Chapter 10.12


10.12.010    Cruelty prohibited.

10.12.020    State statutes adopted.

10.12.040    Trapping.

10.12.010 Cruelty prohibited.

A.    It is unlawful for any person to:

1.    Cruelly beat, torture, misuse, deprive of food or water, or otherwise misuse any animal or fowl cruelly;

2.    Confine, without adequate ventilation, any animal in a box, container, or vehicle;

3.    Tether or confine any animal in such a manner or in such a place as to cause injury or pain or to endanger an animal, or to keep an animal in quarters that are injurious to the animal due to inadequate protection from heat or cold, or that are of insufficient size to permit the animal to move about freely;

4.    Keep an animal in an unsanitary condition or fail to provide sufficient food, water, shelter, or ventilation necessary for the good health of that animal; or

5.    Abandon any animal. Any such animal or fowl may be immediately impounded upon discovery of facts and circumstances leading to a reasonable belief that this section is being violated.

B.    Diseased Animals—Restrictions. No person having charge thereof shall import or drive into the city, or turn out or allow to run at large upon any highway or unenclosed lands, or upon land bordering enclosed lands kept by any person for pasture, or keep or allow to be kept in any barn with other animals, or water or allow to be watered at any public drinking fountain or watering place any animal having any contagious or infectious disease. No person shall sell, let, or dispose of any such animal, knowing it to be so diseased, without first apprising the purchaser or person taking the animal of the existence of such disease. (Ord. 1712 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1688 § 7 (part), 1990).

10.12.020 State statutes adopted.

RCW 9.08.070, Taking, Concealing, Injuring, Killing, Etc.—Penalty, as now in force or hereafter amended, added to or deleted from, is adopted by reference as part of this chapter. (Ord. 1848 § 34, 1995: Ord. 1688 § 7 (part), 1990).

10.12.040 Trapping.

A.    Trapping Unlawful. It is declared to be unlawful to trap furbearing animals, as classified by the Washington State Department of Wildlife and/or the Washington State Wildlife Commission within the city. As used in this section, “trap” means a method of hunting using devices to capture wild animals.

B.    Exceptions. Notwithstanding any language in this section to the contrary, the city council may authorize by motion the removal, killing or trapping of such furbearing animals on a sufficient showing that such wildlife is destroying or injuring property or when it is necessary for wildlife management or research. (Ord. 1688 § 7 (part), 1990).