1888 | |
1 | Trustee meetings (Not codified) |
1889 | |
2 | Jurisdiction over violation of ordinances (Repealed by 644) |
3 | Prisoners (Repealed by 644) |
4 | Discharge of firearms (Repealed by 644, 656) |
5 | Nuisances (Repealed by 644) |
6 | Salaries (Special) |
7 | Licenses (Repealed by 644) |
8 | Chimney flues (Repealed by 905) |
9 | Health officer (Repealed by 905) |
10 | Tax levy (Special) |
11 | Sidewalk and crosswalk construction (11.25) |
12 | Sidewalk and crosswalk construction (Special) |
13 | Trustee meetings (Not codified) |
14 | Sidewalk construction (Special) |
1890 | |
15 | Bonds of town officers (2.60) |
16 | Poll tax (Special) |
17 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 16, poll tax (Special) |
18 | Town meetings (Not codified) |
19 | Bills against town (Repealed by 81) |
20 | Street grade (Special) |
21 | Grading streets (Special) |
22 | Street grading (Repealed by 24) |
23 | Sidewalk construction (Special) |
24 | Street grading; repeals Ord. 22 (Special) |
25 | Dumping into channel (Repealed by 644) |
26 | Tax levy (Special) |
27 | Public works contracts (Repealed by 905) |
28 | Street poll tax (Special) |
29 | Town elections (Special) |
30 | Street grade established (Special) |
31 | Street grading (Special) |
32 | Sidewalk construction (Special) |
33 | Street paving (Special) |
1891 | |
34 | Liquor and licenses (Repealed by 102, 238) |
35 | Tax levy (Special) |
36 | Street paving (Special) |
37 | Disturbing the peace (Repealed by 656) |
38 | Drunkenness (Repealed by 656) |
39 | Indecent conduct (Repealed by 656) |
40 | Fire control (Repealed by 656) |
41 | Tax levy (Special) |
42 | Tax levy (Special) |
43 | Street grading (Special) |
44 | Interest on warrants (Repealed by 1080) |
45 | Street paving (Special) |
46 | Street paving (Special) |
47 | Tax levy (Special) |
48 | Tax levy (Special) |
49 | Sidewalk construction (Special) |
50 | Sidewalk construction (Special) |
51 | Street poll tax (Special) |
52 | Town meetings (Repealed by 76) |
53 | Street construction (Special) |
54 | Street grading (Special) |
55 | Firecrackers (Repealed by 644) |
56 | Water franchise (Special) |
57 | Tax levy (Special) |
58 | Tax levy (Special) |
59 | Street grading (Repealed by 62) |
60 | Light and power franchise (Special) |
61 | Town election (Special) |
62 | Street grading; repeals Ord. 59 (Special) |
63 | Marshal’s salary (Repealed by 77) |
1892 | |
64 | Sidewalk construction (Special) |
65 | Tax levy (Special) |
66 | Billiard and pool table tax (Repealed by 644) |
67 | Animals at large (Repealed by 644) |
68 | Street poll tax (Special) |
69 | Tax levy (Special) |
70 | Dogs (Repealed by 644) |
71 | Street paving (Repealed by 99) |
72 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 80, 83) |
73 | Remove thistles (Repealed by 644) |
1893 | |
74 | Town attorney salary (Repealed by 108) |
75 | Right to erect power lines (Special) |
76 | Council meetings; repeals Ord. 52 (Repealed by 100) |
77 | Town marshal salary; repeals Ord. 63 (Special) |
78 | Street grading; repeals Ord. 72 (Repealed by 82) |
79 | Volunteer fire department (2.35) |
80 | Street grading; repeals Ord. 72 (Repealed by 82) |
81 | Paying town bills; repeals Ord. 19 (3.50) |
82 | Street grading; repeals Ord. 79 and 80 (Special) |
83 | Street grading; repeals Ord. 72 (Special) |
84 | Tax levy (Special) |
85 | Cattle at large (Repealed by 644) |
86 | Street grading (Special) |
87 | Street paving (Special) |
88 | Tax levy (Repealed by 99) |
89 | Tax levy (Repealed by 98) |
90 | Electric franchise (Special) |
91 | Datum point (1.10) |
92 | Amends § 12 of Ord. 34, liquor and other licenses (Repealed by 102) |
93 | Special election (Repealed by 97) |
94 | Tax levy (Special) |
95 | Town election (Special) |
96 | Poll tax (Special) |
97 | Special election; repeals Ord. 93 (Special) |
98 | Tax levy; repeals Ord. 89 (Special) |
99 | Tax levy (Special) |
100 | Town meeting (Not codified) |
101 | Town marshal salary (Special) |
102 | Liquor and other licenses; repeals Ord. 34 (Repealed by 644) |
103 | Tax levy (Special) |
104 | Town election (Special) |
105 | Salary (Special) |
106 | Special election (Special) |
107 | Nuisances (7.10) |
108 | Attorney salary (Special) |
1895 | |
109 | Bankruptcy sale (Repealed by 644) |
110 | Tax levy (Special) |
111 | Town election (Special) |
112 | Poll tax (Special) |
113 | Liquor license (Repealed by 120) |
114 | Tax levy (Special) |
115 | Town election (Special) |
116 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
1897 | |
117 | Protection for fire engine hose (Repealed by 812) |
118 | Tax levy (Special) |
119 | Election (Special) |
120 | Liquor license (Repealed by 644) |
1898 | |
121 | Repeals § 2 of Ord. 6, § 1 of Ord. 108, § 2 of Ord. 105, town officer salaries (Special) |
122 | Town election (Special) |
123 | Tax levy (Special) |
1899 | |
124 | Tax levy (Special) |
125 | Town election (Special) |
1900 | |
126 | Bicycle riding (Repealed by 644) |
127 | Slot machine licenses (Repealed by 644) |
128 | Tax levy (Special) |
129 | Town election (Special) |
130 | Curfew (Repealed by 644) |
1901 | |
131 | Animals at large (Repealed by 644) |
132 | Tax levy (Special) |
133 | Town election (Special) |
134 | Gambling (Repealed by 644) |
135 | Liquor licenses (Repealed by 136) |
1902 | |
136 | Liquor licenses; repeals Ord. 135 (Repealed by 644) |
137 | Town election (Special) |
138 | Street grading (Special) |
139 | Keeping house of ill fame (Repealed by 644) |
140 | Keeping house of ill fame (Repealed by 644) |
1903 | |
141 | Franchise for railway (Special) |
142 | Town election (Special) |
1904 | |
143 | Town election (Special) |
144 | Liquor licenses (Not passed) |
1905 | |
145 | Poll tax (Special) |
146 | Electric franchise (Special) |
147 | Water franchise (Special) |
148 | Tax levy (Special) |
149 | Town election (Special) |
1906 | |
150 | Bowling alleys (Repealed by 644) |
151 | Number not used |
152 | Profane language (Repealed by 656) |
153 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
154 | Sale of liquor (Repealed by 644) |
155 | Tax levy (Special) |
156 | Town election (Special) |
1907 | |
157 | Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors (Repealed by 644) |
158 | Liquor licenses (Repealed by 160) |
159 | Street grading and paving (Special) |
160 | Liquor licenses; repeals Ord. 158 (Repealed by 644) |
161 | Town election (Special) |
162 | Tax levy (Special) |
1908 | |
163 | Sidewalk construction and assessment (11.20) |
164 | Street improvement (Special) |
165 | Refuse, garbage (Repealed by 644) |
166 | Poll tax (Special) |
167 | Tax levy (Special) |
168 | Town election (Special) |
1909 | |
169 | Sale of intoxicating liquors (Repealed by 644) |
170 | Street vacation (Special) |
171 | Animals (Repealed by 644) |
172 | Town election (Special) |
173 | Tax levy (Special) |
174 | Special election (Repealed by 237) |
1910 | |
175 | Tax levy (Special) |
176 | Town election (Special) |
1911 | |
177 | Driving motorized vehicles (Repealed by 417) |
178 | Gasoline storage (Not passed) |
179 | Tax levy (Special) |
180 | Town election (Special) |
1912 | |
181 | Annexation (Special) |
1913 | |
182 | Digging up streets (Repealed by 644) |
183 | Tax levy (Special) |
184 | Town election (Special) |
185 | Local improvement regulations (11.15) |
1914 | |
186 | Street improvement, LID 15 (Special) |
187 | Town election (Special) |
1915 | |
188 | Park commission (2.45) |
189 | LID 16 (Special) |
190 | Street improvement (Special) |
191 | Street widening (Special) |
192 | Sidewalk construction regulations (11.25) |
193 | Street improvement (Special) |
194 | LID 17 (Special) |
195 | Tax levy (Special) |
196 | Town election (Special) |
1916 | |
197 | LID 17 bonds (Special) |
198 | Assessment roll district #13 (Special) |
199 | (Missing) |
200 | (Missing) |
201 | (Missing) |
1917 | |
202 | Street improvement (Special) |
203 | Amends Ord. 185 (Not codified) |
204 | Storage and distribution of petroleum (Special) |
205 | (Missing) |
206 | (Missing) |
207 | (Missing) |
1918 | |
208 | Storage of petroleum (Special) |
209 | Pipeline construction (Special) |
210 | Criminal syndicalism (Repealed by 644) |
211 | (Missing) |
212 | (Missing) |
213 | (Missing) |
214 | (Missing) |
215 | (Missing) |
216 | (Missing) |
217 | (Missing) |
218 | (Missing) |
219 | (Missing) |
220 | (Missing) |
221 | (Missing) |
222 | (Missing) |
223 | (Missing) |
224 | (Missing) |
225 | (Missing) |
1927 | |
226 | Dances and exhibition business licenses (Repealed by 644) |
227 | (Missing) |
228 | (Missing) |
229 | (Missing) |
230 | (Missing) |
231 | (Missing) |
1930 | |
232 | Water system proposition (Special) |
233 | Waterworks system construction (Special) |
1931 | |
234 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
235 | Gasoline storage (Repealed by 644) |
1932 | |
236 | Fire department (2.35) |
1933 | |
237 | Repeals Ord. 174 (Repealer) |
238 | Wine and beer sales (Repealed by 644) |
1934 | |
239 | Town election (Special) |
1936 | |
240 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 102, liquor license (Repealed by 644) |
1937 | |
241 | Street vacation (Special) |
242 | Pin ball machines (Repealed by 644) |
1940 | |
243 | Parking (9.10) |
244 | Special election (Special) |
1941 | |
245 | Fire marshal (Repealed by 905) |
246 | Blackouts for national defense (Not codified) |
1942 | |
247 | Water superintendent salary (Special) |
1943 | |
248 | Cumulative reserve fund (3.40) |
1944 | |
249 | Purchase of gasoline engine (Special) |
1945 | |
250 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
251 | LID 20 (Special) |
252 | Disorderly conduct (Repealed by 656) |
1950 | |
253 | Nominating caucus (Special) |
254 | Street vacation (Special) |
255 | Water system improvements (Special) |
256 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
257 | Appropriations (Special) |
258 | Drainage sinking fund (Special) |
1951 | |
259 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
260 | Appropriation (Special) |
261 | (Repealed by 417) |
262 | Library fund (Not codified) |
263 | Appropriation (Special) |
1952 | |
264 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
265 | Water rates (Repealed by 644) |
266 | Street repair warrants (Special) |
1953 | |
267 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
268 | Fire truck sinking fund (Special) |
269 | Appropriation (Special) |
270 | Appropriation (Special) |
1954 | |
271 | Current expense investment fund (Not codified) |
271A | Volunteer firemen (Repealed by 644) |
272 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
273 | Police department reserve (Repealed by 812) |
1955 | |
274 | Dogs (Repealed by 644) |
275 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
276 | Appropriation (Special) |
1956 | |
277 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
278 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
279 | Civil defense (2.50) |
280 | Water bonds (Special) |
281 | Volunteer firemen (2.35) |
282 | Water bonds (Special) |
283 | Water rates (Repealed by 644) |
1957 | |
284 | Appropriation (Special) |
285 | Water rates (Repealed by 644) |
286 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
1958 | |
287 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
288 | Special streets (Special) |
289 | Street vacation (Special) |
290 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 285, water rates (Repealed by 644) |
291 | Appropriation (Special) |
1959 | |
292 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
293 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
294 | Appropriation (Special) |
295 | 5-5-59 Connecting to drainage system (Repealed by 644) |
1960 | |
295 | 9-1-59 Water turnoff for delinquency (12.15) |
296 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
297 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
298 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 285, water rates (Repealed by 644) |
299 | Street vacation (Special) |
1961 | |
300 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
301 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
302 | Candidate nomination of town officers (Special) |
303 | Appropriation (Special) |
304 | Municipal court (2.15) |
1962 | |
305 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
306 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
307 | Tax levy (Special) |
308 | Appropriation (Special) |
309 | Appropriation (Special) |
310 | Budget (Special) |
311 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
1963 | |
312 | Fire truck sinking fund and special election (Special) |
313 | Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors (Repealed by 656) |
1964 | |
314 | Tax levy (Special) |
315 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
316 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
317 | Sale of property (Special) |
318 | Town treasurer (2.10) |
319 | Street vacation (Special) |
1965 | |
320 | Street vacation (Special) |
321 | Sale of property (Special) |
322 | Water bonds (Special) |
323 | Water rates (Repealed by 644) |
324 | Gas franchise (Special) |
325 | Cumulative reserve fund (Repealed by 497) |
1966 | |
326 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
327 | Air pollution control district membership (7.20) |
328 | Number not used |
1967 | |
329 | Franchise to Puget Sound Power and Light Co. (Special) |
330 | Curfew (Repealed by 782) |
331 | Street vacation (Special) |
332 | Street vacation (Special) |
333 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
334 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
335 | Salaries (Special) |
336 | Street vacation (Special) |
337 | Watercraft regulations (10.05) |
338 | Street vacation (Special) |
339 | Street vacation (Special) |
340 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
1968 | |
341 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
342 | Library trust fund (Not codified) |
343 | Budget (Special) |
1969 | |
344 | Appropriation (Special) |
345 | Annexation (Special) |
346 | Appropriation (Special) |
347 | Annexation (Special) |
348 | Weed removal (Repealed by 536) |
349 | Building code (13.05) |
350 | Treasurer salary (Special) |
351 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
352 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
353 | Comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
354 | Budget (Special) |
355 | Zoning (Not codified) |
1970 | |
356 | Appropriation (Special) |
357 | Water system bonds (Special) |
358 | Amends § 21 of Ord. 357, water system bonds (Special) |
359 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
360 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
361 | Budget (Special) |
1971 | |
362 | Motor vehicles (Repealed by 644) |
363 | Number not used |
364 | Number not used |
365 | Plumbing code (13.05) |
366 | Tax levy (Special) |
367 | Tax levy and special election (Special) |
368 | Budget (Special) |
1972 | |
369 | Dogs (Repealed by 461) |
370 | Street vacation (Special) |
371 | Taxes (Special) |
372 | Taxes (Special) |
373 | Budget (Special) |
1973 | |
374 | Number not used |
375 | Street vacation (Special) |
376 | Budget (Special) |
377 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 285, water rates (Repealed by 644) |
378 | Budget (Special) |
379 | Dogs (Repealed by 644) |
380 | Council meeting compensation (Repealed by 604) |
381 | Traffic (Repealed by 417) |
382 | Budget (Special) |
383 | Motor vehicle parking (Repealed by 506A) |
384 | Salary (Special) |
385 | Medical insurance premiums (Special) |
386 | Water rates (Repealed by 644) |
387 | Ambulance service (Repealed by 858) |
388 | Control over waters of town (Repealed by 631) |
389 | Clerk-treasurer (2.10) |
390 | Model litter regulations (7.15) |
391 | Tax levy (Special) |
392 | Tax levy (Special) |
393 | Budget (Special) |
1974 | |
394 | Trust fund for deposit of bail monies (3.40) |
395 | Sewer system bonds (Special) |
396 | Petty cash fund (Repealed by 504) |
397 | Disorderly conduct (Repealed by 656) |
398 | Third degree assault (Repealed by 656) |
399 | Zoning (Repealed by 458) |
400 | Street vacation (Special) |
401 | Annexation (Special) |
402 | Budget (Special) |
403 | Number not used |
1975 | |
404 | Sewer fund (Special) |
405 | Pioneer Park (Repealed by 644) |
406 | Annexation (Special) |
407 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
408 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
409 | Petit larceny (Repealed by 656) |
410 | Public works construction (13.15) |
411 | Amends § 13 of Ord. 379, dogs (Repealed by 461) |
412 | Nominations (Special) |
413 | Amends Ord. 399, zoning (Repealed by 458) |
414 | Load limits (Repealed by 812) |
415 | Sewer regulations (Repealed by 583) |
416 | Water and sewer rates (Repealed by 437) |
417 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 653) |
418 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
419 | Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors (Repealed by 656) |
420 | Budget (Special) |
421 | Leasehold excise tax (3.10) |
1976 | |
422 | Shoreline master program (Repealed by 493) |
423 | Vacation (Special) |
424 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
425 | Water rates (12.15) |
426 | Hotel tax (3.30) |
427 | SEPA regulations (Repealed by 524) |
428 | Budget (Special) |
429 | Tax levy (Special) |
430 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
431 | Budget (Special) |
1977 | |
432 | Collection for sewer stubs (Repealed by 583) |
433 | Prohibited conduct (Repealed by 552) |
434 | LID (Special) |
435 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
436 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
437 | Sewer use rates (Repealed by 453) |
438 | Civil service (Repealed by 668) |
439 | Amends budget (Special) |
440 | Amends Ord. 433, disorderly conduct (Repealed by 552) |
441 | Rezone (Special) |
442 | Business license tax (Repealed by 644) |
443 | Budget (Special) |
1978 | |
444 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 671) |
445 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 425, water rates (12.15) |
446 | Alcoholic beverages in public (Repealed by 812) |
447 | Zoning PUD (Repealed by 458) |
448 | Flood fund (Special) |
449 | Water tower fund (Special) |
450 | Engineering department (2.40) |
451 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
452 | Council meetings (Repealed by 454) |
453 | Sewer rates (Repealed by 583) |
454 | Council meetings (Repealed by 644) |
455 | Declares voids in streets a danger (Special) |
456 | Appropriation (Special) |
457 | Appropriation (Special) |
458 | Zoning (Repealed by 506) |
1979 | |
459 | Budget (Special) |
460 | Rezone (Special) |
461 | Dog registration; repeals Ords. 396 and 411 (Repealed by 644) |
462 | Utility tax (Not passed) |
463 | Alley vacation (Special) |
464 | Back flow protection devices (Repealed by 748) |
465 | House numbers (11.05) |
466 | Water conservation fund (Special) |
467 | Business and occupation tax (Repealed by 569) |
468 | Budget (Special) |
1980 | |
469 | Town council meetings (Repealed by 492) |
470 | Mileage allowance and per diem (Repealed by 531) |
471 | Hotel tax (3.30) |
472 | Water works utility system (Special) |
473 | Budget appropriation (Special) |
474 | Amends §§ 3 and 29 of Ord. 388, moorage fees (Repealed by 508) |
475 | Pioneer Park fees (2.75) |
476 | Fireworks (Repealed by 644) |
477 | Short plats (Repealed by 671) |
478 | Amends Ord. 453, sewer rates (Repealed by 583) |
479 | Amends Ord. 458, zoning (Repealed by 506) |
480 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 467, business license fee (Repealed by 569) |
481 | Budget (Special) |
482 | Budget (Special) |
1981 | |
483 | Claims clearing fund (3.40) |
484 | Budget appropriation (Special) |
485 | Budget appropriation (Special) |
486 | Street excavations (11.10) |
487 | Use of public docks (Repealed by 508) |
487A | Commercial use of public docks (Repealed by 508) |
488 | Budget (Special) |
489 | Amends utility tax ordinance (Ord. 462) (Void) |
490 | Budget (Special) |
491 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 467, utility tax (Repealed by 501) |
492 | Town council meetings (Repealed by 543) |
493 | Shoreline master program; repeals Ord. 422 (Repealed by 705) |
494 | Sales and use tax (3.05) |
495 | Advance travel reimbursement (Repealed by 502) |
496 | Streets (Special) |
497 | Cumulative reserve fund; repeals Ord. 325 (Repealed by 1037) |
498 | Hotel/motel tax (Repealed by 700) |
499 | Trust fund (3.40) |
1982 | |
500 | Investment of funds (3.35) |
501 | Utility fee (Not codified) |
502 | Advance travel fund; repeals Ord. 495 (Repealed by 817) |
503 | Fireworks (7.25) |
504 | Petty cash (3.40) |
505 | Budget (Special) |
506 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 458 and 479 (Repealed by 568) |
506A | Overnight parking (Not codified) |
507 | Amends §§ 3 and 29 of Ord. 388, floats and rafting; repeals Ords. 474, 487, 487A (Repealed by 508) |
508 | Amends §§ 3 and 29 of Ord. 388, town floats, repeals Ords. 474, 487, and 507 (Repealed by 559) |
509 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 494, sales and use tax (Not codified) |
510 | Budget (Special) |
511 | Budget (Special) |
1983 | |
512 | Bad checks (Repealed by 656) |
513 | Damage deposits (3.40) |
514 | Annexation (Special) |
515 | Special investigative/clearing fund (Repealed by 817) |
516 | Budget (Special) |
517 | Budget (Special) |
518 | Amusement devices (5.20) |
519 | Amusement devices (5.20) |
1984 | |
520 | Sewer rates (Repealed by 583) |
521 | Municipal court (2.15) |
522 | Amends Ord. 520, sewer rates (Repealed by 583) |
523 | Budget (Special) |
524 | State Environmental Policy Act; repeals Ord. 427 (13.10) |
525 | Floodplain management (Repealed by 527) |
526 | Recreational vehicles (9.15) |
527 | Floodplains, repeals Ord. 525 (Repealed by 563) |
528 | 1985 budget (Special) |
529 | Budget (Special) |
1985 | |
530 | Malt liquor (Repealed by 812) |
531 | Repeals Ord. 470 (Repealed by 754) |
532 | Water supply extension (12.20) |
533 | Amends Ord. 522, sewer rates (Repealed by 583) |
534 | Budget (Special) |
535 | Budget (Special) |
1986 | |
536 | Public nuisances; repeals Ord. 348 (7.10) |
537 | Sale of real estate (3.15) |
538 | Side sewer stub out charges (Repealed by 545) |
539 | Building numbers (11.05) |
540 | Amends Ord. 425, water rates (12.15) |
541 | Liquor, amends § 15 of Ord. 433 (Repealed by 552) |
542 | Animal control (Repealed by 551) |
543 | Town council meetings (Repealed by 557) |
544 | Business licenses (Repealed by 569) |
545 | Side sewers (Repealed by 583) |
546 | Budget (Special) |
547 | Expenditures (Special) |
1987 | |
548 | MTO, amends Ord. 417 (Repealed by 653) |
549 | Street vacation (Special) |
549A | Parades (9.35) |
550 | Animal control (Repealed by 551) |
551 | Animals; repeals Ords. 542 and 550 (6.05) |
552 | Harmful acts (Repealed by 812) |
553 | Compression brakes (Repealed by 812) |
554 | Parking (Not codified) |
555 | Budget (Special) |
556 | Budget (Special) |
1988 | |
557 | Council meetings (Repealed by 613) |
558 | Number not used |
559 | Amends Ord. 388, control over waters of town (Repealed by 631) |
560 | Rent council chambers (Repealed by 581) |
561 | Amends Ord. 506, zoning (Repealed by 568) |
562 | Revenue (Special) |
563 | Floodplain management (Repealed by 605) |
564 | Budget (Special) |
565 | Hazardous waste billing (3.45) |
1989 | |
566 | Hazardous waste (7.30) |
567 | Outdoor burning (7.10) |
568 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 458, 459, 506, and 561 (Repealed by 671) |
569 | Business licenses; repeals Ords. 467 and 544 (5.05) |
570 | Zoning (Repealed by 671) |
571 | Utility tax (3.25) |
572 | Budget (Special) |
573 | Cabaret license (5.10) |
574 | Budget (Special) |
1990 | |
575 | Number not used |
576 | Public nuisance and disturbance noises (7.05) |
577 | Rezone (Special) |
578 | Storm and surface water utility (12.30) |
579 | Amends and adds to Ord. 569, business licenses (5.05) |
580 | Adds § 702 to zoning ordinance, historic preservation district (Repealed by 671) |
581 | Rental policy for council chambers; repeals Ord. 460 and 560 (Repealed by 805) |
581A | Traffic code (Repealed by 653) |
582 | Sewer general facility charges (Repealed by 677) |
582A | Sewer use rates (Repealed by 627) |
583 | Sewer regulations; repeals Ords. 415, 432, 453, 520, 522, 533, and 545 (12.05) |
584 | Franchise to Cascade Natural Gas (Special) |
585 | Building permit requirements (Repealed by 671) |
586 | Gambling tax (3.20) |
587 | Budget (Special) |
588 | Budget (Special) |
589 | Adds § 1002.45 and amends § 501.05 of Ord. 568, zoning (Repealed by 669) |
1991 | |
590 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 581, rental policy for council chambers (Repealed by 599) |
591 | Petty cash fund (Repealed by 817) |
592 | Municipal parking lots (Repealed by 669) |
593 | Repeals and replaces § 7 of Ord. 477, short plats (Repealed by 671) |
594 | LID #1 formation (Special) |
595 | Adds to § 901.50.A of Ord. 568, use permits (Repealed by 671) |
596 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 563, floodplain (Repealed by 605) |
597 | Amends Ord. 568, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
598 | Amends Ord. 568, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
599 | Repeals Ord. 590, amends § 3 of Ord. 581, council rental fees (Repealed by 805) |
600 | Planning commission member’s term (15.130) |
601 | Moorage fees (10.05) |
602 | Sensitive areas (Repealed by 671) |
603 | Amends § 1203.20E of Ord. 568, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
604 | Compensation for attendance at council meetings; repeals Ord. 380 (Repealed by 1043) |
605 | Floodplains (Repealed by 609) |
606 | 1992 final budget (Special) |
607 | 1991 budget adjustments (Special) |
1992 | |
608 | 1992 budget adjustment (Special) |
609 | Floodplains (Repealed by 648) |
610 | Amends Ord. 583, building sewers (12.05) |
610-A | Pioneer Park regulations and usage fees (2.75) |
611 | Sewer metering vaults (Special) |
612 | General facilities charges for connection to water system (12.15) |
613 | Town council meetings; repeals Ord. 557 (Repealed by 643) |
614 | Final assessment roll LID #1 (Special) |
615 | Missing |
616 | Improper governmental action and protection against retaliation (2.85) |
617 | Issuance and sale of LID bonds (Special) |
618 | Signs (Repealed by 622) |
619 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 569, business licenses (5.05) |
620 | Number not used |
621 | (Repealed by 677) |
622 | Signs (Repealed by 647) |
623 | 1993 budget (Special) |
624 | 1992 budget adjustment (Special) |
625 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 1002 and adds to Ch. 200 of Ord. 568, parking and zoning (Repealed by 671) |
1993 | |
626 | 1993 G.O. bonds visual arts center (Special) |
627 | Sewer rates; repeals Ord. 582A (Repealed by 723) |
628 | Loading/unloading zone on S. First St. (9.40) |
629 | Three-hour parking limits; amends 506A (Repealed by 633A) |
630 | Alley vacation – Church, block F (Special) |
631 | Repeals Ord. 388 (Repealer) |
632 | Rezone (Special) |
633 | Amends § 11.C.a of Ord. 602, critical areas/environmentally sensitive areas (Repealed by 671) |
633A | Repeals Ord. 629 (Repealer) |
634 | Annexation (Special) |
635 | Amends Ord. 598, adult family homes and residential care facilities (Repealed by 671) |
635A | Budget adjustments (Special) |
636 | Amends § 2B of Ord. 592, municipal parking lots (Repealed by 669) |
637 | Amends Ch. 202 of Ord. 568; repeals §§ 4, 5, and 6 of Ord. 597, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
638 | Amends § 701.2 of Ord 568, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
639 | Moorage fees from ramp and floats (10.05) |
640 | Amends § § 202 and 401.04 of Ord. 568, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
641 | Amends Ch. 202 of Ord. 568, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
642 | Special election re: annexation to county library district (Special) |
643 | Town council meetings; repeals Ord. 613 (Repealed by 652A) |
644 | Repeals Ords. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 25, 37, 38, 39, 40, 55, 66, 67, 70, 73, 85, 102, 109, 120, 126, 127, 130, 131, 134, 136, 139, 140, 150, 152, 154, 157, 160, 165, 169, 171, 182, 210, 226, 235, 238, 240, 242, 252, 265, 271A, 274, 283, 285, 290, 295, 298, 313, 323, 362, 377, 379, 386, 397, 398, 405, 409, 419, 442, 454, 461, 476 and 512 (Repealer) |
645 | 1993 budget amendment (Special) |
646 | Number not used |
1994 | |
647 | Repeals Ord. 622 (Repealed by 671) |
648 | Floodplain management; repeals Ord. 609 (Repealed by 671) |
649 | Number not used |
650 | Number not used |
651 | Issuance and sale of limited tax G.O. refunding bonds (Special) |
652 | Rezone (Special) |
652A | Town council meetings; repeals Ord. 643 (Repealed by 660) |
653 | Adopts Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ord. 417 (Repealed by 812) |
654 | Amends § 601.03 of Ord. 568, zoning (Repealed by 671) |
655 | 1994 harbor lease revenue bonds (Special) |
656 | Prohibited conduct; repeals Ords. 4, 37, 38, 39, 40, 152, 157, 252, 313, 397, 398, 409, 419, 512 (Repealed by 812) |
657 | Adds § 8.2 to Ord. 656, criminal code (8.05) |
658 | Stormwater management (Repealed by 671) |
659 | Inspection of public records (Superseded by 1064) |
660 | Town council meetings; repeals Ord. 652A (2.05) |
661 | 1995 final budget (Special) |
662 | 1994 budget adjustments (Special) |
663 | Amends § 1(B) of Ord. 540, water rates (12.15) |
664 | Amends § 1.b.4 of Ord. 627, sewer rates (12.10) |
1995 | |
665 | Construction codes (Repealed by 777) |
666 | NORD reimbursement area agreement (Special) |
667 | Use of street rights-of-way (11.30) |
668 | Civil service for police employees; repeals Ord. 438 (Repealed by 812) |
669 | Amends Ch. 1002 of Ord. 589 (Repealed by 671) |
670 | Amends § 23 of Ord. 668 (Not codified) |
671 | Uniform development code; repeals Ords. 444, 447, 477, 568, 570, 580, 585, 595, 602, 625, 633, 635, 638, 640, 641, 647, 648, 658 and 669 (15.05, 15.10, 15.15, 15.20, 15.25, 15.30, 15.35, 15.40, 15.45, 15.50, 15.60, 15.65, 15.70, 15.75, 15.80, 15.85, 15.90, 15.95, 15.100, 15.105, 15.110, 15.115, 15.120, 15.125, 15.130, 15.135) |
672 | Amends Ord. 536, nuisances (7.10) |
673 | 1996 final budget (Special) |
674 | 1995 comprehensive plan (Special) |
675 | Private alarm systems (7.35) |
676 | 1995 budget amendment (Special) |
1996 | |
677 | Sewer facilities charge; repeals Ords. 582 and 621 (12.10) |
678 | Additional real estate excise tax (3.15) |
679 | Additional hotel/motel tax (Repealed by 700) |
680 | Adopts 1996 sewer comprehensive, facility plans (Special) |
681 | Amends Ord. 679, additional hotel/motel tax (Repealed by 700) |
682 | Street vacation (Repealed by 706) |
683 | Commercial district fire protection (13.25) |
684 | Schacht reimbursement area (Special) |
685 | |
686 | Hearing examiner (15.12) |
687 | Amends Ord. 551, animal license fees (6.05) |
688 | Number not used |
689 | Amends Ord. 686, hearing examiner (15.12) |
690 | 1996 budget adjustments (Special) |
1997 | |
691 | Amends Ord. 671, uniform development code (15.20, 15.130, 15.135) |
692 | 1997 Maple Hall bond ordinance (Special) |
693 | School impact fees (Special) |
694 | School impact fees (Special) |
695 | Amends Ord. 671, uniform development code (15.20, 15.35, 15.40, 15.70) |
696 | Amends Ord. 686, hearing examiner (15.12) |
697 | Amends uniform development code § 5.4.C, commercial off-street parking (15.90) |
698 | Wastewater treatment plant connection moratorium (Special) |
699 | Rezone (Special) |
700 | Hotel/motel tax; repeals Ords. 498, 679 and 681 (3.30) |
701 | Findings of fact, wastewater treatment plant connection moratorium (Special) |
702 | Light and power franchise (Special) |
703 | Amends Ord. 700, hotel/motel tax (3.30) |
704 | Street vacation (Special) |
705 | Repeals Ord. 493; adopts shoreline master program (Not codified) |
706 | Repeals Ord. 682, street vacation (Repealer) |
707 | 1998 budget (Special) |
708 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
1998 | |
709 | Amends Ord. 705, shoreline master program (Special) |
710 | Adds Ch. 1.01, code adoption (1.01) |
711 | Amends Ord. 709, shoreline master program (Special) |
712 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 571, utility tax (3.25) |
713 | Development permit moratorium (Special) |
714 | Aggressive begging and unlawful camping (Repealed by 812) |
715 | Amends § 8.05.280, resisting arrest (Repealed by 812) |
716 | Adds Ch. 2.63, defense of officials, employees, and volunteers (2.63) |
717 | Amends Ord. 713, development permit moratorium (Special) |
718 | Amends Ord. 713, development permit moratorium (Special) |
719 | Amends Ord. 713, development permit moratorium (Special) |
720 | Amends §§ 15.130.010 and 15.130.030; adds §§ 15.10.307 and 15.50.075 and Ch. 15.112, demolition standards (15.112) |
721 | Adds Ch. 9.45, production of motion pictures (Repealed by 736) |
722 | Amends § 12.10.010, sewer general facility charges (Repealed by 731) |
723 | Amends § 12.10.060, sewer rates; repeals Ord. 627 (12.10) |
724 | Adds Ch. 2.46, Maple Center advisory committee (Repealed by 911) |
725 | Maple Hall and Maple Center fee schedule (Repealed by 765) |
726 | Amends Ord. 639, moorage fees (10.05) |
727 | Adds Ch. 12.40, biosolid composting and green waste collection (12.40) |
728 | Number not used |
729 | Adds Ch. 7.40, bicycle, skateboard, roller skate and roller blade helmets (Repealed by 737) |
730 | Adds Ch. 2.00, town administrator (2.00) |
731 | Amends § 12.10.010; repeals Ord. 722, sewer general facility charges (12.10) |
732 | Number not used |
733 | Adds §§ 12.15.045 and 12.15.055; amends §§ 12.15.030 and 12.15.140, water rates (12.15) |
734 | Amends Ch. 2.45, park commission (2.45) |
735 | Amends § 12.10.060, sewer rates (12.10) |
736 | Rescinds Ord. 721 (Repealer) |
737 | Rescinds Ord. 729 (Repealer) |
738 | Adopts 1999 budget (Special) |
739 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
1999 | |
740 | Amends Ords. 709 and 711, shoreline master program (Special) |
741 | Amends § 15.130.020(1), planning commission (15.130) |
742 | Number not used |
743 | Amends Ch. 15.10, §§ 15.12.110, 15.50.060 and 15.125.040, Chs. 15.130 and 15.135, uniform development code (15.10, 15.12, 15.50, 15.125, 15.130, 15.135) |
744 | Amends § 2.05.010, council meetings (2.05) |
745 | Amends § 3.60.010, Maple Hall rental fees (3.60) |
746 | Renews cable television franchise (Special) |
747 | Adds §§ 9.10.050 and 9.10.060, parking fines (9.10) |
748 | Repeals and replaces §§ 12.25.010 and 12.25.020; adds §§ 12.25.010, 12.25.020, 12.25.030, 12.25.040, 12.25.050, 12.25.060, 12.25.070 and 12.25.080, cross-connections (12.25) |
749 | Moratorium on applications requiring historic design review (Special) |
750 | Amends Ords. 749, moratorium on applications requiring historic design review (Special) |
751 | Adds Ch. 2.95, claims against the town (2.95) |
752 | Amends §§ 8.10.010 and 8.10.020, drinking in public (Repealed by 812) |
753 | Amends Ords. 749, moratorium on applications requiring historic design review (Special) |
754 | Adds § 2.65.030, travel reimbursements (2.65) |
755 | Adds §§ 15.50.025 and 15.50.180; amends §§ 15.35.040, 15.50.010, 15.50.020, 15.50.090, 15.50.110, 15.50.120, 15.50.150 and 15.50.160, uniform development code (15.35, 15.50) |
756 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
757 | Amends § 12.30.020, storm drainage (12.30) |
758 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2000 | |
759 | Closes fund #204 (Special) |
760 | Closes fund #106; establishes fund #602 (Special) |
761 | Amends § 12.40.120, compost sale (12.40) |
762 | Adds §§ 2.100.010 and 2.100.020, town holidays (2.100) |
763 | Adds §§ 8.25.010 – 8.25.030, crime prevention assessment account (Repealed by 812) |
764 | Development moratorium, South End Industrial Area (Special) |
765 | Repeals Ord. 725; amends Ord. 745, Maple Hall rental fees (3.60) |
766 | Amends § 12.10.060, sewer rates (12.10) |
767 | Amends § 6.05.090, impounded animals (6.05) |
768 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
769 | Closes 1969 water bond reserve fund (Special) |
770 | Amends §§ 2.70.030 and 3.60.010, rental fees (3.60) |
771 | Amends Ord. 764, development moratorium, South End Industrial Area (Special) |
772 | Amends Ord. 764, development moratorium, South End Industrial Area (Special) |
773 | Repeals §§ 6.05.330 and 6.05.340; adds new section to Ch. 6.05, animal control (6.05) |
774 | Repeals § 8.05.350; adds sections to Ch. 8.05, criminal code (Repealed by 812) |
775 | Repeals § 11.25.060; adds §§ 11.25.035, 11.25.065, 11.25.075, 11.25.085, 11.25.090 and 11.25.095, sidewalks (11.25) |
776 | Amends § 15.130.020, planning commission (15.130) |
777 | Construction codes; repeals Ord. 665 (Repealed by 930) |
778 | Adds §§ 15.10.103 and 15.107.010 –15.107.110, automatic fire sprinkler systems (15.10) |
779 | Establishes temporary one-way traffic on First Street (Repealed by 924) |
780 | Amends Ord. 765, Maple Hall rental fees (3.60) |
781 | Amends Ords. 764 and 772, development moratorium (Special) |
782 | Repeals Ch. 8.15, curfew (Repealer) |
783 | Amends § 2.75.030; adds article to Ch. 3.60, parks and public works fees (2.75, 3.60) |
784 | La Conner civic garden club oversight committee (2.48) |
785 | Garden Club Building rental fees (3.60) |
786 | Adds §§ 15.10.087, 15.10.417, 15.10.1278, 15.45.020(7) and Ch. 15.110, wireless communication facilities (15.10, 15.45, 15.109) |
787 | Amends § 2.05.010, council meetings (2.05) |
788 | Storm drainage fund (Special) |
789 | Establishes facilities fund (Special) |
790 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
791 | Adds definition to Ch. 15.10 and §§ 15.40.020(38), 15.40.051, 15.40.052 and 15.125.010(1)(c); amends § 15.40.030(3), zoning (15.10, 15.40, 15.125) |
792 | Amends shoreline master program (Not codified) |
793 | Amends Ords. 764, 772 and 781, development moratorium (Special) |
794 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
795 | Amends § 12.30.020, storm drainage fees (12.30) |
796 | Re-enacts, ratifies and confirms taxes, charges and fees approved in Ords. 748, 757 and Res. 256 (12.25, 12.30) |
2001 | |
797 | Amends § 5.05.070, business licenses (5.05) |
798 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
799 | Public art fund (2.47) |
800 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
801 | Building permit moratorium, interim zoning controls (Special) |
802 | Amends Ord. 792, shoreline master program (Special) |
803 | Adds §§ 12.10.080 and 12.30.033; amends §§ 12.15.050 and 12.15.070; repeals Res. 156, utility accounts (12.10, 12.15, 12.30) |
804 | Adds § 3.60.070; amends §§ 2.46.010, 2.46.020 and 2.46.040, town facilities (2.46, 3.60) |
805 | Repeals Ch. 2.70, council chambers (Repealer) |
806 | Adds Ch. 2.09, finance director (2.09) |
807 | Adds Ch. 15.55, binding site plan regulations (15.55) |
808 | Parking committee; amends Ch. 15.90, off-street parking and loading (15.90) |
809 | Bidding of services (Repealed by 959) |
810 | Adds § 2.75.015, Pioneer Park rental fees (2.75) |
811 | Adds Ch. 2.110, community events (2.110) |
812 | Repeals Title 8, Chs. 2.25, 2.30, 5.15, 9.05, 9.20, 9.25, 9.30 and §§ 2.60.030, 5.05.190, 5.20.080, 7.35.060, 11.05.050, 13.20.060 and 15.135.320; amends §§ 5.10.080, 5.20.080, 6.05.390, 7.05.070, 7.10.130, 7.10.140, 10.10.540, 12.05.1290, 13.15.050 and 15.107.080, enforcement (5.10, 5.20, 6.05, 7.05, 7.10, 12.05) |
813 | Adds Ch. 2.47, arts commission (2.47) |
814 | Amends Ord. 785, Garden Club Building rental fees (Repealed by 1041) |
815 | Amends § 3.60.040, Maple Hall (3.60) |
816 | Employee recognition program (Not codified) |
817 | Repeals §§ 3.40.040, 3.40.070 and 3.40.080, funds (Repealer) |
818 | Adds §§ 12.15.200 and 12.15.210, hydrant connections (12.15) |
819 | Amends § 2.75.015, community group fee (2.75) |
820 | Interim water rate increase (Repealed by 1021) |
821 | Closes Fund No. 204 (Special) |
822 | Development moratorium (Special) |
823 | Amends Ord. 780, Maple Hall rental fees (3.60) |
824 | Adds section to Ch. 3.60 and § 9.10.025; amends §§ 9.10.040, 9.10.050 and 10.05.020, boat moorage fees (9.10, 10.05) |
825 | Amends §§ 12.10.080, 12.15.080 and 12.30.033, utility liens (12.10, 12.15, 12.30) |
826 | Adopts findings and extends development moratorium (Special) |
827 | Fire station construction fund (Special) |
828 | Amends Ord. 792, shoreline master program (Not codified) |
829A | Bond issuance election (Special) |
829B | Amends Ord. 792, shoreline master program (Not codified) |
830 | Adds Ch. 11.40, arterial street access standards (11.40) |
831 | Amends § 12.10.060(2)(g), sewer system rates and general facilities charges (12.10) |
832 | Extends development moratorium (Special) |
833 | Amends § 12.30.020, storm and surface water utility (12.30) |
834 | Closes fund #104 (Special) |
835 | Bond issuance election (Special) |
836 | Adds chapter to Title 2, town crier (2.115) |
837 | Establishes fund #412, sewer compost fund (Special) |
838 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
839 | Civil infractions; adds Ch. 15.13 and new sections to Chs. 5.05, 7.35, 11.05 and 13.20; amends §§ 7.10.090, 7.25.040, 7.35.050, 9.10.040, 9.10.060, 9.15.030, 9.35.120, 9.40.010, 10.05.060, 11.10.120, 11.25.080, 12.15.110, 13.10.090, 15.12.090, 15.12.130, 15.135.330 – 15.135.450; repeals §§ 9.10.050, 10.05.110, 13.15.050, 15.135.460 – 15.135.500 (1.15, 5.05, 7.10, 7.25, 7.35, 9.10, 9.15, 9.35, 9.40, 10.05, 11.05, 11.10, 11.25, 12.15, 13.10, 13.20, 15.12, 15.13, 15.135) |
840 | Bond issuance election (Special) |
841 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2002 | |
842 | Amends §§ 15.12.120(2), 15.20.060(3), 15.25.080(5)(b), 15.25.090, 15.30.060(2)(b), 15.60.030, 15.90.030(3)(c)(i), (ii) and (iii), 15.125.040(1)(d), 15.125.080(4)(b), 15.135.050, 15.135.080, 15.135.110(1)(d)(iii); deletes § 15.90.030(3)(b), uniform development code (15.12, 15.20, 15.25, 15.30, 15.60, 15.90, 15.125, 15.135) |
843 | Amends § 12.30.020, storm and surface water utility (12.30) |
844 | Amends § 2.110.010, community events (2.110) |
845 | Amends Ord. 236, fire department (2.35) |
846 | Adds Ch. 2.06, public works director, and Ch. 2.07, planning director; amends § 2.00.010, town administrator (2.00, 2.06, 2.07) |
847 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
848 | Amends Ch. 7.35, alarm systems (7.35) |
849 | Repeals § 3 of Ord. 808 (Repealer) |
850 | Adds Ch. 2.49, La Conner senior citizen center (2.49) |
851 | Amends § 12.30.050; repeals §§ 12.30.040 and 12.30.060, storm water system development fee (12.30) |
852 | Amends § 15.90.030(3)(c)(v), zoning (15.90) |
853 | Fire station construction bond (Special) |
854 | Amends § 9.40.010(2), loading/unloading zone (9.40) |
855 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
856 | Amends Ch. 15.125, comprehensive plan amendment process (15.125) |
857 | Amends Ch. 11.10, street excavation (11.10) |
858 | Repeals Ch. 2.80, ambulance service (Repealer) |
859 | Amends § 12.15.070(3), water utility (12.15) |
860 | Bond issuance (Special) |
861 | Water revenue bond charge (Repealed by 990) |
862 | Street vacation (Repealed by 873) |
863 | Adds §§ 12.30.010(6), 12.30.021 and 12.30.022; amends § 12.30.020, storm drainage charges (12.30) |
864 | Amends §§ 9.10.020 and 9.10.050, parking (9.10) |
865 | Amends Ords. 862, street vacation (Repealed by 873) |
866 | Amends §§ 12.10.060(1) and (2), sewer charges (Repealed by 879) |
867 | Adds Ch. 15.86; amends §§ 15.12.130, 15.20.060, 15.75.020, 15.75.030, 15.75.070, 15.75.080, 15.75.120, 15.75.160, 15.75.170 and 15.85.030, street development standards (15.86) |
868 | Adds § 2.07.030, planning commission (2.07) |
869 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
870 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2003 | |
871 | Adds Ch. 2.47, arts commission (Repealed by 876) |
872 | Amends Ord. 862, street vacation (Repealed by 873) |
873 | Repeals Ord. 862, street vacation (Repealer) |
874 | Amends § 9.10.025, parking (9.10) |
875 | Cable television franchise (Special) |
876 | Adds Ch. 2.47, arts commission; repeals Ord. 871 (2.47) |
877 | Adds §§ 15.10.1198, 15.10.1203 and Ch. 15.36; amends comprehensive plan (15.10, 15.36) |
878 | Adds §§ 10.10.255(8) and 10.10.260(5); amends shoreline master program map and §§ 10.10.035(1) and (2), shoreline master program (Not codified) |
879 | Amends §§ 12.10.060(1) and (2); repeals Ord. 866, sewer charges (12.10) |
880 | Adds § 3.60.007, Chamber events fees (3.60) |
881 | Amends § 3.60.095, moorage and parking fees (Repealed by 1214) |
882 | Closes Fund No. 207, SCOG loan (Special) |
883 | Closes Fund No. 602, Southfield CDBG (Special) |
884 | Amends §§ 15.20.050, 15.90.030, 15.125.010 and 15.135.190, uniform development code (15.20, 15.90, 15.125, 15.135) |
885 | Amends § 15.130.020, planning commission (15.130) |
886 | Amends § 2.110.010, community events (2.110) |
887 | Amends §§ 15.115.070, 15.115.080, 15.115.090, 15.115.110 and 15.115.120, signs (15.115) |
888 | Amends § 12.10.070, sewer rates (12.10) |
889 | Amends §§ 15.20.060, 15.20.090, 15.35.040, and 15.40.050, building heights (15.20, 15.35, 15.40) |
890 | Bond issuance (Special) |
891 | Amends § 3.60.010, fee schedule (3.60) |
892 | Amends § 3.60.005, town supported events (3.60) |
893 | Closes Fund No. 303, fire station construction (Special) |
894 | Establishes Fund No. 106, fuel tank remediation (Special) |
895 | Amends § 3.60.010, fee schedule (3.60) |
896 | Establishes Fund No. 304, parking and facilities improvements (Special) |
897 | Interim mayor salary adjustment (Special) |
898 | Amends §§ 15.10.650, 15.12.130, 15.30.070, 15.30.240, 15.70.110, 15.100.240, 15.125.100, 15.135.110, uniform development code; repeals § 15.10.145, uniform development code (15.10, 15.12, 15.30, 15.70, 15.100, 15.125, 15.135) |
899 | Amends § 15.50.120, setback limits (15.50) |
900 | Adds § 12.10.090, sewer rates (12.10) |
901 | Adds §§ 15.10.043 and 15.20.055, uniform development code; amends §§ 15.10.255, 15.20.050, 15.110.040, 15.135.050, 15.135.110, uniform development code; repeals and replaces § 15.125.040, uniform development code (15.10, 15.20, 15.110, 15.125, 15.135) |
902 | Amends § 2.47.110, arts commission membership and function (2.47) |
903 | Amends § 5.05.040, options for payment of fees of open air vendors for certain types of community events (5.05) |
904 | Amends §§ 3.60.005, 3.60.007, 3.60.020, and 3.60.060, use and fees for town-owned rental facilities (3.60) |
905 | Repeals Chs. 2.20, 2.55, and 13.20, and §§ 2.35.100, 2.35.110, 2.35.120, 2.35.130, 2.35.140, 2.35.150, 2.35.160, 2.35.170, 2.35.180, and 9.35.080 (Repealer) |
906 | Amends §§ 15.05.070, 15.10.1175 and 15.107.020, uniform development code (15.05, 15.10) |
907 | Closes Fund No. 203, 1993 G.O. bond (Special) |
908 | Closes Fund 404, 1969 water bond redemption (Special) |
909 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
910 | Amends shoreline master program (Special) |
911 | Repeals Ch. 2.46, Maple Center Advisory Committee (Repealer) |
912 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
913 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
914 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2004 | |
915 | Amends Ord. 694, school facility impact fees (Special) |
916 | Amends § 3.15.040, distribution of tax proceeds and limiting use thereof (3.15) |
917 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
918 | Amends § 15.90.030, off-street parking (15.90) |
919 | Amends §§ 2.05.010, town council meetings, and 2.07.030, planning commission meetings (2.05, 2.07) |
920 | Amends § 3.60.010, fee schedule (3.60) |
921 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
922 | Amends § 2.65.010, mayoral compensation (Repealed by 1043) |
923 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
924 | Repeals Ord. 779, temporary one-way traffic on First Street (Repealer) |
925 | Adds chapter to Title 8, amends § 1.15.080, smoking regulations (1.15, 8.05) |
926 | Amends shoreline master program (Repealed by 1120) |
927 | Rezone (Special) |
928 | Rezone (Special) |
929 | Rezone (Special) |
930 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.05, building codes (13.05) |
931 | Amends §§ 15.65.040, 15.86.080, 15.109.060, 15.109.090, 15.110.030, 15.110.040, 15.125.010 and 15.130.020, unified development code (15.65, 15.86, 15.109, 15.110, 15.125, 15.130) |
932 | Adds § 15.10.503; amends 15.10.410 and 15.35.030, unified development code (15.10, 15.35) |
933 | Amends § 3.60.005, town supported events (3.60) |
934 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
935 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
936 | Street vacation (Special) |
937 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
938 | Amends § 15.20.090, unified development code (15.20) |
939 | Cable television franchise (Special) |
940 | Adds section to Ch. 3.60, returned check fee (3.60) |
941 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
942 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
943 | Motorized foot scooters (9.45) |
944 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2005 | |
945 | Amends § 2.47.020, arts commission (2.47) |
946 | Amends § 2.45.010, parks commission (2.45) |
947 | Amends §§ 6.05.050 and 6.05.120, animal control and licensing (6.05) |
948 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
949 | Adds §§ 3.50.015 and 3.50.025, amends title at Ch. 3.50 and §§ 3.50.010 and 3.50.020, audit of claims and demands (3.50) |
950 | Amends § 12.10.060, dried biosolid rate (12.10) |
951 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
952 | Adds Ch. to Title 2, lodging tax advisory committee (Repealed by 1156) |
953 | Adds Ch. 1.20, public records index (1.20) |
954 | Amends §§ 10.10.020, 10.10.435 and 10.10.440, shoreline master program (Not codified) |
955 | Amends § 15.10.043, unified development code (15.10) |
956 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
957 | Adds §§ 2.05.020, 2.05.030, 2.05.040, 2.05.050, 2.05.060, 2.05.070, 2.05.080, 2.05.090, 2.05.100, 2.05.110, 2.05.120 and 2.05.130, town council (2.05) |
958 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
959 | Repeals Ord. 809, bidding of services (Repealer) |
960 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
961 | Corrects scrivener’s error in Ord. 958 (Special) |
962 | Amends §§ 15.10.350, 15.70.040, 15.70.070(1) and (2), 15.70.090, 15.70.120(1) and (2), 15.70.130(2), (3) and (4), uniform development code (15.10, 15.70) |
963 | Adds §§ 15.60.060, 15.115.030(11), 15.115.070(9) and 15.125.085; amends §§ 7.10.020(9), 12.05.540, 13.25.020(2), 15.10.680, 15.10.710, 15.20.050(9), 15.20.055, 15.20.070(2)(a) and (b), 15.30.050(2), 15.30.060(1) and (2), 15.30.070, 15.30.090(3), 15.30.190(1) and (2), 15.30.240(2), 15.50.130(2), 15.60.040, 15.85.030(1), 15.86.030(1), 15.90.010(9), 15.107.020(1), 15.107.105, 15.107.110, 15.110.010(6), 15.115.110(4), 15.125.020(1) and (2), and 15.135.040(1), uniform development code (7.10, 12.05, 13.25, 15.10, 15.20, 15.30, 15.50, 15.60, 15.85, 15.86, 15.90, 15.110, 15.115, 15.125, 15.135) |
964 | Amends § 12.30.020, storm and surface water utility rate structure (12.30) |
965 | Amends § 2.100.020, town holidays (2.100) |
966 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
967 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
2006 | |
968 | Amends §§ 15.10.1265, 15.65.020(1), 15.65.040(1), 15.65.070(1), 15.65.110, 15.65.120(5), 15.65.140, 15.65.150(3) and (8), and 15.65.170, uniform development code (15.10, 15.65) |
969 | Amends § 3.60.095, parking and moorage fees (Repealed by 1214) |
970 | Adds Ch. 3.70, disposition of real estate (3.70) |
971 | Adds § 6.05.270(4); amends § 6.05.140, animal control and licensing (6.05) |
972 | Amends §§ 15.36.030, 15.36.050 and 15.36.060; repeals § 15.36.040(3)(k), uniform development code (15.36) |
973 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
974 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
975 | Repeals § 3.60.120 (Repealer) |
976 | Amends §§ 2.47.080 and 2.47.090, arts commission (2.47) |
977 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
978 | Amends § 3.60.100, fee schedule (3.60) |
979 | Amends comprehensive plan and §§ 15.10.895 and 15.35.030(2); repeals §§ 15.40.052 and 15.125.010(1)(c), unified development code (15.10, 15.35, 15.125) |
980 | Amends §§ 10.10.020, 10.10.035 and 10.10.040, shoreline management (Repealed by 984) |
981 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
982 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
983 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
2007 | |
984 | Amends §§ 10.10.020, 10.10.035 and 10.10.040; repeals Ord. 980, shoreline management (Not codified) |
985 | Amends § 3.60.060, cleaning fees (Repealed by 1041) |
986 | Adds § 15.86.230; amends §§ 5.05.120, 15.10.165, 15.10.1175, 15.20.060, 15.20.090, 15.35.040, 15.36.060, 15.40.050, 15.45.030, 15.60.040, 15.70.070, 15.107.030, 15.110.030, 15.135.050, 15.135.230, 15.135.250, 15.135.260 and 15.135.280; renumbers §§ 15.135.250 to 15.135.240, 15.135.260 to 15.135.250, and 15.135.280 to 15.135.260; repeals §§ 15.10.160, 15.135.240 and 15.135.270, uniform development code (5.05, 15.10, 15.20, 15.35, 15.36, 15.40, 15.45, 15.60, 15.70, 15.110, 15.135) |
987 | Water revenue bond call (Special) |
988 | Amends § 3.60.005, fees (3.60) |
989 | Adds § 15.36.070; amends §§ 15.36.030(2) and 15.36.060, uniform development code (15.36) |
990 | Repeals Ord. 861 and § 12.15.030(5) (Repealer) |
991 | Number not used |
992 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
993 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
994 | Adds § 15.35.030(9), uniform development code (15.35) |
995 | Adds §§ 2.65.040 and 2.65.050, compensation (2.65) |
996 | Amends § 3.25.030(1)(d) and (e), utility tax (3.25) |
997 | Amends § 5.05.050, business licenses (5.05) |
998 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
999 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
1000 | Adds §§ 11.07.010 and 12.02.010; amends §§ 1.10.010, 11.15.090, 12.05.520, 12.05.690 and 12.05.710; deletes §§ 12.05.560 through 12.05.610, 12.05.630, 12.05.640, and 12.05.790 through 12.05.820, infrastructure improvements (1.10, 11.07, 11.15, 12.02, 12.05) |
2008 | |
1001 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
1002 | Amends mayoral compensation temporarily (Repealed by 1043) |
1003 | General obligation refunding bond (Special) |
1004 | Adds § 15.45.025, administrative conditional uses (15.45) |
1005 | Amends § 2.47.020(2), arts commission membership (2.47) |
1006 | Street vacation (Special) |
1007 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
1008 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
1009 | Amends §§ 15.20.060 and 15.125.030, single-family dwelling units, dimensional standards (15.20, 15.125) |
1010 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
1011 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
1012 | Adds Chs. 7.40 and 7.45; amends §§ 6.05.010, 6.05.120 and 6.05.390, firearms and weapons (6.05, 7.40, 7.45) |
1013 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
1014 | Amends § 15.125.010, existing nonconforming development (15.125) |
1015 | Amends §§ 3.60.095, 9.10.050 and Ch. 10.05, port facilities (9.10, 10.05) |
1016 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
1017 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
2009 | |
1018 | Adds § 5.05.050(5), business licensing fees (5.05) |
1019 | Amends §§ 2.47.070 and 2.47.110, arts commission (2.47) |
1020 | Amends §§ 3.60.010, 3.60.100 and 3.60.110, fees (3.60) |
1021 | Amends §§ 12.05.010, 12.05.025, 12.05.135, 12.05.200, 12.05.1110, 12.05.1210, 12.05.1220, 12.10.060, 12.10.070, 12.15.030, 12.15.045, 12.15.055 and 12.15.070; repeals § 12.15.035, public utilities (12.05, 12.10, 12.15) |
1022 | Amends § 3.60.095(1)(b), fees (Repealed by 1214) |
1023 | Adds § 2.35.065, fire department Explorer scouting program (2.35) |
1024 | Establishes investments fund (3.40) |
1025 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
1026 | Amends § 12.10.090, residential sewer rate cap (12.10) |
1027 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
1028 | Amends § 2.47.090, construction appropriations for arts funding (2.47) |
1029 | Amends § 2.05.050(2), council meetings (2.05) |
1030 | Amends §§ 15.115.030, 15.115.040, 15.115.070, 15.115.090, 15.115.100 and 15.115.130, signs (15.115) |
1031 | Amends Ord. 1006, street vacation (Special) |
1032 | Adds § 15.35.035, administrative conditional use permits (15.35) |
1033 | Amends §§ 2.43.030 and 2.43.040, lodging tax advisory committee (Repealed by 1156) |
1034 | Amends Ords. 1006 and 1031, street vacation (Special) |
1035 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
1036 | Adds §§ 2.100.030 and 2.110.020, seasonal lighting displays (2.100, 2.110) |
1037 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
1038 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
1039 | Amends §§ 3.60.095, 5.05.050 and 6.05.110, fees (5.05, 6.05) |
2010 | |
1040 | Amends §§ 15.10.125, 15.10.503, 15.15.010, 15.60.020, 15.135.050 and 15.135.180(1)(b), development code (15.10, 15.15, 15.60, 15.135) |
1041 | Amends §§ 2.75.015, 2.75.020, 2.75.030, 2.75.060, 3.60.005, 3.60.007, 3.60.010, 3.60.040, 3.60.050, 3.60.095 and 3.60.100; repeals §§ 3.60.020, 3.60.030, 3.60.060 and 3.60.110, town facility use fees and deposits (2.75, 3.60) |
1042 | Adds § 2.05.055, council vacancies (2.05) |
1043 | Adds § 2.65.005; repeals §§ 2.65.010 and 2.65.020, mayor and council salaries (Repealed by 1235) |
1044 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
1045 | Amends § 3.25.030, utility taxes (3.25) |
1046 | Mayor’s salary (Special) |
1047 | Amends § 12.40.120, compost sales (12.40) |
1048 | Amends § 3.60.010, Maple Hall/Center fees (3.60) |
1049 | Amends § 12.40.120, compost sales (12.40) |
1050 | Adds Ch. 9.50, golf cart zone (9.50) |
1051 | Street vacation (Special) |
1052 | Amends § 13.05.010, building codes (13.05) |
1053 | Adds § 2.05.015; amends § 2.05.060, council meetings (2.05) |
1054 | Adds § 13.05.015, building codes (13.05) |
1055 | Amends § 3.60.010, Maple Hall/Center fees (3.60) |
1056 | Amends §§ 12.10.060(6), 12.15.030(1) and (2), and 12.30.020(1), utility rates (12.10, 12.15, 12.30) |
1057 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
1058 | Restructures and standardizes funds (Special) |
1059 | Dedicates revenues for street fund (Special) |
1060 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
2011 | |
1061 | Corrects scrivener’s error in Ord. 1060 (Special) |
1062 | Amends §§ 3.60.010 and 3.60.100, fees (3.60) |
1063 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
1064 | Public records policy (1.20) |
1065 | Amends § 5.05.070, business licenses (5.05) |
1066 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
1067 | Amends § 3.60.005, town supported events (3.60) |
1068 | Corrects scrivener’s errors in Ord. 1064 (1.20) |
1069 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
1070 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
1071 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
1072 | Amends § 9.10.030, vehicle towing and impounding (9.10) |
1073 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2012 | |
1074 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
1075 | Amends § 12.10.060(6), sewer rates (12.10) |
1076 | Adds Ch. 2.120, skate park use (2.120) |
1077 | Amends §§ 15.20.060, 15.20.090, 15.35.040, 15.40.050, 15.40.051, 15.45.030 and 15.125.010, zoning (15.20, 15.35, 15.40, 15.45, 15.125) |
1078 | Amends §§ 2.75.030, 3.60.010, 3.60.040, 3.60.050 and 3.60.100, park and public facility fees (2.75, 3.60) |
1079 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
1080 | Repeals Ch. 3.55, warrants (Repealer) |
1081 | Amends § 9.10.025, restricted street end parking (9.10) |
1082 | Amends §§ 2.75.030, 3.60.010 and 3.60.100, rental fees (2.75, 3.60) |
1083 | Amends §§ 9.10.050 and 9.10.060, parking (9.10) |
1084 | Adds § 15.115.070(3)(d); amends §§ 15.115.070(7) and 15.115.110(5), allowable sign types (15.115) |
1085 | Amends § 9.10.050; repeals § 9.10.060, general parking infraction penalties (9.10) |
1086 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
1087 | Amends on interim basis §§ 10.10.040, 10.10.075 and 10.10.090, shoreline management (Not codified) |
1088 | Restructures and standardizes funds (Special) |
1089 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
1090 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
1091 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
1092 | Amends § 3.25.030, sewer compost system tax (3.25) |
1093 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
1094 | Restructures and standardizes funds (Special) |
2013 | |
1095 | Amends §§ 12.15.030(1) and (2), monthly water rates and charges (12.15) |
1096 | Adds § 15.12.130(3); amends § 15.60.020, appeal of administrative decision, and tree exemptions (15.12, 15.60) |
1097 | Amends §§ 3.15.040(1) and (2), real estate excise tax (3.15) |
1098 | Adds § 3.15.015, real estate excise tax (3.15) |
1099 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
1100 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1101 | Moratorium on cannabis sales and collective gardens (Special) |
1102 | Amends Ch. 13.05, building codes (13.05) |
1103 | Amends § 12.15.030, water rates and charges (12.15) |
1104 | Amends § 7.25.030, safe and sane fireworks (7.25) |
1105 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
1106 | Amends shoreline master program (Not codified) |
1107 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
1108 | Amends §§ 12.15.200 and 12.15.210; renames Art. III of Ch. 12.15, water connections for agricultural uses (12.15) |
1109 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
1110 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
1111 | Moratorium on cannabis sales and collective gardens (Special) |
1112 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
2014 | |
1113 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1114 | Amends § 12.15.030, water rates and charges (12.15) |
1115 | Amends §§ 12.15.210(1)(c) and (2)(b), water connections for agricultural uses (12.15) |
1116 | Adds § 15.40.025, medical marijuana collective gardens (15.40) |
1117 | Adds §§ 9.10.020(3) and 9.10.060; amends § 9.10.050, parking restrictions and fees (9.10) |
1118 | Amends shoreline master program (Not codified) |
1119 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1120 | Repeals Ord. 926, shoreline master program (Repealer) |
1121 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1122 | Amends §§ 15.50.120(3)(d) and 15.90.030(3)(c)(x) and (d), development code (15.50, 15.90) |
1123 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
1124 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
2015 | |
1125 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1126 | Amends §§ 15.10.125, 15.10.503 and 15.90.030, uniform development code (15.10, 15.90) |
1127 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1128 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1129 | Adds § 15.75.060(6), transportation systems (15.75) |
1130 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
1131 | Cable franchise (Special) |
1132 | Adds §§ 2.75.035, 15.10.123, 15.10.413, 15.10.1173 and 15.10.1258; amends §§ 2.75.015, 2.75.030, 3.60.095(1), 10.05.030, 15.10.1175, 15.55.010, 15.55.100(3) and (4), 15.55.110(2), 15.115.060(2), 15.115.070(3), (7) and (10) and 15.135.030, clean-up ordinance (2.75, 10.05, 15.10, 15.55, 15.115, 15.135) |
1133 | Gas franchise (Special) |
1134 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
1135 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2016 | |
1136 | Amends §§ 3.60.095(1) and 12.15.030(1), water and parking rates (12.15) |
1137 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1138 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1139 | Amends §§ 12.30.070, 15.50.160 and 15.70.130, FEMA National Flood Insurance Program compliance (12.30, 15.50, 15.70) |
1140 | Amends Ch. 13.05, building codes (13.05) |
1141 | Amends §§ 3.60.095 and 9.10.010 [9.10.050], electric car charging station (9.10) |
1142 | Amends § 9.10.010 [9.10.050], electric car charging station (9.10) |
1143 | Amends sixth recital of Ord. 1129, vacation of rights-of-way (Special) |
1144 | Amends § 9.40.010(1), loading zone (9.40) |
1145 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1146 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
1147 | Utility tax; amends § 3.25.030(1)(f) (3.25) |
1148 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
2017 | |
1149 | Amends §§ 12.10.060(6) and 12.15.030(1) and (2), water and sewer rates and charges (12.10, 12.15) |
1150 | Amends § 2.05.070, town council (2.05) |
1151 | Amends § 15.70.130, floodplain management (15.70) |
1152 | Amends § 3.60.095(2), moorage fees (Repealed by 1214) |
1153 | Amends § 3.60.095(1), parking fees (Repealed by 1214) |
1154 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
1155 | Amends § 3.60.010(1), Maple Hall/Center fees (3.60) |
1156 | Dissolves lodging tax advisory committee (Repealer) |
1157 | Amends § 3.60.003, returned check fee (3.60) |
1158 | Amends § 3.60.040, Maple Hall/Center audio/visual equipment fees (3.60) |
1159 | Amends § 1.20.060(15), costs of providing copies of public records (1.20) |
1160 | Amends § 2.35.060, fire department (2.35) |
1161 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1162 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
1163 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
1164 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
2018 | |
1165 | Amends § 6.05.320, parades (6.05) |
1166 | Adds Ch. 11.60, complete streets program (11.60) |
1167 | Repeals and replaces § 15.115.070(9), signs (15.115) |
1168 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1169 | Adds Ch. 7.50, retail carryout bags (7.50) |
1170 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1171 | Amends § 9.50.050, golf cart registration (9.50) |
1172 | Amends § 9.10.020, parking restrictions (9.10) |
1173 | Amends § 5.05.030, business license required (5.05) |
1174 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1175 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
1176 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
2019 | |
1177 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
1178 | Amends capital facilities plan (Special) |
1179 | Amends § 12.10.010, sewer general facilities charges (12.10) |
1180 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1181 | Amends § 2.05.040(1), council committees and representatives (2.05) |
1182 | Amends §§ 12.10.060 and 12.15.030, sewer and water rates (12.10, 12.15) |
1183 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
1184 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
2020 | |
1185 | Corrects scrivener’s error in Ord. 1184 (Special) |
1186 | Amends §§ 3.60.005, 3.60.007 and 3.60.010, fees (3.60) |
1187 | Adds §§ 3.05.060, 3.05.070, 3.05.080 and 3.05.090; amends § 3.05.020, sales and use tax (3.05) |
1188 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1189 | Adopts model traffic ordinance by reference; amends § 9.10.020; repeals § 9.10.010, parking (9.05, 9.10) |
1190 | Amends § 12.15.070, delinquent water system rates and charges (12.15) |
1191 | Amends §§ 15.10.125, 15.10.650, 15.10.1030, 15.20.030, 15.20.050, 15.20.055, 15.20.060, 15.30.050, 15.30.100, 15.30.130, 15.30.160, 15.30.230, 15.35.020, 15.35.030, 15.105.160, 15.110.010, 15.110.080, 15.130.030, 15.135.020 and 15.135.050; repeals Ch. 15.107, unified development code (15.10, 15.20, 15.30, 15.35, 15.105, 15.110, 15.130, 15.135) |
1192 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1193 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
1194 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
1195 | Amends §§ 3.60.070 and 12.10.060, storm drainage fees and sewer rates (3.60, 12.10) |
2021 | |
1196 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
1197 | Amends §§ 15.10.650, 15.12.110, 15.12.140, 15.20.060 and 15.20.090, uniform development code (15.10, 15.12, 15.20) |
1198 | Amends shoreline master program (Not codified) |
1199 | Amends §§ 15.10.700 and 15.30.240, uniform development code (15.10, 15.30) |
1200 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1201 | Interim regulations adding §§ 15.10.414, 15.10.414.5, 15.10.827, 15.10.1204 and 15.15.010(3), homelessness (Not codified) |
1202 | Adds § 5.05.035; amends §§ 5.05.010 through 5.05.070, 5.05.090, 5.05.120, 5.05.130, 5.05.150, 5.05.170, 5.05.180, 5.10.030 and 5.20.020; repeals §§ 5.05.080 and 5.05.100, business licenses and regulations (5.05, 5.10, 5.20) |
1203 | Amends §§ 3.60.005, 3.60.007 and 3.60.010, revenue and finance (3.60) |
1204 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
1205 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
1206 | Amends § 12.15.030, monthly water rates and service charges (12.15) |
2022 | |
1207 | Amends Ord. 1205, 2022 budget (Special) |
1208 | Adds Ch. 13.30; amends § 7.10.010, unfit, improperly maintained or substandard structures or premises, nuisances (7.10, 13.30) |
1209 | Amends § 13.05.010, international codes (13.05) |
1210 | Amends § 13.30.020, unfit, improperly maintained or substandard structures or premises definitions (13.30) |
1211 | Adds §§ 15.10.414, 15.10.414.5, 15.10.452, 15.10.607, 15.10.622, 15.10.827, 15.10.1204, 15.15.010(3), 15.35.020(25), 15.50.025(10) and (11), 15.50.060(4), 15.55.050(5), 15.70.030(6), 15.80.070(10) and 15.135.355; amends §§ 15.10.700, 15.12.100, 15.20.020(1), 15.20.060, 15.20.090, 15.30.060(1) and 2(a) and (b), 15.45.025(1) and (2)(a), 15.50.030, 15.55.100(1), 15.55.110(1) and (2), 15.75.060(6)(a), 15.75.130, 15.80.020, 15.80.030, 15.86.100(1) and (2), 15.90.010(5), 15.90.030(1), (3)(d) and (g), 15.95.030(1), 15.110.010(3) and (4), 15.110.070(7), 15.112.060(4), 15.115.030(4), 15.115.070(6) and (8), 15.125.080(2) and (4) and 15.135.050(1), uniform development code (15.10, 15.12, 15.15, 15.20, 15.30, 15.35, 15.45, 15.50, 15.55, 15.70, 15.75, 15.80, 15.86, 15.90, 15.95, 15.110, 15.112, 15.115, 15.125, 15.135) |
1212 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
1213 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1214 | Repeals § 3.60.095, parking and moorage fees (Repealer) |
1215 | Amends § 7.05.060, exempt noises during daytime hours (7.05) |
1216 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1217 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
1218 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
1219 | Adds Ch. 13.40, impact fees (13.40) |
1220 | Amends §§ 12.10.060, 12.15.030 and 12.40.080, utility rates (12.10, 12.15, 12.40) |
2023 | |
1221 | Adds §§ 2.50.035, 2.50.045, 2.50.055, 2.50.065, 2.50.075, 2.50.085, 2.50.095, 2.50.100, 2.50.110 and Ch. 2.225; amends §§ 2.50.010, 2.50.020 and 2.50.090; repeals §§ 2.50.030, 2.50.040, 2.50.050, 2.50.060, 2.50.070 and 2.50.080, emergency management commission (2.50, 2.225) |
1222 | Adds §§ 15.05.070(6), 15.10.927, 15.10.1117, 15.10.1118, 15.10.1197, 15.20.100, Ch. 15.42 and § 15.65.070(5); amends §§ 2.07.030, 15.10.010, 15.10.115, 15.10.180, 15.10.220, 15.10.255, 15.10.360, 15.10.365, 15.10.460, 15.10.495, 15.10.610, 15.10.615, 15.10.880, 15.10.910, 15.10.1015, 15.10.1025, 15.10.1035, 15.10.1040, 15.10.1045, 15.10.1050, 15.10.1055, 15.10.1120, 15.10.1185, 15.10.1245, 15.10.1275, 15.12.090(1), 15.12.100, 15.15.010, 15.20.060, 15.20.070(2)(d), 15.25.010, 15.25.020, 15.25.030, 15.25.130(1), 15.35.030(2), 15.35.080(4) [15.135.080(4)], 15.50.120(3), 15.105.020, Ch. 15.115, §§ 15.135.050(1) and 15.135.190, uniform development code (2.07, 15.05, 15.10, 15.12, 15.15, 15.20, 15.25, 15.35, 15.42, 15.50, 15.65, 15.105, 15.115, 15.135) |
1223 | Amends §§ 12.10.060, 12.15.030 and 12.40.080, utility rates (12.10, 12.15, 12.40) |
1224 | Amends Ch. 13.40, impact fees (13.40) |
1225 | Amends § 2.225.010, emergency management commission (2.225) |
1226 | Adds § 1.15.015; amends §§ 1.15.010, 1.15.020, 1.15.040, 1.15.050, 1.15.060, 1.15.070, 1.15.080 and 1.15.090, civil infractions (1.15) |
1227 | Moratorium on adult uses (Special) |
1228 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
1229 | Amends § 12.15.070, water system (12.15) |
1230 | Adds Ch. 11.70, news boxes (11.70) |
1231 | |
1232 | Amends § 2.05.015, public notice of meetings and hearings (2.05) |
1233 | Adds Ch. 11.70 [11.80], transportation benefit district (11.80) |
1234 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
1235 | Repeals § 2.65.005, independent salary commission (Repealer) |
1236 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
1237 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
1238 | Amends §§ 12.10.060 and 12.15.030, water and sewer rates and charges (12.10, 12.15) |
2024 | |
1239 | Amends § 2.100.010, town holidays (2.100) |
1240 | Adds §§ 2.65.060 and 2.65.070; amends §§ 2.65.030, 2.65.040 and 2.65.050, compensation (2.65) |
1241 | Assumes rights, powers, functions, and obligations of La Conner transportation benefit district (11.80) |
1242 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
1243 | Amends §§ 2.225.010 and 2.225.030, advisory emergency management commission (2.225) |
1244 | Adds Ch. 2.130, office hours (2.130) |
1245 | Transportation benefit district sales and use tax (Not codified) |
1246 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
1247 | Adds §§ 15.10.104, 15.10.128, 15.10.197, 15.10.211, 15.10.256, 15.10.412, 15.10.448, 15.10.512, 15.10.513, 15.10.692, 15.10.707, 15.10.708, 15.10.797, 15.10.917, 15.10.1032 and 15.35.020(26); amends §§ 15.10.005, 15.10.015, 15.10.030, 15.10.045, 15.10.070, 15.10.090, 15.10.165, 15.10.190, 15.10.225, 15.10.245, 15.10.255, 15.10.345, 15.10.380, 15.10.385, 15.10.390, 15.10.395, 15.10.405, 15.10.410, 15.10.440, 15.10.503, 15.10.520, 15.10.525, 15.10.530, 15.10.535, 15.10.550, 15.10.595, 15.10.605, 15.10.650, 15.10.655, 15.10.660, 15.10.710, 15.10.780, 15.10.790, 15.10.840, 15.10.965, 15.10.970, 15.10.1005, 15.10.1085, 15.10.1180, 15.10.1197, 15.10.1198, 15.10.1220, 15.10.1230, 15.20.020(1), 15.20.030, 15.20.050(7), 15.20.055, 15.20.090(7), 15.20.100, 15.35.030(8) and (9) and Chs. 15.25 and 15.55; renames § 15.20.060; repeals §§ 15.10.140, 15.10.445, 15.10.720 and 15.10.975, uniform development code (15.10, 15.20, 15.25, 15.35, 15.55) |
1248 | Amends § 3.60.100, garden club fee schedule (3.60) |
1249 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
1250 | Adds [amends] Ch. 5.25, adult businesses (5.25) |
1251 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
1252 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
1253 | Adopts 2025 budget (Special) |