Ordinance Table
1 | Licenses (Repealed by 108) |
2 | Sidewalks (Repealed by 247) |
3 | Dogs running at large (Repealed by 108) |
4 | Committee appointment and duties (Repealed by 108) |
5 | Nuisances (Repealed by 163) |
6 | Council meetings (Repealed by 108) |
7 | Offenses and disorderly conduct (Repealed by 108) |
8 | Elections (Repealed by 247) |
9 | City recorder, treasurer and marshal qualifications and duties (Repealed by 108) |
10 | Franchise grant (Special) |
11 | Amends § 9 of Ord. 1, licenses (Repealed by 108) |
12 | Franchise grant (Special) |
13 | Animals running at large (Repealed by 163) |
14 | Ratifies plat of Hillegas addition (Special) |
15 | Adopts plat showing street grades and elevations (1.05) |
16 | Street and alley improvements (Repealed by 247) |
17 | Street improvement (Special) |
18 | Street improvement (Special) |
19 | Emergency ordinance causing Ords. 17 and 18 to be immediately effective (Special) |
20 | Fire prevention (Repealed by 110) |
21 | Street improvement assessments (Repealed by 247) |
22 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
23 | Ratifies plat of Brookfield addition (Special) |
24 | Fire limits and prevention (Repealed by 110) |
25 | Prohibits untied teams on streets (Repealed by 108) |
26 | Adds § 4 1/2 to Ord. 1, licenses; repeals § 8 of Ord. 1 (Repealed by 108) |
27 | Franchise grant (Special) |
28 | Street improvement (Special) |
29 | Street improvement (Special) |
30 | Emergency ordinance causing Ords. 28 and 29 to be immediately effective (Special) |
31 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 108) |
32 | Domestic fowl running at large (Repealed by 163) |
33 | Rubbish (Repealed by 108) |
34 | Cutting grass and weeds (Repealed by 163) |
35 | Prohibits sale, exchange or gift of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 108) |
36 | Amends §§ 2, 3 and 4 of Ord. 24, fire limits and prevention (Repealed by 110) |
37 | Street improvement (Special) |
38 | Street improvement (Special) |
39 | Street improvement (Special) |
40 | Emergency ordinance causing Ords. 38 and 39 to be immediately effective (Special) |
41 | Land dedication (Special) |
42 | Street improvement (Special) |
43 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
44 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
45 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
46 | Public dances (Repealed by 247) |
47 | Special election (Special) |
48 | Special election (Special) |
49 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 8, elections (Repealed by 247) |
50 | Initiative and referendum (Repealed by 247) |
50A | Initiative and referendum (Repealed by 263) |
51 | Submits charter amendment to voters; repeals November 20, 1919, charter enactment (Special) |
52 | Charter amendment (Repealed by Charter adopted 11/7/06) |
53 | Bond issuance (Special) |
54 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
55 | Street improvement (Special) |
56 | Street improvement (Special) |
57 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
58 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
59 | Inspector of buildings (Repealed by 110) |
60 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 59, inspector of buildings (Repealed by 110) |
61 | Building regulations (Repealed by 110) |
62 | Prohibits public utility vehicles (Repealed by 108) |
63 | Ordinance publication (Repealed by 108) |
64 | Construction of cement sidewalks (Repealed by 81) |
65 | Barns, stables and outbuildings (Repealed by 110) |
66 | Street improvement (Special) |
67 | Bicycles and tricycles on streets and sidewalks (Repealed by 108) |
68 | Amends §§ 1, 2, 3 and 6 of Ord. 16, street and alley improvements (Repealed by 247) |
69 | Submits charter amendment to voters (Repealed by Charter adopted 11/7/06) |
70 | Land dedication (Special) |
71 | Bond issuance (Special) |
72 | Street improvement (Special) |
73 | Street improvement (Special) |
74 | Street improvement (Special) |
75 | Street improvement (Special) |
76 | Street improvement (Special) |
77 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
78 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
79 | Bond issuance (Special) |
80 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
81 | Construction of cement sidewalks; repeals Ord. 64 (Repealed by 108) |
82 | Motor vehicles (Repealed by 108) |
83 | Street improvement (Repealed by 84) |
84 | Street improvement; repeals Ord. 83 (Special) |
85 | Street improvement (Special) |
86 | Street vacation (Special) |
87 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
88 | Street improvement assessment (Special) |
89 | Street improvement (Special) |
90 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 82, motor vehicles (Repealed by 108) |
91 | Street and alley obstructions (Repealed by 108) |
92 | Garages, automobile repair and welding shops (Repealed by 110) |
93 | Bonds extension agreement (Special) |
94 | Reckless driving (Repealed by 108) |
95 | Privilege tax (Repealed by 126) |
96 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 95, privilege tax (Repealed by 126) |
97 | Alley vacation (Special) |
98 | Alley vacation (Special) |
99 | Council meetings (Repealed by 267) |
100 | Claims against the city (Repealed by 491) |
101 | |
102 | Offenses (Repealed by 254) |
103 | Minors (Repealed by 257) |
104 | Traffic code (Repealed by 141, 247) |
105 | Bonfires (Repealed by 247) |
106 | Business licenses (Repealed by 247) |
107 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 247) |
108 | Repeals Ords. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 25, 26, 31, 33, 35, 62, 63, 67, 81, 82, 90, 91 and 94 (Repealer) |
109 | Fire limits and building construction and maintenance (Repealed by 247) |
110 | Repeals Ords. 20, 24, 36, 59, 60, 61, 65 and 92 (Repealer) |
111 | Submits charter amendment to voters (Repealed by Charter adopted 11/7/06) |
112 | Street improvement (Special) |
113 | Amends Ord. 99, council meetings (Repealed by 267) |
114 | Dogs (Repealed by 247) |
115 | Prohibits peeling bark from poles and logs (8.25) |
116 | (Missing) |
117 | Punchboard tax (Repealed by 247) |
118 | Amusement devices tax (Repealed by 247) |
119 | Establishes curb lines (Repealed by 247) |
120 | Building numbering (12.10) |
121 | Street names (12.15) |
122 | Amusement devices tax (Repealed by 247) |
123 | Missing (Repealed by 254) |
124 | Missing (Repealed by 247) |
125 | Authorizes fire hall construction (Special) |
126 | Privilege tax on privately owned utilities; repeals Ords. 95 and 96 (3.30) |
127 | Parking prohibited on portion of U.S. Highway 99 (Repealed by 247) |
128 | Makes intersection of Fifth and “A” Streets a stop street (Repealed by 247) |
129 | Television and radio antennas, masts and towers (Repealed by 247) |
130 | Designation of certain streets (Special) |
131 | Punchboard tax (Repealed by 247) |
132 | (Missing) |
133 | (Missing) |
134 | Franchise grant (Special) |
135 | Amends § 27 of Ord. 102, offenses (Repealed by 254) |
136 | Water system reserve fund (Expired) |
137 | Streets, fire department, police department and health department reserve fund (Expired) |
138 | Adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 247) |
139 | Planning commission (Repealed by 264) |
140 | Unsolicited entrance upon private property (Repealed by 490) |
141 | Traffic code; repeals Ord. 104 (Repealed by 262) |
142 | Jury trials (1.10) |
143 | Zoning (Repealed by 273) |
144 | Plumbing and drainage system (Repealed by 247) |
145 | Sewer charges (Repealed by 500) |
146 | Dogs (Repealed by 175) |
147 | Mobile homes (Repealed by 261) |
148 | Franchise grant (Special) |
149 | Water rates (Repealed by 198) |
150 | Annexation (Special) |
151 | Amends Ord. 147, mobile homes (Repealed by 261) |
152 | Adopts Oregon State Plumbing Code (Repealed by 247) |
153 | Adopts Oregon State Electrical Code (Repealed by 247) |
154 | Adopts Oregon State Fire Code (Repealed by 247) |
155 | (Number not used) |
156 | Special election (Special) |
157 | Annexation (Special) |
158 | Minors in possession of alcoholic beverages (Repealed by 247) |
159 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 228) |
160 | Annexation (Special) |
161 | Annexation (Special) |
162 | Sewer charges (Repealed by 247) |
163 | Nuisances; repeals Ords. 5, 13, 32 and 34 (Repealed by 256) |
164 | Annexation (Special) |
165 | Franchise grant (Repealed by 301) |
166 | Annexation (Special) |
167 | Annexation (Special) |
168 | Annexation (Special) |
169 | Annexation (Special) |
170 | Annexation (Special) |
171 | Annexation (Special) |
172 | Traffic control at intersection (Repealed by 247) |
173 | Adopts Pacific Coast Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 247) |
174 | Civil defense program (Repealed by 513) |
175 | Dogs (Repealed by 210) |
176 | Horses in parks and streets (Repealed by 254) |
177 | Abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 248) |
178 | Discarded vehicles (Repealed by 255) |
179 | (Missing) |
180 | Sidewalk specifications (Missing) |
181 | (Number not used) |
182 | Contract with Lane County for police protection (2.20) |
183 | Use of city-owned property (Repealed by 254) |
184 | Building inspector (Repealed by 512) |
185 | Bicycles (Repealed by 187) |
186 | Local improvement districts (Repealed by 249) |
1861 | Streets, sewers and water lines installation (Repealed by 249) |
187 | Bicycles; repeals Ord. 185 (Repealed by 262) |
188 | Height of fences and shrubbery (15.15) |
189 | Advisory park board (Repealed by 431) |
190 | Roof drains (8.25) |
191 | Structures on residential lots (Repealed by unnumbered ordinance dated 11/22/1976) |
192 | Storm sewers (13.10) |
193 | Social games (Repealed by 241) |
194 | (Number not used) |
195 | Creates local improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
196 | Local improvement district No. 1 final assessment (Special) |
197 | Curbs, gutters, sidewalks and storm sewers (12.05) |
198 | Water rates and water meter service charges; repeals Ord. 149 (Repealed by 500) |
199 | Sewer connection fees (Repealed by 500) |
200 | Amusement devices (Repealed by 333) |
201 | Authorizes purchase of park property from state of Oregon (Special) |
202 | Franchise grant (Repealed by 326) |
203 | (Number not used) |
204 | Creates local improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
205 | Poles and underground wiring installation (Repealed by 247) |
206 | Local improvement district No. 2 final assessment (Special) |
207 | Water system security deposit and penalties (Repealed by 316) |
208 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1977 – 1978 (Special) |
209 | Signs (Repealed by 287) |
210 | Animal control; repeals Ords. 102 § 27 and 175 (Repealed by 445) |
211 | Street vacation (Special) |
212 | Street vacation (Special) |
213 | Amends Ord. 210, animal control (Repealed by 445) |
214 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1978 – 1979 (Special) |
215 | Special election (Special) |
216 | Street vacation (Special) |
217 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 151, mobile homes (Repealed by 261) |
218 | Subdivision application bond (Title 17) |
219 | Special election (Special) |
220 | Creates local improvement district No. 3 (Special) |
221 | Submission of advisory questions to citizens of Creswell (1.20) |
222 | Water reserve fund (Repealed by 393) |
223 | Sewer reserve fund (Repealed by 394) |
224 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1979 – 1980 (Special) |
225 | Special election (Special) |
226 | Local improvement district No. 3 final assessment (Special) |
227 | Creates local improvement district No. 4 (Special) |
228 | Subdivisions; repeals Ord. 159 (Repealed by 389) |
229 | Special election (Special) |
230 | Local improvement district No. 4 final assessment (Special) |
231 | Special election (Special) |
232 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1980 – 1981 (Special) |
233 | Adopts comprehensive land use plan (Special) |
234 | Amends Ord. 213, animal control (Repealed by 445) |
235 | Water rates and water meter connection charges (Repealed by 270) |
236 | Sewer connection charges and user fees (Repealed by 300) |
237 | Alley vacation (Special) |
238 | Street vacation (Special) |
239 | Amends Ord. 143 by adding §§ 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, zoning (Repealed by 273) |
240 | Special election (Special) |
241 | Repeals Ord. 193 (Repealer) |
242 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1981 – 1982 (Special) |
243 | Supplies ordaining clauses for Ords. 130, 228 and 233 (Special) |
244 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 140, unsolicited entrance upon private property (Repealed by 490) |
245 | Amends § 11 of Ord. 143, zoning (Repealed by 273) |
246 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 200, amusement devices (Repealed by 333) |
247 | Repeals Ords. 2, 8, 16, 21, 46, 50, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 114, 117, 118, 119, 122, 124, 127, 128, 129, 131, 138, 144, 152, 153, 154, 158, 162, 172, 173, 205 and unnumbered ordinances dated 10/1969, 10/19/1970, 1/1972, 1/24/1972, 1/24/1972, 2/28/1972 and 9/10/1973 (Repealer) |
248 | Abandoned vehicles; repeals Ord. 177 (8.10) |
249 | Local improvements and special assessments; repeals Ord. 186 (13.20) |
250 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 192, storm sewers (13.10) |
251 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 188, fences (15.15) |
252 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 235, water rates and charges (Repealed by 270) |
253 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 207, water system security deposit and penalties (Repealed by 316) |
254 | General offenses; repeals Ords. 102, 123, 135, 176, 183 and unnumbered ordinances dated 1/12/1966, 10/19/1970 (Repealed by 426) |
255 | Discarded vehicles; repeals Ord. 178 (8.10) |
256 | Nuisances; repeals Ord. 163 and unnumbered ordinance dated 5/8/1967 (8.05) |
257 | Minors; repeals Ord. 103 and unnumbered ordinance dated 5/11/1964 (Repealed by 366) |
258 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 190, roof drains (8.25) |
259 | State Building Code (Repealed by 315) |
260 | Building nuisances (15.10) |
261 | Temporary placement of mobile homes; repeals Ords. 147, 151, 217 and unnumbered ordinance dated 2/10/1964 (Not codified) |
262 | Traffic code; repeals Ords. 141, 187 and two unnumbered ordinances dated 1/24/1972 (10.05, 10.10, 10.15, 10.20, 10.25, 10.35, 10.40) |
263 | Initiative and referendum procedures; repeals Ord. 50A (1.15) |
264 | Planning commission meetings; repeals Ord. 139 and unnumbered ordinance dated 1/10/1972 (2.40) |
265 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 182, police protection (2.20) |
266 | Amends §§ 1, 2, 8, 11 and 13 of Ord. 142, jury trials (1.10) |
267 | Council meetings; repeals Ord. 99 (2.05) |
268 | Amends §§ 6, 14, and 16 of unnumbered ordinance dated 1/10/1972; repeals §§ 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 17 of unnumbered ordinance dated 1/10/1972, recorder and municipal judge (2.15, 2.20) |
269 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1982 – 1983 (Special) |
270 | Water rates and water meter connection charges; repeals Ords. 235 and 252 (Repealed by 299) |
271 | Submits charter amendment to voters (Repealed by Charter adopted 11/7/06) |
272 | Adopts revised comprehensive land use plan (Special) |
273 | Zoning; repeals Ord. 143 (Repealed by 343) |
274 | Amends §§ 4.B.24.(c) and 5.C.1.(c) of Ord. 228, subdivisions (Repealed by 389) |
275 | Local improvement district No. 5 final assessment (Special) |
276 | Creswell Airport trust or reserve fund (3.05) |
277 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1983 – 1984 (Special) |
278 | Adopts Oregon American Public Works Association Standard Improvement Specifications 1980 (Repealed by 345) |
279 | Accepts jurisdiction over portion of specific road (Special) |
280 | Franchise grant (Repealed by 413) |
281 | Adds § 17(4) to Ord. 262, traffic code (10.15) |
282 | Franchise grant (Repealed by 439) |
283 | City administrator (Repealed by 410) |
284 | Special election (Special) |
285 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1984 – 1985 (Special) |
286 | Contract review board (Repealed by 452) |
287 | Signs; repeals Ord. 209 (Repealed by 389) |
288 | Summer water ration (13.05) |
289 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1985 – 1986 (Special) |
290 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 288, summer water ration (13.05) |
291 | Amends § 2(b) of Ord. 270, water rates and water meter connection charges (Repealed by 299) |
292 | Adds Article V-B to Ord. 273, zoning (Repealed by 343) |
293 | Amends §§ E, F and H of Article X of Ord. 273, zoning (Repealed by 304) |
294 | Alley vacation (Special) |
295 | Submits charter amendment to voters (Repealed by Charter adopted 11/7/06) |
296 | Amends § 2(a) and repeals §§ 3(a) and (b) of Ord. 270, water rates and water meter connection charges (Repealed by 299) |
297 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1986 – 1987 (Special) |
298 | Amends Ord. 259, State Building Code (Repealed by 315) |
299 | Water rates and water meter connection charges; repeals Ords. 270, 291 and 296 (Repealed by 316) |
300 | Sewer connection charges and user fees; repeals Ord. 236 (Repealed by 332) |
301 | Franchise grant; repeals Ord. 165 (Repealed by 334) |
302 | Impounding of bicycles (10.20) |
303 | Disposition of personal property (3.40) |
304 | Amends Article XIX and repeals and replaces Article X of Ord. 273, zoning; repeals Ord. 293 (Repealed by 343) |
305 | Garbage and solid waste; franchise grant (Repealed by 463 and 464) |
306 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1987 – 1988 (Special) |
307 | Forfeiture of property used to promote illegal activity (9.15) |
308 | Amends § 2(b) of Ord. 299, water rates and water meter connection charges (Repealed by 316) |
309 | Airport commission (Repealed by 500) |
310 | Amends Ord. 272, comprehensive land use plan (Special) |
311 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1988 – 1989 (Special) |
312 | Amends Ord. 222, water reserve fund (Repealed by 393) |
313 | Amends Ord. 223, sewer reserve fund (Repealed by 394) |
314 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1989 – 1990 (Special) |
315 | Adopts Oregon State Specialty Codes; repeals Ords. 259 and 298 (Repealed by 344) |
316 | Water code; repeals Ords. 207, 299 and 308 (13.05) |
317 | Local improvement district No. 6 final assessment (Special) |
318 | Amends Ord. 272, comprehensive land use plan (Special) |
319 | Amends Articles III, V, XI, XIII, and XIX of Ord. 273, zoning (Repealed by 343) |
320 | Submits charter amendment to voters (Repealed by Charter adopted 11/7/06) |
321 | Amends Articles III, IX, XIV and XVIII of Ord. 273, zoning (Repealed by 343) |
322 | Amends § (a)(2) of Ord. 300, sewer connection charges and user fees (Repealed by 332) |
323 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1990 – 1991 (Special) |
324 | Amends Articles V and XIX of Ord. 273, zoning (Repealed by 343) |
325 | Local improvement district No. 7 final assessment (Special) |
326 | Franchise grant; repeals Ord. 202 (Special) |
327 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 267, council meetings (2.05) |
328 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1991 – 1992 (Special) |
329 | Amends § 27 of Ord. 262, traffic code (10.20) |
330 | System development charges (Repealed by 417) |
331 | Amends §§ 7 and 22 of Ord. 316, water code (13.05) |
332 | Sewer hookup charges and user fees, wastewater treatment system development charges and collection; repeals Ords. 300 and 322 (Repealed by 340) |
333 | Amusement devices privilege tax; repeals Ords. 200 and 246 (Repealed by 356) |
334 | Franchise grant; repeals Ord. 301 (Repealed by 335) |
335 | Franchise grant; repeals Ord. 334 (Repealed by 377, 419) |
336 | Local improvement district No. 8 final assessment (Special) |
337 | Amends § 7d(1) of Ord. 287, signs (Repealed by 389) |
338 | Merchant police business licensing (Repealed by 544) |
339 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1992 – 1993 (Special) |
340 | Sewer code; repeals Ord. 332 (13.10) |
341 | Amends §§ 7 and 12 of Ord. 305, garbage and solid waste (Repealed by 463 and 464) |
342 | Land vacation (Special) |
343 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 273, 292, 304, 319, 321 and 324 (Repealed by 389) |
344 | Adopts Oregon State Specialty Codes; repeals Ord. 315 (Repealed by 347) |
345 | Adopts Oregon American Public Works Association Standard Improvement Specifications 1980; repeals Ord. 278 (Repealed by 389, 481) |
346 | Cross-connections (13.15) |
347 | Adopts Oregon State Specialty Codes; repeals Ord. 344 (Repealed by 360) |
348 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1993 – 1994 (Special) |
349 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 347, Oregon State Specialty Codes (Repealed by 370) |
350 | Amends § 21 of Ord. 263, initiative and referendum procedures (1.15) |
351 | Adopts Creswell Airport Hobby Field rules and regulations (Repealed by 409) |
352 | Local improvement district No. 9 final assessment (Special) |
353 | Construction permit requirements (12.05) |
354 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 262, traffic code (10.05) |
355 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 262, traffic code (10.05) |
356 | Repeals Ord. 333 (Repealer) |
357 | Amends Article V(C) of Ord. 343, zoning (Repealed by 389) |
358 | Bond issuance (Special) |
359 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1994 – 1995 (Special) |
360 | Adopts Oregon State Specialty Codes; repeals Ord. 347 (Repealed by 375) |
361 | Regional cable television commission (2.45) |
362 | Amends Ch. 1 § II of Creswell Airport Hobby Field rules and regulations (Repealed by 368) |
363 | Amends Article XIX § 35 of Ord. 343, zoning (Repealed by 389) |
364 | Local improvement district No. 10 final assessment (Special) |
365 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1995 – 1996 (Special) |
366 | Minors; repeals Ord. 257 (Repealed by 381) |
367 | Amends Articles V and XIX of Ord. 343, zoning (Repealed by 369) |
368 | Adds Ch. 1 § II-12 of Creswell Airport Hobby Field rules and regulations; repeals Ord. 362 (Repealed by 409) |
369 | Amends Articles VI and XIX of Ord. 343, zoning; repeals Ord. 367 (Repealed by 383, 389) |
370 | Amends § 3(2)(e) of Ord. 360, Oregon State Specialty Codes; repeals Ord. 349 (Repealed by 375) |
371 | Amends § 7-F of Ord. 228, subdivisions (Repealed by 389) |
372 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1996 – 1997 (Special) |
373 | Amends Ord. 343 by adding Article XIX and renumbering Article XIX to be XX, zoning (Repealed by 389) |
374 | Amends Articles V and XX of Ord. 343, zoning (Repealed by 389) |
375 | Building administrative code; repeals Ords. 360 and 370 (15.05) |
376 | Local improvement district No. 11 final assessment (Special) |
377 | Franchise grant; repeals Ord. 335 (Repealed by 419) |
378 | Amends § 5-E-6 of Ord. 228, subdivisions (Repealed by 389) |
379 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1997 – 1998 (Special) |
380 | Amends § 307 of Ord. 375, building administrative code (15.05) |
381 | Minors; repeals Ord. 366 (9.10) |
382 | Declares temporary moratorium on manufactured home parks, multifamily dwellings and recreational vehicle parks (Special) |
383 | Amends Articles V, VI and XIX of Ord. 343, zoning; repeals Ord. 369 (Repealed by 389) |
384 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1998 – 1999 (Special) |
385 | Amends Ord. 272, comprehensive land use plan (Special) |
386 | Loan contract with Oregon Economic Development Department (Special) |
387 | Local improvement district No. 12 final assessment (Special) |
388 | Local improvement district No. 13 final assessment (Special) |
389 | Land development code; repeals Ords. 228, 287 and 343 and amendments thereto (Repealed by 390, 411) |
390 | Land development code; repeals Ord. 389 (Repealed by 411, 442) |
391 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1999 – 2000 (Special) |
392 | Right-of-way licenses (5.05) |
393 | Water reserve fund; repeals Ords. 222 and 312 (Repealed by 461) |
394 | Sewer reserve fund; repeals Ords. 223 and 313 (Repealed by 462) |
395 | Intergovernmental agreement to provide a regional fiber optic consortium (2.50) |
396 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2000 – 2001 (Special) |
397 | Amends § 15 of Ord. 210, animal control (Repealed by 445) |
398 | Amends Tables 3-A and 3-C of Ord. 375, building administrative code (Repealed by 440) |
399 | Local improvement district No. 14 final assessment (Special) |
400 | Ballot measure No. 7, amending Article I, § 18, of the Oregon Constitution (Repealed by 401) |
401 | Repeals Ord. 400 (Repealer) |
402 | Adopts downtown plan (Special) |
403 | Franchise grant (Repealed by 419) |
404 | Declares election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2001 – 2002 (Special) |
405 | (Number not used) |
406 | Amends Ord. 272, comprehensive land use plan (Special) |
407 | Franchise grant (Special) |
408 | Amends Tables 3-B and 3-G of Ord. 375, building administrative code (Repealed by 440) |
409 | Adopts Creswell Airport Hobby Field rules and regulations; repeals Ords. 351 and 368 (Repealed by 502) |
410 | City administrator; repeals Ord. 283 (Repealed by 443) |
411 | Land development code; repeals Ord. 389 and amendments thereto (Repealed by 442) |
412 | Franchise grant (Special) |
413 | Franchise grant; repeals Ord. 280 (Special) |
414 | Council committees; repeals §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 100 (Repealed by 491) |
415 | Sidewalk cafes (8.20) |
416 | Zones of benefit and reimbursement for public improvements (13.25) |
4162 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 262, traffic code (10.05) |
417 | System development charges; repeals Ord. 330 (13.35) |
418 | Effective date of resolutions and franchises (1.25) |
419 | Franchise grant; repeals Ords. 335, 377 and 403 (Special) |
420 | Property owner compensation under Ballot measure 37 (Repealed by 454) |
421 | Telecommunications provider licensing (5.10) |
422 | (Number not used) |
423 | Residential fence construction (15.15) |
424 | (Number not used) |
425 | Social games (5.20) |
426 | Criminal code; repeals Ord. 254 (Repealed by 446) |
427 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 262, traffic code (10.05) |
428 | Rezone (Special) |
429 | Adopts parks and open space master plan (Special) |
430 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
431 | Advisory park board; repeals Ord. 189 (Repealed by 493) |
432 | Street vacation (Repealed by 492) |
433 | Easement vacation (Special) |
434 | Amends Ord. 417 by adding § 16 and renumbering §§ 16, 17 and 18 to be 17, 18 and 19, and amending §§ 3, 4, 12, 13 and 15, system development charges (13.35) |
435 | Loan contract with Oregon Economic and Community Development Department (Special) |
436 | Parks development fund (3.10) |
437 | Transportation enhancement fund (3.25) |
438 | Easement vacation (Special) |
439 | Franchise grant; repeals Ord. 282 (Special) |
440 | Amends Ord. 375, building administrative code; repeals Ords. 398 and 408 (15.05) |
441 | Amends §§ 10 and 23 of Ord. 316, water code (13.05) |
442 | Adopts development code; repeals Ords. 390 and 411, development code (Development Code) |
443 | Repeals Ord. 410 (Repealer) |
444 | (Number not used) |
445 | Animal control; repeals Ord. 210 (6.05) |
446 | Criminal code; repeals Ord. 426 (9.05) |
447 | Adds Ch. 9.20 [9.25], noise code (9.25) |
448 | Sign code (Repealed by 482) |
449 | Readopts Ord. 442; amends Development Code §§ 2.9.100, 2.9.200(B) and (C) and 4.9.200, resort commercial overlay and home occupation permits (Development Code) |
450 | Amends Ord. 409 § 8.1, airport regulations (Repealed by 502) |
451 | Adds Development Code Chs. 4.10 and 4.11; amends Development Code Ch. 1.3, Table 4.1.100, §§ 4.1.500(D)(1), (D)(6) and (K), 4.6.200(B) and comprehensive land use plan (Development Code) |
452 | Repeals Ord. 286 (Repealer) |
453 | Open burning (8.25) |
454 | Property owner compensation under Ballot measure 37 (2.65) |
455 | (Failed) |
456 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
457 | Rezone (Special) |
458 | Annexation (Special) |
459 | Adds § 9.05.455; amends § 9.05.450, park rules (Repealed by 543) |
460 | Amends Ord. 438, easement vacation (Special) |
461 | Water reserve fund; repeals Ord. 393 (Repealed by 474) |
462 | Sewer reserve fund; repeals Ord. 394 (Repealed by 475) |
463 | Garbage and solid waste; repeals Ords. 305 and 341 (Repealed by 464) |
464 | Garbage and solid waste; repeals Ords. 305, 341 and 463 (Repealed by 520) |
465 | Amends comprehensive land use plan and zoning map (Special) |
466 | Final assessment for local improvement district No. 15 (Special) |
467 | Amends comprehensive plan diagram and zoning district map (Special) |
468 | Street trees (12.20) |
469 | Annexation (Special) |
470 | Subdivision vacation (Special) |
471 | Amends Ord. 468, tree board and tree regulations (Repealed by 493) |
472 | Amends comprehensive plan diagram and zoning district map (Special) |
473 | Amends § 9.05.460, prohibited camping (9.05) |
474 | Repeals Ord. 461 (Repealer) |
475 | Repeals Ord. 462 (Repealer) |
476 | Annexation (Special) |
477 | Franchise grant (Special) |
478 | Moratorium on medical marijuana facilities (Special) |
479 | Adds § 2.60.090, airport regulations (2.60) |
480 | Adds Ch. 13.30, public safety fee (Expired) |
481 | Adds Ch. 12.25; repeals Ord. 345, public works design standards (12.25) |
482 | Sign code; repeals Ord. 448 (Repealed by 483) |
483 | Sign code; repeals Ord. 482 (15.20) |
484 | Adds Ch. 3.45, marijuana tax (Repealed by 499) |
485 | Repeals Ord. 264 § 2, planning commission meetings (Repealer) |
486 | Adds Development Code §§ 2.9.250 and 3.5.200; amends Development Code §§ 1.3.300, 2.3.110 and 2.4.110, medical marijuana facilities (Development Code) |
487 | Amends Ch. 13.30, public safety fee (Expired) |
488 | Adds Ch. 5.25, marijuana facilities (5.25) |
489 | Sales of recreational marijuana by medical marijuana dispensaries (5.30) |
490 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.20, unsolicited entrance upon private property; repeals Ords. 140 and 244 (9.20) |
491 | Council committees; repeals Ords. 100 and 414 (2.05) |
492 | Closes right-of-way to vehicle traffic; repeals Ord. 432 (Special) |
493 | Parks and trees advisory board; repeals Ords. 431 and 471 (12.20) |
494 | Planning commission (2.40) |
495 | Public safety fee (13.30) |
496 | Annexation (Special) |
497 | Airport commission (2.35) |
498 | Code adoption (1.01) |
499 | Repeals Ch. 3.45, marijuana tax (Repealer) |
500 | Repeals Ords. 145, 198, 199 and 309, unnumbered ordinances dated 2/10/1964, 1/10/1972, 7/26/1976, 11/22/1976, 10/24/1977 and 3/26/1979, and fee tables set out in Ord. 375 (Repealer) |
501 | Tax on retail sales of recreational marijuana (Void) |
502 | Adopts airport rules and regulations; repeals Ords. 409 and 450 (Repealed by 556) |
503 | Annexation (Special) |
504 | Annexation (Special) |
505 | Adds Ch. 2.70 and Art. IV to Ch. 15.05; repeals § 15.05.120, code violation enforcement (2.70, 15.05) |
506 | Amends Ch. 1.15, initiative and referendum (1.15) |
507 | Amends Ord. 421, telecommunications provider licensing (5.10) |
508 | Amends Ord. 493 § 3, parks and trees advisory board (12.20) |
509 | Amends §§ 12.20.060 and 12.20.070, parks and trees advisory board (12.20) |
510 | Rezone (Special) |
511 | Repeals Ch. 2.10, city recorder (Repealer) |
512 | Repeals Ch. 2.25, building inspector (Repealer) |
513 | Repeals Ch. 2.55, civil defense program (Repealer) |
514 | Amends Development Code Ch. 1.3 and § 2.2.200, accessory dwelling units (Development Code) |
515 | Repeals and replaces § 10.10.070, storage of vehicles and recreational vehicles on streets (10.10) |
516 | Adds Ch. 8.06, graffiti removal (8.06) |
517 | Adds Ch. 2.75, urban renewal agency (2.75) |
518 | Adds Ch. 5.35, tobacco retail licensing (5.35) |
519 | City manager; amends references to “city administrator” to “city manager” throughout code (2.05, 2.10, 2.35, 2.65, 3.40, 5.05, 5.10, 5.20, 5.35, 8.20, 9.05, 9.15, 10.05, 13.05, 13.25, 13.30, 13.35, 15.20) |
520 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.15, garbage and solid waste (8.15) |
521 | Adds Ch. 5.35 [5.40], liquor license recommendation (5.40) |
522 | Creswell urban renewal plan (Special) |
523 | Amends § 6.05.310, animals (6.05) |
524 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
525 | Amends § 8.15.030(E), burn permits (8.15) |
526 | Transportation system plan update; amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
527 | Adds Development Code § 3.1.400; amends Development Code §§ 3.1.300, 3.3.300(G) and 3.4.100(F), transportation system plan (Development Code) |
528 | Amends § 8.05.070, snow and ice (8.05) |
529 | Amends §§ 2.05.010 and 2.05.030, council meetings (2.05) |
530 | Adds § 8.05.050(C), creating a hazard (8.05) |
531 | Emergency operations (2.80) |
532 | Repeals § 13.05.160, temporary disconnect (13.05) |
533 | Amends § 13.10.220, building sewer elevation (13.10) |
534 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
535 | Amends § 10.35.010, parking citations (10.35) |
536 | Annexation (Special) |
537 | Adds Ch. 5.45, merchant police business licensing (5.45) |
538 | Amends Development Code § 1.3.300 and Chs. 2.2 and 2.3, housing policies (Development Code) |
539 | Amends Development Code § 1.3.300, Ch. 2.7 and the comprehensive plan, floodplain overlay zone (Development Code) |
540 | Adds Ch. 8.30, derelict, abandoned and vacant commercial and residential buildings (8.30) |
541 | Annexation (Special) |
542 | Adopts Creswell downtown plan (Special) |
543 | Adds Ch. 9.30; repeals §§ 9.05.450 and 9.05.455, park rules and regulations (9.30) |
544 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.15, licensing of private security agencies and premises security (5.15) |
545 | Adds Development Code § 2.3.190(C); amends Development Code §§ 1.3.300, 1.4.250 and 2.3.110, recreational vehicle parks (Development Code) |
546 | Amends Development Code § 3.2.600, fences and walls (Development Code) |
547 | Amends Ch. 15.15, fences (15.15) |
548 | (Not used) |
549 | Franchise grant (Special) |
550 | Annexation (Special) |
551 | Annexation (Special) |
552 | Declares ban on psilocybin product manufacturers and service centers (5.50) |
553 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.30, parades and processions (10.30) |
554 | Amends Development Code §§ 3.3.300(G) and (H), automobile parking standards (Development Code) |
555 | Adds Ch. 13.40, transportation utility fee (13.40) |
556 | Adopts airport rules and regulations; repeals Ord. 502 (2.60) |
557 | Amends §§ 9.05.460, 9.30.020(L), 9.30.050(D)(4) and 10.10.070, camping and parking (9.05, 9.30, 10.10) |
558 | Amends Development Code §§ 3.2.400 and 3.2.500, landscaping, street trees, fences and walls (Development Code) |
559 | Amends Ch. 12.20, street trees and parks and trees advisory board (12.20) |
560 | Adopts 2011 local wetlands inventory and 2023 economic, social, environmental and energy analysis; amends Development Code Ch. 2.10, § 3.4.400 and the comprehensive plan, riparian protection and wetlands (RPW) overlay, storm drainage and erosion control (Development Code) |
561 | (Pending) |
562 | Amends § 2.2.120, Creswell Butte protection area (Development Code) |
The city passed two ordinances numbered 186.
The city passed two ordinances numbered 416.