Ordinance Table
1 | Repealed by 267 and 294 |
2 | Repealed by 10 and 71 |
3 | Repealed by 10 and 520 |
4 | Repealed by 520 |
5 | Repealed by 752 |
6 | Repealed by 12 |
7 | Local improvements (Special) |
8 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
9 | Repealed by 13 |
10 | Repealed by 71 |
11 | Repealed by 105 |
12 | Repealed by 752 |
13 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
14 | Repealed by 51 |
15 | Repealed by 267 and 294 |
16 | Repealed by 752 |
17 | Repealed by 520 |
18 | Repealed by 267 and 294 |
19 | Repealed by 185 |
20 | Repealed by 106 |
21 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
22 | Repealed by 520 |
23 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
24 | Comp. 1-1, initial point of survey – boundaries (1.05) |
25 | Local improvements (Special) |
26 | Public ways (Special) |
27 | Repealed by 70, 101, and 103 |
28 | Repealed by 516 |
29 | Repealed by 573 |
30 | Repealed by 267 and 294 |
31 | Repealed by 520 |
32 | Repealed by 520 |
33 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
34 | Repealed by 267 and 294 |
35 | Repealed by 184 and 520 |
36 | Repealed by 563 |
37 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
38 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
39 | Repealed by 752 |
40 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
41 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
42 | Repealed by 520 |
42-A | Repealed by 71 |
43 | Repealed by 44 |
44 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
45 | Repealed by 752 |
46 | Repealed by 58 |
47 | Repealed by 520 |
48 | Repealed by 520 |
49 | Repealed by 752 |
50 | Repealed by 520 |
51 | Repealed by 770 and 775 |
52 | Repealed by 248 |
53 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
54 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
55 | Repealed by 520 |
56 | Repealed by 95 and 99 |
57 | Local improvements (Special) |
58 | Repealed by 752 |
59 | Repealed by 520 |
60 | Failed to pass |
61 | Repealed by 752 |
62 | Repealed by 95 and 99 |
63 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
64 | Repealed by 752 |
65 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
66 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
67 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
68 | Repealed by 573 |
69 | Repealed by 762 |
70 | Repealed by 756 |
71 | Repealed by 752 |
72 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
73 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
74 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
75 | Repealed by 642 |
76 | Repealed by 209 |
77 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
78 | Local improvements (Special) |
79 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
80 | Repealed by 520 |
81 | Local improvements (Special) |
82 | Local improvements (Special) |
83 | Repealed by 340 |
84 | Repealed by 520 |
85 | Repealed by 520 |
86 | Repealed by 756 |
87 | Repealed by 752 |
88 | Repealed by 520 |
89 | Repealed by 752 |
90 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
91 | Failed to pass |
92 | Failed to pass |
93 | Repealed by 111 and 520 |
94 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
95 | Repealed by 99 |
96 | Failed to pass |
97 | Repealed by 752 |
98 | Public ways (Special) |
99 | Repealed by 476 |
100 | Failed to pass |
101 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
102 | Repealed by 150 |
103 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
104 | Repealed by 902 |
105 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
106 | Repealed by 304 |
107 | Repealed by 760 |
108 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
109 | Elections (Special) |
110 | Repealed by 752 |
111 | Repealed by 193 |
112 | Finance (Special) |
113 | Finance (Special) |
114 | Repealed by 520 |
115 | Repealed by 520 |
116 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
117 | Failed to pass |
118 | Local improvements (Special) |
119 | Local improvements (Special) |
120 | Repealed by 520 |
121 | Local improvements (Special) |
122 | Finance (Special) |
123 | Local improvements (Special) |
124 | Local improvements (Special) |
125 | Local improvements (Special) |
126 | Local improvements (Special) |
127 | Local improvements (Special) |
128 | Local improvements (Special) |
129 | Public ways (Special) |
130 | Public ways (Special) |
131 | Local improvements (Special) |
132 | Repealed by 752 |
133 | Local improvements (Special) |
134 | Repealed by 267 and 294 |
135 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
136 | Repealed by 529 |
137 | Repealed by 166 |
138 | Repealed by 520 |
139 | Local improvements (Special) |
140 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
141 | Failed to pass |
142 | Failed to pass |
143 | Failed to pass |
144 | Local improvements (Special) |
145 | Failed to pass |
146 | Failed to pass |
147 | Local improvements (Special) |
148 | Repealed by 173 |
149 | Failed to pass |
150 | Repealed by 752 |
151 | Repealed by 752 |
152 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
153 | Local improvements (Special) |
154 | Comp. 2-1, digging and excavating in streets (12.05) |
155 | Repealed by 757 |
156 | Local improvements (Special) |
157 | Failed to pass |
158 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
159 | Public ways (Special) |
160 | Repealed by 520 |
161 | Repealed by 752 |
162 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
163 | Repealed by 520 |
164 | Bond issues (Special) |
165 | Local improvements (Special) |
166 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
167 | Repealed by 193 |
168 | Bond issues (Special) |
169 | Repealed by 757 |
170 | Local improvements (Special) |
171 | Local improvements (Special) |
172 | Local improvements (Special) |
173 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
174 | Failed to pass |
175 | Repealed by 752 |
176 | Repealed by 752 |
177 | Repealed by 752 |
178 | Repealed by 889 |
179 | Local improvements (Special) |
180 | Local improvements (Special) |
181 | Local improvements (Special) |
182 | Local improvements (Special) |
183 | Repealed by 902 |
184 | Repealed by 757 |
185 | Repealed by 756 |
186 | Repealed by 752 |
187 | Repealed by 752 |
188 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
189 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
190 | Public ways (Special) |
191 | Repealed by 626 |
192 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
193 | Repealed by 221 |
194 | Repealed by 757 |
195 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
196 | Local improvements (Special) |
197 | Failed to pass |
198 | Failed to pass |
199 | Local improvements (Special) |
200 | Repealed by 752 |
201 | Local improvements (Special) |
202 | Local improvements (Special) |
203 | Local improvements (Special) |
204 | Repealed by 752 |
205 | Repealed by 752 |
206 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
207 | Repealed by 267 and 294 |
208 | Repealed by 752 |
209 | Repealed by 752 |
210 | Repealed by 321 |
211 | Repealed by 322 |
212 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
213 | Repealed by 752 |
214 | Repealed by 752 |
215 | Public ways (Special) |
216 | Failed to pass |
217 | Repealed by 340 |
218 | Elections (Special) |
219 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
220 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
221 | Repealed by 263 |
222 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
223 | Repealed by 520 |
224 | Repealed by 752 |
225 | Repealed by 752 |
226 | Local improvements (Special) |
227 | Repealed by 229 |
228 | Repealed by 756 |
229 | Repealed by 770 and 775 |
230 | Local improvements (Special) |
231 | Repealed by 284 |
232 | Finance (Special) |
233 | Finance (Special) |
234 | Repealed by 752 |
235 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
236 | Local improvements (Special) |
237 | Local improvements (Special) |
238 | Local improvements (Special) |
239 | Repealed by 304 |
240 | Failed to pass |
241 | Failed to pass |
242 | Bond issues (Special) |
243 | Bond issues (Special) |
244 | Local improvements (Special) |
245 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
246 | Local improvements (Special) |
247 | Public ways (Special) |
248 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
249 | Bond issues (Special) |
250 | Bond issues (Special) |
251 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
252 | Local improvements (Special) |
253 | Repealed by 520 |
254 | Repealed by 520 |
255 | Local improvements (Special) |
256 | Repealed by 762 |
257 | Repealed by 300 |
258 | Repealed by 520 |
259 | Local improvements (Special) |
260 | Finance (Special) |
261 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
262 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
263 | Repealed by 307 |
264 | Finance (Special) |
265 | Local improvements (Special) |
266 | Local improvements (Special) |
267 | Repealed by 756 |
268 | Public ways (Special) |
269 | Local improvements (Special) |
270 | Local improvements (Special) |
271 | Public ways (Special) |
272 | Local improvements (Special) |
273 | Public ways (Special) |
274 | Local improvements (Special) |
275 | Repealed by 752 |
276 | Public ways (Special) |
277 | Public ways (Special) |
278 | Bond issues (Special) |
279 | Public ways (Special) |
280 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
281 | Local improvements (Special) |
282 | Local improvements (Special) |
283 | Finance (Special) |
284 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
285 | Failed to pass |
286 | Bond issues (Special) |
287 | Bond issues (Special) |
288 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
289 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
290 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
291 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
292 | Repealed by 760 |
293 | Finance (Special) |
294 | Repealed by 756 |
295 | Public ways (Special) |
296 | Public ways (Special) |
297 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
298 | Repealed by 520 |
299 | Public ways (Special) |
300 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
301 | Local improvements (Special) |
302 | Repealed by 305 |
303 | Local improvements (Special) |
304 | Repealed by 752 |
305 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
306 | Comp. 2-1, digging and excavating in streets (12.05) |
307 | Finance (Special) |
308 | Failed to pass |
309 | Repealed by 520 |
310 | Bond issues (Special) |
311 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
312 | Bond issues (Special) |
313 | Repealed by 752 |
314 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
315 | Bond issues (Special) |
316 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
317 | Repealed by 756 |
318 | Budgets and Tax Levies (Special) |
319 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
320 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
321 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
322 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
323 | Repealed by 711 |
324 | Elections (Special) |
325 | Public ways (Special) |
326 | Finance (Special) |
327 | Repealed by 766 |
328 | Repealed by 330 |
329 | Comp. 1-2, municipal elections – nomination of candidates (2.30) |
330 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
331 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
332 | Repealed by 520 |
333 | Repealed by 520 |
334 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
335 | Public ways (Special) |
336 | Local improvements (Special) |
337 | Local improvements (Special) |
338 | Local improvements (Special) |
339 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
340 | Repealed by 902 |
341 | Repealed by 520 |
342 | Bond issues (Special) |
343 | Bond issues (Special) |
344 | Bond issues (Special) |
345 | Local improvements (Special) |
346 | Local improvements (Special) |
347 | Repealed by 752 |
348 | Bond issues (Special) |
349 | Bond issues (Special) |
350 | Repealed by 757 |
351 | Bond issues (Special) |
352 | Public ways (Special) |
353 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
354 | Repealed by 520 |
355 | Public ways (Special) |
356 | Public ways (Special) |
357 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
358 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
359 | Repealed by 757 |
360 | Repealed by 520 |
361 | Bond issues (Special) |
362 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
363 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
364 | Repealed by 520 |
365 | Failed to pass |
366 | Repealed by 752 |
367 | Repealed by 445 |
368 | Repealed by 445 |
369 | Local improvements (Special) |
370 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
371 | Local improvements (Special) |
372 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
373 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
374 | Local improvements (Special) |
375 | Repealed by 752 |
376 | Comp. 5-1 (Superseded by 668) |
377 | Local improvements (Special) |
378 | Comp. 1-4 (Repealed by 934) |
379 | Local improvements (Special) |
380 | Repealed by 752 |
381 | Repealed by 766 |
382 | Local improvements (Special) |
383 | Bond issues (Special) |
384 | Failed to pass |
385 | Local improvements (Special) |
386 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
387 | Finance (Special) |
388 | Bond issues (Special) |
389 | Failed to pass |
390 | Repealed by 756 |
391 | Repealed by 752 |
392 | Comp. 10-1, building numbering – street name signs (12.15) |
393 | Repealed by 752 |
394 | Finance (Special) |
395 | Repealed by 481 |
396 | Repealed by 529 |
397 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
398 | Repealed by 572 |
399 | Failed to pass |
400 | Repealed by 572 |
401 | Repealed by 573 |
402 | Repealed by 752 |
403 | Repealed by 756 |
404 | Repealed by 752 |
405 | Repealed by 756 |
406 | Bond issues (Special) |
407 | Repealed by 752 |
408 | Repealed by 572 |
409 | Local improvements (Special) |
410 | Repealed by 520 |
411 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
412 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
413 | Local improvements (Special) |
414 | Bond issues (Special) |
415 | Local improvements (Special) |
416 | Comp. 10-1, building numbering – street name signs (12.15) |
417 | Local improvements (Special) |
418 | Local improvements (Special) |
419 | Local improvements (Special) |
420 | Local improvements (Special) |
421 | Local improvements (Special) |
422 | Repealed by 752 |
423 | Bond issues (Special) |
424 | Local improvements (Special) |
425 | Repealed by 520 |
426 | Local improvements (Special) |
427 | Repealed by 752 |
428 | Repealed by 676 and 752 |
429 | Bond issues (Special) |
430 | Local improvements (Special) |
431 | Local improvements (Special) |
432 | Local improvements (Special) |
433 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
434 | Bond issues (Special) |
435 | Bond issues (Special) |
436 | Bond issues (Special) |
437 | Finance (Special) |
438 | Local improvements (Special) |
439 | Bond issues (Special) |
440 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
441 | Repealed by 752 |
442 | Repealed by 889 |
443 | Repealed by 752 |
444 | Repealed by 640 |
445 | Repealed by 889 |
446 | Repealed by 520 |
447 | Repealed by 752 |
448 | Public ways (Special) |
449A | Miscellaneous (Special) |
449b | Repealed by 451a |
450 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
451a | Repealed by 458 |
451b | Repealed by 756 |
452 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
453 | Repealed by 762 |
454 | Finance (Special) |
455 | Elections (Special) |
456 | Repealed by 902 |
457 | Finance (Special) |
458 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
459 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
460 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
461 | Finance (Special) |
462 | Public ways (Special) |
463 | Failed to pass |
464 | Public ways (Special) |
465 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
466 | Finance (Special) |
467 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
468 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
469 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
470 | Finance (Special) |
471 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
472 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
473 | Failed to pass |
474 | Repealed by 482 |
475 | Repealed by 482 |
476 | Repealed by 615 |
477 | Finance (Repealed by 943) |
478 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
479 | Finance (Special) |
480 | Repealed by 711 |
481 | Repealed by 752 |
482 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
483 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
484 | Repealed by 752 and 756 |
485 | Bond issues (Special) |
486 | Bond issues (Special) |
487 | Finance (Special) |
488 | Finance (Special) |
489 | Repealed by 752 |
490 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
491 | Repealed by 519 |
492 | Finance (Special) |
493 | Finance (Special) |
494 | Repealed by 902 |
495 | Repealed by 752 |
496 | Finance (Special) |
497 | Repealed by 519 |
498 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
499 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
500 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
501 | Public ways (Special) |
502 | Public ways (Special) |
503 | Finance (Special) |
504 | Repealed by 519 and 752 |
505 | Finance (Special) |
506 | Finance (Special) |
507 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
508 | Repealed by 711 |
509 | Finance (Special) |
510 | Finance (Special) |
511 | Finance (Special) |
512 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
513 | Repealed by 902 |
514 | Finance (Special) |
515 | Failed to pass |
516 | Repealed by 524 |
517 | Repealed by 752 |
518 | Finance (Special) |
519 | Repealed by 581 |
520 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
521 | Finance (Special) |
522 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
523 | Repealed by 904 |
524 | Repealed by 775 |
525 | Finance (Special) |
526 | Repealed by 770 and 775 |
527 | Finance (Special) |
528 | Bond issues (Special) |
529 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
530 | Bond issues (Special) |
531 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
532 | Finance (Special) |
533 | Finance (Special) |
534 | Repealed by 573 |
535 | Finance (Special) |
536 | Finance (Special) |
537 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
538 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
539 | Finance (Special) |
540 | Repealed by 752 |
541 | Finance (Special) |
542 | Finance (Special) |
543 | Repealed by 581 |
544 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
545 | Finance (Special) |
546 | Finance (Special) |
547 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
548 | Repealed by 752 |
549 | Finance (Special) |
550 | Finance (Special) |
551 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
552 | Repealed by 882 and 902 |
553 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
554 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
555 | Finance (Special) |
556 | Finance (Special) |
557 | Finance (Special) |
558 | Finance (Special) |
559 | Finance (Special) |
560 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
561 | Finance (Special) |
562 | Finance (Special) |
563 | Repealed by 909 |
564 | Finance (Special) |
565 | Finance (Special) |
566 | Finance (Special) |
567 | Repealed by 752 |
568 | Finance (Special) |
569 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
570 | Finance (Special) |
571 | Repealed by 902 |
572 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
573 | Repealed by 762 |
574 | Finance (Special) |
575 | Finance (Special) |
576 | Finance (Special) |
577 | Finance (Special) |
578 | Finance (Special) |
579 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
580 | Repealed by 752 |
581 | Repealed by 626 |
582 | Finance (Special) |
583 | Finance (Special) |
584 | Enacted 3/3/47 (Repealed by 752) |
584 | Enacted 4/7/47 (Repealed by 752) |
585 | Finance (Special) |
586 | Repealed by 626 |
587 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
588 | Finance (Special) |
589 | Repealed by 708 |
590 | Finance (Special) |
591 | Repealed by 711 |
592 | Finance (Special) |
593 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
594 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
595 | Repealed by 768 |
596 | Repealed by 752 |
597 | Repealed by 752 |
598 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
599 | Comp. 10-1, building numbering – street name signs (12.15) |
600 | Finance (Special) |
601 | Repealed by 902 |
602 | Repealed by 626 |
603 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
604 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
605 | Local improvements (Special) |
606 | Public ways (Special) |
607 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
608 | Public ways (Special) |
609 | Finance (Special) |
610 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
611 | Finance (Special) |
612 | Finance (Special) |
613 | Repealed by 756 |
614 | Public ways (Special) |
615 | Franchises, etc. (Repealed by 788) |
616 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
617 | Repealed by 720 |
618 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
619 | Repealed by 762 |
620 | Missing |
621 | Repealed by 894 |
622 | Bond issues (Special) |
623 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
624 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
625 | Public ways (Special) |
626 | Comp. 8-4, amusements – amusement machines and devices (5.10) |
627 | Comp. 8-5, auctions (5.20) |
628 | Public ways (Special) |
629 | Comp. 1-5, appointive officers (2.35) |
630 | Comp. 1-6 (Repealed by 932) |
631 | Finance (Special) |
632 | Failed to pass |
633 | Finance (Special) |
634 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
635 | Failed to pass |
636 | Repealed by 735 |
637 | Repealed by 902 |
638 | Repealed by 909 |
639 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
640 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
641 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
642 | Comp. 5-5, alcoholic liquor (9.25) |
643 | Repealed by 753 and 768 |
644 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
645 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
646 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
647 | Repealed by 894 |
648 | Repealed by 762 |
649 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
650 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
651 | Finance (Special) |
652 | Repealed by 902 |
653 | Finance (Special) |
654 | Bond issues (Special) |
655 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
656 | Repealed by 658 |
657 | Finance (Special) |
658 | Finance (Special) |
659 | Finance (Special) |
660 | Finance (Special) |
661 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
662 | Repealed by 752 |
663 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
664 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
665 | Bond issues (Special) |
666 | Bond issues (Special) |
667 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
668 | Comp. 5-6, city watershed (8.05) |
669 | Repealed by 760 |
670 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
671 | Finance (Special) |
672 | Repealed by 771 |
673 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
674 | Franchises (Special) |
675 | Repealed by 762 |
676 | Repealed by 892 |
677 | Repealed by 683 |
678 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
679 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
680 | Repealed by 756 |
681 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
682 | Finance (Special) |
683 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
684 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
685 | Repealed by 752 |
686 | Finance (Special) |
687 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
688 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
689 | Failed to pass |
690 | Repealed by 719 and 730 |
691 | Repealed by 889 |
692 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
693 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
694 | Repealed by 719 and 730 |
695 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
696 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
697 | Repealed by 757 |
698 | Local improvements (Special) |
699 | Repealed by 756 |
700 | Finance (Special) |
701 | Local improvements (Special) |
702 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
703 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
704 | Repealed by 755 and 884 |
705 | Finance (Special) |
706 | Comp. 10-2, planning commission (2.15) |
707 | Repealed by 752 |
708 | Repealed by 889 |
709 | Annexations (Special) |
710 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
711 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
712 | Finance (Special) |
713 | Repealed by 902 |
714 | Public ways (Special) |
715 | Finance (Special) |
716 | Finance (Special) |
717 | Finance (Special) |
718 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
719 | Repealed by 730 |
720 | Repealed by 760 |
721 | Annexations (Special) |
722 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
723 | Repealed by 889 and 902 |
724 | Public ways (Special) |
725 | Annexations (Special) |
726 | Annexations (Special) |
727 | Annexations (Special) |
728 | Finance (Special) |
729 | Finance (Special) |
730 | Repealed by 758 |
731 | Repealed by 732 |
732 | Elections (Special) |
733 | Elections (Special) |
734 | Comp. 9-3, moving buildings (15.20) |
735 | Repealed by 744 |
736 | Repealed by 762 |
737 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
738 | Public ways (Special) |
739 | Repealed by 760 |
740 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
741 | Bond issues (Special) |
742 | Public ways (Special) |
743 | Bond issues (Special) |
744 | Comp. 1-9 (Repealed by 933) |
745 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
746 | Comp. 3-2, water service and rates (13.15) |
747 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
748 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
749 | Repealed by 762 |
750 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
751 | Repealed by 902 and 911 |
752 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
753 | Repealed by 768 |
754 | Repealed by 786 |
755 | Repealed by 884 |
756 | Repealed by 878 |
757 | Comp. 2-2; repeals Ords. 155, 169, 184, 194, 350, 359 and 697, public improvements (14.15) |
758 | Repealed by 902 |
759 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
760 | Repealed by 902 |
761 | Repealed by 902 |
762 | Repealed by 882 |
763 | Repealed by 894 |
764 | Repealed by 894 |
765 | Comp. 5-10, dogs (6.10) |
766 | Repealed by 893 |
767 | Repealed by 889 |
768 | Repealed by 841 |
769 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
770 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
771 | Repealed by 831 |
772 | Repealed by 902 |
773 | Comp. 6-3 (Missing) |
774 | Repealed by 902 |
775 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
776 | Comp. 1-2, municipal elections – nomination of candidates (2.30) |
777 | Public ways (Special) |
778 | Repealed by 895 |
779 | Comp. 1-2, municipal elections – nomination of candidates (2.30) |
780 | Annexations (Special) |
781 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
782 | Annexations (Special) |
783 | Repealed by 902 |
784 | Elections (Special) |
785 | Bond issues (Special) |
786 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
787 | Public ways (Special) |
788 | Repealed by 862 |
789 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
790 | Repealed by 790A |
790A | Repealed by 839 |
791 | Repealed by 837 |
792 | Franchises (Special) |
793 | Repealed by 824 |
794 | Repealed by 902 |
795 | Repealed by 797 |
796 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
797 | Bond issues (Special) |
798 | Elections (Special) |
799 | Repealed by 902 |
800 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
801 | Repealed by 840 |
802 | Annexations (Special) |
803 | Repealed by 804 |
804 | Comp. 6 (Missing) |
805 | Comp. 7-2 (Superseded by 956) |
806 | Comp. 5-10, dogs (Repealed by 878) |
807 | Repealed by 892 |
808 | Comp. 1-14 (Repealed by 933) |
809 | Repealed by 814 |
810 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
811 | Annexations (Special) |
812 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
813 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
814 | Annexations (Special) |
815 | Repealed by 882 |
816 | Repealed by 878 |
817 | Repealed by 902 |
817A | Repealed by 916 |
818 | Repealed by 902 |
819 | Public ways (Special) |
820 | Public ways (Special) |
821 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
822 | Budgets and tax levies (Special) |
823 | Comp. 7-2, city marina (Repealed by 1057) |
824 | Comp. 1-15, city council (2.05) |
825 | Public ways (Special) |
826 | Comp. 1-9 (Repealed by 933) |
827 | Comp. 7-3 (Superseded by 957) |
828 | Comp. 4-7, sewer rates (13.10) |
829 | Comp. 4-8, sewer system (13.05) |
830 | Comp. 4-9, industrial waste (13.30) |
831 | Comp. 1-16; repeals Ord. 771 (Repealed by 933) |
832 | Comp. 3-2, water service and rates (13.15) |
833 | Comp. 5-5, alcoholic liquor (9.25) |
834 | Comp. 1-17 (Repealed by 939) |
835 | Elections (Special) |
836 | Elections (Special) |
837 | Comp. 11-1; repeals Ord. 791 (Special) |
838 | Repealed by 902 |
839 | Repealed by 912 |
840 | Repealed by 902 |
841 | Repealed by 905 |
842 | Finance (Special) |
843 | Finance (Special) |
844 | Repealed by 902 |
845 | Repealed by 911 |
846 | Finance (Special) |
847 | Repealed by 884 |
848 | Comp. 10-9 (Superseded by 960) |
849 | Repealed by 884 |
850 | Repealed by 902 |
851 | Public ways (Special) |
852 | Comp. 10-10, comprehensive plan (14.05) |
853 | Finance (Special) |
854 | Comp. 10 (Superseded by 960) |
855 | Repealed by 902 |
856 | Contracts (Special) |
857 | Repealed by 913 |
858 | Comp. 3-2 (Not codified) |
859 | Comp. 10-10, comprehensive plan (14.05) |
860 | Comp. 4-10, solid waste management (13.20) |
861 | Finance (Special) |
862 | Repealed by 888 |
863 | Comp. 4-7 (Missing) |
864 | Franchises, etc. (Special) |
865 | Comp. 6-6, riverfront park and beach area – driving prohibited (10.20) |
866 | Finance (Special) |
867 | Elections (Special) |
868 | Repealed by 902 |
869 | Comp. 10-10, comprehensive plan (14.05) |
870 | Local improvements (Special) |
871 | Bond issues (Special) |
872 | Comp. 2-2, public improvements (14.15) |
873 | Comp. 8-11, amusements – video games and arcades (5.15) |
874 | Finance (Special) |
875 | Finance (Special) |
876 | Comp. 11-2 (Repealed by 926) |
877 | Finance (Special) |
878 | Comp. 5-12; repeals Ord. 756 (Repealed by 936) |
879 | Repealed by 898 |
880 | Comp. 3-3, utility franchises (13.40) |
881 | Repealed by 884 |
882 | Repealed by 917 |
882A | Repealed by 917 |
883 | Comp. 5-13, livestock and fowl (6.05) |
884 | Repealed by 916 |
885 | Comp. 3-2 (Not codified) |
886 | Comp. 6-9, street closures due to weather conditions (12.20) |
887 | Finance (Special) |
888 | Comp. 11-3; repeals Ord. 862 (Special) |
889 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
890 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
891 | Comp. 4-8, sewer system (13.05) |
892 | Comp. 1-18; repeals Ords. 676 and 807, municipal court (2.25) |
893 | Comp. 2-4; repeals Ord. 766, construction, alteration and repair of sidewalks (12.10) |
894 | Comp. 8-12; repeals Ords. 621, 647, 763 and 764, itinerant merchants – peddlers (5.30) |
895 | Comp. 8-13; repeals Ord. 778, entertainment assemblies (5.25) |
896 | Comp. 3-2, water service and rates (13.15) |
897 | Comp. 4-7, sewer rates (13.10) |
898 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
899 | Comp. 10-12 (Not codified) |
900 | Comp. 1-15, city council (2.05) |
901 | Comp. 1-5, appointive officers (2.35) |
902 | Repealing ordinance (Repealer) |
903 | Comp. 2-2, public improvements (14.15) |
904 | Comp. 9-6; repeals Ord. 523, dangerous buildings (15.15) |
905 | Comp. 9-7; repeals Ord. 841, state building code (15.05) |
906 | Comp. 9-3, moving buildings (15.20) |
907 | Comp. 10-2, planning commission (2.15) |
908 | Comp. 3-2, water service and rates (13.15) |
909 | Comp. 5-15; repeals Ords. 563 and 638, curfew (9.35) |
910 | Comp. 5-16, discarded vehicles (8.25) |
911 | Comp. 6-10; repeals Ord. 751, abandoned vehicles (8.20) |
912 | Comp. 8-14; repeals Ord. 839 (5.05) |
913 | Comp. 10-13; repeals Ord. 857 (Superseded by 960) |
914 | Comp. 11-4 (Special) |
915 | Finance (Special) |
916 | Comp. 5-17; repeals Ord. 817A and 884, criminal code (9.05, 9.10, 9.15, 9.20, 9.30, 9.40, 9.45, 9.50, 9.55, 9.60) |
917 | Comp. 6-11; repeals Ords. 882 and 882A, traffic code (10.05, 10.10, 10.15, 10.30, 10.35, 10.40, 10.45, 10.50, 10.55) |
918 | No record |
919 | Cable TV franchise (Special) |
920 | Alley vacation (Special) |
921 | No record |
922 | Amends Ord. 834, watershed fund (Repealed by 939) |
923 | Food handlers permit (8.10) |
924 | Street vacation (Special) |
925 | Solid waste collection rates (Repealed by 931) |
926 | Natural gas franchise; repeals Ord. 876 (Repealed by 958) |
927 | Electricity franchise (Special) |
928 | Adopts intergovernmental solid waste agreement (Special) |
929 | Adopts Oregon Motor Vehicle Code; repeals § 2 of Ord. 917 (10.05) |
930 | Adopts Oregon Criminal Code; repeals § 1 of Ord. 916 (9.05) |
931 | Solid waste collection rates; repeals Ord. 925 (13.25) |
932 | Judge pro tem; repeals Ord. 630 (2.25) |
933 | Repeals Ords. 744, 808 and 831 (Repealer) |
934 | Library; repeals Ord. 378 (2.20) |
935 | Alley vacation (Special) |
936 | Nuisances; repeals Ord. 878 (Repealed by 1052) |
937 | Communication franchise (Special) |
938 | Internal general services fund (3.05) |
939 | Timber fund; repeals Ord. 834 (3.10) |
940 | Authorizes mayor to adopt administrative rules (Repealed by 947) |
941 | Planning commission (2.15) |
942 | Annexation (Special) |
943 | Business licenses; repeals Ord. 477 (5.05) |
944 | Economic development council (2.10) |
945 | Street vacation (Special) |
946 | Amends Ord. 941, planning commission (2.15) |
947 | Repeals Ord. 940 (Repealer) |
948 | Amends zoning code (Superseded by 960) |
949 | Amends zoning code (Superseded by 960) |
950 | Parking and truck traffic (10.25) |
951 | Annexation (Special) |
952 | Annexation (Special) |
953 | Annexation (Special) |
954 | Annexation (Special) |
955 | Loan agreement (Special) |
956 | Public marina (Repealed by 1057) |
957 | Public marina (Repealed by 1057) |
958 | Natural gas franchise; repeals Ord. 926 (Special) |
959 | Fire code (15.10) |
960 | Comprehensive plan, zoning, subdivisions (Repealed by 974) |
961 | Waterfront urban renewal plan (Not codified) |
962 | Cross-connections (13.35) |
963 | System development charges (Repealed by 986) |
964 | Street vacation (Special) |
965 | Amends Ord. 963, system development charges (Repealed by 986) |
966 | Comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
967 | Accepts jurisdiction of county road (Not codified) |
968 | Amends Ord. 960 Att. C § 5.13, zoning (Repealed by 974) |
969 | Amends comprehensive plan map and zoning map (Not codified) |
970 | Loan agreement (Special) |
971 | Annexation (Special) |
972 | Urban renewal taxes (Special) |
973 | Urban renewal plan (Not codified) |
974 | Amends comprehensive plan; repeals and replaces Ords. 960 and 968, subdivisions and zoning code (17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 17.25, 17.30, 18.05, 18.10, 18.15, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.83, 18.85, 18.90, 18.93, 18.95, 18.100, 18.105, 18.110, 18.115, 18.125, 18.130, 18.135, 18.140, 18.145, 18.150, 18.153, 18.155, 18.160, 18.165, 18.170, 18.175, 18.180) |
975 | Annexation (Special) |
976 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
977 | Amends waterfront urban renewal plan (Not codified) |
978 | Annexation (Special) |
979 | Assessment on ordinance violations (1.10) |
980 | Annexation (Special) |
981 | Annexation (Special) |
982 | Annexation (Special) |
983 | Loan agreement (Special) |
984 | Street vacation (Special) |
985 | Code adoption (1.01) |
986 | System development; repeals Ord. 963 (14.10) |
987 | Street vacation (Special) |
988 | Annexation (Special) |
989 | Annexation (Special) |
990 | Annexation (Special) |
991 | Annexation (Special) |
992 | Adds § 2.35.040, council committee appointments (2.35) |
993 | Manufactured home parks (18.67) |
994 | Street vacation (Special) |
995 | Street vacation (Special) |
996 | Alcoholic liquor (9.25) |
997 | Public library board (2.20) |
998 | Planning commission (2.15) |
999 | Amends §§ 2.15.020 and 2.15.060, planning commission (2.15) |
1000 | Street vacation (Special) |
1001 | Amends § 10.25.020(E), truck traffic permits (10.25) |
1002 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
1003 | Adds central business district zone (18.69) |
1004 | Amends § 8.20.020(C), abandoned vehicles (8.20) |
1005 | Amends § 10.10.050, authority of police and fire officers (10.10) |
1006 | Amends waterfront urban renewal plan (Not codified) |
1007 | Utility easement (Special) |
1008 | Utility easement (Special) |
1009 | Street vacation (Special) |
1010 | Annexation (Special) |
1011 | Amends § 9.35.020, curfew hours (9.35) |
1012 | (Number not used) |
1013 | Inventory of impounded vehicles (10.55) |
1014 | Street vacation (Special) |
1015 | Urban forestry (8.35) |
1016 | Ballot measure 37 claims processing (3.20) |
1017 | Rezone (Special) |
1018 | Amends transportation system plan (Special) |
1019 | Rezone (Special) |
1020 | Amends zoning code to include provisions for waterfront mixed use zone (WMU), flag lots, accessory dwelling units (ADU), off-street parking, definitions, application extensions, public notice areas, land use fees and final plat notice and review procedures (17.05, 17.10, 18.05, 18.50, 18.105, 18.145, 18.160, 18.165) |
1021 | (Number not used) |
1022 | Annexation (Special) |
1023 | Property vacation (Special) |
1024 | Annexation (Special) |
1025 | Annexation (Special) |
1026 | Annexation (Special) |
1027 | Annexation (Special) |
1028 | Amends comprehensive plan map (Special) |
1029 | Annexation (Special) |
1030 | Annexation (Special) |
1031 | Planning commission (2.15) |
1032 | Repeals and replaces § 9.55.010(A), social gaming (9.55) |
1033 | Animal control (6.15) |
1034 | Property vacation (Special) |
1035 | Reimbursement districts (13.45) |
1036 | Tree planting and maintenance policy (8.40) |
1037 | Prohibits use of tobacco products in Riverfront Park (9.55) |
1038 | Rezone (Special) |
1039 | Amends zoning code § 6.6, nonconforming uses (18.140) |
1040 | Amends zoning ordinance § 3.10 [3.9] to be light industrial M-2 instead of M-1, and § 3.11 [3.10] to be heavy industrial M-1 instead of M-2 (18.10, 18.55, 18.60) |
1041 | (Number not used) |
1042 | (Number not used) |
1043 | (Number not used) |
1044 | (Number not used) |
1045 | (Number not used) |
1046 | (Number not used) |
1047 | (Number not used) |
1048 | (Number not used) |
1049 | (Number not used) |
1050 | Budget committee (2.40) |
1051 | Property vacation (Special) |
1052 | Nuisances; repeals Ord. 936 (8.15) |
1053 | City docks (Repealed by 1057) |
1054 | Police officer training fee (3.15) |
1055 | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by 1084) |
1056 | Sign code; repeals zoning code Article 3, Section 3.14 [3.13, § 18.69.120] (18.110) |
1057 | City marina; repeals Ords. 823, 956, 957 and 1053 (8.30) |
1058 | Transient merchants; repeals definition in Section 3 of Ord. 943 (5.05, 5.30) |
1059 | Recreational vehicle park (Repealed by 1079) |
1060 | Chickens (6.20) |
1061 | Rezone (Special) |
1062 | |
1063 | Moratorium on medical marijuana facilities (Special) |
1064 | Property vacation (Special) |
1065 | Adds Ch. 4.05 [3.25], marijuana tax (3.25) |
1066 | Imposes moratorium on medical marijuana facilities (Special) |
1067 | Business license regulations for marijuana facilities (5.40) |
1068 | Amends Ord. 1067, business license regulations for marijuana facilities (5.40) |
1069 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
1070 | Amends Ord. 1067, business license regulations for marijuana facilities (5.40) |
1071 | Imposes tax on sale of marijuana items (3.30) |
1072 | Amends zoning ordinance §§ 1.3, 3.3 and 3.4, zoning (18.05, 18.25, 18.30) |
1073 | Annexation (Special) |
1074 | Rezone (Special) |
1075 | Amends §§ 2.15.020, 2.15.040, 2.15.110, 2.15.120, 2.15.140, 2.15.150, 2.15.160 and 2.15.170; repeals §§ 2.15.030, 2.15.050 and 2.15.060, planning commission (2.15) |
1076 | Adds Ch. 12.25, public parks (12.25) |
1077 | Amends Ords. 1067 and 1068, marijuana facility regulations (5.40) |
1078 | Food carts (5.45) |
1079 | Repeals Ord. 1059, recreational vehicle park (Repealer) |
1080 | Vacation rental dwellings (5.50) |
1081 | Repeals Ord. 974 [Ord. 974 as codified in Ch. 18.80, flood hazard overlay] (Repealer) |
1082 | Flood damage prevention (18.120) |
1083 | Adds Ch. 18.00 [18.73], annexations (18.73) |
1084 | Repeals Ord. 1055, flood damage prevention (Repealer) |
1085 | Amends §§ 18.50.050(C)(2) and (D)(2), quality of materials (18.50) |
1086 | Adds Ch. 11 [1.11], code enforcement procedures (1.11) |
1087 | Recreational vehicles (10.60) |
1088 | Annexation (Special) |
1089 | Prohibits camping at certain public properties (12.30) |
1090 | Amends Ord. 910 §§ 5 and 8; repeals Ord. 910 § 6, discarded vehicles (8.25) |
1091 | Amends §§ 2.15.110(B), 17.10.020(A) – (D), 17.10.030, 17.10.040, 17.10.050, 17.10.060, 17.15.020(A), (C), (D)(21), (F), (G), (I) and (J), 17.15.030(A) – (C), (E) and (F), 17.15.040(A) – (E), 17.15.050, 17.15.060, 17.15.070, 17.15.080(B)(3), 17.15.090(A) and (B), 17.15.100, 17.20.020(A), (G) and (H), 17.20.030(B), 17.20.040, 17.20.070, 17.20.080, 18.05.030, 18.15.020, 18.20.010, 18.25.010, 18.30.010, 18.150.020 and 18.160.050; repeals §§ 17.10.070 and 17.20.050, planning commission meetings, subdivisions, zoning (2.15, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 18.05, 18.15, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.150, 18.160) |
1092 | Vehicles for hire (5.60) |
1093 | Planned unit development (17.35) |
1094 | Rezone (Special) |
1095 | Amends §§ 18.05.100 [18.05.030], 18.15.020, 18.15.030, 18.20.010, 18.20.020, 18.25.010, 18.25.020 and Title 18, Division V; repeals § 18.25.100, accessory dwelling units (18.05, 18.15, 18.20, 18.25, 18.154) |
1096 | Property vacation (Special) |
1097 | Property vacation (Special) |