The previous compilation of the St. Helens ordinances, completed in April 1941, classified ordinances as “active,” “inactive,” or “repealed.” Ordinance 727 was the last ordinance so classified. The present compilation has retained the “inactive” classification of these early special ordinances.
Ordinance Table
Link to ordinances passed but not yet codified
1 – 55 | (Repealed by 698) |
56 | (Inactive E) |
57 | (Repealed by 698) |
58 | (Repealed by 698) |
59 | (Repealed by 698) |
60 | (Repealed by 700) |
61 | (Repealed by 698) |
62 | (Repealed by 526) |
63 | (Repealed by 700) |
64 | (Repealed by 700) |
65 | (Repealed by 699) |
66 | (Repealed by 700) |
67 | (Repealed by 699) |
68 | (Repealed by 698) |
69 | (Repealed by 570) |
70 | (Repealed by 700) |
71 | (Inactive C-2) |
72 | (Inactive C-2) |
73 | (Inactive C-2) |
74 | (Repealed by 700) |
75 | (Inactive E) |
76 | (Repealed by 699) |
77 | (Inactive C-1, C-2) |
78 | (Repealed by 699) |
79 | (Inactive H-2) |
80 | (Inactive H-2) |
81 | Franchise (Expired) |
82 | (Inactive D) |
83 | (Repealed by 570) |
84 | (Repealed by 700) |
85 | (Repealed by 162) |
86 | (Inactive J-2) |
87 | (Inactive E) |
88 | (Inactive E) |
89 | (Repealed by 700) |
90 | (Inactive E) |
91 | (Inactive J-2) |
92 | (Repealed by 700) |
93 | (Repealed by 542) |
94 | (Repealed by 299) |
95 | (Vetoed) |
96 | (Repealed by 700) |
97 | (Repealed by 699) |
98 | (Repealed by 2234) |
99 | (Inactive H-2) |
100 | (Inactive J-2) |
101 | (Inactive L) |
102 | (Inactive L) |
103 | (Repealed by 700) |
104 | (Repealed by 349) |
105 | (Inactive J-2) |
106 | (Inactive E) |
107 | (Repealed by 698) |
108 | (Repealed by 700) |
109 | (Repealed by 700) |
110 | (Repealed by 2234) |
111 | (Inactive C-1) |
112 | (Repealed by 700) |
113 | (Repealed by 124) |
114 | (Repealed by 700) |
115 | (Inactive J-1) |
116 | (Inactive J-2) |
117 | (Inactive I-2) |
118 | (Inactive J-2) |
119 | (Repealed by 700) |
120 | (Repealed by 699) |
121 | (Inactive J-2) |
122 | (Inactive J-2) |
123 | (Repealed by 700) |
124 | (Inactive H-1) |
125 | (Repealed by 699) |
126 | (Inactive H-1) |
127 | (Repealed by 570) |
128 | (Inactive H-1) |
129 | (Repealed by 700) |
130 | (Inactive J-2) |
131 | (Inactive J-2) |
132 | (Repealed by 1229) |
133 | (Repealed by 700) |
134 | (Inactive J-2) |
135 | (Inactive J-2) |
136 | (Repealed by 1229) |
137 | (Inactive J-2) |
138 | (Rejected by voters) |
139 | (Inactive J-2) |
140 | (Inactive H-1) |
141 | Repeals Ord. 97 (Repealer) |
142 | (Repealed by 700) |
143 | (Repealed by 161) |
144 | (Repealed by 700) |
145 | (Repealed by 700) |
146 | (Repealed by 699) |
147 | (Inactive H-1) |
148 | (Inactive H-1) |
149 | (Inactive H-1) |
150 | (Inactive H-1) |
151 | (Inactive H-1) |
152 | (Inactive H-1) |
153 | (Inactive H-1) |
154 | (Inactive H-1) |
155 | (Inactive C-1, C-2) |
156 | (Repealed by 700) |
157 | (Repealed by 700) |
158 | (Repealed by 699) |
159 | (Repealed by 570) |
160 | (Repealed by 699) |
161 | (Repealed by 700) |
162 | (Repealed by 2234) |
163 | (Inactive I-1) |
164 | (Repealed by 700) |
165 | (Inactive J-2) |
166 | (Repealed by 178) |
167 | (Inactive J-2) |
168 | (Repealed by 175) |
169 | (Repealed by 542) |
170 | (Inactive H-1) |
171 | (Repealed by 2760) |
172 | (Inactive L) |
173 | (Inactive J-2) |
174 | (Inactive H-1) |
175 | (Repealed by 700) |
176 | (Repealed by 181) |
177 | (Inactive E) |
178 | (Repealed by 185) |
179 | (Inactive J-2) |
180 | (Repealed by 503) |
181 | (Inactive H-1) |
182 | (Repealed by 699) |
183 | (Inactive H-1) |
184 | (Repealed by 270) |
185 | (Repealed by 731) |
186 | (Inactive B) |
187 | (Inactive H-1) |
188 | (Repealed by 699) |
189 | (Inactive I-2) |
190 | (Repealed by 2234) |
191 | (Inactive H-1) |
192 | (Repealed by 570) |
193 | (Repealed by 700) |
194 | (Inactive B) |
195 | (Inactive I-2) |
196 | (Inactive I-2) |
197 | (Inactive A) |
198 | (Inactive C-1, C-2) |
199 | (Repealed by 700) |
200 | (Repealed by 700) |
201 | (Inactive L) |
202 | (Repealed by 2234) |
203 | (Inactive B) |
204 | (Repealed by 699) |
205 | (Inactive J-2) |
206 | (Inactive I-2) |
207 | (Repealed by 570) |
208 | (Inactive L) |
209 | (Repealed by 700) |
210 | (Repealed by 700) |
211 | (Repealed by 214, 570) |
212 | (Repealed by 699) |
213 | (Repealed by 1229) |
214 | (Inactive A) |
215 | (Inactive C-2, G-2(b)) |
216 | (Repealed by 699) |
217 | (Repealed by 526) |
218 | (Repealed by 700) |
219 | (Repealed by 699) |
220 | (Repealed by 699) |
221 | (Repealed by 699) |
222 | (Repealed by 700) |
223 | (Repealed by 570) |
224 | Lease (Expired) |
225 | (Repealed by 543) |
226 | (Repealed by 699) |
227 | (Repealed by 700) |
228 | (Repealed by 570) |
229 | (Inactive B) |
230 | (Inactive I-2) |
231 | (Repealed by 700) |
232 | (Inactive J-2) |
233 | (Repealed by 2755) |
234 | (Repealed by 246) |
235 | Franchise (Special) |
236 | (Inactive J-2) |
237 | (Inactive J-2) |
238 | (Inactive E) |
239 | (Inactive H-1) |
240 | (Repealed by 277) |
241 | (Inactive J-2) |
242 | (Inactive E) |
243 | (Inactive A) |
244 | (Repealed by 700) |
245 | (Inactive A) |
246 | Repeals Ord. 234 (Repealer) |
247 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
248 | (Inactive C-1) |
249 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
250 | (Inactive J-2) |
251 | (Inactive J-2) |
252 | (Repealed by 266) |
253 | (Inactive J-2) |
254 | (Inactive J-2) |
255 | (Inactive J-2) |
256 | (Inactive B) |
257 | (Repealed by 699) |
258 | (Inactive A) |
259 | (Repealed by 699) |
260 | (Inactive A) |
261 | (Repealed by 699) |
262 | (Inactive E) |
263 | (Inactive J-2) |
264 | (Inactive J-2) |
265 | (Inactive B) |
266 | (Inactive B) |
267 | (Repealed by 2234) |
268 | (Inactive B) |
269 | (Inactive C-1) |
270 | (Repealed by 360) |
271 | (Repealed by 570) |
272 | (Inactive J-2) |
273 | (Repealed by 700) |
274 | (Inactive J-2) |
275 | (Repealed by 700) |
276 | (Inactive A) |
277 | (Repealed by 326) |
278 | (Repealed by 2236) |
279 | (Inactive J-2) |
280 | (Inactive J-2) |
281 | (Repealed by 543) |
282 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
283 | (Inactive A) |
284 | (Inactive J-2) |
285 | (Inactive H-1) |
286 | (Inactive J-2) |
287 | (Repealed by 700) |
288 | (Inactive B) |
289 | Lease (Expired) |
290 | (Repealed by 700) |
291 | (Repealed by 319) |
292 | (Repealed by 320) |
293 | (Inactive L) |
294 | (Repealed by 321) |
295 | (Inactive G-1) |
296 | (Inactive G-1) |
297 | (Inactive G-1) |
298 | (Inactive H-1) |
299 | (Repealed by 700) |
300 | (Inactive D) |
301 | (Inactive A) |
302 | (Repealed by 2234) |
303 | (Repealed by 700) |
304 | (Repealed by 700) |
305 | (Repealed by 699) |
306 | (Repealed by 700) |
307 | (Inactive E) |
308 | (Repealed by 700) |
309 | (Repealed by 1229) |
310 | (Inactive C-1) |
311 | (Inactive G-1) |
312 | (Inactive H-1) |
313 | (Repealed by 700) |
314 | (Repealed by 548) |
315 | (Inactive B) |
316 | (Inactive D) |
317 | (Repealed by 570) |
318 | (Repealed by 570) |
319 | Repeals Ord. 291 (Repealer) |
320 | Repeals Ord. 292 (Repealer) |
321 | Repeals Ord. 294 (Repealer) |
322 | (Inactive G-1) |
323 | (Inactive B) |
324 | (Inactive B) |
325 | (Inactive I-1) |
326 | (Repealed by 700) |
327 | (Repealed by 700) |
328 | (Repealed by 329) |
329 | (Repealed by 339) |
330 | (Inactive J-2) |
331 | (Inactive J-2) |
332 | (Inactive J-2) |
333 | (Repealed by 700) |
334 | (Repealed by 699) |
335 | (Repealed by 699) |
336 | (Repealed by 699) |
337 | (Repealed by 700) |
338 | (Repealed by 700) |
339 | (Inactive C-1) |
340 | (Inactive J-2) |
341 | (Inactive A) |
342 | (Inactive J-2) |
343 | Franchise (Expired) |
344 | (Inactive J-2) |
345 | (Inactive L) |
346 | (Repealed by 454) |
347 | (Repealed by 570) |
348 | (Inactive I-1) |
349 | (Repealed by 700) |
350 | (Inactive B) |
351 | (Inactive B) |
352 | (Repealed by 700) |
353 | (Repealed by 535) |
354 | (Repealed by 356) |
355 | (Repealed by 359) |
356 | Repeals Ord. 354 (Repealer) |
357 | (Inactive I-1) |
358 | (Inactive I-1, I-2) |
359 | (Inactive I-1) |
360 | (Repealed by 700) |
361 | (Inactive D) |
362 | (Inactive J-2) |
363 | (Inactive B) |
364 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
365 | (Inactive I-1) |
366 | (Inactive D) |
367 | (Inactive G-1) |
368 | (Repealed by 700) |
369 | (Repealed by 699) |
370 | (Repealed by 699) |
371 | (Repealed by 699) |
372 | (Repealed by 699) |
373 | (Repealed by 446) |
374 | (Inactive E) |
375 | (Inactive B) |
376 | (Inactive I-2) |
377 | (Inactive I-2) |
378 | (Inactive I-2) |
379 | (Inactive I-2) |
380 | (Inactive D) |
381 | (Inactive D) |
382 | (Inactive B) |
383 | (Inactive J-2) |
384 | (Inactive I-1) |
385 | (Inactive I-1) |
386 | (Inactive I-1) |
387 | (Inactive J-2) |
388 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
389 | (Inactive J-2) |
390 | (Inactive H-1) |
391 | (Inactive I-1) |
392 | (Inactive I-1) |
393 | (Inactive I-1) |
394 | (Inactive I-1) |
395 | (Inactive J-2) |
396 | (Inactive J-2) |
397 | (Inactive J-2) |
398 | (Repealed by 700) |
399 | (Repealed by 699) |
400 | (Inactive I-1) |
401 | (Inactive J-2) |
402 | (Inactive B) |
403 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
404 | (Repealed by 699) |
405 | (Repealed by 699) |
406 | (Repealed by 699) |
407 | (Repealed by 699) |
408 | (Repealed by 699) |
409 | (Repealed by 699) |
410 | (Repealed by 699) |
411 | (Inactive J-2) |
412 | (Repealed by 2234) |
413 | (Inactive J-2) |
414 | (Inactive J-2) |
415 | (Inactive J-2) |
416 | (Inactive J-2) |
417 | (Inactive J-2) |
418 | (Inactive J-2) |
419 | (Inactive K-2) |
420 | (Repealed by 550) |
421 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
422 | (Inactive F) |
423 | (Inactive D) |
424 | (Inactive B) |
425 | (Inactive B) |
426 | (Inactive I-2) |
427 | (Inactive J-2) |
428 | (Repealed by 700) |
429 | (Inactive I-1) |
430 | (Inactive H-1) |
431 | (Inactive J-2) |
432 | (Inactive H-1) |
433 | (Inactive J-2) |
434 | (Inactive B) |
435 | (Inactive J-2) |
436 | (Inactive I-1) |
437 | (Inactive F) |
438 | (Repealed by 699) |
439 | (Repealed by 699) |
440 | (Inactive B) |
441 | (Inactive J-2) |
442 | (Inactive B) |
443 | (Inactive H-1) |
444 | (Inactive H-1) |
445 | (Inactive J-2) |
446 | (Repealed by 700) |
447 | (Repealed by 449) |
448 | (Inactive H-1) |
449 | (Inactive B) |
450 | (Repealed by 700) |
451 | (Inactive H-1) |
452 | (Repealed by 700) |
453 | (Repealed by 699) |
454 | (Inactive L) |
455 | (Inactive B) |
456 | (Inactive H-1) |
457 | (Repealed by 699) |
458 | (Repealed by 699) |
459 | (Repealed by 699) |
460 | (Repealed by 699) |
461 | (Repealed by 699) |
462 | (Repealed by 699) |
463 | (Repealed by 699) |
464 | (Repealed by 699) |
465 | (Repealed by 700) |
466 | (Repealed by 700) |
467 | (Inactive J-2) |
468 | (Inactive B) |
469 | (Inactive J-2) |
470 | (Repealed by 700) |
471 | (Inactive J-2) |
472 | (Repealed by 700) |
473 | (Inactive H-1) |
474 | (Inactive H-1) |
475 | (Repealed by 700) |
476 | (Inactive C-2) |
477 | (Inactive B) |
478 | (Repealed by 699) |
479 | (Repealed by 699) |
480 | (Repealed by 699) |
481 | (Repealed by 699) |
482 | (Repealed by 699) |
483 | (Repealed by 544) |
484 | (Inactive J-2) |
485 | (Repealed by 699) |
486 | (Repealed by 699) |
487 | (Repealed by 700) |
488 | (Repealed by 2234) |
489 | (Inactive J-2) |
490 | (Repealed by 699) |
491 | (Repealed by 699) |
492 | (Repealed by 699) |
493 | (Repealed by 699) |
494 | (Repealed by 699) |
495 | (Repealed by 699) |
496 | (Repealed by 699) |
497 | (Repealed by 700) |
498 | (Repealed by 700) |
499 | (Repealed by 2234) |
500 | (Failed to pass) |
501 | (Repealed by 523) |
502 | (Repealed by 513) |
503 | (Repealed by 700) |
504 | (Repealed by 529) |
505 | (Repealed by 1790) |
506 | (Repealed by 700) |
507 | (Repealed by 543) |
508 | (Repealed by 2226) |
509 | (Repealed by 523) |
510 | (Repealed by 2234) |
511 | (Repealed by 537) |
512 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
513 | (Repealed by 529) |
514 | (Repealed by 699) |
515 | (Repealed by 699) |
516 | (Repealed by 699) |
517 | (Repealed by 699) |
518 | (Repealed by 699) |
519 | (Repealed by 533, 570) |
520 | (Repealed by 570) |
521 | (Inactive B) |
522 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
523 | (Repealed by 700) |
524 | (Repealed by 2234) |
525 | Franchise (Expired) |
526 | (Repealed by 700) |
527 | (Repealed by 626) |
528 | (Repealed by 700) |
529 | (Repealed by 2234) |
530 | (Repealed by 549) |
531 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
532 | (Inactive D) |
533 | (Repealed by 699) |
534 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
535 | (Repealed by 700) |
536 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
537 | (Repealed by 1147) |
538 | (Repealed by 1229) |
539 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
540 | (Repealed by 1225) |
541 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
542 | (Repealed by 700) |
543 | (Repealed by 700) |
544 | (Inactive J-2) |
545 | (Repealed by 700) |
546 | (Inactive G-2(a), G-2(b)) |
547 | (Repealed by 700) |
548 | (Repealed by 700) |
549 | (Repealed by 700) |
550 | (Repealed by 700) |
551 | (Inactive C-2) |
552 | (Inactive I-1) |
553 | (Repealed by 700) |
554 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
555 | (Inactive G-2(a), G-2(b)) |
556 | (Inactive I-1) |
557 | (Inactive I-1) |
558 | (Inactive I-1) |
559 | (Inactive I-1) |
560 | (Inactive J-2) |
561 | (Repealed by 700) |
562 | (Repealed by 700) |
563 | (Repealed by 700) |
564 | (Inactive I-1) |
565 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
566 | (Repealed by 700) |
567 | (Inactive I-1) |
568 | (Inactive J-2) |
569 | (Repealed by 700) |
570 | (Repealed by 700) |
571 | (Inactive I-1) |
572 | (Inactive I-1) |
573 | (Inactive J-2) |
574 | (Inactive I-1) |
575 | (Inactive I-1) |
576 | (Repealed by 2234) |
577 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
578 | (Inactive J-2) |
579 | (Repealed by 700) |
580 | (Inactive C-1) |
581 | (Inactive C-2(a)) |
582 | (Inactive C-1, C-2, K-1, K-2, L) |
583 | (Inactive I-1) |
584 | (Inactive J-2) |
585 | (Inactive J-2) |
586 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
587 | (Repealed by 700) |
588 | (Repealed by 699) |
589 | (Inactive A, G-2(a)) |
590 | Lease (Expired) |
591 | (Inactive B) |
592 | (Inactive B) |
593 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
594 | (Repealed by 627) |
595 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
596 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
597 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
598 | (Inactive B) |
599 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
600 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
601 | (Repealed by 700) |
602 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
603 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
604 | (Repealed by 2352) |
605 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
606 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
607 | (Inactive E) |
608 | (Repealed by 700) |
609 | (Repealed by 700) |
610 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
611 | (Repealed by 612) |
612 | (Repealed by 700) |
613 | (Repealed by 614) |
614 | (Repealed by 615) |
615 | (Repealed by 616) |
616 | (Repealed by 618) |
617 | (Repealed by 2322) |
618 | (Repealed by 619) |
619 | Repeals Ord. 618 (Repealer) |
620 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
621 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
622 | (Repealed by 700) |
623 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
624 | (Repealed by 637) |
625 | (Inactive L) |
626 | (Repealed by 2234) |
627 | (Inactive A) |
628 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
629 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
630 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
631 | (Repealed by 700) |
632 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
633 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
634 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
635 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
636 | (Inactive I-1) |
637 | Grant of easement (Special) |
638 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
639 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
640 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
641 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
642 | (Inactive A, L) |
643 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
644 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
645 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
646 | (Inactive L) |
647 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
648 | (Inactive I-1) |
649 | (Repealed by 700) |
650 | (Inactive J-2) |
651 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
652 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
653 | (Inactive C-1) |
654 | (Inactive A, J-2) |
655 | (Inactive J-2) |
656 | (Inactive L) |
657 | (Repealed by 1381) |
658 | (Inactive E) |
659 | (Inactive L) |
660 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
661 | (Inactive A) |
662 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
663 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
664 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
665 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
666 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
667 | (Inactive L) |
668 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
669 | (Inactive L) |
670 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
671 | (Inactive J-2) |
672 | (Repealed by 2234) |
673 | (Repealed by 1229) |
674 | (Inactive J-2(b)) |
675 | (Inactive J-2(a)) |
676 | (Inactive A) |
677 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
678 | (Repealed by 1073) |
679 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
680 | (Repealed by 1165) |
681 | (Repealed by 1268) |
682 | (Repealed by 2234) |
683 | (Repealed by 1684, 2021 and 2146) |
684 | (Repealed by 2234) |
685 | (Repealed by 1457) |
686 | (Repealed by 2285) |
687 | (Repealed by 1825) |
688 | (Repealed by 2233) |
689 | (Repealed by 2146) |
690 | (Repealed by 2234) |
691 | (Repealed by 1996) |
692 | (Repealed by 1919 and 1943) |
693 | (Repealed by 1063) |
694 | (Repealed by 2240) |
695 | (Repealed by 941) |
696 | (Repealed by 2234) |
697 | (Repealed by 2245) |
698 | (Repealer) |
699 | (Repealer) |
700 | (Repealer) |
701 | (Inactive A) |
702 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
703 | (Inactive L) |
704 | (Repealed by 706) |
705 | (Inactive C-2) |
706 | (Repealed by 1034) |
707 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
708 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
709 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
710 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
711 | Finance (Special) |
712 | (Repealed by 716) |
713 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
714 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
715 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
716 | (Repealed by 721) |
717 | (Inactive G-2(a)) |
718 | (Repealed by 1919 and 1943) |
719 | (Repealed by 2234) |
720 | (Inactive G-2(b)) |
721 | Repeals Ord. 716 (Repealer) |
722 | (Inactive G-2(a), G-2(b)) |
723 | (Repealed by 941) |
724 | (Repealed by 2235) |
725 | (Repealed by 2234) |
726 | (Repealed by 2234) |
727 | (Repealed by 1919 and 1943) |
728 | Public ways (Special) |
729 | Property transaction (Special) |
730 | (Repealed by 941) |
731 | (Repealed by 1423) |
732 | (Repealed by 1577) |
733 | Property transaction (Special) |
734 | Finance (Special) |
735 | (Repealed by 2234) |
736 | Property transaction (Special) |
737 | Public ways (Special) |
738 | Property transaction (Special) |
739 | Property transaction (Special) |
740 | Property transaction (Special) |
741 | Property transaction (Special) |
742 | Property transaction (Special) |
743 | (Repealed by 2234) |
744 | (Repealed by 2234) |
745 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
746 | Property transaction (Special) |
747 | (Repealed by 1919 and 1943) |
748 | (Repealed by 2234) |
749 | (Repealed by 2234) |
750 | Public improvements (Special) |
751 | Public improvements (Special) |
752 | Property transaction (Special) |
753 | (Repealed by 1195) |
754 | Property transaction (Special) |
755 | Property transaction (Special) |
756 | Property transaction (Special) |
757 | Property transaction (Special) |
758 | Property transaction (Special) |
759 | Property transaction (Special) |
760 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
761 | Property transaction (Special) |
762 | Property transaction (Special) |
763 | Property transaction (Special) |
764 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
765 | (Repealed by 958) |
766 | Property transaction (Special) |
767 | Property transaction (Special) |
768 | Property transaction (Special) |
769 | Property transaction (Special) |
770 | Property transaction (Special) |
771 | Property transaction (Special) |
772 | (Repealed by 776) |
773 | Property transaction (Special) |
774 | (Repealed by 777) |
775 | Property transaction (Special) |
776 | Property transaction (Special) |
777 | Property transaction (Special) |
778 | Property transaction (Special) |
779 | Finance (Special) |
780 | Property transaction (Special) |
781 | Property transaction (Special) |
782 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
783 | Property transaction (Special) |
784 | Property transaction (Special) |
785 | Public improvements (Special) |
786 | (Repealed by 1034) |
787 | Property transaction (Special) |
788 | (Repealed by 2236) |
789 | Property transaction (Special) |
790 | Property transaction (Special) |
791 | Property transaction (Special) |
792 | Property transaction (Special) |
793 | Property transaction (Special) |
794 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
795 | Property transaction (Special) |
796 | Finance (Special) |
797 | Property transaction (Special) |
798 | Property transaction (Special) |
799 | Property transaction (Special) |
800 | Property transaction (Special) |
801 | Property transaction (Special) |
802 | Property transaction (Special) |
803 | Property transaction (Special) |
804 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
805 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
806 | Property transaction (Special) |
807 | (Repealed by 1381) |
808 | Property transaction (Special) |
809 | Property transaction (Special) |
810 | Property transaction (Special) |
811 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
812 | Property transaction (Special) |
813 | Property transaction (Special) |
814 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
815 | Property transaction (Special) |
816 | Property transaction (Special) |
817 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
818 | Property transaction (Special) |
819 | Property transaction (Special) |
820 | Property transaction (Special) |
821 | Property transaction (Special) |
822 | Property transaction (Special) |
823 | Property transaction (Special) |
824 | Property transaction (Special) |
825 | Property transaction (Special) |
826 | Property transaction (Special) |
827 | (Repealed by 1229) |
828 | Property transaction (Special) |
829 | Property transaction (Special) |
830 | (Repealed by 1790) |
831 | Property transaction (Special) |
832 | Property transaction (Special) |
833 | Property transaction (Special) |
834 | Property transaction (Special) |
835 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
836 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
837 | Property transaction (Special) |
838 – | |
937 | (Numbers not used) |
938 | Property transaction (Special) |
939 | Property transaction (Special) |
940 | Property transaction (Special) |
941 | (Repealed by 1034) |
942 | Property transaction (Special) |
943 | Property transaction (Special) |
944 | Public ways (Special) |
945 | Property transaction (Special) |
946 | Property transaction (Special) |
947 | Property transaction (Special) |
948 | Property transaction (Special) |
949 | Property transaction (Special) |
950 | (Repealed by 1212) |
951 | Property transaction (Special) |
952 | Property transaction (Special) |
953 | Property transaction (Special) |
954 | Property transaction (Special) |
955 | Property transaction (Special) |
956 | Property transaction (Special) |
957 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
958 | (Repealed by 987) |
959 | Property transaction (Special) |
960 | Property transaction (Special) |
961 | Property transaction (Special) |
962 | Property transaction (Special) |
963 | Property transaction (Special) |
964 | Property transaction (Special) |
965 | Property transaction (Special) |
966 | Property transaction (Special) |
967 | Property transaction (Special) |
968 | Property transaction (Special) |
969 | Property transaction (Special) |
970 | Property transaction (Special) |
971 | Property transaction (Special) |
972 | Property transaction (Special) |
973 | Property transaction (Special) |
974 | Property transaction (Special) |
975 | Property transaction (Special) |
976 | Property transaction (Special) |
977 | Property transaction (Special) |
978 | (Repealed by 986) |
979 | Property transaction (Special) |
980 | Property transaction (Special) |
981 | Public ways (Special) |
982 | Property transaction (Special) |
983 | Property transaction (Special) |
984 | Property transaction (Special) |
985 | Property transaction (Special) |
986 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
987 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
988 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
989 | Property transaction (Special) |
990 | Property transaction (Special) |
991 | Property transaction (Special) |
992 | Property transaction (Special) |
993 | Property transaction (Special) |
994 | Property transaction (Special) |
995 | Property transaction (Special) |
996 | Property transaction (Special) |
997 | Property transaction (Special) |
998 | (Repealed by 1598) |
999 | Property transaction (Special) |
1000 | Property transaction (Special) |
1001 | Property transaction (Special) |
1002 | Property transaction (Special) |
1003 | (Repealed by 1105) |
1004 | Property transaction (Special) |
1005 | (Repealed by 1034) |
1006 | Property transaction (Special) |
1007 | Property transaction (Special) |
1008 | Property transaction (Special) |
1009 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1010 | Property transaction (Special) |
1011 | (Repealed by 1598) |
1012 | Property transaction (Special) |
1013 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1014 | Property transaction (Special) |
1015 | Property transaction (Special) |
1016 | Finance (Special) |
1017 | Property transaction (Special) |
1018 | Property transaction (Special) |
1019 | Property transaction (Special) |
1020 | Property transaction (Special) |
1021 | Property transaction (Special) |
1022 | Property transaction (Special) |
1023 | Property transaction (Special) |
1024 | Property transaction (Special) |
1025 | (Repealed by 1034) |
1026 | Property transaction (Special) |
1027 | Property transaction (Special) |
1028 | Property transaction (Special) |
1029 | Property transaction (Special) |
1030 | Property transaction (Special) |
1031 | Property transaction (Special) |
1032 | (Repealed by 1229) |
1033 | Property transaction (Special) |
1034 | (Repealed by 1137) |
1035 | Property transaction (Special) |
1036 | Public improvements (Special) |
1037 | Public improvements (Special) |
1038 | Public improvements (Special) |
1039 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1040 | Property transaction (Special) |
1041 | (Repealed by 1370) |
1042 | Property transaction (Special) |
1043 | Public improvements (Special) |
1044 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1045 | Property transaction (Special) |
1046 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1047 | Property transaction (Special) |
1048 | Property transaction (Special) |
1049 | Property transaction (Special) |
1050 | Public improvements (Special) |
1051 | (Repealed by 1229) |
1052 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1053 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1054 | Property transaction (Special) |
1055 | (Repealed by 1423) |
1056 | Property transaction (Special) |
1057 | (Repealed by 1063) |
1058 | Property transaction (Special) |
1059 | (Repealed by 1067) |
1060 | (Repealed by 1063) |
1061 | Property transaction (Special) |
1062 | (Repealed by 1137) |
1063 | (Repealed by 1392) |
1064 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1065 | (Repealed by 1270) |
1066 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1067 | (Repealer) |
1068 | Property transaction (Special) |
1069 | Public improvements (Special) |
1070 | Public improvements (Special) |
1071 | Public improvements (Special) |
1072 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1073 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1074 | (Repealed by 1137) |
1075 | Property transaction (Special) |
1076 | Finance (Special) |
1077 | Public improvements (Special) |
1078 | Public improvements (Special) |
1079 | (Repealed by 2233) |
1080 | Property transaction (Special) |
1081 | Finance (Special) |
1082 | Property transaction (Special) |
1083 | Property transaction (Special) |
1084 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
1085 | Finance (Special) |
1086 | Property transaction (Special) |
1087 | Public improvements (Special) |
1088 | Property transaction (Special) |
1089 | (Repealed by 1287) |
1090 | (Repealed by 1392) |
1091 | Public improvements (Special) |
1092 | Public improvements (Special) |
1093 | Property transaction (Special) |
1094 | Property transaction (Special) |
1095 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1096 | Property transaction (Special) |
1097 | Finance (Special) |
1098 | (Repealed by 1229) |
1099 | (Superseded by 1309) |
1100 | (Repealed by 1598) |
1101 | Property transaction (Special) |
1102 | Property transaction (Special) |
1103 | Property transaction (Special) |
1104 | Property transaction (Special) |
1105 | (Repealer) |
1106 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1107 | (Repealed by 1465) |
1108 | Finance (Special) |
1109 | Public improvements (Special) |
1110 | Property transaction (Special) |
1111 | Finance (Special) |
1112 | Public improvements (Special) |
1113 | Property transaction (Special) |
1114 | (Repealed by 1423) |
1115 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1116 | (Repealed by 1121) |
1117 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1118 | (Repealed by 1137) |
1119 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1120 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1121 | (Repealer) |
1122 | (Repealed by 1507) |
1123 | Finance (Special) |
1124 | Public improvements (Special) |
1125 | (Repealed by 1360) |
1126 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
1127 | (Repealed by 2021) |
1128 | Property transaction (Special) |
1129 | (Repealed by 1229) |
1130 | Public ways (Special) |
1131 | Public ways (Special) |
1132 | Public improvements (Special) |
1133 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1134 | Public improvements (Special) |
1135 | Property transaction (Special) |
1136 | Public ways (Special) |
1137 | (Repealed by 1833) |
1138 | (Repealed by 2238) |
1139 | Public improvements (Special) |
1140 | Public improvements (Special) |
1141 | Property transaction (Special) |
1142 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
1143 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1144 | Public ways (Special) |
1145 | Public ways (Special) |
1146 | Property transaction (Special) |
1147 | (Repealed by 2286) |
1148 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1149 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1150 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1151 | Public ways (Special) |
1152 | Public improvements (Special) |
1153 | Public improvements (Special) |
1154 | Public improvements (Special) |
1155 | (Repealed by 1161) |
1156 | Public improvements (Special) |
1157 | Public improvements (Special) |
1158 | Public improvements (Special) |
1159 | Property transaction (Special) |
1160 | Property transaction (Special) |
1161 | (Repealer) |
1162 | Public improvements (Special) |
1163 | Property transaction (Special) |
1164 | (Repealed by 1254) |
1165 | (Repealed by 1254) |
1166 | Property transaction (Special) |
1167 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1168 | Property transaction (Special) |
1169 | Property transaction (Special) |
1170 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
1171 | Public improvements (Special) |
1172 | (Repealed by 1397) |
1173 | Public improvements (Special) |
1174 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1175 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1176 | Property transaction (Special) |
1177 | Property transaction (Special) |
1178 | Finance (Special) |
1179 | Property transaction (Special) |
1180 | Property transaction (Special) |
1181 | (Repealed by 1285) |
1182 | Public improvements (Special) |
1183 | Property transaction (Special) |
1184 | (Repealed by 1559) |
1185 | Property transaction (Special) |
1186 | (Repealed by 1833) |
1187 | (Repealed by 1833 and 2146) |
1188 | (Repealed by 1577) |
1189 | (Repealed by 1197) |
1190 | Property transaction (Special) |
1191 | Property transaction (Special) |
1192 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1193 | Traffic control (10.04) |
1194 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1195 | (Repealer) |
1196 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1197 | (Repealed by 2285) |
1198 | (Repealed by 2285) |
1199 | (Repealed by 1236) |
1200 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1201 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1202 | (Repealed by 1236) |
1203 | Property transaction (Special) |
1204 | (Repealed by 1215) |
1205 | Public improvements (Special) |
1206 | Public improvements (Special) |
1207 | Public improvements (Special) |
1208 | Public improvements (Special) |
1209 | Property transaction (Special) |
1210 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1211 | Property transaction (Special) |
1212 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1213 | Property transaction (Special) |
1214 | Public improvements (Special) |
1215 | Bond issues (Special) |
1216 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1217 | Property transaction (Special) |
1218 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1219 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1220 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1221 | Public improvements (Special) |
1222 | Public improvements (Special) |
1223 | (Failed to pass) |
1224 | Property transaction (Special) |
1225 | (Repealed by 2709) |
1226 | (Repealed by 1392) |
1227 | (Repealed by 1790) |
1228 | (Repealed by 2322) |
1229 | (Repealer) |
1230 | Property transaction (Special) |
1231 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1232 | Property transaction (Special) |
1233 | Property transaction (Special) |
1234 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
1235 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
1236 | (Repealer) |
1237 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1238 | Property transaction (Special) |
1239 | (Repealed by 1833) |
1240 | (Repealed by 2021) |
1241 | (Repealed by 1392) |
1242 | Property transaction (Special) |
1243 | (Repealed by 2021) |
1244 | Public improvements (Special) |
1245 | Property transaction (Special) |
1246 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1247 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1248 | Property transaction (Special) |
1249 | (Repealed by 1423) |
1250 | Public improvements (Special) |
1251 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1252 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1253 | Property transaction (Special) |
1254 | (Repealer) |
1255 | Public improvements (Special) |
1256 | Public improvements (Special) |
1257 | (Repealed by 1382) |
1258 | Property transaction (Special) |
1259 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1260 | Public improvements (Special) |
1261 | Property transaction (Special) |
1262 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1263 | Property transaction (Special) |
1264 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1265 | Public improvements (Special) |
1266 | Property transaction (Special) |
1267 | Property transaction (Special) |
1268 | (Repealed by 1337 and 1445) |
1269 | (Repealed by 1577) |
1270 | (Repealed by 2219) |
1271 | Property transaction (Special) |
1272 | Property transaction (Special) |
1273 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1274 | Public improvements (Special) |
1275 | Property transaction (Special) |
1276 | Public ways (Special) |
1277 | Property transaction (Special) |
1278 | Property transaction (Special) |
1279 | Property transaction (Special) |
1280 | Property transaction (Special) |
1281 | (Repealed by 1833) |
1282 | Property transaction (Special) |
1283 | Property transaction (Special) |
1284 | Property transaction (Special) |
1285 | (Repealer) |
1286 | Property transaction (Special) |
1287 | (Repealed by 1773) |
1288 | Property transaction (Special) |
1289 | Property transaction (Special) |
1290 | Public improvements (Special) |
1291 | Public improvements (Special) |
1292 | Public improvements (Special) |
1293 | Property transaction (Special) |
1294 | Property transaction (Special) |
1295 | Property transaction (Special) |
1296 | Property transaction (Special) |
1297 | Property transaction (Special) |
1298 | (Repealed by 2223 and 2298) |
1299 | Property transaction (Special) |
1300 | Public improvements (Special) |
1301 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1302 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1303 | Public improvements (Special) |
1304 | Property transaction (Special) |
1305 | Public improvements (Special) |
1306 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1307 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1308 | (Repealed by 1389) |
1309 | (Superseded by 1610) |
1310 | Public improvements (Special) |
1311 | Public improvements (Special) |
1312 | Public improvements (Special) |
1313 | Public improvements (Special) |
1314 | Public improvements (Special) |
1315 | Public improvements (Special) |
1316 | Property transaction (Special) |
1317 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1318 | Property transaction (Special) |
1319 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1320 | Public ways (Special) |
1321 | Property transaction (Special) |
1322 | Public improvements (Special) |
1323 | Property transaction (Special) |
1324 | (Repealed by 2233) |
1325 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1326 | Property transaction (Special) |
1327 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1328 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1329 | Property transaction (Special) |
1330 | Property transaction (Special) |
1331 | Property transaction (Special) |
1332 | Public improvements (Special) |
1333 | Property transaction (Special) |
1334 | Bond issues (Special) |
1335 | Property transaction (Special) |
1336 | Property transaction (Special) |
1337 | (Repealed by 1445) |
1338 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1339 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1340 | Property transaction (Special) |
1341 | Property transaction (Special) |
1342 | Property transaction (Special) |
1343 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1344 | Property transaction (Special) |
1345 | Property transaction (Special) |
1346 | Property transaction (Special) |
1347 | (Repealed by 1371) |
1348 | Property transaction (Special) |
1349 | Property transaction (Special) |
1350 | Property transaction (Special) |
1351 | Property transaction (Special) |
1352 | Property transaction (Special) |
1353 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1354 | Public improvements (Special) |
1355 | Property transaction (Special) |
1356 | Property transaction (Special) |
1357 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1358 | Public improvements (Special) |
1359 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1360 | (Repealer) |
1361 | Public improvements (Special) |
1362 | Property transaction (Special) |
1363 | (Repealed by 2223 and 2228) |
1364 | Public improvements (Special) |
1365 | Public improvements (Special) |
1366 | Public improvements (Special) |
1367 | Public improvements (Special) |
1368 | Public improvements (Special) |
1369 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1370 | (Repealer) |
1371 | Property transaction (Special) |
1372 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1373 | Property transaction (Special) |
1374 | Property transaction (Special) |
1375 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1375A | Public ways (Special) |
1376 | Property transaction (Special) |
1377 | Public improvements (Special) |
1378 | Public improvements (Special) |
1379 | Property transaction (Special) |
1380 | Property transaction (Special) |
1381 | (Repealed by 2528) |
1382 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1383 | Public improvements (Special) |
1384 | Public improvements (Special) |
1385 | Public ways (Special) |
1386 | (Repealed by 1423) |
1386A | (Repealed by 2286) |
1387 | Public ways (Special) |
1388 | Property transaction (Special) |
1389 | (Repealed by 1833) |
1390 | Public improvements (Special) |
1391 | (Repealed by 1423) |
1392 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
1393 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1394 | (Repealed by 2223) |
1395 | Public improvements (Special) |
1396 | (Repealed by 2755) |
1397 | (Repealed by 1625) |
1398 | Public improvements (Special) |
1399 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1400 | (Repealed by 2005) |
1401 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1402 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
1403 | Public improvements (Special) |
1404 | Public improvements (Special) |
1405 | Public improvements (Special) |
1406 | Public improvements (Special) |
1407 | Public improvements (Special) |
1408 | (Repealed by 2001) |
1409 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1410 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1411 | Public improvements (Special) |
1412 | Public improvements (Special) |
1413 | Public improvements (Special) |
1414 | (Repealed by 2277) |
1415 | Public improvements (Special) |
1416 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1417 | (Repealed by 2540) |
1418 | Property transaction (Special) |
1419 | Property transaction (Special) |
1420 | (Repealed by 2352) |
1421 | Public improvements (Special) |
1422 | Property transaction (Special) |
1423 | (Repealed by 2241) |
1424 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1425 | (Repealed by 2755) |
1426 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1427 | Property transaction (Special) |
1428 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1429 | Annexation (Special) |
1430 | Property transaction (Special) |
1431 | Property transaction (Special) |
1432 | Public improvements (Special) |
1433 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1434 | Annexation (Special) |
1435 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1436 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1437 | Public improvements (Special) |
1438 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
1439 | Public improvements (Special) |
1440 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1441 | Property transaction (Special) |
1442 | Public improvements (Special) |
1443 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1444 | Public improvements (Special) |
1445 | (Repealed by 1883 and 2043) |
1446 | Property transaction (Special) |
1447 | (Repealed by 1943 and 2037) |
1448 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1449 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1450 | Bond issues (Special) |
1451 | (Repealed by 2065) |
1452 | (Repealed by 2286) |
1453 | Property transaction (Special) |
1454 | Property transaction (Special) |
1455 | Property transaction (Special) |
1456 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1457 | (Repealed by 2001) |
1458 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1459 | Public improvements (Special) |
1460 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1461 | Property transaction (Special) |
1462 | Public improvements (Special) |
1463 | Public improvements (Special) |
1464 | Public improvements (Special) |
1465 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1466 | Public improvements (Special) |
1467 | (Superseded by 2395) |
1468 | Public ways (Special) |
1469 | Public improvements (Special) |
1470 | Public improvements (Special) |
1471 | Public improvements (Special) |
1472 | Public improvements (Special) |
1473 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1474 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1475 | Public improvements (Special) |
1476 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1477 | (Repealed by 2005) |
1478 | Public improvements (Special) |
1478A | Property transaction (Special) |
1479 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1480 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1481 | Property transaction (Special) |
1482 | Public improvements (Special) |
1483 | (Repealed by 2241) |
1484 | Property transaction (Special) |
1485 | Public improvements (Special) |
1486 | Public ways (Special) |
1487 | (Repealed by 1507) |
1488 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1489 | Annexation (Special) |
1490 | (Repealed by 2275) |
1491 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1492 | Public improvements (Special) |
1493 | Property transaction (Special) |
1494 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1495 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1496 | Property transaction (Special) |
1497 | Property transaction (Special) |
1498 | Public improvements (Special) |
1499 | Public improvements (Special) |
1500 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1501 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1502 | Public improvements (Special) |
1503 | Property transaction (Special) |
1504 | Property transaction (Special) |
1505 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1506 | (Repealed by 2146) |
1507 | (Repealed by 1960) |
1508 | Public improvements (Special) |
1509 | Public improvements (Special) |
1510 | (Repealed by 2286) |
1511 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1512 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1513 | (Repealed by 2250) |
1514 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1515 | Property transaction (Special) |
1516 | Property transaction (Special) |
1517 | Property transaction (Special) |
1518 | (Repealed by 2237) |
1519 | Public ways (Special) |
1520 | Bond issues (Special) |
1521 | Property transaction (Special) |
1522 | Property transaction (Special) |
1523 | Property transaction (Special) |
1524 | Property transaction (Special) |
1525 | Property transaction (Special) |
1526 | Public ways (Special) |
1527 | Finance (Special) |
1528 | (Repealed by 1614) |
1529 | Property transaction (Special) |
1530 | Property transaction (Special) |
1531 | (Repealed by 1770) |
1532 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1533 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1534 | Property transaction (Special) |
1535 | Finance (Special) |
1536 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1537 | Public improvements (Special) |
1538 | Public improvements (Special) |
1539 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1540 | (Repealed by 2241) |
1541 | Property transaction (Special) |
1542 | (Number not used) |
1543 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1544 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1545 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1546 | Public improvements (Special) |
1547 | Public improvements (Special) |
1548 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1549 | Property transaction (Special) |
1550 | Property transaction (Special) |
1551 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1552 | Public ways (Special) |
1553 | Property transaction (Special) |
1554 | Bond issues (Special) |
1555 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1556 | Property transaction (Special) |
1557 | Public improvements (Special) |
1558 | Public improvements (Special) |
1559 | (Repealed by 2285) |
1560 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1561 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1562 | Public improvements (Special) |
1563 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1564 | (Repealed by 2146) |
1565 | Property transaction (Special) |
1566 | Property transaction (Special) |
1567 | Public improvements (Special) |
1568 | Public improvements (Special) |
1569 | Public improvements (Special) |
1570 | Property transaction (Special) |
1571 | (Repealed by 2285) |
1572 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1573 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1574 | Public improvements (Special) |
1575 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1576 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1577 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1578 | (Repealed by 1585) |
1579 | Property transaction (Special) |
1580 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1581 | Property transaction (Special) |
1582 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1583 | Finance (Special) |
1584 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1585 | (Repealed by 2241) |
1586 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1587 | Public ways (Special) |
1588 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1589 | Public improvements (Special) |
1590 | Property transaction (Special) |
1591 | Property transaction (Special) |
1592 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1593 | (Repealed by 2236) |
1594 | (Repealed by 2224) |
1595 | Property transaction (Special) |
1596 | Public ways (Special) |
1597 | Public ways (Special) |
1598 | (Repealed by 2107) |
1599 | (Repealed by 1613) |
1600 | Property transaction (Special) |
1601 | Public improvements (Special) |
1602 | (Repealed by 1612) |
1603 | (Repealed by 2286) |
1604 | Property transaction (Special) |
1605 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1606 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1607 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1608 | Property transaction (Special) |
1609 | Property transaction (Special) |
1610 | (Superseded by 1783) |
1611 | Property transaction (Special) |
1612 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1613 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1614 | (Repealer) |
1615 | Property transaction (Special) |
1616 | (Repealed by 2146) |
1617 | Public improvements (Special) |
1618 | Public improvements (Special) |
1619 | Public improvements (Special) |
1620 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1621 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1622 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1623 | Property transaction (Special) |
1624 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1625 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1626 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1627 | Public improvements (Special) |
1628 | Public improvements (Special) |
1629 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1630 | Property transaction (Special) |
1631 | Property transaction (Special) |
1632 | Public improvements (Special) |
1633 | (Repealed by 2057) |
1634 | Public improvements (Special) |
1635 | Property transaction (Special) |
1636 | Public improvements (Special) |
1637 | Public improvements (Special) |
1638 | Property transaction (Special) |
1639 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1640 | Property transaction (Special) |
1641 | Property transaction (Special) |
1642 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1643 | (Repealed by 2755) |
1644 | Public improvements (Special) |
1645 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1646 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1647 | Property transaction (Special) |
1648 | Finance (Special) |
1649 | Public improvements (Special) |
1650 | Property transaction (Special) |
1651 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1652 | (Repealed by 1653) |
1653 | (Repealer) |
1654 | Public improvements (Special) |
1655 | Public improvements (Special) |
1656 | Public ways (Special) |
1657 | Property transaction (Special) |
1658 | Public ways (Special) |
1659 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1660 | (Repealed by 2122) |
1661 | Public improvements (Special) |
1662 | Property transaction (Special) |
1663 | Public ways (Special) |
1664 | Property transaction (Special) |
1665 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1666 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1667 | Public improvements (Special) |
1668 | Public improvements (Special) |
1669 | Public improvements (Special) |
1670 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1671 | Public improvements (Special) |
1672 | Public improvements (Special) |
1673 | Public improvements (Special) |
1674 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1675 | (Repealed by 1988) |
1676 | (Repealed by 2233) |
1677 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1678 | Public improvements (Special) |
1679 | Property transaction (Special) |
1680 | (Repealed by 1758) |
1681 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1682 | (Repealed by 2001) |
1683 | Property transaction (Special) |
1684 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1685 | Bond issues (Special) |
1686 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1687 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1688 | Public ways (Special) |
1689 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1690 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1691 | Property transaction (Special) |
1692 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1693 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1694 | Property transaction (Special) |
1695 | Public ways (Special) |
1696 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1697 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1698 | Bond issues (Special) |
1699 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1700 | Public improvements (Special) |
1701 | Annexation (Special) |
1702 | Annexation (Special) |
1703 | Annexation (Special) |
1704 | Property transaction (Special) |
1705 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1706 | Public improvements (Special) |
1707 | Public improvements (Special) |
1708 | Property transaction (Special) |
1709 | Public improvements (Special) |
1710 | Annexation (Special) |
1711 | Annexation (Special) |
1712 | Annexation (Special) |
1713 | Public improvements (Special) |
1714 | Public improvements (Special) |
1715 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1716 | Property transaction (Special) |
1717 | Property transaction (Special) |
1718 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1719 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1720 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1721 | Finance (Special) |
1722 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1723 | Annexation (Special) |
1724 | Annexation (Special) |
1725 | Annexation (Special) |
1726 | Public improvements (Special) |
1727 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1728 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1729 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1730 | Annexation (Special) |
1731 | Annexation (Special) |
1732 | Annexation (Special) |
1733 | Public ways (Special) |
1734 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1735 | (Repealed by 2286) |
1736 | Property transaction (Special) |
1737 | (Repealed by 2001) |
1738 | (Repealed by 2334) |
1739 | (Repealed by 2334) |
1740 | (Number not used) |
1741 | Annexation (Special) |
1742 | (Repealed by 2755) |
1743 | Property transaction (Special) |
1744 | Property transaction (Special) |
1745 | Annexation (Special) |
1746 | Annexation (Special) |
1747 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1748 | Public improvements (Special) |
1749 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1750 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1751 | (Repealed by 1988) |
1752 | Public improvements (Special) |
1753 | Property transaction (Special) |
1754 | Annexation (Special) |
1755 | Annexation (Special) |
1756 | Public ways (Special) |
1757 | (Repealer) |
1758 | Public improvements (Special) |
1759 | Public improvements (Special) |
1760 | Public improvements (Special) |
1761 | (Repealed by 2061) |
1762 | (Repealed by 1932) |
1763 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1764 | Public improvements (Special) |
1765 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1766 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1767 | (Repealed by 1919 and 1943) |
1768 | Public improvements (Special) |
1769 | Property transaction (Special) |
1770 | (Repealed by 2223) |
1771 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1772 | Public improvements (Special) |
1773 | (Repealed by 1898) |
1774 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1775 | Public ways (Special) |
1776 | (Repealed by 2655) |
1777 | Annexation (Special) |
1778 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1779 | Public improvements (Special) |
1780 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1781 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1782 | Finance (Special) |
1783 | (Superseded by 1872) |
1784 | (Repealed by 2146) |
1785 | Property transaction (Special) |
1786 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1787 | Property transaction (Special) |
1788 | (Repealed by 2655) |
1789 | Public improvements (Special) |
1790 | (Repealed by 2051) |
1791 | (Repealed by 2223 and 2288) |
1792 | Property transaction (Special) |
1793 | Property transaction (Special) |
1794 | Property transaction (Special) |
1795 | (Repealed by 2223 and 2288) |
1796 | (Number not used) |
1797 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1798 | (Repealed by 2100) |
1799 | Property transaction (Special) |
1800 | Property transaction (Special) |
1801 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1802 | Property transaction (Special) |
1803 | Property transaction (Special) |
1804 | (Repealed by 2223) |
1805 | Public improvements (Special) |
1806 | Property transaction (Special) |
1807 | Public improvements (Special) |
1808 | Property transaction (Special) |
1809 | Annexation (Special) |
1810 | Public improvements (Special) |
1811 | Public improvements (Special) |
1812 | Public improvements (Special) |
1813 | Annexation (Special) |
1814 | Public improvements (Special) |
1815 | (Failed to pass) |
1816 | Annexation (Special) |
1817 | Property transaction (Special) |
1818 | Property transaction (Special) |
1819 | Property transaction (Special) |
1820 | Public improvements (Special) |
1821 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1822 | Annexation (Special) |
1823 | (Repealed by 1988) |
1824 | Finance (Special) |
1825 | (Repealed by 1960) |
1826 | (Repealed by 2054) |
1827 | (Repealed by 2239) |
1828 | Public improvements (Special) |
1829 | Public improvements (Special) |
1830 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1831 | Property transaction (Special) |
1832 | Property transaction (Special) |
1833 | (Repealed by 2321) |
1834 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1835 | Property transaction (Special) |
1836 | Property transaction (Special) |
1837 | Public improvements (Special) |
1838 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1839 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1840 | Property transaction (Special) |
1841 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1842 | Property transaction (Special) |
1843 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1844 | Public improvements (Special) |
1845 | Property transaction (Special) |
1846 | (Repealed by 1874) |
1847 | (Repealed by 2233) |
1848 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1849 | Property transaction (Special) |
1850 | Property transaction (Special) |
1851 | Finance; property transaction (Special) |
1852 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1853 | Property transaction (Special) |
1854 | Property transaction (Special) |
1855 | Bond issues (Special) |
1856 | (Repealed by 1919) |
1857 | Bond issues (Special) |
1858 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1859 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1860 | Public improvements (Special) |
1861 | (Repealed by 1919 and 1943) |
1862 | Property transaction (Special) |
1863 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1864 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1865 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1866 | (Repealed by 2238) |
1867 | Property transaction (Special) |
1868 | Annexation (Special) |
1869 | Annexation (Special) |
1870 | (Repealed by 2285) |
1871 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1872 | (Superseded by 1951) |
1873 | Property transaction (Special) |
1874 | (Repealed by 2001) |
1875 | (Repealed by 2232) |
1876 | Annexation (Special) |
1877 | Annexation (Special) |
1878 | (Superseded by 2373) |
1879 | (Superseded by 2385) |
1880 | Property transaction (Special) |
1881 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1882 | Property transaction (Special) |
1883 | (Repealed by 2072) |
1884 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1885 | (Repealed by 2285) |
1886 | Public improvements (Special) |
1887 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1888 | Franchise (Expired) |
1889 | Public improvements (Special) |
1890 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1891 | Property transaction (Special) |
1892 | (Repealed by 2755) |
1893 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1894 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1895 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1896 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1897 | Public improvements (Special) |
1898 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1899 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1900 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1901 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1902 | Public improvements (Special) |
1903 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1904 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1905 | Property transaction (Special) |
1906 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1907 | Charter amendment (Special) |
1908 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1909 | Finance (Special) |
1910 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1911 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1912 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1913 | Property transaction (Special) |
1914 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1915 | Bond issues (Special) |
1916 | Bond issues (Special) |
1917 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1918 | Public improvements (Special) |
1919 | (Repealed by 2037) |
1920 | Property transaction (Special) |
1921 | Franchise (Expired) |
1922 | Bond issues (Special) |
1923 | (Repealed by 1988) |
1924 | Bond issues (Special) |
1925 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1926 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1927 | Public improvements (Special) |
1928 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1929 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1930 | Finance (Special) |
1931 | Property transaction (Special) |
1932 | (Repealer) |
1933 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1934 | Property transaction (Special) |
1935 | (Repealed by 1996) |
1936 | (Repealed by 1996) |
1937 | Finance (Special) |
1938 | (Repealed by 2069) |
1939 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1940 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1941 | Property transaction (Special) |
1942 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1943 | (Repealed by 2037) |
1944 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1945 | (Repealed by 2234) |
1946 | Property transaction (Special) |
1947 | Property transaction (Special) |
1948 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1949 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1950 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1951 | (Repealed by 2044) |
1952 | Property transaction (Special) |
1953 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1954 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1955 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1956 | (Repealed by 2051) |
1957 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1958 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1959 | Property transaction (Special) |
1960 | (Repealed by 2135) |
1961 | (Repealed by 2134) |
1962 | Property transaction (Special) |
1963 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1964 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1965 | Property transaction (Special) |
1966 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1967 | Property transaction (Special) |
1968 | Property transaction (Special) |
1969 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1970 | Property transaction (Special) |
1971 | Property transaction (Special) |
1972 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1973 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1974 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1975 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1976 | Property transaction (Special) |
1977 | Property transaction (Special) |
1978 | Property transaction (Special) |
1979 | Property transaction (Special) |
1980 | Property transaction (Special) |
1981 | Property transaction (Special) |
1982 | Property transaction (Special) |
1983 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1984 | Annexation (Special) |
1985 | Property transaction (Special) |
1986 | Property transaction (Special) |
1987 | Property transaction (Special) |
1988 | (Repealed by 2073) |
1989 | (Repealed by 2107) |
1990 | Public ways (Special) |
1991 | Property transaction (Special) |
1992 | Property transaction (Special) |
1993 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1994 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1995 | Property transaction (Special) |
1996 | Comp. 5-3, Schedule B (10.04) |
1997 | (Repealed by 2755) |
1998 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
1999 | (Superseded by 2373) |
2000 | (Superseded by 2385) |
2001 | (Repealed by 2274) |
2002 | Charter amendment (Special) |
2003 | Large assemblies (Repealed by 3065) |
2004 | Charter amendment (Special) |
2005 | (Repealed by 2133) |
2006 | (Repealed by 2286) |
2007 | Property transaction (Special) |
2008 | Property transaction (Special) |
2009 | (Repealed by 2107) |
2010 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2011 | Bond issues (Special) |
2012 | Property transaction (Special) |
2013 | (Repealed by 2274) |
2014 | Property transaction (Special) |
2015 | (Repealed by 2155) |
2016 | Property transaction (Special) |
2017 | Property transaction (Special) |
2018 | Property transaction (Special) |
2019 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2020 | Property transaction (Special) |
2021 | (Repealed by 2246) |
2022 | Property transaction (Special) |
2023 | Property transaction (Special) |
2024 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2025 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2026 | Property transaction (Special) |
2027 | Property transaction (Special) |
2028 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2029 | Property transaction (Special) |
2030 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2031 | Public improvements (Special) |
2032 | Property transaction (Special) |
2033 | Property transaction (Special) |
2034 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2035 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2036 | Property transaction (Special) |
2037 | (Repealed by 2251) |
2038 | Property transaction (Special) |
2039 | Property transaction (Special) |
2040 | Property transaction (Special) |
2041 | Property transaction (Special) |
2042 | Public improvements (Special) |
2043 | (Repealed by 2236) |
2044 | (Repealed by 2129) |
2045 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2046 | Property transaction (Special) |
2047 | Property transaction (Special) |
2048 | Property transaction (Special) |
2049 | Property transaction (Special) |
2050 | Property transaction (Special) |
2051 | (Repealed by 2197) |
2052 | Property transaction (Special) |
2053 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2054 | (Repealed by 2241) |
2055 | Property transaction (Special) |
2056 | (Repealed by 2251) |
2057 | (Repealed by 2285) |
2058 | Annexation (Special) |
2059 | (Superseded by 2281) |
2060 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2061 | (Repealed by 2491) |
2062 | Property transaction (Special) |
2063 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2064 | (Repealed by 2107) |
2065 | (Repealed by 2285) |
2066 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2067 | (Repealer) |
2068 | Property transaction (Special) |
2069 | (Repealed by 2234) |
2070 | Property transaction (Special) |
2071 | (Repealed by 2375) |
2072 | (Repealer) |
2073 | (Repealed by 2165) |
2074 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2075 | Property transaction (Special) |
2076 | (Failed to pass) |
2077 | Property transaction (Special) |
2078 | (Repealed by 2375) |
2079 | Annexation (Special) |
2080 | Annexation (Special) |
2081 | Property transaction (Special) |
2082 | (Repealed by 2107) |
2083 | Property transaction (Special) |
2084 | Property transaction (Special) |
2085 | Property transaction (Special) |
2086 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2087 | (Repealed by 2107) |
2088 | (Repealed by 2107 and 2209) |
2089 | Property transaction (Special) |
2090 | Expired building moratorium |
2091 | Property transaction (Special) |
2092 | Property transaction (Special) |
2093 | (Repealed by 2107) |
2094 | Charter amendment (Special) |
2095 | Property transaction (Special) |
2096 | Public improvements (Special) |
2097 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2098 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2099 | Property transaction (Special) |
2100 | (Repealed by 2241) |
2101 | Charter amendment (Special) |
2102 | Property transaction (Special) |
2103 | (Repealed by 2223 and 2288) |
2104 | (Repealed by 2251) |
2105 | Public improvements (Special) |
2106 | Property transaction (Special) |
2107 | (Repealed by 2274) |
2108 | Public improvements (Special) |
2109 | (Repealed by 2223) |
2110 | Bond issues (Special) |
2111 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2112 | Property transaction (Special) |
2113 | Contract review board (2.04) |
2114 | (Repealed by 2234) |
2115 | Public improvements (Special) |
2116 | (Repealed by 2274 and 2275) |
2117 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2118 | (Repealed by 2375) |
2119 | Charter amendment (Special) |
2120 | (Repealed by 2234) |
2121 | Property transaction (Special) |
2122 | (Repealed by 2286) |
2123 | Property transaction (Special) |
2124 | Property transaction (Special) |
2125 | Property transaction (Special) |
2126 | (Repealed by 2274) |
2127 | Property transaction (Special) |
2128 | (Repealed by 2274) |
2129 | (Repealed by 2322) |
2130 | (Repealed by 2274) |
2131 | Property transaction (Special) |
2132 | (Repealed by 2228) |
2133 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
2134 | (Repealed by 2286) |
2135 | (Repealed by 2285) |
2136 | Property transaction (Special) |
2137 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2138 | Property transaction (Special) |
2139 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2140 | (Repealed by 2151) |
2141 | Property transaction (Special) |
2142 | Property transaction (Special) |
2143 | Public improvements (Special) |
2144 | Public ways (Special) |
2145 | Charter amendment (Special) |
2146 | Nuisances (8.12) |
2147 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2148 | Property transaction (Special) |
2149 | Property transaction (Special) |
2150 | (Repealed by 2333) |
2151 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2152 | Taxicab licenses (Repealed by 3062) |
2153 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2154 | Property transaction (Special) |
2155 | (Repealed by 2285) |
2156 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2157 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2158 | Property transaction (Special) |
2159 | Annexation (Special) |
2160 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2161 | Property transaction (Special) |
2162 | Property transaction (Special) |
2163 | (Repealer) |
2164 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2165 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2166 | Property transaction (Special) |
2167 | Annexation (Special) |
2168 | Public ways (Special) |
2169 | (Repealed by 2279) |
2170 | Property transaction (Special) |
2171 | Property transaction (Special) |
2172 | (Repealed by 2176) |
2173 | Property transaction (Special) |
2174 | (Repealed) |
2175 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2176 | (Repealed by 2274) |
2177 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2178 | Property transaction (Special) |
2179 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2180 | Property transaction (Special) |
2181 | (Repealed by 2241) |
2182 | Annexation (Special) |
2183 | Property transaction (Special) |
2184 | Public improvements (Special) |
2185 | Public improvements (Special) |
2186 | Finance (Special) |
2187 | (5/3/77) Property transaction (Special) |
2187 | (6/7/77) Public improvements (Special) |
2188 | Public improvements (Special) |
2189 | Property transaction (Special) |
2190 | (Repealed by 2281) |
2191 | Property transaction (Special) |
2192 | Property transaction (Special) |
2193 | (Repealed by 2760) |
2194 | Property transaction (Special) |
2195 | Annexation (Special) |
2196 | (Repealed by 2391) |
2197 | Planning commission (2.08) |
2198 | Property transaction (Special) |
2199 | Property transaction (Special) |
2200 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2201 | Property transaction (Special) |
2202 | Property transaction (Special) |
2203 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2204 | (Repealed by 2321) |
2205 | (Repealed by 2267) |
2206 | Property transaction (Special) |
2207 | Property transaction (Special) |
2208 | Property transaction (Special) |
2209 | (Repealed by 2275) |
2210 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2211 | Annexation (Special) |
2212 | Property transaction (Special) |
2213 | Franchise (Special) |
2214 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2215 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2216 | Property transaction (Special) |
2217 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2218 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2219 | Repealed by 2525 |
2220 | City administrator (Repealed by 2991) |
2221 | (Repealed by 2343) |
2222 | (Repealed by 2413) |
2223 | (Repealed by 2288 and 2348) |
2224 | (Repealed by 2617) |
2225 | Property transaction (Special) |
2226 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2227 | Property transaction (Special) |
2228 | (Repealed by 2358) |
2229 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
2230 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2231 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2232 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2233 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2234 | (Repealer) |
2235 | (Repealed by 2564) |
2236 | (Repealer) |
2237 | (Repealed by 2544) |
2238 | Sidewalk construction and repair (12.04) |
2239 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2240 | (Repealed by 2530) |
2241 | (Repealed by 2364) |
2242 | (Superseded by 2385) |
2243 | Water purity (Repealed by 3000) |
2244 | Premises serving alcoholic liquor (Repealed by 3258) |
2245 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2246 | (Repealed by 2348) |
2247 | Annexation (Special) |
2248 | Property transaction (Special) |
2249 | (Repealed by 2288) |
2250 | Park regulations (8.24) |
2251 | (Repealed by 2546) |
2252 | Franchise (Special) |
2253 | Street maintenance (12.08) |
2254 | Public ways (Special) |
2255 | Property transaction (Special) |
2256 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2257 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2258 | Finance (Special) |
2259 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2260 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2261 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2262 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2263 | (Repealed by 2288) |
2264 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2265 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2266 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2267 | (Repealer) |
2268 | Property transaction (Special) |
2269 | Public ways (Special) |
2270 | Property transaction (Special) |
2271 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2272 | (Repealed by 2585) |
2273 | (Superseded by 2373) |
2274 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2275 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2276 | Public ways (Special) |
2277 | (Repealer) |
2278 | Public ways (Special) |
2279 | (Repealed by 2626) |
2280 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2281 | (Repealed by 2507) |
2282 | Property transaction (Special) |
2283 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2284 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2285 | |
2286 | (Repealed by 2570) |
2287 | Planning (Special) |
2288 | (Repealed by 2411) |
2289 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2290 | Property transaction (Special) |
2291 | Public improvements (Special) |
2292 | Public ways (Special) |
2293 | Signing of checks and warrants (2.40) |
2294 | Repeals § 8.12.030, nuisances (Repealer) |
2295 | Property transaction (Special) |
2296 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2297 | (Repealed by 2348) |
2298 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
2299 | Planning (Special) |
2300 | (Repealed by 2411) |
2301 | Planning (Special) |
2302 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2303 | Public improvements (Special) |
2304 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2305 | Finance (Special) |
2306 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2307 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2308 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2309 | Library fees and fines (3.04) |
2310 | (Repealed by 2627) |
2311 | (Repealed by 2322) |
2312 | Annexation (Special) |
2313 | Public ways (Special) |
2314 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
2315 | Public improvements (Special) |
2316 | Property transaction (Special) |
2317 | Property transaction (Special) |
2318 | (Superseded by 2371) |
2319 | Property transaction (Special) |
2320 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2321 | (Repealed by 2456) |
2322 | Solid waste (8.04) |
2323 | (Repealed by 2348) |
2324 | (Repealed) |
2325 | Property transaction (Special) |
2326 | Annexation (Special) |
2327 | Property transaction (Special) |
2328 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2329 | Annexation (Special) |
2330 | Public ways (Special) |
2331 | Public ways (Special) |
2332 | Public improvements (Special) |
2333 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2334 | (Repealed by 2570) |
2335 | (Repealed by 2411) |
2336 | Public ways (Special) |
2337 | Public improvements (Special) |
2338 | Property transaction (Special) |
2339 | Property transaction (Special) |
2340 | Finance (Special) |
2341 | Planning (Special) |
2342 | Street development charges (15.12) |
2343 | (Repealer) |
2344 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2345 | Property transaction (Special) |
2346 | Property transaction (Special) |
2347 | (Repealer) |
2348 | (Superseded by 2410) |
2349 | Advertising benches (12.32) |
2350 | Public improvements (Special) |
2351 | Repeals § 5.24.200, premises serving alcoholic liquor (Repealer) |
2352 | Parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 3229) |
2353 | (Repealer) |
2354 | Property transaction (Special) |
2355 | Solid waste (8.04) |
2356 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2357 | Finance (Special) |
2358 | (Repealed by 2631) |
2359 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2360 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
2361 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2362 | (Superseded by 2395) |
2363 | Property transaction (Special) |
2364 | (Repealed by 2508) |
2365 | Annexation (Special) |
2366 | Annexation (Special) |
2367 | Annexation (Special) |
2368 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2369 | (Repealed by 2400) |
2370 | Franchise (Special) |
2371 | (Repealed by 2538) |
2372 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2373 | Abandoned and discarded vehicles (8.40) |
2374 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2375 | Improvement procedures (12.16) |
2376 | Public ways (Special) |
2377 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2378 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2379 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2380 | Public ways (Special) |
2381 | Franchise (Special) |
2382 | (Repealed by 2508) |
2383 | Municipal judges (2.20) |
2384 | Public ways (Special) |
2385 | Abandoned and discarded vehicles (8.40) |
2386 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2387 | Public ways (Special) |
2388 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2389 | (Repealed by 2400) |
2390 | Public ways (Special) |
2391 | Unclaimed property disposition (3.08) |
2392 | Franchise (Special) |
2393 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2394 | Finance (Special) |
2395 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2396 | Cross-connections (Repealed by 2743) |
2397 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2398 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2399 | Abandoned and discarded vehicles (8.40) |
2400 | (Repealer) |
2401 | Public ways (Special) |
2402 | Franchise (Special) |
2403 | Public improvements (Special) |
2404 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2405 | Noise regulations (8.16) |
2406 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2407 | Taxicab licenses; franchises, etc. (Special) |
2408 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2409 | (Number not used) |
2410 | (Repealed by 2529) |
2411 | (Repealed by 2616) |
2412 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2413 | (Repealed by 2615) |
2414 | Taxicab licenses (Repealed by 2492) |
2415 | Public ways (Special) |
2416 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2417 | Public improvements (Special) |
2418 | (Repealed) |
2419 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2420 | |
2421 | (Repealed by 2570) |
2422 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
2423 | (Repealed by 2473) |
2424 | (Repealed by 2546) |
2425 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2426 | (Repealed by 2570) |
2427 | Public ways (Special) |
2428 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2429 | Public ways (Special) |
2430 | Large assemblies; park regulations (8.24) |
2431 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2432 | Property transaction (Special) |
2433 | Finance (Special) |
2434 | Public ways (Special) |
2435 | Franchise (Special) |
2436 | Planning (Special) |
2437 | Solid waste (Superseded) |
2438 | Solid waste (8.04) |
2439 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2440 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2441 | Public improvements (Special) |
2442 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2443 | Nuisances (8.12) |
2444 | (Repealed by 2508) |
2445 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2446 | Park regulations (8.24) |
2447 | Public ways (Special) |
2448 | Public ways (Special) |
2449 | Nuisances (8.12) |
2450 | (Repealed by 2456) |
2451 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2452 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2453 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2454 | (Repealed by 2546) |
2455 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2456 | (Repealed by 2638) |
2457 | (Repealed by 2646) |
2458 | (Repealed by 2638) |
2459 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2460 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2461 | (Repealed by 2529) |
2462 | Public improvements (Special) |
2463 | Public improvements (Special) |
2464 | Finance (Special) |
2465 | Franchise (Special) |
2466 | (Repealed by 2570) |
2467 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2468 | Business licenses (Repealed by 3061) |
2469 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2470 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2471 | Contract review board (2.04) |
2472 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2473 | (Repealer) |
2474 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2475 | (Repealed by 2508) |
2476 | Public ways (Special) |
2477 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2478 | Finance (Special) |
2479 | Annexation (Special) |
2480 | Utility privilege tax (3.12) |
2481 | Public ways (Special) |
2482 | Public ways (Special) |
2483 | Property transaction (Special) |
2484 | Property transaction (Special) |
2485 | (Repealed by 2561) |
2486 | (Repealed by 2508) |
2487 | (Repealed by 2546) |
2488 | Annexation (Special) |
2489 | (Repealed by 2546) |
2490 | Public ways (Special) |
2491 | Secondhand dealers (Repealed by 3258) |
2492 | Repeals § 5.08.190, taxicab licenses; franchise (Repealer) |
2493 | Planning (Special) |
2494 | (Repealed by 2583) |
2495 | (Repealed by 2508) |
2496 | Comp. 3-5 (8.04) |
2497 | Public ways (Special) |
2498 | Planning (Special) |
2499 | Solid waste (8.04) |
2500 | Tax relief for enterprise zone investments (Repealed by 3258) |
2501 | Planning (Special) |
2502 | Street development charges (15.12) |
2503 | Finance (Special) |
2504 | Nominating procedures for city officers (2.32) |
2505 | Park regulations (8.24) |
2506 | Solid waste (8.04) |
2507 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2508 | (Repealed by 2611) |
2509 | Public improvements (Special) |
2510 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2511 | Franchise (Repealed) |
2512 | Public improvements (Special) |
2513 | Public improvements (Special) |
2514 | Public improvements (Special) |
2515 | Nominating procedures for city officers (2.32) |
2516 | Public ways (Special) |
2517 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2518 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2519 | Public ways (Special) |
2520 | Franchise (Special) |
2521 | Property transaction (Special) |
2522 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2523 | Finance (Special) |
2524 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2525 | (Repealed by 2566) |
2526 | (Repealed by 2565) |
2527 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2528 | (Repealed by 2772) |
2529 | (Repealed by 2725) |
2530 | (Repealer) |
2531 | Planning (Special) |
2532 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2533 | Solid waste (8.04) |
2534 | Tax relief for enterprise zone investments (Repealed by 3258) |
2535 | Public ways (Special) |
2536 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2537 | Public improvements (Special) |
2538 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2539 | Public ways (Special) |
2540 | (Repealer) |
2541 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2542 | (Repealed by 2772) |
2543 | (Repealed by 2570) |
2544 | Juries and jury trials (2.24) |
2545 | Franchise (Repealed) |
2546 | (Repealed by 2757) |
2547 | Franchise (Repealed) |
2548 | Fireworks (Repealed by 3005) |
2549 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2550 | Finance (Special) |
2551 | (Repealed by 2685) |
2552 | (Not enacted) |
2553 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2554 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2555 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2556 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2557 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2558 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2559 | Comp. 3-5 (8.04) |
2560 | (Repealed by 2757) |
2561 | (Repealed by 2590) |
2562 | (Tabled) |
2563 | Park regulations (8.24) |
2564 | (Repealed by 2656) |
2565 | Nuisances (8.12) |
2566 | Solicitation (Repealed by 3014) |
2567 | Solicitation (Repealed by 3014) |
2568 | Park regulations (8.24) |
2569 | (Repealed by 2610) |
2570 | Sewer use regulations (Repealed by 3233) |
2571 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2572 | Annexation (Special) |
2573 | Annexation (Special) |
2574 | Annexation (Special) |
2575 | Annexation (Special) |
2576 | Sewer use regulations (Repealed by 3233) |
2577 | Finance (Special) |
2578 | (Repealed by 2611) |
2579 | Public ways (Special) |
2580 | (Repealed by 2615) |
2581 | Solid waste (Superseded) |
2582 | (Not enacted) |
2583 | Franchise (Repealed) |
2584 | Sewer use regulations (Repealed by 3233) |
2585 | (Repealer) |
2586 | Public ways (Special) |
2587 | Franchise (Repealed) |
2588 | Franchise (Special) |
2589 | Annexation (Special) |
2590 | (Repealed by 2632) |
2591 | (Repealed by 2645) |
2592 | Solid waste (Superseded) |
2593 | Belton Road advanced financial improvement district (13.28) |
2594 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2595 | Public improvements (Special) |
2596 | (Repealed by 2675) |
2597 | (Repealed by 2660) |
2598 | (Not enacted) |
2599 | Annexation (Special) |
2600 | Park regulations (8.24) |
2601 | Franchise (Special) |
2602 | Finance (Special) |
2603 | Utility privilege tax (3.12) |
2604 | Annexation (Special) |
2605 | Public improvements (Special) |
2606 | Annexation (Special) |
2607 | Franchise (Special) |
2608 | (Repealed by 2615) |
2609 | Annexation (Special) |
2610 | (Repealed by 2760) |
2611 | (Repealed by 2663) |
2612 | Annexation (Special) |
2613 | Water regulation and rates (13.02) |
2614 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2615 | Comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 2413 (Superseded by 2980) |
2616 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2617 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2618 | (Repealed by 2663) |
2619 | System development charges (Repealed by 2836) |
2620 | Finance (Special) |
2621 | Annexation (Special) |
2622 | Water regulation and rates (13.04) |
2623 | Sewer use regulations (Repealed by 3233) |
2624 | Street development charges (15.12) |
2625 | (Not enacted) |
2626 | Alarm response fee (3.16) |
2627 | |
2628 | Water regulation and rates (13.04) |
2629 | Franchise (Special) |
2630 | Sewer use regulations (Repealed by 3233) |
2631 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2632 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2633 | Solid waste (8.04) |
2634 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2635 | Annexation (Special) |
2636 | Street standards (Repealed by 3112) |
2637 | Construction right-of-way permits (12.24) |
2638 | (Repealer) |
2639 | Finance (Special) |
2640 | Annexation (Special) |
2641 | Unclaimed property disposition (3.08) |
2642 | Advance financing of public improvements (12.28) |
2643 | Public improvements (Special) |
2644 | Public ways (Special) |
2645 | (Repealed by 2757) |
2646 | (Repealer) |
2647 | Planning (Special) |
2648 | (Repealed by 2663) |
2649 | Annexation (Special) |
2650 | (Repealed by 2746) |
2651 | Development regulations (Repealed) |
2652 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2653 | Annexation (Special) |
2654 | Annexation (Special) |
2655 | (Repealed by 2771) |
2656 | (Repealer) |
2657 | Public ways (Special) |
2658 | Annexation (Special) |
2659 | Finance (Special) |
2660 | Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 2885) |
2661 | Parking on North 12th Street (10.12) |
2662 | Park regulations (8.24) |
2663 | State building codes (Repealed by 2783) |
2664 | Annexation (Special) |
2665 | Annexation (Special) |
2666 | Repeals § 3.08.030, unclaimed property disposition (Repealer) |
2667 | Planning (Special) |
2668 | Planning (Special) |
2669 | Annexation (Special) |
2670 | Annexation (Special) |
2671 | Annexation (Special) |
2672 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2673 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2674 | Annexation (Special) |
2675 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2676 | Secondhand dealers (Repealed by 3258) |
2677 | Annexation (Special) |
2678 | Finance (Special) |
2679 | Public ways (Special) |
2680 | (Repealed by 2713) |
2681 | (Repealed by 2725) |
2682 | Planning (Special) |
2683 | Planning (Special) |
2684 | Franchise (Special) |
2685 | City docks (Repealed by 2888) |
2686 | (Repealed by 2765) |
2687 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2688 | Planning (Special) |
2689 | Public improvements (Special) |
2690 | (Repealed by 2755) |
2691 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2692 | Public ways (Special) |
2693 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2694 | Water regulation and rates (13.04) |
2695 | Finance (Special) |
2696 | Finance (Special) |
2697 | Planning commission (2.08) |
2698 | Finance (Special) |
2699 | Annexation (Special) |
2700 | Annexation (Special) |
2701 | Planning (Special) |
2702 | Planning (Special) |
2703 | (Repealed by 2756) |
2704 | Annexation (Special) |
2705 | Not enacted |
2706 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2707 | Planning (Special) |
2708 | Annexation (Special) |
2709 | (Repealer) |
2710 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2711 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2712 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2713 | (Repealed by 2746) |
2714 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2715 | (Repealed by 2760) |
2716 | Street standards (Repealed by 3112) |
2717 | (Repealed by 2755 and 2757) |
2718 | (Repealed by 2758) |
2719 | Public ways (Special) |
2720 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2721 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2722 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2723 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2724 | Liquor license review (Repealed by 3258) |
2725 | Animal control (6.04) |
2726 | Public ways (Special) |
2727 | Finance (Special) |
2728 | Annexation (Special) |
2729 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2730 | Planning (Special) |
2731 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2732 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2733 | Animal control (6.04) |
2734 | Planning (Special) |
2735 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2736 | Planning (Special) |
2737 | Public ways (Special) |
2738 | (Repealed by 2813) |
2739 | Annexation (Special) |
2740 | Planning (Special) |
2741 | Public ways (Special) |
2742 | State building codes (Repealed by 2813) |
2743 | Cross-connections (13.08) |
2744 | Water regulation and rates (13.04) |
2745 | Right-of-way regulations (12.20) |
2746 | Wastewater pretreatment regulations (Repealed by 2945) |
2747 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2748 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2749 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2750 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2751 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2752 | Planning (Special) |
2753 | Finance (Special) |
2754 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
2755 | (Repealer) |
2756 | Impoundment of vehicles (9.16) |
2757 | General offenses and penalties (Repealed by 2804) |
2758 | Comp. 5-11 (9.16) |
2759 | Public ways (Special) |
2760 | Nuisances (8.12) |
2761 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2762 | Public contracting rules (Repealed by 2821) |
2763 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2764 | Public ways (Special) |
2765 | Inventory searches of impounded vehicles (Repealed by 2889) |
2766 | Development regulations (Repealed by 2785) |
2767 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2768 | Public ways (Special) |
2769 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2770 | Annexation, planning (Special) |
2771 | Records retention and disposal (2.44) |
2772 | (Repealer) |
2773 | Traffic control (10.04) |
2774 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2775 | Amends § 2.150 of Ord. 2616, zoning (Repealed by 2875) |
2776 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2777 | Amends §§ 7(e), 7(h) and 7(n) of Ord. 2322, solid waste (8.04) |
2778 | Street vacation (Special) |
2779 | Annexation (Special) |
2780 | Amends Schedule H of Ord. 2687, traffic control (10.04) |
2781 | Annexation (Special) |
2782 | Amends Ord. 2779, annexation (Special) |
2783 | Annexation (Special) |
2784 | Annexation (Special) |
2785 | Adopts new community development code; repeals Ords. 2252, 2256, 2379, 2507, 2518, 2538, 2553, 2554, 2555, 2556, 2616, 2617, 2636, 2652, 2673, 2710, 2731, 2747, 2766 and 2775 (Repealed by 2875) |
2786 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2787 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2788 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2789 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2790 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2791 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2792 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2793 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2794 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2795 | Amends Ord. 2784, annexation (Special) |
2796 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2797 | Amends § 20 of Ord. 2250, park regulations (8.24) |
2798 | Establishes advanced financing improvement district (Special) |
2799 | Annexation (Special) |
2800 | Annexation (Special) |
2801 | Annexation (Special) |
2802 | Annexation (Special) |
2803 | Annexation (Special) |
2804 | Prescribes general offenses and penalties; repeals Ord. 2757 (Repealed by 2855) |
2805 | Adopts Oregon Vehicle Code and ORS Chapter 153 (Repealed by 2856) |
2806 | Public contracting rules (Repealed by 2821) |
2807 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2808 | Establishes procedures and criteria for review of wrecking certificates (Repealed by 3258) |
2809 | Establishes emergency operations procedures (2.48) |
2810 | Street vacation (Special) |
2811 | Adds § 24 to Ord. 2146, nuisances (8.12) |
2812 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2813 | Adopts new building codes; repeals Ords. 2738 and 2742 (Repealed by 3011) |
2814 | Prohibits discharge of firearms and certain weapons (9.12) |
2815 | Prohibits motor vehicles on Rutherford Road Parkway (10.16) |
2816 | Adds §§ 9(3), 9(4), 9(5) and a new section to Ord. 2146, nuisances (8.12) |
2817 | Amends §§ 3 and 4 of Ord. 2309, library fees and fines (3.04) |
2818 | Renews garbage drop box franchise; repeals Ord. 2583 (Repealed by 3140) |
2819 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2820 | Street vacation (Special) |
2821 | Public contracting rules; repeals Ords. 2762 and 2806 (2.04) |
2822 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2823 | Annexation (Special) |
2824 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2825 | Annexation (Special) |
2826 | Annexation (Special) |
2827 | Annexation (Special) |
2828 | Annexation (Special) |
2829 | Annexation (Special) |
2830 | Annexation (Special) |
2831 | Annexation (Special) |
2832 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 2808, wrecking certificates (Repealed by 3258) |
2833 | Establishes procedures and requirements for review of just compensation claims (Repealed by 2879) |
2834 | Prohibits smoking in public places, and establishes smoke-free workplaces (Repealed by 3103) |
2835 | Amends Ord. 2833, providing for a delay in effectiveness (Repealed by 2879) |
2836 | Provides for system development charges; repeals Ord. 2619 (13.24) |
2837 | Grants utility franchise to Columbia River PUD (Special) |
2838 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 2834, smoking pollution control (Repealed by 3103) |
2839 | Street vacation (Special) |
2840 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2841 | Street vacation (Special) |
2842 | Amends §§ 3 and 4 of Ord. 2274, traffic control (10.04) |
2843 | Adopts transient room fee (3.20) |
2844 | Street vacation (Special) |
2845 | Street vacation (Special) |
2846 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2847 | Repeals Ords. 2668, 2669, 2670 and 2706 (Repealer) |
2848 | Annexation (Special) |
2849 | Adds § to Ord. 2813, state building codes (Repealed by 3011) |
2850 | Annexation (Special) |
2851 | Renames a portion of Alpine Avenue (Special) |
2852 | (Number not used) |
2853 | Grants gas utility franchise to Northwest Natural Gas Company (Special) |
2854 | Street vacation (Special) |
2855 | Prescribes general offenses and penalties; repeals Ord. 2804 (Repealed by 2898) |
2856 | Adopts Oregon Vehicle Code and ORS Chapter 153; repeals Ord. 2805 (Repealed by 2897) |
2857 | Street vacation (Special) |
2858 | Amends Ord. 2853, gas utility franchise (Special) |
2859 | Amends Ord. 2845, street vacation (Special) |
2860 | Adds § 23 to Ord. 2250, park regulations (8.24) |
2861 | Amends § (f) of Ord. 2405, noise regulations (8.16) |
2862 | Annexation (Special) |
2863 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 2834, smoking pollution control (Repealed by 3103) |
2864 | Adopts police officer training fee (3.24) |
2865 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2866 | Annexation (Special) |
2867 | Prescribes general offenses and penalties (Repealed by 2896) |
2868 | Street vacation (Special) |
2869 | Amends Ord. 2857, street vacation (Special) |
2870 | Annexation (Special) |
2871 | Establishes installment payment fee (3.28) |
2872 | Annexation (Special) |
2873 | Street vacation (Special) |
2874 | Street vacation (Special) |
2875 | Adopts community development code; repeals Ord. 2785 (17.04, 17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32, 17.40, 17.44, 17.46, 17.48, 17.52, 17.56, 17.60, 17.64, 17.68, 17.72, 17.76, 17.80, 17.84, 17.88, 17.92, 17.96, 17.100, 17.104, 17.108, 17.112, 17.116, 17.120, 17.124, 17.132, 17.136, 17.140, 17.144, 17.148, 17.152, 18.04, 18.08, 18.12, 18.16, 18.20, 18.24, 18.28, 18.32, 18.36) |
2876 | Street vacation (Special) |
2877 | Renames platted street from Oakway Street to Ha Lane (Special) |
2878 | Amends Ord. 2869, street vacation (Special) |
2879 | Repeals Ords. 2833 and 2835 (Repealer) |
2880 | Establishes municipal court administration fees (3.32) |
2881 | Amends § of Ord. 2813, state building codes (Repealed by 3011) |
2882 | Prohibits outdoor burning (8.36) |
2883 | Amends Meadowbrook Planned Development Overlay Zone boundaries (Special) |
2884 | Adopts Uniform Fire Code; repeals Ord. 2660 (Repealed by 2961) |
2885 | Establishes new fees for land use applications and actions; repeals Ord. 2631 (Repealed by 3095) |
2886 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2887 | Establishes storm drainage utility (13.20) |
2888 | Establishes regulations for use of city docks; repeals Ord. 2685 (8.28) |
2889 | Authorizes adoption of administrative program for inventory searches; repeals Ord. 2765 (9.20) |
2890 | |
2891 | Amends § 3.D. of Ord. 2871, installment payment fee (3.28) |
2892 | Amends Ord. 2250, park fees (8.24) |
2893 | Amends Ord. 2743, cross connection control program (Cancelled) |
2894 | Amends § 16(4) of Ord. 2003, large assemblies (Repealed by 3065) |
2895 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2896 | Prescribes general offenses and penalties; repeals Ord. 2867 (Repealed by 2928) |
2897 | Adopts Oregon Vehicle Code and ORS Chapter 153; repeals Ord. 2856 (Repealed by 2928) |
2898 | Prescribes general offenses and penalties; repeals Ord. 2855 (Repealed by 2910) |
2899 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 2725, animal control (6.04) |
2900 | Annexation (Special) |
2901 | Annexation (Special) |
2902 | Annexation (Special) |
2903 | Amends § of Ord. 2813, state building codes (Repealed by 3011) |
2904 | Amends § 9.5. of Ord. 2725, animal control (6.04) |
2905 | Amends Ord. 2813, state building codes (Repealed by 3011) |
2906 | Adopts public contracting rules (Repealed by 2942) |
2907 | Amends § 18 of Ord. 2003, large assemblies (Repealed by 3065) |
2908 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 2888, city docks (Repealed by 3285) |
2909 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2910 | Prescribes general offenses and penalties; repeals Ord. 2898 (Repealed by 2928) |
2911 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2912 | Amends § of Ord. 2813, state building codes (Repealed by 3011) |
2913 | Annexation (Special) |
2914 | Annexation (Special) |
2915 | Annexation (Special) |
2916 | Annexation (Special) |
2917 | Annexation (Special) |
2918 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 2906; repeals Res. 1312, contract review board (Repealed by 2942) |
2919 | Amends §§ 8 and 9.A. of Ord. 2888, city docks (8.28) |
2920 | Annexation (Special) |
2921 | Establishes public arts and cultural commission (2.36) |
2922 | Annexation (Special) |
2923 | Amends Ord. 2875, community development code (Repealed by 3215) |
2924 | Measure 37 claims (Repealed by 3078) |
2925 | Pollution control (8.06) |
2926 | Approves Elk Ridge Estates development agreement (Special) |
2927 | Measure 37 voluntary assessment district (Repealed by 3078) |
2928 | Prescribes general penalties and offenses; repeals Ords. 2896, 2897 and 2910 (Repealed by 2977) |
2929 | Amends Ord. 2864, police officer training fee (3.24) |
2930 | Amends Ord. 2352, parks commission (Repealed by 3229) |
2931 | Amends Ord. 2894, dogs in City Hall (Repealed by 3065) |
2932 | Municipal court (Repealed by 2940) |
2933 | Amends Ord. 2809, emergency operations procedures (2.48) |
2934 | Street vacation (Special) |
2935 | Amends Ord. 2928, criminal code (9.04) |
2936 | Amends Ord. 2875, community development code (17.32) |
2937 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2938 | Amends Ord. 2920, annexation (Special) |
2939 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2940 | Repeals Ord. 2932, municipal court (Repealer) |
2941 | Municipal court (2.18) |
2942 | Public contracting rules; repeals Ords. 2906 and 2918 (2.04) |
2943 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 2627, city library and library board (Repealed by 3276) |
2944 | Amends Ord. 2813, building code (Repealed by 3011) |
2945 | Wastewater pretreatment regulations; repeals Ord. 2746 (Repealed by 3085) |
2946 | (Not adopted) |
2947 | Municipal court judge, judges pro tem (2.20) |
2948 | Amends Ord. 2928, general penalties and offenses (Special) |
2949 | Amends §§ 3 and 4 of Ord. 2921, public arts and cultural commission (2.36) |
2950 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2951 | Annexation (Special) |
2952 | Establishes standards for review of public art proposals (2.36) |
2953 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
2954 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2955 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 2882, outdoor burning (8.36) |
2956 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 2921, public arts and cultural commission (2.36) |
2957 | Amends § 12 of Ord. 2250, park regulations (8.24) |
2958 | Amends Ord. 2250, park regulations (8.24) |
2959 | Amends Ord. 2725, animal control (6.04) |
2960 | Amends Ord. 2813, building code (Repealed by 3011) |
2961 | Adopts fire code; repeals Ord. 2884 (15.08) |
2962 | Amends Ord. 2813, building code (Repealed by 3011) |
2963 | Approves wetland planned development agreement (Special) |
2964 | Approves Elk Ridge Estates subdivision development agreement (Special) |
2965 | Amends Ord. 2934, street vacation (Repealed by 2968) |
2966 | Annexation (Special) |
2967 | Amends Ord. 2813, building code (Repealed by 3011) |
2968 | Amends Ord. 2934, street vacation; repeals Ord. 2965 (Repealed by 2970) |
2969 | Street vacation (Special) |
2970 | Amends Ord. 2934, street vacation; repeals Ord. 2968 (Special) |
2971 | Approves Bell’s Construction development agreement (Special) |
2972 | Amends Ord. 2809, emergency operations procedures (2.48) |
2973 | Street vacation (Special) |
2974 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 2146, nuisances (8.12) |
2975 | Annexation (Special) |
2976 | Annexation (Special) |
2977 | Prescribes general penalties and offenses; repeals Ord. 2928 (9.04) |
2978 | Amends Ord. 2952, standards for review of public art proposals (2.36) |
2979 | Street vacation (Special) |
2980 | Amends comprehensive plan (19.04, 19.08, 19.12, 19.16, 19.20) |
2981 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2982 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2983 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2984 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2985 | Annexation (Special) |
2986 | Annexation (Special) |
2987 | Annexation (Special) |
2988 | Annexation (Special) |
2989 | Annexation (Special) |
2990 | Street vacation (Special) |
2991 | City administrator; repeals Ord. 2220 (Repealed by 3030) |
2992 | Amends zoning, comprehensive plan map (Special) |
2993 | Amends Ord. 2146, nuisances (8.12) |
2994 | Amends Ord. 2853, gas utility franchise to Northwest Natural Gas Company (Special) |
2995 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2996 | Annexation (Special) |
2997 | Trespass to city watershed properties (9.24) |
2998 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2999 | Street vacation (Special) |
3000 | Purity of city water supply and watershed; repeals Ord. 2243 (8.20) |
3001 | Amends Ord. 2244, premises serving alcoholic liquor (Repealed by 3258) |
3002 | Declares city’s election to receive state revenues (Special) |
3003 | (Number not used) |
3004 | Amends Ord. 2814, discharge of firearms and certain weapons (9.12) |
3005 | Amends Ord. 2250, park regulations; repeals Ord. 2548 (8.24) |
3006 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 2977, general penalties and offenses; repeals § 18 of Ord. 2146, nuisances (9.04) |
3007 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
3008 | Annexation (Special) |
3009 | Annexation (Special) |
3010 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
3011 | Building code; repeals Ords. 2813, 2849, 2881, 2903, 2905, 2944, 2960, 2962 and 2967 (15.04, 15.16, 15.20) |
3012 | (Number not used) |
3013 | Weapons possession (9.10) |
3014 | Solicitation; repeals Ord. 2566 (Repealed by 3258) |
3015 | Approves Eagle Lake Bluffs Planned Community Development development agreement (Special) |
3016 | Annexation (Special) |
3017 | Street vacation (Special) |
3018 | (Number not used) |
3019 | Street vacation (Special) |
3020 | Approves Hall subdivision development agreement (Special) |
3021 | Approves AEH subdivision development agreement (Special) |
3022 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
3023 | Approves ABC Planned Community Development development agreement (Special) |
3024 | Amends Ord. 2964, Elkridge Estates subdivision development agreement (Special) |
3025 | Amends Ord. 3021, AEH subdivision development agreement (Special) |
3026 | Amends Ord. 2882, outdoor burning (8.36) |
3027 | Annexation (Special) |
3028 | Annexation (Special) |
3029 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
3030 | City administrator; repeals Ord. 2991 (2.12) |
3031 | |
3032 | Amends Ord. 2875, community development code (17.16, 17.32, 17.108) |
3033 | Parking (10.12) |
3034 | Drop boxes, waste receptacles (8.44) |
3035 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
3036 | Approves Columbia River Foursquare Church development agreement (Special) |
3037 | Adds Chs. 1.01, 1.04 and 1.06, code adoption, definitions and enforcement (1.01, 1.04, 1.06) |
3038 | Amends Ord. 2725, animal control (6.04) |
3039 | Amends Ord. 2146, nuisances (8.12) |
3040 | Adds § 6.04.065; amends §§ 6.04.010, 6.04.030(2) and 6.04.040(5), animal control (6.04) |
3041 | Annexation (Special) |
3042 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
3043 | Adds § 1.080.170 to Ord. 2875, community development code (17.32) |
3044 | Amends § 2.28.090, gifts and bequests (2.28) |
3045 | Amends §§ 2.52.030, 2.52.100 and 2.56.010, land use (Repealed by 3078) |
3046 | Tourism committee; repeals definition of “tourism committee” in § 3.20.020 and repeals § 3.20.060(3), transient room fee (3.20) |
3047 | Amends §§ 3.12.060 and 3.12.070, utility privilege tax (3.12) |
3048 | Street vacation (Special) |
3049 | Street vacation (Repealed by 3155) |
3050 | Street vacation (Special) |
3051 | Annexation (Special) |
3052 | Corrects scrivener’s error in Ord. 2980, comprehensive plan (Title 19) |
3053 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3054 | Amends §§ 3.20.040, 3.20.080, 3.20.150 and 3.20.160, transient room fee (3.20) |
3055 | Adds §§ 5.16.055, 5.16.155 and 5.16.165; amends §§ 5.16.040, 5.16.050, 5.16.150, 5.16.160 and 5.16.170, secondhand dealers (Repealed by 3258) |
3056 | Amends §§ 5.28.020, 5.28.030, 5.28.040, 5.28.050 and 5.28.060, liquor license review (Repealed by 3258) |
3057 | Amends § 5.24.010, alcoholic liquor (Repealed by 3258) |
3058 | Amends § 6.04.040, animal noises (6.04) |
3059 | Amends §§ 5.36.020 and 5.36.030, enterprise zones (Repealed by 3258) |
3060 | Amends §§ 8.04.030(9), 8.04.040(2)(d) and 8.04.090, solid waste (8.04) |
3061 | Business licenses; repeals Ch. 5.04 (Repealed by 3258) |
3062 | Taxicab companies, drivers, and taxicabs; repeals Ch. 5.08 (Repealed by 3258) |
3063 | Amends Ord. 3028, annexation (Special) |
3064 | Amends Ch. 8.40, abandoned vehicles (8.40) |
3065 | Large assemblies; repeals Ch. 8.08 (8.08) |
3066 | Amends §§ 2.04.090(3)(d) and (3)(h)(ii) [(3)(i)(ii)], public contracting (2.04) |
3067 | Amends §§ 8.36.040 and 8.36.050, outdoor burning (8.36) |
3068 | Amends §§ 8.32.090 and 8.32.110, smoking pollution control (Repealed by 3103) |
3069 | Adds § 5.20.050, solicitation penalties (Repealed by 3258) |
3070 | Amends § 2.60.030, tourism committee (Repealed by 3199) |
3071 | Annexation (Special) |
3072 | Amends § 9.04.010, criminal code (9.04) |
3073 | Amends § 9.12.060, firearms and weapons discharge (9.12) |
3074 | Amends § 8.16.050, noise (8.16) |
3075 | Amends § 9.16.030(1), impoundment of vehicles (9.16) |
3076 | Approved development agreement (Special) |
3077 | Street vacation (Denied) |
3078 | Repeals Chs. 2.52 and 2.56, Ballot Measure 37 (Repealer) |
3079 | Amends § 2.08.020, planning commission (2.08) |
3080 | Amends §§ 8.12.080(5) and (6), obstruction of passageways (8.12) |
3081 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3082 | Amends §§ 13.24.030, 13.24.050, 13.24.060, 13.24.080, 13.24.090, 13.24.110, 13.24.130, 13.24.140 and 13.24.160, system development charges (13.24) |
3083 | Annexation zoning (Special) |
3084 | Amends §§ 17.08.030(2), 17.24.090(5), 17.24.130, 17.24.260(1)(d), 17.24.290(3) and (3)(a), 17.24.300(1), 17.24.310(3), 17.24.390(4) and 17.24.400 Table A; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.36, historic sites and overlay district (17.08, 17.24, 17.36) |
3085 | Adds Ch. 13.18 [13.16]; repeals Ch. 13.16, wastewater pretreatment regulations (Repealed by 3233) |
3086 | Amends §§ 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.04.140, 15.04.150 and 15.08.010, building codes (15.04, 15.08) |
3087 | Adds §§ 8.28.052, 8.28.054, 8.28.056, 8.28.072, 8.28.074 and 8.28.110; amends §§ 8.28.020, 8.28.030, 8.28.040, 8.28.050, 8.28.060, 8.28.070, 8.28.090 and 8.28.100, city docks (8.28) |
3088 | Amends § 8.24.200, campground rules for parks (8.24) |
3089 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
3090 | Establishes bicycle and pedestrian commission (Repealed by 3229) |
3091 | Amends Ch. 17.88, signs (17.88) |
3092 | Annexation (Special) |
3093 | Establishes urban renewal agency (2.68) |
3094 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3095 | Sets planning department and engineering department fees by resolution; repeals Ord. 2885 (Special) |
3096 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3097 | Amends §§ 2.36.080 and 2.36.090(5), arts and cultural commission (2.36) |
3098 | (Number not used) |
3099 | Amends § 6.04.040, pets in city parks (6.04) |
3100 | Amends § 10.12.030, parking (10.12) |
3101 | Adopts economic opportunities analysis as addendum to comprehensive plan (19.24) |
3102 | Amends § 2.60.030, tourism committee membership (Repealed by 3199) |
3103 | Repeals Ch. 8.32 (Repealer) |
3104 | Rescinds incorrect version of Ord. 1868, street vacation (Repealer) |
3105 | Adds § 17.124.070(3); amends §§ 17.124.020, 17.124.030, 17.124.050 and 17.136.040(2), community development code (17.124, 17.136) |
3106 | Amends Ord. 2964, Elk Ridge Estates subdivision development agreement (Special) |
3107 | Adds § 17.32.180, waterfront redevelopment overlay district (17.32) |
3108 | Amends §§ 6.04.010, 6.04.060 and 6.04.065, animal control (6.04) |
3109 | Adds § 8.12.082, sidewalk vendors (8.12) |
3110 | Adds § 17.32.175; amends comprehensive plan map, zoning district map and § 17.32.010, Houlton business district (17.32) |
3111 | Amends Ord. 3036, Columbia River Foursquare Church development agreement (Special) |
3112 | Repeals Ch. 12.12 (Repealer) |
3113 | Adds § 8.12.212, visual clearance area (8.12) |
3114 | Street vacation (Special) |
3115 | Annexation (Special) |
3116 | Annexation (Special) |
3117 | Adds Ch. 9.14, social games (9.14) |
3118 | Annexation (Special) |
3119 | Annexation (Special) |
3120 | Apportions, levies and assesses cost of sanitary sewer (Special) |
3121 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
3122 | Amends § 8.36.030(3)(a) through (c), outdoor burning exemptions (8.36) |
3123 | Windy Ridge advanced financing improvement district (Special) |
3124 | Amends §§ 15.04.080, 15.04.090 and 15.04.220, building code (15.04) |
3125 | Annexation (Special) |
3126 | Criminal history record check policies (2.72) |
3127 | Adds § 13.04.020(7), water service (13.04) |
3128 | Annexation (Special) |
3129 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
3130 | Amends § 6.04.080(7) and (9), animal facility licensing (6.04) |
3131 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3132 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3133 | Amends § 8.12.212, visual clearance area (8.12) |
3134 | Amends § 15.04.100, building code (15.04) |
3135 | Amends § 8.36.030(3), outdoor burning (8.36) |
3136 | Adds new section to Ch. 8.24, smoking in city parks (8.24) |
3137 | Amends § 12.04.070, required sidewalk work (12.04) |
3138 | Adds § 19.20.090; amends Ch. 17.46 and § 19.12.130, floodplain regulations (17.46, 19.12, 19.20) |
3139 | Amends §§ 9.14.040(4), (6), (7) and (8) and 9.14.080, social games (9.14) |
3140 | Renews garbage drop box franchise; repeals Ord. 2818 (Repealed by 3259) |
3141 | Adds Ch. 12.06, street trees and street improvements (12.06) |
3142 | Annexation and zoning designation (Repealed by 3154) |
3143 | Amends § 2.36.110, arts and cultural commission hearings (2.36) |
3144 | Adds § 17.36.065; amends §§ 17.12.030, 17.16.010, 17.24.040, 17.24.120, 17.24.130, 17.32.060, 17.32.070, 17.32.080, 17.32.090, 17.32.095, 17.32.120, 17.32.150, 17.32.170, 17.36.020, 17.36.040, 17.72.090, 17.84.050, 17.84.070, 17.88.040, 17.88.045, 17.88.050, 17.88.055, 17.88.060, 17.96.180, 17.124.050, 17.132.020, 17.132.025, 17.132.045, 17.136.070, 17.140.035, 17.152.070, 19.08.040, 19.08.060 and 19.12.080, development code (17.12, 17.16, 17.24, 17.32, 17.36, 17.72, 17.84, 17.88, 17.96, 17.124, 17.132, 17.136, 17.140, 17.152, 19.08, 19.12) |
3145 | Adds §§ 10.12.020(13) and 10.12.030(15); amends §§ 1.04.010(18), 10.12.020(6) and 10.12.030(2) and (13), parking (1.04, 10.12) |
3146 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
3147 | Amends §§ 8.28.040, 8.28.060 and 8.28.090, city docks (8.28) |
3148 | Adopts waterfront development prioritization plan as addendum to comprehensive plan (19.28) |
3149 | Amends §§ 6.04.040, 8.24.190 and 8.24.240(2) and provides for a sunset date, animal control (6.04, 8.24) |
3150 | Adds § 17.08.060 and Ch. 17.156; amends §§ 17.20.080, 17.20.120, 17.24.040, 17.24.120, 17.24.130, 17.24.250, 17.72.060, 17.84.030, 17.84.040, 17.84.050, 17.84.070, 17.84.080, 17.84.120, 17.84.150, 17.96.180, 17.108.020, 17.136.070, 17.140.040, 17.152.030, 17.152.060, 17.152.080, 17.152.090, 17.152.100, 17.152.110, 19.08.040 and 19.16.010, development code (17.08, 17.20, 17.24, 17.72, 17.84, 17.96, 17.108, 17.136, 17.140, 17.152, 17.156, 19.08, 19.16) |
3151 | Amends § 8.28.040, moorage time limitations (8.28) |
3152 | Adds § 2.28.045, library rules (2.28) |
3153 | Street vacation (Special) |
3154 | Annexation and zoning designation; repeals Ord. 3142 (Special) |
3155 | Street vacation; repeals Ord. 3049 (Special) |
3156 | Annexation and zoning designation (Special) |
3157 | Amends § 9.04.010, criminal code (9.04) |
3158 | Amends §§ 2.04.090, 2.04.100 and 2.04.120, contracting procedures (2.04) |
3159 | Amends § 5.16.155(3), pawnbrokers (Repealed by 3258) |
3160 | Amends § 2.60.030, tourism committee (Repealed by 3199) |
3161 | Amends §§ 2.60.030 and 2.60.050, tourism committee (Repealed by 3199) |
3162 | Adds § 12.20.045; amends § 8.12.080, obstructions in rights-of-way (8.12, 12.20) |
3163 | Street vacation (Special) |
3164 | Adopts architectural guidelines for Olde Towne St. Helens; adds § 17.88.070; amends §§ 17.16.010, 17.32.100, 17.32.170, 17.64.020, 17.64.030, 17.68.020, 17.72.110, 17.88.015, 17.88.040, 17.88.045, 17.88.055, 17.88.060, 17.88.120, 17.88.135, 17.96.070, 17.120.040, 17.124.030, 17.124.070, 17.148.080, 17.152.030 and 18.12.110, development code (17.16, 17.32, 17.64, 17.68, 17.72, 17.88, 17.96, 17.120, 17.124, 17.148, 17.152, 18.12) |
3165 | Amends § 10.04.100 and Schedule H of Ch. 10.04, skateboards and rollerblades (10.04) |
3166 | Amends § 6.04.020(1)(k), dog license fee exceptions (6.04) |
3167 | (On hold) |
3168 | Amends §§ 17.36.020(1) and (2), historic landmarks commission (17.36) |
3169 | Adds § 13.12.040(13), building sewers and connection (Repealed by 3233) |
3170 | Amends §§ 9.24.030(9) and 9.24.040, trespass on watershed property (9.24) |
3171 | Annexation (Special) |
3172 | Annexation (Special) |
3173 | Moratorium on medical marijuana facilities (Special) |
3174 | Amends § 2.48.060, emergency operations (2.48) |
3175 | Street vacation (Special) |
3176 | Amends § 17.36.020(1), historic landmark commission (17.36) |
3177 | Adds Ch. 5.30, marijuana tax (Repealed by 3258) |
3178 | Amends § 6.04.020(1), dog licensing requirements (6.04) |
3179 | Amends § 6.04.080(5), animal facility license application fees (6.04) |
3180 | Amends §§ 17.32.010, 17.32.170, 17.32.172, 17.32.180(10), 17.68.020(2), 17.88.050(2), 17.88.060, 17.88.070 and 17.124.070(3), riverfront district (17.32, 17.68, 17.88, 17.124) |
3181 | Adopts US 30 and Columbia Boulevard/St. Helens Street corridor master plan; amends transportation systems plan and comprehensive plan, adds §§ 17.72.140, 17.152.210 and 18.12.190 and Chs. 19.30 and 19.32; amends §§ 8.12.010(1), 8.12.080, 17.16.010, 17.32.100(4), 17.72.030(2), 17.72.060(4), 17.72.110(1) and (2), 17.72.130, 17.80.020(22), 17.84.040(5), 17.84.050, 17.152.030(24), 18.04.010, 18.20.050, 19.08.020(3) and 19.12.080(2); development code (8.12, 17.16, 17.32, 17.72, 17.80, 17.84, 17.152, 18.04, 18.12, 18.20, 19.08, 19.12, 19.30, 19.32) |
3182 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3183 | Amends §§ 8.12.250(1), (2), (3), (6), (13), (14) and (16), nuisance abatement (8.12) |
3184 | (Number not used) |
3185 | Youth council (2.70) |
3186 | Amends §§ 2.44.010, 3.20.060, 3.28.020, 5.08.100(1), Ch. 5.32, §§ 8.04.040(2), 8.24.080, 9.04.010, 10.04.020(1), 10.04.040, 12.04.100, 13.12.080(6), 15.08.010, 15.08.020, 15.08.030, 15.08.040, 15.08.060, 15.08.070, 15.08.080, 15.08.110, 17.16.010, 17.92.030(2), 17.144.040(9) and 18.24.030(1), housekeeping amendments (2.44, 3.20, 3.28, 8.04, 8.24, 9.04, 10.04, 12.04, 15.08, 17.16, 17.92, 17.144, 18.24) |
3187 | Amends §§ 6.04.010 and 6.04.040(5), animal control (6.04) |
3188 | Adds Ch. 8.32; amends § 8.24.065, smoking, tobacco and marijuana (8.24, 8.32) |
3189 | Amends §§ 17.24.120(1), 17.24.400, 17.84.120, 17.84.130(4) and (5), 17.84.140(1), 17.84.150, 17.108.010, 17.108.030(4) and (5) and 17.108.050, zoning (17.24, 17.84, 17.108) |
3190 | Amends §§ 17.16.010, 17.32.095(3), 17.32.100(3), 17.32.110(3), 17.32.170(3), 17.32.175(3) and 17.100.150, marijuana (17.16, 17.32, 17.100) |
3191 | Adopts parks and trails master plan (19.34) |
3192 | Adds Ch. 8.14, property maintenance and abandoned buildings (8.14) |
3193 | (Withdrawn) |
3194 | Amends § 10.04.150, prohibited parking or standing (10.04) |
3195 | Adds Ch. 13.02; amends Ch. 13.04, utility services (13.02, 13.04) |
3196 | Amends §§ 5.04.100(1), 5.04.120(1)(a) and Ch. 5.30, marijuana business regulations (Repealed by 3258) |
3197 | Adds § 17.80.066; amends §§ 17.32.175 and 17.80.065, zoning (17.32, 17.80) |
3198 | Grants telecommunications service franchise to Astound Broadband, LLC (Special) |
3199 | Repeals Ch. 2.60, tourism committee (Repealer) |
3200 | Amends Ch. 13.08, cross-connections (13.08) |
3201 | Amends § 2.04.110, public contracting code (2.04) |
3202 | Amends Ch. 5.30, marijuana business regulations (Repealed by 3258) |
3203 | Amends §§ 17.16.010, 17.24.120(1), 17.32.140, 17.88.060(2)(c), 17.152.110 and 18.32.010(2), zoning (17.16, 17.24, 17.32, 17.88, 17.152, 18.32) |
3204 | Annexation (Special) |
3205 | Repeals § 8.24.190(7)(k), park regulations (8.24) |
3206 | Deletes § 4 of Ord. 3149, McCormick Park pet off-leash area (6.04, 8.24) |
3207 | Adds Ch. 5.38, recreational marijuana tax (Repealed by 3258) |
3208 | Adds § 12.20.060; amends § 12.20.010, right-of-way regulations (12.20) |
3209 | Amends § 2.08.070, planning commission meetings (2.08) |
3210 | Amends Ch. 5.16, secondhand dealers (Repealed by 3258) |
3211 | Amends zoning district map (Special) |
3212 | |
3213 | Amends comprehensive plan map and zoning district map (Special) |
3214 | Amends comprehensive plan map and zoning district map (Special) |
3215 | Adds §§ 17.32.170, 17.32.171 and 17.116.065; amends §§ 17.08.040(1)(a), 17.16.010, 17.20.120(1), 17.32.010, 17.32.050(5), 17.32.060(3) and (5), 17.32.070(5), 17.32.080(5), 17.32.090(5), 17.32.095(2), (3) and (5), 17.32.100(2), (3) and (5), 17.32.110(2), (3) and (5), 17.32.130, 17.32.140(4) and (5), 17.32.150(5), 17.36.020(6), 17.36.040(4), 17.36.050(3), 17.88.060(1), 17.88.070, 17.116.010, 17.116.030, 17.116.060, 19.08.060(3), 19.12.070, the comprehensive plan map and the zoning district map; amends and renumbers §§ 17.32.170 as 17.32.172, 17.32.172 as 17.32.179, 17.32.175 as 17.32.180 and 17.32.180 as 17.32.173; repeals § 17.32.120; adopts Waterfront Framework Plan, community development and comprehensive plan (17.08, 17.16, 17.20, 17.32, 17.36, 17.88, 17.116, 19.08, 19.12) |
3216 | Annexation (Special) |
3217 | Approves urban renewal plan (Special) |
3218 | Amends §§ 15.04.110, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.04.140, 15.04.150, 15.04.160, 15.04.180 and Ch. 15.20, buildings and construction (15.04, 15.20) |
3219 | Amends §§ 2.32.030, 3.16.020, 5.08.140(3), 8.12.240(5), 10.04.240(6), 10.04.380(2), 12.32.030(3) and 15.08.100(6), fees and parking fines (2.32, 3.16, 8.12, 10.04, 12.32, 15.08) |
3220 | Amends comprehensive plan map and zoning district map (Special) |
3221 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3222 | Street vacation (Special) |
3223 | Amends § 8.12.090(3), trees, shrubs, weeds (8.12) |
3224 | Amends comprehensive plan map and zoning district map (Special) |
3225 | Amends Ch. 3.20, transient room fee (3.20) |
3226 | Annexation (Special) |
3227 | Amends zoning district map to add planned development overlay zone (Special) |
3228 | Annexation (Special) |
3229 | Adds Ch. 2.74; amends §§ 2.36.150, 8.24.060, 8.24.100 and 8.24.210; repeals Chs. 2.16 and 2.64, parks and trails commission (2.36, 2.74, 8.24) |
3230 | Amends § 5.30.035; repeals § 5.30.030, marijuana business regulations (Repealed by 3258) |
3231 | Amends comprehensive plan map and zoning district map (Special) |
3232 | Amends §§ 17.16.010, 17.24.040(4), 17.24.120(1), 17.32.050(2) and (3), 17.32.060(2) and (3), 17.32.070(2) and (3), 17.32.080(2) and (3), 17.32.090(2) and (3), 17.32.095(2) and (3), 17.32.100(2) and (3), 17.32.110(2), 17.32.171(2), 17.32.172(2), 17.32.173(2), 17.32.180(2) and (3), 17.96.020, 17.108.050(4), 17.120.020, 17.120.040, 17.120.050, 17.120.060, 17.120.070, 17.120.080 and Ch. 17.128, community development code (17.16, 17.24, 17.32, 17.96, 17.108, 17.120) |
3233 | Adds Ch. 13.14; repeals Chs. 13.12 and 13.16, sewer use and industrial pretreatment regulations (13.14) |
3234 | Grants telecommunications franchise to Lightspeed Networks, Inc. (Special) |
3235 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3236 | Adds § 13.14.085, use of portable privies (13.14) |
3237 | Amends §§ 3.12.020 and 3.12.030, utility privilege tax (3.12) |
3238 | Annexation (Special) |
3239 | Amends §§ 8.28.020(1), 8.28.040, 8.28.060 and 8.28.100, city docks (8.28) |
3240 | Adds Ch. 13.06, recreation and parks fee (13.06) |
3241 | Adds § 17.152.030(28), Ch. 19.36 and § 19.08.040(3)(q); amends comprehensive plan and §§ 10.04.230(2), 17.16.010, 17.152.030(5), 17.152.060 and 19.12.010(3)(e), riverfront connector plan (10.04, 17.16, 17.152, 19.08, 19.12, 19.36) |
3242 | Rezone (Special) |
3243 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
3244 | Adopts housing needs analysis as addendum to comprehensive plan (19.26) |
3245 | Annexation; amends comprehensive plan map and zoning district map (Special) |
3246 | Amends Ch. 13.20, storm water utility (13.20) |
3247 | Grants electric light and power franchise to Portland General Electric (Special) |
3248 | Amends comprehensive plan map and zoning district map (Special) |
3249 | Annexation (Special) |
3250 | Amends § 19.20.030, designated landmarks (19.20) |
3251 | Annexation (Special) |
3252 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3253 | Amends Ch. 17.46 and § 17.124.030, floodplains and floodways, accessory structures (17.46, 17.124) |
3254 | Grants telecommunications franchise to Fatbeam, LLC (Special) |
3255 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3256 | Rezone (Special) |
3257 | Amends urban renewal plan (Special) |
3258 | Repeals and replaces Title 5, business taxes, licenses and regulations (5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06) |
3259 | Renews garbage drop box franchise; repeals Ord. 3140 (Special) |
3260 | Grants cable franchise to Comcast of Delaware II, Inc. (Special) |
3261 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3262 | Annexation (Special) |
3263 | Annexation (Special) |
3264 | Adds §§ 17.64.040(3), 17.88.095(8), 17.104.040(5) and 17.136.060(6); amends §§ 17.16.010, 17.24.120(1) and (4), 17.32.050 – 17.32.095, 17.32.172(4), 17.32.173(2) and (4), 17.32.180(2) – (4), 17.40.015(1), 17.40.040(2), 17.40.045(1), 17.40.050(2), 17.56.020(1) and (2), 17.64.050, 17.68.040(1), 17.72.080(1), 17.80.020(1), 17.80.030(1), 17.80.050(1) and (2), 17.84.040(8), 17.88.040(3), 17.88.045(4), 17.88.095(7), 17.92.060(2), 17.96.180(1), 17.100.150(3)(e) and (3)(m), 17.104.040(1), 17.108.050(4), 17.108.080, 17.124.070(2), 17.132.025(3), 17.132.030(3), 17.136.060(5), 17.152.030(5), (11) and (27) and 19.20.060; repeals Ch. 17.128, development code (17.16, 17.24, 17.32, 17.40, 17.56, 17.64, 17.68, 17.72, 17.80, 17.84, 17.88, 17.92, 17.96, 17.100, 17.104, 17.108, 17.124, 17.132, 17.136, 17.152, 19.20) |
3265 | Amends Ord. 3260, cable franchise (Special) |
3266 | Adds Ch. 13.30, public safety fee (13.30) |
3267 | Annexation (Special) |
3268 | Annexation (Special) |
3269 | Annexation (Special) |
3270 | Grants electric utility and distribution system franchise to Columbia River People’s Utility District (Special) |
3271 | Adds § 6.04.045; amends § 6.04.040(3) and (5), honeybee beekeeping (6.04) |
3272 | Annexation (Special) |
3273 | Annexation (Special) |
3274 | (Pending) |
3275 | Amends § 13.02.010, utility service administration definitions (13.02) |
3276 | Adds Ch. 2.30; amends Chs. 2.04, 2.12, 2.20, 2.24, 2.28, 2.32, 2.40, 2.72 and 2.74, administration and personnel (2.04, 2.12, 2.20, 2.24, 2.28, 2.30, 2.32, 2.40, 2.72, 2.74) |
3277 | Annexation (Special) |
3278 | Annexation (Special) |
3279 | Annexation (Special) |
3280 | Annexation (Special) |
3281 | Annexation (Special) |
3282 | Amends zoning district map to add planned development overlay zone (Special) |
3283 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3284 | Amends §§ 13.02.010(6) and (7), utility service administration (13.02) |
3285 | Amends Ch. 8.28, city docks and waterways (8.28) |
3286 | Amends zoning district map to add planned development overlay zone (Special) |
3287 | Amends §§ 12.04.020 and 12.04.030, sidewalk construction and repair (12.04) |
3288 | Prohibits psilocybin product manufacturers and service centers (Repealed) |
3289 | Amends §§ 2.74.020 and 2.74.090; renames parks and recreation commission and commissioner as parks and trails commission and commissioner, respectively (2.36, 2.74, 8.24) |
3290 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3291 | Amends §§ 6.04.040(2) and (6), 8.24.190(4)(c) and (7) and 8.24.240(2), animals and parks (6.04, 8.24) |
3292 | Annexation (Special) |
3293 | Annexation (Special) |
3294 | Annexation (Special) |
3295 | Renames Mill Street to Wapama Way (Special) |
3296 | Adds Ch. 12.22; amends § 12.20.010; repeals § 12.20.060, camping on public property (12.20, 12.22) |
3297 | Rezone (Special) |
3298 | Rezone (Special) |
3299 | Amends §§ 13.30.020 and 13.30.070, public safety fee (13.30) |
3300 | Adds Ch. 10.20, traffic calming (10.20) |
3301 | Amends §§ 8.24.120(4) and 8.24.200(2), alcohol in city parks (8.24) |
3302 | Annexation (Special) |
3303 | Annexation (Special) |
3304 | Annexation (Special) |
3305 | Adds §§ 17.32.173(2)(e)(xxiii), 17.32.180(2)(ss) and (2)(tt), 17.100.150(3)(o) and 17.120.020(2)(f); amends §§ 17.16.010, 17.24.120, 17.24.130(3) and (4), 17.32.050(2)(b) and (3)(a), 17.32.060(2)(b) and (3)(b), 17.32.070(2)(b) and (3)(b), 17.32.080(2)(b) and (3)(b), 17.32.090(2)(b) and (3)(b), 17.32.095(2) and (3), 17.32.100(1), (2) and (3), 17.32.110(1), (2) and (3), 17.32.130(2) and (3), 17.32.171(2), 17.32.172(2) and (3), 17.32.173(2)(a), (2)(b) and (3), 17.32.180(3), 17.36.040(4), 17.40.015(1)(a) and (1)(b), 17.44.030(1)(a) and (1)(b), 17.80.030(2)(c) and (2)(h), 17.88.130(6), 17.96.020(6), 17.96.040(3), 17.100.030(1)(a), 17.108.050(4)(a) and (4)(b), 17.120.040(4) and (5), 17.124.050(1) and (2), 17.132.050(1), 17.136.040(1)(a), 17.140.035(3), 17.148.030(1) through (3) and 19.20.060(2), community development code (17.16, 17.24, 17.32, 17.36, 17.40, 17.44, 17.80, 17.88, 17.96, 17.100, 17.108, 17.120, 17.124, 17.132, 17.136, 17.140, 17.148, 19.20) |
Ordinances Pending Codification
The following ordinances have not been codified yet. Click on the ordinance number to view the changes. Only codifiable ordinances can be viewed.
Amends §§ 17.16.010, 17.32.050, 17.32.060, 17.32.070, 17.32.080, 17.32.090, 17.32.095, 17.32.100, 17.32.110, 17.32.130, 17.32.140, 17.32.150, 17.32.171, 17.32.172, 17.32.173, 17.32.180, 17.80.020, 17.80.030, 17.96.020, 17.96.070 and 17.96.180, zoning (17.16, 17.32, 17.80, 17.96) |