Chapter 12.20


12.20.010    Title.

12.20.020    Official map adopted by reference – Scope.

12.20.030    Street names.

12.20.040    City divided into four districts – Base lines.

12.20.050    Base lines described.

12.20.060    Districts described.

12.20.070    Street designations applicable when.

12.20.080    Grid numbering system – Established.

12.20.090    Grid numbering system – Blocks.

12.20.100    Grid numbering system – Numbering intervals.

12.20.110    Grid numbering system – Number assignment procedures.

12.20.120    Grid numbering system – Extension.

12.20.130    Street and road sign requirements.

12.20.140    Maintenance procedures – City clerk/treasurer responsibilities.

12.20.010 Title.

This chapter shall be known as the “Yelm street naming and house numbering ordinance.” (Ord. 209 § 1, 1977).

12.20.020 Official map adopted by reference – Scope.

That certain map of the city, drawn in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and entitled “city of Yelm street naming and house numbering map,” three copies of which are on file in the office of the city clerk/treasurer, is adopted as the official street naming and house numbering map of the city, and is by this reference incorporated in this chapter as though fully set forth herein. The city street naming and house numbering map establishes base lines, divides the city into four districts, and sets forth a grid numbering system. (Ord. 209 § 2, 1977).

12.20.030 Street names.

The street names shown on the city street naming and house numbering map are adopted as the official names for the streets, roads and ways within the city. (Ord. 209 § 3, 1977).

12.20.040 City divided into four districts – Base lines.

For the purpose of this chapter, the city is divided into four districts, as determined by the base line shown on the city street naming and house numbering map. All street addresses within the city shall be suffixed by the name of the quadrant within which the same is located. (Ord. 209 § 4, 1977).

12.20.050 Base lines described.

Base lines are described as follows:

A. North-South Base Line. Commencing on the centerline of State Highway 507 where said centerline first intercepts the southerly corporate limits of the city; thence continuing northeasterly along said centerline of State Highway 507 within the corporate limits of the city where the same becomes the centerline of First Street; thence continuing northeasterly along said centerline of First Street through the city to the point where the same joins the centerline of Rhoton Road; thence continuing northerly along the centerline of Rhoton Road to the most northerly corporate limit of the city;

B. East-West Base Line. Commencing on the centerline of State Highway 510 where the same intercepts the westerly corporate limits of the city; thence proceeding southeasterly along said centerline of State Highway 510 into the city where the same becomes the centerline of Yelm Avenue; thence continuing southeasterly along the centerline of Yelm Avenue through the city to the easterly corporate limits thereof; thence continuing southeasterly along the centerline of State Highway 507 (which is an extension of Yelm Avenue) for so long as said centerline of State Highway 507 (Yelm Avenue extended) lies adjacent to the corporate limits of the city. (Ord. 209 § 4(A), 1977).

12.20.060 Districts described.

Districts are described as follows:

A. Northeast (NE) shall indicate that portion of the city lying northerly of the east-west base line and easterly of the north-south base line;

B. Northwest (NW) shall indicate that portion of the city lying northerly of the east-west base line and westerly of the north-south base line;

C. Southeast (SE) shall indicate that portion of the city lying southerly of the east-west base line and easterly of the north-south base line;

D. Southwest (SW) shall indicate that portion of the city lying southerly of the east-west base line and westerly of the north-south base line. (Ord. 209 § 4(B), 1977).

12.20.070 Street designations applicable when.

The following street designations shall apply to public ways, street and road signs and addresses:

A. “Avenues” shall indicate public ways (excluding alleys) running generally easterly and westerly;

B. “Courts” shall indicate public ways in the form of a cul-de-sac which cannot be extended. Courts shall be named or numbered and the address numbers thereon shall follow the address numbers of the street from which the court extends;

C. “Drives” shall indicate irregular or diagonal public ways (excluding alleys) not conforming to the grid pattern and not exceeding four city blocks in length;

D. “Lanes” shall indicate private ways in a private street subdivision;

E. “Loops” shall indicate a short loop-type public way which shall carry the name of the public way from which it originates;

F. “Places” shall indicate public ways (excluding alleys) running generally northerly and southerly, parallel to, but between streets and not connecting to avenues;

G. “Roads” shall indicate irregular or diagonal public ways not conforming to the grid pattern and exceeding four city blocks in length, which are arterial public ways;

H. “Streets” shall indicate public ways (excluding alleys) running generally northerly and southerly;

I. “Ways” shall indicate public ways (excluding alleys) running generally easterly and westerly parallel to, but between avenues and not connecting through streets. (Ord. 209 § 5, 1977).

12.20.080 Grid numbering system – Established.

For the purpose of this chapter, a grid system is established as set forth in YMC 12.20.090 through 12.20.120. (Ord. 209 § 6, 1977).

12.20.090 Grid numbering system – Blocks.

The 100 blocks for street naming and house numbering shall be as set forth on the city street naming and house numbering map. One-hundred-block grid lines shall be the platted roads and streets (excluding alleys) in the platted areas of the city and, insofar as practicable, shall be established each 400 feet running perpendicular to an existing thoroughfare, road or street in unplatted areas of the city. (Ord. 209 § 6(A), 1977).

12.20.100 Grid numbering system – Numbering intervals.

One hundred blocks shall run easterly and westerly from the north-south base line and northerly and southerly from the east-west base line. The assignment of a number to a specific property location shall be determined by the measuring distances from the 100-block grid lines. A number shall be assigned each space of 50 feet as measured from the 100-block grid lines. Measurement shall be taken from the grid line to the main entrance of the building or property for the purpose of assigning numbers. (Ord. 209 § 6(B), 1977).

12.20.110 Grid numbering system – Number assignment procedures.

A. Even numbers shall be assigned to northerly and easterly sides of streets and odd numbers shall be assigned to southerly and westerly sides of streets. The even and odd numbers shall be assigned consecutively and opposite one another wherever possible.

B. Loops and cul-de-sacs shall be numbered consecutively from the point where they originate and proceed progressively around the loop or cul-de-sac.

C. Multiple-dwelling units shall receive one number and that number shall be determined by the location of the main entrance of the structure. Apartment numbers or letters may be used to differentiate individual units within the structure. (Ord. 209 § 6(C), 1977).

12.20.120 Grid numbering system – Extension.

The grid system shall be extended at the rate of one 100-block grid line each 400 feet or as shown on the city street naming and house numbering map. (Ord. 209 § 6(D), 1977).

12.20.130 Street and road sign requirements.

A. All street and road signs erected after June 1, 1977, the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, shall display street names, district designations and 100-block numbers in conformance with the provisions of this chapter. On or before July 1, 1978, all existing street and road signs which are not in conformance with the provisions of this chapter shall be replaced with new signs, which display street names, district designations and 100-grid blocks in conformance with the provisions of this chapter.

B. All street and road signs shall conform as nearly as practicable to Chapter 468-95 WAC.

C. Historic street and road signs shall be brown or blue background, white lettering and match the upper and lower case of the existing street/road sign. The historic name sign shall be placed under the street/road sign. The sign shall have the historic name centered on the sign, proceeded by “historic” and followed by “name.” The lettering shall be a minimum of three inches for upper case letters and two and one-quarter inches for lower case letters and in no case be more then 75 percent of the street sign’s lettering. (Ord. 939 § 2, 2011; Ord. 209 § 7, 1977).

12.20.140 Maintenance procedures – City clerk/treasurer responsibilities.

The city clerk/treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the city street naming and house numbering map and for the development of such additional maps as are necessary to indicate street names and house numbers. The city clerk/treasurer shall also maintain a file of existing street names and a catalog of potential street names for the purpose of insuring that proposed street names are in conformance with this chapter and do not duplicate existing names. The city clerk/treasurer is authorized to assign addresses upon request by private and public agencies and to new subdivision plats. (Ord. 209 § 8, 1977).