Chapter 19.19
STEP Housing Revised 2/25
19.19.040 Notice of registration.
19.19.050 Required neighborhood meeting.
19.19.010 Purpose.
STEP Housing supports housing stability and individual safety for those experiencing or who are close to experiencing homelessness by ensuring that housing is accessible to all economic segments of the population and protects the health, peace, safety, and welfare of the individuals served by these use types and the broader community. [Ord. 850 § 8, 2024]
19.19.020 Applicability.
1. When a site includes more than one (1) type of STEP Housing use, the more restrictive requirements shall apply to the entire project.
2. All new STEP Housing uses and expansions of existing STEP Housing uses shall apply for a pre-application meeting per BMC 19.65.040.
3. The following requirements apply to STEP Housing uses permitted in RS-7,200, RS-12,000, and RS-A zones.
a. External alterations that make the property appear less residential are prohibited. Examples of such changes may include paving of setbacks, constructing large parking areas visible from the street or neighboring properties, and commercial-type lighting.
b. Any supportive services administered on-site shall only be available to residents of the use.
4. A City of Burien business license shall be obtained for all services that are provided in a STEP Housing use, as required in BMC 05.05.060. [Ord. 850 § 8, 2024]
19.19.030 Registration.
1. Every applicant for STEP Housing uses is required to register with Burien.
2. The STEP Housing registration shall be submitted to and on a form provided or approved by the Community Development Department. The registration shall include the following information:
a. Name and contact information of property manager(s) and owner(s) who may be contacted in case of emergency or code violations;
b. Name and contact information for on-site or local staff;
c. Standard Operating Procedures for the use shall include but are not limited to:
i. The number of residents intended to be housed in the STEP Housing use or the number of individuals intended to be served daily; and
ii. A description of the supportive services provided on- and off-site, including names and contact information of service providers;
d. A safety and security plan describing measures that the operator will employ to promote the safety of STEP Housing occupants and the surrounding neighborhood;
e. Rules or a code of conduct that applies to all individuals granted access to the STEP Housing use; and
f. Training program and/or training requirements for on-site and supervisory staff providing direct services at STEP Housing projects.
3. The applicant shall register the STEP Housing use with the Community Development Department no less than 14 calendar days before establishing a new STEP Housing use or expansion exceeding the threshold per BMC
4. The registration information described in subsection (2) of this section shall be kept up to date with the Community Development Department. Any change to this required information shall be submitted to the Community Development Department on a revised registration form within 14 calendar days. No additional notice shall be required upon submitting a revised registration form. [Ord. 850 § 8, 2024]
19.19.040 Notice of registration.
1. All new STEP Housing projects and expansions of existing projects greater than 50% increase in gross floor area or 50% increase in the number of units or beds are required to provide notice of registration for the STEP Housing use unless otherwise exempt in this section.
2. The following projects are exempt from the requirements of this section.
a. Permanent Supportive Housing and Transitional Housing projects in any residential zone with less than 4 units.
b. Confidential shelters in any zone.
3. Distribution. A notice of registration shall be distributed as follows:
a. Mailed via first class mail to agencies with jurisdiction and property owners of record within 500 feet of the subject property and the notice shall include information for how to access the registration submittal documents per BMC
b. Posted on one or more notice boards on or near the subject property. The Director shall establish standards for the size, color, layout, design, wording, and placement of the signs and notice boards.
4. Time Frame for Notice of Registration.
a. When notice of application is required per BMC 19.65.040, the notice of application distribution shall include a notice of registration for the STEP Housing use.
b. When a notice of application is not required per BMC 19.65.040, and the STEP Housing use requires a building permit for any alterations to the structure intended for a STEP Housing use, the mailed notice of registration shall be distributed 14 days before issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
c. When a notice of application is not required per BMC 19.65.040, and the proposed STEP Housing use does not require a building permit, the notice of registration shall be mailed following submittal of the required registration under subsection BMC 19.19.030 and 14 calendar days before the STEP Housing use begins operations. [Ord. 850 § 8, 2024]
19.19.050 Required neighborhood meeting.
1. General Requirements. All new STEP Housing uses must host at least one neighborhood meeting before beginning operations, unless otherwise exempted under this section to present the project, share information with the community, and address their questions.
2. Exemptions. The following projects are exempt from the requirements of this section.
a. Permanent Supportive Housing and Transitional Housing projects in any residential zone with less than 4 units.
b. Confidential shelters in any zone.
3. Distribution of Meeting Notice. An invitation to the neighborhood meeting, including the date, time, and location, shall be included in the notice of registration and distributed with the notice of registration under BMC 19.19.040.
4. Timing of Neighborhood Meeting. The required neighborhood meeting shall occur after the pre-application meeting and no less than 14 days before the STEP Housing use begins operations.
5. Additional Requirement for Emergency Shelters: Applicants for an emergency shelter with a capacity for 35 individuals or more shall host two neighborhood meetings.
a. The first neighborhood meeting shall occur within four weeks of the notice of application.
b. The second neighborhood meeting shall occur no less than 14 days before the STEP Housing use begins operations. Notice for the second meeting shall be provided at least 14 days before the meeting consistent with BMC 19.19.040. [Ord. 850 § 8, 2024]