Chapter 12.22
12.22.010 Selection of name – Criteria.
12.22.020 Designation of name by city council.
12.22.030 Naming of interior features.
12.22.010 Selection of name – Criteria.
It is the policy of the city to choose names for public parks, public facilities and/or streets based upon the site’s relationship to the following criteria:
A. Neighborhood, geographic or common usage identification;
B. An historical figure, place, event or other instance of historical or cultural significance;
C. Natural or geological features;
D. An individual (living or deceased) who has made a significant land and/or monetary contribution to the community or who has had the contribution made “in memoriam” and when the name has been stipulated as a condition of the donation; or
E. An individual who has contributed outstanding civic service to the city. (Ord. 786 § 1, 2003).
12.22.020 Designation of name by city council.
A. The city council shall designate the names of public parks, public facilities and/or streets. The city council may choose to make its selection after receiving a written recommendation from any one of the city’s advisory boards, or a specially appointed committee, based upon public input from individuals and organizations. Such written recommendation shall state how the proposed name(s) meet(s) the criteria in YMC 12.22.010. If a contest or competition is to be held to determine the name of a public park, public facility and/or street, the advisory board/committee shall establish guidelines and rules for the contest. No city funds shall be used for any contest prizes.
B. The city council shall designate placement of historic road/street signs. The city council may choose to establish historic road/street names after receiving a written recommendation from the Yelm Historic Commission. Historic road/street signs shall meet the requirements of YMC 12.20.130 and shall be noted in the file of existing street names to avoid duplication of road or street names per YMC 12.20.140. (Ord. 939 § 1, 2011; Ord. 786 § 2, 2003).
12.22.030 Naming of interior features.
The interior features of a public park or public facility may be named separately from the main park or facility; and should be bestowed with the intention that it will be permanent, and changes should be strongly resisted. Name changes shall be subject to the procedures set forth in this section. (Ord. 786 § 3, 2003).
12.22.040 Renaming procedure.
A name once selected for a public park, public facility and/or street should be bestowed with the intention that it will be permanent, and changes should be strongly resisted. Name changes shall be subject to the procedures set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 786 § 4, 2003).
12.22.050 Signing.
Following selection of a public park, public facility and/or street name by the city council, the public works department will identify the specific park, facility or street by appropriate signing specifying the name. (Ord. 786 § 5, 2003).