Chapter 13.28
13.28.030 Water service application – Contents – Fee payment required.
13.28.040 Account keeping by number and address.
13.28.050 Water leak adjustments.
13.28.060 Residential meters city property – Replacement of privately owned meters.
13.28.070 Turnon and turnoff – Single charge required when.
13.28.080 Temporary use for construction.
13.28.090 Water main construction – Standard and substandard mains defined – Installation standards.
13.28.110 Water main construction – Owner payment responsibility.
13.28.120 Water main construction – Repayment for private installation.
13.28.130 Water main construction – Connection to substandard main authorized when.
13.28.140 Water main construction – Temporary private connection authorized when.
13.28.150 Water main construction – Payment of charges.
13.28.185 Permit and system development charges.
13.28.195 Rates for metered service.
13.28.215 Water service charges – Senior citizens.
13.28.220 Fire protection line connections – Water department non-responsibility for fire loss.
13.28.230 Fire protection line charges.
13.28.240 Hydrants – Unauthorized use prohibited – Temporary connection authorized when.
13.28.250 Reuse of inactive connections authorized when.
13.28.260 Connection lines required depth below ground – From water main to curb cock.
13.28.270 Service mains and connection lines materials and diameter.
13.28.290 Stop-and-waste cock requirements.
13.28.310 Check and pressure relief valves – Lawn sprinkling systems requirement.
13.28.320 Curb cocks positions requirements.
13.28.330 Debarment authorized for violation – Right of appeal.
13.28.350 Turnon procedure for new service connections.
13.28.360 Free turnoff on request authorized.
13.28.400 Unauthorized turnon prohibited – Payment for expenses required for turnon.
13.28.410 Turnoff to condemned buildings required.
13.28.420 Meter installation charges.
13.28.430 Meter change in size – Application required.
13.28.440 Meter removal and reinstallation charges.
13.28.450 Meter replacement – Excessive consumption.
13.28.460 Meter replacement – Unserviceability from ordinary use.
13.28.470 Meter replacement – Premises improvements or wilful acts.
13.28.480 Meter replacement – Hot water backflow.
13.28.490 Meter replacement – Test of defective meter – Deposit required.
13.28.500 Damaging or storing material near water equipment prohibited.
13.28.510 Wasting water prohibited.
13.28.520 Sprinkling during fires prohibited.
13.28.530 Emergency discontinuance of service authorized when.
13.28.540 Street work on water pipes – Notice required – Liability for damage.
13.28.560 Director of public works interpretation authority.
13.28.570 Violation – Penalty.
13.28.010 Applicability.
All provisions of this chapter shall apply both within and without the corporate limits of the city, except as specifically provided in this chapter. (Ord. 561 § 1, 1969).
13.28.020 Definitions.
In the construction of this chapter, the definitions in this section shall be applied, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. The singular includes the plural and the masculine pronoun includes the feminine.
B. “City” means the city of Milton, Washington, or, as indicated by the context, the city treasurer, city clerk, director of public works, or other city official or agent representing the city in the discharge of his/her duties.
C. “Commercial unit” means any water user on a single premises with separate water facilities, other than a domestic unit as defined in subsection F of this section. The following shall be considered single commercial units:
1. One business operated by one owner or lessee, and having a single business identity;
2. A combination of a business and single-family residence in a single building and under one roof. To qualify under this definition, the building must have been originally constructed as a single building. A residence and a business in separate buildings on the same lot or tract, occupied by the owner of the business and serviced through one service connection from a city main shall be two units, regardless of whether the buildings are connected by a tunnel, hallway, or other means;
3. A hotel, motel or other accommodations used for transient accommodations and operated as a single business.
D. “Council” means the city council of the city.
E. “Director” means the director of public works of the city of Milton.
F. “Domestic unit” means residential accommodations designed for, or occupied by, one family. Multiple dwellings shall be considered to consist of the same number of domestic units as there are dwelling units. Domestic units shall not include motels, hotels or other transient accommodations, or multiple-family dwellings.
G. “Family” means a person or persons living under the same roof and using the same domestic facilities.
H. The words “person,” “customer,” “owner,” “occupant,” or “agent” shall be construed to include persons of either sex, associations, copartnerships and corporations, whether acting by themselves, or by a servant, agent or employee.
I. “Premises” means a continuous tract of land or a building, including secondary buildings and places belonging to it within its entirety, being used by a single-family or a single business. Transient use (including overnight lodging) of land, and primary or secondary buildings, shall be considered used by a single-family or single business. A motel, cabin, camp, resort or trailer court in which separate buildings are not intended for or used for permanent dwelling or business shall be considered one premises. Buildings connected by only a hallway, tunnel or breezeway shall be considered separate buildings. Multiple-family dwellings in one building shall be considered as one premises.
J. “Treasurer” means the treasurer of the city.
K. “Water service charges” include water connection fees, water main construction fees and all other charges incident to a water service. (Ord. 561 § 2, 1969).
13.28.030 Water service application – Contents – Fee payment required.
A. All applications for water service to and for the use of water within any premises shall be made at the office of the water department of the city by the owner or authorized agent on printed forms to be furnished by the water department for that purpose. The application shall show the name and address of the owner or agent, legal description of the premises, name of the street upon which the property fronts, together with the corresponding official house number assigned to the premises, if available. The applicant shall state the purpose for which the premises are to be used, the number of families to be supplied for domestic use, and the size of service connection desired.
B. At the time of filing the application, he shall pay all fees and deposits required for constructing the water service connection as provided in this chapter and in Chapter 3.48. He shall also pay all necessary water main construction charges, and he shall agree to conform to and abide by all provisions of this chapter and rules and regulations of the water department as they now exist or may hereafter be established. (Ord. 561 § 3, 1969).
13.28.040 Account keeping by number and address.
All accounts shall be kept by the water department in the name of the owner or his authorized agent by the account number and the official house number and street name for each premises supplied with water. All notices and statements sent out shall be forwarded to the premises supplied; provided, that upon written request of nonresident owners or agents, notices and statements shall be forwarded to other addresses. All errors in address or charges shall be promptly reported to the water department. (Ord. 561 § 4, 1969).
13.28.050 Water leak adjustments.
The water leak adjustment shall be established as follows:
A. The leak adjustment will be for a time period not to exceed 30 days from the date the customer is notified of the leak by the city; or, if no notification is provided, the leak adjustment will be for a time period not to exceed 30 days from date of discovery by the customer. The public works director or designee may approve an additional 30 days for significant repairs which may require additional time due to cost or availability of contractors.
B. A request for a water leak adjustment must be made in writing to the city of Milton, administration/finance department. The written request must include the date the leak was repaired and a copy of the repair bill or receipt for materials. Written requests must be received within 30 days of the date of repair.
C. Each customer is allowed one leak adjustment per 12-month period.
D. The bill that includes leak consumption must be paid in accordance with the normal payment procedures. Approved adjustments shall be credited on the bill following the adjustment approval.
E. The adjustment shall be based on water use during the previous year.
F. The maximum adjustment shall be 50 percent of the consumption amount that exceeds the consumption amount during the same billing period in the previous year. For customers occupying premises for less than one year, the consumption adjustment shall be made from the average consumption of the three billing periods previous to the leak consumption bill. (Ord. 1967 § 1, 2019; Ord. 1243 § 1, 1994).
13.28.060 Residential meters city property – Replacement of privately owned meters.
A. All residential meters provided and installed on water service connection lines by, and at the expense of, the water department shall remain the property of the city and shall be removed only by the water department.
B. All other meters provided and installed by the water department at the expense of the owner or agent of the premises served shall be and remain the property of said owner or agent. The meters shall be removed only by the water department. When the use of an owned meter is discontinued, the water department may, upon the approval of the director and the owner, purchase such meter upon payment of the original cost thereof, less credit in the amount of the depreciated value of such meter less 6.66 percent depreciation per year during the period in which the meter has been in service. No credit will be allowed for a meter which cannot be successfully reconditioned or has been in service for 15 years. (Ord. 844 § 1(F), (G), 1980).
13.28.070 Turnon and turnoff – Single charge required when.
Each customer will have only one charge made for each request. In the case of dual service, the charge will be prorated between utility services. (Ord. 1888 § 2, 2016; amended at city’s request 2/9/84; Ord. 844 § 2, 1980).
13.28.080 Temporary use for construction.
The use of water for construction purposes, to settle trenches or fills, or other temporary purposes shall be allowed where water is available. Before commencing such use, application therefor shall be made to the utilities department and charges shall be in accordance with the most current fee ordinance. Applications must be submitted five working days prior to need. (Ord. 1071 § 1, 1988: amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 561 § 6, 1969).
13.28.090 Water main construction – Standard and substandard mains defined – Installation standards.1
A. The charges set forth in this section and MMC 13.28.100 through 13.28.140 are water main construction charges and do not include charges for water service connection.
B. The size and type of pipe and appurtenances, including fire hydrants, the manner of installation and the installation itself shall be in accordance with “Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction” as prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, the latest approved edition. The size of pipe and all appurtenances shall be adequate for the ordinary use and fire protection of the area to be served, but in no case shall the size of a water main be less than eight inches in diameter. Mains and appurtenances which meet these standards shall be termed “standard mains” and those which do not shall be termed “substandard mains”; provided, mains of not less than four inches internal diameter installed prior to passage of the ordinance codified in this section and MMC 13.28.100 through 13.28.140 may be considered standard mains if they meet other provisions of this section; provided further, that in the event unusual conditions exist and the water department determines a temporary arrangement is necessary and in the public interest, a substandard water system or water mains of other sizes and materials may be installed.
C. Installations may be made by the water department or by one or more property owners under the supervision, and subject to the approval, of the water department. If installations are specified by the water department in excess of the standards adopted in this section for the purpose of serving other property or improving the water system as a whole, the additional expense shall be borne by the city. (Ord. 1255 § 1, 1994; Ord. 926 § 1, 1983; Ord. 877 § 1, 1981; Ord. 695 § 1, 1976; Ord. 561 § 7(A), 1969).
13.28.100 Water main construction – New or substandard replacement authorized when – Main extensions required when – Engineering and design requirements – Extension outside city prohibited when.
A. Where premises not served by any main or served by a substandard main desire water service, standard water main shall be installed in the street or road fronting said premises, and said standard main shall extend and connect to the nearest standard main.
B. It shall be the policy of the city to require any owner or developer desiring water service to extend the water distribution main to the further edge, or line of the property to be served.
C. General.
1. The property owner is responsible for water system design.
2. The water system designer shall be a civil engineer licensed in the state of Washington and qualified by both the experience and educational background in the design of water facilities.
3. Engineering and design shall conform to the engineering standards.
D. Water Facility Requirements.
1. Whenever property is developed or redeveloped in any way such that water demand or use is altered, new water facilities are required wherever necessary to:
a. Meet fire flow and other fire protection requirements, including the number and location of fire hydrants and fire sprinkler components, as determined by the fire marshal’s office of the jurisdiction in which the project is located.
b. Meet domestic and irrigation flow requirements. See the engineering standards.
c. Meet pressure requirements. See the engineering standards.
d. Replace or relocate existing facilities as required or authorized by the utility.
2. Whenever property is developed or redeveloped, water mains shall be extended through and to the extremes of the property being developed as required by the utility when needed for the orderly extension or efficient gridding of the public water system.
3. The public works director may grant a variance to main extensions if under special circumstances the extensions would not add to the city’s grid system, the extension requirement would violate the constitutional rights of the applicant, or because of unique topographical features or other factors beyond the control of the applicant or the main extension would work an undue hardship on the applicant and provide little or no public benefit in return. The decision of the public works director is appealable to the hearing examiner.
E. Water Service Design.
1. Water services shall be sized in accordance with the International Plumbing Code. Combination domestic/fire services shall be sized to meet the greater of two demands, subject to approval by the fire marshal and, for projects within the Milton city limits, the department of planning and community development.
2. Each separate principal building is required to have its own water service.
F. Utility Separation Requirements. Water lines shall be separated from other utilities in order to avoid hazardous conditions and to provide adequate space for alterations and repairs. See the utility separation requirements contained in the engineering standards.
G. Electrical Service Grounding. Service connections or water utility distribution system piping shall not be used for grounding of electrical systems or for the maintenance, integrity or continuity of any grounding attachment or connection.
H. Cross-Connection Control. All connections to the public water system shall comply with the backflow prevention requirements.
I. The city shall not extend the water system outside the city beyond its water service area, unless water and other facilities are available and upon such terms and conditions, in addition to those set forth in this chapter, as the public works director may determine. (Ord. 1663 § 8, 2006; Ord. 1550 § 1, 2002; Ord. 926 § 1, 1983; Ord. 877 § 1, 1981; Ord. 695 § 1, 1976; Ord. 561 § 7(B)(1), 1969).
13.28.110 Water main construction – Owner payment responsibility.
The owners of premises to be served by a water main shall pay the entire cost of construction and installation of such water main and appurtenances, whether financed by formation of a local improvement district or by one or more property owners. (Ord. 926 § 1, 1983; Ord. 877 § 1, 1981; Ord. 695 § 1, 1976; Ord. 561 § 7(B)(2), 1969).
13.28.120 Water main construction – Repayment for private installation.
Whenever a standard water main has been constructed without a formation of a local improvement district, and at the cost and expense of one or more property owners, and said main thereafter is accepted by the city, the constructors shall file with the clerk a detailed cost statement of the premises having contributed to the installation of the main. Funds collected under of MMC 13.28.150(B) from premises which connect to such main within 10 years after installation and acceptance shall be paid to the person or persons who constructed the main in the manner prescribed by Chapter 13.32 MMC.2 (Ord. 926 § 1, 1983; Ord. 877 § 1, 1981; Ord. 849 § 1, 1980; Ord. 695 § 1, 1976; Ord. 561 § 7(B)(3), 1969).
13.28.130 Water main construction – Connection to substandard main authorized when.
A. Where premises are served by a substandard main and installation of a standard main is not feasible at the time, in the judgement of the water department, connection to the existing main may be permitted upon payment of the charges as set forth in MMC 13.28.150(B).
B. Such charges shall be paid into the water main customer reserve fund. Upon installation of standard water mains by the formation of a local improvement district, such charges shall be applied toward payment of the assessment against the premises. In the event the assessment is less than the retained charge, the residue shall be paid to the then record owner of the premises.
C. If a standard main is installed by private contract or by the water department, charge shall be paid to the constructor upon acceptance by the city of the main. (Ord. 926 § 1, 1983; Ord. 877 § 1, 1981; Ord. 695 § 1, 1976; Ord. 561 § 7(B)(4), 1969).
13.28.140 Water main construction – Temporary private connection authorized when.
A. Where an applicant desires water service for a premises not abutting a water main and where extension or construction by local improvement district or other means is not feasible at the time of application, then a temporary water service connection to an existing water main may be permitted at the total expense of the applicant and upon payment of the charges as set forth in the most current fees ordinance.
B. Such charges shall be paid into the water main customer reserve fund. Upon the installation of standard water mains by the formation of a local improvement district, such charges shall be applied toward payment of the assessment against the premises. In the event the assessment is less then the retained charge, the residue shall be paid to the then record owner of the premises.
C. If the standard main is installed by private contract, or by the water department, charges shall be paid to the constructor upon acceptance of the main by the city in accordance with Chapter 13.30 MMC. (Amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 926 § 1, 1983; Ord. 877 § 1, 1981; Ord. 695 § 1, 1976; Ord. 561 § 7(B) (5), 1969).
13.28.150 Water main construction – Payment of charges.
A. Where premises are served by an existing standard main, there shall be no water main construction charge under this section to connect to the main if:
1. The main is installed by a local improvement district for which the premises have paid an assessment; or
2. The main was installed by private contract and the constructor designated the premises as having contributed to the cost.
B. Where premises are served by an existing standard main, and the premises have not contributed to payment therefor as set forth in subsection A of this section, there shall be a water main construction charge included in the water service charges, as the most current fee ordinance stipulates.
C. Moneys collected under this section shall be paid to the constructor of the main if connection is within 10 years after construction of the main in accordance with Chapter 13.30 MMC. Otherwise, the moneys shall be paid into the water revenue fund. (Amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 926 § 1, 1983; Ord. 877 § 1, 1981; Ord. 695 § 1, 1976; Ord. 561 § 7(C), 1969).
13.28.160 Water mains city property – Mains in alleys or private property permitted for maintenance when.
A. The ownership of all water mains and appurtenances in public streets shall be vested solely in the city, and the person or persons responsible for the construction of such mains shall relinquish all interest in the ownership of such mains upon acceptance by the city by a written agreement.
B. The water department will not accept for maintenance or operation any mains or services laid in alleys or across private property, whether an easement is granted or not, unless special permission is granted by the city council. Such special permission shall be for a definite period of time. (Ord. 561 § 8, 1969).
13.28.170 Service connection installation – Method – When single connection required – Emergency temporary connections.
A. Where the premises to be supplied with water is located upon a street in which a water main of adequate capacity is installed, the premises shall be connected with the water main by a water service connection extending at right angles from the main to the curbline of the premises. A water meter and curb cock shall be placed approximately two feet inside of the curbline, or as directed by the director. Both curb cock and meter shall be protected by approved enclosures.
B. Each premises shall be provided with a water service connection to the water main at the expense of the owner as prescribed in MMC 13.28.030, upon approval of written application from the owner. In the case of multiple dwellings, the water department may grant the owner the right to install more than one suitable size service connection per premises, as prescribed in MMC 13.28.130; provided, that written application has been made by the owner and approved by the water department.
C. When two or more units on the same premises are being served unsatisfactorily by one water service connection, the water department shall have the right to require the installation of additional water service connections from the water main to the premises served.
D. When additional water service connections are provided for any premises, all water services to such premises shall be metered and installed in the regular manner.
E. Any premises supplied with water through one water service connection into the premises shall not be permitted to furnish water to any other premises except during emergency, which shall not exceed a period of 30 days. An application for emergency connection shall be filed with the water department within 48 hours of its occurrence. (Amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 561 § 9, 1969).
13.28.180 Service connection installation – Charges – Inside city.
Repealed by Ord. 1738. (Amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 877 § 2, 1981; Ord. 695 § 2, 1976; Ord. 561 § 10, 1969).
13.28.185 Permit and system development charges.
Prior to any water service construction, the owner shall pay the city permit and construction fees as established by the following schedules:
A. Permit and Inspection Fees. Said fee shall cover all costs of administration, plan review, inspection, purity tests and preparation and filing of as-builts. Pressure test and backflow test are the responsibility of the applicant or his/her contractor. The permit and inspection fees shall be as set by the city of Milton permit and utility fee and charge schedule, adopted by authority of MMC 3.48.010. All permit and inspection fees shall be paid to the finance department at the time the permit application is issued.
B. System Development Charges. It is the policy of the city that all property owners seeking to connect to the city water system shall bear their equitable share of the cost of the general facilities of such system. The city therefore sets the schedule for system development charges (SDC) as set by the city of Milton permit and utility fee and charge schedule, adopted by authority of MMC 3.48.010.
1. Single-family dwellings are considered one equivalent residential unit (ERU) with 24 or less fixture units per the National Plumbing Code and needing no more than a three-quarter-inch meter.
2. Each commercial establishment per building as set by the city of Milton permit and utility fee and charge schedule, adopted by authority of MMC 3.48.010.
3. Each industrial customer per acre fee (based on 3.50 ERUs per acre) as set by the city of Milton permit and utility fee and charge schedule, adopted by authority of MMC 3.48.010. In the event the amount of water needed by the industrial customer should exceed 3.50 ERUs per acre, the city shall calculate and charge the SDC based on actual anticipated water use.
4. The system development charge funds collected under this chapter shall be deposited in the utilities capital asset fund/account used only for utility system capital improvements.
5. On May 1st of each year, the system development charge shall be adjusted according to the June CPI for the previous year for the Seattle-Puget Sound area.
C. Service Installation Fee. The cost of the actual construction of a water service connection including meter and meter box shall be borne by the applicant. The city water utility staff will tap all city-owned mains for services up to and including two-inch. Charges for this service are a lump sum amount based on the average cost for said work. These charges shall be set by the city of Milton permit and utility fee and charge schedule, adopted by authority of MMC 3.48.010. (Ord. 1939 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1917 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1738 § 2, 2009).
13.28.190 Water service charges.
Repealed by Ord. 1738. (Ord. 1452 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1220 § 1, 1993; Ord. 980 § 1, 1984; Ord. 877 § 3, 1981; Ord. 816 § 1, 1980; Ord. 695 § 3, 1976; Ord. 561 § 11, 1969).
13.28.195 Rates for metered service.
A. The schedule of rates for the water facilities and service furnished by or through or for the use of the city water system, which rates are found and declared to be reasonable and just, taking into account and consideration the cost and value of the system and cost of maintaining and operating the system, and the proper and necessary allowances for the depreciation thereof and reserves therefor, are fixed, established, levied, imposed, and otherwise prescribed in this section. Such charges include utility taxes.
B. The applicant shall determine the meter size by using the current building code and Uniform Plumbing Code.
C. The city shall place a meter on every service and charge the metered rate as provided herein.
D. On the May billing of each year from 2023 through 2028, the rates established in this section shall be adjusted according to the rates noted.
E. The schedule of rates is as follows:
Water – Monthly Base Rate per Meter Size, In-City |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
3/4" |
$32.38 |
$36.27 |
$39.53 |
$41.51 |
$43.17 |
$44.25 |
1" |
$120.12 |
$134.53 |
$146.64 |
$153.97 |
$160.13 |
$164.13 |
1 1/4" |
$162.65 |
$182.17 |
$198.57 |
$208.50 |
$216.84 |
$222.26 |
1 1/2" |
$199.97 |
$223.97 |
$244.13 |
$256.34 |
$266.59 |
$273.26 |
2" |
$239.97 |
$268.77 |
$292.96 |
$307.61 |
$319.91 |
$327.91 |
3" |
$400.05 |
$448.06 |
$488.39 |
$512.81 |
$533.32 |
$546.65 |
4" |
$600.00 |
$672.00 |
$732.48 |
$769.10 |
$799.86 |
$819.86 |
6" |
$1,199.95 |
$1,343.94 |
$1,464.90 |
$1,538.15 |
$1,599.68 |
$1,639.67 |
Water – Monthly Consumption Rate – Single-Family, Duplex Units, In-City |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
Per 100 cubic feet: |
Up to 800 cubic feet consumed |
$3.20 |
$3.58 |
$3.90 |
$4.10 |
$4.26 |
$4.37 |
801 – 1,000 cubic feet consumed |
$3.49 |
$3.91 |
$4.26 |
$4.47 |
$4.65 |
$4.77 |
1,001 + cubic feet consumed |
$3.75 |
$4.20 |
$4.58 |
$4.81 |
$5.00 |
$5.13 |
Water – Monthly Consumption Rate – Commercial, Including Multifamily and Irrigation Units, In-City |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
Per 100 cubic feet: |
Up to 800 cubic feet consumed |
$3.38 |
$3.79 |
$4.13 |
$4.34 |
$4.51 |
$4.62 |
801 – 1,000 cubic feet consumed |
$3.65 |
$4.09 |
$4.46 |
$4.68 |
$4.87 |
$4.99 |
1,001 – 2,000 cubic feet consumed |
$3.90 |
$4.37 |
$4.76 |
$5.00 |
$5.20 |
$5.33 |
2,001 – 3,000 cubic feet consumed |
$4.17 |
$4.67 |
$5.09 |
$5.34 |
$5.56 |
$5.70 |
3,001 + cubic feet consumed |
$4.44 |
$4.97 |
$5.42 |
$5.69 |
$5.92 |
$6.07 |
Water – Monthly Base Rate per Meter Size, Outside of City |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
3/4" |
$36.59 |
$40.99 |
$44.67 |
$46.91 |
$48.78 |
$50.00 |
1" |
$135.74 |
$152.02 |
$165.70 |
$173.99 |
$180.95 |
$185.47 |
1 1/4" |
$183.80 |
$205.85 |
$224.38 |
$235.61 |
$245.03 |
$251.15 |
1 1/2" |
$225.97 |
$253.09 |
$275.87 |
$289.66 |
$301.25 |
$308.78 |
2" |
$271.17 |
$303.71 |
$331.04 |
$347.60 |
$361.50 |
$370.54 |
3" |
$452.06 |
$506.31 |
$551.88 |
$579.48 |
$602.65 |
$617.71 |
4" |
$678.00 |
$759.36 |
$827.70 |
$869.08 |
$903.84 |
$926.44 |
6" |
$1,355.94 |
$1,518.65 |
$1,655.34 |
$1,738.11 |
$1,807.64 |
$1,852.83 |
Water – Monthly Consumption Rate – Single-Family, Duplex Units, Outside of City |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
Per 100 cubic feet: |
Up to 800 cubic feet consumed |
$3.62 |
$4.05 |
$4.41 |
$4.63 |
$4.81 |
$4.94 |
801 – 1,000 cubic feet consumed |
$3.94 |
$4.42 |
$4.81 |
$5.05 |
$5.25 |
$5.39 |
1,001 + cubic feet consumed |
$4.24 |
$4.75 |
$5.18 |
$5.44 |
$5.65 |
$5.80 |
Water – Monthly Consumption Rate – Commercial, Including Multifamily and Irrigation Units, Outside of City |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
Per 100 cubic feet: |
Up to 800 cubic feet consumed |
$3.82 |
$4.28 |
$4.67 |
$4.90 |
$5.10 |
$5.22 |
801 – 1,000 cubic feet consumed |
$4.13 |
$4.62 |
$5.04 |
$5.29 |
$5.50 |
$5.64 |
1,001 – 2,000 cubic feet consumed |
$4.41 |
$4.94 |
$5.38 |
$5.65 |
$5.88 |
$6.02 |
2,001 – 3,000 cubic feet consumed |
$4.71 |
$5.28 |
$5.75 |
$6.05 |
$6.28 |
$6.44 |
3,001 + cubic feet consumed |
$5.02 |
$5.62 |
$6.12 |
$6.43 |
$6.69 |
$6.86 |
(Ord. 2066 § 1, 2023; Ord. 2048 § 2, 2022; Ord. 2017 § 1, 2021; Ord. 1984 § 1, 2020; Ord. 1961 § 1, 2019; Ord. 1939 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1917 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1890 § 1, 2016; Ord. 1867 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1738 § 2, 2009).
13.28.200 Service connection installation – Charges – Outside city.
Repealed by Ord. 1738. (Amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 877 § 4, 1981; Ord. 695 § 4, 1976; Ord. 561 § 12, 1969).
13.28.210 Water service charges – Outside city.
Repealed by Ord. 1452. (Ord. 1267 § 1, 1995; Ord. 1220 § 2, 1993; Ord. 980 § 1, 1984; Ord. 877 § 5, 1981; Ord. 816 § 1, 1980; Ord. 695 § 3, 1976; Ord. 561 § 11, 1969).
13.28.213 Water ready-to-serve charge expenditure limitations.
Repealed by Ord. 1220.
13.28.215 Water service charges – Senior citizens.
Low income senior citizens and low income disabled persons shall receive a 30 percent discount on their water service charge base rate. Such discount is only applicable to residential customers. (Ord. 1890 § 2, 2016; Ord. 1867 § 3, 2015).
13.28.220 Fire protection line connections – Water department non-responsibility for fire loss.
A. Separate water service connections for fire protection lines shall be laid by the water department and shall terminate with a gate valve and a meter. The entire cost of the installation shall be borne by the owner or his authorized agent. No water may be drawn from such a system for use other than fire protection.
B. The water department shall not be held responsible nor liable for any fire loss or damage of any nature directly or indirectly caused by the condition of the customer’s fire mains or other apparatus, by low or fluctuating pressure, by lack of water available, nor for shutoff for nonpayment or testing, or to enforce the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 561 § 14, 1969).
13.28.230 Fire protection line charges.
The rates for fire protection lines inside and outside of the corporate limits of the city shall be $31.33 per month, plus $0.31 per 100 cubic feet of water used. (Ord. 2048 § 2, 2022; Ord. 2017 § 1, 2021; Ord. 1984 § 1, 2020; Ord. 1961 § 1, 2019; Ord. 1939 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1917 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1890 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1867 § 4, 2015; Ord. 561 § 15, 1969).
13.28.240 Hydrants – Unauthorized use prohibited – Temporary connection authorized when.
It is unlawful for any person other than properly authorized employees of the water and fire departments to operate public fire hydrants and hose outlets unless proper arrangements have been made with the water department for payment for such water and permission has been granted by the director. (Amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 561 § 16, 1969).
13.28.250 Reuse of inactive connections authorized when.
A. When application is made for water service from a connection which has been inactive for a period of one year or more:
1. And if the existing service is substandard and it is physically possible to standardize the installation in accordance with Section 13.28.170, the applicant shall pay for new service as provided in the fee schedule and MMC 13.28.195.
2. And if the existing service is standard, the applicant shall pay a connection fee of one-tenth of the connection fee portion on the water service charges for a new service for each year or major fraction thereof that the service has been inactive.
B. When a water service connection has been inactive for 10 years or more, it will be considered unusable, and a new water connection will be required at the then current standard fee.
C. When any water service connection attains a period of inactivity of 10 years or more, it shall be subject to disconnection and removal at the discretion of the water department. (Ord. 561 § 17, 1969).
13.28.260 Connection lines required depth below ground – From water main to curb cock.
All water service connection lines three inches in diameter and smaller leading from the water main to the curb cock or gate valve shall be placed with the top of the pipe not less than 30 inches below the surface of the ground or the established street grade. Water service connection lines four inches in diameter and larger shall be placed with the top of the pipe not less than 42 inches below the surface of the ground or established street grade. (Ord. 561 § 18, 1969).
13.28.270 Service mains and connection lines materials and diameter.
Water service mains, connection lines and extensions laid underground to and within the premises shall be constructed of galvanized iron, cast iron or copper tubing up to and including four inches in nominal inside diameter. For water service mains, connection lines and extensions six inches in nominal inside diameter or larger, cast iron or asbestos-cement pipe shall be used; provided, that in the cases of bona fide emergency situations and conditions that are determined by the water department to exist, other sizes and types of approved synthetic material pipe may be utilized. Black iron or steel pipe may not be used. The use of asbestos-cement pressure pipe or other pipe material for water service connections which are extended underground to and within the premises may be permitted with the approval of the water department based on the local water pressure pertinent conditions. The class and type of water service connection line four inches or larger shall in all cases be subject to approval of the water department. Water service connections, lines, and extensions extending from the first branch inside the building shall be not less than one inch nominal inside diameter. (Ord. 561 § 19, 1969).
13.28.280 Connection lines required depth below ground – From curb cock to building – Required distance from sanitary sewer.
A. Unless otherwise approved by written permit from the water department, all water service connection lines leading from the curb cock to the building or premises to be serviced shall be laid with the top of the pipe not less than 30 inches below the surface of the ground.
B. In no case shall water service connection lines or extensions be laid or maintained parallel with and within 10 feet horizontally of any sanitary sewer.
C. When additional water service connection line extensions or renewals are to be made beneath the surface of the ground within the premises and connected to existing water service connection lines, an application therefor shall be made to the water department for inspection and approval. (Ord. 561 § 20, 1969).
13.28.290 Stop-and-waste cock requirements.
A. Stop-and-waste cocks or valves of approved pattern with key or handwheel attached shall be installed in the water service connection line leading from the city curb cock to the building within the premises served at all low points in the water service piping inside or outside the building, and shall be readily accessible to the occupant of the premises. Where there is no basement or other area under the building, the stop-and-waste cock or valve shall be installed in the service line leading into the premises at a point outside of and near the foundation, properly enclosed in a terra cotta, concrete or iron box, with approved cover, protected from frost and readily accessible.
B. No outlets shall be connected to the water service line between the city curb cock and the stop-and-waste nearest the curb cock. (Ord. 561 § 21, 1969).
13.28.300 Check and pressure relief valves – Building requirements – Service discontinuance authorized when.
A. The water department shall have the right to require the installation of check and pressure relief valves, or other protective devices, on water service lines within the premises, where this is found necessary to protect the water meter from hot water or in cases where polluted or stagnant water may be forced or siphoned back into the city water mains. The number and type of check and pressure relief valves to be installed shall be determined by the water department.
B. The water department shall have the right to discontinue water service to any premises where the owner thereof fails to comply with 10 days’ written notice, setting forth the nature of the complaint; provided, that where, in the opinion of the director, immediate discontinuance of service is necessary to protect the water system from contamination or pollution, the water department may discontinue water service without notice. The water department shall leave written notice on the premises, setting forth the reason for discontinuance of the water service. (Ord. 561 § 28(A), 1969).
13.28.310 Check and pressure relief valves – Lawn sprinkling systems requirement.
A. Lawn sprinkling services shall be equipped with an approved check valve at the meter and one or more stop-and-waste valves as required to drain the piping. Service may be refused on existing lawn sprinkling systems not so equipped.
B. A lawn sprinkling system connected to a water service shall be equipped with an approved check valve placed between the sprinkler stop-and-waste or the first outlet and the point of connection to the service line.
C. Vacuum breakers or other protective devices may be required by the water department. (Ord. 561 § 22(B), 1969).
13.28.320 Curb cocks positions requirements.
A. Persons installing plumbing in new buildings shall leave the curb cock in the “off” position upon completion of their work.
B. Persons making additions or repairs to existing plumbing systems shall leave the curb cock in the position in which it was found on beginning their work. (Ord. 561 § 23, 1969).
13.28.330 Debarment authorized for violation – Right of appeal.
Licensed plumbers or other persons doing plumbing work in connection with water supply lines within any premises or public street who fail to perform the work according to established rules, regulations and ordinances, or execute the work unskillfully or to the damage of the water department, may be debarred temporarily or permanently from making connection to or doing work on the city water mains. Any person so debarred shall have the right to appeal to the council. (Ord. 561 § 24, 1969).
13.28.340 Right of entry.
A. Two or more employees of the city, properly identified, shall have free access at reasonable hours of the day to all parts or premises or within buildings, thereof to which water is supplied from the city water mains, for the purpose of checking conformity to these regulations. The owner or his authorized agent shall accompany the city personnel during the inspection.
B. Whenever the owner of any premises supplied by the water department restrains authorized city employees from making necessary inspection, water service may be discontinued. (Ord. 561 § 25, 1969).
13.28.350 Turnon procedure for new service connections.
When new water service connections are installed for any premises, the curb cock or valve shall be turned to “off” position and locked. The curb cock shall remain off until a turnon is applied for and an order therefor is issued. A turnon order will be issued by the water department upon written application by the owner of the premises to be supplied after the building inspector has issued a certificate that all provisions of the plumbing code have met compliance, a certificate of occupancy issued and all current assessments and permit fees paid. Where service lines are laid beneath the surface of the ground, the pipes shall remain exposed until they are inspected and approved by the water department. (Ord. 1071 § 1, 1988; Ord. 561 § 26, 1969).
13.28.360 Free turnoff on request authorized.
Upon request to the water department, any service will be turned off without charge. (Ord. 561 § 27, 1969).
13.28.370 Service charges to continue until discontinuance request – Department non-responsibility for statements.
Repealed by Ord. 1738. (Amended at city’s request, 2/9/84; Ord. 561 § 30, 1969).
13.28.400 Unauthorized turnon prohibited – Payment for expenses required for turnon.
A. It is unlawful for any person except duly authorized employees of the water department or other authorized persons to turn on the water supply to any premises after a turnoff is made at the curb cock or valve by the water department.
B. The water service connection line to any premises supplied with water turned on by an unauthorized person after said water supply had been turned off by the water department for cause shall be disconnected from the water main in the street and shall not be connected again until violations of these rules and regulations have been corrected and all charges and penalties, including the expense incurred by disconnecting and reconnecting the service line, are paid or a satisfactory arrangement for payment is made with the water department. (Ord. 561 § 33, 1969).
13.28.410 Turnoff to condemned buildings required.
Whenever premises supplied with water have been condemned by the proper authorities of the city as dangerous to human life or unfit for human habitation, and notice of such condemnation has been received by the water department from said authorities, the director shall cause the water service to such premises to be turned off. Water service to such premises shall not be restored until the owner or agent has complied with the requirement of, and has secured a release or clearance from the proper authorities of, the city, certifying that the premises are again safe and fit for habitation. (Ord. 561 § 34, 1969).
13.28.420 Meter installation charges.
A. No charge will be made for the first or original installation of a three-fourths-inch meter on any water service to premises within the city limits, unless such installation is of a temporary nature, in which case the installation and removal will be made at the expense of the owner (see MMC 13.28.180 and 13.28.200).
B. Meters over three-fourths-inch size, and all meters in addition to the first or original meter installed to serve any real property having a common owner, shall be provided and installed by the water department at the expense of the owner (see MMC 13.28.180 and 13.28.200). (Ord. 561 § 35, 1969).
13.28.430 Meter change in size – Application required.
Whenever the owner of any premises within the city limits desires to increase or decrease the size of a meter larger than three-fourths inch, an application shall be made to the water department, and upon approval the exchange will be made at the expense of the owner, less credit for the depreciated value of the meter removed, provided the customer is entitled to such credit. (Ord. 561 § 37(A), 1969).
13.28.440 Meter removal and reinstallation charges.
A. Whenever the owner of any premises within the city limits served by a meter three-fourths inch or larger in size desires to discontinue service and have the meter removed, the water department will, upon a request by the owner, remove the meter without charge.
B. Reinstallation of meters will be made in the same size upon a request by the owner and deposit of the following charges with the treasurer to cover the labor for reinstallation only:
Meter Size |
Charge |
3/4" or less |
$6.00 |
1" |
7.00 |
1/2" |
9.00 |
2" |
12.00 |
C. Meters three-fourths inch and larger owned by the water department at the time of the passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter will be reinstalled only upon depositing with the city treasurer the water department’s sale price of the meter, together with the charges set forth in this section. (Ord. 561 § 37(B), 1969).
13.28.450 Meter replacement – Excessive consumption.
Whenever excessive consumption periodically overloads the capacity of a meter used to supply service to any premises, the water department will advise what size meter is necessary to give proper service without damage to the meter. Estimate of cost covering such change will also be furnished by the water department upon request from the owner without charge. If the owner does not make the required deposit for the installation of the larger meter within 30 days after the date of the notice, then the water department may install the proper size meter, charging the total cost of special service, or may discontinue service. (Ord. 561 § 37(C), 1969).
13.28.460 Meter replacement – Unserviceability from ordinary use.
The water department will maintain and repair and replace all meters when rendered unserviceable by ordinary use. (Ord. 561 § 38(A), 1969).
13.28.470 Meter replacement – Premises improvements or wilful acts.
Where replacements, repairs, or adjustments to any meter are made necessary by improvements to the premises, or by the wilful act, neglect or carelessness of the owner or occupant of the premises served, all expenses of such replacement, repairs, or adjustments incurred by the water department shall be borne by the owner of the premises. Where replacements, repairs and adjustments are necessary for any fire service meter rendered unserviceable by ordinary use, the water department will provide all labor required for such work and will pay the cost of materials not to exceed, in any one year, four times the monthly fire protection charge for the service. All material costs necessary in any one year for proper operation and maintenance of the service which are in excess of the aforementioned sum, shall be borne by the owner of the premises, and failure to pay such costs shall be sufficient cause for discontinuance of service. (Ord. 561 § 38(B), 1969).
13.28.480 Meter replacement – Hot water backflow.
The repairs to any meter damaged by hot water backing into the water main from the premises served will be borne by the water department for the first occurrence provided that the owner or occupant, upon written notice from the water department and within 14 days from date thereof complies with the instructions and requirements set forth in said notice to prevent a recurrence of the damage. Failure to comply with requirements shall be held as neglect and carelessness and the expense of further removal and repairs shall be borne by the owner of the premises. (Ord. 561 § 38(C), 1969).
13.28.490 Meter replacement – Test of defective meter – Deposit required.
A. When any customer whose water service is metered makes a complaint that the water bill for any period has been excessive, the water department shall, upon request, have the meter reread and the water service pipes and plumbing fixtures on the premises inspected for leaks. Should the customer then request that the meter be tested for accuracy he shall then make a deposit, as prescribed in this section with the city treasurer. The customer shall have the privilege of being present at the water department shops when such test is made. In case the test discloses an error of more than three percent of water consumed in favor of the city, the deposit shall be refunded to the customer, a correct registering meter shall be installed and the customer’s account shall be credited with the excess consumption on the three previous readings. When the test discloses an error of three percent or less in favor of the city, the meter shall be adjusted or an accurate meter shall be installed and the amount deposited will be retained by the water department to cover a part of the cost of such test.
B. Before making a test of any water meter, the person requesting such a test shall, at the time of request, make a deposit with the city treasurer of the amount charged for such test, which shall cover a part of the cost thereof and be as follows:
Meter Size |
Charge for Testing |
3/4" or less |
$ 6.00 |
1" |
7.00 |
1/2" |
9.00 |
2" |
12.00 |
(Ord. 561 § 38(D), 1969).
13.28.500 Damaging or storing material near water equipment prohibited.
A. It is unlawful for any person to wilfully disturb, break, deface or damage any fire hydrant, water meter, gate valve, water pipe or other waterworks appurtenances, together with the buildings, grounds and improvements thereon, or in any other manner interfere with the proper operation of any part belonging to or connected with the water system of the city in any manner whatsoever.
B. It is unlawful for any person to store, maintain or keep any goods, merchandise, material, or rubbish within a distance of five feet from any water meter, curb cock, gate valve or other appliance in use on any water service connection or water main.
C. Violations of this section shall be prosecuted as prescribed in Section 13.28.570. (Ord. 561 § 39, 1969).
13.28.510 Wasting water prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to allow water to be wasted at any point beyond the curb cock or meter by imperfect, faulty or leaking stopcocks, valves, pipes, closets, faucets, or other fixtures or appliances; or to install water closets without self-closing valves; or to allow any fixtures or appliances to run open for lack of repairs or to prevent freezing; or to use water for any purpose other than that set forth in the application upon which charges for water are based, or to use water in violation of the rules and regulations set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 561 § 40, 1969).
13.28.520 Sprinkling during fires prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to knowingly use water for lawn or garden sprinkling or irrigating purposes on any premises during the progress of a fire or conflagration. All sprinkling shall stop when the fire alarm sounds and shall not begin until the fire is extinguished. (Ord. 561 § 41, 1969).
13.28.530 Emergency discontinuance of service authorized when.
In the case of emergency or whenever the public health, safety, or the equitable distribution of water so demands, the director of the water department may change, reduce or limit in time or temporarily discontinue the use of water. Water service may be temporarily discontinued for purposes of making repairs, extensions, or doing other necessary work. Before so changing, reducing, limiting or discontinuing the use of water, the water department shall notify, insofar as practicable, all water consumers affected. The city shall not be responsible for any damage resulting from interruption, change or failure of the waste supply. (Ord. 561 § 42, 1969).
13.28.540 Street work on water pipes – Notice required – Liability for damage.
A. All person, firms, or corporations and municipal departments handling street work, such as grading, filling, paving, trenching for sewers, culverts, conduits, etc., shall give the water department at least eight days’ written notice in advance in case it becomes necessary, during the progress of the work, to remove, displace, adjust or change any water mains, pipes, fittings, meters, gate valves, or other water works appurtenances that may interfere with the progress of the work. The cost of all necessary material and labor for work done by the water department shall be borne by the party causing the work to be done.
B. Damage to any part of the water distribution system shall make the person, firm, corporation or municipal department responsible and liable to the water department for the cost of necessary repairs and replacements.
C. All construction shall conform to water department standards. (Ord. 561 § 43, 1969).
13.28.550 Cross-connections a nuisance – Connections with other systems authorized when.3
Renumbered by Ord. 1252. (Ord. 561 § 44, 1969).
13.28.560 Director of public works interpretation authority.
The director of the water department shall have the authority to decide any questions which may arise pertinent to the interpretation and/or the application of the regulations of this chapter. (Ord. 561 § 47, 1969).
13.28.570 Violation – Penalty.
Any person, firm, or corporation wilfully violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished as set forth in Chapter 1.08 MMC. (Ord. 561 § 46, 1969).
Prior legislation: Ord. 162.
Code reviser’s note: Ch. 13.32 MMC was repealed by Ord. 981.
See MMC 13.32.100.