Chapter 18.62
18.62.030 Manufactured home standards.
18.62.035 Recreational vehicle and trailer parking and storage regulations.
18.62.040 Manufactured home park uses and standards.
18.62.045 Pre-existing nonconforming uses.
18.62.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards for the safe and compatible location of manufactured home parks and recreational vehicle parks. (Ord. 2024-041 § 3 (Exh. D); Ord. 97-010 § 5; Ord. 97-004 § 1)
18.62.020 Definitions.
Repealed by Ord. 2024-041. (Ord. 2021-011 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 97-010 § 5; Ord. 97-004 § 1)
18.62.030 Manufactured home standards.
This section establishes standards for the location of manufactured homes, which conforms with the definition of manufactured homes as defined by RCW 46.04.302.
A. Manufactured Homes in Manufactured Home Parks. Any manufactured home placed in a new or expanded MHP must be installed to meet the site preparation and foundation requirements set forth in Chapter 296-150I WAC, administered by the State Department of Labor and Industries.
B. Manufactured Homes in Existing Manufactured Home Parks. Any manufactured home which is to be placed in a manufactured home park existing at the time this title became effective must meet the site preparation and foundation requirements set forth in Chapter 296-150I WAC, which are administered by the State Department of Labor and Industries.
C. Manufactured Homes in Other Locations.
1. Manufactured Homes. Manufactured homes built to National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and the Washington State Manufactured Housing Standards are permitted in all applicable zoning districts, provided they meet the following requirements:
a. The manufactured home meets the same requirements for a building permit as any other site-built home.
b. The manufactured home adheres to the bulk and dimensional standards established for the zoning district in which the manufactured home is located.
c. Manufactured homes placed on a lot outside a manufactured housing park must be at least 864 square feet in floor area. Consequently, a manufactured home can be used as a primary residence, but not as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU).
2. Manufactured homes permitted as accessory living quarters for security personnel or caretakers must be installed in a way that meets the site preparation and foundation requirements as set forth in subsection A of this section.
3. Manufactured homes permitted on construction sites as temporary uses consistent with Chapter 18.68 SMC must be installed in a way that meets the site preparation and foundation requirements as set forth in subsection A of this section or a lesser standard appropriate for the duration of use that is approved by the building official.
D. Running Gear Removal. The hitch, wheels, and other running gear shall be removed or thoroughly screened from view on all new or relocated manufactured homes, except those permitted for construction or emergency use.
E. Steps. Steps and/or landings must be provided at all entrances in any new or relocated manufactured home in accordance with the current International Building Code (IBC) as amended. (Ord. 2024-041 § 3 (Exh. D); Ord. 2021-002 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 97-010 § 5; Ord. 97-004 § 1)
18.62.035 Recreational vehicle and trailer parking and storage regulations.
All recreational vehicle and trailer parking and storage within manufactured home parks shall be in conformance with Chapter 18.48 SMC as amended. (Ord. 2024-041 § 3 (Exh. D); Ord. 97-010 § 5; Ord. 97-004 § 1)
18.62.040 Manufactured home park uses and standards.
The uses permitted in a development, alteration, or expansion of any manufactured home park (MHP) will be in accordance with the following:
A. Uses Permitted. The following uses are permitted in a manufactured home park:
1. Manufactured homes used as dwellings and accessory uses;
2. Recreational vehicles used as dwellings in a manufactured home park that was in existence prior to the effective date of this title;
3. Manufactured home accessory structures as defined in SMC 18.08.020;
4. Community and recreational facilities as defined by SMC 18.08.020;
5. A manufactured home park office and storage buildings necessary for the maintenance or operation of the manufactured home park;
6. A residence for the use of a manager or caretaker which may be a manufactured, modular, or site built home; and
7. Storage buildings for the use of tenants of the manufactured home park only.
B. Development Standards. Manufactured home parks must comply with applicable state laws and regulations, and the requirements of this title. The standards established in this subsection are minimum standards.
1. Residential Density. The maximum density of development in any MHP may not exceed nine manufactured homes per gross acre of MHP area.
2. Lot Size. The minimum lot size for any manufactured home lot is:
a. Two thousand four hundred square feet, with a minimum lot dimension of 34 feet if designed to accommodate a single or double wide manufactured home not exceeding 960 square feet within its walls.
b. Three thousand six hundred square feet, with a minimum lot dimension of 40 feet if designed to accommodate a double or triple wide manufactured home exceeding 960 square feet within its walls.
Minimum Lot Sizes |
Mobile Home Size |
Minimum Lot Size |
Minimum Lot Dimension |
Single wide: |
2,400 sq. ft. |
34 feet |
Double or triple wide: |
3,600 sq. ft. |
40 feet |
3. Building Coverage. For each manufactured home park lot, the maximum lot coverage for any manufactured home lot located within a manufactured home park may not exceed 60 percent.
4. Building Height. No building or structure within a manufactured home park may exceed 35 feet in height.
5. Required Setbacks. A manufactured home, manufactured home accessory structure, and other structures within a manufactured home park may not be located within the following minimum required setbacks:
Setbacks |
From public right-of-way |
From MHP boundary that is not a public right-of-way |
22 feet |
15 feet |
Structural Separation |
Manufactured home or any part thereof |
MHP office, storage, store, community or recreational center |
6 feet from any lot line |
10 feet from manufactured home lot line |
6. Automobile Access and Circulation.
a. Ownership. All streets within the manufactured home park will be public and must be constructed to the city of Sequim design standards for streets or alleys as designated by the city engineer, and ownership thereof conveyed to the city at the time of final plat approval.
b. Park Street Construction and Width. All manufactured home park streets must be constructed and paved in accordance with the city of Sequim design standards for streets as adopted by the city council.
c. Grade. MHP streets may not have a grade over eight percent on approaches to intersections with public ways. Prior to the intersection for a distance of 50 feet, the maximum slope is five percent. Grades up to 12 percent may be approved by the city engineer when necessitated by topographic constraints.
d. Cul-de-Sacs. Cul-de-sacs must have a minimum radius of 50 feet, of which 45 feet must be paved. The maximum cul-de-sac length is 400 feet. They may have a central planting, but the paved street width within the cul-de-sac is 35 feet. The maximum length to an intersection or cross road is 660 feet.
e. Access to Public Streets. Points of access with any manufactured home park to other public streets, roads, or highways must be designed and constructed in accordance with the city of Sequim design standards.
f. Street Names. Each manufactured home park street must be named and the street name sign must be provided at all intersections. Street names must be approved by the city. Each manufactured home must have a clearly visible address number.
g. Directory Signs (Map). Every manufactured home park must have an identification sign at each principal access point that includes a directory of the park, streets, and manufactured home numbers in map form.
7. Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking facilities may not be less than 20 feet long nor eight and one-half feet wide, exclusive of drives and aisles. The off-street parking area must be located on the same lot as the building(s) they are to serve, with the exception of parking areas intended to serve as guest parking for individual residences. Parking facilities may be no further than 400 feet from the building(s) they serve and no off-street parking facilities may be located within the public right-of-way.
8. Pedestrian Circulation. Manufactured home parks must have pedestrian walkways, a minimum of five feet wide, located on at least one side of the access road serving manufactured homes, community centers, and recreational facilities. Where practicable, the pedestrian walkways must be located adjacent to streets serving the homes, community centers, and recreational facilities.
9. Easements. Manufactured home parks must provide for public easements and dedications necessary to accommodate planned and existing city roads, regional trails, and utilities.
10. Utilities. All water mains, sewer mains, storm drain mains and rights-of-way, which could be extended in the future to adjacent or other property, must meet the city of Sequim design standards, and ownership thereof conveyed to the city at the time of final plan approval. Other utilities may be private. Adequate utility capacity to serve a proposed MHP or MHP expansion must be available. Additional standards for MHP utility services are as follows:
a. Connections at Manufactured Home Pad. Permanent power, water, and sewer connections that meet this code and state law must be provided at each manufactured home pad.
b. Underground Utilities Required. All utility service mains or lines in manufactured home parks must be underground.
c. Access to Utilities. No water meter, regulator, or shut-off valve may be located beneath a manufactured home.
11. Stormwater Runoff. Storm drainage discharge must be designed and engineered to city of Sequim development standards, including a temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan for the development of the manufactured home park and the placement of manufactured homes on individual lots.
12. Waste Disposal. Manufactured home parks must be connected to the sanitary sewer system and provide for garbage collection and location for pickup as required by the city of Sequim development standards.
13. Common Open Space. An amount of land roughly proportionate to the impact created by the proposed development must be set aside as open space. Common open space may be designed for active or passive recreation. Driveways, parking lots, and required yard areas are not open space. The hearing examiner1 may reduce this requirement if it finds that the manufactured home park is located adjacent to or within one-quarter mile of a public park, which provides recreational facilities, and the manufactured home park provides an easement for and develops a pedestrian trail to the park.*
14. Outdoor Lighting. Manufactured home parks must provide and maintain downward facing or shielded illumination for the night use of park streets, parking, storage areas, pedestrian walkways, and community and recreational facilities.
15. Landscaping. Landscaping requirements are provided as follows:
a. All landscaping must include native and drought-tolerant vegetation.
b. All areas of the required open space must be landscaped except for those portions of the area covered by sidewalks and/or recreational facilities.
c. Parking and storage areas for manufactured home parks must have a landscaping screen with a minimum height of four feet at the time of planting. Planting will be chosen and spaced so as to grow together within three years of their planting in a manner that is sufficient to obscure sight throughout the barrier. The parking and storage landscaped area must be contained by a bumper rail or curb, which is at least four inches high.
d. When a MHP abuts a nonresidential use, a minimum six-foot-high screening device such as a sight-obscuring fence and a minimum five-foot-wide planting area must be installed along the abutting property line of the new MHP.
e. A landscaping plan for the manufactured home park must be submitted to the community development director or his/her designee for review and approval. Landscaping plans must be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 40 feet and clearly delineate the following:
i. Boundaries and dimensions of the site.
ii. Location and identification of all streets, alleys, and easements that are on the abutting site.
iii. Proposed locations and dimensions of all lots.
iv. Existing and proposed topography at a maximum of five-foot contour intervals.
v. Proposed landscaping, including location, size at time of planting, and description of landscape materials, using both botanical and common names.
vi. Location of existing and proposed driveways, parking surfaces, curbs, and sidewalks.
vii. Type and location of the proposed irrigation system to maintain the landscaping.
viii. Typical individual site layout.
ix. Covenants, conditions, and restrictions which ensure that individual homesites will be landscaped and maintained. (Ord. 2021-009 § 1 (Att. A); Ord. 2018-006 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 97-010 § 5; Ord. 97-004 § 1)
18.62.045 Pre-existing nonconforming uses.
Manufactured and mobile homes and manufactured home parks established prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, and inconsistent with the standards developed in SMC 18.62.040 herewithin, shall be considered pre-existing, nonconforming uses consistent with the requirements found in Chapter 18.64 SMC, excepting that SMC 18.64.030(B) shall not apply when the pre-existing, nonconforming home is moved to and/or within a mobile home park established prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. (Ord. 97-010 § 5; Ord. 97-004 § 1)
Code reviser’s note: Pursuant to the intent of Ordinance 2022-010 to replace the city council as the review authority for most quasi-judicial decisions with the hearing examiner, “city council” has been replaced with “hearing examiner.”