Division 10-50.80:
Parking Standards


10-50.80.010    Purpose

10-50.80.020    Applicability

10-50.80.030    General Parking Standards

10-50.80.040    Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required

10-50.80.050    Bicycle Parking

10-50.80.060    Parking Adjustments

10-50.80.070    Parking Alternatives

10-50.80.080    Parking Spaces, Parking Lot Design and Layout

10-50.80.090    Development and Maintenance

10-50.80.010 Purpose

The purpose of this division is to regulate and ensure the provision of adequate parking and access for motor vehicles and bicycles. The division also provides options for the adjustment of parking requirements and to provide parking alternatives. These standards ensure that the parking needs of new land uses and development are met while being designed and located in a manner consistent with the desired character and development patterns of the community and as outlined in the General Plan.

10-50.80.020 Applicability

A.    Parking Space Requirement. On-site parking shall be required in all zones, and shall apply to the following:

1.    New development;

2.    An enclosed new building addition that results in an increase in the gross floor area of 25 percent of more;

3.    Changes in land use;

4.    Changes in intensity of buildings or structures made subsequent to the effective date of this Zoning Code of 25 percent or more of:

a.    Gross floor area;

b.    Seating capacity;

c.    Dwelling units;

d.    Parking spaces; and/or

e.    Other units of measurement listed in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required; and

5.    An increase in floor area of a new addition or building within the Commercial Business (CB) zone to the extent that the new building’s or new addition’s gross floor area that exceeds the site’s previous existing building’s gross floor area, excluding open decks and patios. For any change of use without an increase in the floor area within the CB zone, even if such change of use increases the demand for parking (such as a change from a retail use to a bar or restaurant use), additional parking otherwise required for such change of use is not required.

B.    Nonconforming Uses, Structures or Lots. When a nonconforming use, structure, or lot is abandoned for a period of 180 consecutive days and then changed to a new use according to the requirements of Section 10-20.60.050, Loss of Nonconforming Status, and Section 10-20.60.100, Nonconforming Parking, then parking facilities shall be provided for the entire building, structure, or premises, to the maximum extent feasible as determined by the Director.

C.    Location, Design, Landscaping. Parking spaces being provided as a requirement of this division or spaces being voluntarily provided shall meet the location, design, landscaping and improvement requirements found in this division, Division 10-40.40, Transect Zones, and Division 10-50.60, Landscaping Standards.

D.    Addition of Residential Units to an Existing Dwelling. Construction of a duplex, a second (attached) dwelling, or a third dwelling (attached or detached) on the same lot as an existing dwelling, where permitted, shall be subject to the requirements of this division, as well as the pertinent sections of Division 10-40.40, Transect Zones, and Division 10-50.60, Landscaping Standards, for the entire property.

E.    Timing of Improvements. A land use shall not be commenced and a structure shall not be occupied until the parking and loading improvements required by this division are completed and approved by the Director.

F.    Exempt.

1.    Existing Single-Family Dwellings. The standards within this Division shall not apply to existing single-family dwellings as follows:

a.    The creation of a second single-family dwelling on the same lot, where permitted, shall require that the parking and access for the second single-family dwelling meet the standards in this division. Parking and access for the original dwelling unit does not have to meet the requirements of this division; and

b.    When more than two single-family dwellings are on the same lot, where permitted, it shall be required that the parking and access for all the dwellings, including existing single-family dwellings, meet the requirements in this division.

2.    Uses Within a Parking Management District. The parking requirements required by this division shall not apply, except as provided by the parking management district.

10-50.80.030 General Parking Standards

A.    General to All Zones.

1.    Parking for Accessory Uses in Residential Zones. Required off-street parking facilities shall be used for the parking of bicycles, passenger motor vehicles, or other non-commercial motor vehicles owned by occupants of the dwelling structures to which such facilities are accessory, or for the parking of passenger motor vehicles and bicycles by guests of the occupants. For single-family dwellings, this includes the driveways to the parking facilities.

2.    Parking of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zones. Under no circumstances shall required off-street parking facilities accessory to residential structures be used for the storage or parking of commercial vehicles associated with a business operation other than for a permitted home occupation at the same location, or a commercial vehicle owned or operated by the resident that is less than or equal to 14,000 gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). Such residential parking facilities shall not be used for the parking of motor vehicles belonging to the employees, owners, tenants, visitors, or customers of nearby commercial or manufacturing establishments.

3.    Commercial Work on Motor Vehicles. Commercial work of any kind on motor vehicles (e.g., the overhaul of engines) shall not be permitted in conjunction with accessory off-street parking.

4.    Storage of Unregistered or Inoperable Motor Vehicles. No more than one unregistered or inoperable motor vehicle shall be stored on any residentially zoned lot or parcel of land, and no such unregistered or inoperable vehicle shall be stored within the front setback.

5.    Reduction of Parking. Required off-street parking shall not be reduced below the requirements of this division. Existing parking that is determined to be nonconforming in accordance with Division 10-20.60, Nonconforming Provisions, because less than the required number of spaces are provided, shall not be further reduced from the number of parking spaces available on the effective date of this Zoning Code.

6.    Parking of Recreational Vehicles, Campers and Other Similar Vehicles. Unless provided otherwise, the parking and/or storage of recreational vehicles, campers, camping trailers, utility trailers, boats, and similar vehicles shall be regulated in accordance with Section 10-50.80.080(L).

(Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016)

10-50.80.040 Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required

A.    Applicable to All Zones.

1.    Calculations. Any fraction greater than or equal to 0.50 shall be rounded up to nearest whole number. No additional space shall be required for a fractional unit of less than 0.50.

2.    Square Feet. In any case where Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required, expresses a parking requirement based on floor area in square feet (sf) the measurement shall mean square feet of gross floor area, unless stated otherwise.

3.    Number of Employees. In any case where Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required, expresses a parking requirement based on number of employees, the number of employees shall be calculated based on the largest work shift.

B.    Applicable to Transect Zones.

1.    For transect zones, the number of required motor vehicle spaces for certain uses is regulated in Division 10-40.40, Transect Zones. For those regulated uses, the requirements of Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required, shall not apply. For all other uses, the requirements of Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required, shall apply.

2.    Structures for recreation, education and assembly uses of less than 5,000 square feet shall not be required to provide parking spaces. For structures for such uses that are greater than 5,000 square feet, the requirements of Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required, shall apply, except the parking requirement may be reduced by one of the following:

a.    Parking requirements based on gross square feet may take a reduction of 5,000 square feet; or

b.    Parking requirements not based on gross square feet may take a reduction of up to 12 spaces.

3.    Tandem parking may count towards the required parking for an individual residential unit.

4.    On-street parking spaces located along the frontage of a parcel may count towards the required residential guest parking and nonresidential use parking requirements.

C.    General to All Zones.

1.    Maximum Number of Parking Spaces. Developments over 10,000 square feet in floor area or containing 25 or more residential units that provide parking in surface parking lots shall not exceed the minimum number of parking spaces by more than five percent unless provided in a parking structure.

2.    Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. The minimum number of parking spaces required shall be determined from Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. Uses not specifically listed in Table 10-50.80.040.A shall use the parking requirement for the most similar use, or as determined by the Director.

Table 10-50.80.040.A: Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required 


Number of Required Spaces


Accessory Dwelling Units


Market Rate (all dwelling classifications)

Single-Family Dwelling (Attached and Detached)1


Multifamily Dwelling, Duplex1 and Triplex




1 Bedroom


2 – 3 Bedrooms


4 Bedrooms


5+ Bedrooms

2.5 spaces for the first 4 bedrooms plus 0.5 space for each additional bedroom

Guest Spaces for Multifamily Dwelling, Duplex and Triplex (Includes spaces for boats and RVs)

0.25 for each 2+ bedroom unit

Affordable (All Dwelling Classifications)



1 Bedroom


2 – 3 Bedrooms


4+ Bedrooms


Guest Spaces for Multifamily Dwelling (Includes Boats and RVs)

0.25 per each 2+ bedroom units


1 per bedroom

Congregate Care Facility

0.75 per unit plus

1 per employee

Institutional Residential

1 per 6 beds plus 1 per employee

Convents or Monasteries

In addition, if a chapel is open to the public, the parking requirements for “Meeting Facilities, Public or Private” shall apply.

All Other Institutional Residential Uses (Listed in the Definition)

1 per 6 beds plus

1 per employee

Dormitories, Single Room Occupancies, and Fraternities and Sororities


Private Rooms

1 per bedroom or sleeping room plus

1 for owner or manager


See residential parking requirement plus,

1 per 300 gsf of work area

Manufactured Homes

2 per unit; and

1 guest parking space per 8 manufactured home sites

Rooming and Boarding Facilities


Private Rooms

1 per bedroom or sleeping room plus 1 for owner or manager

No Private Rooms

1 per 100 gsf plus 1 for owner or manager

Recreation, Education and Assembly


Commercial Campgrounds

1 per camp vehicle or site plus

1 per employee

Meeting Facilities, Public or Private

1 per employee plus the greater of either

1 per 250 gsf or

1 per 4 persons at maximum capacity

Places of Worship

1 per 60 gsf in main sanctuary

Commercial Recreation Facilities, Indoor or Outdoor

Bowling Alleys

1 per lane plus

1 per 6 persons at maximum capacity

Golf Courses and Related Facilities

4 per hole plus

1 per employee

Recreational Vehicle Park

1 per recreational vehicle and/or travel trailer plus required spaces for accessory uses

Recreation Centers

1 per 250 gsf, or 1 per 4 patrons at max. capacity, whichever is greater; plus 1 per employee

Skating Rinks: Ice or Roller

1 per 300 gsf

Swimming Facility

1 per 75 gsf of water area

Tennis, Racquetball, or Handball Courts

2 per court


1 per 4 persons at maximum capacity

Libraries, Museums

1 per employee plus the greater of either

1 per 250 gsf or

1 per 4 persons at maximum capacity


1 per 4 persons at maximum capacity

Schools, Private

Grades K-8

1 per employee plus

1 per 2 classrooms

Grades 9-12

1 per employee plus

1 per 4 students at capacity class attendance


1 per employee plus

1 per 3 students at capacity class attendance

Universities and Colleges

1 per employee plus

1 per 2 students at capacity class attendance

Youth Recreation Camp

1 per employee on the largest work shift plus

1 per camp vehicle

Other: Uses Not Listed

1 per employee plus

1 per 300 gsf

Retail Trade


1 per 50 gsf plus

1 per employee

Convenience Groceries

1 per employee plus

1 per 300 gsf

Drive-Through Uses

5 stacking spaces per drive-through, including service window and menu board areas, plus base use requirement

Furniture and/or Major Appliance Stores

1 per 600 gsf

General Retail Business

1 per 300 gsf


Neighborhood, < 5,000 gsf

1 per 400 gsf, excluding storage areas

Grocery or Supermarket, = 5,000 gsf

1 per 250 gsf, excluding storage areas

Restaurants or Cafes

1 per employee plus

1 per 100 gsf

Shopping Centers


< 100,000 gsf with Restaurant(s) Sharing Parking

1 per 250 gsf

< 100,000 gsf with no Restaurant(s) or Restaurant Having Separate Counted Parking

1 per 300 gsf

100,000 gsf with Restaurant(s) Sharing Parking

1 per 250 gsf up to 100,000 gsf plus

1 per 300 gsf for gsf over 100,000 gsf

100,000 gsf with no Restaurant(s) or Restaurant Having Separate Counted Parking

1 per 300 gsf up to 100,000 gsf plus

1 per 325 gsf for gsf over 100,000 gsf



Bed and Breakfast Establishments

2 per dwelling unit plus

1 per bedroom for rent


1 per employee plus

2 per acre

Day Care/Child Day-Care Facilities

1 per employee plus

1 off-street passenger drop-off/pick-up space per 10 students

Funeral Homes, Chapels, Crematoriums, Mortuaries

1 per 4 persons at maximum capacity

General Services

1 per 300 gsf


1 per 3 employees on largest work shift plus

1 per room or suite for rent plus

1 per 3 persons at the maximum capacity of each public meeting and/or banquet room


1 per 3 employees plus

2 per 3 patient beds



1 per 300 gsf


1 per employee plus

5 per doctor

Personal Services

Beauty and Barber Shops

1 per employee plus

1.5 per hairdresser/barber station


1 per 300 gsf

Public Services

1 per employee plus

1 per company vehicle stored or parked on the premises

Industrial, Manufacturing, Processing and Wholesaling

Construction Supply Yard

1 per 400 gsf customer service area, plus

1 per 2,000 gsf of warehousing/storage, plus

1 per employee

Manufacturing and Processing

1 per 600 gsf

Mini-Storage Warehousing

3 plus

1 per 100 storage units

Transportation or Trucking Yards

Parking shall be calculated by individual use, including but not limited to offices for the dispatch areas, warehouses for trans shipment or warehouse type areas, and vehicle repair for service facilities


1 per 2,000 gsf

Transportation and Infrastructure

Landing Strips and Heliports

1 per every aircraft space within the hangars, plus

1 for each tie-down space, plus

1 for every 2 employees

Vehicle Sales and Services

Auto Service Stations and Convenience Stores

1 per employee

If a convenience grocery is included, also see “Convenience Groceries”

If service bays are included, also see “Auto/Vehicle Repair Garages”

Auto/Vehicle Repair Garages

10 bays

2.5 per repair or maintenance bay

Required spaces shall be located on premises

> 10 bays

1.5 per repair or maintenance bay

Required spaces shall be located on premises

Auto/Vehicle Sales and Service: New and Used

1 per 1,500 gsf and outdoor vehicle display area

Car Washes

1.5 per employee plus

Drive-through parking requirement

Each wash rack shall be considered a drive-through and shall meet the parking requirements for a drive-through.

Urban Agriculture


1 per 300 interior sf plus

1 per 1,000 outdoor sf plus

1 per employee

End Note

1 Parking reductions allowed in Section 10-50.80.060, Parking Adjustments, shall not apply to single-family dwellings and duplexes.


sf square foot

gsf gross square feet

(Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016)

10-50.80.050 Bicycle Parking

A.    Applicability.

1.    The following regulations are applicable whenever the provisions of Section 10-50.80.020, Applicability, have been met.

2.    Bicycle parking is not required for single-family residential developments and uses.

B.    Required Spaces.

1.    Two bicycle parking spaces, or five percent of required off-street parking spaces, whichever is greater, are required for all uses other than single-family residential uses.

2.    Bicycle spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements:

a.    Bicycle parking shall consist of either a lockable enclosure (locker) in which the bicycle is stored or a rack to which the bicycle can be locked;

b.    Lockers and racks shall be securely anchored to the pavement or a structure;

c.    Racks shall be designed and installed to support the bicycle upright by its frame in two places in a manner that will not cause damage to the wheels and to permit the frame and one or both wheels to be secure;

Figure 10-50.80.050A

Correctly Designed Bicycle Rack

d.    Areas containing bicycle spaces shall be surfaced with impervious surfaces such as concrete or pavers. Pervious pavements or gravel may be used where appropriate as determined by the Director;

e.    When located within a parking area: curbs, fences, planter areas, bumpers, or similar barriers shall be installed and maintained for the mutual protection of bikes, motor vehicles, and pedestrians, unless determined by the Director to be unnecessary; and

f.    Bicycle parking shall be placed in a convenient, highly visible, active, and well-lit location not more than 100 feet walking distance from the main entrance, but shall not interfere with pedestrian movements.

Figure 10-50.80.050B

Incorrectly Designed Bicycle Racks

C.    Motor Vehicle Reduction. The Director may allow a reduction of motor vehicle parking spaces as established in Section 10-50.80.060(F).

D.    Bicycle Parking Space Dimensions. All bicycle parking shall meet the following minimum dimensions:

1.    Each bicycle parking space shall include a minimum area of 72 inches in length and 24 inches in width that is clear of obstructions;

2.    No part of the rack shall be located closer than 30 inches to a wall or other obstruction;

3.    The front or back of the rack shall be located no less than 48 inches from a sidewalk or pedestrian way; and

4.    A minimum of 30 inches shall be provided between adjoining racks.

(Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016)

10-50.80.060 Parking Adjustments

In the case that more than one parking adjustment may apply, for example as a result of allowed reductions for affordable housing (see Division 10-30.20, Affordable Housing Incentives), reductions for bike racks, or any other reduction authorized by this code, the cumulative parking adjustment shall not exceed 20 percent. However, in multifamily residential developments no less than one parking space per residential unit shall be required.

A.    Transit. In all zones, a parking reduction of up to 10 percent may be approved by the Director for any use within one-quarter of a mile of a bus stop.

B.    Shared On-Site Parking. Where two or more uses on the same site or adjacent parcels have distinct and differing peak parking usage periods (e.g., a theater and a bank), a reduction in the required number of parking spaces as determined by the Director may be allowed in the following manner:

1.    The reduction in number of required parking spaces shall be based on a parking demand study. The parking demand study shall be in accordance with established professional practices.

2.    Approval shall also require a recorded covenant running with the land, recorded by the owner of the parking lot, guaranteeing that the required parking will be maintained exclusively for the uses served and remain for the duration of the use.

C.    Parking Demand Study – Reduced Parking. Based on the completion and submittal of a parking demand study, the Director may approve a reduction in the amount of parking from that otherwise required by this division. The parking demand study shall be in accordance with established professional practices.

D.    Traffic Management Plan Parking Reduction. The Director shall have the ability to reduce the parking requirements for office and other uses in Section 10-50.80.040, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. A traffic management plan shall be submitted with an application for site plan review. A reduction may be granted if the following standards are met:

1.    The amount of the reduction shall be no more than 90 percent of the proposed reduction in employee motor vehicle trips.

2.    The buildings shall have a single user/owner who can effectively exercise control over compliance with the plan.

3.    The traffic management plan shall be submitted by a registered traffic engineer and shall include data on the effectiveness of similar plans elsewhere.

4.    The traffic management plan shall contain information on the strategies, designated parking, incentives, company vehicles, staggered work hours, and information indicating the owner’s ability to provide and enforce these elements over time.

5.    The Director may impose conditions that are needed to ensure the long-term compliance to the plan, including but not limited to a reserve parking area, phasing, or contributions to transit or other alternative means of transportation.

E.    Parking Reduction for Forest Resources. The number of parking spaces required for a new development may be reduced by no more than five percent if existing native trees such as ponderosa pine trees are located within parking areas (but not circulation areas) and these trees are required to be preserved to satisfy the requirements for forest resource protection as defined in Division 10-50.90, Resource Protection Standards. An applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that by incorporating these existing native trees within the parking area, adequate measures are taken during construction to ensure that the trees are protected from construction activity.

F.    Bicycle Parking Reduction. The Director may allow a reduction of one required motor vehicle parking space for each four bicycle parking spaces provided to a maximum of five percent of the required motor vehicle parking spaces.

G.    Motorcycle Parking Reduction. A reduction of one parking space for multifamily residential and nonresidential uses may be allowed by the Director if one motorcycle parking space for every 25 required motor vehicle spaces is provided, subject to the following standards:

1.    Each motorcycle space shall be easily accessible and have adequate space for a standard-size motorcycle, i.e., a minimum dimension of four feet by nine feet.

2.    Motorcycle parking areas shall be clearly identified with appropriate striping.

(Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016)

10-50.80.070 Parking Alternatives

If a property owner is unable to provide the required parking on-site, the owner may at the discretion of the Director satisfy the parking requirements by one or more alternatives in this section.

A.    Off-Site Parking. The location of off-premises parking facilities in relation to the use served are described in this subsection. All distances specified shall be between the closest edge of such parking facilities to the closest edge of the site being served.

1.    General to All Zones.

a.    Pedestrian access between the use or the site and the off-premises parking area shall be via paved sidewalk or walkway.

b.    The owner shall provide a recorded parking agreement reflecting the arrangement with the other site.

c.    If the off-premises parking facility is shared, the Director may allow a reduction in the following manner:

(1)    The reduction in number of required parking spaces shall be based on a parking demand study. The parking demand study shall be in accordance with established professional practices.

(2)    The shared parking arrangement shall require a recorded covenant running with the land, recorded by the owner of the parking lot, guaranteeing that the required parking will be maintained exclusively for the uses served and remain for the duration of the use.

d.    Required parking may be provided in off-street parking facilities on another property within 600 feet of the site proposed for development.

2.    Specific to Non-Transect Zones. Off-site parking facilities for a nonresidential use shall not be located in a residential zone.

B.    In-Lieu Fee. The owner of any property upon which a development is proposed may pay an in-lieu parking fee if the City approves it as part of the site plan review. A request to pay the in-lieu fee for more than 15 parking spaces must be approved by the Council. The Council shall make the following findings before approving any in-lieu fee proposal:

1.    The development is within a parking management district;

2.    There is available or planned public parking capacity to offset this demand;

3.    The public parking will be made available within a reasonable time period of the approval of this development; and

4.    The fee option is available only if an existing or planned parking facility exists within 600 feet of the site, or within a distance set by the parking management district. The fee shall be the current value of land and parking construction costs per space needed, as determined by an adopted parking management plan.

10-50.80.080 Parking Spaces, Parking Lot Design and Layout

A.    Access. The following regulations are applicable to off-street parking lot access design and include parking for single-family residences unless modified by Chapter 10-40, Specific to Zones.

1.    Each required off-street parking space shall open directly onto an aisle or driveway as specified in Table 10-50.080.080.A, Minimum Dimensional Requirements. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with an appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or to an alley to cause the least interference with traffic movements.

2.    Parking spaces in any parking lot or parking structure for any use other than single-family dwellings shall not be designed or located so as to permit a vehicle to enter or exit a parking space directly from a public thoroughfare. Driveways to the public thoroughfares shall be by forward motion of the vehicle. Ingress to and egress from parking spaces shall be from an on-site aisle or driveway. Exception: Parking spaces within lots of up to eight spaces may be designed or located so as to permit a vehicle to enter or exit a parking space directly from a public alley or rear lane.

3.    Driveways from a public thoroughfare to off-street parking areas in all residential zones shall meet the following:

a.    Driveways shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide; and

b.    If a driveway serves more than two dwelling units or is longer than 150 feet, the driveway shall have a minimum width and turnaround in accordance with Fire Department requirements and the Engineering Standards.

4.    Materials.

a.    All off-street parking areas and driveways shall be surfaced with materials as approved by the City Engineer and maintained in accordance with the Engineering Standards and the Stormwater Regulations.

b.    Driveway materials shall extend and include the area between the property line and the street.

c.    In areas where roads are not paved, the requirement for paving a driveway is not required, unless the driveway is required for fire access in accordance with the Fire Code.

5.    The design and construction of all off-street parking access drives shall meet the requirements of the Engineering Standards.

B.    Design of Parking Lot.

1.    Parking spaces shall be designed in accordance with the dimensional requirements provided in Table 10-50.080.080.A, Minimum Dimensional Requirements, and as illustrated in Figure

Table 10-50.80.080.A: Minimum Dimensional Requirements 


Parking Row Depth

Drive Aisle Width

Space Width2

Space Length







































Tandem (two spaces)






End Notes

1 Paved Parking Space Length (E) may be decreased by up to one and one-half feet by providing an equivalent vehicle overhang. This reduction may reduce the Parking Row Depth (A) by up to one and one-half feet; however, such overhangs shall not intrude into any required pedestrian walkways or landscaped areas or buffers.

2 Space width shall be increased by one foot when adjacent to a wall. The width of parking spaces on either side of a column or post in a parking garage or supporting an overhead structure shall be measured from the outer edge of the column or post.

3Angles less than 30° can be used if it is shown by the project engineer that the angle and layout can work.

2.    Covered off-street parking spaces, such as in a garage for a residence, shall not be less than 10 feet in width and 20 feet in length, and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet. This standard does not apply to parking spaces in a parking structure.

Figure 10-50.80.080A

Parking Lot Design

C.    Parking for Disabled Persons.

1.    All parking facilities that require parking spaces for disabled persons shall conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and A.R.S. § 28-882. Accessible parking spaces count toward the total parking requirement. Where the standards found here conflict with other standards the most restrictive shall apply.

2.    Accessible Parking Space Standards.

a.    All accessible parking spaces shall be a minimum of 11 feet wide and 18 feet long. Parking space length may be decreased by up to one and one-half feet by providing an equivalent vehicle overhang;

b.    The passenger loading space or access aisle (i.e., the hatched areas next to an accessible parking space) shall be a minimum of five feet wide;

c.    The slope of the parking space and access aisle shall not exceed 1:50 (two percent) in all directions; and

d.    Location.

(1)    Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance;

(2)    In parking facilities that do not serve a particular building, accessible parking shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible pedestrian entrance of the parking facility;

(3)    In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances; and

(4)    Wherever practical, the accessible path of travel should not cross drive aisles and should not go behind parked cars.

Figure 10-50.80.080B

Accessible Parking Space Dimensions

3.    Number of Accessible Parking Spaces.

a.    If parking spaces are provided for self-parking by employees and/or visitors for all nonresidential uses, then accessible spaces complying with ADA regulations shall be provided in conformance with Table 10-50.80.080.B.

Table 10-50.80.080.B: Min. Number of Accessible Spaces 

Total Parking in Lot

Required Min. Number of Accessible Spaces

1 to 20


21 to 40


41 to 60


61 to 80


81 to 100


101 to 140


141 to 200


201 to 300


301 to 400


401 to 500


501 to 1,000

2% of total


20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000

b.    In apartment developments, at least one accessible parking space or two percent of the total overall number of parking spaces, whichever is greater, shall be reserved.

4.    Each parking space prescribed in this section shall be prominently outlined with paint and posted with a permanent sign that is located at least three feet but no more than six feet above grade, that is of a color and design approved by the State of Arizona and that bears the internationally accepted symbol of access and the caption “Reserved Parking.”

D.    Landscaping. The requirements for landscaping within parking areas are established in Division 10-50.60, Landscaping Standards.

E.    Lighting. The requirements for outdoor lighting within parking areas are established in Division 10-50.70, Outdoor Lighting Standards.

F.    Location.

1.    The location of on-site parking in all zones is regulated by setbacks as set forth in Chapter 10-40, Specific to Zones, and buffers established in Division 10-50.60, Landscaping Standards.

2.    All Nonresidential Zones. In all nonresidential zones, vehicle parking is not permitted in the required front and exterior side setback areas, except as follows:

a.    Parking in the exterior side yard is permitted when the parking space is a minimum of 20 feet from the exterior side property line and the parking space is located behind the front of the building.

3.    All Residential Zones.

a.    In all residential zones, vehicle parking is not permitted in the required front and exterior side setback areas, except when the parking space is a minimum of 20 feet from the exterior side property line and the parking space is located behind the front of the building.

b.    Parking is only permitted in the following locations as illustrated in Figure 10-50.80.080C:

(1)    Within interior and rear yard areas;

(2)    Within the front yard only on the driveway; and

(3)    Within an area no more than 10 feet in width on the side of the driveway between the driveway and the nearest interior side property line (see also Section 10-50.80.080(L), Trailers, RVs and Boats); provided, that:

(a)    The parking shall only be accessed from the existing driveway serving the residence, and no additional curb cut shall be permitted; and

(b)    The surface of the parking area shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Engineering Standards.


Parking of Vehicles, RVs and Boats

Front and exterior side yard – no vehicle, RV or boat parking permitted

Rear and interior side yard – parking and storage of all vehicles permitted

Limited area in exterior side yard – unlimited parking and storage of vehicles permitted, but not RVs, trailers or boats

Driveway in front of garage or carport – unlimited vehicle parking, except that RVs, trailers or boats may be parked for only 5 days or less per month

Area max. 10' wide to side of driveway closest to interior side property line – unlimited vehicle parking, except that RVs, trailers or boats may only be parked for 5 days or less per month

G.    Screening. For standards related to screening of parking areas, see Division 10-50.50, Fences and Screening.

H.    Signs. For standards related to signage see Division 10-50.100, Sign Standards.

I.    Size of Parking Lot. A single parking area shall not exceed one acre in size. Parking areas larger than one acre in size shall be broken down into smaller lots with planted buffers (15 feet minimum depth) between them to minimize the perceived scale of the total field of stalls.

J.    Slope of Parking Areas. The surface grade of the parking area shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Engineering Standards.

K.    Tandem Parking. Tandem parking is permitted in all zones for single-family residences, accessory dwelling units, and duplexes as follows:

1.    Both tandem parking spaces satisfy the parking requirement of one residential unit; and

2.    Neither of the tandem parking spaces shall be for required accessible parking spaces.

L.    Trailers, RVs and Boats.

1.    The parking or placement of a camping or vacation trailer, recreational vehicle, utility trailer or boat in any zone for residential or storage purposes shall be prohibited except as determined by subsections (L)(2) and (3) of this section.

2.    Storage of Trailers, RVs and Boats. Camping or vacation trailers, recreational vehicles, utility trailers, or boats may be stored (i.e., parked for any period longer than five days per month) only in the rear or interior side yard behind the front of the building, garage, or carport on any parcel in any zone, as illustrated in Figure 18-50.80.080C; provided, that:

a.    There is a principal use of the property, to which such storage would be accessory;

b.    No business shall be conducted within a stored trailer or vehicle;

c.    The camping or vacation trailer or recreational vehicle shall not be used for residential purposes, except that guests of the property owner or tenant may stay in the camping or vacation trailer or recreational vehicle for no more than five days per month; and

d.    The minimum number of required parking spaces for the lot or parcel is maintained in addition to the area used for the stored vehicle(s).

3.    Parking of Trailers, RVs and Boats. A camping or vacation trailer, recreational vehicle, utility trailer, or boat may only be parked (i.e., parked for five days or less per month) for maintenance, loading, and unloading purposes in the following locations:

a.    Within the rear or interior side yard behind the front of the building, garage, or carport on any parcel in any zone;

b.    Within the front yard only on the driveway in front of a garage or carport; and

c.    Within an area no more than 10 feet in width on the side of the driveway between the driveway and the nearest interior side property line; provided, that:

(1)    There is a principal use of the property, to which such parking would be accessory;

(2)    No business shall be conducted within a parked trailer or vehicle;

(3)    The camping or vacation trailer or recreational vehicle shall not be used for residential purposes, except that guests of the property owner or tenant may stay in the camping or vacation trailer or recreational vehicle for no more than five days per month; and

(4)    The minimum number of required parking spaces for the property is maintained in addition to the area used for the stored vehicle(s).

4.    Overnight Parking of Travel Trailers, Motor Homes and RVs. Overnight parking of travel trailers, motor homes, or other recreational vehicles is permitted in commercial and industrial zones where camping activities are not specifically permitted by this Zoning Code, provided:

a.    The owner, lessee, occupant or person having legal control of the property permits the use of the property for such overnight parking;

b.    The property is clearly posted with a sign(s) indicating that overnight parking is permitted subject to the standards provided in this section;

c.    Vehicles are only parked for the purpose of overnight parking for no more than one night and shall be moved from the property by no later than 10:00 a.m. the following morning; and

d.    It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that the property is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition free from litter, trash or other waste in accordance with applicable City standards.

(Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016)

10-50.80.090 Development and Maintenance

A.    Construction Specifications. The construction of all off-street parking areas shall meet the requirements of the Engineering Standards.

1.    Maintenance.

a.    All parking areas shall be paved, striped, and maintained in a dust-free and litter-free condition at all times.

b.    A parking lot maintenance permit shall be required when existing parking areas are repaved, resealed, or restriped. See Section 10-20.40.110, Parking Lot Maintenance Permit.