Chapter 2.45


2.45.010    Purpose and policy.

2.45.020    Rules and guidelines for use of social media by Lake Stevens District employees and departments.

2.45.030    Lake Stevens Sewer District standards for using Facebook.

2.45.040    Lake Stevens Sewer District standards for using Twitter.

2.45.050    Video posting standards.

2.45.010 Purpose and policy.

To address the fast-changing landscape of the internet and the way residents communicate and obtain information online, District employees may consider using social media tools to reach a broader audience. The District encourages the use of social media to further the goals of the District and the missions of its departments where appropriate.

The District has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is “spoken” on behalf of the District on social media sites. This policy establishes guidelines for the use of social media on behalf of the District. [Res. 983 § 1, 2020.]

2.45.020 Rules and guidelines for use of social media by Lake Stevens District employees and departments.

(1) All District social media sites posted on by employees will be subject to approval by the General Manager (“GM”) or Assistant GM prior to activation. Use of new social media not previously approved shall be subject to advance approval by the GM or Assistant GM.

(2) The official District websites will remain the District’s primary and predominant internet presences. Social media sites can augment this presence as a means of disseminating time-sensitive information as quickly as possible (e.g., updates on emergencies) and as a method to promote District events or opportunities to an identifiable, appropriate audience. When possible, content on social media sites should not be unique to the social media site and will also be available on the District’s primary websites. Content posted on social media sites should contain links directing users to the District’s official website.

(3) To promote consistency and timeliness of information the District shall designate one or two employees who may post information and maintain the social media site including the GM.

(4) The District social media sites are subject to State of Washington public records laws. Any content maintained in a social media format that is related to District business, including a list of subscribers and posted communication, is a public record. Content related to District business shall be maintained in an accessible format and so that it can be produced in response to a request (see the District Twitter and Facebook standards incorporated herein). Wherever possible, such sites shall clearly indicate that any articles and any other content posted or submitted for posting are subject to public disclosure. Users shall be notified that public disclosure requests must be directed to the Public Records Officer.

(5) Washington State law and relevant District records retention schedules apply to social media formats and social media content. Unless otherwise addressed in a specific social media standards document, the employee maintaining a site shall preserve records required to be maintained pursuant to a relevant records retention schedule for the required retention period in a format that preserves the integrity of the original record and is easily accessible.

District designated employees are encouraged to post secondary copies of information to social media sites rather than original source content. For example, information that has already been posted on the District website.

Designated employees are responsible for ensuring retention of the original source content in organized and searchable hard paper files or electronic file folders on the District’s servers.

(6) Users and visitors to social media sites, which include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, shall be notified that the intended purpose of the site is to serve as a mechanism for communication between District and members of the public. District social media site articles and comments containing any of the following forms of content shall not be allowed:

(a) Comments not topically related to the particular social media article being commented upon;

(b) Comments in support of or opposition to political campaigns or ballot measures;

(c) Profane language or violent or threatening content;

(d) Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation;

(e) Sexual content or links to sexual content;

(f) Solicitations of commerce;

(g) Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;

(h) Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or

(i) Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party.

These guidelines must be displayed to users or made available by hyperlink. Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained, including the time, date and identity of the poster when available (see the District Twitter and Facebook standards incorporated herein).

(7) The District reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this social media policy or any applicable law.

(8) Administration of the District Social Media Sites.

(a) The GM will maintain a list of social media tools which are approved for use.

(b) The GM will maintain a list of all District social media sites, including login and password information.

(c) The District must be able to immediately edit or remove content from social media sites.

(d) For each social media tool approved for use by the GM the following documentation will be developed and adopted:

(i) Operational and use guidelines.

(ii) Standards and processes for managing accounts on social media sites.

(iii) City and departmental branding standards.

(iv) Enterprise-wide design standards.

(v) Standards for the administration of social media sites. [Res. 983 § 2, 2020.]

2.45.030 Lake Stevens Sewer District standards for using Facebook.

(1) Purpose. Facebook is a social networking site that is growing in popularity particularly among the 35- to 54-year-old age group. Businesses and governments have joined individuals in using Facebook to promote activities, programs, projects and events. This standard is designed for the District looking to drive traffic to department websites and to inform more people about District activities. These standards should be used in conjunction with the social media use policy and video posting policy incorporated herein. As Facebook changes these standards may be updated as needed.

(2) Establishing a Page on Facebook. There will be only one official Facebook account for the District. Any exceptions must be approved by the GM.

(3) Content Guidelines.

(a) Types of Pages.

(i) The District will create “pages” and not “groups.” Pages offer greater visibility, customization and measurability. Community pages will be accepted unless there is a copyright/trademark limitation.

(ii) For “type” description, always choose “government.”

(b) Boilerplate.

(i) The District will standardize and provide the Facebook page’s image, consisting of a picture and the District’s logo.

(ii) The social media site must contain this statement:

Lake Stevens Sewer District, This site is intended to serve as a mechanism for communication between the public and the District. Any comments submitted to this page and its list of fans are public records subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56. Public disclosure requests must be directed to the GM or Administrative Assistant and the Public Records Officer.

(iii) If comments are turned on, the wall page should include a comment policy box with the following disclaimer:

Comments posted to this page will be monitored. Under the District policy, the District reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments including those that have obscene language or sexual content, threaten or defame any person or organization, violate the legal ownership interest of another party, support or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions, promote illegal activity, promote commercial services or products or are not topically related to the particular posting.

(c) Link to the District. A link to will be included on the Facebook page.

(d) Page Administrators.

(i) A successful page requires “babysitting.” The designated employees are responsible for monitoring the Facebook page. Posts should be approved by a designated employee only.

(ii) The designated employees are responsible for making sure content is not stale. The District will designate a primary caretaker and a backup person for this role.

(e) Comments and Discussion Boards. Comments to the wall will be allowed but may be turned off by request of the GM. Discussion boards should be turned off.

(f) Style.

(i) District Facebook page will include consistent District branding.

(ii) Designated employees will use proper grammar and standard Associated Press (AP) style, avoiding jargon and abbreviations. Facebook is more casual than most other communication tools but still represents the District at all times.

(g) Applications.

(i) There are thousands of Facebook applications. Common applications can allow users to stream video and music, post photos, and view and subscribe to RSS feeds. While some may be useful to the page’s mission, they can cause clutter and security risks.

(ii) An application should not be used unless it serves a business purpose, adds to the user experience, comes from a trusted source and is approved by the GM.

(iii) An application may be removed at any time if there is significant reason to think it is causing a security breach, spreading viruses or for any other reason determined by the GM.

(h) Archiving Issues.

(i) The Facebook page will be set up in conjunction with a District email account, which will archive the business content that can send updates via email.

(ii) Facebook content that needs to be retained as a record will be archived electronically by Pagefreezer and maintained according to the records retention policy. [Res. 983 § 3, 2020.]

2.45.040 Lake Stevens Sewer District standards for using Twitter.

(1) Purpose. Twitter is a microblogging tool that allows account holders to tweet up to 140 characters of information to followers. By procuring and maintaining Twitter accounts, the District will communicate information directly to their Twitter followers, alerting them to new information and directing them to the District’s website. These standards should be used in conjunction with this District’s social media use policy.

(2) Guidelines for Use of Twitter.

(a) A designated employee using Twitter is limited to one account. Access to the account will be subject to the approval of the GM.

(b) The District’s Twitter bio will read:

Lake Stevens Sewer District Comments, list of followers subject to public disclosure (RCW 42.56).

If appropriate the following will be added:

This site is not monitored. Call 911 for emergencies.

(c) The District’s Twitter account backgrounds will consist of a standardized District logo.

(d) The District’s Twitter account shall serve three primary purposes:

(i) Get emergency information out quickly;

(ii) Promote District sponsored events; and

(iii) Refer followers to content on the District’s website.

(e) Information posted on Twitter shall conform to the District’s policies and procedures. Tweets shall be relevant, timely and informative.

(f) Twitter content shall mirror information presented elsewhere by the District with other information dissemination mechanisms. Personnel shall ensure that information is posted correctly the first time because Twitter does not allow for content editing.

(3) Recordkeeping and Twitter. Pagefreezer shall be responsible for archiving Twitter posts.

Designated employees will be responsive to those customers who communicate via Twitter’s @reply or direct message functions. Communication with followers will be timely and consistent with existing protocols. Pagefreezer will maintain an electronic record. [Res. 983 § 4, 2020.]

2.45.050 Video posting standards.

(1) Purpose. The District provides access to online video because this is the way many residents communicate and obtain information online. Key objectives for video content should meet one or more of the following goals: provide information about District services, showcase District and community events, explore District issues and highlight outstanding individuals and organizations that contribute to Lake Stevens and the region. The District encourages the use of video content to further the goals of the District and its mission, where appropriate. These standards should be used in conjunction with the provisions of this social media use policy.

(2) Video Posting Guidelines.

(a) The GM will be responsible for approving the video content.

(b) Video quality should be excellent.

(c) Low quality video will be considered only if the audio is clear and the content is compelling and informative.

(d) All videos will be submitted to the GM.

(e) Videos streamed from sources other than the District may not be embedded on the District website. Links to external videos are permitted but should only be used when content is not available through the District.

(3) The GM or Designated Employees’ Responsibilities for Video.

(a) Pagefreezer will be responsible for archiving the video if applicable.

(b) A designated employee will provide a video link and code to embed video on a web page.

(4) Submitting Video to the GM.

(a) Video must be in MOV, MPG, WMV, AVI, DVD, tapes, MiniDV or DV Cam format.

(b) Submitted video should include: title and description; video length and requested dates for use, removal and archiving.

(5) Submitting Video to External Video Sites.

(a) Videos may be submitted to YouTube and Facebook or other video sites on a case-by-case basis under the direction of the GM if there are needs that cannot be met using the District resources.

(b) When using external sites, comment features should be deactivated. All registration with external sites will be done by the GM.

(c) For purposes of recordkeeping, videos posted on external sites must be copied and kept by the District. [Res. 983 § 5, 2020.]