Chapter 10.06


10.06.010    Distribution prohibited.

10.06.020    Exceptions.

10.06.030    Marking upon streets and sidewalks prohibited.

10.06.040    Yard/garage sale signs.

10.06.010 Distribution prohibited.

It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to do any of the following:

A.    Post or attach any handbill, circular, advertising matter, or other papers of any kind for advertising or other purposes on any post, fence, tree, building, or other structure which is city property except upon billboards or other structures erected for that purpose;

B.    Throw, deposit, scatter, or place any handbills, circulars, papers, or other advertising matter upon the streets, alleys or other public places in the city;

C.    Throw, deposit, scatter, or place any handbills, circulars, papers, or other advertising matter upon the walks, yards, porches, or vestibules of any private dwelling in the city; provided, however, that newspapers and sealed and addressed envelopes shall not be considered within the provisions of this section;

D.    Throw, place, or deposit any handbill, circulars, papers, or any other advertising matter in or upon automobiles without the owner’s consent. (Ord. 2499 § 1, 2022; Ord. 1688 § 5 (part), 1990).

10.06.020 Exceptions.

CMC 10.06.010 shall not apply to the following:

A.    Any candidate for political office, their agents, representatives, volunteers or employees engaged in the distribution of materials and information relative to qualification for election, or to any person distributing information relative to a ballot issue preceding election thereon.

B.    All bona fide religious organizations engaging in house-to-house ministry. (Ord. 2499 § 1, 2022; Ord. 2310 § 1, 2013: Ord. 1688 § 5 (part), 1990).

10.06.030 Marking upon streets and sidewalks prohibited.

No person shall use the streets or sidewalks of the city for the purpose of painting or impressing thereon any pictures, sign, mark, letter, or words for advertising purposes, or for any other purpose; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the officials of the city of Centralia in painting or impressing markings for traffic control upon the streets or sidewalks of the city. (Ord. 2499 § 1, 2022; Ord. 1688 § 5 (part), 1990).

10.06.040 Yard/garage sale signs.

A.    A temporary sign advertising a yard or garage type sale is prohibited from being affixed to a city-owned street lamp pole or electric utility pole with any method of attachment. Method of attachment includes but is not limited to tape, staples, glue, nails, screws or other methods used to secure signs to street lamp poles or electric utility poles.

B.    Temporary sandwich boards or signs not anchored into the ground are authorized on private property with owner permission.

C.    All temporary yard or garage sale signs shall be removed within seventy-two hours of posting.

D.    Penalty. Violation of this section shall result in a Class 1 civil infraction of up to two hundred fifty dollars per violation. Additionally, any damage caused by the signs being affixed to the pole shall be the financial responsibility of the property owner advertising the yard/garage sale to pay restitution to the city for the damage. (Ord. 2499 § 1, 2022).