Chapter 16.36


16.36.010    Purpose.

16.36.020    Applicability.

16.36.030    Application.

16.36.040    Record of survey requirements.

16.36.050    Administrative review.

16.36.060    Decision process.

16.36.070    Final approval and recording.

16.36.080    Appeal.

16.36.010 Purpose.

The purpose of a boundary line adjustment is to provide an administrative method of modifying the boundary lines between two or more lots of record. The intent of a boundary line adjustment is to address existing problems pertaining to building encroachment, irregular shaped lots, nonconforming lots sizes, or to modify lot lines to promote orderly and efficient community growth. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))

16.36.020 Applicability.

The boundary lines separating two or more adjacent lots of record may be adjusted under the provisions of this chapter; provided, that such adjustment:

A.    Will not result in the creation of any additional lot, tract, parcel, site, or division.

B.    Will not create any lot, tract, parcel, site, or division which contains insufficient area and dimensions to meet all of the requirements of the Adams County zoning standards.

C.    Will not adversely affect access, easements, or drain fields.

D.    Will be consistent with any applicable health, building, or similar regulations.

E.    Will not increase the nonconforming aspects of an existing nonconforming lot or structure. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))

16.36.030 Application.

Application for a boundary line adjustment must include the following:

A.    Completed form provided by the planning department;

B.    Record of survey meeting the requirements of Section 16.36.040;

C.    Proposed new legal descriptions;

D.    Proposed new deeds;

E.    Applicable fees in accordance with the Adams County building and planning master fee schedule. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))

16.36.040 Record of survey requirements.

A.    All records of surveys for boundary line adjustments must be drawn to scale and accurately dimensioned, clearly showing the following information:

1.    The proposed lot lines for all affected lots, indicated by heavy solid lines;

2.    The existing lot lines proposed to be changed, indicated by heavy broken lines;

3.    The location of all structures existing upon the affected lots;

4.    The location and dimensions of any drain field, wellhead protection area, easement, or right-of-way existing within or adjacent to any affected lot;

5.    The area and dimensions of each lot (net and gross lot area) following the proposed adjustment;

6.    Parcel numbers for all affected lots;

7.    Legal description of the existing lots and a legal description of the area involved in the boundary line adjustment;

8.    The existing and if applicable, proposed future method of sewage disposal for each affected lot. Where any lot affected by a proposed boundary line adjustment is served or is likely to be served in the future by an on-site sewage disposal system, a percolation test for each such lot may be required if it is determined that the proposed adjustment could adversely affect the ability of such lot to be adequately served by such on-site system.

B.    All record surveys for boundary line adjustments shall be prepared by a Washington State licensed professional land surveyor in order to ensure the accuracy of the new legal descriptions and drawing. Surveys must be consistent with the survey standards stated in Chapter 16.24. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))

16.36.050 Administrative review.

A.    An application for a boundary line adjustment shall be approved, approved with conditions, returned to the applicant for modifications, or denied within forty-five days of the submittal of a complete application. The county building and planning director shall not be considered to be in receipt of a complete application unless and until such time as the application meets the requirements of Section 16.36.030, as determined by the county building and planning director.

B.    The county building and planning director shall forward one copy of the proposed boundary line adjustment plan to the county engineer and other departments and utility providers, as applicable, which may include the board of health, the appropriate fire official, the irrigation district, and the Bureau of Reclamation, who shall review the plan and submit comments to the county building and planning director within ten days of receipt. The proposal shall be forwarded to any other affected agencies or utility providers, as applicable. Failure of a utility provider to respond to the application within ten days shall be deemed as approval by the specific utility provider. Additional review time may be requested by agencies. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))

16.36.060 Decision process.

A.    An application shall be approved, approved with conditions, returned to the applicant for modifications, or denied within forty-five days of the submittal of a complete application.

B.    If the boundary line adjustment is denied, the county building and planning director shall make appropriate findings of fact in writing. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))

16.36.070 Final approval and recording.

An approved lot consolidation is valid for thirty days. The applicable documents including deed(s) and record of survey, if required, must be recorded with the county auditor’s office within thirty days of the written approval or the approval is null and void. The new deed shall be submitted to the county assessor’s office within thirty days of recording, or the application will become null and void. The applicant is responsible for recording. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))

16.36.080 Appeal.

Appeals of an administrative decision relating to lot consolidation may be made to the board. Such an appeal must be made in writing and filed together with the appeal fees with the county building and planning director within ten working days from the date on which the decision was rendered. If no appeal is filed, the decision of the county building and planning director is final and no further appeal may be made. (Ord. O-01-24 § 1 (Exh. A))