Chapter 19.03


19.03.010    Roles and responsibilities.

19.03.020    Administrator.

19.03.030    Town council.

19.03.040    Planning commission.

19.03.050    Procedures for processing permit applications.

19.03.060    Determination of procedure type.

19.03.010 Roles and responsibilities.

(1) Regulation of Land Development. The regulation of land development is a cooperative activity involving different elected and appointed boards and town staff. The specific responsibilities of these bodies are set forth below.

(2) Developers. A developer is expected to read and understand the town development regulations and be prepared to fulfill the obligations placed on the developer by the zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18; SEPA ordinance, Chapter 16.05 SMC; subdivision ordinance, SMC Title 17; critical areas ordinance, Chapter 16.15 SMC; flood damage prevention ordinance, Chapter 16.10 SMC; design guidelines, Chapter 18.90 SMC; shoreline master program ordinance, Chapter 16.20 SMC; and all other locally adopted development regulations and all amendments thereto. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.03.020 Administrator.

(1) Authority. The administrator is responsible for the administration of the town’s land development regulations.

(2) Administrative Interpretation. Upon request or as determined necessary, the administrator or his or her designee shall interpret the meaning or application of the provisions of town land development regulations and issue a written administrative interpretation within 30 days. Requests for interpretation shall be written and shall concisely identify the issue and desired interpretation.

(3) Administrative Approvals. Administrative approvals are set forth in this chapter.

(4) Permit Procedures. The administrator shall determine the proper procedure for all development applications. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.03.030 Town council.

In addition to its legislative responsibility, the town council shall review and act on the following subjects:

(1) Recommendations of the planning commission.

(2) Appeal of planning commission decisions. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.03.040 Planning commission.

The planning commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny short plats and shall review and make recommendations to the town council on the following applications and subjects:

(1) Amendments to the comprehensive plan.

(2) Amendments to the critical areas ordinance, Chapter 16.15 SMC.

(3) Amendments to the subdivision ordinance, SMC Title 17.

(4) Amendments to the flood damage prevention ordinance, Chapter 16.10 SMC.

(5) Amendments to the zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18, or the official map.

(6) Amendments to the shoreline master program, Chapter 16.20 SMC.

(7) Shoreline permits.

(8) Variances from the standards and dimensional regulations of the zoning ordinance, SMC Title 18, such as height, width, size, setback and yard restrictions.

(9) Zoning ordinance conditional use permits.

(10) Applications for preliminary and final subdivisions, alterations and vacations of subdivisions.

(11) Other actions requested or remanded by the town council. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.03.050 Procedures for processing permit applications.

All development permit applications shall be classified as one of the following: Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3. Legislative decisions are Type 4 actions. The following tables describe the permit types and the approval procedures.

Project Permit/Approval Types

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4

• Boundary line adjustment

• Short plat

• Preliminary and final plat

• Amendments to the comprehensive plan, shoreline master program, zoning map and text, and other development regulations

• Home occupations and accessory uses in the residential zone

• Subdivision alterations and vacations

• Administrative interpretations

• Shoreline variances and conditional uses

• Shoreline substantial development permit

• Zoning ordinance variances and conditional uses

Project Permit/Approval Procedures


Type 1

Type 2

Type 3*

Type 4

Recommendation by



Planning commission

Planning commission

Final decision made by


Planning commission

Town council

Town council

Pre-application meeting





Notice of application/final decision required





Open record public hearing


Yes, before planning commission

Yes, before planning commission

Yes, before planning commission Note: council may hold a second hearing

Open record appeal of final decision

Before planning commission




Closed record appeal hearing

Before town council

Before town council

Before town council


*Note that the Department of Ecology shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny all shoreline conditional use permits and variances approved by the town.

(Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)

19.03.060 Determination of procedure type.

(1) The administrator shall determine the proper procedure for all development applications. Questions concerning an appropriate procedure for a specific project shall be resolved by using the higher numbered procedure.

(2) An application that involves two or more procedures may be processed collectively under the highest numbered procedure required for any part of the application. (Ord. 361 § 1, 2005)