Chapter 10.09


10.09.010    State statutes adopted.

10.09.020    Theft detection and holdup alarm systems.

10.09.010 State statutes adopted.

RCW 9.40.100, Injuring or Tampering with Fire Alarm Apparatus or Equipment—Sounding False Alarm of Fire, as now in force or hereafter amended, added to or deleted from, is adopted by reference as part of this chapter. (Ord. 1688 § 6 (part), 1990).

10.09.020 Theft detection and holdup alarm systems.

A.    Application of Chapter Provisions. This chapter shall apply only to theft detection or holdup alarm systems or equipment designed to be monitored so as to convey to a dispatch center electronically a message for the purpose of evoking a police response. None of the provisions of this chapter shall apply to the installation or maintenance of alarms which are not so monitored.

B.    Terminations and False Alarms.

1.    A false alarm shall mean the activation of said alarm by means other than for which the alarm is intended, including, but not limited to, alarm malfunctions, power failure and employee error.

2.    The chief of police, in addition to the procedure outlined in subsection (B)(4) of this section, may refuse to allow police response due to repeated failure of equipment or circuitry, multiple false alarms or failure to comply with all the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that nothing in this section (B) shall authorize the chief of police to terminate police response sooner than provided in subsection (B)(4) of this section when the sole reason for such termination is nonpayment of the false alarm penalty. Such notice of discontinuation shall be made in writing to both the agency supplying the alarm and to the person, firm or corporation affected, at least three business days prior to discontinuance of public response. In the event of temporary failure of alarm equipment or circuitry, the chief of police may order all emergency response actions discontinued until the necessary repairs are made on the affected equipment.

3.    In instances involving more than two false alarms causing police response from any one location within any continuous ninety-day period, the following service charges shall be levied by the chief of police:

Third false alarm within a continuous ninety-day period    

$ 50.00

Fourth false alarm within a continuous ninety-day period    


Fifth and each subsequent false alarm within a continuous ninety-day


provided, however, that if the chief of police determines that a new system has been installed or adequate repairs have been made to an existing alarm system, a new continuous ninety-day shall commence following said new installation or satisfactory repair.

4.    The false alarm penalty referred to in subsection (B)(3) of this section will be billed directly by the city to the alarm customer involved in said false alarm. If the city does not receive payment of the penalty within thirty days from the date of billing, the city may terminate police response to said alarm until the penalty is paid.

5.    Any alarm customer may, within ten days of receiving notice of a service charge for a false alarm, appeal said charge to the city manager if the customer feels that said charge was improperly assessed. A decision by the city manager upon said appeal shall be final.

C.    Violation—Penalty. Intentionally causing a false alarm is declared to be unlawful and any person convicted of such a violation is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. (Ord. 1688 § 6 (part), 1990).