Link to ordinances passed but not yet codified
Number | Passage Date | Subject/Location |
5/28/1890 | Fixing the Time and Place of Holding Regular and Special Meetings of the Council of the Town of Kent (Office of W.J. Shinn) | |
5/28/1890 | Requiring Certain Officers of the Town of Kent to File Official Bonds and Fixing the Penalties Thereof | |
5/28/1890 | Defining & Describing: Punishment for Misdemeanors | |
6/2/1890 | Adopting Seal for Town of Kent & Fixing Form of License & Warrants Issued by Said Town | |
6/2/1890 | Enumerating and Providing for the Punishment and Abatement of Nuisances | |
6/2/1890 | Prevention of Fires & Establishing Regulation Flue & Prohibiting Use of Stove Pipes within Certain Limits | |
6/2/1890 | Licensing of Certain Vocations | |
6/2/1890 | Defining and Prescribing Punishment for Certain Misdemeanors | |
6/9/1890 | Governing Traffic in intoxicating & Malt Liquors | |
6/9/1890 | Preventing Animals from Running at Large | |
6/30/1890 | Governing General Nuisances (Private Property) & Prohibiting Firecrackers, Bombs, Etc. | |
6/30/1890 | Licensing of Animals | |
6/30/1890 | Providing for Collection of Road Poll Tax | |
6/30/1890 | Preventing Discharge of Firearms | |
6/30/1890 | Prescribing the Manner and Time for Advertising for Bids for Public Works | |
6/30/1890 | Providing for Compensation of town officials (Marshal, Clerk, Treasurer, Attorney & Police Justice) | |
7/7/1890 | Providing for Assessment, Levy and Collection of Taxes & Creating Board of Equalization | |
7/7/1890 | Declaring Misdemeanor for Climbing on Moving Trains | |
7/7/1890 | Fixing Train Speeds | |
8/11/1890 | Fixing the Place of Meeting of the Council of the town of Kent | |
8/11/1890 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the Year 1890 in the town of Kent | |
11/3/1980 | Providing for the Grubbing, stumping, Grading & Gravelling of Meeker Street | |
11/17/1980 | Providing for Uniform Construction, Width & Material of Wooden Sidewalks | |
12/1/1890 | Providing for Wooden Sidewalks on South Side of Titus | |
12/22/1890 | Providing for Grading and stumping of 3rd Street | |
12/22/1890 | Creating Meeker Street Grade Funds | |
12/22/1890 | Creating Titus Street Grade Fund | |
12/22/1890 | Providing for Assessment & Collection of Taxes to Pay Costs of Streets & Other Improvements | |
12/22/1890 | Creating Third Street Grade Fund | |
1/19/1891 | Fixing the Compensation of Certain Officers of the Town of Kent and Providing for the Payment Thereof | |
2/7/1891 | Providing Grubbing, Stumping, Grading & Sidewalking of 5th Street | |
3/16/1891 | Creating 5th Street Grade Fund | |
3/23/1891 | Providing for Grubbing, Grading & Stumping of 4th Street | |
4/6/1891 | Providing for Protection of Shade and Ornamental Trees | |
5/4/1891 | Providing for the Grading Etc. of Gowe Street from Its Intersection with First Street to the West Boundary Line of Yesler’s 1st Addition | |
5/4/1891 | Providing for the Grubbing, stumping and Grading of Gowe Street from Its Intersection with Railroad Avenue to the East Line of the Washington Central Imp. 1st Addition to Kent and Establishing a Grade 3 Fund | |
5/27/1891 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 7, Licensing of Certain Vocations | |
5/18/1891 | Authorizing Kent Water & Light Company to Provide Water Service to Town of Kent | |
6/15/1891 | Granting a Water Franchise to Farmers Water Co. | |
6/16/1891 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the Year 1891 in the town of Kent | |
6/30/1891 | Amending Ord. 23 Entitled “an Ordinance to Provide for the Uniform Width and Material of Wooden Sidewalks to Be Built in the town of Kent” | |
6/29/1891 | Providing for Building of Wooden Sidewalks on S. Side of Meeker Street | |
6/30/1891 | Providing for Grubbing, Clearing, Grading and Sidewalking of Second Street | |
6/30/1891 | Providing for Issuance, Sale & Redemption of Bonds for Water Works for Fire Protection | |
7/13/1891 | Amending Ordinance No. 43, Sections 1 & 2, Providing for Issuance, Sale & Redemption of Bonds for Water Works for Fire Protection | |
7/27/1891 | Creating East Gowe & West Gowe Street Grade Funds | |
7/27/1891 | Defining Punishment for Misdemeanors | |
8/3/1891 | Grading of Central Avenue & Creating Grade Fund for Same | |
8/17/1891 | Grading of Second Street and Creating Second Street East Grade Fund | |
10/5/1891 | Providing for Sidewalks on North Side of Meeker St | |
10/12/1891 | Creating 2nd Street Grade Fund | |
12/7/1891 | Fixing Place of Meeting for town Council and Location of town Offices | |
3/7/1892 | Amending Sections I, III, Iv, and XIII of an Ordinance of the town of Kent Entitled “an Ordinance to Assess Levy and Collect Taxes within the Corporate Limits of the town of Kent” | |
4/18/1892 | Prohibiting Minors under 16 in Pool Halls | |
4/22/1892 | Creating First Street in the town of Kent | |
4/11/1892 | Creating and Naming First Street & Amending Ordinance No. 54A | |
4/27/1892 | Providing for Grading & Gravelling of First Street | |
4/27/1892 | Providing for Purchase, Construction, and Maintenance of Water Works & Electric Light Systems & Providing for Issuance of Bonds to Pay for Same | |
5/16/1892 | Providing for Grading of Titus Street & Creating Titus Street Grade Fund | |
5/23/1892 | Providing for Grading of Fifth Street & Creation of Fifth Street Grade Fund | |
6/21/1892 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the Year 1892 in the town of Kent | |
7/11/1892 | Specifying the Mode of Improving Streets & Method of Collecting Monies for Payment of Same | |
8/17/1892 | Creating a Water & Light Fund in the Treasury of the town of Kent | |
10/12/1892 | Providing for Water & Light Rates | |
1/16/1893 | Authorizing Lysander & Albert Smith to Build and Maintain Railroad Tracks Along Smith Street | |
2/6/1893 | Providing for Licensing of Drays | |
4/17/1893 | Amending Ord. 12 Regarding Animal Licensing | |
4/17/1893 | Providing for the Licensing of Dogs | |
7/31/1893 | Amending Ord. 9 Re: Liquor Licenses | |
10/16/1893 | Fixing the Rate of Tax Levy for the Year 1893 | |
3/5/1894 | Amending Ord. 62 Setting Water & Light Rates & Creating Salary Fund | |
3/5/1894 | Declaring the town Clerk to Be Ex-officio Superintendent of Water and Light Works, Fixing the Salaries of town Clerk and Chief Engineer of Water and Light Works and Prescribing the Amount of the Bond Required of the town Clerk | |
3/5/1894 | Vacating the Plat of Blocks “C” and “D” and the Lots Numbered from 1 to 40 Consecutively, Both Numbers inclusive, in Each of said Blocks “C” and “D”, and a Certain Portion of Harrison Street, All in Meeker’s Supplemental Plat of the First Addition to the town of Kent | |
11/5/1894 | Fixing the Rate of Tax Levy of the town of Kent for the Year 1894 | |
8/8/1895 | Preventing Animals from Running at Large | |
8/8/1895 | Creating Delinquent Street Grade Fund for Collection of Delinquent Assessments | |
8/8/1895 | Creating Current Expense Fund | |
10/25/1895 | Fixing the Rate of the Tax Levy of the town of Kent for the Year 1895 | |
12/16/1895 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 73, Entitled “an Ordinance to Prevent Animals Running at Large” | |
12/16/1895 | Providing for a New Assessment Upon the Lots Blocks, Parcels and Tracts of Land which have Been Benefitted by the Improvement of Central Avenue | |
12/16/1895 | Providing for a New Assessment Upon the Lots, Blocks, Parcels and Tracts of Land which have Been Benefitted by the Improvement of Smith Street | |
5/4/1896 | Authorizing Kent Lumber Company to Construct & Maintain RR Tracks Along Smith Street & Repealing Ordinance No. 63 | |
10/5/1896 | Fixing the Rate of Tax Levy for the Year 1896 | |
5/11/1897 | Providing for the Collection of a Road Poll Tax for the town of Kent | |
7/5/1897 | To Regulate and Control the Running, by Riding, of Bicycles, within the Limits of the town of Kent, and Providing a Penalty for any Violation of the Same | |
10/4/1897 | Fixing the Rate of Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1897 | |
1/15/1898 | Providing for a New Assessment Upon the Lots, Blocks and Parcels of Land which Front on and have Been Benefitted by the Improvement of Central Avenue | |
1/15/1898 | Providing for a New Assessment Upon the Lots, Blocks and Parcels of Land which Front on and have Been Benefitted by the Improvement of Smith Street | |
1/22/1898 | Granting Free Water to the Washington Condensed Milk Company for one Year | |
1/22/1898 | Granting a Franchise for a Water Pipe to the Washington Condensed Milk Company | |
1/22/1898 | Granting a Franchise for a Sewer Pipe to the Washington Condensed Milk Company | |
1/22/1898 | Granting a Franchise for a Sidetrack to the Washington Condensed Milk Company | |
2/24/1898 | Confirming and Approving the Assessment or Re-Assessment Roll for the Improvement of Central Avenue from Meeker Avenue to the North Boundary Line of the town of Kent, According to the Laws of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the town of Kent, being the Re-Assessment Ordered by Ordinance No. 85 to Be Made for the Improvement of said Central Avenue from Meeker Avenue to the North Boundary Line of the town of Kent, and Levying and assessing the Amounts thereof Against Each Parcel of Land Shown on said Roll, and Providing for the Collection thereof | |
2/24/1898 | Confirming and Approving the Assessment or Re-Assessment Roll for the Improvement of Smith Street in the town of Kent, According to the Laws of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the town of Kent, being the Re-Assessment Ordered by Ordinance No. 86 of the town of Kent to Be Made for the Improvement of said Smith Street in said town of Kent, and Levying and assessing the Amounts thereof Against Each Parcel of Land Shown on said Roll and Providing for the Collection thereof | |
3/7/1898 | Providing for a Reduction of Water Rates, if Paid in Advance | |
10/11/1898 | Fixing the Rate of Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1898 | |
2/6/1899 | Repealing Ordinance No. 67 of the Ordinances of the town of Kent and Fixing the Amount of the License for the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors in Quantities of Less than Five Gallons | |
3/6/1899 | Granting to F.H. Osgood and His Assigns a Permit to Build and Operate an Electric Railway in the town of Kent | |
3/18/1899 | Granting Franchise for Electrical Power Poles to William T. Baker | |
10/9/1899 | Fixing the Rate of Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1899 | |
4/3/1900 | Requiring Bonds Given by Liquor Dealers to Be Signed by Surety Companies | |
4/3/1900 | Granting a Franchise for a Sewer Pipe to the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Co. | |
4/3/1900 | Granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the Right to Lay, Maintain and Operate a Spur Track Across First Street in Yesler’s First Addition to the town of Kent | |
8/20/1900 | Granting to Fred E. Sander, Incorporated, and His Assigns, a Permit to Operate an Electric Railway in the town of Kent | |
11/7/1900 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1900 | |
1/7/1901 | Declaring It a Misdemeanor for Boys and Girls under Sixteen Years of Age to Loiter Between Certain Hours; and Setting Curfew | |
4/1/1901 | Governing the Sale of Real Estate by City | |
4/1/1901 | Prohibiting Minors from Having Possession of, Carrying, Using, Shooting and Discharging Instruments for Shooting | |
(This ordinance passed in 1901 and contains offensive language. It was repealed by 1937.) | ||
7/1/1901 | Authorizing Contract for Water Right and Right-of-way Between the town of Kent and the American Free-Hold Land Mortgage Company of London | |
9/3/1901 | Approving the Location of the Line of Railway of Seattle-Tacoma interurban Railway, a Corporation, Along and Across Certain Streets, Alleys and Avenues in the town of Kent and Granting to said Corporation the Right, Authority and Permission to Locate, Lay Down and Maintain Railway Tracks, Poles, Wires and Appurtenances and to Run and Operate Cars on and Across said Avenues, Alleys and Streets | |
10/7/1901 | Vacating a Portion of the Alley in Block 4 of Yesler’s First Addition | |
11/18/1901 | Declaring Abandoned Wooden Buildings to Be a Nuisance, Providing for their Removal and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of this Ordinance | |
11/18/1901 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the Year 190 | |
2/2/1902 | Vacating Blocks 8 and 9 of Mcmillin’s Addition to Kent | |
3/3/1902 | Creating the Office of Health Officer and Providing for Compensation | |
3/5/1902 | Providing for the Prevention of Spread of Contagious Diseases | |
3/17/1902 | Franchise to Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Co. to Operate a Telephone & Telegraph Business within said town | |
4/21/1902 | Regulating and Controlling Use & Operation of Bicycles & Amending Ord. 83 | |
Missing | ||
6/2/1902 | Authorizing Improvement & Repair of Sidewalks & Preparation of Assessment Rolls | |
6/2/1902 | Granting to Seattle-Tacoma interurban Railway, Its Successors and assigns, Certain Rights for an Electrical System in the town of Kent | |
Missing | ||
6/2/1902 | Approving Assessment Roll for Improvement & Repair of Sidewalks as Described in Ordinance No. 118 | |
9/2/1902 | Preventing Animals from Running at Large and Amending Ordinance No. 73, Section 2 | |
9/2/1902 | Granting to Seattle-Tacoma interurban Railway, Its Successors and assigns, Certain Rights for an Electrical System in the town of Kent | |
9/2/1902 | Regulating and Controlling Bicycles | |
10/6/1902 | Authorizing Agreement with Seattle-Tacoma Interurban Railway for Lighting Streets | |
10/6/1902 | Fixing Time & Meeting Place of town Council | |
10/20/1902 | Submitting to the Qualified Electors of the town of Kent, at the Next General City Election, the Question Whether the Electric Light Works Owned by said town Shall Be Sold or Not, and Prescribing the Terms and Conditions of such Proposed Sale | |
11/4/1902 | Providing for Wooden Sidewalks (N. Side of Meeker) | |
11/17/1902 | Providing for Issuance of Refund Bonds for Refunding Water Bonds Issued in 1892 | |
11/17/1902 | Changing Meeting Place of town Council from town Hall to S.E. Rooms Over Arney Bros. stores (Corner of Front and Gowe) | |
11/17/1902 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1902 | |
1/13/1903 | Providing for Sale of Electric Light Works in Accordance with Election of 12/2/02 | |
3/31/1903 | Providing for Licensing Pool and Billiard Halls, and Bowling Alleys, and Prohibiting the Opening Up and Maintaining of the Same without License | |
4/20/1903 | Providing for Wooden Sidewalks on Both Sides of Third Street from Gowe to Crow | |
Missing | ||
6/1/1903 | Providing for Wooden Sidewalks on Both Sides of Willis from Northern Pacific Railway to West Limits of Kent | |
7/20/1903 | Granting to the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company, a Corporation, Permission to Lay and Maintain a Four inch Water Pipe Along, Upon and Across Certain Portions of First Street and Smith Street, and a Certain Unnamed Street Extending Southward from Smith Street at a Point About 1875 Feet East from Its Intersection with First Street, in the town of Kent, and Prescribing Conditions and Limitations incident thereto | |
8/17/1903 | Providing for Issuance of Refunding Bonds for Bonds Issued in 1892 (Water) | |
8/20/1903 | Authorizing Repair Improvement and Construction of Sidewalks and Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll | |
11/3/1903 | Fixing the Rate of the Tax Levy of the town of Kent for the Year 1903 | |
12/20/1903 | Defining Sewage Disposal Nuisance | |
1/4/1904 | Authorizing Contract with Puget Sound Electric Railway for Street Lights | |
4/18/1904 | Providing for the Construction, Maintenance and Repair of steam and Electric Railway and Street Car Crossings within the town of Kent; Declaring a Violation of the Same to Be a Nuisance and Providing for an Abatement thereof | |
3/21/1904 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 122, of the town of Kent, Entitled, “an Ordinance Amending Section 2 of “an Ordinance to Prevent Animals Running at Large” | |
6/8/1904 | Providing for the Licensing of Circuses, Sideshows, Menageries, Shooting Galleries, fortune Tellers, Fakirs, Hypnotists and Other Exhibitions | |
7/18/1904 | Ordinance Pertaining to Uniform Width of Sidewalks (Ordinance No. 23) as Amended by Ordinance No. 40 | |
9/6/1904 | Prescribing a System for Numbering Buildings | |
9/19/1904 | Providing for Wooden Sidewalks on North Side of Titus | |
9/20/1904 | To Prohibit All stock from being Picketed or Herded Upon the Streets, Alleys and Public Places of the town of Kent | |
11/7/1904 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1904 | |
11/7/1904 | Regulating the Construction and Maintenance of Chimneys, Smoke stacks and stove Pipes within the town Limits of the town of Kent | |
1/16/1905 | Pacific Milk Co Permit to Lay Water Pipe Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 137, of the town of Kent, Entitled “an Ordinance Granting to the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company, a Corporation, Permission to Lay and Maintain a Four inch Water Pipe Along, Upon and Across Certain Portions of First Street and Smith Street and a Certain Unnamed Street Extending Southward from Smith Street at a Point About 1875 Feet East from Its Intersection with First Street, in the town of Kent, and Prescribing Conditions and Limitations incident thereto” | |
2/6/1905 | Vacating that Certain Alley through Block Number Four in Yesler ‘s First Addition to Kent | |
2/6/1905 | Providing for Levy & Collection of Street Poll Tax | |
3/20/1905 | Providing for Licensing Auctioneers | |
5/1/1905 | Regulating Construction of Concrete Sidewalks | |
5/1/1905 | Providing for Application of Washington State Laws Pertaining to Maintenance of Sidewalks | |
7/17/1905 | Providing for Application of Washington State Laws Pertaining to Repair of Sidewalks & Providing for Payment by Property Owners | |
7/17/1905 | Providing for Levy & Collection of Street Poll Tax | |
8/7/1905 | Dividing Kent into Two Building Districts, Establishing Fire Limits & Regulating Construction of Buildings | |
9/18/1905 | Granting License to Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company to Maintain Sewer Box Along Portions of Harrison, 4th and Willis | |
11/6/1905 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the town of Kent, for the Year one thousand Nine Hundred Five (1905) | |
12/19/1905 | Amending Ordinance No. 95, an Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 67, Fixing Amount of License for Sale of Liquor | |
2/6/1906 | Defining Areas where Concrete Sidewalks Are Required & Making It a Misdemeanor to Use Other Materials | |
3/5/1906 | Regulating the Moving of Buildings therein, and Providing a Penalty for Failure to Observe Its Provisions | |
4/2/1906 | Providing for Wooden Sidewalks on Saar Street | |
9/4/1906 | Amending Sections Two and three of Ordinance No. 160, an Ordinance Dividing the City into 2 Building Districts, Establishing Fire Limits & Regulating Construction of Buildings | |
9/17/1906 | Providing a Plan and System of Sewers and Calling an Election for Its Ratification or Rejection | |
11/20/1906 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1906 | |
11/20/1906 | Granting Franchise for Electric Railway to Fred Chamberlain | |
1/7/1907 | Granting A.T. West Right to Erect Poles & Lines for Telephone and Telegraph Service | |
4/1/1907 | Authorizing Mayor to Appoint Subordinate Officers (Clerk, Marshal, Attorney, Pound Master & Fire Marshal) & Fixing Salaries | |
4/15/1907 | Fixing Water Rates for town Water System | |
4/15/1907 | Providing for Wooden Sidewalks on Titus Street | |
Missing | ||
5/22/1907 | Defining the Terms Pawn Broker and Second Hand Dealer and Requiring Pawn Brokers and Second Hand Dealers to Keep a Register of Goods Bought by them or Held by them as a Pledge for the Repayment of Money Loaned | |
10/7/1907 | Defining Materials to Be Used for Sidewalks (North of Harrison, West of 1st Street & East of Right-of-Way of Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway) | |
10/7/1907 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the town of Kent for the Year 1907 | |
11/4/1907 | Granting Right, Privilege and Authority to Locate, Lay Down, Construct and Operate Railway Tracks, Etc. Across Certain Streets and Avenues in said town by the Chicago, Milwaukee and st Paul Railway Company of Washington | |
11/18/1907 | Vacating Portions of Saar Street and Titus Street in said town | |
12/2/1907 | Regulating Hours For Bowling Alleys, Billiard, Pool and Drinking Saloons | |
12/16/1907 | Granting Northern Pacific Railway Company Permission to Build Spur Tracks on First Street | |
3/16/1908 | Defining and Fixing Penalties for Misdemeanors | |
3/16/1908 | Prohibiting Posting of Bills on Private or Public Property (Handbills) | |
8/17/1908 | Requiring Property Owners to Repair Defective Property | |
Missing | ||
1/18/1909 | Fixing Amount of Bonds for City Treasurer, City Attorney, City Clerk & Marshal | |
1/18/1909 | Fixing Salaries of Kent City Officers - Treasurer City Attorney, Clerk, Marshal & Health Officer | |
Missing | ||
1/18/1909 | Appointing Pound Master & Policeman & Fixing Salaries | |
2/16/1909 | Making It a Misdemeanor for Minors to Play Pool, Billiards or Cards or Be Found therein | |
Missing | ||
3/15/1909 | Train Speeds | |
4/5/1909 | Prohibiting the Use of Barbed Wire in the Construction of Fences Along Streets, Alleys and Other Public Places | |
4/5/1909 | Prohibiting Expectoration Upon the Floors of Public Conveyances, and Buildings, and Upon Sidewalks (Spitting) | |
4/19/1909 | Making Regulations for Conducting Saloons and Other Places for the Sale or Disposal of intoxicating Liquors | |
5/17/1909 | Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, Repealing All Other Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
5/17/1909 | Providing for the Construction and Maintenance of a System of Sewers, Specifying and Adopting a Plan therefor, Providing for the Issuance of General Bonds of the City to Pay for the Main Trunk Sewer of the said System, and Calling an Election at which the Question of Adoption of the said System of Sewers, and the Question of the City Becoming Indebted and Issuing Its General Bonds in the Sum of $27,000, Will Be Submitted to the Electors of the said City for Adoption or Rejection | |
6/7/1909 | Proposal for Additions to Water Works and Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds | |
6/10/1909 | LID Sidewalks on First Street & Railroad Avenue (No Number) | |
7/19/1909 | Providing for the Appointment of a City Engineer & Fixing His Salary | |
9/6/1909 | Providing for Sidewalks on Portions of Titus Street | |
9/6/1909 | Accepting a Conveyance for an Easement Right to Construct a Sewer Across the Property of John P. Hartman and Caroline E. Hartman | |
9/20/1909 | Vacating a Portion of Lincoln Street | |
10/4/01909 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1909 | |
12/20/1909 | Regulating the Use and storage of Benzine, Gasoline, Naptha or any Hydro-Carbon Liquid within the City Limits | |
12/20/1909 | Regulating the Use, Keeping, storage and Handling of Explosives within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
12/20/1909 | Declaring intent of City to Improve Streets by Construction of Sewer Pipes | |
12/20/1909 | Providing for Issuance of Go Bonds in Accordance with LID 198 | |
12/20/1909 | Granting Franchise for Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway Co. | |
12/20/1909 | Proposal for Additions to City Water Works (Amended by Ordinance No. 215) | |
2/7/1910 | Providing for Street Improvement by Paving (First Street & Meeker Street) for LID 100 | |
1/3/1910 | Providing for Improvement of Streets and Alleys by Sewer Lines for LID 101 | |
1/3/1910 | Providing for Improvement on East Side of Railroad Avenue by Sidewalk Construction (Wood) for LID 102 | |
1/3/1910 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 211, an Ordinance Providing for Additions to Water Works | |
2/7/1910 | Prohibiting Coasting of any Light Carriage, Wagon, Cart, Sleigh, Sled, or Other Vehicle Upon Sidewalks and Pavements | |
2/21/1910 | Granting Franchise to Thomas Chapman for Building Electric Railway in the City of Kent | |
2/21/1910 | An Ordinance Providing for Issuance of $50,000 Water Bonds | |
2/21/1910 | Providing for the Issuance of $23,000 General Bonds for Construction of Additional Water Works | |
3/7/1910 | Providing for Approval of Assessment Roll for LID 102 (Sidewalks) | |
3/7/1910 | Providing for Improvement of East Side of Jason & Temperance Street by Construction of Wooden Sidewalks for LID 103 | |
Missing | ||
4/4/1910 | Providing for Performance Bonds | |
4/4/1910 | Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 213; Providing for Sewer Improvements for LID 101 | |
4/18/1910 | Providing for Street Improvements (Portions of First, Titus, Gowe, Railroad, & Meeker) by Paving & Curbing for LID 104 | |
4/18/1910 | Providing for the Security of $50,000 Special Water Fund Bonds | |
5/2/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 103 (Wooden Sidewalk Construction) | |
6/20/1910 | Providing for Materials for Construction of Sidewalks Along the North Side of Meeker Avenue from Its Intersection with First Street to Its Intersection with the Easy Marginal Line of the Right of Way of the Seattle-Tacoma inter Urban Railway | |
6/20/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 104 Street Paving & Curbing | |
6/20/1910 | Improvement of Streets & Alleys by Sewer Construction (4th & Shinn, 4th & Harrison) for LID 105 | |
7/18/1910 | Providing for Improvement of Streets & Alleys by Sewer Construction (4th & Shinn, 4th & Harrison) for LID 105 | |
7/18/1910 | Naming of Smith Street | |
8/15/1910 | Providing for Improvement of Meeker Avenue from Sea -Tacoma interurban Tracks to Wash. St. by Grading, Gravelling and Oil for LID 108 | |
9/5/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 105 (Sewers-Harrison & Shinn) | |
8/15/1910 | Authorizing Issuing of Bonds - LID 104 - Street Paving & Curbing | |
9/5/1910 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 107 Grading and Gravelling - Smith Street | |
9/5/1910 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 106 Clearing and Grading Seattle Street | |
9/5/1910 | Naming of Naden Street | |
10/3/1910 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1910 | |
10/3/1910 | Improvement of Hazel Street (East Side) by Wooden Sidewalks for LID 110 | |
10/5/1910 | Improvement of Naden Street by Construction of Sidewalks (East Side) for LID 109 | |
11/7/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 108 - Grading & Gravelling of Meeker St. | |
12/5/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 107 - Grading & Gravelling (Smith Street) | |
11/7/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 106 Improvement of Seattle and Alexander Streets - Clearing & Grading | |
12/5/1910 | Regulating the Use and Occupation of and the Conduct of Persons in or Upon Streets, Avenues, Ways, Boulevards, Drives, Places, Alleys, Sidewalks, Parking strips, Squares, Triangles, School Grounds, Play Grounds and Other Public Places and Grounds, and Providing for the Control thereof, and for the Safety, Comfort and Convenience of the Public in the Use of the Same, and Providing Penalties fore the Violation of Its Provisions | |
11/7/1910 | Naming of Central Avenue | |
12/5/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 110 (Sidewalks East Side of Hazel, Smith to James) | |
12/5/1910 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 109 Street Improvement (Sidewalks - E Side Naden, Willis to Meeker) | |
12/5/1910 | Providing for Improvement of Central Avenue - Wood Sidewalks (West Side Central, from N. Line Mcmillans Addition to No. City Limits) for LID 112 | |
12/19/1910 | Providing for Improvement of West Side Lincoln Avenue, Meeker to Harrison - Wood Sidewalks for LID 111 | |
12/19/1910 | Providing for Licensing Skating Rinks, and Fixing a Penalty for Its Violation | |
1/2/1911 | Providing Hours for Saloon Opening | |
1/2/1911 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 108 - Street Improvements of Meeker Street (Grading & Gravelling) | |
4/3/1911 | Providing for the Issuance of Bonds for LID 107 Street Improvements (Smith Street - Grading and Gravelling) | |
1/16/1911 | Sidewalk Construction Regulations | |
2/6/1911 | Amending Ordinance No. 249, Sec 1 - Improvement of Lincoln Street - (Meeker to Harrison) for LID 111 | |
2/6/1911 | Naming of First Street | |
3/6/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 111 Street Improvement (Concrete Sidewalks) West Side of Lincoln, Meeker to Harrison | |
4/3/1911 | Providing for Appointment of Board of Park Commissioners | |
4/3/1911 | Providing for Boxing of Cables & Guys in Streets | |
4/17/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 112 - Street Improvement (Wooden Sidewalks, West Side of Central) | |
5/1/1911 | Providing for Street Improvement - First Street for LID 113 (Grading and Gravelling) | |
4/17/1911 | Authorizing Purchase of Land (Junction of Willis & First) | |
5/15/1911 | Regulations for Porches and Awnings Over Streets | |
5/15/1911 | Providing for Street Improvement for LID 115 East Side of Railroad Avenue - Construction of Wooden Sidewalks | |
6/19/1911 | Providing for the Issuance of Plumbing Permits & Condemnation of Unsafe Buildings | |
6/19/1911 | Amending Section 44 of Ordinance No. 197 Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent | |
6/19/1911 | Establishing Procedures for LIDs | |
6/19/1911 | Providing for Sewage and Drainage of Private Premises and Prescribing Methods for Sewer Connections | |
7/17/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 113 - Grading & Gravelling of First Avenue | |
8/7/1911 | Missing | |
8/7/1911 | Providing for Street Improvement Wooden Sidewalks on South Side of Meeker Street for LID 117 | |
8/7/1911 | Improvement of Streets, Alleys and Other Land & Property (Sewer Line) for Lie 1198 | |
10/2/1911 | Providing for Improvement of Streets, Alleys & Other Land & Property (Sewer Lines) for LID 118 | |
10/2/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 118 Sewer Line Streets, Alleys, Other Land & Property | |
10/2/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 117 Wooden Sidewalks (So. Side of Meeker Street) | |
10/2/1911 | Providing for Street Improvement (Central Avenue) for LID 121 - Grading and Gravelling | |
10/2/1911 | Providing for Street Improvements (Fourth Street) for LID 120 - Grading and Gravelling | |
10/2/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 1189 - Sewer - Various Streets, Alleys, Other Lands & Property | |
10/2/1911 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1912 | |
10/16/1911 | Naming of Streets & Avenues & Numbering of Buildings (Second St. to Central Ave; Third St. to State Ave; Fourth St. to Burke Ave; Harrison St. to Willis st; Naming of Scenic Way; Naming of Calhoun Way) | |
10/16/1911 | Age for Persons Allowed in Pool Rooms | |
11/10/1911 | Providing a Form for Bonds Issued Against LIDs | |
11/20/1911 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 119 - Sewer Lines in Various Streets, Alleys, Other Land & Property | |
11/20/1911 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 118 - Sewer Lines in Various Streets, Alleys, Other Lands and Property | |
12/4/1911 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 267- Providing Procedures for LIDs | |
12/4/1911 | Providing Procedure for Advertising for Bids & Letting of Contracts for LIDs | |
12/18/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 120 Street Improvements (4th Avenue & Meeker Street) Grading and Gravelling | |
12/18/1911 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 121 Street Improvements Central Avenue - Grading and Gravelling | |
12/18/1911 | Providing for Street Improvements Railroad Avenue Sidewalks for LID 122 | |
2/5/1912 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 121 Street Improvements (Central Avenue) Grading and Gravelling | |
2/5/1912 | Providing Sanitary Methods in Barns and Stables and for Disposal of Refuse | |
3/4/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 122 Sidewalks (Railroad Avenue) | |
3/4/1912 | Authorizing Improvement of Central Avenue LID 123 Wooden Sidewalks | |
3/4/1912 | Providing for Manner of Sewage and Drainage of Private Premises and Manner of Sewer Connections | |
3/18/1912 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 244 Relating to Use of Streets | |
4/15/1912 | Providing for Improvement of Streets - Sidewalk Construction Regulations | |
5/6/1912 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Refunding Bonds Water and Lights | |
5/6/1912 | Providing for Improvement of Streets and Alleys for LID 126 (Sewer Lines) | |
5/6/1912 | (Paving, Curbs and Gutters) 2nd - Meeker to Saar; Gowe - 1st to 3rd: Titus - 1st to 3rd | |
5/6/1912 | Providing for Improvement of Streets for LID 125 (Paving, Curbs and Gutters) Gowe Street & Willis Street | |
6/3/1912 | Providing for the Trimming of Trees, Shrubs & Bushes, Overhanging Public Sidewalks | |
6/3/1912 | Providing for Street Improvement for LID 128 Railroad Avenue (Grading and Gravelling) | |
6/17/1912 | Vacating a Portion of Shinn Street | |
6/17/1912 | Providing for Improving a Portion of Shinn Street LID 130 (Grading and gravelling) | |
6/17/1912 | Providing for the Improvement of Naden Avenue LID 129 (Grading and Gravelling) | |
6/17/1912 | Providing for the Improvement of Clark Avenue for LID 127 (Grading and Gravelling) | |
7/15/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 124 Street Improvements (Paving, Curbs & Gutters) 2nd - Meeker to Saar; Gowe 1st to 3rd; Titus 1st to 3rd | |
7/15/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 125 Street Improvements Gowe - Railroad to Central; Meeker Railroad to Central (Paving, Curbs & Gutters) | |
7/15/1912 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 131 Wooden Sidewalks Railroad Avenue - West Side; Willis - North Side | |
7/15/1912 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 132 Wooden Sidewalks - Titus Street | |
7/15/1912 | Vacating a Portion of State Avenue | |
8/5/1912 | Regulating Saloons | |
Missing | ||
9/16/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 126 Sewers (Madison Avenue) | |
9/16/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 127 Street Improvements Clark Street - Smith to James; Cedar - Clark to Jason (Grading and Gravelling) | |
9/16/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 128 Street Improvements Railroad Avenue & Willis Street (Grading & Gravelling) | |
9/16/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 129 Street Improvements Naden Street (Grading & Gravelling) | |
9/16/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 130 Street Improvements Shinn Street (Grading & Gravelling) | |
9/16/1912 | Providing for the Issuance of Bonds for LID 124 Street Improvements, Paving (2nd - Meeker to Saar; Gowe 1st to 3rd; Titus - 1st to 3rd) | |
9/16/1912 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 125 Street Improvements Gowe - Railroad to Central, Meeker -to Central (Paving, Curbs and Gutters) Railroad | |
10/7/1912 | Providing for Numbering of Buildings | |
10/7/1912 | Providing for Improvement of Streets for LID 134 Titus Street (Grading and Gravelling) | |
10/7/1912 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the Year 1913 | |
10/21/1912 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 131 Railroad & Willis (Wooden Sidewalks) | |
10/21/1912 | Fixing Salary of City Clerk | |
11/4/1912 | Re-Assessment of LID 128 Street Improvements Railroad & Willis (Grading and Gravelling) | |
11/18/1912 | Granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound Railway Company, Its Successors and Assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Locate, Lay Down, Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railway Track in, Along, Upon, Over and Across Certain Public Streets in the City of Kent | |
11/18/1912 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 135 Wooden Sidewalks - Fifth Avenue | |
12/2/1912 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 127 Street Improvements Clark - Smith to James, Cedar - Clark to Jason, Grading and Gravelling | |
12/2/1912 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 127 Street Improvements Clark - Smith to James, Cedar - Clark to Jason, Grading and Gravelling | |
12/2/1912 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 130 Street Improvements Shinn (Grading and Gravelling) | |
12/16/1912 | Approving Re-Assessment Roll for LID 128 Street Improvements Railroad & Willis (Grading and Gravelling) | |
12/16/1912 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 134 Street Improvements (Grading and Gravelling) | |
1/20/1913 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 135 Street Improvements (Wooden Sidewalks) 5th Avenue | |
2/3/1913 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 123 Street Improvements, Wooden Sidewalks (Central Avenue) | |
2/3/1913 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 131 Street Improvements Railroad Avenue, Willis Street Wooden Sidewalks | |
2/17/1913 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 128 Street Improvement Railroad Avenue, Willis Street (Grading and Gravelling) | |
2/17/1913 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 134 Street Improvements Titus Street (Grading and Gravelling) | |
4/7/19113 | Providing for Improvement of Streets for LID 136 Alley - Gowe to Titus (Grading and Gravelling) | |
4/7/1913 | Providing for Improvement of Streets for LID 137 Wooden Sidewalks Central Avenue - East Side (Meeker to Gowe) | |
4/24/1913 | Providing for Taxing and Licensing of Dogs | |
5/5/1913 | Providing for Taxing and Licensing of Dogs | |
6/2/1913 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 136 Street Improvements Alley - Gowe to Titus (Grading and Gravelling) | |
6/2/1913 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 137 Street Improvements, Wooden Sidewalks (Central-Meeker to Gowe Street | |
Missing | ||
6/2/1913 | Providing for Improvement of Streets for LID 139 Willis Street, 2nd - Willis to Saar (Grading & Gravelling & Wood Curbs) | |
6/2/1913 | Providing for Improvement of Streets for LID 140 Willis Street, Central Avenue, Russell Street (Grading and Gravelling) | |
8/4/1913 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 139 Street Improvements Willis Street, 2nd (Grading, Gravelling and Wood Curb) | |
8/4/1913 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 140 Street Improvements (Willis Street, Central Avenue, Russell Street (Grading and Gravelling) | |
9/16/1913 | Providing for Improvement of Titus Street for LID 141 Wooden Sidewalks | |
10/6/1913 | Fixing Tax Levy for 1914 | |
10/6/1913 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 139 Street Improvement Willis and 2nd (Grading & Gravelling & Wood Curb) | |
10/6/1913 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 140 Street Improvements (Grading and Gravelling) | |
10/6/1913 | Fixing Salary of City Treasurer | |
10/6/1913 | Regulating Use of Automobiles, Motorcycles and Other Motor Driven Vehicles | |
12/4/1913 | Fixing Amount of official Bonds (Treasurer, City Attorney, Clerk and Marshall) | |
12/15/1913 | Fixing Salary of City Health Officer | |
1/5/1914 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 141 Street Improvements, Wooden Sidewalks, Titus Street, North Side | |
2/3/1914 | Prohibiting Fowl from Running at Large | |
7/6/1914 | Authorizing Street Improvement LID 144 Willis Street (Wooden Sidewalks) | |
9/21/1914 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 144 Street Improvement (Willis Street) Wooden Sidewalks | |
10/5/1914 | To Tax and License Certain Vocations in the City of Kent, and Providing a Penalty for Its Violation | |
10/5/1914 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1915 | |
11/2/1914 | Providing for Laying of Cement Walks in Certain Areas - Willis Street, Shinn Street, Railroad Avenue, Fourth Avenue | |
12/7/1914 | Amending Section three (3) and Four (4) of Ordinance No. Nine (9) Governing the Traffic in intoxicating Liquors | |
3/15/1915 | Vacating a Portion of Sunnyside Plat Addition, Blocks 1 & 2 Fir Street, Lying Between said Blocks, and Alley through Blocks One & Two | |
4/5/1915 | Creating LID 145 Knob Hill Water Improvements | |
6/21/1915 | Creating LID 145 Knob Hill Water Improvements | |
7/19/1915 | Providing for the Construction, Renewal or Repair of Sidewalks | |
7/19/1915 | Prohibiting Domestic Animals from Running at Large | |
7/19/1915 | Defining Duties of Pound Master and Fixing Compensation | |
7/19/1915 | Enforcing Pound Master’s Jurisdiction | |
8/16/1915 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 145 Water Trunk Lines | |
10/4/1915 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 145 Water Trunk Line | |
12/6/1915 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1916 | |
12/20/1915 | Licensing of Certain Vocations | |
1/4/1916 | Confirming and Approving Assessment Roll for LID 147 Street Improvements (Wooden Sidewalks) | |
2/21/1916 | Defining Certain Misdemeanors | |
2/21/1916 | Licensing of Certain Vocations | |
2/21/1916 | Licensing of Public Resorts Where Games Are Played and Defining Misdemeanors | |
2/21/1916 | Licensing of Pool Rooms | |
4/17/1916 | Setting Speed Limits and Regulations as to Use of Streets | |
4/17/1916 | Defining Certain Misdemeanors and Prescribing the Penalty for the Violation thereof and Prescribing the Penalty and Repealing Certain Ordinances | |
5/15/1916 | Providing for Street Improvement LID 148 Madison Street - Meeker to Shinn (Gravelling Shoulders) | |
7/3/1916 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 149 Street Improvements Wooden Sidewalks (Gowe Street) | |
6/19/1916 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 148 Street Improvements Madison Street - Meeker Shinn (Gravelling Shoulders) | |
7/19/1916 | Authorizing Improvement of Streets LID 151 Meeker, Railroad, Titus, Gowe and 1st | |
7/17/1916 | Regulating the Maintenance and Inspection of Dairies, stores, Hotels and Restaurants, and the Production, Keeping, Transportation, Sale, Labeling and Delivery of Milk and Milk Derivatives; Requiring Permits therefore and the Testing of Cows for Tuberculosis, Prohibiting the Sale within the City of Kent of Milk Drawn from Cows infected with Tuberculosis; and Providing a Penalty | |
7/17/1916 | Providing for Improvement of Meekers Supplemental Plat by Installation of Sewers LID 158 | |
8/7/1916 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 151 Street Improvement Asphalt Paving (Meeker, Railroad, Titus, Gowe and 1st) | |
8/21/1916 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 154 Street Improvements Titus Street (Wooden Sidewalks) | |
8/21/1916 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 157 Street Improvements Wooden Sidewalks North Side of Willis Street | |
10/2/1916 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 158 Sewers (Meekers Supplemental Plat) | |
10/2/1916 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 151 Street Improvements Asphalt Paving (Meeker, Railroad, Gowe, Titus and 1st) | |
10/6/1916 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1917 | |
11/20/1916 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 158 Sewers (Meekers Supplemental Plat) | |
12/4/1916 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 159 Street Improvement Clark Street | |
1/15/1917 | Cement Walk Regulations and Defining Districts Central - Pioneer to Titus; Railroad-James to Willis; Smith-NPPRR to Kennebeck; Meeker, Gowe & Titus-Railroad to Central | |
2/19/1917 | Granting Permission to Standard Oil to Build Tanks and Warehouses | |
7/16/1917 | Providing for and Creating Concrete Sidewalk Districts and Defining Limits | |
9/3/1917 | Providing for the Laying of Sidewalks within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
9/17/1917 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 168 Concrete Paving (Titus & Scenic Way) | |
403 | 9/17/1917 | Fixing the Salary of the Chief of Police |
10/1/1917 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1918 | |
10/1/1917 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 160 Concrete Walks (Smith Street-State to Kennebeck) | |
10/1/1917 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 162 Street Improvements, Concrete Walk (Central-Smith to Pioneer) | |
10/15/1917 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 165 Street Improvements, Concrete Walks (Central-Titus to Gowe) | |
11/19/1917 | Regulating the Conduct of Businesses and Resorts in which Soft Drinks Are Sold and Consumed, and Providing a Penalty | |
1/7/1918 | Granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate in, Along, Across and Over Certain Public Streets and Ways in the City of Kent, Washington, the Necessary Trolley, Feeder and Other Wires, together with Supporting Poles, anchors, Guys and Other Structures, for the Operation of the Trains and Cars of said Railway Company through the City of Kent by Electric Power | |
1/21/1918 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 171 Street Improvements, Concrete Walks (Smith Street Between Jason and Calhoun) | |
4/1/1918 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 172 Street Improvements, Concrete Walks (Meeker) | |
10/7/1918 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1919 | |
10/21/1918 | Fixing the Salary of the City Clerk | |
12/2/1918 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 175 Street Improvements, Concrete Walks (First - West Side, Willis to Titus; Willis - North Side, 1st to Second; Central - East Side, Meeker to Gowe) | |
1/6/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 177 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Willis - Between 2nd & 3rd) | |
1/9/1919 | Approving & Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 178 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Central - West Side - Smith to Pioneer) | |
3/3/1919 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 181 and LID 18Ib Concrete Paving - Shinn, 4th to 6th; Harrison, 2nd to 4th; Gowe, 3rd to 5th; Saar, 1st to 5th; 1st, Smith to Winner; 1st, Titus to Willis; 2nd, Meeker to Harrison; 2nd, Willis to Crow; 3rd, Gowe to Crow; 4th, Meeker to Shinn; 4th, Meeker to Crow; 5th, Gowe to Willis; 181B - 1st, Meeker to Smith | |
3/17/1919 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 182A and LID 182B Concrete Paving/Railroad, Titus to Willis;Titus, Railroad to Central; Meeker, Central to State; State, Meeker to Smith; Clark, Smith to James; Jason, Smith to James; Cedar, Clark to Jason; Temperance, Clark to Jason; 182 B Grading -Temperance, Clark to Jason; Jason, Smith to James | |
3/17/1919 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 183 Concrete Paving Titus - Central to Scenic Way; Scenic Way - Titus to Kennebeck; Kennebeck - Scenic Way to Willis | |
3/17/1919 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 417 Street Improvements for LID 181 Concrete Paving | |
4/21/1919 | Specifications for Construction of Concrete Sidewalks | |
6/16/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 181 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving & Grading (Gowe Street and Others) | |
6/16/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 182 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving & Grading (Meeker Street and Others) | |
7/8/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 183 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving (Titus, Scenic Way & Kennebeck) | |
6/16/1919 | Providing for Use of Streets While Being Paved or Improved | |
7/7/1919 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 421 Providing Specifications for Construction of Concrete Sidewalks | |
7/21/1919 | Providing for Improvement of Streets for LID 184 Concrete Sidewalks (Madison Street & Others) | |
7/21/1919 | Providing for the Street Improvement for LID 185 Concrete Sidewalks (Harrison Street)+C443 | |
Providing for Street Improvements for LID 186 Grading (Temperance, Calhoun & Prospect) (Postponed) | ||
Providing for Street Improvement for LID 187 Smith Street Drainage (Rescinded) | ||
8/4/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 181 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving & Grading (Shinn & Others) | |
8/4/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 182 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving & Grading (Railroad & Others) | |
8/4/1919 | Providing for Street Improvements of LID 188 Grading & Gravelling North Park Addition | |
8/18/1919 | Providing for the Manner of Doing the Work of Building Sidewalks, and Providing a Penalty | |
8/18/1919 | Providing for the Improvement of Streets for LID 187 Concrete Paving (Smith Street) | |
8/18/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 183 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving (Titus, Scenic Way & Kennebeck) | |
Dedicating Certain Parts of the Paved Streets of the City as a Park Way, and Providing for their Improvement and Management (Did not pass) | ||
9/15/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 184 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Madison & Others) | |
9/15/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 185 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Harrison) | |
9/15/1919 | Vacating a Portion of Second Avenue North and Cloudy Avenue, at the Junction of Said Streets | |
10/6/1919 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1920 | |
10/6/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 181 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving & Grading (Gowe St. & Others) | |
10/6/1919 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 182 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving & Grading (Railroad & Others) | |
10/6/1919 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 183 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving (Scenic Way & Others) | |
10/6/1919 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 188 Street Improvements (Grading & Gravelling) North Park Addition | |
11/17/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 181 Street Improvements (Shinn St. & Others), Paving and Grading | |
11/17/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 182 Street Improvements, Paving & Grading (Railroad & Others) | |
11/17/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 183 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving (Scenic Way & Others) | |
11/17/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 184 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Madison & Others) | |
11/17/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 185 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Harrison Street, So. Side 2nd to 4th) | |
11/17/1919 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 188 Street Improvements, Grading and Gravelling (No. Park Addition) | |
12/1/1919 | Defining a Place of Public Resort, Providing for the License and Regulation thereof, Fixing a Penalty, and Repealing Certain Ordinances | |
2/16/1920 | Licensing and Regulating the Use of Motor and Other Vehicles Carrying Passengers or Freight for Hire, or Delivering Goods, Wares and Merchandise in the City of Kent | |
2/16/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 189 Concrete Paving (Temperance & Hazel) | |
3/15/1920 | Regulating Use of Motor Vehicles & Providing for Licensing | |
3/15/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 191 Concrete Sidewalks (Scenic Way & E. Side) | |
3/15/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 192 Concrete Sidewalks (Smith & Others) | |
3/15/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 193 Concrete Sidewalks (1st Avenue and Others) | |
3/15/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 194 Concrete Sidewalks (Harrison & Others) | |
4/19/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 195 Sanitary Sewers (Scenic Way & Alpine Way) | |
5/3/1920 | Regulating Use of Motor Vehicles & Providing for Licensing | |
6/7/1920 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 191 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Scenic Way, E Side) | |
6/7/1920 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 193 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (1st Avenue and Others) | |
6/7/1920 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 194 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Harrison & Others) | |
6/21/1920 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 189 Street Improvements, Paving (Temperance & Hazel) | |
7/6/1920 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 196 Street Improvements, Sidewalks (Central) | |
7/6/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 197 Grading & Drainage (Prospect Street) | |
7/19/1920 | Providing for /Street Improvement for LID 198 Concrete Sidewalks (Temperance St.) | |
8/2/1920 | Vacating a Portion of Tacoma Street in W.C.I.A. Co. Knob Hill Addition to Kent | |
8/2/1920 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 189 Street Improvements, Concrete Paving (Temperance & Hazel) | |
8/2/1920 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 189 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Scenic Way) | |
8/2/1920 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 193 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (1st Avenue & Others) | |
8/2/1920 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 194 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks | |
9/7/1920 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 199 Grading & Gravelling (Clark St. & Others) | |
9/20/1920 | Protecting the City Scales and Prohibiting Parking within 50 Feet of the Same | |
10/4/1920 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1921 | |
11/1/1920 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 197 Street Improvements, Grading & Drainage (Prospect St.) | |
11/1/1920 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 198 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Prospect St.) | |
11/1/1920 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 199 Street Improvements, Grading and Gravelling (Clark and Others) | |
12/6/1920 | Accepting Conveyance of Real Estate (in Lot 3 Block 3 of Yesler’s First Addition) Located therein, and Prescribing the Use thereof and of any Funds that May Be Derived from the Sale thereof (Property Purchased by the Red Cross Society) | |
12/20/1920 | Providing and Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 197 Street Improvements, Grading & Drainage (Prospect Street) | |
12/20/1920 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 198 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalks (Prospect St.) | |
12/20/1920 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds LID 199 Street Improvements for Grading, Gravelling (Clark St. & Others) | |
2/7/1921 | Amending Ordinance 371 Defining Duties of Pound Master & Fixing Compensation | |
2/7/1921 | Prohibiting any Minor in any Place of Public Resort, or Playing in any Pool, Billiard or Card Room in such Place, and Fixing a Penalty | |
3/7/1921 | Providing for Protection of Trees, Plants & Shrubbery | |
3/21/1921 | Regulating the Construction, Repair & Removal of Buildings & Providing for Permit | |
3/21/1921 | Providing for Improvement of Streets LID 200 Grading, Gravelling & Sidewalks (Titus & Kennebeck) | |
5/17/1921 | Providing for Improvement of Streets LID 201 Drainage (Kennebeck & Titus) | |
6/20/1921 | Fixing the Additional Duties of the Chief of Police and Making Him Ex officio Pound Master | |
7/5/1921 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 200 Street Improvements, Grading, Gravelling & Sidewalks (Titus and Kennebeck) | |
7/5/1921 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 201 Street Improvements, Drainage (Titus & Kennebeck) | |
8/1/1921 | Fixing the Rate of Speed of Motor Vehicles, Regulating the Operation of the Same, and Fixing a Penalty | |
8/1/1921 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 202 Street Improvements, Concrete Walks (Portion of Smith & Others) | |
8/15/1921 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 200 Street Improvements, Grading, Gravelling & Concrete Sidewalks (Titus & Kennebeck) | |
10/3/1921 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1922 | |
3/6/1922 | Submitting $20,000 Bond Issue to Election for City Hall Construction | |
4/3/1922 | Amending Section 3, Ordinance 497 Submitting $20,000.00 Bond Issue to People at Special Election (City Hall Construction) | |
5/15/1922 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 409 & 327 Granting Franchise to Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway (Extension of Spur Track & Shifting of Present Track) | |
5/15/1922 | Authorizing the Issuance of $20,000 City Hall Construction Bonds Per Ordinance 497 | |
5/15/1922 | Fixing the Time and Place for Holding the Meetings of the City Council of the City of Kent, and Repealing Certain Ordinances | |
6/19/1922 | Making It Unlawful to Receive, Transport or Possess intoxicating Liquor | |
6/19/1922 | Providing Protection for Fire Apparatus | |
6/19/1922 | Providing for Street Improvements LID 204 Concrete Sidewalks (Meeker Street) | |
7/3/1922 | Providing for Street Improvements LID 205 Drainage Central Avenue | |
8/21/1922 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 203 Street Improvements, Concrete Sidewalk Renewal 5th Avenue So. & Others | |
9/5/1922 | Providing for Street Improvement LID 206 (Same as LID 204) Sidewalks & Drainage (Meeker Street) | |
11/20/1922 | Vacating with Certain Reservations a Part of the West Side of Sixth Avenue Between Meeker & Harrison Streets | |
10/2/1922 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1923 | |
11/20/1922 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 206 (Same as LID 204) Street Improvements, Sidewalks & Drain (W. Meeker Street) | |
11/20/1922 | Fixing the Time and Place for Holding the Meetings of the City Council of the City of Kent, and Repealing Certain Ordinances (2.01) | |
4/2/1923 | Providing for Street Improvements LID 207 Sanitary Sewers (Willis Street & Others) | |
7/2/1923 | Prohibiting Parking on Second Avenue Between Meeker and Gowe Streets | |
7/2/1923 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 207 Street Improvements - Sanitary Sewers (Willis St & Others) | |
7/2/1923 | Declaring a Sidewalk Area in the City of Kent, Providing for the Improvement and Care of the Same, Fixing a Penalty for a Violation, and Providing for the Enforcement thereof | |
7/2/1923 | Authorizing a Sale of Lots 3, 4, and 5 in Block 9 of Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition to Kent, and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Deed | |
8/6/1923 | Prohibiting the Use and Sale of Firecrackers and Other Explosives, and Regulating the Use of Fireworks in the City of Kent | |
8/21/1923 | Providing for Improvement of Portions of Titus Street and Others - LID 208 - Concrete Sidewalks | |
10/1/1923 | Levying and assessing a 4% Tax on the Water System annually to Be Paid into the Current Expense Fund | |
10/1/1923 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1924 | |
10/1/1923 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1924 | |
10/15/1923 | Defining and Adopting the “Rules of the Road” as Defined by Law, as Applied to Motor Vehicles, and Adopting and Fixing Traffic Regulations thereof | |
10/15/1923 | Making It an Offense for any Person to Operate or Drive a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated | |
12/3/1923 | Amending Ordinance No. 512 Entitled an Ordinance Prohibiting Parking of Automobiles and Other Vehicles on a Portion of Second Avenue Between Meeker and Gowe Streets | |
12/17/1923 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll LID 213 Concrete Sidewalks (Naden Avenue and Others) | |
12/17/1923 | Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 452, Entitled an Ordinance Defining a Place of Public Resort, Providing for the License and Regulation Thereof, and Fixing a Penalty | |
12/17/1923 | Providing that the Chief of Police and one assistant, Shall Be Ex officio Members of the Fire Department, and Fixing their Duties | |
1/7/1924 | Providing for the Organization, Government and Maintenance of a Fire Department in the City of Kent | |
4/21/1924 | Prohibiting the Posting of Notices and Advertising on Poles, and Fixing a Penalty | |
4/21/1924 | Prohibiting the Sale or Giving Away to any Minor tobacco, Cigarette, Wrapper or Other tobacco Products, and Fixing a Penalty | |
4/21/1924 | Establishing a Department of Streets and Water, and Providing for the Management thereof | |
5/5/1924 | Granting Franchise - to Puget Sound Power & Light Company for Operation of Transmission Lines | |
5/5/1924 | Prohibiting the Running at Large of Male Animals on any Enclosure, Pasture or Other Property which Abuts on any Street or Public Place in the City of Kent | |
5/5/1924 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 216 Concrete Sidewalks (Saar st & Others) | |
8/4/1924 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 216 Street Improvements (Saar & Others) | |
9/15/1924 | Emergency Ordinance for Additional Funds for Operation and Maintenance of Fire Department | |
9/15/1924 | Controlling Use & Price of Water Amending Section 38 of Ordinance 197 | |
10/6/1924 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds Against LID 216 Street Improvements Concrete Sidewalks (Saar St & Others) | |
10/6/1924 | Adopting Budget for 1925 | |
10/6/1924 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1925 | |
12/1/1924 | Providing for a Garbage Collector, and Form the Management and Control of Garbage Dump, and Fixing Penalties | |
2/2/1925 | Submitting to the Qualified Voters of the City, at the City Election to Be Held on the Tenth Day of March 1925, the Proposition for the Issuance of $5,000.00 of Bonds for Purchase of Fire Apparatus | |
3/16/1925 | Providing for Issuance of $5,000 Fire Department Bonds | |
5/4/1925 | Providing that Notice of any Delinquent Assessment in Local Improvement Districts Be Mailed to the Owner or Reputed Owner of Property assessed at Time of Certifying such Delinquency to the County Treasurer | |
9/21/1925 | Providing for the Protection of the Fire Department in Case of Fire, and Fixing a Penalty | |
10/5/1925 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1926 | |
10/5/1925 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1926 | |
10/19/1925 | Vacating the Alley in Block 1 of Guiberson’s Addition to Kent (H.B. Madison, Owner) | |
11/2/1925 | Providing for the Establishment of Local Improvement General Fund | |
12/7/1925 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from Lucy Clark of a strip of Land therein Described for an Alley, and Establishing said Alley | |
12/7/1925 | Creating and Establishing a Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, Abolishing Other Funds, and Transferring Amounts to said Bond Interest and Redemption Fund | |
10/4/1926 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1927 | |
10/4/1926 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1927 | |
11/1/1926 | Authorizing and Directing the City Treasurer to Accept and Receipt for any Delinquent Local Improvement Assessments, which May have Been Certified to the County Treasurer, and for Notice to the County Treasurer of such Payment | |
11/1/1926 | Authorizing the Police Department to Establish Non-Parking Areas on Streets or Portions of Streets | |
12/20/1926 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 553, Fixing the Rate of Interest on Delinquent LID Assessments | |
1/17/1927 | Providing for the Sale of Property Delinquent in Local Improvement Districts, and for the Issuance of Certificates of Sale therefor, as Provided by Section 25 Chapter 98 Laws of 1911 | |
3/21/1927 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 217 Sanitary Sewers (Clark Street and Others) | |
5/3/1927 | Vacating the Alley Running through Block 5 Original Plat of Kent | |
6/6/1927 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 218 Sanitary Sewers (W. Meeker and Thompson Streets) | |
8/1/1927 | Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 217 Sanitary Sewers (Clark, Jason & Prospect Streets) | |
8/1/1927 | Providing for Foreclosure of Delinquent Local Improvement Assessments, and Fixing the Duty of Officers in Relation thereto | |
9/6/1927 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 217 Sanitary Sewers (Clark, Jason and Prospect Streets) | |
9/10/1927 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 218 Sanitary Sewers (West Meeker & Thompson Streets) | |
10/3/1927 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1928 | |
10/3/1927 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1928 | |
10/3/1927 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 221 Central Avenue Between Meeker and Smith | |
11/7/1927 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 218 Street Improvements Sanitary Sewers (West Meeker & Thompson) | |
1/3/1927 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 221 Street Improvements Concrete Curbs (Central Avenue Between Smith & Meeker) | |
2/6/1927 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 221 Street Improvements Curbs (Central Avenue Between Meeker and Smith) | |
3/5/1927 | Designating Certain Streets as Arterial Highways, and Providing a Penalty | |
3/19/1928 | Fire Safety Regulations | |
5/21/1928 | Granting to Officers or Accredited Agents of the State of Washington, and of King County, the Right to Examine Every Lot and Parcel of Land in the City of Kent, for the Purpose of Discovering Whether said Lot or Parcel of Land Is infested with the Pest Commonly Known as Earwigs; and Granting said Officers or Accredited Agents the Right to Spread insecticides and Earwig Bait Over said Lot or Parcel of Land for the Purpose of Exterminating said Earwigs; Making an Appropriation therefor, and Providing a Penalty | |
9/4/1928 | Providing for Alley Improvement for LID 222 Sanitary Sewer (Block 17, WCI, Pioneer to Smith) | |
9/4/1928 | Providing for Street Improvement for LID 223 Concrete Paving (Second Avenue So., Saar to Willis) | |
10/1/1928 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1929 | |
10/1/1928 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1929 | |
11/5/1928 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 222 Street Improvements Sanitary Sewer (Alley, Block 17 WCIC Pioneer to Smith) | |
11/5/1928 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 223 Street Improvements Concrete Paving (2nd Avenue, Saar to Willis) | |
11/5/1928 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 224 Grading and Gravelling (Titus Street - Scenic Way to Kennebeck Ave.) | |
12/17/1928 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 222 Street Improvements Sanitary Sewers (Alley, Block 17, WCIC-Pioneer to Smith) | |
12/17/1928 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 223 Concrete Paving Street Improvement (Second Avenue, Saar to Willis) | |
1/21/1928 | Granting to Chas. R. Collins, His Heirs and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Gas Works for Manufactured and/or Natural Gas and Also to Lay Gas Pipes and Mains in the Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Highways and Other Public Places of the City of Kent | |
1/21/1929 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 224 Street Improvements Grading & Gravelling (Titus Street from Scenic Way to Kennebeck Ave.) | |
2/4/1929 | Levying and Assessing a 4% Tax on the Water System of said City, annually, to Be Paid into the Current Expense Fund | |
3/4/1929 | Vacating the Alley Running through Block 11 in Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition to Kent, with Certain Reservations | |
3/4/1929 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 224 Street Improvements Grading & Gravelling (Titus St.-Scenic Way to Kennebeck) | |
6/17/1929 | Creating LID 225 Providing for Street Improvements for LID 225 Street Lighting (Meeker, Central & First) | |
8/5/1929 | Declaring an Emergency, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Purchase of Fire Hose | |
9/3/1929 | Giving to the Police Department of said City Power and Authority to Fix Parking Spaces and Non-Parking Areas on the Streets of said City | |
10/7/1929 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1930 | |
10/7/1929 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1930 | |
10/7/1929 | Relating to Traffic on the Public Streets and Highways in the City of Kent, Appointing School Police, and Amending Certain Sections of Ordinance No. 493 | |
10/7/1929 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 225 Street Lighting (Meeker, Central & First) | |
11/18/1929 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 225 Street Lighting (Meeker, Central & First) | |
11/18/1929 | Establishing Fire Limits Repealing Certain Ordinances, and Fixing a Penalty | |
11/18/1929 | Regulating the Erection and Maintenance of Display Signs, Designating the Manner in which they Shall Be Placed, and Fixing a Penalty | |
12/16/1929 | Relating to the Cleanness of Streets, Alleys, and Premises, and Providing a Penalty for Violations | |
12/16/1929 | Regulating the storage of Explosives within the City Limits, and Fixing a Penalty for Violation thereof | |
12/16/1929 | Regulating the Operation and Equipment of Motion Picture Machines and Premises wherein the Same Are Operated, and Providing a Penalty for Violation | |
12/16/1929 | Regulating Plumbing, Providing for the Appointment of an inspector, for License, and Providing a Penalty for Violation | |
12/16/1929 | Adopting a Building Code, and Providing for the Construction and Equipment of Building in the City of Kent, and Fixing a Penalty for Violation | |
1/20/1930 | Fixing the Fees for Issuing Permit, and Other Fees and Charges for Operation of the Building Code as Established by Ordinance No. 601 | |
1/20/1930 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan for Acquiring Additional Water and Making Certain Additions and Betterments to the Water Works System of the City of Kent in King County, Washington, Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Near as May Be, and Submitting the Proposition of the Adoption of’ the said System or Plan, and the incurring Indebtedness and Issuing of Special Fund Utility Water Works Bonds in the Sum Not to Exceed $125,000 to defray the Cost and Expense of such Work, to the Qualified Voters of the said City of Kent, for Ratification or Rejection at a Special Election to Be Held in said City and Providing for the Calling and Holding of such Election | |
1/20/1930 | Granting to the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Maintain, Renew and Operate Railway Tracks, and to install, Maintain and Operate All Needful Crossovers and Connections Between any of said Tracks and any Other thereof, in, Along, Upon, Over and Across Certain Public Streets and Alleys in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
4/7/1930 | Amending Ordinance No. 595 Establishing a Fire Limits | |
4/21/1930 | Confirming the Result of Special Election Held March 11, 1930, Betterments to the Existing Waterworks System of the City of Kent and Authorizing the Issuance of Special Water Fund Bonds in the Sum of $125,000.00 to Pay therefor, Providing for the Form and Detail of said Bonds, the Issuance and Sale thereof and Declaring an Emergency | |
6/16/1930 | Amending Ordinance No. 282 and Fixing the Term of Payment and Maturity of Local Improvement Bonds, and the Rate of Interest thereon | |
6/16/1930 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 267, and Repealing Ordinance No. 285, Fixing the Term and Method of Payment of Assessments for Local Improvements, and the Rate of Interest thereon | |
7/7/1930 | Providing for Street Improvements for LID 226; Grading, Gravelling & Draining 3rd Street North, No. Park Addition (Winner to Cole) | |
8/18/1930 | Fixing the Salary of the City Attorney, and Repealing Certain Ordinances | |
10/6/1930 | Granting to Seattle Gas Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Gas Works for the Manufacture of Gas, and Also to Lay Gas Pipes and Mains in the Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Highways, and Other Public Places of the City of Kent | |
10/6/1930 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 226 - Street Improvements Grading, Gravelling & Drainage (3rd Street No., in No. Park Addition, Winner to Cole) | |
10/6/1930 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1931 | |
10/6/1930 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1931 | |
11/18/1930 | Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID 226 Street Improvements Grading, Gravelling and Drainage (Third Street North, No. Park Addition, Winner to Cole) | |
12/15/1930 | Providing for the Method of Doing Contract Work on the Streets, by Contractors or Others, for the Protection of Owners of Abutting Property, and Fixing the Additional Duties of the City Engineer, and Fixing a Penalty | |
1/5/1931 | Regulating the Speed of Railroad Trains therein, and Prohibiting the Obstruction of Street Crossings by Cars or Engines, and Repealing Ordinance No. 193 | |
1/19/1931 | Providing for the Protection of City Property, Making It a Misdemeanor for Destruction or Damage thereof, Fixing a Penalty, and Authorizing an Award | |
2/2/1931 | Amending Section 3, of Ordinance No. 601, Designated as the Building Code, Passed and Approved December 17, 1929 | |
3/2/1931 | Defining Hawkers and Peddlers, Providing for the License thereof, Providing a Penalty, and Repealing Certain Provisions of Ordinance No. 362 as Amended by Ordinance 379-B, and Repealing Ordinance No. 379-B | |
4/6/1931 | Vacating Easements Over Property of James V. Borek and Marie Borek, His Wife, and Authorizing Execution of a Quit Claim Deed | |
5/18/1931 | Vacating that Portion of State Street, from Its Junction with the South Line of Titus Street East, to the South End of said State Street, in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
7/6/1931 | Emergency Ordinance for Warrants for City Hall Maintenance | |
8/3/1931 | Vacating that Certain Unnamed Street or Public Way Adjoining the West Boundary Line of Block one (1) of Rassmussen’s Addition to the City of Kent, King County, Washington, Extending Between Meeker Avenue and Shinn Avenue in the City of Kent, King County, Washington (for Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway) | |
9/21/1931 | Amending Section 38 of Ordinance No. 197 as Passed and Approved May 17, 1909, and Repealing Ordinance No. 536, Passed and Approved September 18, 1924 | |
10/5/1931 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1932 | |
10/5/1931 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1932 | |
2/15/1932 | Amending Ordinance No. 595 Establishing a Fire Limits | |
2/15/1932 | Regulating Temporary Merchants, Fixing a License Fee therefor, and Providing Punishment for Violating the Provisions of this Ordinance | |
4/4/1932 | Providing for the Improvement of Certain Property in Waterman’s Acre Tracts, Crows 1st Addition, Jeffrey’s 1st Addition, Unplatted Property Contiguous thereto, and Block 10 Yesler’s 1st Addition | |
5/16/1932 | Submitting to the Qualified Voters of the said City, at an Election to Be Held therein, on the Proposition of Creating an Indebtedness in the Sum of Not Exceeding Fifteen thousand Dollars ($15,000) by the Issuance and Sale of General Negotiable Interest Bearing Coupon Bonds of the City of Kent, in King County, Washington in said Amount, for the Rebuilding, Repair and Replacement of Trunk Sewer System and Declaring an Emergency | |
6/6/1932 | Submitting to the Qualified Voters of said City, at an Election to Be Held therein on the Proposition “Shall the City of Kent Issue $15,000.00 General Obligation Bonds for Sewer?” for the Rebuilding, Replacement and Repair of Trunk Sewer System, and Declaring an Emergency | |
6/6/1932 | Repealing Ordinance No. 631, an Ordinance Providing for Submitting Proposition of Issuing Bonds to Voters - $15,000.00 Sewer Repair | |
8/8/1932 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for Sewer $15,000 Replacement of Trunk Line and Establishing Trunk Sewer Construction Fund | |
8/8/1932 | Amending the Latter Part of Section 44 of Ordinance No. 266, Amending Water Rates for Meter Consumers of Over 30,000 Cubic Feet | |
9/6/1932 | Declaring an Emergency; Providing for the Creation of an Indebtedness, and for the Issuance of General Negotiable Coupon Bonds in the Sum of $15,000.00 to Pay for the Rebuilding of the Main Trunk Sewer; and Establishing a Special Fund to Be Designated, Trunk Sewer Construction Fund | |
9/19/1932 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 227, for the Improvement of Crow and Other Streets | |
10/3/1932 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1933 | |
10/3/1932 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1933 | |
11/7/1932 | Providing for the Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of $15,000 General Obligation Serial Coupon Bonds, Fixing the Serial Number, Maturity and Rate of Interest, and for the Delivery of the Same to the State of Washington on Its Bid. (Trunk Sewer Line) | |
12/5/1932 | Authorizing the Issuance of Refunding Warrants Against Local Improvement District No. 227 of said City, Providing for the Rate of Interest thereon, the Date of the Issue thereof, the Redemption thereof, and Authorizing the Sale and Delivery of the Same | |
1/23/1933 | Submitting to the Qualified Voters of said City, at an Election to Be Held therein on the Proposition, “Shall the City of Kent Issue $15,000.00 General Obligation Bonds for Sewer for the Rebuilding, Replacement and Repair of the Trunk Sewer System,” and Declaring an Emergency | |
3/13/1933 | Declaring an Emergency & Providing for Payment of Indebtedness of City Created by Issuance of Warrants. $15,000 - Trunk Sewer Line Repair) | |
4/3/1933 | Confirming and Approving an Election Held in the City under the Provisions of Ordinance No. 642, on the Proposition “Shall the City of Kent Issue $15,000.00 General Obligation Bonds for Sewer?”, and Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of said Bonds | |
4/3/1933 | Providing for the Licensing for the Purpose of Regulation and Revenue, Certain Persons, and Corporations, to Handle, Sell and Distribute Beer and Light Wines, within the City of Kent, Classifying the Service therefor, and Providing for Violation | |
5/15/1933 | Licensing and Regulating the Use of Hacks, Wagons, Carriages, Automobiles, Busses, Trucks, Drays and Other Vehicles Carrying Passengers or Freight for Hire, or Delivering Foods, Wares or Merchandise to Customers within the City of Kent, and without the City of Kent, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereof | |
6/5/1933 | Amending Sections Four and Seven of Ordinance No. 646 as Passed and Approved May 15, 1933 | |
7/3/1933 | Providing for the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of $15,000.00 General Obligation, Serial Coupon Bonds, Providing the Form thereof, and Fixing the Rate of Interest, Serial Number and Maturities; and for the Sale and Delivery to Purchasers as Bids May Be offered and Accepted therefor | |
10/2/1933 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1934 | |
10/2/1933 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1934 | |
1/2/1934 | Designating Smith Street as an Arterial Highway, and Providing a Penalty | |
2/19/1934 | Repealing Ordinance No. 646 Passed and Approved May 13, 1933, Relating to Vehicles Transporting Passengers and Freight within the City Limits | |
4/2/1934 | Vacating with Certain Reservations, a Part of the West Side of Sixth Street, Between Meeker and Shinn Avenues; said Street being Also Known as Sixth Avenue by Virtue of Ordinance No. 280 of the City of Kent | |
5/7/1934 | Relating to and Regulating the Consumption, Sale, Possession, Disposal and Use of Intoxicating Liquors, Adopting Certain Definitions, and Providing Penalties | |
8/6/1934 | Fixing the Salaries of Certain City Officers for the Term Beginning June, 1935. (City Clerk, City Attorney, City Treasurer, & Police Judge) | |
10/1/1934 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1935 | |
10/1/1934 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1935 | |
11/5/1934 | Abolishing Cesspools in the City of Kent, Effective 11/15/34 | |
1/21/1935 | Vacating the Alley through Block Nine (9) in the Original Plat of Kent, from Its Junction with the South Line of Morton Street through said Block the Entire Distance thereof. [Helen Dow Whitacker, Owner] | |
4/1/1935 | Vacating Certain Property therein, in Washington Central Improvement Company’s Knob Hill Addition, as Herein Described, and including the Streets and Alleys therein. (Block 19 of Original Plat of W.C.I.Co’s Knob Hill Addition) | |
4/1/1935 | Providing for the Issue and Sale of Refunding Water Revenue Bonds in the Sum of $109,000 for the Purpose of Paying the Outstanding Water Revenue Bonds of the City of Kent, Dated May 1, 1930, Issued Pursuant to Ordinance No. 603; Creating a Special Fund for the Payment of the Principal and Interest of said Refunding Bonds | |
4/15/1935 | Relating to the Issue and Sale of Refunding Water Revenue Bonds of the City of Kent in the Sum of $109,000 and Amending Sections 1, 2 and 5 of Ordinance No. 661 of said City; Creating a Special Fund for the Payment of the Principal and Interest of said Refunding Bonds, 1935 | |
4/23/1935 | Relating to the Issue and Sale of Refunding Water Revenue Bonds of the City of Kent in the Sum of $109,000 and Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 662 of said City, Passed and Approved April 15, 1935 | |
7/1/1935 | Establishing Fire Limits and Repealing Certain Ordinances, and Fixing a Penalty | |
7/1/1935 | Establishing a Building Code, and Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 601; and Adding New Sections thereto as Section 2-A, Section 2-B, and Section 3; and Amending 4 and 5 of said Ordinance No. 601, and Providing a Penalty | |
8/12/1935 | Declaring an Emergency, Providing for the Payment of an Indebtedness by the City of Kent | |
8/12/1935 | Providing for the Punishment of any Person Resisting an Officer in the Performance of His Duty, or Compounding a Crime, and Fixing a Penalty | |
10/7/1935 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1936 | |
10/7/1935 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1936 | |
11/18/1935 | Vacating a Portion of North State Street in McMillin’s Addition therein Described, including Portion of said Street | |
12/16/1935 | Licensing for the Purpose of Revenue and Regulation, Certain Business Carried on within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent, Requiring Inspection thereof, Creating the Office of inspector by the Appointment of the Health Officer, as a Part of His official Duty, Providing Penalties for a Violation of this Ordinance, and Repealing any and All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
2/3/1936 | Repealing Ordinance No. 671 Passed and Approved December 16, 1935, Relating to Licensing of Bread and Bakery Products, and Providing for Inspection | |
6/15/1936 | Declaring an Emergency and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Police Department ($150.00) | |
10/5/1936 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1937 | |
10/5/1936 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1937 | |
11/2/1936 | Providing for the Licensing and Regulation of Certain Trades and Occupations and Fixing a Penalty for the Violation thereof and Repealing All Ordinances inconsistent therewith. (Card Rooms, Pool Tables, Pin Ball Machines, Shows, Peddlers, Galleries, Other Games) | |
5/17/1936 | To Tax and License Dogs; Providing for the Impounding of such Animals; Providing for the Establishment of a Quarantine of such Animals and the Impounding of such Animals for Violation thereof; and Repealing Certain Ordinances | |
8/2/1937 | Declaring an Emergency and Providing for the Payment of an Indebtedness by the City of Kent | |
9/7/1937 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 4 and Fixing the Form of a Seal for the City of Kent (1.01) | |
9/20/1937 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use, and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent and Repealing Ordinances 62, 69, 87, 93, 173, 197, 266 and Section 1 of Ordinance 625 and All of Ordinance 635 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations | |
10/4/1937 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1938 | |
10/4/1937 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1938 | |
10/18/1937 | Relating to and Declaring Certain Acts and Omissions to Be Misdemeanors; Prescribing the Penalty for Violations thereof and Repealing Certain Ordinances. (Repealing Ordinance Numbers 8, 11, 18, 33, 46, 53, 83, 104, 106, 116, 124, 183, 184, 191, 372, 378, Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 9 of Ordinance 383, Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 of Ordinance 485, 486, 502, 516, 522, 528, 529, 667) | |
11/1/1937 | Repealing Ordinances Numbered 6, 14, 605 and 628 Relating to Fire Department Regulations | |
11/1/1937 | Relating to the Time and Place of Holding Meetings of the Council of the City of Kent and Repealing Ordinances Numbered 1, 20 and 51 Relative thereto; Providing Further for Salaries, Method of Payment of Same, Bonds and Duties of City Officers, and Repealing Ordinances Numbered 2, 16, 29, 70, 113, 172, 187, 188, 190, 201, 325, 354, 356, 357, 371, 403, 413, 484, 490; Section 6 and 7 of 527 Relative to Treasurer of Fire Department; and Ordinances 610 and 655 Relative thereto | |
11/2/1937 | Fixing License Fees for Various Vocations, Regulating the Same and Repealing Certain Ordinances Relative thereto (5.02) | |
1/3/1938 | Vacating a Portion of Titus Street and a Portion of the Alley in Block 18 of Yesler’s First Addition to Kent | |
2/21/1938 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent and Repealing Sections 1, 6, 7, 26 and 29 of Ordinance No. 680 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations | |
4/4/1938 | Granting Permission to the Washington Frosted Foods Company, a Washington Corporation, to Connect the Building on the North Side of Shinn Street with the Building on the South Side of Shinn Street Immediately East of the Northwestern Railway Company’s Spur Track, on Property Owned by said Northwestern Railway Company, by an Overhead Bridge | |
4/18/1938 | To Maintain the Public Peace and Good Will and Promote the Public Welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Kent by Making It Unlawful for any Person to Walk Back and Forth, Loiter or Remain Upon the Streets or Sidewalks in Front of any Business House for the Purpose of Persuading or intimidating any Person from Entering said Place of Business Excepting Employees of such Business from the Provisions of the Ordinance, Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereof and Declaring an Emergency | |
4/18/1938 | Establishing the Street Grade at the Corner of Second and Gowe Streets, in the City of Kent | |
5/2/1938 | Granting Permission to F.H. Hogue and Company of Washington, Frosted Foods Division, Inc., a Washington Corporation, to Construct a Pipe Line under Smith Street and Overhead Across First Avenue North, in the City of Kent | |
6/6/1938 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent and Repealing Sections 2 and 4 of the Ordinance No. 688 of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations | |
10/3/1938 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1939 | |
10/3/1938 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1939 | |
1/16/1939 | Vacating a Portion of Second Street and Also a Portion of Cloudy Avenue in the said City of Kent | |
7/17/1939 | Vacating Calhoun Way in said City of Kent | |
8/7/1939 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from Grant Dunbar and Iva Dunbar, Husband and Wife, and Thelma Veula Saito, a Single Woman, of a Strip of Land Therein Described for an Alley, and Establishing said Alley | |
10/2/1939 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1940 | |
10/2/1939 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1940 | |
11/9/1939 | Fixing, Regulating, and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Repealing Section 4 of Ordinance No. 680 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations | |
2/5/1940 | Providing for Issuance & Sale of Refunding Water Revenue Bonds and Creating Refunding Water Revenue Bonds of 1935 Fund | |
2/19/1940 | Regulating the Speed of Railroad Trains therein and Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 617 | |
5/20/1940 | Designating James Street as an Arterial Highway, and Providing a Penalty | |
7/16/1940 | Fixing, Regulating, and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 693 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations | |
7/16/1940 | Regulating Games of Skill within the City of Kent, King County, Washington, and Repealing Section 7 of Ordinance No. 686 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to License Fees | |
8/5/1940 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from Chas. Marlowe and Maria Marlowe, His Wife, and Ida E. Leber, of a strip of Land therein Described, for an Extension of Alvord Avenue Northward from James Street, and Establishing said Extension | |
10/7/1940 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1941 | |
10/7/1940 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1941 | |
12/3/1940 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Parks Department | |
12/16/1940 | Providing for the Allowance and Payment of Necessary Travel Expenses and Subsistence of City officials of the City of Kent | |
2/4/1941 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the General Government of the City | |
6/2/1941 | Fixing, Regulating, and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, Ordinance No. 680 of the City of Kent by Adding thereto and Amending Sections 5A, 5B, and 30A, and Amending Ordinance No. 705 of the City of Kent by Adding thereto Section 1A, and Repealing All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
8/4/1941 | Granting Right-of-Way Franchise for 50 Years to U.S. Department of interior Across Water Mains, Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 6 East, W.M. for Power Circuits & Acceptance by U.S.A. | |
9/15/1941 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 5 of the Ordinance of the City of Kent, the Punishment and Abatement of Nuisances, and Repealing Section 2 of said Ordinance No. 5 | |
10/6/1941 | Licensing & Regulating Fur Farms within the City of Kent, Providing for Application, Requisites and Duration of License; Revocation of License Upon Notice and Hearing; Restricting the Number of Fur Bearing Animals within Certain Limits; Time for Removal of Excess Animals; Defining Terms; and Providing Penalties | |
10/6/1941 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1942 | |
10/6/1941 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1942 | |
12/15/1941 | Fixing the Salary of the Police Judge of said City and Repealing Provisions of All Other Ordinances in Conflict therewith | |
12/15/1941 | Relating to the National Defense and Providing for “Blackouts” During the Existence of a State of War with any foreign Power; Defining offenses and Prescribing Penalties | |
12/15/1941 | Creating a Municipal Defense Council, and Prescribing Its Duties | |
1/19/1942 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the General Government of the City | |
3/16/1942 | Granting a Franchise to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for 25 Years | |
7/6/1942 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Amending Section 3, of Ordinance No. 688, of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations | |
8/3/1942 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Police Department of the City | |
10/19/1942 | Providing for and Establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for Erecting New Municipal Buildings or Erecting Additions to Present Buildings for any City Purpose, and Authorizing Appropriations Therefor | |
10/5/1942 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1943 | |
10/5/1942 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1943 | |
10/5/1942 | Fixing the Salary of the Mayor and City Attorney and Repealing Provisions of All Other Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
1/4/1943 | Relating to War-Time Control of Illumination in the City of Kent, Providing for Aid to the Federal Government in the Enforcement thereof, and Defining offenses and Prescribing Penalties (Blackouts) | |
5/5/1943 | Levying an Admission Tax on Persons Paying Admissions Who Are Admitted Free or at Reduced Rates to any Place of Amusement or Entertainment, Fixing the Amount and Providing for the Collection thereof and Prescribing Penalties | |
5/17/1943 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants in Support of the Police Department of the City | |
5/7/1943 | Providing for the Perpetuation, Government and Maintenance of the Kent Fire Department as Heretofore Created and Established by the City Council | |
9/20/1943 | Creating a State Aid Fund and a Liquor Tax Fund in Connection with Monies Paid the City by the State, and Providing for the Expenditure thereof for Certain State Purposes | |
9/20/1943 | Providing for and Establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for Acquiring Materials, Supplies, and Equipment for Municipal Purposes, and Authorizing Appropriations Therefor | |
10/4//1943 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1944 | |
10/4/1943 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1944 | |
10/4/1943 | Regulating the Parking and Use of Occupied and/or Unoccupied Trailer Coaches in the City of Kent, Providing for the Licensing of Trailer Camps and Fixing the Penalties for Its Violation | |
5/15/1944 | Calling a Special Election to Vote Upon a Proposition to Purchase Property, Establish and Maintain Thereon a Civic Center for the City, and Levying a Tax by Special Assessment to Raise Money to Pay Therefor | |
6/5/1944 | Granting Permission to the Washington Frosted Foods, Inc., a Corporation of the State of Washington, to Establish, Connect, Maintain and Operate a Bridge Between the Buildings of the said Corporation Across Shinn Street in the City of Kent Immediately to the East of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company Spur Tract | |
6/19/1944 | Granting Permission to the Santa Cruz Fruit Packing Company, a Corporation of the State of California, to Operate and Maintain a Conveyor Pipe Line under Smith Street and Over and Across First Avenue North in said City | |
7/3/1944 | Accepting a Deed of Dedication of Lands included in that Portion of Titus Street East. which Lies to the East of Kennebeck Avenue South, in said City of Kent | |
8/7/1944 | Approving the Plat of Feroe’s First Addition to Kent in King County, State of Washington | |
8/7/1944 | Vacating a Portion of East Morton Street | |
9/18/1944 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 726 - Creating Cumulative Reserve Building Fund for Materials, Supplies, and Equipment | |
10/2/1944 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1945 | |
10/2/1944 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1945 | |
4/2/1945 | Fixing the Salaries of Certain Employees of the City, Making an Appropriation for the Payment of the Same, and Declaring an Emergency | |
4/2/1945 | Relating to and Regulating the Conveyance of Passengers and Baggage for Hire in the City of Kent, Fixing the Rates to Be Charged for such Service and Providing Penalties for Its Violation | |
5/7/1945 | Prescribing “Rules of the Road” in Operating Vehicles in and on the Streets, Alleys and Other Public Places therein, and Fixing a Penalty for Its Violation | |
8/6/1945 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “Kent View Addition to Kent, King County, Washington.” | |
8/20/1945 | Providing for the Collection, Removal and Disposal of Garbage, Waste, Refuse, and Similar Substances; for the Letting of a Contract or Contracts to Carry Out the Collection, Removal and Disposal thereof; and Prescribing Methods of Procedure; Making the Use of the System Compulsory Upon All of the People of the City, and Prescribing Penalties for Its Violation | |
9/17/1945 | Providing for the Employment of one Man Additional to the Present Crew Performing the Work of Maintaining the Streets in the City, Making Application for the Payment of His Salary, and Declaring an Emergency | |
10/1/1945 | Amending Sections 5 and 14 of Ordinance No. 752 of the City of Kent | |
10/1/1945 | Fixing the Rates of Charges for the Collection, Removal, and Disposal of Garbage, Refuse and Waste within the said City | |
10/1/1945 | Providing for and Establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund in the City Treasury for the Purpose of Erecting, Establishing and Completing a Sewer Disposal Plant for the Sewer System of the City | |
10/1/1945 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1946 | |
10/1/1945 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1946 | |
12/17/1945 | Vacating a Portion of an Alley in Block 3, Sunnyside Addition to Kent | |
1/1/1946 | Establishing Fire Limits, Building District Limits and Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 664 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Fire Limits and Building District Limits | |
3/4/1946 | Approving and Accepting Deeds from W.A. Ammons and Mae Ammons, His Wife, and Robert E. Burns and Sydna Burns, His Wife, and George E. Miller and Hilda P. Miller. His Wife, of a strip of Land Described therein, for an Extension of Second Avenue Southward from Its Present South Terminus, and Establishing said Extension | |
3/18/1946 | Amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 604, Entitled “an Ordinance Granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Maintain, Renew and Operate Railway Tracks, and to install, Maintain and Operate All Needful Cross-Overs and Connections Between any of said Tracks and any Other thereof, in, Along, Upon, Over and Across Certain Public Streets and Alleys in the City of Kent, King County, Washington”, and Extending the Term of the Franchise thereby Granted to a Period Ending January 20, 1960 | |
6/3/1946 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Street Department of said City (Street Fund of $20,000) | |
6/3/1946 | Creating a Planning Commission of the City of Kent and Defining Its Powers | |
6/17/1946 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 705 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations. (Fixing Price of Water at $1.50 Minimum) | |
6/17/1946 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Land Necessary to Be Acquired for a Sewage Disposal Plant and Providing for the Payment of said Land | |
7/15/1946 | Vacating a Portion of Pioneer Street | |
9/3/1946 | Annexing to said City Certain Land Contiguous Thereto | |
10/21/1946 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “Miller’s Northern View Addition to Kent, King County, Washington” | |
10/21/1946 | Establishing Boundaries for LID 228 | |
9/16/1946 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “S. G. Mickelson’s Sunnyside Addition to Kent, King County, Washington” | |
10/7/1946 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “Miller’s Northern View Second Addition to Kent, King County, Washington” | |
10/7/1946 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1947 | |
10/7/1946 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1947 | |
11/18/1946 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 765 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Water Regulations. (New Rates on Water System) | |
11/18/1946 | Fixing the Salary of the City Attorney and Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 729 | |
12/16/1946 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Water Department of said City | |
2/17/1947 | Creating and Establishing a Civil Service Commission for the Police Department of the City of Kent, and Adopting Chapter 13 of the Session Laws of the State of Washington for 1937 (2.51) | |
4/7/1947 | Vacating the Alley in Block 7 of Washington Central Improvement Company’s Knob Hill Addition to Kent | |
4/7/1947 | Providing for and Establishing a Fund in the City Treasury for the Purpose of Depositing therein and withdrawing therefrom Funds Received for the Purpose of Erecting a Sewage Disposal Plant for the Sewer System of the City. (Washington State Development Sewage Treatment Plant Project No. 1 - $10,944.80) | |
5/19/1947 | Annexing Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (North of North City Limits) | |
6/2/1947 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the General Government of the City (Buying of the State Cannery No. 1 Building) | |
7/21/1947 | Providing for the Issue and Sale of Refunding Water Revenue Bonds in the Sum of $33,000, for the Purpose of Paying the Outstanding Water Refunding Bonds of the City of Kent Dated March 1, 1940, Issued Pursuant to Ordinance No. 702; Creating a Special Fund for the Payment of Principal and Interest of said Refunding Bonds; Providing for the Terms and Conditions of said Bonds; and Creating a Special Fund for the Payment of the Refunding Water Revenue Bonds of 1940; and Approving the Sale of said Bonds | |
9/15/1947 | To Regulate and Restrict the Location and Use of Buildings and the Use of Land within the City of Kent, Washington, to Limit the Height of Buildings; to Prescribe Building Lines and the Size of Yards and Other Open Spaces, and for these Purposes to Divide the City into Districts | |
10/6/1947 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “Marlowe’s First Addition to Kent” | |
10/6/1947 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1948 | |
10/6/1947 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1948 | |
10/20/1947 | Fixing the Rates of Charges for the Collection, Removal and Disposal of Garbage, Refuse and Waste within the City of Kent, and Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 755 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Garbage Collection, Removal and Disposal | |
12/16/1947 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Water Department of said City | |
1/5/1948 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “Walmsley’s Addition” to the City of Kent | |
2/2/1948 | Relating to Traffic and Regulating the Use of Public Streets in the City of Kent; Defining and Establishing Parking Meter Zones, and Regulating and Controlling and Providing for the Inspection of the Time of Parking of Vehicles therein by the Use of Parking Meters; Zones; Creating Prescribing Limits of Time for Parking in Parking Meter in the Treasury of the City of Kent a Special Fund to Be Known as the “Parking Meter Fund”; and Providing for the Enforcement of this Ordinance and Penalties for Its Violation | |
3/1/1948 | Repealing Ordinance No. 791 of said City Relating to Traffic and Regulating the Use of Public Streets in the City of Kent | |
3/15/1948 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Police Department of Said City | |
7/6/1948 | Vacating a Portion of Alvord Avenue as Deeded to the City of Kent by Deed Dated August 2, 1940, and Recorded in Volume 1914 of Deeds, Page 654, Records of King County | |
7/6/1948 | Vacating a Portion of a Street in Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition to Kent ((A) Triangular Parcel of Land East of Lots 17 to 24, Block 4, WCIC & (B) Parcel of Land East of Lots 9 to 16, Block 1,WCIC | |
7/19/1948 | Licensing and Regulating Games of Skill and Games of Novelty or Amusement within the City of Kent, Amending Sections 1, 2, and 5, and Repealing Section 4, All of Ordinance No. 706 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent | |
8/2/1948 | Providing Penalties for the Violation of Ordinances No. 706 and 796 Relating to the Licensing and Regulating of Games of Skill and Games of Novelty and Amusement within the City of Kent, and Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 706 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent | |
8/16/1948 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “View Point Addition” | |
8/16/1948 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 768 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto. (Petition of Edgar E. Miller and Marie L. Miller) | |
10/4/1948 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1949 | |
10/4/1948 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1949 | |
10/22/1948 | Providing for Repairs, Replacements and Additions to Water System & Providing for Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds - $200,000. (1948 Kent Water Bond) | |
12/6/1948 | Defining and Regulating the Use of Punch Boards, Providing for Permits for the Use Thereof; Prohibiting the Use Thereof by Minors; and Prescribing Penalties for Violations | |
12/6/1948 | Prohibiting the Paying, Operating or Use by Minors of Games of Skill Commonly Known as Pinball Machines, and Prescribing Penalties for Violations Thereof | |
1/17/1949 | Repealing Section 9 of Ordinance No. 686 of the Ordinances of said City | |
1/17/1949 | Repealing Sub-Paragraph 3 of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 258 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent | |
3/23/1949 | Relating to the Preparation and Filing with the City of Kent of Plats, Replats or Dedications of Streets and Other Property to the Public Pursuant to Chapter 186, Laws of Washington of 1937 | |
6/20/1949 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Water Department and for the General Government of the City | |
7/5/1949 | Vacating an Alley in Lot 24, Block 11, Washington Central Improvement Company’s Knob Hill Addition to Kent | |
7/5/1949 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of the Lands in said City under the Name “Valley View Addition to Kent, County, Washington” | |
8/15/1949 | Creating Local Improvement Guarantee Fund (3.40) | |
9/6/1949 | Relating to the Construction of Street Grades, Paving, Curbs, and Gutters and Sidewalks | |
9/6/1949 | Relating to Traffic and Regulating the Use of Public Streets in the City of Kent; Defining and Establishing Parking Meter Zones, and Regulating and Controlling and Providing for the Inspection of the Time of Parking of Vehicles therein by the Use of Parking Meters; Prescribing Limits of Time for Parking in Parking Meter Zones; Creating in the Treasury of the City of Kent a Special Fund to Be Known as the “Parking Meter Fund”; and Providing for the Enforcement of this Ordinance and Penalties for Its Violation | |
9/19/1949 | Providing for and Fixing Compensation for City Councilmen for attending Council Meetings (2.01) | |
9/19/1949 | Providing for and Establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Purchase of Fire Trucks and Other Fire Fighting Equipment | |
10/3/1949 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1950 | |
10/3/1949 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1950 | |
12/19/1949 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Street Department of said City ($1,373.85) | |
12/5/1949 | Amending Section 4 of Ordinance No.770, Establishing Boundaries for LID 228 in North Park | |
12/5/1949 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 228. (Sewers - North Park) | |
12/19/1949 | Vacating that Portion of Kennebeck Avenue Lying Between Lots 22 to 28 of Block 16 and Lots 1 to 7 of Block 15 of Washington Central Improvement Co’s. Knob Hill Addition to Kent | |
12/19/1949 | Vacating those Portions of Dean Street and Kennebeck Avenue in the City of Kent, Lying Westerly of the Southwesterly Line of Kenwood Avenue and the Northwesterly Production thereof, and Lying Northerly of the Southeasterly Production of the Northeasterly Line of Scenic Way | |
12/19/1949 | Vacating that Certain Eight Foot Alley Running a Distance of 180 Feet South of the South Line of West Meeker Street at a Point 35 Feet, More or Less, West of Old Seattle Tacoma Interurban Right of Way | |
2/6/1050 | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Issue Bonds Against Local Improvement District No. 228 of said City, Providing the Rate of Interest the said Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and of their Maturity, and Authorizing their Sale, or Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement in said District | |
3/6/1950 | Providing for the Relief and Compensation of Volunteer Firemen, Creating a Board of Trustees to Administer this Ordinance, and Adopting the Provisions of Chapter 261 of the Laws of Washington, 1945, as Amended, insofar as the Same Pertain to Relief and Compensation only | |
3/20/1050 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Park Department of said City | |
7/3/1950 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Street Department of said City | |
7/17/1950 | Creation of LID 229 Boundaries | |
7/17/1950 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 796 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent, Relating to the Licensing and Regulation of Games of Skill, Novelty and Amusement | |
9/5/1950 | Specifying and Adopting a Plan or Scheme for the Acquisition or Construction of an Electric Power System for the City, for the Construction and Installation of Additions and Improvements to and Extensions of said System, Declaring the Estimated Cost of Carrying Out said Plan or Scheme, and Providing for the Submission of a Proposition for the Adoption of said Plan or Scheme and the Issuance of Electric Power Revenue Bonds of the City in the Principal Sum of $2,790,000.00 to Pay the Cost thereof to the Qualified Electors of the City for Their Ratification or Rejection at a Special Election to Be Held on October 17, 1950 | |
10/2/1950 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1951 | |
10/2/1950 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1951 | |
12/18/1950 | Relating to Connection with the City Sewer System of Property Beyond the City Limits of the City of Kent, Authorizing such Connection, Fixing Charges to Be Paid the City for such Connection, and Prescribing Penalties for Failure to Pay such Charges | |
12/18/1950 | Providing for the Pension and Retirement of Volunteer Firemen, and Adopting the Provisions of Chapter 261 of the Laws of Washington, 1945, as Amended, insofar as the Same Pertain to Pension and Retirement | |
12/18/1950 | Relating to a Pension, Relief, Disability and Retirement System; Making an Election to Join the Statewide System Pursuant to Chapter 71, Laws of 1947, and Electing a Choice of “Prior Service Credit,” and Providing for Notification of the Board of Trustees of such Election. (Pension for City Employees) | |
12/18/1950 | Fixing the Salary of the City Clerk of the City of Kent and Repealing the Provisions of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 685 in Conflict Herewith | |
12/18/1950 | Fixing the Salary of the City Attorney, and Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 776 | |
5/21/1951 | Amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 683 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent, Relating to Misdemeanors | |
8/20/1951 | Regulating Traffic at the Intersection of Shinn Street with First Avenue North, and at the Intersection of Sixth Avenue with Shinn Street, and Providing Penalties | |
10/1/1951 | Regulating Traffic at the Intersection of Shinn Street with First Avenue North, and at the Intersection of Sixth Avenue with Shinn Street, and Providing Penalties | |
10/1/1951 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1952 | |
10/15/1951 | Fixing, Regulating 0110 Water/Sewer/Garbage Rates & Policies Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Amending Section 1, of Ordinance No. 724, of the Ordinances of the City of Kent, Relating to Water Regulations | |
12/3/1952 | Granting to Puget Sound Power & Light Company the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise to Set, Erect, Construct, Maintain and Use Poles, Wires and Other Electrical Equipment, including Private Telephone Wires, in, Upon, Over, Along and Across the Public Streets, Avenues, Alleys, Highways, Grounds and Places in the City of Kent for the Transmission, Distribution and Sale of Electricity for Power, Heat, Light and any Other Purpose or Purposes for which Electricity May Be Used | |
12/3/1952 | Relating to Office Hours for Public Offices | |
1/7/1952 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 828, Approved February 7, 1950, Relating to LID 229 | |
2/4/1952 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 219 & Establishing LID Fund | |
847 | (No ordinance) | |
4/21/1952 | Relating to and Regulating Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel, and Transportation and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths, and Other Ways Open to the Public; Prescribing the Powers and Duties of Officers and Others in Relation thereto; Defining offenses; Providing Penalties, and Repealing Section 15, of Ordinance No. 683, and Ordinances Nos. 216, 493, 512, 570, 589, 592 and 750, and All Amendments thereof and All Other Ordinances and Sections of Ordinances insofar as they Are in Conflict therewith | |
5/5/1952 | Vacating a Portion of that Certain Alley Running North and South in Block 4, Original Plat of the town of Kent | |
8/18/1952 | Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Voters of the City of Kent, for their Ratification or Rejection, at a Special Election to Be Held in Conjunction with the General Election of November 4, 1952, a Proposition to Issue General Obligation Bonds of the City, in a Sum Not to Exceed $125,000, for the Purpose of Constructing and Equipping a Public Auditorium and Civic Center; and Declaring Emergency | |
9/15/1952 | Fixing the Salary of the City Treasurer of the City of Kent, and Repealing that Portion of Section 1, of Ordinance No. 685, in Conflict Herewith | |
10/6/1952 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1953 | |
10/6/1952 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1953 | |
11/3/1952 | Vacating a Portion of that Certain Street Lying Northeasterly of Lots 3, 4, and 5, of Block “A”, Washington Central Improvement Company’s Knob Hill Addition to Kent | |
1/5/1952 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 775 and All Other Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
2/16/1952 | Establishing Fire Limits, Building District Limits and Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 664 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent Relating to Fire Limits and Building District Limits | |
3/2/1953 | Amending Ordinance No. 848 of said City, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation, and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths, and Other Ways Open to the Public, by Adding thereto a New Section, 25(A), increasing the Maximum Speed Upon Certain Streets within the City of Kent (35 Mile Speed) | |
4/6/1953 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 784, to Regulate and Restrict the Location and Use of Buildings and the Use of Land within the City of Kent, Washington, to Limit the Height of Buildings, to Prescribe Building Lines and the Size of Yards and Other Open Spaces, and for these Purposes to Divide the City into Districts | |
5/4/1953 | Relating to Intoxicating Liquors, Prohibiting Minors from Acquiring, Possessing or Consuming the Same, Prohibiting Others from Supplying or Permitting the Consumption of the Same by Minors, and Prescribing Penalties | |
6/15/1953 | Vacating a Portion of that Certain Alley Located in Block 5 of Mcmillan’s Addition to the City of Kent, and a Portion of State Street North in said Mcmillan’s Addition to the City of Kent | |
7/20/1953 | Amending Ordinance No. 848 of said City, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths, and Other Ways Open to the Public, by Adding thereto a New Section 79(A), Prohibiting Parking During Certain Hours on Certain Streets, and by Amending Section 88 thereof, Relating to Impounding of Vehicles | |
9/8/1953 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (East of Summit Avenue) | |
10/5/1953 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1954 | |
10/5/1953 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1954 | |
10/5/1953 | Providing for the Relief, Compensation, Pension and Retirement of Volunteer Firemen, Adopting the Provisions of Chapter 261 of the Laws of Washington, 1945, as Amended, Amending the Title of Ordinance No. 825, Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 825, and Repealing Ordinance No. 834 of the City of Kent | |
11/2/1953 | Amending Ordinance No. 848 of the City, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths, and Other Ways Open to the Public, as Amended by Ordinance No. 861, by Adding thereto New Sections Numbered 79(B) to 79(D), inclusive, Relating to Parking Limitations on Certain Streets, and by Amending Section 88 of said Ordinance 848, as Amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 861 Relating to Impounding of Vehicles | |
11/16/1953 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto. (Knob Hill Addition) | |
12/7/1953 | Providing for the Construction and Installation of Certain Additions and Improvements to the Sanitary Sewage Disposal System of the City, Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof, and Providing for the Issuance of Sewer Revenue Bonds in the total Principal Sum of Not to Exceed $325,000 to Pay Part of the Same | |
12/21/1953 | Relating to the Public Health and Sanitation Providing the Maintenance, and Operation of a Compulsory System of Garbage and Refuse Collection and Disposal; Making Delinquent Charges for Services Performed a Lien Upon Property; Providing Penalties for the Violation and Repealing Ordinances No. 752 and No. 754 of the of Kent | |
12/21/1953 | Adopting a Schedule of Charges for Services Rendered in the Removal of Garbage, Refuse or Swill, as Directed by Ordinance No. 869 of the City of Kent; Providing Classifications for the Same; Providing for Appeals from Classifications Made; and Repealing Ordinance No. 755 of the City of Kent | |
2/1/1954 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $270,000 of Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City Out of the $325,000 of such Bonds Authorized by Ordinance No. 868 to Provide Funds for 0162 Sewer Connection Requests the Purposes Set forth in said Ordinance No. 868, Fixing the Date, Form, Terms and Maturities of said Bonds, Creating a Sewer Revenue Fund, a Bond Redemption Fund for the Payment of the Principal and Interest of such Bonds to Be Issued and a Reserve Account, Providing Certain Covenants and Protective Features Safeguarding such Payments, Reserving the Right in the City to Issue Additional Revenue Bonds on a Parity with said Bonds to Be Issued, and Rescinding the Right of the City to Issue the Remaining $55,000 of such Bonds Authorized by said Ordinance No. 868 | |
2/15/1954 | Vacating a Portion of Shinn Street, in the City of Kent | |
4/5/1954 | Amending Paragraph 2. of Section 10, of Ordinance No. 784 of the City of Kent, Relating to the Regulation and Restriction of the Location and Use of Buildings, and the Use of Land within the City | |
4/19/1954 | Regulating the Use of Public and Private Sewers and Drains, Private Sewage Disposal, the Installation and Connection of Building Sewers, the Discharge of Waters and Wastes into the Public Sewer System; Prescribing the Methods and Manner for Making Lateral Sewer Connections and the Repairs and Extensions of the Same, and How Public Sewers Shall Be Opened and the Cost of the Same Collected; Providing for the Licensing of Persons to Make Sewer Connections, Providing for the Payment of a Sum in Lieu of Assessment for Connection to Sewer of Property Not Assessed for Construction thereof under a Local Improvement District, Providing Penalties for Violations thereof, and Repealing Ordinances No. 294 and No. 658 of the City of Kent | |
4/19/1954 | Defining Terms, Establishing a Classification of Services Rendered by and through Its Sewage Works (as Defined in Ordinance No. 874); Adopting a Schedule of Charges for such Services; Providing that the City Shall have a Lien for Unpaid Charges; and Providing for Foreclosure of such Liens or for Other Collection of said Unpaid Charges; and Repealing Section 3 of Ordinance No. 833 (Sewer Rates) | |
5/17/1954 | Adopting a Fire Prevention Code, Prescribing Regulations Governing Conditions Hazardous to Life and Property from Fire or Explosion, Providing for Enforcement thereof, Defining Powers and Duties of Officers, and Providing Penalties | |
5/17/1954 | Relating to the Care of Trees and Shrubbery in the City and the Protection of the Same from Caterpillars, and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof | |
5/17/1954 | Declaring Certain Trees, Weeds, Vegetation and Horticultural Growths to Be Public Nuisances, and Requiring Abatement; Prescribing Penalties; Providing Methods for Enforcement and for Collecting the Cost of Abatement and Removal if Done by the City; and Repealing Ordinance No. 301 | |
5/17/1954 | Providing for Fire Limits and Regulations Governing the Construction, Alteration, Equipment, Removal of Buildings or Structures; and Repealing All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances Conflicting or Inconsistent therewith, Particularly Ordinances Numbered 185, 263, 487, 600, 601, 602, 656, and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 596. (Adoption of Building Code) | |
6/7/1954 | Amending the Title and Amending Section 8, of Ordinance No. 879 of the City of Kent, Relating to Fire Limits and Governing Construction, Alteration, Equipment, or Removal of Buildings or Structures | |
6/7/1954 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 878, and Repealing Ordinance No. 877, of said City (Re: Weed Control & Care of Trees (Caterpillars) | |
6/21/1954 | Amending Ordinance No. 848 of the City, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths, and Other Ways Open to the Public, as Amended by Ordinances 857, 861 and 866, by Amending Section 79(A) thereof, Prohibiting Parking During Certain Hours on Certain Streets, and by Amending Section 79(B) Limiting Parking Time on Certain Streets, and by Adding a New Article and Section thereto, Article XIX, Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 94, Relating to Vehicle Licenses. (Regulations of Motor Vehicles) | |
7/6/1954 | Declaring an Emergency & Authorizing the Issuance of Warrants for the Garbage Department in Amount of $500.00 | |
7/6/1954 | Creating LID 230 & Establishing Boundaries | |
7/19/1954 | Repealing Section 4. and Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 796 of the City of Kent, Relating to the Licensing and Regulating of Games of Skill and Games of Novelty or Amusement within the City of Kent (Skiball, Shuffleboard, Five-Ball Novelty, Etc.) | |
9/20/1954 | Approving Plat of a Portion of Lands in said City under the Name “Walker’s Addition to Kent” | |
9/20/1954 | Approving Plat of a Portion of Lands in said City under the Name “Little’s Addition to Kent” | |
10/4/1954 | Amending Section 1, of Ordinance No. 870 of the City of Kent, Relating to Charges for Services Rendered in the Removal of Garbage, Refuse or Swill | |
10/18/1954 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1955 | |
10/18/1954 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1955 | |
11/15/1954 | Approving Plat of a Portion of Lands in said City under the Name “Valley View Addition to Kent” | |
11/15/1954 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from the Chicago- Milwaukee-St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. [Shinn Street] Pacific Railroad Co., of a strip of Land therein Described for a Public Alley | |
1/17/1955 | Granting to Northern Pacific Railway Company, a Wisconsin Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate Two Railroad Spur Tracks Upon and Across North First Avenue in the City of Kent, King County, Washington; together with the Right, Privilege and Authority to Make Changes in the Grades of North First Avenue and Winner Street at and Adjacent to the Places where said Spur Tracks Will Cross said Avenue | |
1/17/1955 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from Persons therein Named, of Land therein Described, for Public Street Purposes. (Turner, Spaulding, & Nanstad) | |
3/7/1955 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from Persons therein Named, of Land therein Described for Public Streets. (W. Stoneburner, Loop, R. Stoneburner, Moore & Harpst) | |
3/21/1955 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from Samuel J. Ullery of Land therein Described for Public Street Purposes | |
3/21/1955 | Fixing and Regulating the Price of Water Connections to the Water Supply of the City, and Repealing Section 7 of Ordinance No. 680, as Amended by Section 3 of Ordinance No. 688, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 724, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 842 | |
4/6/1955 | Amending Section 3, Amending Paragraph 4 of Section 7, and Adding New Paragraphs Numbered 5. and 6. to Section 7, All of Ordinance No. 784 of the City of Kent Relating to the Regulation and Restriction of the Location and Use of Buildings and the Use of Land within the City (Off-Street Parking and Land Zoning Uses) | |
4/6/1955 | Approving and Accepting a Deed from Northwest Metal Products, Inc. and Approving and Accepting a Grant of Easement from Northwestern Improvement Co., of the Lands therein Described for Public Street (4th Avenue Extension & Section 24 of Ramsay’s Addition) | |
4/20/1955 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 230 | |
6/6/1955 | Creating LID 232 | |
6/20/1955 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Portion of the S.W Russell Donation Claim) | |
7/5/1955 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Lands in said City, under the Name “Stonecrest” | |
7/5/1955 | Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds Against LID 230 (Sewers) | |
7/18/1955 | Amending Section 38 of Ordinance No. 874 of the City of Kent, and Adding thereto a New Section Numbered Sec. 31A, Relating to the Use of Public and Private Drains and Sewers, Private Sewage Disposal, the Installation and Connection of Building Sewers, the Discharge of Waters and Wastes into the Public Sewage System, Etc. | |
7/18/1955 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes and an Easement for Public Utilities Purposes, from the Lynch Manufacturing Company and Designating a Public Street. (Portion of S.W. Russell — Donation Claim) | |
8/15/1955 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (North of City) | |
9/6/1955 | Creating LID 233 for Street Improvements | |
9/19/1955 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Hauge - Armstrong Addition” | |
10/7/1955 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1956 | |
10/7/1955 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1956 | |
12/5/1955 | Amending Ordinance No. 848 as Amended by Ordinance Nos. 857, 861, 866, and 882, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation, and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths and Other Ways Open to the Public, by Amending Article XV thereof, to Provide for Parking, Meter Zones, Meter Fund, Etc. (Traffic Regulations) | |
12/5/1955 | Relating to and Providing for a License or Occupation Tax Upon Certain Businesses, Occupations, Pursuits and Privileges; Defining offenses and Prescribing Penalties (Providing a B&O Tax) | |
12/5/1955 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water, and Fixing Fire Protection standby Charges, and Repealing Sections 2 and 3 of Ordinance No. 855, and All Other Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
12/5/1955 | Vacating a Certain Alley within the City of Kent (Block 29 of Washington Central Improvement Company’s Knob Hill Addition) | |
12/19/1955 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name “Merrie Hill” | |
2/6/1956 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes from Kent Public Schools, District No. 415, King County (James Street) | |
3/5/1956 | Declaring an Emergency and Providing for Issuance of Warrants in the Amount of $5,000.00 for Engineer’s Salary and Wages | |
3/5/1956 | Approving and Accepting Deeds for Public Street Purposes. (Six Deeds Accepted: Partridge, Feroe, Heglund, Pringle, Baffaro, Mclees, and Childs) | |
4/2/1956 | Authorizing the Making of Surveys and Reports to Enable the City Council to Determine the Best Source of an Additional Supply of Water for the Water System of the City, and Providing for the Payment therefor (Vetoed by Mayor Mooney 4/11/56; Passed Over Veto 4/16/56) | |
4/2/1956 | Creating LID 234 (Sewer Construction - Merrie Hill/Stonecrest Addition) | |
5/21/1956 | Declaring an Emergency and Authorizing the Issuance of Warrants in the Amount of $6,500.00 for Engineers Equipment | |
5/21/1956 | Declaring an Emergency and Authorizing the Issuance of Warrants in the Amount of $4,000.00 for Sewer Pump Station (Innes Street) and Additional Facilities | |
5/7/1956 | Amending Paragraph 4 of Section 7, of Ordinance No. 784 of the City of Kent, as Amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 898 of the City of Kent, and Amending Paragraph 5 of Section 7 of said Ordinance No. 784, as Added by Section 3 of said Ordinance No. 898, Relating to the Regulation and Restriction of the Location and Use of Buildings and the Use of Land within the City. (Land Use and Zoning; off-Street Parking) | |
6/4/1956 | Amending Paragraph 4 of Section 7, of Ordinance No. 784 of the City of Kent, as Amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 898 of the City of Kent, and Amending Paragraph 5 of Section 7 of said Ordinance No. 784, as Added by Section 3 of said Ordinance No. 898, Relating to the Regulation and Restriction of the Location and Use of Buildings and the Use of Land within the City. (Land Use and Zoning; Off-Street Parking) | |
6/18/1956 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 664, as Amended by Ordinance No. 856 (being Section 3.2.20 of the KCC of 1956) Establishing Fire Limits, Building District Limits and Fixing a Penalty | |
7/2/1956 | Declaring an Emergency, and Authorizing Issuance of Warrants for Water Fund in the Amount of $4500.00 | |
7/2/1956 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto. (East of the City) | |
8/6/1956 | Declaring an Emergency, Authorizing the Issuance of Warrants for Sewer Revenue Fund in the Amount of $4800.00 | |
8/6/1956 | Providing for the Issuance of Sewer Revenue Bonds in the total Principal Sum of $160,000.00 for Construction of Sewer Trunk and Lift Station | |
9/4/1956 | Providing for the Licensing of Dogs within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent, Prohibiting Unlicensed Dogs, and Dogs of Fierce, Dangerous or Vicious Propensities, and Female Dogs in Heat from Running at Large within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent; Authorizing the Impounding and Destruction of Dogs; Providing a Penalty; and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Therewith | |
10/1/1956 | Providing for the Issuance of $120,000.00 of Sewer Revenue Bonds | |
10/1/1956 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1957 | |
10/1/1956 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1957 | |
10/15/1956 | Granting to the United States of America and Its assigns s Right of Way for a Term of 50 Years for the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Electric Power Transmission Circuits, together with the Necessary Equipment and Facilities Appurtenant thereto, Over and Across the Pipeline and Road of the City of Kent in Section 36, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington (Bonneville Power Franchise for Power Lines) | |
11/19/1956 | Amending Ordinance No. 848, as Amended by 0122 Police/Fire Departments/Civil Service Ordinances Nos. 857, 861, 866, 882, and 912, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation, and Their Incidents Upon the Streets, Bicycle Paths and Other Ways Open to the Public, by Amending Sections 25 (A), 79-2, 89, and by Adding a New Section thereto, Numbered Section 95, Relating to Operating under Influence of Intoxicants or Drugs | |
12/3/1956 | Repealing Ordinance No. 731 of the City Relating to a Tax Upon Admissions | |
12/3/1956 | Amending Subsection (A) of Section 9. of Ordinance No. 913, Relating to and Providing for a License or Occupation Tax Upon Certain Businesses, Occupations, Pursuits and Privileges. (B&O Tax on Certain Businesses) | |
12/17/1956 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto. (Southeast of City Limits) | |
12/17/1956 | Amending Section 8 of Ordinance 686, Relating to the Licensing of Miscellaneous Occupations. (Circuses, Carnivals, Sideshows, Etc.) | |
1/7/1957 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 232. (Sidewalk Improvements) | |
1/21/1957 | Naming Certain Streets in Land Recently annexed thereto. (Canyon Drive/North Central) | |
2/18/1957 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 234. (Sewers - Merrie Hill/Stonecrest) | |
3/4/1957 | Proving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City Name “Armscrest Addition” | |
3/4/1957 | Vacating a Certain Alley within the City of Kent (Block 5, Mcmillan’s Addition) | |
4/1/1957 | Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds Against LID 232 (Sidewalk Improvements) | |
4/15/1957 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 233 (Street Improvements) | |
5/6/1957 | Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds for LID 234 (Sewers - Merrie Hill/Stonecrest) | |
5/20/1957 | Amending Sections 3 and 4 of Ordinance No. 943 - Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 234. (Sewers) | |
5/20/1957 | Adopting Plan for Improvements to Water System and Authorizing Issuance of Bonds in Amount of $700,000 | |
5/20/1957 | Vacating a Certain Alley within the City of Kent (Block 4 of Walmsley’s Addition) | |
6/3/1957 | Authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to Issue Bonds Against Local Improvement District No. 233 of said City, Providing the Rate of Interest said Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and the Date of their Maturity, and Authorizing Their Sale or Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement in Said District | |
6/3/1957 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes from Kent Public Schools, District No. 415, King County (Pioneer Street) | |
6/17/1957 | Creating LID 236 (Sanitary Sewers - Reiten Road) | |
6/17/1957 | Vacation a Certain Alley within the City of Kent (Washington Central Improvement Company’s Knob Hill Addition to Kent - Block 1) | |
6/17/1957 | Vacating a Certain Alley within the City of Kent. (Walmsley’s Addition) | |
7/1/1957 | Providing for the Issuance of $725,000.00 of Water Revenue Bonds for the Improvement of Water System | |
7/15/1957 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous Thereto (Southeast Portion) | |
9/3/1957 | Granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a Wisconsin Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across First Avenue South in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
9/3/1957 | Creating LID 237 for Street Improvements | |
9/16/1957 | Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 874 of the City of Kent, Providing for the Licensing of Persons to Make Sewer Connections. (Licensing of Side Sewer Contractors) | |
9/16/1957 | Amending Section 3. of Ordinance No. 875, Establishing a Schedule of Charges for Sewer Services Rendered by the City | |
9/16/1957 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 870, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 888, of the City of Kent, Relating to Charges for Services Rendered in the Removal of Garbage, Refuse or Swill | |
10/7/1957 | Vacating a Portion Street (Between Lot 1, Block 1 & Lot 4, Block 2, Marlowe’s First Addition) | |
10/7/1957 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1958 | |
12/2/1957 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1958 | |
1/6/1958 | Amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 897 of the City of Kent, Relating to the Fixing and Regulating of the Price of Water Connections to the Water Supply of the City of Kent, and Declaring an Emergency | |
1/6/1958 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous Thereto (Shinn’s Garden Addition) | |
1/6/1958 | Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to Be Held therein on March 11, 1958, of a Proposal to Authorize the Issuance of Not to Exceed $100,000.00 of Unlimited Tax Levy General Obligation Bonds to Acquire a Site within the City, if Necessary and to Construct and Equip Thereon, or on Property within the City Now Owned by the City, Library Building, and Declaring an Emergency | |
1/6/1958 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 236. (Sewers- Reiten Road) | |
2/3/1958 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Sandwich’s Addition” | |
2/17/1958 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous Thereto (Cloverdale Addition) | |
2/17/1958 | Vacating Certain Streets and Alleys. (Knob Hill Addition - Cemetery) | |
3/3/1958 | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Issue Bonds Against Local Improvement District No. 236 of City, Providing the Rate of Interest said Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and the Date of their Maturity, and Authorizing their Sale and Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement in said District. (Re: Sewers - Reiten Road) | |
3/3/1958 | Amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 897 of the City of Kent, as Amended by Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 966 of the City of Kent, Relating to the Fixing and Regulating of the Price of Water Connections to the Water Supply of the City of Kent, and Declaring an Emergency | |
3/17/1958 | Vacating a Certain Street or Lane in the City of Kent. (Lane - East from State Highway 5-A) | |
4/7/1958 | Approving and Accepting Deeds for Street Purposes (Maplewood Avenue) | |
4/7/1958 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Armscrest No. 211” | |
4/21/1958 | Approving and Accepting Deed for Street Purposes (Kensington Avenue) | |
5/5/1958 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for Current Expense Fund, Capital Outlay, of the City of Kent ($5,000 Appropriation for Urban Planning assistance Grant Program) | |
5/5/1958 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 711, Providing for Allowance and Payment of Necessary Travel Expenses and Subsistence of City officials of the City of Kent | |
8/18/1958 | Providing for Issuance and Sale of $100,000.00 for Library Bond Issue | |
5/19/1958 | Providing for the Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds in the Amount of $145,000.00 | |
5/19/1958 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 844, Relating to Office Hours of Public Offices of the City of Kent | |
5/19/1958 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous Thereto (Salt Air Hills) | |
6/2/1958 | Annexing to said City Certain Land Contiguous Thereto (East of City - Stella H. Fox Addition) | |
6/16/1958 | Approving and Accepting Deed for Street Purposes (North Park) | |
8/18/1958 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Miller’s Northern View third Addition” | |
8/18/1958 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Green Valley Heights Division No 1” | |
9/15/1958 | Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 749 Relating to and Regulating the Conveyance of Passengers and Baggage for Hire in the City. (Taxi-- Rate of Charge) | |
9/15/1958 | Annexing to said City Certain Land Contiguous thereto. (Portion of Ground North and West of City of Kent - Meeker’s Supplemental Plat) | |
9/15/1958 | Providing for and Establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Purchase of Fire Equipment, Buildings, and Land | |
9/15/1958 | Approving and Accepting Deed for Street Purposes (Edgar & Marie Miller) | |
9/15/1958 | Amending Section 25 (A) of Ordinance No. 848, as Added by Ordinance No. 857, as Amended by Ordinance No. 936, and Amending Section 95 of said Ordinance No. 848, as Added by Ordinance No. 936, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation and their incidents Upon the Streets, Bicycle Paths and Other Ways Open to the Public (Regulating Motor Vehicle Traffic) | |
10/6/1958 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Burkland’s First Addition” | |
10/6/1958 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1959 | |
10/6/1958 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1959 | |
11/3/1958 | Amending Section 2., of Ordinance No. 764 of the City Relating to the Creation of a Planning Commission and Defining Its Powers | |
11/17/1958 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 237 | |
11/17/1958 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Green Valley Heights Division No. 2” | |
11/17/1958 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 967 of said City, Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Waller & Tonelli Annexation) | |
11/17/1958 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 971, of said City, Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Cloverdale Addition Annexation) | |
11/17/1958 | Amending Section 1. of Ordinance No. 984 of said City, Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Salt Air Hills Annexation) | |
11/17/1958 | Amending Section 1. of Ordinance No 985 of said City, Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Annexation East of City - Stella H. Fox Addition & Portions of Section 18 and 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M.) | |
12/1/1958 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Portion of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Lying Westerly of the Easterly Line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s Seattle Line Right-of-Way | |
12/15/1958 | Granting to Jim’s Garbage Disposal a Franchise to Collect and Dispose of Garbage for a Period of Five (5) Years from the 20th Day of March, 1958, in that Portion of the City of Kent annexed by Ordinance No. 971 of said City. (Cloverdale Addition) | |
12/15/1958 | Prohibiting the Discharge of Firearms, Air Guns, Sling Shots, or Other Instruments of Similar Character Except under Permit from the City; Providing for Permit to Shoot under Certain Circumstances; Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof; and Repealing Section 11 of Ordinance No. 683 of said City (5.04) | |
1/5/1959 | Approving and Accepting Deeds for Street Purposes (Kenosia Avenue) | |
1/5/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Merrie Hill No. 2 Addition” | |
1/19/1959 | Providing for the Perpetuation, Government and Maintenance of the Kent Fire Department as heretofore Created and Established by the City Council, and Repealing Ordinance No. 733 (Regulations for Fire Dept.) (2.24) | |
1/19/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Sky Hill” | |
1/19/1959 | Vacating a Portion of Street (Portion of Kennebeck Avenue South of Guiberson Street) | |
2/16/1959 | Annexing to said City Certain Land Contiguous thereto (South End to 277th Street) | |
2/16/1959 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous (North/West Annexation) | |
2/16/1959 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous (West Side Midway) | |
3/2/1959 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issue of Warrants for the Police Department Capital Outlay Fund of the City of Kent. (Purchase of Equipment) | |
3/2/1959 | Vacating Alley in Block 17, Washington Central Improvement Co’s Knob Hill Addition to Kent | |
4/6/1959 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Wilson Road) | |
4/6/1959 | Amending Section 25 (A) of Ordinance No. 848, as Added by Ordinance No. 857, as Amended by Ordinance No. 936, and as Amended by Ordinance No. 993, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation and their incidents Upon the Streets, Bicycle Paths and Other Ways Open to the Public. (Motor Traffic Control) | |
4/20/1959 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (North Road Annexation) | |
4/20/1959 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Kent Highlands Annexation) | |
4/20/1959 | Plans for Additions to Water System - West Hill - and Providing for Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds: Not to Exceed $350,000.00 | |
4/20/1959 | Adopting Plans for Additions to Sewer System -West Hill- and Providing for the Issuance of Sewer Revenue Bonds Not to Exceed $300,000 | |
4/20/1959 | Creating the Office of City Purchasing Agent, Providing for his Appointment by the Mayor and Confirmation by the Council and Providing for the Fixing of the Compensation for said Officer | |
5/4/1959 | Vacating a Portion of Oak Street | |
5/4/1959 | Vacating a Portion of John Patten Road | |
5/4/1959 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Portion of Federal Highway Addition at Midway) | |
6/1/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Delnor Addition” | |
6/1/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Clements Addition” | |
6/1/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Linda Heights Replat Addition”, a Replat of Linda Heights | |
6/1/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Valley Heights Replat Addition”, a Replat of Valley Heights | |
6/1/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Cherry Hills Estates Addition” | |
6/15/1959 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $350,000.00 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1959,” for the Purpose of Obtaining the Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Carrying Out the System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Existing Water Supply and Distribution System of the City, as Adopted by Ordinance No. 1021; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Covenants and Terms of said Bonds; Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington; and Declaring an Emergency | |
6/15/1959 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $300,000.00 Par Value of “Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1959,” for the Purpose of Providing the Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Carrying Out a System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Existing System of Sewerage of the City, as Adopted by Ordinance No. 1022; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of said Bonds; Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., of Tacoma, Washington; and Declaring an Emergency | |
6/15/1959 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, and Connections to the Supply thereof, and Amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 680, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 701, and Amending Section 5 (A) of Ordinance No. 680, as Added by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 713, and Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 897, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 966, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No 974, and Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 897 as Amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 966, as Amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 974, and Amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 914 | |
6/15/1959 | Adopting a Schedule of Charges for Services Rendered by and through its Sewage Works, and Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 875 and Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 875, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 961 | |
6/15/1959 | Amending Ordinance No. 1020, Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto. (Kent Highlands Annexation) | |
7/6/1959 | Creating LID 238 | |
7/6/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Kreger Addition” | |
7/6/1959 | Amending Subsection (Q) of Section 2, and Amending Sections 11, 12, and 17, All of Ordinance No. 913 of said City, Relating to and Providing for a License or Occupation Tax | |
7/20/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Walker’s Second Addition to Kent | |
7/20/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Calvert’s Addition to Kent” | |
7/20/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Kennedy’s Addition to Kent” | |
8/17/1959 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Reeves Addition to Kent” | |
8/17/1959 | Providing for the Appointment of the City Attorney | |
9/21/1959 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 870, as Amended by Ordinance No. 888, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 962, Relating to Charges for Services Rendered in the Removal of Garbage, Refuse or Swill | |
10/5/1959 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1960 | |
10/5/1959 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1960 | |
10/5/1959 | Concurring in a Petition Filed August 12, 1959, with Sylvia Pines Sewer District of King County, Washington, Re Annexation to said District of a Portion of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and within the City Limits of the City of Kent, and Consenting to the Annexation of said Land to the Sylvia Pines Sewer District of King County, Washington, and Providing for the forwarding of Certified Copies of this Ordinance to the Board of Sewer Commissioners of Sylvia Pines Sewer District of King County, Washington | |
10/19/1959 | Planning System for Betterment and Extension of Water Supply and Distribution and Providing for Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds Not to Exceed $200,000 | |
11/2/1959 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 238. (Sanitary Sewers for Block 28, Washington Central - Improvement Co’s Knob Hill Addition to Kent) | |
11/16/1959 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issue of Warrants, for the Library, Salaries and Wages, Maintenance and Operation, and Capital Outlay Funds of the City of Kent | |
11/16/1959 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for Capital Outlay, for the Parks Department of the City of Kent | |
11/16/1959 | Adopting a Schedule of Charges for Services Rendered by and through its Sewage Works, and Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 875, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No 961 as Amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1035 (Sewer Rate Charges) | |
12/7/1959 | Fixing the Salary of the City Attorney and Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 837 | |
12/21/1959 | Granting the United States of America and its assigns Right of Way for a Term of 50 Years for the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Electric Power Transmission Circuits, together with the Necessary Equipment and Facilities Appurtenant thereto, over and across the Water Mains of the City of Kent in Sections 32 and 33, Township 22 North, Range 6 East, W.M., King County, Washington | |
1/4/1960 | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Issue Bonds Against LID No. 238 of said City, Providing the Rate of Interest said Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and the Date of their Maturity, and Authorizing their Sale or Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement in said District | |
3/7/1960 | Approving a Correction Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Correction Plat of Calvert’s Addition” to Kent | |
3/7/1960 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Armscrest No. 3” | |
3/7/1960 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Fugate Addition to Kent” | |
Granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, its Successors and assigns, Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company, and its Lessee, Union Pacific Railroad Company, their Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Locate, Lay Down, Construct, Maintain, Renew and Operate Railway Tracks and Facilities in, Along, Upon, Over and Across Shinn Street a Public Street in the City of Kent, King County, Washington (NP Spur Track) (Did not pass) | ||
6/20/1960 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Kentwood Hills, Division No. 1” | |
3/21/1960 | Vacating a Portion of East Saar Street | |
3/21/1960 | Vacating a Portion of Clark Street | |
4/4/1960 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Elizabeth McHugh Addition” | |
6/6/1960 | Approving and Accepting Deed for Street Purposes. (Kehr - Clark Street) | |
6/20/1960 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants, for the Capital Outlay Fund of the Water Department and for the Salaries and Wages Fund of the Current Expense Fund of the City of Kent | |
7/18/1960 | Amending Section 1 of Ord. 706, as Amended by Section 1 of Ord. 796, and Amending Section 2 of Ord. 706, as Amended by Section 2 of Ord. 796, as Amended by Section 1 of Ord. 829, Relating to the Licensing and Regulation of Games of Skill, Novelty, and Amusement | |
8/1/1960 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Strain’s Addition” | |
9/6/1960 | Approving s Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of Maclyn Addition (Boyker & Williams) | |
9/6/1930 | Vacating Portions of Clark Street in Washington Central Improvement Co’s Knob Hill Addition to Kent | |
9/19/1960 | Zoning Ordinance | |
10/3/1960 | Adopting Budget for 1961 | |
10/3/1960 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1961 | |
10/3/1960 | Approving and Accepting Deed for Street Purposes (Ida Campbell) | |
10/3/1960 | Approving and Accepting Deed for Street Purposes (Hartlaub) | |
10/17/1960 | Vacating a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M) | |
11/7/1960 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Pierce’s First Addition” | |
11/21/1960 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Around Lake Fenwick) | |
12/5/1960 | Relating to and Regulating Land Use and Development and Amending Section 10.6.04 of the Zoning Ordinance (No. 1071) So as to Authorize the Board of Adjustment to Permit in Certain Cases the Installation of Service Stations as Conditional Exceptions in a C-L Zoning District | |
12/19/1960 | Approving and Accepting Deed for General Municipal Purposes (Romano & Pomeroy/Fire Station Property at 252 Military Rd) | |
12/19/1960 | Approving and Accepting Deeds for Street Purposes (Standaert & Leber) | |
12/19/1960 | Approving and Accepting Deed for Street Purposes (Road Right-of-Way/Pozzi, Tippett, Marlowe & Kronich) | |
1/3/1961 | Approving and Accepting Deed for General Municipal Purposes. (Williams Deed for Road Way at West Hill Fire Station #3) | |
1/16/1961 | Creating LID 240 (Street Improvements for Kenwood, Guiberson & Kennebeck) | |
1/16/1961 | Vacating Street or Lane in the City of Kent (Tonnelli-Turner; 1/4 Mile North of Bowling Alley) | |
2/20/1961 | Amending Ordinance No. 1049 Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City of Kent, Washington; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as near as may be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed $110,000.00 Par Value of Water Revenue Bonds in one or More Series to Obtain Funds with which to Pay a Part of the Cost of said System or Plan; Creating a Special Fund to Provide for the Payment of said Bonds; Authorizing and Directing the City officials to Proceed with the Improvement; Authorizing the Connection with and Commencement of Service to a Territory Recently District No. annexed to the City that Lies within the Boundaries of Water District 75, King County, Washington, in Accordance with Sections 2 and 3, Chapter 248, Laws of 1951 of the State of Washington and Declaring an Emergency (Midway Area) | |
2/20/1961 | Creating LID 241 (Streets Lights) | |
2/20/1960 | Approving and Accepting Deed for General Municipal Purposes (Capital Construction Company - Water & Sewer Mains) | |
3/6/1961 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Kent Highlands) | |
3/20/1961 | Creating LID 239 (Kentwood Hills Sewer Project) | |
3/20/1961 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Valley Heights & Linda Heights Annexations) | |
Lake Fenwick Water - LID 224 (Mains) (Did not pass) | ||
5/1/1961 | Vacating Portion of State Street in McMillin’s Addition to the City of Kent | |
6/5/1961 | Amending Sections 10.6.05, 10.6.5, 10.6.12, 10.6.15, 10.7.02, 10.7.06, 10.7.1, 10.7.5, 10.10.18, 10.11.3, 10.11.6, 10.12.06, All of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kent, being Ordinance No. 1071 | |
6/5/1961 | Related to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning Certain Land annexed to the City “Single Family Residential District (R1)” (Lake Fenwick Annexation) | |
6/19/1961 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Capital Outlay Fund of the Fire Department of the Current Expense Fund of the City of Kent and for Attorneys’ Fees and Judgments Fund of the Current Expense Fund of the City of Kent (Re: Fire Truck & Legal Counsel) | |
6/19/1961 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands within said City | |
8/7/1961 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Amending Subsection (E) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1097, of said City, Rezoning Certain Lands within said City | |
8/7/1961 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning Certain Land annexed to the City by Ordinances No. 1089 and 1091 “Single Family Residential (R-L)”, Neighborhood Business (C-L), “General Commercial (C-3)” and “Mobile Home Residential (MHR)” | |
8/7/1961 | Amending Sections 10.6.12 (as Amended by Ordinance No. 1094) 10.6.14, 10.7.02 (as Amended by Ordinance No. 1094), and 10.14.03, All of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kent, being Ordinance No. 1071 | |
8/7/1961 | Creating LID 243 (Kentwood Hills Sewers) | |
8/21/1961 | Establishing Fire Limits, Building District Limits and Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 664, as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 760 of the Ordinances of the City of Kent, Relating to Fire Limits and Building District Limits | |
9/5/1961 | Vacating a Portion of Street (James Street) | |
9/18/1961 | Granting to Puget Sound Power & Light Company, its Successors and assigns, the right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise to Set, Erect, Construct and Maintain Poles and Wires, or Underground Cables together with Appurtenances thereto where such Underground Facilities have Been Specially Contracted for Upon, Over, under, Along and Across the Streets, Avenues, Alleys and Public Places of the City of Kent for the Purpose of Transmission, Distribution and Sale of Electric Power, Heat and Light and for any Other Purpose or Purposes for which Electricity May Be Used (30 Year Franchise) | |
10/2/1961 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1962 | |
10/2/1961 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1962 | |
10/2/1961 | Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation and their Paths and Other Ways Open to the Public, and Amending Section 18 of Ordinance No. 848, Section (A) of Ordinance No. 848, as Added by Ordinance No 857, as Amended by Ordinance No. 936, as Amended by Ordinance No. 993, and as Amended by Ordinance No. 1018, Amending Section 34 of Ordinance No. 848 and Amending Section 89 of Ordinance No. 848, as Amended by Ordinance No. 936 | |
10/16/1961 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes (Weiser Property) | |
11/6/1961 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Pierce First Addition Correction Replat” | |
11/6/1961 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands within said City. (Kentwood Hills Rezone) | |
11/6/1961 | Approving and Accepting Deeds for Public Street Purposes (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) | |
11/20/1961 | Fixing the Compensation for City Councilmen for attending Council Meetings and Fixing the Salary of the City Treasurer of the City of Kent, and Amending Section 1 of Ord. 814 and Section 1 of Ord. 851 (2.01) | |
1/2/1962 | Relating to Civil Defense and Repealing Ordinance No. 721 of said City | |
1/15/1962 | Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 240 (Kenwood & Guiberson Street Improvements) | |
1/15/1962 | Providing for the Protection of Public Health and Safety; Requiring a Permit and Inspection for the Installation or Alteration of Plumbing and Drainage Systems; Creating an Administration Office; Defining Certain Terms; Establishing Minimum Regulations for the Installation, Alteration or Repair of Plumbing and Drainage Systems and the Inspection thereof; Providing Penalties for its Violation and Repealing Conflicting Ordinances and Adopting the Western Plumbing Officials Uniform Plumbing Code 1961 Edition, including Appendices a through 3, inclusive | |
1/15/1962 | Establishing Regulations Governing the Use of Glass and Plastics in Various Type Doors and Adjacent Panels, including Among Others, Sliding Glass Patio Doors, Shower and Bath Tub Enclosures | |
2/5/1962 | Providing Regulations Governing the Construction, Alteration, Equipment or Removal of Buildings or Structures; Adopting the National Building Code 1955, together with 1957 Amendments thereto, and Adopting 1959 Revised Addition of Fire Resistance Ratings; and Repealing Ordinance No. 879 of the City of Kent, as Amended by Ordinance No. 880 of the City of Kent | |
2/5/1962 | Regulating the Placing and Occupancy of Mobile Homes or Other Temporary and Movable Places of Abode in the City of Kent, Prohibiting Tents, Requiring Permits and Fixing Fees thereof, Establishing Responsibility, Defining Offenses and Prescribing Penalties for the Violations Hereof and Repealing Ordinance No. 738 | |
2/19/1962 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 241 (Mercury Vapor Street Lights) | |
1/2/1962 | Vacating Portion of Mountain Avenue (27th Ave S.) | |
3/5/1962 | Amending Sections 10.10.06, 10.10.07, and 10.10.08 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kent, being Ordinance No. 1071 | |
3/19/1962 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Pierce’s Second Addition” | |
3/19/1962 | Bonds Against Local Improvement District No. 240 City Providing the Rate of Interest the said Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and the Date of their Maturity and Authorizing their Sale or Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement in said District (Kenwood & Guiberson Street Improvement) | |
4/2/1962 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Midway Annexation) | |
4/2/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands within said City (Lindjord & Mutual Materials (Michelson Waller) | |
5/7/1962 | Providing for the Fluoridation of the Water Supply of said City | |
5/7/1962 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Dehnert’s Addition” | |
5/7/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands within said City. (Wolvin Rezone) | |
5/7/1962 | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Issue Bonds Against Local Improvement District No. 241 of said City Providing the Rate of Interest the Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and the Date of their Maturity, and Authorizing their Sale or Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement in said District (Mercury Vapor Street Lighting) | |
5/21/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands within said City (Gerber, Miller, Kent Development Waller Rezone) | |
5/21/1962 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling Connections to the Water Supply thereof, by Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 897, as Amended (LID Connection Charges) | |
6/4/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning Certain Land annexed to the City by Ordinance No. 1124 “Mobile Home Residential (MHR)”. (Midway Annexation Zoning) | |
6/18/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands within said City (Baird Rezone) | |
6/18/1962 | Vacating a Portion of a Street. (John Patton Road) | |
6/18/1962 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Kentwood Glen No. 1” | |
7/2/1962 | Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Water District No. 75, King County, Washington, Relating to Water Service and the Operation and Maintenance of Water Distribution Facilities within the City of Kent Now Operated by Water District No. 75. (Agreement with Water District No. 75) | |
7/2/1962 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name “Cherry Park Estates Division A” | |
7/16/1962 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants, for Capital Outlay of the Water Fund and for the Expense of the Sewer Fund (Narita Sewer & Throckmorton Water) | |
8/6/1962 | Annexation to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Presbyterian Church Annexation) | |
8/6/1962 | Supplementing Existing Building Codes and Ordinances and Requiring that in Addition to Usual Permits and Requirements, whenever a Building or Structure is Proposed to Be Moved, into or within the City of Kent, Requiring Repair, Rebuilding, Alteration or Addition, the Owner or Applicant Shall File a Performance Bond in Double the Amount of Cost Estimated by the City Engineer’s Office, Conditioned Upon Bringing the Building or Structure up to - the Building Code Standards, and Further Conditioned Upon Completion of the Necessary Work within Six Months from Date of Permit | |
8/6/1962 | Amending Sections 10.7.02 (as Amended by Ordinance No. 1100), Adding a New Section 10.7.051, and Amending Sections 10.7.3, 10.11.5 and 10.15.04, All of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Kent, being Ordinance No. 1071 | |
8/6/1962 | Creating and Providing Construction Standards and instructions to Developers | |
8/20/1962 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of “Stonecrest No. 2 Addition” | |
9/4/1962 | Granting to Water District No. 75, King County, Washington, a Municipal Corporation, the Right and Franchise to Use and Occupy the Streets and Other Public Ways and Places of a Portion of the City of Kent, Washington, for Construction, Maintenance and Operation of a Water Distribution System. (50-Year Franchise) | |
9/4/1962 | Granting to Water District No 0125 Water District #75 Washington, a Municipal Corporation, the Right and Franchise to Use and Occupy the Streets and Other Public Ways and Places of a Portion of the City of Kent, Washington for Construction, Maintenance and Operation of a Water Distribution System. (5-Year Franchise) | |
6/4/1962 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City under the Name of Cambridge Division No. 1 | |
9/4/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands in said City. (Goodwin Rezone) | |
9/4/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning Certain Land annexed to the City by Ordinance No. 1124 “C-3 (General Commercial)” (Midway Annexation - (Tradewell)) | |
9/17/1962 | Approving a Plat of Portions of Land in said City 0236 Armscrest Div #3, #4, #5 & #6 Plats under the Name “Armscrest No. 4 Addition” | |
9/17/1962 | Amending Section 32 of Article Vi, of Ordinance No. 848 of said City, Relating to Motor Vehicles Traffic, Travel and Transportation and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths and Other Ways Open to the Public (Re: One Way Streets) | |
9/17/1962 | Approving and Accepting Dedications for Public Street Purposes. (NR Railway Company) | |
10/1/1962 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1963 | |
10/1/1962 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1963 | |
10/1/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning Certain Land annexed by the City by Ordinance No. 1124, “C-3 (General Commercial)” and “Mobile Home Residential (MHR)” (Portion of Midway Annexation) | |
11/5/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands in said City. (Bull & Venino Rezone) | |
11/5/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands in said City. (Thorpe, Thompson and Norwood Rezone) | |
11/5/1962 | Vacating a Portion of a Street. (Dunham-Marlowe/Between Blocks 1 and 2 Marlow’s Addition) | |
11/5/1962 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 243 (Kentwood Hills Sewers) | |
11/5/1962 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 244 (Water Main Along Lake Fenwick Road | |
11/5/1962 | Establishing a System for the Naming of Streets, Drives, Boulevards. Avenues, Ways within the City of Kent Roads Places Providing for Certain Areas within which Prefixes and/or Suffixes Shall Be Used with Street Names, Naming Certain Streets, Avenues, Ways, Drives, Boulevards, Roads, Places, Etc. within the City of Kent, and Providing for the Naming of Future Streets, Avenues, Ways, Drives, Boulevards, Roads, Places, Etc., within the City | |
11/19/1962 | Annexing to said City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto. (Roos Annexation) | |
11/19/1962 | Providing for the Licensing of Dogs within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent, Prohibiting Unlicensed Dogs, and Dogs of Fierce, Dangerous or Vicious Propensities, and Female Dogs in Heat from Running at Large within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent; Declaring Certain Activities a Public Nuisance; Authorizing the Impounding and Destruction of Dogs; Providing a Penalty and Amending Sections 2., 4., and 5. of Ordinance No. 931 of the City of Kent | |
12/3/1962 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands in said City.(Simon Rezone) | |
12/3/1962 | Providing for the Licensing of Dogs within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent, Prohibiting Unlicensed Dogs, and Dogs of Fierce, Dangerous or Vicious Propensities, and Female Dogs in Heat from Running at Large within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent; Declaring Certain Activities a Public Nuisance; Authorizing the Impounding and Destruction of Dogs; Providing a Penalty and Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 931 as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1162 | |
12/3/1962 | Approving and Accepting Dedication for Public Street Purposes. (Waller & Kent Development Co. - 228th or Taylor Road) | |
1/7/1963 | Amending Section 32 of Article VI, of Ordinance No. 848 of said City, as Amended by Section 1. of Ordinance No. 1150 0F said City, Relating to Motor Vehicles, Traffic, Travel and Transportation, and their incidents Upon the Public Streets, Bicycle Paths and Other Ways Open to the Public | |
1/7/1963 | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Issue Bonds Against Enlarged Local Improvement District No. 243 of said City, Providing the Rate of Interest the said Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and the Date of their Maturity, and Authorizing their Sale or Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement in said District | |
1/7/1963 | Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Issue Bonds Against Local Improvement District No. 244 of said City, Providing the Rate of Interest the said Bonds Shall Bear, the Date of their Issue and the Date of their Maturity and Authorizing their Sale or Delivery to the Contractor Making the Improvement of said District | |
1/21/1963 | Approving and Accepting Dedication for Public Street Purposes. (Portion of Walnut Street by Reiten) | |
1/21/1963 | Creating a “Cumulative Reserve Fund for Off Street Parking” | |
1/21/1963 | Establishing a Traffic Violations Bureau, Defining Its Duties, Providing for the Enforcement thereof, and Providing a Penalty for Violation | |
1/21/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands in said City. (Kent Highlands, Inc. Rezone) | |
2/4/1963 | Amending Section 10.3.02, 10.5.35, 10.5.45, 10.6.02 and 10.6.2 and Amending Chapter 10.10 by Adding thereto a New Section 26, All of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kent, being Ordinance No. 1071 (Amending Zoning Code Ordinance) | |
3/4/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands in said City. (Radke Rezone) | |
3/18/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (Federal Way School District) | |
3/18/1963 | Approving and Accepting Deeds for Public Street Purposes. (Ohlson, Goodwin and Hill) | |
3/18/1963 | Prescribing Duties of the City Attorney; Creating the Office of Assistant City Attorney, and Providing for Appointment thereto, and Providing that No Compensation Shall Be Paid therefor; and Amending Section 1 No. 1054 Relating to the Salary of the City Attorney | |
4/1/1963 | Providing for the Issuance of $327,000.00 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1963, Issue No. 1,” for the Purpose of Refunding the Outstanding “Water Revenue Bonds, 1959,” of the City; Fixing the Form, Date, Maturities, Interest Rates, Covenants and Terms, of the Bonds; and Providing for the Exchange thereof for the Outstanding “Water Revenue Bonds, 1959” | |
4/1/1963 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City of Kent, Washington; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Near as May Be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $1,000,000.00 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1963, Issue No. 2,” for the Purpose of Obtaining Funds to Pay the Cost of Carrying Out the System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Existing Water Supply and Distribution System of the City, and for the Purpose of Refunding All Outstanding “Water Revenue Bonds, 1948,” “Water Revenue Bonds, 1957,” and “Water Revenue Bonds, 1958,” of the City Fixing the Form, Date, Maturities, Interest Rates, Covenants and Terms of the “Water Revenue Bonds, 1963, Issue No. 2;” and Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington | |
4/1/1963 | Providing for the Licensing and Regulation of Race Courses in the City of Kent; Providing for the Payment of Fees for said Licenses; Providing for the Revocation of such Licenses; and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof | |
4/1/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning Certain Lands within said City. (Strain, Griffin & Jensen Rezones) | |
4/1/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning a Portion of Certain Land annexed by the City by Ordinance No. 1161, “C-3 0237 Roos Annexation (General Commercial)” and “R-3 (Multiple Dwelling)” (Roos Annexation Zoning) | |
4/1/1963 | Requiring Permit for Erecting and Maintaining Street Banners; Requiring Compliance by Persons Required to Obtain Permits; Providing for the Issuance of Permits; and Prescribing Penalties for Violations of the Provisions Hereof | |
4/15/1963 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Land Necessary to be Acquired for the Purpose of Extending James Street and Providing for the Payment for said Land. (Portion of James Street/Extension & Widening) | |
5/6/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Meridian Investment Co.) | |
5/6/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning a Portion of Certain Land annexed by the City by Ordinance No. 1161, “C-3 0237 Roos Annexation (General Commercial)” and “R-3 (Multiple Dwelling)”. (2nd Portion of Roos Annexation Zoning) | |
5/20/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by this City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone, to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone (Meyers Rezone) | |
6/17/1963 | Relating to Planning and the Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Zoning a Portion of Certain Land annexed by the City by Ordinance No. 1139 to “R-2 (2-Family Residential District)”. (Presbyterian Church Annexation Zoning) | |
6/17/1963 | Vacating a Certain Alley within the Kent City Limits, More Fully Described Hereinafter, and which is Immediately West of the United States Government Post Office Located at 216 West Gowe, Kent, King County, Washington | |
6/17/1963 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name “Cambridge No. 2 | |
6/17/1963 | Adopting by Reference Certain State statutes Regulating Livestock on Highways, Regulating Motor Vehicles, Traffic Travel and Transportation, and their incidents Upon the Public Streets; Defining offenses and Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.1107 S4—October 12, 1961; Prior 0.848 S89, 1952, as Amended by 0.936—1956, as Codified in Kent City Ordinance 8.2.32 and All Amendments thereof, and All Other Ordinances and Sections of Ordinances insofar as They Are in Conflict therewith | |
7/1/1963 | Establishing Vacations to Be Recognized in Each Year for Employees of the City of Kent without Loss of Pay | |
7/1/1963 | Pertaining to the Payment of Accrued Vacation Pay Upon Severance of Employment by Kent City Officers and Employees | |
7/1/1963 | Revising the Preamble and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1189 of the City of Kent. (Vacation of Alley at Post Office) | |
7/1/1963 | Setting forth Requirements for a Current and Accurate Guest Roster to Be Maintained at Every Mobile Home Park, Travel Trailer Park, Boarding House, Hotel, Motel or Apartment House within the City of Kent for Inspection by Kent City officials | |
7/1/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (Horace D. & Margaret Clements) | |
7/1/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (Julius & Maxine Robertson) | |
7/1/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes (Horace D., Sr & Audrey Clements) | |
7/1/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (Arnold & Frances Petty) | |
7/1/1963 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of Cherry Park Estates Division ‘B’ | |
7/15/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling District) Zone, to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone | |
7/15/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Re-Zoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as C-3 (General Commercial) Zone, to MHR (Mobile Home Residential) Zone (Willo-Vista Rezone) | |
7/15/1963 | Establishing Legal Holidays to Be Recognized in Each Year for Employees of the City of Kent without Loss of Pay | |
8/5/1963 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation, and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for Payment of the Salary of the Kent City Attorney through December 31, 1963 | |
8/5/1963 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of “Valley Crest” | |
8/19/1963 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for Payment of the Salary of the Clerk in the Utility Section of the Kent City Water Department through December 31, 1963 | |
8/19/1963 | Declaring an Emergency, Making an Appropriation and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Payment of the Salary of the Kent Police Judge and His Secretary for the Month of January, 1963, as Well as for the Payment for Maintenance and Operation of the Kent Municipal Department of the Aukeen District Justice Court for Filing and Witness Fees and Other Court Costs through December 31, 1963 | |
9/3/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Drainage Release (Carroll Mortgage Co. - Valley Crest Addition) | |
9/3/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (James Street - Puget Sound Power & Light) | |
9/3/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes (James Street - C.P. Urfer) | |
9/3/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (James Street - J. Borek) | |
9/3/1963 | Changing the Office of City Clerk from an Elective to an Appointive Position | |
9/16/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (James Street - Korry Manufacturing Co) | |
9/16/1963 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 0.1107 S3—October 2, 1962, to include therein Willis Street as an Arterial Highway | |
10/7/1963 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1964 | |
10/7/1963 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1964 | |
10/7/1963 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Land Necessary to Be Acquired for the Purpose of Obtaining Road for Access and Egress to City Park Property and Providing for the Payment of said Land. (Woodford Avenue - Access to City Park) | |
10/7/1963 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Land Necessary to Be Acquired for the Purpose of Establishment and Extension of Kent Municipal Sewage Collection, Treatment and Disposal Facilities and Providing for the Payment for (Sewage Treatment Plant) for said Land | |
10/7/1963 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes (Mcculloch - 5th & Cloudy) | |
11/4/1963 | Establishing the Speed Limit on James Street from Woodford Avenue to Summit Avenue at 35 Miles Per Hour | |
11/4/1963 | Amending Ordinance No. 1189 of the City of Kent by Deleting Section 2 thereof. (Vacation of Alley at Post Office) | |
11/4/1963 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No 0.848 S15 1952, Establishing the Office of City Traffic Engineer and Setting forth the Duties of said Office | |
11/18/1963 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Whiting Annexation) | |
12/16/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land, Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone (Lamberth-Sill Rezone/Boeing/O’Brien Area) | |
12/16/1963 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning a Portion of Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1223. (Whiting Annexation Zoning) | |
1/6/1964 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof, as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed $850,000.00 Par Value of Sewer Revenue Bonds in one or More Series to Obtain Funds with which to Pay the Cost of said System or Plan; Creating a Special Fund to Provide for the Payment of said Bonds; Authorizing and Directing the City officials to Proceed with the Improvement; and Declaring an Emergency | |
1/20/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land, Originally Zoned by the City, by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-3 (General Commercial) Zone, to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone (Baker Rezone - Hwy 99) | |
1/20/1964 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (Meadowcrofts & Knudtsen - Extensions of 3rd Avenue) | |
1/20/1964 | Providing for (1) Acquiring Additional Property for the Kent Memorial Park, Constructing and Acquiring an Addition to the Recreation Building and Constructing and Installing Additional Tennis Facilities and Outdoor Lighting at the Kent Memorial Park, and Acquiring and Developing New Park Sites in the East Hill, West Hill, North Park and (2) Constructing three New Fire Stations on Sites to Be Acquired therefor, including the Necessary Furnishings and Equipment therefor, and Purchasing Additional New Fire Trucks; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof; as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of Not to Exceed $300,000.00 and Issuing and Selling Negotiable General Obligation Bonds in such Amount to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Tax Levies to Be Made without Limitation as to Rate or Amount; Declaring an Emergency; and Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to Be Held in Conjunction with the Regular Municipal Election on March 10, 1964, of the Propositions of incurring such Indebtedness and Issuing such Bonds | |
1/20/1964 | Annexing into the City of Kent Certain Real Property Owned in Fee by said City, for Municipal Purposes (Water Pump Station on Black Diamond Highway) | |
3/2/1964 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Horseshoe Acres Tract Annexation) | |
3/2/1964 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto | |
4/6/1964 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Scenic Hill Park Annexation | |
4/6/1964 | Providing for the Issuance, Specifying the Maturities and Maximum Interest Rate and Fixing the Form of $200,000.00 Par Value of “General Obligation Fire Stations and Apparatus Bonds, 1964,” of the City to Provide the Funds Necessary to Construct three New Fire Stations on Sites to Be Acquired therefor, including the Necessary Furnishings and Equipment therefor, and to Purchase Additional New Fire Trucks, as Authorized by the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election Held in Conjunction with the Regular Municipal Election Held on March 10, 1964; Creating and Establishing Certain Special Funds; and Providing for the Public Sale of such Bonds | |
4/20/1964 | Repealing Certain Sections of Kent City Ordinance No. 0.176 — 1907 and Providing for the Licensing and Regulating of Pawnbrokers; Defining offenses, Providing Penalties, Providing for the Revocation and Suspension of Licenses of Pawnbrokers | |
5/4/1964 | Creating a New Fund to Be Known as the Arterial Street Fund and to which All Monies Received in Connection with the Provisions of RCW 43.09.200 of the Laws of the State of Washington Will Be Receipted for and from which All Expenditures in Connection with Approved Projects Will Be Made (3.40) | |
5/18/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone (Wolvin Rezone) | |
5/18/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone (Johnson & Anderson Rezone) | |
5/18/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone (Walmsley Rezone) | |
5/18/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone (Boeing Rezone) | |
6/1/1964 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Drangsholt - Taylor Annexation /Scenic Hill School Area) | |
6/1/1964 | Relating to Fire and Explosion Hazards and to Fireworks and Providing for the Issuance of Fireworks Permits and Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.683 S.14--1937. (Allowing “Safe & Sane” Fireworks) | |
6/1/1964 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Property Rights to Be Acquired for the Purpose of Expanding the Sewerage System of the City of Kent and Providing for the Payment of said Land. (Leases of Bevaart Property to Wynngarden for Lagoon North End) | |
6/15/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residence) Zone to - R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone. (Calhoun Rezone) | |
6/15/1964 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.1117 S.1—1962 and 0.1117 S.4—1962 and Adopting by Reference the “Uniform 1964 Edition, Volume 1,” Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Construction, Alteration, Equipment or Removal of Building or Structures within the City of Kent | |
6/15/1964 | Adopting by Reference the “Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction, 1963 Edition,” Establishing Standard Specifications for Kent Public Works, such as Streets, Sewers, Water Distribution Systems and Other Facilities | |
6/15/1964 | Amending Section 4 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1242 Passed the 1st Day of June, 1964, Changing the Cost of the Fireworks Permit Fee from $100.00 to $10.00 | |
6/15/1964 | Approving and Accepting a Quit Claim Deed for Park and Playground Purposes. (from City of Seattle - Star Lake Park) | |
6/15/1964 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (Portion of Titus at Kennebeck - Faris) | |
6/15/1964 | Approving and Accepting a Deed for Public Street Purposes. (Portion of S. 206th - Sainati) | |
6/15/1964 | Declaring Abandonment of a Certain Easement to the Original Grantor’s, their Heirs and assigns. (Jones & Jarvis - Pipe Line Right of Way) | |
7/6/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Manufacturing-Agricultural) to M-L (Light Manufacturing) Zone. (Appleton Rezone) | |
7/6/1964 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the 0256 Carpenter Annexation City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L Zone (Single Family Residential) Zone. (Carpenter Annexation Zoning) | |
7/6/1964 | Creating LID 245 (Horseshoe Acres Water Mains) | |
7/20/1964 | Repealing Section 3 and Adding New Sections 3, 4 and 5 to Kent City Ordinance No. 1254, Passed by the Kent City Council on the 6th Day of July, 1964 (Re: the Creation of LID 245 - Horseshoe Acres Water Mains) | |
7/20/1964 | Setting forth the Procedures for Vacation of City Streets and Alleys; and Establishing a Street and Alley Vacation Permit Fee | |
7/20/1964 | Regulating and Licensing Certain Motor Vehicles and Drivers for-Hire; Fixing Rates; Providing for the Issuance and Suspension or Revocation of for-Hire Licenses; Defining offenses and Prescribing Penalties; and Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.749 Sections 1, 2, 8 and 9 — 1945; Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.749 S.7, as Amended by 0.989 — 1958 (Governing Use of Taxi Cabs) | |
7/20/1964 | Relating to Persons Convicted of Certain Crimes; Requiring them to Register, Etc., with the Chief of Police; Making Certain Records Private and Defining offenses and Prescribing Penalties (Felons) | |
8/3/1964 | Creating LID 246 (North End Water Mains) | |
8/17/1964 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Kent Floral) | |
8/17/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-L (Neighborhood Business District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial District) Zone (Toland-Erdahl Rezone) | |
8/17/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0131 Zoning Codes the City as Unzoned as M.H.R. Zone (Mobile Home Residential District), M-L Zone (Light Industrial District), C-3 Zone (General Commercial District) R-3 Zone (Multiple Family Residential District), R-L Zone (Single Family Residential District). (Horseshoe Acres Annexation Zoning) | |
9/8/1964 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City as Unzoned as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone. (Taylor-Drangsholt Annexation Zoning) | |
9/8/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-2 (Two-Family Residential Zone) (Scenic Hill Park Annexation) | |
9/8/1964 | Vacating Certain Real Property Located within a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Portion of 3rd Avenue & Alleys) | |
9/8/1964 | Signifying the intention of the City of Kent to Organize and Operate a Traffic School with King County under the Provisions of Chapter 46.83 of the Revised Code of Washington | |
10/5/1964 | Creating LID 248 (Van De Vanter Storm Sewer) | |
10/5/1964 | Ordering the Carrying Out of a Portion of the System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City as Adopted by Ordinance No. 1226; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $325,000.00 Par Value of “Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1964, Series A,” for the Purpose of Providing the Funds with which to Carry Out said Portion of the System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington: and Declaring an Emergency | |
10/5/1964 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City of Kent, Washington; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Near as May Be Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $1,210,000.00 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1964,” for the Purpose of Obtaining Funds to Pay the Cost of Carrying Out the System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Existing Water Supply and Distribution System of the City, and for the Purpose of Paying the Cost of Excess Water Pipe Capacity in Local Improvement Districts Nos. 245 and 246 Heretofore Created; Fixing the Form, Date, Maturities, Interest Rates, Covenants and Terms of the “Water Revenue Bonds, 1964”; Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington; and Ratifying and Confirming the Action of the City officials in Awarding a Construction Contract to Carry Out said System or Plan of Additions and Betterments | |
10/5/1964 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1965 | |
10/5/1964 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1965 | |
11/2/1964 | Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent and Amending Section 1 of Kent City Ordinance No. 914 (1955) as Amended by Section 5 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1034 (1959); and Further Amending Section 2 of Kent City Ordinance No. 914 (1955) as Amended by Section 6 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1034 (1959) | |
11/2/1964 | Amending the Schedule of Charges for Services Rendered by and through Its Sewage Works by Amending Sect 3 of Ordinance 875 (1954) as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance 961 (1957) as Amended by Section 2 of Ordinance 1035 (1959) as Amended by Ordinance 1053 (1959). (Sewer Rates) | |
11/16/1964 | Amending Section 4 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1272 Passed the 2nd Day of November, 1964, to Change the Effective Date thereof from January 1, 1965, to December 20, 1965 (Amending Effective Date for Water Rates) | |
11/16/1964 | Amending Section 3 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1273 Passed the 2nd Day of November, 1964, to Change the Effect Date thereof from January 1, 1965, to December 20, 1964 (Amends Effective Date for Sewer Rates) | |
11/16/1964 | Repealing Sections 1 through 7 of Kent City Ordinance No. 803 Passed 1948, Pertaining to Punchboards (Making Punchboards Illegal) | |
12/7/1964 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone (Kent Industrial Center Rezone) | |
12/21/1964 | Granting a Franchise to the White River Valley Water Company to Lay Certain Water Pipes under Certain Public Streets and Rights-of-Way, and Providing for Expiration of said Franchise on December 28, 1979 | |
12/21/1964 | Granting unto the Olympic Pipe Line Company, a Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise to Lay Down, Construct Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair one or More Pipe Lines, together with Equipment and Appurtenances thereto for the Transportation, storage and Handling of Oil and any byproduct thereof under, through and Below Certain Designated Roadways and Public Properties of the City of Kent, State of Washington | |
12/21/1964 | Adopting by Reference Certain statutes of the State of Washington to Establish a Civil Service System and Regulations for Firemen of the City of Kent, in anticipation of the Date When the City of Kent Shall Establish a “Full Paid” Fire Department as Defined by the State of Washington | |
1/4/1965 | Amending Sections 10.12.06, 10.16.01, 10.16.02, and 10.16.03 of Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, to Require Public Hearings with Published Notice thereof Before the Kent City Planning Commission of Proposed Rezones, Map and Textual Changes of the City of Kent Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1071; September 15, 1960, as Amended) | |
1/18/1965 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous Tonelli Annexation thereto (Tonelli Annexation) | |
2/1/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-4 (Multiple Family Residential District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial District) Zone. (Jackson-Clements Rezone) | |
2/15/1965 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City Fairfield Plat under the Name of “Fairfield” | |
3/1/1965 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No 1214 S1 - 1214 S1 September 16, 1963, to include therein Certain Portions of South 240th Street, Fourth Avenue South, and South 212th Street as Part of the Arterial Highway System of the City of Kent, Washington | |
3/1/1965 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles on Either Side of Certain Streets within the City of Kent, and which Streets Form a Part of the State of Washington Highway System; Directing the City Engineer to Obtain the Ratification and Approval of said Actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate “No Parking, Either Side” Signs on said Streets; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
3/1/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-3 (General Commercial) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone (Thorpe & Thomson) | |
3/1/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone. (Mead & Willard Rezone) | |
4/5/1965 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City as Unzoned as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone, R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone, R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone, and M-L (Light Industrial) Zone. (Tonelli Annexation) | |
4/5/1965 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Benson Center) | |
4/5/1965 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 245. (Horseshoe Acres Water) | |
4/5/1965 | Adopting the Codification of All Ordinances of the City of Kent of a General, Public or Permanent Nature as the Official Code of said City as Provided for and Pursuant to Chapter 97, Laws of 1957, RCW 35.21.500—35.21.570. (Adopting Kent City Code) | |
4/19/1965 | Vacating Certain Real Property Located within a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Portion of 72nd Avenue South - Boeing Company) | |
4/19/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Land Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Rugg Rezone) | |
4/19/1965 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Sewer Revenue Bonds in the Principal Sum of Not to Exceed $300,000.00 to Pay a Part of the Cost thereof; Authorizing the Creation of one or More Local Improvement Districts, the Property therein to Be assessed to the Extent of Not to Exceed $200,000.00 of the Cost of the Improvement, the Remaining Cost to Be Paid from a Grant from the United States Government under Public Law 660; Creating a Special Fund to Provide for the Payment of the Sewer Revenue Bonds; Repealing Ordinance No. 1226, Passed January 6, 1964; and Declaring an Emergency | |
5/6/1965 | Amending Section 1 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1294 Passed the 19th Day of April, 1965, Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent (Rugg Rezone - Legal Description Corrected) | |
5/17/1965 | Establishing LID 249 (South Sewer Project) | |
5/17/1965 | Annexing into the City of Kent Certain Real Property Owned in Fee and Utilized for Municipal Purposes by said City. (Tank Site on East Hill - Martell Property) | |
(Void) | ||
6/7/1965 | Plan for the Purchase of Derbyshire Water Company | |
6/7/1965 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of “Armscrest No. 5” | |
6/21/1965 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 245 Bonds and Authorizing the City Clerk to Sell the Same at Private Negotiated Sale. (Horseshoe Acres Water) | |
7/6/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-2 (Two Family Residential) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone and M-L (Light Industrial) (Carpinito-Hartnett Rezone) | |
7/6/1965 | Establishing Easements for Municipal Sanitary Sewer Projects and Providing for Condemnations of South Sewer Project LID 249 | |
8/2/1965 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0280 Benson Center Annexation the City as Unzoned as C-3 (General Commercial) Zone, R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone, and R-L (Single Family Residential). (Benson Center Annexation) | |
8/2/1965 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance No. 9.4.88 (0.874 S 22 — 1954); Prohibiting the Use or Maintenance of Privy Wells, Vaults, Outhouses and Cesspools; Requiring Sewer Connections, with Certain Alternatives Provided for; and Setting forth Penalties | |
8/2/1965 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of “Green Valley Heights No. 3” | |
8/2/1965 | Amending Section 4 and Section 5 (A) of Kent City Ordinance No. 1295 Passed the 19th Day of April, 1965, Relating to Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City of Kent (South End Sewers - LID 249) | |
8/2/1965 | Relating to Parks and Recreational Facilities, Creating an Advisory Board of Park Commissioners, Defining their Powers and Duties, Requiring a Budget and Repealing Ordinances No. 1.6.04 through 1.6.16 of the Kent City Code (0.258 S1 through S5 — 1911) and All Other Ordinances in Conflict therewith | |
8/2/1965 | Creating and Establishing a Municipal Park and Recreation Department for the City of Kent, Washington; Providing for the Powers and Duties of such Department; Providing for a Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and for Certain Employees of said Department; Providing for the Solicitation of Funds and Acceptance of Gifts and Bequests for Park Playgrounds and Recreational Purposes; Preparation of a Budget; and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
8/16/1965 | Vacating a Portion of a Plat Known as the Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, Washington | |
8/16/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residence) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone, with a Buffer Zone Rezoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone (Chase Rezone) | |
8/16/1965 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Payment of: (1) Salary and Expenses for the Secretary of the Kent Fire Department Civil Service Commission for Fiscal Year 1965; (2) Salary, Social Security and Retirement Benefits and Expenses for the Position of Kent Municipal Accountant for the Balance of the Fiscal Year 1965; and (3) Monies Necessary to Conclude Payment for Expenses of Construction of Fire Stations and Purchase of Fire Department Equipment Pursuant to Ordinances No. 1229 and No 1234 of the City of Kent | |
8/16/1965 | Creating the Office of Municipal Accountant, Setting forth the Qualifications and Duties of said Office, and Providing the Method for Filling and Vacating said Office, and Providing the Salary therefor | |
9/7/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone. (Investment Exchange Rezone) | |
9/20/1965 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1312 of the City of Kent, Washington, Passed the 16th Day of August, 1965. (Chase Rezone) | |
10/4/1965 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous Thereto (to Be Known as the Richards-Hyline Acres Annexation | |
10/4/1965 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1966 | |
10/4/1965 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1966 | |
10/4/1965 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 1310 by Adding Section 9 thereto Establishing the annual Salary for the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation for the City of Kent, Washington, at $1440.00, Commencing January 1, 1966 | |
11/1/1965 | Regulating the Harboring and Running at Large of All Dogs and Cats within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent, Providing for the Licensing Seizure, Quarantine, Impounding, Sale and Other Disposition thereof; Declaring Certain Actions to Be Public Nuisances; Prescribing Penalties for Violations; and Repealing Ordinance No. 0.931 (1956), Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sub-Sections a and B), 5, 6, 7; as Amended by Ordinance No. 0.1162 (1962) and any 8, and 9, Other Ordinances or Parts thereof in Conflict Herewith | |
11/1/1965 | Providing that When the City of Kent Receives any State Aid Pursuant to Sections 15 through 20 of State of Washington, Senate Bill No. 50, Chapter 158, Laws of 1965 (State Law Enforcement Officers’ Training Commission), It Will Adhere to the Standards for Recruitment and Training Established by said Commission. (Financial Training Program for Police Officers) | |
11/1/1965 | Amending S.1 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1214, as Amended by S.1 of Kent City Ordinance 1285 to Designate New Arterial Highways | |
12/6/1965 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 246 (North End Water Mains) | |
(Void) | ||
12/20/1965 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Cambridge No. 3” | |
12/20/1965 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as MHR (Mobile Home Residential) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone (Ybarra Rezone) | |
12/20/1965 | Amending Kent City Ordinance 8.26.48(D) (0.848 S 79---11 as Amended by 0.912--1955) Requiring Payment of Overtime Parking Violations to the Traffic Violations Bureau, Kent City Hall, Kent, Washington, Rather than to the “Police Officer in Charge” | |
12/20/1965 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles on Either Side of Certain Streets within the City of Kent, and which Streets Form a Part of the State of Washington Highway System; Directing the City Engineer to Obtain the Ratification and Approval of said Actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate “No Parking, Either Side” Signs on said Streets; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of this Ordinance. (Smith Street from Central to Kennebeck) | |
1/3/1966 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “West Crest” | |
1/17/1966 | Repealing Certain Portions of the Kent City Ordinances Pertaining to Business Licenses and Taxation on Businesses and Occupations; and Adding to the Ordinances of the City of Kent Business Activities Occupation Tax on Certain Utilities Doing Business within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
2/7/1966 | Establishing a City Utilities Department under the Supervision of the Kent Municipal Accountant, Requiring said Municipal Accountant to Supervise and Control All Utility Charges, Collections and Assessments for the City of Kent and Requiring a Daily Disbursal and Accounting to the City Treasurer for any and All Funds Received in said Department; Repealing and Amending and Creating Certain Ordinances Pertaining to Water and Sewer Connection Fees, Garbage Fee Arrearage Charges, Billing Rates and Procedures | |
2/7/1966 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Land Necessary to Be Acquired for the Purpose of Providing Road Right-of-Way for Public Access for ingress and Egress and for the Placement of Utilities thereon and thereunder and Providing for the Payment of said Land. (O’Brien and Novak Lane) | |
37//196 | Repealing Section 29, Ordinance No. 1332, 1966, and Repealing Ordinance 5.4.36 (0.870 Si, as Amended by 0.1045, 1959) and Repealing Ordinance 5.4.40 (0.870 S2, 1953) and Adopting a Schedule of Charges and Classifications for Services Rendered in the Removal of Garbage, Swill in the City of Kent | |
3/7/1966 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Richard’s Hyline Acres Annexation Zoning) | |
3/7/1966 | Relating to Planning and R Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M/A (Industrial-agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone. (Mead Rezone) | |
4/18/1966 | Creating LID 250 -North Sewer System ULIC #1 Project | |
4/18/1966 | Amending Ordinance No. 1295 Passed by the City Council and Approved by the Mayor on April 19, 1965, as Amended by Ordinance No. Approved by the Mayor on August 3, 1965, Relating to and Ord 1308 Passed by the City Council and South End Sewers specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City and Providing the Method of Financing the Same; Combining the System of Sewerage and System and Plant for Garbage and Refuse Collection and Disposal of the City; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $435,000.00 Par Value of “Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1966,” for the Purpose of Providing a Part of the Funds with which to Carry Out said System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., of Tacoma, Washington; and Declaring an Emergency (7.06) | |
4/18/1966 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “West Crest No. 2” | |
5/2/1966 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Industrial) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Kent West associates Rezone) | |
5/2/1966 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-L (Neighborhood Business) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Commonwealth investors Rezone) | |
5/2/1966 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Laud Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Industrial) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone | |
5/2/1966 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Payment of: (1) Increases in Salaries, Social Security and Retirement Benefits for three Existing Positions on the staff of the Kent Engineering Department, and (2) Salaries, Social Security and Retirement Benefits for Two New Positions on the staff of the Kent Engineering Department | |
5/2/1966 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 6.4.12 (0.913 S3 — 1955), and Adding to the Ordinances of the City of Kent a Section Requiring All Persons Engaging in Business within the City of Kent to Purchase a Business License Each Year for the Sum of $12.00 | |
5/2/1966 | Creating a Fund Known as “Sewer Construction Fund” and Authorizing Issuance of Warrants. (Plans & Systems Ordinance) (No. Sewage Treatment Plant) | |
5/2/0966 | Providing for the Condemnation of Temporary Construction Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary in Connection with Construction and Installation of a Portion of the “North Sewer System”, LID No. 250, and Providing for the Payment for said Easements | |
5/16/1966 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (to Be Known as the Kent Highlands Annexation) | |
5/16/1966 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City as Unzoned as R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone, and M -2 (Heavey Industrial) Zone (Kent Highlands Zoning) | |
6/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone. (Midway associates Rezone) | |
6/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Industrial) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Burke Rezone) | |
6/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone. (Matelich Rezone) | |
6/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Industrial) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone (Sorenson Rezone) | |
6/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone (Peretti Rezone) | |
6/6/1966 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for and Payment of: (1) Purchase of three Used Police Motorcycles and Radio Equipment therefor, and (2) Salary, Social Security, Medical Aid, and Industrial Insurance Benefits for three New Police Patrolmen on the staff of the Kent Police Department | |
6/20/1966 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said under the Name of “Green Valley Heights No. 4” | |
6/20/1966 | Decreasing the Legal Speed Limit at All Times from Fifty (50) Miles Per Hour to forty (40) Miles Per Hour on a Portion of the West Valley Highway (Ssh 2-M-Sr 181) as More Fully Described in the Body of this Ordinance and Located within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Near Tukwila) | |
6/20/1966 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles on Either Side of Certain Streets within the City of Kent, Except During Certain Hours as Hereafter More Specifically Set forth, which Streets Form a Part of the State of Washington Highway Systems; Directing the City Engineer to Obtain the Ratification and Approval of said Actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate “No Parking” Signs on said Streets and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
6/20/1966 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Wynwood Park” | |
6/20/1966 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Kent Wood Glen No. 2” | |
6/20/1966 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Cambridge No. 4” | |
6/20/1966 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Mid-Valley Land Annexation) | |
6/20/1966 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Goodwin Annexation) | |
6/20/1966 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Mcgrath Annexation) | |
6/20/1966 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Nazarene Church Street Vacation) | |
7/18/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone and R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone (Benton Realty Rezone) | |
7/18/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone (Sheirbon Rezone) | |
7/18/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone, R-A (Residential-Agricultural) Zone and R-2 (Two-Family Residential) Zone to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone (Maxfield & Et Al Rezone) | |
8/1/1966 | Creating LID 251 - South 212th Street Phase I Improvements | |
8/15/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone to MHR (Mobile Home Residential) Zone. (Newell Rezone) | |
8/15/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone. (Terhune Rezone) | |
8/15/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone. Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone. (Roos Rezone) | |
8/15/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as MHR (Mobile Home Residential Zoning District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Hoss Bros. Rezone) | |
8/15/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Turner Rezone) | |
8/15/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial Agricultural District) and M-L (Light Manufacturing) Zones to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Portion of City of Kent Rezone) | |
8/15/1966 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto to Be Known as the Miles Drake Annexation -66 | |
9/6/1966 | Providing for the Purchase and/or Condemnation of Right-of-Way, Permanent Slope Easements, and Temporary Construction Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary in Connection with Improvement of S. 212th Street, LID No. 251, and Installation of a Sanitary Sewer, LID No. 250, and Providing for the Payment of said Right-of-Way and Easements | |
9/6/1966 | Amending in Part Prior Ordinances No. 1333 and 1346 Concerning the Method of Payment for Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements Mentioned therein for Road Purposes and Construction and Installation of a Portion of the “North Sewer System”, L.I.D. No. 250, in the City of Kent | |
9/6/1966 | Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 251 (South 212th Street Improvements | |
9/6/1966 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 249 (South End Sewers) | |
9/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) and R-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District) to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District), C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) and M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Meir Rezone) | |
9/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone and C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Harn Rezone) | |
9/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone. (Mcgrath Annexation Zoning) | |
9/6/1966 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0297 Mid-Valley Land Annexation the City of Kent as Unzoned as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone (Mid-Valley Land Annexation Zoning) | |
9/19/1966 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $300,000.00 Par Value of “General Obligation Bonds, 1966;” Fixing the Date, Form, Terms, and Maximum Interest Rate of such Bonds; Establishing a “General Obligation Bond Fund, 1966” and a “South 212th Street Construction Fund” and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Interest Bearing Warrants Upon the “South 212th Street Construction Fund” Pending the Issuance and Sale of such “General Obligation Bonds, 1966” (So. 212th -Improvements Phase I - LID 251) | |
9/19/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone, M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone and R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to MHR (Mobile Home Residential Zoning District) Zone. (Wilson Rezone) | |
9/19/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L and R-3 (Light Industrial Zoning District and Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zones to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone (Chase Rezone) | |
9/19/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Boeing Company Rezone) | |
9/19/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial Agricultural District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Kendall Rezone) | |
10/3/1966 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of Yorkshire | |
10/3/1966 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kent (Ordinance No. 1071 as Amended) to Authorize Sanitary Land Fill Operations as Conditional Exceptions in All Zoning Districts of the City of Kent (Except MHR Zone), Defining a “Sanitary Land Fill”, Delegating the Power to the Kent Board of Adjustment to Determine What Type of Material Shall Be Allowed in Each instance involving a “Sanitary Land Fill”, and Specifying the Standards and Conditions to Control Each “Sanitary Land Fill” Operation | |
10/3/1966 | Amending in Part Prior Ordinance No. 1333 to include Additional Real Property to Be Acquired for the Purpose of Providing Road Right-of-Way for Public Access for ingress and Egress and the Placement of Utilities thereon and thereunder. (Condemnation-O’Brien & Novak Lane-LID 251-S. 212th Street Phase I Improvement) | |
10/3/1966 | Providing for the Condemnation of Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary in Connection with Construction and Installation of a Portion of the “North Sewer System”, LID No. 250, and Providing for the Payment for said Easement | |
10/3/1966 | Adopting the Budget for the Year of 1967 | |
10/3/1966 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1967 | |
10/17/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone (Campbell Rezone) | |
10/17/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Tanaka Rezone) | |
10/17/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone (Behar Rezone) | |
10/17/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Mead & Samuel Rezone) | |
10/17/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-1 (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Smith Rezone) | |
10/17/1966 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Dunning Annexation) | |
10/17/1966 | Vacating Certain Real Property Located within a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Portion of Walnut Street) | |
10/17/1966 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Portion of Alley Between Walnut and Maple) | |
10/17/1966 | Increasing the Motor Vehicle Speed Limit from 25 Miles Per Hour to 35 Miles Per Hour on James Street from First Avenue North to Washington Avenue (West Valley Highway - SSH 5M) and Authorizing the City Engineer to Post said Speed Limit Change | |
10/17/1966 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 246 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof | |
11/7/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone (Mead Rezone) | |
11/7/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone and R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District Zone to C-L (Neighborhood Business Zoning District) Zone and C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (General Investment Rezone) | |
11/7/1966 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-L (Neighborhood Business Zoning District) Zone and M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone (Stanley Gillespie Rezone) | |
11/7/1966 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City of Kent, Washington; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed $1,200, 000.00 Par Value of Water Revenue Bonds for the Purpose of Obtaining a Part of the Funds to Pay the Cost of Carrying Out said System or Plan; Creating a Special Construction Fund; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Interest Bearing Warrants Pending the Sale of the Water Revenue Bonds. (North Kent Industrial Area) | |
11/21/1966 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (A Portion of Lincoln Avenue) | |
12/5/1966 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 249 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc. | |
12/5/1966 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1280 Passed the 21st Day of December, 1964 Pertaining to the City of Kent’s “Full Paid” and “Part Paid” Fire Departments (Re: status of Volunteer Firemen) | |
12/5/1966 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Portion of 181st Street) | |
12/19/1966 | Amending Kent Ordinance 0.848 S-32 as Amended to Delete the Designation of Smith Street from North Central to First Avenue North and the Designation of Shinn Street (Now Smith Street) from First Avenue North to the West Valley Highway as one-Way Streets, and Subsequently Designating said Streets as Two-Way Traffic Streets | |
12/19/1966 | Prohibiting Parking on Certain Portions of Kent City Streets Hereinafter Designated at All Times. (South Side of Smith Street & West Side of 4th Street) | |
1/3/1967 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Armcrest #6” | |
1/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) to MHR (Mobile Home Residential Zoning District) Zone. (Wynn Rezone) | |
1/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent By Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (General Investment Rezone) | |
1/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Vale Rezone) | |
1/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential District) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Investment Exchange Rezone) | |
1/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone to MHR (Mobile Home Residential Zoning District) Zone. (Burke Rezone) | |
1/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone to MHR (Mobile Home Residential Zoning District) Zone. (Bragonier Rezone) | |
1/3/1967 | Relating to Planning & Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-L (Neighborhood Business Zoning District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Helgath Rezone) | |
1/16/1967 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (East Hill Annexation) | |
2/6/1967 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Redemption of $33,000.00 Face Value of City of Kent, Washington “Water Land Purchase Fund” Utility Warrants, Plus Interest of 4 1/4 Percent Due thereon from July 1, 1965 to February 16, 1967 in the Amount of $2,286.26 | |
2/6/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Blessing Rezone) | |
2/6/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone and R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone (Echtenkamp Rezone) | |
2/6/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as C-L (Neighborhood Business Zoning District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone (Welch Rezone) | |
2/6/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Kent Center Rezone) | |
2/6/1967 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Cambridge #5” | |
2/20/1967 | Relating to the Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Lands annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Dunning Annexation) | |
2/20/1967 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance No. 664, Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Establishing Fire Limits within the City of Kent | |
3/6/1967 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Oien Annexation) | |
3/6/1967 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Wilson Annexation) (Description No Good Per Jerry Mccaughan 4/26/67-Amended by Ordinance No. 1469) | |
3/6/1967 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Weiland Street Vacation) | |
3/20/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Anderson Rezone) | |
3/20/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Espey Rezone) | |
3/20/1967 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Benson Crest; #2 “ | |
3/20/1967 | Amending Section 2 (D) (10) of Ordinance 1334 Pertaining to Pick-Up Charges for Portable Garbage Containers; Amending Section 4 of Ordinance 1334 to Eliminate the 30 Day Notice Provision Set forth therein and Adding a New Section to the City’s Garbage Collection Ordinances Providing for the Leasing to Private Parties by the City of Kent of Garbage Containers and Authorizing Industries to Use, at their Own Expense, Stationary Compaction Garbage Container Equipment | |
3/20/1967 | Amending Section 4 of Ordinance 869; 1953 (5 - 4.16) Authorizing the Health and Sanitation Committee for the City Council of the City of Kent to Screen and Approve or Disapprove Requests by Industries for Permission to Haul their Own Garbage under Supervised Conditions and Subject to a $2.50 Permit Fee | |
3/20/1967 | Amending Section 4 of Kent City Ordinance 0.686; 1937 (6.6.12) Deleting any Reference therein to Cards or Card Tables (5.02) | |
4/3/1967 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants in the Amount of $27,000.00 to Allow the Acquisition of Certain Municipal Garbage Containers | |
4/3/1967 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants to Meet Construction Costs of $47, 500.00 for Buildings and Other Necessary Facilities for Financing New City Municipal Shops | |
4/3/1937 | Implementing LID 253 - Phase II of South 212th Street Improvement | |
4/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Mcleod-Chase Rezone) | |
4/17/1967 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Green Valley Heights No. 5” | |
4/17/1967 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 251 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc. | |
5/1/1967 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0131 Zoning Codes the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone and R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Oien Annexation) | |
5/1/1967 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent Ord 0131 Zoning Codes City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0244 East Hill Annexation the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone, R-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District) Zone, R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone, R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone and C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (East Hill Annexation) | |
5/1/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Rentonites Rezone) | |
5/15/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone (SS & M Company Rezone) | |
5/15/1967 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R- 3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning Dist the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (a Portion of Wilson Annexation) | |
6/5/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Industrial) Zone and R-3 (Multiple Dwelling) Zone to MHR (Mobile Home Residential) Zone (Graf & Still Rezone) | |
6/5/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as Ma (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone. (Mead Rezone) | |
6/5/1967 | Declaring an Emergency’, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of a Warrant for the Payment of a 1939, 65-Foot Aerial Ladder Fire Engine, American-Lafrance 0208 Appropriations Built for the Use and Benefit of the Kent Fire Department | |
6/5/1967 | Changing LID 250 to ULID #1 and Providing for Interim Funds and Plans and Systems; Authorizing Issuance of Sewer Revenue Bonds - $1,750,000 - Creating Sewer Construction Fund, 1967 | |
6/19/1967 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Alley Vacation - Russell St & Morton St (Eide) | |
6/19/1967 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Bisyak Street Vacation - South Side of Smith Between 4th & 6th) | |
6/19/1967 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance O. 914, Section 5 — 1955 (Codified 9.2.132) Re: Fire Protection standby Charge. (Repealing Hydrant Sprinkler standby Charges) | |
6/19/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone to R -4 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Sebastian Rezone) | |
6/19/1967 | Amending Kent Ordinance 875, Sub-Section 3, as Amended (Codified as Ordinance 9.6.12) to Reflect New Sewer Rates and Charges for the Users of the Kent Sanitary Sewer System and Adding a New Section to Chapter 9.6 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Kent, Allowing the Kent Municipal Accountant to Make Adjustment for Sanitary Sewer Charges in Certain Prescribed instances | |
6/19/1967 | Declaring an Emergency which Creates a Threat to the Immediate Preservation of Order and Health of the Citizens of the City of Kent, Making Appropriations of $150,000.00 and Provided of the Issuance of Warrants in that Amount for the Payment of Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Sewer Surcharges. (Metro Sewer Surcharges) | |
7/3/1967 | Establishing the Policy of the City for Allowing Connections of Properties to the Water and Sewer Utilities of the City and Making Charges for such Connections to Pay the Part of the Cost of those Utilities. (for L.I.D.’s and U.L.I.D.’s) | |
7/3/1967 | Creating LID 252 (North Water - Phase II) | |
7/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone and R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Waller Rezone) | |
7/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0301 Drake Annexation the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone. (Drake Annexation) | |
7/3/1967 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0314 Wilson Annexation the City of Kent as Unzoned as C-3(General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Skagen Portion of Wilson Annexation) | |
7/3/1967 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto. (Cordon Annexation) | |
7/17/1967 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of “Green Valley Heights No. 6” | |
7/17/1967 | Amending Section 1 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1433 (March, 1967) to Correct an Erroneous Legal Description. (Wilson Annexation) | |
7/17/1967 | Adopting a Fire Prevention Code Prescribing Regulations Governing Conditions Hazardous to Life and Property from Fire or Explosion, and Establishing a Bureau of Fire Prevention and Providing Officers therefor and Defining their Powers and Duties | |
7/17/1967 | Providing for the Condemnation of Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary in Connection with Construction and Installation of Water Main Designated “South 218th St. Supply Main and Providing Further for the Payment of said Easements | |
8/7/1967 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Matelich Street Vacation) | |
8/7/1967 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Rowbottom Street Vacation) | |
8/21/1967 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of “Olympic View Estates” | |
9/5/1967 | Repealing Ordinance No. 1442, Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants to Meet Construction Costs of $104,000.00 for Buildings and Other Necessary Facilities for Financing New City Municipal Shops | |
9/5/1967 | Amending Suction 3 of Ordinance No. 1438 (March, 1967), Pertaining to Leasing to Private Parties of Garbage Containers, and Fees therefor | |
9/5/1967 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Cordon Annexation) | |
9/5/1967 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City with which Has Been Combined the System and Plant for Garbage and Refuse Collection and Disposal of the City; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Sewer Revenue Bonds in the Principal Sum of Not to Exceed $30,000.00 to Provide the Funds Necessary to Carry Out that System or Plan; Authorizing the Issuance of Interest Bearing Warrants Drawn Upon the “Yorkshire Sewer Construction Fund” Pending the Sale of such Sewer Revenue Bonds; and Declaring an Emergency | |
9/18/1967 | Providing for (1) Constructing and Acquiring an Addition to the Kent Municipal Library Building, including Parking, and (2) Constructing and Acquiring an Addition to the Recreation Building at the Kent Memorial Park to Allow Expansion of the Kent Recreational Facilities, and (3) Acquiring Real Properties and Constructing a New Kent City Hall and Civic Center Complex; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof, as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of Not to Exceed $2,000,000.00 and Issuing and Selling Negotiable General Obligation Bonds in such Amount to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Tax Levies to Be Made without Limitations as to Rate or Amount; Declaring an Emergency; and Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to Be Held in Conjunction with the Regular Municipal Election on November 7, 1967, of the Propositions of incurring Indebtedness and Issuing such Bonds | |
10/2/1967 | Adopting the Budget for the Year 1968 | |
10/2/1967 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1968 | |
10/2/1967 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Teter Street Vacation) | |
10/16/1967 | Establishing a Sick Leave Policy and Procedure for All Non-Civil Service Employees of the City of Kent, Washington | |
10/16/1967 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Land as Right-of-Way, together with Construction Easements, Slope Easements, Drainage Easements and Utility Easements in, Over, and Upon Certain Lands Necessary in Connection with the Improvement of South 212th Street within Kent, Washington and Further Providing for the Payment for said Lands and Easements | |
10/16/1967 | Providing for the Condemnation of Right-of-Way in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary for the Improvement of South 228th Street in the City of Kent, and Providing Further for the Payment for said Right-of-Way | |
10/16/1967 | Providing for the Condemnation of Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary in Connection with Construction and Installation of the “North Sewer System”, ULID No. 1, and Providing for the Payment for said Easements | |
10/16/1967 | Providing for the Condemnation of Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary in Connection with Construction and Installation of the “North Water System” L.I.D. No. 252, and Providing Further for the Payment for said Easements | |
11/6/1967 | Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City of Kent, Washington; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed $250,000.00 Par Value of Water Revenue Bonds for the Purpose of Obtaining the Funds to Pay the Cost of Carrying Out said System or Plan; Creating a Special Construction Fund; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Interest Bearing Warrants Pending the Sale of the Water Revenue Bonds and Declaring an Emergency | |
11/6/1967 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Land for Construction of and Use as a Water Reservoir at South 208th Street, together with Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary in Connection with Construction and Installation of the South 208 th Street Water Supply Main, and Providing Further for the Payment for said Land and Property Rights | |
11/6/1967 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 914, Section 1, as Amended by Ordinance No. 1034 and Ordinance No. 1272; November 2, 1964 (Codified as Kent City Ordinance 9.2.116 (C) to Reduce the Charge for Water Suppled to Users within the City of Kent from 10 Cents to 7 Cents Per 100 Cubic Feet | |
11/20/1967 | Granting to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Utah Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across 68th Avenue South (S.R. 181-West Valley Highway) in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
11/20/1967 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the name of “Benson Crest No. 3” | |
12/4/1967 | Providing for (1) Constructing and Acquiring an Addition to the Kent Municipal Library Building, including Parking, and (2) Constructing and Acquiring an Addition to the Recreation Building at the Kent Memorial Park to Allow Expansion of the Kent Recreational Facilities, and (3) Acquiring Real Properties and Constructing a New Kent City Hall; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof, as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of Not to Exceed $1,300,000.00 and Issuing and Selling Negotiable General Obligation Bonds in such Amount to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Tax Levies to Be Made without Limitations as to Rate or Amount; Declaring an Emergency; and Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to Be Held on January 23, 1968, of the Propositions of incurring such Indebtedness and Issuing such Bonds | |
12/18/1967 | Creating the Office of City Administrator, Establishing the Methods of Appointing and Removing said Officer, Establishing the Duties, Powers and Salary for said Office | |
12/18/1967 | Amending Section 3 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1256 (July 21, 1964) Codified as Kent City Ordinance 4.24.12, increasing the Amount of the Fee that Must Accompany a Petition for a Street or Alley Vacation Permit from $50.00 to $150.00; and Adding a New Section to Kent City Ordinance No. 1256 Codified in Chapter 4.24 of the Kent City Ordinances Authorizing Payment of Compensation to the City by the Abutting Owners of a Vacated Street or Alley in an Amount Not to Exceed one-Half of the Appraised Value of any Street or Alley So Vacated | |
1/15/1968 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) and/or R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zones to MHR (Mobile Home Residential) Zone (Bauer Rezone) | |
2/19/1968 | Granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a Wisconsin Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across 84th Avenue South (East Valley Highway) in the City of Kent, King County, Washington. [SR 167] | |
3/4/1968 | Creating LID 255 - S. 228th Street Improvement - from WVH to EVH | |
3/4/1968 | Granting to Valley Cablevision, Inc., Its Successors and assigns, a Franchise to Construct and Maintain a Community antenna Television System for Television Signal Distribution throughout the City of Kent, Washington | |
3/4/1968 | Establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund and Procedures for Expenditures therefrom for the Planning and Acquisition of Recreational Areas and Facilities for the City of Kent in Accordance with the Provisions of RCW 35.21.070 (for Park Department) | |
3/18/1968 | Providing for the Issuance, Specifying the Maturities and Maximum Interest Rate and Fixing the Form of $1,130,000.00 Par Value of “City Hall General Obligation Bonds, 1968,” of the City to Provide the Funds Necessary to Acquire Real Properties and Construct a New Kent City Hall as Authorized by the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election Held on January 23, 1968; and Providing for the Public Sale of such Bonds | |
3/18/1968 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of. Land in said City, under the Name of “Kentwood Hills No. 2” | |
3/18/1968 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Kentwood Hills No. 3” | |
3/18/1968 | Repealing Ordinance No. 1468 (July, 1967), and Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of Revised Plat of “Green Valley Heights No. 0285 Green Valley Heights # 3, 4, 5,6,7 Plats Ord 6” | |
4/1/1968 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Ortiz Annexation) | |
4/1/1968 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Lorentson Annexation) | |
4/1/1968 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Kaltenbach Annexation) | |
4/1/1968 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Strawberry Lane” | |
5/6/1968 | Declaring an Emergency Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants for the Payment of Salary, Social Security and Retirement Benefits for a Kent Recreation Director for the Balance of the Year from May, 1968 through December 31, 1968. (for Additional Park Dept. Employee from May-Dec) | |
5/6/1968 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of Warrants in the Amount of $15, 000.00 to Implement the Establishment of a Unit Record (Punch Card) System, on a Rental Basis, for the Balance of Fiscal Year 1968. (Upgrading City’s Accounting System) | |
5/6/1968 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles on Certain Streets within the City of Kent, Washington; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate “No Parking” Signs on said Streets; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violations of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
5/6/1968 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 1329, Passed the 20th Day of December, 1965 and Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles on Portions of Certain Streets within the City of Kent, Washington, and which Streets Form a Part of State of Washington Highway System; Directing the City Engineer to Obtain the Ratification and Approval of said Actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate “No Parking” Signs on said Streets; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
5/6/1968 | Amending Section 2 of Kent Ordinance No. 1409 Pertaining to the Reservation of Utility Easements in a Portion of Lincoln Avenue Street Vacation | |
5/20/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning, Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone (Lorentson Annexation) | |
5/20/1968 | Deleting Section 2 of Kent Ordinance No. 1401 Pertaining to Easement Rights (Vacation of a Portion of Walnut Street) | |
5/20/1968 | Deleting Section 2 of Kent Ordinance No. 1402 Pertaining to Easement Sights (Re: Alley Vacation - Walnut & Maple) | |
6/3/1968 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Majestic Homes Rezone) | |
6/17/1968 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll ULID #1 Sewer Project (North Sewer) | |
6/17/1968 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Goodnews Bay Annexation) | |
6/17/1968 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Kent Highlander No. 1” | |
7/1/1968 | Defining and Prohibiting Unfair Housing Practices in the Sale and offering for Sale and in the Rental and offering for Rent and in the Financing of Housing Accommodations within the City of Kent, Washington, Defining offenses and Prescribing Penalties and Providing for the Enforcement thereof under the Provisions of RCW 49.60.010, E Al, and through the Facilities of the “Washington State Board Against Discrimination” | |
7/1/1968 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 252 (North Kent Water) | |
8/5/1968 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of a Warrant for Payment of the City of Kent’s Water Assessments in the Amount of $18,860.03 0312 LID 252 North Water Phase II under City of Kent Local Improvement District No. 252 | |
8/5/1968 | Declaring an Emergency, Making Appropriations and Providing for the Issuance of a Warrant for Payment of the City of Kent’s Sewer Assessments in the Amount of $32,945.46 0208 Appropriations under City of Kent U.L.T.D. No-1 | |
8/5/1968 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 253 S. 212th Street Improvement - Phase II | |
8/5/1968 | Regulating the Installation of Electrical or Communication Facilities. (Requiring Underground Wiring in Proposed New Development | |
8/5/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to City of Kent Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent and Zoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone (Kaltenbach Annexation) | |
8/5/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to 0331 Ortiz Annexation the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zoning to said Certain Land (Kent Estates/a Portion of Ortiz Annexation) | |
8/5/1968 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Kent Estates” | |
8/19/1968 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Keck Annexation) | |
8/19/1968 | Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 255 S. 228th Street Improvement (WVH to EVH) | |
8/19/1968 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto (Samuel Annexation) | |
9/3/1968 | Establishing LID 257 and Creating LID Fund James Street Improvement James Street Improvement | |
9/3/1968 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of “Salt Breeze” | |
9/16/1968 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1455; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $1,800,000.00 Par Value of “Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1968,” for the Purpose of Providing a Part of the Funds with which to Carry Out a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extension of the Sewage Collection and Disposal System of the City Adopted in Ordinance No. 1337, as Amended by Ordinance No. 1455; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; and Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., of Tacoma, Washington | |
10/7/1968 | Creating LID 256 & Fund East Valley Water Main | |
10/7/1968 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Sunray Annexation” | |
10/7/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-4 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Skagen Portion of Ortiz Annexation) | |
10/7/1968 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Irons Rezone) | |
10/8/1968 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1969 | |
10/8/1968 | Adopting Budget for 1969 | |
10/21/1968 | Creating LID 258 & Fund 4th Avenue Street Improvement | |
10/21/1968 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone to R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Kreger Rezone) | |
10/21/1968 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and 0121 Rezones Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as Ma Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial) Zone. (Blevins Rezone) | |
10/21/1968 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Kentwood Hills No. 4” | |
10/21/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone (Keck-Monarch Investment & Ketchum Properties in Keck Annexation | |
10/21/1968 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 252 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington (No. Water System) | |
11/4/1968 | Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with King County Providing for Receipt and Application of a Portion of the Proceeds of Certain General Obligation Bonds of the County and Designating the King County Design Commission to Serve as the Design Commission of the City for Projects Acquired or Constructed with said Proceeds. (Bond Funds for Parks) | |
11/4/1968 | Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with King County Providing for Receipt and Application of a Portion of the Proceeds of Certain General Obligation Bonds of the County and Designating the King County Design Commission to Serve as the Design Commission of the City for Projects Acquired or Constructed with said Proceeds. (Street Purposes) | |
11/4/1968 | Repealing as of Midnight, December 31, 1968, Sections 3 and 4 of Kent Ordinance No. 1331 (January, 1966) and Enacting as of 12:01 A.M., January 1, 1969, a Business Activities Occupation Tax of three and one-half Percent (3 1/2%) on Telephone, Gas, Electrical, Water, Garbage, and Sewer (Excluding Metro Charges) Utilities Doing Business in the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
11/4/1968 | Providing for the Condemnation of Right-of-Way and Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary for the Improvement of James Street in the City of Kent, and Providing Further for the Payment for said Right-of-Way Easement | |
11/4/1968 | Directing Abandonment of Proceedings to Acquire Certain Property for Construction of the South 208th Street Water Reservoir in King County Superior Court Cause No. 692968, Parcels 1 and 2-7-1 (Bissett); and Directing the Payment into the Registry of the Superior Court of King County of Cost Taxed by the Court in said Suit in the Sum of Two thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) | |
11/18/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Hicks Portion of Ortiz Annexation) | |
11/18/1968 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as MA (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial District) Zone. (Standard Equipment Rezone) | |
12/2/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-3 Multiple Dwelling Residential District) Zone, C-3 (General Commercial District) Zone and R-L (Residential-Agricultural District) Zone. (Goodnews Annexation) | |
12/2/1968 | Authorizing and Declaring that Certain Described 0152 Water Systems Maintenance/Repair Land Outside the City of Kent Be Condemned and Purchased for the Purpose of Obtaining the Site for Construction of a New 0104 Finance Water Tank. (No. Kent Water Construction Fund) | |
12/2/1968 | Authorizing and Declaring that Certain Described Land inside the City of Kent Be Condemned and Purchased for the Purpose of obtaining the Site for Construction of a New Kent City Hall | |
12/2/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Residential District) Zone (Unsderfer and Beckler/Portions of Keck Annexation) | |
12/16/1968 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times on Central Avenue, from James Street to Titus Street and on Central Avenue, East Smith Street from Central Avenue to Jason Street within 0171 Traffic Control the City of Kent, Washington, and which Streets Form a Part of the State of Washington Highway System; Directing the City Engineer to Obtain the Ratification and Approval of said Actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate (No Parking anytime) Signs on said Streets; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
12/16/1968 | Creating and Establishing in the City Treasury of the City of Kent a Fund to Be Known as the “Cash Bond Fund” and Establishing Procedures for the Deposit and withdrawal of Monies from said Fund (3.40) | |
12/16/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent,. Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L (Single Family Residential District) Zone. (Sunray Annexation) | |
12/16/1968 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as C-3 (General Commercial District) Zone (Samuel Annexation) | |
12/16/1968 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1545 (November, 1968) to Correct the Legal Description of Properties Zoned therein. (Portions of Keck Annexation | |
12/16/1968 | Amending Kent City Ordinance 0.510 — 1922 (Codified 1.4.04) to Change the Regular Meeting Time of the Kent City Council from 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m (2.01) | |
12/16/1968 | Providing for the Condemnation of Right-of-Way and Easements in, Over and Upon Certain Land Necessary for the Improvement of Fourth Avenue in the City of Kent, and Providing Further for the Payment of said Right-of-Way and Easements. (from Meeker to 228th - LID 258) | |
12/16/1968 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.848 S 95, as Amended by 0.993 — 1958 and Codified as Ordinance 8.28.36, and Further Creating Ordinances Providing that any Person Operating a Motor Vehicle on the Public Highways of the City of Kent, Shall Be Deemed to have Consented to a Breath Test (if Unconscious, a Blood Test) to Determine intoxication, When Arrested for any offense, Provided the Arresting Officer Has Reasonable Grounds to Believe such Operator Was Driving, or in Control of a Vehicle While intoxicated; Directing a Six-Month Revocation of Driving Privileges for a Person Refusing such Test, After Having Been Advised of His Rights and Consequences or Refusal; Providing Hearing and Appeal Procedures; and Reducing the Blood Alcohol Percentage Necessary to Raise a Presumption of Intoxication | |
1/6/1969 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 256 East Valley Water Main | |
1/6/1969 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Vacation Waterman Avenue) | |
1/6/1969 | Relating to Parks and Recreational Facilities, Creating a Board of Park Commissioners, Defining their Powers and Duties; Requiring a Budget and Providing for Enforcement by the Police Department of the Rules and Regulations Made by said Board; Declaring a Violation of any such Rule or Regulation to Be a Violation of this Ordinance; Providing Penalties and Repealing Ordinance No. 1309 (August 3, 1965) and All Other Ordinances in Conflict Herewith | |
1/6/1969 | Creating and Establishing a Municipal Park and Recreation Department for the City of Kent; Providing for the Powers and Duties of such Department; Providing for a Director of Parks and Recreation and for Certain Employees of said Department; Providing for Solicitation of Funds and Acceptance of Gift and Bequests for Parks, Playgrounds and Recreational Purposes; Preparation of a Budget and Repealing Ordinance No. 1310 (August, 1965) and All Other Ordinances in Conflict Herewith (2.26) | |
1/6/1969 | Establishing a Personnel Policy for the Employees of the City of Kent | |
1/6/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential District) Zone to R-3 (Multiple Family Residential District) Zone (R & L Construction Rezone) | |
1/6/1969 | Amending Kent City Ordinance 0.844 S 1 as Amended by 0.983 --- 1958. (Establishing Office Hours for City Clerk City Administrator, Finance Department Parks Department) | |
1/6/1969 | Repealing, with the Exception of the Ordinance Establishing the Salary of Kent City Councilman, All Ordinance Pertaining to Salaries for Officers, Department Heads and Employees of the City of Kent and Establishing the Method by which said Salaries of said Officers, Department Heads and Employees Shall Be Determined | |
1/6/1969 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 1314 (August, 1965), and Abolishing the Office of Municipal Accountant | |
1/6/1969 | Amending Subsection (2) of Section 7 of Kent City Ordinance 1483 (October, 1967) Regarding Excusable Absences for City Employees | |
1/20/1969 | Creating LID 260 and Fund off-Street Parking | |
1/20/1969 | Amending Section 1 of Kent City Ordinance 1483 (October, 1967) to Extend the Amount of Non-Civil Service Accumulated Sick Leave to Ninety (90) Days; and Amending Section 6 of Kent City Ordinance 1483 (October, 2967) to Change the Definition of a “Full-time Employee” and to Define the Eligibility of an Employee for Participation in the City of Kent’s Vacation, Sick Leave, Heal and Accident or Life Insurance Programs | |
1/20/1969 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L Single Family Residential District) Zone. (Portions of Keck Annexation) | |
1/20/1969 | Adding an Additional Section 5 to Kent City Ordinance 0.836 (1950), Codified as Chapter 1.16 of the KCC and increasing from $400.00 Monthly, to Full Compensation the Maximum Salary on which Employees’ Contributions to the Statewide City Employees Retirement System Are Calculated | |
1/20/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial District) Zone (Mead Rezone) | |
1/20/1969 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 256; Amending Section 3 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1566 (January, 1969) Regarding Collection and Payment of Assessment Roll for LID 256 | |
1/20/12969 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 255 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington [So. 228th St. Project] | |
1/20/1969 | Creating LID 261 & Creating LID 261 Fund S. 212th Street - Phase III | |
2/17/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Family Residential District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial District) Zone. (Benaroya Rezone) | |
2/17/1969 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.686 S 11-1937 (Codified Ordinance 6.6.32); and Establishing an Ordinance Defining a “Solicitor”, License Requirements therefor. Fees therefor, Requirements for Issuance of Solicitor’s Licenses and Revocation thereof, Establishing Penalties for Violation of this Ordinance, and Defining those Exempt from the Provisions of this Ordinance (5.07) | |
3/3/1969 | Authorizing the City Administrator to Make Transfers of Funds Up to a Limit of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for any one such Transfer Between Items within any Class in the Budget (3.45) | |
3/17/1969 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended (Codified as Section 10.11.03, Subsection (C) thereof) (Amending Zoning Ordinance by Deleting Subsection C of Section 10.11.03) | |
3/17/1969 | Providing for a Life Insurance Program to Be Paid for the City of Kent for All Kent City Department Heads and Full-time Employees | |
3/17/1969 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Cambridge No. 6” | |
3/17/1969 | Annexing into the City of Kent Certain Real Property Owned in Fee by said City, for Municipal Purposes (Clark Springs Annexation City Owned Property) | |
4/7/1969 | Amending Kent City Ordinance 0.1177 S4; March 18, 1963 (Codified 1.24.20) to Repeal the Provision Providing that “No Salary Shall Be Paid to or for the assistant City Attorney” | |
4/21/1969 | Amending Kent City Ordinance 1470 (July, 1967), Deleting Article 13 of the Fire Prevention Code Recommended by the American Insurance association; and Further Adding a New Section to Kent Ordinance No. 1470, Adopting by Reference the October, 1966 Revision of the Fire Prevention Code, Recommended by the American Insurance Association | |
4/21/1969 | Relating to Fire Protection, Installation of Hydrants, Authorizing Contracts and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof | |
4/21/1969 | Defining an “Abandoned Motor Vehicle”, and Prescribing the Manner for Impounding such Abandoned Motor Vehicles and Disposing thereof | |
5/5/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone to R-4 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Anderson Rezone) | |
5/5/1969 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 0.703 S1—1940 (8.28.28), which Established Speed of Trains within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
5/5/1969 | Amending Section 2 of Kent City Ordinance 1588 (March, 1969), Pertaining to Life Insurance Benefits for Full-time City Employees | |
5/5/1969 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 253 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington | |
5/5/1969 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No 256 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington | |
5/19/1969 | Amending Section 2 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1568 (January, 1969) to Delete the Residency Requirement for Kent Park Commissioners | |
5/19/1969 | Changing the Office of Kent City Treasurer from an Elective to an Appointive Position, Upon the Effective Date of this Ordinance Pursuant to the Laws of the State of Washington | |
6/2/1969 | Vacating Certain Real Property Abutting Upon a City Street or Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent (a Portion of J.H. Patten Road) | |
6/16/1969 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Randall Park Division No. 1” | |
7/21/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial District) Zone. (Standard Equipment Rezone) | |
7/21/1969 | Establishing the Monthly Salary of the Mayor of the City of Kent at Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) Per Month, Commencing January 1, 1970 | |
7/21/1969 | Repealing the Minimum Lot Exception Section of Kent City Ordinance 0.1071; September 15, 1960 (Codified 10.10.04) | |
8/4/1969 | Adding a Section to Chapter 6.16 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Kent, Requiring Taxi Companies Doing Business in Kent, But Not Engaged in the Business of Operating Taxicabs for Hire within the Kent City Limits, to Secure a Regular Kent City Business License, Rather than a for-Hire License; and, Further, Amending Kent City Ordinance 1257, Section 44, by Eliminating Subsection (D) therefrom, which Required annual Payments for Using a Parking Space as a Taxicab stand; and Adding a Section to Chapter 6.16 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Kent Requiring Taxi Companies Doing Business in the City of Kent by Operating Taxi Cabs for Hire within the Kent City Limits to Pay a Taxi Cab for Hire License Fee of $12 Per Year | |
8/4/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as C-L (Neighborhood Business Zoning District) to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone (McLaughlin Rezone) | |
8/4/1969 | Repealing Kent City Ordinances 0.706 and any Amendments thereto; Repealing Ordinance No 0.1067 and any Amendments thereto and Repealing Ordinance No. 797 and any Amendments thereto, and Creating New Ordinances for the Licensing of Novelty or Amusement Devices; Providing for a License Fee therefor; Prohibiting the Transfer thereof; and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of said New Ordinances | |
9/2/1969 | Declaring and Establishing the City’s Policy with Respect to the Underground Relocation, Installation and Conversion of Existing and New Electric and Communication Facilities within the City of Kent; Providing Certain Minimum Requirements and Procedures Relating thereto; Requiring Connections and Disconnections by Owners Affected thereby and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof | |
9/2/1969 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 1594 (April, 1969), Defining an “Abandoned Motor Vehicle” and Prescribing the Manner for Impounding such Abandoned Motor Vehicles and Disposal thereof | |
9/15/1969 | Creating an Urban Arterial Construction Fund in the Office of the City Treasurer for the Reception of All Funds for Urban Arterial Street Construction Projects and the Payment therefrom for All such Projects | |
9/15/1969 | Ordering the Transfer of Twenty thousand ($20,000.00) from the City of Kent Street Fund to the City of Kent Urban Arterial Construction Fund for the Purpose of Paying the Preliminary Costs of the Reith Road Urban Arterial Project, Phase No. 1 | |
10/6/1969 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1970 | |
10/6/1969 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times on the West Side of South Central Avenue from a Point Beginning 400 Feet South of the Center Line of Morton Street and Extending South therefrom for a Distance of 510 Feet within the City of Kent, Washington and which Street Forms a Part of the State of Washington Highway System; Directing the City Traffic Engineer to Obtain the Ratification and Approval of said Actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate (No Parking anytime) Signs on said Street; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
10/20/1969 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Lotto Annexation” | |
11/17/1969 | Establishing a Procedure to Process Applications for Segregation of Special Assessments Against Tracts of Land Located within the City of Kent, Washington (LID & ULID Assessments) | |
11/17/1969 | Relating to, Regulating and Licensing Outdoor Musical Entertainments, Amusements, and assemblies; Establishing Licensing Procedures therefor; and Prescribing Offenses and Penalties (4.05) | |
11/17/1969 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 357 - James Street Improvement | |
11/17/1969 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as “Uniform Building Code - Volume III - Housing, 1967 Edition” Providing for the Filing of three Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk; and Providing that said Volume III of said Code Will Prevail in Cases of Conflict with that Certain Code Known as “Uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition, Volume I.” (Was Passed by City Council on November 17, 1969 and Vetoed by Mayor Thornton. Failed to Pass Reconsideration on 12/15/69) | |
12/1/1969 | Adopting 1970 Budget | |
12/1/1969 | Establishing the City of Kent, Washington, as a Non-Charter Code City (Seven Council Members Plus a Mayor) under RCW Title 35A (1.01) | |
12/1/1969 | Repealing Section 3 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1549 (November, 1968) Pertaining to the Termination of the Ordinance Imposing a Utilities Tax | |
12/15/1969 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Mead-Samuels” Annexation | |
12/15/1969 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Spears Annexation” | |
12/15/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as M-A (Industrial-Agricultural Zoning District) to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (GIS Properties Rezone) | |
12/15/1969 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone (Monarch Rezone) | |
12/15/1969 | Granting to Teletronics, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Operate and Maintain a Community antenna Television System for Television Signal Distribution within the City Limits of the City of Kent, Washington for a Period of Twelve (12) Years | |
1/5/1970 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 1563 (December, 1968) to Change the Regular Meeting Time of the Kent City Council from 3 O’Clock P.M. on the First and Third Mondays of Each Month (2.01) | |
1/5/1970 | Creating a Revolving Working Fund to Be Known as the “Advance Travel Expense Revolving Fund”, Designating the Kent City Treasurer as the Custodian thereof, the Amount to Be Provided therein and Setting forth the City of Kent’s Policy on Utilization thereof | |
1/5/1970 | Repealing Section 3 of Kent City Ordinance 1245 (June, 1964) and Adopting by Reference including Appendices, Chapters No. 13 and Chapter No. 70 thereof, together with All Amendments and Additions thereto by Reference that 167 Edition, Certain Code Known as “Uniform Building Code, Volume 1 | |
1/5/1970 | Amending Prior Ordinance No. 1550 as to Parcel T-58, and Providing for Condemnation for Right-of-Way of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Improvement of James Street in the City of Kent, and Directing Amendment of the City’s Petition in Condemnation in King County Superior Court Cause No. 706251 (Re: Olson Property -LID 257) | |
1/19/1970 | Amending Specified-Codified Sections of Kent City Making Changes to the Terminology of the Kent City Zoning Code and Adding Terminology where indicated | |
1/19/1970 | Amending Kent Codified City Ordinance 10.15.04 and 10.15.16, Changing the Composition of the Members of the Kent Board of Adjustment and Requiring that Appeals from Decisions of the Kent Board of Adjustment Be Taken to King County Superior Court Rather than the Kent City Council | |
1/19/1970 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Clifford’s Addition” | |
1/19/1970 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-4 Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone and C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Lotto Annexation) | |
1/19/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Tonelli-Pohl Property) | |
1/19/1970 | Amending Prior Ordinance No. 1550 as to Parcel T-57, and Providing for Condemnation for Right-of-Way of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Improvement of James Street in the City of Kent, and Directing Amendment of the City’s Petition in Condemnation in King County Superior Court, Cause No. 706251 | |
1/19/1970 | Amending Certain Sections of Kent Codified Ordinance, Chapter 5.4 Regarding Garbage Collection, Changing Certain Units of Measurement therein, Amending Fees therein and Adding Certain Requirements thereto; and Declaring a Public Emergency | |
2/2/1970 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 258 — 4th Avenue Improvement | |
2/2/1970 | Reducing the Posted Speed Limit from 50 Miles Per Hour to 40 Miles Per Hour on the East Valley Highway (Old No. 167) from South 228th to the North Kent City Limits, which Street Forms a Part of the State of Washington Highway System; Directing the City Traffic Engineer to Obtain the Ratification and Approval of said Actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit Signs on said Street; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for the Violations of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
2/2/1970 | Reducing the Posted Speed Limit from 35 Miles Per Hour to 25 Miles Per Hour on 94th Avenue South from South 240th to the North Kent City Limits and from South 240th to the South Kent City Limits; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate 25 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit Signs on said Street; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violations of the Terms of this Ordinance | |
2/2/1970 | Providing for the Issuance of an Installment Note Payable from the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 257.” of the City and to Be Sold to the “Kent Firemen’s Relief and Pension Fund” of the City | |
2/16/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Strain-Wingert Rezone) | |
2/16/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as MHR (Mobile Home Residential) to C-3 (General Commercial) Zone. (Gaviglio Rezone) | |
2/16/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone (Tax Lot 15 of Shinn’s Cloverdale Addition) | |
2/16/1970 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone, R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone and C-3 (General) | |
2/16/1970 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as R-L Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone. (Spears Annexation) | |
3/16/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Keck Rezone) | |
3/16/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as C-3 (General Commercial) Zone to M-L (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Abney Rezone) | |
3/16/1970 | Imposing a Sales or Use Tax, Setting the Rate of said Tax, Providing for Administration and Collection, Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the State of Washington Department of Revenue, and Providing for Penalties for Failure or Refusal to Collect the Tax (3.16) | |
3/16/197 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as “Uniform Building Code - Volume III - Housing, 1967 Edition”; Providing for the Filing of three Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk; and Providing that said Volume III of said Code Will Prevail in Cases of Conflict with that Certain Code Known as “Uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition, Volume I” | |
4/6/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ord. 1071, as RA (Residential-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone to MHR (Mobile Home Residential Zoning District) Zone (American Mobile Homes Rezone) | |
4/20/1970 | Amending Section 2. of Ordinance No. 1652 Regarding Uniform Building Code, Changing Reference to Uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition, Volume I. to Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volume I | |
4/20/1970 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as “Uniform Building Code - Volume Iv - Dangerous Buildings, 1967 Edition”; Providing for the Filing of three Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk; and Providing that said Volume Iv of said Code Will Prevail in Cases of Conflict with that Certain Code Known as “Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volume 1” | |
4/20/1970 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times in the Public Alley Described Particularly in Kent City Ordinance No. 892 and Generally Described as Running Northerly from Sixth Avenue and Smith Street to Its Terminus at a Point 30 Feet Southwesterly Measured at Right angles from the Center Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad’s Libbey Spur Track; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise the Placement of Appropriate (No Parking anytime) Signs on said Alley; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of this Ordinance (Eliminating Parking on Both Sides of 6th Avenue Alley) | |
4/20/1970 | Providing for the Issuance of an Installment Note Payable from the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 258”, of the City and to Be Sold to the “Kent Firemans Relief and Pension Fund” of the City | |
5/4/1970 | Vacating a Certain Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (the Alley in Block 13, Yesler’s First Addition; Site of New City Hall) | |
5/4/1970 | Vacating a Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (a Portion of 27th Avenue South) | |
5/18/1970 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City, under the Name of “Yorkshire South” | |
5/18/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as MA (Industrial-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone to M1 (Light Industrial Zoning District) Zone. (Barrett Rezone) | |
5/18/1970 | Creating a Special Fund for Donations of Money for Civic Improvements; Providing for Its Administration; and Establishing Requirements for Authority to Draw on said Fund | |
5/25/1970 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 260 — off Street Parking Section 3 Amended by Ordinance 1712 | |
6/15/1970 | Amending Certain Sections of Kent Ordinance No. 1071 Regarding Zoning, Removing Service Stations as an Outright Permitted Use in C2 Zoning Districts, and Allowing Veterinary Medical Clinics under Stated Conditions as Outright Permitted Uses in C3 Zoning Districts and as Conditional Exceptions in M1 and M2 Zoning Districts | |
6/15/1970 | Repealing Kent City Ordinances 1609; 0.706 and any Amendments thereto; 0.1067, and any Amendments thereto; 797, and any Amendments thereto, and Creating a New Ordinance for the Licensing of Novelty Devices; Providing for a License Fee therefor; Prohibiting the Transfer thereof; and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of said New Ordinance | |
6/15/1970 | Providing for the Licensing of Shuffleboards and Providing for a License Fee therefor; Music Machines; Prohibiting the Transfer thereof; and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of said Ordinance | |
6/15/1970 | Relating to the Hiring of Replacement Police Officers and Providing for the Allocation of Funds from the Unbudgeted, Unexpended Balance in the Current Expense Fund to Cover the Cost of said Replacements | |
6/15/1970 | Creating and Establishing the City of Kent Planning Agency; Providing for the Powers and Duties of such Agency; Repealing City of Kent Ordinance Numbers 764 and 997; Recreating the City of Kent Planning Department and Designating the Kent Planning Commission, together with the Kent Planning Department, as the Planning Agency for the City of Kent; Providing for a Director of the Kent Planning Department; Prescribing the Relationship of the Planning Department to the Planning Commission; Prescribing the Duties and Powers of the City Administrator in Relation to the Planning Agency; Placing the City of Kent Planning Agency under Ch. 35A.63 of Ch. 119, Laws of 1967 Ex. Sess. | |
7/6/1970 | Regulating Massage Parlors and Massagists, Providing for Application Fees and License Fees, Prohibiting Certain Practices, and Prescribing Penalties for Violations | |
7/6/1970 | Creating the L.E.F.F. Disability Leave Fund Providing for Transfer of Money into said Fund from Other City Funds and for Allocation of Money to said Fund by Budgetary Appropriation | |
7/6/1970 | Ratifying and Acknowledging the Past and Present Existence of the Kent Police Department and Establishing Offices, Positions, and Ranks of All City of Kent Law Enforcement Officers (2.22) | |
7/6/1970 | Adopting by Reference the “Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction, 1969 Edition”, Establishing Standard Specifications for Kent Public Works, such as Streets, Sewers, Water Distribution Systems and Other Facilities and Repealing Kent City Ordinance No. 1246 (6.02) | |
7/20/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R1 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to C3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone (Investment Exchange Rezone) | |
8/17/1970 | Creating and Establishing the City of Kent Planning Agency; Providing for the Powers and Duties of such Agency; Repealing City of Kent Ordinance Numbers 764, 997 and 1668; Creating the City of Kent Planning Department and Designating the Kent Planning Commission, together with the Kent Planning Department, as the Planning Agency for the City of Kent; Providing for a Director of the Kent Planning Department; Prescribing the Relationship of the Planning Department to the Planning Commission; Prescribing the Duties and Powers of the City Administrator in Relation to the Planning Agency; Placing the City of Kent Planning Agency under Ch. 35A.63 of Ch. 119, Laws of 1967 Ex. Sess. (2.30) | |
8/17/1970 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Creating and Developing a Public Park and Providing for the Payment of said Land. (Lake Fenwick Park Property) | |
9/8/1970 | Providing for (A) the Improvement of James Street from the West Valley Highway to Benson Road and Other Streets and Avenues within the City by Widening, Installing Curbs, Gutters, Signals, Storm Drains, Channelization and Beautification, (B) the Completion of the New City Hall and (C) the Completion of Certain Water Projects Specified and Adopted by Ordinance No. 1408; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Near as May Be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $1,300,000.00 Par Value of “General Obligation Bonds, 1970,” of the City to Pay the Cost thereof; Specifying the Maturities and Fixing the Form and Maximum Effective Interest Rate of such Bonds; Establishing a “General Obligation Bond Fund, 1970”; and Providing for the Sale of such Bonds | |
9/8/1970 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 1611 (September 2, 1969), Defining “an Abandoned Motor Vehicle” | |
9/8/1970 | Establishing a Monthly Service Charge on Delinquent Accounts Receivable, Setting the Rates of said Service Charge, Defining Delinquent Accounts, and Exempting Bills for Furnishing Utilities Services (3.10) | |
9/21/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as MHR (Mobile Home Residential Zoning District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone (Mobile Park Associates Rezone) | |
9/21/1970 | Regarding the Unlawful Issuance of Bank Checks or Drafts; Creating a Presumption of intent to Defraud and Prescribing Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance | |
10/5/1970 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “McCann Annexation” | |
10/5/1970 | Relating to Appropriation and Transfer of Funds from the Current Expense Fund to Other Funds of the City | |
10/5/1970 | Creating LID 264 and Creating LID 264 Fund (Sewer Improvement East Valley Highway & 208th St.) | |
10/5/1970 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-4 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone (Plemmons Rezone) | |
10/5/1970 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1971 | |
10/5/1970 | Relating to Appropriation and Transfer from Water Department Current Revenue Fund to Water Construction Funds for Redemption of Interest Bearing Warrants | |
10/19/1970 | Relating to Appropriation and Transfer of Funds from the Current Expense Fund to Other Funds of the City | |
10/19/1970 | Declaring an intention to annex the City of Kent to the Metropolitan Municipality of Seattle and Requesting Concurrence in said Annexation by Resolution of the Metropolitan Municipality of Seattle (Joining Metro) | |
10/19/1970 | Creating LID 259 and Creating LID 259 Fund (Horseshoe Acres Sewer) | |
10/19/1970 | Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance 1006 (Allowing Game Bird Hunting inside City Limits) | |
11/2/1970 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $1,000,000 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1970,” for the Purpose of Obtaining a Part of the Funds to Pay the Cost of Carrying Out Certain Portions of the System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Existing Water Supply and Distribution System of the City Specified and Adopted by Ordinance No. 1408 and for the Purpose of Paying the Cost of Excess Water Pipe Capacity in Local Improvement District No. 252 Heretofore Created; Fixing the Form, Date, Maturities, Interest Rate, Covenants and Terms of such Bonds; and Providing for the Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington | |
11/2/1970 | Creating LID 265 and Creating LID 265 Fund Pacific Highway South | |
12/7/1970 | Defining and Regulating Merchant Patrol Business, Merchant Patrolmen, Providing for License Applications and Fees, Prohibiting Certain Practices, and Prescribing Penalties for Violations | |
12/7/1970 | Creating a Public Library Cumulative Reserve Fund and Providing for Transfer of Money to said Fund from Other City Funds and for Allocation of Money to said Fund by Budgetary Appropriation | |
12/21/1970 | Repealing and Superseding Ordinance No 1525 Amended by Ordinance No. 1610; Regulating for the General Welfare the Construction of New and the Conversion of Existing Aerial Electrical or Communication Facilities Underground within the Corporate Limits of the City; Providing Certain Minimum Requirements and Procedures Relating thereto; Requiring Connections and Disconnections of Service Affected thereby and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 12/16/70; Passed Over Veto 12/21/70) (7.10) | |
12/21/1970 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ord. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, Parcel “A”, as RA (Residential-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone and Parcel “B” as MA (Industrial-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone (Kaltenbach Annexation Zoning) | |
12/21/1970 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ord. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned as RA (Residential-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone. (McCann Annexation Zoning) | |
12/21/1970 | Amending Section 1 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1203 Establishing Legal Holidays for the City of Kent Employees | |
12/21/1970 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1460 and Establishing a New Schedule of Rates and Charges for Sewer Service | |
12/21/1970 | Adopting 1971 Budget | |
12/21/1970 | Confirming the Supplemental Assessment Roll for LID 260 — off Street Parking Section 3 Amended by Ordinance 1713 | |
1/4/1971 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1699 and Establishing a New Schedule of Rates and Charges for Sewer Service | |
1/18/1971 | Regulating the Planting, Maintenance, Protection, Control and Removal of Street Trees, Defining Standards and Providing for Enforcement and Penalties for Violations (6.10) | |
1/18/1971 | Establishing Standards for Operation of Self-service Gasoline Stations, Prescribing Qualifications and Duties of attendants, Proscribing Certain Acts, Establishing Sign and Emergency Equipment Requirements and Prescribing Penalties for Violations | |
2/1/1971 | Making It Unlawful to Be or Remain in a Public Place While Intoxicated and Prescribing Penalties for Violation | |
2/16/1971 | Amending Section 2. of Ordinance No. 1592 and Adopting by Reference the 1970 Edition of the Fire Prevention Code and 1970-71 Edition of the National Fire Code | |
3/1/1971 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 260 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington (Off Street Parking) | |
3/1/1971 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-L (Single Family Residential Zoning District) Zone to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) Zone. (Bay Construction Rezone) | |
3/1/1971 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as the “Uniform Building Code - Volumes I-IV - 1970 Edition”; and Providing for the Filing of three Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk | |
3/1/1971 | Creating a Special Fund to Be Known as the Repair and Demolition Fund, Appropriating Monies to the Fund, and Providing for Future withdrawals from and Payments into the Fund | |
3/15/1971 | Amending Certain Portions of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1018, Relating to Establishment of Speed Limits on Certain Streets Open to the Public. (Increasing Speed Limit to 45 MPH on S. 212th & S. 228th) | |
3/15/1971 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1663 and Providing a New Interest Rate on Annual Assessment Installments and Delinquent Charges | |
3/15/1971 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1701 and Providing a New Interest Rate on annual Assessment Installments and Delinquent Charges | |
4/5/1971 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 265 -- Pacific Highway South Street Improvement | |
4/5/1971 | Adopting by Reference Certain Sections of that Code Known as “Uniform Plumbing Code - 1970 Edition”; Making Certain Changes and Amendments thereto; and Providing for the Filing of three Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk | |
4/5/1971 | Adopting by Reference King County Resolution No. 28938, Codified in the King County Code under Chapter 6.04, “Food Service Establishments”, Making an Amendment thereto; and Providing for the Filing of three Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk | |
4/5/1971 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Improving and Widening Gowe Street, and Providing for the Payment for said Land | |
5/17/1971 | Repealing Ordinance 1628 and Revoking the Grant of Franchise to Teletronics, in. to Construct, Operate and Maintain a CATV System in the City of Kent | |
6/7/1971 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as MA (Industrial-Agricultural) Zone to M1 (Light Industrial) Zone. (Plemmons Rezone) | |
6/7/1971 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 265 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof | |
6/7/1971 | Creating an Equipment Rental Fund, Providing Revenue Sources to Fund and Expenditures from the Fund; assigning Departmental Responsibility for Administration of the Fund and for Maintenance of Books, Accounts and Records; Providing for the Transfer of assets to the Fund; Providing for Final Disposition of assets in the Event of Dissolution of the Fund; and Ratifying Certain Acts Heretofore Done with Reference to the Fund (3.40) | |
6/7/1971 | Creating a Cumulative Reserve Equipment Rental Fund, Defining the Purpose of the Fund, Providing for Payments into the Fund, Providing for Disbursements from the Fund, and Limiting the Fund to Specific Uses without the Vote of the Electors Authorizing Other Uses | |
6/21/1971 | Amending Ordinance 1483 Section 1, as Amended by Ordinance 1577, Section 1, and Codified as Kent Ordinance 1.32.04 Relating to Non-Civil Service Sick Leave | |
6/21/1971 | Amending Ordinance 1192, Section 1, Codified as Kent Ordinance 1.26.02 Relating to Vacations and Holidays | |
7/6/1971 | Creating LID 269 and Creating LID 269 Fund 98th Avenue Sewer | |
7/6/1971 | Amending Ordinance No 683, Section 2, Codified as Kent City Ordinance 7.2.08, “Disorderly Conduct” | |
8/2/1971 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “O’Connell Annexation” | |
8/2/1971 | Vacating a Certain Street or Portion thereof within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (A Portion of S. 234th Street) | |
8/2/1971 | Creating a Fund Known as East Valley Construction Fund, UAB 8-1106-9 and Providing for Transfer of Money into said Fund | |
8/9/1971 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 259 — Horseshoe Acres Sewer — Section 3 Amended by Ordinance 1747 | |
8/16/1971 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Tank Annexation” | |
8/16/1971 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 264—Benaroya Sewer EVH & South 208th Street Section 3 Amended by Ordinance 1748 | |
8/16/1971 | Relating to Signs Posters or Bills Promoting or Publicizing Candidates for Public Office or Issues that Are to Be Voted Upon in an Election; Prohibiting Signs, Posters or Bills on Public Property; Limiting Signs, Posters or Bills on Private Property; Providing Penalties for Violation | |
9/7/1971 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 269—98th Avenue Sewers Section 3 Amended by Ordinance 1749 | |
9/7/1971 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, Tract 1, as RA (Residential-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone and Tract 2, as MA (Industrial-Agricultural Zoning District) Zone. (O’Connell Annexation Zoning) | |
9/7/1971 | Granting to Clearview T.V of Enumclaw, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Operate and Maintain a Community Antenna Television System for Television Signal Distribution within the City Limits of the City of Kent, Washington for a Period of Twelve (12) Years | |
9/7/1971 | Authorizing the City to incur an Indebtedness in an Amount Not to Exceed three Hundred thousand (300,000.00) Dollars Funded by the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds City Library, including Acquisition of Property for Necessary off-Street Parking; and Providing for Submission of the Ordinance to the Voters for Approval | |
9/7/1971 | Authorizing Payment of Bills and Payrolls by Bank Check Rather than by Warrant; Designating the Bank whereon such Checks Are to Be Drawn; Designating the City Treasurer as the Officer Authorized to Sign such Checks; and Granting Authority to the City Administrator to Designate a Person to Sign Checks in the Event of the Absence or Disability of the City Treasurer | |
9/20/1971 | Amends Ordinance 1593 by Adding New Sections thereto and by Re-Numbering Existing Sections thereof. (Fire Hydrant) | |
9/20/1971 | Creating a Petty Cash Fund, Establishing in the Amount thereof, Authorizing the City Treasurer to Transfer Monies to the Fund, and Providing for Reimbursements to the Fund | |
10/18/1971 | Providing for Constructing and Acquiring an Addition to the Kent City Library Building, including Parking; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof, as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of Not to Exceed three Hundred thousand (300,000.00) Dollars and Issuing and Selling Negotiable General Obligation Bonds in such Amount to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Tax Levies to Be Made without Limitation as to Rate or Amount; Repealing Ordinance No. 1737; Declaring an Emergency; and Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to Be Held in Conjunction with the Regular Municipal Election on November 2, 1971, of the Proposition of incurring such Indebtedness and Issuing such Bonds | |
10/18/1971 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, as C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) Zone. (Tank Annexation Zoning) | |
10/18/1971 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1972 | |
11/1/1971 | Containing All General Licensing Provisions of the City of Kent; Requiring Compliance by Persons Required to Obtain Licenses; Establishing a Uniform System for the Issuance of Licenses; Setting forth the Authority of the City License Officer; Prescribing Penalties for the Violation of Its Provisions; and Repealing Certain Portions of Previous Ordinances | |
11/15/1971 | Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 259/264 and “Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 259/264”; and Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 259/264 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall Inc., Seattle, Washington | |
11/15/1971 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as R-L (Single Family Residential) Zone to R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Residential) Zone (Jones Rezone) | |
11/15/1971 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1730 Reducing the Amount of Interest Rate on the Assessments for Local Improvement District No. 259. (Final Assessment Roll for LID 259 - Horseshoe Acres Sewer) | |
11/15/1971 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1732 Reducing the Amount of Interest Rate on the Assessments for Local Improvement District No. 264. (Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 264 - Benaroya Sewer - EVH & S. 208th Street) | |
11/15/1971 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1734 Reducing the Amount of Interest Rate on the Assessments for Local Improvement District No. 269. (Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 98th Ave. S. Sewers) | |
11/15/1971 | Providing for the Issuance of an Installment Note Payable from the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 269,” of the City and to Be Sold to the “Kent Fireman’s Relief and Pension Fund” of the City | |
11/15/1971 | Discontinuing Proceedings to Acquire Property by Condemnation for Public Park Authorized under Kent Ordinance No. 1675. (Lake Fenwick Park) | |
12/6/1971 | Adding to the Uses Permitted as Conditional Exceptions in M-L and M-2 Zoning Districts. (To Allow Parks and Playgrounds in Industrial Zones under Certain Conditions) | |
12/6/1971 | Amending Section 6 of Ordinance 683. (Amending Gambling Ordinance to Allow Bingo, Raffles, or Amusement Games as Defined by State Law) (Not Signed by the Mayor) | |
12/6/1971 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 1494 (Striking Phrase “and the City Administrator Shall Serve at Pleasure of Mayor”) | |
12/20/1971 | Providing for Constructing and Acquiring an Addition to the Kent City Library Building, Parking; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof, as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of Not to Exceed three Hundred thousand (300,000) Dollars and Issuing and Selling Negotiable General Obligation Bonds in such Amount to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Tax Levies to Be Made without Limitation as to Rate or Amount; Declaring an Emergency; and Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Special Election to be Held on February 8, 1972, of the Proposition of incurring such Indebtedness and Issuing such Bonds | |
12/20/1971 | Adopting Budget for 1972 | |
1/3/1972 | Creating LID 272 and Creating LID 272 Fund (Improvement of EVH from S. 212th Street to S. 228th Street) | |
1/17/1972 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as MHR (Mobile Home Residential District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial District) Zone. (Wynn Rezone) | |
2/7/1972 | Creating LID 267 and Creating LID 267 Fund (Sanitary Sewers on EVH from South 212th Street to South 218th Street) | |
2/22/1972 | Creating LID 262 and Creating LID 262 Fund (for Improvement of Gowe Street) | |
2/22/1972 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as MHR (Mobile Home Residential District) Zone to C-3 (General Commercial District) Zone (Seijas Rezone) | |
2/22/1972 | Authorizing an Agreement with the Kent-Kaibara town Affiliation Committee for Special Services to Promote Mutual understanding Between Cities | |
3/6/1972 | Providing for the Issuance, Specifying the Maturities and Fixing the Form of $300,000.00 Par Value of “General Obligation Library Bonds, 1972,” Authorized by the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election Held therein on February 8, 1972, Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1755; Creating a Special Bond Redemption Fund and a “Library Construction Fund”; and Providing for the Sale of such Bonds | |
3/6/1972 | Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 1563 (December, 1968) as Amended by Kent City Ordinance No. 1629 (January, 1970) to Change the Regular Meeting Time of the Kent City Council from 7:00 O’Clock P.M. on the First and third Mondays of Each Month to 8:00 O’Clock P.M. on the First and third Mondays of Each Month (2.01) | |
3/20/1972 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Improving and Widening 84th Avenue South, a Public Highway in the City of Kent, and Providing for the Payment for said Land (EVH Improvement - LID 272) | |
4/3/1972 | Amending a Portion of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1647 Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent. (Mead-Samuel Annexation) | |
4/17/1972 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 267 (EVH Sewers - South 212th Street to South 218th Street) | |
4/17/1972 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 1006 and Permitting Shooting within the City under Certain Conditions (5.04) | |
4/17/1972 | Amending the 1972 Budget Allocating Unbudgeted Unexpended Balances to Various Funds, and increasing the Amounts Previously Budgeted in Various Funds | |
5/1/1972 | Creating a Fire Department Petty Cash Fund, Established in the Amount thereof, Authorizing the City Treasurer to Transfer Monies to the Fund, and Providing for Reimbursements to the Fund | |
5/1/1972 | Designating, as Authorized by RCW 43.80.100 Et Seq., the National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, Washington, to Act as Fiscal Agent for the City of Kent, Subject to All of the Regulations of said statutes (3.08) | |
6/5/1972 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Improving and Widening West Meeker Street and West Valley Highway, Public Highways in the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land | |
6/19/1972 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as R-L (Single Family Residential) to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling District) Zone (Mead Rezone) | |
6/19/1972 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 267 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall, Inc., Seattle, Washington | |
6/19/1972 | Transferring the Municipal Utilities Department to the Department of Finance, Providing Procedures for Applications for Utilities Service, Establishing Procedures for Billing for Utilities Service, Designating the City Treasurer as the Person Responsible for Accepting Payment for Utilities Service, Providing Procedures for Handling Delinquent Utilities Accounts, and Repealing Sections 1 through 14 of Ordinance 1332 of the City of Kent Relating to the Municipal Utilities Department and Water Regulations | |
6/19/1972 | Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent, Providing for Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance Provisions, and Repealing Ordinances 680, 688. 693, 713, 897, 914, 1034, 1272 and 1490, All Ordinances Relating to the Regulation, Control and Price of Water in the City of Kent | |
7/3/1972 | Relating to Sanitary Sewers, Providing Procedures and Regulations for Connecting to Public Sanitary Sewers, Regulating and Controlling Private Sewer Systems, Fixing Rates for Sanitary Sewer Service Both within and without the City, Providing Penalties for Violations of Ordinance Provisions and Repealing Prior Ordinances | |
7/3/1972 | Amending the 1972 Budget Allocating Unbudgeted, Unexpended Balance to the Sewer Fund, and increasing the Amount Previously Budgeted in the Sewer Fund | |
7/17/1972 | Authorizing Expenditure of Six thousand (6,000) Dollars from the Unbudgeted, Unexpended Balance in the Park Department Fund for the Purpose of Paying for Mill Creek Drainage Basin study as Previously Authorized | |
7/17/1972 | Creating LID 273 and Creating LID 273 Fund (Improvements of Portions of the City; Water and Sewer on South 228th Street) | |
7/17/1972 | Creating in the Office of the City Treasurer an Alcoholic Programs Fund | |
7/17/1972 | Creating in the Office of the City Treasurer an Employees Prior Service Fund, Directing the Treasurer to Pay from said Fund the Costs of Prior Service for Retired Employees, and Authorizing the Treasurer to invest any Surplus in the Fund | |
8/21/1972 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, as M-L (Light Manufacturing District) Zone to C-2 (Limited Commercial District) Zone to C-2 (Limited Commercial District) Zone (Bell-Anderson Rezone) | |
8/21/1972 | Adopting the Policies and Procedures Manual Promulgated October 14, 1971, together with All Subsequent Revisions thereof, Providing Procedures for Future Revisions, Declaring the Manual to Be Controlling Over any Ordinances in the City in Conflict therewith, and Repealing Certain Ordinances (2.76) | |
8/21/1972 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 216 (Sec. 3 Amended by Ordinance 1812; South 212th Street Improvement, Phase III) | |
8/21/1972 | Adopting by Reference that Code Known as “Kent Side Sewer Code-1972 Edition”; and Repealing Section 10 of Ordinance 874 | |
9/5/1972 | Prohibiting “Possession, Sale or Use of Narcotics and Barbiturates” and Related Activities and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof (Repealed by 4461) | |
9/18/1972 | Adopting by Reference Certain Sections of the Appendix to the Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, I; and Providing for the Filing of three (3) Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk | |
9/18/1972 | Repealing Ordinance 110 Previously Enacted by the Kent City Council Relating to Abandoned Buildings | |
9/18/1972 | Repealing Ordinance 1116 Relating to Glass Doors | |
9/18/1972 | Amending Sections 3, 4 and 6 of Ordinance No. 1140 Relating to Moving Buildings | |
9/18/1972 | Repealing Certain Sections of Ordinance 244 Previously Enacted by the Kent City Council. (Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Ordinance 244, Relating to Moving Buildings and Damage to Streets, Sidewalks, Etc.) | |
9/18/1972 | Providing for Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Improving and Widening S.E. 256th Street, a Public Highway in the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land (Kent-Kangley) | |
10/2/1972 | Adopting the Uniform Fire Code, 1971, with Specified Deletions, Additions, and Amendments thereto, Deleting Prior Prevention Codes and Bulletins, and Repealing Sections of Prior Ordinances of the City of Kent | |
10/2/1972 | Fixing Terms for Repayment to the Washington State Economic assistance Authority of the Loan in the Amount of $25,000 to Aid in Construction of Sanitary Sewers Along 84th Avenue South from South 212th to South 218th Street | |
10/2/1972 | Amending Certain Sections of Ordinance 1242 Relating to Fireworks | |
10/16/1972 | Creating LID 274 (South Central Improvement from Willis Street to Green River) | |
10/16/1972 | Amending the 1972 Budget, Allowing for a 2-1/2% Salary Increase for City Employees | |
10/16/1972 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 711 Previously Amended by Ordinance 980 and Codified as Chapter 1.18.04 of the KCC Relating to Travel Expenses | |
10/16/1972 | Creating in the Office of the City Treasurer a Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, Authorizing Disbursements from said Fund and Authorizing the Treasurer to invest any Surplus in the Fund | |
10/30/1972 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1973 | |
11/6/1972 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 272 (EVH Street Improvement - S. 212th St. to S. 228th St.) | |
11/20/1972 | Authorizing Payment of Bills and Payrolls by Bank Check Rather than by Warrant; Designating the Bank whereon such Checks Are to Be Drawn; Designating the City Treasurer as the Officer Authorized to Sign such Checks; Designating those Persons Authorized to Sign Checks in the Event of the Absence or Disability of the City Treasurer; and Repealing Ordinance 1738 | |
12/6/1972 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Improving and Widening Central Avenue South from Willis Street to Green River, a Public Highway in the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land | |
12/18/1972 | The Tax Estimates and Budget for the City of Kent, Washington, for the Year 1973 Has Been Prepared and Filed as Provided by Laws of the State of Washington, and the said Budget Having Been Printed for Distribution and Notice in the official Paper for the City of Kent Setting the Time and Place for Hearing on Same and said Notice stating that All Taxpayers Calling at the Office of the City Clerk Would Be Furnished a Copy of the Budget and that any Objections to said Levy therein Contemplated by the Council Would Be Heard at the Time and Place Stated in said Notice | |
12/18/1972 | Amending the 1972 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1972 | |
12/18/1972 | Creating a Park forward thrust Fund in the Office of the City Treasurer, for the Reception of All Funds for Park forward thrust Projects and for Payment therefrom for All Approved Purposes | |
1/2/1973 | Creating the Position of Director of Public Works, Designating those Departments of the City which Shall Report to the Director, Describing the Duties of the Office and the Qualifications of the Director, and Providing for the Salary for the Position (2.28) | |
1/2/1973 | Creating the Position of Finance and Personnel Director, Designating those Departments of the City which Shall Report to the Director, Describing the Duties of the Office and the Qualifications of the Director, and Providing for the Salary of the Position | |
1/2/1973 | Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 261/272 and “Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 261/272”; and Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 261/272 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to McLean & Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington | |
1/15/1973 | Relating to Traffic Speeds, increasing or Decreasing Speed Limits Upon Certain Streets, Providing for Regulations of Traffic Signals, Repealing Conflicting City Ordinances, and Providing for Penalties for Violations | |
1/15/1973 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 1785 Reducing the Interest on Assessments in Local Improvement District 261 | |
1/15/1973 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 1802 Reducing the Interest on Assessments in Local Improvement District 272 | |
1/15/1973 | Establishing Procedures for Release of Surety Bonds by the Kent Board of Adjustment and Kent Planning Commission (3.43) | |
2/5/1973 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times on the South Side of Kent-Kangley Road from Its Intersection with S.E. 256th Street to a Point 460 Feet West of the Intersection of Kent-Kangley Road and 108th Avenue S.E., which Street Forms a Part of the State Highway System; Directing the City Traffic Engineer to Obtain Ratification and Approval of said Action from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise Placement of Appropriate “No Parking any Time” Signs; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of the Ordinance | |
2/5/1973 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Seattle-First National Bank Annexation” | |
2/5/1973 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1071, as Amended, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, as C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) and R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) (Seafirst National Bank Annexation) | |
2/5/1973 | Creating a Revolving Working Fund to Be Known as the “Travel Expense Revolving Fund”, Designating the Kent City Treasurer as the Custodian thereof, the Amount to Be Provided therein and Setting forth the City of Kent’s Policy on Utilization thereof | |
2/5/1973 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Improving and Widening Central Avenue South from Willis Street to Green River, a Public Highway in the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land | |
2/20/1973 | Amending Sections 6 and 7 of Ordinance 1775 Relating to Utility Billings, Delinquencies and Liens for Delinquent Charges | |
3/5/1973 | Repealing Ordinance 1704 Relating to Self-Service Gasoline Stations | |
3/5/1973 | Providing for Issuance and Sale of $1,005,000 of Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1973 | |
4/2/1973 | Creating LID 275 and Creating LID 275 Fund (Sewers - West of East Valley Highway on South 203rd) | |
4/2/1973 | Adding a New Section to Ordinance 1565 and Amending Section 16 thereof. (Covering Use of Narcotic Drugs While Driving a Vehicle in City Limits) | |
5/7/1973 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Providing for a Public Park, and Providing for Payment for said Land. (Mill Creek Property) | |
6/4/1973 | Fixing the Compensation for City Councilmen and Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 1112 (Not Signed by Mayor Hogan) (2.01) | |
6/4/1973 | Adopting by Reference that Code Known as “Kent Zoning Code-1973 Edition”; Providing for Future Additions and Amendments to the Code; and Repealing Prior City of Kent Zoning and Land Use Ordinances (Not Signed by Mayor Hogan) | |
6/4/1973 | Amending Sections 8 and 12 of Ordinance 686 Relating to Carnivals (License Fee of $25.00) (5.02) | |
6/18/1973 | Amending Section 4 of Ordinance 1431 Relating to Fire Limits | |
6/18/1973 | Authorizing the Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for Certain Projects and Allocating the Necessary Funds therefor | |
6/18/1973 | Creating a Special Fund to Be Known as the Central Business District Project Fund, Making an Initial Appropriation to the Fund and Providing for Future Appropriations to the Fund, and Providing for Administration of the Fund through the City Administrator’s Office | |
6/13/1973 | Amending Section 2, Sub-Section 15 of Ordinance No. 1811 Relating to Traffic Speeds | |
6/18/1973 | Establishing a Special Checking Account to Be Known as the City of Kent Witness Fee Clearing Account, Providing for Payments into and Disbursements from the Account and Designating the City Attorney as the Person Authorized to Issue Checks Against the Account | |
7/2/1973 | Approving a Plat of a Portion of Land in said City under the Name of “Upland’s West Valley Industrial Park” | |
8/6/1973 | Creating LID 276 (Sanitary Sewers in Sunset Manor-from SE 256th to SE 258th on 116th Avenue SE, and on SE 258th from 116th Avenue SE to a Point 160 Feet East of 116th Avenue SE) | |
8/6/1973 | Adopting by Reference that Code Known as Recreational Vehicle Park Code-City of Kent, Washington; Providing for Future Additions and Amendments to the Code (12.06) | |
8/20/1973 | Relating to Model Studios, Defining Certain Words, Requiring Licenses, Describing Certain Conduct as Unlawful and Prescribing Penalties (5.09) | |
9/4/1973 | Relating to Gambling and Incorporating Chapter 218, Laws of Washington, 1973 1st Ex. Ord. Session by Reference, Levying a Tax on the Gross Revenue therefrom, Providing Penalties and Repealing any and All Ordinances in Conflict therewith. (Taxing Gambling in Accordance with State & County Law Prohibiting Punchboards & Pull Tabs) | |
9/4/1973 | Providing for Transfers and Adjustments to Various Budgets for 1973 | |
9/17/1973 | Adopting by Reference that Code Known as “Kent Subdivision Code”; Providing for Future Additions and Amendments to the Code; and Repealing Prior City of Kent Ordinances in Conflict therewith. (Not Signed by Mayor) (12.04) | |
10/1/1973 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1827 as HC (Highway Commercial District) Zone to CM (Commercial Manufacturing District) Zone (Bishop-Mauritsen Rezone) | |
11/5/1973 | Providing for the Issuance of $1,230,000 Par Value of “General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1973,” for the Purpose of Providing Funds to Redeem $1,230,000.00 of Its Outstanding “General Obligation Bonds, 1970,” Dated October 1, 1970; Fixing the Date, Form, Denomination, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Refunding Bonds; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of such Refunding Bonds and for the Use and Application of the Moneys to Be Derived from such Investment; Providing for the Redemption of the Outstanding Bonds to Be Refunded; and Confirming the Sale of such Refunding Bonds to Foster & Marshall Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
11/5/1973 | Confirming and Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 274 (Street Improvement - South Central - Willis to Green River) | |
11/5/1973 | Confirming and Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 262 (Gowe Street - 4th to 6th) | |
11/19/1973 | Vacating a Certain Street or Portion thereof within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (a Portion of Washington Street Between Cloudy & Cole) | |
11/29/1973 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1974 | |
12/3/1973 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 618 Relating to Rewards | |
12/17/1973 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1974, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1846 | |
12/17/1973 | Adopting the 1974 Budget | |
12/17/1973 | Amending Section 3(D) of Ordinance 1321 Relating to Fees for Dog and Cat Licenses | |
12/17/1973 | Relating to Gambling and incorporating Chapter 218, Laws of Washington, 1973 First Extraordinary Session and Chapter 41, Laws of Washington, 1973 Second Extraordinary Session by Reference, Levying a Tax on the Gross Revenue therefrom, Providing Penalties and Repealing any and All Ordinances in Conflict therewith | |
12/17/1973 | Establishing the City as a Fire District, a Designating Certain Areas of the City as Fire Zones, and Repealing Prior Ordinances | |
12/17/1973 | Adopting the Uniform Fire Code, 1973 Edition, with Specified Deletions, Additions, and Amendments thereto, Deleting Prior Prevention Codes and Bulletins, and Repealing Prior Ordinance of the City of Kent | |
12/17/1973 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, together with Certain Deletions therefrom and Additions thereto; Adopting Specified Chapters of the Appendix to said Code; and Providing for the Filing of three (3) Copies of the Code with the Kent City Clerk | |
1/7/1974 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, together with Certain Deletions therefrom and Additions thereto; Adopting Specified Chapters of the Appendix to said Code; and Providing for the Filing of three (3) Copies of the Code with the Kent City Clerk | |
1/7/1974 | Adopting by Reference the 1973-1974 National Fire Code, Volumes 1 through 10, and Repealing Prior Ordinances | |
1/21/1974 | Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 262/274 and “Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 262/274”; and Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 262/274 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall Inc., Seattle, Washington | |
2/4/1972 | Governing “Going Out of Business Sales” Providing for Licensing thereof, Establishing Procedures for Conducting such Sales and Providing Penalties for Violations (5.06) | |
2/19/1974 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 273 (South 228th Street East of Central Avenue - Water & Sewer) | |
2/19/1974 | Prohibiting Outside Audible intrusion Alarms on Certain Classes of Buildings; Providing for Controls Over Residential Audible intrusion Alarms; Providing for Connection at the Discretion of the Kent Police Department of Commercial and Business intrusion Alarm Systems to the Kent Police Department; Prohibiting Connection of Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems to the Kent Police Department Alarm System; Providing for Charges for False Alarms Connection of Alarm Systems for Nonpayment of False Alarm Charges or for Excessive False Alarms; Providing for Written Notification of Connection to Outside Audible Intrusion Alarms; and Providing for Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance (9.08) | |
4/1/1974 | Adopting by Reference the Comprehensive Park and Recreation System Plan for the Kent Park Planning Area Dated December 25, 1972, Providing for Future Amendments to the Plan with and Providing for Filing of Copies of the Plan with the Kent City Clerk | |
4/1/1974 | Creating a Special Fund to Be Known as the “Motor Vehicle intoxication Fund” as Provided under Chapter 130, Laws of 1974, third Extraordinary Session | |
4/15/1974 | Amending the 1973 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1973 | |
4/15/1974 | Authorizing the Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for Certain Projects and Allocating the Necessary Funds therefor | |
4/15/1971 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MA (Industrial Agricultural District) Zone, to M1 (Industrial Park District) Zone. (West of West Valley Highway) | |
4/15/1971 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 561 Relating to Collection of Delinquent Assessments | |
5/6/1974 | Vacating a Certain Street or Portion thereof within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (A Portion of 209th Street AKA Harrison Street) | |
5/20/1974 | Providing for the Issuance of an Installment Note Payable from the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 273”, of the City and to Be Sold to the “Kent Firemen’s Relief and Pension Fund” of the City | |
5/20/1974 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 1605 Relating to the Salary and Position of the Mayor of the City of Kent | |
5/20/1974 | Prohibiting the Parking on East Valley Highway from South 212th Street to South 228th Street, Providing for Placement of “No Parking” Signs, and Providing Penalties for Violations | |
5/20/1974 | Adopting by Reference those Certain Codes Known as Uniform Mechanical Code-1973 Edition, Uniform Housing Code 1973 Edition, and Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings-1973 Edition, together with Certain Deletions therefrom; and Providing for the Filing of three (3) Copies of said Codes with the Kent City Clerk | |
5/20/1974 | Adopting by Reference the Uniform Plumbing Code - 1973 Edition, with Certain Additions thereto; Providing for Filing of three (3) Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk; and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof | |
5/20/1974 | Amending Ordinance 1853, Relating to the Uniform Fire, -Code, and Deleting Chapter 12 thereof, “Fireworks” | |
7/1/1974 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Sunset Manor Annexation” | |
7/1/1974 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times on the East Side of East Valley Highway from a Point 530 Feet North of the Center Line of South 196th Street and Extending North therefrom for a Distance of 320 Feet, which Street Forms a Part of the State Highway Systems; Directing the City Traffic Engineer to Obtain Ratification and Approval of said Action from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise Placement of Appropriate “No Parking anytime” Signs; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violations of the Terms of the Ordinance | |
7/15/1974 | Approving Application CD-SU-74-1 an Application of Kent Highlands, Inc., for a Special Use Combining District for Purposes of Mineral Extraction in an Area Zone RA (Residential Agricultural District), and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval and Upon the Extraction Operations. (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 8/2/74; Passed Over Veto 8/5/74) | |
7/15/1974 | Vacating a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (5th Avenue North) | |
8/5/1974 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District) Zone, to “O” (Professional and Office District) Zone. (Chuck Adams Rezone) | |
8/19/1974 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times on Either Side of Central Avenue South from Willis Street to the Green River, which Street Forms a Part of the State Highway System; Directing the City Traffic Engineer to Obtain Ratification and Approval of said Action from the Washington State Highway Commission; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise Placement of Appropriate “No Parking anytime” Signs; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violations of the Terms of the Ordinance | |
8/19/1974 | Relating to Gambling Certain Forms of Gambling, Authorizing Contracts with King County, Providing Penalties, and Repealing any and All Ordinances in Conflict therewith. (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 8/22/74; Council Chose to Let this Veto stand Rather than Reconsider the Ordinance—See Ordinance 1888) | |
9/3/1974 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, as R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) (Sunset Manor Annexation) | |
9/16/1974 | Approving the Assessment Roll for LID 275 (West of East Valley Highway on South 203rd) | |
9/16/1974 | Vacating a Certain Street or Portion thereof within the City Limits of the City of Kent (a Portion of N. 2nd Avenue) | |
9/16/1974 | Creating a Special Fund to Be Known as the Federal or State Grant Matching Fund; Authorizing an initial Appropriation to the Fund and Providing for Future Appropriations to the Fund; and Authorizing Expenditures from the Fund | |
10/7/1974 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as HC (Highway Commercial District) Zone, to GC (General Commercial District) Zone. (Jens Anderson Rezone) | |
10/7/1974 | Granting to the United States of America and Its assigns a Right-of-Way for a Term of 20 Years for the Construction, Transmission Circuits, together with the Necessary Equipment and Facilities Appurtenant thereto, Over and Across the Water Mains of the City of Kent in Sections 32 and 33, Township 22 North, Range 6 East, W.M., King County, Washington | |
10/21/1974 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1975 | |
11/4/1974 | Relating to Gambling Levying a Tax, Authorizing Contracts with King County, Providing Penalties, and Repealing any and All Ordinances in Conflict therewith (3.21) | |
12/2/1974 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as HC (Highway Commercial District) Zone, to GC (General Commercial District) Zone. (Davis Rezone) | |
12/2/1974 | Relating to Traffic Speeds, and Amending a Portion of Ordinance 1811 So as to Increase the Speed Limit on South Central Avenue from the Intersection of Willis Street to the Green River Bridge | |
12/16/1974 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous 0480 Drake-Ripley Annexation (Highridge #2 thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Drake-Ripley Annexation” | |
12/16/1974 | Adopting the 1975 Budget | |
1/6/1975 | Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 257 Et Al. and “Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 257 Et Al.”; and Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 257 Et Al. Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall Inc., Seattle, Washington | |
1/6/1975 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 276 (Sunset Manor Sewers) | |
1/6/1975 | Amending Ordinance 1879 Relating to Parking of Vehicles on Central Avenue South in the City of Kent | |
1/6/1975 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as HC (Highway Commercial District) Zone, to GC (General Commercial District) Zone. (WVH Near James Street Rezone) | |
1/20/1976 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times on Certain Portions of East Gowe Street and East Titus, Public Streets of the City of Kent; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise Placement of Appropriate “No Parking anytime” Signs; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of the Ordinance | |
1/20/1975 | Amending and Repealing Certain Sections of Ordinance 1777 Relating to Charges for Sewer Service | |
1/20/1975 | Amending Section 10 of Ordinance 1639 to Charges for Garbage Collection | |
2/3/1975 | Vacating a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent (a Portion of Cemetery Road) | |
2/3/1975 | Amending Sections 4, 8, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 24 of Ordinance 1777, of the City of Kent to Allow the Seattle King County Department of Health to Issue Permits for and inspect the Construction, Installation and Repair of Septic Tanks in the City of Kent | |
3/3/1975 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, as R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential Zoning District). (Zoning for Drake-Ripley Annexation) | |
3/17/1975 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 276 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall, Inc., Seattle, Washington | |
4/7/1975 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Star Lake School Annexation” | |
4/7/1975 | Amending the 1974 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1974 | |
4/21/1975 | Creating LID 278 (Sanitary Sewers - Wigton Addition & Creating LID 278 Fund) | |
4/21/1975 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MRM (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District) Zone, to CM (Commercial Manufacturing District) Zone. (Baden Rezone) | |
4/21/1975 | Creating a Board of Park Commissioners, Establishing the Numbers of Commissioners and their Terms of Office, Providing for Appointments to and Removal from the Board, Describing the Powers and Duties of the Board, and Repealing Ordinance 1568 | |
4/21/1975 | Repealing 526, 527, 530, 685, 711, 719, 729, 776, 836, 837, 851, 980, 1023, 1054, 1314, 1320, 1483, 1570, 1574, 15758, 1577, 1723, and 1799 | |
4/21/1975 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in King County for the Purpose of Providing for Retention and Holding Ponds as an integral Part of the Storm and Surface Water Drainage System of the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land. (Upper Mill Creek Holding Pond) | |
5/19/1975 | Relating to Gambling, Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance 1888. (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 5/20/75; Motion to Override Veto - Failed 7/7/75) | |
5/19/1975 | Creating the Utilities Clearing Fund (3.40) | |
5/19/1975 | Creating the Kent Park, Library and Street Funds and their Respective Purposes | |
5/19/1975 | Creating the Street forward thrust Fund and Defining Its Purpose | |
5/19/1975 | Repealing Ordinances 825 and 865 of the City of Kent, and Recognizing the Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System Established in Chapter 41.26 of the Revised Code of Washington | |
5/19/1975 | Providing for a Life Insurance Program to Be Paid for by the City of Kent for All Kent City Department Heads and Full-Time Employees; and Repealing Ordinance 1588 and 1597 of the City of Kent | |
5/19/1975 | Amending Section 1 of Ord. 1784 Regarding the Adoption of and Changes and Revisions in the City of Kent Policies and Procedures Manual (2.76) | |
5/19/1975 | Amending Section 14 of Ord. 1585, Solicitors Licenses (5.07) | |
5/19/1975 | Providing for a Procedure for the Revocation of Kent Business Licenses | |
5/19/1975 | Recognizing the Existence of the Kent Civil Service Commission; Providing for the Substantial Accomplishment of RCW 41.08 as It Relates to All Full-Time Permanent Employees of the Kent Fire Department; Providing for the Adoption of Rules and Regulations in Compliance with RCW 41.08; and Repealing Ordinance 1280 and 1411 of the City of Kent (2.52) | |
5/19/1975 | Creating the Current Expense Fund and Describing Its Functions; and Repealing Ordinance 75 of the City of Kent (3.40) | |
5/19/1975 | Adopting the King County Taxi Regulations and Repealing Ordinances 749, 989, 1257 and 1607; Cancels Resolution 647 (5.03) | |
5/19/1975 | Repealing Ordinances 52, 74, 82, 154, 155, 159, 176, 362, 408, 525, 550, 584, 620, 629, 716, 726, 734, 745, 749, 756, 796, 803, 815, 829, 835, 885, 938, 940, 989, 991, 1039, 1170, 1180, 1257, 1276, 1331, 1579, 1607, 1694, 1838, 1851, 1880, and Section 3 of Ordinance 686, Section 13 of Ordinance 1235 and Sections 6 and 12 of Ordinance 1669 | |
5/19/1975 | Relating to the Financing of Construction Projects in the City of Kent and Providing for the Establishment of Project Construction Funds | |
6/2/1975 | Amending Section 4 of Ord. 1569 Relating to the Appointment of the Director of Parks and Recreation | |
6/2/1975 | Abolishing the Position of City Treasurer and Providing that the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting Shall Be Responsible for those Duties Previously Performed by the City Treasurer; and Repealing Ordinance No. 1601 of the City of Kent | |
6/2/1975 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 1809 of the City of Kent. (Relating to Departments Reporting to Director of Finance and Personnel) | |
6/2/1975 | Adding a Section to Ordinance 1177 to Provide for the Appointment of the City Attorney; Amending Section 4 of Ordinance 1177; and Repealing Ordinances 1044 and 1591 | |
6/16/1975 | Making It Illegal to Park Vehicles at All Times on Certain Portions of 30th Avenue South and South 240th Street, Public Streets of the City of Kent; Ordering the City Traffic Engineer to Supervise Placement of Appropriate “No Parking anytime” Signs; and Imposing Penalties and Fines for Violation of the Terms of the Ordinance | |
7/7/1975 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, as R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) (Star Lake School Annexation) | |
7/7/1975 | Relating to Street Names; Describing and Naming Woodland Way South; Reith Road; and South 254th Street | |
7/7/1975 | Defining and Prohibiting Unfair Housing Practices in the Sale and offering for Sale and in the Rental and offering for Rent and in the Financing of Housing Accommodations within the City of Kent, Washington, Defining offenses and Prescribing Penalties and Providing for the Enforcement thereof under the Provisions of RCW 49.60.010, Et Al, through the Facilities of the “Washington State Board Against Discrimination” and Repealing Ordinance 1521 | |
7/7/1975 | Relating to the Public Health and Sanitation Providing for the Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of a System of Garbage, Refuse and Swill Collection and Disposal; Establishing the Procedures for Setting the Rates for the Collection and Removal of Garbage, Refuse and Swill and the Rates for Rental Containers; Providing for Inspection by the Kent Fire Department; Providing Penalties for the Violation of the Provisions of this Ordinance; and Repealing Ordinances 540, 788, 869, 870, 888, 962, 1045, 1334, 1438, 1439, 1476, 1639 and 1899 of the City of Kent | |
7/7/1975 | Creating a Street Vacation Procedure and Repealing Ordinances 1256 and 1495 of the City of Kent (6.09) | |
7/7/1975 | Adopting the Kent Contingency Fund, the Kent Traffic Safety Fund and the Kent Library Construction Fund | |
8/18/1975 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Rezoning a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as HC (Highway Commercial) Zone, to M3 (General Industrial) Zone. (Gary Volchok Rezone) | |
8/18/1975 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R-L (Single Family Residential District) Zone, to MR-D (Multi-Family Duplex Residential District) Zone (Dahlquist-Ketchum Rezone) | |
8/18/1975 | Vacating a Certain Alley within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Block 3 of Guiberson’s Addition/Gooding Request) | |
9/2/1975 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Use and Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as CM (Commercial Manufacturing District) Zone, and GC (General Commercial District) Zone, to M-L (Industrial Park District) Zone. (Production Plastics, Inc. Rezone) | |
9/15/1975 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Eastridge Annexation” | |
10/6/1975 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1976 | |
10/20/1975 | Establishing the Office Hours for the Offices of the City Government, and Repealing Ordinances 844, 983, 1572 of the City of Kent (2.77) | |
10/20/1975 | Amending Section 5 and 7 and Adding a New Section 11 to 0.1242 Relating to Fireworks and Repealing Ordinance 760, 856, 876, 880, 1470 and 1592 | |
10/20/1975 | Creating the Kent Arts Commission, Defining the Duties and Functions of the Commission, Establishing the Method of Appointing Members to the Commission, Creating an Arts Commission Fund and Providing for Appropriations to the Fund | |
11/17/1975 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) (Eastridge Annexation) | |
11/17/1975 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial District) Zone, to MRM (Medium Density Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Kent West Associates Rezone) | |
11/17/1975 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MRG (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone to R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential) Zone. (Finer Homes, Inc. Rezone) | |
12/1/1975 | Relating to Surety Bond Requirements for Public and Other Contracts and Repealing Ordinance 223 | |
12/1/1975 | Providing for the Creation, Composition, Function, Procedures and Actions of the Kent Board of Adjustment | |
12/15/1975 | Adopting the 1976 Budget | |
12/15/1975 | Amending Sections 3(C), 3(D), 5(C) and 5(D) of Ordinance 1321 Relating to annual Dog and Cat Licenses | |
3/15/1976 | Creating a Traffic Violations Bureau, Establishing Its Duties, Providing for Enforcement and Penalties for Violation, and Repealing Ordinance 1171 | |
3/15/1976 | Amending Subsection 5 of Section 22 of Ordinance 1776 to Require All Persons, Firms or Corporations to Obtain a Permit from the Kent Water Department Prior to Taking Water from a City Hydrant | |
3/15/1976 | Amending Ordinance 1777, Section 8 as Amended by Ordinance 1901, Section 2 (Side Sewer Permits Required) | |
3/15/1976 | Amending Sections 6 and 7 of Ordinance 1775, as Amended by Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 1820, Relating to Delinquent Utility Bills | |
3/15/1976 | Establishing “No Parking Zones” within the City; and Repealing Ordinances 1286, 1329, 1357, 1414, 1511, 1512, 1558, 1615, 1815, 1870, 1875, 1879, 1895, 1897 and 1929 of the City of Kent | |
4/5/1976 | 1975 Budget Amendments (Void/Not Passed) | |
4/19/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial District) Zone to MRH (High Density Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Michael Cestnik Rezone) | |
4/19/1976 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in the City of Kent, King County, Washington, for the Purpose of Widening and Improving Smith Street, a Public Street of the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land | |
4/19/1976 | Enacting Certain Provisions of the Kent Penal Code and Repealing Ordinances 425, 475, 485, 503, 544, 618, 654, 683, 690, 804, 838, 859, 1258, 1680, 1705, 1726, 1753 and 1847 | |
5/3/1976 | Amending Sections 10, 23, 24 and 26 of Ordinance 1776 Relating to Water Rates | |
5/17/1976 | Creating a Special Fund to Be Known as the 1976 Water Revenue Bond Interest and Redemption Fund and Providing for Payments into said Fund | |
5/17/1976 | Adopting the Kent Traffic Code; and Repealing Ordinances 382,475, 521, 523, 544, 554, 651, 813, 839, 848, 857, 861, 866, 882, 912, 936, 993, 1018, 1107, 1150, 1166, 1214, 1220, 1222, 1285, 1323, 1328, 1356, 1403, 1413, 1611, 1641, 1642, 1677, 1711 and 1824 | |
6/7/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as RA (Residential Agricultural District) Zone, to GC (General Commercial District) Zone (Benaroya/Consolidated Beverages Rezone) | |
6/7/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as CC (Community Commercial District) Zone, to MRM (Medium Density Multiple Family Residential District) Zone (Fred Sodenkamp, Jr. Rezone) | |
6/7/1976 | Amending the 1975 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1975 | |
6/7/1976 | Specifying and Adopting a Plan for Making Certain Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City of Kent, Washington; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $1,000,000 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds the Purpose of Providing Funds to Carry Out said Plan Herein Ordered to Be Carried Out; Fixing the Date, Form, Denomination, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Confirming the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Foster & Marshall Inc. of Seattle, Washington; and Repealing Ord. 1962 | |
6/21/1976 | Amending the 1976 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the First Quarter of 1976 | |
7/6/1976 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Plemmons Annexation” | |
7/6/1976 | Defining a Public Nuisance, Declaring Certain Acts to Constitute a Public Nuisance, Providing Penalties for a Public Nuisance and Repealing Ordinances No. 5, 73, 149, 194, 195, 359, 514, 532, 715, 878 and 881 | |
7/6/1976 | Amending Sections 9 and 10 of Ordinance No. 1235 Relating to Pawnbrokers | |
7/6/1976 | Establishing Parking Limitations and One-Way Streets and Alleys within the City (9.36, 9.38) | |
7/6/1976 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1811 Relating to the Penalty for Violating the Speed Limit Laws | |
7/6/1976 | Creating the Housing and Community Development Fund (3.40) | |
7/6/1976 | Establishing Guidelines for Compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act | |
7/19/1976 | Vacating Certain Streets and Portions thereof within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Portions within Plat of Green Valley Heights #6; Portion of 44th Avenue South, Unnamed Cul-De-Sac Adjoining 44th Avenue South. and Portion of South 253rd Street) | |
7/19/1976 | Relating to the Salary and Position of the Mayor of the City of Kent and Repealing Ordinances 1605 and 1869 (2.02) | |
7/19/1976 | Relating to Gambling, Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 1888 Relating to Taxation of Gambling, and Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance 1888 Relating to Punchboards, Pulltabs and Public Cardrooms | |
7/19/1976 | Setting forth the Authority which Governs the Proceedings Relating to Local Improvement Districts and Utility Local Improvement Districts; and Repealing Ordinances 60, 267, 282, 543, 553, 555, 556, 561, 607, 608, 1617, and 1866 (3.22) | |
8/2/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as CM (Commercial Manufacturing) to MRM (Medium Density Multiple Family Residential) Zone. (Willo Vista/Ellis Rezone) | |
8/2/1976 | Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 278 (Wigton Addition Sewers) | |
8/2/1976 | Imposing a Leasehold Excise Tax Upon the Act or Privilege of Occupying or Using Publicly Owned Real or Personal Property within the City of Kent, and Authorizing the Mayor to Contract with the State Department of Revenue to Administer and Collect said Tax (3.17) | |
8/16/1976 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Roberts and Williams Annexation” | |
8/16/1976 | Approving Application CD-MHP-76-1 an Application for a Special Use Combining District for Expansion of Willow Vista, a Mobile Home Park in an Area Zoned MRM, Multiple Family Medium Density Residential, and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval | |
8/16/1976 | Establishing Legal Holidays for City Employees and Directing the City Administrator to Establish Procedures for Scheduling “Floating” Holidays | |
9/7/1976 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Johnston Annexation” | |
9/7/1976 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, R1-20 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) (Johnston Annexation) | |
9/7/1976 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) | |
9/7/1976 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, CC (Community Commercial Zoning District) (Roberts-Williams Annexation) | |
9/7/1976 | Indicating the intention of the City Council to Issue Up to $3,000,000.00 in Negotiable General Obligation Bonds for Municipal Recreational Purposes, and Directing the City Attorney to Prepare a Ballot Proposition and Ballot Synopsis to Be forwarded to the King County Director of Elections to Be Placed on the Ballot on November 2, 1976 | |
10/4/1976 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 1981 Relating to the Interest Rate on Assessments under Local Improvement District 278 | |
10/4/1976 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 278 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall Inc., Seattle, Washington | |
10/4/1976 | Providing for the Control of Noise within All Areas of the City, Designating the Building Department as the Noise Control Office, Providing for Exemptions and Providing for Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance | |
10/4/1976 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1977 | |
11/1/1976 | Creating LID 280 (Hughes - Ulleland Sewers) | |
11/1/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R-L (Single Family Residential) to MRM (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Wilma Jiles Rezone) | |
11/1/1976 | Approving Application CD-MHP-76-2, an Application for a Special Use Combining District for Expansion of Valley Mobile Manner, a Mobile Home Park in an Area Zoned MRM, Multiple Family Medium Density Residential, and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval. (Valley Mobile Manor No. 2/Wilma Jiles) | |
11/1/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MRD (Multi-Family Duplex Residential) to MRG (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Kleweno Rezone) | |
11/1/1976 | Revising the Corporate Boundaries of the City to include Right-of-Way on SE 256th from 110th to 113th SE and on Kent-Kangley Road from 111th to 116th SE, and Requesting King County to Enact the Ordinance or Resolution Needed to Make the Revision Effective | |
11/15/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MRH (Multi-Family High Density) to GC (General Commercial) Zone. [Jackson Rezone] | |
11/15/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as RA (Residential Agriculture) Zone to MRG (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (James Rezone) | |
11/15/1976 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in King County for the Purpose of Providing for Retention and Holding Ponds as an integral Part of the Storm and Surface Water Drainage System of the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land. (Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin) {Superseded by 2056} | |
11/15/1976 | Amending the 1976 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the Second Quarter of 1976 | |
11/15/1976 | Amending the 1976 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the third Quarter of 1976 | |
11/15/1976 | Repealing those Existing City Ordinances which Are Outdated or No Longer have any Effect (Housekeeping Ordinance) {R13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54A, 54B, 55, 57, 58, 61, 68, 98, 111, 114, 117, 120, 121, 128, 134, 135, 136, 140, 141, 143, 146, 147, 148, 151, 156, 157, 158, 164, 165, 166, 174, 175, 177, 189, 192, 200, 202, 222, 228, 232, 237, 244, 245, 254, 256, 268, 270, 286, 291, 296, 313, 345, 364, 370, 383, 398, 400, 401, 421, 426, 434, 548, 572, 596, 603, 616, 617, 619, 625, 677, 691, 701, 703, 705, 720, 724, 730, 765, 775, 784, 812, 833, 842, 855, 858, 873, 879, 898, 924, 931, 966, 974, 1115, 1131, 1160, 1162, 1164, 1183, 1191, 1195, 1203, 1245, 1274, 1275, 1596, 1600, 1631, 1652, 1654, 1655, 1709, 1715, 1716, 1788, 1321, 369, 388} | |
12/6/1976 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as CC (Community Commercial) to HC (Highway Commercial) Zone (National Construction Company Rezone) | |
12/6/1976 | Establishing “No Parking Zones” within the City; Providing Penalties for Violation of the Ordinance; and Repealing Ordinance 1956 of the City of Kent | |
12/20/1976 | Adopting the 1977 Budget | |
12/20/1976 | Amending Section 28 of Ordinance 1777 Relating to Charges for Sewer Service. (Metro) | |
1/17/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Hill Annexation” | |
2/7/1977 | Creating LID 281 (104th Ave SE Improvement) | |
2/7/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as CC (Community Commercial) to HC (Highway Commercial) Zone [Ware Rezone] | |
2/22/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, HC (Highway Commercial), M-2 (Limited Industrial) and RA (Residential Agricultural) (Hill Annexation Zoning) | |
2/22/1977 | Relating to Pet License Fees, Establishing Reduced Rates for City Residents 65 Years of Age or Older, and Amending Ordinance 1951 of the City of Kent | |
2/22/1977 | Vacating a Portion of a Public Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Schwarzenberger-South Central Place, AKA 84th Place South AKA Kent-Thomas Road) | |
2/22/1977 | Establishing a Fee Schedule for Applications Filed with the Kent Planning Department | |
3/7/1977 | Amending Ord. 1972, Parking Between the Hours of 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. (9.38) | |
3/7/1977 | Relating to Traffic Speeds and Adding New Sections to Ordinance 1811 | |
3/21/1977 | Adopting by Reference the Uniform Plumbing Code - 1976 Edition; Providing for Filing of three (3) Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk | |
3/21/1977 | Adopting by Reference those Certain Codes Known as Uniform Mechanical Code - 1976 Edition, Uniform Housing Code 1976 Edition, and Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings - 1976 Edition; and Providing for the Filing of three (3) Copies of said Codes with the Kent City Clerk | |
3/21/1977 | Adopting by Reference the 1976 National Fire Code, Volumes 1 through 16 and Repealing Prior Ordinances | |
3/21/1977 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as Uniform Building Code-1976 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto; Adopting Specified Chapters of the Appendix to said Code; and Providing for the Filing of three Copies of the Code with the Kent City Clerk | |
3/21/1977 | Adopting the Uniform Fire Code-1976 Edition with Specified Deletions, Additions, and Amendments thereto, and Repealing Prior Ordinance of the City of Kent | |
4/4/1977 | Approving Application CD-MHP-77-1 an Application for a Special Use Combining District for the Placement of a Mobile Home Park in an Area Zoned MRM, Multiple Family Medium Density Residential, and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval (James L. Schmitt/Walnut Grove Mobile Home Park) | |
4/4/1977 | Approving Application CD-MHP-77-2, an Application 0366 Morse Mobile Home Park District for the Placement of a Mobile Home Park in an Area Zoned MRM, Multiple Family Medium Density Residential, and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval. (Glen Morse) | |
4/18/1977 | Establishing a Fee Schedule for Applications Filed with the Kent Planning Department and Repealing Ordinance 2016 | |
4/18/1977 | Amending Sections 3 and 4 of Ordinance 1674 Relating to Terms of Office and Meetings of the Kent Planning Commission | |
5/2/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MA (Industrial Agricultural) to MRM (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Delane Garrett Rezone) | |
5/2/1977 | Approving Application CD-MHP-Rvp-77-1, an Application for a Special Use Combining District for the Placement of a Recreational Vehicle Park in an Area Zoned MRM, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential Zone, and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval. (Delane Garrett Mobile Home Park/Recreational Vehicle Park) | |
5/16/1977 | Creating LID 282 (K-Mart Sewers) | |
6/6/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial) to MRM (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Kent West associates Rezone) | |
6/6/1977 | Amending Ordinance 1972 by Adding a New Section thereto Establishing a Bail Schedule for Parking Violations | |
6/6/1977 | Amending the 1977 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the First Quarter of 1977 | |
6/6/1977 | Amending Section 5 of Ord. 1888 of the City of Kent Relating to Payment of Taxes on Gambling Activities (Repealed by 4342) | |
7/5/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Lien Annexation” | |
7/5/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned R1-12 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) | |
7/5/1977 | Adopting Regulations Implementing the Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Acts of 1970 and 1971 | |
7/5/1977 | Creating a Fund to Be Known as the Kent Commons Construction Fund, and Providing for Deposits into and Appropriations from said Fund | |
8/1/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Land Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “East Hill Tire Annexation” | |
8/1/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, CC (Community Commercial), Commonly Known as East Hill Tire Annexation | |
8/1/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MA (Industrial Agricultural) to M-L (Industrial Park District), Commonly Known as the S.L. Savidge Rezone | |
8/1/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial) to MRM (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Kent West Associates Rezone) | |
8/1/1977 | Repealing Kent City Ordinances 1440 and 1665; Creating a New Ordinance for the Licensing and Regulation of Novelty Amusement Devices; Providing for a License Fee therefore; Providing for Revocation of Licenses; and Providing Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance | |
8/15/1977 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2043 to include Music Machines within the Definition of “Novelty Devices”, and Amending Section 7 of Ordinance 2043 | |
8/15/1977 | Creating the Position of Parking Enforcement Aid within the Police Department; Prescribing the Powers and Duties of the Position; Authorizing the Parking Aid to Issue and Serve Parking Citations and Complaints; and Providing for the Filing of Citations and Complaints with the Clerk of the Court or Traffic Violation Bureau (2.22) | |
9/6/1977 | Amending the 1977 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the Second Quarter of 1977 | |
9/6/1977 | Amending Section Ib of Ordinance 1695 Adding a New Section thereto Relating to Exceptions to Undergrounding Certain Communication Facilities (Amending Underground Wiring) (7.10) | |
9/19/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Park-Mar” Annexation | |
9/19/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned (Park-Mar Annexation), R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) | |
9/19/1977 | Relating to Gambling, Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 1888 Relating to Taxation of Gambling, Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance 1978 (3.21) | |
10/3/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Williamson Annexation” | |
10/3/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, (Williamson Annexation) R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) | |
10/3/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as O (Professional and Office District) to CC (Community Commercial) Zone (Hurlow Rezone) | |
10/3/1977 | Granting to the Burlington Northern Railroad Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad 0113 Railroad Crossings Spur Track Upon and Across 80th Place South and 84th Avenue South (East Valley Highway) in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
10/3/1977 | Repealing Section 10 of Ordinance 1491 Relating to A Railroad Crossing of West Valley Highway (Spur Track Crossing on 68th Avenue South) | |
10/3/1977 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Land in King County for the Purpose of Providing for Retention and Holding Ponds as an integral Part of the Storm and Surface Water Drainage System of the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment for said Land. (Upper Mill Creek) | |
10/17/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, (Williamson Annexation) R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) and Repealing Ordinance 2052 | |
10/17/1977 | Creating a New Fund to Be Known as the Criminal Justice Training Fund; Providing for Payments into and Disbursements from said Fund | |
10/17/1977 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1978 | |
11/7/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MHP (Mobile Home Park Combining District) to MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Huddleston Rezone) | |
11/7/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial) to Mr-H (High Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone (Logg Rezone) | |
11/7/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Wilson Island Annexation” | |
11/7/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, (Wilson Island Annexation) R1-12 and R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential) Zone | |
11/21/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Frank’s Annexation” | |
11/21/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, (Frank’s Annexation) R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential) Zone | |
11/21/1977 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Blecker’s Island Annexation” | |
11/21/1977 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, (Blecker’s Island Annexation) R1-12 (Single Family Residential) Zone | |
11/21/1977 | Amending the 1977 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 3rd Quarter of 1977 | |
11/21/1977 | Creating a Fund to Be Known as Russell Road Park Phase II Construction Fund; Providing for Allocations to and Appropriations from said Fund | |
12/5/1977 | Creating a Fund to Be Known as Kent Commons-Phase II Construction Fund; Providing for Allocations to and Appropriations from said Fund | |
12/5/1977 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as M-L (Industrial Park) and M-2 (Limited Industrial) to M-3 (General Industrial) Zone. (Oberto Sausage Rezone) | |
12/5/1977 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Permanent Easements and Temporary Construction Easements in King County, Washington, for the Purpose of Providing Right-of-Way for Water Mains to Be installed as Provided in the City of Kent’s Comprehensive Water Plan | |
12/19/1977 | Adopting the 1978 Budget | |
1/3/1978 | Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 280 (Hughes-Ulleland Sewer) | |
1/3/1978 | Establishing a Special Checking Account to Be Known as the City of Kent Parks Program Fee Clearing Account, Providing for Payments into and Disbursements from the Account and Designating the Persons Authorized to Issue Checks Against the Account | |
2/6/1978 | Vacating a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent. (Portion of S. 210th Street) | |
2/21/1978 | Adopting by Reference that Code Known as “Kent Mobile Home Park Code”; Providing for Future Additions and Amendments to the Code; and Repealing Prior City of Kent Ordinances in Conflict therewith, and Specifically Repealing Ordinance 1118 | |
3/6/1978 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2022 Relating to Certificates of Occupancy Issued under the Uniform Building Code, and Adding a New Subsection F. to Section 1 | |
3/6/1978 | Amending Ordinance 1933, Section 10, Subsections (E) and (F) Relating to Detachable Garbage Containers and Rental Fees thereon | |
3/20/1978 | Vacating a Certain Alley or Portion thereof in the City of Kent | |
3/20/1978 | Vacating a Portion of South 238th Street, A Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
3/20/1978 | Relating to the Installation and Maintenance of Smoke Detectors in Occupancies that Are Rented, Leased or Let | |
4/3/1978 | Establishing “No Parking Zones” within the City; and Repealing Ordinance 2007 of the City of Kent | |
4/3/1978 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 280 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall Inc., Seattle, Washington | |
4/3/1978 | Designating Sixth Avenue from Meeker Street to Gowe Street; Gowe Street from Sixth Avenue South to South Central Avenue as Two-Way Streets; Repealing Section 4(3) and (4) of Ordinance 1972 (9.36) | |
4/17/1978 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2010 of the City of Kent and Establishing a New Legal Description for the Hill Annexation | |
4/17/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as Ra (Residential Agricultural) to MRM (Multi-Family Residential Medium Density) and CC (Community Commercial) Zone (Okimoto Rezone) | |
5/1/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R-L (Single Family Residential) to MRM (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Jay K. Anderson Rezone) | |
5/1/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as M-L (Industrial Park) to M-2 (Limited Industrial) Zone (Team Research Rezone/Upland Industries Rezone) | |
5/1/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial) to MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Lyman D. Higgins Rezone) | |
5/1/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as HC (Highway Commercial) to GC (General Commercial) Zone. (McLean Associates Rezone) | |
5/8/1978 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $1,500,000 Par Value of “Limited General Obligation Bonds, 1978” of the City to Provide a Part of the Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Land Acquisition and Improvements for General City Purposes and for the Construction and Improvement of City Streets; Specifying the Maturities and Fixing the Form and Maximum Effective Interest Rate of such Bonds; Establishing a “Limited General Obligation Bond Fund, 1978” and Two Construction Funds; and Providing for the Sale of such Bonds | |
5/15/1978 | Regulating the Construction, Maintenance and Operation of a Cable Communications System within the City of Kent, Establishing and Defining Terms, Conditions, Rates and Charges, Requirements, Obligations and Duties, Setting forth Penalties | |
5/15/1978 | Amending the 1977 Budget for Transfers, and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 4th Quarter of 1977 | |
6/5/1978 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Gai No. 2 Annexation” | |
6/5/1978 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, (Gai No. 2 Annexation) HC (Highway Commercial) and R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) | |
6/5/1978 | Establishing a Fee for the Dissemination of Criminal History Record Information | |
6/5/1978 | Amending the Park Department 1978 Budget to Reflect anticipated Revenues and Expenditures from the City of Kent’s Saturday Market | |
6/5/1978 | Relating to the Financing of Construction Projects in the City of Kent Providing for the Establishment of Project Construction Funds, Authorizing Issuance of Interest Bearing Warrants Against such Funds and Repealing Ordinance 1924 | |
6/5/1978 | Authorizing a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Operate A Cable Communication System (CATV) within the City Limits of the City of Kent, Washington. (Teleprompter Corporation) | |
6/5/1978 | Authorizing a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Operate a Cable Communication System (CATV) within the City Limits of the City of Kent, Washington (Clearview T.V. Cable Inc.) (15 Year Franchise) | |
6/19/1978 | Creating LID 283 for Streets, Sewers, and Water on South 220th Street, South 216th Street and 72nd Avenue South | |
7/5/1978 | Creating LID 286 for 76th Ave. So. Water Main | |
7/5/1978 | Amending the 1978 Budget for Transfers, and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 1st Quarter of 1978 | |
7/17/1978 | Creating LID 287 for 94th Pl S. Sewers | |
7/17/1978 | Vacating a Portion of West Willis Street, a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
7/17/1978 | Amending Sections 23 and 24 of Ordinance 1776 as Previously Amended by Sections 2 and 3 of Ordinance 1961 Relating to Water Rates | |
8/7/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) to O (Professional and Office) Zone. (J.L. Associates Rezone) | |
8/7/1978 | Amending Sections 23 and 24 of Ordinance 1776 as Previously Amended by Sections 2 and 3 of Ordinance 1961 and More Recently by Section 1 of Ordinance 2107 Relating to Water Rates | |
8/21/1978 | Approving Final Assessment Roll for LID 281 104th Avenue S.E. Street Improvement | |
8/21/1978 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Grassi Annexation” | |
8/21/1978 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance 1827 Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned (Grassi Annexation) MRG (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) and O (Professional and Office) Zone | |
8/21/1978 | Providing for the Control of Noise within All Areas of the City, Designating the Building Department as the Noise Control Office, Providing for Exemptions and Providing for Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance and Repealing Ordinance 1993 of the City of Kent (8.05) | |
9/5/1978 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Uplands Annexation” | |
9/18/1978 | Vacating a Portion of South 192nd Street, a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
10/2/1978 | Vacating a Portion of South 206th Street, A Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
10/2/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R-L (Single Family Residential) to MR-H (High Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Thorp Rezone) | |
10/2/1978 | Relating to the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City; Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan for Making Certain Additions and Betterments to and Extensions of that System, and Ordering It to Be Carried Out Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $2,000,000 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1978,” for the Purpose of Providing Funds to Carry Out that System or Plan, for Completing the System or Plan Specified and Adopted by Ordinance No. 1967, and for Other System Purposes; Fixing the Date, Form, Denomination, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 1178; Confirming the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Foster & Marshall Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
10/16/1978 | Vacating a Portion of Burke Avenue, a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
10/16/1978 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous 0134 Gai’s Bakery Annexation #2 thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Gai No. 2 Annexation”, and Repealing Ordinance 2095 | |
10/16/1978 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance No. 1827, Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned, (Gai No. 2 Annexation) HC (Highway Commercial) and R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential Zoning District), and Repealing Ordinance 2096 | |
10/23/1978 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1979 | |
11/6/1978 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Contemporary Construction Annexation” | |
11/6/1978 | Amending the 1978 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 2nd Quarter of 1978 | |
11/6/1978 | Amending the 1978 Budget for Transfers, and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 3rd Quarter of 1978 | |
11/6/1978 | Creating a Special Revenue Fund of the City of Kent, to Be Known as the Kent Commons Operating Fund, Providing for Administration of said Fund by the Park and Recreation Department, and Providing for Payment into and withdrawals from said Fund | |
11/20/1978 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance 1827 Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned (Uplands Annexation) MA (Industrial Agricultural) M-L (Industrial Park District) and M-2 (Limited Industrial) Zone | |
11/20/1978 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance 1827 Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned (Contemporary Construction) R.1-9600 (Single Family Residential) and RA (Residential Agricultural) Zone | |
11/20/1978 | Amending Ordinance 2122 of the City of Kent and Adding a New Section 2 thereto. (Tax Levy Ordinance) | |
12/4/1978 | Adopting by Reference the “City of Kent Surface Water and Drainage Code” and Providing for Future Amendments to the Code (Repealed by 4425) | |
12/4/1978 | Adopting the KCC and Repealing Ordinance 1292 of the City of Kent | |
12/4/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as HC (Highway Commercial) to GC (General Commercial) Zone (Tony Vivalo Rezone) | |
12/18/1978 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2122 (1979 Tax Levy Ordinance) | |
12/18/1978 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R-L (Single Family Residential) to CC (Community Commercial) Zone (Williamson Rezone) (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 12/21/78; Passed Over Veto 2/5/79) | |
12/18/1978 | Adopting the 1979 Budget | |
12/18/1978 | Relating to Animals, Establishing a Leash Law for the City of Kent, and Amending Section 4 (A) of Ordinance 1321 and Section 9.16.16(1) of the KCC | |
12/18/1978 | Amending Section 7 of Ordinance 1494 and Section 2.08.070 of the KCC, Relating to Salary and Benefits Payable to the City Administrator | |
1/2/1979 | Adopting the City of Kent 201 Waste Water Facility Plan, and Directing the Filing of three Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk (7.09) | |
1/2/1979 | Creating LID 290 — 108th S. E. Street Improvement | |
1/15/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R-L (Single Family Residential) to HC (Highway Commercial) Zone (Nelsen and Nelsen Expanded Rezone) | |
2/20/1979 | Approving Final Assessment Roll for LID 282 K-Mart Sewers | |
Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as Ma (Industrial Agricultural) to M-L (Industrial Park) Zone (De Pietro Rezone) (Failed to Pass 2/20/79) | ||
3/5/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial) to MR-H (High Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone [Canamera Associates Rezone] | |
3/5/1979 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Osborne Annexation” | |
3/5/1979 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance 1827 Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned (Osborne Annexation No. 3) R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential); MR-G (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential); MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential); CC (Community Commercial); and O (Professional and Office) Zone. (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 3/7/79; Passed Over Veto on 3/19/79) | |
3/5/1979 | Approving Assessment Roll for LID 282 - K Mart Sewers | |
3/5/1979 | Amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2020; Adopting by Reference Codes Known as Uniform Mechanical Code, 1976 Edition; Uniform Housing Code, 1976 Edition; Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition | |
3/19/1979 | Amending the 1978 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 4th Quarter of 1978 | |
4/2/1979 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Ryan Annexation No. 2” | |
4/2/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R-L (Single Family Residential) to MR-D (Multi-Family Residential Duplex) Zone.(Patrick L. Hart Rezone) (Not Signed by Mayor) | |
4/2/1979 | Creating LID 288 - East Valley Hwy Improvement (S. 212th - S. 192nd) | |
4/2/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) to O (Office and Professional District) Zone.(Oakhurst Development Rezone) | |
4/2/1979 | Creating LID 293 - East Valley Hwy Improvement (S. 212th - S. 192nd) Sewer & Water | |
4/16/1979 | Anti-Litter Ordinance (8.04) | |
4/16/1979 | Creating LID 285 - Wilson Island Sewer | |
4/16/1979 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance 1827 Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned (Ryan Annexation No. 2) R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential) Zone | |
4/16/1979 | Providing for Condemnation for LID 288 - East Valley Hwy Improvement | |
5/7/1979 | Creating a New Fund to Be Known as the “Unemployment Trust Fund”, Providing for Transfers into the Fund and Payments Out of the Fund (3.40) | |
5/7/1979 | Vacating a Portion of Railroad Lane, a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
5/7/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as CM (Commercial Manufacturing O to MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Gordy Guinn Rezone) | |
5/7/1979 | Making Criminal Certain Acts Relating to Police Dogs; Prescribing Penalties; Providing for Codification of this Ordinance in the KCC. (Sec. 9.02.125) | |
5/7/1979 | Fixing Amount of Bonds for LID 282 - Authorizing Sale to Foster & Marshall, Inc. | |
5/21/1979 | Relating to Traffic Speed, Increasing or Decreasing Speed Limits Upon Certain Streets, providing for Regulations of Traffic Signals, Repealing Conflicting Ordinances, and Providing for Penalties for Violations | |
5/21/1979 | Relating to Planning for the Orderly Development of Lands within the City Currently Zoned as RA (Residential Agricultural) and MA (Industrial Agricultural) and to the Application of the City Policy Concerning Rezoning Activities Relating to these Lands, and Declaring an Emergency. (Not Signed by Mayor) | |
6/4/1979 | Amending Section 10 of Ordinance 1933 Setting New Collection Charges for Garbage and Refuse in the City of Kent | |
6/18/1979 | Determining that the City of Kent, Washington, Should Provide for a Program of Industrial Insurance, or Workmens’ Compensation, through Self Insurance; Authorizing and Directing the City Administrator to, on Behalf of the City, Make Application to the Department of Labor and Industries for Certification of the City as a Self-insurer, Enter into an Agreement with a Qualified insurer for such Insurance Coverage, Enter into an Agreement for Risk Management Services, and Execute a Surety Bond in Accordance with RCW Chapter 51.14; and Creating a New Fund to Be Known as the Workmens’ Compensation Fund, and Appropriating Monies thereto (3.40) | |
6/18/1979 | Creating LID 292 | |
6/18/1979 | Amending the 1979 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 1st Quarter of 1979 | |
7/2/1979 | Vacating a Portion of 76th Avenue South and South 194th Street, Certain Streets within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
7/2/1979 | Repealing Ordinance 1908 which Created the Board of Park Commissioners | |
7/16/1979 | Establishing a Fee Schedule for Applications Filed with the Kent Planning Department and Repealing Ord. 2026 | |
8/6/1979 | Approving Application CD-SU-79-2, an Application of Kent Highlands, Inc., for a Special Use Combining District for Purposes of Mineral Extraction in an Area Zoned R-A (Residential Agricultural District) and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval and Upon the Extraction Operations | |
8/6/1979 | Amending Section 10 of Ord. 1933 as Previously Amended by Ord. 2165 Relating to Rates for Collection of Garbage and Refuse | |
8/6/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as M-2 (Limited Industrial) to DC-2 (Downtown Commercial) Zone. [William Coats Rezone] | |
8/20/1979 | Creating LID 294 - Guiberson Street Improvements (Not Signed by the Mayor) | |
8/20/1979 | Defending and Indemnifying Elected Officials, Municipal Employees and Members of City Boards or Commissions (Providing Liability Insurance for Officials) (2.96) | |
8/20/1979 | Regulating the Conversion of Residential Rental Units to Condominiums or Cooperatives, Providing Protection for Tenants and Purchasers in Converted Buildings, Adopting Measures to Mitigate the Adverse Effects of Conversion Displacement and Providing Penalties for Violations | |
8/20/1979 | Amending Section 1 of Ord. 2171 Relating to the Schedule of Fees for Applications Filed with Kent Planning Department | |
8/20/1979 | Vacating a Portion of an Alley in Clark’s Second Addition to the City of Kent. (Between Temperance & Smith West of Clark Avenue) | |
8/20/1979 | Creating Office of Hearing Examiner; Establishing Qualifications for the Position; Providing for the Appointment of a Suitable Person to the Position; Defining the Duties of the Position; Providing Basic Procedures for Hearings Before the Examiner; Providing for Review and or Appeal of Examiner’s Decisions; Providing for Appeals from City Council Actions Following the Review of Decisions of the Examiner; and Repealing Conflicting Ordinances | |
9/4/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as RA (Residential Agricultural) to MR-G (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Gordy Guinn Rezone) (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 9/11/79;Passed Over Veto 9/17/79) | |
9/4/1979 | Amending Ordinance 2154 by Adding a New Section Relating to Grass and Weeds. (Anti-Litter Ordinance) | |
9/4/1979 | Establishing a Disability Board, with Jurisdiction Over Police Officers and Firefighters of the City of Kent (2.55) | |
9/17/1979 | Creating LID 295 for Installation of a 10 inch Sanitary Sewer together with Necessary Appurtenances on 104th Place SE from SE 224th to a Point Approximately 450 Feet North of SE 222nd Street, All in Accordance with Resolution 875 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 295; Providing for Payment for the Costs of the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
9/17/1979 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Equipment for the Kent Fire Department; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof, as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of Not to Exceed $450,000 and Issuing and Selling Negotiable General Obligation Bonds in such Amount to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Tax Levies to Be Made without Limitation as to Rate or Amount; Declaring an Emergency; and Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at a Regular Election to Be Held on November 6, 1979, of the Proposition of incurring such Indebtedness and Issuing such Bonds | |
9/17/1979 | Creating a Special Fund to Be Known as the Kent Endowment for the Arts Fund; Providing for Payments into and Disbursements from the Fund | |
10/15/1979 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous 0584 Rowley #2 Annexation thereto and Commonly Referred to as the “Rowley Annexation No. 2” (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 10/19/79; Passed Over Veto 11/5/79) | |
11/5/1979 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1980 | |
11/5/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as M-2 (Limited Industrial) to DC-2 (Downtown Commercial) Zone. [Old National Bank Rezone] | |
11/5/1979 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MA (Industrial Agricultural) to M-L (Industrial Park District) Zone (Uplands Rezone) (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 11/15/79; Passed Over Veto 12/4/79) | |
11/19/1979 | Establishing “No Parking Zones” within the City; and Repealing Ordinance 2083 of the City of Kent | |
11/19/1979 | Relating to Planning and Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2164. (Interim Planning Program) (Not Signed by Mayor) | |
12/3/1979 | Amending Section 10 of Ord. 1933 as Previously Amended by Ord. 2165 Relating to Rates for Collection of Garbage and Refuse | |
12/3/1979 | Relating to Planning and Zoning for Land Use and Development in the City of Kent, Washington, and Zoning Pursuant to Kent City Ordinance 1827 Certain Land annexed to the City of Kent as Unzoned (Rowley Annexation No. 2) MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Vetoed by Mayor Hogan 12/6/79; Passed Over Veto 12/17/79) | |
12/17/1979 | Adopting the 1980 Budget | |
12/17/1979 | Amending the 1979 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 2nd and 3rd Quarter of 1979 | |
12/17/1979 | Creating LID 296 for the Installation of 8 inch and 10 inch Sanitary Sewers, 10 inch and 12 inch Water Mains, and 12 inch, 15 inch and 24 inch Storm Drainage together with Necessary Appurtenances on 72nd Avenue South from South 180th Street to South 184th Street and on South182nd Street from 72nd Avenue to West Valley Highway, All in Accordance with Resolution 878 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 296; Providing for Payment for the Costs of the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bond”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds, The Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
12/17/1979 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance, Specifying the Maturities, Maximum Effective Interest Rate, Terms and Covenants of $450,000 Par Value of “Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1980” Authorized by the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election Held therein Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2185; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and an Acquisition Fund; and Providing for the Sale of such Bonds. (Fire Department Equipment) | |
1/21/1980 | Adopting by Reference that Certain Code Known as Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto; Adopting Specified Chapters of the Appendix to said Code; and Providing for the Filing of three Copies of the Code with the Kent City Clerk, and Repealing Ordinance 2022 | |
1/21/1980 | Adopting by Reference the Uniform Plumbing Code, (1979 Edition; Providing for Filing of three (3) Copies thereof with the Kent City Clerk and Repealing Ordinance 2019 | |
1/21/1980 | Adopting by Reference those Certain Codes Known as Uniform Mechanical Code, 1979 Edition, Uniform Housing Code, 1979 Edition; and Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1979 Edition; and Providing for the Filing of three (3) Copies of said Codes with the Kent City Clerk, and Repealing Ordinance 2020 | |
1/21/1980 | Relating to Street and Curb Improvements, Regulating the Cutting of Same, Requiring Permits Therefor, and Prescribing Penalties for Violation (6.06) | |
1/21/1980 | Relating to the Public Works Improvement Plan Approval and Inspection Fees | |
1/21/1980 | Amending Section 28 of Ord. 1777 Relating to Charges for Sewer Service | |
1/21/1980 | Amending Section 10 of Ordinance 1933 as Previously Amended Relating to Rates for Collection of Garbage and Refuse | |
1/21/1980 | Imposing an Assessment Against Certain Properties in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Defraying the Costs of the Kent Valley Studies Program | |
1/21/1980 | Relating to Planning and Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2164 as Previously Amended by Ordinance 2192. (Interim Planning Program) | |
2/4/1980 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as HC (Highway Commercial) to CM (Commercial Manufacturing) Zone. (Midway Equipment Rezone) | |
2/19/1980 | Granting to Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company, an Oregon Corporation, and Its Lessee, Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Utah Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct Maintain and Operate Railroad Spur Tracks Upon and Across North Fourth Avenue in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
2/19/1980 | Amending Ordinance 1963 by Adding a New Section 4 thereto Adopting by Reference Section 1 and 2 of Chapter 176, Laws of 1979, First Extra Session Entitled “Motor Vehicle offenses - Influence of Alcohol or Drugs”, Renumbering Existing Sections of Ordinance 1963, and Declaring a Public Emergency | |
3/3/1980 | Granting to the Burlington-Northern Railroad Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across South 208th Street in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
3/3/1980 | Adopting Uniform Fire Code, 1979 Edition, Specified Amendments thereto, and Repealing Ordinance 2023 | |
3/17/1980 | Creating LID 299 for Installation of 8 inch Sanitary Sewers together with Necessary Appurtenances on Easements and on Helen Street and Sam Street from West Valley Highway to a Point 520 Feet East of West Valley Highway, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 884 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 299; Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
3/17/1980 | Creating LID 289 for Widening and/or Reconstruction of Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) from the Intersection of SE 256th to the Intersection of 116th Avenue SE, with Asphalt Pavement, Channelization, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Concrete Sidewalks, Storm Drainage, Underground Power Street Lighting and Fire Signal Rebuild at the Intersection of 114th Avenue SE and Kent Kangley Road; together with the Rebuilding of the Existing Sanitary Sewer Between 110th Avenue SE and 114th Avenue SE on Kent-Kangley Road, together with Various Extensions and stubs throughout the Street Improvement Area; and together with Installation of Additional Water Mains, stubs and Relocation and Replacement of Fire Hydrants, within the Limits of the Street Improvement, All in Accordance with Resolution 885 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 289; Providing for Payment of a Portion of the Costs of the Improvement by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District; Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
3/17/1980 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as Ma (Industrial Agricultural) to MR-G (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Arrow Development Rezone) (Vetoed by Mayor 3/19/80; Passed Over Veto 4/7/80) | |
4/7/1980 | Amending the 1979 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 4th Quarter of 1979 | |
4/7/1980 | Vacating a Portion of South 238th Street, a Public Street in the City of Kent | |
4/7/1980 | Creating a Finance Department Petty Cash Account, Establishing the Amount thereof, Authorizing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to Transfer Monies to the Account, and Providing for Reimbursements to the Account and Repealing Ordinance 1740 | |
4/21/1980 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2191 Relating to Parking, Adding a Restriction on Trailer and Semi-Trailer Parking. (Not Signed by the Mayor) | |
4/21/1980 | Amending Ordinance 2205 by Adding a New Section thereto Relating to Installation Charges for Dumpsters and Drop Boxes | |
5/5/1980 | Approving and Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 286, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City by the Acquisition, Purchase, Construction and Installation of Water Mains and Lateral Mains as Provided by Ordinance 2103 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll. (76th Avenue South Water Mains) | |
5/5/1980 | Granting to the Burlington-Northern Railroad Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across 80th Avenue South in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
5/5/1980 | Repealing Ordinance 2139 which Created Local Improvement District 290. (108th SE Improvements) | |
5/19/1980 | Providing for Reasonable Public Improvements Directly Associated with Construction within the City of Kent (6.02) | |
2225 | (Number not used) | |
5/19/1980 | Providing for the Condemnation of Certain Property and Property Rights in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Widening and Improving 42nd Avenue South, a Public Street in the City of Kent, and Providing for Payment of said Land | |
5/19/1980 | Establishing Rules and Regulations for Rationing Water During a Water Shortage Emergency and Establishing Penalties for Violations thereof (Vetoed by Mayor 5/20/80; Passed Over Veto 6/2/80) | |
5/19/1980 | Amending Article 4 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1979 Edition, Adding a New Section Relating to Fees | |
6/2/1980 | Amending Section 205 of the Uniform Building Code 1979 Edition, Adding a Penalty Provision | |
6/2/1980 | Creating LID 302 for Construction and Installation of 10 inch Water Mains together with Necessary Appurtenances thereto on 79th Avenue South from South 266th Street to a Point 1450 Feet North of South 266th Street and on South 266th Street to a Point 600 Feet East of 79th Avenue South, All in Accordance with Resolution 891 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 302; Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
6/16/1980 | Amending Section 10 of Ordinance 1933 as Previously Amended Relating to Rates for Collection of Garbage and Refuse | |
6/16/1980 | Vacating a Portion of Helen Street, a Public Street in the City of Kent | |
6/16/1980 | Creating Office of Hearing Examiner; Establishing Qualifications for the Position; Providing for the Appointment of a Suitable Person to the Position; Defining the Duties of the Position; Providing Basic Procedures for Hearings Before the Examiner; Providing for Review and or Appeal of Examiner’s Decision; Providing for Appeals from City Council Actions Following the Review of Decisions of the Examiner; and Repealing Ordinance 2180 and any Other Conflicting Ordinances (2.32) | |
6/16/1980 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Property and Property Rights in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Widening and Improving West Valley Highway, a Public Street in the City of Kent, and for Providing Right- of-Way for 72nd Avenue South, a Public Highway in the City of Kent, and for Utility Easements Along said 72nd Avenue South | |
7/7/1980 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 1776 and Section 10 of Ordinance 1776 as Previously Amended by Ordinance 1961, Relative to Water Rates. (Water Connection Rates & Installation and Connection Charges inside City Limits) | |
7/21/1980 | Accepting the offer of Seattle-First National Bank, Kent, Washington, Branch Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No 299” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants (Sam & Helen Street Improvement) | |
7/21/1980 | Accepting the offer of Seattle-First National Bank, Kent, Washington, Branch, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund No. 302” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants (Rose Avenue Water Main) | |
7/21/1980 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 286 Bonds and Directing the Issuance and Sale thereto to Foster & Marshall Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
7/21/1980 | Amending the 1980 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 2nd Quarter of 1980 | |
8/4/1980 | Amending Certain Subsections of Section 2 of Ordinance 2163 Relating to Traffic Speeds within the City of Kent | |
8/18/1980 | Creating LID 304 Smith Street from Fourth Avenue to Lincoln Avenue and Lincoln Avenue from Smith Street to a Point 385 Feet North of Smith Street, by the Installation of Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Storm Drainage and Retention, Undergrounding of Electrical Facilities, Street Lighting, Landscaping and Various Water Service stubs, All in Accordance with Resolution 901 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 304; Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
8/18/1980 | Requiring Business Proprietors to Exclude Minors from any Room or Place where Devices, Contrivances, Instruments or Paraphernalia for the Smoking, Inhalation or Ingestion of Marijuana, Hashish, PCP or any “Controlled Substance” Are Displayed or offered for Sale and Prohibiting the Sale of such Items to Persons under the Age of Eighteen Years | |
9/2/1980 | Creating LID 303 SE 270th Street from 124th Street SE to 118th Place SE, on 120th Avenue SE from SE 270th to SE 268th Streets and on SE 268th Street from 120th Avenue SE to a Point 650 Feet West of 120th Avenue SE, All in Accordance with Resolution 899 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 303; Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvements Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
9/2/1980 | Creating LID 301 South 252nd Street from South 248th Street to Canyon Drive with Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Concrete Sidewalks, Storm Drainage and Retention, Underground Power, Street Lighting and Retaining Walls; Together with the Reconstruction of South 248th Street from Approximately 175 Feet West to Approximately 340 Feet East of Its Intersection with 100th Avenue SE; together with Sewer Construction on South 252nd and Water Main Construction throughout the Project; Together with Various Extensions and Stubs, All in Accordance with Resolution 895 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 301; Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
9/2/1980 | Imposing Certain Restrictions on Destruction of Trees and on Development on and Adjacent to streams, Creeks and Tributaries in the City of Kent, and Providing for Penalties for Violations | |
9/15/1980 | Creating LID 300 Crow Road, SE 260th Street and 101st Avenue SE from Kent-Kangley Road to 104th Avenue SE with Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Storm Drainage and Retention, Underground Power, Street Lighting and Landscaping, Together with the Construction and Installation of Mainline Sewer Extensions and Necessary Appurtenances thereto on SE 260th Street and on an Easement Running 390 Feet North from SE 260th Street, together with Various Side Sewer stubs throughout the Project Area; and together with the Construction and Installation of Mainline Water Main Extensions and Necessary Appurtenances thereto on 101st Avenue SE and on an Easement Running from Approximately 330 Feet North of SE 260th Street to a Point Approximately 615 Feet North of SE 260th Street, together with Various stubs throughout the Project Area, All in Accordance with Resolution 904 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District 300; Providing the Payment for the Costs of the Improvements Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
9/15/1980 | Vacating a Portion of South 196th Street, a Public Street in the City of Kent | |
9/15/1980 | Relating to Rodent Control Adopting by Reference Certain Sections of the King County Code and Providing for Penalties for Violations (8.06) | |
10/6/1980 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2178 Relating to the Schedule of Fees for Applications Filed with the Kent Planning Department | |
11/3/1980 | Creating LID 291, S. 196th Street Improvement from West Valley Highway to Russell Road No. 8 and Russell Road No. 8 from South 196th Street to a Point Approximately 475 Feet South of 58th Place South with 44 Foot Wide Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Concrete Sidewalks, Storm Drainage and Street Lighting, together with 10 inch Sanitary Sewer and 12 inch Water Mains and Necessary Appurtenances thereto throughout the Project Area, including stubs to Adjacent Properties, All in Accordance with Resolution 900 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District 291 Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvements Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of the Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
11/3/1980 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 288, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City by the Improvement of 84th Avenue South from South 212th Street to South 192nd Street as Provided by Ordinance 2151 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
11/3/1980 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 293, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City by the Acquisition, Purchase, Construction and Installation of 8 inch Sanitary Sewers and 10 inch Water Mains as Provided by Ordinance 2153 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
11/17/1980 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank, Kent Washington Branch for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 300 and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants. (Crow Rd & S. 260th Street Improvement) | |
11/17/1980 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank, Kent, Washington, Branch, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 301 and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants. (S. 252nd & Canyon Drive Street Improvement) | |
12/1/1980 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning, Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2088 and Correcting an Erroneous Legal Description Contained therein. (Jay K. Anderson Rezone) | |
12/1/1980 | Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 292, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City by the Improvement of 104th Avenue SE from SE 235th Street to SE 242nd Street and the Improvement of SE 240th Street from 104th Avenue SE to 108th Avenue SE as Provided by Ordinance 2167 and Levying and assessing the Amounts thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
12/1/1980 | Approving Final Assessment Roll for LID 294, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City by the Improvement of Guiberson Street from Van Devanter to a Point Approximately 850 Feet East of Van Devanter Avenue as Provided by Ordinance No. 2175 and Levying and assessing the Amounts thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land an Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
12/1/1980 | Defining Terms, Creating a Traffic Violations Bureau, Establishing Its Duties, and Repealing Ordinance 1952 (9.37) | |
12/1/1980 | Relating to Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters and Driveways, Providing for the Construction, Renewal or Repair of the Same; Prescribing Methods of Accomplishing said Construction, Renewal or Repair, including Assessments Against Abutting Properties; Providing for Public Hearings on and Appeals from Assessments and Assessment Rolls; Describing Certain Hazardous Conditions Along Public Rights of Way the Liability of the Abutting Property Owner for Creating, Maintaining or Permitting said Hazardous Conditions; Providing Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance (6.04) | |
12/15/1980 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank, Kent Washington, Branch, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 291 and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants | |
12/15/1980 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank, Kent, Washington, Branch for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 303 and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants | |
12/15/1980 | Fixing Tax Levy for 1981 | |
12/15/1980 | Adopting 1981 Budget | |
12/15/1980 | Relating to and Providing for an Environmental Excise Tax or Dedication in Lieu of Tax Upon the Construction of New Dwelling Units and New Commercial and Industrial Buildings, to Generate Revenue to Help Alleviate Environmental and other Impacts of Increased Population and Development; Creating a Special Fund Known as the “Environmental Excise Fund”; Providing for Deposits and Expenditures from such Fund and Defining Administrative Procedures | |
1/5/1981 | Relating to Traffic Speeds, and Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2163 Relating to Traffic Speeds by Adding Two New Subsections thereto, and Amending Section 5 of Ordinance 2163 Relating to Violations | |
1/5/1981 | Approving Final Assessment Roll for LID 295, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of King County by the Installation of 10 inch Sanitary Sewers with Necessary Appurtenances on 104th Place SE from SE 224th Street to a Point Approximately 450 Feet North of SE 222nd Street as Provided by Ordinance 2184 Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
1/5/1981 | Granting to Washington Natural Gas Company, a Washington Corporation Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Gas Pipes and Mains in the Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Highways and Other Public Places and Ways of the City of Kent | |
1/19/1981 | Amending Section 10 of Ordinance 1933 as Previously Amended Relating to Rates for Collection of Garbage Refuse | |
1/19/1981 | Establishing Legal Holidays for City Employees and Directing the City Administrator to Establish Procedures for Scheduling “Floating” Holidays, and Repealing Ordinance 1985 | |
2/2/1981 | Vacating a Portion of Southcenter Corporate Park Plat and Two Cul-De-Sacs Located within said Plat | |
2/2/1981 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial) to MR-M (Multi-Family Medium Density) Zone [Lincoln Properties Rezone] | |
2/2/1981 | Repealing Section 5 of Ordinance 2264 and Renumbering the Remaining Sections thereof (Environmental Excise Tax) | |
2/2/1981 | Relating to Local Improvement Districts; Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 288 Et Al and Consolidated Improvement Fund, District No. 288 Et Al; Authorizing the Issuance and Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 288 Et Al. Bonds; and Providing for the Sale and Delivery of the Bonds to Foster & Marshall Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
2/17/1981 | Amending the 1980 Budget for Transfers, and Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During the 4th Quarter of 1980 | |
2/17/1981 | Creating an Account to Be Known as the Kent Senior Center Building Account, Establishing the Purpose for the Account, Providing for Payments into and Appropriations from the Account, Procedures to Be Followed Upon Dissolution of the Account | |
3/2/1981 | Prohibiting Filing of Applications for Rezones, Conditional Use Permits and Annexations in that Part of the City Commonly Known as the East Hill Area, and Setting a Time Limit on said Prohibition | |
3/2/1981 | Establishing Requirements, Qualifications and Procedures for the Licensing of Massage Businesses, Massage Operators and Public Bathhouses; Providing Operating Standards and Building Requirements for Massage Businesses and Public Bathhouses; Designating Certain Types of Conduct as Unlawful; Providing for Abatement of Massage Businesses and Public Bathhouses under Certain Circumstances; Providing for Revocation of Licenses; and Providing Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance | |
3/2/1981 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Property and Property Rights in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Providing Easements and Temporary Construction Easements for Sanitary Sewers Along and Near 94th Place South and South 218th Street within the Boundaries of Local Improvement District No. 287 | |
3/2/1981 | Relating to Acquisition of Property; Providing for the Issuance, Specifying the Maturities, Maximum Effective Interest Rate, Terms and Covenants of $1,180,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City for strictly City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Pay the Costs of Acquiring Colony Park Golf Course and the Issuance of such Bonds; Establishing a Golf Course Enterprise Fund; Ratifying Actions of City Officers. (Councilmanic Bonds) | |
3/16/1981 | Creating LID 305 for Construction and Installation of Sanitary Sewers together with Necessary Appurtenances thereto on 113th Avenue from SE 256th Street to a Point 575 Feet North of SE 256th Street and on Easements Westerly of 113 th Avenue SE and Northerly of SE 254th Street, All in Accordance with Resolution 916 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District #305; Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvement May Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment in Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
3/16/1981 | Amending the 1981 Budget for Purchase and Operation of the Golf Course Enterprise Fund | |
3/16/1981 | Relating to Flood Hazard, Defining Flood Hazard Areas, Giving Authority to Define the Limits of the Floodway and Floodway Fringe, Prescribing Land Use Regulations within Flood Hazard Areas (Repealed by 4361) | |
4/6/1981 | Accepting the offer of Rainier National Bank, Kent West Office, Kent, Washington, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 296” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants | |
4/6/1981 | Accepting the offer of Rainier National Bank, Kent West Office, Kent, Washington, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 304” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants. (Smith Street Improvements) | |
4/6/1981 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Property and Property Rights in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Widening and Improving South 180th Street, a Public Street in the City of Kent (LID 307) | |
4/6/1981 | Relating to Street Use associated with Property Development, Regulating Same, Requiring Permits therefore, and Prescribing Penalties for Violation | |
4/6/1981 | Relating to the Acquisition of Property; Providing for the Issuance, Specifying - the Maturities, Maximum Effective Interest Rate, Terms and Covenants of $1,900,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City for strictly City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Pay the Costs of Acquiring Colony Park Golf Course, Property for a Golf Driving Range and Related Property, of Making Improvements thereto and for Other Strictly City Purposes, and the Expenses of Issuing such Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Account and a Golf Course Enterprise Fund; Providing for the Sale of such Bonds; Preserving Certain Actions Heretofore Taken; Ratifying Actions of City Officers; Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 2279; and Repealing Portions of Ordinance No (Councilmanic Bonds) | |
4/6/1981 | Amending the 1981 Budget for Purchase and Operation of the Golf Course Enterprise Fund and Repealing Ordinance 2281 | |
4/20/1981 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential) to MR-G (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Oakhurst Development Company Rezone) | |
5/4/1981 | Vacating the Rosauer Short Plat within the City of Kent | |
5/4/1981 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as GC (General Commercial) and Mr-H (Multi-Family Residential-High Density) to HC (Highway Commercial) Zone. (Sea-Tac Transmission Rezone) | |
5/18/1981 | Creating LID 307 SW 43rd/S 180th Street Improvement to include Widening the Street to Five Lanes, Overlay of Existing Street and Installation of Concrete Curb and Gutters, Sidewalks, Bike Paths, Storm Drainage, Street Lighting, Channelization, Signalization, Railroad Crossing and Landscaping and Undergrounding of Electric Facilities, All in Accordance with Resolution 927 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 307; Providing that Payment for the Costs of the Improvement May Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment in Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance of and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
5/18/1981 | Amending Section 8 of Ordinance 2282 Relating to Flood Hazard | |
5/18/1981 | Amending Section I of Ordinance 2285 by Adding Additional Properties to those Previously Authorized for Acquisition in Condemnation for the Improvement and Widening of South 180th Street in the City of Kent | |
5/18/1981 | Repealing Ordinance 1662 and 1710 of the City of Kent and Providing for Disbursement of Monies in Funds Created by said Ordinances. (Ord. 1662 - Created a Civic Improvement Fund) (Ord. 1710 - Created a Repair/Demolition Trust Fund) | |
5/18/1981 | Amending Section 10 of the Uniform Fire Code 1979 Edition by Deleting Section 10.207 and Adding a New Section to Be Designated 10.209-Fire Lanes, Providing for Enforcement and for Penalties for Violation of the Section (9.38) | |
6/1/1981 | Authorizing Payment of Bills and Payrolls by Bank Check Rather than by Warrant; Designating the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting as the Officer Authorized to Sign such Checks; Designating those Persons Authorized to Sign Checks in the Event of the Absence or Disability of the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting; and Repealing Ord. 1803 (3.01) | |
6/15/1981 | Amending Sections 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26 & 28 of Ordinance 1776 as Previously Amended by Ordinances 1961, 2107, 2109 & 2235 Relating to Water Rates and Charges (System Development Charge) | |
6/15/1981 | Amending Section 28 of Ordinance 1777 as Previously Amended by Ordinances 2009 and 2204 Relating to Charges for Sewer Service | |
7/20/1981 | Amending Section 7A of Ord. 1775 as Amended by Ordinances 1820 and 1955, Relating to Delinquent Utility Bills. (Turn off/on Charges) | |
7/20/1981 | Fixing the Compensation for City Council Members and Amending Section 1 of Ord. 1112 as Previously Amended by Ord. 1826 (2.01) | |
7/20/1981 | Amending Ordinance 2233 Relating to the Office of Hearing Examiner, Adding a New Section 18 thereto. Making the City Administrative staff a “Person” and/or “Party” for the Purpose of Making Requests for Reconsideration or Appealing Decisions of the Examiner to the City Council (2.32) | |
8/3/19681 | Establishing “No Parking Zones” within the City; and Repealing Ordinance 2191 of the City of Kent (9.38) | |
8/3/1981 | Relating to Parking and Adding a New Section to the KCC Prohibiting Unauthorized Parking in Parking Places Reserved for Physically Disabled Persons (9.38) | |
8/3/1981 | Amending Certain Portions of Section 2 of Ordinance 2163 Relating to Traffic Speeds Upon Certain Public Streets of the City of Kent | |
8/3/1981 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential) and MR-M (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone to MR-G (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. (Shires Rezone) | |
8/3/1981 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development, and Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2215 Relating to the Arrow Development Rezone. (the Lakes Rezone) (Vetoed by Mayor 8/12/81; Passed Over Veto 9/8/81) | |
8/17/1981 | Adopting that Certain Code Known as State Energy Code, together with Certain Additions thereto and Providing Penalties for Violations | |
9/8/1981 | Granting to Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company and Its Lessee, Union Pacific Railroad Company, their Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operation a Railroad Lead Track Upon and Across South 196th Street in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
9/8/1981 | Green River Partnership Rezone | |
9/21/1981 | Approving Application CD-SU-81-1 an Application of Richard Pohl for a Special Use Combining District for the Purposes of Mineral Extraction in an Area Zoned R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential) and Imposing Conditions Upon said Approval and Upon the Extraction Operations | |
9/21/1981 | Relating to Acts or Conduct on Premises Licensed under the Authority of the Washington State Liquor Control Board (Prohibiting Topless Dancing/Taverns) (9.32) | |
10/5/1981 | Relating to Vehicle Parking and Traffic Movements within the City of Kent, Amending Ords. 1972 and 2304 and Repealing Ord. 2032 (9.36, 9.38) | |
10/5/1981 | Amending Section 27 of Ordinance 1960 and Section 9.02.108 of the KCC Relating to Penalty for Violations of the Kent Penal Code | |
10/5/1981 | Relating to Litter Removal and Amending Section 21(3) of Ordinance 2154 and Section 9.18.88(3) of the KCC | |
10/19/1981 | Relating to Animal Control Providing for Licensing of Dogs and Cats, Regulation of Animal Shelters, Kennels and Pet Shops and the Licensing thereof, Providing for Impoundment, Redemption and Disposal of Animals, Declaring Certain Cats to Be Nuisances, Providing Penalties for Violations, and Repealing Ord. 1850, 19541, and 2136 (8.03) | |
10/19/1981 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1982 | |
11/2/1981 | Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2245 (Tree/Street Preservation Definitions) | |
11/2/1981 | Vacating Kent Estates Plat, a Recorded Plat in the City of Kent | |
11/16/1981 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 299 which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City by the Installation of 8 inch Sanitary Sewers together with Necessary Appurtenances on Easements on Helen Street and on Sam Street from West Valley Highway to a Point 520 Feet East of West Valley Highway as Provided by Ordinance 2213 and Levying and assessing the Amounts thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
11/16/1981 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Property and Property Rights in King County for the Purpose of Providing an Easement and Temporary Construction Easement for Construction and Installation of a Water Line as a Part of Improvements Provided for under Local Improvement District No 302 of the City of Kent. (Rose Avenue Water Main) | |
12/7/1981 | Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 285 which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City by the Construction and Installation of 6 inch and 8 inch Sanitary Sewers together with Necessary Appurtenances thereto in an Area Bounded Generally by Military Road South on the West, 43rd Avenue South on the East, a Point Approximately 100 Feet North of South 239th Street on the North and a Point Approximately 250 Feet South of South 243rd Street on the South as Provided by Ordinance 2155 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll. [Wilson Island Sewers] | |
12/7/1981 | Approving Final Assessment Roll for LID 302 which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of King County by the Construction and Installation of 10 inch Water Mains together with Necessary Appurtenances thereto on 79th Avenue South from South 266th Street to a Point 1,450 Feet North of South 266th Street and on South 266th Street to a Point 600 Feet East of 79th Avenue South as Provided by Ordinance 2230 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll. (Rose Avenue Water Main) | |
12/7/1981 | Relating to Animal Control, and Amending the Preamble, and Sections 12 and 14 of Ord. 2316 | |
12/21/1981 | Relating to Storm and Surface Water, Establishing a Storm and Surface Water Utility, and Adopting a System or Plan of Storm Water Collection and Treatment for the City | |
12/21/1981 | Designating the City’s Investment Officer, Authorizing the Investment Officer to Make Investments Authorized by Law without Prior Council Approval for Each Investment, and Establishing a Policy for the Investment of Excess or inactive Funds of the City and for the Disposition of Earnings therefrom | |
12/21/1981 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 1549 Relating to Utility Tax on Telephone Business within the City of Kent | |
12/21/1981 | Adopting 1982 Budget | |
12/21/1981 | Relating to the Water System of the City of Kent Washington; Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of that Water System; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Near as May Be; Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Approximately $950,000 of Water Revenue Bonds to Provide Part of the Funds Necessary to Carry Out that System or Plan; Creating a Construction Fund; and Authorizing the Issuance of Interest-bearing Warrants Drawn Upon such Construction Fund Pending the Sale of such Revenue Bonds (11.03) | |
1/4/1982 | Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 303, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of King County by the Construction and Installation of 6 inch and 8 inch Water Mains together with Necessary Appurtenances thereto on Southeast 270th St., on 120th Avenue Southeast and on Southeast 268th Street as Provided by Ordinance 2243 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
1/4/1982 | Vacating an Alley in Block 3 of Kent Addition within the City of Kent | |
1/18/1982 | Relating to the Public Health and Sanitation Providing for the Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of a System of Garbage, Refuse and Swill Collection and Disposal; Establishing the Procedures for Setting the Rates for the Collection and Removal of Garbage, Refuse and Swill and the Rates for Rental Containers; Providing for Inspection by the Kent Fire Department; Providing Penalties for the Violation of the Provisions of this Ordinance; and Repealing Ordinances 1933, 2165, 2173, 2193, 2205, 2220, 2234 and 2268 of the City of Kent | |
1/18/1982 | Relating to Street or Alley Vacation; Establishing Classes of Streets or Alleys and Compensation which May Be Required for Vacation (6.09) | |
1/18/1982 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2320 Relating to the total Amount of Local Improvement District No. 299 (Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 299-West Valley Highway and James Street Sewers) | |
2/1/1982 | Amending the 1981 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1981 | |
2/1/1982 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Property and Property Rights in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Providing Easements and Temporary Construction Easements for Water and Storm Drainage Improvements Along and Near 72nd South and South 182nd, Street within the Boundaries of Local Improvement District No. 296 | |
2/1/1982 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Property and Property Rights in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Widening and Improving Smith Street at the Intersection with Lincoln Street, Public Streets in the City of Kent within the Boundaries of Local Improvement District No. 304 | |
2/16/1982 | Providing for the Condemnation and Acquisition of Certain Property and Property Rights in the City of Kent for the Purpose of Widening and Improving Smith Street at the Intersection with Lincoln Street, Public Streets in the City of Kent within the Boundaries of Local Improvement District No. 304, and Repealing Ordinance 2337 | |
2/16/1982 | Relating to the Public Health and Sanitation, Providing for the Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of a System of Garbage, Refuse and Swill Collection and Disposal; Establishing the Procedures for Setting the Rates for the Collection and Removal of Garbage, Refuse and Swill and the Rates for Rental Containers; Providing for Inspection by the Kent Fire Department; Providing Penalties for the Violation of the Provisions of this Ordinance; and Repealing Ordinances 1933, 2079, 2165, 2173, 2193, 2205, 2220, 2231, 2268 and 2332 of the City of Kent | |
3/15/1982 | Amending Article 4 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1979 Edition Adding New Sections Relating to Permit Fees and Amending Kent City Ordinance No. 2212 as Previously Amended by Ordinance 2228 | |
3/15/1982 | Amending Kent City Ordinance 1563 (December, 1968) as Amended by Kent City Ordinance 1629 (January, 1970) and Kent City Ordinance 1764 (March, 1972) to Change the Regular Meeting Time of the Kent City Council from 8:00 O’Clock P.M. on the First and third Monday of Each Month to 7:00 O’Clock P.M. on the First and third Monday of Each Month (2.01) | |
3/15/1982 | Authorizing Consolidated Bond Issue for LIDs 285, 299, 302, 303 and Sale to Foster & Marshall/American Express Inc. | |
4/5/1982 | Relating to Local Improvement Districts; Fixing the Interest Rate on Special Assessment Installments to Be Paid in Local Improvement Districts Nos. 285, 299, 302 and 303 | |
5/3/1982 | Creating LID 309 East Hill Water Main Improvements on the Kent-Kangley Road, 104th and 106th Avenues and 264th Street within the City, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 958 of the City Council | |
5/3/1982 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank Kent, Washington, Branch, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 305” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants | |
5/17/1982 | Amending Ordinance No. 2244 to Change the Scope and Cost of the Improvements in Local Improvement District No. 301 | |
5/17/1982 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto and Commonly Referred to as the Russell Road Annexation | |
5/17/1982 | Vacating a Portion of 36th Avenue South, a Public Street within the City of Kent | |
5/17/1982 | Prohibiting Filing of Applications for Building Permits, Rezones, Conditional Use Permits and Annexations in that Part of the City Lying South of the Green River Southernly to South 277th Street and Between the Green River and the Beginning of the West Hill Slope; Excluding that Portion that Is Presently Zoned M-2, and Setting a Time Limit on said Prohibition | |
5/17/1982 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 283, Accepting the offer of First InterState Bank of Washington, N.A., Formerly Pacific National Bank of Washington, to Purchase and Extend Warrants Heretofore Issued and Ratifying and Confirming Actions of the City and Its Officers and Employees Taken Consistent with this Ordinance | |
6/7/1982 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto Commonly Referred to as the Russell Road Annexation and Repealing Ordinance No. 2347 | |
6/7/1982 | Creating the Position of City Attorney, Prescribing the Duties of the Office and Qualifications of the Attorney; Providing for the Appointment and Salary of the City Attorney and the Appointment of the Assistant City Attorney, Prohibiting the Private Practice of Law and Repealing Ordinances 1177 and 1928 | |
6/21/1982 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2224 Relating to Exemptions of Ordinance 2224 (Public Works Improvements) (6.02) | |
6/21/1982 | Providing for the Adoption of a Binding Site Plan for Residential Condominium Developments (as Provided for under RCW 58.17.040), and Establishing the Rules and Regulations under which such Plan Can Be Adopted | |
6/21/1982 | Repealing Kent City Ordinance 2043 & 2044; Creating a New Ordinance for the Licensing and Regulation of Novelty Amusement Devices; Providing for a License Fee therefore; Providing for Revocation of Licenses; and Providing Penalties for Violations of the Ordinance | |
7/6/1982 | Vacating a Portion of 101st Avenue Southeast, a Public Street within the City of Kent | |
7/6/1982 | Relating to Planning and Rezoning for Land Development a Portion of Certain Property Originally Zoned by the City of Kent as MA (Industrial Agricultural) to M-L (Industrial Park District) Zone.(Union Pacific Land Resources Rezone II0. (Vetoed by Mayor 7/7/82; Passed Over Veto 7/19/82) | |
7/6/1982 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank, Kent, Washington, Branch, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 309” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants | |
7/6/1982 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank Kent, Washington, Branch, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No 307” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants | |
7/6/1982 | Accepting the offer of Peoples National Bank, Kent, Washington, Branch, for the Purchase of Revenue Warrants Drawn on the “Local Improvement Fund, District No. 289” and Fixing the Interest Rate on such Warrants | |
7/6/1982 | Relating to Deferred Compensation Plans, and Recognizing and Approving a Plan and Authorizing and Directing the Execution of Necessary Documents to Implement such Plan, and Authorizing and Directing the Establishment of a Fund therefor (Repealed by 4493) | |
7/19/1982 | Amending Section I, Part a of the Regulations 0239 City Property (Excluding Fire Station Implementing the Uniform Relocation assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Acts of 1970 and 1971 as Adopted by Ordinance 2037 | |
8/2/1982 | Creating LID 308 Street, Sewer and Water S.E. 260th Street (104th S.E. to 108th S.E.) | |
8/16/1982 | Accepting Transfer of a Portion of the Property and Facilities of Water District 87 and Directing the Mayor to Petition for Dissolution of the District | |
9/20/1982 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 7.08 of the KCC Providing for the Maintenance and Operation of a System of Garbage Collection and Disposal; Setting Rates; Providing for a Inspection by the Kent Fire Department; Providing Penalties for Violation of the City Code; Repealing Ordinance No. 2339 | |
9/20/1982 | Relating to the Office of the City Attorney; Codifying Ordinance No. 2352 by Adding a New Chapter 2.10 to the KCC; Adding a Provision Authorizing the City Attorney to Enter into Interlocal Agreements to Provide Legal Services; and Repealing Ordinance No. 2352 (2.20) | |
10/4/1982 | Relating to Underground Utilities Amending Subsection 7.10.12 (4), Ordinance 1695, of the KCC Relating to Underground Electrical or Communication Facilities Service Connections (7.10) | |
10/28/1982 | Relating to Sales or Use Taxes; Amending Chapter 3.02 of the KCC by Adding Section 3.02.100 to Impose an Additional Sale or Use Tax as Authorized by Section 17 (2), Chapter 49, Laws of 1982, First Extraordinary Session; Amending and Renumbering said Chapter 3.02 (Ordinance No. 1651); and Providing for Special Initiative (3.16) | |
11/1/1982 | Relating to the Water System of the City of Kent, Washington; Amending Sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 of Ord. 2329, Passed December 21, 1981 (11.03) | |
11/1/1982 | Relating to Water Services; Amending, and Adding Sections to, Chapter 7.06 KCC; Fixing, Regulating and Controlling the Use and Price of Water Supplied by the City of Kent; Providing for Penalties for Violations of the Code Provisions; Repealing Ordinances 1776, 1953, 1961, 2107, 2109, 2235 and 2298 (Repealed by 4288) | |
11/1/1982 | Relating to Utilities; Amending Chapter 7.02 of the KCC; Providing Procedures for Applications for Utilities Service, Establishing Procedures for Billing for Utilities Service, Designating the City Treasurer as the Person Responsible for Accepting Payment for Utilities Service, and Providing Procedures for Handling Delinquent Utilities Accounts; Repealing Ordinances 1775, 1820, 1955, and 2300 | |
11/1/1982 | Relating to the Fire Department; Renumbering Sections, of Chapter 2.26 of the KCC, Adding Sections to Chapter 2.26 of the KCC Designating the Kent Fire Department as the Hazardous Materials incident Command Agency within Its Respective Boundaries, and Authorizing the Fire Department to Accept Mutual assistance Between the City and Persons with Equipment, Personnel and Expertise in the Handling of Hazardous Materials incidents; Establishing Limitations on Liability for those Persons Responding to Hazardous Material Incidents (2.24) | |
11/15/1982 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use, Amending Chapter 4 of the Kent Zoning Code (Ordinance No. 1827) Relating to off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements | |
11/15/1982 | Enacting a New Chapter 7.05 of the KCC, Relating to Sanitary Sewers, Providing Procedures and Regulations for Connecting Public Sanitary Sewers, Regulating and Controlling Private Sewer Systems, Fixing Rates for Sanitary Sewer Service Both within and without the City, Providing for Penalties for Violations of Code Provisions; and Repealing Ordinances 1111, 1898, 1901, 1954, 2009, 2204, and 2299 and Chapter 7.04 of the KCC | |
11/15/1982 | Relating to Interim Surface Water Drainage Controls for those Developing Properties within the City of Kent which Are Tributary to the Green River | |
11/15/1982 | Relating to Communication Facilities, Adding a New Section 7.10.14 to Chapter 7.10 KCC to Require Cable Television Conduits to Be Laid Underground at the Same Time as Sewer or Water Utilities Are installed to Serve any Residential Development or Building Site (7.10) | |
11/29/1982 | Relating to Sales or Use Taxes; Amending Section 3.02.100 of the KCC (Section 1, Ord. 2368) Imposing an Additional Sales or Use Tax as Authorized by Section 17 (2), Chapter 49, Laws of 1982, First Extraordinary Session; and Providing for Special Initiative Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.100 (3.16) | |
12/6/1982 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Section 7.08.020 (Ordinance No. 2365) KCC to Permit Holders of Existing Garbage Haulers Permits to Extend such Permits under Certain Conditions, Establishing Fees for such Permits | |
12/6/1982 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1983 | |
12/6/1982 | Relating to Utility Fees or Taxes; Amending Chapter 3.04 of the Kent City (Ordinance 1549, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2327) to Remove the Exclusion from Fees or Taxes for Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Sewer Surcharges; and to Reduce the Utility Fee or Tax from 3-1/2% to 2-1/2% | |
12/6/1982 | Establishing a New Chapter of the KCC Relating to the Licensing and Regulation of Amusement Devices and Arcades; Establishing License Fees; Providing Penalties for Violation of the City Code; and Repealing Ordinance No. 2355 and Code Provisions (5.08) | |
12/6/1982 | Relating to the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $4,800,000 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1982,” for the Purpose of Providing Funds to Carry Out the System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Existing Water System of the City, Specified and Adopted by Ordinance No. 2329, as Amended; Fixing the Date, Form, Denomination, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Confirming the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Foster & Marshall/American Express Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
12/6/1982 | Relating to Business Licenses; Amending Chapter 5.02 (Ordinance Nos. 1744 and 1919) of the KCC, “General Business Licenses;” Establishing License Fees and Providing Penalties for Violation of the City Code; and Repealing Ordinance No. 1344 | |
12/6/1982 | Relating to Criminal Penalties; Amending Section 9.02.108 (Ordinance 2314) and 10.02.10 (Ordinance 2210 Section 1), and 10.02.12 (Ordinance 1963, Section5, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2210, Section 2) of the KCC; Repealing Ordinances 2210 and 2314, and Declaring an Emergency therefore | |
12/20/1982 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 10 Acres Located on the South Side of Southeast 248th Street at Approximately 111th Avenue Southeast, from R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, and MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential, to MR-G, Garden Density Multi-Family Residential. (Howard Rezone/RZ-82-02) | |
12/20/1982 | Amending the 1982 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1982 | |
12/20/1982 | Relating to Private Security Business; Repealing Chapter 5.22 (Ordinance No. 1693) Relating to Merchant Patrols; Adopting a New Chapter 5.23 of the KCC Regulating Private Security Services; Providing Penalties for Violation of the Code; and Authorizing an Agreement with King County for Enforcement of the Code | |
12/20/1982 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1983 Budget; Providing for Wage Adjustments for Nonrepresented Employees | |
1/3/1983 | Relating to Utilities; Delaying the Effective Date of the Five Dollar ($5.00) Fee Imposed by Section 7.02.160 KCC (Ordinance 2371) for Delinquent Accounts; Crediting those Accounts Having Previously Paid a Delinquency Fee | |
1/17/1983 | Relating to Utility Fees or Taxes; Amending Chapter 3.04 of the KCC (Ordinance 1549, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2327) to Remove the Exclusion from Fees for Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Sewer Surcharges; and to Reduce the Utility Fee or Tax from 3-1/2% to 2 1/2%; and Repealing Ordinance 2380 (3.18) | |
1/17/1983 | Relating to Traffic, Motor Vehicles, and the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance; Amending Section 10.02.04 KCC and Section 2 Ordinance 1963 to Adopt by Reference Additional Sections of the Revised Code of Washington Relating to Vehicle Equipment and Vehicle Size Weight and Load Incorporated by Reference in RCW 46.90.300 | |
2/7/1983 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Section 7.08.010 of the KCC to Add Subsection H. to Define “Dump Fee”, and Section 7.08.160 E. to Clarify the intent of the City Council that the City Overhead Charges Are to Be Applied to the Dump Fee Portion of All Garbage Service Charges | |
2/7/1983 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning Approximately Five Acres Located Along the South Side of South 218th Street at 88th Avenue South, from R-L 7.2 Single Family Residential, to MR-G, Garden Density Multifamily Residential. (Anchor Development Co. Inc. Rezone/RZ-79-7) | |
3/7/1983 | Relating to Water Services; Amending Chapter 7.06 KCC by Adding New Sections 7.06.180 - 7.06.185 Adopting Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health Relating to and Regulating Cross-Connections in Public Water Systems (Repealed by 4288) | |
3/21/1983 | Vacating a Portion of Southeast 260th Street, a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
4/4/1983 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use, Amending Sections 3.17.1, 3.18.1 and 3.19.1 of the Kent Zoning Code (Ordinance 1827) Relating to Principally Permitted Uses; Allowing Alcoholic Beverage Processes as a Principally Permitted Use in the M-L, Industrial Park and M-2, Limited Industrial Zoning, Districts and Deleting the Same from the M-3 General Industrial, Zoning District. (Enacted by 0.2524) | |
4/4/1983 | Ordering the Construction and Installation of Certain Sanitary Sewer Improvements on S. 180th Street within the City All in Accordance with Resolution No. 979 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 311; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments’ Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds;” and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
4/18/1983 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 287, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City of Kent by the Construction and Installation of Eight inch, Ten inch and Twelve inch Sanitary Sewers in, Along and Near 94th Place South and South 218th Street in the Area Bounded by South 218th on the South, a Point 1,650 Feet North of South 218th Street on the North, a Point 400 Feet West of 94th Place South on the West, and a Point 300 Feet East of 94th Place South on the East; as Provided by Ordinance 2105 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against this Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
4/18/1983 | Relating to Traffic Speeds Upon Certain Streets within the City of Kent; Amending Subsection 10.08.08 (45), of the KCC and Adding a New Subsection 10.08.08 (74) thereto. (Ordinance 2163) (Smith and Gowe Streets) | |
5/2/1983 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 296, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City of Kent by the Construction and Installation of Eight inch and Ten inch Sanitary Sewers and Ten inch and Twelve inch Water Mains, and Twelve inch, Fifteen inch and Twenty-Five inch Storm Drainage in, Along and Near 72nd Avenue South from South 180th Street to South 184th Street and on South 182nd Street from 72nd Avenue South to the West Valley Highway; as Provided by Ordinance 2197 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against this Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
5/2/1983 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Sections 7.08.060 E. (Ordinance 2365 as Last Amended by Ordinance 2392), 7.08.160 G. and I. to Provide for Use and Rates for Front, as Well as, Rear Loading Containers for Use by Commercial, Industrial and Multiple Dwelling Establishments | |
5/2/1983 | Vacating a Portion of South 202nd Street, Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
5/2/1983 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2178 as Last Amended by Ordinance 2249. Relating to the Schedule of Fees for Applications Filed with the Kent Planning Department | |
5/2/1983 | Relating to the Zoning Code; Codifying the Existing Zoning Code into the KCC by Adding a New Title 15 to the KCC | |
5/16/1983 | Relating to Traffic Speeds Upon Certain Streets within the City of Kent; Amending Subsection 10.08.08 (1), of the KCC | |
6/6/1983 | Relating to Unauthorized Parking in Handicapped Parking Zones, Amending Section 10.06.23 KCC. Amending Ordinance 2304 as Amended by Ordinance 2313 (9.38) | |
6/6/1983 | Relating to Parking; Adding a New Section 10.06.30 KCC to Regulate Parking at Municipal Facilities and to Provide Penalties Therefor (9.38) | |
6/6/1983 | Relating to the Checks Drawn to the Order of or Received by the City of Kent; Authorizing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to Impose a Service Fee in the Amount of Ten Dollars ($10) on Checks Dishonored by a Drawee Bank; Adding a New Section 2.16.160 to the KCC | |
6/20/1983 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 308; Amending Ordinance No. 2363; Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Bond anticipation Notes Pending the Receipt of the Proceeds of the Local Improvement District Bonds Authorized to Be Issued by Ordinance No. 2363 and Providing for the Sale of such Bond anticipation Notes to Peoples National Bank of Seattle, Washington. [Interim Financing of Bond Anticipation Notes] | |
6/20/1983 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 12.32 Acres Located East of 88th Avenue South, North of South 228th Street from R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, and CM, Commercial Manufacturing to MR-G, Garden Density Multifamily Residential, and CM, Commercial Manufacturing. (Tonelli Rezone/RZ-83-01) | |
6/20/1983 | Relating to the Licensing and Regulation of Amusement Devices and Arcades; Establishing License Fees for Temporary Use of Amusement Devices; Exempting Temporary Uses from the Requirement for a Master Arcade License; Establishing a New Section 5.19.054 of the KCC (5.08) | |
6/20/1983 | Providing for the Laying off, Opening, Widening and Establishing of Portions of Southeast 260th Street Between 104th Avenue Southeast and 108th Avenue Southeast in the City of Kent, All as a Part of the LID 308 Project; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property Rights Necessary therefor, including Property and Property Rights Necessary for Cut and Fill Slopes on Certain Abutting Properties; Providing Payment therefore. (LID 308 - Southeast 260th Street) | |
7/5/1983 | Relating to Fire Prevention, and Regulating Fireworks; Adopting a New Chapter 13.09 KCC to Adopt by Reference Chapter 70.77 RCW, the State Fireworks Law; Enacting a City of Kent Fireworks Permit and Establishing a Fee therefore; Repealing Chapter 13.08 KCC (Ordinance Numbers 1242, 1247, 1796, 1873 and 1943) | |
7/5/1983 | Relating to Alcohol Related Driving offenses and Criminal Penalties; Amending Section 10.02.10 (Ordinance 2210, Section 1, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2384, Section 2) of the KCC; Adding a New Section 10.02.09 KCC Prohibiting Open Alcoholic Containers in Motor Vehicles; and Declaring an Emergency therefore | |
7/18/1983 | Relating to Local Improvement Districts; Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 287/296 and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District 0622 No. 287/296; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 287/296 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Foster & Marshall/American Express Inc. in Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
7/18/1983 | Relating to Library Services; Creating a New Chapter 2.36 in the KCC; Establishing a Library Board (4.03) | |
7/18/1983 | Approving and Confirming Revised Final Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District No. 291, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City of Kent by the Widening and Reconstructing of 196th Street from West Valley Highway to Russell Road No. 8 and Russell Road No. 8 from South 196th Street to a Point Approximately 475 Feet South of 58th Place South with 44 Foot Wide Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Concrete Sidewalks, Storm Drainage and Street Lighting, together with 10 inch Sanitary Sewer and 12 inch Water Mains and Necessary Appurtenances thereto throughout the Project Area, including stubs to Adjacent Properties; as Provided by Ordinance 2250 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against this Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
7/18/1983 | Adopting a System of Registration for Obligations of the City; Establishing a New Chapter 3.30 KCC (3.06) | |
8/1/1983 | Relating to Economic Development; Creating the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation; Authorizing a Charter therefor; Establishing a Board of Directors to Govern the Affairs of the Corporation; Providing How the Public Corporation Shall Conduct Its Affairs; Enacting a New Chapter 12.18 KCC | |
8/1/1983 | An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, Repealing Ordinance No. 2375 Entitled: “An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, Relating to Interim Surface Water Drainage Controls for Those Developing Properties within the City of Kent which Are Tributary to the Green River” (Vetoed) | |
8/15/1983 | Relating to Criminal Assault Provisions of the Kent Penal Code, Amending Section 9.02.28 KCC (Ordinance 1960); and Declaring an Emergency therefore | |
9/6/1983 | Relating to Zoning; Adding a New Section 15.08.205 to Provide Regulations and Standards for Temporary Uses | |
9/6/1983 | Relating to Landscaping Regulations, Removing the Performance Bonding Requirements; Amending Sections 15.07.030, 15.07.070 KCC and Repealing Section 15.08.200 KCC | |
9/6/1983 | Relating to Home Occupations, Amending Sections 15.02.190, 15.08.040, 15.04.070 of the KCC | |
9/19/1983 | Ordering the Construction and Installation of Certain Street, Water Main, and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Meeker Street from the West Valley Highway to the Green River within the City of Kent All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1000 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 297; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants or Bond anticipation Notes Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
9/19/1983 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2410 of the City of Kent and Establishing a New Legal Description for the Tonelli Rezone/RZ-83-01 | |
9/19/1983 | Relating to Streets; Amending KCC 10.06.04, 10.06.08 and 10.06.12 Relating to Parking; Amending KCC 10.26.20 Relating to one Way Streets (Ordinances 1972, 2219, and 2303) (9.36) | |
9/19/1983 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 301, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City of Kent by the Construction and Installation of Street, Water Main, and Sanitary Sewer Improvements in and Along South 252nd Street and Kent Kangley in the City of Kent; as Provided by Ordinances 2244 and 2346 and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
9/19/1983 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 291; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of Local Improvement District No. 291 Bonds; Providing for the Delivery and Sale thereof to Foster & Marshall/American Express Inc. of Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Special Assessment Installments to Be Paid in Local Improvement District No. 291 | |
10/17/1983 | Ordering the Construction and Installation of Certain Improvements to the Central Business District of the City of Kent, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1002 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 313; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants or Bond anticipation Notes Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
11/7/1983 | Ordering the Construction and Installation of Certain Street and Drainage Improvements to 72nd Avenue S. and the P-2 Drainage Channel, within the City of Kent, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 974 of the City of Kent; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 310; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants or Bond anticipation Notes Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
11/7/1983 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 305, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City of Kent Sanitary Sewer System by the Construction and Installation of Sanitary Sewer Improvements together with Necessary Appurtenances thereto in and Along 113 th Avenue Southeast from Southeast 256th Street and on Easements Westerly of 113th Avenue Southeast and Northerly of Southeast 254th Street, in King County; as Provided by Ordinance 2280 and Levying and Assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
11/7/1983 | Relating to the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation; Renumbering Chapter 12.18 KCC to Chapter 12.28 KCC | |
11/7/1983 | Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02 KCC to Adopt the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, and Certain Amendments thereto; Repealing Chapter 13.04 KCC Relating to Fire Districts; Repealing Chapter 13.06 KCC and Adopting a New Chapter 13.06A KCC Relating to Fire Hydrants; and Amending Ordinance 2413 to Repeal Chapter 13.08 KCC (9.38) | |
11/7/1983 | Providing for the Laying off, Opening, and Widening of Portions of Central Avenue and James Street in the City of Kent; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property Rights Necessary therefor, including Property and Property Rights Necessary for Cut and Fill Slopes on Certain Abutting Properties; Providing Payment therefore. (James and Central Intersection Improvement) | |
11/7/1983 | Relating to the Collection of Property Taxes and Abatement Liens; Declaring a City Policy; Directing the Temporary Investment of City Taxes and Abatement Liens in the Custody of the King County Comptroller in an Interest Bearing Account and, When Sufficient Funds have Accrued therefore, in Treasury Bills Pending Distribution to the City; and Authorizing the City Treasurer to Provide Appropriate instructions to the County | |
11/7/1983 | Relating to Flood Hazard Regulations; Amending Chapter 14.22 KCC (Ordinance 2282, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2293) to Clarify that All Building and Development within Green River Flood Control Zone No. 2 Shall Comply with the State Flood Control Act, and to Delete Provisions for Variances from Flood Hazard Regulations; All in Conformance with State Department of Ecology Delegation of State Flood Control Zone Permit Program to the City of Kent | |
11/7/1983 | Providing for the Defeasance of Release by anticipatory Marshaling of the Claim of Lien of All of the City’s Outstanding $34,000 Par Value of “Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1964, Series A,” $435,000 Par Value of “Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1966,” and $635,000 Par Value of “Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1968;” Authorizing the Transfer of Money and Investments and investing or Reinvesting the Same to Accomplish the Defeasance; and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Rainier National Bank of Seattle, Washington as Trustee | |
11/7/1983 | Annexing to the City Certain Properties for Municipal Purposes at the Armstrong Springs Well Site (Armstrong Springs Annexation) | |
11/7/1983 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning Regulations. Adding Sections 15.02.343, 15.02.527 and Amending 15.02.530 and Removing the Requirement of a Conditional Use Permit for Commercial Office, Retail and Service Uses in the M1, Industrial Park, and M2, Limited Industrial, Zoning District1and Prohibiting such Uses in the M3, General Industrial,1Zoning District; Amending Subsections 15.04.170 a and C,115.04.180 A and C and Subsections 15.04.190 A and C KCC | |
11/21/1983 | Ordering the Installation of Water Mains on 104th Avenue S.E., S.E. 272nd Street, and S.E. 270th Place, All in1Accordance with Resolution No. 1003 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 314 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants, Bond anticipation Notes Redeemable in Cash, or Other Short-Term Financing, and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
11/21/1983 | Confirming the Acquisition of Certain Property for the Kent City Jail - Aukeen District Court Site | |
11/21/1983 | Granting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints an Easement for an Irrigation Pump, and Appurtenances thereto, Over Certain Property North of the South 212th Street Bridge at the Green River | |
11/21/1983 | Relating to Holiday Parking; Creating a New Section 10.06.085 in the KCC to Authorize three Hour Parking in Two Hour Parking Zones During the Holiday Shopping Season, and to Allow Unlimited Parking on Saturdays (9.38) | |
12/5/1983 | Relating to License Fees for Security Business; Amending Section 5.23.100 of the KCC (Ordinance Number 2387) | |
12/5/1983 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Service; Amending Section 7.05.280 (Ordinance 2374) KCC Establishing Service Charges | |
12/5/1983 | Establishing an Additional Deferred Compensation Plan (Repealed by 4493) | |
12/5/1983 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1984 | |
12/5/1983 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1984 Budget; Providing for Wage Adjustments for Nonrepresented Employees | |
12/19/1983 | Amending the 1983 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1983 | |
1/3/1984 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use and the Preservation and Enhancement of Water Quality; Adding New Sections 15.08.220, 15.08.222, and 15.08.224 to the KCC (Water Quality Ordinance); Amending Chapter 15.02 KCC. Delete | |
1/3/1984 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use; Recodifying Provisions of Chapter 12.16 KCC Relating to Tree Protection as Section 15.08.240 KCC; Repealing Chapter 12.16 KCC (Ordinance 2245) (15.08) | |
1/3/1984 | Providing for the Laying off, Opening and Widening of East Smith Street (Canyon Drive/State Route 516) Between Hazel Avenue and Jason Avenue/East Titus in the City of Kent, All as a Part of the Smith and Jason Intersection Improvements. (Smith and Jason Intersection Improvements) | |
1/16/1984 | Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 301/305 and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 301/305; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 301/305 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Foster & Marshall/ American Express Inc. in Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
2/6/1984 | Amending Sections 3.14.330 through 3.14.360 KCC to Increase the Petty Cash Account from Four Hundred Dollars to Six Hundred Dollars and to Codify Amendments to said Provisions Provided for by Ordinance No. 2218, But Not Previously Incorporated into the KCC | |
2/21/1984 | Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02.040 KCC (Ordinance No. 2434) to Add a Subsection (M) Requiring Sprinkler Systems Designed with 50 or More Heads to Be Approved by a Reviewing Agency | |
2/21/1984 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties for the Improvement of the Municipal Water System, a System of Aqueducts, Reservoirs, Pumping Stations and Other Structures for Conveying into and through the City of Kent a Supply of Fresh Water, and for the Purpose of Protecting such Supply of Fresh Water from Pollution; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property Rights Necessary therefore; All Located within the Northwest and Southwest Quarters of Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington (in Re: Kent Water Impoundment Facility) | |
2/21/1984 | Approving the Purchase of Certain Real Estate Located, at and Near North of Meeker Street, East of Green River, West of Russell Road, All Located in the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, for Enlarging the Adjacent Municipal Golf Course and Other Municipal Purposes | |
3/19/1984 | Amending the 1984 Budget by Deleting the Classification of Data Processing Manager and Establishing the Job Classification of Information Services Director; Establishing a Salary Range therefore | |
4/2/1984 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 308; Amending Ordinance No. 2409; Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Bond anticipation Notes in Local Improvement District No. 308 Pending the Receipt of the Proceeds of the Local Improvement District Bonds Authorized to Be Issued by Ordinance No. 2363, as Amended by Ordinance No. 2409; and Providing for the Sale of such Bond anticipation Notes to Peoples National Bank of Washington, Seattle, Washington | |
4/2/1984 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Bond anticipation Notes in Local Improvement District No. 310 Pending the Receipt of the Proceeds of the Local Improvement District Bonds Authorized to Be Issued by Ordinance No. 2431 and Providing for the Sale of such Bond anticipation Notes to Peoples National Bank of Washington, Seattle, Washington | |
4/2/1984 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Bond anticipation Notes in Local Improvement District No. 314 Pending the Receipt of the Proceeds of the Local Improvement District Bonds Authorized to Be Issued by Ordinance No. 2441 and Providing for the Sale of such Bond anticipation Notes to Peoples National Bank of Washington, Seattle, Washington | |
4/2/1984 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Authorizing the Issuance of $1,950,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City for strictly City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Pay a Part of the Cost of Acquiring Property to Enlarge the Municipal Golf Course; Establishing a Property Acquisition and Development Fund; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Short-Term Obligations Pending the Issuance and Sale of such Bonds | |
4/2/1984 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Authorizing the Issuance of $1,160,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City for strictly City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Acquire a Site for a Senior Citizens Center; Establishing a Construction Fund; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Short-Term Obligations Pending the Issuance and Sale of such Bonds | |
4/2/1984 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Authorizing the Issuance of $1,933,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City for strictly City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Pay a Part of the Cost of Constructing a New Jail and Paying the City’s Portion of Acquiring a Site therefor Jointly with King County, Washington; Establishing a Construction Fund; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Short-Term Obligations Pending the Issuance and Sale of such Bonds | |
4/16/1984 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto in the Area of S.E. 248th Street and 104th Ave. SE. (Rowley Annexation No. 3) (Re-Recorded to Amend Legal Description) | |
4/16/1984 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto in the Area of S.E. 240th Street and 108th Avenue SE. (Rowley Annexation No. 4) (Re-Recorded to Amend Legal Description 6/25/84) | |
4/16/1984 | Relating to Zoning; Amending KCC Sections 15.02.105 - Development Standards, 15.02.285 - Nonconforming Use, 15.08.100 - Nonconforming Uses; Repealing Section 15.06.060 - Nonconforming Signs and Amortization; and Adding Sections 15.02.107 - Discontinuance, 15.02.257 - Major Nonconforming Buildings/Structures, 15.02.258 - Minor Nonconforming Buildings/Structures, 15.02.282 - Nonconforming Lots of Record, 15.02.283 - Nonconforming Sign, 15.02.286 - Nonconformity, and 15.02.531 - Use, Change of | |
4/16/1984 | Relating to Zoning of annexed Areas; Amending KCC 2.32.20 (Ordinance 1674) Relating to the Planning Commission; Amending KCC 2.54.100 (Ordinance 2233) Relating to the Hearing Examiner; Amending KCC 15.03.020 Relating to official Zoning Map and KCC 15.09.050 Relating to Amending Zoning Code; Establishing a New Section 15.09.055 to Provide for initial Zoning of annexed Areas (2.32) | |
5/7/1984 | Ordering the Improvement of S. 259th Street and 74th Avenue South by Making Certain Street Utility Improvements, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1007 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 315 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
5/7/1984 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 289, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improving a Portion of the City of Kent by the Widening and/or Reconstructing of Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) from the Intersection of S.E. 256 th St. to the Intersection of 116th Avenue S.E. with Asphalt Pavement, Channelization, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Concrete Sidewalks, Storm Drainage Underground Power, Street Lighting, and Fire Signal Rebuild at the Intersection of 114th Avenue S.E. and Kent-Kangley Road; together with the Rebuilding of the Existing Sanitary Sewer Between 110th Avenue S.E. and 114th Avenue S.E. on Kent-Kangley Road, together with Various Extensions and stubs throughout the Street Improvement Area; and together with the Installation of Additional Water Mains, stubs and Relocation and Replacement of Fire Hydrants, within the Limits of Street Improvement; as Provided by Ordinance 2214, and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
6/4/1984 | Relating to the Kent Saturday Market; Creating a New Chapter 2.38 in the KCC; Establishing a Kent Saturday Market Board. (Not Signed by Mayor Hogan) | |
6/18/1984 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Sections 7.08.160 (Ordinance 2365, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2392 and 2401), to Provide for Rates and Charges for Collection and Disposal of Garbage | |
6/18/1984 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 283; Amending Ord. 2102 | |
7/2/1984 | Ordering the Improvement of 45th Place South North of South 254th Street, including Removal and Replacement of Deteriorated Curbing and Pavement, Asphalt Overlay and Adjustment of Existing Utilities to Finished Grade and Related Work, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1019; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 317 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds;” and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
7/2/1984 | Vacating a Portion of an Alley Connecting State and Kennebeck Streets Between Smith and Ward Streets, and More Particularly Described as the East 96.00 Feet of the West 171.00 Feet of Alley in Block 14 Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition to the town of Kent, as Recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 97, Records of King County, All within the City of Kent. (Application of Valley Medical Center) | |
7/2/1984 | Vacating a Portion of Cedar Street, a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent, and More Particularly Described as Follows: that Portion of Cedar Street in the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, Lying South of S.G. Mickelson’s Sunnyside Addition as Recorded in Volume 45 of Plats, Page 23, Records of King County, Washington, and Lying North of Block 3 of Sunnyside Addition to Kent as Recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, Page 66, Records of King County, Washington, and Lying East of the Northerly Extension of the West Line of Lot 6 of said Block 3 and Lying West of that Portion of said Cedar Street which Was Vacated by Kent City Ordinance 1364. (Application of First Church of the Nazarene) | |
7/2/1984 | Relating to the City’s Civic Center Complex; Providing for Acquisition of Property and the Construction and Equipping of a New Senior Center, Library, Performing Arts Center and Related Facilities in a Single Civic Center Complex; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of $10,000,000, and Selling General Obligation Bonds to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Property Tax Levies to Be Made in Excess of Regular Property Tax Levies; and Providing for the Submission of the Proposition of incurring such Indebtedness and Issuing such Bonds to the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election to Be Held therein on September 18, 1984, in Conjunction with the State Primary Election to Be Held on the Same Date | |
7/2/1984 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Cornucopia Days and Lions Club International for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use | |
7/16/1984 | Annexing to the City Certain Properties for Municipal Purposes at the Kent Springs Well Site (Kent Springs Annexation) | |
7/16/1984 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 283; Modifying, Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of that District, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Making Street, Water, Sewer and Other Improvements to the Area within that District as Provided by Ordinance No. 2102, as Amended, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property Shown on the Roll; and Ratifying the Execution of Certain Agreements with Property Owners within that District; and Authorizing and Providing for the Collection of Money Due from Property Now Exempt from Assessments and an Agreement Respecting the Application and Repayment of such Money | |
7/16/1984 | Amending the Kent Subdivision Code (Ordinance No. 1840) to Authorize Additional one-Year Extensions for the Filing of a Final Plat, as Authorized by RCW 58.17.140 | |
7/17/1984 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 289; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 289 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Foster & Marshall/American Express Inc. in Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District No. 289 Assessment Installments | |
8/6/1984 | Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02.040 KCC (Ordinance No. 2434, as Last Amended by Ordinance No. 2456) to Increase from 6, 000 Sq. Ft. to 12, 000 Sq. Ft. the Minimum Floor Area Before Automatic Sprinkler Systems Are Required. Vetoed by Mayor Hogan on 8/7/84 (Passed Over Mayor’s Veto 8/20/84) | |
8/6/1984 | Ordering the Construction and Installation of Certain Street, Water, and Sanitary Sewer Improvements on North Central Avenue from James Street to South 228th Street, within the City of Kent, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1021 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 318; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Shall Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds” or “Note in Lieu of Bonds;” and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants or Bond anticipation Notes Redeemable in Cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Note in Lieu of Bonds | |
8/6/1984 | Relating to Zoning; Amending Section 15.03.010 - Establishment and Designation of Districts; Repealing Section 15.04.130 - Highway Commercial, Amending Sections 15.04.140 - General Commercial; 15.06.040 - Sign Regulations, All Districts - General Restrictions and Limitations, 15.06.050 - Regulations by Districts, 15.07.060 Landscaping Regulations, Regulations by Zoning District, KCC; and Rezoning All Highway Commercial (HC) Property to General Commercial (GC) | |
8/20/1984 | Relating to the City’s Civic Center Complex; Amending Ordinance No. 2478 to Correct a Typographical Error in the Proposition for Submission to the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election to Be Held therein on September 18, 1984, in Conjunction with the State Primary Election to Be Held on the Same Date | |
9/4/1984 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning Regulations. Adding an Agricultural (A-L) Zone Section 15.04.005 to the KCC | |
9/4/1984 | Relating to Planning, Zoning and Property; Rezoning Approximately 558 Acres Generally Located on the South and West Sides of the Green River from RA, Residential Agricultural to A-1, Agricultural. (Agricultural Zoning Amendment) | |
9/4/1984 | Amending Section 3.14.240 KCC (Ordinance 1818) to Increase the Amount of “Travel Expense Revolving Fund” to $4,000 | |
10/1/1984 | Relating to Traffic; Amending K.C.C. 10.06.04 (Ordinance 2303) Establishing “No Parking Zones”, and Amending KCC 10.08.08 (Ordinance 2399, 2305, 2265, 2240, 2163) Relating to Traffic Speeds Upon Certain Streets within the City of Kent | |
10/1/1984 | Relating to Worker’s Compensation; Amending Section 2.43 KCC (Section 3, Ordinance 2166) to Authorize the Indemnification of the City’s Surety Company | |
10/1/1984 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning with Conditions Approximately 12.73 Acres Located East of SR 167 (Valley Freeway) and Between S. 208th Street and S. 212th Street, and Surrounding on three Sides the Saar Pioneer Cemetery, from RA, Residential Agricultural, to MR-D, Multi-Family Duplex Residential; and Approving a Mobile Home Park Combining District for said 12.73 Acres. (Silent Meadows, No. RZ-83-2 and CD-MHP-83-1) | |
10/1/1984 | Relating to Environmental Policy, Adding a New Chapter 12.12 a KCC to Adopt SEPA Rules and Procedures for the City of Kent; Repealing Chapter 12.12 KCC (Ordinance No. 1975) (11.03) | |
10/15/1984 | Relating to Water Rates; Amending KCC 7.06.860 and 7.06.880 (Ordinance 2370). (Water Rate Increases) (Repealed by 4288) | |
10/15/1984 | Relating to the Water System of the City of Kent, Washington; Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of that Water System; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Near as May Be; Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Approximately $2,405,000 of Water Revenue Bonds to Provide Part of the Funds Necessary to Carry Out that System or Plan; Creating a Construction Fund; Authorizing the Issuance of Interest-bearing Warrants Drawn Upon such Construction Fund and/or Other Interim Financing Pending the Sale of such Revenue Bonds; and Repealing Sections 1 of Ordinances Nos. 2329 and 2369 | |
10/15/1984 | Relating to Street Names; Changing the Name of Kent-Des Moines Road, from Russell Road to the Intersection of SR 516, to West Meeker Street | |
11/5/1984 | Amending Ordinance No. 2464 Passed April 2, 1984. The City Shall Borrow Money on the Credit of the City and Issue Negotiable Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds Evidencing such Indebtedness in the Amount of $4,213,620 for General City Purposes to Provide the Funds to Pay the Cost of Acquiring a Site for and Constructing a Senior Citizens Center, which Property Is More Particularly Described in the Agreement of Sale as Above Described, to Repay the Capital Improvement Fund for Money Spent for such Purposes and to Pay the Costs of Issuance and Sale of the Bonds | |
11/5/1984 | Amending Ordinance No. 2465 Passed April 2, 1984. The City Shall Borrow Money on the Credit of the City and Issue Negotiable Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds Evidencing such Indebtedness in the Amount of $1,997,380 for General City Purposes to Provide the Funds to Pay the Cost of Acquiring a Site for and Constructing a New Jail Jointly with King County, Washington, which Property Is More Particularly Described in the Earnest Money and Escrow Agreement as Above Described, to Repay the Capital Improvement Fund for Money Spent for such Purpose and to Pay the Costs of Issuance and Sale of the Bonds | |
11/5/1984 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance, Specifying the Maturities, Maximum Effective Interest Rate, Terms and Covenants of $7,930,000 Par Value of “Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1984,” of the City for strictly City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Pay the Costs of Making Certain Capital Improvements and Paying and Redeeming the City’s Outstanding “Limited Tax General Obligation Bond anticipation Notes, 1984”; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund; and Providing for the Sale and Delivery of such Bonds to Shearson Lehman/American Express Inc. Foster & Marshall Division | |
11/5/1984 | Relating to the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $2,405,000 Par Value of “Water Revenue Bonds, 1984,” for the Purpose of Providing Funds to Carry Out a Portion of the System or Plan for Making Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of the Existing Water System of the City, Specified and Adopted by Ordinance No. 2496; Fixing the Date, Form, Denomination, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; and Confirming the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Shearson Lehman/ American Express Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, of Seattle, Washington | |
11/5/1984 | Confirming and Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 311; Created and Established for the Purpose of Construction and Installation of Certain Sanitary Sewer Improvements on S. 180th Street within the City of Kent; as Provided by Ord. 2397; and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
11/5/1984 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 22 Acres Located South of Southeast 248th Street on the East and the West Side of 104 th Avenue S.E., from R1-20, Single Family Residential to MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential and O, Office (Rowley Rezone # 3/AZ-84 - 1) | |
11/5/1984 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 40 Acres Located on the South Side of Southeast 240th Street, East of 104th Avenue S.E. Extending to 114th Street, from R1-20, Single Family Residential, to MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential and R1-7.2, Single Family Residential (Rowley Rezone #4/AZ-84-2) | |
11/19/1984 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions Approximately.5 Acres Located on the Southwest Corner of Central Avenue and Willis Street from CM, Community Manufacturing to GC, General Commercial (Rezone RZ-83-4) (Southland Corporation - 711 Rezone) | |
11/19/1984 | Confirming and Approving the Final Assessment Roll for LID 304; Created and Established for the Purpose of Improvement of a Portion of the City of Kent by the Reconstruction of Smith Street from Fourth Avenue to Lincoln Avenue and Lincoln Avenue from Smith Street to a Point 385 Feet North of Smith Street, by the Installation of Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Storm Drainage and Retention, Undergrounding of Electrical Facilities, Street Lighting, Landscaping and Various Water Service stubs, All as Provided by Ordinance 2241; and Levying and Assessing the Amount thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
11/19/1984 | Taking Advantage of Opportunities Extended by 26 USC Section 414(H) and Chapter 227, Laws of 1984 for Deferral of Federal income Taxes Upon Employee Contributions to the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System and the Washington Public Employees Retirement System; Authorizing the Making of the “Employer’s Pick-Up” (Payment of the Employee’s Contribution and the Making of a Corresponding Reduction in Wages or Salaries); and Adding a New Section to the KCC in Connection therewith | |
11/19/1984 | Relating to Traffic; Amending KCC 10.06.04 (Ordinance 2303) Establishing “No Parking Zones;” and Renumbering an Existing Code Section from KCC 10.06.04 (14) to KCC 10.06.05 which Restricts Parking of Trailers and Semi-Trailers on City Streets (9.38) | |
11/19/1984 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1985 | |
12/3/1984 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Section 7.05.280 KCC (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2446) Establishing Service Charges | |
12/3/1984 | Adopting the Fire Master Plan and Amending Subsection 12.12 A.510 D (Ordinance 2494, City Environmental Policy) in Conjunction therewith (11.03) | |
12/3/1984 | Exempting Specific Officers and Employees from Overtime and Compensatory Benefits; Establishing a Management/Professional Employee Benefit Program; Adopting New Sections 2.40.110 And 2.40.115 KCC | |
12/3/1984 | Relating to Planning and Property, Rezoning with Conditions, Various Parcels of Property on Kent’s East Hill, Located Generally in the Area Bounded by S.E. 232nd Street on the North, S.E. 248th Street on the South, 98th Avenue S.E. on the West, and 112th Avenue S.E. on the East (East Hill Zoning) (Ordinance Was Vetoed by Mayor Hogan on 12/5/84; Motion to Override Veto Failed on 12/17/84; Passed Over the Veto on 12/20/84) | |
12/3/1984 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Reducing the Utility Tax on City Operated Utilities from 2.5 Percent to 2.0 Percent; Adopting the 1985 Budget (Ordinance Was Vetoed by Mayor Hogan on 12/5/84; It Passed Over the Veto on 12/17/84) (3.18) | |
12/3/1984 | Providing for Wage Adjustments for Nonrepresented Employees (Non-Union Employees) (Not Signed by Mayor Hogan) | |
12/3/1984 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 2.0 Acres Located North of South 260th Street and West of 101st Avenue Southeast from CC, Community Commercial to MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential (Robert Randall Rezone/RZ-80-3) | |
12/17/1984 | Relating to Building Codes; Adding a New Chapter 14.01 KCC to Create a Board of Appeals; Amending Chapter 14.04 of KCC (Ordinance No. 2199, as Last Amended by Ordinance No. 2229) to Adopt the Uniform Building Code 1982 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto and Adopting Specific Chapters of the Appendix to said Code; Amending Chapter 14.10 of KCC (Ordinance No. 2201) to Adopt the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 1982 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto; Amending Chapter 14.12 of KCC (Ordinance 2201) to Adopt the Uniform Housing Code 1982 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto; Amending Chapter 14.14 of KCC (Ordinance 2201) to Adopt the Uniform Mechanical Code 1982 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto; Amending Chapter 14.16 of KCC (Ordinance 2200) to Adopt the Uniform Plumbing Code 1982 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto; Adopting the Amendments to the Barrier Free Facilities Regulations, Adopted by the Washington State Building Code Advisory Council; and Adding a New chapter 14.24 KCC to Set Out a Uniform Penalty Clause Applicable to Title 14, KCC (R-1872) | |
12/17/1984 | Relating to Building Codes; Amending Chapter 14.08 KCC, to Delete the Requirement for a Performance Bond, and Amending the Provisions Relating to House Moving Permits | |
12/17/1984 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 309; Adding Five Parcels of Land to the Boundaries of Local Improvement District No. 309 (Eh Water Main Replacement) | |
12/17/1984 | Creating LID 316; Ordering the Construction and Installation of Water Mains and Related Appurtenances in the Area of 94th Avenue S. Between S. 239 th Street and S. 222nd Street, Lying Both within and Outside the City of Kent, All in Accordance with Resolution 1013 of the Kent City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 316; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Shall Be Made by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District | |
12/17/1984 | Relating to Compensation of City Councilmembers and the Council President; Amending Section 2.04.04 KCC (Unsigned by Mayor Hogan) | |
12/20/1984 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 283; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 283 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Shearson Lehman/American Express Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, in Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate of Local Improvement District No. 283 Assessment Installments | |
1/7/1985 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Sections 7.08.160 (Ordinance 2365, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2392, 2401, and 2473), to Provide for Rates and Charges for Collection and Disposal of Garbage | |
1/7/1985 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use, Implementing Ordinance 2396, Amending Sections 15.04.170 and 15.04.180 to Clarify the status of Certain Uses, and Amending Section 15.08.020 to Permit Convenience Grocery Sales in Conjunction with Gasoline Service Stations as a Special Permit Use | |
1/7/1985 | Relating to Zoning; Amending Section 15.08.205 Temporary Use Regulations and Adding Section 15.02.033, Defining a Temporary Use (Amending Ordinance No 2422) | |
1/21/1985 | Amending Ordinance No. 2292 by Adding three Parcels of Land to. the Boundaries of Local Improvement District No. 307; Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 307; Fixing the Interest Rates and Penalties on Unpaid Assessments; and Providing for the Filing of the Assessment Roll with the City Treasurer for Collection | |
1/21/1985 | Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02.040 KCC (Ordinance 2434, as Last Amended by Ordinance Nos. 2456 and 2484) to Amend Section 10.309(1) to Exempt Existing Church Sanctuaries | |
1/21/1985 | Relating to Land Use and Planning; Expanding the Permitted Uses in the Existing DC (Downtown Commercial) and CM (Commercial Manufacturing) Zones in the Greater Downtown Kent Area; Amending KCC 15.04.110 and 15.04.120 | |
2/4/1985 | Relating to Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers; Repealing Chapter 5.10 KCC (Ordinance 1235, as Amended by Ordinances 1923 and 1971); Enacting a New Section 5.10A KCC | |
2/4/1985 | Relating to Plats and Subdivisions; Amending the Kent Subdivision Code (Ordinance 1840) to Authorize Final Plat Approval of Preliminary Plats Approved in King County, and to Clarify the Requirement for Signatures Necessary for Short Subdivision Filing; Ratifying and Confirming Previous Amendments to the Subdivision Code | |
2/4/1985 | Amending the 1984 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1984 | |
2/4/1985 | Relating to Required Public Street Improvements, Adding a New Chapter 4.15, KCC to Provide for Agreements to Assess Charges Against Latecomers in Order to Reimburse Property Owners Required to Make Comprehensive Public Street Improvements Prior to Development (Repealed by 4356) | |
2/4/1985 | Confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 300; Created and Established for the Purposes of Improving a Portion of the City of Kent by the Widening, Construction and Reconstruction of Crow Road, S.E. 260th Street and 101st Avenue S.E. from Kent-Kangley Road to 104 th Avenue S.E. with Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Storm Drainage and Retention, Underground Power, Street Lighting and Landscaping, together with the Construction and Installation of Mainline Sewer Extensions and Necessary Appurtenances thereto on S.E. 260th Street and on an Easement Running 390 Feet North from S.E. 260th Street, together with Various Side Sewer stubs through the Project Area; and together with the Construction and Installation of Mainline Water Main Extensions and Necessary Appurtenances thereto on 101st Avenue S.E. and on an Easement Running from Approximately 330 Feet North of S.E. 260th Street to a Point Approximately 615 North of S.E. 260th Street, together with Various stubs throughout the Project Area; All as Provided by Ordinance 2246 | |
2/4/1985 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning Regulations; Adding an Agricultural General (A-G) Zone, Section 15.04.015 to the KCC | |
2/4/1985 | Relating to Planning, Zoning and Property; Rezoning Approximately 151 Acres Generally Located West of the Valley Freeway (Sr 167), North of South 277th Street, East of the West Valley Highway (Sr 181) and Kent City Limits and South of the Green River, from MA (Manufacturing-Agricultural) and RA (Residential Agricultural) to A-G (Agricultural-General) | |
2/4/1985 | Condemnation Ordinance; LID 318, N. Central Avenue (S. 228th - S. 240th) | |
2/19/1985 | Combined LID 304/311 Established; Sale of Bonds to Shearson Lehman/American Express Inc./Foster & Marshall Authorized | |
2/19/1985 | Providing for the Kent Senior Center at Smith Street Between Titus (Jason) and Kennebeck; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefor, including Property and Property Rights Necessary for Cut and Fill Slopes on Abutting Property; All as Part of the Kent Senior Center Development (Kent Senior Center) | |
3/4/1985 | Relating to Public Safety and Welfare, Adding a New Chapter 9.13 KCC to Adopt Procedures for the Seizure and Forfeiture of Property Used in Violation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act | |
3/4/1985 | Creating LID 319; 38th Avenue S. Sewers | |
3/4/1985 | Relating to Deferred Compensation Plans, Adding Provisions Allowing the Deferred Compensation Plan Committee to Authorize Investment Companies to Release Monies in Deferred Compensation Accounts (Repealed by 4493) | |
3/18/1985 | LID 317; 45th Place S.; Approving Final Assessment Roll | |
3/18/1985 | Relating to the N Central Street Improvements; Amending Ordinance 2536, and Exhibit a thereto, to Add Parcel No. 78132-35 as Additional Property that the Public Convenience, Use and Necessity Demand for the N. Central Avenue Improvements | |
3/18/1985 | Relating to Planning and Zoning; Adding New Section 15.02.088, 15.02.339, 15.02.252, 15.02.529, 15.02.336, 15.02.318, 15.08.260 KCC, to Provide Definitions, Regulations and Standards for the Green River Corridor Special Interest District; Adding a New Section 12.12A.715 KCC, to Require Environmental Review in Environmentally Sensitive Areas (11.03) | |
4/1/1985 | Relating to Crimes and offenses Against the Public Order; Adding a New Section 9.02.34 KCC, Prohibiting Lewd Conduct; Adding a New Section 9.02.35 KCC, Prohibiting Urinating in Public; Providing for Penalties; Repealing KCC 9.02.120 (17), Concerning Public Indecency | |
4/1/1985 | Relating to Planning and Property; Amending Ordinance 2503 to Correct Typographical and Legal Description Errors; Ordinance 2503 Rezones, with Conditions, Approximately 22 Acres Located South of Southeast 248th Street on the East and the West Side of 104th Avenue S.E., From R1-20, Single Family Residential to MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential and O, Office (Rowley Rezone #3/AZ-84-1) | |
4/1/1985 | Relating to Storm and Surface Water; Establishing a New Chapter 7.20 in the KCC Relating to Storm and Surface Water; Codifying Ordinance 2325 (Drainage Utility Established) (7.05, 7.06, 11.03) | |
4/1/1985 | Approving Final Assessment Roll of LID 314; 104th S.E. Water Mains (SE 272nd - SE 270th) | |
4/15/1985 | Relating to Annexation; Amending Ordinance 2466 to Correct Typographical Errors in the Legal Description; Ordinance 2466 annexed to the City Certain Lands Contiguous to the City in the Area of S.E 248th Street and 104th Avenue S.E. (Rowley Annexation No. 3) | |
4/15/1985 | LID 297; Interim Financing, Peoples National Bank, $1,290,000 Ban, West Meeker Street Improvements | |
4/15/1985 | LID 318, North Central Improvements; Interim Financing, Peoples National Bank $640,000 Ban | |
4/15/1985 | Relating to Public Art; Establishing a City Art Program, Directing Establishment of Guidelines and Procedures for Administration of the City Art Program; Establishing a City Art Fund; Adding a New Chapter 2.35 KCC in Conjunction therewith; Amending Chapter 2.34 KCC Concerning the City of Kent Arts Commission (Sections 1-6, Ordinance 1944); Repealing KCC 3.14.368, the Arts Commission Fund (Section 7, Ordinance 1944) (4.04) | |
4/15/1985 | Amending the 1985 Budget to Implement the Drainage Utility Operations as Part of the System of Sewerage Fund including the Authorization of Positions to Implement said Utility Operations | |
4/15/1985 | Relating to Zoning, Land Use and the Preservation and Protection of Solar Energy Access; Adding New Sections 15.08.230, 15.08.232, and 15.08.234 to the KCC and Amending Chapter 15.02 KCC | |
4/15/1985 | LID 300/307/309, Combined Bond Issue; Authorizing Sale to Foster & Marshall | |
4/15/1985 | Relating to Plats and Subdivisions; Amending the Kent Subdivision Code (Ordinance 1840) to Increase the Number of Lots Allowed in a Short Subdivision to Nine (9), and Amending Section 1.4, Section 2.2, and Section 2.3 to Incorporate Regulations Pertaining to Nine Lot Short Subdivision | |
5/6/1985 | Vacating a Portion of an Alley Between S. Bridges Street and S. Central Avenue, Located South of Willis Street (Application of Southland Corporation) | |
5/6/1985 | Relating to the Licensing of Businesses, Amending Chapter 5.28, KCC to Revise the Regulations Applicable to Massage Businesses and Operators | |
5/6/1985 | Relating to the Storm and Surface Water Utility of the City of Kent, Washington; Declaring the Estimated Cost of the System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of that Storm and Surface Utility as Near as May Be Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Approximately $3,580,000 of Sewerage System Revenue Bonds to Provide Part of the Funds Necessary to Carry Out that System or Plan; Creating a Construction Fund; and Authorizing the Issuance of Interest-Bearing Warrants Drawn Upon such Construction Fund and/or Other Interim Financing Pending the Sale of such Revenue Bonds | |
5/6/1985 | Relating to the Office of City Attorney; Amending KCC 2.10.070 to Authorize the City Attorney to Set the Salaries of assistant City Attorneys Upon Merit Principles, Subject to the annual City Budget (2.20) | |
5/20/1985 | Relating to Planning, Zoning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 1.194 Acres Located at 11003 S.E. 248th Street from R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, to MR-G, Garden Density Multi-Family Residential (Meneses Rezone No. RZ-85-2) | |
5/20/1985 | Relating to Claims Procedures; Adding a New Chapter 2.56 KCC, Establishing Procedures for Filing Claims Against the City (2.97) | |
5/20/1985 | Relating to Local Improvement District and Utility Local Improvement District Assessments; Adding to the KCC New Sections 3.20.030 to Provide for Penalties on Delinquent Installments, 3.20.050 to Provide for Foreclosure of Delinquent Assessments, and 3.20.060 Relating to the Issuance of Bonds; Renumbering and Amending Sections 3.20.04, 3.20.08 and 3.20.12 of the KCC; and Repealing Section 3.20.16 of the Kent City Code Relating to the Form of Bonds and Coupons (3.22) | |
6/3/1985 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto in the Area of Reith Road and Military Road, South (Moore Annexation) | |
6/3/1985 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll of LID 308 | |
6/3/1985 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use | |
6/17/1985 | Relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation Repealing Chapter 4.10 KCC Concerning the Kent Comprehensive Park and Recreation System Plan; Amending Chapter 4.12 KCC Concerning Street Trees and the Department of Parks and Recreation’s Responsibility for Street Tree Regulation and Maintenance; Amending and Renumbering Sections within Chapter 2.30 KCC; Adding a New Section 2.30.200 KCC Regulating and Prohibiting Activities in City Parks; Providing for Criminal Penalties for Violation of the Ordinance (4.01, 6.10) | |
6/17/1985 | Relating to City Property; Adding a New Chapter 2.31 KCC Establishing a Process and Procedure for Rewards for Information Leading to the Arrest and Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Destruction of City Property (9.03) | |
6/17/1985 | Providing for the Issuance of $2,025,000 Principal Amount of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1985, of the City for the Purpose of Providing the Funds to Refund, Pay and Retire Its Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1981; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Refunding Bonds; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of such Bonds and for the Use and Application of the Money to Be Derived from such Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Rainier National Bank of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; Providing for the Payment and Redemption of the Outstanding Bonds to Be Refunded; Creating a Special Bond Redemption Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Refunding Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, of Seattle, Washington | |
7/1/1985 | Relating to the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City; Providing for the Issuance of $5,545,000 Principal Amount of Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1985, of the City for the Purpose of Providing a Part of the Funds to Refund, Pay and Retire Its Outstanding Water Revenue Bonds, 1982; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Refunding Bonds; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of such Bonds and for the Use and Application of the Money to Be Derived from such Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Rainier National Bank of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; Providing for the Payment and Redemption of the Outstanding Bonds to Be Refunded; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Refunding Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, of Seattle, Washington | |
7/1/1985 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning Approximately 8.81 Acres Located Between 54th Avenue South and 64th Avenue South, Adjacent to the Southerly Boundary of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company Right-of-Way, All within the City of Kent, from Ma, Industrial Agricultural, to M1, Industrial Park (Upland Industries Corporation - Northwest Business Park Rezone/RZ-85-3) | |
7/15/1985 | Amending Section 3.14.148 KCC to Increase the Petty Cash Account from Six Hundred Dollars to One Thousand Dollars | |
8/5/1985 | Imposing a One-Quarter Percent Excise Tax on the Sale of Real Property in the City of Kent; Providing for the Use of such Revenues; Specifying a Date of Imposition and an Effective Date; Creating a Lien on Subject Property; Prescribing Procedures for Collection, Forfeiture and Refund; and Adopting Chapter 82.45 RCW by Reference; Adding a New Chapter 3.09 KCC, Excise Tax on Real Estate Sales (3.19) | |
8/5/1985 | Approving the Settlement Agreement in King County Cause No. 83-2-08289-7, City of Kent V. John V. Farrell, Et Ux., Et Al. | |
8/19/1985 | Relating to LID 315; Repealing Ordinance 2470 which Established Local Improvement District No. 315 | |
8/19/1985 | CLID 308/314/317; Combined Bond Issuance and Sale | |
9/3/1985 | Relating to Plats, Setting aside the Vacation of Strain’s First Addition, to the City of Kent | |
9/16/1985 | Relating to Land Use and Planning; Correcting Ordinance 2528; Renumbering and Retitling KCC 15.04.120, “Commercial and Manufacturing” to KCC 15.04.130 “CM, Commercial Manufacturing-2”; Reenacting and Retitling KCC 15.04.120 CM, “Commercial Manufacturing” to “CM, Commercial Manufacturing-1” | |
9/16/1985 | Relating to Traffic and Streets; Authorizing Speed Humps on 38th Avenue South from Reith Road to Military Road, and on 42nd Avenue South (Cambridge Drive) Between Reith Road and S 268th Street; Establishing Standards and Directing Installation by the Public Works Department | |
9/16/1985 | Relating to Finance and Personnel; Authorizing the Settlement in the Matter of William Nirk; Court of Appeals Cause Numbers 8361-9-1, 12700-4-1, and 16063 -0-1; Authorizing the Appropriation of $250,000 from the Contingency Fund for Purposes of said Settlement; Authorizing the City Attorney to Prepare and Execute Necessary Legal Documents in Furtherance thereof | |
9/16/1985 | Relating to Animal Control; Amending KCC 9.16.76 to Prohibit Sale and Possession of Poisonous Snakes or Reptiles; Adding a New Section 9.16.77 KCC to Prohibit Possession of Nonpoisonous Snakes or Reptiles Unless Properly Licensed and Establishing Procedures for the Issuance of such Licenses (Failed) | |
9/16/1985 | Relating to Traffic; Amending KCC 10.06.05 Restricting Parking of Trailers and Semi-Trailers on City Streets, to Add a Section Establishing the Penalty for Violation of this Code Section (9.38) | |
9/16/1985 | Relating to the Kent Senior Center; Authorizing the Award for Construction of the Kent Senior Center to Jones and Roberts Company, in the Amount of $2,090,000; Authorizing the City Attorney Upon Failure or Refusal of the Contractor to Execute and Deliver the Contract to forfeit as Liquidated Damages, the Security Deposited with the Bid; Authorizing Action Against Jones and Roberts Company Should It Fail to Proceed with the Contract; Authorizing the Award of the Contract, in the Alternative, to Gordon Korsmo Construction in the Amount of $2,201,900 Should Jones and Roberts Company Fail to Proceed with the Contract and to Mitigate the City’s Losses Resulting from Failure of the Low Bidder to Proceed | |
10/7/1985 | Relating to LID 299 and the City’s System of Sewerage; Accepting $4,060.38, Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2577 as a Charge in Lieu of Assessments; Directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to Deposit $4,060.38 in the System of Sewerage Fund | |
10/7/1985 | Authorizing an Agreement for a Signal System interconnect and a Wire Line Crossing Across the Property and under the Tracks of Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company and Union Pacific Railroad Company at Milepost 167.27 (James Street Pedestrian Crossing) | |
10/21/1985 | Vacating a Portion of an Alley Lying Between State Street and Kennebeck Street. and Smith Street and McMillan Street and More Particularly Described as that Certain Portion of Alley Lying within Block 19, Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition to Kent, as Recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 97 in King County, Washington, which Portion Lies Between Lots 1 through 7 and Lots 16 through 22, on Certain Conditions (Application of Group 7) | |
11/4/1985 | Relating to the Southcenter Corporate Park Plat, King County Recording No. 8003140871, City of Kent Plat No. SU-78-8; Amending Plat Condition 18 to Authorize Buildings Adjacent to the Green River to Exceed 25 Feet in Height When Authorized by the Planning Director | |
11/4/1985 | Vacating a Portion of 74th Avenue South in the Area of Willis Street and S. 259th Street in the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 and the Northwest Quarter of Section 25 in Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington and More Particularly Described Herein (Application of Foster Industrial Park) | |
11/4/1985 | Relating to Traffic and Parking on 97th Place South; Amending KCC 10.06.04 to Add a New Subsection (21) Prohibiting Parking on 97th Place South from the Intersection of Canyon Drive to the Intersection of Crow Road (Ordinance 2303, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2508); Amending KCC 10.08.08 (47) (Ordinance 2163, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2491) to Reduce the Speed Limit on 97th Place South from the Intersection of Canyon Drive to the Intersection of Crow Road to 30 MPH | |
11/18/1985 | Relating to Park Property; Accepting a Donation of Property from Vincenzo Dipietro, and from Victor Dipietro as Personal Representatives of the Estate of Incoronata Dipietro; Authorizing Acceptance of Deeds; Authorizing a Monument Acknowledging the Donation of the Property | |
11/18/1985 | Relating to Plats; Releasing Utility Easements Shown on the Face of the Original Plat of Strain’s First Addition to the City of Kent, Recorded in Volume 65 of •Plats, Page 93, Records of King County, Washington | |
11/18/1985 | Relating to the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation; Amending KCC 12.28.030 (Ordinance 2419, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2433) Relating to the Appointment and Term of Office of Directors of the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation | |
12/2/1985 | Relating to Planning, Zoning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 3.31 Acres Located on the South Side of S.E. 248th Street, Approximately 600 Feet East of 104th Avenue S.E. from R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, to MR-G, Garden Density Multifamily Residential (Kent Meadows Rezone, No. RZ-85-1) | |
12/2/1985 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning; Providing for the Zoning of the Annexation Area Contiguous to the City of Kent in the Area of Reith Road and Military Road South, Commonly Known as the Moore Annexation | |
12/2/1985 | Approving a Special Use Combining District to Allow the Movement and Extraction of Approximately 80,000 Cubic Yards of Earth at a Site South and East of Reith Road, and West of Lake Fenwick Road; Providing for Conditions Upon Permit Approval. (Wasson, Wasson and Prater Application No. CD-SU-85-1) | |
12/2/1985 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Section 7.05.280 KCC (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2446 and 2510) Establishing Service Charges | |
12/2/1985 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1986 | |
12/16/1985 | Relating to Property; Authorizing an Exchange of Certain Property with the Andover Company in Block 1 of the Southcenter Corporate Park, Volume 114 of Plats, Pages 36-42 inclusive, Records of King County, Washington, to Facilitate Access and Use of the Green River Corridor Trail; Authorizing Acceptance of the Deed Evidencing the Property Exchanged to the City; Granting the Andover Company, Its Successors and assigns, the Nonexclusive Property Right to Use Up to Twelve Parking Spaces in the City Parking Facility to be Provided Hereby; Setting forth Other Conditions of the Property Exchange | |
12/16/1985 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto in the Vicinity of S.E. 248th Street Between 104th Avenue S.E. and 116th Avenue S.E., and More Particularly Described as the West Half of the West Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 22, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington Less County Road (Wilcox Annexation) | |
12/16/1985 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1986 Budget; Providing for Wage Adjustments for Nonrepresented Employees | |
1/6/1986 | Providing for the Laying off, Opening and Widening of Portions of 76th Avenue South from South 212th Street Southerly for a Distance of 1600.00 Feet, More or Less, in the City of Kent (76th Avenue South Improvements) | |
1/21/1986 | Amending the 1985 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1985 | |
1/21/1986 | Relating to Gambling; Amending Chapter 5.16.16 KCC (Ordinance 1888, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2034) to Clarify the Application of Civil Penalties for Delinquent Payment of Gambling Taxes (Repealed by 4342) | |
1/21/1986 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 74.07 Acres Located South of S. 212th Street Between Russell Road and Proposed 64th Avenue South from MA, Industrial Agricultural, to M1, Industrial Park (Pacific Industrial Concepts Rezone; No. RZ-82-4) | |
2/3/1986 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll of LID 313 | |
2/3/1986 | Relating to Planning and Zoning, Amending Section 15.07.040 (J) to Revise Landscaping Requirements Applicable to Parking Areas Abutting Residential Zones | |
2/18/1986 | Amending Ordinance 2601 to Correct the Legal Description of the Property to Be Acquired for the Opening and Widening of Portions of 76th Avenue South | |
2/18/1986 | Relating to City Council Meetings, Amending Section 2.04.08 KCC to Provide for Alternative Location of Council Meetings (2.01) | |
2/18/1986 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties for the Improvement of the Municipal Water System, a System of Aqueducts, Reservoirs, Pumping Stations and Other Structures for Conveying into and through the City of Kent a Supply of Fresh Water, and for the Purpose of Protecting such Supply of Fresh Water from Pollution; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property Rights Necessary therefore; All Located Between S.E. 271st Street and S.E. 274th Street at 108th Avenue S.E. in King County, Washington (in Re: Kent Springs Transmission Main) | |
2/18/1986 | Creating LID 321; 104th Avenue SE Street Improvement (SE 242nd - SE 252nd) | |
3/3/1986 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto Located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, in the Vicinity of S. 218th Street and 98th Ave. S., as More Particularly Described Herein (Ryan No. 3 Annexation) | |
3/3/1986 | Relating to Traffic and Parking; Amending KCC 10.06.04 to Add New Subsections 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 Prohibiting Parking on Designated City Streets; Amending KCC 10.08.08 to Add a New Section Reducing the Speed Limit on S.E. 260th Street from the Intersection of 97th Place South to the Intersection of 108th Avenue S.E. to 30 MPH | |
3/3/1986 | Relating to Unauthorized Parking in Handicapped Parking Zones, Amending Section 10.06.23 KCC (Ordinance 2406) to Refer to RCW 46.16.381 (9.38) | |
3/3/1986 | Relating to Unlicensed Parked Vehicles; Adding a New Section to 10.06.110 Providing Penalties for Parking Unlicensed Vehicles within the City (9.38) | |
3/3/1986 | Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02.030 (G), KCC to Amend Penalty Provisions (for Parking in Fire Lane) (9.38) | |
3/3/1986 | Relating to Parks and Recreation; Recognizing and Accepting the Green River Corridor, Authorizing Closure of Russell Road to through Automotive Traffic Between Meeker Street and James Street (S.E. 240th Street); Directing the Opening of T.S. Russell Road Conveyed under Recording Numbers 2801929 and 2801930 Records of King County, Washington, in the Vicinity of Van Doren’s Landing Park, and Directing the City Attorney to Proceed with any Legal Action Necessary to Establish Rights to Open said Portion of Russell Road to Pedestrian and Nonmotorized Vehicles; Ratifying and Confirming Prior Acts | |
3/17/1986 | Westview Terrace; Establishing LID 322 | |
3/17/1986 | Relating to the Towne, Et Al. V. the City of Kent, King County Cause No. 80-2-02248-2; Authorizing the City Attorney to Enter into a Settlement Agreement; Authorizing the Police Department to Expend $31,200.00 Pursuant thereto | |
4/7/1986 | Relating to Street Vacations, Amending Ordinance 2402 to Allow Additional Driveway Access | |
4/7/1986 | Providing for the Laying off, Opening, Widening, and Improvement of Portions of 72nd Avenue South, and Providing for the Acquisition of Property and Property Rights for said Improvements and Culverts, Drains, and Ditches on the East Side of 72nd Avenue South Between South 206th Street and South 207th Street, in the City of Kent (in Re: 72nd Avenue South Improvements) (LID 310) | |
4/7/1986 | Relating to a Lease/Purchase Agreement with Corporate Property Investors (New Fire Station) | |
4/7/1986 | Adding a New Chapter 9.14 to the KCC Establishing an Emergency Management Organization and Providing for Appointment of a Director of Emergency Management (9.01) | |
4/7/1986 | Relating to the Water Utility; Providing for the Expedited Construction of one Well at the S. 212th Street Well Site; Waiving statutory Public Works Bid Requirements; and Declaring an Emergency therefor | |
4/7/1986 | Establishing LID 320 | |
4/21/1986 | Relating to Evergreen Hills Plat; Approving the Evergreen Hills Plat, and Authorizing Execution of the City of Kent Approval on the Face of the Plat | |
4/21/1986 | Relating to Traffic; Amending KCC 10.08.08 (22) to Reduce the Traffic on North Central Avenue from the Intersection of Novak Lane to the Intersection of James Street from 35 M.P.H. to 30 M.P.H.; Providing for Reduced Speeds Upon Posting of Appropriate Signage Upon Direction of the Director of Public Works During Construction | |
4/21/1986 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto in the Vicinity of the 238th Block, West of 94th Avenue S.E.; and More Particularly Described as: that Portion of the South one-Half of the Northwest one-Quarter of the Southwest one-Quarter of the Southeast one-Quarter of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, Lying Westerly of the West Margin of 94th Avenue S.E.; Except any Portion thereof Lying within the East 139 Feet of the South 826 Feet of the West one-Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 18 (Rupert Annexation) | |
4/21/1986 | Bond Ordinance - LID 313 | |
5/5/1986 | Relating to the Licensing and Regulation of Amusement Devices and Arcades; Amending Sections 5.19.020, 5.19.030, 5.19.054, 5.19.080 KCC; Repealing KCC 5.19.090; to Eliminate the Requirement for individual Amusement Device Licenses, and to Simplify Licensing Procedures (5.08) | |
5/5/1986 | Relating to Planning and Property; Amending Ordinance 2604 which Rezoned, with Conditions, Approximately 74.07 Acres Located South of S. 212th Street Between Russell Road and Proposed 64th Avenue South from Ma, Industrial Agricultural, to M1, Industrial Park; Deleting one such Condition (Pacific Industrial Concepts Rezone; No. RZ-82-4) | |
5/12/1986 | Relating to the Capital Improvement Fund; Providing that Savings from the Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond Issue 1986 Be Placed in the Contingent Reserve Portion of the Capital Improvement Fund | |
5/12/1986 | Providing for the Issuance of $9,608,000 Principal Amount of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1986, of the City for the Purpose of Providing the Funds to Refund, Pay and Retire Its Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1984; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Refunding Bonds; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of such Bonds and for the Use and Application of the Money to Be Derived from such Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Rainier National Bank of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; Providing for the Payment and Redemption of the Outstanding Bonds to Be Refunded; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Refunding Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division of Seattle, Washington | |
5/19/1986 | Relating to the Fire Service; Authorizing Negotiations for Leasehold Acquisition; Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Lease; Declaring an Emergency therefore; Waiving Conditional Use Requirements of the KCC and Public Works and Other Bid Requirements Required by Law; All as Related to the Temporary Location of Kent Fire Station No. 76 | |
6/2/1986 | Vacating a Portion of 80th Place South, South of 180th Street (Southwest 43rd Street) in the City of Kent, and More Particularly Described Herein (Petition of Burlington Northern and Mannesman Talley) | |
6/2/1986 | Approving Change of Control and Transfer of Franchise Granted Pursuant to Ordinance 2100, and Previously Transferred Pursuant to Resolutions 918 and 965, and Establishing Conditions therefor; Amending Ordinance 2100 to Increase the Franchise Fee to Five Percent (Application of Group W Cable, Inc and TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc) | |
6/16/1986 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Sections 7.08.160 (Ordinance 2365, as Last Amended by Ordinances 2392, 2401, 2473 and 2523), to Provide for Rates and Charges for Collection and Disposal of Garbage | |
6/16/1986 | Establishing LID 323 | |
6/16/1986 | Relating to Zoning, Land Use, and the Preservation and Protection of Prime Agricultural Lands; Amending Sections 15.04.005 and 15.04.015 KCC | |
6/16/1986 | Adopting 1985 Editions of Uniform Building Code Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Uniform Housing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code and Uniform Plumbing Code | |
6/16/1986 | Relating to Planning and Zoning; Providing for and Amending Temporary Use Regulations, Specifying the Location of Christmas Tree Sales Lots, Fireworks and Flower stands; Amending Section 15.08.205 KCC | |
7/7/1986 | Relating to the South King County Activity Center and the Kent Commons; Providing a $400.00 Grant through Transfer of Funds from the Contingency Fund to the Kent Commons Fund | |
7/7/1986 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Ord Sections 7.08.160 KCC (Ordinance 2365, as Last Amended by Ordinances 2392, 2401, 2473, 2523 and 2636), to Provide for Rates and Charges for Collection and Disposal of Garbage | |
7/7/1986 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use | |
7/21/1986 | Relating to Investment of Public Funds; Authorizing the Deposit and Withdrawal of Money in the Public Funds Investment Account Authorized by Chapter 294, Laws of 1986; Creating a New Chapter 3.30 KCC for Such Purposes | |
7/21/1986 | Vacating South 209th Street, West of 72nd Avenue South, All within the City of Kent, Washington (Application of E & H Properties) | |
7/21/1986 | Relating to Public Safety, Providing for the Purchase of Apparatus, Communication, Computer and Other Equipment for the City’s Police and Fire Departments, and Funding the Acquisition of Land and the Construction and Remodeling of Facilities for Fire and Police Use, and for a Joint Public Safety Training Center Management; Declaring the Estimated Cost thereof as Nearly as May Be; Providing for the Borrowing of a total of $12,303,000, and Providing for the Selling of General Obligation Bonds to Pay the Cost thereof, such Bonds to Be Payable by annual Property Tax Levies to Be Made in Excess of Regular Property Tax Levies; and Providing for the Submission of the Proposition of incurring such Indebtedness Issuing such Bonds and Levying such Excess Taxes to the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election to Be Held therein on November 4, 1986, in Conjunction with the State General Election to Be Held on the Same Date (Placing Public Safety Bond Issue on November Ballot) | |
8/4/1986 | Amending Ordinance 2013 to Correct Certain Legal Descriptions Contained therein; Amending the HC (Highway Commercial) Designation to GC (General Commercial) Designation as to Certain Property therein (Hill Annexation) | |
8/4/1986 | Establishing LID 324 | |
8/4/1986 | Relating to Zoning and Planning, Amending Section 15.08.040 (D) to Allow Limited Sales of Goods and Services from a Home Occupation | |
8/4/1986 | Relating to Local Improvement District Foreclosures; Adding New Section 3.20.040 (A) to Change the Mailing Date of Foreclosure Notices for 1986, and Amending KCC Section 3.20.050 (Ordinance No. 2563) to Change the Time Period When Foreclosure Actions May Be Commenced (3.22) | |
8/18/1986 | Relating to Solid Waste and Landfills; Ratifying and Confirming the Settlement Agreement Entered in King County Cause No. 84-2-04204-4 (Midway and Kent Highlands Landfills) | |
9/2/1986 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties for the Improvement of the Combined Sewerage Utility, a Part of which is the Storm and Surface Water Utility, for the Purpose of Draining Swamps, Marshes, or Ponds, or Filling the Same and for such Other Purposes Consistent with the City of Kent’s Storm and Surface Water Utility, and Drainage Master Plan; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property Rights Necessary therefor; All Located within Portions of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, and Also within Portions of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., and Also within Portions of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington | |
9/2/1986 | Relating to Planning and Property; Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately Ten Acres Located Between East Valley Highway and the Valley Freeway (SR 167) South of S. 180th Street, from M2, Limited Industrial, to GC, General Commercial (Home Club Warehouse Rezone; No. RZ-86-2) | |
9/2/1986 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning; Providing for the Zoning of the Annexation Area Contiguous to the City of Kent Located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, in the Vicinity of S. 218th Street and 98th Avenue South, Commonly Known as the Ryan No. 3 Annexation (No. Az-86-1) | |
9/2/1986 | Relating to Human Services; Creating a New Chapter 2.39 KCC; Establishing a Human Services Commission (2.53) | |
9/15/1986 | Relating to Zoning and Planning; Providing for Zero Lot Line Development and Subdivisions; Creating a New Subchapter within the Kent Zoning Code Consisting of Sections 15.08.300, 15.08. 310, 15.08.320, 15.08.330 and 15.08.340; Adding a New Section 15.02.338 to the Kent Zoning Code; Adding a New Section 3.1.11 to the Kent Subdivision Code (12.04, 15.02, 15.08) | |
9/15/1986 | Relating to Utilities and Utility Billings; Amending Section 7.02.160 KCC to Remove a $5.00 Delinquent Fee, and to Add a $10.00 Fee for Advisal of intent to Shut off Water by Door Hanging Notice | |
10/6/1986 | Relating to Traffic and Parking; Adopting a New Section 10.06.07 of the KCC Prohibiting Parking within Ten Feet of Mailboxes on or Located Adjacent to the Public Right-of-Way (9.38) | |
10/6/1986 | Relating to Crime; Adding New Sections 9.02.300, 9.02.302, 9.02.304, 9.02.306, and 9.02.310 as a Subchapter in the KCC Relating to Domestic Violence, No Contact Orders, Protection and Restraining Orders, and Providing Penalties for Violation thereof | |
10/6/1986 | Relating to Traffic and Parking; Amending KCC 10.06.10 by Amending Subsections (2), (10), (11), and (26) and Adding New Subsections (80), (81), and (82), Prohibiting Parking on Designated City Streets; Amending KCC 10.08.08 Subsections (10), (12), (51), (52), (56) and (70) and Adding New Subsections (80), (81) and (82) to Decrease Allowable Speed Limits; and Adding New KCC Section 10.06.150 Prohibiting Parking on All Four Lane Highways and Arterials (9.38) | |
10/6/1986 | Relating to Parks and Recreation, Amending KCC Section 2.30.200 (Ordinance 2567) by Adding New Subsection 2.30.222 Banning Boats, with internal Combustion Engines on Lake Fenwick | |
10/6/1986 | Relating to Construction and Land Development; Adding New Sections 14.04.100 and 15.09.300 KCC to Identify Responsibility for the Location of Lot Lines and/or Setback Lines (15.09) | |
10/6/1986 | Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02 KCC to Adopt the Uniform Fire Code, 1985 Edition, with Certain Amendments thereto and Adding 13.10 (9.38) | |
10/6/1986 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties for the Improvement of the Combined Sewerage Utility, a Part of which Is the Storm and Surface Water Utility, for the Purpose of Draining Swamps, Marshes, or Ponds, or Filling the Same and for such Other Purposes Consistent with the City of Kent’s Storm and Surface Water Utility, and Drainage Master Plan; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property Rights Necessary therefor; All Located within Portions of Section 7 and Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington (1986 Storm Drainage Acquisitions - II) | |
10/20/1986 | Relating to Utilities; Amending KCC 7.03.010 (Ordinance 2547) to Remove the System of Garbage and Refuse Collection and Disposal from the City of Kent System of Sewerage (7.06) | |
10/20/1986 | Relating to the Storm and Surface Water Utility of the City; Amending Ordinance No. 2559; Providing for the Issuance of $4,600,000 Principal Amount of Sewerage System Revenue Bonds 1986, of the City for the Purpose of Providing a Part of the Funds to Carry Out a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of that Storm and Surface Water Utility as Adopted by Ordinance No. 2559, as Amended; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Creating a Bond Retirement Fund and Related Accounts therein; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, of Seattle, Washington | |
10/20/1986 | Amending Section 1 of Ord. 2178, Amended by Ord. 2249 and Last Amended by Ord. 2403, Pertaining to the Schedule of Fees for Applications Filed with the Kent Planning Department; and Revising the Environmental Policy Chapter 12.12A of the KCC as Adopted by Ord. 2494 (11.03) | |
10/20/1986 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning; Providing for the Zoning of the Annexation Area Contiguous to the City of Kent Located in the West 645.0 Feet of the South one-Half of the Northwest one-Quarter of the Southwest one-Quarter of the Southeast Quarter in Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian Except the East 124.0 Feet of the South 166.0 Feet thereof and Except any Portions thereof in the Public Right of Way. (No. AZ-86-3) (Rupert Annexation) | |
10/20/1986 | Acknowledging the Sale of stock of Group W Cable, Inc. to Five Buyers; Consenting to and Ratifying the Transfer of Franchise (Granted Pursuant to Ordinance 2100, and Previously Transferred Pursuant to Resolutions 918 and 965) by Group W Cable, Inc. to Its Wholly Owned Subsidiary GWC, Seattle, Inc.; Consenting to the Transfer of Control GWC Seattle, Inc. to TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc.; and Establishing Conditions and Amending Ordinance 2100 to Increase the Franchise Fee from three to Five Percent | |
10/20/1986 | West Hill Comprehensive Plan Implementation Regarding Planning and Properties; Rezoning, with Conditions, 2.6 Acres Designated as Tax Lot 77 Located Along the East Side of Lake Fenwick Road at Approximately 256th Street, from MR-M, a Medium-Density, Multifamily Residential to MR-A, Garden-Density Multifamily Residential (Site No. 10, CPZ-86-10); Rezoning, with Conditions, Approximately 8.5 Acres, Located at the Southeast Corner of South 264th Street and Military Road South from NCC, Neighborhood Convenience Commercial, to R1-7.2, Single Family Residential (Site 3G, No. Cpc-86-3G); Rezoning with Conditions, Approximately 5.2 Acres Located Between Interstate 5 and Unimproved 32nd Avenue South from GC, General Commercial, to MRH, High Density Multifamily Residential (Site 4; No. CPZ-86-4); Rezoning with Conditions, Approximately 7.2 Acres of Property Bounded by 30th Avenue South to the West, 1-5 to the East, and South 240th to the South (Site 5; No. CPZ-86-5); and Rezoning with Conditions, Approximately 11.6 Acres of Property Located East of the Cambridge East Subdivision and West of Lake Fenwick Road (Site 11; No. CPZ-86-11) | |
10/20/1986 | Relating to Utilities; Adding a New Section KCC 7.02.200 Discontinuing the Kent Garbage Utility, Effective January 1, 1987 | |
11/3/1986 | Relating to the Storm and Surface Water Utility of the City, Amending Ordinance No. 2666 | |
11/3/1986 | Adding Two New Subsections to 9.20.36, and Also Amending 9.20.88 KCC, Referring Specifically to Public Disturbance Noises to the KCC | |
11/3/1986 | Relating to Traffic; Amending KCC 10.08.042 to Increase the Speed Limit of Traffic on North Central Avenue from the Intersection of Novak Lane to the Intersection of James Street from 30 Miles Per Hour to 35 Miles Per Hour | |
11/3/1986 | Relating to Local Improvement District Foreclosures; Amending KCC Section 3.20.050 to Change the Time Period When Foreclosure Actions May Be Commenced (3.22) | |
11/3/1986 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use with the M1, Industrial Park, and M2, Limited Industrial, Zoning Districts; Amending KCC Sections 15.04.170 A13 E and 15.04.180 a 13 E | |
11/3/1986 | Establishing Criteria for Determining Department Director Salaries Based Upon Merit and Performance for the City of Kent; Amending Section 2.40, KCC | |
11/17/1986 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Described as Lot 11, Block 4, Federal Highway Addition, According to the Plat Recording in Volume 30 of Plats, Pg. 1 in King County Washington, Except the North 100 Feet, thereof from MRH, High Density Multifamily Residential to GC, General Commercial (Fortune Group Rezone) | |
11/17/1986 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Section 7.05.280 KCC (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2446, 2510 and 2596) Establishing Service Charges | |
11/17/1986 | Adopting a New Section Referring to Habitual Traffic offenders; and Adopting the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (June 1986) R.C.W. Chapter 46.90 by Reference, and Declaring an Emergency | |
12/1/1986 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1987 | |
12/1/1986 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1987 Budget | |
12/1/1986 | Creating LID 325 | |
12/15/1986 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $12,303,000 Par Value of Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1986, Authorized by the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election Held therein Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2646; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and a Construction Fund; and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, Seattle, Washington (Public Safety Bonds | |
12/15/1986 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $1,100,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1986 of the City for strictly City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Acquire Communications and Data Processing Equipment, including a Telephone System and Computer Hardware and Software; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and an Acquisition Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, Seattle Washington | |
12/15/1986 | Providing for the Widening of Smith Street Between Railroad Avenue and Jason Avenue; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking of and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefor, including Property and Property Rights Necessary for Cut and Fill Slopes on Abutting Property; All a Part of the Smith Street Project | |
12/15/1986 | Regarding the Establishment of Regulatory Standards for Adult Bookstores and theatres in Specified Zones in the City of Kent (15.02) | |
12/15/1986 | Relating to Utilities; Repealing Ord. 2671; Providing for the Continuation of the Kent Garbage Utility on and After January 1, 1987 (Failed 12/15/86) | |
12/15/1986 | Relating to Public Health and Sanitation; Amending Chapter 7.08 KCC Relating to Garbage | |
12/15/1986 | Relating to Utility Fees or Taxes to Increase the Utility Fee or Tax on Garbage Services from 2-1/2% to 6-1/2% Amending Ordinance Nos. 2390 and 2514 | |
12/30/1986 | Relating to Garbage and Solid Waste; Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with King County Concerning Use of King County Solid Waste Disposal Facilities; Adding a New Section 7.08.200 KCC Designating the King County Disposal System for the Disposal of All Solid Waste Generated within the City; Amending KCC 7.08.010 to Add a Definition of Solid Waste | |
1/5/1987 | Adopting the KCC, as Amended, and Repealing Ordinance 2131 of the City of Kent in Accordance with RCW 35.21.500 through 35.21.520 (1.01, 102) | |
1/5/1987 | Regarding the 1986 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1986 | |
1/5/1987 | Vacating a Portion of S. 212th Street Lying Between 84th Avenue South and the Valley Freeway Also Known as State Route 167, and More Commonly Known as the Bowen Street Vacation | |
1/20/1987 | Relating to Municipal Uses and Buildings in All Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts, Except for Uses and Buildings Subject to Special Use Combining District Regulations; Amending Section 15.04.090 (A), 15.04.100 (A), 15.04.110 (A), 15.04.120 (A), 15.04.130 (A), 15.04.140 (A), 15.04.150 (A), 15.04.160 (A), 15.04.170 (A), 15.04.180 (A), and 15.04.190 (A) of the KCC | |
1/20/1987 | Relating to Required Covenant of Property Owners Outside the City of Kent Receiving Utility Service from the City of Kent; Adopting New KCC Section 4.22.10 | |
2/2/1987 | Relating to Traffic and Parking; Amending KCC 10.06.010 to Add New Subsections 083 and 084 Prohibiting Parking on Designated City Streets | |
2/2/1987 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating a Portion of 27th Avenue South, a Certain Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent of the Roadway (South of 246th to the End) | |
2/2/1987 | Approving and Confirming Assessments and the Assessment Roll of LID 310; Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and the Properties Shown on the Roll | |
2/17/1987 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 297 | |
2/23/1987 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 318 | |
2/17/1987 | Relating to Regular and Other Meetings of the City Council; Changing the Regular Meeting Days of the Kent City Council from the First and third Monday of Each Month to the First and third Tuesday of Each Month; Amending Kent City Code Section 2.04.020 (2.01) | |
2/17/1987 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto Bounded Approximately on the East by 104th Avenue S.E., on the West by 98th Avenue South, on the South by the Existing City Limits and on the North by S.E. 226th Street, and More Particularly Described as Set Out in attached Exhibit a (the East Hill Well Annexation Area 1) | |
2/17/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Described as Lots 8-13 of Block 12 of Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition to Kent as Recorded in Volume 3 of Plats on Page 97, Records of King County, Washington, from MRH, High Density Multifamily (Kent Vision Residential to O, Professional and Office Clinic Rezone) | |
2/17/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Described as Lots 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 12, Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition to Kent, as Recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 97 in King County, Washington from MRH High Density Multifamily Residential to O, Professional and Office (in Conjunction with Kent Vision Clinic Rezone) | |
3/10/1987 | Relating to Speed Limits; Adding New Section 10.08.099 to the KCC Relating to Speed (on South 212th - Orillia Rd. - 1500 Feet West of 42nd Avenue to 1500 Feet West of Frager Road) | |
3/10/1987 | Relating to Parking; Amending KCC 10.06.120 to Delete a Block on Gowe Street from the Two Hour Parking Zone | |
3/10/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending KCC 15.09.050 Relating to Procedures for Application of the C-Suffix to the Industrial Park Districts and Specifying Standards and Criteria for Granting a Request for Rezone | |
3/10/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Establishing the Zoning of the Wilcox Annexation Generally Located on the South Side of S.E. 248th St. Between 104 th Ave. S.E. and 116th Ave. S.E. from R1-20, Single Family Residential, to MRG, Garden Density Multifamily Residential | |
3/10/1987 | Relating to Parking and Direction of Travel Restrictions, Amending KCC Repealing Subsections 10.06.022, 10.06.027, and 10.06.035, and Adding Subsections 10.06.039 through 10.06.069 to Prohibit Parking Along Designated City Streets | |
3/10/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending KCC 15.04.170 to Add Language Allowing Certain Limited Commercial Land Uses in Industrial Park Districts | |
3/17/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Generally Located on the South Side of South 212th Street to the East of Russell Road, in King County, Washington, from MA, Industrial Agricultural to M1, Industrial Park (Van Doren’s Landing Rezone) | |
3/17/1987 | Relating to the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City; Authorizing the Issuance of $3,135,000 of Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1987, of the City for the Purpose of Providing the Funds to Refund, Pay and Retire Its Outstanding Water Revenue Bonds, 1984; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of those Refunding Bonds; Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations and the Use and Application of the Money to Be Derived from such Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Seattle-First National Bank of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; Providing for the Payment and Redemption of the Bonds to Be Refunded; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Refunding Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, of Seattle, Washington | |
3/17/1987 | Providing for the Kent Municipal Golf Course Generally Bounded on the South by West Meeker, on the East by Russell Road, on the West by Highway 516, and on the Northwest by the Green River; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefore; All as Part of the Development and Construction of the Kent Municipal Golf Course | |
4/7/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Described as Lots 22 through 32, Block 21, Interurban Heights, Third Section, as Recorded in Volume 17, Page 87 of Plats, Records of King County, Washington, from R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, to GC, General Commercial | |
4/7/1987 | Relating to inattentive Driving, a Lesser included offense of Negligent Driving; Adding a New KCC Section 10.02.032 (9.36) | |
4/7/1987 | Relating to Crimes; Adding New Section 9.02.106, KCC, Relating to Dangerous Weapons | |
4/7/1987 | To Provide Funding for Environmental Review and Community Impact Mitigation Arising Out of the Cleanup of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites and Siting of Solid Waste Energy Resource and Recovery or Incineration Facilities in the City of Kent, Amending KCC Chapter 3.14 and Adding Chapter 4.19 (3.40, 11.02) | |
4/7/1987 | Providing for Issuance of Bonds for LID 297, LID 310 & LID 318 Combined; Providing for Sale of Same to Shearson Lehman Bros., Foster & Marshall Division; Fixing Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
4/21/1987 | Providing for the James Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement Located Generally in the Burlington Northern Railroad Right-of-Way at James Street Crossing and Between N. First Avenue and Railroad Avenue; Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefor; All as Part of the Replacement for the James Street Sanitary Sewer | |
4/21/1987 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto, Bounded Approximately on the South by S.E. 256th, on the East by 116th Avenue S.E., on the North by S.E. 240th, and on the West by the 9300 Block, and More Particularly Described as Set Out in the attached Exhibit a (the East Hill Community Well Annexation - Area 2) | |
5/5/1987 | Creating LID 329; Ordering Installation of A Traffic Signal at 74th Avenue South and SR 516 | |
5/19/1987 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 316; 1985 Watermain Replacements | |
6/2/1987 | Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll of LID 319 | |
6/15/1987 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for Such Street Use | |
6/15/1987 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating Certain Property at 622 South Central Avenue, a Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Ewing Property) | |
6/15/1987 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto Bounded Approximately in the Vicinity of 112th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 236th St., and More Particularly Described as Set Out in attached Exhibit a (Hie Leblanc Annexation) | |
7/7/1987 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto Bounded on the West by 104th Avenue S.E., on the North by S.E. 264th on the South by S.E. 272nd, and on the East by 108th Avenue S.E., and More Particularly Described as Set Out in attached Exhibit a (the Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin) | |
7/7/1987 | Providing for Street, Storm Drainage, Utility and Other Construction and Improvements; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefore; All Located Approximately on Smith Street from First Avenue to Jason Avenue in Kent, Washington | |
7/7/1987 | LID 306 & LID 330; Providing for Construction and Improvements of Certain Roadways, Sanitary Sewer Water Mains, Drainage Channels, Storm Water Detention Facilities and Related Purposes; Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Properties Located Near 64th Avenue and James Street and South 212th | |
7/7/1987 | Relating to Parking Restrictions and Penalties for Violation of such; Adding New Sections 10.06.230 and 10.06.240 to the KCC and Amending KCC Sections 10.06.150 and 10.06.170 (9.36, 9.38) | |
7/7/1987 | Amending KCC Chapter 7.06.860, Authorizing a Single Adjustment or Credit of Fifty Percent (50%) of Charges Exceeding a Single Month’s Average Consumption Caused by a Leaking or Broken Water Pipe on Private Property (Repealed by 4288) | |
7/7/1987 | Providing for the Kent Municipal Golf Course Generally Bounded on the South by West Meeker, on the East by Russell Road, on the West by Highway 516, and on the Northwest by the Green River; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefore; and Adding Certain Properties to those Set forth in Kent City Ordinance No. 2714; All as Part of the Development and Construction of the Kent Municipal Golf Course | |
8/4/1987 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets and Alleys, Vacating a Portion of an Alley Behind 206 S. Naden Avenue, a Certain Class C Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Phillips) | |
8/4/1987 | Establishing LID 328, Ordering the Widening and Improvement of West Valley Highway from South 189th Street to South 212th Street | |
8/4/1987 | Amending KCC Chapter 7.03 Regarding the Posting of No Trespassing Signs by the Public Works Department on City Owned Utility Property (7.06) | |
8/18/1987 | Providing for Replacement of Water Main Distribution System through Construction and Improvements; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefore, All Located Approximately at Scenic Way and Dean Street in Kent, Washington | |
8/18/1987 | Relating to Crime; Amending Sections 9.02.302 and 9.02.306 KCC, Relating to Domestic Violence, No Contact Order and Restraining Orders | |
8/18/1987 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $3,440,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1987, of the City for strictly City for Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Acquire Land and Construct a New Library, as well as to Finance the Move from and Remodeling of the Current Library for Other City Use; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and an Acquisition and Construction Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., Foster & Marshall Division, Seattle Washington | |
8/18/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Planning; Amending Development Standards of the M1, Industrial Park District; Adding Section 15.02.111 to the KCC and Amending KCC 15.04.170 | |
9/1/1987 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use Planning; Amending Section 15.05.040 (A) of the KCC to Give Developers of Multifamily Developments of 50 or More Units the Option of Providing Recreational Vehicle Parking or Usable Open Space | |
9/1/1987 | Relating to Land Use Planning and Zoning; Amending Section 15.04.180 of the Kent Zoning Code to Allow “Automobile Service Centers” as a Conditional Use in the M2, Limited Industrial, Zoning District | |
9/1/1987 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands for Municipal Purposes, Bounded Approximately in the Vicinity of 124th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 305th Street, and More Particularly Described as Set Out in attached Exhibit “A” Known as the Impoundment Reservoir Annexation | |
9/15/1987 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Establishing Zoning of the East Hill Community Well Annexation Area No. 1 Generally Located on the East by 104th Avenue S.E., on the West by 98th Avenue South, on the South by Existing City Limits and on the North by Southeast 226th Street from R1-20 Limits and on the North by Southeast 226th Street from R1-20, Single Family Residential, to R1-9.6, Single Family Residential, Except for the Currently Existing Multi-Family Development of Approximately 12.8 Acres to Be Zoned MRG, Garden Density Multifamily Residential | |
9/15/1987 | Relating to Ordinance 2718 Environmental Review and Community Impact Mitigation Permits, and Amending Section 4.19.050 of the KCC Chapter, and Adding Section 15.09.095 to the KCC (11.02, 15.09) | |
9/15/1987 | Relating to Speed Limits Amending Section 10.08.099 of the KCC to Increase the Speed Limit (Orillia Road) | |
10/6/1987 | Rezone Green River Square, Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of South 212th Street and West Valley Highway from M1, Industrial Park, to M1-C, Industrial Park Commercial | |
10/6/1987 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating Certain Property Generally Located at South 192nd Street Between West Valley and 72nd Avenue South, a Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Northward Properties) [Re-Recorded 6/19/90-Old Auditor #8711050643] | |
10/6/1987 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of LID 324 | |
11/3/1987 | Relating to Zoning, Amending the City’s Zoning Code Regarding Signage Requirements for Automobile Service Stations | |
11/3/1987 | Relating to Zoning, Amending Section 15.05.040 (A) of the KCC to Reduce the Number of Required Parking Stalls for Senior Citizen Apartments | |
11/3/1987 | Authorizing the Temporary Reopening of Russell Road to through Automotive Traffic Between Meeker Street and James Street (S.E. 240th Street) Closed by Ordinance No. 2616 | |
11/17/1987 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating a Portion of South 206th Street, a Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Fire Station) | |
11/17/1987 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of LID 320, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Certain Drainage, Roadway, Sanitary Sewer and Other Improvements on James Street from Washington Avenue to Near Russell Road; All as Provided in Ordinance No. 2624; Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and the Property Shown on the Roll | |
11/17/1987 | Providing for the Kent Library Site Generally Bounded on the North by Smith Street, on the South Between Smith and Meeker Streets, on the West by Second Avenue North and on the East by First Avenue North; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Property therefor; All as Part of the Development and Construction of the Kent Library | |
12/1/1987 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1988 | |
12/1/1987 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1988 Budget | |
12/1/1987 | Relating to Utility Fees or Taxes; Amending Chapter 3.04 of the KCC to Add Section 3.04.040 (1)(D) Garbage Utility Tax as Set by Ordinance 2690; to Add Drainage Utility as a Utility as Approved in Ordinance 2553; to Clarify Calculation of Gross income for Utility Tax Calculation; to Increase Utility Tax on Non-City Owned Utilities of Electricity, Telephone, and Gaseous Gas from 2-1/2% to 3.5%; to Increase Utility Tax on City Owned Utilities Water, Sewer and Drainage from 2.0% to 3.5% (3.18) | |
12/22/1987 | Relating to Parking Restrictions and Penalties for Violation of such; Amending Section 10.06.170 of the KCC | |
12/22/1987 | Relating to Parking and Speed Zones; Amending Sections 10.06.230, thirty Minute Parking Zones, and Adding Section 10.08.100 to the KCC, Changing Speed Limit (9.38) | |
12/22/1987 | Establishing LID 327; Ordering the Widening and Improvement of West Valley Highway from South 212th Street to West James Street, the Installation of a Sidewalk on South 220th Street from West Valley Highway to the East Side of 72nd Avenue South, and the Construction of a Sanitary Sewer Line on the West Side of West Valley Highway | |
12/22/1987 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of LID 321 which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Improvement and Widening of Roads and Installations of Utilities Along 104th Avenue SE from SE 242nd Block to SE 252nd Block; All as Provided in Ordinance 2610; and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and the Property Shown on the Roll | |
1/5/1988 | Ordering the Widening and Improvement of SE 240th Street from 108th Avenue SE to 116th Avenue SE, in Accordance with Resolution No. 1151; Establishing LID 331 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode “Payment by Bonds”; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
1/5/1988 | Relating to Uses in the Professional and Office Zoning District, Amending KCC 15.04.150 | |
1/19/1988 | Regarding the 1987 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1987 | |
1/19/1988 | Relating to Parking; Amending KCC 10.06.010 by Adding Section 10.06.85, Adding No Parking Restrictions | |
1/19/1988 | Relating to Required Annexation Covenants of Property Owners Outside the City of Kent Receiving Utility Service from the City to Comply with City Land Use and Zoning; Amending KCC 4.22.010 (9.11) | |
2/16/1988 | Referring to Penalties for Violations, increasing Penalties for Violations and Amending Section 9.02.108 of the KCC | |
2/16/1988 | Referring to Motor Vehicle Violations, Adding Section 10.02.034 to KCC Prohibiting the Avoidance of an Intersection (9.36) | |
3/1/1988 | Establishing CLID 316 Et Al and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District 316 Et Al; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the CLID 316 Et Al Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Shearson Lehman Hutton inc, Foster & Marshall Division, in Seattle, Washington; Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
3/15/1988 | Regarding Land Use and Zoning, Establishing the Zoning of the East Hill Community Well Annexation Area No.2, Areas A, B, and C; Area a being Generally Located West and East of 100th Avenue S.E. and North and South of S.E. 244th Street from R1-20, Single Family Residential, to R1-9.6 West of 100th Avenue S.E., and R1-7.2 East of 100th Avenue S.E., and; Area B, Generally Located West and East of 100th Avenue S.E. and North and South of S.E. 244th Street, from R1-20, Single Family Residential, to 0, Professional and Office, for that Portion Lying South of S.E. 244th Street and CC, Community Commercial, for that Portion North of S.E. 244th Street; and, for Area C, Generally Located North of S.E. 256th, South of S.E. 240th, East of Area B, West of 116th Avenue S.E., from R1-20, Single Family Residential, to R1-9.6 for the Area South of S.E. 252nd and R1-12 for the Area North of S.E. 252nd Excepting the Existing Development at Stratford Arms Located at Tax Lot No. 202205-9022 which Shall Be MRM, Medium Density Multifamily | |
3/15/1988 | Relating to Land Use Planning and Zoning, Amending Development Standards of the MR-G, MR-M and MR-H Multifamily Residential Districts; Amending Kent City Code 15.04.040, 15.04.050, 15.04.060 Multifamily Residential Districts, and Adding Section 15.02.272, 15.02.344, 15.02.487 Definitions, Section 15.08.215 Multifamily Transition Area Requirements, and 15.09.045 Administrative Design Review | |
3/15/1988 | Relating to Human Services; Adding Section 2.39.050 to the KCC, Establishing the Human Services Fund (3.40) | |
4/5/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located at 2912 S. 240th Street in Kent, Washington, from MHP, Mobile Home Park, to GC, General Commercial (1424 Investments) | |
4/5/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located Approximately 750 Feet South of W. Meeker Street Between the Green River on the West, 64th Avenue S. Extended to the East, and S.R. 516 Right-of-Way on the South in King County, Washington, from RA, Residential Agricultural, to MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (Trans-Canada Enterprises) | |
5/3/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning with Conditions of Approximately Fourteen (14) Acres Located on the North Side of South 262nd Street and Bounded to the East by Puget Power & Light Company Right-of-Way and the West by SR 167 from M 2, Limited Industrial to MRM, Medium Density Multifamily Residential (Kantor Recreational Vehicle Park) | |
5/3/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Approving a Mobile Home Park Combining District with Conditions for Approximately 14 Acres Generally Located on the North Side of South 262nd Street and Bounded to the East by Puget Sound Power & Light Company Right-of-Way and on the West by SR 167 (CD-MHP-88-1) (Kantor Recreational Vehicle Park) | |
5/17/1988 | Regarding the Establishment of Regulatory Standards for Businesses, Managers, and Employees that Provide Adult Entertainment in the City of Kent, Adding 5.32 to the KCC | |
6/7/1988 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets and Alleys, Vacating a Portion of North Second Avenue, North Third Avenue, and Two Adjacent Alleys within the City Limits of the City of Kent (Brutsche Street Vacation) | |
6/7/1988 | Creating LID 333 72nd Avenue South and South 180th Street Traffic Signal | |
6/7/1988 | Creating LID 334 Derbyshire No. 7 Sanitary Sewers | |
6/7/1988 | Providing for the Construction, Improvement and Maintenance of Certain Surface Drainage Facilities and Related Purposes; for the Purpose of Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Properties therefor; All Located Approximately Near Southeast 267th and 106th Avenue Southeast, in Kent, Washington (Upper Mill Creek Detention) | |
6/7/1988 | Providing for the Construction and Improvement of Certain Roadways and Corridors and Related Purposes; for the Purpose of Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Properties therefor; All Located Approximately South 196th Street and 78th Avenue South in Kent, Washington (Kingsport Industrial Park) | |
6/21/1988 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use | |
6/21/1988 | Amending the Zoning Code to Define Adult Entertainment Establishments, and to Add Adult Entertainment Establishments to the List of Adult Uses, and Regulating the Location of such with Respect Protected Uses, Amending Section 15.02.008, Adding Section 15.02.009, and Amending Section 15.08.270 (15.02, 15.08) | |
6/21/1988 | Amending the Kent City Zoning Code to Establish a Landscape Corridor Along the East Valley Highway, Changing the Front Yard Set Back in the M2 Zone, instituting Screening Requirements for Dock High Loading Areas in M2 and M3 Zones, Establishing Transition Area Requirements in the East Valley and Clarification of Solid Waste Use Regulations Adding Sections 15.02.499, 15.04.180 (D)(8), Amending 15.04.180(E)(3)(A) & (B), Adding 15.04.180 (E)(8), 15.04.190 (A) (22), 15.04.190.(D)(9), 15.04.200(A) (8)(B), 15.07.040 (P), and Amending Section 15.08.210 (15.02, 15.07, 15.08) | |
6/21/1988 | Relating to Animal Control, Regulating Dangerous and Potentially Dangerous Dogs. and Amending KCC Chapter 9.16 (8.03) | |
7/5/1988 | Amending Rent City Zoning Code Chapters 15.04.040, 15.04.050 and 15.04.060 Reducing Multifamily Residential Densities for Lots of More than 15,000 Square Feet in Size | |
7/5/1988 | Amending Ordinance 2233, Section 4, and KCC 2.54.140 Deleting the Requirement that Hearing Examiner Decisions Be Sent by Certified Mail, and Adding Authorization of Use of First Class Postage Prepaid Mailings and Affidavits of Mailings (2.32) | |
7/19/1988 | Providing for the Issuance of $5,285,000 Principal Amount of Golf Complex Revenue Bonds, 1988, of the City for the Purpose of Providing a Portion of the Funds to Develop and Construct an 18-Hole Municipal Golf Course, to Capitalize Interest on such Bonds and to Capitalize a Reserve; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of such Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and Related Accounts therein, an Account in the Revenue Fund and a Construction Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of such Bonds to Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
8/16/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Establishing the Zoning of the Leblanc Annexation Generally Located in the Vicinity of 112th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 236th Street from R1-20, Single-Family Residential, to MRG, Garden Density Multifamily Residential Twelve Units, and R1-9.6, Single Family Residential | |
8/2/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located on the South Side of South 212th Street, Approximately 1,200 Feet West of West Valley Highway Consisting of 7.1 Acres in King County, Washington from M1, Industrial Park, to M1-C, Industrial Park - Commercial Suffix (Van Doren’s Landing II Rezone) | |
8/2/1988 | Amending and Making Technical Corrections to Ordinance 2790 Providing for the Issuance of the Golf Complex Revenue Bonds, 1988, of the City | |
8/16/1988 | Relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation Adding a New Section 2.30.223 to the KCC, Granting to Pedestrians Right-of-Way within Parks, and Prohibiting Bicycling and Skateboarding in Certain Posted Areas, as Designated, by Parks Director (4.01) | |
8/16/1988 | Providing for Acquisition through Condemnation, to Acquire an Easement for Construction of City Water Main Facilities (Kent Springs Transmission Main) | |
8/16/1988 | Regarding Planning Department Housing Element Work Program, Designating Procedures for Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map and Zoning Text, if any Should Result from the Work Program; Granting to the Planning Commission the Authority to Consider and Make Recommendations on Zoning Map Amendments, in Lieu of the Hearing Examiner; Specifying that Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan May Be Made Simultaneous with, or Prior to, Amendments to the Zoning Code; and Providing for Public Notice Procedures for Public Hearings Held on Amendments Proposed as a Result of this Program | |
9/6/1988 | Referring to Street Closure Permits, Adding Section 10.02.035 to KCC; Establishing a Permit Process and Penalty for Violation | |
9/6/1988 | Relating to Crimes; Amending KCC 9.02.120.L, Adopting a Definition of Rendering Criminal Assistance | |
9/6/1988 | Referring to Assault, Changing the Title of “Simple Assault”, Amending KCC 9.02.28 (Assault in the Fourth Degree) | |
9/6/1988 | Relating to Speed Limits, Amending KCC 10.08.058 (Canyon Drive-SR 516-from the Intersection of Central Avenue to the Intersection of 100th Avenue SE) | |
9/6/1988 | Amending the Kent Zoning Code to Meet Requirements of State Legislation to Land Use Zones in which Hazardous Waste Treatment and storage Facilities Will Be Allowed as Permitted Use, for the Addition of New Definitions, Siting Criteria, Performance Standard and Permitted Uses to the Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Zones, Recodifying Sections 15.02.175 and 15.02.180, Adding Sections 15.02.097, 15.02.098, 15.02.133, 15.02.175 through 15.02.182, Amending 15.04.005, 15.04.010, 15.04.015, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.04.140, 15.04.150, 15.04.160, 15.04.160, 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.190, 15.04.200, 15.08.020, 15,08.050 and 15.09.100 (15.02, 15.08) | |
9/6/1988 | Relating to Zoning and Hearing Examiner Decisions; Repealing KCC Section 15.04.080; Establishing Section 15.04.080 Planned Unit Development; and Amending KCC Chapter 2.54 Relating to Hearing Examiner Decisions Regarding Planned Unit Developments (2.32) | |
9/20/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending KCC 15.04.170 to Allow Gymnastic Schools as a Permitted Use in the M1, Industrial Park District, and M2, Limited Industrial District, and Allowing Health and Fitness Clubs and Facilities as a Principally Permitted Use in the M2, Limited Industrial District | |
10/4/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the Zoning of a Portion of the Riverbend Golf Course Generally Located on Russell Road Approximately 350 Feet North of Meeker Street from RA, Residential Agricultural, to GC, General Commercial | |
10/4/1988 | Relating to Zoning, Amending KCC 15.08.190 to Exempt Fire/Police Department Training Towers from Zoning District Height Restrictions (15.08) | |
10/18/1988 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Authorizing the Hearing Examiner’s Discretion in Approving, Denying or Conditioning Exceptions to Certain Development Standards When Considering a Conditional Use Permit, and Amending KCC 15.09.030.E (15.09) | |
10/18/1988 | Amending KCC Section 15.04.100, to Allow Mini Warehouses as a Conditionally Permitted Use, with Defined Development Standards, in the Community Commercial Zoning District | |
10/18/1988 | Amending the Kent Zoning Code to include Certain Definitions Previously Approved, But Not included in Prior Hazardous Substance Ordinance #2801, and Correcting Numerical Sequences and Typographical Notations within the Kent City Zoning Code, Recodifying Sections 15.02.185, 15.02.186, 15.02.332 and 15.02.335, Adding Sections 15.02.184, 15.02.185, 15.02.267 and 15.02.334, Amending 15.02.175, 15.04.005, 15.02.015, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.04.140, 15.04.150, 15.04.190, 15.08.050 and 15.09.100 (15.02, 15.08) | |
10/18/1988 | Regarding Planning Department East Valley Zoning study, Designating Procedures for Amendments to the Zoning Map and Zoning Text to Implement the Comprehensive Plan or Changes Previously Authorized by the City Council; Granting to the Planning Commission the Authority to Consider and Make Recommendations on Zoning Map Amendments, in Lieu of the Hearing Examiner; and Providing for Public Notice Procedures for Public Hearings Held on Amendments Proposed as a Result of this Study | |
11/1/1988 | Amending Kent City Zoning Code Section 15.06.050 (C) to Allow Multi-Tenant Buildings in the Downtown Commercial Zone Signage Options of Either Building Identification or Freestanding Signage (15.06) | |
11/1/1988 | Amending KCC Section 7.05.190 to Require All Houses, Properties, and Buildings, within and without Kent City Limits, which Are Located within 200 Feet of a City of Kent Public Sewer to Connect to said Sewer Facility | |
11/1/1988 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating Certain Property Generally Located at South 208th More Particularly Described as Set Out Below, a Street within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
11/1/1988 | Confirming the Assessment Roll of LID 325 for the Purpose of Construction and Installation of Certain Street, Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements on 76th Avenue South from South 212th to South 220th | |
11/1/1988 | Amending KCC Chapter 7.08 Relating to Collection of Recyclable Materials (7.03) | |
11/1/1988 | Providing for Construction and Improvements of Certain Roadways, Sanitary Sewer Water Mains, Drainage Channels, Storm Water Detention Facilities; Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Properties; All Located on the West Valley Highway (LID 327) | |
11/1/1988 | Confirming Assessment Roll of LID 322 for the Purpose of Construction and Installation of Certain Sanitary and Side Sewer Improvements from South 208th Street to South 213th Street and from 97th Place South to 102nd Avenue SE, within Westview Terrace | |
11/1/1988 | Confirming Assessment Roll of LID 323 for the Purpose of Construction and Installation of Certain Sanitary and Side Sewer Improvements to Olympic View Heights | |
11/1/1988 | Adopting the Green River Valley Transportation Action Plan (GRVTAP) and Amending Subsection 12.12A.510D of the KCC (Ordinance 2494; Ordinance 2511, SS3; Ordinance 2547, SS4) (11.03) | |
11/29/1988 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1989 | |
11/29/1988 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1989 Budget | |
12/20/1988 | Relating to Speed Limits, Amending KCC 10.08 | |
12/20/1988 | Regarding the 1988 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1988 | |
12/20/1988 | Amending Section 3.14.340 KCC (Ordinance # 2572) to Increase the Petty Cash Account from One Thousand Dollars to One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars | |
12/20/1988 | Repealing Ordinance #1770, Abolishing a Separate Fire Department Petty Cash Fund | |
12/20/1988 | Creating a New KCC Section 3.14.1200 Creating a Change Fund for the City of Kent Finance Department, Establishing the Amount thereof, and Authorizing the Finance Director to Transfer Monies to the Fund | |
12/20/1988 | Amending Section 3.14.570 KCC (Ordinance 2490) to Increase the Amount of “Travel Expense Revolving Fund” to $8,000 | |
12/20/1988 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Section 7.05.310 KCC (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2446, 2510, 2596 and 2679) Establishing Service Charges | |
1/3/1989 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto, Adjacent to the West Side of 116th Between South 228th and 229th Block, and More Particularly Described as Set Out in attached Exhibit A. (The Hehr Annexation) | |
1/3/1989 | Relating to the Comprehensive Water System Plan, Adopting the 1988 Water System Plan for the City of Kent | |
1/17/1989 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets and Alleys, Vacating Certain Property within the City Limits of the City of Kent at Waterman Avenue Between Fifth Avenue and Union Pacific Railway, Located Between Lot 6 and Lot 7 of Waterman’s Acre Tracts to Kent | |
1/17/1989 | Relating to the Duties and Authority of the Mayor, Amending Chapter 2.02, Providing for the Duties of the Mayor to Be Full Time and Setting a Base Salary (Defeated) | |
2/21/1989 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Kent City Code 15.02 and 15.04.140 to Define “Transitional Housing” and Add Transitional Housing as a Principally Permitted Use in the GC, General Commercial Zone (15.02) | |
2/21/1989 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezoning with Conditions of Approximately 3.24 Acres of a 6.48 Acre Site Located at the Southwest Corner of 108th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 260th St. from R1-7.2, Single-Family Residential, to MRG, Garden Density Multifamily Residential with a Maximum of 12.5 Units Per Acre in the Entire Site (Vetoed) | |
2/21/1989 | Providing for Widening, Construction and Improvement of Certain Roadways; Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land and Other Properties, Located Near SE 240th Street from 108th Avenue SE to 116th Avenue SE (LID 331) | |
2/21/1989 | Providing for the Issuance of $2,980,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1989 to Provide Funds with which to Pay a Part of the Cost of Designing, Constructing and Equipping a Training Center for Police and Fire Department Personnel and Acquiring Land for and Constructing a Street Along the 272nd-277th Corridor | |
2/21/1989 | Establishing CLID No. 322, 323, and 325 and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District 322, 323,and 325; Fixing Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates and Maturity and Denominations of the CLID 322, 323 and 325 Bonds; Providing for Sale and Delivery to Shearson, Lehman Hutton; Fixing the Interest Rate on Assessment Installments | |
2/21/1989 | Amending Ordinance No. 2771 to Correct the Zoning Designation to Certain Properties within the East Hill Well Annexation No. 2, Area C, Specifically the Stratford Arms Site, to Conform with Council Direction at March 1, 1988 Meeting | |
2/21/1989 | Providing for the Rezoning with Conditions of Approximately .85 Acres from MRM, Medium Density Multifamily Residential, and 15.55 Acres from O, Professional Office, to CC, Community Commercial, for Property Located at the Southwest Corner of 104th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 260th Street, and Bounded by 100th Place S.E. (Crow Road) to the West and S.E. 264th Street on the South (Ruth/Kent East Hill Shopping Center) Not Signed by the Mayor | |
3/7/1989 | Providing for Licensing and Regulation of Public Dances and Dance Halls, Adding a New Section 5.35 to Chapter 5, Business Licenses and Regulations, Establishing Licensing Requirements, Penalties, Establishing Grounds for Revocation of License and Establishing an Effective Date and Amending KCC 5.04.070, Ordinance 686, Section 10 (5.02, 5.12) | |
3/21/1989 | Providing for the Rezoning of Approximately .71 Acres Located on the West Side of North Washington Street (SR 181) Approximately 616 Feet South of West James Street, from MHP, Mobile Home Park, to GC, General Commercial (Harris Rezone) | |
3/21/1989 | Relating to the Collection of Extra Garbage, Including Trash and Yard Clippings and Garbage at City Buildings and Facilities for 1989; Amending KCC Chapter 7.08 (7.03) | |
4/4/1989 | Authorizing the Issuance of Permits for Kent City Councilmembers and the Mayor for Parking in Certain Designated Parking Zones (9.38) | |
4/18/1989 | Allowing Packaging, Freezing and Processing of Previously Butchered Meat and Seafood as Principally Permitted Uses in M2 and M3 Zones; Amends Zoning Code Sections 15.04.180(A)(4)(B), 15.04.190(A)(6)(E), and 15.04.190(C)(6)(B) | |
4/18/1989 | Providing for Widening, Construction and Improvements of Certain Roadways; for the Purpose of Providing for Condemnation, of Land Other Properties therefor; All Located Approximately on Canyon Drive from Hazel Avenue to Weiland Street | |
5/2/1989 | Relating to Speed Limits, Amending KCC Chapter 10.08 Relating to the West Valley Highway (Decreasing Speed Limit from 50 to 35 Mph During Construction Project) | |
5/2/1989 | Confirming Final Assessment Roll for LID 327 | |
6/6/1989 | Relating to Vacation of Property Located at 80th Place South (Glacier Park) | |
6/6/1989 | Establishing initiative and Referendum Powers in the City of Kent, and Creating a New Chapter 1.14 of the KCC | |
6/6/1989 | Incorporating Administrative Application and Review Procedures for Lot Line Adjustments and to Clarify the Definition of Accumulative Short Subdivision, Amending Various Sections of KCC, Chapter 12.04, and Adding a New Chapter 12.04.1000 (12.04) | |
6/20/1989 | Creating a Gateway Commercial (GWC) District Establishing a New Section 15.04.195 | |
6/20/1989 | Vacating Property Located at 63rd Avenue South Adjacent to the South Side of South 212th Street, Subject to Owner Compliance with Conditions | |
(Void) | ||
7/5/1989 | Relating to LID 327, Amending Ordinance 2846, Providing that Payments May Be Paid in Twenty (20) Rather than Ten (10) Equal Installments | |
7/5/1989 | Relating to Probation Violation, Authorizing the Arrest of Persons Observed in Violation of Court Ordered Probation, Adding Section 9.34 to the KCC | |
7/5/1989 | Amending the City’s official Zoning Map by Adding the New Gateway Commercial Zone to an Area Along the East Valley Highway Between SR 167 Overpass to 212th Street; and by Amending the Mobile Home Park Zoning to Office (O) Zone in an Area of Approximately 13.2 Acres at the Northeast Corner of the SR 167 and South 212th Street Interchange | |
7/5/1989 | Amending Lot Line Adjustment Ownership Verification Requirements, Amending KCC 12.04.1000 (Ordinance No. 2849) | |
7/5/1989 | Authorizing the Issuance of Permits for City of Kent Corrections Facility Employees and Employees of the Aukeen District Court for Parking in a Certain Designated Parking Zone (9.38) | |
7/5/1989 | Amending Ordinance No. 2851, Vacating Certain Property Generally Located at 63rd Avenue South Adjacent to the South Side of South 212th Street, Removing the Condition of Retaining Easement Rights for Utility Purposes | |
7/18/1989 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denomination of the LID 327 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Shearson, Lehman, Hutton, Inc.; Fixing the Interest Rate on LID 327 Assessment Installments | |
7/18/1989 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto; in the Vicinity of 98th Avenue South and South 218th, Commonly Known as the Mortenson Annexation | |
7/18/1989 | Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land Near 64th Avenue and James St. and S. 228th Street (LID 330) | |
8/1/1989 | Establishing Zoning of the Hehr Annexation from R1-20 Single Family Residential to R1-7.2, Single Family Residential | |
8/1/1989 | Relating to Providing on-Site Public Notification of Proposed Land Use Actions and Relating Public Hearings, KCC Sections 12,04.260, 15.09.030, 15.09.040 and 15.09.050 (12.04, 15.09) | |
8/1/1989 | Creating the Positions of Park Security Officers within the Maintenance Division of the Parks and Recreation Department; Prescribing the Powers and Duties of the Positions, Authorizing the Security Officers to Issue and Serve Parking Citations and Complaints, Providing for the Filing of Citations and Complaints with the Clerk of the Court or Traffic Violations Bureau | |
8/1/1989 | Relating to LID 327; Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2846, as Previously Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance 2853; Ratifying and Confirming All Actions Taken with Respect to LID 327 and the Bonds Issued in Connection therewith | |
8/1/1989 | Establishing LID 330 | |
8/1/1989 | Relating to Flood Hazard, Defining Special Areas of Flood Hazard, Giving Authority to Define the Limits of the Flood Hazard Areas, Prescribing Land Use Regulations within Flood Hazard Areas and Repealing Ordinance 2282 as Amended by Ordinance 2293 and 2437 (Repealed by 4361) | |
8/15/1989 | Relating to Civil Service; Amending KCC Sections 2.20.010 and 2.23.030 to Provide for Civil Service for Members of the Kent Police Department (2.22, 2.51) | |
8/22/1989 | Senior Housing Bond Issue; Providing for the Submission to the Voters of the City at a Special Election to Be Held therein on November 7, 1989, in Conjunction with the State General Election to Be Held on the Same Date, of a Proposition Authorizing the City to incur Indebtedness by Issuing Its General Obligation Bonds in a Par Amount Not to Exceed $6,700,000, Payable by annual Property Tax Levies to Be Made in Excess of Regular Property Tax Levies, for the Purpose of Paying All or Part of the Cost of Providing Housing and Related Facilities for Low Income Senior Citizens in the City and to Levy those Excess Property Taxes | |
8/22/1989 | Establishing a System of Solid Waste Collection 0738 Midway Landfill Site/Solid Waste and Disposal for the Entire City; Providing for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal under Direction of the City; Amending KCC Sections 7.08.010, 7.08.020, and 7.08.200; Repealing KCC Section 7.02.200; Authorizing Contracts for Solid Waste Collection; Declaring an Emergency therefor (7.03) | |
9/19/1989 | Relating to Land Use and Environmental Policies, Amending KCC 12.12A.210, Adding a New Section for threshold Determination of Significant Traffic Impacts (11.03) | |
9/19/1989 | Adding a New Section 9.02.33 to the Kent Municipal Code Defining the Crime of Patronizing a Prostitute | |
10/3/1989 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Section 7.05.310 KCC (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2446, 2510, 2596, 2679 and 2827) Establishing Services Charges | |
10/17/1989 | Approving and Confirming Assessment Roll of LID 334 | |
11/21/1989 | Providing for the Submission at a Special Election to Be Held on February 6, 1990 of a Proposition Authorizing the City to incur Indebtedness by Issuing Its General Obligation Bonds in a Par Amount Not to Exceed $6,700,000, for the Purpose of Paying All or a Part of the Cost of Providing Housing and Related Facilities for Low-income Senior Citizens and to Levy those Excess Property Taxes | |
12/5/1989 | Creating KCC Section 3.14.1500, Creating a Flash Money Account for the City of Kent Police Department, Establishing the Amount thereof, and Authorizing the Finance Director to Transfer Monies to the Fund | |
12/5/1989 | City of Kent Police Department, Establishing the Amount thereof, and Authorizing the Finance Director to Transfer Monies to the Account | |
12/5/1989 | Abolishing the Travel Expense Revolving Fund of the City of Kent, Repealing Ordinance 1630, and as Amended by Ordinances 1818, 2490, and 2826 | |
12/5/1989 | Creating KCC Section 3.14.1300, Creating a Gambling Buy Account for the City of Kent Police Department, Establishing the Amount thereof, and Authorizing the Finance Director to Transfer Monies to the Fund | |
12/5/1989 | Relating to forfeited Monies and Real and Personal under Chapter 69.50 RCW, the Uniformed Controlled Substances Act, Establishing a New Special Purpose Fund to Be Named a Special investigation Fund; Appropriating Revenues for this Fund; and Specifying the Purpose, Manner of Administration and Funding Sources for the Fund | |
12/5/1989 | Creating KCC Section 3.14.1600, Creating for the City of Kent a Worker’s Compensation Bank Account, Establishing the Amount thereof, and Authorizing the Finance Director to Transfer Monies to the Account, and to Deposit such Funds as May Be Necessary for Payment of Claims | |
12/5/1989 | Amending KCC 3.14.1200 and Ordinance No. 2825 which Authorizes a Change Account for the City of Kent Finance Department, Amending the Amount thereof, and Authorizing the Finance Director to Transfer Monies to the Fund | |
12/5/1989 | Fixing the Tax Levy for the Year 1990 | |
12/19/1989 | Authorizing for the Making of Interfund Loans of Municipal Monies to Comply with the Provisions of RCW 43.09.210 and Providing for Accounting Procedures When such Interfund Loans Are Made (3.40) | |
12/19/1989 | Authorizing an Interfund Loan to the Housing and Community Development Fund in an Amount Up to $100,000.00 to Be Paid from the General Fund | |
12/19/1989 | Authorizing an Interfund Loan from the General Fund to the Operating Projects Fund in an Amount Not to Exceed $100,000.00 | |
12/19/1989 | Authorizing an Interfund Loan from the General Fund to the Golf Complex Fund in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,200,000.00, and Providing for the Accounting Procedures to Be Used in the Establishment of such Loan | |
12/19/1989 | Regarding the 1989 Budget for Adjustments Made to Various Budgets During 1989 | |
12/19/1989 | Relating to Budgets and Finance, Adopting the 1990 Budget (Vetoed) | |
12/19/1989 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1990 Budget | |
1/2/1990 | Changing the Term of the Human Services Commission Non-Voting Agency Member from one Year to Two Years and Amending Kent City Code 2.39.020 (2.53) | |
1/16/1990 | Relating to Crimes and Weapons Apparently Capable of Producing Bodily Harm, Amending KCC 9.02.104 | |
1/16/1990 | Relating to Dangerous Weapons, Amending KCC 9.02.106 | |
1/16/1990 | Amending Penalty for Possession of Marijuana Referring to Penalty for Marijuana Violation, Amending the Penalty for Violations of Possession of Marijuana, Amending KCC Section 9.12.68 (Repealed by 4461) | |
1/16/1990 | Street Vacation - Third Ave Between Gowe & Titus Vacating a Portion of Third Avenue Between Gowe and Titus Streets, within the City Limits of the City of Kent | |
1/16/1990 | Temporary Map & Zoning - Multifamily Development Relating to Land Use and Zoning and Public Health, Safety and General Welfare, Establishing a Temporary Interim Map and Temporary Interim Zoning Controls on Land Use Zones Authorizing Multifamily Development within the City of Kent; Declaring an Emergency (Failed) | |
2/6/1990 | Responsibility - Side Sewer Repair Clarifying Responsibility for Sanitary Side Sewer Repair, Maintenance and Operation for Systems Located in City Rights of Way and Upon Private Property | |
2/6/1990 | Designated Parking for Police and Fire on Gowe St. Authorizing Designation of Parking Stalls for Police and Fire Department Vehicles on Gowe Street Between Third and Fourth Avenues | |
2/20/1990 | Establishing LID 335 | |
2/20/1990 | Rezone - 80th Av. S. & S. 180th St. and S. 188th St. Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing for the Rezone of Property Located East of 80th Avenue South Between South 180th St. and South 188th St., Consisting of Approximately 36 Acres in King County, Washington from M2, Limited Industrial, to M1, Industrial Park District | |
2/20/1990 | Amending West Land Use Plan and Comprehensive Plan Resulting from the Planning Department Housing Element Work Program, Amending the Housing and Public Facilities and Services Elements of the West Hill Land Use Plan and City of Kent Comprehensive Plan | |
2/20/1990 | Amend Valley Flr Subarea Plan & Comprehensive Plan Resulting from the Planning Department Housing Element Work Program, Amending the Housing and Public Facilities and Services Elements of the Valley Floor Subarea Land Use Plan and City of Kent Comprehensive Plan | |
2/20/1990 | Amend East Hill Land Use Plan & Comprehensive Plan Resulting from the Planning Department Housing Element Work Program, Amending the Housing and Public Facilities and Services Elements of the East Hill Land Use Plan and City of Kent Comprehensive Plan | |
2/20/1990 | Create a R1-5.0 Single Family Residential District Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Creating a R1-5.0, Single Family Residential District, Amending Section 15.04.020 of the KCC | |
2/20/1990 | Amending Kent City Zoning Code 15.08.100 Resulting from the Planning Department Housing Element Work Program, Amending Kent City Zoning Code 15.08.100 Relating to Nonconforming Development Regulations (15.08) | |
2/20/1990 | Adopting King County Solid Waste Management Plan Relating to Solid Waste Management, Adopting the Proposed King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, Determining that King County Shall Not Exercise any Powers Regarding the Levels and Types of Solid Waste Services for any aspect of Solid Waste Handling in the City of Kent, and Designating the Plan for the Exercise of Substantive Authority under SEPA (7.03) | |
3/6/1990 | Chilcoate Street Vacation - Alexander Avenue Vacating Certain Property on Alexander Avenue on the North Side of Guiberson Street (Chilcoate) | |
3/6/1990 | Env. Review & Community Impact Mitigation Permit Relating to the Environmental Review and Community Impact Mitigation Permit, and Amending Section 4.19.050 of the KCC, and Adding Section 15.09.095 to the KCC (11.02) | |
3/6/1990 | Union Pacific RR Spur Track - 68th Avenue South Granting to the Union Pacific Railroad Company the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across 68th Avenue South | |
3/6/1990 | Prohibiting Parking on Lakeside Blvd East and West Declaring an Emergency and Prohibiting Parking on Lakeside Boulevard East and West | |
3/20/1990 | New Crime - Disruption of Government Offices Providing a New Crime of Disruption of Government Offices, Adding KCC Section 9.02.18 | |
3/20/1990 | Hawkridge Street Vacation; Vacating Certain Property Located West of Woodland Way and South of S. 262nd Place (Hawkridge) | |
4/3/1990 | Confirming Assessments and Assessment Roll of LID 328 | |
4/3/1990 | Adoption of EIS - KC Solid Waste Management Plan Relating to Solid Waste Comprehensive Management Plan, Amending Ordinance 2906, Ratifying the Adoption of the Environmental Impact Statement for the King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan for the City of Kent | |
4/3/1990 | Providing for Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land Located on West Valley Highway Between S. 212th and S. 189th (LID 328) | |
4/17/1990 | No Parking Certain Commercial Vehicles on Street Prohibiting the storage and Parking of Certain Commercial Vehicles on the City Streets, Adding KCC 10.06.090 and Amending KCC 10.06.100 (9.38) | |
4/17/1990 | Correcting the total Amount of the Assessments and the Assessment Roll for LID 328 | |
4/17/1990 | Requiring Proof of Liability Insurance Relating to Traffic Infraction, Proof of Liability Insurance Adding New Sections 10.02.36, 10.02.37 and 10.02.38 to the KCC | |
4/17/1990 | More Fire Protection Requirements for Construction Establishing Additional Fire Protection Requirements for Construction, Adding a New Chapter 13.12 to the Kent City Code, Title 13 | |
4/17/1990 | Adopting Uniform Fire Code, 1988 Edition Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02 KCC to Adopt the Uniform Fire Code, 1988 Edition, with Certain Amendments thereto (9.38) | |
4/17/1990 | Adopting Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition Relating to Building Codes; Amending Chapter 14.04 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Building Code 1988 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto and Adopting Specific Chapters of the Appendix to said Code; Amending Chapter 14.10 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 1988 Edition; Amending Chapter 14.12 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Housing Code 1988 Edition; Amending Chapter 14.14 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Mechanical Code 1988 Edition; Amending Chapter 14.16 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Plumbing Code 1988 Edition, together with Certain Additions thereto; and Adopting the Amendments to the Barrier Free Facilities Regulations, Adopted by the Washington State Building Code Council; Amending Kent City Ordinances 2199, 2639 and 2517 | |
5/1/1990 | Street Vacation - W Valley Hwy, S 234th and S 238th Vacating a Portion of the East Side of West Valley Highway North of South 238th Street and South of South 234th Street | |
5/1/1990 | Street Use Permit for Kent Cornucopia Days Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use | |
5/15/1990 | Repealing Ordinance 2788 Multi-Family Densities Repealing Ordinance 2788 which Amended KCC Chapters 15.04.050, and 15.04.060 Reducing Multifamily Residential Densities, for Lots of More than 15,000 Square Feet in Size | |
6/5/1990 | Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 330 | |
6/5/1990 | Defining Lewd Conduct & Amending KCC 9.02.34 Relating to the Crime of Lewd Conduct, Further Defining the Crime of Lewd Conduct, Amending KCC 9.02.34 | |
6/19/1990 | Taxation of Utilities & Natural Gas - Add KCC 3.50 Relating to Taxation of Utilities and Natural Gas, Adding a New Chapter 3.50 to the KCC (3.20) | |
6/19/1990 | Increase Portion of Penalties - Parking infraction Relating to Parking infraction Penalties, increasing a Portion of the Penalty from Five Dollars to Ten Dollars, Amending KCC 10.06.210 (9.38) | |
(Void) | ||
7/3/1990 | Authorize Payment of Bills & Payrolls - Bank Check Authorizing Payment of Bills and Payrolls by Bank Check Rather than by Warrant; Designating the Finance Director as the Officer Authorized to Sign such Checks; Designating those Persons Authorized to Sign Checks in the Event of the Absence or Disability of the Finance Director, and Repealing Ordinance 2297 (3.01) | |
7/17/1990 | Establishing CLID 328/334 and CLID Fund; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturities and Denominations of Bonds; Providing for Sale and Delivery to Shearson Lehman Hutton, and Fixing Interest Rates on Assessment Installments | |
7/17/1990 | Relating to Tree Preservation Regulations of the Zoning Code, Amending Section 15.02, 15.08.240 and 15.09.100 (15.02, 15.08) | |
7/17/1990 | Solicitation of Sale or Purchase of Narcotics Relating to Solicitation of Sale or Purchase of Narcotics; Amending Ordinance 1787 (Repealed by 4461) | |
8/7/1990 | Temporary Speed Limit Reduction - W Valley Hwy Relating to Streets and Speed Limits on the West Valley Highway; Declaring an Emergency Warranting the Protection of the Public Health and Safety through a Temporary Reduction of the Speed Limit on a Portion of the Highway During Its Construction and Improvement; Amending KCC 10.08.036 | |
8/7/1990 | Kent East Corporate Park Rezone No. RZ-90-4 Rezoning Certain Property Located Generally South of S. 212th St. East of 84th Av. S., North of S. 218th St. and Abutting the West Side of SR 167, Consisting of Approximately 8.7 Acres within the City Limits of Kent, from the Current Zoning of GWC, Gateway Commercial, to M2, Industrial Limited (RZ-90-4 Kent East Corporate Park) | |
8/21/1990 | Willis St. Rezone No. RZ-90-3 Relating to Rezoning a 2.9 Acre Site with Conditions in the General Area of the Southeast Corner of W. Willis St. and 74th Ave. S. within the City of Kent from M-2, Limited Industrial to MIC, Industrial Park Commercial Suffix | |
8/21/1990 | Mortenson Annexation No. AZ-88-2 Zoning Rezoning Certain Property Located in the Vicinity of 98th Ave. S. and S. 218th St., Consisting of Approximately 9 Acres within the City Limits of Kent for initial Zoning of R1-20, Single Family Residential to Remain R1-20, Single Family Residential (AZ-88-2) | |
8/21/1990 | Repealing Ordinances 2776 & 2777 (Kantor Property) Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Repealing Ordinance 2776 and Ordinance 2777, Affecting a 14 Acre Site within the City of Kent which Is Bounded by the North Side of S. 262nd, the East Side of SR 167, the South Side of the Green River and the West Side of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company Right-of-Way | |
9/4/1990 | Closure of the Outlet of 1st Ave. N. to Smith St. Relating to Closure of the Outlet on 1st Ave. N. to Smith st in the City of Kent | |
9/4/1990 | Alley SB only Between Post Office & Titusville Bldg. Relating to Streets and Traffic Control Amending KCC 10.6.160, Relating to One-Way Streets (9.36) | |
9/4/1990 | Auto Check Rezone No. RZ-90-6 Rezoning an Approximately 17,299 Square Foot Lot from M1, Industrial Park, to GC, General Commercial, Located on the West Side of West Valley Highway, North of South 236th and S. 238th Street | |
9/4/1990 | Amending Parking Revisions Regulations ZCA-90-3 Relating to Revisions to the Kent Zoning Code Parking Requirements, Amending KCC 15.09.010(B) and 15.05.040(A)(1)(C) (15.05, 15.09) | |
9/4/1990 | Relating to LID 330 Bonds | |
(Void) | ||
10/2/1990 | Relating to and Amending the official Zoning Map of the City of Kent, Ordinance 1827 to Rezone Approximately 18.5 Acres of Property Located at 20227 and 20129 - 29th Avenue South from Ra to R1-12 Zoning, Subject to Mitigating Conditions. (Application of Minshull/Wagner #RZ-90-5) | |
10/16/1990 | Confirming Assessment Roll of LID 335 | |
10/16/1990 | Amending City Ordinance No. 1977 increasing the Base Salary of the Mayor | |
11/6/1990 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance, Specifying the Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of $6,700,000 Par Value of Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1990, Authorized by the Qualified Voters of the City at a Special Election Held therein Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2875; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and a Construction Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers Division of Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
11/6/1990 | Relating to and Amending the official Zoning Map of the City of Kent, Ordinance 1827, to Rezone Approximately 4.85 Acres of Property Located on the East Side of West Valley Highway Between S. 238 th and Cloudy Street (Extended) from M1, Industrial Park to GWC, Gateway Commercial Zoning, without Mitigating Conditions. (Application of Norman Anderson Rezone No. RZ-90-7) | |
11/20/1990 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1991 Budget | |
11/20/1990 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Section 7.05.310 KCC (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinance 2446, 2510, 2596, 2679, 2827 and 2873) Establishing Service Charges | |
11/20/1990 | Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID 331 | |
11/20/1990 | Amending KCC Chapter 4.22 (Ordinances 2696 and 2767) Relating to the City’s Policies in the Provision of Utility Service Outside of Its Boundaries, by adding Additional Language Relating to the Manner in which Consistency Between the City’s Comprehensive Plan and any Area Contained in an Annexation Petition Will Be Determined Until such Time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update Is Complete (7.11) | |
12/4/1990 | Relating to Noise Control; Amending the Noise Control Code (Ordinance 2113) by Adding New Sections Prohibiting Loud and Raucous Noise from Portable or Motor Vehicle Audio Equipment Authorizing the Enforcement of Certain Sections of the Code by the Chief of Police, Providing for Civil Penalties for Certain Violations and Repealing Ordinance 2673 on the Same Subject (8.05) | |
12/4/1990 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1991 | |
12/4/1990 | Amending the 1990 Budget for Adjustments Made During 1990 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Golf Complex to Cover Expenditures | |
1/2/1991 | Providing for the Application, Fee and Annual Renewal of a City Registration of Group Homes II and III, as a Prerequisite for Conditional Use Permit Approval, All as Set forth in the Kent Zoning Code (Ordinance 1827, 2404) Section 15.08.280 (D) and 15.09.030 (D) (9) | |
1/2/1991 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning; Amending the Zoning Code (Ordinance 1827, 2404) by Amending the Definition of Family (15.02.135), Adding a Definition of Group Homes, Class I, II and III (15.02.173), Amending Certain Sections to Provide for the Siting of Group Homes within the City (15.04.005, .010, .020, .030, .040, .050, .060, .070, .090, .100, .110, .120, .130, .140, .150), Adding a New Section to Provide Separation, Dispersion and Registration of Class II and III Group Homes (15.08.280); and Amending the Types of Uses Identified under General Conditional Uses in the Code to Eliminate Uses Now Covered by the Group Homes Classifications (15.02, 15.08) | |
1/2/1991 | Relating to Parking Restrictions, Amending Ordinances 2731, 2760 and KCC Section 10.06.230 on the Same Subject (9.38) | |
1/2/1991 | Relating to the Comprehensive Water System Plan, as Adopted by Ordinance 2829, Amending Certain Sections Pertinent to Fire Flow and Adding Various Appendices to the Plan | |
1/15/1991 | Establishing a Procedure for Accepting Donations, Devises and Bequests | |
2/5/1991 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending KCC Section 7.05.310 (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinances 2446, 2510, 2596, 2679, 2827, 2873 and 2951), Establishing Charges for Sanitary Sewer Service to Duplexes within the City | |
2/19/1991 | LID 331 - Assessment Roll | |
2/19/1991 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating a Portion of South Central Place, a Street Located on the Northeast Corner of S. 266th and South Central Avenue, within the Kent City Limits | |
3/5/1991 | Establishing CLID 331/335 | |
3/5/1991 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes to Improve, Alter and Widen East Valley Hwy Between 192nd & So. 180th Streets; Providing for Payment as a Cost of LID 336; Providing for Condemnation | |
3/5/1991 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement to Improve, Alter and Widen 77th Avenue So., Providing for the Payment as a Cost of LID 335; Providing for Condemnation | |
3/5/1991 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Properties in Order to Improve, Alter and Widen the Intersection of 104th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 256th Street; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of any of the City’s Capital Improvement Funds; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within Sections 20 and 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. [104th Avenue SE & SE 256th Street Improvement] | |
3/5/1991 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Properties in Order to Improve, Alter and Widen the North Side of South 228th Street; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the City’s Capital Improvement Funds; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. [S. 228th Street Improvement] | |
3/19/1991 | Relating to Public Health, Safety and General Welfare, and the City’s Solid Waste Utility; Authorizing Settlement of King County Cause No. 90-2-06373-0; Authorizing Solid Waste Handling Contracts Between the City and R.S.T. Disposal Co. Inc., a Washington Corporation, and Between the City and Kent-Meridian Disposal Company, a Washington General Partnership; Repealing Sections 6 and 7, Ordinance 2870 | |
3/19/1991 | Relating to Possession of Marijuana, Amending Ordinance 1787 (KCC Chapter 9.12) by Adding a New Section 9.12.22 (Repealed by 4461) | |
3/19/1991 | Adding New Sections 9.02.17 and 9.02.18 to the Kent Municipal Code Relating to the Hindering of Law Enforcement | |
3/19/1991 | Amending Ordinance 1960 Section 4, Codified as 9.02.16 Relating to Obstructing Public Officers | |
3/19/1991 | Relating to Traffic Infraction, Proof of Liability Insurance, Insurance Identification Card and Falsification of Identification Card; Adding New Sections 10.02.39 and .40 to the KCC | |
3/19/1991 | Amending the Subdivision Code, Ordinance 2849, Establishing a Land Dedication Requirement Upon Subdividers to Provide for Public Parks and Open Space; and Alternatively, a Method to Compute Fees in Lieu of Land Dedication; Amending the Kent City Code to Add a New Section 12.04.450, and Renumbering Sections 12.04.040 through 12.04.079 to Add New Sections 12.04.041, 12.04.046, 12.04.057 and 12.04.059 (12.04) | |
3/19/1991 | Establishing Chapter 5.27 of the KCC and Repealing Chapter 5.28 Revising the Regulations Applicable to Massage Parlors and Bathhouses | |
4/2/1991 | Establishing LID 336 | |
4/2/1991 | Granting Unto the Olympic Pipe Line Company, A Delaware Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Ten Years, to Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair an Existing Pipeline, together with Equipment and Appurtenances thereto for the Transportation, storage and Handling of Oil and any byproduct thereof, in Across, Under, Through and Below Certain Designated Public Rights-of-Way and Public Properties of the City of Kent, State of Washington | |
4/16/1991 | Establishing LID 338 | |
4/16/1991 | Amending KCC Section 3.14.1201 and Ordinance No. 2882, Raising the Authorized Amount in the Change Account for the City of Kent Finance Department, and Authorizing the Finance Director to Transfer Monies to the Fund | |
4/16/1991 | Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds from the City’s Capital Improvement Program for the Purchase of Components to Upgrade the City’s Central Computer System from a Sole Source Vendor | |
5/7/1991 | Establishing LID 339 | |
5/21/1991 | Amending Ordinance 2898 Kent Municipal Code 10.06.120 and Repealing 10.06.245 with Regard to Designation of Parking Stalls for Police and Fire Department Vehicles on Gowe Street Between 3rd and 4th Avenues | |
5/21/1991 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for Such Street Use | |
6/4/1991 | Authorizing Execution of a Housing Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Kent and the King County Housing Authority | |
7/2/1991 | Confirming Assessment Roll for LID 336 | |
7/16/1991 | Authorizing Closure of Certain Public Streets for Canterbury Faire | |
8/6/1991 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Property in Order to Improve, Alter and Widen the Intersection of 108th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 260th Street; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of any of the City’s Capital Improvement Funds; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington | |
8/20/1991 | Relating to Landlord-Tenant Law Requiring that a Landlord Provide Notice of Just Cause to Evict a Tenant, or to Terminate and/or Refuse to Renew a Rental Agreement; Providing Enforcement Mechanisms and Penalties for Violations (Defeated) | |
8/20/1991 | Relating to Mobile Home Parks, Amending the Kent Mobile Home Park Code, Chapter 12.08 of the Kent City Code, by Adding New Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Standards, Making Minor Text Revisions for Consistency with Existing City Codes and Policies, and Renumbering Certain Sections (12.05) | |
8/20/1991 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating a Portion of the Unopened Alley Lying Between Smith Street and Harrison Street and Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue | |
8/20/1991 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the official Zoning Map of the City of Kent, to Conditionally Rezone Certain Property in Lot 1 of Shinns Valley Home Addition from Gateway Commercial (GWC) to General Industrial (M3) Zoning, (Petition of Bishop No. RZ-91-1) | |
8/20/1991 | Repealing Ordinance 1809, 1927, 1212 1926, and 2408 Relating to the Offices of Finance, Personnel, Electronic Data Processing, City Clerk, and Other Finance- Related Functions, and Further Creating the Departments of Finance, Personnel, Information Services, and the Office of the City Clerk | |
8/20/1991 | Relating to the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation; Amending Ordinance 2419, as Amended by Ordinance 2433, and as Last Amended by Ordinance 2592, Relating to the Appointment and Term of Office of the Directors of the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation | |
9/3/1991 | Adopting the 1991 Washington State Energy Code and Repealing the Prior Energy Code, Ordinance 2308 | |
9/3/1991 | Adopting the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code | |
9/3/1991 | Repealing Ordinance 1932, which Relates to Unfair Housing Practices | |
9/3/1991 | Relating to the Use and Occupation of Public Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places; Regulating the Use and Requiring Permits therefor; Defining offenses; Providing Penalties; Amending Ordinance 1733 on Political Signs and Repealing Ordinance 2518 on Building Moving Permits | |
9/3/1991 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Water Line Installation Purposes Over Certain Property on So. 222nd Street; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of any of the City’s Capital Improvement Funds; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, in King County, Washington | |
9/3/1991 | LID 336 Bonds | |
9/17/1991 | Relating to and Establishing the Drinking Driver Task Force | |
9/17/1991 | Relating to Platting and Subdivision, Correcting the Recorded Plat of Walkers Acres, No. SP-90-22, to Depict the Declaration of Private Access Easements and Utility Easements thereon | |
10/1/1991 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Permanent Easement for Storm Drainage Purposes Over Certain Property in Order to Improve, Alter, install, Operate and Maintain a Storm Drainage System Mainly Located in the Area of the Cambridge East Subdivision; Providing for the Payment thereof from the City’s Miscellaneous Storm Drainage Improvement Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
10/1/1991 | Relating to the towing and Impoundment of Vehicles Authorizing Local Impound Situations Upon the Public Right-of-Way or Other Publicly Controlled Property, Establishing a Written Form of the City’s Authority to Impound, and Directing the Adherence by towing Operators of All Other Procedures Related to towing, Impound, storage, Redemption and Sale of Impound Vehicles as Set forth in Chapter 46.55 RCW | |
10/1/1991 | Amending Ordinance 2045 to Expand the Powers and Duties of the Parking Enforcement Aide to include the Necessary Ability to Authorize towing of Vehicles (2.22) | |
10/1/1991 | Relating to Speed Limits, Amending KCC Chapter 10.08 Relating to Canyon Drive (SR 516) | |
10/15/1991 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the Planned Unit Development Regulations of the Kent Zoning Code, KCC Sections 15.02.332 and 15.04.080 (15.02) | |
10/15/1991 | Relating to Mobile Home Parks, Amending the Mobile Home Park Code, on Accessory Structures and Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Standards; KCC Sections 12.08.071 and 12.08.380 (12.05) | |
11/5/1991 | LID 338 - Westview Terrace Condemnation | |
11/19/1991 | Granting Unto Mci Telecommunications Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Ten Years, to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace and Repair an Underground Fiber Optic Telecommunications System, in, Across, Under, Through and Below Certain Designated Public Rights-of-Way and Public Properties of the City of Kent, Washington | |
11/19/1991 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1992 Budget | |
11/19/1991 | Amending the Kent Fire Code, Chapter 13.11 of the Kent City Code, to Require that All Telephone Systems Installed in New Construction include Both an interface with the Enhanced 911 System (E-911) and Provide Selective Routing of 911 Calls to the Appropriate Jurisdiction (9.01) | |
12/3/1991 | Referring to Penalties for Violations, Increasing Penalties for Violations and Amending Section 1.10.020 of the KCC (1.01) | |
12/3/1991 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the Kent Zoning Code, (Ordinances 1827 and 2404), Chapter 15 of the Kent City Code, to Provide for Multi-Family Design Review in Certain Zoning Districts, Adding New Sections 15.02.259, 15.02.271 and 15.09.047; Amending Sections 15.04.040, 15.04.050 and 15.04.060 (15.02) | |
12/3/1991 | Relating to the Installation and Maintenance of Smoke Detectors in Dwelling Units that Are Not Owner-Occupied, Deleting Kent City Code Sections 14.04.030 through 14.04.090 | |
12/3/1991 | Repealing Ordinance 2387 Relating to the Licensing and Regulation of Private Security Guard Services | |
12/3/1991 | Relating to Traffic, Deleting the Existing Chapter on the Subject of Traffic and Speed Limits in the City, KCC Chapters 10.02 and 10.08, of the State of Washington (“MTO”) by Reference; Adding Sections Relating to Inattentive Driving, Intersection Avoidance; and Providing for Penalties therefor (9.36) | |
12/17/1991 | Amending the 1991 Budget for Adjustments Made During 1991 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Golf Complex and Housing and Community Development to Cover Expenditures | |
12/17/1991 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1992 | |
1/21/1992 | Relating to Permits Issued under the Kent Fire Code, Removing the Monetary Permit Fee from the Code to Reflect the Adoption of Same by the City Council, Upon Recommendation of the Fire Chief, Amending KCC Section 13.02.020 | |
1/21/1992 | Relating to the Plumbing Code, Amending the Monetary Permit Fees to Reflect the Adoption of Same by the City Council, Upon Recommendation of the Building official, Amending KCC Section 14.16.070 | |
1/21/1992 | Relating to Building Permits, Amending the City’s Building Code to Clarify the Fee Schedule for the Processing and Issuance of Building Permits under the Code, Amending KCC Section 14.04.010 | |
1/21/1992 | Relating to Mechanical Permits, Amending the City’s Mechanical Code to Clarify the Fee Schedule for the Processing and Issuance of Mechanical Permits under the Code, by Adding a New Section 14.14.020 | |
1/21/1992 | Establishing Rules and Procedures for Entering into Procurement Contracts for Purchases, Leases and Rentals of Supplies, Material, Equipment or Services and Adding a New Chapter to Title 3 of the Kent City Code | |
1/21/1992 | Amending Section 4.02.010 of the Kent City Code [Re: Public Works and Improvements Contracts] (6.01) | |
1/21/1992 | Amending Section 2.32.070 of the KCC as It Pertains to the Duties and Powers of the Planning Department (2.30) | |
2/18/1992 | Relating to Business Licenses for Pool and Billiard Table Establishments and for Establishments with Amusement Devices Amending KCC Subsections 5.04.030, 5.19.010 and 5.19.030 and 5.19.040 to Change the Amount and Type of the Amusement Device License Fee (5.02, 5.08) | |
2/18/1992 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating that Portion of Helen Street, a Dedicated, Unopened Street, that Directly Abuts Washington Street in the City of Kent | |
2/18/1992 | Deleting the Existing Section on the Subject of Lewd Conduct in Kent City Code Section 9.02.34, (Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance 2545, and Ordinance 2926); Adopting a New Section to the Kent City Code Defining the Crime of Indecent Exposure | |
2/18/1992 | Relating to Narcotics, Amending KCC 9.12.68, the Existing Section on the Subject of Penalty for Violations for Possession of Marijuana (Repealed by 4461) | |
2/18/1992 | Relating to Solid Waste Handling and Regulation; Ratifying and Confirming the City’s Commitment to Waste Reduction, Recycling and Waste stream Control; Regulating Yard Waste Consistent with the King County Solid Waste Management Plan; Authorizing Liens under Chapter 35.21 RCW for Failure to Pay Charges of Solid Waste Services; Amending Kent City Code Sections 7.08.010 and 7.08.040; Adding New Section 7.08.220 KCC; Providing for Criminal and Civil Enforcement and Abatement and Providing Penalties for Violations of Chapter 7.08 KCC; Adding New Sections 7.08.230 through 7.08.280; and Repealing Section 7.08.180 (7.03) | |
2/18/1992 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the Zoning Code, Kent City Code (K.C.C.) Title 15, to Repeal KCC Section 15.09.100 Relating to Zoning Code Violations and Enforcement, Eliminating Criminal Penalties for such Violations, Adding a New Chapter 15.10 on the Same Subject which Provides Civil Penalties for Violations | |
3/3/1992 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Properties in Order to Improve, Alter and Widen South Central Avenue Between Gowe and Willis Streets; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of any of the City’s Capital Improvement Funds; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within the Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
4/7/1992 | Declaring the Existing Street System of the City of Kent to Be a Public Utility, Setting forth the Classification of Customers Subject to Charges, Providing for the Levying and Collection of such Charges and Creating the Street Utility Fund, from which Monies Shall Be Spent for the Construction, Maintenance, Operation and Preservation of the Street Utility | |
4/7/1992 | Relating to Business Licenses, Amending the Business License Code by Deleting the Existing Chapter and Adding a New Chapter 5.02 in the Kent City Code (Repealing Ordinances 1744, 1919 and 2383); Establishing a Uniform System for the Issuance, Renewal, Revocation and Suspension of General Business Licenses and Prescribing Penalties for Violations | |
4/7/1992 | Relating to the Duties and Appeal Procedures of the Land Use Hearing Examiner, Amending Section 2.54. 100 and 2.54.140 of the Kent City Code (Amending Ordinances 2802, 2469 and 2233) 92.32) | |
4/7/1992 | Relating to the Office of Housing and Human Services | |
4/21/1992 | Providing for the Condemnation, Acquisition, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Land Necessary for the Installation, Construction, Repair, Maintenance, Alteration, and Improvement of the Kent Springs Water Transmission Main, under, Over, Along and Across Certain Private Property Located in King County, Washington; Providing for the Payment thereof from the City’s Kent Springs Transmission Main Funds | |
4/21/1992 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $10,575,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1992, of the City to Provide Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Advance Refunding the Callable Portions of the City’s Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1985, Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1986, and Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1987, and the Costs of Issuance and Sale of the Bonds; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of the Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of the Bonds Herein Authorized and for the Use and Application of the Money Derived from those Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Puget Sound National Bank, as Refunding Trustee; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers Division of Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
5/19/1992 | Granting Unto Electric Lightwave, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Ten Years to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace and Repair a Telecommunications System, in, Across, Over, Along, Under, Through and Below Certain Designated Public Rights-of-Way and Public Properties of the City of Kent, Washington | |
5/19/1992 | Granting Unto Highline Water District (Formerly King County Water District No. 75), Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Twenty-Five Years, to Lay, Construct, Extend, Repair, Renew and Replace Water Pipes, Mains and Facilities under, Along and/or Across Certain Designated Streets, Avenues, Roads, Alleys, Rights-of-Way and Other Public Places of the City, All in Order to Operate a Domestic Water Supply System for the Purpose of Public Sale and Distribution of Water to Customers within the City | |
5/5/1992 | Relating to the Storm and Surface Water Utility, Adopting a New Drainage Basins Map and Changing the Rate Charged by the City Storm and Surface Water Utility to Its Customers for Service, Amending Kent City Code (KCC) Sections 7.20.010, .030, .160 and .210; (Ordinances 2325 and 2547) (7.05) | |
5/5/1992 | Relating to Water Rates, Changing the Rate Charged by the City Water Utility to Its Customers for Service, Both within and without the City Limits; Amending KCC §§ 7.06.860 and 7.06.880 (Ordinance 2370, 2495) (Repealed by 4288) | |
5/19/1992 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Parks and Recreational Purposes Over Certain Property; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the City’s Green River Trail Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within the Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
6/16/1992 | Relating to the Discharge of Fireworks within the City | |
6/16/1992 | Relating to the Kent International Balloon Classic; Authorizing Closure of Certain Public Streets for a Public Festival | |
6/16/1992 | Relating to Canterbury Faire; Authorizing Closure of Certain Public Streets for a Public Festival | |
6/16/1992 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Granting a Street Use Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use | |
7/7/1992 | Annexing Certain Real Property to the City of Kent under the Provisions of Chapter 35A.14 RCW, and Complying with the Procedures therein Set forth | |
7/7/1992 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the Kent Zoning Code, (Ordinances 1827 and 2404), Chapter 15 of the KCC, to Amend the Downtown Commercial (DC) District, Create a Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) District and a Downtown Limited Manufacturing (DLM) District, Provide a Design Review Process for Certain Zoning Districts, Add New Sections 15.04.115, 15.04.116, and 15.09.048; and Amending Sections 15.04.110, 15.05.040, 15.05.070, 15.06.050, and 15.07.060 (15.05, 15.06, 15.09) | |
7/7/1992 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the City’s official Zoning Map by Adding the New Downtown Commercial Enterprise and Downtown Limited Manufacturing Districts, and by Changing the Zoning Boundaries of the Downtown Commercial, General Commercial, Commercial Manufacturing, Office, Limited Industrial, Medium Density Multifamily Residential, and High Density Multifamily Residential Districts within the Downtown Planning Area | |
7/7/1992 | Relating to Building Codes; Amending Chapter 14.04 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Building Code 1991 Edition, together with Certain Amendments thereto and Adopting Specific Chapters of the Appendix to said Code and Adopting the Uniform Building Code Standards; Amending Chapter 14.10 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 1991 Edition; Amending Chapter 14.12 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Housing Code 1991 Edition; Amending Chapter 14.14 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Mechanical Code 1991 Edition; together with Certain Amendments thereto; Amending Chapter 14.16 of KCC to Adopt the Uniform Plumbing Code 1991 Edition, together with Certain Amendments thereto and Adopting the Uniform Plumbing Code Standards; Amending Ordinances 2199, 2200, 2517, 2639, and 2921 and Repealing Ordinances No. 3021, 3022 and 3023 | |
7/7/1992 | Relating to Building, Housing, Mechanical and Plumbing Code Enforcement, Adding a New Chapter 14.24 on Enforcement, Providing Both Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violations and Repealing Section 14.24.010 of the KCC (14.08) | |
7/7/1992 | Relating to Fire Prevention; Amending Chapter 13.02 KCC to Adopt the Uniform Fire Code, 1991 Edition, with Certain Amendments thereto | |
7/7/1992 | Relating to Fire Code Enforcement, Adding a New Chapter 13.14 on Enforcement, Providing Both Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violations; and Repealing Section 13.10.010 of the KCC | |
7/21/1992 | Adopting the City’s Amended Shoreline Master Program as Approved and Enacted by the Department of Ecology on June 16, 1992, Establishing a New Title 11 to the KCC, and Implementing the Administrative and Enforcement Sections of the Shoreline Master Program as a New Chapter 11.04 of the KCC | |
7/21/1992 | Amending Section 11 of Ordinance No. 2316 Codified as KCC Section 9.16.76, Regarding Constrictor Snakes | |
7/21/1992 | Relating to Fireworks Regulation, Repealing Chapter 13.09 of the KCC (Ordinance 2413) and Adding a New Section Relating to Local Fireworks Permits, Providing Penalties for Failure to Obtain such Permits | |
8/4/1992 | Amending Section 5 of Ordinance 1888 as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance 2034, Relating to Payment of Taxes on Gambling Activities (Repealed by 4342) | |
8/4/1992 | Repealing Ordinance No. 3049 Annexing the West Hill Island | |
8/18/1992 | Establishing Drug-Free Zones; Depicting the Locations and Boundaries of the Area on or within One Thousand Feet of Schools and/or School Bus Route stops for the Purpose of Enhanced Penalties under State Law for Crimes involving the Manufacture, Sale, or Delivery of Controlled Substances (Repealed by 4461) | |
8/18/1992 | Relating to Parking infraction Penalties, Amending KCC 10.06.100, 10.06.170, 10.06.190, 10.06.210, and 10.06.090 (9.36, 9.38) | |
8/18/1992 | Amending the 1992 Budget as Adopted by Ordinance No. 3011 to Delete 10.5 General Fund Positions that Were New in 1991 and Never Filled and Delete the associated General Fund Salary Credits | |
8/18/1992 | Annexing Certain Real Property to the City of Kent under the Provisions of Chapter 35A.14 RCW, and Complying with the Procedures Set forth therein | |
8/18/1992 | Repealing Ordinances 1494, 1754, and 2137 Relating to the Office of City Administrator; Amending Ordinance 3011 as It Relates to the Budget for the City Administrator Position | |
9/1/1992 | Establishing Procedures and Programs to Encourage and Increase the Procurement of Recycled Products and Recyclable Products by City of Kent Departments and Contractors (3.80) | |
9/1/1992 | Adding a New Chapter to Title 2 of the KCC, Creating a New Position Entitled “Chief Administrative Officer”, and Amending Budget Ordinance No. 3011, Removing the Position of Assistant City Administrator, and Transferring Funds for said Position | |
9/1/1992 | Relating to the Mayor’s Salary and Changing the Position from Part-Time to Full-Time; Amending Chapter 2.02 KCC, to Amend Section 2.02.010 and Amending Sections 2.02.020, 2.02.030 and 2.02.040 (Ordinances 2947, 1977) (2.02) | |
9/15/1992 | Amending the 1992 Budget as Adopted by Ordinance No. 3011 to Delete 28.25 Vacant Positions and Delete Salary Credits | |
10/6/1992 | Amending the Timing Considerations for the Issuance of SEPA threshold Determinations (11.03) | |
10/20/1992 | Clarifying the Elements of the Crime of Assault Amending Section 9.02.28 of the KCC | |
10/20/1992 | Regarding the Admissibility of Refusal Evidence in Driving While under the influence Prosecutions, Adding a New Section 9.36.110 to the KCC | |
10/20/1992 | Relating to the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance; Amending Chapter 9.36 (9.36) | |
11/3/1992 | Relating to Utility Taxes; Amending Chapter 3.04 (Ordinance No. 2758) of the KCC to Change 3.04.080 to Require a Monthly Tax Remittance; and to Add Section 3.04.090 to Require Taxpayers to Keep and Provide Records; and to Add Section 3.04.100 to Authorize the Finance Director to Make Tax Assessments When Taxpayers Fail or Refuse to Pay Taxes; and to Add Section 3.04.110 to Provide a Credit for any Overpayment; and to Provide Section 3.04.120 to Provide an Appeal Procedure; and to Add 3.04.130 to Make It Unlawful to File a False Return; and to Add Section 3.04.140 to Provide a Civil Penalty for Noncompliance (Repealed by 4495) | |
11/17/1992 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating that Portion of 104th Avenue S.E. in the City of Kent (Application by D. Alan Bond of Emma Platz Company) | |
11/17/1992 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 2374 and 2811 of the City of Kent, Relating to Sewer Connections and Establishing a Penalty for Failure to Connect to the City’s Public Sewer System | |
11/17/1992 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending KCC 7.05.310 (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinances 2446, 2510, 2596, 2679, 2827, 2873, 2951, and 2962), Establishing New Charges for Sanitary Sewer Service (Increasing the Sewer Base Rate for Residential and Commercial Accounts to Reflect Adjustments Established by Metro) | |
12/8/1992 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1993 | |
12/8/1992 | Relating to Budgets and Finance; Adopting the 1993 Budget | |
1/19/1993 | Adopting and Enacting a New Code for the City of Kent, Washington; Providing for Procedure for Amending and Supplementing such Code; Providing for the Interpretation of Footnotes and History Notes; Providing for the Repeal of Certain Ordinances Not included therein and Not Saved from Repeal in this Ordinance; Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereof; Providing for the intent of the City Council in Amending such Code; and Providing When Such Code and this Ordinance Shall Become Effective | |
1/19/1993 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Parks and Recreational Purposes Over Certain Property; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the City’s Green River Trail Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within the Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
1/19/1993 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District 333, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Installing a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of 72nd Avenue South and South 180th Street; All as Provided in Ordinance 2780; and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land, and the Properties Shown on the Roll | |
1/19/1993 | Approving and Confirming Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District 339, Which Has Been Created and Established for Purposes of Installing a Sanitary Sewer to 10 Previously Unsewered Properties on Hilltop Avenue 900 Feet to 1400 Feet North on James Street; All as Provided in Ord. 2982; and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land, and the Properties Shown on the Roll | |
1/19/1993 | Relating to Recycling storage Area Requirements for New Development; Amending Chapter 7.08 of the Kent City Code (7.03) | |
1/19/1993 | Relating to the Public Works Improvement Plan Approval and Inspection Fees and Repealing Ordinance No. 2203 (6.03) | |
2/2/1993 | Adopting Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Measures as Required by RCW 70.94.527 | |
2/2/1993 | Amending the 1992 Budget for Adjustments Made During 1992 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund and the Capital Improvement Fund to the Parks Capital Project Fund and Housing and Community Development to Cover Expenditures | |
2/2/1993 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating that Portion of Pioneer Street, a Dedicated and Open Street, from the Easterly Right-of-Way Line to State Avenue to the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of Kennebeck Avenue in the City of Kent | |
2/2/1993 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District 338, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Installing Sanitary Sewers to 48 Unsewered Properties in the Westview Terrace/Mccann’s Subdivisions, All as Provided in Ordinance 2979; and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land, and All Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
2/2/1993 | Repealing Ordinance No. 3082; Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District 333, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Installing a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of 72nd Avenue South and South 180th Street, All as Provided in Ordinance 2780; and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land, and All Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
2/16/1993 | Relating to Utility Taxes; Amending Chapter 3.04 (Ordinance No. 2758) to Define “Telephone Business” and “Competitive Telephone Service” Consistently with RCW 82.04.065 (3.18) | |
2/16/1993 | Amending Chapter 15.04 of the Kent Zoning Code to Permit Multifamily Residential Use as a Conditional Use in Non-Residential Zones only in Conjunction with Mixed Use Development Proposals, and Amending Chapter 15.02 of the Kent Zoning Code to include a New Definition for Mixed Use Development (15.02) | |
2/16/1993 | Amending Chapter 15.06 of the Kent Zoning Code to Add a Definition for on-Premise Sandwich Board Signs and to Amend Chapter 15.06 to Permit Retail Uses in the M1 District to Utilize Up to Two Sandwich Board Signs to Identify themselves (15.06) | |
2/16/1993 | Amending Section 15.04.140 (D) by Adding Recreational Vehicle Parks as a Conditional Use in the GC Zoning District; and Amending Section 12.06.070 to include a New Subsection (12.06) | |
3/2/1993 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Section 15.04.120(A) and Section 15.04.130(A) (7) of the Kent Zoning Code to Allow the Construction of New Single Family Residences as a Principally Permitted Use in the CM-1 and CM-2 Zone | |
3/16/1993 | Granting Unto Puget Sound Power & Light Company, A Washington Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Twenty-Five Years, to Construct, Operate, Set, Erect, Support, Attach, Connect, Maintain, Repair, Replace, Enlarge and Use Facilities for Purposes of Transmission, Distribution and Sale of Energy for Power, Heat, and Light, in Upon, Over, Under, Along, Across and Through the Franchise Area; and to Charge and Collect tolls, Rates and Compensation for such Energy and such Uses | |
3/16/1993 | Initiating the Process which Will Result in a Special Election to Determine Whether the City of Kent Shall Be annexed to the King County Rural Library District; Declaring the Required intent to Join the Library District; and Finding that such Annexation Is in the Public Interest | |
3/16/1993 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2667, Pertaining to the Schedule of Fees for Applications Filed with the Kent Planning Department | |
4/6/1993 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto, in the Vicinity of 208th Street and 92nd Avenue, and More Particularly Described as Set Out in the attached Exhibit A, Commonly Known as the Chestnut Ridge Annexation | |
4/20/1993 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Kent to Rezone Certain Property Located on the West Side of 84th Avenue South, Approximately 390 Feet North of South 222nd Street and More Specifically Identified as the Western 445 Feet of Parcel #7759800040 (Venture 84 Rezone) | |
4/20/1993 | Granting Unto Heath Techna, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Ten Years, to Construct, Attach, Maintain, Repair, Replace, Operate and Use Communication Line Duct Bank Facilities under and Across South 200th Street within the City of Kent | |
4/20/1993 | Relating to the Downtown Kent Plant and Garden Show; Granting a Street Occupation Permit to Kent Downtown, Inc. for a Public Event; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use and Closing Certain Streets in Conjunction with said Permit | |
4/20/1993 | Amending Chapter 9.12 Relating to the Possession of Marijuana and Adding a Definition thereto (Repealed by 4461) | |
4/20/1993 | Relating to Local Improvement Districts; Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 333 Et Al. and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 333 Et Al.; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District 333 Et Al. Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Lehman Brothers Division of Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
4/20/1993 | Annexing Certain Territory to the City of Kent, Washington for Municipal Parks and Recreation Purposes (East Lake Fenwick Annexation) | |
4/20/1993 | Amending Chapter 3.60 of the KCC Establishing Rules and Procedures for Entering into Procurement Contracts for Purchases, Leases and Rentals of Supplies, Material, Equipment or Services | |
5/4/1993 | Relating to Cable Television Communications Regulations, Repealing Ordinance 2093 and Establishing New Conditions, Requirements, Obligations and Duties of Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Cable Communication Systems as May Be Authorized under Franchise with the City | |
5/4/1993 | Granting Unto TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc., the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for 15 Years to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Cable Television System for the Distribution of Television and Other Electronic Signals within All City Rights-of-Way | |
5/18/1993 | Adding a New Chapter to the Kent City Code, Chapter 11.05, Entitled “Wetlands Management” Relating to Preservation and Management of Wetlands within the City of Kent | |
5/18/1993 | Relating to Civil Violations, Enforcement of Regulations, Providing Civil Penalties, Abatement Procedures and Collection of any Necessary Costs by the City | |
5/18/1993 | Relating to Public Nuisances as the Same Constitutes a Fire, Safety or Health Hazard, Amending Chapter 8.04 of the Kent City Code Relating to Litter Control by Repealing Section Relating to Abatement and by Providing for Civil Penalties; Repealing Chapter 8.01 of the Kent City Code in Its Entirety and Adding a New Chapter to Be Titled “Public Nuisances” (8.01, 8.04) | |
5/18/1993 | Concerning the Disposition of Junk Vehicles on Private Property, Declaring them to Be Public Nuisances and Providing a Method for Abatement and Removal, All as Authorized by RCW 46.55.240 (8.08) | |
5/18/1993 | Relating to the Maintenance, Trimming, Removal or Destruction of Vegetation and Weeds on Private Property and Adjoining Planting strips and Alleys as the Same Constitutes a Fire, Health or Safety Hazard; Providing Civil Penalties, and Abatement; Amending K.C.C. by the Addition of a New Chapter 8.07 (8.07) | |
5/18/1993 | Ordering Sidewalk Improvements on West Smith Street from N. Washington Avenue to 64 th Avenue South All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1351 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District (LID) No. 342 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
5/18/1993 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $14,085,000 Par Value of Unlimited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1993, of the City to Provide Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Refunding the Callable Portions of the City’s Outstanding Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1980, Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1986, and Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1990, and the Costs of Issuance and Sale of the Bonds; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of the Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of the Refunding Bonds Herein Authorized and for the Use and Application of the Money Derived from those Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Seattle-First National Bank of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers Division of Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
5/18/1993 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $2,765,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1993, of the City to Provide Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Refunding the Callable Portions of the City’s Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1978, and Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1989, and the Costs of Issuance and Sale of the Bonds; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of the Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of The Sale of the Refunding Bonds Herein Authorized and for the Use and Application of the Money Derived from those Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Seattle-First National Bank of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers Division of Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
5/18/1993 | Repealing Ordinance No. 1142, Amending KCC 14.02.030 (Ordinance No. 3052), and Enacting New Construction Standards for Public Works Related Improvements in the City of Kent | |
5/18/1993 | Repealing Ordinance No. 3100, Passed on April 20, 1993, and Enacting a New Ordinance, Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending the official Zoning Map of the City of Kent to Rezone Certain Property Located on the West Side of 84th Avenue South, Approximately 390 Feet North of South 222nd Street and More Specifically Identified as the Western 445 Feet of Parcel No. 7759800041[Venture 84 Rezone] | |
6/1/1993 | Relating to Kent Cornucopia Days; Authorizing the Issuance of a Street Occupation Permit to Kent Lions Club for a Public Festival; Specifying Terms and Conditions for such Street Use and Closing Certain Streets in Conjunction with said Permit | |
6/15/1993 | Relating to Canterbury Faire; Authorizing Closure of Certain Public Streets for a Public Festival | |
6/15/1993 | Relating to the Kent International Balloon Classic; Authorizing Closure of Certain Public Streets for a Public Festival | |
6/15/1993 | Amending Kent City Code Section 15.08.100 (D) to Allow for the Restoration or Reconstruction of Nonconforming Structures under Certain Conditions Subject to the Authority of the City’s Planning Director (15.08) | |
6/15/1993 | Amending Chapter 15.09 of the Kent City Code Relating to the Procedure for Zoning Map and Text Amendments to the Zoning Code (15.09) | |
6/15/1993 | Amending the Zoning Code, Chapter 15.10 of the Kent City Code, Relating to Civil Violations, Enforcement of Development and Use Regulations, Providing Civil Penalties, Abatement Procedures, and Collection of any Necessary Costs by the City (15.10) | |
6/15/1993 | Adding a New Chapter 2.34 to the Kent City Code Entitled “Municipal Court” and thereby Establishing a Municipal Court Pursuant to the Court Improvement Act of 1984 which Has Exclusive Original Jurisdiction Over All Violations of City Ordinances and such Other Cases as May Be Prescribed by State Law; which Authorizes the Appointment and Removal of a Judge and Judges Pro Tem; which Provides for the Court’s Authority to Impose Certain Sentences Upon Individuals Found Guilty; which Provides for Court Pleadings, Practice, Procedure, a Court Seal, and Court Transfers; and Establishing an Effective Date (Repealed by 4333) | |
7/6/1993 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Storm Drainage Purposes Over Certain Properties in Order to Improve the City’s Comprehensive Storm Drainage and Flood Control Systems; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of any of the City’s Drainage Capital Improvement Funds; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within the Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington (Upper Garrison Creek Stormwater Control Project) | |
7/20/1993 | Annexing Certain Territory to the City of Kent Washington for a Stormwater Detention Facility for Garrison Creek (Vicinity of 98th Avenue S. and S. 231st Street) | |
8/3/1993 | Relating to the Combined Sewerage Collection and Disposal System and Storm and Surface Water Utility of the City; Providing for the Issuance of $8,690,000 Principal Amount of Sewerage System Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, 1993, of the City for the Purposes of Providing a Part of the Funds to Carry Out a System or Plan of Additions to and Betterments and Extensions of that Utility as Adopted by Resolution No. 1313; Providing Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Refunding, Paying and Redeeming the Callable Portion of the City’s Outstanding Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, 1986; Providing Funds with which to Prepay that Utility’s Assessment in LID No. 330 of the City; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of those Bonds; Providing a Reserve for those Bonds; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of the Refunding Bonds Herein Authorized and for the Use and Application of the Money Derived from those Investments; Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with West one Bank, Idaho, N.A., of Boise, Idaho, as Refunding Trustee; Providing for Bond Insurance; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers, Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
9/7/1993 | Amending the Zoning Code to Allow the Sport of indoor Paintball as a Permitted Use in the M-1, Industrial Park District, and M-2. Limited Industrial District | |
9/7/1993 | Amending Chapter 14.08 of the Kent City Code (KCC), Relating to Enforcement of the Building, Housing, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes, Providing Civil Penalties, Abatement Procedures and Collection of any Necessary Costs by the City (14.08) | |
9/7/1993 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, to Allow Extension of the Interim Zoning Designation of R1-20 in the Recently annexed Chestnut Ridge Area for an Additional 90 Days | |
9/7/1993 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Section 15.04.130C, to Add Churches as a Special Permit Use in the CM2, Commercial Manufacturing, Zoning District | |
9/7/1993 | Amending Chapter 9.02, the City Penal Code, by Adding a New Section Relating to Pedestrian Interference in Public Places and by Adding New Provisions Relating to Public Disturbances, and Further Amending Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 8.05, Noise Control, by Deleting Certain Criminal Noise Control Provisions Relating to Public Disturbances (8.05) | |
9/21/1993 | Providing for the Acquisition of Properties for Parks and Recreational Purposes; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the City’s Lake Fenwick Trail Fund; and Necessary therefor; said Properties Located within the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
10/5/1993 | Amending Chapter 9.12, the City Penal Code, by Adding a New Section Relating to the Prohibition of Drug-Traffic Loitering (Repealed by 4461) | |
10/5/1993 | Amending 12.04.170 of the Kent City Code (KCC) to Provide Public Notice of a Proposed Short Subdivision to Adjacent Property Owners, and Adding a New Subsection 12.04.170 (F), Describing the Manner in which Notice Shall be Given, and Adding a New Section, 12.04.235, Allowing for Written Public Response to the Proposed Short Subdivision (12.04) | |
10/19/1993 | Amending Chapter 14.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Building Code Fees | |
10/19/1993 | Repealing Chapter 8.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Political Signs, Banners, Etc.”, Chapter 6.08, Entitled “Street Occupation Permits”, and Section 9.36.040, Entitled “Street Closure”; and Amending Chapter 6.07 Entitled, “Street Use Permits”, as this Chapter Relates to Use of Public Property and Rights-of-Way (9.36) | |
10/19/1993 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Properties in Order to Extend, Improve, Alter and Widen South 196th Street in the City of Kent; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 196th Street--West Valley to East Valley Project Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within the City of Kent, King County, Washington (Kingsport Industrial-Condemnation Ordinance) | |
10/19/1993 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Kent City Code Section 7.04.280 (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinances 2446, 2510, 2596, 2679, 2827, 2873, 2951, 2962 and 3077), Establishing New Charges for Sanitary Sewer Service (Metro Sewer Rate Increase) | |
11/2/1993 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Section 11.03.410(A) to Provide Public Notice of any Addendum to an Existing Environmental Document, and Amending Section 11.03.410(A) (1) to Provide Public Notice of a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, and Adding a New Subsection A, B, and C to indicate the Manner in which Public Notice Shall Be Given (SEPA Code Amendments) (11.03) | |
11/2/1993 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Section 15.06.050(B) of the Kent City Code to Allow Greater Sign Area for Convenience stores with Gasoline Sales (15.06) | |
11/16/1993 | Repealing §§ 7.02.300(D) and 7.02.310(D) of the Kent City Code (KCC) and Enacting §§ 7.02.300(D) and 7.02.310(D) (Repealed by 4288) | |
12/7/1993 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1994 | |
12/7/1993 | Adopting the 1994 Budget | |
12/7/1993 | Amending Section 2.34.080 of the Kent City Code (KCC), as Enacted in Section 1 of the City of Kent Ordinance No. 3125, Relating to the Appointment of Pro Tem Judges and Declaring an Emergency therefor (Municipal Court) (Repealed by 4333) | |
12/30/1993 | Amending the 1993 Budget for Adjustments Made During 1993 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund and the Capital Improvement Fund to the Parks Capital Project Fund and Housing and Community Development to Cover Expenditures | |
1/4/1994 | Amending Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC), by Adding a New Section Relating to Prostitution and Adopting “Stay Out of Areas of Prostitution” (SOAP) Orders | |
1/4/1994 | Relating to Vesting of Development Permit Applications (14.11) | |
1/4/1994 | Amending Title 2, Entitled “Administration and Personnel”, by Repealing Certain Chapters Concerning City Administration and Departments, and Adding a New Chapter Relating to City Administration and the Establishment of a New City Department; Amending Chapters 2.22 and 2.24 Relating to the Police and Fire Chiefs; Amending Chapter 2.34 Relating to the Position of Court Administrator; Eliminating Certain Positions and Creating New Positions and Providing for Severance (Reorganization Plan - 1993/94) (2.22, 2.24) | |
1/18/1994 | To Provide for the Regulation of Basic Service Tier Rates and Related Equipment, Installation and Service Charges of any Cable Television System Operating in the City of Kent | |
1/18/1994 | Ordering the Installation of a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of SE 240th Street and 108th Avenue SE All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1376 of the City Council; and Establishing Local Improvement District (LID) No. 344 | |
1/18/1994 | Annexing to the City Certain Lands Contiguous thereto, in the Vicinity of South 222nd Street and 93rd Avenue South, Commonly Known as the Everson Annexation | |
2/1/1994 | Designating Zoning for the Entire Chestnut Ridge Annexation Area (#AZ-93 -1) as Single Family as Depicted in Exhibit “A” | |
2/15/1994 | Rezoning Approximately 3.0 Acres of a 4.5 Acre Site from GWC, Gateway Commercial, to CM-1, Commercial Manufacturing (Carpinito Business Park Rezone) | |
2/15/1994 | Amending Chapter 8.03 of the Kent City Code (KCC) to Reflect Changes in Licensing, Late Penalties, Impound, Redemption, and Sheltering Fees as Required by Interlocal Agreement with King County, and Repealing Section 8.03.310 (C) and (D) Regarding Impound Procedures and Repealing Section 8.03.320 (2) (A)-(E) Prohibiting the Sale of Animals to Research Facilities (8.03) | |
2/15/1994 | Amending Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 3.05 Raising the Authorized Amount in the City of Kent Worker’s Compensation Bank Account, and Authorizing the Operations, Director to Transfer Monies to the Account | |
3/1/1994 | Relating to the Evening Closure of City Parks (4.01) | |
3/15/1994 | Amending Chapter 3.41 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Creating New Kent City Code (KCC) Sections 3.41.700, 3.41.710, and 3.41.720, Creating an investigative Buy Account for the City of Kent Police Department, Establishing the Amount thereof and Authorizing the Finance Manager to Transfer Monies to the Fund and Other Amendments | |
4/5/1994 | To Rezone Approximately 7.25 Acres of Property from R1-7.2, Single Family Residential (Minimum Lot Size of 7200 Square Feet) to R1 - 5.0, Single Family Residential (Minimum Lot Size of 5,000 Square Feet) (top of the Hill Rezone) | |
4/5/1994 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Permanent Easement for Storm Drainage Purposes Over Certain Property in Order to Improve, Alter, Install, Operate and Maintain a Storm Drainage System for Upper Garrison Creek, which Property Is Generally Located Along Upper Garrison Creek in the Area Northwest of the Intersection of South 236th Street and 100th Avenue SE and Also Along Upper Garrison Creek Between 112th Avenue SE and 104th Avenue SE; Providing for the Payment thereof from the City’s Safeway Storm Drainage Fund (Project #91-3018/D-37); and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington (Garrison Creek Condemnation) | |
4/5/1994 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Amending Section 15.06.050 (B) of the Kent City Code (KCC) to Allow Greater Sign Area for Convenience stores with Gasoline Sales; and to Eliminate the thirty Square Foot Restriction on Fuel Price Signs (15.06) | |
5/3/1994 | Amending Chapter 9.32 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Conduct in Alcoholic Beverage Premises”, by Adding a New Section Regulating Entertainment Conducted on Premises Licensed to Serve Alcoholic Beverages (9.32) | |
5/3/1994 | Restricting the Time for Sale of Fireworks and Limiting the Time for Discharge of Fireworks | |
5/3/1994 | Increasing Councilmember Salaries, Providing for Cost of Living Increases, and Providing for Medical Benefits (2.01) | |
5/17/1994 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District (LID) 342 Sidewalks on Both Sides of Smith Street from N. Washington Avenue to 64th Avenue South | |
5/17/1994 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District (LID) 344, Traffic Signal at Intersection of S.E. 240th Street and 108th Avenue S.E. | |
5/17/1994 | Restricting the Time for Sale of Fireworks, Limiting the Time for Discharge of Fireworks and Repealing Ordinance No. 3164 | |
5/17/1994 | Amending Chapter 2.32 Entitled “Office of the Hearing Examiner”, Amending KCC 12.04.250 Relating to Appeals of Decisions of the Short Subdivision Committee; and Repealing Chapter 12.01 KCC Relating to the Board of Adjustment (2.32, 12.01, 12.04, 15.02) | |
5/24/1994 | Amending Chapter 9.36 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to the Traffic Code by Adopting the Washington Model Traffic Code (MTO) Pursuant to Laws 1993, Ch. 400 (9.36) | |
6/21/1994 | Annexing to the City Certain Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 608.5 Acres Generally Bounded on the North by S.E. 264th St. and the Kent-Kangley Road (S.R. 516), on the East by the Extension of 120th Avenue S.E., on the South by the Extension of S.E. 280th Street, and on the West by the Green River, and More Particularly Described as Set Out in the attached Exhibits a and B, and Commonly Known as the Ramstead/East Hill Annexation | |
6/21/1994 | Amending Chapter 9.02 Relating to the Penalty Provisions and Making Other Related Amendments to Be in Compliance with State statutes and Declaring a Public Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, Property and Peace | |
7/19/1994 | Granting Unto Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Twenty-Five Years, to Construct, Operate, Maintain, Repair and Replace a Sewer Main and Related Facilities under, Along, and/or Across Certain Designated Rights-of-Way, Utility Easements and Other Public Places of the City, All in Order to Allow a Portion of the District’s Sewer System to Discharge into a Metropolitan King County Sewer System interceptor (1st Reading of Ordinance - 7/5/94; 2nd Reading - 7/19/94) | |
7/5/1994 | Amending Chapter 3.18 Relating to Utility Taxes on Telephone, Gas, Electric, Garbage, Water, Sewer and Drainage Utilities by Adding a New Section Providing for an Interim Utility Tax Increase to Expand Youth and Teen Programs, and to Dedicate Funds for such Program Expansion, and Further to Amend the 1994 Budget to Reflect the Increased Revenue and Expenditures | |
7/19/1994 | Amending Chapter 15.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC) to Provide a Definition of “Bulk Retail” and Adding a New Section to 15.04.170 (A) (13) Regarding Principally Permitted Retail Uses and Adding a New Section to 15.05.040 (B) Regarding Parking standards for Commercial Activities (15.02, 15.05) | |
7/19/1994 | Providing for the Acquisition by Negotiation or Condemnation of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Property in Order to Construct, Operate and Maintain the Extension, Improvement, Alteration and Widening of South 196th Street Between East Valley Highway and Orillia Road in the City of Kent; Providing that Special Benefits to the Owner’s Remaining Property Resulting from the Proposed Improvements Shall Be offset Against the Value of the Property and Property Rights Acquired and Against any Damages to the Remainder Property; Providing that the Amount of Just Compensation, if any, in Excess of the Net Special Benefits to the Owner’s Remaining Property Shall Be Paid Out of the 196th Street--West Valley to East Valley Project Fund; All of said Property being Located within the City of Kent, King County, Washington (Kingsport Condemnation) | |
8/2/1994 | Amending Chapter 14.06 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Dangerous Buildings” Relating to Enforcement and Abatement | |
8/2/1994 | Amending Chapter 14.08 Relating to Enforcement of the Building, Housing, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes by Adding the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, the Washington State Energy Code, and the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code to the Enforcement Provisions of this Chapter (14.08) | |
8/2/1994 | Amending Chapter 13.14 Relating to Enforcement of the Fire Code, Providing Civil Penalties and Abatement Procedures | |
8/2/1994 | Amending Chapter 5.05 Entitled “Pawnbrokers” to Bring the Provisions of said Chapter into Compliance with State Law | |
8/2/1994 | Amending Chapter 7.01 Relating to Notice of Delinquent Accounts and Other Amendments | |
9/6/1994 | Amending Chapter 2.97 Relating to the Filing and Administration of Claims Against the City (2.97) | |
9/6/1994 | Amending Certain Definitions in Section 7.03.010, Adding a New Section 7.03. 045 Relating to the Recycling and Collection of Yard Waste and Further Prohibiting the Commingling of Yard Waste with Garbage or Other Recyclable Materials, and Amending Section 7.03.050 to Conform with the City’s Yard Waste Collection Program (7.03) | |
9/20/1994 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, to Implement initial Zoning for Approximately 40 Acres of Land annexed to the City of Kent and Known as the Everson Annexation Area | |
9/20/1994 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning of Adult Entertainment Businesses, Imposing a Moratorium on the Issuance of Permits and on the Acceptance of Applications for Permits for Adult Entertainment Businesses as Defined in KCC Section 5.11 and Further Declaring a Public Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, Property and Peace | |
10/4/1994 | Ordering the Installation of Sidewalks and Street Lighting Along S. 212th Street Between Sr 167 and the Green River in Areas where those Facilities Do Not Exist Establishing Local Improvement District (LID) No. 346 | |
10/4/1994 | Repealing Chapter 3.60 and Establishing a New Chapter 3.70, Relating to Procurement Contracts | |
10/4/1994 | Adding a New Chapter, Chapter 9.40, to the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Vehicular Speed Limits on Certain Designated Streets (9.40) | |
10/4/1994 | Amending Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to No-Parking Zones (9.38) | |
10/4/1994 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 344; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate and Maturity of the Local Improvement District No. 344 Installment Note; Providing for the Purchase of such Note by the City from Funds on Deposit in the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District No. 344 Assessment Installments | |
10/4/1994 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 342; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate and Maturity of the Local Improvement District No. 342 Installment Note; Providing for the Purchase of such Note by the City from Funds on Deposit in the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District No. 342 Assessment Installments | |
10/4/1994 | Amending Chapter 6.07 Relating to Street Use Permits and the Moving of Buildings or Structures Across, Along or Upon a Public Place within the City | |
10/18/1994 | Annexing to the City Certain Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 25 Acres Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of 100 th Avenue S.E. and South 222nd Street, and More Particularly Described as Set Out in the attached Exhibits a and B, and Commonly Known as the Jones/ Hobbs Annexation | |
10/18/1994 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating an Unopened Alley that Directly Abuts Saar Street Along the North Margin and Between Second and third Avenues in the City of Kent (St. Anthony’s Church Alley Vacation) | |
10/18/1994 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating A Portion of 45th Place South, a Dedicated and Open Street in the City of Kent (Mardel Investment Co.) | |
11/1/1994 | Amending Chapter 9.02 Entitled “Penal Code” by Adding a New Section, Section 9.02.32, and Amending Other Sections Relating to Prostitution Loitering; by Adding a New Section Relating to Violations of Civil Anti-Harassment Orders; by Amending Section 9.02.36 to Make Corrections to Language Relating to Public Nuisance Disturbances; and Further Making Other Related Amendments | |
11/1/1994 | Amending Section 2.01.020 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to City Council Meetings (2.01) | |
11/1/1994 | Relating to Sanitary Sewer Services; Amending Kent City Code Section 7.04.280 (Ordinance 2374, as Last Amended by Ordinances 2446, 2510, 2596, 2679, 2827, 2873, 2951, 2962, 3077 and 3140), Establishing New Charges for Sanitary Sewer Service | |
11/1/1994 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating that Portion of Landing Way, a Dedicated and Open Street, Lying Between Blocks 3 and 4 in the Plat of Van Doren’s Landing in the City of Kent | |
11/1/1994 | Ordering the Improvements to Be Made by the Widening of South 218th Street from the East Valley Highway East to SR 167, including Water and Sewer stub Extensions to Unserviced Property; and Establishing Local Improvement District (LID) No. 345 | |
11/15/1994 | Amending Ordinance No. 3199, which Vacated a Portion of Landing Way, a Dedicated and Open Street, Lying Between Blocks 3 and 4 in the Plat of Van Doren’s Landing in the City of Kent | |
11/15/1994 | Adopting the 1995 Budget | |
11/15/1994 | Fixing the Tax Levy therein for the Year 1995 | |
12/13/1994 | Amending the 1994 Budget for Adjustments Made During 1994 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund to Cover Expenditures | |
12/13/1994 | To Rezone Approximately 1.43 Acres of Property from 0, Professional and Office, to CC, Community Commercial (Red Robin Rezone No. RZ-94- 1) | |
1/3/1995 | Amending Chapter 12.04 of the Kent City Code (KCC) by Amending Section 12.04.420 (C) (5) Relating to Submission of Title Reports on Subdivision Plats | |
1/17/1995 | Designating Zoning for the Entire Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Area (AZ-94-2) as Depicted in Exhibit “A” | |
1/17/1995 | Amending Maintenance Bond and Insurance Requirements in the City’s Surface Water and Drainage Utility Code, Chapter 7.07 of the KCC (Repealed by 4425) | |
1/17/1995 | Providing for the Issuance of $5,420,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation and Refunding Bonds, 1995 of the City to Provide Part of the Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Advance Refunding the City’s Outstanding Golf Complex Revenue Bonds, 1988 | |
2/7/1995 | Annexing to the City Certain Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 200 Acres Generally Located North of James Street, Lying astride of 94th Avenue South (Approximately 1250 Feet Lying East of 94th and 600 Feet Lying West of 94th) Extending Northerly to Approximately South 222nd Street, and Commonly Known as the Beck Annexation | |
2/7/1995 | Adopting and Enacting Initiative Petition 101, Adding a New Chapter 9.07 to Title 9 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Juvenile Safety and Family Reconciliation”, Defining Duties and Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians as Well as Juveniles; and Providing for Penalties for Violations thereof (Curfew) (Not Adopted) | |
2/21/1995 | Establishing a New Chapter of the Kent City Code (KCC) Pertaining to the Payment of Claims, Demands, and Vouchers (Appointment of Auditing Officer) (3.03) | |
2/21/1995 | Authorizing the Publication and Distribution of a Local Voter’s Pamphlet for the Special Election of April 25, 1995 Relating to Initiative Petition 101 Establishing a Curfew for Juveniles within the City of Kent (Curfew) | |
3/7/1995 | Relating to the Regulation of Adult Entertainment Businesses as Defined Herein, Providing for the Licensing of such Businesses, Further Providing Standards of Conduct and Operation, including the Regulation of Certain Physical Features of Exotic Dance studios, Repealing Ordinance No. 2778, and Establishing Misdemeanor Offenses and Penalties for the Violation of such Regulations (5.10, 5.11) | |
3/7/1995 | Adding a New Chapter to the Kent City Code (KCC), Chapter 9.05, Relating to the Disposal of Forfeited Firearms | |
4/4/1995 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning of Adult Entertainment Businesses, Extending a Moratorium on the Issuance of Permits and on the Acceptance of Applications for Permits for Adult Entertainment Businesses as Defined in KCC Title 5 for one Additional Six Month Term Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220; and Further Declaring a Public Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, Property and Peace | |
4/4/1995 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District 346, which Has Been Created and Established for the Purpose of Installing Sidewalks and Street Lighting Along South 212th Street Between SR 167 and the Green River in Areas where those Facilities Do Not Exist, including Minor Sewer Improvements, All in Accordance with Resolution 1402 and Ordinance 3186 of the Kent City Council; and Levying and assessing the Amount thereof Against Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land, and All Other Properties Shown on the Roll | |
4/4/1995 | Amending Chapter 8.03 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Animal Control and the Prohibition of the Private Ownership of Exotic Animals (8.03) | |
4/4/1995 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating that Portion of West Titus Street, a Dedicated and Open Street West of 5th Avenue in the City of Kent | |
4/4/1995 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating that Portion of Russell Road, a Dedicated and Open Street, Lying Adjacent to Lot 3 within the Lakes Division 3 Short Plat in the City of Kent | |
4/18/1995 | Amending Chapter 5.10 of the Kent City Code (KCC) as Adopted Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3214, which Relates to the Regulation of Adult Entertainment Businesses, Providing for the Licensing of such Businesses, Further Providing Standards of Conduct and Operation, and Establishing Misdemeanor offenses and Penalties for the Violation of such Regulations (5.10) | |
4/18/1995 | Regarding the Adoption of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan | |
5/2/1995 | To Implement initial Zoning for Approximately 23 Acres of Land annexed to the City of Kent and Known as the Jones - Hobbs Annexation Area | |
5/2/1995 | Relating to the Storm and Surface Water Utility, Changing the Rate Charged by the City Storm and Surface Water Utility to Its Customers for Service, Amending Kent City Code (KCC) 7.05.090 (Previously Enacted as Sections 7.20.010, .030, .160 and .210) (7.05) | |
5/2/1995 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Properties in Order to Extend, Improve, Alter and Widen South 212th Street in Order to Construct HOV Lanes; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 212th Street Improvements--West Valley Highway to SR 167--Project Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
5/16/1995 | Rezoning Approximately Four Acres of Property from MA, Industrial Agricultural, to MRG, Garden Density Multifamily Residential (Ladum Rezone) | |
5/16/1995 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Permanent Easement for Water System Utility Purposes Over Certain Property in Order to Improve, Alter, install, Construct, Reconstruct, Operate and Maintain a Water Utility System Transmission Main, the “Kent Springs Transmission Main Rebuild” Project, which Property Is Generally Located within the Jenkins Creek Subbasin of the Green River Basin; Providing for the Payment thereof from the City’s Kent Springs Transmission Main Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
5/16/1995 | Amending Kent City Code Section 14.09.060 Relating to Areas of Special Flood Hazard (Repealed by 4361) | |
6/6/1995 | Amending Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 13.05 Relating to the Sale and Discharge of Fireworks | |
6/6/1995 | Adding a New Section to Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC), Relating to Criminal Activity at Public Events | |
6/6/1995 | Amending Section 15.04.160 of the Kent Zoning Code to Add Recreational Vehicle Parks as a Principally Permitted Use in the MA, Industrial Agricultural Zone, and Amending Section 12.06.070 of the Kent Zoning Code to Add Recreational Vehicle Parks as a Principally Permitted Use in the MA, Industrial Agricultural Zone (12.06) | |
6/20/1995 | Amending Kent City Code Section 14.09.060 and 14.09.180(4) (KCC Ordinance No. 2867 as Amended by Ordinance No. 3228) Relating to Areas of Special Flood Hazards (Repealed by 4361) | |
6/20/1995 | Vacating that Portion of 26th Place South, a Dedicated But Unopened Street, Lying West of Pacific Highway in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
6/20/1995 | Amending Kent City Code Chapter 14.02 Relating to the Uniform Building Code and Kent City Code 14.03 Relating to the Uniform Mechanical Code to Adopt the 1994 Editions of the Same; and Further Amending Kent City Code Chapter 14.07 Relating to the Energy and Air Quality Codes | |
7/5/1995 | Amending Kent City Code Sections 5.05.010, 5.05.080, and 5.05.090 Relating to Pawnbrokers | |
7/5/1995 | Amending Kent City Code Chapter 13.02 Relating to the Uniform Fire Code | |
7/5/1995 | Adding a New Chapter (12.02) of the Kent City Code Establishing Procedures for Amendments to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan (12.02) | |
7/18/1995 | Granting Unto Metricom, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise for Five Years, to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace and Repair a Wireless Data Communications System on, Across, through, and Above the Public Right-of-Ways of the City of Kent, Washington for the Sole Purpose of Operating a Subscriber - Based Wireless Data Communications Network, which Is to Be Comprised of Radio Transmitters installed on Utility Poles and/or Facilities | |
7/18/1995 | Adding a New Chapter to the Kent City Code (KCC) Establishing Rules and Procedures for Implementing the Provisions of initiative 164, Chapter 98 of the Laws of 1995, Known as the “Private Property Regulatory Fairness Act” and Further Declaring an Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, Property and Peace and Setting a Contingent Effective Date {Not Effective Until After General Election in November} | |
8/1/1995 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, to Implement Zoning for Approximately 218 Acres of Land Generally Located North of South 240th Street Adjacent to 94th Avenue South (by Approximately 1250 Feet to the East and 600 Feet to the West of 94th Avenue), Extending Northerly to Approximately 222nd Street, and Commonly Referred to as the Beck Annexation Area | |
8/15/1995 | Annexing to the City Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 5.27 Square Miles, Generally Bounded on the West by the City’s Existing Corporate Limits, on the North by S.E. 240th Street, on the East by Soos Creek and SR 18 and on the South by S.E. 288th Street, All Generally Referred to as the Meridian Annexation | |
9/19/1995 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning of Adult Entertainment Businesses, Extending a Moratorium on the Issuance of Permits and on the Acceptance of Applications for Permits for Adult Entertainment Businesses as Defined in KCC RCW 35A.63.220; and Further Declaring a Public Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, Property and Peace | |
10/17/1995 | Adding a Section (9.02.43) to the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Crimes of Harassment | |
11/7/1995 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 1996 Fiscal Year Budget | |
11/7/1995 | Fixing the Tax Levy for 1996 | |
11/7/1995 | Vacating a Portion of 71 st Avenue South, an Existing Public Street, Lying Between So. 180th and 181st Streets | |
11/7/1995 | Amending Chapter 4.01 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to “Parks and Recreation” Repealing Certain Sections and Redefining Penalties for Violations of Certain Provisions of the Chapter (4.01) | |
11/7/1995 | Establishing a New Chapter 4.06 to the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Boating Regulations” Relating to Boating on Lakes within the City of Kent (4.06) | |
11/7/1995 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 346 Bonds | |
11/21/1995 | Adjusting the Scheduled Charges for Sewer Service in the City as a Result of the Sewer Rate Increase Issued by Metropolitan King County | |
11/21/1995 | Amending Chapter 15.02 of the Zoning Code to include a Definition of “Accessory Dwelling Units”, Amending Chapter 15.04 to Allow Accessory Dwelling Units in Single Family Dwellings and Amending Chapter 15.05 to Establish Parking Requirements for Accessory Dwelling Units and Adding a New Section 15.08.350 to Establish Regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units (15.02, 15.05) | |
11/21/1995 | Repealing Chapter 2.56 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to the Planning Commission; and Further, Amending Chapter 2.30 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Establishing a Land Use and Planning Board as Part of the Planning Agency of the City of Kent (2.30) | |
11/21/1995 | Relating to Mandatory Minimum Garbage Service in Annexation Areas (7.03) | |
11/21/1995 | Amending Section 15.04.170 of the Kent Zoning Code to Allow Drive-through Eating Establishments as Principally Permitted Uses in the M1-C Zone and to Reduce the Minimum Lot Size for Land within the M1-C Zone to 10,000 Square Feet | |
11/21/1995 | Amending the official Zoning Map of the City of Kent to Implement the Land Use Plan Map of the Kent Comprehensive Plan | |
(Never assigned or used) | ||
(Never assigned or used) | ||
12/13/1995 | Authorizing the Issuance of Water Revenue Refunding Bonds in the Aggregate Principal Amount of $7,790,000 to Provide the Funds with which to Pay Part of the Cost of Refunding, Paying and Retiring All of the City’s Outstanding Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1973, Water Revenue Bonds, 1976, Water Revenue Bonds, 1978, Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1985, and Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1987 | |
12/19/1995 | Establishing Interim Zoning Controls Relating to stream Development Standards in the Meridian Annexation Area {Interim Zoning Controls Extended by 0.3300} {Ord. 3312 Amends KCC Sec. 15.08.224 Pertaining to Soos Creek Basin stream Buffers within the Meridian Annexation Area) | |
12/19/1995 | Establishing a Framework for the Adoption of A School Impact Fee Program by the City; Requiring the Execution of an Interlocal Agreement Between the City and School Districts Located within the City Requesting to Participate in the School Impact Fee Program; Providing for the Adoption of School District Capital Facilities Plans as an Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan; Allowing Collection of Impact Fees by the City on New Development Impacting School Facilities; Providing the Formula for Calculation of the Fee Schedule; Describing the Procedures for Credit, Appeal and Refunds; All as Authorized by the Growth Management Act, RCW 82.02.050 through 82.02.100; Amending Title 12 of the KCC by Adding a New Chapter 12.13; and Setting a Date When the Same Shall Be Effective (12.13) | |
12/19/1995 | Regarding Amendments to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan for the Meridian Annexation Area | |
12/19/1995 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use, to Implement initial Zoning for the Meridian Annexation Area | |
12/19/1995 | Regarding the Amendment of the Zoning Setback Restrictions for Adult Uses (Did not pass) | |
12/19/1995 | Amending the Tax Levy for 1996 Established Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3245 | |
12/19/1995 | Amending the 1996 Fiscal Year Budget as Adopted Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3244 | |
12/19/1995 | Amending the 1995 Budget for Adjustments Made During 1995 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Expenditures | |
12/19/1995 | Rezoning Approximately 2.58 Acres from Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) to Community Commercial (CC) {West Hill Plaza Rezone} | |
12/19/1995 | Relating to Single Family Residential Design Standards Amending Chapter 15.04 of the Zoning Code to Establish Standards for Minimum Lot Widths, Minimum Street Setbacks, Maximum Building Coverage, Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage, Driveway Dimensions, and Minimum Lot Size | |
12/19/1995 | Adding a New Section to Chapter 2.22 of the KCC Relating to the Duties of the Chief of Police (2.22) | |
12/19/1995 | Amending Sections 9.02.302, 9.02.304, and 9.02.310 of the KCC Relating to the Violation of a Protection Order and the Violation of a No Contact Order and the Penalties therefor | |
12/19/1995 | Amending Section 9.02.104 of the KCC Relating to the Penalty for Certain Weapons Violations | |
12/19/1995 | Repealing Chapter 2.54 of the KCC Entitled “Saturday Market Board” | |
1/2/1996 | Repealing in Its Entirety Chapter 7.14 of the KCC Entitled “Street Utility” | |
1/2/1996 | Amending Chapter 3.18 of the KCC Entitled “Utility Tax on Telephone, Gas, Electric, Garbage, Water, Sewer and Drainage Utilities, Changing the Utility Tax Rates and Dedicating a Portion of the Tax Revenue for Street Improvements (3.18) | |
1/2/1996 | Regarding the Amendment of the Zoning Setback Restrictions for Adult Uses (15.08) | |
1/16/1996 | Amending the official Zoning Map of the City of Kent to Implement the Land Use Plan Map of the Kent Comprehensive Plan (Phase II) (for Map: See Council File #377 - 1996} | |
1/16/1996 | Amending Section 15.04.195(A) of the KCC to Expand the Principally Permitted Uses in the Gateway Commercial (GWC) Zone | |
2/6/1996 | Repealing Ordinances 2326 and 2644 as Codified in Chapter 3.02 of the Kent City Code and Further Establishing a New Chapter 3.02 Entitled “Investment Policy” | |
3/5/1996 | Amending Section 15.05.040 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Parking Stacking Space (15.05) | |
3/5/1996 | Amending Chapter 4.06 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Boating Regulations” Relating to Boating Activities within the City of Kent (4.06) | |
3/5/1996 | Relating to School Impact Fees for the Kent School District and the Federal Way School District within the City of Kent; Establishing School Impact Fees to Be Collected by the City of Kent on Behalf of the Districts; Adopting the Capital Facilities Plans of the Districts as an Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan for Purposes of Implementing the Impact Fee Program; and Amending Ordinance No. 3222, Section 1 (12.13) | |
3/19/1996 | Amending Section 11.03.510(D)(3) of the KCC to Update the Policies which Provide Additional Bases for Conditioning a Proposal Subject to Environmental Review under Chapter 11.03 of KCC (11.03) | |
3/19/1996 | Amending Chapters 2.01 and 2.02 of the KCC Relating to Term Limits for the Mayor and City Council Members and Further Providing for Other Amendments Relating to Compensation (Passed by Council on 3/19/96; Vetoed by Mayor on 3/21/96; Veto Was Overridden on 4/2/96) (2.01, 2.02) | |
3/19/1996 | Relating to the Establishment of Standards and Procedures for Providing Compliance with the Concurrency Requirements of the State Growth Management Act; and Adding a New Chapter 12.11 to the KCC, Entitled “Concurrency Management” (12.11) | |
3/19/1996 | Regarding Zoning Setback Requirements for Hazardous Substance Land Uses and Amending KCC Section 15.08.050(D)(9)(B)(3) (15.08) | |
3/19/1996 | Amending Chapter 2.30 of the KCC Relating to the Organization, Duties and Responsibilities of the City of Kent Land Use and Planning Board (2.30) | |
4/2/1996 | Amending Section 9.02.300 of the Kent City Code Relating to Domestic Violence | |
4/2/1996 | Amending Section 9.36.020 of the Kent City Code Relating to the Mandatory Penalty for Inattentive Driving (9.36) | |
4/2/1996 | Amending Section 7.03.020 of the Kent City Code Relating to Garbage Collection by a Collection Company (7.03) | |
4/16/1996 | Making Certain Amendments to Chapter 15.04 of the Zoning Code, as Recently Amended by Ordinance No. 3268, and Making Other Amendments to the Zoning Code to Clarify Previously Established Density Standards (15.02, 15.03) | |
4/16/1996 | Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 4.06 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Boating Regulations” Relating to Boating Activities (4.06) | |
5/7/1996 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 345 for the Improvement to Be Made by the Widening of South 218th Street from the East Valley Highway East to SR 167, including Water and Sewer stub Extensions to Unserviced Property, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3200, and Levying and Assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
5/7/1996 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating that Portion of South 218th Street, Lying West of East Valley Highway in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
5/21/1996 | Ordering the Installation of a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of West Meeker Street and Russell Road and Related Improvements, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1467 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 347 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds, and for Interfund Loans | |
5/21/1996 | Amending Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code Relating to No Parking Zones within the City and Declaring a Public Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, Property and Peace (Lake Meridian) | |
5/21/1996 | Amending Kent City Code Chapter 13.05 Relating to Fireworks | |
6/4/1996 | Amending Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Firearms | |
6/4/1996 | Amending Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to No Parking Zones within the City | |
6/18/1996 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Permanent Easement for Storm Drainage Utility Purposes Over Certain Property in Order to Improve, Alter, install, Construct, Reconstruct, Operate and Maintain a Portion of the City’s Storm Drainage Utility System, which Property Is Generally Located on the West Side of West Valley Highway (SR 181) South of SE 262nd Street; Providing for the Payment thereof from the City’s Drainage Utility Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of Such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington (West Valley Highway Properties - Condemnation) | |
6/18/1996 | Extending Interim Zoning Controls Established by City Ordinance No. 3259, Relating to Stream Development Standards in the Meridian Annexation Area (Ord. 3312 Amends KCC Sec. 15.08.224 Pertaining to Soos Creek Basin stream Buffers within the Meridian Annexation Area) | |
6/18/1996 | Providing for the Issuance of $22,565,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1996, Series a (Tax - Exempt), and $3,680,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds 1996, Series B (Taxable), of the City for General City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Pay a Part of the Cost of Acquiring the Centennial Building, Acquiring Land for City Parks, Improving Certain Streets, Improving the City’s Drainage Utility and Paying the Costs of Issuance and Sale of the Bonds | |
6/18/1996 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Pursuant to Resolution No. 1470 and Chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC) | |
7/2/1996 | Amending the 1996 Budget for Adjustments Made through May 31, 1996 | |
7/16/1996 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Approximately 4.3 Acres from SR-4.5, Single Family Residential to Sr - 6, Single Family Residential {Hillside Manor Rezone} | |
7/16/1996 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change a Plan Designation from SF-6 (Single Family Residential), Six Units Per Acre to a Plan Designation of SF-8 (Single Family Residential), 8 Units Per Acre on the Southwest Corner of 108th Avenue S.E. and S. E. 260th Street | |
7/16/1996 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change a Zoning Designation from SR-6 to a Zoning Designation of SR-8 on a Parcel of Approximately 2.94 Acres and Located on the Southwest Corner of 108th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 260th Street | |
8/6/1996 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Approx. 8.33 Acres from SR - 4.5 to SR -6, Single Family Residential, and from SR - 6 to SR -8, Single Family Residential (Strawberry Lane Rezone) | |
8/6/1996 | Relating to Land Use Zoning, Rezoning Approx. 1.09 Acres from GWC, Gateway Commercial, to M-3, General Industrial (Benaroya - 218th Warehouse Rezone) | |
8/6/1996 | Amending Sections 9.02.16 and 9.02.20 of the Kent City Code Relating to Obstructing, Interfering with and Resisting Public Officers | |
8/6/1996 | Amending Section 9.02.300 and Adding a New Section to the Kent City Code Relating to Domestic Violence | |
9/3/1996 | Providing for the Acquisition of an Easement for Street Purposes Over Certain Properties in Order to Extend, Improve, Alter and Widen South 196th Street Between West Valley Highway (SR 181) and East Valley Highway; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 19th Street Corridor Project Fund; and Providing for the Condemnation of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; All of said Properties Located within the City of Kent, King County, Washington {S. 196 th Street Between WVH & EVH Condemnation} | |
9/17/1996 | Amending Kent City Code (KCC) Section 15.08.224 Pertaining to Soos Creek Basin stream Buffers within the Meridian Annexation Area (15.08) | |
10/1/1996 | Rezoning Approximately 11.93 Acres from M-1 Industrial Park District, to M1-C, Industrial Park District “C” Suffix (Van Doren’s Landing Building “I”) | |
10/1/1996 | Amending Chapter 3.18 of the KCC Relating to Utility Taxes by Extending the Sunset Provisions of the Interim Tax Assessed for Youth Teen Programs to Provide for Continued Funding of Youth Teen Programs (3.18) | |
10/1/1996 | Amending Chapter 8.08 of the KCC Relating to Junk Vehicles (8.08) | |
10/1/1996 | Vacating a Portion of Russell Road, an Existing Public Street, Lying Generally South of the Southerly Right of Way Line of South 228th Street | |
10/1/1996 | Prohibiting the Use of Compression Brakes, Establishing a Penalty, Containing a Severability Clause and Setting an Effective Date (9.36) | |
10/15/1996 | Amending Section 4.01.040 of the KCC Relating to Weapons in the City Parks (4.01) | |
10/15/1996 | Repealing Ordinance No. 3314 and Further Amending Chapter 3.18 of the KCC Relating to Utility Taxes to Extend the Sunset Provisions of the Interim Tax assessed for Street Improvements to Provide for Long Term Planning and Continued Funding of Street Improvement Programs (3.18) | |
11/5/1996 | Relating to Judicial Appeals of the Hearing Examiner’s Decisions Amending Section 1.04.050, and Section 2.32.160 of the KCC for Consistency with RCW 36.70C.040(3) (2.32) | |
11/5/1996 | Amending Chapter 3.18 of the KCC Relating to Utility Taxes to Extend the Sunset Provisions of the Interim Tax assessed for Youth Teen Programs to Provide for Continued Funding of Youth Teen Programs (3.18) | |
11/26/1996 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 1997 Fiscal Year Budget | |
11/26/1996 | Establishing the Tax Levy for 1997 | |
11/26/1996 | Amending Chapter 9.38 of the KCC Relating to No Parking Zones within the City Establishing New Two-Hour thirty-Minute Parking Zones and Further Authorizing the City’s Facilities Manager to Issue Parking Permits (9.38) | |
11/26/1996 | Amending Sections 6.02.010 and 6.02.020 of the KCC Relating to the Adoption and Application of “Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction,” as Published by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works association, to All Public Improvement Contracts (6.02) | |
12/10/1996 | Amending the 1996 Budget for Adjustments Made Since June 1, 1996 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Expenditures | |
12/10/1996 | Amending Chapter 15.04 of the Zoning Code, as Recently Amended by Ordinance No. 3268 and Ordinance No. 3290, Making Further Clarification to Previously Established Density Standards | |
12/10/1996 | Amending Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code by Adding a New Section Establishing a No-Parking Zone Between 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. on the North Side of SE 276th Place Adjacent to Springwood Park (9.38) | |
12/10/1996 | Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates Maturity and Denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 345 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Dain Bosworth Incorporated in Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District No. 345 Assessment Installments | |
1/7/1997 | Vacating a Portion of Saar Street, an Existing Public Street, Lying East of Railroad Avenue in the City of Kent, But Reserving a Utility Easement and Other Related Rights within the Vacated Portion of Saar Street | |
1/21/1997 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designations of three (3) Parcels of Property: (1) from Residential (SF-6) to Industrial for Property Located at 22320 - 88th Avenue South (CPA - 96 - 3 (A)); (2) from Residential (SF -1) to Residential (SF-6) for Property Located at the Southwest Corner of 104th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 272nd Street, CPA - 96 - 3 (B); and (3) from Low Density Multi - Family Residential to Commercial for Property Located at the Southeast Corner of 132nd Avenue Southeast and Southeast 270th Street (CPA - 96 - 3 (E)); Amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan (CPA - 96 - 3 (F)); and Amending the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan (CPA- 96 - 3 (G)) | |
1/21/1997 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations of three (3) Parcels of Property: (1) from Residential (SF -6) to Commercial Manufacturing (CM-1) on the 0131 Zoning Codes Zoning Map for Property Located at 22320 - 88th Avenue South, (CPZ-96-1); (2) from Residential (SF-1) to Residential (SR - 4.5) on the Zoning Map for Property Located at the Southwest Corner of 104th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 272nd Street, (CPZ-96-2); and (3) from Multi-Family Residential (MRG) to Community Commercial (CC), on the Zoning Map for Property Located at the Southeast Corner of 132nd Avenue Southeast and Southeast 270 th Street, (CPZ-96-5) | |
1/21/1997 | Amending Chapter 15 of the Kent City Code to Establish Administrative Variance Procedures; Expand the Application of Joint Use of Parking Facilities; Implement New Transit and Rideshare Provisions; and Increase the Maximum Allowable Size of Detached Accessory Dwelling Units that Can Be Converted from Existing Accessory Buildings (15.05, 15.09) | |
1/21/1997 | Amending Section 2.02.010 of the Kent City Code Relating to Compensation for the Mayor, Providing for Increases to the Base Salary of the Mayor Beginning in 1998 (2.02) | |
2/4/1997 | Amending Section 9.38.090 of the KCC Relating to Penalties for Unauthorized Parking in Spaces Designated for Physically Disabled Persons (9.38) | |
2/4/1997 | Providing for the Acquisition of Right-of-Way Easements for any and All Street Purposes Along, Across, Over and under Certain Properties in Order to Construct, Extend, Improve, Alter and Widen South 196th/200th Street Between West Valley Highway (SR 181) and Orillia Road; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 196th Street Corridor - - West Leg - - Project Fund (Fund R-82); Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Necessary therefor; and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings and to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
2/18/1997 | Providing for the Acquisition of Right-of-Way Easements for any and All Street Purposes Along, Across, Over and under Certain Properties in Order to Construct, Extend, Improve, Alter and Widen Southeast 277th Street Between East Valley Highway (Auburn Way North) and the Green River; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 272nd Corridor Project Fund (Fund R -87); Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings and to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
2/18/1997 | Amending Chapter 15 of the KCC to Revise Development Standards of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District Relating to Building Length on Riverfront Lots (15.08) | |
2/18/1997 | Amending Chapter 12.13 of the KCC Relating to School Impact Fees by Extending the Expiration Date of the School Impact Fee Code (12.13) | |
4/1/1997 | Amending Chapter 15.08 of the Kent Zoning Code Relating to Home Occupation Permits by Providing for Special Home Occupation Permits for In-Home Music, Dance Schools and/or studios, Art Lessons, and Academic Tutoring (15.08) | |
4/1/1997 | Adding a New Chapter to the Kent City Code (KCC), Chapter 5.11 Entitled “Ambulances” Regulating the Operation of Ambulance Services and Requiring a Business License for Ambulance Companies to Operate within the City of Kent (5.11) | |
4/1/1997 | Amending Chapter 4.06 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Entitled “Boating Regulations” Relating to Recreational Vessel and Related Activities within the City of Kent Adopting Certain Provisions of the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington Administrative Code as a Substitute for and in Addition to Certain Provisions of this Chapter and Making Other Related Amendments (4.06) | |
4/1/1997 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct the City’s “Soos Creek Well Improvements” Project; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the Soos Creek Well Improvements Fund (Fund W-41); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
4/15/1997 | Annexing to the City Certain Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 891 Acres, Generally Bounded on the South and East by the City’s Existing Corporate Limits, on the North by the Extension of SE 235th Street, and on the East by Soos Creek, All Generally Referred to as the “Meridian Valley Annexation”; Making the Property annexed Subject to the City’s Proportionate Share of Its Existing Indebtedness and to Its Interim Zoning Regulations for Newly annexed Lands; Adjusting the City’s 1997 annual Budget to Accommodate Changes in Revenues and Expenditures Related to the Annexation; Making July 1, 1997 the Effective Date of the Annexation; and Authorizing the City Clerk to Determine the Resident Population within the Annexation Area and to Deliver Required Annexation Information to the State Office of Financial Management and to the Metropolitan King County Council | |
5/6/1997 | Amending the Zoning Code to Allow Mixed Use Development in Certain Commercial Zoning Districts; to Establish a Design Review Process and Amendment Procedure for the New Mixed Use Districts; and to Provide New Definitions of “Floor - Area Ratio” and “Mixed Use Development” (15.02, 15.09) | |
5/6/1997 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations of Particular Property within the General Commercial (GC), Community Commercial (CC), and the Office (O) Zoning Districts to Implement Mixed Use Overlay Areas within those Districts, and Establishing a General Commercial - Mixed Use Overlay District (GC- MU), an Office-Mixed Use Overlay District (O-MU) and a Community Commercial Mixed Use Overlay District (CC-MU) | |
5/6/1997 | Ordering the Construction of 64th Avenue South from Approximately 200 Feet North of South 226th Street to South 216th Street, including Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements at the Intersection of 64th Avenue South and West Meeker Street and a Water Main Line Extension to Complete Water Main Loop on 64th Avenue South and Water and Sewer Stub Extensions to Unserviced Property, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1488 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 348 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short - Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds, and for Interfund Loans | |
5/6/1997 | Amending Chapter 4.06 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Recreational Vessels and Related Activities within the City by Adding a New Subsection Regulating the Operation of Personal Watercraft on Lake Meridian (4.06) | |
5/20/1997 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 0.4 Acres of Property from M1, Industrial Park, to M1-C, Industrial Park - C Suffix | |
5/20/1997 | Amending Chapter 9.02 of the KCC Entitled “Penal Code” to Update the Same and Provide for a More Comprehensive Code by Repealing and Amending Certain Sections Contained therein and by Adopting by Reference Certain Provisions of the Revised Code of Washington; Repealing Certain Sections of the Animal Control Code, Chapter 8.03, which Duplicates Provisions of the Penal Code; Repealing Certain Sections of the Narcotics and Barbiturates Code, Chapter 9.12, which Duplicates Provision of the Penal Code; Repealing the Sale and Display of Drug Paraphernalia Code, Chapter 9.25, which Duplicates Provisions of the Penal Code; Amending the Traffic Code Chapter 9.36 by Adding a New Section; and Declaring a Public Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, Property, and Peace (9.36) | |
6/3/1997 | Annexing to the City Certain Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 578 Acres, Generally Bounded on the North and East by the City’s Existing Corporate Limits, on the West by Pacific Highway South (Hwy 99) and on the South by South 272nd Street, All Generally Referred to as the “Del Mar Annexation”; Making the Property annexed Subject to the City’s Proportionate Share of Its Existing Indebtedness and to Its Interim Zoning Regulations for Newly annexed Lands; Adjusting the City’s 1997 annual Budget to Accommodate Changes in Revenues and Expenditures Related to the Annexation; Making July 1, 1997 the Effective Date of the Annexation; and Authorizing the City Clerk to Determine the Resident Population within the Annexation Area and to Deliver Required Annexation Information to the State Office of Financial Management and to the Metropolitan King County Council | |
6/17/1997 | Amending Section 9.38.045, of the Kent City Code Establishing a No-Parking Zone Between 10:00P.M. and 6:00A.M. on Both Sides of SE 274th Street Between 128th Place SE and the End of the Street Adjacent to Springwood Park (9.38) | |
7/1/1997 | Amending Chapter 15.08 of the Kent City Code (KCC) by Adding a New Section 15.08.035 Entitled “Wireless Telecommunications Facilities” (File No. ZCA -97-4); Providing Definitions, Exemptions, and General and Specific Requirements; and Providing Conditions for Approving the Location and Construction of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities as Permitted Uses and Conditional Uses | |
7/15/1997 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 347 for the Improvement to Be Made by the Installation of a Fully Actuated 8- Phase Traffic Signal with Pedestrian Detection and Crossing indications at the Intersection of West Meeker Street and Russell Road, including the Installation of a Southbound to Westbound Right Turn Lane, and Related Improvements, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3294, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
7/15/1997 | To Be Submitted to the Voters of the City by Two SEPA rate Ballot Propositions for Final Passage and Approval, the First Proposition Repealing the City’s Current Curfew Law Set forth in Chapter 9.07 of the Kent City Code (KCC), Entitled “Juvenile Safety and Family Reconciliation” Passed by the Voters Pursuant to an initiative Petition; and, if the Repeal Is Approved by the Voters, the Second Proposition Adding a New Chapter to Title 9 of the Kent City Code Entitled “Curfew and Parental Responsibility for Juveniles;” which Establishes a New Curfew Law for Juveniles, Defines Duties of Parents or Others in Care of Juveniles, Establishes Certain Exemptions and Provides for Civil Penalties (this Proposition Repeals Initiative 101, Passed by the Voters 4/25/95; this Proposition Approved by Voters at Primary Election of 9/16/97) (9.09) | |
7/15/1997 | Refers to King County Supervisor of Elections Two City of Kent Ballot Propositions Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3355, the First Proposition asking Whether to Repeal City of Kent Initiative 101 and the Second Proposition Asking Whether to Enact a New Curfew Law if the Repeal Is Approved, and Further Seeking a Special Election on the Matter on the 1997 Primary Election Date, as Specified by RCW 29.13.070, or at the First Available Election Date thereafter (this proposition repeals Initiative 101, Passed by the Voters 4/25/95; this Proposition Approved by Voters at Primary Election of 9/16/97) | |
8/5/1997 | Amending Section 9.02.312 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Prostitution Loitering to Add Areas Encompassed by the “Stay Out of Areas of Prostitution” Orders | |
8/19/1997 | Amending the 1997 Budget for Adjustments Made through June 30, 1997 | |
9/2/1997 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 18.93 Acres of Property from SR- 1, Single Family Residential, to Sr -3, Single Family Residential, with a Maximum Allowable Density of 3.63 Units Per Acre {Granville-Southern Rezone} | |
9/2/1997 | Amending Section 15.08.030 of the Kent Zoning Code to Authorize Private Schools to Locate in All Zoning Districts by General Conditional Use Permit (15.08) | |
9/16/1997 | Amending Section 15.04.120 of the KCC to Allow Warehousing and Distribution Facilities and storage of Goods and Products in CM-1 Zones and Further Allowing Trucking Terminals and Rail/Truck Transfer Uses as Conditional Uses in CM-1 Zones | |
9/16/1997 | Amending Chapter 3.21 of the KCC Establishing a New Tax Rate of Ten Percent (10%) on the Operation of Punchboard and Pulltabs Based on Gross Receipts, Less the Amounts Awarded as Cash or Merchandise Prizes; and Establishing Definitions, a New Method Payment Provision, a New Record Keeping Requirement, and Providing a Process for under or Over Payment (3.21) | |
9/16/1997 | Amending the City’s Parking Code, Chapter 9.38 of the KCC, Relating to Loading and Unloading Zones in the City (9.38) | |
9/16/1997 | Relating to the Authority of Police Officers to Search for Outstanding Arrest Warrants, Adding a New Section to the Kent Municipal Code, Section 9.36.080 (9.36) | |
10/21/1997 | Amending and Restating the City’s I.R.C. Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan with ICMA Retirement Corporation, Confirming a Declaration of Trust, Establishing the City of Kent as Trustee, Implementing Plan and Trust Program Loan Guidelines, Amending Ordinance 2541 Relating to Administration of the City’s Internal Revenue Code Section 457 Plan and Trust Programs, and Authorizing Small Balance Account Distributions | |
10/21/1997 | Amending Section 9.02.302 of the KCC to include Provisions which Provide the Court with a Means of Prohibiting a Defendant Who Is Charged with a Crime Involving Domestic Violence from Having Contact with the Victim of the Crime While the Defendant Remains in Custody When Charges Are Pending; and Further Declaring an Emergency for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, and Welfare | |
11/4/1997 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use, to Implement initial Zoning for the Meridian Valley Annexation Area | |
11/4/1997 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan for the Meridian Valley Annexation Area | |
11/18/1997 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct Southeast 277th Street Between East Valley Highway (Auburn Way North) and the Green River; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 272nd Corridor Project Fund (Fund R -87); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington (Carpinito Condemnation) | |
11/18/1997 | Amending Chapter 3.18 of the Kent City Code (KCC) Relating to Utility Taxes to Extend the Sunset Provisions of the Interim Tax assessed for Youth Teen Programs to Provide for Continued Funding of Youth Teen Programs (3.18) | |
11/18/1997 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating a Portion of South 238th Street, an Existing Public Street, Lying East of Washington Avenue in the City of Kent, But Reserving a Public Utility Easement and Other Related Rights within the Vacated Portion of South 238th Street | |
12/9/1997 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use, to Implement initial Zoning for the Del Mar Annexation Area | |
12/9/1997 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan for the Del Mar Annexation Area | |
12/9/1997 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Approximately 4.6 Acres from M-1, Industrial Park to M1-C, Industrial Park- Commercial Suffix {Stonebrook Suites Rezone} | |
12/9/1997 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Approximately 13,632 Square Feet of Property from NCC, Neighborhood Convenience Commercial, to CC, Community Commercial {Old Napa Store Rezone RZ-97-2} | |
12/9/1997 | Amending the Zoning Code to Allow Vehicle Impound Lots as a Conditional Use in the CM-2 Zone | |
12/9/1997 | Amending Section 15.04.150(A)(3) in the Office (O) Zoning District (ZCA-97-7) | |
12/9/1997 | Amending Section 3.41.310 of the Kent City Code Relating to the Amount Held in the City’s Petty Cash Account | |
12/9/1997 | Amending the 1997 Budget for Adjustments Made Since July 1, 1997 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Expenditures | |
12/9/1997 | Granting to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Utah Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across South 196th Street in the City of Kent, King County, Washington {the City of Kent Did Not Receive an Acceptance Letter from the Union Pacific Railroad Company Regarding this Franchise) | |
12/9/1997 | Relating to Amendments to the Planned Unit Development Regulations in Section 15.04.080 of the Kent Zoning Code (15.02) | |
12/9/1997 | Establishing the Property Tax Levy for 1998 | |
12/9/1997 | Authorizing a 1.9 Percent Increase in the Property Tax Levy for 1998 According to the Implicit Price Deflator Established Pursuant to State Referendum 47 | |
12/9/1997 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 1998 Fiscal Year Budget | |
2/3/1998 | Amending Chapter 4.06 of the Kent City Code Relating to the Operation of Personal Watercraft on Lake Meridian (Did not pass) | |
1/6/1998 | Amending Section 15.02.178 and Amending Section 15.08.030(B)(1) of the Kent Zoning Code (15.02, 15.08) | |
1/6/1998 | Amending the Kent Zoning Code to Allow Churches in the M2 Zoning District (ZCA-97-9) | |
1/20/1998 | Ordering the Construction of an 8" Sanitary Sewer System Along SE 223rd Street from Approximately 113th Avenue SE to 114th Place SE, with 6" Side Sewer Stubs and Related Improvements, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1501 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No 349 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvements; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short - Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds, and for Interfund Loans | |
2/3/1998 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct the City’s South 196th Street Corridor Between the Corridor’s Western Terminus at Its Intersection with Orillia Road and the Intersection with West Valley Highway; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 196th Corridor Project Fund (Fund R-82); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
2/3/1998 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation on three (3) Sites: (1) from Mixed Use to Industrial for Property Located at 828 West Valley Highway (#CPA-97-3 (A); (2) from Low Density Multifamily Residential to Mixed Use for Property Located at the Northeast Side of 104th Avenue SE and SE 262nd Street (#CPA-97-3 (B); (3) from Single Family Residential (SF -3) to Single Family Residential (SF-6) for Property Located East of 132nd Ave SE Between SE 282nd Street and SE 276th Street (#CPA- 97 -3 (F); and Amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan (#CPA-97-3 (H) | |
2/3/1998 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations of three (3) Properties: (1) from Gateway Commercial (GWC) to Industrial Park (M1) on the Zoning Map for Property Located at 828 West Valley Highway (#CPZ-97- L); (2) from Garden Density Multifamily Residential (MRG) to Community Commercial (CC) on the Zoning Map for Property Located on the Northeast Side of 104th Avenue SE and SE 262nd Street (#CPZ-97-2); and (3) from Single Family Residential (SF-3) to Single Family Residential (SF-6) on the Zoning Map for Property Located East of 132nd Avenue SE Between SE 282nd Street and SE 276th Street (#CPZ-97-6) | |
2/17/1998 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct a Wetland Mitigation Site for the City’s 196th Street Corridor Project; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 196th Street Corridor- - West Leg- -Project Fund (Fund R-82); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
2/17/1998 | Amending Chapter 12.13 of the Kent City Code Relating to School Impact Fees by Extending the Expiration Date of the School Impact Fee Code to March 31, 2000 (12.13) | |
2/17/1998 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights for Parks, Recreation and any Other Public Purpose; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for those Purposes; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the “Land Acquisition Account”- - Capital Improvement Fund (Fund P-49); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
3/3/1998 | Adopting an I.R.C. Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan with the U.S. Conference of Mayors Deferred Compensation Program and Its attendant Investment Options and Authorizing the Mayor, or His/Her Designate, to Execute such Agreements and Contracts as Are Necessary to Implement the Plan (Repealed by 4493) | |
3/3/1998 | Creating the Downtown Public Market Development Authority; Approving a Charter and initial bylaws therefor; Establishing a Board of Directors to Govern the Affairs of the Authority; Providing How the Authority Shall Conduct Its Affairs (Saturday Market) | |
3/17/1998 | Ordering the Construction of an 8" Sanitary Sewer System in and Near the “Big K” Addition of the City, with Side Sewer stubs and Related Improvements, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1504 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 350 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement | |
4/7/1998 | Adopting the City of Kent Downtown strategic Action Plan and integrated Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement as a Subarea Plan of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to Serve as a Guide for Public and Private Development and Infrastructure Decisions in Downtown Kent | |
4/21/1998 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct the City’s South 196th Street Corridor Between the Corridor’s Western Terminus at Its Intersection with Orillia Road and the Intersection with West Valley Highway; Providing for the Condemnation Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 196th Corridor Project Fund (Fund R- 82); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
4/21/1998 | Adding New Sections to Chapters 7.05 and 7.07 of the Kent City Code to Require that Storm and Surface Water Systems Comply with City Construction Standards and to Provide Authority to Allow for Inspection and to Require Maintenance and Correction of Defects in those Systems (7.05) | |
4/21/1998 | Regarding Franchise Termination and the Expiration of All Related Property Rights Held by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Utah Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, for the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across South 196th Street in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
5/5/1998 | Granting to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Utah Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across South 196th Street in the City of Kent, King County, Washington {Ord 3402 Was Not Accepted by the Railroad} | |
5/19/1998 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 348 for the Construction of 64th Avenue South from Approximately 200 Feet North of South 226th Street to South 216th Street, including Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements at the Intersection of 64th Avenue South and West Meeker Street and a Water Main Line Extension to Complete Water Main Loop on 64th Avenue South and Water and Sewer stub Extensions to Unserviced Property, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3347, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
6/2/1998 | Ordering the Construction of an Arterial Corridor from the Green River at S. 200th Street Northeasterly Along Russell Road to S. 196th Street and then Easterly Along S. 196th Street to the East Valley Highway, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1509 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 340 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvements; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds, and for Interfund Loans | |
7/7/1998 | Repealing Chapters 9.05 and 9.06 of the Kent City Code, and Creating a New Chapter 9.05 Relating to Property Forfeiture and Disposal which includes Section 9.05.010 Pertaining to the Disposal of Unclaimed Property in the Possession of the Kent Police Department, Section 9.05.020 Pertaining to the Forfeiture of Firearms Used During the Commission of a Crime, and Section 9.05.030 Pertaining to the Seizure and Forfeiture of Property associated with the Commission of Illegal Drug Transactions (9.05) | |
7/7/1998 | Amending Section 4.01.080 of the Kent City Code Relating to towing Unauthorized Vehicles Remaining in a Park After Hours (4.01) | |
7/7/1998 | Amending Section 9.02.24 of the Kent City Code Pertaining to the Harboring of a Minor, Section 9.02.40 of the Kent City Code Pertaining to Disobeying School Administrative officials and threatening Teachers and students, Sections 9.02.50 and 9.02.58 of the Kent City Code Pertaining to the theft of Rental Property, Adding Section 9.02.56 to the Kent City Code which Prohibits Entry to a Public Facility for those Who have Committed Certain Crimes on the Grounds of the Public Facility, Amending Section 9.02.80 of the Kent City Code and Adding New Section 9.02.70 Pertaining to the Access of Minors to tobacco, and Amending Section 9.02.100 of the Kent City Code Pertaining to Penalties for Firearms Violations | |
7/7/1998 | Repealing a Portion of 9.02.36 of the Kent City Code and Creating a New Section 9.36.045 Relating to the Public Disturbance Caused by Excessively Loud Music from Vehicles, Amending Section 9.36.010 of the Kent City Code Pertaining to the Model Traffic Ordinance, Creating New Section 9.36.015 of the Kent City Code Relating to Driving Regulations in Addition to the Model Traffic Ordinance, Amending Section 9.36.015 of the Kent City Code Relating to inattentive Driving, Amending Section 9.36.030 of the Kent City Code Pertaining to Avoiding Intersections, Amending Section 9.36.040 of the Kent City Code Pertaining to Breaking Traction, and Declaring an Emergency therefore (9.36) | |
7/7/1998 | Adds §§ 15.02.002, 15.02.004, 15.02.027, 15.02.088, 15.02.089, 15.02.098, 15.02.099, 15.02.100, 15.02.114, 15.02.228, 15.02.231, 15.02.261, 15.02.268, 15.02.317, 15.02.327, 15.02.333, 15.02.335, 15.08.359 and 15.09.065; amends §§ 15.02.010, 15.02.015, 15.02.075, 15.02.210, 15.02.235, 15.02.262, 15.02.283, 15.02.285, 15.02.500, 15.02.560, 15.02.585, 15.03.010, 15.05.010, 15.05.090, 15.05.100, 15.06.050, 15.07.040, 15.08.020, 15.08.080, 15.08.090, 15.08.100, 15.08.230, 15.08.232, 15.08.234, 15.08.300, 15.08.320 and 15.09.055; renumbers § 15.02.004 to be 15.02.003, § 15.02.098 to be 15.02.101, § 15.02.100 to be 15.02.102, and § 15.09.048 to be 15.09.046; repeals §§ 15.02.025, 15.02.033, 15.02.050, 15.02.120, 15.02.290, 15.09.047 and 15.09.049; repeals and replaces Ch. 15.04, §§ 15.05.040, 15.07.050, 15.07.060 and 15.09.045, zoning (15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.06, 15.07, 15.08, 15.09) | |
7/7/1998 | Amending Kent City Code Chapter 13.02 Entitled “Fire Codes” to Adopt the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code | |
7/7/1998 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Surface and/or Aerial Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct the City’s South 196th Street Corridor Lying Generally Between the Intersection with West Valley Highway and the Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Surface and Aerial Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 196th Corridor Project Fund (Fund R-82); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
7/21/1998 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
8/4/1998 | Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 347 and 348 and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 347 and 348; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity, and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 347 and 348 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Dain Rauscher Incorporated of Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
8/4/1998 | Adding a New Chapter to the Kent City Code Establishing a Diversity Advisory Board | |
8/4/1998 | Amending Title 14 of the Kent City Code by Repealing Chapters 14.01 through 14.07 Relating to Various Uniform Building and State Codes and Enacting a New Chapter, Chapter 14.01, Adopting the 1997 Editions of the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the Uniform Housing Code, the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings; and Further Adopting the Most Recent Editions of the Washington State Energy Code, and the Washington State Ventilation and indoor Air Quality Code; and Further Amending Chapter 14.08 to Define Penalties Relating to Enforcement of Building Codes (14.01, 14.08) | |
8/4/1998 | Amending the 1998 Budget for Adjustments Made through June 30, 1998 | |
8/4/1998 | Adds Ch. 2.54, lodging tax advisory committee (2.54) | |
9/1/1998 | Authorizing the Assessment and Collection of a Real Estate Excise Tax of one Quarter of one Percent (1/4%) for the Purpose of Financing Capital Projects Specified in the Capital Facilities Plan Element of City’s Comprehensive Plan | |
9/15/1998 | Amending Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code Entitled “Criminal Code” by Adopting by Reference Certain Provisions of the Revised Code of Washington Relating to Counterfeit or False Trademarks, and Declaring a Public Emergency Necessary for the Protection of Public Health, Safety, and Welfare | |
9/15/1998 | Making Corrective Amendments to Ordinance No. 3418 Authorizing the Assessment and Collection of an Additional Real Estate Excise Tax of one Quarter of one Percent for the Purpose of Financing Capital Projects Specified in the Capital Facilities Plan Element of City’s Comprehensive Plan | |
9/15/1998 | Amending Chapter 2.01 of the Kent City Code to Eliminate Cost of Living Adjustments to Council Member Salaries (2.01) | |
10/6/1998 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct the City’s Southeast 277th Street Corridor Between the Corridor’s Eastern Terminus (at the Intersection of 116th Avenue Southeast and the Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)) and the Green River; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 272nd Corridor Project Fund (Fund R-87); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
11/17/1998 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct the City’s Southeast 277th Street Corridor Between the Corridor’s Eastern Terminus (at the Intersection of 116th Avenue Southeast and Kent Kangley Road (Sr 516)) and the Green River; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 272nd Corridor Project Fund (Fund R-87); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
11/17/1998 | Adds Ch. 12.01, administration of development regulations; amends §§ 2.32.090, 2.32.100, 2.32.110, 2.32.120, 2.32.130, 2.32.140, 11.03.020, 11.03.050, 11.03.060, 11.03.200, 11.03.230, 11.03.240, 11.03.310, 11.03.410, 11.03.520, 11.03.600, 11.03.700, 11.03.720, 12.04.080, 12.04.100, 12.04.200, 12.04.250, 12.04.310, 12.04.360, 12.04.390, 12.04.530, 15.06.080, 15.08.035, 15.08.040, 15.09.010, 15.09.020, 15.09.030, 15.09.040, 15.09.042, 15.09.045, 15.09.046, 15.09.050, 15.09.055, 15.09.060, 15.09.065 and 15.09.070; repeals and replaces § 12.04.380, land use and zoning (2.32, 11.03, 12.01, 12.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.09) | |
12/8/1998 | Amends §§ 3.41.210 and 3.41.310, revenue and finance (Repealed by 4243) | |
12/8/1998 | Adds Ch. 3.23, lodging tax (3.23) | |
12/8/1998 | Amending the 1998 Budget for Adjustments Made Since July 1, 1998 and Authorizing an Additional Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Expenditures | |
12/8/1998 | Amends § 4.02.030, arts commission (Repealed by 4274) | |
12/8/1998 | Adds § 8.03.205; amends § 8.03.030, animal control (8.03) | |
12/8/1998 | Authorizing a one Hundred Six Percent (106%) Property Tax Levy Limit Factor for 1999 to Protect the City’s Future Property Tax Levy Capacity | |
12/8/1998 | Authorizing a .85 Percent Increase in Property Tax for 1999 According to the Implicit Price Deflator Established Pursuant to State Referendum 47 | |
12/8/1998 | Establishing the Property Tax Levy for 1999 Taxes and the 1999 Budget for the City of Kent | |
12/8/1998 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 1999 Fiscal Year Budget | |
12/8/1998 | Amends § 11.03.730, environmental policy; repeals Ords. 2171, 2178, 2249, 2403, 2667 and 3098 (11.03) | |
1/5/1999 | Amends § 15.04.110, zoning (15.04) | |
1/5/1999 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation on Property Located at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road from SF-6 (Single-Family, 6 Units Per Acre) to a Land Use Plan Designation of C (Commercial) (CPA-97-3(E)) | |
1/5/1999 | Amending the Kent Zoning Code to Change the Zoning Designation for Property Located at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road from a Zoning Designation of SR-6 (Single-Family, 6.05 Units Per Acre) to a Zoning Designation of NCC (Neighborhood Convenience Commercial) (CPZ-97-5) | |
1/19/1999 | Modifying, Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 340 for the Construction of an Arterial Corridor from the Green River at S. 200th Street Northeasterly Along Russell Road to S. 196th Street and then Easterly Along S. 196th Street to the East Valley Highway as Provided by Ordinance No. 3404, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost an Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
2/2/1999 | Adds § 15.08.400; amends §§ 15.03.020, 15.05.040, 15.06.050, 15.07.060, 15.08.020 and 15.08.100; repeals and replaces Ch. 15.04, zoning (15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.06, 15.08) | |
2/16/1999 | Amends comprehensive plan and §§ 15.04.020, 15.04.030 and 15.04.200, zoning (15.04) | |
2/16/1999 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
2/16/1999 | Amends zoning map (Special) | |
2/16/1999 | Amends § 12.04.280, subdivisions (12.04) | |
3/16/1999 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $21,205,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1999, of the City for General City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Finance a Variety of Capital Projects, including Technology and Communication Upgrades, Acquiring Land and Buildings for Municipal Purposes and Providing Major Municipal Facility Upgrades and Street Improvements, and to Pay the Costs of Issuing of the Bonds; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of the Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and a Project Fund; Providing for Bond Insurance; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
3/16/1999 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct the City’s East Hill Sewer interceptor in Area Lying Generally South of Kent-Kangley Road (Sr 516) and East of 116th Avenue Se; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for any and All Public Sewer System Purposes; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the East Hill Sewer interceptor Fund (Fund D-40); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
3/16/1999 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 349 for the Construction of an 8" Sanitary Sewer System Along SE 223rd Street from Approximately 113th Avenue SE to 114th Place SE, with 6" Side Sewer stubs and Related Improvements, as Provided by Ordinance No.3388, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
3/16/1999 | Granting Unto King County Water District No. 111, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority, and Franchise for Twenty-Five Years, to Lay, Construct, Extend, Repair, Renew and Replace Water Pipes, Mains, and Facilities under, Along, and/or Across Certain Designated Streets, Avenues, Roads, Alleys, Rights-of-Way and Other Public Places of the City, All in Order to Operate a Domestic Water Supply System for the Purpose of Public Sale and Distribution of Water to Customers within the City | |
4/6/1999 | Granting to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Delaware Corporation, Its Successors and assigns, the Right, Privilege and Authority to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Railroad Spur Track Upon and Across South 196th Street in the City of Kent, King County, Washington | |
4/6/1999 | Amends § 7.04.280, sanitary sewer service charges (Repealed by 4210) | |
4/6/1999 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Improve, Alter, Operate, and Maintain and Reconstruct Buildings, Structures or Other Facilities for Cultural Arts, Parks, Recreation, Administrative and any Other Related Municipal Purposes in an Area Lying Generally North of Smith Street, South of James Street, East of Fourth Avenue, and West of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Mainline Right-of-Way in the City of Kent; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for any and All of the Above-Mentioned Purposes; Providing for the Payment thereof through the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds with Interim Financing from the City’s Water Fund; Declaring the City Council’s intent to Issue General Obligation Bonds for the Property Acquisition; and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
4/20/1999 | Amends §§ 15.02.135 and 15.02.173, zoning (15.02) | |
5/4/1999 | Ordering the Construction of a Storm Sewer Drainage System on 1st, 3rd and 5th Avenues South, North of South 259th Street in South Kent, All in Accordance with Resolution No.1528 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No.352 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvements; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds, and for Interfund Loans | |
5/4/1999 | Amends §§ 7.05.090 and 7.05.160, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
5/4/1999 | Adds § 9.02.31, criminal code (Repealed by 3621) | |
5/4/1999 | Adds §§ 9.02.17, 9.02.25, 9.02.52, 9.02.84 and 9.02.98; amends §§ 9.02.18 and 9.02.300; repeals §§ 9.02.96 and 9.02.104, criminal code (Repealed by 3621) | |
5/4/1999 | Amends § 3.18.020, utilities tax (3.18) | |
5/4/1999 | Amends § 15.09.046, zoning (15.09) | |
5/4/1999 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.04, shoreline master program (Repealed by 3931) | |
5/18/1999 | Amends §§ 7.05.090 and 7.05.160, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
6/1/1999 | Amends § 3.21.010, gambling tax (3.21) | |
6/1/1999 | Amends § 7.05.090, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
6/15/1999 | Annexing to the City Certain Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 63 Acres, Generally Bounded on the North by S. 259th Street, on the East by Central Avenue (80th Avenue South), and on the South and West by the Green River, All Generally Referred to as the “Horseshoe Acres Annexation”; Making the Property annexed Subject to the City’s Proportionate Share of Its Existing Indebtedness and to Its Interim Zoning Regulations for Newly annexed Lands; Adjusting the City’s 1999 annual Budget to Accommodate Changes in Revenues and Expenditures Related to the Annexation; Making July 1, 1999 the Effective Date of the Annexation; and Authorizing the City Clerk to Determine the Resident Population within the Annexation Area and to Deliver Required Annexation Information to the State Office of Financial Management and to the Metropolitan King County Council | |
6/15/1999 | Adds § 9.38.085, parking (9.38) | |
7/6/1999 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.39, towing (9.39) | |
7/6/1999 | Adds Ch. 9.41, bicycle helmets (9.41) | |
7/6/1999 | Amending Chapter 2.01 of the Kent City Code Relating to City Council Meetings by Changing the Date of Regular Council Meetings from the First and third Tuesday of Each Month to the Second and Fourth Tuesday of Each Month (Did not pass) | |
7/20/1999 | Relating to Local Improvement Districts; Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 340 and 349 and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 340 and 349; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity, and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 340 and 349 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Dain Rauscher Incorporated of Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
7/20/1999 | Changing the Time of the August 3, 1999, City Council Meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. | |
8/3/1999 | Amends § 15.08.060, zoning (15.08) | |
8/17/1999 | Amends §§ 15.02.525, 15.03.010, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.040, 15.04.060, 15.04.070, 15.04.090, 15.04.110, 15.04.130, 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.07.060, 15.09.050, zoning (15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.09) | |
8/17/1999 | Amends Ch. 6.07, street use permits (6.07) | |
9/21/1999 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Mixed Use (MU) to Low Density Multi-Family Residential for a 4.8 Acres Property Located Generally at the Northwest Corner of the Intersection of South 260th Street and 108th Avenue SE, South of Kent-Kangley Road (CPA-98-2(I)) | |
9/21/1999 | Amending the City of Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designation from Office-Mixed Use (O-MU) to Multi-Family Residential-townhouse (MR-T16) for a 4.8 Acres Property Located Generally at the Northwest Corner of the Intersection of South 260th Street and 108th Avenue SE, South of Kent-Kangley Road (CPZ-98-9) | |
9/21/1999 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.12, commute trip reduction (6.12) | |
10/5/1999 | Amends §§ 5.10.030, 5.10.120, 5.10.140, 5.10.200(C), 15.02.006, 15.02.007, 15.02.008, 15.02.009, 15.02.502 and 15.02.503, adult entertainment (5.10, 15.02) | |
10/5/1999 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating a Portion of 40th Avenue South, an Existing Public Street, Lying Generally at the Intersection of 37th Place South and 40th Place South in the City of Kent | |
10/19/1999 | Code adoption; amends § 1.01.020; repeals Ord. 3080 (1.01) | |
10/19/1999 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Two Parcels of Property Comprising of 0.451 Acres and Located, Respectively, at the Northeast and Northwest Corners of Willis Street and Railroad Avenue, from Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) to General Commercial (GC) (Burdic Feed Rezone – RZ-99-2) | |
10/19/1999 | Amending the 1999 Budget for Adjustments Made through August 31, 1999 | |
10/19/1999 | Amends § 2.01.010(A), city council (2.01) | |
10/19/1999 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Two Parcels of Property Comprising of Approximately 12.19 Acres, Located at 22440 - 88th Avenue South, from MRG, Garden Density Multifamily with Contract Density and Design Conditions, to MRG, Garden Density Multifamily without Conditions (Tonelli Rezone - RZ-99-3) | |
11/2/1999 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
11/16/1999 | Relating to Zoning and Land Use Designation and Implementation of an initial Zoning for the Horseshoe Acres Annexation | |
11/16/1999 | Repeals § 12.13.150 (Repealer) | |
11/16/1999 | Repeals and replaces § 9.38.020, parking (Repealed by 3554) | |
11/16/1999 | Amends §§ 7.02.160, 7.02.180, 7.02.300 and 7.02.310, water (Repealed by 4288) | |
11/16/1999 | Amends § 7.04.280, sanitary sewers (Repealed by 4210) | |
11/16/1999 | Amends §§ 7.05.090 and 7.05.160, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
11/16/1999 | Amends § 3.18.020, utility tax (3.18) | |
11/16/1999 | Amends § 6.03.010, improvement plan approval and inspection fees (6.03) | |
11/16/1999 | Amends Ch. 13.05, fireworks (Repealed by 4190) | |
11/16/1999 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Fights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct Southeast 256th Street from Its Intersection at 116th Avenue Southeast to Approximately 135th Avenue Southeast, including Intersection Work; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 256th Street Project Fund (Fund R-77-E23- 5510); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
11/23/1999 | Establishing the 2000 Tax Levy and Authorizing No Increase in Year 2000 Property Tax Revenues Over the 1999 Highest Allowable Property Tax Revenues and No Increase for inflation | |
11/23/1999 | Authorizing a one Hundred Six Percent (106%) Property Tax Levy Limit Factor for 2000 to Protect the City’s Future Property Tax Levy Capacity | |
12/14/1999 | Amending the 1999 Budget for Adjustments Made Between August 31, 1999, and December 31, 1999, and Authorizing a Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Year-End Expenditures and Further Authorizing a Short-Term Loan from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex to Cover Winter and Spring Operating Expenditures | |
12/14/1999 | Ordering and Confirming the Construction of a New Five Lane Arterial Extending from Auburn Way North (East Valley Highway) Eastward Up the Hill to Kent Kangley Road at 116th Avenue, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1558 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 351 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds, and for Interfund Loans | |
12/14/1999 | Adds §§ 3.41.730, 3.41.740 and 3.41.750, emergency petty cash account (Repealed by 4243) | |
(Not assigned) | ||
12/14/1999 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2000 Fiscal Year Budget | |
1/18/2000 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning a 4.5 Acre Portion of Two Properties Located East of the Intersection of 71st Place South and South 234th Street from Industrial Park District (M-1) to Limited Industrial District (M-2) Zone. (Seatabo Rezone – RZ-99-1) | |
2/1/2000 | ||
2/1/2000 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of 272nd Street, a Dedicated Opened Street Lying Generally West of that Street’s Intersection with Kent-Kangley Road and 132nd Avenue S.E. | |
3/7/2000 | Setting a Date for Public Hearing on the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 351 Relating to the Construction of a New Five Lane Arterial Extending from Auburn Way North (East Valley Highway) Eastward Up the Hill to Kent Kangley Road at 116th Avenue as Provided by Ord. 3496 | |
3/7/2000 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designations of Five (5) Parcels of Property as Follows: (1) from Single-Family Residential (SF-8) to Low Density Multifamily Residential (LDMF) for Property Located at 25835 - 116th Avenue SE (CPA-99-3(B)); (2) from Single-Family Residential (SF-3) to Single-Family Residential (SF-6) for Property Located at 13602 SE 282nd Street (CPA-99-3(C)); (3) from Single-Family Residential (SF-3) to Single Family Residential (SF-6) for Property Located at 27842 and 27854 132nd Avenue SE (CPA-99-3(G)); (4) from Mixed Use Limited Multifamily (MU-R) to Low Density Multifamily Residential (LDMF) for Property Located at the Southeast Corner of 102nd Avenue SE and SE 236th Street (CPA-99-3(H)); (5) from Single-Family Residential (SF-8) to Low Density Multifamily Residential (LDMF) for Property Located in the 27000 Block of 132nd Avenue SE (CPA-99-3(I)); and Further to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan (CPA-99-3(J) | |
3/7/2000 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designation of Four (4) Parcels of Property: (1) from Single-Family Residential (SR-8) to Low Density Multifamily Townhouse Residential (MRT- 16) for Property Located at 25835 - 116th Avenue SE (CPZ-99-2); (2) from Single-Family Residential (SR-3) to Single-Family Residential (SR-6) for Property Located at 13602 SE 282nd Street (CPZ-99-3); (3) from Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC-MU) to Low Density Multifamily townhouse Residential (MRT-16) for Property Located at the Southeast Corner of 102nd Avenue SE and SE 236th Street (CPZ-99-8); and (4) from Single-Family Residential (SR-8) to Low Density Multifamily Townhouse Residential (MRT-12) for Property Located in the 27000 Block of 132nd Avenue SE (CPZ-99-9) | |
3/21/2000 | Relating to Modification of Boundaries by 42nd Avenue South to Remove King County’s Jurisdiction in that Portion of the Affected Roadway, Pursuant to RCW 35A.21.210 | |
3/21/2000 | Amends § 15.08.050, zoning (15.08) | |
5/2/2000 | Amends § 15.04.170, zoning (15.04) | |
5/16/2000 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 351 for the Construction of a New Five Lane Aerial Extending from Auburn Way North (East Valley Highway) Eastward Up the Hill to Kent Kangley Road at 116th Avenue, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3496, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll. Repealed by Ord. 3513 | |
5/16/2000 | Relating to Valley Communications Center and Creating the Valley Communications Center Development Authority; Approving a Charter and initial bylaws therefor; Establishing a Board of Directors to Govern the Affairs of the Authority; and Approving Procedures for the Conduct of Its Affairs | |
5/16/2000 | Amends Ch. 12.04 and §§ 2.32.090(A) and 12.01.140, subdivisions (2.32, 12.01, 12.04) | |
6/6/2000 | Adds Chs. 2.06, 2.09, 2.10, 2.12, 2.14, 2.29, 2.36, 2.40, 2.42 and 2.57; amends Chs. 2.26, 2.28 and 2.30; amends and renumbers Ch. 2.04 to be Ch. 2.20; repeals Ch. 2.17, administration and personnel (2.06, 2.09, 2.10, 2.12, 2.14, 2.20, 2.26, 2.28, 2.36, 2.57) | |
6/6/2000 | Repealing Ordinance No. 3509 and Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 351 for the Construction of a New Five- Lane Arterial Extending from Auburn Way North (East Valley Highway) Eastward Up the Hill to Kent Kangley Road at 116th Avenue, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3496, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
Not assigned | ||
Not assigned | ||
7/5/2000 | Adds Ch. 8.09, camping (Repealed by 4443) | |
7/5/2000 | Amends § 6.03.010, improvement plan approval and inspection fees (6.03) | |
7/5/2000 | Providing for the Submission to the Voters of the City at a Special Election to Be Held therein on September 19, 2000, in Conjunction with the State Primary Election to Be Held on the Same Date, of a Proposition Authorizing the City to incur Indebtedness by Issuing Its General Obligation Bonds in a Par Amount Not to Exceed $14,000,000, Payable by annual Property Tax Levies to Be Made in Excess of Regular Property Tax Levies, for the Purpose of Paying a Part of the Cost of Designing, Constructing and Equipping a Civic and Performing Arts Center and to Levy those Excess Property Taxes | |
7/18/2000 | Changing the Time of the August 1, 2000, City Council Meeting from 7:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. | |
8/1/2000 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct South 196th Street in the Vicinity of Its Intersection with East Valley Highway; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 196th Street Corridor Fund (Fund R-92); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
8/15/2000 | ||
9/19/2000 | Amends Ch. 3.41, general accounts; repeals Ch. 3.05 (Repealed by 4243) | |
9/19/2000 | Amends §§ 15.04.170 and 15.04.180, zoning (15.04) | |
9/19/2000 | Providing for the Issuance of $20,145,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Various Purpose and Refunding Bonds, 2000, of the City for (A) General City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Finance a Variety of Capital Projects, (B) to Provide Part of the Funds with which to Pay the Cost of Advance Refunding a Portion of the City’s Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation and Refunding Bonds, 1995, and Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1999, and (C) Paying the Administrative Costs of such Refunding and the Costs of Issuance and Sale of such Bonds; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of the Bonds; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of the Bonds Herein Authorized and for the Use and Application of the Money Derived from those Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with U.S. Bank Trust National association of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; Providing for the Call, Payment and Redemption of the Outstanding Bonds to Be Refunded; Providing for Bond Insurance; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and a Project Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
9/19/2000 | Amends § 15.09.046, zoning (15.09) | |
10/3/2000 | Affecting Budgets, Amending the 2000 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2000 through July 31, 2000 | |
10/17/2000 | Amends § 7.05.090, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
11/7/2000 | Amends § 2.77.010, office hours (2.77) | |
11/7/2000 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Properties and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct a Portion of Southeast 277th Street, Lying Generally East of SR 167 and North of the of the Current Northerly Edge of Right-of-Way; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 277th Street Project Fund; and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
11/21/2000 | Amends § 9.38.020, parking (Repealed by 3554) | |
11/21/2000 | Adds Ch. 1.05, public records indexes and records requests under the Public Disclosure Act (Repealed by 3799) | |
12/5/2000 | Establishing the 2001 Tax Levy and Authorizing a 2.0% Increase in the 2000 Levy of Property Taxes for Collection in the Year 2001 in Addition to Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, and any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, the Refund Fund Levy, and Annexed Properties | |
12/5/2000 | Readopting, Re-Enacting, Ratifying and Confirming Taxes Established by Ordinance Nos. 3489, 3493, and 3494 | |
12/5/2000 | Re-adopts, re-enacts and ratifies rates and fees established by Ords. 3471, 3486, 3487, 3488, 3490, 3491 and 3499 (6.03, 6.07, 7.05) | |
12/12/2000 | Amends § 3.41.020, change account (Repealed by 4243) | |
12/12/2000 | Amending the 2000 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 31, 2000, and December 31, 2000, and Authorizing a Line of Credit from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Year-End Expenditures and Further Authorizing the Second Year of the Short-Term Loan from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex to Cover Winter and Spring Operating Expenditures | |
12/12/2000 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2001 Fiscal Year Budget | |
12/12/2000 | Amends § 7.04.280, sanitary sewers (Repealed by 4210) | |
1/2/2001 | Amending Ordinance No. 3532 which Established the 2001 Tax Levy and Authorized a 2.0% Increase in the 2000 Levy of Property Taxes for Collection in the Year 2001 in Addition to Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, and any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, the Refund Fund Levy, and Annexed Properties | |
1/16/2001 | Ordering the Construction of the Meeker Street Widening and Washington Avenue HOV Lanes Improvements Project All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1579 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 354 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
2/6/2001 | Amends Ch. 7.03, solid waste, recyclable materials and yard waste (7.03) | |
2/6/2001 | Relating to the Public Health, Safety, and General Welfare and City Solid Waste Utility and Pursuant to RCW 35.27.330, Authorizing Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Yard Waste Franchise Contracts Between the City of Kent and Waste Management of Washington, Inc., a Delaware Corporation and Between the City of Kent and Kent-Meridian Disposal Company, a Washington General Partnership | |
2/20/2001 | Amends §§ 15.03.010, 15.04.020, 15.04.040, 15.04.060, 15.04.070, 15.04.090, 15.04.110, 15.04.130, 15.04.190, 15.06.050 and 15.07.060, zoning (15.03, 15.04, 15.06) | |
3/6/2001 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as Follows: (1) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) to Commercial (C) for Property Located at 12819 Kent-Kangley Road (CPA-2000-2(B)); (2) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Industrial and Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre (SF-6) to Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) for Property Located at South 222nd Street and 88th Avenue South (CPA-2000-2(C)); (3) to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts (CPA-2000-2(F); and (4) to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to Reflect a 6-Year Plan for Capital Facilities Projects (CPA-2000-2(G)) | |
3/6/2001 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations as Follows: (1) from Low Density Multifamily Residential District (MR-G) to Community Commercial District (CC) for Property Located at 12819 Kent-Kangley Road (CPZ-2000-2); and (2) from Commercial Manufacturing-1 District (CM-1) and Single-Family Residential District (SR-6) to Single- Family Residential District (SR-8) for Property Located at South 222nd Street and 88th Avenue South (CPZ-2000-3) | |
3/6/2001 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
3/6/2001 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Fights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct West Smith Street from Its Intersection at Approximately Fourth Avenue North to Approximately Railroad Avenue North, including Intersection Work; and to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct Pioneer Street from Its Intersection at Approximately Railroad Avenue North to Central Avenue North, including Intersection Work; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the “Sound Transit Street Improvement” Fund (Fund R41-E23-5510-4140); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of Said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
3/6/2001 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct Washington Avenue from Its Intersection at Approximately South 251st Street to Approximately West James Street, including Intersection Work; and to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct West Meeker Street from Its Intersection at Approximately Washington Avenue to 300 Feet West of 641H Avenue South, including Intersection Work; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the “Washington Avenue Street Improvements” Fund (Fund R69); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
3/6/2001 | Relating to the Vacation of Streets, Vacating Portion of an Unused Alleyway Generally Between Temperance and West Smith Streets, Lying Between First and Second Avenues in the City of Kent | |
3/6/2001 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.13, water shortage emergency regulations (7.13) | |
3/20/2001 | Adds §§ 12.04.263, 12.04.578, 12.04.778, 15.02.073 and 15.02.531; amends Comprehensive Plan, zoning map and §§ 12.04.025, 15.04.170 and 15.04.180; renumbers §§ 15.02.531 and 15.02.532 to be §§ 15.02.532 and 15.02.533, cluster subdivisions (12.04, 15.02, 15.04) | |
4/17/2001 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 351; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity and Denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 351 Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Banc of America Securities LLC in Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District No. 351 Assessment Installments | |
4/17/2001 | Declaring a Water Shortage Emergency and Limiting Certain Water Uses and Practices | |
4/17/2001 | Repeals and replaces § 9.38.020, parking (Repealed by 3790) | |
5/1/2001 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Portion of 132nd Avenue Southeast, North of Southeast 2401H Street associated with the Upper Meridian Valley Creek Improvement Project and/or Property Rights in Order to Replace and/or Restore Culverts and a Section of Creek to Relieve Flooding in the Area and Restore Fish Passage; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Surface and Aerial Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the Upper Meridian Valley Creek Improvement Project Fund (Fund No. D43-C38-5515); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
5/15/2001 | Amends § 9.38.060, parking (Repealed by 3790) | |
6/5/2001 | ||
6/5/2001 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Current Land Use Map Designations for Property Located at 21800 Frager Road and 22002 Riverview Boulevard from Agricultural (A) and Single-Family Residential, 3 Units Per Acre (SF-3) to a Land Use Designation of Single Family Residential, 3 Units Per Acre (SF-3) (CPA-2000-2(A)); and Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Current Zoning Designations for the Property Located at 21800 Frager Road and 22002 Riverview Boulevard from Agricultural, one Unit Per Acre (A-L) and Single Family Residential, 3.63 Units Per Acre (SR-3) to a Zoning Designation of Single Family Residential, 3.63 Unit Per Acre (SR-3) (CPZ-2000-1) | |
6/5/2001 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of 155th Avenue SE (as Shown on “the Edwall A. Rask Addition,” King County Recording No.4453187 (and Generally Known as 154th Avenue SE)), a Dedicated, Opened Street Lying Generally North of Its Intersection with 274th Street SE (as Shown on “the Edwall A. Rask Addition” Vol. 53 of Plats, Page 11, King County Recorder No. 4453187 (and Generally Known as 275th Street Se)), in the City of Kent | |
6/5/2001 | Adds Ch. 3.25; amends § 2.32.090, multifamily dwelling tax exemptions (2.32) | |
6/5/2001 | Amends §§ 12.04.015, 12.04.025, 12.04.035, 12.04.120, 12.04.125, 12.04.180, 12.04.205, 12.04.210, 12.04.235, 12.04.250, 12.04.260, 12.04.430, 12.04.435, 12.04.490, 12.04.515, 12.04.545, 12.04.565, 12.04.575, 12.04.630, 12.04.635, 12.04.685, 12.04.715, 12.04.745 and 12.04.775, subdivisions (12.04) | |
6/19/2001 | Annexing to the City Certain Contiguous Lands, Comprising Approximately 266.6 Acres, Generally Bounded on the East Hill of Kent, from 116th Avenue SE to 132nd Avenue SE and from SE 240th Street North to Approximately SE 231st Place on the West and SE 233rd Street, if Extended, on the East, All Generally Referred to as the “Demarco Annexation”; Making the Property annexed Subject to the City’s Proportionate Share of Its Existing Indebtedness and to Its Interim Zoning Regulations for Newly annexed Lands; Adjusting the City’s 2001 annual Budget to Accommodate Changes in Revenues and Expenditures Related to the Annexation; Making July 1, 2001 the Effective Date of the Annexation; and Authorizing the City Clerk to Determine the Resident Population within the Annexation Area and to Deliver Required Annexation Information to the State Office of Financial Management and to the Metropolitan King County Council | |
6/19/2001 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning 4.35 Acres of Real Property Located North of SE 253rd Place on the West Side of 104th Avenue SE from Office-Mixed Use (O-Mu) to Community Commercial-Mixed Use (CC-Mu) Zone (Kent Retail Center RZ-2000-1) | |
7/3/2001 | Changing the Time of the August 7, 2001, City Council Meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. | |
7/3/2001 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 1.04, code enforcement (Repealed by 3880) | |
8/7/2001 | Amends § 9.02.25, neglect of child or dependent person (Repealed by 3621) | |
8/7/2001 | Adds § 9.02.104, hobby cannon fuse material (Repealed by 3621) | |
8/7/2001 | Adds § 9.02.102; amends § 9.02.100, non-incendiary devices (Repealed by 3621) | |
8/7/2001 | Amends § 9.39.030, vehicle impoundment (9.39) | |
8/21/2001 | Amends § 2.56.050, diversity advisory board (Repealed by 4184) | |
8/21/2001 | Repealing Ordinance 3394 which Provided for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights for Parks, Recreation and any Other Public Purpose; and which Provided for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for Those Purposes | |
9/18/2001 | Relating to and Implementing Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Designations for the Demarco Annexation (Repealed by 3581) | |
9/18/2001 | Amends § 11.03.510, environmental policy (11.03) | |
9/18/2001 | Amends §§ 2.32.150, 2.32.160, 2.32.170, 11.03.520, 14.01.020, and Chs. 12.01 and 14.11, development regulations (2.32, 11.03, 12.01, 14.01, 14.11) | |
9/18/2001 | ||
10/16/2001 | Amending the 2001 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2001 to July 31, 2001 | |
12/11/2001 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 12.9 Acres of Property Located at 9116 S 212th Street from Professional and Office (O) to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) (S 212th Street Retail Center Rezone – RZ-2001-1) | |
12/11/2001 | Amends § 7.04.280, sanitary sewers (Repealed by 4210) | |
12/11/2001 | Amends § 2.97.010, city claims (2.97) | |
12/11/2001 | Amending the 2001 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 31, 2001, and December 31, 2001, and Authorizing a Short Term Loan from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Year-End Expenditures and Further Authorizing the third Year of the Short-Term Loan from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex to Cover Winter and Spring Operating Expenditures | |
12/11/2001 | Repealing Ordinance 3572 Regarding Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Designations for the Demarco Annexation Area and Reverting to the Previous King County Comprehensive Plan Designations and a Zoning Designation of Single Family Residential (SR-2) | |
12/11/2001 | Authorizing a one Hundred Six Percent (106%) Property Tax Levy Limit Factor for Year 2002 to Protect the City’s Future Property Lax Levy Capacity in the Event initiative 747 Is Invalidated, Amended, or Repealed | |
12/11/2001 | Authorizing the 2001 Property Tax Levy for the 2002 Budget at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy, Plus an Increase within the statutory Allowable Amount, in Addition to Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, and any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, the Refund Fund Levy, and Annexed Properties | |
12/11/2001 | Levying 2001 Property Taxes for the 2002 Budget for the City of Kent (Option 1) | |
12/11/2001 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2002 Fiscal Year Budget. Amended by Ord. 3593 | |
1/2/2002 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 6.7 Acres of Property Located at 27842 132nd Avenue SE from SR-3 Single Family Residential (SR-3) to SR-6 Single Family Residential (SR-6). (Northward Homes Rezone – RZ-2001-2) | |
1/15/2002 | Amends § 4.01.170; repeals § 4.01.180, parks and recreation (4.01) | |
3/5/2002 | Amends Ch. 1.05, public records (Repealed by 3799) | |
2/19/2002 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as Follows: (1) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Mobile Home Park (MHP) and Medium Density Multifamily Residential, 17 to 23 Dwelling Units Per Acre (MDMF), to Mixed Use (Mu) for Property Located at 1027 and 1035 West Smith Street (CPA-2001-2(A)); (2) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Single Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre (SF-6) to Commercial (C) for Property Located at 27220 154th Avenue Southeast (CPA- 2001-2(B)); (3) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Single Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre (SF-6) to Low Density Multifamily Residential, 16 Units Per Acre (LDMF) for Property Located at 2635 South 260th Street (CPA- 2001-2(C)); (4) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Single Family Residential, 3 Units Per Acre (SF-3), to Single Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre (SF-6), for Property Located at 25003-114th Avenue Southeast and 11223 Southeast 248th Street (CPA-2001-2(E)); (5) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Low Density Multifamily Residential, 16 Units Per Acre (LDMF), to Commercial (C), for Property Located at 13303 and 13307 Kent-Kangley Road (CPA-2001-2(F)); (6) Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts (CPA-2001- 2(G); and (7) to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to Reflect a 6-Year Plan for Capital Facilities Projects (CPA-2001-2(H)) | |
2/19/2002 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations as Follows: (1) from Mobile Home Park (MHP) and Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M), to General Commercial (GC) for Property Located at 1027 and 1035 West Smith Street (CPZ-2001-1); (2) from Single Family Residential, 6.05 Units Per Acre (SR-6) to Community Commercial (CC) for Property Located at 27220 154th Avenue Southeast (CPZ-2001-2); (3) from Single Family Residential, 4.53 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5) to Single Family Residential, 8.71 Units Per Acre (SR-8) for Property Located at 2635 South 260th Street (CPZ-2001-3); (4) from Single Family Residential, 4.53 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5), to Single Family Residential, 6.05 Units Per Acre (SR-6) for Property Located at the Southwest Corner of the intersecting Right-of-Way for Southeast 252nd Street and 114th Avenue Southeast, and at 25218 113th Avenue Southeast (CPZ-2001-4);(5) from Single Family Residential, 3.63 Units Per Acre (SR-3), to Single Family Residential, 6.05 Units Per Acre (SR-6), for the Adjacent Properties Located at 25003 114th Avenue Southeast and 11223 Southeast 248th Street (CPZ-2001-5); and (6) from Garden (Low) Density Multifamily, 16 Units Per Acre (MR-G), to Community Commercial (CC), for Property Located at 13303 and 13307 Kent-Kangley Road (CPZ-2001-6) | |
2/19/2002 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
2/19/2002 | Amends Ch. 3.19; repeals Ch. 3.24, real estate excise tax (3.19) | |
2/19/2002 | Amending the 2002 Budget by Enacting a Net Reduction of Expenditures to the General Fund by Making Certain Technical Adjustments and Restoring the General Fund’s Fund Balance to 10% | |
2/19/2002 | Amends § 3.18.020, utility tax (3.18) | |
3/5/2002 | Repeals §§ 2.01.030 and 2.02.020, term limits (Repealer) | |
4/2/2002 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights for Storm Water Drainage Detention Use in Conjunction with Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Road Widening Project; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the “Pacific Highway HOV Phase 2” Fund (Fund R90062); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; the Property Is Located within King County, Washington | |
4/16/2002 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 350 for the Construction of an 8" Sanitary Sewer System in and Near the “Big K” Addition of the City, with Side Sewer stubs and Related Improvements, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3397, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
4/16/2002 | Amends §§ 9.42.020, 9.43.015 and 9.43.030, unlawful racing (9.42, 9.43) | |
5/7/2002 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of South 206th Street, in the City of Kent | |
5/7/2002 | Adds §§ and 15.02.131; amends §§ 12.01.190, 15.02.528, Ch. 15.04, §§ 15.08.035, 15.08.100, 15.08.260, 15.08.400, 15.09.030, 15.09.040 and 15.09.042, zoning (12.01, 15.02, 15.04, 15.08, 15.09) | |
5/21/2002 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter and Maintain the SE 256th Flume Project; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the “256th Flume Project” Fund (Fund D00043.64420.330); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Properties Located within King County, Washington | |
5/21/2002 | Repealing Section 5, Entitled Standards for Stormwater Systems, of Ordinance No. 3117, and Adopting the Surface Water Design Manual Dated February, 2002, to Implement the Policies Codified in Chapters 7.05, 7.06 and 7.07 of the Kent City Code | |
5/21/2002 | Repeals and replaces §§ 9.02.19 and 9.02.56, criminal code (Repealed by 3621) | |
5/21/2002 | Amends § 2.34.040, municipal court (Repealed by 4333) | |
5/21/2002 | Relating to and Implementing Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Designations for the Demarco Annexation | |
6/18/2002 | Approving Establishment of the 2002 Water System Plan | |
7/16/2002 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $13,685,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 2002, of the City for General City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Finance a Variety of Capital Projects and the Costs of Issuance and Sale of such Bonds; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of the Bonds; Providing for Bond Insurance; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and a Projects Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Lehman Brothers Inc. of Seattle, Washington | |
7/16/2002 | Establishing a Planned Action for a Site Approximately 25.0 Acres in Size, Bound by James and Harrison Streets, 4th Avenue and 1st Avenue, as Described in the Adopted Kent Station Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement | |
7/16/2002 | Amends Ch. 13.05, fireworks (Repealed by 4190) | |
7/16/2002 | Amends Ch. 13.05, fireworks (Repealed by 4190) | |
8/6/2002 | Relating to and Implementing Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Designations for the Property Designated Agricultural (A-1), Agricultural General (AG), and Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M) on the City’s Valley Floor | |
8/6/2002 | Amends §§ 15.02.487, 15.03.010, 15.06.050(E), 15.07.010, 15.07.060(I), 15.08.035, 15.08.232, 15.08.260, 15.08.270, 15.08.400 and Ch. 15.04, zoning (15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.06, 15.07, 15.08) | |
9/3/2002 | Amending the 2002 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2002, to July 31, 2002 | |
9/17/2002 | Adds §§ 12.05.320 – 12.05.380; amends §§ 12.01.040, 12.05.020, 12.05.030 and 12.05.040, mobile home parks (12.01, 12.05) | |
9/17/2002 | Adds §§ [], 15.02.223, 15.02.338.5 and 15.02.341; amends §§ 15.02.173, 15.04.020, and 15.04.030, secure community transition facilities (15.02, 15.04) | |
10/1/2002 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 354 for the Construction of the Meeker Street Widening and Washington Avenue HOV Lanes Improvements Project, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3540, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
10/1/2002 | Adds Ch. 2.58, independent salary commission; amends §§ 2.01.010, 2.01.020, 2.02.010, and 2.34.050, city officials’ salaries (2.01, 2.02) | |
10/1/2002 | Amends § 3.70.050, procurement contracts (Repealed by 4150) | |
10/1/2002 | Ordering the Construction of the South 228th Street Extension, from 54th Avenue South to Military Road, with a Bridge Over the Green River, Additional Improvements to Military Road, Sanitary Sewer Improvements Between 42nd Avenue South and Military Road, Improvements to South 228th Street Between 54th Avenue South and 76th Avenue South, and Sidewalk and Street Lighting on 76th Avenue South/4th Avenue North Between South 220th Street and Sr 167, All Consistent with Resolution No. 1626 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 353; Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Extending the Period for Payment on Environmental Mitigation Agreements to March 17, 2003; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and, Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
10/1/2002 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of the West 576.1 Feet of Temperance Street as Dedicated within the Plat of Ramsey’s Addition in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 89 Recorded in King County, Washington Except the West 12.88 Feet thereof in the City of Kent | |
10/1/2002 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.02, criminal code (9.02) | |
10/1/2002 | Amends § 14.01.080, building code (14.01) | |
10/15/2002 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 352 for the Construction of a Storm Sewer Drainage System on 1st, 3rd and 5th Avenues South, North of South 259th Street in South Kent, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3452, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll (Confirmation of Final Assessment Roll) | |
10/15/2002 | Amends § 15.08.400, planned unit developments (Repealed by 3633) | |
11/19/2002 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Two (2) Parcels of Property Comprised of Approximately 1.1 Acres and Located Approximately Two Blocks South of Southeast 240th Street on 108th Avenue Southeast, from Community Commercial (CC) to Multifamily Residential Townhome District (Mr-T16) (108th Avenue Townhomes Rezone, #RZ-2002-1) | |
11/19/2002 | Authorizing the Execution of a Revised Second Supply Project Partnership Agreement and Repayment Agreement, Both of which Address Reallocation of a Portion of the Tacoma Second Supply Project Water Capacity Previously Allocated to the City of Seattle | |
11/19/2002 | Amends §§ 7.02.160, 7.02.180, 7.02.300 and 7.02.310, water rates (Repealed by 4288) | |
12/10/2002 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Rezoning Property Comprised of Approximately 4.78 Acres Located at 2635 South 260th Street, from Single Family Eight (8) Units Per Acre (SR-8), to Multifamily Residential townhouse (MR-T16), (Klouzal Rezone, # RZ-2002-2) | |
12/10/2002 | Amending the 2002 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2002, and December 31, 2002, and Authorizing a Short Term Loan from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to Cover Year-End Expenditures and Further Authorizing a Short-Term Loan from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex to Cover Winter and Spring Operating Expenditures | |
12/10/2002 | Authorizing the 2002 Property Tax Levy for the 2003 Budget at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy, Plus an Increase within the statutory Allowable Amount, in Addition to Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, and any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, the Refund Fund Levy, and annexed Properties | |
12/10/2002 | Levying 2002 Property Taxes for the 2003 Budget for the City of Kent | |
12/10/2002 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2003 Fiscal Year Budget | |
1/7/2003 | Repeals Ord. 3624 amending § 15.08.400, planned unit developments (15.08) | |
2/4/2003 | Amends §§ 6.09.030 and 6.09.060, street vacations (6.09) | |
3/18/2003 | Providing for the Acquisition of a Portion of James Street and Central Avenue associated with the James Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement Project and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct the Intersection Located at James Street and Central Avenue; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Surface and Aerial Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the James Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement Project Fund (Fund No. R20059.4140.364); and Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; All of said Property Located within King County, Washington | |
3/18/2003 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as Follows: (1) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, one (1) Unit Per Acre (SF-1), to Single Family, three (3) Units Per Acre (SF-3) for Property Located at South 216th Street and 46th Avenue South (CPA-2002-2(B)); (2) to Change the Plan’s Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, three (3) Units Per Acre (SF-3), to Single Family, Six (6) Units Per Acre (SF-6) for Property Located at 20129 92nd Avenue South (CPA-2002-2(D)); (3) to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts (CPA-2002-2(E); and (4) to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Facilities Projects (CPA-2002-2(F)) | |
3/18/2003 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
3/18/2003 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 12.58 Acres of Property Located at 22320 88th Avenue South from Single Family Residential, Eight (8) Units Per Acre (SR-8), to Multifamily Residential townhouse (Mr-T16). (Coblentz Rezone, #RZ- 2002-4) | |
4/1/2003 | Amends § 15.08.400, planned unit developments (15.08) | |
3/18/2003 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations as Follows: (1) from Single-Family, 1 Unit Per Acre (SR-1), to Single-Family, 3.63 Units Per Acre (SR-3) for Property Located at 4412 South 216th Street (CPZ-2002-2); (2) from Single Family, 2.18 Units Per Acre (SR-2) to Single-Family, 3.63 Units Per Acre (SR-3) for Property Located at 9119 South 192nd Street (CPZ-2002-3); and (3) from Single-Family, 3.63 Units Per Acre (SR-3) to Single-Family, 4.53 Units Per Acre (SR-4) for Property Located at 20129 92nd Avenue South (CPZ-2002-4) | |
4/15/2003 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.06 Acres of Property Located at 25200 104th Avenue Southeast from Community Commercial (CC), to Multifamily Residential townhouse (Mr-T16) (Kent East Hill Townhomes Rezone, #RZ- 2002-3) | |
4/15/2003 | Relating to Local Improvement Districts: (1) Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 350 Et Al. and Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 350 Et Al.; (2) Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, and Maturity of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 350 Et Al. Bond; (3) Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Bank of America, N.A. of Seattle, Washington; and (4) Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
5/6/2003 | Amends § 15.08.400, planned unit developments (15.08) | |
5/20/2003 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of SE 266th Street Right-of-Way Between 128th Avenue SE and 132nd Avenue SE, Lying within the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, in the City of Kent | |
6/3/2003 | Amends Ch. 3.18, utility tax (3.18) | |
7/1/2003 | Amends § 15.08.040(G)(2), home occupations (15.08) | |
7/1/2003 | Amends §§ 15.04.090 and 15.04.100, zoning (15.04) | |
7/1/2003 | Amends §§ 15.04.070, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.06.050 and 15.07.060, zoning (15.04, 15.06) | |
7/15/2003 | Kent Downtown Public Market Development Authority – Dissolution | |
7/15/2003 | Amends Ch. 12.02, procedures for amendments to comprehensive plan (12.02) | |
7/15/2003 | Changing the Time of the August 5, 2003, City Council Meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. | |
7/15/2003 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 4.84 Acres of Property Located at 25206 and 25230 132nd Avenue Southeast from Single Family Residential (SR-4.5), to Single Family Residential (SR-6). (Tahoma Vista Rezone, #RZ-2002-5) | |
8/5/2003 | LID 355 Formation Ordinance | |
8/5/2003 | 2002 Water System Plan-Water Conservation Potential Assessment | |
8/5/2003 | Energy Audit Capital Improvements for City Buildings | |
8/19/2003 | Amends §§ 7.05.020 and 7.05.130, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
9/2/2003 | LID 356 Formation Ordinance | |
9/2/2003 | Amends Ch. 3.10, §§ 5.01.180 and 15.07.070, delinquent accounts (3.10, 15.07) | |
9/2/2003 | Amending the 2003 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2003, to June 30, 2003 | |
10/7/2003 | South 228th Street Condemnation Ordinance | |
10/7/2003 | S. 277th Street Annexation | |
10/7/2003 | LID 357 Formation Ordinance | |
10/7/2003 | Adds §§ 12.04.264, 12.04.579, and 12.04.779; amends §§ 12.04.263, 12.04.578, 12.04.778, 15.04.170, and 15.04.180, subdivisions and zoning (12.04, 15.04) | |
10/7/2003 | Amends Ch. 12.04, subdivisions; repeals Ch. 12.07 (12.04) | |
10/7/2003 | Amends § 15.08.100, nonconforming development (15.08) | |
11/4/2003 | Morgan Place Rezone | |
12/9/2003 | Comprehensive Plan Amendments – Capital Improvement Plan 2004-2009 | |
12/9/2003 | Authorizing the 2003 Property Tax Levy for the 2004 Budget at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy, with a statutorily Allowed one (1) Percent Increase for inflation, together with any Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, from any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, from the Refund Fund Levy, and from annexed Properties | |
12/9/2003 | Levying 2003 Property Taxes for the 2004 Budget for the City of Kent | |
12/9/2003 | 2004 Budget Adoption | |
12/9/2003 | Amends Ch. 7.11, utility service outside the city (7.11) | |
12/9/2003 | LTGO Bonds, 2003, Series A, B and C | |
12/9/2003 | 2003 – Budget Adjustment – Second Half | |
12/9/2003 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2003-3) | |
12/9/2003 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
12/9/2003 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as Follows: (1) to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, three (3) Units Per Acre (SF-3), to Single Family, Six (6) Units Per Acre (SF-6) for Property Located at 21907 100th Avenue Southeast (CPA-2003-4(A)); and (2) to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, Six (6) Units Per Acre (SF-6), to Neighborhood Services (NS) for Property Located at 11525 SE 240th Street (CPA-2003-4(C)) | |
12/9/2003 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations as Follows: (1) from Single Family, 3.63 Unit Per Acre (SR-3), to Single Family, 6.05 Units Per Acre (SR-6) for Property Located at 21907 100th Avenue Southeast (CPZ-2003-2); and (2) from Single Family, 6.05 Units Per Acre (SR-6), to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) for Property Located at 11525 SE 240th Street (CPZ-2003-4) | |
1/20/2004 | Adds Ch. 3.26, admissions tax (3.26) | |
2/17/2004 | Amends § 7.02.160(C), water (Repealed by 4288) | |
2/17/2004 | Setting a Date for Public Hearing on the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 353 Relating to the Construction of the South 228th Street Extension Project as Provided by Ordinance No. 3619 | |
3/2/2004 | Amends § 15.08.400(I), planned unit developments (15.08) | |
3/16/2004 | LTGO Refunding Bonds, 2004 | |
3/16/2004 | Amending the 2003 Budget for Adjustments Made on December 31, 2003. 2003 Final Budget Adjustment | |
3/16/2004 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 0.48 Acres of Property Located at 111 Central Avenue South from Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) to General Commercial (GC). (Aulgur-Fawcett Rezone #RZ-2003-3) | |
4/20/2004 | Relating to and Implementing Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Designations for the Impoundment Reservoir Property Located at the Northwest Corner of the Intersection of 124th Avenue Southeast and South 304th Street | |
4/20/2004 | Upper Meridian Valley Creek Improvement Project Condemnation Ordinance | |
4/20/2004 | Amends §§ 2.01.010, 2.02.010 and 2.34.050; repeals Ch. 2.58, salaries (2.01, 2.02) | |
4/20/2004 | Amending the 2004 Budget for Adjustments Relating to Development Permit Processing 2004 General Fund Budget Adjustment-Temporary Permit Processing Needs | |
5/4/2004 | UTGO Refunding Bonds, 2004 | |
5/4/2004 | Amends § 1.04.130, Ch. 2.40, §§ 2.42.030, 7.04.070, 7.05.074, 7.07.114, 7.10.060, 12.04.235(C)(3), 12.04.545(C)(3), 12.04.745(C)(3), 12.05.140(B) and 12.13.130(G)(1), Ch. 14.01, §§ 14.08.020, 14.08.100, 14.08.240, 15.02.268, 15.04.180(32), 15.08.350(B)(4) and 15.08.359(B)(4), building codes (7.05, 7.10, 12.04, 12.05, 12.13, 14.01, 14.08, 15.02, 15.04, 15.08) | |
5/4/2004 | Adds Ch. 13.01; amends §§ 9.01.120 and 15.08.050(D)(9)(g); repeals and replaces Ch. 13.02; repeals Chs. 13.03, 13.04 and 13.14, fire codes (9.01, 13.01, 13.02, 15.08) | |
6/1/2004 | Adds § 9.02.025; amends §§ 9.02.060, 9.02.070, 9.02.100, 9.02.130, 9.02.140 and 9.02.150, criminal code (9.02) | |
6/1/2004 | Amends §§ 4.06.020, 4.06.030, 4.06.040, 4.06.200 and 4.06.280, recreational vessel regulations (4.06) | |
6/1/2004 | Amends § 7.10.040, cable television conduit (7.10) | |
6/15/2004 | LID 353 Final Assessment Roll | |
6/15/2004 | Amends § 9.38.060, parking zones (Repealed by 3790) | |
7/6/2004 | Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project Condemnation Ordinance | |
7/20/2004 | 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update | |
7/20/2004 | Amends § 15.04.090, churches (15.04) | |
7/20/2004 | Amends § 15.08.050(D)(9), hazardous wastes (15.08) | |
8/3/2004 | Amends §§ 14.01.070 and 14.01.080, building codes (14.01) | |
8/3/2004 | Adds Ch. 13.03, preventable activation of fire protection systems (13.03) | |
8/3/2004 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 3.97 Acres of Property Located at the Northwest Corner of 136th Avenue SE and SE 253rd Street from Single Family Residential 4.5 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6) (Ruth Wiren Rezone, #RZ-2004-1) | |
8/3/2004 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specially the Rezoning of Approximately 6.4 Acres of Property Located South of the Intersection of 104th Avenue SE and SE 272nd Street from Single Family Residential 4.5 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6). (Kentara Rezone, #RZ-2003-1) | |
8/3/2004 | Adds §§ 2.34.170 and 2.34.180 and Ch. 9.34, booking fees and inmate medical care costs (Repealed by 4333) | |
8/17/2004 | Adds §§ 15.02.204 and 15.02.506; amends § 15.06.040, stadium signs (15.02, 15.06) | |
9/7/2004 | Adds Ch. 9.44, motorized wheeled transportation devices (9.44) | |
9/7/2004 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 355 for the Construction of an 8” Sanitary Sewer System with 6” Side Sewer stubs to the Right-of-Way Line or Easement Line, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3653, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
9/7/2004 | Amending the 2004 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2004, to July 31, 2004 | |
9/7/2004 | Authorizing the Mayor to Enter in a Development Agreement with the Boeing Company for the Real Property Historically Known as the Boeing Kent Space Center | |
9/21/2004 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 356 for the Construction of an 8” Sanitary Sewer System with 6” Side Sewer stubs to the Right-of-Way Line, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3657, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
9/21/2004 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 357 for the Construction of an 8” Sanitary Sewer System with 6” Side Sewer stubs to the Property Line, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3662, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
9/21/2004 | Amends §§ 6.03.010, 6.06.040, 6.06.050, 6.06.060, 6.06.070, 6.07.010, 6.07.170, and 7.04.100; repeals § 7.04.240, permit and inspection fees (6.03, 6.06, 6.07) | |
9/21/2004 | Amending the 2004 Budget for Adjustments Relating to Development Permit Processing | |
10/5/2004 | Amends § 9.02.300, prostitution loitering (9.02) | |
10/5/2004 | Adds § 9.02.335, contaminated property (9.02) | |
10/19/2004 | LID 358 – Formation Ordinance | |
10/19/2004 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.96 Acres of Property Located at 23519 98th Avenue South from Single Family Residential 4.5 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6). (Anderson Rezone, #RZ-2003-4) | |
11/2/2004 | Zoning Map Amendments – 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update | |
11/2/2004 | Adds § 12.01.125, development regulations (12.01) | |
11/2/2004 | Amending the Zoning Map Legend for MR-G from Garden Density Multifamily to Low Density Multifamily | |
11/2/2004 | Amends Ch. 12.02, docketing procedures for annual amendments to comprehensive plan and development regulations (12.02) | |
11/2/2004 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.07 Acres of Property Located at 302 Summit Avenue North from Duplex, Multifamily Residential District (MR-D) to Multifamily Residential townhouse District (MR-T16). (Deal Rezone, #RZ-2004-2) | |
11/16/2004 | Amends § 7.04.280; repeals § 7.04.290, sewer service charges (Repealed by 4210) | |
12/14/2004 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2005 Fiscal Year Budget. 2005 Budget Adoption | |
12/14/2004 | Authorizing the 2004 Property Tax Levy for the 2005 Budget at the Previous Year’s Maximum Allowed Tax Levy, with a Statutorily Allowed One (1) Percent Increase to Partially Cover Impacts from Inflation, for Collection in 2005, together with any Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, from any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, from the Refund Fund Levy, and from Annexed Properties | |
12/14/2004 | Levying 2004 Property Taxes for the 2005 Budget for the City of Kent | |
12/14/2004 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Facilities Projects (2005-2010) (CPA- 2004-3) | |
12/14/2004 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2004-2) | |
12/14/2004 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedule (12.13) | |
12/14/2004 | Relating to Local Improvement Districts; Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 353 et al., by Consolidating Local Improvement Districts Nos. 353, 355, 356 and 357, and Creating Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 353 et al.; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rates, Maturity, and Denominations of the Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 353 Et Al. Bonds; Providing for the Sale and Delivery thereof to Banc of America Securities LLC of Seattle, Washington; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District Assessment Installments | |
1/4/2005 | Amends § 2.56.040, diversity advisory board (Repealed by 4184) | |
2/1/2005 | Amending the 2004 Budget for Adjustments Made Between August 1, 2004, and December 31, 2004, and Authorizing a Short Term Loan from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) and to the Golf Course Fund to Cover Year-End Expenditures | |
2/15/2005 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 358 for the Construction of Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, Driveways, Storm Drains, Retaining Walls, Street Illumination, Landscaping, Slope Protection, Underground Power and Necessary Appurtenances Relating to the Overall Project of the Addition of High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes on Pacific Highway South from Kent-Des Moines Road to South 252nd Street, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3717, and Levying and Assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
3/1/2005 | Providing for the Acquisition of Real Property and/or Property Rights Between Bolger Road and South 239th Street Adjacent to Military Road, in Order to Construct the Underground Electrical System, Storm, Sewer, Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks for the Military Road Widening Project; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Surface Rights as Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of the 228th/224th Corridor – West Leg (Sr 516-64th Avenue S) Project Fund (Fund No. R90093.56710.535); Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; and Acknowledging that All of said Property Is Located within King County, Washington | |
3/1/2005 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of Southeast 278th Street Right-of-Way, East of 145th Place, Lying within the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, in the City of Kent | |
4/5/2005 | Amends § 9.02.390, probation violations (9.02) | |
4/5/2005 | Amends Chs. 9.42 and 9.43, illegal street racing (9.42, 9.43) | |
4/19/2005 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of a $7,369,000 Par Value Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond, 2005, to Provide the Funds Required to Refund in (A) a Current Refunding of the City’s Outstanding 1996 State of Washington, Department of Ecology Loan, (B) an Advance Refunding of a Portion of the City’s Outstanding Sewerage System Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, 1993, (C) a Current Refunding of Certain Maturities of the City’s Limited Tax General Obligation and Refunding Bonds, 1995, (D) an Advance Refunding of a Portion of the City’s Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Various Purpose and Refunding Bonds, 2000, and (E) and Paying the Administrative Costs of such Refunding and the Costs of Issuance and Sale of such Bond; Providing for and Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Obligations Out of the Proceeds of the Sale of the Bond Herein Authorized and for the Use and Application of the Money Derived from those Investments; Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with U.S. Bank National association of Seattle, Washington, as Refunding Trustee; Providing for the Call, Payment and Redemption of the Outstanding Bonds and the Loan to Be Refunded; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturity, Interest Rate, Terms and Covenants of the Bond; Establishing a Bond Fund; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bond to Bank of America, N.A., of Seattle, Washington | |
4/19/2005 | Updating the City of Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan (CPA-2004-1) | |
4/19/2005 | Implementing the Downtown Strategic Plan Update (CPA-2004-1) | |
4/19/2005 | Amends §§ 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.05.070 and 15.09.046, zoning (15.04, 15.05, 15.09) | |
4/19/2005 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations as Follows: (1) from Single Family, 6.05 Unit Per Acre (SR-6), to Office, Mixed Use (O-MU) for Property Located at 26056 116th Avenue Southeast (CPZ-2004-3); (2) from Limited Industrial (M2), to Gateway Commercial (GWC) for Property Located at 20651 84th Avenue South/East Valley Highway (CPZ-2004-4); and (3) from Single Family, 6.05 Unit Per Acre (SR-6), to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) with Conditions for Property Located at 11644 Southeast 240th Street (CPZ-2004-5) | |
4/19/2005 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as Follows: (1) to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, Six (6) Units Per Acre (SF-6), to Mixed-Use (MU) for Property Located at 26056 116th Avenue Southeast (CPA-2004-4(A)); (2) to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Manufacturing/ Industrial Center (Mic) to Commercial (C) for Property Located at 20651 84th Avenue South/East Valley Highway (CPA-2004-4(B)); and (3) to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, Six (6) Units Per Acre (SF-6), to Neighborhood Services (NS) with Conditions, for Property Located at 11644 Southeast 240th Street (CPA-2004-4(C)) | |
4/19/2005 | Amends § 7.08.010, side sewer code (Repealed by 3927) | |
4/19/2005 | Adds Ch. 11.06; amends § 11.03.510, Ch. 14.09, and §§ 15.08.260 and 15.08.400; repeals Ch. 11.05 and §§ 15.08.220, 15.08.222 and 15.08.224, critical areas (11.03, 11.06, 15.08) | |
5/3/2005 | Amends § 9.01.010, emergency management organization (9.01) | |
5/3/2005 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 4.7 Acres of Property Located at 23438 94th Avenue South from Single Family Residential 4.5 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6). (Mount View Rezone, #RZ- 2004-4) | |
5/3/2005 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of the Alley Lying within Block 20, Washington Central Improvement Company’s First Addition, and Mcmillin Street Lying Between Block 19 and Block 20 in the City of Kent | |
5/17/2005 | Amends §§ 15.04.010(H), 15.08.260 and 15.08.400(C)(11), zoning (15.04, 15.08) | |
5/17/2005 | Amending Sections 2.0, 7.3, and 7.5 of the Shoreline Master Program to Correct inconsistencies in Appeal Provisions and Raise the threshold for Shoreline Substantial Development | |
5/17/2005 | Amends §§ 12.04.695, 15.08.040(F), 15.08.400(F), 15.09.030(F) and 15.09.040(D), appeals (12.04, 15.08, 15.09) | |
6/7/2005 | Adds §§ and 15.02.281; amends §§ 15.04.020 and 15.04.030, manufactured homes (15.02, 15.04) | |
6/7/2005 | Johnson Creek Relocation and Restoration Condemnation | |
6/7/2005 | Amends Ch. 13.05, fireworks (Repealed by 4190) | |
7/19/2005 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately .34 Acres of Property Located at 22521 94th Avenue South from Single Family Residential 2 Units Per Acre (SR-2) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6). (Graham Rezone, #RZ-2005-2) | |
8/2/2005 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 19.5 Acres of Property Located at 27864 124th Avenue SE from Single Family Residential 4.5 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6). (Pfaff Rezone, #RZ-2004-6) | |
8/2/2005 | Amending the 2005 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2005, to June 30, 2005. 2005 First Half Budget Adjustments | |
9/6/2005 | Amends §§ 15.04.020 and 15.04.030, multifamily dwelling units (15.04) | |
9/6/2005 | Amends § 12.01.030, rezone application processing (12.01) | |
9/6/2005 | Adds § 15.02.525.1; amends §§ 15.04.030 and 15.04.180, multifamily residential townhouse district (15.02, 15.04) | |
9/20/2005 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 29.3 Acres of Property Located at the Northwest Corner of West Valley Highway and South 212th Street from Industrial Park (M1) to Industrial Park Commercial (M1-C). (West Valley at 212th Street Rezone, #RZ-2005-3) | |
9/20/2005 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 4.25 Acres of Property Located at 22604 and 22522 94th Avenue South from Single Family Residential 4.5 Units Per Acre (SR-4.5) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6). (Daljit Cove Rezone, #RZ-2004-5) | |
10/18/2005 | Relating to the Vacation of an Alley, Approximately 6,753 Square Feet that Runs East and West through the Property Known as the “Municipal Lot Block,” which Is Bounded by 4th Avenue North to the West, West Smith Street to the North, 2nd Avenue North to the East, and West Harrison Street to the South, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
10/18/2005 | Relating to the Vacation of 100 Square Feet of 1st Avenue North, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
11/1/2005 | Relating to the Vacation of Portion of 108th Avenue Southeast, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
11/15/2005 | Providing for the Acquisition of Real Property and/or Property Rights Located Between Kent-Kangley Road and Southeast 256th Street Adjacent to 116th Avenue Southeast and Located Adjacent to Kent-Kangley Road Up to 700 Feet East of 116th Avenue Southeast. this Action Is being Taken in Order to Construct the Underground Electrical System and Road Improvements for the S. 277th Street Corridor Extension Project. this Ordinance Provides for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Surface and Aerial Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose and Provides for the Payment thereof Out of the S. 277th Street Corridor Extension Project Fund (Fund No. R90070.66100.220). This Ordinance Directs the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; and Acknowledges that All of the Real Property Affected Is Located within King County, Washington | |
11/15/2005 | Providing for the Acquisition of Real Property and/or Property Rights Located 600 Feet East and West of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Tracks Adjacent to South 228th Street. This Action Is being Taken in Order to Construct the South 228th Street Roadway underpass. This Ordinance Provides for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of such Surface and Aerial Property Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose and Provides for the Payment thereof Out of the S. 228th Street BNSF RR Grade Separation Project Fund (Fund No. R90067.66100.220). This Ordinance Directs the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations or Other Agreements; and Acknowledges that All of the Real Property Affected Is Located within King County, Washington | |
11/15/2005 | Amending Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning Map Designations as a Result of the City’s Urban Density study, which analyzed, Parcels of Real Property Located throughout the City of Kent that Had Low Density Zoning and Land Use Designations. (CPA-2004-5) | |
11/15/2005 | Amends §§ 12.04.264, 12.04.579, 12.04.779, 15.02.487, 15.02.588, 15.03.010, 15.03.020, 15.04.020, 15.04.040, 15.04.060, 15.04.070, 15.04.090, 15.04.110, 15.04.130, 15.04.170, 15.07.060, 15.08.270, 15.08.300 and 15.08.400, zoning (12.04, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.08) | |
11/15/2005 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan - Land Use Element to Eliminate Reference to SR-2 and Adding the Urban Land Use Designation of SF-4.5 as a Result of the City’s Urban Density Study (#CPA-2004-5) | |
12/13/2005 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2006 Fiscal Year Budget | |
12/13/2005 | Authorizing the 2005 Property Tax Levy for the 2006 Budget at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy, with a statutorily Allowed one (1) Percent Increase to Partially Cover Impacts from inflation, together with any Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, from any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, from the Refund Fund Levy, and from annexed Properties | |
12/13/2005 | Levying 2005 Property Taxes for the 2006 Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) 2006 Budget | |
12/13/2005 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Facilities Projects (2006-2011) (CPA- 2005-3) | |
12/13/2005 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2005-1) | |
12/13/2005 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedule (12.13) | |
12/13/2005 | Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; Providing for the Issuance of $12,000,000 Par Value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 2006, of the City for General City Purposes to Provide Funds with which to Pay Costs of Completing Construction of Existing City Recreational Parks and the Acquisition of Additional Land for Park Purposes; Fixing the Date, Form, Maturities, Interest Rates, Terms and Covenants of the Bonds; Establishing a Bond Redemption Fund and a Construction and Acquisition Fund; Providing for Bond Insurance; and Approving the Sale and Providing for the Delivery of the Bonds to Banc of America Securities LLC of Seattle, Washington | |
12/13/2005 | Adds § 7.01.080; amends §§ 7.02.300, 7.02.310, 7.03.030, 7.04.280 and 7.05.130; repeals Res. 980, utility service billing (7.01, 7.03, 7.05) | |
1/3/2006 | Relating to the Vacation of Portion of 36th Avenue South, Between Reith Road and South 260th Street, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
1/17/2006 | Relating to the Vacation of Portion of South 188th Street, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
1/17/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 2.5 Acres of Property Located on the West Side of 64th Avenue South, North of West Smith Street from General Commercial (GC) to Medium Density Multifamily (MR-M). (Smith Court Homes Rezone, #RZ-2005-6) | |
2/7/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 2.1 Acres of Property Located on the Southeast Corner of 94th Avenue South and South 242nd Street from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4 Units Per Acre) to SR-8 (Single-Family Residential, 8 Units Per Acre). (Mcgrew Rezone, #RZ-2005-11) | |
2/7/2006 | Amending the 2005 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2005, and December 31, 2005 | |
2/7/2006 | Relating to the Vacation of Portion of 132nd Avenue Southeast, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
2/7/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 5.8 Acres of Property Located at 13624 and 13640 SE 256th Street from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Canary Hill Rezone, | |
2/7/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 22.3 Acres of Property Located at 20227 and 20429 92nd Avenue South from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Sophia Glenn/Brenna’s Vista II Rezone, #RZ-2005-1) | |
2/7/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 2.25 Acres of Property Located at 25248 114th Avenue Southeast from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Morford Meadows South, #RZ-2005-9) | |
3/7/2006 | Relating to the Vacation of Portion of 145th Place Southeast, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
3/7/2006 | Repeals and replaces §§ 9.38.020 and 9.38.060, parking (9.38) | |
3/7/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.94 Acres of Property Located at 23507 98th Avenue South from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Dickerson Rezone, #RZ-2005-10) | |
3/21/2006 | Adds § 15.02.071; amends §§ 15.04.170 and 15.04.180, zoning (15.02, 15.04) | |
4/4/2006 | Ordering the Construction of an 8” Sanitary Sewer System with 6” Side Sewer stubs to the Property Line for Each of the Twelve Properties included within the Local Improvement District, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1716 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 360 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvement; Providing that Payment for the Improvement Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
4/4/2006 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element, the Transportation Element, the Land Use Element, and Appendix a (CPA-2005-(4-7)) | |
4/4/2006 | Amending the City’s Comprehensive Plan to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Mixed Use (MU) to Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) and Amending the Zoning District Map Designation from Limited Industrial (M2) to Garden Density (MR-G) for Real Property Approximately 0.30 Acre in Size and Located Along 1st Avenue South and SR-167 (CPA-2005- 7/CPZ-2005-Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Amendments – Parcel #1322049019 | |
4/4/2006 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as Follows: (1) to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, Six (6) Units Per Acre (SR-6), to Mixed-Use (MU), with Conditions, for Property Located at 26046 116th Avenue Southeast (CPA-2005-2(B)); and (2) to Change the Land Use Map Designation from Mobile Home Park (MHP) to Mixed Use (MU) for Property Located at 509 Washington Avenue North (CPA-2005-2(C)) | |
4/4/2006 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designations as Follows: (1) from Single Family, 6.05 Unit Per Acre (SR-6), to Office-Mixed Use (O-MU), with Conditions, for Property Located at 26046 116th Avenue Southeast (CPZ-2005-2); and (2) from Mobile Home Park (MHP) to General Commercial (GC) for Property Located at 509 Washington Avenue North (CPZ-2005-3) | |
4/18/2006 | Providing for the Acquisition of Real Property and/or Property Rights Between 58th Avenue South and 60th Avenue South Adjacent to South 228th Street for the City’s South 228th Street Corridor – West Leg Project. this Action Is being Taken in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain and Reconstruct a Portion of South 228th Street, together with All Necessary Appurtenances and Related Work, including without Limitation, any Public or Private Utilities for the South 231st Way/South 228th Street Improvement Project. this Ordinance Provides for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking, and Damaging of those Property Rights Necessary for that Purpose; and Provides for Payment Out of the 228th/224th Corridor – West Leg (Sr 516 - 64th Avenue South) Project Fund (Fund No. R90093.56710.535). the Ordinance Also Directs the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, stipulations, or Other Agreements. the Real Property that Is Subject to this Ordinance Is Located within King County, Washington | |
5/16/2006 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 1.05, public records (1.05) | |
5/16/2006 | Authorizing Application to Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for State Funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (“WWRP”), as Provided in Ch. 79A.15 RCW (Was not adopted 5/16/06) | |
6/6/2006 | Adds § 12.01.147; amends §§ 12.01.020, 12.01.040, 12.01.145 and 12.01.195, administration of development regulations (12.01) | |
7/18/2006 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 329 for the Installation of a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of 74th Avenue South and State Route 516 within the City, as Provided by Ordinance No. 2722, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
8/1/2006 | Amending the 2006 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2006, to June 30, 2006 | |
8/1/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 3.97 Acres of Property Located at 20433 and 20541 92nd Avenue South, from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Valley View Rezone, #RZ-2005-12) | |
8/15/2006 | Adds §§ 11.06.193, 11.06.387 and 11.06.533; amends §§ 11.06.040, 11.06.530, 11.06.550, 11.06.580, 11.06.590, 11.06.600, 11.06.610, 11.06.620, 11.06.660 and 15.08.400, critical areas (11.06, 15.08) | |
8/15/2006 | Amends § 2.34.050, municipal judge salary costs (Repealed by 4333) | |
8/15/2006 | Amends § 9.34.020, booking fee imposed (Repealed by 3919) | |
9/5/2006 | Ordering the Construction of Roadway Improvements, Sanitary Sewer Improvements, Water Main Improvements, and a Storm Water Detention Pond, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1728 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 359 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvements; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
9/5/2006 | Adds Ch. 14.12, landmark designation and preservation (14.12) | |
9/5/2006 | Adds §§ 13.01.090 [13.01.092] and 13.01.095; amends §§ 13.01.060, 13.01.070, and 13.01.100(E), fire code (13.01) | |
9/5/2006 | Amending the Summary Statement of Ordinance No. 3767, which Authorized the Condemnation of Real Property and/or Property Rights for the Construction of the Underground Electrical System and Road Improvements for the South 277th Street Corridor Extension Project, in Order to Correct Language Contained in the Ordinance that Is inconsistent with the Language Contained in the Body of the Ordinance. This Ordinance Corrects the Summary Statement for Ordinance No. 3767 to Be Consistent with the Body of the Ordinance by Authorizing Condemnation of All Necessary Real Property and/or Property Rights for Project Construction and Correcting a Reference Made to an Underground Electrical System to include All Public and Private Utilities Affected by the Project | |
9/5/2006 | Amending the Summary Statement to Ordinance No. 3768, which Authorized the Condemnation of Real Property and/or Property Rights for the Construction of the S. 228th Street underpass, in Order to Correct Language that Is inconsistent with the Language Contained in the Body of the Ordinance. this Ordinance Corrects the Summary Statement for Ordinance No. 3768 to Be Consistent with the Body of the Ordinance by Authorizing Condemnation of All Necessary Real Property and/or Property Rights for Project Construction and Further Correcting a Reference to Construction of a Roadway Overpass to Clarify that this Is a Grade Separation Project | |
9/5/2006 | Adds §§ and 15.08.085, commercial motor vehicles (15.02, 15.08) | |
9/5/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 3.92 Acres of Property Located West of 94th Avenue South, Between South 242nd Street and South 244th Street, from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-8 (Single-Family Residential, 8 Units Per Acre). (Westview Malik Rezone, #RZ-2006-7) | |
9/19/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.77 Acres of Property Located at 119 East James Street from M2 (Limited Industrial) to GC-Mu (General Commercial/Mixed Use). (Ghag Rezone, #RZ-2006-3) | |
9/19/2006 | Adds § 9.36.070, vehicle weight restrictions (9.36) | |
10/17/2006 | Approving and Confirming a Supplemental Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District (LID) No. 351, Designated as LID No. 361, for the Construction of the South 277th Street Corridor Improvements, as Originally Provided by Ordinance No. 3496; and, Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Supplemental Assessment Roll | |
11/7/2006 | Amending the Kent Zoning Map to Change the Zoning Designation from Agricultural, 10 Acres Per Unit (Ag-10) to a Zoning Designation of Single Family Residential, 1 Unit Per Acre (SR-1), (CPZ-2006-1); and Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Land Use Designation from Agricultural Resource Land (Ag-R) to a Land Use Designation Urban Separator (US) (CPA-2006-2) for Property Located at 21320 – 42nd Avenue South | |
11/21/2006 | Amends §§ 6.06.050, 6.07.170, 7.02.300, 7.02.310, 7.05.090, 12.06.070(C) and 13.03.070, fees and rates (6.06, 6.07, 7.05, 12.06, 13.03) | |
11/21/2006 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately .46 Acres of Property Located at 24123 94th Avenue South from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-8 (Single-Family Residential, 8 Units Per Acre). (Devlin Rezone, #RZ-2006-5) | |
11/21/2006 | Relating to Local Improvement District No. 358; Fixing the Amount, Form, Date, Interest Rate, and Maturity of Local Improvement District No. 358 Installment Note; Providing for the Purchase of such Note by the City from Funds on Deposit in the Water Fund; and Fixing the Interest Rate on Local Improvement District No. 358 Assessment Installments | |
12/12/2006 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2007 Fiscal Year Budget | |
12/12/2006 | Authorizing the 2006 Property Tax Levy for the 2007 Budget at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy, with a statutorily Allowed one (1) Percent Increase to Partially Cover Impacts from inflation, together with any Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, from any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, from the Refund Fund Levy, and from Annexed Properties | |
12/12/2006 | Levying 2006 Property Taxes for the 2007 Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) 2007 Budget | |
12/12/2006 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Facilities Projects (2007-2012) (CPA- 2006-4) | |
12/12/2006 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2006-3) | |
12/12/2006 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedule (12.13) | |
1/16/2007 | Relating to the Vacation of Portion of Dean Street, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
3/6/2007 | Amending the 2006 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2006, and December 31, 2006 | |
3/6/2007 | Adds §§ 12.04.060, 12.04.065, 12.04.070, 12.04.235(D), 12.04.545(D), 12.04.745(D), 15.02.026, 15.02.106, 15.02.134, 15.02.335.1, 15.02.340.1, 15.02.499.1, 15.04.030(27), 15.04.180(37), (38) and (39) and 15.07.040(W); amends §§ 12.04.125, 12.04.435, 12.04.685, 15.02.096, 15.04.020, 15.04.170, 15.08.240 and 15.09.045; repeals §§ 12.04.580 and 12.04.780, residential development standards (12.04, 15.02, 15.04, 15.07, 15.08, 15.09) | |
3/6/2007 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.84 Acres of Property Located at 22424 94th Avenue South from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Bjorgo Rezone RZ-2006-4) | |
3/20/2007 | Amends Ch. 7.03, solid waste, recyclable materials, and yard waste (7.03) | |
4/17/2007 | Ordering the Construction or Installation of Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, Driveways, Storm Drains, Street Illumination, Landscaping, Slope Protection, Sanitary Sewer Extensions and/or stubs to Certain Unserviced Properties and Water stubs to Certain Unserviced Properties, Underground Power and Necessary Appurtenances Relating to the Overall Project of the Addition of Two Additional Lanes on East Valley Highway from SR 167 to South 212th Street, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1749 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 362 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvements; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
4/17/2007 | Amends § 9.38.080, parking (9.38) | |
4/17/2007 | Adds § 9.02.265, vehicle trespass (9.02) | |
4/17/2007 | Adds § 9.02.195, tampering or interfering with property of another (9.02) | |
4/17/2007 | Adds § 8.03.045; amends §§ 8.03.030, 8.03.040, 8.03.205, 8.03.210, 8.03.240 and 8.03.280, service and exotic animals (8.03) | |
4/17/2007 | Amends Ch. 5.03, taxicabs and vehicles for hire (5.03) | |
5/15/2007 | Amends §§ 14.01.010, 14.01.030, 14.01.040, 14.01.050 and 14.01.080, building codes (14.01) | |
5/15/2007 | Amends Ch. 13.01, fire codes (13.01) | |
6/5/2007 | Amending Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations for Parks & Open Space (CPA 2005-8 and CPZ 2005-5) | |
6/5/2007 | Amending the Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps for 1) Single-Family Residential Zoning and/or Single-Family Residential Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designations that Are Not of Equal Density or Otherwise Do Not Match, and 2) Real Property within the Lake Meridian Sub-Basin (CPA 2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2) | |
6/5/2007 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.34 Acres of Property Located at 9138 South 208th Street from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Devonshire Pointe Rezone, RZ-2006-2) | |
6/19/2007 | Amends §§ 8.03.030, 8.03.210 and 15.08.070, keeping of animals (8.03, 15.08) | |
6/19/2007 | Approving an Application for a Special Use Combining District to Allow Construction of a Multipurpose Regional Events Center at 625 W. James Street in Downtown Kent in Accordance with and Adopting the Hearing Examiner’s June 6, 2007, Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation (#CD-SU-2007-1) | |
7/17/2007 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
7/17/2007 | Adds §§ 12.02.005 and 12.02.055; amends §§ 12.02.010, 12.02.020, 12.02.025, 12.02.030, 12.02.035, 12.02.040, 12.02.045, 12.02.050, 12.02.060 and 12.02.090; repeals §§ 12.02.070, 12.02.080 and 12.02.100, comprehensive plan and development regulations amendment procedures (12.02) | |
7/26/2007 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 5.67 Acres of Property Located at 25410 142nd Avenue Southeast, from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre) | |
8/7/2007 | Amends § 8.01.030, graffiti declared a type of nuisance (8.01) | |
8/7/2007 | Amends §§ 9.38.130 and 9.38.140, penalty for parking violations (9.38) | |
8/7/2007 | Amends § 7.03.050, prevention of spillage and overflow of waste (7.03) | |
8/7/2007 | Providing for the Creation, Powers and Governance of a Public Facilities District to Provide for the Design, Construction, Ownership, Operation, and/or Financing of a Regional Center, Comprised of a Multi-Purpose Arena for Hockey and Other Public Uses | |
8/7/2007 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 5.7 Acres of Property Located at 25213, 25401, and 25231 136th Avenue Southeast, from SR-4.5 (Single- Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Cedar Pointe Rezone, #RZ-2006-1) | |
8/7/2007 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 5.67 Acres of Property Located at 12824 SE 256th Street from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Ellis Rezone RZ-2006-11) | |
8/7/2007 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 3 Acres of Property Located at 10040 SE 267th Street from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Vista Landing Rezone RZ-2006-9) | |
8/21/2007 | Amends § 3.41.020, change account maximum balance (Repealed by 4243) | |
8/21/2007 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 1.28 Acres of Property Located at 24123 94th Avenue South from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre) (Kent 256th Rezone RZ-2006- 4) | |
9/4/2007 | Amending the 2007 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2007, to July 31, 2007. 2007 First Half Budget Adjustments | |
9/18/2007 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
9/18/2007 | Adds Ch. 5.14, rental housing safety (5.14) | |
10/2/2007 | Amends Ch. 2.53, human services commission (2.53) | |
11/20/2007 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
12/11/2007 | Approving the Issuance of Special Events Center Sales Tax Bonds and Special Events Center Revenue Bonds by the Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Contingent Loan and Support Agreement Are Related Documents and Authorizing Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith | |
12/11/2007 | Adds § 7.02.105; amends Ch. 7.01, §§ 7.02.050, 7.02.060, 7.02.070, 7.02.080, 7.02.090, 7.02.100, 7.02.250, 7.02.260, 7.02.270, 7.02.280, 7.02.300, 7.02.310 and 7.05.090, utilities (7.01, 7.05) | |
12/11/2007 | Authorizing the 2007 Property Tax Levy for the 2008 Budget at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy, with a Statutorily Allowed one (1) Percent Increase to Partially Cover Impacts from inflation, together with any Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, from any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, from the Refund Fund Levy, and from Annexed Properties | |
12/11/2007 | Levying 2007 Property Taxes for the 2008 Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) 2008 Budget | |
12/11/2007 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2008 Fiscal Year Budget | |
12/11/2007 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Facilities Projects (2008-2013) (CPA- 2007-3B) | |
12/11/2007 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Amend the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2007-3A) | |
12/11/2007 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedule (12.13) | |
1/15/2008 | Providing for the Acquisition of Real Property and/or Property Rights Located Along 4th Avenue North from West James Street to 350 Feet North of West Cloudy Street, Along West Cloudy Street from 5th Avenue North to 3rd Avenue North, and Along West James Street from the Interurban Trail to 4th Avenue North. This Action Is being Taken in Order to Construct the Improvements to Widen and Improve the Roadways. This Ordinance Provides for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Real Property and/or Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose and Provides for the Payment Thereof Out of the 4th Avenue North Improvement Project Fund (Fund No. R90081) and West James Street Improvement Project Fund (Fund No. R90083). This Ordinance Directs the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; and Acknowledges that All of the Real Property Affected Is Located within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
2/5/2008 | Amends Ch. 4.02, arts commission (Repealed by 4274) | |
2/5/2008 | Providing for the Acquisition of Real Property and/or Property Rights Located Along 84th Avenue South (East Valley Highway) from South 224th Street to South 212th Street. This Action Is being Taken in Order to Construct the Improvements to Widen and Improve the Roadways. This Ordinance Provides for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Real Property and/or Rights as Are Necessary for that Purpose and Provides for the Payment thereof Out of the East Valley Highway Improvement Project Fund (Fund No. R90056). this Ordinance Directs the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations or Other Agreements; and Acknowledges that All of the Real Property Affected Is Located within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
2/19/2008 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically Denying a Major Modification of the Verdana Planned Unit Development Located at 12200 SE 304th Street, Kent, Washington (PUD-2004- 4(R)) | |
3/18/2008 | Amending the 2007 Budget for Adjustments Made Between August 1, 2007, and December 31, 2007 | |
3/18/2008 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 360 for the Construction of an 8” Sanitary Sewer System with 6” Side Sewer stubs to the Property Line for Each of the Twelve Properties included within the Local Improvement District, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3793, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll. LID 360 Final Assessment Roll | |
4/1/2008 | Adds § 9.02.192; amends § 9.02.060, conduct on public transit vehicles and property (9.02) | |
4/15/2008 | Adds § 9.02.115; amends § 9.02.070; repeals § 9.02.260, criminal code (9.02) | |
5/6/2008 | Relating to Land Use, Specifically the Preliminary Plat of Approximately 6.32 Acres of Property Located at 25840 135th Lane Southeast. (Meridian Banks Preliminary Plat, SU-2005-11) | |
5/6/2008 | Amends Chs. 13.02 and 14.08 and § 14.09.070; repeals and replaces Ch. 1.04, code enforcement (1.04, 13.02, 14.08) | |
5/6/2008 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
6/17/2008 | Regarding King County Countywide Planning Policies Adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council, Recognizing the 2007 King County Buildable Lands Report (the “Report”) as Final and Complete, and Providing that the Report’s Finding May Be the Basis for Future Measures | |
6/17/2008 | Adopting the Transportation Master Plan | |
6/17/2008 | Amending the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan Related to the Adoption of a Transportation Master Plan. (CPA-2008-1) | |
7/1/2008 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Approximately 6.32 Acres of Property Located at 25840 135th Lane Southeast from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 Units Per Acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 Units Per Acre). (Meridian Banks Rezone RZ-2005-7) | |
8/5/2008 | Adds §§ 3.40.1300 and 3.40.1310; amends §§ 4.01.080, 4.01.220, 4.06.040, 4.06.160, 4.06.200, and 4.06.280, boating facility fund, boat launch fee and regulations (3.40, 4.01, 4.06) | |
8/19/2008 | Amending the 2008 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2008, to June 30, 2008 | |
8/19/2008 | Amends § 9.02.060, criminal code (9.02) | |
8/19/2008 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City in the Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $24,000,000 to Provide Funds for and/or Reimburse All or a Portion of the Costs of Constructing a Public Works Maintenance Facility, Renovating Municipal Court Facilities, Constructing Sidewalk Improvements, Constructing and Equipping the Kent Events Center, Implementing Capital Elements of the City’s Technology Plan, and Paying Costs of Issuance of the Bonds; Providing the Form and Terms of the Bonds; and Delegating Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bonds | |
9/2/2008 | Adopting the Drainage Master Plan | |
9/2/2008 | Adopting the 2008 Water System Plan | |
9/2/2008 | Amending the Capital Facilities Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan Related to the Adoption of the 2008 Water System Plan and the Drainage Master Plan. (CPA-2008-3) | |
9/16/2008 | LTGO Refunding Bonds, 2008 (Repealed by 3912) | |
11/18/2008 | Adds § 9.38.175, residential parking zone (9.38) | |
11/18/2008 | To Allow Development of a Limited Number of Cottage Housing Projects that Demonstrate a Housing Choice Not Currently Available in Kent’s Neighborhoods | |
12/9/2008 | Ordering the Construction of a Roadway Beginning at the Intersection of East Valley Highway and S. 224th Street Via S. 218th/216th Street, Terminating at the Intersection of Benson Road and S. 216th and the Installation of Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, a Two-Way Left Turn Lane, Planted Center Medians where Possible, Roadside Planter strips, Street Lighting, Undergrounding of Overhead Electrical Facilities, Storm Water Management Facilities, a Bridge Over Sr 167, a New Garrison Creek Bridge, Sanitary Sewer and Water Extensions and/or stubs and Appurtenances to Provide Service to Properties Not Currently Served by City Utilities, All Relating to the Overall Project on East Valley Highway to the West and 108th Avenue SE (Sr 515, Benson Highway) to the East, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1796 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 363 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvements; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds”; and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds. LID 363 Formation Ordinance | |
12/9/2008 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 359 for the Construction of Roadway Improvements, Sanitary Sewer Improvements, Water Main Improvements and a Storm Water Detention Pond, as Provided by Ordinance No. 3808, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Cost and Expense thereof Against the Several Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land, and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
12/9/2008 | Amends §§ 12.04.215 and 12.04.525, short subdivision preliminary plat expiration (12.04) | |
12/9/2008 | Authorizing the 2008 Property Tax Levy for the 2009 Budget at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy, with a statutorily Allowed one (1) Percent Increase to Partially Cover Impacts from inflation, together with any Increases Resulting from the Addition of New Construction and Improvements to Property, from any Increase in the Value of State-assessed Property, from the Refund Fund Levy, and from Annexed Properties | |
12/9/2008 | Levying 2008 Property Taxes for the 2009 Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) 2009 Budget | |
12/9/2008 | Adds § 7.05.165; amends §§ 7.02.160, 7.02.300, 7.02.310, 7.05.090, 7.05.120, and 7.05.160, water and drainage rates and fees (7.05) | |
12/9/2008 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2009 Fiscal Year Budget. 2009 Budget Adoption | |
12/9/2008 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2008-4). Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2008 School Dist. Capital Facilities Plans | |
12/9/2008 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedule (12.13) | |
12/9/2008 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Improvement Projects (2009-2014) (CPA-2008-5) | |
1/6/2009 | Amends Ch. 12.04, subdivisions, binding site plans, and lot line adjustments (12.04) | |
1/6/2009 | Amends §§ 15.04.040 and 15.04.050, hazardous materials zoning (15.04) | |
2/3/2009 | Amends § 9.38.170, parking permits (9.38) | |
2/3/2009 | Adds § 14.09.175; amends §§ 14.09.010, 14.09.060, 14.09.150, 14.09.170, and 14.09.180, flood hazard regulations (Repealed by 4361) | |
2/17/2009 | Amends §§ 9.02.210 and 9.02.230, public facilities (9.02) | |
2/17/2009 | Adds Ch. 13.04, novelty lighters (13.04) | |
4/7/2009 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds of the City in the Aggregate Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $9,000,000 to Provide Funds for the Purpose of Refunding Certain Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City, and Paying Costs of Issuance of the Bonds; Providing the Form and Terms of the Bonds; Delegating Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bonds, to Appoint an Escrow Agent and to Execute an Escrow Agreement; and Repealing Ordinance No. 3893. LTGO Refunding Bonds, 2009 | |
4/21/2009 | Amending the 2008 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2008, and December 31, 2008. 2008 Budget Adjustments - Second Half | |
4/21/2009 | Amends §§ 12.01.110, 14.01.030 and 14.01.040, permits (12.01, 14.01) | |
4/21/2009 | Amends §§ 7.02.300 and 7.02.310, water rates (Repealed by 4288) | |
6/2/2009 | Adds Ch. 7.14; amends §§ 7.05.140 and 15.08.050; repeals § 7.05.150, illicit discharges (7.05, 7.14, 15.08) | |
6/2/2009 | Amends Ch. 6.12, commute trip reduction (6.12) | |
6/16/2009 | Amends § 9.38.020, parking (9.38) | |
6/16/2009 | Adds §§ 2.34.145 and 2.34.165; repeals and replaces Ch. 9.34, corrections facility (9.34) | |
6/16/2009 | Amends § 9.02.310, SOAP orders (9.02) | |
6/16/2009 | Amends §§ 9.42.020 and 9.43.030, illegal street races (9.42, 9.43) | |
6/16/2009 | Amends Ch. 3.25, multifamily dwelling tax exemptions (Repealed by 4360) | |
7/7/2009 | Amends § 2.01.020, city council (2.01) | |
7/21/2009 | Repeals § 9.38.090, parking (Repealer) | |
8/4/2009 | Approving Certain Additions, Betterments and Improvements to the City’s Waterworks Utility; Authorizing the Issuance of one or More Series of Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds of the City in the Aggregate Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $25,000,000 to Pay the Costs of said Improvements; Delegating Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bonds; and Reserving the Right to Issue Revenue Bonds on a Parity with the Bonds Upon Compliance with Certain Conditions | |
8/4/2009 | Amends § 1.01.100 and Chs. 2.09, 2.28 and 2.30; repeals Chs. 2.29, 2.40 and 2.42, departments, offices and boards (1.01, 2.09, 2.28, 2.30) | |
8/18/2009 | Amends Ch. 6.02; repeals Ch. 7.08 and Ord. 3117, infrastructure improvements (Repealed by 4400) | |
8/18/2009 | Amends § 2.97.010, city claims (2.97) | |
9/1/2009 | Amending the 2009 Budget for Adjustments Made from January 1, 2009, to June 30, 2009. 2009 Budget – First Half Adjustments | |
9/15/2009 | Amends § 2.54.020, lodging tax advisory committee (2.54) | |
9/15/2009 | Adopts shoreline master program; amends comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 3458 (11.04) | |
9/15/2009 | Temporarily Waiving Certain Permitting Requirements for Temporary Structures Constructed for Flood Protection Purposes Due to the threat Posed by the Diminished Flood Control Capabilities of the Howard Hanson Dam | |
10/6/2009 | Amending Ordinance No. 3932, Temporarily Waiving Certain Permitting Requirements for Temporary Structures Constructed for Flood Protection Purposes Due to the threat Posed by the Diminished Flood Control Capabilities of the Howard Hanson Dam | |
11/3/2009 | Amends § 9.38.045, parking prohibitions (9.38) | |
11/17/2009 | Adds § 3.70.045, local business contracting preference (Repealed by 4150) | |
12/8/2009 | Annexing an Unincorporated Area in King County, Washington, of Approximately 3,347 Acres Contiguous to the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent, Known as the “Panther Lake Annexation Area,” Effective July 1, 2010 | |
12/8/2009 | Making a Finding of Substantial Need and Setting the Property Tax Levy in 2009 for Collection in 2010 at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy Rate with a statutorily Allowed one (1) Percent Increase Over Last Year’s Tax Levy Rate Pursuant to Chapter 84.55 RCW | |
12/8/2009 | Levying 2009 Property Taxes for the 2010 Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) 2010 Budget | |
12/8/2009 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2010 Fiscal Year Budget. 2010 Budget Adoption | |
12/8/2009 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2009-2) | |
12/8/2009 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedule (12.13) | |
12/8/2009 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Improvement Projects (2010-2015) (CPA-2009-3) | |
2/2/2010 | Adds § 4.01.015, community athletics programs (4.01) | |
2/16/2010 | Amends § 12.04.025, subdivisions (12.04) | |
2/16/2010 | Amending the 2010 Budget for Necessary Adjustments Related to the Panther Lake Pre-Annexation Costs | |
2/16/2010 | Pledging the City’s Full Faith and Credit toward the Payment of Its Share of Debt Service on Refunding Bonds to Be Issued by the Valley Communications Center Development Authority, Approving Certain Related Matters, and Authorizing the City’s Mayor and Finance Director, and All Other Appropriate Officers, Agents, and Representatives, to Take All Other Acts Necessary to Issue the Refunding Bonds and Carry Out the Transactions Authorized by this Ordinance | |
2/16/2010 | Adds Ch. 3.27, annexation sales and use tax (3.27) | |
3/16/2010 | To Allow Flexibility in the Maximum Allowable Number of Cottage Housing Units under the City’s Demonstration Cottage Housing Ordinance. Cottage Housing Demonstration - Amendment (O.3895) | |
4/6/2010 | Amends §§ 3.21.010, 3.21.040, 3.21.043, and 3.21.055, gambling tax (3.21) | |
5/4/2010 | Adopting the Park and Open Space Plan | |
5/4/2010 | Comprehensive Plan Amendment Park and Open Space Plan CPA 2009-1B | |
5/4/2010 | Amending the Capital Facilities Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan (CPA-2009-1(A)), Relating to inventories of Streets and Bridges and the 2008 Transportation Master Plan | |
5/4/2010 | Granting a Revised Major Modification of the Verdana Planned Unit Development Located at 12200 SE 304th Street, Kent, Washington (PUD-2004-4(R)) | |
5/18/2010 | Amends §§ 9.02.060, 9.02.100, 9.02.160, and 9.36.015, criminal code statutes adopted by reference (9.02, 9.36) | |
5/18/2010 | Repeals and replaces § 9.02.230, exclusion from public facilities (9.02) | |
5/18/2010 | Amends Ch. 14.01 and § 14.08.020, building codes (14.01, 14.08) | |
5/18/2010 | Amends Ch. 13.01, fire code (13.01) | |
5/18/2010 | Establishes comprehensive plan land use map and zoning district map designations for Panther Lake annexation (Special) | |
6/1/2010 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 3932 and 3933, to Extend the Waiver Provided by those Ordinances of Certain Permitting Requirements for Temporary Structures Constructed for Flood Protection Purposes Due to the threat Posed by the Diminished Flood Control Capabilities of the Howard Hanson Dam from July 1, 2010, to July 1, 2011 | |
6/1/2010 | Amends §§ 7.02.160, 7.05.165 and 12.11.090, impact mitigation fee deferral (7.05, 12.11) | |
6/15/2010 | Approving a Cable Franchise Agreement with Goldfinch Communications LLC | |
6/15/2010 | Amends Ch. 5.01, general business licenses (Repealed by 4001) | |
6/15/2010 | Amends §§ 9.38.030, 9.38.070, 9.38.110, 9.38.150, 9.38.160 and 9.38.180, parking (9.38) | |
6/15/2010 | Amends § 3.26.010, admissions tax imposed (3.26) | |
6/15/2010 | Amending the 2010 City Budget for Adjustments Up to July 1 in Response to an Ending Fund Balance Shortfall in the City’s 2009 Budget, Revised Revenue Projections in the 2010 Budget, and Reduced Full-Time Equivalent Positions | |
6/15/2010 | Amending the 2010 Budget for Necessary Adjustments Related to the Panther Lake Post-Annexation Costs | |
6/15/2010 | Adds Ch. 13.06; repeals Ch. 14.10, addressing and street names (13.06) | |
6/15/2010 | Amends § 5.14.120, safe tenants and rentals program (5.14) | |
6/15/2010 | Authorizing King County, Per the Interlocal Agreement Between King County and the City of Kent Relating to Processing of Building Permits and Land Use Applications Related to the Panther Lake Annexation Area, to Charge Building and Land Use Fees Per Title 27 of the King County Code | |
6/15/2010 | Adds Ch. 2.59, Kent fire department regional fire authority governing board (2.59) | |
7/6/2010 | Adds Ch. 12.14, transportation impact fees (12.14) | |
8/3/2010 | Relating to the Vacation of a Portion of South 268th Street, Located in the City of Kent, Washington | |
8/17/2010 | Amends Ch. 12.14, transportation impact fees (12.14) | |
9/21/2010 | Amends Ch. 9.38, parking (9.38) | |
10/5/2010 | Providing for the Issuance and Sale of a Limited Tax General Obligation Bond of the City in the Aggregate Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $1,200,000 to Finance Costs of a Geothermal Energy Project of the City, and to Pay Costs of Issuance of the Bond; Providing the Form and Terms of the Bond; and Delegating Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bond | |
10/19/2010 | Adds §§ 15.02.051, 15.02.052, 15.02.072,,,,,, 15.02.335.2 and 15.05.110; amends §§ 11.03.200, 15.04.060, 15.04.065, 15.04.070 and 15.04.080, electric vehicle infrastructure (11.03, 15.02, 15.04, 15.05) | |
10/19/2010 | Adds § 15.04.100(23); amends § 15.04.090, zoning (15.04) | |
10/19/2010 | Amends § 15.02.096, zoning (15.02) | |
10/19/2010 | Adds § 8.03.005; repeals Ch. 8.03, except for definitions of “domesticated fowl,” “large domesticated animal,” and “small domesticated animal” in § 8.03.030 and §§ 8.03.090 and 8.03.210(2), (3) and (4), animal control (8.03) | |
11/16/2010 | Amends § 7.04.280, sanitary sewer service charges (Repealed by 4210) | |
11/16/2010 | Amends § 7.05.090, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
12/14/2010 | Levying 2010 Property Taxes for the 2011 Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) - 2011 Budget | |
12/14/2010 | Tax Levy Adjustment - Authorized (1%) - 2011 Budget | |
12/14/2010 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2011 Fiscal Year Budget | |
12/14/2010 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Improvement Projects (2011-2016) (CPA-2010-2) | |
12/14/2010 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2010-1) | |
12/14/2010 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
1/4/2011 | Amends §§ 15.03.010, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.09.046(D) and downtown design review guidelines; creates downtown commercial enterprise transitional overlay, zoning (15.03, 15.04, 15.09) | |
2/15/2011 | Amending the 2011 Budget. 2011 Budget – Adjustment for Utility Tax | |
2/15/2011 | Amends Ch. 13.05, fireworks (Repealed by 4190) | |
2/15/2011 | Adds § 9.38.200, hazardous materials parking during flood emergency (9.38) | |
3/1/2011 | Amends Ch. 12.14, transportation impact fees (12.14) | |
3/15/2011 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
4/5/2011 | Amending the 2010 Budget for Adjustments Made Between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010. 2010 Budget Adjustments -First and Second Half | |
4/19/2011 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Current Land Use Map Designation for Property Located at 10329 S.E. 273rd Place from Split SF-6 (Single-Family 6 Units/Acre) and US (Urban Separator) to a Unified Designation of SF-6 (Single Family 6 Units/Acre). Kentara Lot 21 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (A-3222) | |
4/19/2011 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 3932, 3933, and 3959 to Extend the Waiver Provided by those Ordinances of Certain Permitting Requirements for Temporary Structures Constructed for Flood Protection Purposes Due to the threat Posed by the Diminished Flood Control Capabilities of the Howard Hanson Dam from July 1, 2011, to July 1, 2012 | |
5/17/2011 | Approving and Confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 362 for Construction of Improvements Along East Valley Highway (84th Avenue South) from Sr 167 to South 212th Street as Provided by Ordinance No. 3833, and Levying and assessing a Part of the Costs and Expenses thereof Against the Lots, Tracts, Parcels of Land and Other Property as Shown on the Assessment Roll | |
6/7/2011 | Granting Olympic Pipe Line Company, an Interstate Pipeline Corporation Incorporated in the State of Delaware, a Nonexclusive Franchise to Construct, Operate, Maintain, Remove, Replace, and Repair Existing Pipeline Facilities, together with Equipment and Appurtenances thereto, for the Transportation of Petroleum Products within and through the Franchise Area of the City of Kent | |
7/5/2011 | Declaring an Emergency and Adopting a Six-Month Moratorium within the City of Kent on the Establishment, Location, Operation, Licensing, Maintenance or Continuation of Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens or Dispensaries, asserted to Be Authorized or Actually Authorized under E2Ssb 5073, Chapter 181, Laws of 2011, Chapter 69.51A Revised Code of Washington, or any Other Laws of the State of Washington, Setting a Date for a Public Hearing on the Moratorium, and Providing that the Moratorium Will Take Effect Immediately Upon Passage | |
8/2/2011 | Amends § 2.97.020, claims against the city (2.97) | |
8/2/2011 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.01, business licenses (5.01) | |
8/2/2011 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of the Eastern Portion of an Approximately .79 Acre Site Consisting of .45 of an Acre of Property Located at 10329 SE 273rd Place from Single Family Residential 1 Unit Per Acre (SR-1) to Single Family Residential 6 Units Per Acre (SR-6). (Kentara Lot 21 Rezone, #RZ-2010-1, Kiva #2102422). Auditor # 20110809001078 Kentara Lot 21 Rezone | |
9/20/2011 | Amends §§ 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.190, 15.05.100, 15.08.020, 15.08.040, 15.08.050, 15.08.100, 15.08.160, 15.08.205 and 15.09.055, zoning (15.04, 15.05, 15.08, 15.09) | |
9/20/2011 | Amends Ch. 9.34, corrections facility (9.34) | |
10/18/2011 | Adds § 9.02.193, possession of graffiti tools (9.02) | |
10/18/2011 | Amending the 2011 Budget for Adjustments Made Between January 1, 2011, and June 30, 2011. 2011 Budget Adjustment - First Half | |
11/15/2011 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.05, pawnbrokers (5.05) | |
12/13/2011 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
12/13/2011 | Amending the City of Kent’s Comprehensive Plan to include the Midway Subarea Plan and Making Other Comprehensive Plan Amendments in Accord with the Midway Subarea Plan. CPA- 2007-4 Midway Subarea Plan - CPA 2007-4 | |
12/13/2011 | Relating to Land Use, Adopting Design Standards for the Midway Subarea Titled the “Midway Design Guidelines.” Midway Design Guidelines - CPZ-2007-2 | |
12/13/2011 | Adds §§ 15.02.066, 15.02.224 and 15.02.403; amends §§ 12.01.040(A), 15.03.010, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.040, 15.04.060, 15.04.070, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.05.040, 15.06.050, 15.07.060 and 15.09.045, zoning (12.01, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.06, 15.09) | |
12/13/2011 | Amending Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map Designations to Implement the Objectives of the Midway Subarea Plan. (CPA 2007-4) | |
12/13/2011 | Amending the Zoning Districts Map Designations to Implement the Objectives of the Midway Subarea Plan. (CPZ-2007-2) | |
4014 | 12/13/2011 | Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Renewal – Medical Marijuana (Did not pass) |
4015 | 12/13/2011 | Medical Cannabis Collective Garden Zoning (Did not pass) |
12/13/2011 | Levying 2011 Property Taxes for the 2012 Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) - 2012 Budget | |
12/13/2011 | Making a Finding of Substantial Need and Setting the Property Tax Levy in 2011 for Collection in 2012 at the Previous Year’s Tax Levy Rate with a Statutorily Allowed one (1) Percent Increase Over Last Year’s Tax Levy Rate Pursuant to Chapter 84.55 RCW. Tax Levy Adjustment Authorized (1%) - 2012 Budget | |
12/13/2011 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2012 Fiscal Year Budget. 2012 Budget Adoption | |
12/13/2011 | Adds §§ 1.01.105, 2.32.155, Ch. 3.11, §§ 11.06.045 and 12.01.055; amends §§ 5.01.090, 6.03.010, 6.06.040, 6.06.050, 6.06.060, 6.07.040, 6.07.170, 7.02.105, 7.02.160, 7.02.170, 7.04.080, 7.04.100 and 7.04.110, fees (1.01, 2.32, 3.11, 5.01, 6.03, 6.06, 6.07, 11.06, 12.01) | |
12/13/2011 | Amends § 3.18.020, utility taxes (3.18) | |
12/13/2011 | Amends § 7.05.090, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
12/13/2011 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Improvement Projects (2012-2017) (CPA-2011-2). Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 2012-2017 Capital Improvements | |
12/13/2011 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts (CPA-2011-1). Comprehensive Plan Amendment - 2011 School Dist. Capital Facilities Plans | |
12/13/2011 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
4025 | 1/3/2012 | Amending Title 15 of the Kent City Code, to Specify Zones in the City in which Medical Cannabis Collective Gardens Are Not Permitted (Did not pass) |
4026 | 1/3/2012 | Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Renewal-Medical Marijuana (Did not pass) |
1/3/2012 | Adopting and Reenacting a Six-Month Moratorium within the City of Kent on the Establishment, Location, Operation, Licensing, Maintenance or Continuation of Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens or Dispensaries, asserted to Be Authorized or Actually Authorized under Chapter 69.51A Revised Code of Washington, or any Other Laws of the State of Washington. Six-Month Moratorium - Jan 2012- Medical Marijuana | |
1/17/2012 | Amends Ch. 4.02, arts commission (Repealed by 4274) | |
2/7/2012 | Amends Ch. 2.53, human services commission (2.53) | |
2/21/2012 | Amends Ch. 9.39, towing (9.39) | |
3/6/2012 | Adds Ch. 3.04, biennial budget (3.04) | |
4/3/2012 | Amends Ch. 7.06, combined sewer and storm surface water utility (7.06) | |
4/17/2012 | Adds § 9.36.075, traffic (9.36) | |
4/17/2012 | Amends Ch. 1.03, initiative and referendum (1.03) | |
4/17/2012 | Amends §§ 12.04.117, 12.04.210, 12.04.221, 12.04.227 and 12.04.263, subdivisions, binding site plans and lot line adjustments (12.04) | |
6/5/2012 | Adds §§ 15.02.074 and 15.08.290, cannabis collective gardens (Repealed by 4208) | |
6/5/2012 | Amending Ordinance No. 3996 Re: Permitting of Temporary Flood Protection Structures | |
6/19/2012 | Amending the 2011 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. 2011 Budget Adjustment - Second Half | |
7/17/2012 | Amends Ch. 3.02, investment policy (Repealed by 4238) | |
4040 | 7/31/2012 | Adopting a New Chapter 3.28 to the Kent City Code Entitled Business and Occupation Tax Gross Receipts and Establishing an Effective Date (Did not pass) |
4041 | 7/31/2012 | Adding a New Section 3.29 to the Kent City Code Entitled, “Business and Occupation Tax - Administrative Provisions” (Did not pass) |
7/31/2012 | Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at an Election to Be Held on November 6, 2012, of a Proposition Authorizing the City to Increase the Tax Levy Limit Established in RCW 84.55.010 to Provide Additional Funds to Improve and Add to Existing Parks and Streets Infrastructure. Levy LID Lift Ordinance | |
8/21/2012 | Adds § 15.02.331; amends §§ 15.05.030, 15.05.040, 15.05.060, 15.05.070, 15.05.080, 15.05.090, 15.05.100 and 15.07.040, off-street parking and loading areas (15.02, 15.05, 15.07) | |
8/21/2012 | Adds §§ 12.01.115 and 12.01.185; amends §§ 2.32.130, 12.01.020, 12.01.030, 12.01.040, 12.01.050, 12.01.060, 12.01.070, 12.01.080, 12.01.100, 12.01.105, 12.01.110, 12.01.120, 12.01.125, 12.01.140, 12.01.145, 12.01.147, 12.01.160, 12.01.180, 12.01.195 and 12.04.195; repeals § 12.04.193, administration of development regulations (2.32, 12.01, 12.04) | |
8/21/2012 | LTGO Refunding Bonds Ordinance | |
8/21/2012 | Green River Levee Improvement Condemnation Ordinance | |
9/18/2012 | Adds § 9.36.120, emergency response caused by person’s intoxication (9.36) | |
10/2/2012 | Repeals Ch. 3.09, economic development corporation (Repealer) | |
10/2/2012 | Amending the 2012 Budget for Adjustments Made Between January 1, 2012 and June 30, 2012. 2012 Budget Adjustment - First Half | |
10/16/2012 | Amends §§ 12.05.040, 12.05.050, 12.05.080, 12.05.100, 12.05.110, 12.05.120, 12.05.140, 12.05.150, 12.05.160, 12.05.260, 12.05.270, 12.05.300 and 12.05.370; repeals §§ 12.05.070 and 12.05.090, mobile home parks (12.05) | |
10/16/2012 | LID 363 - Final Assessment Roll | |
10/16/2012 | Adds Ch. 3.28, business and occupation tax – gross receipts (Repealed by 4054) | |
10/16/2012 | Adds Ch. 3.29, business and occupation tax – administrative provisions (Repealed by 4055) | |
11/20/2012 | Adds Ch. 3.28; repeals Ord. 4052, business and occupation tax – gross receipts (3.28) | |
11/20/2012 | Adds Ch. 3.29; repeals Ord. 4053, business and occupation tax – administrative provisions (3.29) | |
12/11/2012 | Amends §§ 3.40.1200 and 3.40.1210, human services fund (3.40) | |
12/11/2012 | Amends §§ 12.13.100 and 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
12/11/2012 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA- 2012-2). Comprehensive Plan Amendment - 2012 School Dist. Capital Facilities Plans | |
12/11/2012 | Levying Property Taxes for the First Year of the 2013 – 2014 Biennial Budget for the City of Kent. Property Tax Levied (1%) - 2013 – 2014 Biennial Budget Ordinance | |
12/11/2012 | Amends § 7.05.090, storm and surface water utility rates (7.05) | |
12/11/2012 | Amends Ch. 3.18, utility tax (3.18) | |
12/11/2012 | Providing for an Interfund Loan from the City of Kent Water Fund, Sewerage Fund and Insurance Fund to the Other Capital Projects Fund | |
12/11/2012 | Amends § 7.04.280, sewer rates (Repealed by 4210) | |
12/11/2012 | Amends §§ 3.11.010, 5.01.090 and 7.02.105, fees (3.11, 5.01) | |
12/11/2012 | Adds § 9.38.195, parking (9.38) | |
12/11/2012 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Its Capital Facilities Element to Reflect a Six-Year Plan for Capital Improvement Projects (2013-2018) (CPA-2012-3) | |
12/11/2012 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2013-2014 Biennial Budget. 2013-2014 Biennial Budget Adoption Ordinance | |
1/15/2013 | Amends § 9.02.150, marijuana (9.02) | |
2/19/2013 | Amends § 5.01.020, definitions (5.01) | |
2/19/2013 | Amends Ch. 5.14, rental housing safety (5.14) | |
2/19/2013 | Amends § 9.02.190, disorderly conduct (9.02) | |
2/19/2013 | Amends § 9.02.200, public disturbance (9.02) | |
2/19/2013 | Amends § 9.36.020, inattentive driving (9.36) | |
2/19/2013 | Adds §§ 15.02.086 and 15.02.274; amends §§ 15.07.010, 15.07.020, 15.07.030, 15.07.040, 15.07.050 and 15.07.070; repeals § 15.02.172; repeals and replaces § 15.07.060, landscaping (15.02, 15.07) | |
3/5/2013 | Ordering the Construction or Installation of Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, Driveways, a Two-Way Left Turn Lane, Bike Lanes, Street Lighting, Landscaping, Erosion Control, Undergrounding of Overhead Electrical Facilities, Storm Water Management Facilities, Utility Adjustments and Relocations and Necessary Appurtenances All Relating to the Overall Project of Widening to 3 Lanes on SE 256th Street from Kent- Kangley Road to 116th Ave SE, All in Accordance with Resolution No. 1869 of the City Council; Establishing Local Improvement District No. 364 and Ordering the Carrying Out of the Proposed Improvements; Providing that Payment for the Improvements Be Made in Part by Special Assessments Upon the Property in the District, Payable by the Mode of “Payment by Bonds;” and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Local Improvement District Warrants Redeemable in Cash or Other Short-Term Financing and Local Improvement District Bonds | |
3/19/2013 | Amends § 9.02.230, exclusion from public facilities for illegal activity (9.02) | |
4/2/2013 | Establishing Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 363 Et Al. by Consolidating Local Improvement Districts No. 359, 362, and 363; Authorizing the Issuance of Its Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 359 Et Al. Bonds in one or More Series in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $10,517,580; Providing the Form and Terms of the Bonds; and Delegating the Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bonds. CLID 359 Et Al. Bonds, 2013 | |
4/16/2013 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
5/21/2013 | Adds § 9.36.130; repeals Ord. 1266, traffic safety school (9.36) | |
5/21/2013 | Adds § 9.36.140, school speed zone traffic safety cameras (9.36) | |
5/21/2013 | Amends Ch. 14.01 and § 14.08.020, building codes (14.01, 14.08) | |
5/21/2013 | Amends Ch. 13.01, fire codes (13.01) | |
5/21/2013 | Authorizing the Issuance of Its Local Improvement District No. 362 Bond in a Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $1,926,112 to Finance and/or Reimburse the City for Costs of Certain Improvements within Local Improvement District No. 362; Delegating the Authority to Select the initial Purchaser of the Bond; and Delegating the Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bond. LID 362 Bond, 2013 | |
5/21/2013 | Amends § 3.21.010, gambling activities and tax (3.21) | |
5/21/2013 | Amending the 2012 Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 | |
9/3/2013 | Amending the 2013 Budget for Adjustments Made Between January 1, 2013 and June 20, 2013 | |
9/3/2013 | Adds § 9.02.295, menacing (9.02) | |
9/17/2013 | Amends Ch. 8.01, public nuisances (8.01) | |
9/17/2013 | Adds §§ and 15.02.335.3; amends §§ 15.02.125, 15.02.131, 15.02.135, 15.02.173, 15.02.528, 15.04.020 and 15.04.030; repeals §§ 15.02.088 and 15.02.089, zoning (15.02, 15.04) | |
11/19/2013 | Amending the City of Kent’s Comprehensive Plan to Include the Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Make Other Comprehensive Plan Amendments in Accord with the Downtown Subarea Action Plan. (CPZ/CPA- 2012-1) | |
11/19/2013 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map Designations as a Result of the Downtown Subarea Action Plan. (CPZ/CPA-2012-1) | |
11/19/2013 | Amending the Zoning Districts Map Designations as a Result of the Downtown Subarea Action Plan. (CPZ/CPA-2012-1) | |
11/19/2013 | Amends §§ 15.02.260, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.04.200 and 15.09.046, zoning (15.02, 15.04, 15.09) | |
11/19/2013 | Adopting a Six-Month Moratorium within the City of Kent prohibiting the Establishment, Location, Operation, Licensing, Maintenance or Continuation of Marijuana Processors, Producers, and Retailers Claiming Authorization Under Chapter 69.50 RCW or Any Other Law of the State of Washington and Setting a Date for a Public Hearing on the Moratorium | |
12/10/2013 | Amends §§ 6.07.020, 6.07.050, 6.07.170 and 15.06.040, motorist information follow through signs (6.07, 15.06) | |
12/10/2013 | Establishing a Planned Action for the Downtown Subarea Action Plan Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act | |
12/10/2013 | Adds § 11.03.215; amends § 11.03.220, infill exemption allowance (11.03) | |
12/10/2013 | Levying 2013 Property Taxes for the Second Year of the 2013 - 2014 Biennial Budget for the City of Kent | |
12/10/2013 | Relating to the Mid-biennial Review and Modification of the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget as Required by RCW 35A.34.130 and Ordinance No. 4067; Adopting Certain Modifications to the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget; and Establishing an Effective Date | |
12/10/2013 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to Include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA-2013-1) | |
12/10/2013 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
1/21/2014 | Adds §§ 9.02.295, 9.02.296 and 9.02.297; amends §§ 9.02.300 and 9.02.310, lewd conduct and prostitution loitering (9.02) | |
2/4/2014 | Providing for the Issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds of the City in the Aggregate Principal Amount of not to Exceed $14,000,000 to Refund Certain Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds and to Pay Costs of the Issuing the Bonds; Providing the Form and Terms of the Bonds; and Delegating the Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bonds | |
2/18/2014 | Amends § 2.01.020, council meetings (2.01) | |
2/18/2014 | Amends § 15.07.060, landscaping (15.07) | |
3/4/2014 | Amends §§ 3.28.030, 3.28.050, 3.28.090 and 3.28.100, business and occupation tax (3.28) | |
3/18/2014 | Recodifies § 9.02.295 as § 9.02.293; reenacts §§ 9.02.295, 9.02.296 and 9.02.297, lewd conduct and prostitution loitering (9.02) | |
3/18/2014 | Amends § 13.05.050, fireworks (13.05) | |
4/15/2014 | Renewing, for Another Six-Month Period, the Moratorium Established Through Adoption of Ordinance No. 4094, Prohibiting the Establishment, Location, Operation, Licensing, Maintenance or Continuation of Marijuana Processors, Producers, and Retailers Claiming Authorization Under Chapter 69.50 RCW or Any Other Law of the State of Washington, within the City of Kent, and Adopting Additional Findings of Fact | |
4/15/2014 | Amending the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget for Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 | |
5/6/2014 | Amends §§ 3.25.020 and 3.25.120, multifamily dwelling tax exemptions (Repealed by 4360) | |
5/20/2014 | Granting to TW Telecom of Washington LLC, and its Successors and Assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Nonexclusive Franchise for Ten Years, to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair a Telecommunications Network, In, Across, Over, Along, Under, Through, and Below Certain Designated Public Rights-of-Way of the City of Kent, Washington | |
5/20/2014 | Approving the Consolidating Budget Adjustments Made Between January 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014 Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $7,286,726 | |
6/3/2014 | Adds § 9.38.065; amends §§ 9.38.060 and 9.38.070, parking (9.38) | |
6/17/2014 | Amends §§ 9.38.120, 9.38.130 and 9.38.140, parking (9.38) | |
6/17/2014 | Adopts downtown design guidelines; amends § 15.09.046, downtown design review (15.09) | |
7/1/2014 | Adds Ch. 2.60, parks and recreation commission (2.60) | |
7/1/2014 | Providing for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City at an Election to be Held on November 4, 2014, of a Proposition Authorizing the City to Issue its General Obligation Bonds in the Aggregate Principal Amount of not to Exceed $34,000,000 to Construct and Equip New Public Safety and Officer Training Facilities, and Levy Excess Property Taxes to Pay the Bonds | |
8/19/2014 | Approving the Consolidating Budget Adjustments made Between April 1, 2014 and June 30, 2014 Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $1,670,964 | |
8/19/2014 | Amends § 15.08.260, zoning (15.08) | |
8/19/2014 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to Change the Land Use Plan Map Designation for the Riverbend Surplus Property from Parks and Open Space (OS) and Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) to Mixed Use (MU). Riverbend Surplus Property Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone (CPZ/CPA 2014-1) | |
8/19/2014 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of the Riverbend Surplus Property Consisting of Approximately 24 Acres of Property Located at 2020 West Meeker Street, from Residential Agricultural (SR-1) and Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M) to General Commercial Mixed Use (GC-MU). Riverbend Surplus Property Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone (CPZ/CPA 2014-1) | |
9/2/2014 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct Portions of the Green River Levee System; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking, and Damaging of Such Property Rights as are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof Out of Flood District Funds; Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, Together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations, or other Agreements; and Acknowledging that all of the Affected Real Property is Located within the Corporate Limits of the City of Tukwila in King County, Washington | |
10/7/2014 | Adds § 15.08.500, illegal uses prohibited – marijuana producer, processor, retailer (15.08) | |
10/7/2014 | Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Specifically the Rezoning of Three Parcels Totaling Approximately 2.82 Acres Located at 2703 South 240th Street, Kent, Washington, from MHP, Mobile Home Park, to MTC-1, Midway Transit Community-1. (New Alaska Mobile Home Park Rezone #RZ-2014-1, KIVA #2140847.) | |
10/7/2014 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct Portions of the Green River Levee System; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking, and Damaging of Such Property Rights as are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof out of City Storm Drainage Funds; Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, Together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations, or other Agreements; and Acknowledging that all of the Affected Real Property is located within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
11/4/2014 | Amends Ch. 7.14, illicit discharges (7.14) | |
11/4/2014 | Amends § 3.18.020, solid waste utility tax (3.18) | |
11/18/2014 | Adds § 9.02.175; amends §§ 9.02.070 and 9.02.150, criminal code (9.02) | |
12/9/2014 | Approving the Consolidating Budget Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2014 and September 30, 2014 Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $10,777,812 | |
12/9/2014 | Amends Ch. 11.03, environmental policy (11.03) | |
12/9/2014 | Amends §§ 15.02.260 and 15.04.200, mixed use development (15.02, 15.04) | |
12/16/2014 | Levying 2014 Property Taxes for the First Year of the 2015 - 2016 Biennial Budget for the City of Kent | |
12/19/2014 | Amends § 3.18.020, utility taxes (3.18) | |
12/16/2014 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to Reflect a Six-year Plan for Capital Improvement Projects (2015-2020) (CPA-2014-3) | |
12/19/2014 | Amends § 3.28.130, business and occupation tax receipts (Repealed by 4449) | |
12/16/2014 | Relating to Budgets and Finance and Adopting the Final 2015-2016 Biennial Budget | |
12/16/2014 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees (12.13) | |
12/16/2014 | Amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to Include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA-2014-2) | |
2/3/2015 | Amends Ch. 5.03, taxicabs, vehicles for hire, and transportation network companies (5.03) | |
2/3/2015 | Approving the Consolidating Budget Adjustments Made Between October 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $5,366,674 | |
3/3/2015 | Adds Ch. 2.58, independent salary commission (Repealed by 4169) | |
3/17/2015 | Approving the Supplemental Consolidating Budget Adjustments Made Between October 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $14,966,147 | |
4/7/2015 | Granting to Astound Broadband, and its Successors and Assigns, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Nonexclusive Franchise for Ten (10) Years, to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair a Telecommunications Network, In, Across, Over, Along, Under, Through, and Below Certain Designated Public Rights-of-Way of the City of Kent, Washington | |
4/21/2015 | Acknowledging the merger of tw telecom inc., and Level 3 Communications, Inc., and approving the resulting indirect change of control of the tw telecom of Washington LLC, telecommunications franchise with conditions and establishing an effective date | |
4/21/2015 | Amends § 9.02.190, disorderly conduct (9.02) | |
5/5/2015 | Amends § 3.28.130, business and occupation tax receipts (Repealed by 4449) | |
4/21/2015 | Approving an Internal Financing for the LED Lighting Replacement Project not to Exceed $2,245,000. The Council Approves a Nine (9) Year Repayment Schedule for $1,800,000 of the $2,245,000 Total as Long-Term Internal Financing | |
5/19/2015 | Approving the Consolidating Budget Adjustments Made Between January 1, 2015 and March 31, 2015, Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $5,865,648 | |
5/19/2015 | Amends Ch. 6.01; repeals and replaces Ch. 3.70; repeals Ord. 2961 and Res. 1560, public contracting and procurement (3.70, 6.01) | |
5/19/2015 | Adds § 15.08.450 and Ch. 15.15; amends §§ 12.04.825, 15.04.060 and 15.04.065, high capacity transit facilities (12.04, 15.04, 15.08, 15.15) | |
5/19/2015 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct Portions of 72nd Avenue South Between South 196th Street and South 200th Street; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking, and Damaging of Such Property Rights as are Necessary for that Purpose; Providing for the Payment thereof out of the Project Fund; Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, Together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations, or other Agreements; and Acknowledging that all of the Affected Real Property is Located Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
6/2/2015 | Amends § 12.14.060, collection of impact fees (12.14) | |
6/2/2015 | Amends Ch. 2.30, economic and community development department (2.30) | |
6/2/2015 | Amends Ch. 1.05, public records (1.05) | |
6/16/2015 | Adds § 5.01.135 and Ch. 9.04, massage and reflexology services (5.01, 9.04) | |
7/21/2015 | Amends § 3.25.040, multifamily dwelling tax exemptions (Repealed by 4360) | |
7/21/2015 | Amends Ch. 14.09, flood hazard regulations (Repealed by 4361) | |
7/21/2015 | Amends Ch. 11.06, critical areas (11.06) | |
8/4/2015 | Providing for the Issuance of One or More Series of Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds of the City in the Aggregate Principal Amount of not to Exceed $30,000,000 to Refund Certain Outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds of the City and to Pay Costs of Issuing the Bonds; Providing the Form and Terms of the Bonds; and Delegating the Authority to Approve the Final Terms of the Bonds | |
8/18/2015 | Providing for the Acquisition of Certain Property and/or Property Rights by Eminent Domain in Order to Construct, Extend, Widen, Improve, Alter, Maintain, and Reconstruct Portions of the Green River Levee System, and Declaring the Same to be a Public Use; Providing for the Condemnation, Appropriation, Taking and Damaging of Such Property Rights as are Necessary for that Purpose; Directing the City Attorney to Prosecute the Appropriate Legal Proceedings, Together with the Authority to Enter into Settlements, Stipulations, or other Agreements; and Acknowledging that all of the Affected Real Property is Located within the Corporate Limits of the City of Kent in King County, Washington | |
9/1/2015 | Amends Ch. 8.03, animal control (8.03) | |
9/1/2015 | Amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan in Compliance with the Requirements of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2011-3) | |
9/1/2015 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designations as a Result of the Amendments to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan in Compliance with the Requirements of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1) | |
9/1/2015 | Amending the Zoning Districts Map Designations Related to an Amendment to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan in Compliance with the Requirements of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1) | |
9/1/2015 | Amends §§ 12.06.070, 15.02.260 and 15.03.010, Ch. 15.04, and §§ 15.06.050, 15.07.060 and 15.09.050, zoning (12.06, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.06, 15.07, 15.09) | |
9/1/2015 | Adds Ch. 12.15, fire impact fees (12.15) | |
9/15/2015 | Approving the Consolidating Budget Adjustments Made Between April 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015, Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $3,405,773 | |
9/15/2015 | Salary schedule; repeals Ch. 2.58, independent salary commission (2.01, 2.02) | |
10/6/2015 | Adds § 14.01.087; amends § 14.01.010, International Property Maintenance Code (14.01) | |
10/20/2015 | Making Housekeeping Edits to Clarify Inconsistencies in the Zoning Districts Map Designations Related to the Amendment to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan in Compliance with the Requirements of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1) | |
10/20/2015 | Adds Ch. 12.20, adoption and administration of impact fees (12.20) | |
11/17/2015 | Approving the Consolidating Budget Adjustments Made Between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015, Reflecting an Overall Budget Increase of $31,271,331 | |
11/17/2015 | Amends §§ 15.02.003, 15.02.005, 15.02.130, 15.02.155, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.040, 15.04.050, 15.04.060, 15.04.065, 15.04.070, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.04.140, 15.08.160 and 15.08.350, accessory structures (15.02, 15.04, 15.08) | |
11/17/2015 | Amends §§ 15.04.195, 15.04.200 and 15.09.046, Meeker Street Corridor design standards (15.04, 15.09) | |
12/8/2015 | Amends Ch. 2.54, lodging tax advisory committee (2.54) | |
12/8/2015 | Amends comprehensive plan and capital facilities element (Special) | |
12/8/2015 | Amends comprehensive plan and capital facilities element (Special) | |
12/8/2015 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedule (12.13) | |
12/8/2015 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
12/8/2015 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
12/8/2015 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
12/8/2015 | Amends § 2.34.050, municipal judge salary and costs (Repealed by 4333) | |
12/8/2015 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.56, cultural communities board (2.56) | |
1/5/2016 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
1/19/2016 | Adds Ch. 14.02; amends §§ 14.01.010, 14.08.040, 14.08.060 and 14.08.200; repeals § 14.01.080, unfit dwellings, buildings, and structures (14.01, 14.02, 14.08) | |
2/16/2016 | Amends § 2.54.030, lodging tax advisory committee (2.54) | |
2/16/2016 | Adds § 15.02.203; amends §§, 15.02.125, 15.02.335.3, 15.04.020 and 15.04.030, independent senior living facilities, assisted living facilities (15.02, 15.04) | |
2/16/2016 | Amends §§ 15.04.020 and 15.04.030, emergency housing (15.04) | |
2/16/2016 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.05, fireworks (13.05) | |
3/15/2016 | Adds § 7.02.315; amends §§ 7.02.300, 7.02.310 and 7.02.370, water (Repealed by 4288) | |
4/19/2016 | Amends §§ 9.38.120 and 9.38.130, parking and storage of large vehicles on city streets (9.38) | |
4/19/2016 | Adds § 15.02.307; amends §§ 15.04.090 and 15.04.100, opiate substitution treatment facilities (15.02, 15.04) | |
4/19/2016 | Amends § 12.04.221, subdivision preliminary plat expiration (12.04) | |
4/19/2016 | Amends Ch. 9.02, criminal code (9.02) | |
4/19/2016 | Amends §§ 9.36.010 and 9.36.015, traffic code (9.36) | |
4/19/2016 | Approves internal financing and repayment plan for 72nd Avenue South improvements project (Special) | |
4/19/2016 | Bond issuance (Special) | |
4/19/2016 | Amends §§ 15.04.070, 15.04.090 and 15.04.110, district regulations (15.04) | |
5/3/2016 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
5/17/2016 | Amends Ch. 13.01, fire codes (13.01) | |
5/17/2016 | Amends Ch. 14.01 and § 14.08.020, building codes (14.01, 14.08) | |
5/17/2016 | Adds Ch. 3.12, surplus of real property (3.12) | |
6/7/2016 | Amends comprehensive plan and parks and recreation and capital facilities elements (Special) | |
4205 | (Did not pass) | |
6/21/2016 | Moratorium on medical marijuana patient cooperatives (Special) | |
7/5/2016 | Adds Ch. 6.14, complete streets (6.14) | |
7/5/2016 | Adds §§ 15.02.326 and 15.08.295; repeals §§ 15.02.074 and 15.08.290; terminates moratorium adopted pursuant to Ord. 4206, medical marijuana patient cooperatives (15.02, 15.08) | |
7/19/2016 | Amends §§ 15.02.333, 15.02.529 and 15.08.240, tree preservation (15.02, 15.08) | |
8/16/2016 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.04, sanitary sewers (7.04) | |
8/16/2016 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
8/16/2016 | Amends § 15.02.315, outdoor storage or outside storage (15.02) | |
8/16/2016 | Amends §§ 3.18.020, 7.02.180, 7.02.300 and 7.04.220; repeals § 7.02.310, utility rates, charges and taxes (3.18, 7.04) | |
9/20/2016 | Amends § 9.38.130, parking and storage of large vehicles on city streets, penalties, exemptions (9.38) | |
10/18/2016 | Amends § 7.14.150, illicit discharge violations and penalties (7.14) | |
10/18/2016 | Amends § 3.12.030, surplus of real property exemptions and property interests (3.12) | |
10/18/2016 | Amends § 3.18.020, utility tax (3.18) | |
11/1/2016 | Amends §§ 14.09.010 and 14.09.220, flood hazard regulations (Repealed by 4361) | |
11/15/2016 | Amends § 7.02.300, water rates (Repealed by 4288) | |
11/15/2016 | Amends §§ 5.01.020, 5.01.090, 5.01.110, 5.01.140, 5.01.190, 5.14.030, 5.14.040 and 5.14.060, business licenses (5.01, 5.14) | |
11/15/2016 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
12/13/2016 | Amends Ch. 3.25, multifamily dwelling tax exemptions (Repealed by 4360) | |
12/13/2016 | Adds § 9.38.035; amends §§ 9.38.020 and 9.38.050, parking (9.38) | |
12/13/2016 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.12, cable systems – franchise and administration (7.12) | |
12/13/2016 | Adds §; amends §§ 15.02.125, 15.02.134, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.04.200, 15.08.400, 15.09.045, 15.09.046 and 15.15.920; repeals §§ 15.02.272 and 15.08.215, zoning (15.02, 15.04, 15.08, 15.09, 15.15) | |
12/13/2016 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
12/13/2016 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
12/13/2016 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fee schedules (12.13) | |
12/13/2016 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
12/13/2016 | Adopts 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
12/13/2016 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
12/13/2016 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
1/17/2017 | Adds Ch. 10.01, unfair housing practices (10.01) | |
1/17/2017 | Repeals and replaces surface water design manual (Special) | |
2/7/2017 | Amends §§ 3.70.220, 3.70.230 and 3.70.240, public contracting and procurement (3.70) | |
2/7/2017 | Property acquisition (Special) | |
2/21/2017 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
3/21/2017 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.02, investment policy (3.02) | |
3/21/2017 | Adds § 9.38.055; amends §§ 9.38.060, 9.38.065, 9.38.160, 9.38.170 and 9.38.190, parking (9.38) | |
3/21/2017 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) | |
4/4/2017 | Grants water system franchise to King County Water District No. 111 (Special) | |
5/2/2017 | Adds §§ 3.28.071 and 3.29.125; amends §§ 3.28.050, 3.29.025, 3.29.040, 3.29.120 and 3.29.140, business and occupation tax (3.28, 3.29) | |
5/2/2017 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.41, revolving (imprest) funds and bank account (3.41) | |
5/2/2017 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
5/16/2017 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
6/6/2017 | Adds §§ 4.01.005 and 4.01.135; amends § 4.01.220, parks and recreation (4.01) | |
6/6/2017 | Amends Ch. 6.14, complete streets (6.14) | |
6/20/2017 | Amends § 3.40.040, interfund loans (3.40) | |
6/20/2017 | Amends § 11.06.660, compensating for wetland impacts (11.06) | |
8/15/2017 | Moratorium on community health engagement locations; adds § 15.08.550 on interim basis (Not codified) | |
9/5/2017 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
9/19/2017 | Amends §§ 12.01.040, 12.04.035, 12.04.115, 12.04.210, 12.04.221, 12.04.223, 12.04.225 and 12.04.227, processing final plat approvals (12.01, 12.04) | |
10/3/2017 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) | |
10/3/2017 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) | |
10/17/2017 | Approves indirect change of control for telecommunications franchise (Special) | |
10/17/2017 | Approves internal funding for Phase 1 of the LID 363 South 224th Street project (Special) | |
11/21/2017 | Adds §; amends Ch. 3.21, §§ 12.01.145, 12.04.227, 15.03.010, 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.190, 15.08.050 and 15.09.045; amends and renumbers § 15.02.096 as 15.02.103; repeals §§ 15.02.092, 15.02.093, 15.02.112, 15.02.132, 15.02.222, 15.02.337, 15.02.342 and 15.02.530, zoning (3.21, 12.01, 12.04, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.08, 15.09) | |
11/21/2017 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
11/21/2017 | Bond issuance (Special) | |
11/21/2017 | Amends §§ 3.28.050 and 3.28.130, business and occupation tax (3.28) | |
11/21/2017 | Adds § 15.08.550, community health engagement locations and safe injection sites (15.08) | |
12/12/2017 | Amends Meeker Street streetscape design and construction standards (Special) | |
12/12/2017 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
12/12/2017 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
12/12/2017 | Amends § 12.13.160, school impact fees base schedule (12.13) | |
12/12/2017 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
12/12/2017 | Amends § 7.05.090, storm and surface water utility system of charges (7.05) | |
12/12/2017 | Authorizes YMCA community center, parcel conveyance and development agreements (Special) | |
12/12/2017 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
12/12/2017 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
2/6/2018 | Amends Ch. 2.60, parks and recreation commission (2.60) | |
3/20/2018 | Adds Ch. 10.02, residential rental housing registration and inspection program (10.02) | |
3/20/2018 | Amends § 15.06.050, signs (15.06) | |
3/20/2018 | Adds Ch. 2.61; repeals Ch. 4.02, arts commission (2.61) | |
5/1/2018 | Amends § 2.60.020, parks and recreation commission (2.60) | |
5/1/2018 | Amends § 2.53.040, human services commission (2.53) | |
6/5/2018 | Amends §§ 3.70.110, 3.70.210, 3.70.220, 3.70.230 and 3.70.240, public contracting and procurement (3.70) | |
6/5/2018 | Adds § 12.13.170, school impact fees (12.13) | |
6/19/2018 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
6/19/2018 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.01, utility service billing (7.01) | |
6/19/2018 | Amends § 3.18.010, utility tax (3.18) | |
7/3/2018 | Adds § 1.04.225; amends §§ 1.04.030, 8.01.050, 8.04.190, 8.07.080, 8.08.060, 13.02.090, 14.08.240 and 15.10.070, code violations and penalties (1.04, 8.01, 8.04, 8.07, 8.08, 13.02, 14.08, 15.10) | |
7/17/2018 | Amends § 9.38.020, no parking zones (9.38) | |
8/21/2018 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
9/4/2018 | Amends §§ 7.04.030 and 7.04.130, sanitary sewers (7.04) | |
9/18/2018 | Amends § 15.08.035, wireless telecommunication facilities (15.08) | |
11/6/2018 | Adds § 5.01.045; amends §§ 5.01.020 and 5.01.040, general business licenses (5.01) | |
11/20/2018 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.02, water (7.02) | |
11/20/2018 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/20/2018 | Amends §§ 12.13.160 and 12.13.170, school impact fees (12.13) | |
11/20/2018 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/20/2018 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/20/2018 | Amends § 3.18.020, utility tax (3.18) | |
11/20/2018 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
11/20/2018 | Amends §§ 3.28.050 and 3.28.130, business and occupation tax (3.28) | |
11/20/2018 | Adopts 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
12/11/2018 | Adds § 9.36.150, stoplight traffic safety cameras (9.36) | |
12/11/2018 | Amends § 9.36.140, school speed zone traffic safety cameras (9.36) | |
12/11/2018 | Grants water system franchise (Special) | |
12/11/2018 | Grants sewer system franchise (Special) | |
12/11/2018 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
12/11/2018 | Dedication of city property for right-of-way (Repealed by 4308) | |
1/15/2019 | Rezone (Special) | |
1/15/2019 | Adds Ch. 6.15, franchise applications for use of right-of-way (6.15) | |
1/15/2019 | Interim ordinance; adds §§ 15.02.527.5 and 15.02.528.5; amends §§ 15.04.050, 15.04.060 and 15.04.065, transit operations and maintenance facilities (Repealed by 4325) | |
2/5/2019 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) | |
2/5/2019 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
2/5/2019 | Dedication of city property for right-of-way; repeals Ord. 4302 (Special) | |
4309 | (Not used) | |
2/19/2019 | Grants cable television franchise (Special) | |
2/19/2019 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) | |
3/5/2019 | Amends Ch. 6.01, public works contract requirements (6.01) | |
3/5/2019 | Amends §§ 13.01.060, 13.01.070 and 13.01.090, fire codes (13.01) | |
3/5/2019 | Amends §§ 9.02.050, 9.02.060, 9.02.070, 9.02.080, 9.02.100 and 9.02.340, criminal code (9.02) | |
3/5/2019 | Property condemnation and acquisition (Special) | |
3/19/2019 | Amends §§ 15.04.040 and 15.04.050, light manufacturing in DCE zone (15.04) | |
3/19/2019 | Amends §§ 15.04.040 and 15.04.050, miniwarehouses, self-storage facilities (15.04) | |
4/2/2019 | Adds Ch. 6.16, utility design standards in the right-of-way (6.16) | |
4/2/2019 | Adds Ch. 2.62, Kent bicycle advisory board (2.62) | |
4/2/2019 | Interim ordinance; amends §§ 15.04.040, 15.04.050, 15.04.190 and 15.04.195, trucking-intensive uses (Repealed by 4355) | |
4/16/2019 | Property acquisition (Special) | |
5/7/2019 | Amends §§ 9.38.060, 9.38.065 and 9.38.175, parking (9.38) | |
5/21/2019 | Amend § 3.70.230, public contracting and procurement (3.70) | |
5/21/2019 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
6/4/2019 | Adds §§ 15.02.527.5 and 15.02.528.5; amends §§ 15.04.050, 15.04.060 and 15.04.065, transit operations and maintenance facilities; repeals Ord. 4305 (15.02, 15.04) | |
6/4/2019 | Rezone (Special) | |
6/18/2019 | Amends §§ 9.02.050, 9.02.060, 9.02.080 and 9.02.150, criminal code (9.02) | |
7/16/2019 | Adopts amended shoreline master program (11.04) | |
7/16/2019 | Amends §§ 8.05.080, 12.04.140, 12.04.155, 12.13.170, 15.02.065, 15.04.170 and 15.08.090, cleanup ordinance (8.05, 12.04, 12.13, 15.02, 15.04, 15.08) | |
8/6/2019 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
8/20/2019 | Adds Ch. 8.02, single-use plastic and carryout bags (Repealed by 4408) | |
9/3/2019 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) | |
9/3/2019 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.34, municipal court (2.34) | |
9/17/2019 | Amends § 2.01.020, city council (2.01) | |
10/1/2019 | Amends comprehensive plan land use map (Special) | |
10/15/2019 | Amends §§ 2.54.020, 2.59.020, 3.02.080 and 3.03.010, amendments to eliminate references to operations committee (2.54, 2.59, 3.02, 3.03) | |
11/5/2019 | Amends § 15.09.046 and the Design and Construction Standards, downtown design review (15.09) | |
11/19/2019 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) | |
11/19/2019 | Adds §§ and 15.02.335.01; amends §§ 15.02.055, 15.02.135, 15.02.173, 15.04.020 and 15.04.030, group homes, boarding homes, short-term rentals and communal residences (15.02, 15.04) | |
11/19/2019 | Adds §§ 15.02.391 and 15.06.060; amends §§ 6.07.020, 6.07.050, 15.02.475, 15.06.030, 15.06.040, 15.06.050, 15.06.070 and 15.06.080; repeals § 15.02.445, signs (6.07, 15.02, 15.06) | |
11/19/2019 | Adds § 3.16.035, additional sales or use tax for housing (3.16) | |
11/19/2019 | Amends Chs. 3.18, 3.21, 3.26, 3.28 and 3.29, taxation (3.18, 3.21, 3.26, 3.28, 3.29) | |
11/19/2019 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
11/19/2019 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
11/19/2019 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
11/19/2019 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/19/2019 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/19/2019 | Amends §§ 12.13.160 and 12.13.170, school impact fees (12.13) | |
11/19/2019 | Property acquisition (Special) | |
11/19/2019 | Property acquisition (Special) | |
12/10/2019 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
12/10/2019 | Amends §§ 3.70.090, 3.70.110, 3.70.130, 3.70.180, 3.70.210, 3.70.220, 3.70.230 and 3.70.240, public contracting and procurement (3.70) | |
1/21/2020 | Adds § 9.04.125; amends §§ 5.01.135, 9.04.020, 9.04.030 and 9.04.130, massage and reflexology services (5.01, 9.04) | |
2/18/2020 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
3/3/2020 | Adopts industrial design guidelines; adds §§, 15.02.151, [], [], [], [], 15.02.338.01 [15.02.338.1] and 15.09.047; amends comprehensive plan, land use plan map, zoning map, §§ 5.04.010, 8.05.080, 15.02.315, 15.03.010, 15.04.020, 15.04.040, 15.04.050, 15.04.060, 15.04.070, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.04.140, 15.04.150, 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.05.020, 15.05.040, 15.06.040, 15.06.050, 15.07.060, 15.08.035, 15.08.050, 15.08.295, 15.08.400 and 15.09.050, industrial valley subarea plan; repeals Ord. 4320 (5.04, 8.05, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.06, 15.07, 15.08, 15.09) | |
4/7/2020 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.05, latecomer agreements (6.05) | |
4/7/2020 | Dedicates right-of-way (Special) | |
5/5/2020 | Amends § 15.04.020; repeals and replaces §§ 15.02.131 and 15.04.030, emergency housing, shelters (15.02, 15.04) | |
5/19/2020 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
5/19/2020 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.25, targeted residential investment program (3.25) | |
7/7/2020 | Amends § 11.03.720; repeals and replaces Ch. 14.09, flood hazard regulations (11.03, 14.09) | |
4362 | (Number not used) | |
8/4/2020 | Grants small cell franchise (Special) | |
8/4/2020 | Grants fiber franchise (Special) | |
8/18/2020 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
8/18/2020 | Amends § 14.09.150, floodways (14.09) | |
9/1/2020 | Rezone (Special) | |
9/15/2020 | Amends § 3.28.050, outdoor warehousing square footage tax (3.28) | |
10/6/2020 | Right-of-way dedication (Repealed by 4383) | |
10/6/2020 | Adds § 3.16.036, additional sales or use tax for housing and related services (3.16) | |
10/20/2020 | Amends comprehensive plan land use map (Special) | |
10/20/2020 | Adds §; amends Chs. 12.01, 12.04, §§ 15.04.010, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.040, 15.04.060, 15.04.065, 15.04.070, 15.04.090, 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.08.035, 15.08.040 and Ch. 15.09, planning, land development, and zoning (12.01, 12.04, 15.02, 15.04, 15.08, 15.09) | |
10/20/2020 | Adds § 15.02.207; amends §§ 15.02.131, 15.02.200, 15.02.270, 15.04.020, 15.04.030 and 15.08.205, emergency housing and isolation/quarantine facilities (15.02, 15.04, 15.08) | |
11/17/2020 | Amends §§ 7.01.070, 7.02.230, 7.03.030, 7.04.220 and 7.05.130, lifeline utility rates (7.01, 7.02, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05) | |
11/17/2020 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
11/17/2020 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/17/2020 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/17/2020 | Amends §§ 12.13.160 and 12.13.170, school impact fees (12.13) | |
11/17/2020 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
11/17/2020 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
11/17/2020 | Adopts 2020-2021 budget (Special) | |
11/17/2020 | Restricts delivery and pick-up fees charged by food delivery platforms (Special) | |
12/8/2020 | Right-of-way dedication; repeals Ord. 4369 (Special) | |
12/8/2020 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) | |
12/8/2020 | Funds transfer (Special) | |
12/8/2020 | Amends Ch. 13.01, fire codes (13.01) | |
12/8/2020 | Amends Ch. 14.01 and § 14.08.020, building codes (14.01, 14.08) | |
2/2/2021 | Grants water and sewer franchise (Special) | |
2/2/2021 | Adds § 9.02.605; amends §§ 9.02.060, 9.02.070, 9.02.100, 9.02.170, 9.02.200, 9.02.270, 9.02.520 and 9.02.530, criminal code (9.02) | |
2/16/2021 | Approves change of indirect control of Astound Broadband, LLC (Special) | |
2/16/2021 | Amends § 9.42.010, unlawful race events (9.42) | |
2/16/2021 | Amends §§ 5.01.040 and 5.01.045, business licenses (5.01) | |
3/2/2021 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
3/2/2021 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | |
4395 | (Did not pass) | |
3/2/2021 | Amends § 3.28.050, business and occupation tax (3.28) | |
3/16/2021 | Amends Ch. 12.14, transportation impact fees (12.14) | |
3/16/2021 | Adds Ch. 12.16; amends §§ 12.04.060, 12.04.065 and 15.09.045, park impact fees (12.04, 12.16, 15.09) | |
4/6/2021 | Adds Ch. 10.03, residential landlord-tenant regulations (Repealed by 4405) | |
3/16/2021 | Amends Ch. 6.02; repeals Ord. 3927, required infrastructure improvements (6.02) | |
4/20/2021 | Adds Ch. 6.17; amends § 15.06.060, street banners, pole banners, and electronic messaging center signs standards (6.17, 15.06) | |
4402 | (Number not used) | |
5/18/2021 | Amends § 12.14.050, transportation impact fee assessment (12.14) | |
5/18/2021 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
6/1/2021 | Repeals Ch. 10.03 (Repealer) | |
7/6/2021 | Adds Chs. 2.50, 2.58, 2.63 and 2.64; amends Chs. 2.51, 2.53, 2.54, 2.55, 2.56, 2.57, 2.59, 2.60, 2.61 and 2.62; repeals Ch. 2.52, administration and personnel (2.50, 2.51, 2.53, 2.54, 2.55, 2.56, 2.57, 2.58, 2.59, 2.60, 2.61, 2.62, 2.63, 2.64) | |
7/20/2021 | Grants pipeline facilities franchise (Special) | |
7/20/2021 | Repeals Ch. 8.02, single-use plastic and carryout bags (Repealer) | |
8/17/2021 | Amends § 6.15.050, Ch. 6.16 and § 15.08.035, wireless telecommunications facilities (6.15, 6.16, 15.08) | |
9/7/2021 | Amends §§ 15.02.125, 15.02.173, 15.04.020 and 15.04.030, emergency shelters and housing (15.02, 15.04) | |
8/17/2021 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
9/21/2021 | Repeals § 9.02.850, possession of drug paraphernalia (Repealer) | |
11/16/2021 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
11/16/2021 | Amends comprehensive plan capital facilities element (Special) | |
11/16/2021 | Amends comprehensive plan capital facilities element (Special) | |
11/16/2021 | Amends §§ 12.13.160 and 12.13.170, school impact fees (12.13) | |
11/16/2021 | Amends comprehensive plan capital facilities element (Special) | |
11/16/2021 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
11/16/2021 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
11/16/2021 | Rezone (Special) | |
12/14/2021 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
12/14/2021 | Amends §§ 5.01.090, 5.01.130, 5.01.150 and 5.01.160, business licenses (5.01) | |
12/14/2021 | Amends § 3.18.010, the title of Ch. 3.28, §§ 3.28.030, 3.28.050, 3.28.090, 3.29.120 and 3.29.150, revenue and finance (3.18, 3.28, 3.29) | |
1/4/2022 | Amends §§ 9.38.020, 9.38.045 and 9.38.170, parking (9.38) | |
2/15/2022 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.05; repeals Ch. 7.07, storm and surface water utility (7.05) | |
3/15/2022 | Right-of-way dedication (Special) | |
4/5/2022 | Amends Ch. 9.39, towing (9.39) | |
4/19/2022 | Amends Ch. 9.38, parking (9.38) | |
5/17/2022 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
6/21/2022 | Amends §§ 2.34.050 and 2.34.060, municipal court (2.34) | |
6/21/2022 | Street vacation (Special) | |
6/21/2022 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) | |
6/21/2022 | Amends comprehensive plan parks and recreation element (Special) | |
6/21/2022 | Repeals and replaces surface water design manual (Special) | |
6/21/2022 | Rezone (Special) | |
7/18/2022 | Adds §§ 9.02.045, 9.02.095 and 9.02.535; amends §§ 9.02.050, 9.02.060, 9.02.070, 9.02.110, 9.02.150, 9.02.340, 9.02.530 and 9.02.605, criminal code (9.02) | |
8/2/2022 | Amends Ch. 1.02 and § 9.02.070, adoption of material by reference and criminal code (1.02, 9.02) | |
8/16/2022 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) | |
9/6/2022 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
9/6/2022 | Adds §§ 9.02.662 and 9.02.664; amends § 9.02.660, criminal code (9.02) | |
9/6/2022 | Amends § 9.02.645, criminal code (9.02) | |
9/6/2022 | Amends §§ 9.12.20, 9.12.22, 9.12.52, 9.12.56, 9.12.64, 9.12.68 and 9.12.75; repeals §§ 9.12.04, 9.12.08, 9.12.12, 9.12.16, 9.12.24, 9.12.28, 9.12.32, 9.12.36, 9.12.40 and 9.12.48, narcotics and barbiturates (Repealed by 4461) | |
10/18/2022 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.09, camping on public property (8.09) | |
11/1/2022 | Amends § 8.09.030, unlawful camping on public property (8.09) | |
11/15/2022 | Amends comprehensive plan capital facilities element (Special) | |
11/15/2022 | Amends comprehensive plan capital facilities element (Special) | |
11/15/2022 | Amends comprehensive plan capital facilities element (Special) | |
11/15/2022 | Amends §§ 12.13.160 and 12.13.170, school impact fees (12.13) | |
11/15/2022 | Amends §§ 3.18.020 and 3.28.010; repeals § 3.28.130, revenue and finance (3.18, 3.28) | |
11/15/2022 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
11/15/2022 | Adopts 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
11/15/2022 | Adds § 3.70.055, compost procurement (3.70) | |
12/13/2022 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
11/15/2022 | Adds Ch. 2.65; amends §§ 2.01.010 and 2.02.010, independent salary commission (2.01, 2.02, 2.65) | |
12/13/2022 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) | |
12/13/2022 | Amends §§ 15.02.135, 15.02.260, 15.02.307, 15.04.050, 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.200 and 15.05.040, zoning code (15.02, 15.04, 15.05) | |
1/17/2023 | Amends § 2.65.050, responsibilities (2.65) | |
2/21/2023 | Adds § 2.57.050; amends § 2.50.090; repeals §§ 2.55.060 and 2.64.060, administration and personnel (2.50, 2.57) | |
3/21/2023 | Amends §§ 9.38.020 and 9.38.045, parking (9.38) | |
4/18/2023 | Property acquisition (Special) | |
5/2/2023 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.12, drug and alcohol possession (9.12) | |
5/16/2023 | Amends Ch. 13.01, fire codes (13.01) | |
5/16/2023 | Amends Ch. 14.01, building codes (14.01) | |
5/16/2023 | Amends §§ 7.02.050, 7.04.220, 12.14.070, 12.16.090, 15.02.005, 15.02.114, 15.04.030, 15.05.040 and 15.08.160; repeals and replaces § 15.08.350, accessory dwelling units (7.02, 7.04, 12.14, 12.16, 15.02, 15.04, 15.05, 15.08) | |
6/6/2023 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
6/6/2023 | Amends water system franchise (Special) | |
6/20/2023 | Amends § 9.43.030, no racing zones (9.43) | |
6/20/2023 | Amends § 9.02.030 and Ch. 9.12, drug and alcohol possession (9.02, 9.12) | |
6/20/2023 | Adds §; amends §§ 15.02.307, 15.04.090, 15.04.100 and 15.09.030, opioid and harm reduction programs (15.02, 15.04, 15.09) | |
7/18/2023 | Amends Ch. 2.56, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging board (2.56) | |
7/18/2023 | Property condemnation and acquisition (Special) | |
9/5/2023 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
11/7/2023 | Amends §§ 7.02.180, 7.02.190 and 7.02.210; repeals §§ 7.02.060 and 7.02.250, water utility services (7.02) | |
11/21/2023 | Amends §§ 3.70.110, 3.70.210 and 3.70.230, public contracting and procurement (3.70) | |
11/21/2023 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
11/21/2023 | Amends comprehensive plan capital facilities element (Special) | |
11/21/2023 | Adds § 12.15.130; amends §§ 12.13.040, 12.13.130, 12.13.160, 12.13.170 and 12.15.040, school and fire impact fees (12.13, 12.15) | |
11/21/2023 | Property tax levy (Special) | |
11/21/2023 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
12/12/2023 | Amends §§ 9.38.020 and 9.38.145, parking (9.38) | |
12/12/2023 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
1/16/2024 | Adds § 9.02.175; amends §§ 9.02.010, 9.02.030, 9.02.050, 9.02.060, 9.02.070, 9.02.080, 9.02.100, 9.02.120, 9.02.150, 9.02.180, 9.02.260, 9.02.490, 9.02.510, 9.02.520 and 9.02.710, criminal code (9.02) | |
1/16/2024 | Rezone (Special) | |
4484 | (Pending) | |
2/20/2024 | Right-of-way dedication (Special) | |
3/5/2024 | Property acquisition (Special) | |
5/7/2024 | Amends §§ 9.36.140 and 9.36.150, traffic safety cameras (9.36) | |
5/7/2024 | Amends §§ 9.02.030, 9.02.060 and 9.02.620, criminal code (9.02) | |
5/21/2024 | Amends §§ 3.70.030, 3.70.120, 3.70.130, 3.70.150, 3.70.160, 3.70.170, 3.70.180 and 3.70.190, public contracting and procurement (3.70) | |
5/21/2024 | Amends Ch. 2.60, parks and recreation commission (2.60) | |
5/21/2024 | Amends §§ 9.38.020 and 9.38.045, parking (9.38) | |
6/4/2024 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
6/4/2024 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.80, deferred compensation plan and committee (2.80) | |
6/18/2024 | Amends § 4.06.200, water skiing and personal watercraft operation (4.06) | |
8/6/2024 | Amends § 3.29.210; repeals § 3.18.030, tax administrative provisions (3.29) | |
8/6/2024 | Grants Ziply Fiber Pacific, LLC, nonexclusive franchise (Special) | |
9/3/2024 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
10/15/2024 | Adds §§,, 15.02.132, 15.02.199, 15.02.206, 15.02.335.001 and 15.02.340.2; amends §§ 15.02.335.3, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.150, 15.04.170, 15.04.180, 15.04.190, 15.04.195, 15.04.200, 15.04.205, 15.05.040 and 15.07.060, behavioral health facilities and opioid treatment programs (15.02, 15.04, 15.05, 15.07) | |
11/5/2024 | Rezone (Special) | |
11/19/2024 | Repeals and replaces § 9.02.710, prohibited and illegal activities in public facilities, exclusion (9.02) | |
11/19/2024 | Amends Ch. 8.09, camping on public property (8.09) | |
11/19/2024 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) | |
11/19/2024 | Amends § 3.28.050, business and occupation tax (3.28) |
Ordinances Pending Codification
The following ordinances have not been codified yet. Click on the icon next to the ordinance number to view the changes.
12/10/2024 | Amends §§ 12.13.160, 12.13.170 and 12.15.130, impact fees (12.13, 12.15) | |
12/10/2024 | Amends §§ 11.03.210, 11.03.220, 15.04.190 and 15.04.195; repeals § 11.03.215, SEPA exemptions (11.03, 15.04) | |
12/10/2024 | Implements 2044 Comprehensive Plan; rezones various properties; amends §§ 15.04.070 and 15.04.080, wholesale and retail land uses (15.04) |