Chapter 20.01


20.01.010    Title.

20.01.020    Purpose.

20.01.030    Applicability.

20.01.040    Schedule of Fees.

20.01.050    Yakima County Code Chapter 5.06 - Adult Entertainment Facilities.

20.01.060    Yakima County Code Chapter 12.10 - Stormwater and Drainage Authority.

20.01.070    Yakima County Planning Division.

20.01.080    Reserved.

20.01.090    Automatic Fee Schedule Adjustment.

20.01.010 Title.

The ordinance codified in this chapter shall be known as the “Yakima County Fee Schedule.” The county fee schedule is enacted under authority granted to the County by Article 11, Section 11 of the Washington State Constitution and RCW Chapter 36.32.

(Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013: Res. 757-1991 (part), 1991: Ord. 1-1990 §24(part), 1990. Formerly 20.00.002).

20.01.020 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to consolidate land division and development fees for the county into a single chapter under this code.

(Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013: Res. 757-1991 (part), 1991: Ord. 1-1990 §24(part), 1990. Formerly 20.00.004).

20.01.030 Applicability.

The fees and charges established in this chapter shall apply to all unincorporated fee simple lands located in the county; all state and/or federally sponsored projects on privately owned lands; and, privately sponsored projects on state and/or federally owned lands.

(Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013: Res. 757-1991 (part), 1991: Ord. 1-1990 §24(part), 1990. Formerly 20.00.006).

20.01.040 Schedule of Fees.

The schedule of fees and charges adopted by the Board of County Commissioners and established in this chapter for the processing of the numerous and variety of applications required by the County, pursuant to the Yakima County Code, may be altered or amended only by the Board of County Commissioners.

No application or other action resulting in cost to Yakima County shall be accepted, processed or approved unless or until such fees and charges listed in this title have been paid in full.

(Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 8A-2010 § 4, 2011; Ord. 1-2010 Exh. A § 3, 2010; Ord. 2003-14 § 4, 2003; Ord. 1998-1 § 1 (part), 1998: Ord. 10-1996 §1, 1996; Ord. 2-1996 §5, 1996; Ord. 8-1995 §2, 1995; Ord. 5-1995 §2, 1995; Res. 757-1991 (part), 1991: Ord. 1-1990 Text Amendment 1, §18, 1990; Ord. 1-1990 §24(part), 1990. Formerly 20.00.010).

20.01.050 Yakima County Code Chapter 5.06 - Adult Entertainment Facilities.


Adult entertainment facility owner’s or operator’s license application

$2,000.00 minimum deposit plus 100% processing and regulatory costs*


Adult entertainment facility manager’s license application



Adult entertainment facility entertainer’s license application




100% processing and regulatory costs* plus 100% fee charged by Hearing Examiner for review

* “Processing and regulatory costs” means actual costs, including, but not necessarily limited to, staff wages, benefits, review, regulatory inspections, overhead, consultant services or other expenses incurred during the review of the project. The hourly costs include, but are not necessarily limited to, wages, benefits, review, regulatory inspections, and overhead for planning, managerial, licensing, enforcement and clerical staff, and are assessed based on the time expended by Yakima County staff only.

(Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013).

20.01.060 Yakima County Code Chapter 12.10 - Stormwater and Drainage Authority.


First time review of any Stormwater Site Plan.

With treatment: one (1) pre-project planning meeting, one (1) completeness review, one (1) plan review, one (1) pre-construction conference, one (1) construction inspection, one post-construction inspection for acceptance, one (1) as built review and bond close-out.

Without treatment: one (1) pre-project planning meeting, one (1) completeness review, one (1) plan review, one post-construction inspection for acceptance, one (1) as built review and bond close-out.



Second review of Stormwater Site Plan without treatment: one (1) completeness review, one (1) plan review, one post-construction inspection for acceptance, one (1) as built review and bond close-out.



Second review of Stormwater Site Plan review with treatment: one (1) completeness review, one (1) plan review, one (1) pre-construction conference, one (1) construction inspection, one post-construction inspection for acceptance, one (1) as built review and bond close-out.



Additional agreement drafts, plan reviews, meetings, or inspections required in addition to (2) or (3).

100% Processing Cost*


Appeals to the Public Services Director (YCC 12.10.470)


* “Processing cost” means actual costs including but not limited to staff wages, benefits, overhead, consultant services or other expenses incurred in the processing of the review of the project subject to YCC Chapter 12.10. The hourly rate listed includes wages, benefits, and overhead for planning, managerial, and clerical staff, and is assessed based on the time expended by Yakima County staff only.

(Ord. 1-2020, 2020: Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013).

20.01.070 Yakima County Planning Division.

(1)    Application fees - YCC Title 16B. The fees listed in Tables 20.01.070-1, 20.01.070-2, 20.01.070-3, 20.01.070-4 and 20.01.070-5 are based on an hourly minimum charge (“base”). An additional hourly charge listed in Table 20.01.070-6 applies after the base fee has been utilized. The base fee and any additional hourly fees include expected preapplication activity, application intake, processing, staff recommendations and, if a prior public hearing is not required, a decision. The base fee does not include additional fees such as those for public notice, other permits and applications listed in this Section, Hearing Examiner charges, inspection for compliance, copies of documents, Auditor’s recording fees, the preparation and execution of agreements to pay fees and other written agreements with the County, and other fees listed in Table 20.01.070-6. Issuance of a development authorization or decision is contingent upon the payment of all fees and charges associated with the processing of the application.

Table 20.01.070-1. Type 1 Permits. 


2016 Base Fee

Boundary Line Adjustment (YCC 19.34.020)(1)

$ 785.00(2)

Segregation, each, within an approved commercial or industrial binding site plan (YCC 19.34.080(3)(b))

$ 585.00

Permitted or Type 1 use, not requiring Type 2 review (YCC 19.30.030(1))(3)

$ 485.00(3)

Adult entertainment facility land use application (YCC 19.18.030)

$ 1,045.00

Reduction to resource setbacks, Type 1 (YCC 19.35.020(6)(d))

$ 195.00

Modification to existing or approved administrative or conditional use under YCC 19.35.040(4)

$ 675.00

Minor modification to a planned development or master planned resort (YCC 19.35.050)

$ 675.00

Standard development permit, Type 1 (YCC 16C.03.20)

$ 870.00

Minor revision (YCC 16C.03.25 and 16D.03.25)

$ 870.00

Exemption from shoreline substantial development permit (YCC 16D.03.06)

$ 675.00

Additional fee for State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review (YCC 16.04.280)

$ 295.00


(1)    The fee for Type 1 Boundary Line Adjustment Authorizations shall apply to the clustering of existing lots under YCC 19.34.035, listed in Table 20.01.070-2.

(2)    An additional fee(s) of $390.00 shall apply to each lot after the first two within the application. For example, an application with three lots total would increase the fee by $390.00, four lots total would increase the fee by $780.00, and so on. The term “lot” shall, for the purposes of this calculation, include lot, parcel, tract, binding site plan site, division, and nonconforming lot.

(3)    Applies to a Type 1 review for which the Planning Division issues a written decision only. This fee does not include adult entertainment facilities, which are subject to a separately listed application fee. Additionally, YCC 19.30.030(1)(c) and 19.17.020(3) detail specific circumstances where permitted or Type 1 uses require Type 2 review. In such a case the application fee will be the same as for an Administrative or Type 2 use, listed in Table 20.01.070-2.

(4)    The fee for a Type 1 modification does not apply to an alteration or expansion of any existing structure with a nonconforming height or setback under YCC Title 19.33.050. If the enlargement does not meet the height, lot coverage or setbacks then relief may be request in an Administrative Adjustment or Variance under Chapter 19.35 prior to issuance of Building Permits.

Table 20.01.070-2. Type 2 Permits. 


2016 Base Fee

Final short plat alteration or vacation (YCC 19.34.040(8))

$ 1,060.00

Short plat preliminary application (YCC 19.34.040(3))

$ 1,060.00

Short plat preliminary application amendment

$ 485.00

Short plat final application (YCC 19.34.040(7))

$ 485.00

Binding site plan preliminary application (YCC 19.34.080(3)(a)(v))(2)

$ 1,925.00

Binding site plan final application (YCC 19.34.080(3)(a)(vi))

$ 870.00

Binding site plan vacation or alteration (YCC 19.34.080(4))

$ 1,060.00

Administrative or Type 2 use, not otherwise specified (YCC 19.30.030(2))(3)

$ 1,925.00

Reduction to resource setbacks, Type 2 (YCC 19.35.020(6)(b))

$ 870.00

Clustering existing lots - Type 1 review through the Boundary Line Adjustment (YCC 19.34.035)

$ 1,255.00(1)

Linear transmission facilities (YCC 19.18.260)

$ 10,410.00

Zoning non-conforming use or structure alteration, enlargement, expansion or extension. YCC 19.33.060(4)(d)

$ 1,450.00

Zoning non-conforming dwelling expansion not exceeding 50% of the gross floor area and new detached structures accessory to the dwelling, other than an accessory housing unit. YCC 19.33.060(4)(c)

$ 485.00

Zoning non-conforming use change to another non-allowed use. YCC 19.33.060(5)(b)

$ 1,450.00

Administrative adjustments for Type 1 & 2 uses,(3) consolidated with another application requiring Type 2 or higher development authorization (YCC 19.35.020)

$ 295.00

Administrative adjustments for Type 1 & 2 uses,(3) not consolidated with another application requiring Type 2 or higher development authorization (YCC 19.35.020)

$ 1,060.00

Minor modification to a master planned development overlay or institutional overlay (YCC 19.35.055(2))

$ 970.00

Substantial development permit (3) (YCC 16D.03.19)

$ 3,080.00

Adjustment (YCC 16C.03.23)(3)

$ 870.00

Standard development permit, Type 2 (YCC 16C.03.20)

$ 870.00

Shoreline conditional use permit (YCC 16D.03.21) - includes substantial development permit

$ 3,270.00

Shoreline variance (YCC 16D.03.22) - includes substantial development permit

$ 3,270.00

Critical areas non-conforming use alteration / structures or areas (YCC 16C.03.26)

$ 970.00

Shoreline non-conforming use alteration / structures or areas (YCC 16D.03.26)

$ 970.00

Additional fee for State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review (YCC 16.04.280)

$ 295.00


(1)    The base fee for clustering of existing lots under YCC 19.34.035 shall be the base fee required for Type 1 Boundary Line Adjustments authorizations plus additional fee for each lot after the first two lots.

(2)    The base fee for altering the size of one or more established building sites within the binding site plan shall be the same as for a Type 1 segregation within an approved commercial or industrial binding site plan if all development standards, infrastructure, and other aspects of the proposal will be unchanged and consistent with conditions or requirements imposed by a previously approved permit.

(3)    Administrative use applications, zoning variances, administrative adjustments and substantial development permits may be referred by the Administrative Official to the Hearing Examiner for an open record public hearing and decision using Type 2 approval criteria. In such cases the application fee will be the same as for an administrative or Type 2 use.

Table 20.01.070-3. Type 3 permits. 


2016 Base Fee

Conditional or Type 3 use (YCC 19.30.030(3))

$ 1,925.00

Additional fee for administrative adjustment for Type 3 uses, consolidated with another application requiring a public hearing (YCC 19.35.020(1))

$ 100.00

Administrative adjustment for Type 3 uses, not consolidated with another application requiring a public hearing (YCC 19.35.020(1))

$ 1,350.00

Additional fee for variance, consolidated with another application requiring a public hearing (YCC 19.35.060)

$ 390.00

Variance, not consolidated with another application requiring a public hearing (YCC 19.35.060)

$ 1,545.00

Zoning non-conforming use expansion or alteration, Type 3(1) (YCC 19.33.060(4)(d))

$ 1,450.00

Major modification to a Master Planned Development Overlay or Institutional Overlay (YCC 19.35.055(3))

$ 1,450.00

Reasonable use exception (YCC 16C.03.24)

$ 1,735.00

Additional fee for State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review (YCC 16.04.280)

$ 295.00

Table 20.01.070-4. Type 4 permits. 


2016 Base Fee

Preliminary plat (also called a “long plat application”) (YCC 19.34.050)

$ 5,195.00

Amendment to an approved preliminary plat

$ 970.00

Long plat final processing (YCC 19.34.070)

$ 675.00

Final plat alteration or vacation (YCC 19.34.070(7))

$ 870.00

Preliminary plat time extension(1) (YCC 19.34.050(10))

$ 970.00

Master Planned Resort(2), resort agricultural tourist operation, Master Planned Development Overlay or Institutional Overlay (YCC 19.11.050, 19.18.060, 19.17.040)

$ 5,195.00

Major modification to a Planned Development or Master Planned Resort (YCC 19.35.050)

$ 1,925.00

Site-specific rezone authorized by a comprehensive plan or subarea plan (also called “minor rezone”) (YCC 19.36.030)

$ 1,255.00

Additional fee for State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review (YCC 16.04.280)

$ 295.00


(1)    The fee for extensions of time for permits other than preliminary plats is listed in Table 20.01.070-6.

(2)    The fee for a modification to a Master Planned Resort under YCC Title 19 may be the same, as indicated, as for a Type 4 Master Planned Resort or for a Type 1 minor modification to a planned development.

Table 20.01.070-5. Other applications. 


2016 Base Fee

Code interpretation, excluding unclassified uses (YCC 16B.03.070)

$ 870.00

Unclassified use interpretation—Hearing Examiner (YCC 16B.03.070)

$ 1,255.00

Development agreement (YCC 16B.03.080)

$ 1,350.00

Open record administrative appeal of land-use decisions and threshold determinations to the Hearing Examiner, plus actual costs as incurred for expenses, facilities, Hearing Examiner fees, etc. (YCC 16B.09.040)

$ 1,255.00(1),(2)

Comprehensive Plan amendment, site-specific YCC 16B.10.030

$ 4,715.00

Comprehensive Plan policy plan map amendment, area-wide (YCC 16B.10.030)


Text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan or development regulation (YCC 16B.10.040)

No fee(4)

Open space applications requiring action by the Planning Commission (YCC 3.20.015)

$ 1,545.00

Additional fee for State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review (YCC 16.04.280)

$ 295.00

Boundary Review Board application

Established by RCW 36.93.120

Appeal to Boundary Review Board

Established by RCW 36.93.120


(1)    The listed fee applies when the appellant agrees to authorize an extension of the 90-day period for open record appeals in order to secure funds for payment of additional fees to reimburse the County for the Hearing Examiner cost if responsible, as defined further herein. Such fees shall be paid by each party promptly upon receipt of each invoice from the County of that party’s share of the cost. If the appellant does not agree to an extension, a deposit of $5,000.00 is required to process the appeal. The losing parties for open record appeals are responsible for a portion or all of the cost of the Hearing Examiner’s time, to be determined by the Administrative Official, consistent with this paragraph. If the appealed decision or determination is upheld, the appealing party or parties will pay the cost of the Hearing Examiner’s time in full.

(2)    The fee for any appealing party, other than the first party to appeal, shall be a deposit of fifty percent of the base fee listed in Table 20.01.070-5. The base fee includes staff processing time of the appeal or consolidated appeal.

(3)    Area-wide comprehensive plan policy plan map amendments suggested by any party are subject to SEPA review and staff hourly processing fees, which must be paid by the responsible party promptly upon receipt of each invoice from the County in order to continue processing, in the event that the suggested amendment is docketed pursuant to YCC 16B.10.040.

(4)    Text amendments to a comprehensive plan or development regulation suggested by any party are subject to SEPA review fees in the event that the suggested amendment is docketed pursuant to YCC 16B.10.040.

(2)    Other fees. The fees listed in Table 20.01.070-6 are additional to the application fees listed in Tables 20.01.070-1 through 20.01.070-5. Fees indicated as “base” are based on an hourly minimum charge, with an additional hourly charge listed in Table 20.01.070-6 that applies after the base fee has been utilized.

Table 20.01.070-6. Other fees. 


2016 Fee

Additional Fee Information

Hourly rate: County staff wages, benefits, review, regulatory inspections, overhead, third-party consultant services or other expenses incurred during review of the project.

$ 110.00

Per hour

Hourly rate: Hearing Examiner

At cost


Site visit (first site visit is included in permit/proposal application fee base)

$ 390.00


Additional review (“re-review”) required for changes to application submittal documents prior to a decision or additional information submitted in response to a request or a notice of incompleteness (YCC Chapter 16B.04)

$ 100.00

Base, per occurrence

Time extension request, other than for a preliminary plat(1) (YCC 16B.07.050)

$ 100.00

Base, per request

Office review for compliance with permit decisions and conditions, including periodic monitoring and renewals (YCC 16B.07.050)

$ 100.00

Base, per request

Site inspections for compliance with permit decisions and conditions, including periodic monitoring and renewals (YCC 16B.07.050)

$ 390.00

Base, per inspection

Request to reinstate permit approval after expiration (YCC 16B.07.050)

70% of application fee

Application fees are listed in YCC 20.01.070(1)

Voluntary Compliance Agreement (YCC 16B.07.050)

County staff hourly rate

Per hour

Prehearing conference - YCC 16B.09.045, Open Record Appeal Procedures

Hearing Examiner Hourly Rate


Planning Division compliance investigation(2) resulting in a determination of a violation (code compliance case) - YCC Chapter 16B.11, Violations and Enforcement

$ 760.00

Base; the base fee and time per hour additional to base is assessed at double fee hourly rate

Public notice: postage to all Adjoining Property Owners (APO) in all zoning districts (YCC 16B.05.010)

$ 25.00(3)


Legal Notice fee for SEPA checklist, Type 3 and 4 applications requiring an Open or Closed Record Hearing: publishing fee and posting fee (YCC 16B.05.010)

$ 225.00


Special report review (wetland delineation, geo tech, fiscal analysis, etc.), including third-party review

$ 970.00


Programmatic SEPA/Shoreline/Critical Area review for setup of mitigation and/or maintenance requirements

At cost


EIS preparation or review, including third-party review

$ 970.00

Base and actual costs incurred (including consultant work)

County Transportation Engineering predecision review for:

$ 95.00



All Type 1 applications except Type 1 setback reductions, minor revisions and Shoreline exemption determinations;




All Type 2 applications except preliminary binding site plans (see fee below), final short plats (see fee below) and critical areas or Shoreline permits;




All Type 3 applications;




Preliminary long plat amendments; and




Major modifications to planned development, Master Planned Resort or resort agricultural tourist operation.



County Transportation Engineering predecision review for preliminary binding site plan applications

$ 190.00


County Transportation Engineering predecision review for long plat, long plat amendments, Master Planned Resorts

$ 760.00


County Transportation Engineering review for final short plat (Mylar review)

$ 145.00


County Transportation Engineering review - road approach permit

$ 285.00


County Transportation Engineering review - addressing

$ 95.00


County Transportation Engineering review following a development authorization - private road

$ 4,250.00


County Transportation Engineering review following a development authorization - public road

$ 4,435.00


County Transportation Engineering project review, other

At cost


Copy or duplicating fee

Varies by size and color; fees set by Yakima County by separate resolution

Per page

Oversized documents

At cost


Maps, plans, ordinances and other produced documents


Price list maintained by Planning Division

Supplemental documents to be recorded

Current Auditor’s filing fee


Returned check fee

Established by County Treasurer



(1)    The fee for extensions of time for preliminary plats is listed in Table 20.01.070-4.

(2)    A code compliance investigation includes site inspection, time spent by County staff in research of site history, research of regulation history, and staff communication with law enforcement personnel, other County staff, other employees of any public agency, and members of the public. If the investigation results in a determination that a violation exists, the expense of this investigation will be assessed to the violating person, firm and/or corporation identified in YCC 16B.11.050.

(3)    The fee for public notice shall be paid at application intake. Additional fees may apply for public notice costs not covered by the initial payment and re-noticing required for hearing continuances.

(Ord. 2-2022 §3 (Exh. 1), 2022; Ord. 7-2020 (Exh. 2), 2020; Ord. 10-2019 (Exh. 1) (part), 2019; Res. 80-2016 (Exh. A) (part), 2016; Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013).

20.01.080 Reserved.

(Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013).

20.01.090 Automatic Fee Schedule Adjustment.

The Yakima County fee schedule adopted as a part of this title shall automatically be adjusted annually to account for any increase in the consumer price index (CPI) as established by the U.S. Department of Commerce for the Seattle Metropolitan Area. The twelve-month period utilized to establish the fee schedule adjustment will be as established by the Department of Commerce for the Seattle CPI. Fees adjusted in this manner may be rounded to the nearest five dollar increment. This section shall not preclude the county from modifying the base fee or other fees, where the board of commissioners finds it necessary to do so.

(Ord. 9-2012 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 1998-1 § 1(part), 1998: Ord. 10-1996 §2, 1996: Res. 757-1991 (part), 1991: Ord. 1-1990 §24(part), 1990. Formerly 20.00.016).