Chapter 18.32
18.32.040 Area and width requirements.
18.32.050 Access requirements.
18.32.060 Location requirements.
18.32.080 Utility requirements.
18.32.090 Dwelling requirements.
18.32.010 Legislative intent.
The R-2-20,000 residential zone covers the portion of the town which is primarily suited for residential development represented by one-family dwellings, limited agricultural activities and parks, playgrounds, schools, churches, and other community facilities designed to serve the residents of the town. The zone is characterized by spacious lots, uncrowded buildings, and quiet residential conditions favorable to the rearing of children. Owners and developers of property within this zone should bear in mind that privacy is given to residential development and maintain their properties in recognition thereof. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.1.]
18.32.020 Permitted uses.
The following buildings, structures and uses of land shall be permitted upon compliance with the applicable requirements of this code:
A. One-family conventional construction.
B. One-family dwellings, manufactured housing, subject to the provisions of MMC 18.48.230.
C. Customary residential accessory structures.
D. Public agency parks and playgrounds.
E. Churches.
F. Household pets, but not including kennels.
G. Minor utility transmission projects.
H. Gardens, orchards, and field crops.
I. Fences, walls, and hedges subject to the requirements of MMC 18.48.140.
J. Temporary signs advertising the sale of the premises not exceeding 12 square feet.
K. Foster care homes containing not more than three unrelated foster care occupants. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.2.]
18.32.030 Conditional uses.
The following buildings, structures, and uses of land shall be permitted upon compliance with the applicable requirements of this code and after approval has been given by the designated review agency.
A. Home occupations subject to the provisions of MMC 18.48.180 and prior approval by the planning commission.
B. Public schools, buildings and grounds, not including storage yards, subject to the conditions of MMC 18.48.190.
C. The raising, care and keeping of limited numbers of animals and fowl for family food or recreation subject to the following:
1. Each lot or parcel upon which livestock or fowl are to be kept shall contain a designated livestock management area as defined in this code.
2. The total number of animals or fowl kept on any lot shall not exceed five animal units. (See MMC 18.08.020 for the complete definition; briefly, an animal unit equals one horse, one cow, four sheep, four goats, 20 chickens, 30 rabbits.) Twenty-nine thousand square feet shall be required for the first animal unit and a minimum of 20,000 square feet shall be required for each additional animal unit.
3. On any lot which contains a dwelling, the livestock management area shall not include territory required to meet the area or setback requirements for an appurtenant dwelling (i.e., the first 10,000 square feet for a one-family dwelling).
4. All corrals and pens for the enclosure of livestock and all barns, stables, coops, sheds, hutches or similar building used for the housing or confinement of livestock or fowl need to be located behind the frontal plane of the home. Also, they shall be located not closer than 75 feet to an existing dwelling or other occupied structure located on an adjacent lot or 40 feet to such dwelling or structure on the same lot. Manure has to also be removed regularly and strictly managed to control offensive odors.
5. Where the livestock management area includes a pasture, the fence forming the boundary of the pasture shall be located not less than the minimum side setback distance of the zone from any dwelling or occupied structure located on the same or any adjacent lot. This provision shall apply only as long as the enclosed area no longer functions as a pasture; the setback provisions of subsection (C)(4) of this section shall apply.
6. The parcel or any portion thereof proposed to be used for livestock raising purposes shall be first approved by the zoning administrator as a qualified livestock management area.
7. For animals other than bovine or equine, partial animal units shall be permitted, to be prorated in accordance with the amount of territory within the livestock management area.
D. Residential treatment centers. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 2017-18-1; Ord. 2009-10-1 § 1; Ord. 2004-2005-2; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.3.]
18.32.040 Area and width requirements.
The minimum area and width requirements for a zoning lot shall be as follows:
Use |
Minimum Area |
Minimum Width |
One-family dwellings |
20,000 sq. ft. |
100 |
Churches |
2 acres |
200 |
Schools |
5 acres |
200 |
[Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Amended during 2010 recodification; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.4.]
18.32.050 Access requirements.
Each lot shall abut upon and have direct access to a town street. The distance of said abutting side shall be not less than the minimum width requirement of the zone except that the length of said abutting side may be reduced to not less than 60 feet when the lot fronts upon a cul-de-sac or curve in a designated town street and the lot lines radiate in such a manner that the width of the lot will meet or exceed the minimum width requirements of the zone at a distance of 40 feet from the front setback line as measured along the side lot line. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.5.]
18.32.060 Location requirements.
A. Main Buildings. All dwellings and other main buildings and structures must be facing the road and set back in accordance with the following:
1. Front Setback. All dwellings and other main buildings must face the road and shall be set back not less than 25 feet from the front lot line; provided, that on lots approved in conformance with the provisions of MMC 18.32.050, the front setback shall be the distance from the front lot line at which the minimum width requirements are met, but not less than 25 feet.
2. Side Setback.
a. Interior Lots. All dwellings and other main buildings, including any attached carport, garage, or similar structure, shall be set back not less than eight feet from either side lot line and the combined total distance of the two side setbacks shall be not less than 20 feet.
b. Corner Lots – Side Abutting a Street. All dwellings and other main buildings shall be set back not less than 25 feet from the side lot line which abuts on a street.
3. Rear Setback.
a. Interior lots, all dwellings or other main buildings shall be set back not less than 20 feet from the rear lot line.
b. Corner Lots. All dwellings and other main buildings shall be set back not less than 25 feet from the rear lot line, except that where a carport or garage is attached to the rear of the dwelling, the required rear setback for said carport or garage may be reduced to not less than 12 feet as measured from the rear lot line to the closest part of the building.
B. Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings shall be located in accordance with the following:
1. Set Back from Main Building – Front Setback. Accessory buildings shall be set back not less than 12 feet to the rear of the closest rear wall of the main building, and not less than 12 feet from the closest side wall on the main building. Accessory buildings which are located 12 feet or closer to a main building shall be considered as part of the main building. Where no main building exists on a lot, a detached accessory building shall be set back not less than 75 feet from the front lot line.
2. Side Setback – Corner Lot, Side Abutting a Street. Accessory buildings shall be set back not less than 40 feet from the side lot line which abuts on a street.
3. Side and Rear Setback – Interior Lot Line. Accessory buildings shall be set back not less than five feet from the lot line, except that no minimum side setback shall be required when all the following conditions are met:
a. The accessory building is located more than 12 feet from an existing dwelling on the same or an adjacent lot;
b. The accessory building contains no openings on the side contiguous to the lot line;
c. No drainage from the roof will be discharged onto an adjacent lot;
d. The accessory building shall be constructed of noncombustible materials or have fire-resistive walls rated at two hours or more; and
e. The building will not be placed on land designated as a utility easement upon which any underground utility system or lines shall have been constructed. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 2004-2005-2; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.6.]
18.32.070 Height of building.
A. The maximum height of any building shall be 30 feet or two and one-half stories, whichever is higher. Where the ground is uneven in height, the average elevation thereof shall apply.
Chimneys, flagpoles, television antennas, and similar ancillary structures not used for human occupancy shall be excluded in determining height; provided, that no such ancillary structure shall extend to a height in excess of 15 feet above the building except when approved by the planning commission as set forth under MMC 18.48.200.
B. The minimum height of a building used as a dwelling shall be not less than eight feet. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.7.]
18.32.080 Utility requirements.
All dwellings and other structures to be used for human occupancy shall be served by the town’s water and sewer system in accordance with the provisions of MMC 18.48.260. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.8.]
18.32.090 Dwelling requirements.
A. Area of Dwellings. The ground floor of any one-family dwelling shall contain not less than 850 square feet of living area.
B. Minimum Dimension. The minimum width or length dimension of any dwelling as measured from the outside wall shall be not less than 24 feet. Nonliving spaces such as garages, porches, and sheds shall not be included in determining compliance with this requirement. [Ord. 2018-19-2 § 1; Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-5-6.9.]