Division 10-50.40:


10-50.40.010    Purpose and Applicability

10-50.40.020    Encroachments into Minimum Required Setbacks

10-50.40.010 Purpose and Applicability

A.    This division provides standards for the allowed encroachment or projection of certain structures into required setback areas. This allows for specific architectural features or accessory structures to be developed in areas that might otherwise prohibit such features, providing more flexibility to property owners.

B.    Additional standards for encroachments can be found in Division 10-40.40, Transect Zones. If there is a conflict between any standards within the transect zones, the provisions within Division 10-40.40, Transect Zones, control over this division.

10-50.40.020 Encroachments into Minimum Required Setbacks

A.    Allowed Encroachments. Table 10-50.40.020.A, Allowed Encroachments into Setbacks and Heights, establishes elements that may encroach into required setbacks.

B.    Access Ramps for Disabled Persons. Access ramps for disabled persons may encroach into a required setback, provided they are not more than 36 inches in height and remain five feet from the front property line, two feet from the side property line and 10 feet from the rear property line.

C.    Rain Barrels and Cisterns. Rain barrels and cisterns used for rainwater harvesting in compliance with Section 10-50.60.070, Water Use and Irrigation, shall be allowed to encroach into side and rear setbacks to the property line, and no more than five feet into a front setback.

Table 10-50.40.020.A: Allowed Encroachments into Setbacks and Heights 

Awnings, Canopies, Decks, Porches, Stoops, Hooded Entries, Carports and Balconies1,2

Front, Rear, Exterior Side Setback (max.)


Interior Side Setback (max.)


Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)1

See Section 10-40.60.040

Accessory Buildings and Structures1

See Section 10-40.60.020

Ground Mounted Solar Panels

Front, Rear, Exterior Side Setback (max.)


Interior Side Setback (max.)


Open Stairways

Rear and Exterior Side Setback


Interior Side Setback


Bay Windows, Open Eaves, Cornices, Fireplaces and Chimneys, and Window Sills

All Setbacks (max.)


End Notes:

1In no case shall the permitted encroachment exceed 50 percent of the required setback.

2Refer to applicable Building Code sections for permitted projections into setback areas and ensure that a 3' space is maintained between an open stairway and the property line.

3Refer to applicable Building Code sections for construction less than 5' from a property line.