Chapter 19.25
Landscaping Revised 2/25

19.25.010    User Guide

19.25.020    Purpose.

19.25.030    Applicability.

19.25.040    Landscaping buffer standard. Revised 2/25

19.25.050    Landscaping – Types and description.

19.25.060    Landscaping – Street frontages.

19.25.070    Landscaping – Surface parking areas. Revised 2/25

19.25.080    Landscaping – General requirements.

19.25.090    Landscaping – Alternative options.

19.25.100    Landscaping – Irrigation.

19.25.110    Landscaping – Installation.

19.25.120    Maintenance.

19.25.130    Bonds/security.

19.25.140    Repealed.

19.25.150    Repealed.

19.25.160    Repealed.

19.25.010 User Guide.

Chapter 19.15 of this Code containing the use zone charts assign a landscaping category to each use in each zone. This category is either “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” “E” or “F”. This Chapter contains the specific requirements that pertain to each category. This Chapter also establishes certain minimum requirements for all uses, and minimum requirements for landscaping of parking lots and retention of existing trees. [Ord. 529, 2009, Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.020 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum standards for landscaping to foster a healthy and attractive community; to maintain a positive community image; to improve the aesthetic quality of the built environment; to enhance quality of life; to protect and enhance property values; to promote retention and protection of existing vegetation; to reduce the impacts of development on drainage systems and natural habitats; to absorb wind and noise; to enhance air quality; to increase compatibility between different land uses; to conserve valuable water resources; and to increase privacy for and within residential zones by:

1. Providing visual relief from large expanses of parking areas and reduction of perceived building scale;

2. Providing physical separation between residential and nonresidential areas;

3. Providing visual screens and barriers as a transition between differing land uses;

4. Retaining existing vegetation and significant trees by incorporating them into the site design;

5. Promoting water-efficient landscaping by using appropriate native or climate-adapted trees and vegetation, which, once established, typically require less water; and

6. Providing increased areas of permeable surfaces to allow for:

A. Infiltration of surface water into ground water resources;

B. Reduction in the quantity of storm water discharge; and

C. Improvement in the quality of storm water discharge. [Ord. 780 § 15, 2022; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.030 Applicability.

This Chapter applies to all new development and to existing development with non-conforming landscaping that is required to comply based on BMC 19.55.035. In the event of a conflict or overlap between landscaping standards in this Code, the most stringent requirements shall apply, as determined by the Director. [Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.040 Landscaping buffer standard. Revised 2/25

1. Table 19.25.040-1 indicates the landscaped buffer requirements that must be met for different categories of use. If different use categories apply to a site, the buffer standards associated with the category of use shall be used for those perimeter areas adjacent to the applicable use.


Table 19.25.040-1 

Landscape Buffer Standards

Category of Uses

Along the Property Line Abutting a Public Right-of-Way (Except a Freeway or Alley)

Along Property Line Abutting a Freeway (A)

Along All Other Property Lines (Except Along an Alley)

Residential development (B)

See Block Frontage Standards in Article 3 of Chapter 19.47 BMC

10' wide Type II


None, except in a transition area (see BMC 19.17.015)

Non-residential and mixed-use development

See Block Frontage Standards in Article 3 of Chapter 19.47 BMC

10' wide Type II

None, except in a transition area (see BMC 19.17.015)

Industrial uses, including:

Public utility

• Indoor shooting range

High technology industry

Light industry

On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility

Self-service storage facility


Recycling center

Off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility

Marijuana producers

Marijuana processors

15' wide Type I

10' wide Type I

10' wide Type II, except when abutting an I zone, then none

All AI zone developments except a community garden (C)

25' wide, Type II (along 8th Ave. So. or Des Moines Memorial Dr.); otherwise, 15' wide, Type III


50' wide Type I (along the northern perimeter of the AI zone); otherwise, 10' wide Type III

A. Landscaping abutting a freeway shall be installed within the freeway right-of-way, if permitted by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). If such approval is not granted, the landscaping shall be installed on the site.

B. Excludes residential development in the RS zones.

C. The required landscaping width can be reduced up to 50% through use of a landscape berm. Minimum berm width shall be equal to the amount of landscaping width reduction. Minimum berm height shall be 1 foot for each 3 feet of berm width or portion thereof.

The required landscaping width can be reduced up to 75% through use of a solid wall and landscaping. The wall shall use materials (such as wood or concrete) in the same architectural style of the building on the property. Minimum wall height shall be 8 feet. Required landscaping shall be on the outside of the wall.

2. Properties abutting Des Moines Memorial Drive are also subject to BMC 19.25.060(2). [Ord. 849 § 55, 2024; Ord. 780 § 16, 2022; Ord. 529, 2009, Ord. 441 § 12, 2005; Ord. 396 § 1, 2003, Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.050 Landscaping – Types and description.

The four types of landscaping are described and applied as follows:

1. Type I Landscaping.

A. Type I landscaping is a “full screen” that functions as a visual barrier.

B. Type I landscaping shall consist of:

i. A mix of primarily evergreen trees and shrubs placed to form a continuous screen;

ii. At least 70 percent evergreen trees;

iii. Evergreen trees spaced no more than 25 feet on center;

iv. Deciduous trees spaced no more than 30 feet on center;

v. Evergreen shrubs spaced no more than four feet apart; and

vi. Groundcover pursuant to BMC 19.25.070;

2. Type II Landscaping.

A. Type II landscaping is a “filtered screen” that functions as a visual separator.

B. Type II landscaping shall consist of:

i. A mix of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs spaced to create a filtered screen;

ii. At least 50 percent deciduous trees and at least 30 percent evergreen trees;

iii. Evergreen trees spaced no more than 25 feet on center;

iv. Deciduous trees spaced no more than 30 feet on center;

v. Shrubs spaced no more than five feet apart; and

vi. Groundcover pursuant to BMC 19.25.070;

3. Type III Landscaping.

A. Type III landscaping is a “see-through screen” that functions as a partial visual separator to soften the appearance of parking areas and building elevations.

B. Type III landscaping shall consist of:

i. A mix of evergreen and deciduous trees spaced to create a continuous canopy;

ii. At least 70 percent deciduous trees;

iii. Evergreen trees spaced no more than 25 feet on center;

iv. Deciduous trees spaced no more than 30 feet on center;

v. Shrubs, that do not exceed a height of four feet, spaced no more than four feet apart; and

vi. Groundcover pursuant to BMC 19.25.070;

C. Type III landscaping areas may contain bioretention facilities where feasible in accordance with BMC Title 13. Where a bioretention facility is proposed to meet all or part of the Type III landscaping area:

i. The bioretention facility shall be landscaped in accordance with BMC Title 13; and

ii. The total Type III landscaping areas on the site shall be planted with at least 90% of the total number of required trees as calculated above.

4. Type IV Landscaping.

A. Type IV landscaping is “parking area landscaping” and “building facade landscaping” that provides shade and visual relief while maintaining clear sight lines within parking areas;

B. Type IV landscaping shall consist of:

i. Canopy-type deciduous trees spaced no more than 30 feet on center, or evergreen trees spaced no more than 25 feet on-center. At least 70 percent of the trees shall be deciduous.

ii. Shrubs that do not exceed a height of four feet;

iii. Plantings contained in planting islands or strips having an area of at least 75 square feet and with a narrow dimension of no less than four feet;

iv. Groundcover pursuant to BMC 19.25.080;

v. Canopy trees shall be placed far enough away from parking lot lights to account for future canopy growth and ensure that trees will not obstruct parking lot lighting. Canopies at mature growth shall be shown on a site plan to demonstrate compliance with this provision.

C. Type IV landscaping areas may contain bioretention facilities where feasible in accordance with BMC Title 13. Where a bioretention facility is proposed to meet all or part of the Type IV landscaping area:

i. The bioretention facility shall be landscaped in accordance with BMC Title 13; and

ii. The total Type IV landscaping areas on the site shall be planted with 100% of the total number of required trees as calculated above. [Ord. 780 § 17, 2022; Ord. 659 § 10, 2016; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.060 Landscaping – Street frontages.

Perimeter landscaping along street frontages shall be provided as follows:

1. For single detached subdivisions:

A. Trees shall be planted at the rate of one tree for every:

i. Fifty feet of frontage along a neighborhood collector street; and

ii. Forty feet of frontage along an arterial street.

B. The trees shall be:

i. Located within the right-of-way if permitted by the custodial state or local agency;

ii. No more than 20 feet from the right-of-way line when located within a lot;

iii. Maintained by the adjacent landowner unless part of a city maintenance program; and

iv. A species approved by the city.

C. The trees may be spaced at irregular intervals in order to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections.

D. Mature and healthy native trees retained within the right-of-way or no more than 20 feet from the right-of-way line within a lot may substitute for the required street trees at a one-to-one ratio and may be spaced at irregular intervals.

E. Trees shall be placed far enough away from streetlights to account for future canopy growth and ensure that trees will not obstruct lighting. Trees planted under powerlines shall be small enough upon maturity to provide sufficient clearance per local utility regulations and best management practices. Canopies at mature growth shall be shown on a site plan to demonstrate compliance with this provision.

2. For properties abutting Des Moines Memorial Drive:

A. When work along the public street right-of-way by the adjacent property owner or their representative requires the removal of existing elm trees (Ulmus spp.), the applicant shall consult with Burien Public Works Department to determine where replacement elm trees shall be planted to be consistent with the Des Moines Memorial Drive Corridor Management Plan. If the replacement elm trees cannot be planted within the public street right-of-way due to limited right-of-way width, utility conflicts, etc., the elm trees shall be planted on private property adjacent to the public street right-of-way.

B. When work within a property adjacent to Des Moines Memorial Drive requires new trees to be planted to meet the required minimum tree credits pursuant to BMC 19.26.050 or to plant replacement trees pursuant to Chapter 19.26 BMC, the applicant shall plant elm trees on their property when the public street right-of-way adjacent to the site does not contain the elm trees required by the Des Moines Memorial Drive Corridor Management Plan, and the elm trees cannot be planted within the public street right-of-way due to limited right-of-way width, utility conflicts, etc. The applicant shall consult with Burien Public Works Department to determine where the elm trees shall be planted.

C. Species of trees to be planted and location of plantings shall be determined by the Burien Public Works Director in accordance with the Des Moines Memorial Drive Corridor Management Plan.

D. Replacement trees shall have a minimum caliper of two and a half (2.5) inches and shall follow replanting specifications in BMC 19.26.100(7)(C) and (D).

E. Any elm trees planted on private property pursuant to this code provision shall be credited toward the lots’ minimum tree credits and replacement tree calculation. [Ord. 780 §§ 18, 19, 2022; Ord. 659 § 11, 2016; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.070 Landscaping – Surface parking areas. Revised 2/25

1. Where feasible in accordance with BMC Title 13, perimeter and interior landscaping areas shall contain bioretention facilities to manage on-site stormwater runoff. A conceptual illustration is shown in Figure 19.25.070-1.

Figure 19.25.070-1

2. Perimeter Landscaping. A minimum 5’ wide Type IV landscape strip shall be provided on private property along the perimeter of a parking area. The width of the landscape strip shall be increased to 7’ if vehicle overhangs into the landscape strip are allowed. Where bioretention is used, the facility shall be landscaped in accordance with BMC Title 13.

3. Interior Landscaping. The following requirements apply to any surface parking area with 10 or more parking stalls. The interior landscape requirement is in addition to the perimeter landscape area required in subsection (2) of this section, and the landscaping required by BMC 19.25.040.

A. Residential uses shall provide interior planting areas at the rate of 20 square feet per parking stall;

B. Non-residential and mixed-use development shall provide interior planting areas at a rate of:

i. Twenty square feet per parking stall when 10 to 30 parking stalls are provided; and

ii. Twenty-five square feet per parking stall when 31 or more parking stalls are provided;

C. Each interior planting area shall contain at least 75 square feet, with a narrow dimension of no less than four feet (six feet if vehicles are allowed to overhang into the landscaped area);

D. Evergreen or canopy-type deciduous trees shall be provided and distributed throughout the parking area at a rate of:

i. One tree for every 10 parking stalls for a non-residential and mixed-use development; or

ii. One tree for every five parking stalls for a residential development;

E. Groundcover shall be provided pursuant to BMC 19.25.080;

F. Landscaping islands shall be provided at the ends of each row of parking, except ends of rows that abut required perimeter landscaping;

G. The maximum distance between any parking stall and required interior parking area landscaping shall be no more than 65 feet;

H. Where bioretention is used to meet the interior landscaping requirement, the facility shall be landscaped in accordance with BMC Title 13 and the total interior landscaping areas on the site shall achieve at least 90% of the total number of trees required as calculated in subsection (3)(D) of this section. [Ord. 849 § 56, 2024; Ord. 659 § 12, 2016; Ord. 620 § 1, 2016; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.080 Landscaping – General requirements.

1. A landscaping and irrigation plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director. Written requirements for the landscaping and irrigation plan shall be established by the Director. The landscaping and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a Washington State registered landscape architect, Washington Certified Nurseryman/Landscaper, or other qualified landscape designer as authorized by the Director. The irrigation plan may be prepared by a certified irrigation designer.

2. New landscaping materials shall include species native to the Pacific Northwest or non-native, non-noxious species that have adapted to the climatic conditions of the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest.

3. At least 60 percent of new landscaping materials shall consist of drought-tolerant species, except where site conditions within the required landscape areas assure adequate moisture for growth.

4. With approval of the Director, species and spacing requirements may be relaxed when existing native vegetation augments new plantings to meet the standards of this chapter.

5. Deciduous trees shall have a caliper of at least two (2) inches at the time of planting.

6. Evergreen trees shall be at least six (6) feet in height measured from treetop to the root flare at the time of planting.

7. When the width of any landscape strip is twenty (20) feet or greater, the required trees shall be staggered in two or more rows.

8. Unless recommended by a qualified tree professional, no tree defined as a prohibited tree in BMC 19.10.408 shall be planted.

9. Shrubs shall be:

A. Two-gallon size at time of planting in Type II, III and IV landscaping;

B. At least twenty-four (24) inches in height at the time of planting for Type I landscaping; and

C. Maintained at a height not exceeding four (4) feet when located in Type III or IV landscaping.

10. Groundcovers shall be planted and spaced to result in total coverage of the required landscape area within three (3) years as follows:

A. Four-inch pots at eighteen (18) inches on center; or

B. One-gallon or greater sized containers at twenty-four (24) inches on center.

11. Turf grass may be used as groundcover only in Type III and IV landscape areas provided that the grass area:

A. Constitutes no more than thirty (30) percent of such landscape areas; and

B. Is at least five (5) feet wide at the smallest dimension.

12. Turf grass and groundcover areas shall contain at least two (2) inches of composted organic material at finish grade.

13. All fences shall be placed on the inward side of any required perimeter landscaping.

14. Berms shall not exceed a slope of two (2) horizontal feet to one (1) vertical foot (2:1).

15. Soils shall be augmented as follows:

A. For sites subject to drainage review in accordance with BMC Title 13, soil amendments shall follow the standards for restoring the soil moisture holding capacity of BMC Title 13; or

B. For sites not subject to drainage review in accordance with BMC Title 13, amend existing soils with a two-inch layer of fully composted organic material rototilled or incorporated a minimum of six (6) inches deep except in the following circumstances:

i. Rototilling and machinery are prohibited within the Tree Protection Zone to prevent damage to tree roots and soil amendments shall only be required in disturbed soils. When incorporating soil amendments within the Tree Protection Zone only hand tools or pneumatic (air) excavation shall be used;

ii. Areas requiring new planting soil shall use a mix of fifty (50) percent topsoil, forty (40) percent coarse sand, and ten (10) percent compost by volume; unless the Director approves a custom mix based on soil samples that results in a final uncompacted soil depth of at least twelve (12) inches and is recommended by a qualified professional.

16. Landscape areas shall be covered with mulch or arborist woodchips to minimize evaporation as follows:

A. For sites subject to drainage review in accordance with BMC Title 13, mulching shall follow the standards for restoring the soil moisture holding capacity of BMC Title 13; or

B. For sites not subject to drainage review in accordance with BMC Title 13, a minimum two-inch layer of mulch shall consist of materials such as yard waste, coarse woody debris, sawdust and/or manure that is fully composted.

17. Drought-tolerant and nondrought-tolerant species shall be grouped separately and be served by separate irrigation systems, zones or controls.

18. When underplanting existing trees, the smallest plant available shall be used to limit root disturbance. For example, plant a 1-gallon or 4-inch plant rather than a 5-gallon plant.

19. New landscaping shall not incorporate any plants identified on the prohibited plants and trees list, or weeds listed by King County as ‘non-regulated’ and ‘weeds of concern’. Existing noxious weeds identified as Class A, B or C shall be identified on the landscape plan and shall be removed. The weeds and trees are prohibited in new land development landscape plans or as required replacement trees on private property.

20. The prohibited weeds and trees listed by King County as ‘non-regulated’ and ‘weeds of concern’ on the prohibited plants and trees list are recommended for removal from private property. Hedges made of laurel, holly, or other noxious species must be removed pursuant to BMC 19.25.080(19) if located on a lot adjacent to a Burien park.

21. Permanent cast in place concrete curbs or structural barriers shall be provided to protect landscape areas from damage by vehicles. [Ord. 780 § 20, 2022; Ord. 648 § 1, 2017; Ord. 659 § 13, 2016; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.090 Landscaping – Alternative options.

The following alternative landscape options may be allowed only if they accomplish equal or better levels of screening and are subject to Director approval:

1. The width of perimeter landscaping required by BMC 19.25.040 or BMC 19.25.070 may be reduced up to 25 percent along any portion where:

A. A development meets their entire required tree credits with existing significant or exceptional trees on the site; or

B. Berms at least three feet in height or architectural barriers at least six feet in height (consistent with the style and materials of the building(s) on site) are incorporated into the landscape design; and

C. The landscape materials that would have been planted in the perimeter landscape area are planted along the street facing facade of the building(s) on the site. These landscape materials are in addition to the required building facade landscaping in BMC 19.25.040.

2. The landscaping requirements of BMC 19.25.040 or BMC 19.25.070 may be modified when:

A. Existing conditions on or adjacent to the site, such as significant topographic differences, vegetation, structures or utilities would render application of this chapter ineffective or result in scenic view obstruction; or

B. The landscape materials are incorporated elsewhere on-site and the modification would result in comparable or superior landscaping than would result from compliance with the required standard. [Ord. 780 § 25, 2022; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.100 Landscaping – Irrigation.

All plantings shall receive sufficient water to ensure survival as follows:

1. Except for areas of undisturbed existing vegetation or low areas with existing high soil moisture conditions, all landscape areas shall have automatic temporary or permanent irrigation systems as described in this section. The applicant may request and the Director may approve a manual irrigation plan and schedule in lieu of automatic irrigation.

2. Temporary irrigation systems may be removed after 24 months or two growing seasons, whichever occurs first, provided that the plantings are established. Temporary irrigation systems are allowed for:

A. Areas of undisturbed existing vegetation that are being enhanced with additional plantings;

B. Areas where existing site conditions assure adequate soil moisture for growth, only as required to sustain new plantings;

C. Landscape areas consisting of drought-tolerant vegetation; or

D. Areas of disturbed existing vegetation that require supplemental irrigation to mitigate impacts from construction activities.

3. Permanent irrigation systems are required within all other required landscape areas, provided such systems shall be designed by a certified water use auditor and with:

A. Moisture or precipitation sensors;

B. Automatic timers set for operation during periods of minimum evaporation and that assure adequate moisture levels;

C. Head-to-head spacing, if sprinkler heads are proposed;

D. Pressure regulating devices;

E. Backflow prevention devices; and

F. Separate irrigation zones for:

i. Turf and planting beds; and

ii. Other drought-tolerant species. [Ord. 780 § 26, 2022; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.110 Landscaping – Installation.

1. Landscaping shall be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the project or project phase.

2. The time limit for compliance may be extended to allow installation of landscaping during the next appropriate planting season, provided that a bond or other financial guarantee pursuant to BMC 19.25.180 is submitted prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. [Ord. 293 § 1, 2000]

19.25.120 Maintenance.

1. All landscaping shall be maintained for the life of the project.

2. All landscape materials shall be pruned and trimmed as necessary to maintain a healthy growing condition or to prevent primary limb failure.

3. Except for dead, diseased, or damaged trees specifically retained to provide wildlife habitat, other dead, diseased, damaged, or stolen plantings shall be replaced within three months or during the next planting season if the loss does not occur in a planting season.

4. Landscape areas shall be kept free of trash. [Ord. 780 § 32, 2022; Ord. 648 § 1, 2017; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000. Formerly 19.25.170]

19.25.130 Bonds/security.

Performance bonds or other appropriate security (including letters of credit and set-aside letters) shall be required for three years after the planting or transplanting of vegetation to insure proper installation, establishment, and maintenance. [Ord. 780 § 33, 2022; Ord. 648 § 1, 2017; Ord. 293 § 1, 2000. Formerly 19.25.180]

19.25.140 Repealed [Ord. 780 § 29, 2022]

19.25.150 Repealed [Ord. 780 § 30, 2022]

19.25.160 Repealed [Ord. 780 § 31, 2022]