This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Not codified” indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). “Special” means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation).
Ordinance | Date | |
1 | 2/18/65 | City council meetings (Repealed by 1.H) |
1.1 | 9/25/65 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ord. 1, city council meetings (Repealed by 1.F) |
1.2 | 6/17/66 | City council meetings (Repealed by 1.C and 1.F) |
1.C | 6/13/67 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ord. 1.2, city council meetings (Repealed by 1.D and 1.F) |
1.D | 9/9/69 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ord. 1.C, city council meetings (Repealed by 1.E and 1.F) |
1.E | 11/11/69 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ord. 1.D, city council meetings (Repealed by 1.F) |
1.F | 12/1/70 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ord. 1, city council meetings; repeals Ords. 1.1, 1.2, 1.C, 1.D and 1.E (Repealed by 1.H and 1.I) |
1.G | 2/18/65 | City council meetings (Repealed by 1.H and 1.I) |
1.H | 1/23/79 | City council meetings; repeals Ords. 1, 1.F and 1.G (Repealed by 1.I) |
1.I | 1/23/79 | City council meetings and work sessions; repeals Ords. 1, 1.F, 1.G and 1.H (Repealed by 1.J) |
1.J | 7/27/82 | City council meetings and work sessions; repeals Ords. 1.I and 102 (2.04) |
2 | 2/18/65 | City Hall (Repealed by 2.1) |
2.1 | 10/14/65 | Repeals and replaces §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 2, City Hall (Repealed by 2.1.A) |
2.1.A | 9/12/67 | Repeals and replaces §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 2.1, City Hall (Repealed by 2.1.B, 2.1.C and 2.1.D) |
2.1.B | 5/13/69 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ord. 2.1.A, City Hall (Repealed by 2.1.B, 2.1.C and 2.1.D) |
2.1.C | 11/26/74 | Repeals § 2 of Ord. 2.1.A (Repealer) |
2.1.D | 7/8/75 | Repeals § 1 of Ord. 2.1.A and amends § 1 of Ord. 2.1.B, City Hall (Repealed by 2.E) |
2.E | 7/27/82 | City Hall; repeals Ords. 2.1.D and 105 (Repealed by 2(F)) |
2(f) | 6/11/85 | City office hours; repeals Ord. 2.E (Repealed by 2.G) |
2.G | 2/27/90 | City office hours; repeals Ord. 2.F (1.12) |
2.H | 3/15/00 | Amends § 1.12.010, city office hours (1.12) |
2.I | 4/26/05 | Amends § 1.12.010, city office hours (1.12) |
3 | 2/18/65 | Officers’ salaries (Repealed by 3.1) |
3.1 | 3/8/66 | Officers’ salaries; repeals Ord. 3 (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.A | 6/14/66 | Adds §§ 2.1.3 and 2.2.3 to, and amends §§ 2.1.1, and 2.3 of Ord. 3.1, officers’ salaries (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.B | 9/12/67 | Amends §§ 2.1.1, 2.3.1, 2.4.1, 2.4.3 and 3 of Ord. 3.1, officers’ salaries (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.C | 3/19/68 | Adds § 3.5 to, amends §§ 1.5, 1.8, and 2.1.1, and repeals § of Ord. 3.1.B, officers’ salaries (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.D | 4/8/69 | Amends § 1.1 of Ord. 3.1, officers’ salaries (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.E | 3/11/69 | Adds language to § 3 of Ord. 3.1, officers’ salaries (Repealed by 3.1.F and 3.1.U) |
3.1.F | 5/20/69 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 3.1, officers’ salaries; repeals Ord. 3.1.E (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.G | 4/14/70 | Salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.H | 6/9/70 | Adds § 2.1.9 to and amends § 2.1.8 of Ord. 3.1.G, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.I | 4/13/71 | Amends §§ 2.1.5, 2.4.1 and 2.5 of Ord. 3.1.H, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.J | 4/13/71 | Amends §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 of Ord. 3.1, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.K | 11/28/72 | Amends § 1.7 of Ord. 3.1.J, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.L | 7/10/73 | Amends §§ 3.1 and 6.3 of Ord. 3.1.J, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.M | 10/23/73 | Amends § 1.2 of the Salary Ordinance (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.N | 8/12/75 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 5 and § 2.4 of Ord. 3.1.J, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.O | (Not used) | |
3.1.P | 9/9/75 | Amends § 1.3 of Ord. 3.1.J, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.Q | 10/28/75 | Adds § 3.3 to Ord. 3.1.J, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.R | 1/27/76 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 3.1.N and § 2 of Ord. 5, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.S | 7/27/76 | Amends § 2.4 of Ord. 3.1.J and repeals § 1 of Ord 3.1.R, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) |
3.1.T | Amends § 5.1 of Ord. 3.1.G, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.U) | |
3.1.U | 9/28/76 | Salaries and personnel regulations; repeals Ords. 3.1, 3.1.A, 3.1.B, 3.1.C, 3.1.D, 3.1.E, 3.1.F, 3.1.G, 3.1.H, 3.1.I, 3.1.J, 3.1.K, 3.1.L, 3.1.M, 3.1.N, 3.1.P, 3.1.Q, 3.1.R, 3.1.S and 3.1.T (Repealed by 3.a and 5.A) |
3.1.V | 1/11/77 | Amends § 3.2.3 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
3.1.W | 1/25/77 | Amends § 3.2.3 of Ord. 3.1.U and § 1 of Ord. 3.1.V, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
3.1.X | 12/27/77 | Amends § 3.1 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
3.1.Y | 1/10/78 | Amends § 3.2.3 of Ord. 3.1.U, § 1 of Ord. 3.1.V and § 1 of Ord. 3.1.W, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
3.1.Z | 5/9/78 | Amends §§ 3.1, 3.2.1 and 3.3 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
3.1.aa | 8/22/78 | Amends §§ 1.2 and 6.1 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
3.1.ab | 1/23/79 | Amends §§ 3.1, 3.2.1, 3.3 and 3.4 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
3.1.ac | 2/20/79 | Amends § 3.1 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.1.ad and 3.a) |
3.1.ad | 3/18/80 | Repeals § 1 of Ord. 3.1.ac (Repealer) |
3.a | 8/24/82 | Salaries and personnel regulations; repeals Ords. 3.1.U through 3.1.aJ, 3.3, 5, 84, 85, 87, 97, 100, 114, 117, 122, 129 and 132, and Resolutions 136 and 230 (Repealed by 3.e) |
3.b | 12/14/82 | Amends §§ 1 and 3.2 of Ord. 3.a, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.e) |
3.c | 7/26/83 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 3.a, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.d) |
3.d | 1/11/84 | Salary schedule; repeals Ord. 3.c (Repealed by 3.e and 3.f) |
3.e | 5/29/84 | Salaries and personnel regulations; repeals Ords. 3.a and 3.d (Repealed by 201) |
3.f | 12/18/84 | Salary schedule; repeals Ord. 3.d (Repealed by 201) |
3.I | 11/12/85 | Personnel salaries and regulations (Repealed by 3.J) |
3.J | 4/14/87 | Personnel salaries and regulations; repeals Ord. 3.I (Repealed by 3.K) |
3.K | 1/12/88 | Personnel salaries and regulations (Title 2) |
3.L | 8/22/89 | Amends § 2.60.180, salaries and wages (Title 2) |
3.M | 8/22/89 | Amends § 2.60.040(C), holidays (Title 2) |
3.N | 8/22/89 | Amends § 2.60.050(A) and (B), vacations (Title 2) |
3.O | 2/6/90 | Adopts salary schedule (Not codified) |
3.P | 2/27/90 | Adds language to § 2.60.040, holidays (Title 2) |
3.Q | 8/27/91 | Adds § 2.04.050, compensation of council members (2.04) |
3.R | 9/1/92 | Amends salary schedule in Ord. 3.K (Not codified) |
3.S | 12/22/92 | Amends § 2.60.180, salaries and wages (Repealed by 3.V) |
3.T | 12/14/93 | Personnel policies and regulations (Title 2) |
3.U | 8/23/94 | Amends §§ 2.44.010 and 2.60.200, administration and personnel (2.16) |
3.V | 12/21/94 | Repeals § 2.60.180 (Repealer) |
3.W | 3/14/95 | Amends § 2.28.080, department of public works (2.28) |
3.Y | 12/17/96 | Amends § 2.04.050, compensation of council members (2.04) |
3.Z | 4/11/00 | Adds sections to Ch. 2.60; amends §§ 2.60.010, 2.60.050 and 2.60.110, salaries and wages (Title 2) |
3.AA | 10/23/01 | Amends Ord. 3.Y, compensation of mayor and council members (2.04) |
3.BB | 1/18/05 | Adds § 2.60.225, temporary interim professional service personnel appointment (Title 2) |
3.2 | 12/1/69 | Firemen’s pension fund (Not codified) |
3.3 | 12/12/72 | Declaration of participation in Washington Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
4 | 2/18/65 | Office of city attorney (Repealed by 4.A) |
4.1 | 7/8/74 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 4, office of city attorney (Repealed by 4.A) |
4.A | 7/27/82 | Office of city attorney; repeals Ords. 4 and 4.1 (Title 2) |
5 | 2/18/65 | Office of city clerk (Repealed by 5.A) |
5.1 | 11/14/67 | Designates city clerk as auditing officer (Repealed by 5.A) |
5.2 | 1/15/80 | Amends § 3(d) of Ord. 5, office of city clerk (Repealed by 5.A) |
5.A | 7/26/83 | Uniform personnel regulations; repeals Ords. 3.1.U, 3.1.AH, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 11, 11.A, 11.B, 11.1.A, 11.2, 11.2.A, 13, 14, 27, 27.1, 34, 71, 81, 84, 85, 85.A, 96, 100, 103, 104, 114 and 117 (Repealed by 5.B) |
5.B | 11/22/83 | Uniform personnel regulations; repeals Ord. 5.A (Repealed by 5.C) |
5.C | 5/14/85 | Uniform personnel regulations; repeals Ord. 5.B (Repealed by 5.D) |
5.D | 7/14/87 | Uniform personnel regulations; repeals Ord. 5.B (2.08, 2.12, 2.16, 2.20, 2.28, 2.32, 2.36, 2.40, 2.44, 2.48) |
5.E | 11/24/92 | Adds Ch. 2.26, city administrator (Title 2) |
6 | 2/18/65 | Planning commission (Repealed by 6.G) |
6.1 | (Missing) | |
6.2 | 9/14/65 | Repeals and replaces § 3 of Ord. 6.1, planning commission (Repealed by 6.A) |
6.3 | 6/14/66 | Repeals and replaces § 3 of Ord. 6.2, planning commission (Repealed by 6.A) |
6.A | 4/27/71 | Repeals and replaces § 3 of Ord. 6 and repeals Ords. 6.2 and 6.3, planning commission (Repealed by 6.B and 6.G) |
6.B | 8/13/74 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 6 and repeals § 2 of Ord. 6.A, planning commission (Repealed by 6.C and 6.G) |
6.C | 1/13/76 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 6 and repeals § 2 of Ord. 6.B, planning commission (Repealed by 6.G) |
6.D | 1/25/77 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 6 and § 2 of Ord. 6.C, planning commission (Repealed by 6.G) |
6.E | 2/28/78 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 6, § 2 of Ord. 6.A, § 2 of Ord. 6.B, § 1 of Ord. 6.C and § 1 of Ord. 6.D, planning commission (Repealed by 6.G) |
6.G | 10/12/82 | Planning commission; repeals Ords. 6, 6.A, 6.B, 6.C, 6.D, 6.E and 6.F (2.12) |
6.H | 2/27/90 | Amends § 2.36.010, planning commission (2.12) |
6.I | 2/8/94 | Amends § 2.36.010, planning commission (2.12) |
6.J | 9/6/94 | Amends § 2.36.010, planning commission (2.12) |
6.K | 9/3/96 | Amends § 2.36.030(B), planning commission meetings (2.12) |
6.L | 9/23/97 | Amends § 2.36.030(C), planning commission (2.12) |
6.M | 4/22/03 | Amends § 2.36.030(B) and (D), planning commission (2.12) |
7.A | 5/13/75 | Amends § 1(A) of Ord. 7, treasurer’s bond (Repealed by 201) |
7.B | 9/14/82 | Bond for city clerk/treasurer (Repealed by 201) |
7.C | 12/11/84 | Bonds for certain city officials (2.08) |
8 | 3/12/65 | Reimbursement policies for city personnel (Repealed by 201) |
8.A | 9/28/82 | Reimbursement policies for city personnel (2.08) |
9 | 3/9/65 | Ordinance publication (Repealed by 9.A) |
9.A | 6/22/76 | Repeals Ord. 9 (Repealer) |
10 | 3/9/65 | Posting of public notices (Repealed by 201) |
10.1 | 1/10/67 | Posting of public notices (Repealed by 201) |
10.1.A | 11/26/74 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 10, posting of public notices (Repealed by 10.A) |
10.A | 10/26/82 | Posting of public notices; repeals Ord. 10.1.A (1.12) |
11 | 3/9/65 | Police department (Repealed by 5.A) |
11.A | Police department (Repealed by 5.A and 11.A.1) | |
11.A.1 | 1/11/77 | Repeals Ord. 11.A (Repealed by 5.A) |
11.B | 11/25/80 | Amends Ord. 11.A by substituting the words "police lieutenant" for the words "police sergeant," police department (Repealed by 5.A and 11.A.1) |
11.1 | 4/11/67 | Assigns municipal court jurisdiction to Alderwood District Court (Repealed by 11.1.A) |
11.1.A | 11/23/71 | Assigns municipal court jurisdiction to south district court of Snohomish County; repeals Ord. 11.1 (Repealed by 11.1.A) |
11.2 | 5/13/69 | Traffic violations bureau; repeals Ords. 12 and 12.1 (Repealed by 5.A) |
11.2.A | 4/24/73 | Amends §§ 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Ord. 11.2, traffic violations bureau (Repealed by 5.A) |
12 | 3/9/65 | Office of municipal judge (Repealed by 11.2) |
12.1 | 9/14/65 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 12, office of municipal judge (Repealed by 11.2) |
13 | 3/9/65 | Office of city engineer (Repealed by 5.A) |
14 | 3/9/65 | Office of city health officer (Repealed by 5.A) |
15 | 3/12/65 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Repealed by 213) |
16 | 3/9/65 | Sewage disposal system (Repealed by 201) |
16.A | 2/13/68 | Adds § 1.1 to and amends §§ 5(a), 6(a), 6(e)(2), 9 and 10(a) of Ord. 16; repeals Ord. 213, sewage disposal system (Repealed by 201) |
16.A | 6/13/00 | |
16.B | 12/1/71 | Amends §§ 6(c) and 13 of Ord. 16, sewage disposal system (Repealed by 201) |
16.B | 12/5/00 | |
16.C | 9/28/76 | Amends § 6(b) of Ord. 16, sewage disposal system (Repealed by 201) |
16.C | 5/27/03 | Adds § 13.04.395; amends §§ 13.04.070, 13.04.080, 13.04.150, 13.04.270, 13.04.390, 13.04.480, 13.04.490, 13.04.495, 13.04.500, 13.04.510, 13.04.550, 13.08.040, 13.08.050 and 13.08.060, public services (13.04, 13.08) |
16.1 | 5/23/72 | Sewer code (13.04) |
17 | 3/27/65 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, 1964 edition (Repealed by 17.C) |
17.1 | 2/14/67 | Building regulations (Repealed by 17.C) |
17.A | 12/18/67 | Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 201) |
17.C | 12/19/68 | Adopts Uniform Building Code and Uniform Mechanical Code, 1967 editions, with amendments; repeals Ords. 17 and 17.1 (Repealed by 201) |
17.D | 12/12/68 | Amends § 29 and repeals § 27 of Ord. 17.C, Uniform Building and Mechanical Codes (Repealed by 201) |
17.E | 7/8/69 | Amends § 25 of Ord. 17, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 201) |
17.F | 9/9/69 | Adds §§ 33 and 34 to Ord. 17, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 201) |
17.G | 12/1/71 | Adds §§ 3 and 4 to, renumbers §§ 3--35 to be §§ 5--37, and amends § 2 of Ord. 17C, Uniform Building and Mechanical Codes (Repealed by 201) |
17.I.1 | 3/6/73 | Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 201) |
17.J | 9/12/78 | Amends § 3(6) of Ord. 17.I, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 17.K) |
17.K | 7/23/85 | Adoption of uniform technical codes; repeals Ords. 17.I, 17.J, 17.2 and 94 (Repealed by 17.L) |
17.L | 8/12/86 | Adoption of uniform technical codes; repeals Ord. 17.K (Repealed by 17.M) |
17.M | 9/8/92 | Adoption of uniform technical codes; repeals Ords. 17.L and 226.K (15.04) |
17.N | 3/14/00 | Amends Title 15, buildings and construction (15.04, 15.08, 15.16, 15.20, 15.24) |
18 | 3/9/65 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code, 1961 edition (Repealed by 18.A) |
18.A | 8/13/68 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code, 1967 edition with certain amendments; repeals Ord. 18 (Repealed by 201) |
18.B | 9/19/69 | Repeals § 13 of Ord. 18.A (Repealer) |
18.C | 12/1/71 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 18, Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 201) |
19 | 3/9/65 | Adopts National Electrical Code, 1962 edition (Repealed by 19.A) |
19.A | 8/13/68 | Adopts National Electrical Code, 1965 edition, with certain amendments; repeals Ord. 19 (Repealed by 17.H) |
19.B | 10/14/69 | Repeals and replaces § 1, and repeals § 4.6 of Ord. 19.A, National Electrical Code (Repealed by 17.H) |
20 | 4/13/65 | Zoning (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.A | 6/11/68 | Adds § 10.2.4 to, and amends §§ 3.3, 3.8, 3.13, 6.2, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.2.1, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 7.5.4, Art. IX, 10.2.3 and 10.5 of Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.B | 4/25/72 | Amends §§ 3.13, 4.1, 7.1.5, 7.1.6 and 7.7 of the Zoning Ordinance (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.C | 11/14/72 | Amends §§ 7.1.6 and 3.8 of Ord. 20.B, zoning (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.D | 4/13/76 | Amends §§ 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 of Ord. 20.A, zoning (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.E | 1/11/77 | Amends §§ 3.1 “A,” 7.5.2 and 7.5.3(61) of Ord. 20.A, zoning (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.F | 3/22/77 | Adds § 10.6 to Ord. 20.A and amends §§ 10.4.1, 10.4.2 and 10.5.2 of Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.G | 11/22/77 | Adds § 10.4.6 to, and amends §§ 3.6, 7.5.2, 7.5.3(61), 10.4.2(e), 10.4.3 and 10.5 of Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 20.H and 20.I) |
20.H | 5/25/82 | Amends § 7.5.3(61) of Ord. 20 and repeals Ord. 20.G, zoning (Repealed by 20.I) |
20.I | 5/8/84 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 20, 20.A, 20.B, 20.C, 20.D, 20.E, 20.F, 20.G and 20.H (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.J | 8/8/89 | Emergency interim ordinance; adds § 17.28.070; amends §§ 17.04.040(8), (13), (14), (30), 17.16.010, 17.16.020, 17.28.040 and 17.28.050, zoning (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.K | 10/10/89 | Emergency interim ordinance; adds § 17.28.070; amends §§ 17.04.040(8), (13), (14), (30), 17.16.010, 17.16.020, 17.28.040 and 17.28.050, zoning (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.K.1 | 12/5/89 | Amends § 17.04.040(8), zoning (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.K.1 | 2/13/90 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 20.K, zoning (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.K.2 | 2/13/90 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 20.K, zoning (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.K.3 | 5/8/90 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 20.K, zoning (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.L | 7/17/90 | Emergency interim ordinance; repeals Ords. 20, 20.A, 20.B, 20.c, 20.D, 20.E, 20.F, 20.G, 20.H, 20.I, 20.J, 20.K, 20.K.3, zoning (Repealed by 20.M) |
20.M | 5/14/91 | Repeals Ord. 20.L, zoning (17.04, 17.08, 17.12, 17.20, 17.24, 17.29, 17.30, 17.31, 17.32, 17.33, 17.36) |
20.N | 8/11/92 | Amends §§ 17.28.010(C)(1) and 17.29.010(C), zoning (17.29) |
20.O | 2/27/96 | Adds §§ 17.28.010(G) and 17.29.010(G); amends §§ 17.28.010(C), 17.28.010(D), 17.29.010(C) and 17.29.010(D), zoning (17.29) |
20.P | 9/24/96 | Amends §§ 17.30.020(J), 17.30.040 and 17.30.050(D), zoning (Not codified) |
20.P | 10/8/96 | Amends §§ 17.30.020(J), 17.30.040 and 17.30.050(D), zoning (17.30) |
20.Q | 9/23/97 | Wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
20.R | 3/24/98 | Extends wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
20.S | 4/7/98 | Adds § 5 to Ord. 20.R, wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
20.T | 5/26/98 | Extends wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
20.U | 7/28/98 | Extends wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
20.V | 11/24/98 | Extends wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
20.W | 1/9/01 | Adds § 17.04.040(27); amends Ch. 17.38, signs, and §§ 17.04.040(1), 17.08.060, 17.12.030, 17.12.050(B) and (C), 17.16.020, 17.24.010(C)(1), (2) and (3), 17.28.010(G), 17.29.010(G), 17.30.020(J)(1), 17.30.060(E)(10), 17.36.070, zoning (17.04, 17.12, 17.24, 17.29, 17.30, 17.36, 17.38) |
20.X | 8/27/02 | Adds § 17.24.010(C)(5), secure community transition facilities (17.24) |
20X.a | 2/11/03 | Extends Ord. 20.X, secure community transition facilities (17.24) |
20.1 | 7/11/67 | Mobile homes and travel trailers (Repealed by 131.A) |
20.1.A | 7/9/68 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 20.1, mobile homes and travel trailers (Repealed by 131.A) |
20.2 | 3/12/68 | Surface water drainage (Repealed by 430) |
20.3 | 6/11/68 | Sign regulations (Repealed by 170) |
20.3.A | 7/9/68 | Amends §§ 3(a), 5 and 7(a) of Ord. 20.3, sign regulations (Repealed by 170) |
21 | 4/13/65 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 66) |
21.1 | 5/10/66 | Amends § 20 of Ord. 21, traffic regulations (Repealed by 21.B) |
21.B | 7/9/68 | Amends §§ 20, 32 and 47 of Ord. 21, traffic regulations; repeals Ord. 21.1 (Repealed by 66) |
21.C | 6/10/69 | Amends § 61 of Ord. 21, traffic regulations (Repealed by 66) |
21.D | 6/13/72 | Amends § 61 of Ord. 21, traffic regulations (Repealed by 66) |
21.E | 8/12/72 | Adds Art. 17 to, and amends §§ 8.C, 8.D and 20 of Ord. 21, traffic regulations (Repealed by 66) |
21.2 | 5/22/73 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 66) |
22 | 7/13/65 | Gasoline stations (Repealed by 201) |
23 | 8/10/65 | 1965 budget; repeals Res. 3 (Special) |
23.1 | 10/4/65 | 1966 budget (Special) |
23.2 | 2/8/66 | Fund transfer (Special) |
23.3 | 7/12/66 | Fund transfer (Special) |
23.4 | 10/3/66 | Budget (Special) |
23.4.A | 7/23/68 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 23.4, budget (Special) |
23.5 | 4/67 | Fund transfer (Special) |
23.6 | 10/2/67 | Budget (Special) |
23.7 | 10/7/68 | Budget (Special) |
23.8 | 12/1/69 | Budget (Special) |
23.9 | 3/10/70 | Sales and use tax (3.24) |
23.10 | 11/10/70 | Fixes amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes (Special) |
23.10.A | 7/23/75 | Fixes amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes (Special) |
23.10.B | 7/28/76 | Fixes amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes (Special) |
23.10.C | 7/27/77 | Fixes amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes (Special) |
23.10.D | 11/8/77 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 23.10.C; fixes amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes (Special) |
23.11 | 12/1/70 | Budget (Special) |
23.12 | 10/12/71 | Establishes Emergency Employment Act (EEA) Fund and transfers funds (Special) |
23.13 | 12/1/71 | Budget (Special) |
23.13.A | 3/6/73 | Interfund loans (Special) |
23.14 | 12/5/72 | Budget (Special) |
23.15 | 12/73 | Budget (Special) |
23.15.A | 1/28/75 | Amends Ord. 23.15, budget (Special) |
23.16 | 12/10/74 | Budget (Special) |
23.16.A | 1/28/75 | 1975 budget (Special) |
23.16.B | 1/13/76 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 23.16, budget (Special) |
23.16.C | 12/23/75 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 23.16, budget (Special) |
23.17 | 12/23/75 | 1976 budget (Special) |
23.17.A | 10/26/76 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 23.17, budget (Special) |
23.17.B | 12/14/76 | Creates ARFA fund; amends § 2 of Ord. 23.17, budget (Special) |
23.18 | 12/28/76 | 1977 budget (Special) |
23.18.A | 6/28/77 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 23.18, budget (Special) |
23.18.B | 12/13/77 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 23.18, budget (Special) |
23.18.C | 5/9/78 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 23.18 and transfers funds, budget (Special) |
23.19 | 12/27/77 | 1978 budget (Special) |
23.19.A | 5/9/78 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 23.19 and establishes certain funds (Special) |
24 | 5/11/65 | Construction and installation of sewage waste disposal systems (13.04, 13.12) |
24.A | 9/14/76 | Adds § VIII to, and amends § IV(B)(1) of Ord. 24, sewers (13.04) |
25 | 7/13/65 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 25.B) |
25.A | 12/12/67 | Amends §§ 3, 4(D), 4(H), 4(J), 6(A), 7(G), 7(H) and 7(I) of Ord. 25, subdivisions (Repealed by 25.B) |
25.B | 8/10/76 | Subdivisions; repeals Ords. 25 and 25.A (Repealed by 25.D) |
25.C | 4/12/77 | Amends §§ 7(B)(5), 9(B)(3), 9(C)(1)(h), (9)(D), 11(B)(2), 11(C), 12(A)(3) and 12(B) of Ord. 25.B, subdivisions (Repealed by 25.D) |
25.D | 6/8/93 | Repeals and replaces Title 16, subdivisions (Repealed by 25.G) |
25.E | 2/13/96 | Amends §§ 16.24.060 and 16.32.070E; repeals § 16.32.080 and renumbers remainder of Ch. 16.32, subdivisions (Repealed by 25.F) |
25.F | 2/27/96 | Repeals and replaces Title 16, subdivisions (Repealed by 25.G) |
25.G | 3/19/96 | Repeals and replaces Title 16, subdivisions (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28) |
25.H | 9/7/99 | Amends Title 16, subdivisions (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28) |
25.1 | 6/13/67 | Public works construction specifications (12.08) |
25.1.A | 5/13/69 | Amends Ord. 25.1, public works construction specifications (12.08) |
25.1.B | 12/28/99 | Amends § 12.08.010(B), public works construction specifications (12.08) |
26 | 11/9/65 | Utility tax (Repealed by 26.2) |
26.1 | 1/11/66 | Garbage collection (Repealed by 201) |
26.2 | 12/10/74 | Utility tax; repeals Ord. 26 (Not codified) |
26.2.A | 3/8/77 | Adds § 8 to Ord. 26.2, utility tax (Not codified) |
26.A | 11/23/82 | Garbage collection license (8.16) |
26.B | 10/12/99 | Amends §§ 8.16.010 – 8.16.040 and 8.16.070, garbage collection (8.16) |
26.C | 12/5/00 | Readopts Ord. 26.B (8.16) |
27 | 12/14/65 | City operations and street superintendent (Repealed by 5.A) |
27.1 | 8/9/66 | Municipal utilities department (Repealed by 5.A) |
28 | 2/8/66 | Public nuisances (Repealed by 201) |
28.A | 11/14/67 | Amends § 3(8) of Ord. 28, public nuisances (Repealed by 201) |
28.B | 6/11/68 | Adds § 3(9) to, and amends §§ 6 and 8 of Ord. 28, public nuisances (Repealed by 201) |
28.C | 1/13/70 | Adds § 4(10) to, and amends §§ 3(4), 3(5), 4(1), 4(5), 4(7), 4(9) and 7 of Ord. 28, public nuisances (Repealed by 201) |
28.D | 4/12/88 | Nuisance abatement (Repealed by 28.E) |
28.E | 8/27/02 | Nuisances and litter control; repeals Ords. 28.6, 28.9 and 28.D (8.12, 8.20) |
28.1 | 2/14/67 | Animal control (Repealed by 28.1.B) |
28.1.A | 11/12/68 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 28.1, animal control (Repealed by 28.1.B) |
28.1.B | 4/25/72 | Animal control; repeals Ords. 28.1 and 28.1.A (Repealed by 28.1.C) |
28.1.C | 11/26/74 | Animal control; repeals Ord. 28.1.B (Repealed by 28.1.F) |
28.1.D | 1/11/77 | Amends §§ 4, 5, 6, 8 and 16 of Ord. 28.1.C, animal control (Repealed by 28.1.F) |
28.1.E | 9/12/78 | Amends §§ 4, 5 and 6 of Ord. 28.1.C, animal control (Repealed by 28.1.F) |
28.1.F | Animal control; repeals Ord. 28.1.C, 28.1.D and 28.1.E (Repealed by 145) | |
28.2 | 7/5/67 | Penal code (Repealed by 201) |
28.2.A | 7/23/68 | Adds §§ 5.11 and 8.1 to Ord. 28.2, penal code (Repealed by 201) |
28.2.B | 3/11/69 | Amends Ch. 8 of Ord. 28.2, penal code (Repealed by 201) |
28.2.C | 3/28/72 | Adds Ch. 9 to Ord. 28.2, penal code (Repealed by 201) |
28.2.D | 5/22/73 | Amends Ord. 28.2, penal code (Repealed by 128) |
28.3 | 12/12/67 | Dog kennels (Repealed by 145) |
28.3.A | 7/13/71 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 28.3, dog kennels (Repealed by 145) |
28.4 | 6/11/68 | Housing discrimination prohibitions (9.12) |
28.4.A | 6/24/75 | Amends §§ 1, 2, 6 and 7 of Ord. 28.4, housing discrimination prohibitions (9.12) |
28.5 | Peddlers (Repealed by 55.B) | |
28.5.A | 6/13/72 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 28.5, peddlers (Repealed by 55.B) |
28.6 | 4/25/72 | Removal of abandoned or inoperable vehicles (Repealed by 28.E) |
28.7 | 1/27/76 | Reward for persons furnishing information leading to apprehension and conviction of persons violating certain city ordinances (Repealed by 301) |
28.8 | 2/24/76 | Gambling tax and regulations (3.36) |
28.8.A | 9/27/77 | Amends §§ 1(1) and 1(2) of Ord. 28.8, gambling tax and regulations (3.36) |
28.9 | 3/23/76 | Litter control (Repealed by 28.E) |
29 | 6/17/66 | Franchise grant to Washington Natural Gas Company, gas distribution system (Special) |
29.A | 5/14/91 | Franchise grant to Washington Natural Gas Company, gas distribution system (Special) |
30 | 7/12/66 | Contract with Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, sewage disposal (Special) |
30.1 | 12/8/67 | Sewer connection charges (Repealed by 201) |
30.2 | 6/22/71 | Sewer service charges; repeals Res. 87 (Repealed by 201) |
30.2.A | 3/14/72 | Sewer service charges (Repealed by 126.A) |
30.2.B | 11/28/78 | Amends § 1.1 of Ord. 30.2.A, sewer service charges (Repealed by 126.A) |
31 | 6/13/67 | Sewerage fund (3.52) |
32 | 7/25/67 | Acquisition of certain easement for sewer construction (Special) |
33 | 3/11/69 | Franchise grant to Alderwood Water District, water service (Special) |
33b | 7/25/84 | Franchise grant to Alderwood Water District, waterworks (Special) |
33.C | 9/13/94 | Franchise grant to Alderwood Water District, water service (Special) |
34 | 4/8/69 | Office of city treasurer (Repealed by 5.A) |
35 | 7/8/69 | Interagency committee project agreement for Brier Park (Special) |
36 | 5/12/70 | Franchise grant to General Telephone Company of the Northwest, Inc., telephone service (Special) |
37 | 10/30/69 | Local improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
37.1 | 4/14/70 | Converts local improvement district No. 1 into utility local improvement district No. SS-1 (Special) |
37.2 | 4/14/70 | Utility local improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
38 | 12/15/70 | Utility local improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
38.1 | 8/24/71 | Utility local improvement district No. SS-2 (Special) |
38.2 | 8/24/71 | Utility local improvement district No. SS-2 (Special) |
39 | 2/9/71 | Arterial local improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
39.1 | 6/22/71 | Arterial local improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
40 | 5/25/71 | Acquisition of certain easement for road and storm drain improvements (Special) |
41 | 5/25/71 | Acquisition of certain easement for installation of sewer trunk lines (Special) |
42 | 8/24/71 | Bond issuance, sewers (Special) |
43 | 2/22/72 | Arterial local improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
43.1 | 6/12/73 | Arterial local improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
44 | 3/14/72 | Oil and gas drilling, production and transportation regulations (5.16) |
45 | 6/13/72 | Arterial local improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
46 | 3/6/73 | Declaration of completion of certain road improvement and sewer system projects (Special) |
47 | 3/13/73 | Interim emergency defense fund for compensating appointed counsel to indigent defendants subject to mandatory jail sentence (3.36) |
48 | 3/13/73 | Adopts comprehensive park and recreation plan (Not codified) |
49 | 7/24/73 | Utility local improvement district No. 3 (Special) |
50 | 6/25/74 | Public library (Repealed by 50.B, 50.C) |
50.A | 5/13/97 | Amends Ch. 2.72, library (Repealed by 50.B, 50.C) |
50.B | 12/10/02 | Public library; repeals Ords. 50 and 50.A (Repealed by 50.C) |
50.C | 10/14/03 | Public library; repeals Ords. 50, 50.A and 50.B (Repealed by 481) |
51 | 9/24/74 | Sale or possession of drugs; amends Ch. 8 of Ord. 28.2 (Repealed by 201) |
52 | 2/11/75 | Payrolls and claims funds (3.52) |
53 | 8/24/76 | Park and recreation board; repeals Res. 97 (Repealed by 53.A) |
53.A | 3/8/83 | Park and recreation board; repeals Res. 97 and Ord. 53 (2.20) |
53.B | 4/3/90 | Amends § 2.68.030(B), parks and recreation board (2.20) |
53.C | 5/14/91 | Adds § 2.68.040(H), responsibility for equestrian matters (Repealed by 53.D) |
53.D | 3/12/02 | Adds section to, and amends §§ 1 – 4 of Ord. 53.A, park and recreation board; repeals Ord. 53.C (2.20) |
54 | 2/22/77 | Collection of delinquent local improvement assessments (3.44) |
55 | 3/8/77 | Business licenses and regulations; amends § 3 of Ord. 28.5.A (Repealed by 55.B) |
55.A | 9/12/78 | Amends §§ 1(c), 3.1, 3.2 and 4 of Ord. 55, business licenses and regulations (Repealed by 55.B) |
55.B | 12/14/82 | Business licenses and regulations; repeals Ords. 28.5, 28.5.A, 55 and 55.A (Repealed by 55.C) |
55.C | 3/8/83 | Business licenses and regulations; repeals Ords. 28.5, 28.5.A, 55, 55.A and 55.B (Repealed by 55.D) |
55.D | 5/8/84 | Business licenses; repeals Ord. 55.C (Repealed by 391) |
55.E | 3/26/02 | Amends Ch. 5.04, business licenses (Repealed by 391) |
56 | 10/11/77 | Sewer improvements (Special) |
57 | 11/22/77 | Utility local improvement district No. 3A (Special) |
58 | 3/28/78 | In-lieu payment for subdividers of residential property (Repealed by 136) |
58.A | 11/28/78 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 58, lands for park dedication (Repealed by 136) |
59 | 9/12/78 | Sewer improvements (Special) |
60 | 9/26/78 | Removal of dirt and debris from street surfaces (12.20) |
60.A | 12/28/99 | Amends §§ 12.20.010(B), 12.20.020 and 12.20.030, street debris removal and control (12.20) |
61 | 10/24/78 | Utility local improvement district No. 3B (Special) |
62 | 1/23/79 | Utility local improvement district No. 4 (Special) |
63 | 2/6/79 | Combines offices of treasurer and clerk (Repealed by 201) |
64 | 3/13/79 | Adopts classification of noncharter code city (1.08) |
64.A | 2/13/90 | Repeals and replaces § 1.08.030, terms of office (1.08) |
65 | 5/22/79 | Amends § 10.5 of Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 65.A) |
65.A | 4/1/80 | Repeals Ord. 65 and reinstates § 10.5 of Ord. 20, zoning (17.40) |
66 | 8/28/79 | Adopts Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ords. 21, 21.2, 21.B, 21.C, 21.D and 21.E (Repealed by 246.B) |
67 | 9/18/79 | Property tax levy (Expired) |
68 | 10/2/79 | Tax levy (Special) |
69 | 10/9/79 | Utility local improvement district No. 3A (Special) |
69.A | 5/6/80 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 69, utility local improvement district No. 3A (Special) |
70 | 11/13/79 | Tax levy (Special) |
71 | 11/13/79 | Amends §§ 3.1 and 3.3 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a and 5.A) |
73 | 11/20/79 | Building moving permit (Repealed by 73.a) |
73.a | 12/11/84 | Moving buildings (15.08) |
74 | 11/20/79 | Civil service commission (Repealed by 74.A) |
74.A | 3/11/80 | Repeals Ord. 74 (Repealer) |
74.B | 9/27/83 | Police civil service commission (2.16) |
75 | 12/18/79 | Special election on tax levy (Special) |
75(A) | 7/23/85 | Special election on tax levy (Special) |
75.B | 12/17/91 | Special election on tax levy (Special) |
75.C | 9/10/96 | Special election on tax levy (Special) |
75.D | 9/9/97 | Special election on tax levy (Special) |
75.E | 7/23/02 | Special election on tax levy (Special) |
76 | 6/10/80 | Street vacation (Repealed by 76(a)) |
76(a) | 5/22/84 | Property vacation; repeals Ord. 76 (Special) |
77 | 5/6/80 | Utility local improvement district No. 3B (Special) |
78 | 5/20/80 | Cable communication systems regulations (Repealed by 78.A) |
78.A | 5/9/95 | Cable communications systems; repeals Ords. 78, 106, 184 and 188 (5.08) |
79 | 6/10/80 | Bond issuance, sewers (Special) |
80 | 6/10/80 | Adds language to § 6 of Ord. 58.A, lands for park dedication (Repealed by 136) |
81 | 6/10/80 | Duties of city clerk (Repealed by 5.A) |
82 | 7/8/80 | Property vacation (Special) |
83 | 9/28/82 | Building fee schedule (Repealed by 83.A) |
83.A | 9/28/82 | Building fee schedule (Repealed by 83.B) |
83.B | 12/18/84 | Building fee schedule (Not codified) |
83.C | 5/26/87 | Building fee schedule (Repealed by 83.D) |
83.D | 6/9/87 | Building fee schedule; repeals Ord. 83.C (Repealed by 83.E) |
83.E | 3/22/88 | Amends Ord. 83.D, building fee schedule; repeals Ord. 83.D (Title 3) |
83.F | 8/14/90 | Amends Ord. 83.E, fee schedules (Repealed by 83.G) |
83.G | 8/25/92 | Amends §§ 3.04.010 and 3.04.020, fee schedules; repeals § 3.04.040 and Ord. 83.F, fees for permits and city services (Title 3) |
83.H | 3/11/97 | |
83.I | 6/23/98 | Amends §§ 3.04.010 and 3.04.020(A) and (C), fees (Title 3) |
83.J | 12/21/99 | Amends §§ 3.04.010 and 3.04.020(A) and (C), fees (Title 3) |
83.K | 12/5/00 | Readopts Ord. 83.J (Title 3) |
83.L | 10/23/01 | Amends Ch. 3.04, fees (Repealed by 83.M) |
83.M | 10/08/02 | Amends §§ 3.04.010, 3.04.020 and 3.04.030, fees; repeals Ord. 83.L (Title 3) |
83.N | 5/10/05 | Amends § 3.04.010, fee schedule (Title 3) |
84 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 3.1.ac, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 5.A) | |
85 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 3.1.ab, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 5.A) | |
85.A | Police lieutenant (Repealed by 5.A) | |
86 | 7/22/80 | Utility local improvement district No. 3A (Special) |
87 | Amends Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.A) | |
88 | 8/26/80 | Park maintenance fund (Repealed by 136) |
89 | 3/18/80 | Rezone (Special) |
90 | 8/80 | Rezone (Special) |
91 | 9/2/80 | Utility local improvement district No. 3A (Special) |
92 | 9/16/80 | Affirmative action program (Title 2) |
93 | 10/28/80 | Bond issuance, sewers (Special) |
94 | National Electrical Code (Repealed by 17.K) | |
95 | 10/28/80 | Tax levy (Special) |
97 | 11/25/80 | Modular home prohibitions (Repealed by 131) |
98 | 12/9/80 | Powers of mayor to be vested in mayor pro tem in absence of mayor (Title 2) |
99 | Budget (Special) | |
101 | 1/81 | Adopts RCW provisions on misdemeanors and infractions, and confers jurisdiction (1.16) |
102 | 3/10/81 | City council meetings and workshop sessions (Repealed by 1.J) |
103 | Budget (Repealed by 5.A) | |
104 | Amends Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 5.A) | |
105 | 4/14/81 | City Hall hours; repeals § 1 of Ord. 2.1.D (Repealed by 2.E) |
106 | 5/26/81 | Franchise grant to Viacom Cablevision, CATV (Repealed by 78.A) |
107 | 6/9/81 | Building permit fee (Repealed by 136) |
108 | Street improvement fund (Special) | |
109 | 7/7/81 | Personnel committee (Repealed by 130) |
110 | 7/7/81 | City council employee review board (Repealed by 201) |
111 | Rezone (Special) | |
112 | 7/8/81 | City council review of contract for contract service employees (Vetoed) |
113 | Sewer service charges (Repealed by 126) | |
114 | 9/22/81 | Salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 5.A) |
115 | 10/13/81 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.A | 10/5/82 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.B | 11/9/82 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.C | 10/4/83 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.D | 1/11/84 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.E | 9/25/84 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.F | 11/13/84 | Tax levy; repeals Ord. 115.E (Special) |
115.G | 9/24/85 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.H | 12/10/85 | Tax levy; repeals Ord. 115.G (Special) |
115.I | 9/23/86 | Tax levy; repeals Ord. 115.I (Special) |
115.J | 12/9/86 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.K | 9/22/87 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.L | 12/8/87 | Tax levy (Repealed by 115.M) |
115.M | 9/27/88 | Tax levy; repeals Ord. 115.L (Special) |
115.N | 11/22/88 | Tax levy; amends Ord. 115.M (Special) |
115.O | 9/26/89 | Tax levy; amends Ord. 115.N (Special) |
115.P | 12/12/89 | Tax levy; amends Ord. 115.O (Special) |
115.Q | 10/23/90 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.R | 11/27/90 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.S | 12/10/91 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.T | 10/27/92 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.U | 12/8/92 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.V | 10/12/93 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.W | 12/14/93 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.X | 10/18/94 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.Y | 12/21/94 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.Z | 11/28/95 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.AA | 11/26/96 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.BB | 11/18/97 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.CC | 1/13/98 | Amends Ord. 115.BB, tax levy (Special) |
115.DD | 1/27/98 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.EE | 11/24/98 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.FF | 12/8/98 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.GG | 11/9/99 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.HH | 11/23/99 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.II | 11/14/00 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.JJ | 11/21/00 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.KK | 12/5/00 | Readopts Ord. 115.HH (Special) |
115.LL | 11/13/01 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.MM | 11/27/01 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.NN | 11/12/02 | Tax levy (Special) |
115.OO | 11/4/03 | Tax levy (Special) |
116 | 12/22/81 | Budget (Special) |
117 | 12/8/81 | Salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 5.A) |
118 | Adopts certain RCW penal provisions (Repealed by 201) | |
119 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by 246.B) | |
119.A | 9/9/86 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by 246.B) |
120 | 12/8/81 | Utility tax (Special) |
120.A | 11/23/82 | Utility tax (Special) |
120.B | 11/8/83 | Utility tax (Repealed by 181) |
121 | 12/8/81 | Amends § 1.1 of Ord. 30.2.A, sewer service charges (Repealed by 126) |
122 | 12/22/81 | Salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
123 | 12/22/81 | Closes out and transfers certain funds (Special) |
124 | 12/22/81 | Telephone utilities tax (Special) |
124.A | 11/23/82 | Telephone utilities tax (Special) |
125 | 12/22/81 | Budget (Special) |
125.A | 10/26/82 | Amends Ord. 125.A, budget (Special) |
125.B | 12/14/82 | Amends Ord. 125.A, budget (Special) |
126 | 1/19/82 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ords. 113 and 121 (Repealed by 126.A) |
126.A | 12/14/82 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ords. 30.2.A and 126 (Repealed by 126.B) |
126.B | 12/28/82 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ords. 30.2.A, 126 and 126.A (Repealed by 126.C) |
126.C | 12/27/83 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.B (Repealed by 126.D) |
126.D | 11/27/84 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.C (Repealed by 126.F) |
126.F | 8/26/86 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.E (Repealed by 126.G) |
126.G | 9/22/87 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.F (Repealed by 126.H) |
126.H | 10/10/89 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.G (Repealed by 126.I) |
126.I | 10/9/90 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.H (Repealed by 126.J) |
126.J | 10/12/91 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.1 (Repealed by 126.K) |
126.K | 8/11/92 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.J (Repealed by 126.L) |
126.L | 8/10/93 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.K (Repealed by 126.M) |
126.M | 11/22/94 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.L (Repealed by 126.N) |
126.N | 8/22/95 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 126.M (13.08) |
126.O | 10/26/99 | Sewer service charges (13.08) |
126.P | 5/9/00 | Amends §§ 5(a), 10 and 11 of Ord. 126.O, sewer service charges (13.08) |
127 | 2/23/82 | Annexation (Special) |
128 | 2/9/82 | Jail time in accordance with penal provisions of city and county ordinances and state misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor rules and regulations; repeals Ord. 28.2.D (Repealed by 201) |
129 | 2/23/82 | Amends Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
130 | 2/23/82 | Personnel committee (Title 2) |
131 | 2/23/82 | Modular housing (Repealed by 131.A) |
131.A | 10/26/82 | Mobile homes and manufactured or modular housing; repeals Ords. 20.1, 20.1.A and 131 (15.20) |
132 | 3/9/82 | Adds § 3.6 to, and amends § 3.2.2 of Ord. 3.1.U, salaries and personnel regulations (Repealed by 3.a) |
133 | 5/4/82 | Sales and use tax (3.28) |
134 | 5/4/82 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 26.2, utility tax (Not codified) |
135 | 6/8/82 | Noise regulations (8.08) |
135.A | 12/28/99 | Amends Ch. 8.08, noise control (8.08) |
136 | 6/22/82 | Abolishes up-front and in-lieu fees and disposes of funds from such fees; repeals Ords. 58, 58.A, 80, 88 and 107 (Special) |
137 | 6/22/82 | Real property tax (3.32) |
137.A | 2/24/98 | Additional real estate excise tax (3.32) |
138 | 9/14/82 | Building permits for model or “spec” residences (Repealed by 17.N) |
139 | 12/14/82 | Rezone (Special) |
140 | 11/9/82 | Rezone (Special) |
141 | 11/16/82 | Capital improvement fund (3.52) |
142 | 12/14/82 | Athletic facilities (Repealed by 142.a) |
142.a | 4/26/83 | Athletic facilities; repeals Ord. 142 (12.16) |
142(b) | 5/28/85 | Athletic facilities (12.16) |
142.C | 6/9/87 | Athletic facilities; amends Ord. 142(b) (12.16) |
142.D | 12/14/93 | Amends § 12.16.030, athletic facilities (12.16) |
142.E | 3/24/98 | Athletic facilities (12.16) |
142.F | 7/28/98 | Athletic facilities (Repealed by 142.G) |
142.G | 10/23/01 | Athletic facilities; repeals Ord. 142.F (12.16) |
142.H | 8/13/02 | Amends Ord. 142.G, athletic facilities (12.16) |
143 | 12/14/82 | Budget (Special) |
143.A | 6/14/83 | Amends Ord. 143, budget (Special) |
143.B | 12/27/83 | Amends Ord. 143, budget (Special) |
144 | 3/8/83 | Special reserve fund (3.52) |
145 | 7/12/83 | Animal control; repeals Ords. 28.1, 28.1.A, 28.1.B, 28.1.C, 28.1.D, 28.1.E, 28.1.F, 28.3 and 28.3.A (Repealed by 145.A) |
145.A | 1/24/84 | Animal control; repeals Ord. 145 (Repealed by 145.B) |
145.B | 12/9/86 | Animal control; repeals Ord. 145.A (Repealed by 145.D) |
145.C | 2/8/00 | Amends Ch. 6.04, animal control (Repealed by 145.D) |
145.D | 2/8/05 | Animal control; repeals Ords. 145.B and 145.C (Title 6) |
146 | 10/4/83 | Outdoor burning (8.04) |
147 | 8/9/83 | Property vacation (Special) |
148 | 8/23/83 | Annexation (Special) |
148.A | 10/11/83 | Annexation (Special) |
148.B | 12/13/83 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 148, annexation (Special) |
149 | 11/22/83 | Street vacation (Special) |
150 | 10/11/83 | Rezone (Special) |
151 | 11/15/83 | Street lighting fund (3.52) |
152 | 12/27/83 | Budget (Special) |
152.A | 8/14/84 | Amends Ord. 152, budget (Special) |
152.B | 10/9/84 | Amends Ord. 152.A, budget (Special) |
152.C | 12/18/84 | Amends Ord. 152, budget (Special) |
153 | 1/24/84 | Weight and use restrictions for public roads (Repealed by 246.B) |
154 | 1/24/84 | Rezone (Special) |
155 | 1/24/84 | Rezone (Special) |
156 | 4/24/84 | Penalty charge for returned checks (3.04) |
157 | 5/22/84 | Traffic violations bureau (2.48) |
158 | 9/25/84 | Excavation permits and regulations (12.12) |
158.A | 11/2/99 | Amends Ord. 158, excavation permits and regulations (12.12) |
158.B | 10/24/00 | Adds § 12.12.140, excavation permits and regulations (Repealed by 158.D) |
158.C | 12/5/00 | Readopts Ord. 158.A (Repealed by 158.E) |
158.D | 4/9/02 | Amends Ch. 12.12, right-of-way use permits; repeals Ord. 158.B (12.12) |
158.E | 2/8/05 | Amends § 12.12.030, right-of-way use permits (12.12) |
159 | 10/9/84 | Adopts State Environment Policy Act with certain amendments (19.04) |
159.A | 6/10/86 | Amends §§ 4, 15 and 16 of Ord. 159, adoption of State Environment Policy Act (19.04) |
160 | 11/13/84 | Sewer connection latecomer hookup charge (13.08) |
160.A | 11/2/99 | Amends Ord. 160, sewer connection latecomer hookup charge (13.08) |
160.B | 5/9/00 | Amends §§ 2(a) and 3(B) of Ord. 160.A, sewer connection latecomer hookup charge (13.08) |
161 | 12/11/84 | |
162 | 12/18/84 | Budget (Special) |
162.A | 12/17/85 | Amends Ord. 162, budget (Special) |
163 | 2/26/85 | Rezone (Special) |
164 | 5/14/85 | Time period for judicial appeal of final actions (Repealed by 164.A) |
164.A | 2/12/02 | Amends Ch. 1.20, appeals of city decisions; repeals Ord. 164 (1.20) |
165 | 5/28/85 | Rezone (Special) |
166 | 9/17/85 | Special election on street connection (Special) |
167 | Satellite receiving systems (15.24) | |
168 | 8/27/85 | Special election on changing form of government (Special) |
169 | 8/27/85 | Civil penalties for violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act (9.08) |
170 | 5/26/87 | Sign regulations; repeals Ords. 20.3 and 20.3A (Repealed by 20.W) |
171 | 12/10/85 | Budget (Special) |
171A | 11/25/86 | Budget amendment (Special) |
172 | 4/8/86 | Small works roster (Repealed by 172.A) |
172.A | 5/22/01 | Small works roster; repeals Ord. 172 (3.56) |
172.B | 1/22/02 | Limited public works projects (3.56) |
173 | 6/10/86 | Sale and distribution of malt liquor (5.12) |
174 | 5/6/86 | Annexation (Special) |
175 | 5/13/86 | Authorizes expenditures for tourist promotion or economic development (Title 3) |
176 | 8/12/86 | Variance application approval (Special) |
177 | 9/9/86 | Submission of claim for damages to city clerk (3.08) |
178 | 1/27/87 | Toy vehicles (Repealed by 178.A) |
178.A | 8/13/02 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.12, toy vehicles (10.12) |
179 | 12/23/86 | Establishes Fund No. 114 (3.52) |
180 | 12/23/86 | Building fee schedule (Repealed by 83.D) |
181 | 12/23/86 | Utility tax (Repealed by 181.A) |
181.A | 11/22/88 | Utility tax; repeals Ord. 181 (Repealed by 182.A) |
181.B | 10/12/99 | Telephone utility tax; repeals Ord. 182 (3.20) |
181.C | 12/5/00 | Readopts Ord. 181.B (3.20) |
182 | 12/23/86 | Telephone utility tax (Repealed by 181.B) |
182.A | 10/12/99 | Utility tax; repeals Ord. 181.A (3.12) |
182.B | 12/5/00 | Readopts Ord. 182.A (3.12) |
183 | 12/23/86 | 1987 budget (Special) |
183A | 11/24/87 | Budget amendment (Special) |
183B | 12/22/87 | Budget amendment (Special) |
184 | 1/13/87 | Amends Ord. 78, cable television franchise (5.08) |
185 | 11/24/87 | Utility tax rebates (3.16) |
186 | 4/14/87 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
187 | 4/14/87 | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by 187.B) |
187.A | 8/22/89 | Adds § 15.28.210(A)(3); amends §§ 15.28.050 and 15.28.190(A), flood damage control (Repealed by 187.B) |
187.B | 10/26/99 | Flood damage prevention; repeals Ords. 187 and 187.A (15.28) |
188 | 4/28/87 | Amends Ord. 78, cable television franchise (Repealed by 78.A) |
189 | 5/12/87 | Annexation (Special) |
190 | 5/12/87 | Variance (Special) |
191 | 7/14/87 | Annexation (Special) |
192 | 7/14/87 | Stormwater detention facilities (Repealed by 442) |
193 | 7/28/87 | Rezone (Special) |
194 | 9/22/87 | Variance (Special) |
195 | 9/22/87 | Conditional use permit grant (Special) |
196 | 10/13/87 | Adoption of legislative enactments of 1987 (9.04) |
197 | 12/22/87 | 1988 budget (Special) |
197.A | 12/13/88 | Amends 1988 budget (Special) |
198 | 4/12/88 | General penalty (1.28) |
199 | 4/12/88 | |
200 | 4/12/88 | Adoption of state provisions concerning misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors (1.28) |
200.A | 2/22/00 | Amends Ch. 1.24, district courts, and Ch. 1.28, general penalty (1.16, 1.28) |
201 | 4/12/88 | Amends Ord. 20.3(3)(a), buildings and construction, Ord. 25.B(8)(E) and (11)(A)(1), subdivisions and Ord. 28.6 § 7, vehicles and traffic; repeals Ords. 3.E, 3.F, 7.A, 7.B, 8, 10, 10.1, 16, 16.A, 16.B, 16.C, 17.A, 17.C, 17.D, 17.E, 17.G, 18.A, 18.C, 20 § 10.5, 22, 26.1, 28, 28.A, 28.B, 28.C, 28.2, 28.2A, 28.2B, 28.2C, 30.1, 30.2, 47, 51, 63, 110, 118, 128 and 133 (10.08) |
202 | (Number not used) | |
203 | 12/13/88 | Annexation (Special) |
204 | 11/8/88 | Amends Ords. 159 and 159.A, state environmental policy act (19.08) |
205 | 10/25/88 | Sewer revenue bond fund (Special) |
206 | 11/8/88 | Conditional use permit (Special) |
207 | 11/22/88 | Funds termination and transfer (Special) |
208 | 12/27/88 | 1989 budget (Special) |
209 | 12/13/88 | Code adoption (1.01) |
210 | 2/14/89 | Conditional use permit (Special) |
211 | 2/14/89 | Conditional use permit (Special) |
212 | 2/28/89 | Variance (Special) |
213 | 4/25/89 | Comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 15 (Not codified) |
214 | 6/13/89 | Travel expense advancements (2.28) |
215 | 6/27/89 | Local improvement district assessments (3.40) |
216 | 6/27/89 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
216.A | 11/14/89 | ULID construction fund (Repealed by 216.B) |
216.B | 12/5/89 | ULID construction fund; repeals Ord. 216.A (Special) |
217 | 9/12/89 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
218 | 9/26/89 | Conditional use permit (Special) |
219 | 9/26/89 | Comprehensive park, trail and open space plan (Not codified) |
220 | 11/14/89 | ULID construction fund (Special) |
221 | 12/12/89 | Annexation (Special) |
222 | 12/12/89 | Annexation (Special) |
223 | 12/12/89 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
224 | 12/12/89 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
225 | 12/26/89 | 1990 budget (Special) |
225.A | 2/6/90 | Amends 1990 budget (Special) |
225.B | 7/10/90 | Amends Ord. 208, 1989 budget; amends Ord. 225.A, 1991 budget (Special) |
225.C | 12/19/90 | Amends Ord. 225, 1990 budget (Special) |
226 | 12/26/89 | Adopts amendments to Northwest Energy Code, 1987 Edition (Not codified) |
226.A | 2/27/90 | Adopts Northwest Energy Code, 1987 Edition (Repealed by 17.N) |
227 | 1/23/90 | Adds Ch. 10.16, vehicle impoundment (10.16) |
228 | 3/27/90 | Solid waste management comprehensive plan (8.24) |
229 | 5/22/90 | Amends §§ 17.20.010(E) and 17.24.010(E), zoning (17.20, 17.24) |
230 | 7/10/90 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
231 | 7/24/90 | Traffic, street improvement fund (Repealed by 231.A) |
231.A | 4/10/01 | Traffic, street improvement funds; repeals Ord. 231 (3.52) |
232 | 8/28/90 | Annexation (Special) |
233 | 10/9/90 | Street renaming (Special) |
234 | 7/10/90 | Annexation (Special) |
235 | 10/23/90 | Credit card issuance (2.32) |
236 | 12/19/90 | 1991 budget (Special) |
236.A | 8/27/91 | Amends Ord. 236, 1991 budget (Vetoed) |
236.B | 11/5/91 | Amends Ord. 236, 1991 budget (Special) |
236.C | 11/12/91 | Amends Ord. 236.B, 1991 budget (Special) |
236.D | 12.23/91 | Amends Ord. 236, 1991 budget (Special) |
237 | 5/14/91 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
238 | 2/12/90 | Annexation (Special) |
239 | (Not passed) | |
240 | 2/26/91 | Annexation (Special) |
241 | 4/23/91 | Power of initiative (1.24) |
242 | 5/14/91 | Repeals ULID construction fund (Special) |
243 | 5/28/91 | Adds § 9.04.011, criminal statues (9.04) |
243.A | 6/28/94 | Amends § 9.04.011, repeals and replaces §§ 9.04.020 and 9.04.030 and repeals § 9.04.040, criminal statutes (9.04) |
244 | 8/13/91 | ULID sewer revenue bond (Special) |
245 | 11/12/91 | Adds § 10.04.060, traffic regulations (Repealed by 246.B) |
246 | 11/12/91 | Amends §§ 10.04.020 and 10.04.260, traffic regulations (Repealed by 246.A) |
246.A | 6/14/94 | Adds § 10.04.055 and repeals and replaces §§ 10.04.020, 10.04.030, 10.04.040, 10.04.070, 10.04.260 (Repealed by 246.B) |
246.B | 10/8/02 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.04, traffic regulations (10.04) |
247 | 2/11/92 | Conditional use permit (Special) |
248 | 12/17/91 | Library construction fund (Special) |
249 | 12/17/91 | 1992 budget (Special) |
249.A | 4/7/92 | Amends Ord. 249, 1992 budget (Special) |
249.B | 9/15/92 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
249.C | 12/8/92 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
250 | 1/14/92 | Adds subsections (G) and (H) to § 8.08.030, noise control (8.08) |
251 | 2/11/92 | Protection of sensitive areas (Repealed by 389) |
251.A | 7/26/94 | Amends § 18.12.100, sensitive areas (Repealed by 389) |
252 | 4/14/92 | Solid waste management comprehensive plan (8.24) |
253 | 6/16/92 | Use of fireworks (Repealed by 253.C) |
253.A | 10/13/92 | Use of fireworks (Repealed by 253.C) |
253.B | 6/11/02 | Adds § 8.28.020, fireworks (Repealed by 253.C) |
253.C | 7/23/02 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.28, fireworks prohibited (Repealed by 436) |
254 | 7/14/92 | ULID sewer levy (Special) |
255 | (Number not used) | |
256 | 7/14/92 | ULID sewer construction fees (Special) |
256.A | 5/9/00 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 256, ULID sewer construction fees (Special) |
257 | 7/28/92 | Funds transfer (Special) |
258 | 7/28/92 | Authorizing bond maturity date extension (Special) |
259 | 11/24/92 | 1993 budget (Special) |
260 | 9/08/92 | SEPA procedures (Special) |
261 | 9/08/92 | ULID bond issuance; amends Ord. 216.B (Special) |
261.A | 6/8/93 | Adds § 25 to Ord. 261, ULID bond issuance (Special) |
262 | 9/08/92 | Establishes bond and obligation registration system (3.64) |
263 | 9/22/92 | Adds Ch. 2.84, reporting improper governmental action and protecting employees against retaliation (2.36) |
264 | 1/12/93 | Annexation (Special) |
265 | 4/13/93 | Plat modification (Special) |
266 | 10/5/93 | Segregation of assessments (3.48) |
267 | 12/14/93 | 1994 budget (Special) |
267.A | 12/20/94 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
268 | 12/28/93 | Regulation of basic service tier rates and related equipment, installation and service charges of cable television systems (Not codified) |
269 | 12/28/93 | Annexation (Special) |
270 | 4/26/94 | Adopts comprehensive plan and maps (Special) |
271 | 5/17/94 | Public records (2.40) |
271.A | 11/1/94 | Amends § 7(B) of Ord. 271, public records (Title 2) |
271.B | 12/6/94 | Amends § 7(A) of Ord. 271, public records (Title 2) |
272 | 8/9/94 | Annexation (Special) |
273 | 9/13/94 | Submission to voters at a special election – library bonds (Special) |
274 | 9/13/94 | Adds § 13.04.495, sewage disposal systems (13.04) |
275 | 9/13/94 | Sewer agreement between Roger Hawks and the city (Special) |
276 | 12/20/94 | 1995 budget (Special) |
277 | 12/13/94 | Submission to voters at a special election – library bonds (Special) |
278 | 12/13/94 | Annexation (Special) |
279 | 11/28/95 | 1996 budget (Special) |
280 | 10/24/95 | Bond issue (Special) |
281 | 9/10/96 | Adds Ch. 1.18, public meetings (1.12) |
282 | 11/26/96 | Clearing, grading and filling (Repealed by 442) |
282.A | 7/14/98 | Amends § 18.16.040(C)(6), clearing, grading and filling (Repealed by 442) |
283 | 12/17/96 | 1997 budget (Special) |
283.A | 2/25/97 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
284 | 2/25/97 | Franchise grant to Metricom, Inc., telecommunications system (Special) |
285 | 3/11/97 | Voter registration file maintenance (Special) |
286 | 9/9/97 | Adds § 9.04.040, warrant checks (9.04) |
287 | 10/21/97 | Adds Ch. 2.89, arts commission (Repealed by 287.A) |
287.A | 7/14/98 | Repeals Ord. 287 (Repealer) |
288 | 12/9/97 | Adopts 1998 budget (Special) |
288.A | 9/8/98 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
289 | 12/9/97 | Park acquisition and development fund (Special) |
290 | 4/14/98 | Development moratorium along Floral Way sewer line (Special) |
290.A | 10/13/98 | Extends development moratorium along Floral Way sewer line (Special) |
290.B | 4/13/99 | Extends development moratorium along Floral Way sewer line (Special) |
290.C | 7/6/99 | Extends development moratoria in Swamp Creek drainage basin (Special) |
291 | 12/22/98 | Adopts 1999 budget (Special) |
291.A | 4/13/99 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
291.B | 12/14/99 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
292 | 5/11/99 | Development moratorium in Swamp Creek drainage basin (Special) |
293 | 8/8/00 | Telecommunications (4.02, 4.04, 4.06, 4.08, 4.10, 4.12, 4.14, 4.16) |
293.A | 5/22/01 | Adds § 4.14.300(G); amends §§ 4.14.060, 4.14.230, 4.14.250 and 4.14.390, telecommunications (4.14) |
294 | 10/26/99 | Adds Ch. 12.32, stormwater management utility (Repealed by 442) |
295 | 12/21/99 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
295.A | 10/10/00 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
296 | 1/25/00 | Telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
296.A | 7/25/00 | Extends telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special) |
297 | 11/28/00 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
298 | 12/12/00 | Establishes capital equipment purchase fund (Special) |
299 | 12/12/00 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
299.A | 11/27/01 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
300 | 11/27/01 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
300.A | 12/10/02 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
301 | 3/12/02 | Rewards for criminal information; repeals Ord. 28.7 (3.60) |
302 | 3/12/02 | Adopts comprehensive sanitary sewer plan (Repealed by 461) |
303 | 5/21/02 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
304 | 5/27/03 | Adds Ch. 8.02, emergency management (8.02) |
305 | 11/26/02 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
306 | 8/12/03 | Friends of the Park fund (3.52) |
307 | (Not approved) | |
308 | 10/14/03 | Park mitigation fund (3.52) |
309 | 12/23/03 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
310 | 12/23/03 | Establishes new City Hall construction fund (Special) |
311 | 1/27/04 | Drug forfeiture and seizure fund (3.52) |
312 | 2/24/04 | Stormwater stop loss provisions (Repealed by 442) |
313 | 5/25/04 | Funds transfer (Special) |
314 | 6/1/04 | Temporary City Hall location (Special) |
315 | 7/13/04 | City Hall local agency financing lease (Special) |
316 | 12/21/04 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
316A | 7/26/05 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
316B | 12/27/05 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
317 | (Not used) | |
318 | Interim; amends § 15.04.030(F), drain pumps (Expired) | |
319 | 5/3/05 | Interim drainage provisions (Expired) |
320 | 4/26/05 | Interim; amends § 18.12.100, lot size averaging (Expired) |
321 | 10/4/05 | Repeals and replaces § 17.38.030; repeals § 17.38.060, signs in the public right-of-way (17.38) |
322 | 11/8/05 | Tax levy (Special) |
323 | 11/22/05 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
324 | 11/22/05 | Sewer rates (13.08) |
325 | 1/24/06 | Amends § 16.20.020(20); repeals and replaces § 16.16.150(A)(1); repeals §§ 16.16.150(A)(2) – (A)(5) and 18.08.090(B)(3), drainage (16.16, 16.20, 19.08) |
326 | 2/14/06 | Amends § 12.16.040, athletic facility use regulations (12.16) |
327 | 2/14/06 | Repeals and replaces § 2.44.030(B), police civil service commission (Repealed by 331) |
328 | 2/14/06 | Adds §§ 2.40.290, 2.40.300, 2.40.310 and 2.40.320, police detective (Title 2) |
329 | 2/14/06 | Adds §§ 2.40.250, 2.40.260, 2.40.270 and 2.40.280, support services supervisor (Title 2) |
330 | 2/14/06 | |
331 | 3/14/06 | Repeals and replaces § 2.44.030; renames Ch. 2.44, civil service rules and regulations (2.44) |
332 | 4/25/06 | Adopts Ord. 325 as a permanent enactment (Special) |
333 | 5/9/06 | Franchise grant to Black Rock Cable, Inc. (Special) |
334 | 11/14/06 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
335 | 10/10/06 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.32, short subdivisions (16.32) |
336 | 9/12/06 | Repeals and replaces § 10.04.180, adjustment of speed limits for identified roadways (10.04) |
337 | 11/28/06 | Tax levy (Special) |
338 | 11/14/06 | Adds § 17.24.010(C)(6), use districts (17.24) |
339 | 11/28/06 | Amends § 9.08.020, controlled substances (9.08) |
340 | 11/14/06 | Adds Ch. 18.20, tree preservation ordinance (Repealed by 442) |
341 | 11/28/06 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
342 | (Failed) | |
343 | 1/2/07 | Amends §§ 17.12.040(B) and (F) and 17.12.050(B), home occupation regulations (17.12) |
344 | 3/6/07 | Repeals §§ 2.60.010(G), 2.60.170(B), 2.60.180(A) and (C) and 2.60.190 (Title 2) |
345 | 6/12/07 | Adds Ch. 2.92, defense and indemnification of city officers and employees (2.44) |
346 | 8/28/07 | Amends §§ 13.08.030 and 13.08.080, sewer connections (13.08) |
347 | (Not used) | |
348 | 11/6/07 | Tax levy (Special) |
349 | 11/13/07 | Amends §§ 16.12.040, 16.24.010, 16.24.030 and 16.24.040, subdivision and lot line adjustment review procedures (16.12, 16.24) |
350 | 11/13/07 | Amends § 17.12.040, daycare and adult care home occupations (17.12) |
351 | 11/13/07 | Amends §§ 15.20.010, 15.20.040, 17.24.010 and 17.30.030; repeals §§ 15.20.030 and 15.20.050, manufactured homes and retail businesses in the BN zone (15.20, 17.24, 17.30) |
352 | 11/13/07 | Amends §§ 16.04.030, 16.16.160, 16.20.020(A) and 16.32.020(A), tree preservation in subdivisions (16.04, 16.16, 16.20, 16.32) |
353 | 11/13/07 | Adds § 16.28.040; amends § 16.08.020, plat and lot line adjustment processing fees (16.08, 16.28) |
354 | 11/27/07 | Amends § 3.36.010, sewer fund investment income (3.52) |
355 | 11/27/07 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
356 | 8/5/08 | Cable television franchise (Special) |
357 | 10/28/08 | Tax levy (Special) |
358 | 11/25/08 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
359 | 11/25/08 | Adds Chs. 17.42 and 17.44, comprehensive plan (17.42, 17.44) |
360 | 12/09/08 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
360.A | 11/24/09 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
361 | 12/16/08 | Amends § 12.16.040(B), athletic facility use (12.16) |
362 | 5/26/09 | Adds § 16.12.035; amends §§ 16.12.030 and 16.12.050, administrative provisions (16.12) |
363 | 3/10/09 | Amends Title 3, revenue and finance (3.04, 3.08, 3.12, 3.16, 3.20, 3.24, 3.28, 3.32, 3.36, 3.40, 3.44, 3.48, 3.52, 3.56, 3.60, 3.64) |
364 | 4/14/09 | Local improvement district (Special) |
365 | 5/26/09 | Amends Title 1, general provisions (1.01, 1.04, 1.08, 1.12, 1.16, 1.20, 1.24, 1.28) |
366 | 5/26/09 | Amends Title 2, administration and personnel (2.04, 2.08, 2.12, 2.16, 2.20, 2.28, 2.32, 2.36, 2.40, 2.44, 2.48) |
367 | 8/25/09 | Amends Ch. 12.04, drainage code (Repealed by 430) |
368 | 10/13/09 | Amends §§ 13.08.010, 13.08.020 and 13.08.025, sewer service charges (13.08) |
369 | 10/13/09 | Cable franchise (Special) |
370 | 11/24/09 | Amends § 2.32.010, credit cards issuance authority – general provisions (2.32) |
371 | 11/24/09 | Amends §§ 3.52.020 and 3.52.030, use of checks (3.52) |
372 | 11/24/09 | Tax levy (Special) |
373 | 12/8/09 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
373.A | 10/26/10 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
374 | 1/12/10 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
375 | 4/27/10 | Approves and confirms final assessment roll for local improvement district (Special) |
376 | 4/13/10 | Amends § 17.30.020(J), neighborhood business zone (17.30) |
377 | 3/23/10 | Amends §§ 16.08.010, 16.16.150, 16.20.010, 16.24.010, 16.24.020, 16.24.050, 18.16.060 and 18.16.070(D), subdivisions, environment (16.08, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24) |
378 | 4/13/10 | Amends § 9.08.010, controlled substances (9.08) |
379 | 7/13/10 | Amends §§ 13.04.390 and 16.16.032, grinder pumps (13.04, 16.16) |
380 | 7/13/10 | Adds [amends] Ch. 15.04, city building code (15.04) |
381 | 7/13/10 | Amends § 1.28.030(C), general penalty (1.28) |
382 | 8/17/10 | Amends § 2.12.030, planning commission (2.12) |
382.A | 12/14/10 | Amends § 2.12.030, planning commission (2.12) |
383 | 10/12/10 | Amends [adds] § 2.04.050; amends § 2.04.040, city council and mayor (2.04) |
384 | 10/26/10 | Tax levy (Special) |
385 | 11/9/10 | Amends §§ 12.32.110, 12.32.150(A) and 12.32.170(A), stormwater management utility (Repealed by 442) |
386 | 11/23/10 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
386.A | 12/13/11 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
386.B | 12/27/11 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
387 | 3/22/11 | Adds Ch. 1.32, code enforcement (1.32) |
388 | 6/28/11 | Amends § 17.04.040 and Ch. 17.30, electric vehicle infrastructure (17.04, 17.30) |
389 | 8/9/11 | Adds new Titles 18 and 19; repeals Ch. 18.12; renumbers Chs. 18.04 to 19.04, 18.08 to 19.08, 18.16 to 19.12 and 18.20 to 19.16, critical areas and environment (18.10, 18.20, 18.30, 18.40, 18.50, 18.60, 18.70, 18.80, 19.04, 19.08) |
389.A | 7/24/12 | Adopts Stream 0056 and Abbey View Drainage map; amends § 18.60.010, designation and rating of streams (18.60) |
390 | 2/28/12 | Amends Ch. 17.12, home occupation regulations (17.12) |
391 | 12/13/11 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) |
392 | 2/28/12 | Adds Ch. 17.40, personal wireless communications (17.40) |
393 | 10/25/11 | Tax levy (Special) |
394 | 11/8/11 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
395 | 12/13/11 | Amends § 12.32.150, storm and surface water charges (Repealed by 442) |
396 | 12/13/11 | Amends §§ 13.08.010, 13.08.020, 13.08.070, 13.08.110 and 13.08.120; repeals § 13.08.025, sewer service charges, fees and connection charges (13.08) |
397 | 12/13/11 | Rezone (Special) |
398 | 1/24/12 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings (2.04) |
399 | 2/28/12 | Adds Ch. 8.32, outdoor lighting on private property (8.32) |
400 | 2/28/12 | Adds Ch. 17.48, parking and storage of vehicles (17.48) |
401 | 5/1/12 | Annexation (Special) |
402 | 5/22/12 | Adds Title 20, shoreline management program (20.10) |
403 | 5/22/12 | Amends Ch. 8.04, outdoor burning (8.04) |
404 | 5/22/12 | Amends Ch. 8.12, nuisances (8.12) |
405 | 5/22/12 | Adds Ch. 8.36, junk and inoperative vehicles (8.36) |
406 | 5/22/12 | Amends Ch. 17.48, parking and storage of vehicles (17.48) |
407 | 10/23/12 | Tax levy (Special) |
408 | 11/6/12 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
408.A | 11/12/13 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
409 | 2/12/13 | Amends Ch. 12.16, athletic facility use regulations (12.16) |
410 | 7/9/13 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building code (15.04) |
411 | 8/27/13 | Fiber optic telecommunications system franchise (Special) |
412 | 7/23/13 | Amends § 3.56.030, small works procedures (3.56) |
413 | 8/6/13 | Amends §§ 13.08.100, 13.08.110, 13.08.120 and 13.08.130; repeals §§ 13.08.070 and 13.08.140, sewer system connection charges (13.08) |
414 | 11/12/13 | Tax levy (Special) |
415 | 11/26/13 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
416 | 4/22/14 | Telecommunications system franchise (Special) |
417 | 8/12/14 | Water and wastewater system franchise (Special) |
418 | 7/22/14 | Annexation zoning (Special) |
419 | 10/28/14 | Tax levy (Special) |
420 | 11/25/14 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
420.A | 12/22/15 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
421 | 1/13/15 | Amends §§ 17.48.030(A) and (D); repeals § 17.48.010(C), commercial vehicles (17.48) |
422 | 1/27/15 | Amends §§ 12.32.110 and 12.32.170, stormwater management utility (Repealed by 442) |
423 | 4/28/15 | Annexation (Special) |
424 | 7/14/15 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
424.A | 2/28/17 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
425 | 7/28/15 | Adds Ch. 2.52, hearing examiner (2.52) |
426 | 9/8/15 | Amends Ch. 18.20, wetlands (18.20) |
426.A | 3/8/16 | Amends Ch. 18.20, wetlands (18.20) |
427 | 10/27/15 | Tax levy (Special) |
428 | 11/10/15 | Amends §§ 12.32.110 and 12.32.170, stormwater management utility (Repealed by 442) |
429 | 11/24/15 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
430 | 1/12/16 | Adds T. 14; amends §§ 1.32.020, 16.16.035, 16.16.150, 16.20.020, 16.32.020, 16.32.035 and 17.29.010; repeals Ch. 12.04, stormwater (1.32, 16.16, 16.20, 16.32, 17.29) |
431 | 1/26/16 | Amends § 5.04.080, business licenses (5.04) |
432 | 1/26/16 | Amends Ch. 10.04, traffic regulations (10.04) |
433 | 4/26/16 | Amends Title 6, §§ 17.04.040 and 17.24.010(B), animals (6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 6.16, 6.20, 6.24, 6.32, 6.36, 6.40, 17.04, 17.24) |
434 | 5/24/16 | Amends Ch. 15.04, city building code (15.04) |
435 | 5/24/16 | Amends § 1.28.030, Ch. 1.32 and §§ 4.02.120, 5.04.160, 5.12.040, 5.16.190, 8.02.130, 8.04.060, 8.08.060, 8.12.090, 8.16.070, 8.24.030, 8.32.080, 12.12.130, 12.16.060, 12.20.020, 12.24.050, 13.04.560, 14.04.430, 15.04.470, 15.08.080, 15.20.070, 15.24.050, 16.12.050, 17.36.070, 18.10.220(E) and 19.12.080; repeals §§ 17.12.060(F) and 17.48.070, penalty provisions (1.28, 1.32, 4.02, 5.04, 5.12, 5.16, 8.02, 8.04, 8.08, 8.12, 8.16, 8.24, 8.32, 12.12, 12.16, 12.20, 13.04, 14.04, 15.04, 15.08, 15.20, 15.24, 16.12, 17.12, 17.36, 18.10) |
436 | 6/14/16 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.28, fireworks prohibited (8.28) |
437 | 6/28/16 | Amends §§ 13.08.010, 13.08.020, 13.08.050, 13.08.090 and 13.08.110, sewer service charges (13.08) |
438 | 7/26/16 | Amends §§ 12.32.110 and 12.32.170(A), stormwater management utility (Repealed by 442) |
439 | 7/26/16 | Adds Ch. 3.68; amends §§ 16.16.140 and 17.36.020, park impact fees (3.68, 16.16, 17.36) |
440 | 11/8/16 | Tax levy (Special) |
441 | 12/13/16 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
441.A | 11/14/16 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
442 | 12/13/16 | Adds Chs. 14.08, 17.50 and 19.24; amends §§ 8.12.040, 17.29.010, 17.30.060, 17.31.010, 17.32.010, 17.33.010 and Ch. 17.48; repeals and replaces Ch. 14.04; repeals Chs. 12.24, 12.32, § 17.08.060, Chs. 19.12 and 19.16, stormwater and low impact development (8.12, 14.04, 14.08, 17.29, 17.30, 17.31, 17.32, 17.33, 17.48, 17.50, 19.24) |
443 | 12/13/16 | Amends §§ 17.29.010 and 17.36.050, conditional use permits and variances (17.29, 17.36) |
444 | 5/9/17 | Amends Ch. 8.36, junk and inoperative vehicles on private property (8.36) |
445 | 6/13/17 | Amends Ch. 5.04, § 17.04.040, Ch. 17.12 and §§ 17.24.010 and 17.30.020, home occupation business licenses (5.04, 17.04, 17.12, 17.24, 17.30) |
446 | 9/12/17 | Telecommunications system franchise (Special) |
447 | 9/26/17 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
448 | 11/14/17 | Tax levy (Special) |
449 | 11/28/17 | Amends § 2.04.040, compensation for mayor (2.04) |
450 | 11/28/17 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
450.A | 11/13/18 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
451 | 4/24/18 | Amends § 10.04.200, speed limits (10.04) |
452 | 7/10/18 | Adds Ch. 17.52; amends §§ 17.50.010 – 17.50.090, 17.50.110 – 17.50.140, 17.50.160 – 17.50.260 and 17.50.310 – 17.50.390; repeals §§ 17.50.100 and 17.50.270, 17.50.280, 17.50.290 and 17.50.300, zoning (17.50, 17.52) |
453 | 7/10/18 | Adds §§ 17.38.020, 17.38.130 and 17.38.140; amends §§ 17.38.010 – 17.38.120; repeals §§ 17.38.055, 17.38.065 and 17.38.085, zoning (17.38) |
454 | 10/23/18 | Tax levy (Special) |
455 | 11/13/18 | Amends §§ 5.04.010, 5.04.020 and 5.04.130, business licenses (5.04) |
456 | 11/27/18 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
456.A | 10/22/19 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
457 | 12/11/18 | Adds § 17.24.010(D); amends §§ 17.04.040, 17.12.020 and 17.30.040, short term rentals (17.04, 17.12, 17.24, 17.30) |
458 | 2/26/19 | |
459 | 8/27/19 | Amends §§ 14.08.090 and 14.08.150(A), stormwater management utility (14.08) |
460 | 8/27/19 | Amends §§ 13.08.010, 13.08.020, 13.08.050 and 13.08.110, sewer system connection charges (13.08) |
461 | 9/10/19 | Adopts sewer plan; repeals Ord. 302 (Special) |
462 | 10/22/19 | Tax levy (Special) |
463 | 11/12/19 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
463.A | 12/15/20 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
464 | 12/10/19 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
465 | 6/23/20 | Amends Chs. 15.28 and 18.40, flood damage prevention (15.28, 18.40) |
465.A | 8/25/20 | Amends § 18.40.040(D)(1), construction in floodways (18.40) |
466 | 9/8/20 | Amends § 8.08.030, nuisance noises designated (8.08) |
467 | 10/27/20 | Tax levy (Special) |
467.A | 10/27/20 | Tax levy (Special) |
468 | 11/24/20 | Amends Ch. 5.04, §§ 5.08.010 and 5.16.110, Ch. 17.12, § 17.24.010, and Ch. 17.30, business license and home occupation license requirements (5.04, 5.08, 5.16, 17.12, 17.24, 17.30) |
469 | 11/24/20 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
469.A | 7/27/21 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
469.B | 12/14/21 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
470 | 1/26/21 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
471 | 2/23/21 | Amends Ch. 15.04, city building code (15.04) |
472 | 7/27/21 | Amends § 1.12.010, city office hours (1.12) |
473 | 6/22/21 | Amends Chs. 6.04, 6.12, 6.24 and 6.32, animal control (6.04, 6.12, 6.24, 6.32) |
474 | 7/27/21 | Amends § 3.68.040, deferral of payment of impact fees (3.68) |
475 | 9/14/21 | Amends §§ 17.04.040(E), (P) and (T), 17.24.010 and 17.30.030, permanent supportive housing and transitional housing (17.04, 17.24, 17.30) |
476 | 10/26/21 | Tax levy (Special) |
477 | 11/9/21 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
478 | 11/9/21 | Amends §§ 17.12.020, 17.12.050, 17.12.060 and 17.12.070, home occupation business license regulations (17.12) |
478.A | 2/22/22 | Amends §§ 17.12.010, 17.12.030, 17.12.050, 17.12.060 and 17.12.070, home occupation business license regulations (17.12) |
479 | 11/9/21 | Amends §§ 17.50.060, 17.50.200, 17.50.230, 17.50.240, 17.50.250, 17.50.310, 17.52.090, 17.52.110 and 17.52.120; repeals § 17.50.190, vegetation and landscaping, tree protection (17.50, 17.52) |
480 | 11/9/21 | Adds Ch. 9.16, use of public property (9.16) |
481 | 12/14/21 | Amends [adds] Ch. 2.72; repeals Ords. 50, 50.A, 50.B and 50.C, public library (2.72) |
482 | 4/26/22 | Amends § 17.04.040, Chs. 17.08, 17.20, 17.24, 17.29, §§ 17.30.010, 17.30.020, 17.30.030, 17.30.060, 17.30.070 and 17.36.050; repeals Chs. 17.16 and 17.28, zoning (17.04, 17.08, 17.20, 17.24, 17.29, 17.30, 17.36) |
482-A | 11/8/22 | Amends § 17.08.050, nonconforming structures (17.08) |
483 | 4/26/22 | Amends Ch. 12.12, right-of-way use permits (12.12) |
484 | 6/28/22 | Amends Ch. 14.04, stormwater management and regulations (14.04) |
485.A | 11/8/22 | Tax levy (Special) |
486 | 11/22/22 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
486.A | 11/14/23 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
487 | 11/8/22 | Amends § 2.12.060, planning commission (2.12) |
488 | 11/22/22 | Amends § 14.08.090, stormwater management utility charges (14.08) |
489 | 2/14/23 | Telecommunications system franchise (Special) |
490 | (Not moved forward) | |
491 | 8/22/23 | Amends § 1.28.030(C), fines, penalties and punishments (1.28) |
492 | 11/14/23 | Amends §§ 14.08.090 and 14.08.150, stormwater management utility charges (14.08) |
493 | 11/15/23 | Tax levy (Special) |
494 | 11/28/23 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
494.A | 11/12/24 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
495 | 10/24/23 | Adopts 2022 stormwater management plan update (Special) |
496 | 3/12/24 | Amends Ch. 15.04, city building code (15.04) |
497 | 6/25/24 | Amends Ch. 1.32, §§ 6.04.020(E), 8.20.220, 8.28.100, 8.32.030 and 15.04.020, code enforcement (1.32, 6.04, 8.20, 8.28, 8.32, 15.04) |
498 | 11/12/24 | Tax levy (Special) |
499 | 11/26/24 | Adopts 2025 budget (Special) |