Title 18
18.07 Single-Family Homes—Manufactured Homes—Design Standards
18.08 Commercial Development Design Standards
18.15 “A” (Agribusiness) District
18.16 “AT” (Agri-Tourism) District
18.18 “RR” (Residential, Rural Density) District
18.21 “RL” (Residential, Low Density) District
18.24 “RMS” (Residential, Manufactured Home Subdivision) District
18.27 “RM” (Residential, Medium Density) District
18.30 “RH” (Residential, High Density) District
18.33 “RMP” (Residential, Manufactured Home Park) District
18.35 “UR” (Urban Residential) District
18.37 “CN” (Commercial, Neighborhood) District
18.40 “CD” (Commercial, Downtown) District
18.43 “CG” (Commercial, General) District
18.46 “CT” (Commercial, Thoroughfare) District
18.48 “CP” (Commercial, Professional) District
18.49 “IL” (Industrial, Light) District
18.52 “IH” (Industrial, Heavy) District
18.55 “PF” (Public Facility) District
18.56 “UR” (Urban Reserve) District
18.57 “SSR” (Steep Slope Residential) District
18.58 Planned Unit Development (PUD)
18.59 Clustering in “SSR” (Steep Slope Residential) District
18.60 Specific Uses—Regulations
18.66 Special Provisions and Exceptions
18.69 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses
18.81 Administration and Enforcement
18.90 Recreational Marijuana and Medical Cannabis Regulations