Chapter 19.15
USE ZONE CHARTS Revised 2/25
19.15.001 User Guide Revised 2/25
19.15.005 Single-Family Residential Zones Revised 2/25
19.15.010 Multi-Family Residential Zones Revised 2/25
19.15.015 Residential Zones Revised 2/25
19.15.020 Mixed-Use Zones Revised 2/25
19.15.025 Industrial Zone Revised 2/25
19.15.030 Special Planning Area 2 Revised 2/25
19.15.035 Airport Industrial Zones Revised 2/25
19.15.040 Repealed Revised 2/25
19.15.045 Repealed Revised 2/25
19.15.050 Repealed Revised 2/25
19.15.055 Repealed Revised 2/25
19.15.060 Repealed Revised 2/25
19.15.065 Repealed Revised 2/25
19.15.070 Repealed Revised 2/25
19.15.001 USER GUIDE Revised 2/25
Each section includes two tables that set forth zoning provisions for each category of Burien zoning designations. The first table addresses the use permissions for each zone in the category. The second table addresses the dimensional standards for each zone. Subsections (1) and (2) of this section illustrate the user guides for each table.
1. User Guide for Using Permissions Tables for Each Category of Zones in Chapter 19.15 BMC. These charts clarify what uses are allowed in the zone, what the review process is, and what other special regulations apply to the use as applicable.
A. Use Permissions and Applicable Review Process. The columns to the right of the “Use” column identify specific zones within zoning categories. The cells below identify the permissions and applicable review process for specific uses in each zone as follows:
i. Permitted Use (P). Where the letter “P” appears in the use table, the subject use is permitted outright. Additional review may be required, as noted elsewhere in the code. See Chapter 19.65 BMC for details on special review processes.
ii. Type 1. Where “Type 1” appears in the use table, the use is allowed subject to Type 1 review procedures provided in BMC 19.65.065.
iii. Type 2. Where “Type 2” appears in the use table, the use is allowed subject to Type 2 review procedures provided in BMC 19.65.070.
iv. Blank ( ). Use is not permitted. Where no symbol appears in the use table, that use is prohibited in that zone.
v. Uses not specifically listed in the chart are not allowed unless the Director approves the use by applying the following criteria:
a. The use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation;
b. The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the zoning district; and
c. The use has similar operational characteristics as permitted uses, such as hours of operation, typical customer base, and service impact.
vi. Multiple uses may be mixed on a site and/or building if the uses are permitted in the zone and comply with applicable standards.
vii. Uses permitted as an accessory to a primary use are noted in the Special Regulations column.
B. Special Regulations. The far-right column in the use permissions table indicates special regulations that apply to that use. Numbered provisions in this column apply generally to the applicable use.
C. Subscript letters refer to special use conditions listed at the end of the use permissions tables and apply only to those uses in zones where noted.
2. User Guide for the Dimensional Standards Tables for Each Category of Zones in Chapter 19.15 BMC. Standards occupy the left column, including maximum building height, maximum impervious surface coverage, and minimum density. The individual zones occupy the middle columns. Scroll down to the cells below to see the standards by zone. The far-right column identifies other Special Regulations that may apply. Numbered provisions in this column apply generally to the applicable use. Subscript-lettered provisions apply only to those zones where noted. [Ord. 849 § 21, 2024]
1. User Guide to the RS Zones Regulations Chart. The chart in this section contains the basic zoning regulations in each RS zone within the City of Burien. First, read down the left column entitled “Use.” Once you locate the use in which you are interested, read across to find the regulations that apply to that use. In addition, if the top of each column contains a reference to another Zoning Code section or chapter, you should read that section or chapter to determine which additional regulations pertain to your use. Italicized words are defined in Chapter 19.10 BMC.
DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS |
Special Review Process (See Ch. 19.65) |
Landscape Category |
Minimum Required Parking Spaces (See Ch. 19.20) |
Special Regulations (See also Chapter 19.17, Miscellaneous Use, Development and Performance Standards) |
Lot Coverage |
Front |
Interior |
Building |
Impervious |
| |
None |
See Spec. Regs. 1, 2 & 3 |
20’ |
5’ |
RS-A zone: 20% All other RS zones: 35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% |
35’ |
A |
2 spaces per unit |
1. Minimum lot area per dwelling unit is: a. 1 acre in the RS-A zone. b. 12,000 s.f. in the RS-12,000 zone. c. 7,200 s.f. in the RS-7,200 zone. 2. One single detached dwelling unit may be built on a lot that has less than the stated minimum lot area. 3. No lot shall be created less than the minimum lot area except through the application of lot averaging. Lot averaging is permitted through a short plat, subdivision or lot line adjustment. However, no lot shall be created with an area less than 90 percent of the stated minimum lot area. [Ord. 484 § 1, 2008] 4. Chapter 19.17 contains regulations regarding home occupations, and other accessory uses, facilities and activities associated with this use. |
| Family Day Care Home I and II |
None |
See Special Regulation 1 |
1. Must comply with requirements of the primary use. 2. Family Day Care Home II and Day Care Center: Must provide State certification of safe passenger loading area. 3. Day Care Center: Allowed only within a religious facility or school. |
|||||||| |
None. See Spec. Reg. 4 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None. See Spec. Reg. 1 |
30’ See Spec. Reg. 3 |
30’ See Spec Reg. 3 |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Marinas only allowed on public property in excess of two acres. 2. Lighting for structures and fields shall be directed away from dwelling units. 3. Structures shall maintain a 50-foot setback from adjoining lots containing single detached dwelling units. The Director may allow structures such as playground equipment, ball field backstops and tennis court fences closer than 50 feet if compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and traffic safety considerations. 4. No special review process if project design is approved by the City Council through a public review process that includes posting a notice board at the site and notification to neighbors; otherwise a Type 2 review process is required. [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None |
30’ |
30’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Columbarium or mausoleum structures must be setback 100 feet minimum from property lines adjoining residential zones. |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
20’ |
5’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
B |
1 space for every 2 bedrooms |
1. Minimum lot area per dwelling unit is: a. 1 acre in the RS-A zone. b. 12,000 s.f. in the RS-12,000 zone. c. 7,200 s.f. in the RS-7,200 zone. |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None |
30’ See Spec. Reg. 1 |
30’ See Spec Reg. 1 |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
C |
3 spaces per hole, plus 3 spaces per 1,000 s.f. of clubhouse facilities |
1. Structures, driving ranges and lighted areas shall maintain a minimum distance of 50 feet from property lines adjoining residential zones. |
(2) Amended, Ord. 269, 1999 |
||||||||||| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None. |
30’ |
30’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. This use may be further subject to the provisions of KCC Title 25, Shoreline Management Program. |
| |
Type 2 |
None |
30’ |
30’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Accessory use shall comply with the requirements for that use listed in this use zone chart (BMC 19.15.005). |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None |
30’ |
30’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
20’ |
5’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
B |
0.5 spaces per unit |
1. Minimum lot area per dwelling unit is: a. 1 acre in the RS-A zone. b. 12,000 s.f. in the RS-12,000 zone. c. 7,200 s.f. in the RS-7,200 zone. 2. Conversion to another use is allowed, provided that all requirements for the new use are met, including density limitations. |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
Development standards shall be determined on a case-by-case basis through the Type 3 review process. |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed and buffered to blend in with their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light and glare impacts. 2. Shall comply with criteria for siting found in the Burien Comprehensive Plan. |
|||||||| Community, Cultural or Government Facility |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
30’ |
30’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
35’ |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Minimum lot area for a public agency training facility is 35 acres. |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None |
30’ |
30’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% [Ord. 313 §1, 2000] |
20’ See Spec. Reg. 1 |
D |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. The City Council may approve height no greater than 35 feet if the applicant shows that no feasible alternative is available. 2. Shall be designed, located, constructed and buffered to blend in with their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light and glare impacts. |
| |
See Chapter 19.50 |
|||||||||| |
None |
None |
20’ |
5’ |
15% |
25% |
12’ |
A |
See. Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. A land use agreement approved by the Director shall be executed between the landowner and those who are interested in gardening on private land. The agreement shall include Community Garden Rules to maintain the property safely and prevent disturbances to neighboring property owners and residents. |
| |
Type 2 |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
20’ |
5’ |
35% |
RS-A zone: 20% RS-12,000 zone: 45% RS-7,200 zone: 70% |
35’ |
B |
See Sec. |
1. Minimum lot area per ESF is: a. 12,000 s.f. in the RS-A and RS-12,000 zones. b. 7,200 s.f. in the RS-7,200 zone. 2. See Section 19.17.310 – Enhanced Services Facilities |
(1) Amended, Ord. 265, 1999 (2) Added, Ord. 560, 2012 (3) Added, Ord. 734, 2020 (4) Amended, Ord. 788, 2021 Note: All landscape categories added by Ord. 293, 2000. |
[Ord. 849 § 22, 2024]
User Guide to the RM Zones Regulations Chart. The chart in this section contains the basic zoning regulations in each RM zone within the City of Burien. First, read down the left column entitled “Use.” Once you locate the use in which you are interested, read across to find the regulations that apply to that use. In addition, if the top of each column contains a reference to another Zoning Code section or chapter, you should read that section or chapter to determine which additional regulations pertain to your use. Italicized words are defined in Chapter 19.10 BMC.
DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS |
Special Review Process (See Ch. 19.65) |
Landscape Category |
Minimum Required Parking Spaces (See Ch. 19.20) |
Special Regulations (See also Chapter 19.17, Miscellaneous Use, Development and Performance Standards) |
Lot Coverage |
Front |
Interior |
Building |
Impervious |
||||||||||| |
Type 1 |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
10' |
See Spec Reg. 3 |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zone: 70% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
35' RM-48 zone: 60' See Spec Reg. 6 [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
B |
2.0 spaces per unit |
1. Minimum lot area per dwelling unit is: a. 3,600 square feet in the RM-12 zone. b. 2,400 square feet in the RM-18 zone. c. 1,800 square feet in the RM-24 zone. d. 900 square feet in the RM-48 zone. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] 2. Each dwelling unit must be located on its own lot. 3. Minimum interior setback is 5 feet, except interior setback between townhouses may be reduced to zero feet. 4. Chapter 19.17 contains regulations regarding home occupations, and other accessory uses, facilities and activities associated with this use. 5. No lot shall be created less than the minimum lot area except through the application of lot averaging. Lot averaging is permitted through a short plat, subdivision or lot line adjustment. However, no lot shall be created with an area less than 90 percent of the stated minimum lot area. [Ord. 484 § 1, 2008] 6. In the RM-48 zone this height limit may be increased if portions of the structure that exceed the base height limit provide one additional foot of front and interior setback for each foot above the base height limit, but the maximum height may not exceed 75'. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
| |
Type 1 [Ord. 484 § 1, 2008] |
5,000 s.f. See Spec. Reg. 1 |
10' |
5' |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zone: 70% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
35' RM-48 zone: 60' See Spec Reg. 3 [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
B |
1.8 spaces per unit |
1. Maximum density per dwelling unit is: a. 12 units per acre in the RM-12 zone. b. 18 units per acre in the RM-18 zone. c. 24 units per acre in the RM-24 zone. d. 48 units per acre in the RM-48 zone. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] 2. Chapter 19.17 contains regulations regarding home occupations, and other accessory uses, facilities and activities associated with this use. 3. In the RM-48 zone this height limit may be increased if portions of the structure that exceed the base height limit provide one additional foot of front and interior setback for each foot above the base height limit, but the maximum height may not exceed 75 feet. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
| |
| Family Day Care Home I and II |
None |
See Special Regulation 1 |
1. Must comply with requirements of the primary use. 2. Family Day Care Home II: Must provide State certification of safe passenger loading area. |
|||||||| |
None |
5,000 s.f. |
10' |
5' |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zone: 70% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
35' |
B |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Must provide State certification of safe passenger loading area. |
| |
Type 1 |
5,000 s.f. |
10' |
5' |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zone: 70% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
35' See Spec. Reg. 5 RM-48 zone: 60' See Spec Reg. 6 [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Mixed use is allowed only in RM-24 and RM-48 zones. 2. The proposed development must fit in with the character of the surrounding residential neighborhood. 3. No more than 50% of the gross floor area of the structure shall be devoted to office uses. Retail uses, banks, loan companies and similar financial institutions are not permitted. 4. Maximum residential density is 24 dwelling units per acre in the RM-24 zone and 48 dwelling units per acre in the RM-48 zone. 5. Height may be increased to 60 feet, if: a. At least 25% of the required parking is under or within a building and is fully screened from public view; and b. The landscape type in the prescribed category is increased by one type (for example, Type III is increased to Type II). [Ord. 523 § 1, 2009] 6. In the RM-48 zone this height limit may be increased if portions of the structure that exceed the base height limit provide one additional foot of front and interior setback for each foot above the base height limit, but the maximum height may not exceed 75 feet. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
| |
None. See Spec. Reg. 3 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None. |
30' See Spec. Reg. 2 |
30' See Spec. Reg. 2 |
60% |
85% |
35' |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Lighting for structures and fields shall be directed away from dwelling units. 2. Structures shall maintain a 50-foot setback from adjoining lots containing single detached dwelling units. The Director may allow structures such as playground equipment, ball field backstops and tennis court fences closer than 50' if compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and traffic safety considerations. 3. No special review process if project design is approved by the City Council through a public review process that includes posting a notice board at the site and notification to neighbors; otherwise a Type 2 review process is required. [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
5,000 s.f. |
10' |
5' |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zones: 70% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
35' RM-48 zone: 60' See Spec. Reg.1 [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
B |
1 space for every 2 bedrooms |
1. In the RM-48 zone this height limit may be increased if portions of the structure that exceed the base height limit provide one additional foot of front and interior setback for each foot above the base height limit, but the maximum height may not exceed 75 feet. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
| |
Type 2 |
5,000 s.f. |
10' |
5' |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zones: 70% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
35' RM-48 zone: 60' See Spec. Reg.1 [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
B |
1 space for every 4 beds |
1. In the RM-48 zone this height limit may be increased if portions of the structure that exceed the base height limit provide one additional foot of front and interior setback for each foot above the base height limit, but the maximum height may not exceed 75 feet. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
| |
Type 2 |
5,000 s.f. |
30' |
30' |
60% |
85% |
35' |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
| |
Type 2 |
5,000 s.f. |
30' |
30' |
60% |
85% |
35' |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
| |
Type 2 |
5,000 s.f. See Spec. Reg. 1 |
10' |
5' |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zones: 70% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
35' RM-48 zone: 60' See Spec. Reg. 3 [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
B |
0.5 spaces per unit |
1. Maximum density per dwelling unit is: a. 12 units per acre in the RM-12 zone. b. 18 units per acre in the RM-18 zone. c. 24 units per acre in the RM-24 zone. d. 48 units per acre in the RM-48 zone. Additional density may be allowed in the RM-24 and RM-48 zones if appropriate for the site and if zoning code requirements are met without the need for variances or administrative adjustments. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] 2. Chapter 19.17 contains regulations regarding home occupations, and other accessory uses, facilities and activities associated with this use. 3. In the RM-48 zone this height limit may be increased if portions of the structure that exceed the base height limit provide one additional foot of front and interior setback for each foot above the base height limit, but the maximum height may not exceed 75 feet. [Ord. 533 § 1, 2010] |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
Development standards shall be determined on a case-by-case basis through the Type 3 review process. |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed and buffered to blend in with their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light and glare impacts. 2. Shall comply with criteria for siting found in the Burien Comprehensive Plan. |
|||||||| Community, Cultural or Government Facility |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
5,000 s.f. |
30' |
30' |
60% |
85% |
35' |
C |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
| |
Type 2 [Ord. 560 § 1 (Exh. A), 2012] |
None |
30' |
30' |
60% |
85% |
35' |
D |
See Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed and buffered to blend in with their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light and glare impacts. |
| |
See Chapter 19.50 |
||||||||| |
None |
None |
10' |
5' |
15% |
25% |
12' |
A |
See. Sec. [Ord. 292 § 6, 2000] |
1. A land use agreement approved by the Director shall be executed between the landowner and those who are interested in gardening on private land. The agreement shall include Community Garden Rules to maintain the property safely and prevent disturbances to neighboring property owners and residents. |
| |
Type 1 |
5,000 s.f. |
10' |
5' |
RM-12 & RM-18 zones: 60% RM-24 & RM-48 zones: 70% |
85% RM-48 zone: 90% |
35' RM-48 zone: 60' See Spec. Reg. 3 |
B |
See Sec. |
1. See Section 19.17.310 – Enhanced Services Facilities |
(1) Amended, Ord. 265, 1999 (2) Added, Ord. 560, 2012 (3) Repealed, Ord. 724, 2019 (4) Added, Ord. 734, 2020 NOTE: All landscape categories added by Ord. 293, 2000. |
[Ord. 849 § 23, 2024]
19.15.015 RESIDENTIAL ZONE Revised 2/25
1. Residential Zones Use Permissions. Table determines whether a use is allowed in a zone.
R-4 |
R-5 |
Special Regulations |
P |
1. Convenience retail, office, and eating and drinking establishment uses are permitted as a ground floor use of a corner lot if residential uses occupy at least 50% of the building’s gross floor area. 2. Businesses operating may not be open for business between 10 pm and 6 am daily, except for daycares. |
P |
P |
P |
P |
1. Convenience retail, office, and eating and drinking establishment uses are permitted as ground floor uses and are limited to 2,000 sq ft (gross floor area). 2. Businesses operating on apartment dwelling units building ground floors may not be open for business between 10 pm and 6 am daily, except for daycares. |
P |
P |
Use is only allowed as part of an apartment dwelling unit use. |
Family Day Care Home I and II |
P |
P |
Accessory use. Must comply with requirements of the primary use. New family day care home uses are prohibited in Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Senior Citizen-Assisted Dwelling Unit
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
1. New senior citizen-assisted dwelling units are prohibited in Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. 2. No parking is required per unit if within one-quarter mile of a transit stop that receives transit service at least four times per hour for twelve or more hours per day. Guest parking rules still apply. |
P |
P |
See BMC 19.17.080. |
Community, Cultural, or Government Facility |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
P |
P |
A Director-approved land use agreement shall be executed between the landowner and those interested in gardening on private land. The agreement shall include Community Garden Rules to maintain the property safely and prevent disturbances to neighboring property owners and residents. |
P |
P |
Only permitted as a ground floor use to an apartment dwelling unit use. |
P |
P |
New day care centers are not permitted in Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
Eatlng and Drinking Establishment |
P |
P |
Must be integrated as the ground floor of a mixed-use project. |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
See BMC 19.17.310 – Enhanced services facilities. |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. 2. Shall comply with criteria for siting found in the Burien Comprehensive Plan. |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
New nursing homes are not permitted in Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
P |
P |
Only permitted as a ground floor use to an apartment dwelling unit use. |
P |
P |
See Chapter 19.50 BMC. |
P |
P |
Lighting for structures and fields shall be directed away from residential areas. No special review process if the City Council approves the project design through a public review process, including posting a notice board at the site and notice to neighbors; otherwise, a Type 2 review process is required. |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend in with their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Up to 2,000 sq ft requires no special review. |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
New schools are not permitted in Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
2. Residential Zones Dimensional Standards.
A. Minimum lot size
i. The minimum lot size in the R-4 zone is 5,000 square feet.
ii. There are no minimum lot area or minimum lot dimensions for the R-5 zone. New lots must be sized to accommodate permitted uses and development.
B. Setbacks.
i. Front setback. The minimum front setback is 10 feet. Exception: Mixed-use buildings complying with the Class B Pedestrian-Oriented Street block frontage provisions of BMC 19.47.240 may be built up to the sidewalk’s edge.
ii. See BMC 19.17.015 for transition standards that may apply.
iii. Interior setback. Table addresses interior setbacks specific to the R-4 and R-5 zones.
Use Category |
Special Regulations |
Single Detached Dwelling Unit, Apartment Dwelling Unit, Senior Citizen Assisted Dwelling Unit, Enhanced Services Facility, Nursing Home, Community Residential Facility |
5' |
5'/0' |
The minimum interior setback is 5 feet, except the interior setback between townhouses may be reduced to zero feet as part of a zero-lot line development. |
Community, Cultural, or Government Facility, Religious Facility |
30' |
Eating and Drinking Establishment, Office, Convenience Retail, Day Care Center, Community Gardens |
5' |
Development standards shall be determined case-by case through the Type 3 review process. |
See Chapter 19.50 BMC |
30'/50' |
Structures must maintain a 50-foot setback from adjoining lots containing single detached dwelling units. The Director may allow structures such as playground equipment, ball field backstops, and tennis court fences closer than 50 feet if compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and traffic safety considerations. |
30' |
Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. |
C. Coverage. In R-4 and R-5 zones, no maximum lot coverage is established. The buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, including Chapter 19.25 BMC (landscaping code), Chapter 19.26 BMC (tree retention code), and BMC 13.10.130 (utility easements).
D. Table addresses the form and intensity of development specific to the R-4 and R-5 zones.
Standard |
R-4 |
R-5 |
Special Regulations |
Maximum building height (feet) |
35 |
65 |
Maximum building height with bonus (feet) |
45 |
75 |
Maximum building height for developments that comply with BMC 19.17.135. |
Impervious surface coverage (maximum) |
85% |
90% |
See BMC 13.10.130, Drainage review – When required – Type and King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). |
Minimum density (units per acre) |
10 |
20 |
This applies to lots 20,000 net square feet and larger. |
[Ord. 849 § 24, 2024]
19.15.020 MIXED-USE ZONES Revised 2/25
1. Mixed-Use Zones Use Permissions. Table determines whether a use is allowed in a zone.
Special Review Process (See Ch. 19.65 BMC) |
Special Regulations |
MU-1 |
MU-1 BP |
MU-2 |
MU-2 E |
MU-2 CD |
MU-C |
MU-A |
P |
P |
Use is prohibited on lots fronting pedestrian-oriented streets, as shown in BMC 19.47.220. |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Use is prohibited on lots fronting pedestrian-oriented streets, as shown in BMC 19.47.220. |
P |
P |
P |
P(A) |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Use is not allowed on the ground-level block-frontages designated as pedestrian-oriented streets, as shown in BMC 19.47.220. |
Artists’ Studio/Dwelling |
P |
P |
P(A) |
P |
P |
P |
See BMC 19.17.330. |
Family Day Care Home I and II |
P |
1. Must comply with requirements of the primary use. 2. New family day care homes are prohibited in the Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
Type 1 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Senior Citizen-Assisted Dwelling Unit |
Type 1 |
P |
P(A) |
P |
P |
P |
P |
New senior citizen-assisted dwelling units are prohibited in the Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P(B) |
P |
P |
P |
Type 1 |
P |
P |
Distribution, wholesaling, repair, or manufacturing that support the primary use are allowed as an accessory use. |
Type 1 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Vehicle repair activities must occur inside a building and are limited to 10,000 square feet of net floor area. |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Distribution, wholesaling, repair, or manufacturing that support the primary use are allowed as an accessory use. |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
1. Use is not allowed on the ground-level block- frontages designated as pedestrian-oriented streets, as provided in BMC 19.47.220. 2. New day care centers are prohibited in the Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
1. Distribution, wholesaling, or manufacturing that support the primary use are allowed as an accessory use. 2. An amusement arcade is allowed as an accessory use. |
Funeral Home |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
1. The facility shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into its surroundings and mitigate significant adverse impacts on adjoining properties and the community. Special attention shall be given to minimizing odor, noise, light, glare, and traffic impacts. 2. Must comply with all state law requirements and Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board regulations. 3. Marijuana retailers shall not operate as an accessory to a primary use or as a home occupation. 4. Marijuana retailers shall not locate within 1,000 feet as measured by the shortest straight-line distance from the property line of the licensed premises to the property line of an elementary, secondary school, playground, recreational center or facility, childcare center, public park, public transit center, library or arcade where admission is not restricted to those age 21 and older. |
Type 1 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
1. Use is not allowed for lots fronting on pedestrian-oriented street in BMC 19.47.220. 2. New nursing homes are prohibited in the Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Type I |
Operations must be conducted entirely indoors; outdoor storage is prohibited. |
Type 1(C) |
Auto, Boat, or Heavy Equipment Repair, Services, or Washing |
Type 1(C) |
Type 1 |
Type 2 |
Type1 |
1. Outside runs and other outside facilities must be set back at least 25 feet from each property line (50 feet from a residential zone) and surrounded by a fence or wall sufficient to enclose the animals. 2. Must provide suitable shelter and a clean, healthful environment for the animals. |
Type 1(C) |
1. May include one accessory dwelling unit for the resident security manager. 2. Self-service storage facility use is permitted only in a mixed-use form. Self-service storage facilities and accessory uses shall only occupy a maximum of 50% of the ground floor area and must be used for convenience retail, eating and drinking establishments, and other pedestrian-oriented uses. |
Type 1(C) |
Artist Studio |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
See BMC 19.17.330. |
Community/Cultural Facility or Private Club |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
A land use agreement approved by the Director shall be executed between the landowner and those interested in gardening on private land. The agreement shall include community garden rules to maintain the property safely and prevent disturbances to neighboring property owners and residents. |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
P |
P |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
P |
P |
See BMC 19.17.310 – Enhanced services facilities. |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. 2. Shall comply with criteria for siting found in the Burien Comprehensive Plan. |
See Chapter 19.50 BMC |
Type 2 |
Type 2 |
P(E) |
P(E) |
P(E) |
P(E) |
P(E) |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Lighting for structures and fields shall be directed away from residential areas. |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
P(D) |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
Type 1 |
New schools are prohibited in the Air and Noise Impact Overlay. See BMC 19.17.145. |
Special Use Conditions:
A. In the MU-2 E zone, at least 20 percent of the gross floor area of all (combined) buildings on a site must be designed for nonresidential uses. Applicable nonresidential floor area must include minimum floor-to-floor heights of 12 feet.
B. Up to 5,000 square feet of net floor area except in MU-2 CD.
C. Fifty-foot interior setback required if adjoining a residential zone. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC
D. Up to 2,000 square feet requires no special review process. Type 1 review process for 2,001 through 10,000 square feet. Type 2 review process for greater than 10,000 square feet.
E. Up to 5,000 square feet requires no special review process. Type 1 review process for 5,001 through 10,000 square feet. Type 2 review process for greater than 10,000 square feet. Up to 2,000 square feet requires no special review process. Type 1 review process for 5,001 through 10,000 square feet. Type 2 review process for greater than 10,000 square feet.
F. Up to 5,000 square feet requires no special review process. Type 1 review process for 5,001 to 10,000 square feet. Type 2 review process for greater than 10,000 square feet.
2. Mixed-Use Zones Dimensional Standards.
A. Minimum Lot Size. There are no minimum lot area or minimum lot dimensions for mixed-use zones. New lots must be sized to accommodate permitted uses and development.
B. Setbacks.
i. Front Setback. The minimum front setbacks range from zero to 10 feet depending upon the block frontage designation and standards provided in BMC 19.47.220 through 19.47.260.
ii. See BMC 19.17.015 for transition standards that may apply.
iii. Interior Setback. Table addresses interior setbacks specific to the mixed-use zones.
Use Category |
Special Regulations |
5'/0' |
The minimum interior setback is 5 feet, except the interior setback between townhouses may be reduced to zero feet. |
Apartment Dwelling Unit, Senior Citizen Assisted Dwelling Unit, Nursing Home, Artists’ Studio/Dwelling, Eating and Drinking Establishment, Office, Lodging Facility, Convenience Retail, Artist Studio, Community Facility, Cultural Facility or Funeral Home, Marijuana Retailer, Theater, Government Facility, Private Club, Religious Facility, Indoor Shooting Range, Enhanced Services Facility, Day Care Center, Artisan Manufacturing, High Technology Industry |
0–15' |
1. Window-less firewalls up to 6 stories in height of interior setbacks may be placed on the interior property line. 2. Buildings or portions thereof containing multifamily dwelling units whose only solar access (windows) is from the applicable side or rear of the building (facing towards the interior property lines) must be set back from the applicable property lines at least 15 feet as stated in BMC 19.47.310.3. 3. The minimum setback for all other buildings not described in Special Regulations (1) and (2) above is 5 feet. |
10'/50' |
Structures shall maintain a 50-foot setback from adjoining lots containing single detached dwelling units. The Director may allow structures such as playground equipment, ball field backstops, and tennis court fences closer than 50 feet if compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and traffic safety considerations. |
Auto, Boat or Heavy Equipment Repair, Services or Washing, Kennel, Self-Service Storage Facility, Warehousing and Wholesale Trade, Motor Vehicle Sales and Rental, Convenience Auto Service, Bulk Retail, Hospital |
0'–50' |
1. No minimum setback except when prescribed in Special Regulations (2) or (3) below. 2. Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone, otherwise, none. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 3. For kennel uses, outside runs and other outside facilities must be set back at least 25 feet from each property line (50 feet from a residential zone) and surrounded by a fence or wall sufficient to enclose the animals. |
Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. |
See Chapter 19.50 BMC. |
C. Coverage. No maximum lot coverage or impervious surface is established. The buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, including Chapters 19.25 (Landscaping) and 19.26 BMC (Tree Retention), BMC 13.10.130, and the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM).
3. Table addresses the form and intensity of development specific to the mixed-use zones.
Dimensional Standard |
Special Review Process (See Ch. 19.65) |
Special Regulations |
MU-1 |
MU-1 BP |
MU-2 |
MU-2 E |
MU-2 CD |
MU-C |
MU-A |
Maximum building height (feet) |
35 |
35 |
65 |
85 |
65 |
45 |
125 |
85(A), (B) |
In BMC 19.17.145, Air and Noise Impact Overlay, residential or mixed-use buildings taller than 35 feet must include measures to mitigate freeway air impacts; see BMC 19.47.520. |
Maximum building height with bonus, if applicable (feet) |
55(C) |
85(C) |
85(D) |
65–85(E) |
165(F)(D) |
95(F)(D) |
See BMC through for bonus provisions. |
A. See limited height overlay, BMC 19.17.125.
B. See BMC 19.17.125 for special height stepback standards on the north side of SW 152nd St.
C. Maximum building height for office and mixed-use buildings (feet). At least 60 percent of the ground-level building frontage must be designed for nonresidential uses at a minimum average storefront depth of 40' with 15' minimum floor-to-floor heights.
D. Maximum building height for developments that comply with affordable housing provisions of BMC 19.17.135.
E. Buildings up to 85' west of SR-509 and up to 65' east of SR-509 may be permitted with the process described in subsection (4) of this section.
F. Maximum building height for lodging uses.
4. MU-C Zone Bonus Height Provisions.
A. Developments in the MU-C zone may enter into a development agreement with the City of Burien, identifying community benefits associated with the additional height.
B. Development agreements will be informed by the community benefits listed for specific Ambaum Boulevard Park Community Plan sites. [Ord. 849 § 25, 2024]
19.15.025 INDUSTRIAL ZONE Revised 2/25
1. User Guide to the “I Zone” Regulations Chart. The chart in this section contains the basic zoning regulations that apply in the “I zone.” First, read down the left column entitled “Use.” Once you locate the use in which you are interested, read across to find the regulations that apply to that use. In addition, if the top of each column contains a reference to another Zoning Code section or chapter, you should read that section or chapter to determine which additional regulations pertain to your use. Italicized words are defined in Chapter 19.10 BMC.
2. I Zone Regulations. Only those uses listed on the following use zone charts may be allowed in the I zone, subject to meeting all applicable requirements of the zoning code. The following special regulations apply to all uses in the industrial zone. Be sure to check the applicable use zone chart for additional requirements that pertain to specific uses. Where a special regulation below conflicts with a special regulation in a use zone chart for a specific use, the use zone chart shall apply.
A. Up to 25% of gross floor area may be used for the following accessory uses related to or support the primary use: Convenience retail, office, eating and drinking establishment, recreational facility, or warehousing and wholesale trade. For the high technology industry, up to 75% of gross floor area for accessory office use is allowed. A higher percentage of accessory use may be allowed through a Type 1 review.
B. The minimum lot area for new lots is 2 acres.
C. The outer 15 feet of the front setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC
D. All uses must be located within buildings or approved outdoor use, activity, or storage areas.
DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS |
Special Review Process (See Ch. 19.65 BMC) |
Minimum Required Parking Spaces (See Ch. 19.20 BMC) |
Special Regulations (See also Miscellaneous Use, Development and Performance Standards Ch. 19.17 BMC) |
Lot Coverage |
Building Height |
Front |
Interior |
Building |
Impervious |
|||||||||| |
None |
None |
25' |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
See Spec. Reg. 2 |
Three spaces per 1,000 sq ft of net floor area. |
1. Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone, otherwise, none. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 2. Maximum building height is 35 feet. If at least 50 percent of the required parking stalls are located under or within the building, the maximum building height is increased to 60 feet. |
| |
None |
None |
25' |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
See Spec. Reg. 2 |
One space per 1,000 sq. ft. of net floor area. |
1. Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone, otherwise, none. The setback’s outer 25 feet must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 2. Maximum building height is 35 feet. If at least 50 percent of the required parking stalls are located under or within the building, the maximum building height is increased to 60 feet. |
| Family Day Care Home I and II |
None |
See Special Regulation 1 |
1. Must comply with primary use requirements. 2. Family Day Care Home II: Must provide state certification of the safe passenger loading area. |
||||||| |
None |
None |
25' |
0' |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
Must provide state certification of the safe passenger loading area. |
| Auto, Boat, or Heavy Equipment Repair, Services, or Washing |
Type 1 |
None |
25' |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
35' |
One space per 1,000 sq. ft. of net floor area. |
Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone, otherwise, none. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC |
| Community or Religious Facility |
Type 1 |
None |
25' |
0' |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
25' |
0' |
70% |
75% |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
See BMC |
Maximum building height is 35 feet. If at least 50 percent of the required parking stalls are located under or within the building, the maximum building height is increased to 60 feet. |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
25' |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
35' |
1. Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone; otherwise, none. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 2. Must comply with the state siting criteria adopted under RCW 70.105.210. |
| |
None. See Spec. Reg. |
None |
25' |
0' |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. Lighting for structures and fields shall be directed away from residential areas. 2. No special review process if the City Council approves the project design through a public review process that includes posting a notice board at the site and notice to neighbors; otherwise, a Type 2 review process is required. |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
30' |
30' |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
25' |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
35' |
One space per 3,500 sq ft of storage area, plus 2 for any caretaker’s unit. |
1. Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone; otherwise, none. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 2. May include one accessory dwelling unit for the resident security manager. |
| Indoor Shooting Range |
Type 2 |
None |
30' |
30' |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to mitigating noise impacts and designing the facility to protect non-users outside of the building from bullets that may penetrate the outer walls and ceiling of the use. |
| |
Type 2 |
None |
25' See Spec. Reg. 1 |
0' See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. Outside runs and other outside facilities must be set back at least 25 feet from each property line (50 feet from a residential zone) and surrounded by a fence or wall sufficient to enclose the animals. 2. Must provide suitable shelter and a clean, healthful environment for the animals. |
| |
Type 2 |
None |
25' |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone, otherwise, none. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 2. Shall mitigate all operational impacts, including noise, odor, visual, health, and sanitary impacts. 3. May deal only in metal cans, glass, plastic, and paper. Other materials may be recycled if the Hearing Examiner determines the impacts are no greater than those associated with recycling metal cans, glass, plastic, or paper. The applicant will have the burden of proof in demonstrating similar impacts. |
| |
Type 2 |
Development standards shall be determined case-by-case through the Type 2 review process. |
1. The proposed use shall be compatible with adjoining uses. The facility shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into its surroundings and mitigate all adverse impacts on adjoining properties and the community. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, glare, and traffic impacts. 2. Social card games are prohibited. |
||||||| |
Type 2 |
Development standards shall be determined case-by-case through the Type 2 review process. |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. 2. Shall comply with criteria for siting found in the Burien Comprehensive Plan. |
||||||| |
Type 2 |
None |
50' |
50' |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 2. Must comply with the state siting criteria adopted consistent with RCW 70.105.210. |
| |
See Chapter 19.50 BMC |
|||||||| |
None |
None |
25' |
0' |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. See BMC 19.17.030 for additional requirements. |
| |
Type 2 |
See BMC 19.17.110 |
||||||| |
None |
None |
10' |
0' |
15% |
25% |
12' |
See BMC |
1. A Director-approved land use agreement shall be executed between the landowner and those who are interested in gardening on private land. The agreement shall include community garden rules to maintain the property safely and prevent disturbances to neighboring property owners and residents. |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
25' |
See Spec. Reg. 1 |
70% |
75% |
35' |
See BMC |
1. Fifty feet if adjoining a residential zone, otherwise, none. The outer 25 feet of the setback must be landscaped with Type I landscaping (as prescribed in BMC 2. The facility shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into its surroundings and mitigate significant adverse impacts on adjoining properties and the community. Special attention shall be given to minimizing odor, noise, light, glare, and traffic impacts. 3. Must comply with all state law requirements and Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board regulations. 4. Marijuana producers and processors shall not operate as an accessory to a primary use or as a home occupation. 5. Marijuana producers and processors may locate in the same building and all production and processing activities shall occur within an enclosed structure. 6. Marijuana producers and processors shall not locate within 1,000 feet as measured by the shortest straight-line distance from the property line of the licensed premises to the property line of an elementary or secondary school, playground, recreational center or facility, childcare center, public park, public transit center, library, or arcade where admission is not restricted to those age 21 and older. |
[Ord. 849 § 26, 2024]
19.15.030 SPECIAL PLANNING AREA 2 Revised 2/25
1. All uses and development in SPA-2 must be consistent with a Burien-approved Master Plan for the entire zone. The master plan must be approved through a Type 2 review. Modifications to the approved Master Plan may be allowed as follows:
A. Minor modifications may be approved by the Director. The following are minor modifications, if the Director determines that the modification will not have significantly more or different impact on the surrounding neighborhood than does the present development:
i. An increase of 20% or less in the gross floor area of any approved primary or accessory use.
ii. An increase of 20% or less in the number of beds.
iii. Up to 20% increase or decrease in the number of approved parking spaces.
B. Major modifications may be approved through a Type 1 review process. Major modifications are those modifications that do not comply with subsection (1)(A) of this section.
2. The primary use allowed in the zone is a community residential facility. Any use permitted in the Mixed-Use zones (BMC 19.15.020) may be allowed as an accessory use if it supports the primary use. Religious facilities are also allowed as a primary use.
3. Development standards, such as lot coverage, building height, landscaping, signing, and parking are established as part of the approved Master Plan. MU-1 zone (BMC 19.15.020) shall be used as a guideline.
4. There shall be a minimum 20-foot landscape strip between SPA-2 and any adjoining RS zones.
5. Enhanced service facilities may be permitted under this section. See BMC 19.17.310 for standards specific to the enhanced service facilities. [Ord. 849 § 27, 2024]
19.15.035 AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL ZONES Revised 2/25
1. User Guide to the AI Zone Regulations Chart. The chart in this section contains the basic zoning regulations that apply in the AI zone. First, read down the left column entitled “Use.” Once you locate the use in which you are interested, read across to find the regulations that apply to that use. In addition, if the top of each column contains a reference to another Zoning Code section or chapter, you should read that section or chapter to determine which additional regulations pertain to your use. Italicized words are defined in Chapter 19.10 BMC.
2. Special Regulations.
i. Use and development within this zone may be affected by FAA regulations associated with SeaTac Airport operations.
ii. Uses shall conform to the following requirements (excluding reasonable construction activity):
a. Does not emit significant quantities of dust, dirt, cinders, smoke, gases, fumes, odors, or vapors into the atmosphere.
b. Does not emit any liquid or solid wastes or other matter into any stream, wetland, or other waterway.
c. Does not emit radiation, discharge glare or heat, or emit electromagnetic, microwave, ultrasonic, laser, or other radiation levels over what is considered safe by the FCC.
d. Does not emit radiation, discharge glare or heat, or emit electromagnetic, microwave, ultrasonic, laser, or other radiation levels that would adversely impact electronic equipment of residences or businesses outside of the property’s boundaries.
e. Does not use heavy trucking as a principal use, such as truck terminals or heavy truck repair.
f. Does not produce excessive noise or ground vibration perceptible without instruments at any point exterior to any lot.
g. Is not considered an aviation hazard as defined in state and federal law.
h. Does not use high-intensity lighting or make it difficult for pilots to distinguish between airport lights and others; creates electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communication between the airport and aircraft; results in glare in pilots’ eyes using the airport; creates reflectivity that interferes with airport radar function; creates smoke, dust, or other particulates that may impair aircraft visibility; allows highly flammable or explosive materials storage, creates bird-strike hazards; or otherwise creates a hazard that may endanger aircraft landing, takeoff, or maneuvering at or near the airport.
B. DESIGN STANDARDS. Development within the AI zone is subject to compliance with the design standards in Chapter 19.48 BMC.
C. BUILDING HEIGHT. No structure shall be permitted to be erected, altered, or maintained that would constitute a hazard to air navigation, encroach into the limits of the FAA Part 77 imaginary surfaces, or cause an increase in minimum flight or approach procedure altitudes as determined by the FAA. An additional 12 feet of height is allowed for under-building or underground parking. A written certification of height compliance from the FAA may be required.
D. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT MITIGATION. In addition to providing street improvements on adjacent streets pursuant to Chapter 12.05 BMC, Burien may require off-site improvements necessary to mitigate transportation impacts of the proposal as part of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Northeast Redevelopment Area dated November 23, 2009, SEPA planned action or other SEPA review under BMC Title 14. Transportation impact fees also apply pursuant to Chapter 19.35 BMC.
i. The maximum allowable impervious surface coverage is 95%.
ii. Public pedestrian and non-motorized facilities are excluded from impervious surface coverage.
iii. Burien will give credit for low-impact development techniques such as but not limited to pervious pavement and green roofs. The Public Works Director shall determine the amount of credit.
F. RESIDENTIAL USES. Existing residential uses may continue to exist pursuant to the standards located in Chapter 19.55 BMC. New residential uses are prohibited.
DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS |
Special Review Process (See Ch. 19.65 BMC) |
Minimum Required Parking Spaces (See Ch. 19.20 BMC) |
Special Regulations (See also Miscellaneous Use, Development and Performance Standards Ch. 19.17 BMC) |
Lot Coverage |
Building Height |
Front |
Interior |
Building |
Impervious |
||||||| Air Cargo Facility Distribution Eating and Drinking Establishment Flex-Industrial Flex-Tech Flight Kitchen Light Industry Plant Nursery Retail |
None |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
1. In the AI-1 zone, retail uses are allowed as primary or accessory uses. In the AI-2 zone, retail uses are allowed only as accessory uses related to or supporting the primary use of the site. In the AI-2 zone, retail uses are allowed only as accessory uses related to or supporting the site’s primary use. |
| New Car Auto Dealer Auto Rental |
None |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
1. This use is only allowed in the AI-1 zone. Used vehicle sales and service facilities are only allowed as an accessory use. |
| |
None |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. |
| |
Type 2 |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
1. These uses are required to conduct an environmental review and mitigate all impacts. 2. Must comply with the state siting criteria adopted in accordance with RCW 70.105.210. |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
1. Shall be designed, located, constructed, and buffered to blend into their surroundings and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. 2. Shall comply with the Burien Comprehensive Plan criteria for siting. |
| |
Type 2 |
Development standards shall be determined on a case-by-case basis through the Type 2 review process. |
1. The proposed use shall be compatible with adjoining uses. 2. The facility shall be designed, located, constructed and buffered to blend in with its surroundings and mitigate all adverse impacts on adjoining properties and the community. Special attention shall be given to minimizing noise, light, and glare impacts. |
||||||| |
Type 2 |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
1. See BMC 19.17.030 for additional requirements. |
| |
Type 2 |
See BMC 19.17.110 |
|||||||| |
See Chapter 19.50 BMC for specific requirements. |
||||||||| |
None |
None |
10' |
10' |
15% |
25% |
12' |
See Section |
1. A Director-approved land use agreement shall be executed by the landowner and those who are interested in gardening on private land. The agreement shall include Community Garden Rules to maintain the property safely and prevent disturbances to neighboring property owners and residents. |
| |
Type 1 |
None |
10' |
10' |
None |
See BMC |
45' See BMC |
See Section |
1.The facility shall be designed, located, constructed and buffered to blend in with its surroundings and mitigate significant adverse impacts on adjoining properties and the community. Special attention shall be given to minimizing odor, noise, light, glare and traffic impacts. 2. Must comply with all requirements of state law and Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board regulations. 3. Marijuana producers and processors shall not operate as an accessory to a primary use or as a home occupation. 4. Marijuana producers and processors may be in the same building and all production and processing activities shall occur within an enclosed structure. 5. Marijuana producers and processors shall not locate within 1,000 feet as measured by the shortest straight-line distance from the property line of the licensed premises to the property line of an elementary or secondary school, playground, recreational center or facility, child care center, public park, public transit center, library or arcade where admission is not restricted to those age 21 and older. |
[Ord. 849 § 28, 2024]
19.15.040 REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONE Revised 2/25
Repealed. [Ord. 849 § 29, 2024]
19.15.045 OFFICE ZONE Revised 2/25
Repealed. [Ord. 849 § 30, 2024]
19.15.050 INDUSTRIAL ZONE Revised 2/25
Repealed. [Ord. 849 § 31, 2024]
19.15.055 SPECIAL PLANNING AREA 1: OLD BURIEN Revised 2/25
Repealed. [Ord. 849 § 32, 2024]
Repealed. [Ord. 849 § 33, 2024]
19.15.065 SPECIAL PLANNING AREA 3: GATEWAY Revised 2/25
Repealed. [Ord. 849 § 34, 2024]
19.15.070 AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL ZONES Revised 2/25
Repealed. [Ord. 849 § 35, 2024]