Ordinance Table
Ord. Number | Passage Date | Description |
eff. 1-1-80 | Bank franchise tax (3.80) | |
2-26-81 | Tax exemption for certain rehabilitated real estate (3.20) | |
6-13-81 | Administration in general (2.05) | |
7-13-81 | Administration in general (2.05) | |
7-23-81 | Use charges (13.20) | |
11-24-81 | Miscellaneous offenses (9.05) | |
1-14-82 | Building code (15.10) | |
1-14-82 | Libraries (2.75) | |
1-27-82 | Alarm systems (8.10) | |
2-25-82 | Comprehensive drainage plan (Repealed by 2024-23) | |
3-25-82 | Wards (1.10) | |
9-9-82 | Libraries (2.75) | |
11-23-82 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
12-9-82 | Precious metals and gems and pawnbrokers (5.20) | |
12-9-82 | Revenue and finance in general (3.05) | |
12-9-82 | Local vehicle license (Repealed by 2011-12) | |
2-24-83 | Real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) | |
6-9-83 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
6-23-83 | Use charges (13.20) | |
1-26-84 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
1-26-84 | Industrial development authority (2.60) | |
9-27-84 | City council (2.10) | |
1-24-85 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
1-24-85 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
4-25-85 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
7-25-85 | Transient occupancy tax (3.35) | |
7-25-85 | One-way streets (10.20) | |
2-27-86 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
2-27-86 | Real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) | |
5-22-86 | Use charges (13.20) | |
6-12-86 | Tax on meals served in restaurants or by caterers (3.40) | |
9-25-86 | Wards (1.10) | |
9-25-86 | Building code (15.10) | |
9-25-86 | Unsafe buildings (15.20) | |
10-23-86 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
11-13-86 | Use charges (13.20) | |
12-11-86 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
12-11-86 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
4-23-87 | Use charges (13.20) | |
5-13-87 | Taxation generally (3.10) | |
5-13-87 | Sewer stoppage and repair (13.50) | |
6-25-87 | Trees and shrubbery on public property (12.25) | |
2-11-88 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
3-24-88 | Fire prevention code (15.25) | |
4-13-88 | Office on youth (2.65) | |
6-9-88 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
7-28-88 | Real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) | |
8-25-88 | Police (2.85) | |
9-22-88 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
1-12-89 | Trees and shrubbery on public property (12.25) | |
2-9-89 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
2-29-89 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
3-23-89 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
4-13-89 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
4-13-89 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
4-13-89 | Sewer user fee (13.45) | |
4-13-89 | Use charges (13.20) | |
4-27-89 | Use charges (13.20) | |
4-27-89 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
9-14-89 | Planning commission (2.55) | |
9-14-89 | One-way streets (10.20) | |
9-28-89 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
10-26-89 | Tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) | |
3-22-90 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
3-22-90 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
4-12-90 | Real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) | |
4-12-90 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
5-24-90 | Required improvements (17.20) | |
5-24-90 | Enterprise zone (3.45) | |
6-26-90 | Building code (15.10) | |
6-28-90 | Building code (15.10) | |
6-28-90 | Health clubs and massage therapy, tattoo parlors (Repealed by 2020-09) | |
8-23-90 | Abatement of levies (3.50) | |
9-13-90 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
9-13-90 | Wards (1.10) | |
9-27-90 | Miscellaneous offenses (9.05) | |
10-25-90 | Motor vehicles and traffic (10.05) | |
10-25-90 | Refunds of taxes (3.55) | |
12-13-90 | Tax on meals served in restaurants or by caterers (3.40) | |
12-13-90 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
12-13-90 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
1-10-91 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
1-10-91 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
2-28-91 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
2-28-91 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
2-28-91 | Use charges (13.20) | |
2-28-91 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
3-14-91 | Enterprise zone (3.45) | |
3-14-91 | Refunds of taxes (3.55) | |
3-14-91 | Abatement of levies (3.50) | |
4-11-91 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
6-25-91 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
6-25-91 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
6-25-91 | Building code (15.10) | |
7-25-91 | Enterprise zone (3.45) | |
10-24-91 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
10-24-91 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
11-14-91 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
1-9-92 | Fire prevention code (15.25) | |
2-27-92 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
2-27-92 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
3-12-92 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
3-26-92 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
4-23-92 | Pretreatment and discharge requirements (13.55) | |
5-28-92 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
6-11-92 | Miscellaneous offenses (9.05) | |
6-25-92 | Comprehensive drainage plan (Repealed by 2024-23) | |
8-12-92 | Revenue and finance in general (3.05) | |
9-10-92 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
9-10-92 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
10-8-92 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
10-8-92 | One-way streets (10.20) | |
12-17-92 | One-way streets (10.20) | |
12-17-92 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
12-17-92 | City treasurer (2.25) | |
12-17-92 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
1-28-93 | City market (12.35) | |
2-25-93 | Enterprise zone (3.45) | |
3-11-93 | General provisions (1.05) | |
3-11-93 | Miscellaneous offenses (9.05) | |
4-8-93 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
4-22-93 | One-way streets (10.20) | |
5-13-93 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
6-10-93 | One-way streets (10.20) | |
11-11-93 | Voluntary off-site road improvements (17.25) | |
11-11-93 | Animals in general (6.05) | |
12-16-93 | Plats (17.10) | |
12-16-93 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
12-16-93 | Subdivisions in general (17.05) | |
12-16-93 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
2-24-94 | Fire prevention code (15.25) | |
5-12-94 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
5-26-94 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
6-9-94 | Miscellaneous offenses (9.05) | |
7-13-94 | Tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) | |
7-13-94 | Transient occupancy tax (3.35) | |
11-10-94 | Real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) | |
12-08-94 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
12-8-94 | Downtown service district (3.60) | |
1-26-95 | Precious metals and gems and pawnbrokers (5.20) | |
2-23-95 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
2-23-95 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
2-23-95 | Pretreatment and discharge requirements (13.55) | |
3-9-95 | Noise (8.25) | |
4-13-95 | Noise (8.25) | |
4-13-95 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
4-27-95 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
4-27-95 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
5-11-95 | Health clubs and massage therapy, tattoo parlors (Repealed by 2020-09) | |
5-25-95 | Sewer user fee (13.45) | |
6-28-95 | Operation of vehicles generally (10.15) | |
6-28-95 | Enterprise zone (3.45) | |
6-28-95 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
7-26-95 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
10-26-95 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
11-9-95 | Erosion and sedimentation control in general (Repealed by 2024-23) | |
1-11-96 | General requirements and design standards (17.15) | |
1-11-96 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
2-8-96 | Sewer user fee (13.45) | |
3-14-96 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
3-14-96 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
5-9-96 | Regulation of open burning (8.20) | |
6-13-96 | Miscellaneous offenses (9.05) | |
6-13-96 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
8-22-96 | Local vehicle license (Repealed by 2011-12) | |
11-14-96 | Business, professional, occupation and other license taxes (5.05) | |
1-23-97 | Seizure, impoundment and miscellaneous provisions (6.20) | |
2-27-97 | Building code (15.10) | |
2-27-97 | Unsafe buildings (15.20) | |
2-27-97 | Building regulations in general (15.05) | |
3-13-97 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
3-13-97 | Dogs and cats (6.10) | |
5-22-97 | Tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) | |
5-22-97 | Taxation generally (3.10) | |
6-24-97 | Miscellaneous offenses (Repealed by 2012-08) | |
11-13-97 | Sales and use tax (3.65) | |
12-11-97 | Building code (15.10) | |
12-11-97 | Building regulations in general (15.05) | |
1-8-98 | Historic preservation district (18.85) | |
2-26-98 | Dogs and cats (Repealed by 2008-03) | |
2-26-98 | Hybrid canines (6.25) | |
3-12-98 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
3-26-98 | Business, professional, occupation and other license taxes (5.05) | |
6-11-98 | Health clubs and massage therapy, tattoo parlors (Repealed by 2020-09) | |
7-23-98 | Business, professional, occupation and other license taxes (5.05) | |
9-10-98 | Real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) | |
9-24-98 | Health clubs and massage therapy, tattoo parlors (Repealed by 2020-09) | |
12-10-98 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
2-10-99 | Trees and shrubbery on public property (12.25) | |
5-13-99 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
5-13-99 | Sewer user fee (13.45) | |
11-11-99 | Excavations (12.10) | |
11-11-99 | Solid waste (8.30) | |
12-9-99 | Erosion and sedimentation control in general (Repealed by 2007-30) | |
12-9-99 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
1-13-00 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
2-24-00 | Downtown service district (3.60) | |
4-13-00 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
4-27-00 | Building code (Repealed by 2005-10) | |
4-27-00 | Use charges (13.20) | |
4-27-00 | Tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) | |
5-25-00 | Office on youth (2.65) | |
6-13-00 | Abatement of levies (3.50) | |
6-27-00 | Tax on meals served in restaurants or by caterers (3.40) | |
8-8-00 | Fire and rescue department (2.70) | |
8-8-00 | Administration in general (2.05) | |
9-14-00 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
10-12-00 | Tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) | |
12-14-00 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
12-14-00 | One-way streets (10.20) | |
1-11-01 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
4-12-01 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
4-12-01 | Tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) | |
4-12-01 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
5-10-01 | Sewer user fee (13.45) | |
5-24-01 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
5-24-01 | Use charges (13.20) | |
5-24-01 | Sewer user fee (13.45) | |
5-25-01 | Use charges (13.20) | |
6-28-01 | Street vending (12.30) | |
10-25-01 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
12-13-01 | Fire prevention code (15.25) | |
12-13-01 | Regulation of open burning (8.20) | |
12-13-01 | Regulation of open burning (8.20) | |
12-14-01 | Fire warning systems (8.15) | |
12-14-01 | Fire prevention code (15.25) | |
2-14-02 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
3-14-02 | Tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) | |
4-11-02 | Connections to city sewer systems (13.40) | |
4-11-02 | Water supply in general (13.15) | |
5-23-02 | Animals in general (6.05) | |
5-23-02 | Dogs and cats (6.10) | |
7-11-02 | Revenue and finance in general (3.05) | |
7-11-02 | Chief finance officer (2.45) | |
8-8-02 | Local vehicle license (Repealed by 2011-12) | |
8-22-02 | Use charges (13.20) | |
8-22-02 | Administration in general (2.05) | |
10-24-02 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
10-24-02 | Height regulations (18.30) | |
11-14-02 | Use charges (13.20) | |
12-12-02 | Probate tax (3.70) | |
1-9-03 | Streets, sidewalks and public places in general (12.05) | |
3-27-03 | Pretreatment and discharge requirements (13.55) | |
5-8-03 | Stopping, standing and parking (10.25) | |
5-8-03 | Use charges (13.20) | |
5-8-03 | Sewer user fee (13.45) | |
7-10-03 | Use charges (13.20) | |
7-10-03 | Noise (8.25) | |
2004-04 | 2-9-04 | Adds § 5.15.175, massage apprentice permit (Repealed by 2020-09) |
2004-06 | 2-9-04 | Amends § 18.120.010, yard and building setbacks (18.120) |
2004-07 | 2-9-04 | Amends § 10.25.190, free parking (10.25) |
2004-08 | 2-9-04 | Amends § 10.25.480, vehicle permits (10.25) |
2004-09 | 2-9-04 | Amends § 10.25.490, areas and hours affected by parking regulations (10.25) |
2004-11 | 2-26-04 | Amends § 10.25.190, vehicle permits (10.25) |
2004-15 | 5-17-04 | Cigarette tax (3.75) |
2004-16 | 5-17-04 | Telephone service consumer use tax (Repealed by 2018-17) |
2004-18 | 5-13-04 | Sewer connection and facilities fees (13.40) |
2004-19 | 5-27-04 | Water supply connection fees (13.15) |
2004-20 | 5-27-04 | Adds Ch. 1.01, code adoption (1.01) |
2004-21 | 6-10-04 | Cigarette tax (3.75) |
2004-23 | 7-22-04 | Amends § 18.125.010, off-street parking (18.125) |
2004-24 | 7-22-04 | Amends § 6.10.260, dangerous dogs (Repealed by 2008-03) |
2004-27 | 9-9-04 | Amends § 6.05.020, violations of animal provisions (6.05) |
2004-29 | 9-23-04 | Amends § 10.10.020, local vehicle license (Repealed by 2011-12) |
2004-35 | 11-11-04 | Amends § 3.10.040, taxes (3.10) |
2004-38 | 12-29-04 | Amends §§ 18.95.010, 18.95.020, 18.95.030, 18.95.040, 18.95.050, 18.95.060 and 18.95.070, zoning (18.95) |
2005-02 | 2-24-05 | Amends § 5.05.180, alcoholic beverages license tax (5.05) |
2005-03 | 2-24-05 | Amends §§ 2.25.010, 2.25.020, 2.25.030, 2.25.060, 2.45.010, 2.45.020, 2.45.030, 2.45.040, 2.45.050, 2.45.060, 2.45.070, 2.45.080, 2.45.090, 2.45.120, 2.45.150, 13.20.050 and 13.45.050; repeals § 2.25.070, finance administration (2.25, 2.45, 13.20, 13.45) |
2005-05 | 4-14-05 | Amends §§ 3.60.010, 3.60.020, 3.60.050 and 3.60.070, downtown service district (3.60) |
2005-07 | 4-28-05 | Amends §§ 1.10.090 and 1.10.120, ward polling places (1.10) |
2005-09 | 5-12-05 | Adds § 8.20.075; amends §§ 8.20.030 and 8.20.070, regulations for open burning (8.20) |
2005-10 | 5-12-05 | Amends § 15.10.120; repeals §§ 15.10.130, 15.10.140, 15.10.150, 15.10.160 and 15.10.170, buildings and building regulations (15.10) |
2005-11 | 5-12-05 | Adds § 15.25.055, fire prevention code (15.25) |
2005-12 | 5-12-05 | Amends § 18.220.020, zoning fees (18.220) |
2005-13 | 5-12-05 | Adds § 17.05.080, subdivision fees (17.05) |
2005-14 | 5-12-05 | Amends § 17.10.070, minor subdivision plats (17.10) |
2005-15 | 5-12-05 | Amends § 13.45.030, sewer user fee (13.45) |
2005-16 | 5-12-05 | Amends § 13.20.020, water rates (13.20) |
2005-17 | 5-12-05 | Adds § 13.05.055, storm water control program fee (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2005-18 | 5-12-05 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste fee (8.30) |
2005-19 | 5-12-05 | Amends §§ 3.15.030 and 3.15.060, real estate tax exemption (3.15) |
2005-25 | 7-14-05 | Valley Alcohol Safety Action Program board (Repealed by 2023-40) |
2005-27 | 8-25-05 | Amends § 13.05.055, storm water control program fee (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2005-28 | 9-22-05 | Established underground utility corridor (Special) |
2005-29 | 9-22-05 | Authorizes conveyance of land and easements (Special) |
2005-30 | 9-22-05 | Amends § 18.85.030, historic preservation commission (18.85) |
2005-31 | 11-10-05 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2005-32 | 11-10-05 | Amends § 18.85.050, historic preservation commission (18.85) |
2005-33 | 11-10-05 | Amends special use permit (Special) |
2005-34 | 11-10-05 | Amends § 3.10.040, property taxes (3.10) |
2005-35 | 12-8-05 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-36 | 12-8-05 | Adds Ch. 18.53, traditional neighborhood development infill (TND-I) district (18.53) |
2005-37 | 12-19-05 | Amends § 3.10.040, property taxes (3.10) |
2006-03 | 2-23-06 | Street vacation (Special) |
2006-04 | 2-23-06 | Amends §§ 18.15.010, 18.53.060, 18.53.070 and 18.53.080, TND-I district (18.15, 18.53) |
2006-05 | 4-13-06 | Personal property tax relief (3.10) |
2006-06 | 4-27-06 | Amends § 13.15.060, water connection and facilities fees (13.15) |
2006-07 | 4-27-06 | Amends § 13.40.030, sewer connection and facilities fees (13.40) |
2006-08 | 5-11-06 | Adopts 2006-2007 budget (Special) |
2006-09 | 5-25-06 | Right-of-way encroachment (Special) |
2006-10 | 6-8-06 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2006-11 | 6-8-06 | Street vacation (Special) |
2006-12 | 6-8-06 | Amends § 17.20.030; repeals § 17.20.040, street improvements (17.20) |
2006-13 | 6-8-06 | Amends § 18.105.030, single-family dwellings (18.105) |
2006-14 | 6-8-06 | Shenandoah Valley Workforce Investment Area consortium agreement (Special) |
2006-15 | 6-22-06 | Amends § 3.40.040, tax on meals served in restaurants or by caterers (3.40) |
2006-16 | 7-27-06 | Amends § 13.45.030, sewer use fee (13.45) |
2006-17 | 9-14-06 | Amends § 18.53.040, area regulations and intensity of use (18.53) |
2006-18 | 10-12-06 | Rezone (Special) |
2006-19 | 10-12-06 | Rezone (Special) |
2006-20 | 11-10-06 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2006-21 | 12-14-06 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2006-22 | 12-14-06 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2006-23 | 12-14-06 | Amends Ch. 3.45, enterprise zone (3.45) |
2007-01 | 1-11-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-02 | 2-8-07 | Amends § 3.35.020, transient occupancy tax (3.35) |
2007-03 | 2-22-07 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
2007-04 | 3-29-07 | Amends § 13.40.030, sewer connection and facilities fees (13.40) |
2007-05 | 3-29-07 | Amends § 13.15.060, water connection and facilities fees (13.15) |
2007-06 | 4-26-07 | Amends §§ 3.45.010, 3.45.020, 3.45.030, 3.45.040 and 3.45.050, enterprise zone (3.45) |
2007-07 | 4-26-07 | Amends § 13.20.020, water rates (13.20) |
2007-08 | 4-26-07 | Amends § 3.40.020, tax on meals served in restaurants or by caterers (3.40) |
2007-09 | 5-10-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-10 | 5-10-07 | Street vacation (Special) |
2007-11 | 5-10-07 | Amends § 15.10.120, permit fees (15.10) |
2007-12 | 5-10-07 | Amends §§ 3.15.030(4) and 3.15.060, real estate tax exemption (3.15) |
2007-13 | 5-24-07 | Amends § 3.05.080(2), assessment of special court costs (3.05) |
2007-14 | 6-14-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-15 | 6-14-07 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
2007-16 | 7-12-07 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2007-17 | 8-9-07 | Amends § 8.30.060, sanitary landfill service charges (8.30) |
2007-18 | 8-23-07 | Amends § 13.20.020, water rates (13.20) |
2007-19 | 9-13-07 | Amends §§ 18.170.020, 18.170.030, 18.170.040, 18.170.050 and 18.170.060, floodplain districts and regulations (18.170) |
2007-20 | 9-13-07 | Adds Chs. 13.12 and 13.14; amends Chs. 13.05 and 13.10, environment (13.12) |
2007-21 | 9-13-07 | Approves regional tourism board agreement (Special) |
2007-22 | 9-27-07 | Amends § 3.10.010, taxation (3.10) |
2007-23 | 10-11-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-24 | 10-11-07 | Disposal of surplus property (Repealed by 2015-05) |
2007-25 | 10-11-07 | Amends § 10.20.020, one-way streets (10.20) |
2007-26 | 10-25-07 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2007-27 | 10-25-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-28 | 11-8-07 | Adds Ch. 5.40, adult businesses (5.40) |
2007-29 | 11-8-07 | Amends § 18.75.020, zoning for adult businesses (18.75) |
2007-30 | 12-13-07 | Amends §§ 13.05.020, 13.05.050, 13.10.010, 13.10.030, 13.10.050 and 13.12.030; repeals §§ 13.05.070, 13.05.080, 13.05.090 and 13.05.100, environment (13.12) |
2007-31 | 12-13-07 | Amends § 18.75.020, zoning (18.75) |
2008-01 | 1-10-08 | Rezone (Special) |
2008-02 | 1-24-08 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
2008-03 | 1-24-08 | Adds §§ 6.10.191 and 6.20.241; amends §§ 6.05.010, 6.05.020, 6.05.030, 6.05.070, 6.05.080, 6.10.010, 6.10.090, 6.10.100, 6.10.110, 6.10.140, 6.10.170, 6.10.180, 6.10.200, 6.10.210, 6.10.220, 6.10.240, 6.15.050, 6.15.060, 6.15.080, 6.15.090, 6.20.010, 6.20.020, 6.25.010 and 6.25.030; repeals §§ 6.10.230, 6.10.250, 6.10.260, 6.10.270 and 6.10.280, animal control (6.05, 6.10, 6.15, 6.20, 6.25) |
2008-04 | 2-14-08 | Conveyance of property (Special) |
2008-05 | 2-14-08 | Conveyance of property (Special) |
2008-06 | 2-14-08 | Vacates property interest (Special) |
2008-07 | 4-10-08 | Rezone (Special) |
2008-08 | 4-10-08 | Amends § 13.15.060(1)(a), water connection fees (13.15) |
2008-09 | 4-10-08 | Adds Ch. 18.83, entrance corridor overlay district (18.83) |
2008-10 | 4-24-08 | Amends §§ 8.30.070, 8.30.080, 8.30.090, 8.30.100, 8.30.110, 8.30.120, 8.30.130, 8.30.140, 8.30.150, 8.30.160 and 8.30.170, solid waste (8.30) |
2008-11 | 5-8-08 | Adopts 2008-2009 budget (Special) |
2008-12 | 5-8-08 | Amends § 13.45.030, sewer user fee (13.45) |
2008-13 | 6-12-08 | Rezone (Special) |
2008-14 | 6-12-08 | Street vacation (Special) |
2008-15 | 6-12-08 | Amends special use permit (Special) |
2008-16 | 6-12-08 | Establishes right-of-way encroachment (Special) |
2008-17 | 6-12-08 | Amends § 13.05.050(1), permit application review fees and procedure (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2008-18 | 6-12-08 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
2008-19 | 6-26-08 | Amends § 3.40.050, gratuities and service charges (3.40) |
2008-20 | 7-10-08 | Amends §§ 6.10.090(2) and 6.10.180(1), animal licensing tax (6.10) |
2008-21 | 8-14-08 | Amends § 1.10.100, wards (1.10) |
2008-22 | 8-14-08 | Amends § 3.45.050, enterprise zone grant incentives (3.45) |
2008-23 | 8-28-08 | Post-employment benefits trust and local finance board (Special) |
2008-24 | 9-25-08 | Amends § 10.25.460, parking (10.25) |
2008-25 | 10-9-08 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2008-26 | 11-13-08 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
2008-27 | 12-11-08 | Rezone (Special) |
2008-28 | 12-11-08 | Amends § 3.45.020, enterprise zone (3.45) |
2009-01 | 1-22-09 | Rezone (Special) |
2009-02 | 1-22-09 | Street vacation (Special) |
2009-03 | 2-26-09 | Accepts Barristers Row as publicly maintained right-of-way (Special) |
2009-04 | 2-26-09 | Amends §§ 18.05.010, 18.15.040, 18.170.020, 18.195.020, 18.195.030, 18.200.020 and 18.200.060, board of zoning appeals (18.05, 18.15, 18.170, 18.195, 18.200) |
2009-05 | 3-12-09 | Amends §§ 18.95.020 and 18.95.070, A-1 agricultural-forestal district (18.95) |
2009-06 | 3-26-09 | Amends § 18.95.020, A-1 agricultural-forestal district (18.95) |
2009-07 | 3-26-09 | Adds § 10.40.092 and renames Ch. 10.40, bicycles and various motorized devices (10.40) |
2009-08 | 5-14-09 | Adopts 2009-2010 budget (Special) |
2009-09 | 5-14-09 | Amends §§ 13.05.010, 13.05.020, 13.05.030, 13.05.040, 13.10.010, 13.10.020, 13.10.030, 13.12.030 and 13.12.050, stormwater management (13.12) |
2009-10 | 5-28-09 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
2009-11 | 6-25-09 | Amends §§ 8.25.020, 8.25.050, 8.25.060, 8.25.080, 8.25.090, 8.25.100, 8.25.110, 8.25.130, 8.25.140, 8.25.150, 8.25.160, 8.25.180, 8.25.190 and 8.25.250, noise (8.25) |
2009-12 | 6-25-09 | Adds § 18.125.011; amends § 18.125.010, minimum off-street parking requirements (18.125) |
2009-13 | 7-9-09 | Amends § 13.45.030, sewer use fee (13.45) |
2009-14 | 7-23-09 | Amends § 13.05.055, stormwater control program fee (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2009-15 | 7-23-09 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
2009-16 | 7-23-09 | Adds Ch. 12.40, arts and cultural district (12.40) |
2009-17 | 7-23-09 | Amends § 2.85.150, disposal of unclaimed property (2.85) |
2009-18 | 8-13-09 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
2009-19 | 8-13-09 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste (8.30) |
2009-20 | 8-13-09 | |
2009-21 | 9-24-09 | Amends § 18.140.040, signs (18.140) |
2009-22 | 9-24-09 | Amends § 18.120.010(3)(e), setback exceptions (18.120) |
2009-23 | 10-8-09 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
2009-24 | 10-8-09 | Amends Ch. 12.40, arts and cultural district (12.40) |
2009-25 | 11-12-09 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
2009-26 | 12-10-09 | Amends Ch. 18.170, floodplain districts and regulations (18.170) |
2010-01 | 1-14-10 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
2010-02 | 1-28-10 | Amends § 3.15.030, real estate tax relief (3.15) |
2010-03 | 2-8-10 | Adds § 3.05.090, fees on delinquent accounts (3.05) |
2010-04 | 3-25-10 | Amends §§ 18.140.020, 18.140.040 and 18.140.070, signs (18.140) |
2010-05 | 3-25-10 | Amends § 18.10.200, zoning definitions (18.10) |
2010-06 | 3-25-10 | Amends § 18.150.060, home occupation permit fee (18.150) |
2010-07 | 3-25-10 | Amends § 18.220.020, zoning fees (18.220) |
2010-08 | 3-25-10 | Amends §§ 17.05.030, 17.10.010, 17.10.020, 17.10.030, 17.10.040, 17.10.050, 17.10.070, 17.15.020, 17.15.060, 17.15.070, 17.15.120, 17.15.170, 17.15.180, 17.20.020, 17.20.030, 17.20.070, 17.20.080, 17.20.090, 17.20.100 and 17.20.110; repeals §§ 17.15.040 and 17.20.050, subdivisions (17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20) |
2010-09 | 3-25-10 | Amends § 18.105.030, single-family dwelling standards (18.105) |
2010-10 | 3-25-10 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
2010-11 | 5-13-10 | Amends § 13.20.020, water rates (13.20) |
2010-12 | 5-13-10 | Amends § 13.45.030, sewer user fees (13.45) |
2010-13 | 5-13-10 | Adopts 2010-2011 budget (Special) |
2010-14 | 5-27-10 | Adds § 6.05.090; amends § 6.05.010, tethering animals (6.05) |
2010-15 | 5-27-10 | Amends § 13.05.055, stormwater control program fee (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2010-16 | 6-10-10 | Adds § 13.15.038, required water service and well restrictions (13.15) |
2010-17 | 6-24-10 | Amends §§ 3.45.020, 3.45.030, 3.45.040, 3.45.050, 3.45.090 and 3.45.110; repeals § 3.45.060, enterprise zone (3.45) |
2010-18 | 7-22-10 | Amends §§ 2.60.010 and 2.60.020, economic development authority (2.60) |
2010-19 | 8-12-10 | Amends FY 2010 budget (Special) |
2010-20 | 8-26-10 | Amends § 3.45.050, enterprise zone (3.45) |
2010-21 | 9-9-10 | Street vacation (Special) |
2010-22 | 9-23-10 | Rezone (Special) |
2010-23 | 9-23-10 | Rezone (Special) |
2010-24 | 10-14-10 | Grants cable television franchise (Special) |
2010-25 | 10-28-10 | Rezone (Special) |
2010-26 | 10-28-10 | Appoints member to local finance board (Special) |
2010-27 | 11-11-10 | Street vacation (Special) |
2010-28 | 11-11-10 | Amends FY 2011 budget (Special) |
2010-29 | 12-29-10 | Adds §§ 18.95.005 and 18.95.080; amends §§ 18.95.010, 18.95.020, 18.95.030, 18.95.040, 18.95.050, 18.95.060 and 18.95.070, A-1 agricultural-forestal district (18.95) |
2011-01 | 1-13-11 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
2011-02 | 2-10-11 | Amends § 17.20.060, sidewalks (17.20) |
2011-03 | 2-10-11 | Rezone (Special) |
2011-04 | 4-11-11 | |
2011-05 | 4-11-11 | Adds § 2.85.075, police enforcement of trespass violations (2.85) |
2011-06 | 4-28-11 | Amends FY 2011 budget (Special) |
2011-07 | 4-28-11 | Amends § 18.120.010, setback exceptions (18.120) |
2011-08 | 4-28-11 | Amends § 18.195.010, zoning administrative officer (18.195) |
2011-09 | 4-28-11 | Acceptance of bid and sale of property (Special) |
2011-10 | 4-28-11 | Amends § 13.15.060, connection charges (13.15) |
2011-11 | 4-28-11 | Amends § 13.40.030, connection and facilities fees (13.40) |
2011-12 | 4-28-11 | Repeals Ch. 10.10, local vehicle license (Repealer) |
2011-13 | 5-12-11 | Adopts 2011-2012 budget (Special) |
2011-14 | 5-12-11 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste fees (8.30) |
2011-15 | 5-12-11 | Amends §§ 1.10.030, 1.10.040, 1.10.060 and 1.10.070, wards (Repealed by 2011-17) |
2011-16 | 5-26-11 | Amends § 17.05.080, subdivision fees (17.05) |
2011-17 | 7-14-11 | Amends §§ 1.10.030, 1.10.040, 1.10.060 and 1.10.070; repeals Ord. 2011-15, wards (1.10) |
2011-18 | 7-14-11 | Rezone (Special) |
2011-19 | 7-28-11 | Amends § 3.15.030, real estate tax exemption eligibility requirements (3.15) |
2011-20 | 7-28-11 | Amends § 5.05.180, alcoholic beverage business license taxes (5.05) |
2011-21 | 7-28-11 | Amends § 5.05.230, short-term rental property taxes (5.05) |
2011-22 | 9-8-11 | Amends § 13.15.150, water service or usage in drought, shortage or emergency (13.15) |
2011-23 | 9-8-11 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
2011-24 | 11-10-11 | Amends § 6.05.070, shooting at or killing birds or animals (6.05) |
2011-25 | 12-8-11 | Amends § 6.05.070, shooting at or killing birds or animals (6.05) |
2012-01 | 3-22-12 | Amends § 8.25.190, entertainment area noise exception (8.25) |
2012-02 | 4-26-12 | Amends § 13.45.030, sewer use fee (13.45) |
2012-03 | 4-26-12 | Adopts FY 2013 budget (Special) |
2012-04 | 5-10-12 | Rezone (Special) |
2012-05 | 5-24-12 | Amends FY 2012 budget (Special) |
2012-06 | 5-24-12 | Amends FY 2013 budget (Special) |
2012-07 | 7-26-12 | Amends § 10.25.120, parking (10.25) |
2012-08 | 7-26-12 | Repeals § 9.05.280, fingerprinting concealed handgun permit applicants (Repealer) |
2012-09 | 8-9-12 | Amends § 18.130.010, vehicle and trailer storage and parking (18.130) |
2013-01 | 1-24-13 | Amends FY 2013 budget (Special) |
2013-02 | 4-11-13 | Rezone (Special) |
2013-03 | 4-25-13 | Amends § 1.10.110, wards (1.10) |
2013-04 | 5-9-13 | Adopts FY 2014 budget (Special) |
2013-05 | 5-9-13 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste fees (8.30) |
2013-06 | 5-9-13 | Amends § 8.05.030, advertising (8.05) |
2013-07 | 5-9-13 | Amends §§ 8.30.110 and 8.30.140, solid waste (8.30) |
2013-08 | 6-13-13 | Amends FY 2013 budget (Special) |
2013-09 | 6-13-13 | Rezone (Special) |
2013-10 | 6-13-13 | Rezone (Special) |
2013-11 | 6-13-13 | Rezone (Special) |
2013-12 | 6-13-13 | Rezone (Special) |
2013-13 | 6-13-13 | Rezone (Special) |
2013-14 | 6-13-13 | Amends §§ 2.90.010 and 2.90.020, social services (2.90) |
2013-15 | 7-11-13 | Amends § 5.05.180, alcoholic beverage business license taxes (5.05) |
2013-16 | 12-12-13 | Amends FY 2014 budget (Special) |
2014-01 | 1-9-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-02 | 1-9-14 | Amends § 12.35.020, city market (12.35) |
2014-03 | 1-9-14 | Authorizes participation in Valley Alcohol Safety Program (Special) |
2014-04 | 1-9-14 | Declares property as surplus and authorizes disposition (Special) |
2014-05 | 1-23-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-06 | 1-23-14 | Terminates cell site lease franchise and authorizes new lease (Special) |
2014-07 | (Failed) | |
2014-08 | 2-27-14 | Amends § 13.15.060(1)(a), water connection charges (13.15) |
2014-09 | 4-24-14 | Amends Chs. 13.05, 13.10, §§ 13.12.020, 13.12.040, 13.14.010, 13.14.020, 13.14.030, 13.14.040, 13.14.050 and 13.14.060, stormwater utility and management (13.12) |
2014-10 | 5-8-14 | Amends § 3.75.030, cigarette tax (3.75) |
2014-11 | 5-8-14 | Adopts FY 2015 budget (Special) |
2014-12 | 5-22-14 | Street vacation (Special) |
2014-13 | 5-22-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-14 | 6-12-14 | Amends FY 2014 budget (Special) |
2014-15 | 7-10-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-16 | 7-24-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-17 | 7-24-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-18 | 7-24-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-19 | 8-28-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2014-20 | 11-13-14 | Amends FY 2015 budget (Special) |
2014-21 | 12-11-14 | Grants electricity franchise (Special) |
2014-22 | 12-11-14 | Provides for adoption of plan to provide health insurance (Special) |
2015-01 | 1-8-15 | Rezone (Special) |
2015-02 | 1-8-15 | Amends § 18.95.020, A-1 agricultural-forestal district (18.95) |
2015-03 | 3-26-15 | Amends § 18.95.070, A-1 agricultural-forestal district (18.95) |
2015-04 | 4-23-15 | Adopts FY 2016 budget (Special) |
2015-05 | 4-23-15 | Disposal of surplus property; repeals Ord. 2007-24 (Not codified) |
2015-06 | 5-14-15 | Amends FY 2015 budget (Special) |
2015-07 | 5-28-15 | Amends § 8.30.060, service charges for use of sanitary landfill (8.30) |
2015-08 | 8-27-15 | Adds Ch. 18.153, chickens (18.153) |
2015-09 | 8-27-15 | Amends § 18.110.030(1), accessory uses (18.110) |
2015-10 | 8-27-15 | Amends § 18.20.020, zoning (18.20) |
2015-11 | 8-27-15 | Amends § 18.25.020, zoning (18.25) |
2015-12 | 8-27-15 | Amends § 18.30.030, zoning (18.30) |
2015-13 | 10-8-15 | Establishes right-of-way encroachment (Special) |
2015-14 | 11-12-15 | Conveyance of property (Special) |
2015-15 | 12-10-15 | Amends §§ 8.10.020 and 8.10.070, alarm systems (8.10) |
2015-16 | 12-10-15 | Amends Ch. 8.20, regulation of open burning (8.20) |
2015-17 | 12-10-15 | Adds Ch. 8.35, discharge of fireworks (8.35) |
2015-18 | 12-10-15 | Amends Ch. 15.25, fire prevention code (15.25) |
2015-19 | 11-12-15 | Amends FY 2016 budget (Special) |
2015-20 | 12-10-15 | Extends lease agreement with Cingular Wireless PCS LLC (Special) |
2015-21 | 12-10-15 | Street vacation (Special) |
2015-22 | 12-10-15 | Authorizes deed of lease (Special) |
2016-01 | 1-14-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-02 | 1-14-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-03 | 1-14-16 | Amends §§ 8.20.030(14), 8.20.070(1) and 8.35.020(1), regulation of open burning and discharge of fireworks (8.20, 8.35) |
2016-04 | 2-11-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-05 | 3-10-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-06 | 4-28-16 | Adopts FY 2017 budget (Special) |
2016-07 | 4-28-16 | Amends § 3.35.020, transient occupancy tax (3.35) |
2016-08 | 4-28-16 | Amends § 13.20.020, water rates (13.20) |
2016-09 | 4-28-16 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste fees (8.30) |
2016-10 | 4-28-16 | Amends § 10.05.090, motor vehicles and traffic (10.05) |
2016-11 | 4-28-16 | Amends §§ 10.25.050, 10.25.070, 10.25.080, 10.25.120, 10.25.190, 10.25.400 and 10.25.490, parking (10.25) |
2016-12 | 4-28-16 | Amends § 3.05.080, assessment of special court costs (3.05) |
2016-13 | 5-26-16 | Amends § 13.15.060, water connection charges (13.15) |
2016-14 | 5-26-16 | Amends § 13.40.030, connection and facilities fees (13.40) |
2016-15 | 5-26-16 | Amends Ch. 18.200, board of zoning appeals (18.200) |
2016-16 | 5-26-16 | Adds Ch. 13.60, non-stormwater discharge (13.60) |
2016-17 | 5-26-16 | Amends § 13.05.050, stormwater utility fees (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2016-18 | 5-26-16 | Amends FY 2016 budget (Special) |
2016-19 | 7-28-16 | Conveyance of property (Special) |
2016-20 | 8-25-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-21 | 8-25-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-22 | 8-25-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-23 | 8-25-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-24 | 8-25-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-25 | 10-13-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2016-26 | 11-10-16 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-01 | 1-12-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-02 | 1-12-17 | Amends FY 2017 budget (Special) |
2017-03 | 2-23-17 | Amends §§ 17.10.070, 18.10.270, 18.40.030, 18.40.120, 18.45.030(1), 18.70.050, 18.85.040(3)(d), 18.140.040(4)(d), 18.175.040(1) and 18.195.010, senior planner (17.10, 18.10, 18.40, 18.45, 18.70, 18.85, 18.140, 18.175, 18.195) |
2017-04 | 2-23-17 | Amends § 1.10.080, wards (1.10) |
2017-05 | 3-9-17 | Lease agreement with T-Mobile Northeast LLC (Special) |
2017-06 | 4-13-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-07 | 4-27-17 | Adopts FY 2018 budget (Special) |
2017-08 | 4-27-17 | Amends § 3.40.020, tax on meals served in restaurants or by caterers (3.40) |
2017-09 | 5-11-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-10 | 5-11-17 | Amends § 18.125.010, hotel, motel parking (18.125) |
2017-11 | 5-25-17 | Amends FY 2017 budget (Special) |
2017-12 | 6-15-17 | Amends §§ 6.05.010, 6.05.030, 6.10.191(1), 6.10.210, 6.10.220(3), (4) and (5), 6.20.010(4)(v), 6.20.030(4), 6.25.020 and 6.25.030(3); repeals § 6.05.040, animals (6.05, 6.10, 6.20, 6.25) |
2017-13 | 9-14-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-14 | 10-12-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-15 | 10-26-17 | Repeals § 5.25.010, solicitation in public ways and places (Repealer) |
2017-16 | 10-26-17 | Conveyance of property (Special) |
2017-17 | 11-9-17 | Amends § 18.25.020, R-2 zone (18.25) |
2017-18 | 12-14-17 | Grants cable television franchise (Special) |
2017-19 | 12-14-17 | Adds Chs. 3.37 and 18.152, short-term rentals and homestays (3.37, 18.152) |
2017-20 | 12-14-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-21 | 12-14-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2017-22 | 12-14-17 | Rezone (Special) |
2018-01 | 1-11-18 | Amends § 18.125.020, off-street parking (18.125) |
2018-02 | 1-11-18 | Rezone (Special) |
2018-03 | 2-8-18 | Amends FY 2018 budget (Special) |
2018-04 | 1-25-18 | Amends § 3.37.030, short-term rental registration (3.37) |
2018-05 | 3-8-18 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2018-06 | 3-8-18 | Repeals § 2.85.110, police political activity (Repealer) |
2018-07 | 4-26-18 | Adopts FY 2019 budget (Special) |
2018-08 | 4-26-18 | Amends Ch. 18.150, home occupation (18.150) |
2018-09 | 5-10-18 | Amends § 1.05.020, definitions and rules of construction (1.05) |
2018-10 | 5-10-18 | Ratifies and affirms lease agreement approval (Special) |
2018-11 | 5-10-18 | Ratifies and affirms lease agreement approval (Special) |
2018-12 | 6-14-18 | Amends FY 2018 budget (Special) |
2018-13 | 8-23-18 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2018-14 | 10-11-18 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2018-15 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 3.10.015(3), personal property tax relief (3.10) |
2018-16 | 12-13-18 | Amends §§ 3.15.010 and 3.15.030(4) and (5), real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) |
2018-17 | 12-13-18 | Adds § 3.30.111; repeals §§ 3.30.020(2), 3.30.030(2), 3.30.050 and 3.30.060, tax on purchasers of utility service (3.30) |
2018-18 | 12-13-18 | Adds §§ 3.75.090(9) and (10), cigarette tax stamps (3.75) |
2018-19 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 5.05.180, alcoholic beverage license tax (5.05) |
2018-20 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 6.05.010, animal definitions (6.05) |
2018-21 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 6.25.010, hybrid canine definitions (6.25) |
2018-22 | 12-13-18 | Amends §§ 13.15.060 and 13.40.030, water and sewer fees (13.15, 13.40) |
2018-23 | 12-13-18 | Amends §§ 15.10.120(2) and (3), building permit fees (15.10) |
2018-24 | 12-13-18 | Amends §§ 13.05.050(2) and 13.05.060(8), stormwater utility fees and performance bonds (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2018-25 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 17.10.020, subdivision plats (17.10) |
2018-26 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 18.95.030, A-1 agricultural-forestal district uses (18.95) |
2018-27 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 18.200.010(1) and (2), zoning variances (18.200) |
2018-28 | 12-13-18 | Amends § 18.215.070, conditional zoning (18.215) |
2019-01 | 1-24-19 | Amends FY 2019 budget (Special) |
2019-02 | 1-10-19 | Adds Ch. 3.17, real estate tax exemption for U.S. military veterans and spouses or surviving spouses (3.17) |
2019-03 | 1-10-19 | Amends § 10.35.040, abandoned vehicle sales (10.35) |
2019-04 | 1-10-19 | Repeals Ch. 15.15, certification of electricians, plumbers, and building-related mechanical workers (Repealer) |
2019-05 | 1-10-19 | Amends § 18.220.020, fees (18.220) |
2019-06 | 1-24-19 | Grants gas franchise (Special) |
2019-07 | 1-24-19 | Rezone (Special) |
2019-08 | 1-24-19 | Rezone (Special) |
2019-09 | 1-24-19 | Amends § 18.120.010, yard, building setback, and open space exceptions (18.120) |
2019-10 | 2-14-19 | Rezone (Special) |
2019-11 | 2-14-19 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2019-12 | 2-14-19 | Extends lease agreement (Special) |
2019-13 | 2-14-19 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2019-14 | 3-14-19 | Rezone (Special) |
2019-15 | 4-25-19 | Amends §§ 18.125.010 and 18.125.011, parking (18.125) |
2019-16 | 4-25-19 | Amends §§ 13.20.010 and 13.20.020, water use charges (13.20) |
2019-17 | 4-25-19 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste collection fees (8.30) |
2019-18 | 4-25-19 | Amends § 13.40.030(1), sewer connection and facilities fees (13.40) |
2019-19 | 4-25-19 | Adopts FY 2020 budget (Special) |
2019-20 | 5-9-19 | Amends § 18.55.030(4), B-1 zone (18.55) |
2019-21 | Number not used | |
2019-22 | 5-9-19 | Grants cable television system franchise (Special) |
2019-23 | 5-23-19 | Authorizes lease agreement (Special) |
2019-24 | 5-23-19 | Authorizes lease agreement (Special) |
2019-25 | 5-23-19 | Amends FY 2019 budget (Special) |
2019-26 | 6-13-19 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2019-27 | 6-13-19 | Amends FY 2019 budget (Special) |
2019-28 | 7-11-19 | Amends FY 2020 budget (Special) |
2019-29 | 7-11-19 | Authorizes joint consortium entity (Special) |
2019-30 | 8-8-19 | Amends § 18.65.020; repeals § 18.65.050, B-3 planned business district (18.65) |
2019-31 | 8-22-19 | Amends § 9.05.120, alcoholic beverages in public (9.05) |
2019-32 | 9-12-19 | Amends §§ 18.75.010 and 18.75.020, I-1 light industrial district (18.75) |
2019-33 | 9-26-19 | Utility easement vacations (Special) |
2019-34 | 12-12-19 | Rezone (Special) |
2019-35 | 12-12-19 | Amends §§ 3.15.010, 3.15.020 and 3.15.030, real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) |
2019-36 | 12-12-19 | Amends § 3.17.010, real estate tax exemption for U.S. military veterans and spouses or surviving spouses (3.17) |
2019-37 | 12-12-19 | Amends § 6.05.010, animals (6.05) |
2019-38 | 12-12-19 | Amends § 8.30.070, solid waste collection violations (8.30) |
2020-01 | 1-9-20 | Amends §§ 18.95.020, 18.95.030, 18.95.040, 18.95.050 and 18.95.060, agricultural-forestal district (18.95) |
2020-02 | 1-23-20 | Amends FY 2020 budget (Special) |
2020-03 | 2-13-20 | Adds Ch. 18.169, site plans (18.169) |
2020-04 | 3-24-20 | Reratifies and reaffirms declaration of local emergency due to novel coronavirus; implements emergency procedures (Special) |
2020-05 | 3-26-20 | Temporary relief for taxes, fees and water utility discontinuance (Special) |
2020-06 | 5-14-20 | Amends § 13.20.020, water rates (13.20) |
2020-07 | 5-14-20 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste fees (8.30) |
2020-08 | 5-14-20 | Adopts FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2020-09 | 5-14-20 | Repeals Ch. 5.15, health clubs and massage therapy – tattoo parlors (Repealer) |
2020-10 | 6-11-20 | Adds § 12.05.170, temporary street closings (12.05) |
2020-11 | 6-11-20 | Amends §§ 2.45.020, 2.45.120 and 2.45.130, chief finance officer (2.45) |
2020-12 | 6-11-20 | Time enlargement for tax payment (Special) |
2020-13 | 6-25-20 | Rezone (Special) |
2020-14 | 6-25-20 | Amends FY 2020 budget (Special) |
2020-15 | 6-25-20 | Amends §§ 15.25.055 and 15.25.057, fire prevention code (15.25) |
2020-16 | 6-25-20 | Amends §§ 18.95.020(1) and 18.95.070, agricultural-forestal district (18.95) |
2020-17 | 7-23-20 | Amends § 18.105.020(1), planned residential development (18.105) |
2020-18 | 7-23-20 | Amends § 3.05.080(2), assessment of special court costs (3.05) |
2020-19 | 7-23-20 | Amends FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2020-20 | 7-23-20 | Extends temporary relief for utility payments, disconnection suspensions, and parking fees (Special) |
2020-21 | 8-13-20 | Refunds excess assessments of bank franchise tax (Special) |
2020-22 | 8-27-20 | Amends FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2020-23 | 9-24-20 | Amends FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2020-24 | 9-24-20 | Ratifies, confirms and affirms Ord. 2020-04 (Special) |
2020-25 | 10-8-20 | Rezone (Special) |
2020-26 | 10-8-20 | Rezone (Special) |
2020-27 | 12-10-20 | Amends FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2020-28 | 12-10-20 | Amends FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2020-29 | 12-10-20 | Amends §§ 6.05.010 and 6.15.010(4), animals and fowl (6.05, 6.15) |
2020-30 | 12-10-20 | Employee bonus payments (Special) |
2021-01 | 1-14-21 | Rezone (Special) |
2021-02 | 1-14-21 | Amends § 18.120.010, setback exceptions (18.120) |
2021-03 | 1-14-21 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2021-04 | 1-14-21 | Reratifies and reaffirms declaration of local emergency due to novel coronavirus; implements emergency procedures (Special) |
2021-05 | 1-28-21 | Extends lease agreement with Cingular Wireless PCS LLC (Special) |
2021-06 | 2-11-21 | Additional conditions for use of electronic communications in city meetings (Special) |
2021-07 | 3-11-21 | Right-of-way encroachment (Special) |
2021-08 | 3-11-21 | Partial real estate tax exemption, Middlebrook Trace (Special) |
2021-09 | 3-25-21 | Amends FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2021-10 | 4-8-21 | Adds § 18.60.070(6), B-2 general business district permitted uses (18.60) |
2021-11 | 4-8-21 | Utility easement vacation (Special) |
2021-12 | 4-22-21 | Adopts FY 2022 budget (Special) |
2021-13 | 5-13-21 | Authorizes lease agreement (Special) |
2021-14 | 5-27-21 | Amends FY 2021 budget (Special) |
2021-15 | 6-10-21 | Amends § 2.10.070, city council regular meetings (2.10) |
2021-16 | 6-10-21 | Amends § 2.10.080, quorum (2.10) |
2021-17 | 6-10-21 | Adds § 2.10.095, memoranda regarding council administrative procedures (2.10) |
2021-18 | 6-10-21 | Adds Ch. 2.63, redevelopment and housing authority (2.63) |
2021-19 | 6-24-21 | Amends § 2.10.120, city council voting (2.10) |
2021-20 | 6-24-21 | Amends Ch. 2.10, city council (2.10) |
2021-21 | 7-22-21 | Amends § 18.215.020, zoning amendments (18.215) |
2021-22 | 7-22-21 | Amends FY 2022 budget (Special) |
2021-23 | 7-22-21 | Amends § 6.15.040, wild and exotic animals (6.15) |
2021-24 | 8-26-21 | Amends FY 2022 budget (Special) |
2021-25 | 9-9-21 | Adds Ch. 18.71, B-5 mixed-use business district (18.71) |
2021-26 | 9-9-21 | Rezone (Special) |
2021-27 | 9-9-21 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2021-28 | 8-12-21 | Rezone (Special) |
2021-29 | 9-23-21 | Rezone (Special) |
2021-30 | 9-23-21 | Amends § 2.30.010, appointment – general duties (2.30) |
2021-31 | 10-14-21 | Street vacation (Special) |
2021-32 | 10-14-21 | Amends § 18.120.010, setback exceptions (18.120) |
2021-33 | 10-14-21 | Amends §§ 3.35.010, 3.35.020, 3.35.030, 3.35.040 and 3.35.050, transient occupancy tax (3.35) |
2021-34 | 10-14-21 | Amends § 5.20.220, issuance of pawnbroker’s license (5.20) |
2021-35 | 11-11-21 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2021-36 | 11-11-21 | Amends § 18.120.010, setback exceptions (18.120) |
2021-37 | 12-9-21 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-01 | 1-13-22 | Amends FY 2022 budget (Special) |
2022-02 | 1-13-22 | Amends Ch. 12.35, city market (12.35) |
2022-03 | 1-13-22 | Amends § 5.05.180, alcoholic beverages (5.05) |
2022-04 | 1-27-22 | Lease agreement with T-Mobile Northeast LLC (Special) |
2022-05 | 1-27-22 | Amends FY 2022 budget (Special) |
2022-06 | 2-24-22 | Utility easement vacation (Special) |
2022-07 | 2-24-22 | Partial real estate tax exemption, Middlebrook Trace (Special) |
2022-08 | 2-24-22 | Corrects Ord. 2021-31, street vacation (Special) |
2022-09 | 4-14-22 | Amends § 18.125.020, off-street parking (18.125) |
2022-10 | 4-28-22 | Adopts FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2022-11 | 4-28-22 | Amends § 8.30.110, solid waste fees (8.30) |
2022-12 | 5-12-22 | Amends §§ 13.15.060 and 13.40.030, water and sewer fees (13.15, 13.40) |
2022-13 | 5-12-22 | Lease agreement with Happy Birthday America, Inc. (Special) |
2022-14 | 5-12-22 | Lease agreement with Staunton Baseball, Inc. (Special) |
2022-15 | 5-26-22 | Amends § 2.10.020, election and duties of council president and vice-president (2.10) |
2022-16 | 6-9-22 | Amends FY 2022 budget (Special) |
2022-17 | 6-9-22 | Amends §§ 18.10.170, 18.83.030(5), 18.83.090(7) and (8), 18.140.020 and 18.175.070, automobile sales lots (18.10, 18.83, 18.140, 18.175) |
2022-18 | 7-28-22 | Amends §§ 18.10.200, 18.75.040 and 18.80.040, solar energy facilities (18.10, 18.75, 18.80) |
2022-19 | 7-28-22 | Amends Ch. 2.75, libraries (2.75) |
2022-20 | 8-25-22 | Amends FY 2022 budget (Special) |
2022-21 | 8-25-22 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2022-22 | 9-8-22 | Amends § 18.120.010(3), setback exceptions (18.120) |
2022-23 | 9-8-22 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
2022-24 | 9-8-22 | Amends §§ 3.35.010, 3.35.020, 3.35.030, 3.35.040 and 3.35.050, transient occupancy tax (3.35) |
2022-25 | 9-22-22 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2022-26 | 10-13-22 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-27 | 10-13-22 | Amends §§ 17.05.030, 17.10.070, 18.10.270, 18.15.020, 18.40.030(1), (4) and (5), 18.40.120, 18.45.030(1), 18.70.050(1) through (4), 18.83.070(1), 18.85.040(3)(d), 18.85.050(7)(n), 18.140.040(4)(d)(iv)(A), (E), (F), (4)(d)(v)(A), (4)(d)(xiii)(A) and (4)(d)(xiv), 18.170.030(1), 18.170.040(4) and (9), 18.170.050(3) and (5), 18.175.040(1) and 18.195.010; renames Ch. 18.195, administration and enforcement (17.05, 17.10, 18.10, 18.15, 18.40, 18.45, 18.70, 18.83, 18.85, 18.140, 18.170, 18.175, 18.195) |
2022-28 | 10-13-22 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2022-29 | 10-27-22 | Amends § 3.35.050, reports and remittances (3.35) |
2022-30 | 12-8-22 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-31 | 12-8-22 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2022-32 | 12-8-22 | Employee bonus payments (Special) |
2023-01 | 1-12-23 | Adds Ch. 18.154, community garden (18.154) |
2023-02 | 1-12-23 | Amends § 18.120.010, setback exceptions (18.120) |
2023-03 | 1-26-23 | Amends §§ 3.15.030 and 3.15.060, real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) |
2023-04 | 2-9-23 | Amends Ch. 8.20, regulation of open burning (8.20) |
2023-05 | 2-9-23 | Amends §§ 18.10.200 and 18.120.010(1), setback exceptions (18.10, 18.120) |
2023-06 | 2-9-23 | Real estate tax exemption for Lily Gardens (Special) |
2023-07 | 2-9-23 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2023-08 | 2-9-23 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2023-09 | 2-23-23 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2023-10 | 3-9-23 | Amends §§ 18.10.200 and 18.120.010, undeveloped streets as primary access to single-family dwellings (18.10, 18.120) |
2023-11 | 3-9-23 | Adds § 18.125.011(5); amends § 18.125.020(5), off-street parking (18.125) |
2023-12 | 4-13-23 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-13 | 4-13-23 | Amends §§ 18.10.160, 18.10.170, 18.55.020 and 18.75.020, pet boarding facilities (18.10, 18.55, 18.75) |
2023-14 | 4-27-23 | Adopts FY 2024 budget (Special) |
2023-15 | 5-11-23 | Lease agreement with Happy Birthday America, Inc. (Special) |
2023-16 | 5-11-23 | Lease agreement with Staunton Baseball, Inc. (Special) |
2023-17 | 5-11-23 | Amends § 18.120.010, setback exceptions (18.120) |
2023-18 | 5-11-23 | Amends § 13.10.030, stormwater management (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2023-19 | 5-25-23 | Street vacation (Special) |
2023-20 | 5-25-23 | Conveyance of property (Special) |
2023-21 | 6-22-23 | Amends FY 2023 budget (Special) |
2023-22 | 6-22-23 | Street vacation (Special) |
2023-23 | 7-27-23 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-24 | 7-27-23 | Adds § 6.10.290; amends § 6.10.240, nuisance animals (6.10) |
2023-25 | 8-24-23 | Amends FY 2024 budget (Special) |
2023-26 | 8-24-23 | Authorizes additional capital improvement projects with bond proceeds (Special) |
2023-27 | 8-24-23 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-28 | 8-24-23 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-29 | 8-24-23 | Street vacation (Special) |
2023-30 | 8-24-23 | Street vacation (Special) |
2023-31 | 8-24-23 | Street vacation (Special) |
2023-32 | 9-14-23 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-33 | 9-28-23 | Lease agreement with TV6 Holdings LLC (Special) |
2023-34 | 10-12-23 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-35 | 10-26-23 | Real estate tax exemption for Valley Area Community Support, Inc. parcels (Special) |
2023-36 | 11-9-23 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-37 | 11-9-23 | Amends § 18.95.020, additions to districts (18.95) |
2023-38 | 12-14-23 | Street vacation (Special) |
2023-39 | 12-14-23 | Amends § 18.95.020, districts designated and described, additions (18.95) |
2023-40 | 12-14-23 | Authorizes dissolution of Valley Alcohol Safety Action Program (Repealer) |
2024-01 | 1-25-24 | Amends FY 2024 budget (Special) |
2024-02 | 3-14-24 | Amends § 18.85.050, historic preservation commission (18.85) |
2024-03 | 3-14-24 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
2024-04 | 3-28-24 | Amends § 13.20.090, water use charges (13.20) |
2024-05 | 4-25-24 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-06 | 4-25-24 | Adopts 2024-2025 budget (Special) |
2024-07 | 4-25-24 | Amends § 13.20.020, water rates (13.20) |
2024-08 | 4-25-24 | Amends § 13.45.030, sewer use fees (13.45) |
2024-09 | 4-25-24 | Amends § 13.05.055, stormwater control program fee (Repealed by 2024-23) |
2024-10 | 5-9-24 | Lease agreement with Staunton Baseball, Inc. (Special) |
2024-11 | 5-9-24 | Lease agreement with Happy Birthday America, Inc. (Special) |
2024-12 | 5-9-24 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-13 | 5-9-24 | Adds §§ 18.70.050 and 18.71.070; amends §§ 18.65.010, 18.65.040, 18.70.010, 18.70.040, 18.71.010, 18.100.010, 18.100.060, 18.140.010, 18.140.020, 18.140.040 and 18.140.050; amends and renumbers §§ 18.70.050 as 18.70.060, 18.70.060 as 18.70.070, 18.70.070 as 18.70.080 and 18.70.080 as 18.70.090, signs, billboards, and other advertising structures (18.65, 18.70, 18.71, 18.100, 18.140) |
2024-14 | 5-23-24 | Amends § 8.30.060(1), service charges for use of sanitary landfill (8.30) |
2024-15 | 5-23-24 | Amends § 5.05.180, alcoholic beverages (5.05) |
2024-16 | 6-27-24 | Amends FY 2024 budget (Special) |
2024-17 | 6-27-24 | Right-of-way encroachment (Special) |
2024-18 | 7-25-24 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2024-19 | 7-25-24 | Amends § 18.120.010, setback exceptions (18.120) |
2024-20 | 8-8-24 | Amends 2024-2025 budget (Special) |
2024-21 | 9-26-24 | Increases mayor and council member salaries (Special) |
2024-22 | 10-10-24 | Alley vacation (Special) |
2024-23 | 10-10-24 | Adds Chs. 13.01 and 13.02; repeals Chs. 13.05, 13.10 and 13.14, environment (13.01, 13.02) |
2024-24 | 10-24-24 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-25 | 10-24-24 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-26 | 11-14-24 | Adds Ch. 8.40, key box system (8.40) |
2024-27 | 11-14-24 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-28 | 11-14-24 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-29 | 11-14-24 | Amends § 18.140.030, residential district regulations (18.140) |
2024-30 | 11-14-24 | Amends §§ 18.10.190 and 18.10.200, zoning definitions (18.10) |
2024-31 | 12-12-24 | Amends §§ 13.15.060(1)(d) and (2)(h), 13.40.030(1)(d) and (2)(h) and 15.10.120(3), fee exemptions (13.15, 13.40, 15.10) |
2024-32 | 12-12-24 | Utility easement (Special) |
2024-33 | 12-12-24 | Amends § 18.125.010(10), minimum off-street parking requirements (18.125) |
2024-34 | 12-12-24 | Adds Ch. 18.47, traditional residential development district (18.47) |
2025-01 | 1-9-25 | Amends FY 2025 budget (Special) |
2025-02 | 1-9-25 | Amends Ch. 18.120, yard, building setback, and open space exceptions (18.120) |
2025-03 | 1-9-25 | Amends §§ 3.15.030 and 3.15.060, real estate tax exemption for elderly and disabled persons (3.15) |