Title 18


18.05    Definitions

18.10    Establishment of Zones

18.15    Agriculture Zones

18.20    R-1 Residential Zone

18.25    RR-22 Residential Zone

18.30    R-2 Residential Zone

18.35    R-3 Residential Zone

18.40    R-4 Residential Zone

18.45    RM-6 Residential Zone

18.50    RM-8 Residential Zone

18.53    RM-8-D Residential Zone

18.55    RM-14 Residential Zone

18.57    RM-14-D Residential Zone

18.60    RM-18 Residential Zone

18.63    Historic Buildings and Sites Preservation Ordinance

18.65    Downtown Commercial (C-D) Zone

18.70    Gateway Commercial (C-G) Zone

18.75    Neighborhood Commercial (C-N) Zone

18.80    Professional Office Commercial (C-PO) Zone

18.85    Regional Commercial (C-R) Zone

18.90    Table of Commercial Uses

18.95    Manufacturing Zones

18.100    Planned Commercial Center (PCC) Zone

18.105    Parks and Open Space (P-OS) Zone

18.110    Geologic Hazards Ordinance

18.115    Groundwater Protection Overlay (OV-GP) Zone

18.120    Elderly Housing Overlay (OV-EH) Zone

18.125    Specific Development Districts

18.130    Pedestrian Oriented Overlay (PO-OV) Zone

18.135    General Regulations

18.140    Performance Standards

18.145    Automobile Parking

18.150    Sign Regulation Ordinance

18.155    Fences

18.160    Mobile Home Regulations

18.165    Residential Facilities

18.170    Public Utility Substations

18.175    Wireless Communication Towers

18.180    Wind Energy Conversion

18.185    Sexually Oriented Businesses

18.187    Check Cashing Businesses

18.190    Home Occupations

18.195    Conditional Use Permit

18.200    Nonconforming Buildings, Uses and Lots

18.205    Impact Fees

18.210    Development Agreements

18.215    Site Plan Review and Standards

18.220    Regulatory Provisions

18.225    Accessory Structures

18.230    Mobile Food Vendors

18.235    Water Efficiency Standards