Title 3


3.04    Biennial Budget

3.05    Interfund Loans

3.12    Growth Management Fund

3.16    Local Improvement Guaranty Fund

3.17    Residential Density Incentive Fund

3.18    General Cumulative Reserve Fund

3.20    Surface Water Utility Fund

3.30    Utility Construction Fund

3.32    Current Expense Fund

3.40    Combined Water and Sewer System Revenue Fund

3.49    Payroll Fund

3.50    Claims Fund

3.51    Petty Cash Fund

3.52    Current Use Assessment on Lands

3.53    Disposition of Surplus Personal Property

3.60    Local Improvements, Special Assessments and LID Hearing Process

3.63    Utility Rate Relief for Low-Income Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons

3.64    Utilities Tax

3.65    Water and Sewer Department Gross Receipts Tax

3.67    Solid Waste Department Gross Receipts Tax

3.68    Leasehold Excise Tax

3.69    Surface Water Utility Gross Receipts Tax

3.70    Golf Course Operating Fund

3.76    Municipal Arts Fund

3.80    Marysville Technology Infrastructure Fund

3.84    Sales and Use Tax

3.85    Central Marysville Annexation Sales and Use Tax

3.86    Admissions Tax

3.87    Natural Gas Tax

3.88    Real Estate Excise Tax

3.89    Historic Property Special Property Tax Valuation

3.90    Tribal Gaming Fund

3.92    Gambling Activities Tax

3.93    Hotel/Motel Tax

3.94    Drug Buy Fund

3.95    Criminal Investigations Fund

3.95A    Recovery of Costs for Convicted Persons

3.96    Donations, Devises or Bequests

3.97    Drug Enforcement Fund

3.98    Bond and Obligation Registration

3.100    Retainage Bonds

3.101    Crime Prevention Funding

3.103    Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption

3.104    Industrial/Manufacturing Property Tax Exemption

3.105    Affordable and Supportive Housing Sales Tax Credit Fund


Garbage disposal fund, see MMC Title 7.

Payment for federal old age and survivors’ insurance contribution, see MMC Title 2.

Expenditure of funds for participation in state retirement system, see MMC Title 2.