Chapter 18.50
18.50.030 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.
18.50.010 Purpose.
The entryway or E district is intended to apply to arterial streets leading into downtown, where a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses is appropriate in an aesthetically appealing corridor, in which new developments and modifications to existing developments shall occur in accordance with design guidelines. Permitted uses and uses permitted with a conditional use permit are intended to be compatible with residential uses within and adjacent to the E district. [Ord. 664-00 § 14B.01, 6-27-00; Ord. 632-91 § 14B.01, 10-22-91].
18.50.020 Permitted uses.
The following uses and structures are permitted in the E district:
(1) Offices occupied by accountants, architects, dentists, physicians, engineers, attorneys, counselors, drugless practitioners, electrologists, geologists, optometrists, psychologists, and other occupations and enterprises.
(2) Retail stores and businesses or service enterprises, including the following:
(a) Banks and business offices.
(b) Food, hardware, variety, drug, and clothing stores not to exceed 2,500 square feet of retail sales floor area. All on-site storage related to such uses shall be within an enclosed building and shall be clearly incidental to and integral to the operation of the primary business.
(c) Music and dance studios.
(d) Blueprint shops and photographic stores.
(e) Cafes, restaurants, and catering shops.
(f) Art and antique shops.
(g) Florists.
(h) Barber shops and beauty parlors.
(i) Bakeries, including only retail sales on the premises and baking to supply not more than three retail outlets.
(3) Other uses, which, in the opinion of the planning commission, are similar to those uses listed above; and
(4) Outdoor advertising signs and structures pertaining to the use or operation of the site, subject to the following:
(a) Signs shall not exceed one and one-half square feet for each lineal foot of building frontage. The total surface area of all incidental signs, including services, trading stamps, prices, credit cards, or product advertising shall not exceed 40 square feet.
(b) Signs shall be no higher than 30 feet above grade. Freestanding signs in excess of 10 feet in height are prohibited.
(c) The above restrictions shall not apply to “directional signs” and “exempt signs” as defined in Chapter 18.125 WMC. [Ord. 664-00 § 14B.02, 6-27-00; Ord. 632-91 § 14B.02, 10-22-91].
18.50.030 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.
The following uses and structures are permitted in the E district only if a conditional use permit has first been secured. Uses and structures which, in the opinion of the planning commission, are similar to the following may be permitted if a conditional use permit has first been secured:
(1) Permitted uses in the R-2 district, as set forth in WMC 18.35.030.
(2) Pet shops and veterinary offices.
(3) Mortuaries and funeral parlors.
(4) Private schools.
(5) Bed and breakfast establishments with five or fewer guest quarters.
(6) Martial arts or exercise studios.
(7) Health clubs.
(8) Residential uses as authorized under WMC 18.110.090(9).
(9) Residential use as authorized under WMC 18.110.090(10). [Ord. 749-20 § 2, 6-23-20; Ord. 744-19 § 1, 2-26-19; Ord. 664-00 § 14B.03, 6-27-00; Ord. 632-91 § 14B.03, 10-22-91].
18.50.040 Prohibited uses.
(1) Uses permitted in the ML district, as set forth in WMC 18.70.020(2) et seq.
(2) Uses permitted in the MH district, as set forth in WMC 18.75.020(2) et seq.
(3) Automobile service stations and mini-markets with gasoline sales.
(4) Outside sales and transient or mobile business operations.
(5) Bars and cocktail lounges, except as incidental to and contained within an otherwise permitted restaurant or cafe.
(6) Adult entertainment businesses subject to Chapter 18.115 WMC.
(7) Uses and structures with drive-through windows.
(8) Uses not expressly listed or determined by the planning commission to be similar to uses in WMC 18.50.020 or 18.50.030. [Ord. 664-00 § 14B.04, 6-27-00; Ord. 632-91 § 14B.04, 10-22-91].
18.50.050 Other regulations.
(1) Residential Uses. Minimum lot area, front, side, and rear setbacks, maximum building height, maximum lot coverage and parking requirements for residential uses shall be subject to the regulations of the residential zone(s) in which the use is considered a principally permitted use.
(2) Nonresidential Uses.
(a) Minimum lot area: 5,000 square feet.
(b) Maximum lot coverage by structures: 50 percent.
(c) Minimum Yard Requirements.
(i) Front: 12 feet from the inner edge of the sidewalk or, in the absence of a sidewalk, 18 feet from the outer edge of the curb.
(ii) Side: six feet from the inner edge of the sidewalk or, in the absence of a sidewalk, 12 feet from the outer edge of the curb.
(iii) Rear: 12 feet where accessible from street or alley for loading purposes. Buildings may project over the rear yard, providing 14 feet clear vertical distance from ground level is maintained. Building code and other regulations shall apply. Signs may be located in required yard areas, subject to design review.
(d) Maximum building height: 30 feet.
(e) Loading Space. Private off-street space for handling all materials and equipment shall be provided.
(f) Minimum Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in an amount in accordance with the regulations of Chapter 18.120 WMC. No off-street parking shall be provided in the front of any structure.
(g) When applying the regulations contained in the E district to parcels adjoining Wood Street, the Wood Street frontage shall always be considered the front yard.
The city of Willows zoning map is hereby amended by designating the areas shaded on the following map as entryway E zoning district.1 [Ord. 664-00 § 14B.05, 6-27-00; Ord. 632-91 § 14B.05, 10-22-91].
Code reviser’s note—The most current zoning map is on file with the city.