Chapter 20.06


20.06.010    Generally.

20.06.020    Residential use category.

20.06.030    Civic use category.

20.06.040    Utilities use category.

20.06.050    Essential public facilities category.

20.06.060    Office/business use category.

20.06.070    Resource use category.

20.06.080    Commercial use category.

20.06.090    Industrial use category.

20.06.100    Accessory uses and buildings.

20.06.105    Permitted outside storage in the C (commercial), NB (neighborhood business), and HC (highway commercial) districts.

20.06.107    Conditionally permitted outside storage in the C (commercial), NB (neighborhood business), and HC (highway commercial) districts.

20.06.110    Intermediate manufacturing and intermediate/final assembly.

20.06.010 Generally.

The terms in this chapter shall apply to Chapters 20.52, 20.54, 20.56, 20.58, 20.60 and 20.64 PMC. Some of the terms have “levels.” Where a term includes levels, the only permitted or conditional uses are the uses authorized by the levels. Where a term does not include levels, the permitted or conditional uses are the uses included within the definition of the term. The term “basic manufacturing” in PMC 20.06.090 contains “categories” rather than “levels.” The only permitted or conditional uses for the term “basic manufacturing” are the uses authorized by the categories. (Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.020 Residential use category.

The residential use category includes permanent or transient living accommodations for individuals, families, or people with special needs. The residential category has been separated into the following types based upon distinguishing features such as type of structure, number, age and special needs of individuals who reside in the structure; and state and local licensing requirements.

A. Single-Family. “Single-family” use type refers to a detached building designed or used exclusively for the occupancy of one family and having housekeeping facilities for only one family (see PMC 20.04.255 and 20.04.285).

B. Duplex. “Duplex” use type refers to residential dwelling units providing living accommodations for individual families that are either not attached to another dwelling unit by any means or are attached in pairs of two. Duplex units include stick-built, modular, and manufactured homes.

C. Fraternity and Sorority House. “Fraternity and sorority house” use type refers to living accommodations for unrelated individuals belonging to a fraternity or sorority who share a residential structure in affiliation with a school of higher education.

D. Group Home. “Group home” use type refers to living accommodations for up to 10 related or unrelated individuals with special needs who share a single-family detached dwelling unit. Individuals may be provided with a combination of personal care, social or counseling services, and transportation. Examples of uses include group homes for the physically or mentally challenged, foster homes, women’s shelters, and drug abuse rehabilitation.

E. Mobile Home Park. “Mobile home park” use type refers to developments maintained under single or multiple ownership with unified control, where two or more spaces or pads are provided solely for the placement of mobile or manufactured homes which serve as living accommodations for families. Mobile home parks do not include mobile home subdivisions or recreational vehicle parks.

F. Multifamily Housing. “Multifamily housing” use type refers to three or more joined dwelling units which provide living accommodations for families. “Ground level multifamily” and “multiple level multifamily” are forms of multifamily housing.

G. Nursing Home. “Nursing home” use type refers to multi-unit or multibed facilities that are licensed or approved to provide living accommodations, health care, and medical supervision for 24 or more consecutive hours.

H. Senior Housing. “Senior housing” use type refers to living accommodations where at least one member of the family or an individual is age 55 or over and no member of the household is under 18 years of age. Housing types consist of independent living units comprised of grouped multifamily housing where elderly individuals or families reside and care for themselves. Assisted living facilities provide rooms, meals, personal care, supervision of self-administered medication, recreational activities, financial services, and transportation. (Ord. 1611 § 8, 2005; Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.030 Civic use category.

Civic use category includes facilities or services that are strongly associated with public need or social importance such as educational, cultural, medical, protective, and governmental.

A. Administrative Government Facilities and Services. “Administrative government facilities and services” use type refers to the executive, legislative, judicial, administrative, and regulatory activities of local, state, federal, and international governments that may perform public services and work directly with citizens. Typical uses include courthouses, human and social service offices, health offices, and government offices.

B. Day-Care Centers. “Day-care centers” use type refers to the commercial use of a building or any portion thereof for the care of individuals needing supervision and care on a less than 24-hour basis. The term shall also include facilities commonly known as pre-schools.

C. Community and Cultural Services. “Community and cultural services” use type refers to establishments primarily engaged in the provision of services that are strongly associated with community, social, or public importance. Typical uses include libraries, museums, art galleries, senior centers, community centers, performing arts theaters, community clubs and organizations, granges, blood banks, food banks, and shelters for the homeless. Also see essential public facilities, residential, and commercial use categories.

D. Educational Facilities. “Educational facilities” use type refers to educational services provided by public, private, or parochial institutions. Typical uses include elementary, junior, and senior high schools, community colleges, public and private colleges, universities, and private colleges not otherwise considered business or trade schools. Also see office/business use category and educational services use type.

E. Health Services. “Health services” use type refers to any health related facilities and services that are not listed elsewhere such as hospitals, surgical facilities, ambulance services, emergency medical facilities providing 24-hour walk-in services, and respite facilities for the elderly, terminally ill, or handicapped. Also see office/business use category-administrative professional office use type for medical and dental offices.

F. Postal Services. “Postal services” use type refers to mailing services provided by the United States Postal Service and serving neighborhoods, such as contract stations and branch post offices. Also see commercial use category, business services use type, and industrial use category, warehouse and distribution use type, for courier and parcel delivery.

G. Public Safety Services. “Public safety services” use type refers to public safety and emergency services such as police and fire protection services, correctional facilities, and animal control facilities such as the dog pound or humane society.

1. Level 1: Safety services requiring locations throughout the county such as police and fire.

2. Level 2: Animal control services, such as dog pounds or humane society facilities.

3. Level 3: Correctional facilities.

H. Recreation, Nonprofit. “Recreation, nonprofit” use type refers to publicly owned or nonprofit recreational areas and recreation facilities. Typical uses include neighborhood parks, community parks, regional parks, waterfront parks, open space, arboretums, small or special landscaped areas, community gardens, fairgrounds, zoos, and swimming pools. Rest areas associated with major transportation routes would also fall into this category. Also see commercial category-amusement and recreation use type for other types of recreation.

1. Level 1: Neighborhood parks and open space. Neighborhood parks range in size from approximately three to 10 acres. Open space may be unlimited in size and may or may not have public access.

2. Level 2: Community parks. Community parks exceed 10 acres in size.

3. Level 3: Regional parks. Regional parks exceed 40 acres in size.

4. Level 4: Linear trails. Linear trails are long, narrow parks used for walking, jogging, and bicycling. (Linear trails are exempt when located in existing rights-of-way.)

I. Religious Assembly. “Religious assembly” use type refers to religious services involving public assembly such as that which customarily occurs in synagogues, temples, and churches.

1. Level 1: Religious assembly with seating for 250 or fewer persons within the principal place of assembly.

2. Level 2: Religious assembly with seating for greater than 250 persons within the principal place of assembly.

J. Transportation. “Transportation” use type refers to the provision of public or semi-public transportation services. Typical uses include parking garages, park-and-ride lots, commercial parking lots, bus shelters, bus stations, bus transfer centers, passenger rail stations, ferry docks, and other types of public and quasi-public transportation facilities.

1. Level 1: Transportation uses serving residential neighborhoods such as bus shelters.

2. Level 2: Transportation uses serving communities and regions, such as passenger rail stations, parking facilities, school bus yards, bus barns, weigh stations, bus stations, and transfer centers.

3. Level 3: Heliports.

K. Utility or Public Maintenance Facilities. “Utility or public maintenance facilities” use type refers to facilities for open and enclosed storage and maintenance of vehicles, equipment, or related materials used in a utility or public facility activity.

1. Level 1: Facilities with a building of less than 1,000 square feet, without outdoor storage of equipment, materials, or vehicles.

2. Level 2: Facilities with a building of more than 1,000 square feet, or with outdoor storage. (Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.040 Utilities use category.

Utilities use category refers to facilities serving the public by means of an integrated system of collection, transmission, distribution, and processing facilities through more or less permanent physical connections between the plant of the serving entity and the premises of the customer. Included are systems for the delivery of natural gas, electricity, telecommunication services, for the collection of stormwater, and for the collection and disposal of sewage and refuse.

A. Communication or Cellular Facilities. “Communication or cellular facilities” use type refers to facilities used in the transmission of information by wire, radio, optical cable, electromagnetic, or other similar means. Communication facilities include central office switching units, remote switching units, telecommunications radio relay stations, and cellular communication facility support structures.

1. Level 1: Antennas or satellite dishes not exceeding 35 feet in height; structures not exceeding 2,500 square feet.

2. Level 2: Structures exceeding 2,500 square feet with or without antennas or satellite dishes not exceeding 35 feet in height.

B. Electrical Facilities. “Electrical facilities” use type refers to aboveground electrical transmission lines of an operating voltage of greater than 55 kV, and aboveground substations and switching stations. Electrical facilities are utility facilities that provide service in urban and rural areas. Also, see PMC 18A.25.070, exempted uses.

C. Electrical Generation Facilities. “Electrical generation facilities” use type refers to facilities that generate or cogenerate electric energy by, or as a resource for, utilities engaged in the transmission and distribution of electricity to the public. Electrical generation facilities include hydropower facilities, thermal generation facilities such as cogeneration and combustion turbines, and other facilities employed to generate electric energy by or as a resource for utilities.

D. Natural Gas Facilities. “Natural gas facilities” use type refers to facilities engaged in the distribution and storage of natural gas. Natural gas gate stations, natural gas storage facilities, and interim propane storage systems fall within this use type.

1. Level 1: Interim propane storage facilities.

2. Level 2: Natural gas storage for transportation.

3. Level 3: Natural gas dispensing stations.

E. Organic Waste Processing Facilities. “Organic waste processing facilities” use type refers to any solid waste facility specializing in the controlled decomposition of organic solid waste and which requires a solid waste permit under Chapter 70.95 RCW. Typical uses include MSW composting facilities, composting facilities, and soil treatment facilities.

1. Level 1: Soil treatment facilities.

2. Level 2: Composting facility designed to handle more than 40 cubic yards.

3. Level 3: Mixed solid waste composting facility.

F. Pipelines. “Pipelines” use type refers to facilities engaged in the transmission of water, petroleum, oil, or natural gas.

G. Sewage Collection Facilities. “Sewage collection facilities” use type refers to facilities used to collect sewage, including but not limited to, wastewater transfer facilities, odor control structures, pump stations, and lift stations.

H. Sewage Treatment Facilities. “Sewage treatment facilities” use type refers to facilities used to treat any liquid or waterborne waste of domestic origin or a combination of domestic, commercial, or industrial origin, and which by its design requires the presence of an operator for its operation, including alternative treatment works and package treatment plants. Also included are all of the various types of associated equipment, structures, and operations as they are currently constructed and operating or will result from technology; including, but not limited to, administrative offices, storage, laboratories, public walkways, recreational and educational uses, and parking lots. It shall not include any facility used exclusively by a single-family residence, septic tanks with subsoil absorption, industrial pretreatment facilities, privately owned treatment plants for industrial wastewater, or wastewater collection systems.

I. Stormwater Facilities. “Stormwater facilities” use type includes a conveyance, system of conveyances, or stormwater control facilities (including roads with drainage systems, catch basins, curbs, and gutters), ditches, man-made channels, storm drains, retention/detention facilities, and infiltration facilities which are designed or used for collection, storage, conveyance, and treatment of stormwater.

J. Waste Disposal Facilities. “Waste disposal facilities” use type refers to permanent disposal sites for solid waste. Typical uses include woodwaste, inert/demolition, MSW, special waste and biosolids landfills, and waste-to-energy facilities.

1. Level 1: Inert landfills.

2. Level 2: Inert landfills as accessory uses to mineral extraction sites.

3. Level 3: Woodwaste or demolition landfills.

4. Level 4: Special waste-to-energy facilities designed to burn more than 12 tons per day.

5. Level 5: MSW landfills, special waste landfills (including ash landfills, any landfill for special waste not previously identified and biosolids landfills), MSW waste-to-energy facilities.

K. Waste Transfer Facilities. “Waste transfer facilities” use type refers to solid waste facilities where solid waste is collected or subjected to interim processing before being transported to a permanent disposal site. Typical uses include recycling collection sites, drop box transfer stations, transfer stations, recyclables recovery facilities, waste separation recovery facilities, moderate-risk waste facilities, and tire piles.

1. Level 1: Recycling collection sites.

2. Level 2: Drop-box transfer stations.

3. Level 3: Transfer stations, waste separation recovery facilities, and moderate-risk waste facilities.

L. Water Supply Facilities. “Water supply facilities” use type refers to water purification facilities, water storage facilities, wellheads, and pump stations.

1. Level 1: Wellheads, pump stations, and water purification facilities not exceeding 1,000 square feet of building area nor exceeding the building height for the zone; water storage facilities not exceeding a 1,000 square foot footprint nor exceeding the building height for the zone.

2. Level 2: Water purification facilities exceeding 1,000 square feet of building area or exceeding the building height for the zone; water storage facilities exceeding 1,000 square feet of building area or exceeding the building height for the zone. (Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.050 Essential public facilities category.

Essential public facilities are included on the State Office of Financial Management list of essential state public facilities that are required or likely to be built within the next six years. When such essential public facilities are proposed, the process set forth in Chapter 2 of the comprehensive plan for the siting of essential public facilities will be followed. (See RCW 36.70A.200, siting of essential public facilities). (Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.060 Office/business use category.

Office/business use category includes establishments serving businesses or individuals with a wide variety of services such as providing advice, reports, marketing, financial needs, engineering, research, management, and related services that are necessary to conduct personal or professional business.

A. Administrative and Professional Offices. “Administrative and professional offices” use type refers to offices, private firms, or organizations which provide professional or administrative services to individuals or businesses. Typical uses include employment services, property management services, title companies, law offices, engineering/surveying consulting firms, architecture and landscape architecture firms, advertising and public relations firms, medical and dental offices, diagnostic testing services, advertising agencies, travel agencies, talent agencies, insurance offices, real estate offices, investment brokers, financial planners, banking services with or without drive-through facilities, offices for nonprofit and quasipublic agencies, and other business offices customarily associated with professional or administrative office services.

B. Educational Services.

1. “Educational services level 1” use type refers to educational services provided by public or private organizations or individuals with the primary purpose of preparing students for jobs in a trade or a profession. This does not include the use of outside vehicles or equipment for training. Typical uses include commercial/vocational schools, beauty and barber schools, business schools, and conservatories of art, music or drama.

2. Educational Services Level 2. “Educational services level 2” use type refers to educational services provided by public or private organizations or individuals with the primary purpose of preparing students for jobs in a trade or a profession. This includes the use of vehicles or equipment for training that are not wholly enclosed within a building. Typical uses include commercial/vocational schools and business schools. (Ord. 1960 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.070 Resource use category.

Resource use category includes the production or sale of plant and animal products and other resource-based industries such as forestry, mining, aquaculture, or the sale of products associated with resource-based industry.

A. Agricultural Sales. “Agricultural sales” use type refers to uses which involve the sales of agricultural supplies, including feed, grain, fertilizers, and farming equipment or the sale of agricultural products.

1. Level 1: Agricultural sales uses which involve the sale of goods such as produce, shrubbery, plants, eggs, wine, and dairy products in a farmer’s market format. Examples include produce stands, horticultural nurseries, and wineries.

2. Level 2: Agricultural sales uses which provide feed, grain, fertilizers, and small farming equipment sales and service. Examples include feed and grain stores.

3. Level 3: Agricultural sales uses which provide large farming equipment sales and services for items such as tractors and combines.

B. Agricultural Services. “Agricultural services” use type refers to businesses that support the agricultural industry and operate primarily outside an office setting. Typical uses include soil preparation and soil testing services, farm and farm labor management services, landscape and crop fertilizing and spraying services, livestock veterinary services, and other commercial services which typically provide the personnel and equipment necessary to maintain agricultural productivity.

C. Animal Production, Boarding, and Slaughtering. “Animal production, boarding and slaughtering” use type refers to uses which involve the commercial raising of animals, the production of animal products, such as eggs or dairy products, the boarding of animals, and the slaughtering and processing of animals.

1. Level 1: Animal production, boarding, and slaughtering uses which involve the commercial raising or boarding of animals or production of animal products, such as eggs or dairy products produced on-site, on an agricultural or commercial basis, but excluding the slaughtering and processing of animals. Examples include grazing, ranching, dairy farming, commercial stables, riding academies, and breeding and boarding kennels.

D. Crop Production. “Crop production” use type refers to uses which involve the raising and harvesting of row crops, field crops, or tree crops on an agricultural or commercial basis, including packing, primary processing, and storage facilities.

1. Level 1: Crop production uses which involve the raising and harvesting of row crops, field crops, or tree crops on an agricultural or commercial basis. Examples include grain and vegetable crops, fruit trees, and horticultural nurseries.

2. Level 2: Crop production uses which involve the primary processing, packaging, and storage of agricultural products. Examples include fruit and vegetable packing and shipment plants, warehouses, fruit and vegetable cold storage plants, and other uses involved in the harvesting and primary processing of locally grown agricultural products. This use type does not include the processing of agricultural products described under the “food and related products use type” of the industrial category. For the purposes of this use type, primary processing means performing service on crops subsequent to their harvest with the intent of preparing them for market or further processing.

E. Fish Hatcheries and Aquaculture. “Fish hatcheries and aquaculture” use type refers to uses which involve the production of finfish, shellfish, or other marine products within a confined space and under controlled feeding, sanitation, and harvesting procedures. Examples include salmon farms, oyster growing operations, and fish hatcheries.

F. Forestry. “Forestry” use type refers to uses which involve commercial harvesting of forest products, primary manufacturing of wood products, and scientific research related to management of forest lands.

1. Level 1: Forestry use types which involve commercial harvesting of forest products and scientific research related to management of forest lands. Examples include timber harvesting, gathering of forest products (e.g., bark, berries, mushrooms), silvicultural, and environmental research facilities.

2. Level 2: Forestry use types which involve the manufacturing of lumber and basic wood materials (examples include saw, lath, shingle, planing, plywood, drying kilns, and veneer mills) or involve processing of the lumber or wood materials into a consumer good. Examples include cabinets or other finished products made mainly from wood.

G. Mineral Extraction. “Mineral extraction” use type refers to uses which involve the mining of naturally occurring minerals, including metallic minerals, coal, nonmetallic minerals, and oil and gas, together with allied uses of rock crushing, screening, asphalt processing, and other auxiliary uses as approved by the planning commission. Examples include gold mines, coal mines, sand and gravel pits, rock quarries, oil and gas extraction. (Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.080 Commercial use category.

Commercial activities include the provision of services and the sale, distribution, or rental of goods that benefit the daily needs of the general public which are not otherwise classified as civic, office, or industrial activities. The commercial use category has been separated

into the following types based upon distinguishing features such as nature of business activity and type of goods or products sold or serviced. Any store or variety of stores exceeding 80,000 square feet shall be considered a commercial centers use type.

A. Adult Business. “Adult business” use type refers to establishments which provide entertainment, devices or services that are sexually explicit in nature and generate social impacts, thus, locationally sensitive to other uses, and where minors are excluded. Examples include adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult cabarets, adult motion picture theaters, adult novelty stores, escort services, massage parlors, and public bathhouses.

B. Amusement and Recreation. “Amusement and recreation” use type refers to establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the provision of sports, entertainment, or recreational services to the general public or members. Examples include marinas, video arcades, teen clubs, athletic clubs, swimming pools, billiard parlors, bowling alleys, ice or roller skating rinks, indoor movie theaters, drive-in theaters, miniature golf courses, golf courses, outdoor performance centers, sports arenas, and race tracks. Also see lodging use type, commercial use category, for camp sites and recreational vehicle parks.

1. Level 1: Indoor establishments not exceeding 5,000 square feet of total floor area.

2. Level 2: Indoor/outdoor facilities with a total floor area over 5,000 to 30,000 square feet; facilities, including parking lots, landscaped areas, together with accessory uses established on a lot or combination of lots up to three acres.

C. Billboards. “Billboards” use type refers to an advertising mechanism conveyed on a preprinted or hand painted changeable sign which directs attention to businesses, commodities, services, or facilities which are not sold, manufactured, or distributed from the property on which the sign is located.

D. Building Materials and Garden Supplies. “Building materials and garden supplies” use type refers to establishments primarily engaged in selling lumber and other building materials, paint, glass, and wallpaper, hardware, nursery stock, and lawn and garden supplies. Establishments primarily selling these products for use exclusively by businesses or to other wholesalers or primarily selling plumbing, heating and air-conditioning equipment, and electrical supplies are classified in the wholesale trade use type, commercial use category.

1. Level 1: Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of basic hardware lines, such as tools, builders’ hardware, paint, and glass. Retail sales of nursery, lawn and garden supplies, and lumber may be an accessory use to hardware stores. Utilization of outdoor areas for display and storage purposes may occur as an accessory use. The total floor area is under 10,000 square feet.

2. Level 2: Establishments primarily engaged in selling lumber and a general line of building materials, nursery, lawn, and garden supplies to the public. General line of building materials may include rough and dressed lumber, flooring, molding, doors, frames, roofing, siding, shingles, wallboards, paint, brick, tile, and cement. Utilization of outdoor areas for display or storage purposes may occur as an accessory use. The total floor area ranges between 10,000 square feet and 80,000 square feet.

E. Bulk Fuel Dealers. “Bulk fuel dealers” use type refers to establishments that sell fuels to businesses and households for transportation, heating, and business purposes. Fuel dealers store or sell materials that are flammable, explosive, or toxic. Examples include propane gas sales, heating oil dealers, liquefied petroleum gas dealers, coal, wood, or other fuel dealers.

F. Business Services. “Business services” use type refers to uses primarily engaged in providing services to business establishments on a contract or fee basis. Examples include courier services, parcel delivery services, fax services, telegraph services, reproduction services, commercial art and photography services, stenographic services, and janitorial services.

G. Buy-Back Recycling Center. “Buy-back recycling center” use type refers to a business without industrial activity which collects, receives, or buys recyclable materials from household, commercial, or industrial sources for the purpose of sorting, grading, or packaging, without changing the essential form or nature of recyclables for subsequent shipment and marketing (also see the industrial use category for recycling processor use type).

H. Commercial Centers. “Commercial centers” use type refers to any lot or combination of lots with a store or variety of stores, offices, and services integrated into a complex utilizing uniform parking facilities. A variety of goods are sold or services provided at these centers ranging from general merchandise to specialty goods and foods. Commercial centers can be grouped into two levels.

1. Level 1: Any store or commercial center containing a variety of stores with a cumulative floor area over 80,000 square feet and up to 200,000 square feet.

2. Level 2: Any commercial center containing a store or variety of stores with a cumulative floor area greater than 200,000 square feet.

I. Eating and Drinking Establishment. “Eating and drinking establishment” use type refers to establishments that sell prepared food and liquor and may also provide music. Examples include espresso stands, fast food restaurants, and full service restaurants.

J. Food Stores. “Food stores” use type refers to stores primarily engaged in the retail sale of a variety of canned and dry foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, or meats, poultry, and fish, and may include a variety of disposable nonfood products. Examples include meat and fish markets, vegetable markets, retail bakeries, dairy stores, and grocery stores.

1. Level 1: Total floor area up to 5,000 square feet.

2. Level 2: Total floor area over 5,000 and up to 40,000 square feet.

K. Lodging. “Lodging” use type refers to establishments that provide lodging services. Examples include hotels, motels, master planned resorts, and retreat centers.

1. Level 1: Camp sites and recreational vehicle parks.

2. Level 2: Hotels and motels.

L. Mobile, Manufactured and Modular Home and Office Sales. “Mobile, manufactured, and modular home and office sales” use type refers to those establishments that store and sell premanufactured homes and offices. The primary purpose is to provide sites for marketing and distribution.

M. Motor Vehicles and Related Equipment Sales/Rental/Repair and Services. “Motor vehicles and related equipment sales/rental/ repair and services” use type refers to establishments or places of business engaged in the sales, leasing, or service of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and boats; or heavy equipment and supplies related to motor vehicles; and self-moving or commercial moving services.

1. Level 1: Gasoline service stations together with accessory automobile repair and convenience shopping, electric vehicle battery exchange stations, and car washes with a one-car capacity.

2. Level 2: Automotive repair shops and car washes. Typical uses include general repair shops, transmissions and engine rebuild shops, muffler shops, glass repair shops, automobile upholstery services, and lube/oil shops.

3. Level 3: On-site sales, lease, or rental of automobiles, trucks not exceeding three tons of vehicle weight, and recreational vehicles. Other activities include automobile body repair and painting facilities.

4. Level 4: Sales, lease, or rental of heavy truck and heavy equipment exceeding three tons of vehicle weight, supplies intended for outdoor use, and truck service stations. Typical use includes truck stops primarily designed for the service and fueling of heavy trucks and tractor trailer sales.

N. Personal Services. “Personal services” use type refers to uses primarily engaged in providing services to individuals. These services meet the needs on a daily, weekly, monthly, or less frequent basis. Examples include coin-operated laundries, dry cleaning drop-off/pick-up establishments, dry cleaners, beauty shops, barber shops, clothing alterations, tanning salons, travel agencies, funeral services, photographic studios, carpet and upholstery cleaners, taxi services, and personal improvement services. Also see rental and repair services use type for other services.

1. Level 1: Establishments where total floor area does not exceed 2,500 square feet and do not involve outdoor storage of vehicles.

2. Level 2: Establishments where total floor area exceeds 2,500 square feet or involves outdoor storage of vehicles.

O. Pet Sales and Services. “Pet sales and services” use type refers to places of business primarily engaged in the retail sale, production, and services associated with small animals and household pets. Examples include pet stores, dog bathing and clipping salons, pet grooming shops, pet training centers, and veterinary hospitals for small animals and pets. See the resource use category, agricultural services use type, for regulations pertaining to large animal veterinary services. Also see resource use category, animal production, boarding and slaughtering use type, for breeding and boarding kennels.

1. Level 1: Retail and service establishments are always located completely indoors and are less than 2,500 square feet in total floor area.

P. Rental and Repair Services. “Rental and repair services” use type refers to establishments primarily engaged in the provision of repair services or closely related uses. Typical uses include upholstery shops, appliance repair shops, small engine and power tool rental and repair such as lawn mowers and chainsaws, vacuum cleaner repair, medical equipment rental and repair services, rental furnishings, and instrument repair services. Refer to motor vehicles and related equipment sales/rental/repair and services use type for automotive repair. Also see personal services use type for clothing alterations.

1. Level 1: Establishments that do not involve outdoor storage.

2. Level 2: Establishments that involve outdoor storage of equipment.

Q. Sales of General Merchandise. “Sales of general merchandise” use type refers to establishments that sell general merchandise including apparel and accessories, pharmaceuticals, optical goods, furniture and home furnishings, computers, and electronics. Farmers markets, flea markets, and swap meets are considered similar types of activities. Also see building materials and garden supplies use type for establishments primarily engaged in selling lumber and other building materials, paint, glass, wallpaper, hardware, nursery stock, and lawn and garden supplies.

1. Level 1: Total floor area up to 5,000 square feet.

2. Level 2: Total floor area over 5,000 and up to 30,000 square feet.

3. Level 3: Total floor area over 30,000 square feet and up to 80,000 square feet.

R. Storage. “Storage” use type refers to businesses engaged in the storage of items for personal and business use. Business activities other than rental of storage spaces are prohibited. Examples of personal storage uses include mini-warehousing and boat storage yards. For maintenance or repair of recreational vehicles or boats, also see the motor vehicles and related equipment, sales/rental/ repair and services use type.

S. Wholesale Trade. “Wholesale trade” use type refers to establishments primarily engaged in selling merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional or professional business users; to other wholesalers; or acting as agents or brokers and buying for or selling merchandise to such individuals or companies. Typical wholesale trade establishments include wholesale merchants or jobbers and cooperative buying associations. Typical wholesale trade businesses are electrical distributors, plumbing supplies, heating and air-conditioning equipment supplies, lumber and construction materials supplies, professional and commercial equipment supplies.

1. Level 1: Establishments with total floor area of 10,000 square feet or less and indoor storage only.

2. Level 2: Establishments with total floor area of more than 10,000 to 80,000 square feet and with indoor or outdoor storage. (Ord. 1829 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1805 § 3, 2011; Ord. 1780 § 3, 2010; Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.090 Industrial use category.

Industrial use categories include the on-site production, processing, storage, movement, servicing, or repair of goods and materials. The harvesting and extraction of raw materials, e.g., agricultural, forest, mineral, etc., is not included within the industrial use categories but is found within the resource use category. The industrial use categories typically have one or more of the following characteristics: relatively large acreage requirements, create substantial odor or noise, create heavy traffic passenger vehicle and/or truck volumes, employ relatively large numbers of people, and/or create visual impacts incompatible with residential development.

A. Basic Manufacturing. “Basic manufacturing” use type refers to uses that involve the primary processing of a raw or initially processed material into a product that requires additional processing, manufacture, or assembly in order to become a consumer good. The categories are:

1. The production of basic chemicals;

2. Petroleum and natural gas storage;

3. The manufacture of castings, foundry, and other basic metal products, and the manufacture of nails, spikes, and insulated wire and cable;

4. The tanning, curing, or storage of raw hides or skins;

5. The manufacture of cement, ready-mix concrete, cut stone, and crushed rock and other primary products from materials taken principally from the earth in the form of stone, clay, and sand;

6. The manufacture of asphalt and asphalt reclamation processes;

7. Soil remediation facilities;

8. Saw, lath, shingle, planing, plywood and veneer mills engaged in producing lumber and basic wood materials;

9. The manufacture of pulps from woods and other cellulose fibers and from rags;

10. Petroleum and natural gas refining and processing; and

11. The smelting and refining of ferrous and nonferrous metals from ore or scrap, rolling, drawing, and alloying metals.

B. Contractor Yards. “Contractor yards” use type refers to an area for construction or contracting business offices and the interior or outdoor storage, repair, or maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and construction supplies and materials.

C. Food and Related Products. “Food and related products” use type refers to uses which involve the processing of nonanimal food materials, raw milk, ice manufacturing, and other food products manufacturing, processing, storage and packaging. Examples include: bakeries which distribute products to many retail outlets, creameries and other dairy products manufacturing without on-site dairy animals, soft drink bottling plants, feed and cereal mills, flour mills, vegetable oil manufacturing, refining or storage, yeast plants, and starch, glucose and dextrine manufacturing, and dry pet food, lard, pickles, sauerkraut, and vinegar manufacturing, sugar refining, breweries and distilleries. This use type does not include any food processing in which animals, slaughtered or live, are processed on site. Those uses are found under the animal production, boarding, and slaughtering use type.

1. Level 1: Breweries and wineries.

2. Level 2: All other uses in this use type.

D. Industrial Services and Repair. “Industrial services and repair” use type refers to uses involving the repair of medium and large sized products.

1. Level 1: Boats and trucks exceeding three tons of vehicle weight.

2. Level 2: Uses providing large scale or bulk services to commercial and industrial businesses but not directly to the consumer, e.g., clothes cleaning plants, bulk laundries, diaper services, power laundries, linen supply, dry cleaning plants, industrial launderers, other laundry and garment services, and industrial services related strictly to industrial uses, e.g., assaying, towing and tugboat services, water transportation services, physical and biological research testing laboratories, and industrial wastewater treatment facilities.

E. Intermediate Manufacturing and Intermediate/Final Assembly. See PMC 20.06.110.

F. Motion Picture/Television and Radio Production Studios. “Motion picture/television and radio production studios” use type refers to uses engaged in the production and distribution of motion pictures, production and distribution of television segments, radio and television production of commercial spots, and other related activities.

G. Off-site Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities. “Off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities” use type refers to facilities that treat and store hazardous waste generated off-site and are authorized pursuant to Chapter 70.105 RCW. All contiguous land and structures used for recycling, reusing, reclaiming, transferring, storing, or treating hazardous wastes are included.

H. Printing, Publishing, and Related Industries. “Printing, publishing, and related industries” use type refers to uses engaged in printing by one or more common processes, such as letterpress, lithography, or screen; services for the printing trade, such as bookbinding and platemaking; and publishing newspapers, books, and periodicals.

1. Level 1: Floor area devoted to printing/pressing operation not exceeding 5,000 square feet.

2. Level 2: Floor area devoted to printing/pressing operation in excess of 5,000 square feet.

I. Recycling Processor. “Recycling processor” use type refers to a recycling business or other industrial activity which specializes in collecting, storing, and processing (converting) recyclable materials, other than hazardous waste, automobile parts, or municipal garbage, for reuse and which uses mechanical equipment to do the processing. Examples include facilities where commingled recyclables are sorted, baled, compacted, sheared, cut or otherwise processed for transport off site and redistribution. Also see the commercial use category for buy-back recycling center use type for comparison.

1. Level 1: Recycling Processors. Permitted outright when located entirely within a building and processing household metals, subject to regulations contained within Chapter 22.01 PMC.

2. Level 2: Recycling Processors. Permitted conditionally when not located entirely within a building or when processing industrial metals.

J. Salvage Yards/Vehicle Storage Facilities. “Salvage yards/vehicle storage facilities” use type refers to uses that involve the salvage of wrecked vehicles, vehicle parts and appliances; and the storage of vehicles for purpose of wholesale trade or impoundment.

1. Level 1: Salvage yards/vehicle storage facilities uses dealing with storage and impound facilities for motor vehicles and salvage facilities for wrecked motor vehicles, vehicle parts, and appliances in which all vehicles and merchandise are stored within an enclosed building(s).

2. Level 2: Salvage yards/vehicle storage facilities uses dealing with storage and impound facilities for motor vehicles and salvage facilities for wrecked motor vehicles, vehicle parts, and appliances in which vehicles and merchandise are stored either within an enclosed building(s) or in a secure outdoor storage area.

K. Warehousing, Distribution, and Freight Movement. “Warehousing, distribution, and freight movement” use type refers to the large scale warehousing and distribution of manufactured or processed products for one or more businesses and the large scale distribution of raw, manufactured, or processed products for one or more businesses at a central location.

1. Level 1: Warehousing, distribution, and freight movement uses in which manufactured or processed products are stored either within a building serviced by loading docks or in secure outdoor storage areas. Such facilities typically transport products by truck or rail and are often located in close proximity to marine ports. Examples include: grocery chain distribution centers and parcel delivery distribution centers, storage of fabricated concrete blocks, finished lumber storage yard, new automobile storage areas.

2. Level 2: Warehousing, distribution, and freight movement uses in which raw materials, semi-processed materials, or fully manufactured or processed materials are stored either within buildings serviced by loading docks or in secure outdoor storage areas. Such facilities are not necessarily devoted to a single product and are usually located in close proximity to rail lines, marine ports, airports, or regional highways. Examples include raw log storage, shipping container yards. (Ord. 1828 § 3, 2012; Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).

20.06.100 Accessory uses and buildings.

A. Permitted.

1. The accessory uses and buildings permitted outright in the zoning classifications are listed in each chapter relating to the individual zoning classification. If a proposed accessory use or building is not listed as either permit or prohibited, then a code interpretation is required to allow the accessory use or building.

2. Accessory buildings shall not be constructed or located on a lot in any zone unless there is an existing lawfully permitted principal use on the same lot of record.

B. Limits on the Number of Accessory Buildings, Size Limitations and Height Limitations (RO, RS, RML, RMH Residential Zones). Numbers, size and height limits are provided in Table 20.06.100a below.

C. Limit on Number of Accessory Buildings in Commercial, Office and Industrial Zones.

1. Commercial zones (NC, MC, NB, C, HC): no limit.

2. Office zone (OP): no limit.

3. Industrial zones (LI, HI): no limit.

D. Setbacks. Accessory buildings shall not be placed or constructed closer than 10 feet to the principal building. New accessory buildings that are 200 square feet in size or less shall comply with all setbacks applicable to the principal building, except that on lots not abutting an alley, the minimum rear and side yard setbacks for nonresidential accessory buildings shall be three feet with a maximum height of 14 feet. New accessory buildings greater than 200 square feet in size shall comply with this section and the International Residential Code, adopted in PMC 17.04.010.

E. Design Standards. In all residential zones, any accessory building that is greater than 200 square feet shall be (1) architecturally consistent with the principal building on the subject lot; and (2) have a roof pitch that has equal or greater pitch as the primary building.

Table 20.06.100a 

Zoning District

Maximum Number of Accessory Buildings

Size Limitation



RS 6


Combined square feet not to exceed 15% of lot area.

Max. size of building – 10,000 sq. ft.

Not to exceed height of principal building with maximum height of 24 feet.

If the height of the primary building is a one-story building and adjacent homes on adjacent lots are two story, then the accessory building may be up to 24 feet in height.

RS 11 – One acre or less

No limit

Combined square feet not to exceed 15% of lot area (on one acre this equals 6,534 sq. ft.)

24 feet

RS 11 – Greater than one acre

No limit

Combined square feet not to exceed 15% of lot area.

Max. size of building – 10,000 sq. ft.

24 feet – one add. foot for each additional four feet that the accessory building is placed from the required setback up to 30 feet.



No limit

Combined square feet not to exceed 15% of lot area.

To the maximum allowed in the zoning district.

(Ord. 1952 § 5, 2017).

20.06.105 Permitted outside storage in the C (commercial), NB (neighborhood business), and HC (highway commercial) districts.

Outside storage may not exceed an area equal to 10 percent of the floor area of the associated building, provided the storage is supplemental to the permitted use, located to the rear of the property, does not abut a street, and is separated by another use, such as a building or parking lot with landscaping, when adjacent to a residential zone. (Ord. 1524 § 6, 2002).

20.06.107 Conditionally permitted outside storage in the C (commercial), NB (neighborhood business), and HC (highway commercial) districts.

Outside storage that is supplemental to a permitted use may not exceed an area equal to 50 percent of the floor area of the associated building. Such storage shall be approved by the community development director, through the administrative use permit process, if:

A. It is located to the rear of the property and does not abut on a street; and

B. It is separated by another use such as a building or parking lot with landscaping when adjacent to a residential zone; and

C. Appropriate landscaping and other buffering measures is provided in order to ensure that visual impacts, noise, odor, dust, and other related impacts are contained within the site; and

D. Screening and buffering measures are provided. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, landscaping, berms, fencing, walls, additional setbacks, limitation on height of stored materials, and location of the storage area to eliminate visibility from adjoining streets and properties. (Ord. 1524 § 7, 2002).

20.06.110 Intermediate manufacturing and intermediate/final assembly.

“Intermediate manufacturing and intermediate/final assembly” use type refers to uses that involve intermediate processing of semi-processed material into a consumer good and to uses that involve the assembly of semi-processed and/or intermediate processed products into a consumer good. This use type refers to the production, manufacture, fabrication or assembly of one or more of the following product types:








Clothing and fabricated products







Products manufactured by predominantly chemical processes and which are to be used for ultimate consumer consumption







Products manufactured by predominantly chemical processes and which are to be used for further manufacture of other products







Electronic computers, computer hardware components and related equipment, and other machine apparatus and supplies for the generation, storage, transmission, transformation and utilization of electrical energy







Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment







Finished products made entirely or mainly from wood for use in construction







Paper and paperboard and its conversion into other paperboard products







Ferrous and nonferrous metal products and a variety of metal and wire products manufacturing







Products manufactured or assembled from plastic resins and from natural, synthetic or reclaimed rubber







Paving and roofing materials, compounding lubricating oils and greases, rubber reclaiming, manufacture of synthetic rubber







Instruments for measuring, testing, analyzing and controlling optical instruments, medical instruments and equipment, photographic equipment, watches and clocks, and supplies associated with the previous products







Glass and glass products, clay products, pottery







Concrete and gypsum products, abrasive and asbestos products and other secondary products from materials taken principally from the earth in the form of stone, clay and sand







Woven and knit fabrics, and carpets and rugs from yarn







Dyeing, finishing, coating, waterproofing and other treating of fiber, yarn and fabrics







Felt, lace goods, non-woven fabrics, and miscellaneous textiles







Equipment for transportation of people or cargo by land, air, rail or water







Other manufacturing and/or assembly processes in which processed or semi-processed materials are made or assembled into consumer products and supplies







Research, development and testing except biological and chemical laboratories







Food and related products (Levels 1, 2); provided, however, that such use complies with PMC 20.54.090(B)







The powder coating of premanufactured metal products







Sandblasting services







(Ord. 1995 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1980 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1745 § 1, 2009; Ord. 1361 § 12, 1998).