Title 17
17.13 Allowed Uses in Residential Zones
17.15 R-E Residential Estate District
17.20 R-1 Residential Single-Family District
17.25 R-2 Residential High Density District
17.27 Allowed Uses in Commercial, Employment, and Public Zones
17.35 ORT Office, Research and Technology Commercial District
17.40 T&R Travel and Recreation Business District
17.45 LI Light Industrial District
17.50 M-1 Industrial General District
17.55 P Public-Open Space District
17.60 Nonconforming Situations
17.65 Requirements Applicable Throughout Zones
17.70 Off-Street Parking and Loading
17.75 Manufactured Dwelling Parks
17.80 Recreational Vehicle Parks
17.90 Storm and Surface Water Management
17.95 Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control
17.100 Conditional Use Permits
17.105 Variances and Miscellaneous Permits
17.110 Conversion Plan Regulations
17.125 Amendment to Zoning Map or Code