Chapter 19.02


19.02.010    General provisions.

19.02.020    A definitions.

19.02.030    B definitions.

19.02.040    C definitions.

19.02.050    D definitions.

19.02.060    E definitions.

19.02.070    F definitions.

19.02.080    G definitions.

19.02.090    H definitions.

19.02.100    I definitions.

19.02.110    J definitions.

19.02.120    K definitions.

19.02.130    L definitions.

19.02.140    M definitions.

19.02.150    N definitions.

19.02.160    O definitions.

19.02.170    P definitions.

19.02.180    Q definitions.

19.02.190    R definitions.

19.02.200    S definitions.

19.02.210    T definitions.

19.02.220    U definitions.

19.02.230    V definitions.

19.02.240    W definitions.

19.02.250    X definitions.

19.02.260    Y definitions.

19.02.270    Z definitions.

19.02.010 General provisions.

The following definitions shall apply to the Skykomish zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18; SEPA ordinance, Chapter 16.05 SMC; subdivision ordinance, SMC Title 17; or other town development regulations; other definitions may be found in individual ordinances. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.020 A definitions.

“Administrator” means the town administrator, mayor or chief supervisory staff person, or his or her designee.

“Applicant” means a person seeking development approval from the town. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.030 B definitions.

“Boundary line adjustment” means the adjustment of a boundary line between existing lots which results in no more lots than existed before the adjustment.

“Building” means a structure having a roof for the shelter of persons or property.

“Building area” or “building site” means an area within a lot upon which a building to accommodate the principal use of the lot could be practicably built, bound by the setbacks. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.040 C definitions.

“Closed record appeal” means an appeal to the town council based on the existing record.

“Comprehensive plan” means the Skykomish comprehensive plan adopted in 1996, as amended.

“Comprehensive plan amendment” means an amendment or change to the text or maps of the comprehensive plan.

“Conditional use” means a use allowed in one or more zones as defined by the zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18, but which because of characteristics peculiar to such use, the size, technological processes or equipment, or because of the exact location with reference to surroundings, streets, and existing improvements or demands upon public facilities, requires a special permit in order to provide a particular degree of control to make such uses consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone and mitigate adverse impacts of the use.

“Critical areas” means areas of environmental sensitivity, which include the following areas and ecosystems:

(a) Wetlands;

(b) Geologically hazardous areas;

(c) Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas;

(d) Areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water; and

(e) Frequently flooded areas. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.050 D definitions.

“Date of decision” means the date on which final action occurs and from which the appeal period is calculated.

“Design review” means review of all proposals for new buildings, renovation, alteration, or other modifications in the historic commercial zone in accordance with the zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18, and design review guidelines ordinance, Chapter 18.90 SMC.

“Design standards” means dimensional and other quantitative standards, including, but not limited to, lot sizes and dimensions, setbacks, building placement and design requirements for improvements such as streets, sidewalks, and other standards used by the town to control physical development.

“Developer” means any person who proposes an action or seeks a permit regulated by the Skykomish zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18; SEPA ordinance, Chapter 16.05 SMC; subdivision ordinance, SMC Title 17; or other town development regulations.

“Development” means any land use permit or action regulated by the Skykomish zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18; SEPA ordinance, Chapter 16.05 SMC; subdivision ordinance, SMC Title 17; or other town development regulations.

“Development regulations” means the Skykomish development regulations, including the Skykomish zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18; SEPA ordinance, Chapter 16.05 SMC; subdivision ordinance, SMC Title 17; this title; or other town development regulations.

“Dwelling unit” means a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.060 E definitions.

“Effective date” means the date a final decision becomes effective. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.070 F definitions.

“Final decision” means the final action by the mayor, administrator, planning commission, or town council. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.080 G definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.090 H definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.100 I definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.110 J definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.120 K definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.130 L definitions.

“Lot” means a fractional part of divided lands having fixed boundaries being of sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area. The term shall include tracts or parcels.

“Lot of record” means an area or parcel of land as shown on an officially recorded plat or subdivision, or an area or parcel of land to which a deed or contract is officially recorded as a unit of property, or which is described by metes and bounds or as a fraction of a section. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.140 M definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.150 N definitions.

“Nonconforming use” means a lawfully established use which does not conform to the provisions of the development regulations. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.160 O definitions.

“Open record public hearing” means a hearing, conducted by a single hearing body, that creates the local government’s record through testimony and submission of evidence and information. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.170 P definitions.

“Party of record” means any person who has testified at a hearing or has submitted a written statement related to a development action and who provides the town with a complete address.

“Plat” means a scale drawing of a subdivision showing lots, blocks, streets or tracts or other divisions or dedications of land to be subdivided.

“Plat, final” means a precise drawing of a subdivision and dedications which conforms to the approved preliminary plat, meets all the conditions of preliminary approval and meets the requirements of the King County auditor for recording.

“Plat, final short” means a precise drawing of a short subdivision and dedications which conforms to the approved preliminary short plat, meets all the conditions of approval and meets the requirements of the King County auditor for recording.

“Plat, preliminary” means a neat and approximate scale drawing of a proposed subdivision, showing the existing conditions and the proposed layout of streets, lots, blocks and other information needed to properly review the proposal.

“Plat, preliminary short” means a neat and approximate scale drawing of a proposed short subdivision, showing the existing conditions and the proposed layout of streets, lots, blocks and other information needed to properly review the proposal.

“Plat, short” means the plat of a short subdivision.

“Primary or principal use” means the main use of the land and/or buildings as distinguished from a subordinate or accessory use.

“Project” means a proposal for development.

“Public hearing” means an open record hearing at which evidence is presented and testimony is taken. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.180 Q definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.190 R definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.200 S definitions.

“Site plan” means a scale drawing which shows the areas and locations of all buildings, streets, roads, improvements, easements, utilities, open spaces and other principal development features for a specific parcel of property.

“Street” means a public or private right-of-way or easement which provides vehicle access to more than three lots or potential lots.

“Subdivision” means a division of land into five or more lots, tracts or other divisions. Subdivision includes resubdivisions of previously subdivided land.

“Subdivision, short” means a division of land into four or fewer lots or tracts. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.210 T definitions.

“Town” means the town of Skykomish.

“Town council” means the town council of the town of Skykomish. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.220 U definitions.

“Use” means the purpose which lands or structures serve or for which they are occupied, maintained, arranged, designed or intended. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.230 V definitions.

“Variance” means a permissible modification of the application of the Skykomish zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18, to a particular property, subject to approval of the Skykomish planning commission and town council. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.240 W definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.250 X definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.260 Y definitions.

“Yard” means the lot area between lot lines and the building area. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.02.270 Z definitions.

“Zone” or “zoning district” means a defined area of the town within which the use of land is regulated and certain uses permitted and other uses excluded as set forth in the Skykomish zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)