Chapter 22G.080


22G.080.010    Purpose.

22G.080.020    Applicability.

22G.080.030    Planned residential development – Site qualifications.

22G.080.040    Permitted/conditional uses – Ratio of housing types.

22G.080.050    Procedures for review and approval.

22G.080.060    Required elements of PRD site plans.

22G.080.070    Development standards.

22G.080.080    Modification of development regulations.

22G.080.090    Bonuses.

22G.080.100    Open spaces.

22G.080.110    Preservation of existing features.

22G.080.120    Perpetual maintenance of open space and common facilities.

22G.080.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to permit design flexibility and provide performance criteria which can result in planned residential developments which produce:

(1) A choice in the types of environment and living units available to the public;

(2) Open space and recreation areas;

(3) A pattern of development which preserves trees, outstanding natural topography and geologic features, and prevents soil erosion;

(4) A creative approach to the use of land and related physical development;

(5) An efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets and thereby lower housing costs;

(6) An environment of stable character in harmony with surrounding development;

(7) A more desirable environment than would be possible through the strict application of other sections of this title.

This chapter is designed to provide for small- and large-scale developments incorporating a single type or a variety of housing types and related uses which are planned and developed as a unit. Developments may consist of individual lots or may have common building sites. Commonly owned land must be related to and preserve the long-term value of the residential development. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.020 Applicability.

An applicant may request to utilize the PRD provisions if the site meets the site qualification criteria of this chapter and concurrently utilizes a land division process as specified in MMC 22G.080.050. (Ord. 3093 § 8, 2018; Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.030 Planned residential development – Site qualifications.

To utilize the PRD provisions contained in this chapter, a site must be at least one acre gross area and zoned residential, or be a multifamily or townhome development within the mixed use zone. (Ord. 3093 § 9, 2018; Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.040 Permitted/conditional uses – Ratio of housing types.

The following uses are permitted within a PRD: single-family dwellings, duplexes, attached single-family dwellings or multifamily dwellings, and recreational facilities; provided, that in single-family zoned PRDs, no more than six units may be attached as one building; and provided further, that the mix of housing types shall be restricted so that not more than 30 percent of all structures, or potential structures, in the single-family zoned PRD and the surrounding single-family residential zoned property within a 300-foot radius, as a whole, are multiple-family dwellings. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.050 Procedures for review and approval.

The PRD review and approval process shall occur concurrently with the underlying land use action. PRDs shall be processed using the underlying land use actions set forth in Chapter 22G.090, Subdivisions or Short Subdivisions; 22G.100, Binding Site Plan; or 22G.120 MMC, Site Plan Review. The decision-making authority for the underlying land use action shall also be the decision-making authority for the PRD.

The director is authorized to promulgate guidelines, graphic representations, and examples of designs and methods of construction that do or do not satisfy the intent of this chapter. The following resources can be used in interpreting the guidelines: Residential Development Handbook for Snohomish County Communities (prepared for Snohomish County Tomorrow by Makers, Inc.), Site Planning and Community Design for Great Neighborhoods (Frederick D. Jarvis, 1993), and City Comforts (David Sucher, 1996).

(1) Site Plan. A site plan meeting the requirements of this chapter, Chapters 22C.010, 22C.020, 22G.090 and 22G.100 MMC shall be submitted with all applications for a PRD. The site plan may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied by the city. Specific development regulations may be modified in accordance with this chapter and special requirements may be applied to the property within the PRD. Modifications and special requirements shall be specified in the approval and shown on the approved site plan.

(2) Decision Criteria. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate the criteria have been met. The city may place conditions on the PRD approval in order to fulfill the requirements and intent of the city’s development regulations, comprehensive plan, and subarea plan(s). The following criteria must be met for approval of a PRD to be granted:

(a) Consistency with Applicable Plans and Laws. The development will comply with all applicable provisions of state law, the Marysville Municipal Code, comprehensive plan, and any applicable subarea plan(s).

(b) Quality Design. The development shall include high quality architectural design and well conceived placement of development elements including the relationship or orientation of structures.

(c) Design Criteria. Design of the proposed development shall achieve two or more of the following results above the minimum requirements of this title and Chapters 22G.090 and 22G.100 MMC; provided, that such design elements may also be used to qualify for residential density incentives as provided in Chapter 22C.090 MMC:

(i) Improving circulation patterns or the screening of parking facilities;

(ii) Minimizing the use of impervious surfacing materials;

(iii) Increasing open space or recreational facilities on site;

(iv) Landscaping, buffering, or screening in or around the proposed PRD;

(v) Providing public facilities;

(vi) Preserving, enhancing, or rehabilitating natural features of the subject property such as significant woodlands, wildlife habitats or streams;

(vii) Incorporating energy-efficient site design or building features;

(viii) Incorporating a historic structure(s) or a historic landmark in such a manner as preserves its historic integrity and encourages adaptive reuse.

(d) Public Facilities. The PRD shall be served by adequate public facilities including streets, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, fire protection, water, storm water control, sanitary sewer, and parks and recreation facilities.

(e) When PRDs are located within or adjacent to single-family residential zones and are, or may be, surrounded by traditional development with detached dwelling units, PRDs shall be designed and developed so as to be consistent with a single-family residential environment. If attached dwellings and multiple-family dwellings are part of the PRD they will be dispersed throughout the project to create an integrated mix of housing types.

(f) Perimeter Design. The perimeter of the PRD shall be compatible in design, character, and appearance with the existing or intended character of development adjacent to the subject property and with the physical characteristics of the subject property.

(g) Open Space and Recreation. Open space and recreation facilities shall be provided and effectively integrated into the overall development of a PRD and surrounding uses.

(h) Streets, Sidewalks and Parking. Existing and proposed streets and sidewalks within a PRD shall be suitable and adequate to carry anticipated motorized and pedestrian traffic within the proposed project and in the vicinity of the subject property. A safe walking path to schools shall be provided if the development is within one-quarter mile of a school (measured via existing or proposed streets or pedestrian corridors) or if circumstances otherwise warrant. Adequate parking shall be provided to meet or exceed the requirements of the MMC.

(i) Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided for public and semi-public spaces and shall integrate them with private spaces. Landscaping shall create a pleasant streetscape and provide connectivity between homes and common areas, using trees, shrubs, and groundcover throughout the development and providing for shade and visual relief while maintaining a clear line of sight throughout the public and semi-public spaces.

(j) Maintenance Provisions. A means of maintaining all common areas, such as a homeowners’ association, shall be established, and legal instruments shall be executed to provide maintenance funds and enforcement provisions.

(3) Amendments. An approved PRD may be amended through the provisions of Chapters 22G.090 and 22G.100 MMC and Chapter 58.17 RCW.

(4) Duration of Approval. The duration of approval for a PRD shall be the same as the underlying land use action set forth in Chapter 22G.090, Subdivisions or Short Subdivisions; 22G.100, Binding Site Plan; or 22G.120 MMC, Site Plan Review.

(5) Compliance. Any use of land which requires PRD approval, as provided in this chapter, and for which approval is not obtained, or which fails to conform to an approved PRD and final site plan, constitutes a violation of this title. (Ord. 3138 § 3 (Exh. B), 2019; Ord. Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.060 Required elements of PRD site plans.

All PRDs shall be subject to site plan approval as provided in MMC 22G.080.050. The following are minimum requirements for the site plan and supplemental material:

(1) The title and location of the proposed PRD, together with the names and addresses and telephone numbers of the owners of record of the land and, if applicable, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any architect, planner, designer or engineer responsible for the preparation of the plan, and of any authorized representative of the applicant;

(2) Where there is multiple ownership, a document satisfactorily assuring unified control through final approval and construction phases;

(3) Statement of intention to formally subdivide the property, if applicable;

(4) The total number of proposed dwelling units and a description of the housing type for each such unit;

(5) Probable building materials and treatment of exterior surfaces on all proposed multiple-family structures;

(6) Conceptual drainage plans demonstrating feasibility of the proposed facilities;

(7) Project staging or phases, if any;

(8) Provision for phasing out nonconforming uses;

(9) The calculation of the housing-mix ratio within a 300-foot radius of the project, as required by MMC 22G.080.040;

(10) Restrictive covenants as required by MMC 22G.080.120 and including provisions to address parking enforcement, together with a statement from a private attorney as to the adequacy of the same to fulfill the requirements of this chapter;

(11) Calculation of total project land area, gross project area, and net project density;

(12) A vicinity map at a minimum scale of two inches for each mile, showing sufficient area and detail to clearly locate the project in relation to arterial streets, natural features, landmarks and municipal boundaries;

(13) A site plan drawing, showing street layout and identification, size and shape of all building sites and lots, and location of all building pads and open space areas with any specific open space activity areas indicated;

(14) The existing edge and width of pavement of any adjacent roadways and all proposed internal streets, off-street parking facilities, driveway approaches, curbing, sidewalks or walkways, street channelization, and type of surfaces;

(15) Landscaping plan, including plant locations and species size at planting, together with location and typical side view of perimeter fencing or berms, if any;

(16) Plans for all attached dwellings and multiple-family dwellings and related improvements, to a scale of not less than one inch to 50 feet, showing typical plot plans for each such building, including location of building entrance, driveway, parking, fencing and site screening, and typical elevations of each type of building, including identification of exterior building materials and roof treatment;

(17) Plans for open space improvements, if any;

(18) Plans for signing and lighting, including typical side view of entrance treatment and entrance signs;

(19) The location of all solid waste collection points, proposed meter locations, water mains, valves, fire hydrants, sewer mains, laterals, manholes, pump stations and other appurtenances;

(20) Itemization of the specific development regulations which are to be modified and special requirements which are to be applied to the property; and

(21) Such additional information as the city may deem necessary. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.070 Development standards.

PRDs which have lot(s) less than 5,000 square feet in any zone and multiple detached single-family dwellings on a single lot in any zone shall meet the requirements of this section:

(1) Accessory dwelling units shall not be permitted for single-family detached dwellings unless approved as part of the PRD site plan.

(2) Each single-family detached unit shall have at least 200 square feet of private open space set aside as private space for that dwelling unit. No dimension of such open space shall be less than 10 feet. The open space does not need to be fenced or otherwise segregated from other dwellings or open space in the development unless so conditioned through the approval process.

(3) Common open space is required pursuant to MMC 22C.010.320, 22C.020.270 or 22G.080.100, whichever provides the greater open space. The common open space must be arranged to maximize usability.

(4) At least 25 percent of the dwellings on lots less than 5,000 square feet must have vehicle access points via any combination of the following, unless steep slopes or site-specific constraints preclude meeting this requirement:

(a) Shared or single-car-width driveway.

(b) Alley, auto court, or other method of accessing dwellings other than direct street access. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.080 Modification of development regulations.

The city’s standard development regulations shall be modified for a PRD as provided in this section:

(1) Density, Dimension, and Parking. The standard development regulations shall apply to all lots and development in a PRD except as specifically modified below and as provided in the design review standards in Chapters 22C.010 and 22C.020 MMC.

Modified Density, Dimension and Parking



Density: Dwelling unit/acre

As allowed per the underlying zone

Maximum density: 1

As allowed per the underlying zone or modified through the residential density incentives in Chapter 22C.090 MMC

Minimum street setback: 2

10 feet

Minimum side yard setback:

5 feet (if no lot line between homes, 10 feet separation required)

Minimum rear yard setback: 3

10 feet (if no lot line between homes, 20 feet separation required)

Base height:

As allowed per the underlying zone

Maximum building coverage:

No maximum building coverage

Maximum impervious surface:

70 percent

Minimum lot area: 4

3,500 square feet

Minimum lot width: 5

30 feet

Minimum driveway length: 6

20 feet

Minimum parking: 7

3 stalls per detached single-family dwelling

Development Conditions:

1. Density may be increased consistent with density incentives, Chapter 22C.090 MMC.

2. Porches may extend as close as seven feet from the street, sidewalk, right-of-way, or public/community improvement.

3. Consistent with MMC 22C.010.310(3), rear yard setbacks may be reduced to zero feet for garages if an alley is provided. Living space is allowed up to the rear property line or alley when above a garage. If the garage does not extend to the property line, the dwelling unit above the garage may be extended to the property line.

4. No minimum lot area for mixed use and multifamily zoned properties. In single-family zones, the minimum lot area/dwelling unit area may be reduced to 2,000 square feet for attached single-family dwellings, and duplexes require 5,250 feet per two-dwelling duplex.

5. Minimum lot width may be reduced to 25 feet for zero lot line attached single-family dwellings.

6. Minimum driveway length may be reduced in accordance with MMC 22C.010.310.

7. Parking for multifamily and attached single-family will be computed pursuant to Chapter 22C.130 MMC, Parking and Loading. Detached single-family dwellings will provide three stalls per dwelling unit. Two of the stalls must be on the site and readily available to the dwelling unit. The third stall may be on-street parking or provided nearby to the dwelling.

(2) Street Standards. The city’s PRD street standards, as set forth in the engineering development and design standards (EDDS), apply to small lot developments and may be modified as provided below.

The “PRD Access Street with Parking” and “PRD Access Street” road sections may be used in a PRD and modified as follows:

(a) “PRD Access Street with Parking” standard is required for developments containing 20 or more dwellings. For developments containing less than 20 dwelling units the “PRD Access Street” standard may be used, provided parking requirements are met and community parking is provided at a ratio of at least one parking space for each four dwelling units.

(b) Modifications to the “PRD Access Street with Parking” and “PRD Access Street” standards may be requested for sidewalks, planter strips, and on-street parking. The burden to clearly demonstrate the proposed modification meets the requirements of this section is the applicant’s. (Note: it is not likely multiple reductions will be allowed along a single section of road.) If requesting a modification, the applicant shall submit an integrated pedestrian travel, landscape and parking plan as well as other information to demonstrate:

(i) Safe, aesthetically pleasing pedestrian travel is provided throughout the development.

(ii) Pedestrian travel within the development shall be tied to pedestrian travel routes outside the development, actual and/or planned.

(iii) Reduction of planter strips shall require additional equivalent or greater landscaping to benefit the development.

(iv) Reduction of on-street parking shall generally require alley access and community parking be provided, such as bump-out parking on the street at a ratio in excess of one parking spot for each four dwelling units.

(v) Any proposed modifications shall allow for efficient flow and movement of automobiles and pedestrians without negatively altering or constraining their movement.

(3) Open Space. Open space requirements may be modified consistent with this chapter.

(4) Additional Modifications. An applicant may request additional dimensional, open space, street, and design standard modifications beyond those provided in this section. Granting of the requested modification(s) will be based on innovative and exceptional architectural design features and/or innovative and exceptional site design and layout that contribute to achieving the purpose of this chapter. (Street modifications may include the elimination of sidewalks on one or both sides, when alternate safe pedestrian connections are provided, and/or the movement of planter strips behind the sidewalk or the elimination of planter strips altogether, when the streetscape is enhanced to provide for a significantly more pleasing appearance.)

(5) Other Development Code Modifications. Modification of development code requirements beyond those provided for in this section may be requested through the variance process set forth in the MMC. (Ord. 3138 § 3 (Exh. B), 2019; Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.090 Bonuses.

The city’s decision-making authority may allow an increase in the net density of the project in compliance with the residential density incentive requirements of Chapter 22C.090 MMC. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.100 Open spaces.

(1) A minimum of 15 percent of the net project area shall be established as open space. The same net project area calculation used for determining the project’s density shall be used for calculating required open space. Passive open space areas, as defined in MMC 22A.020.160, and critical areas and buffers, may be used to satisfy a maximum of 65 percent of the required open space. Thirty-five percent of the required open space shall be active open space, as defined in MMC 22A.020.160, and as outlined in subsection (2) of this section.

(a) Required yards, parking areas, driveways, streets, and other accesses shall not qualify as open space except as provided in subsection (3)(c) of this section;

(b) Fencing and/or landscaping shall separate, while maintaining visual observability of, recreation areas from adjacent lots, parking areas, driveways, streets, and other accesses;

(c) Up to five feet of the perimeter landscaping around the active open space area may contribute to the active open space area requirement; provided, that the perimeter landscaping:

(i) Includes trees, shrubs, and groundcover that feature variation in texture and color and a succession of blooms; and

(ii) Is of the same grade as the overall active open space area;

(d) The active open space areas shall be calculated by drawing a boundary around the area(s) meeting the standards set forth in this subsection and subsection (2) of this section, and deducting the ineligible areas outlined in subsections (1)(a) and (c) and (2) of this section.

(2) Active open space areas shall:

(a) Be of a grade and surface suitable for recreation;

(b) Be on the site of the proposed development;

(c) Be one continuous parcel if less than 3,000 square feet in size, not to be located in the front yard setback;

(d) Be situated and designed to be observable by the neighborhood residents, be centrally located within the project, and abut a neighborhood street unless determined to be infeasible or undesirable by the director. Fences on individual lots abutting the open space area may be up to six feet tall only if the top two feet are constructed as an open-work fence;

(e) Be accessible and convenient to all residents within the development;

(f) Have no dimensions less than 30 feet (except trail segments);

(g) Trail segments shall:

(i) Be a minimum of five feet in width;

(ii) Meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards; and

(iii) Be improved with an appropriate all-weather surface (gravel surfacing is not considered an all-weather surface); provided, that an all-weather surface shall not be required where terrain precludes ADA access, or where an alternate surface is determined by the director to be preferable. Where an alternate surface is used, appropriate materials, edging, and compaction shall be provided; and

(iv) Trail segments that are being dedicated to the public, or connecting to a regional or city parks system trail, may be required to be increased in width or construction standard as determined by the parks, culture, and recreation director;

(h) Include a minimum of one large recreational amenity or two small recreational amenities per one-quarter acre of active recreation space. The calculation of amenities shall be rounded up to the nearest one-quarter acre.

(i) Small recreational amenities include: disc golf; horseshoes, bocce, or similar lawn games; volleyball or similar net sports; commercial-grade benches; picnic tables; tot lot with small playground equipment (soft surface); and similar amenities; provided, that one bench equals one-half small recreational amenity.

(ii) Large recreational amenities include commercial-grade multipurpose, basketball, tennis, pickleball, or similar courts or half-courts; baseball, football, soccer, or similar fields; tot lot with large playground equipment (soft surface); gazebos; and similar amenities. A half sport court qualifies as one recreational amenity, and a full sport court qualifies as two recreational amenities.

(iii) A project must provide at least one amenity that promotes physical activity, and cannot provide only benches, picnic tables, or a gazebo.

(iv) When a tot lot is provided, at least one bench must be provided for each tot lot; however, the bench and tot lot shall qualify as separate amenities.

(v) The community development director is specifically authorized to determine what qualifies as a recreational amenity, and whether the recreational amenity should be considered a small or large recreational amenity;

(i) The community development director is authorized to allow deviations to the standards outlined in this subsection (2) when the applicant has clearly demonstrated that the intent of these standards has been met.

(3) Dual use storm water retention/detention and/or recreation facilities shall meet the following design criteria:

(a) The facility shall be designed with emphasis as a recreation area, not a storm water control structure, and shall be designed as usable open recreation area.

(b) Control structures shall not be prominently placed. Care should be taken to blend them into the perimeter of the recreation area.

(c) The number of accesses shall be minimized, and the accesses shall be designed to serve as both an access and an amenity to qualify as open space. The following are examples of access treatments that would qualify as open space:

(i) Grasscrete or equivalent as determined by the public works director or designee;

(ii) Decorative pavers; or

(iii) Concrete or asphalt with a dual use including, but not limited to, sport court, hopscotch, meandering paved trails, etc.

(4) The open space requirements outlined in subsection (1) of this section may be reduced if substantial and appropriate recreational facilities (such as recreational buildings, swimming pools or tennis courts) are provided. If an open space reduction is proposed, detailed plans showing the proposed recreational facilities must be submitted with the preliminary site plan.

(5) Open space and recreational facilities shall be owned, operated and maintained in common by the PRD property owners; provided, that by agreement with the city council, open space may be dedicated in fee to the public. (Ord. 3257 § 3 (Exh. C), 2023; Ord. 3138 § 3 (Exh. B), 2019; Ord. 3054 § 17, 2017; Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.110 Preservation of existing features.

(1) Existing trees and other natural and unique features shall be preserved wherever possible. The location of these features must be considered when planning the open space, location of buildings, underground services, walks, paved areas, playgrounds, parking areas, and finished grade levels.

(2) The city shall inquire into the means whereby trees and other natural features will be protected during construction. Excessive site-clearing of topsoil, trees and natural or unique features before commencement of building operations may disqualify the project as a PRD. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22G.080.120 Perpetual maintenance of open space and common facilities.

Before final approval is granted, the applicant shall submit to the city, for its approval, covenants, deed restrictions, homeowners’ association bylaws, and/or other documents providing for preservation and maintenance of all common open space, parking areas, walkways, landscaping, signs, lights, roads and community facilities at the cost of the property owners in the PRD. All common areas and facilities shall be continuously maintained at a minimum standard at least equal to that required by the city, and shall be approved by the city at the time of initial occupancy. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).