Chapter 15.10
15.10.010 Inspection required – Disconnections – Reconnections.
15.10.020 Appointment of electrical inspector.
15.10.030 Permit – Application – Issuance.
15.10.050 Required corrections or changes – Written report and copy.
15.10.060 Violation – Penalty.
15.10.010 Inspection required – Disconnections – Reconnections.
An inspection shall be made of all wiring, appliances, devices, and equipment pursuant to Chapter 19.28 RCW. Whenever the installation of any wiring, device, appliance, or equipment is not in accordance with Chapter 19.28 RCW, or is in such a condition as to be dangerous to life or property, the person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity owning, using or operating it shall be notified by the town’s electrical inspector and shall, within 15 days, or such further reasonable time as may upon request be granted, make such repairs and changes as are required to remove the danger to life or property and to make it conform to the provisions of Chapter 19.28 RCW. The town’s electrical inspector is hereby empowered to disconnect or order the discontinuance of electrical service to conductors or equipment that are found to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition and not in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 19.28 RCW. Upon making a disconnection, the inspector shall attach a notice stating that the connectors have been found dangerous to life or property and are not in accordance with provisions of Chapter 19.28 RCW. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person to reconnect such defective connectors or equipment without the approval of the town electrical inspector and until the conductors or equipment have been placed in a safe and secure condition, and in a condition that complies with the provisions of Chapter 19.28 RCW. The town electrical inspector shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter into and upon any building or premises in the discharge of his or her official duties for the purpose of making any inspection or test of the installation of new construction or altered electrical wiring, electrical devices, equipment, or material contained in or on the buildings or premises. No electrical wiring or equipment subject to Chapter 19.28 RCW may be concealed until it has been approved by the inspector making the inspection. Persons, firms, partnerships, corporations or other entities making electrical installations shall obtain inspection and approval from the town’s electrical inspector before requesting the electrical utility to connect to the installations. (Ord. 302 § 1, 1984)
15.10.020 Appointment of electrical inspector.
The mayor shall have the power to appoint a town electrical inspector to enforce the provisions of this chapter, the National Electrical Code, the provisions of Chapter 19.28 RCW which are hereby adopted by this reference, and included herein as though fully set forth, and any and all other applicable rules, regulations, statutes or ordinances. Said electrical inspector must be qualified as provided in RCW 19.28.070. (Ord. 302 § 2, 1984)
15.10.030 Permit – Application – Issuance.
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity installing or altering electrical wiring, electrical devices, equipment to which Chapter 19.28 RCW applies, shall apply to the town clerk in writing for a permit prior to beginning any such installation or alteration of electrical wiring, electrical devices, equipment or material subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.28 RCW. The application shall be accompanied by such plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether the proposed installation conforms with the requirements of all applicable rules, regulations, statutes, codes, and ordinances. If the proposed installation is found to so conform, a permit shall be issued. (Ord. 302 § 3, 1984)
15.10.040 Inspection fees.
Inspection fees shall be charged for all inspection and re-inspections in connection with the issuance of any permit pursuant to this chapter at the rate of $10.00 per inspection. Payment for initial inspection shall be made at the time of applying for the electrical permit as provided above. Each additional trip necessitated in completing the inspection shall be considered a separate inspection for the purpose of this chapter. All additional inspection fees shall be paid in advance. (Ord. 302 § 4, 1984)
15.10.050 Required corrections or changes – Written report and copy.
If any inspection requires any correction or change in the work inspected, a written report of the inspection shall be made by the inspector in which report the corrections or changes required shall be plainly stated. A copy of the report shall be furnished to the person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity doing the installation work. (Ord. 302 § 5, 1984)
15.10.060 Violation – Penalty.
In addition to remedies provided by state law, failure to perform any act required or the performance of any act prohibited by this chapter is designated as a civil infraction. Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity found to have committed a civil infraction shall be assessed a monetary penalty which penalty may not exceed $500.00 for each offense. Each day during which a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense and separate penalties may be assessed for each separate offense. (Ord. 302 § 6, 1984)