B. A property resulting from a property line vacation.

C. A unit of land that was created by deed or a land sales contract, duly recorded with the county clerk, where both of the following apply:

1. The property was created prior to March 24, 1983, for properties inside city limits, or was created prior to the date the Jackson County subdivision ordinance was first created for properties outside the city limits; and

2. The property was created in accordance with the lot frontage, dimension, or similar standards in effect at the time of its creation.

D. A unit of land on one side only of a public right-of-way which was created by the conveyance of that right-of-way through an original property, where the unit of land had been approved in writing by the city of Rogue River or Jackson County as a single unit of land for planning, zoning, and land use and development purposes prior to April 13, 1994 (date of city/county management agreement).

E. Any other unit of land which had written approval by the city or county to be a discrete unit of land for planning, zoning, and land use and development purposes, prior to requirements for partitioning or subdividing.

F. A unit of land created by the sale, grant, or other conveyance of property that was formally all or part of a public road, street, highway, or other right-of-way, that meets the applicable lot dimension standards in effect at the time of its creation.

G. The unit of land that remained after recording the plat of a subdivision or planned unit development, that was not included as the lot or lots in the subdivision or planned unit development, but that has been provided all required public facilities as if it were a lot in the subdivision or planned unit development.

H. A unit of land declared to be a lot in accordance with the provisions of RRMC 16.20.110, Lot authorization. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.310].

16.20.090 Unauthorized lots.

Notwithstanding RRMC 16.20.080, the following are not considered discrete units of land for purposes of this title:

A. Any unit of land that was not created in compliance with all applicable zoning and subdivision regulations in effect at the time of its creation, or that was not duly recorded with the county clerk.

B. A unit of land resulting from a lien foreclosure or foreclosure of a recorded contract for the sale of real property.

C. A unit of land that existed prior to proper recordation with the county clerk of a superseding plat, property line vacation, or similar legal deed or document.

D. A cemetery lot.

E. A public street, road, highway, square, alley, right-of-way, or open space.

F. A private street or unit of land reserved as private open space.

G. A unit of land on one side only of a public right-of-way which was created by the conveyance of that right-of-way through an original property, unless the unit of land had been approved in writing by the city of Rogue River or Jackson County as a single unit of land for planning, zoning, land use and development purposes prior to April 13, 1994 (date of city/county management agreement).

H. A unit of land created by the sale, grant, or other conveyance of property that is formally a public road, street, highway, square, alley, or other right-of-way, that did not meet the applicable lot standards in effect at the time of its creation.

I. A unit of land that was adjusted in dimension through the sale, grant, or other conveyance of the property for a public road, street, or highway, and that, as a result of said conveyance, does not meet the applicable lot dimension standards of this title.

J. A unit of land that remained after the recording of a subdivision or planned unit development plat, and that was not included as a lot or lots in the subdivision or planned unit development, and that has not been provided all required public facilities as if it were a lot in a subdivision or planned unit development.

K. A unit of land that was previously required by the city or county to be consolidated with another unit of land, unless the city or county has approved the unit to be a discrete lot in accordance with applicable regulations in effect at the time.

L. A unit of land created solely to establish a separate tax account. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.320].

16.20.100 Signatures required when platting unauthorized lots.

Where application is made to plat lots or parcels which were previously unauthorized lots, the review body may approve the plat even though less than all of the owners of the existing unauthorized lot have applied for plat approval or have signed the plat. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.330].

16.20.110 Lot authorization.

A. In unusual circumstances, the review body may authorize an unauthorized lot provided all of the following criteria are met:

1. Either the unauthorized lot was created prior to March 24, 1983, or it was not created in conflict with applicable subdivision regulations.

2. No other procedure provided in this title could be used to authorize the lot, such as partitioning.

3. No safety problems, significant public harm, or undue public burden could result from authorizing the lot.

4. Potential negative impacts to the public are mitigated to the extent possible.

B. If a lot or parcel has been created without the approval of the city of Rogue River, such lot or parcel shall be deemed an unlawful lot or parcel.

1. If the newly created lot or parcel meets the minimum requirements of this title and RRMC Title 17, the property owner is required to make the necessary applications to legalize the lot or parcel.

2. If the newly created lot or parcel does not meet the minimum requirements of this title and RRMC Title 17, the property owner is required to consolidate the lot or parcel back into its lawful shape.

3. If the city of Rogue River has issued development permits for the construction of a single-family residence on the unlawful lot or parcel, the city of Rogue River may approve an application to legalize the lot or parcel under the provisions of ORS Chapter 92.

C. The review body may add development conditions they determine are necessary to ensure the authorized lot is developable, has adequate access and meets other minimum development standards established in this code. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.340].

16.20.120 Street standards.

A. General. The street location, width, and grade shall be designed and developed to assure an adequate transportation system that provides for the public convenience and safety, taking into consideration traffic levels and terrain. The arrangement of streets shall either:

1. Provide for the continuation of existing principal streets in the surrounding area; or

2. Conform to a master plan for the neighborhood approved by the city; or

3. Conform to an approved future development plan.

B. Minimum Rights-of-Way and Roadway Widths.

1. Rogue River Street Design Standards.

Rogue River Street Design Standards 

Functional Class

Right-of-Way Width

Pavement Width

Travel Lane Width

Center Turn Lane/Median Width

Bicycle Lane Width

Parking Lane Width

Planter Width

Sidewalk Width

Arterial street A1

60 – 80'

50 – 64'



5 – 6'



4 – 6'

Arterial street B2

60 – 80'

36 – 48'







Collector street

60 – 80'

50 – 64'



5 – 6'



4 – 6'

Local street

46 – 60'

34 – 38'

10 – 11'



7 – 8'


4 – 6'



15 – 20'

15 – 20'






Private street

15 – 20'

12 – 14'









4 – 10'







1.    East Main Street, West Main Street, Depot Street, Pine Street.

2.    East Evans Creek, West Evans Creek, Foothill Boulevard, North River Road, Wards Creek Road, Rogue River Highway.

2. Cul-de-Sacs. Radius for turn-around at the end of cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 40 feet and a minimum roadway width of 28 feet.

3. Private driveways accessing city streets shall have a minimum width of 12 feet, and shall be paved with asphaltic concrete, concrete or a permeable rock material approved by the city. Where physical conditions, particularly topography or the size and shape of the tract, make it impractical to otherwise provide buildable sites or less than adequate rights-of-way, the matter shall be submitted for determination, using the variance procedure in Chapter 16.50 RRMC.

C. Reserve Strips. Reserve strips or street plugs controlling access to streets shall be approved where necessary for the protection of the public welfare or of substantial property rights. The control and disposal of the land comprising such strips shall be placed within the jurisdiction of the city under conditions approved by the city council.

D. Alignment. As far as is practical, streets shall be in alignment with existing streets by continuations of the centerlines thereof. Staggering of streets making “T” intersections at collectors and arterials shall not be designed so that jogs of less than 300 feet on such streets are created, as measured from the centerline of the street intersections.

E. In order to promote efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation throughout the city, the design of subdivisions and alignment of new streets shall conform to the following standards. The maximum block length shall not exceed:

1. Six hundred feet in residential districts;

2. Four hundred feet in commercial districts; and

3. Not applicable to industrial districts.

Exceptions to the above standards may be granted when an accessway is provided at or near mid-block.

F. Spacing between local street intersections shall have a minimum separation of 125 feet, except where more closely spaced intersections are designed to provide an open space, pocket park, common area or similar neighborhood amenity. This standard applies to four-way and three-way (offset) intersections.

G. Minor collector and local residential streets shall connect with surrounding streets to permit the convenient movement of traffic between residential neighborhoods and facilitate emergency access and evacuation. Appropriate design and traffic control such as four-way stops and traffic calming measures are the preferred means of discouraging or minimizing through traffic.

H. Development Adjoining Arterial Streets. Where development adjoins or is crossed by an existing or proposed arterial street, the development design shall separate residential access from through traffic and shall minimize traffic conflicts. The design shall include one or more of the following transportation elements:

1. A parallel access street along the arterial with a landscape buffer separating the residential and through streets;

2. Deep through lots abutting an arterial or major collector to provide adequate buffering with frontage along a residential street. Through lots shall conform to the buffering standards in RRMC 16.20.040;

3. Screen planting at the rear or side property line should be contained in a non-access reservation or reserve strip along the arterial; or

4. Other treatment suitable to meet the objectives of this subsection;

5. If a lot has access to two streets with different classifications, primary access shall be from the lower classification street.

I. Proposed streets or street extensions shall be located to provide direct access to existing or planned commercial services and other neighborhood facilities, such as schools, shopping areas and parks.

J. Future Extensions of Streets. Where necessary to give access to or to divide adjoining land, streets shall be extended to the boundary of the subdivision or partition. The resulting dead-end streets may be approved with a temporary turn-around. Reserve strips and street plugs may be required to preserve the objective of street and utility extensions.

K. All local and collector streets which abut a development site shall be extended within the site to provide through circulation unless prevented by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns or compliance with other standards in this code. This exception applies when it is not possible to redesign or reconfigure the street pattern to provide required extensions. Land is considered topographically constrained if the slope is greater than 15 percent for a distance of 250 feet or more. In the case of environmental or topographical constraints, the mere presence of a constraint is not sufficient to show that a street connection is not possible. The applicant must show why the environmental or topographic constraint precludes some reasonable street connection.

L. Intersection Angles. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect at an angle as near to a right angle as practicable, except where topography requires a lesser angle or where a reduced angle is necessary to provide an open space, pocket park, common area or similar neighborhood amenity. In addition, the following standards shall apply:

1. Streets shall have at least 25 feet of tangent adjacent to the right-of-way intersection unless topography requires a lesser distance;

2. Intersections which are not at right angles shall have a minimum corner radius of 20 feet along the right-of-way lines of the acute angle; and

3. Right-of-way lines at intersection with arterial streets shall have a corner radius of not less than 20 feet.

M. Existing Streets. Whenever existing streets adjacent to or within a tract are of inadequate width, additional right-of-way shall be provided at the time of the land division. Unimproved streets shall be improved at the cost of the developer.

N. Half Street. Half streets, while generally not acceptable, may be approved where essential to the reasonable development of the land division, when in conformity with the other regulations and when the city council finds it will be practical. Whenever a half street is adjacent to a tract to be divided, the other half of the street shall be provided within such tract. Reserve strips and street plugs may be required to preserve the objectives of half streets.

O. Cul-de-Sac. A cul-de-sac shall be as short as possible and shall have a maximum length of 400 feet and serve not more than 18 dwelling units. A cul-de-sac shall terminate with a circular turn-around. Cul-de-sacs or permanent dead-end streets may be used as part of a development plan; however, through streets are encouraged except where topographical, environmental, or existing adjacent land use constraints make connecting streets infeasible. Where cul-de-sacs are planned, accessways shall be provided connecting the ends of cul-de-sacs to each other, to other streets, or to neighborhood activity centers.

P. Accessways.

1. Accessways for pedestrians and bicyclists shall be 10 feet wide and located within a right-of-way or easement. If the streets within the subdivision are lighted, the accessways shall also be lighted. Stairs or switchback paths may be used where grades are steep.

2. Accessways for pedestrians and bicyclists shall be provided at mid-block where the block is longer than 600 feet.

3. The city may determine, based upon evidence in the record, that an accessway is impracticable. Such evidence may include but is not limited to:

a. Physical or topographic conditions make an accessway connection impractical. Such conditions include but are not limited to freeways, railroads, extremely steep slopes, wetlands, or other bodies of water where a connection cannot reasonable be provided.

b. Buildings or other existing development on adjacent lands physically preclude a connection now or in the future, considering the potential for redevelopment.

c. Where accessways would violate provisions of easements, covenants, restrictions, or other agreements existing as of May 1, 1995, that preclude a required accessway connection.

Q. Sidewalks, Planter Strips, Bicycle Lanes. Sidewalks, planter strips, and bicycle lanes shall be installed in conformance with the Rogue River street standards. Maintenance of sidewalks, curbs, and planter strips is the continuing obligation of the adjacent property owner.

R. Street Names. Except for extensions of existing streets, no street name shall be used which will duplicate or could be confused with the name of an existing city street or county road. Street names and numbers shall conform to the established pattern in the city and shall be subject to the approval of the city council.

S. Grades and Curves. Grades shall not exceed six percent on arterials, 10 percent on collector streets or 12 percent on other streets. Centerline radii of curves shall not be less than 300 feet on major arterials, 200 feet on collectors or 100 feet on other streets, and shall be to an even 10 feet. Where existing conditions, particularly the topography, make it otherwise impractical to provide buildable sites, the planning commission may accept steeper grades and sharper curves. In flat areas, allowance shall be made for finished street grades having a minimum slope, preferably of at least one-half percent.

T. Streets Adjacent to Railroad Right-of-Way. Wherever the proposed land division contains or is adjacent to a railroad right-of-way, provision may be required for a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the land between the streets and the railroad. The distance shall be determined with due consideration at cross streets of the minimum distance required for approach grades to a future grade separation and to provide sufficient depth to allow screen planting along the railroad right-of-way.

U. Alleys. Alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial districts, unless other permanent provisions for access to off-street parking and loading facilities are approved by the city council. The corners of alley intersections shall have a radius of not less than 12 feet.

V. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with city standards. [Ord. 23-418-O § 97; Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:4.420].