This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited in parentheses by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Not codified” indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). “Special” means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation).
9-19-95-2 | Amends §§ 8-300 – 8-350, contracting and purchasing (Repealed by 11-16) |
2-25-97-1 | Annexation (Special) |
2-25-97-2 | Code adoption (Repealed by 11-16) |
3-18-97-1 | Adds § 12-670; amends § 12-600, signs (Repealed by 3-17-98-1) |
4-15-97-1 | Amends §§ 12-130 and 12-140, planning commission, board of adjustment (2.80, 2.95) |
5-20-97-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-20-97-2 | Amends § 12-295, parks and open space zone (18.105) |
5-20-97-3 | Amends § 12-170, sexually oriented businesses (18.185) |
5-20-97-4 | Sexually oriented businesses (5.40) |
5-20-97-5 | Extends specific development moratorium (Expired) |
6-3-97-1 | Rezone (Special) |
7-1-97-1 | Park impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
7-1-97-2 | Culinary water impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
7-1-97-3 | Stormwater impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
7-1-97-4 | Roadway impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
7-1-97-5 | Fire protection impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
7-1-97-6 | Rezone (Special) |
7-15-97-2 | Adopts the West Riverton Flats land use plan (Special) |
8-5-97-1 | Rezone (Special) |
9-2-97-1 | Amends Ord. 7-1-97-2, culinary water impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
9-16-97-1 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14-2, sewers (13.15) |
9-16-97-2 | |
9-16-97-3 | Repeals and replaces § 11-3-47, parking of vehicles for sale (10.10) |
10-7-97-1 | Rezone (Special) |
10-7-97-2 | Adds §§ 12-3-4-2-3 and 12-3-4-2-4, construction site maintenance standards (Repealed by 15-23) |
10-14-97-1 | Adopts Redwood Road South redevelopment plan (Special) |
11-5-97-1 | Telecommunications rights-of-way (12.25) |
11-5-97-2 | Excavation permits (12.15) |
11-18-97-1 | Adds §§ 12-260, 12-265, 12-270, 12-275 and 12-280; repeals § 12-20-14, commercial districts (Repealed by 11-16) |
11-18-97-2 | Adds §§ 12-215, 12-220, 12-225, 12-230, 12-235, 12-240 and 12-245; repeals §§ 12-2-12 and 12-2-13, residential districts (Repealed by 11-16) |
11-18-97-3 | Rezone (Special) |
11-18-97-4 | Rezone (Special) |
12-16-97-1 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2-3-98-1 | Adds § 12-325; repeals Ch. 12-3, subdivisions (17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20) |
2-3-98-2 | Adds § 12-256, elderly housing overlay zone (18.120) |
2-17-98-1 | Amends § 10-5-010, no hunting within the city (9.20) |
2-17-98-2 | Adds § 12-310; repeals § 12-214, site plan review and standards (18.215) |
3-3-98 | Rezone (Special) |
3-3-98-1 | Rezone (Special) |
3-3-98-2 | Adds § 12-315; repeals § 12-2-5, automobile parking (18.145) |
3-17-98-1 | Adds § 12-325 [12-320]; repeals § 12-600, signs (Repealed by 11-16) |
3-17-98-2 | Moratorium on specific rezoning and subdivision applications (Expired) |
4-21-98-1 | Rezone (Special) |
4-21-98-2 | Adds §§ 12-251 and 12-350, groundwater protection overlay zone and flood protection (18.115) |
4-21-98-3 | Annexation (Special) |
4-21-98-4 | Rezone (Special) |
5-19-98-1 | Adds § 12-250, sensitive area overlay zone (18.110) |
6-2-98-1A1 | Amends § 12-215, R-1 residential zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1B | Amends § 12-220, RR-22 residential zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1C | Amends § 12-225, R-2 residential zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1D | Amends § 12-235, R-4 residential zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1E | Amends § 12-240, RM-8 residential zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1F | Amends § 12-230, R-3 residential zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1G | Amends § 12-260, downtown commercial zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1H | Amends § 12-265, gateway commercial zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1I | Amends § 12-275, professional office commercial zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1J | Amends § 12-280, regional commercial zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1K | Amends § 12-325, subdivisions (17.15) |
6-2-98-1L | Amends § 12-310, site plan review and standards (18.215) |
6-2-98-1M | Amends and renumbers § 12-1-40 as 12-145, board of adjustment (2.80) |
6-2-98-1N | Amends and renumbers § 12-1-30 as 12-140, planning commission (2.95) |
6-2-98-1O | Amends § 12-2-3-7-2-7, private lanes (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1P | Amends § 12-245, RM-12 residential zone (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-2-98-1Q | Amends § 12-256, elderly housing overlay zone (18.120) |
6-16-98 | Amends § 12-310, site plan review (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-16-98-4 | Mayor and council salaries (2.105) |
7-7-98-1 | Extends Ord. 3-17-98-2, moratorium on specific rezoning and subdivision applications (Expired) |
9-15-98-1 | Adopts the Riverton City downtown specific plan (Special) |
9-15-98-2 | Adds § 12-165, wireless communication towers (18.175) |
10-27-98-1 | Amends § 12-310, site plan review and standards (18.215) |
10-27-98-2 | Amends § 12-315, automobile parking (18.145) |
11-17-98-1 | Adopts 1997 Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 11-16) |
12-15-98-1 | Adopts the 13400 South Bangerter Highway economic development plan (Special) |
2-2-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-2-99-2 | Amends § 5-16, references to police chief (2.55) |
4-6-99-1 | Amends the 13400 South Bangerter Highway economic development plan (Special) |
4-6-99-2 | Amends culinary water capital facilities plan (Special) |
4-6-99-3 | Rezone (Special) |
4-20-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
4-20-99-2 | Culinary water impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-15-99-1 | Amends § 7-2-24; repeals §§ 7-24-2 – 7-24-6, contracts for services with other entities (2.75) |
7-20-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
8-3-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
8-17-99-1 | Amends Title 12, subdivisions and zoning (17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.50, 18.55, 18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85, 18.90, 18.145) |
9-7-99-1 | Adopts March 1999 master transportation plan (Special) |
10-6-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
10-6-99-2 | |
11-3-99-1 | Amends the 13400 South Bangerter Highway economic development plan (Special) |
11-16-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-16-99-2 | Amends Ord. 10-14-97-1, Redwood Road South redevelopment plan (Special) |
11-16-99-3 | Amends §§ 9-1-15, 9-2-11, 9-4-14, 9-4-53-2 and 9-4-55-1; repeals § 9-1-14-3, business license fees (5.05, 5.10) |
11-23-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
12-7-99-1 | Rezone (Special) |
12-7-99-2 | Rezone (Special) |
12-7-99-3 | Rezone (Special) |
12-7-99-4 | Rezone (Special) |
1-4-00-1 | Secondary water system impact fee (Repealed by 11-16) |
1-18-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-1-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-15-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-15-00-2 | Rezone (Special) |
2-15-00-3 | Amends Ch. 14-3, secondary water (Repealed by 11-16) |
3-7-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
3-21-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
4-4-00-1 | Adopts 1997 Uniform Building Code Vol. 1, 1997 International Plumbing Code, 1998 International Mechanical Code, 1996 National Electrical Code, 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and state amendments to building codes (15.10, 15.25, 15.30, 15.35) |
5-2-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-16-00-1 | Adopts the Western Springs specific plan (Special) |
5-16-00-2 | Energy sales and use tax (3.30) |
5-16-00-3 | Public utilities revenue tax (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-6-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
7-5-00-1 | Rezone (Denied) |
8-1-00-1 | Amends § 12-140, planning commission (2.95) |
8-1-00-2 | Telecommunications rights-of-way (12.25) |
9-5-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
9-5-00-2 | Adds § 12-355, street trees (12.20) |
9-5-00-3 | Rezone (Special) |
9-19-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
10-3-00-1 | Adds § 12-355 [12-360], fencing (18.155) |
10-17-00-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-21-00-1 | Amends Ord. 8-1-00-2, telecommunications rights-of-way (12.25) |
1-2-01-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-6-01-1 | Rezone (Special) |
4-3-01-1 | Amends § 12-235-010-N [12-325-010-N], single stage subdivision applications (17.05) |
4-17-01-1 | Adds Ch. 8-4; repeals § 8-1-14, tree board (2.90) |
5-1-01-1 | Amends §§ 12-115-015, 12-2 [12-200], 12-310-090 and 12-325-020, subdivisions and zoning (17.10, 18.05, 18.135, 18.215) |
5-15-01-1 | Adds sections to Ch. 14-3, secondary water (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-19-01-1 | Adds Ch. 6-3, mobile telephone service revenue tax (5.50) |
6-19-01-2 | Amends § 12-320, signs (Repealed by 11-16) |
8-21-01-1 | Rezone (Special) |
8-21-01-2 | Rezone (Special) |
10-16-01-1 | Amends § 12-320, signs (Repealed by 11-16) |
11-7-01-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-7-01-2 | Rezone (Special) |
11-7-01-3 | Amends § 12-270, neighborhood commercial zone (18.75) |
11-20-01-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-20-01-2 | Rezone (Special) |
11-20-01-3 | Rezone (Special) |
11-20-01-4 | Amends table of commercial uses, zoning (18.90) |
1-8-02-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-5-02-1 | Amends §§ 12-215-025-J, 12-215-030-J [12-230-025-J], 12-220-025-J, 12-225-025-J and 12-235-025-J, accessory buildings and uses (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
2-19-02-1 | Adds § 12-255, RM-18 residential zone (18.60) |
2-19-02-2 | Amends table of commercial uses, zoning (18.90) |
3-19-02-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-7-02-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-7-02-2 | Rezone (Special) |
5-21-02-1 | Time-of-day watering (Repealed by 6-26-07-1) |
5-21-02-2 | Adds § 14-3-47; amends §§ 14-3-19 and 14-3-41 [14-3-31], secondary water (13.10) |
6-4-02-1 | Rezone (Special) |
6-18-02-1 | Park, trails, fire and roadway impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
7-2-02-1 | Adds § 13-3-80, animal control penalty (6.05) |
7-30-02-1 | Storm drain impact fee (Repealed by 11-16) |
10-1-02-1 | Adopts the Hamilton Farms specific plan (Special) |
11-6-02-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-19-02-1 | Adds a new chapter to Title 14, street lighting utility (13.30) |
11-19-02-2 | Rezone (Special) |
11-19-02-3 | Construction and development standards for communication services (Repealed by 08-17) |
12-17-02 | Rezone (Special) |
12-17-02-1 | Rezone (Special) |
12-17-02-2 | Adds Ch. 13-5, administrative code enforcement hearing program (Repealed by 22-16) |
2-4-03-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-4-03-2 | Amends § 11-3-83-2, excavations (Repealed by 11-16) |
3-18-03-1 | Amends §§ 12-240-025-A, 12-245-025-A and 12-255-025-A, residential zones (18.50, 18.55, 18.60) |
4-1-03-1 | Amends § 12-325-005-M, subdivision building permits and occupancy clearance (17.05) |
4-1-03-2 | Rezone (Special) |
4-1-03-3 | Rezone (Special) |
4-1-03-4 | Rezone (Special) |
4-8-03-1 | Off-street storage and/or temporary parking of recreational vehicles (Repealed by 10-8-03-1) |
4-22-03-1 | Amends § 12-200-030-E, basements in residential units (18.135) |
5-20-03 | Amends §§ 12-280-020-B-1, 12-280-025-A and 12-280-030-D-1-b, regional commercial zone (18.85) |
5-20-03 | Rezone (Special) |
6-17-03-1 | Adopts the Canyonview Park specific plan (Special) |
6-17-03-2 | Amends § 8-2-52-1, cemeteries (Repealed by 10-04) |
7-1-03-1 | Rezone (Special) |
7-1-03-2 | Amends Ord. 1-4-00-1, secondary water system impact fee (Repealed by 11-16) |
8-5-03-1 | Amends §§ 12-207-015-4-a and 12-207-040-1-f, planned developments (Repealed by 2-1-05-3) |
8-5-03-2 | Rezone (Special) |
8-5-03-3 | Adds § 14-1-34-5; amends § 14-1-34-4, water use restriction (13.05) |
8-26-03-1 | Amends § 11-3-47-1; repeals § 11-3-25-2, parking (10.10) |
9-2-03-1 | Rezone (Special) |
9-2-03-2 | Amends §§ 12-215-025, 12-220-025, 12-225-025, 12-230-025, 12-235-025, 12-260-020-D, 12-265-020-D, 12-270-020-D, 12-275-020-D and 12-280-020-D, residential and commercial setbacks (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85) |
10-8-03 | Rezone (Special) |
10-8-03-1 | Repeals Ord. 4-8-03-1 (Repealer) |
10-8-03-2 | Amends § 12-260, downtown commercial zone (18.65) |
10-8-03-3 | Amends table of commercial uses, zoning (18.90) |
11-5-03 | Rezone (Special) |
11-5-03-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-5-03-3 | Amends § 12-320-050, permitted commercial and industrial signs (Repealed by 11-16) |
11-18-03-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-18-03-2 | Rezone (Special) |
11-18-03-3 | Street vacation (Special) |
11-25-03 | Rezone (Special) |
12-9-03-1 | Amends § 3-18-17A [3-8-17A], city manager and mayor (Repealed by 11-16) |
12-16-03 | Approves the master recreation plan (Special) |
12-16-03 | Amends § 12-900, day care centers and preschools (Repealed by 08-13) |
1-3-04-1 | Adopts the Hamilton Properties specific plan (Special) |
2-3-04 | Amends § 12-207, planned unit developments (Repealed by 2-1-05-3) |
2-17-04-1 | Rezone (Special) |
3-16-04-1 | Temporary sales offices in residential developments (Repealed by 11-16) |
4-6-04-1 | |
5-4-04-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-4-04-2 | Rezone (Special) |
5-4-04-3 | Rezone (Special) |
5-4-04-4 | Rezone (Special) |
5-4-04-5 | Telecommunications service providers gross receipts tax (5.50) |
6-1-04-1 | Amends § 12-315-015, general parking requirements (18.145) |
6-15-04 | Approves single-phase subdivision (Special) |
6-15-04-1 | Rezone (Special) |
7-6-04-2 | Amends § 12-315, parking stall dimensions (18.145) |
7-13-04-1 | Rezone (Special) |
7-13-04-2 | Rezone (Special) |
9-7-04-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-3-04-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-3-04-2 | Amends §§ 12-265 and 12-280, gateway and regional commercial zones (Repealed by 11-16) |
11-16-04-1 | Adopts amended 13400 South Bangerter Highway economic development plan (Special) |
12-7-04-1 | Amends § 12-360, fencing (18.155) |
12-7-04-2 | Rezone (Special) |
12-7-04-3 | Rezone (Special) |
12-7-04-4 | Repeals and replaces § 9-4-10, alcoholic beverages (Repealed by 5-8-07-1) |
12-14-04-1 | Rewords business license annual billing procedure (Repealed by 11-16) |
1-25-05-1 | Adopts 2003 International Fire Code (15.20) |
2-1-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-1-05-2 | Rezone (Special) |
2-1-05-3 | Repeals § 12-270 [12-207], planned unit developments (Repealer) |
3-15-05-1 | Adjust boundary between Riverton City and Bluffdale City (Special) |
4-5-05-1 | Election of city council members from districts (Repealed by 11-09) |
4-5-05-2 | Franchise grant to Questar Gas Company (Special) |
4-19-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-3-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-17-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-24-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
6-7-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
6-21-05-1 | Amends Ch. 9-5; repeals Ch. 9-6, building regulations (15.05, 15.10, 15.15, 15.25, 15.40) |
6-21-05-2 | Rezone (Special) |
6-21-05-3 | Amends the city’s personnel policies and procedures (Not codified) |
7-12-05-1 | Amends § 8-340, competitive bidding requirements (Repealed by 11-16) |
7-12-05-2 | Rezone (Special) |
7-19-05-1 | Amends Title 14, city utilities (2.60, 2.65, 13.05, 13.10, 13.15) |
8-2-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
8-2-05-2 | Rezone (Special) |
8-16-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
9-6-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
10-4-05-1 | Amends § 12-280-020-A, commercial setbacks (18.85) |
10-11-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
10-25-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-1-05-2 | Rezone (Special) |
11-1-05-3 | Rezone (Special) |
11-1-05-4 | Street vacation (Special) |
11-29-05-1 | Rezone (Special) |
1-3-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
1-3-06-2 | Rezone (Special) |
1-17-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
1-24-06-1 | Prohibits alcoholic beverages on city-owned properties (11.05) |
2-21-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-28-06-1 | Amends the general plan land use element map (Special) |
3-7-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
3-22-06-1 | Amends § 12-240, RM-8 residential zone (18.50) |
3-22-06-2 | Rezone (Special) |
3-22-06-3 | Rezone (Special) |
4-4-06 | Amends Ord. 11-1-05-3, rezone (Special) |
5-2-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-23-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
6-6-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
6-6-06-2 | Rezone (Special) |
6-6-06-3 | Rezone (Special) |
7-11-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
7-18-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
8-1-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
8-1-06-2 | Rezone (Special) |
8-22-06-1 | Amends § 3-8-18, compensation and salaries (2.105) |
8-22-06-2 | Amends § 3-8-18, compensation and salaries (2.105) |
8-22-06-3 | Rezone (Special) |
8-22-06-4 | Rezone (Special) |
9-19-06-1 | Residential solicitation (5.20) |
9-26-06-1 | Amends §§ 12-310-060-B, 12-325-005-M and 12-325-020-C, development improvements, building permits and occupancy clearances (17.05, 17.10, 18.215) |
9-26-06-2 | Rezone (Special) |
9-26-06-3 | Rezone (Special) |
10-10-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
10-10-06-2 | Rezone (Special) |
11-14-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
11-14-06-2 | Purchasing and procurement (3.05) |
11-14-06-3 | Amends § 12-320, signs (Repealed by 11-16) |
11-28-06-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-6-07-1 | Rezone (Special) |
2-6-07-2 | Rezone (Special) |
2-13-07-1 | Amends § 12-360-085, fences (18.155) |
3-13-07-1 | Rezone (Special) |
5-8-07-1 | Repeals and replaces §§ 9-4-10 – 9-4-27, alcoholic beverages (5.15) |
6-5-07-1 | Amends the general plan to include capital facilities plans for stormwater, secondary water, transportation, public safety, and parks and open space (Special) |
6-5-07-2 | Rezone (Special) |
6-19-07-1 | Impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
6-26-07-1 | Repeals Ord. 5-21-02-1, time-of-day watering (Repealer) |
6-26-07-2 | Rezone (Special) |
7-10-07 | Rezone (Denied) |
7-10-07-2 | Rezone (Special) |
7-10-07-3 | Rezone (Special) |
7-17-07 | Rezone (Denied) |
07-01 | Extends the effective date of Ord. 6-19-07-1, impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
07-02 | (Missing) |
07-03 | (Missing) |
07-04 | Rezone (Failed) |
07-05 | Rezone (Special) |
07-06 | Rezone (Special) |
07-07 | Street vacation (Special) |
07-08 | Adds § 12-250, RM-6 residential zone (18.45) |
07-09 | Extends the effective date of Ord. 6-19-07-1, impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
07-10 | Rezone (Denied) |
07-11 | Rezone (Special) |
07-12 | Adds § 12-207; repeals §§ 12-200-055 and 12-206-030-4, home occupations (18.190, 18.195) |
07-13 | Amends § 12-325-020-C-2-A, improvements and dedications (17.10) |
07-14 | Smoking in city parks (11.10) |
07-15 | Adds §§ 11-3-101, 11-3-102 and 11-3-103, mud and debris on city streets (12.15) |
07-16 | Rezone (Special) |
08-01 | Adds Ch. 3-12, conflict of interest (2.120) |
08-02 | Rezone (Special) |
08-03 | Extends the effective date of Ord. 6-19-07-1, impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
08-04 | Rezone (Special) |
08-05 | Rezone (Special) |
08-06 | Temporary prohibition of construction and development in specified area (Special) |
08-07 | Amends § 12-280-020-A, commercial regional zone setbacks (18.85) |
08-08 | Rezone (Denied) |
08-09 | Extends the effective date of Ord. 6-19-07-1, impact fees (Repealed by 11-16) |
08-10 | Amends § 10-5-010, no hunting within the city (9.20) |
08-11 | Releases certain property from Ord. 08-07 [08-06], temporary prohibition of construction and development in specified area (Special) |
08-12 | Amends compensation schedule for elected or statutory officers (2.105) |
08-13 | Adds § 12-300; amends §§ 12-215, 12-220, 12-225, 12-230, 12-235, 12-260 and 12-280; repeals § 12-900, zoning (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.65, 18.85, 18.165) |
08-14 | Rezone (Denied) |
08-15 | Amends the master transportation plan, and the transportation, parks and recreation, stormwater, public safety, culinary water, and secondary water capital facility plans (Special) |
08-16 | Storm drain, secondary water, transportation, public safety, and parks and recreation facilities impact fees (18.205) |
08-17 | Repeals Ord. 11-19-02-3, construction and development standards for communication services (Repealer) |
08-18 | Rezone (Special) |
08-19 | Adds § 12-290, planned commercial center zone (18.100) |
08-20 | Amends general plan land use element (Special) |
08-21 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
08-22 | Adds §§ 8-1-010 – 8-1-030 and 8-2-010 – 8-2-070, property acquisition and sale (3.10, 3.20) |
08-23 | Amends § 11-3-35, truck routes (10.05) |
08-24 | Amends § 12-320, signs (18.150) |
08-25 | Amends § 11-3-35, truck routes (10.05) |
09-01 | Amends § 13-3-11-5, animal under restraint (Tabled) |
09-02 | Amends table of commercial uses, zoning (18.90) |
09-03 | Amends Ord. 11-14-06-2, purchasing and procurement (3.05) |
09-04 | Amends § 3-8-17A-2-8-11, emergency interim successors to city administrator (2.15) |
09-05 | Amends §§ 12-322-102-a and 12-322-102-b, signs (18.150) |
09-06 | Amends §§ 12-215-025-J-6 and 12-220-025-J-6; repeals §§ 12-225-025-J-6, 12-230-025-J-6 and 12-235-025-J-6, accessory agricultural buildings (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
09-07 | Amends §§ 12-260-035-D, 12-265-035-D, 12-270-035-D [12-270-030-C], 12-275-035-D, 12-280-035-D [12-280-035-C], 12-285-035-D and 12-290-035-D [12-290-035-C], buffering between noncompatible land uses (18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85, 18.100) |
09-08 | Temporary moratorium on residential facilities for persons with a disability (Special) |
09-09 | Adds §§ 11-1-010 – 11-1-180, city parking permit (10.15) |
09-10 | Rezone (Special) |
09-11 | Adds §§ 13-5-101 – 13-5-108, noise pollution control (8.40) |
09-12 | Flood damage prevention ordinance (15.45) |
09-13 | Rezone (Special) |
09-14 | Amends § 12-360-030; repeals § 12-360-020-C, fences (18.155) |
09-15 | Amends § V of Ords. 5-4-04-2 and 5-4-04-3, fiber cement siding within certain subdivisions (Special) |
09-16 | Amends Ord. 11-1-05-2, rezone (Special) |
10-01 | Adds Ch. 13.20, stormwater (13.20) |
10-02 | Adds § 12-280-045; amends §§ 12-115-15, 12-280-015 and table of commercial uses, check cashing businesses (18.05, 18.85, 18.90, 18.187) |
10-03 | Rezone (Special) |
10-04 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8-2, cemeteries (11.15) |
10-05 | (Denied) |
10-06 | Rezone (Special) |
10-07 | Adds §§ 10-1-50, 10-1-51 and 15-50-101 through 15-50-109, building codes (15.10, 15.15, 15.20, 15.25, 15.30, 15.50, 15.55, 15.60, 15.65) |
10-08 | Adds Ch. 14-5, stormwater utility (13.25) |
10-09 | (Denied) |
10-10 | (Denied) |
10-11 | Amends § 12-360-025-C, fencing on corner lots (18.155) |
10-12 | (Denied) |
10-13 | (Number not used) |
10-14 | Amends § 9-1-15 and Ch. 9-2, business license fee (5.05, 5.10) |
11-01 | Amends transportation master plan, capital facilities plan for transportation and transportation impact fee analysis (Special) |
11-02 | Transportation/roadway system impact fees (18.205) |
11-03 | Rezone (Special) |
11-04 | Amends § 12-260-010 and table of commercial uses, downtown commercial zone (18.65, 18.90) |
11-05 | Amends § 13.20.030, land disturbance permits (13.20) |
11-06 | Amends § 11-3-45, limited winter parking (10.10) |
11-07 | Amends § 6-3-2, procurement (3.05) |
11-08 | Amends §§ 12-320-104, 12-322-103-7-D [12-322-103-D] and 12-322-102, signs (18.150) |
11-09 | Council district boundaries; repeals Ord. 4-5-05-1 (Repealed by 13-02) |
11-10 | Amends compensation schedule for elected or statutory officers (2.105) |
11-11 | Rezone (Special) |
11-12 | Rezone (Special) |
11-13 | Subdivision vacation (Special) |
11-14 | Adds § 3-9-33; repeals § 3-9-32, city treasurer (2.30) |
11-15 | Adds Ch. 18.225; amends Chs. 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35 and 18.40, accessory structures (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.225) |
11-16 | Adds Ch. 1.01; repeals §§ 1-0-1 – 1-0-4, 10-1-53 – 10-1-57, 10-2-1, 10-2-2, 11-3-80 – 11-3-97, 12-200-020, 12-200-025, 12-320-005 – 12-320-055 and 12-350-105 – 12-350-215, Ch. 18.130 and Ords. 9-19-95-2, 2-25-97-2, 7-1-97-1, 7-1-97-2, 7-1-97-3, 7-1-97-4, 7-1-97-5, 9-2-97-1, 11-18-97-1, 11-18-97-2, 3-17-98-1, 4-21-98-2, 6-2-98-1A, 6-2-98-1B, 6-2-98-1C, 6-2-98-1D, 6-2-98-1E, 6-2-98-1F, 6-2-98-1G, 6-2-98-1H, 6-2-98-1I, 6-2-98-1J, 6-2-98-1O, 6-2-98-1P, 6-16-98, 11-17-98-1, 4-20-99-2, 1-4-00-1, 2-15-00-3, 5-16-00-3, 5-15-01-1, 6-19-01-2, 10-16-01-1, 6-18-02-1, 7-30-02-1, 2-4-03-2, 7-1-03-2, 11-5-03-3, 12-9-03-1, 3-16-04-1, 11-3-04-2, 12-14-04-1, 7-12-05-1, 11-14-06-3, 6-19-07-1, 07-01, 07-09, 08-03 and 08-09, code adoption (1.01) |
11-17 | Adds § 12-280-050; amends § 12-115-15 and table of commercial uses, tobacco retailers (18.05, 18.85, 18.90) |
11-18 | Amends §§ 12-280-020-C, 12-280-030-E-1 and 12-280-030-E-2, regional commercial zone (18.85) |
12-01 | (Number not used) |
12-02 | Adopts secondary water system impact fee facility plan (Special) |
12-03 | Rezone (Denied) |
12-04 | Amends Ch. 18.150, signs (18.150) |
12-05 | Amends Ch. 12.20, street trees (12.20) |
12-06 | Amends § 13.05.090, culinary water (13.05) |
12-07 | (Withdrawn) |
12-08 | (Denied) |
12-09 | Amends § 18.90.010, table of commercial uses (18.90) |
12-10 | Adds Ch. 18.53, RM-8-D residential zone (18.53) |
12-11 | Amends the Western Springs specific plan (Special) |
12-12 | Rezone (Special) |
12-13 | Adopts compensation schedule for elected or statutory officers (2.105) |
12-14 | Amends Ch. 8.30, fireworks (8.30) |
12-15 | Amends § 18.90.010, table of commercial uses (18.90) |
12-16 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
12-17 | Adds § 18.135.050(5); amends § 17.15.030(8), residential driveways (17.15, 18.135) |
12-18 | Amends § 18.53.120, internal roadways (18.53) |
12-19 | Rezone (Special) |
12-20 | Rezone (Special) |
12-21 | Amends § 8.10.140, nuisance inspector (Repealed by 22-16) |
12-22 | Amends §§ 8.10.070, 8.10.080 and 8.10.090, nuisances (8.10) |
12-23 | Amends §§ 8.10.100, 8.10.110 and 8.10.120, nuisances (8.10) |
12-24 | Rezone (Special) |
12-25 | Rezone (Denied) |
12-26 | Amends §§ 18.225.040(B)(1), (B)(2), (C)(3) and 18.225.060(A), accessory buildings (18.225) |
12-27 | Rezone (Denied) |
13-01 | (Denied) |
13-02 | Council district boundaries; repeals Ord. 11-09 (Repealed by 22-07) |
13-03 | Rezone (Special) |
13-04 | Rezone (Special) |
13-05 | (Denied) |
13-06 | Amends Ch. 2.95, planning commission (2.95) |
13-07 | Rezone (Special) |
13-08 | Rezone (Special) |
13-09 | Rezone (Special) |
13-10 | Rezone (Special) |
13-11 | Amends § 17.20.010, subdivisions (17.20) |
13-12 | Amends Ch. 18.175, wireless communication towers (18.175) |
13-13 | Rezone (Special) |
13-14 | Rezone (Denied) |
13-15 | Rezone (Special) |
13-16 | Repeals Ch. 2.130, campaign finance disclosure requirements (Repealer) |
13-17 | Amends general plan land use element (Special) |
13-18 | Amends Ch. 13.15, sewers (13.15) |
13-19 | Rezone (Special) |
13-20 | Rezone (Special) |
13-21 | Rezone (Special) |
13-22 | Rezone (Special) |
13-23 | Rezone (No action taken) |
13-24 | Amends Ord. 1-17-06-1, rezone (Denied) |
14-01 | Rezone (Special) |
14-02 | Adds Ch. 18.57, RM-14-D residential zone (18.57) |
14-03 | Rezone (Special) |
14-04 | Amends § 10.05.090(2), truck routes (10.05) |
14-05 | Amends §§ 18.120.060(1) and (2), zoning (18.120) |
14-06 | Rezone (Special) |
14-07 | Amends §§ 13.20.020, 13.20.030 and 13.20.080, stormwater (13.20) |
14-08 | Rezone (Special) |
14-09 | (Denied) |
14-10 | Adopts compensation schedule for elected or statutory officers (2.105) |
14-11 | (Withdrawn) |
14-12 | (Withdrawn) |
14-13 | Amends § 18.45.050, RM-6 zone area requirements (18.45) |
14-14 | Rezone (Special) |
14-15 | Rezone (Special) |
14-16 | Rezone (Special) |
14-17 | Amends Ch. 18.57, zoning (18.57) |
14-18 | Amends §§ 18.05.030, 18.85.090, 18.187.010 and 18.187.020, title lending businesses (18.05, 18.85, 18.187) |
14-19 | (Denied) |
14-20 | (Skipped) |
14-21 | Amends § 18.85.060(5)(a), zoning (18.85) |
14-22 | Street vacation (Special) |
14-23 | Rezone (Special) |
14-24 | Rezone (Special) |
15-01 | Amends §§ 11.15.040 and 11.15.080, cemetery (11.15) |
15-02 | Amends §§ 17.10.010, 17.15.020, 17.15.030, 18.05.030, 18.20.080, 18.45.160, 18.50.160, 18.53.160, 18.57.170, Ch. 18.155 and § 18.215.030, fences (17.10, 17.15, 18.05, 18.20, 18.45, 18.50, 18.53, 18.57, 18.155, 18.215) |
15-03 | Rezone (Special) |
15-04 | Amends § 13.10.300, secondary water (13.10) |
15-05 | Amends Ch. 11.05, municipal property (11.05) |
15-06 | Rezone (Special) |
15-07 | Adds §§ 18.190.110 and 18.190.120; amends §§ 18.190.080(2) and 18.190.090, home occupations (18.190) |
15-08 | Rezone (Special) |
15-09 | Amends Ch. 18.55, zoning (18.55) |
15-10 | Adopts compensation schedule for elected or statutory officers (2.105) |
15-11 | Rezone (Special) |
15-12 | Amends § 18.10.070 [8.10.070], nuisances (8.10) |
15-13 | Amends § 17.20.010, subdivisions (17.20) |
15-14 | Amends Ch. 6.05, animal hobby license (Repealed by 22-25) |
15-15 | Rezone (Special) |
15-16 | Rezone (Special) |
15-17 | Rezone (Special) |
15-18 | Amends Ch. 18.70, zoning (18.70) |
15-19 | Rezone (Special) |
15-20 | (Skipped) |
15-21 | Rezone (Special) |
15-22 | Adopts western commercial district project area plan (Special) |
15-23 | Amends Chs. 2.80, 17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 17.25 and 18.215, board of adjustment, subdivisions, and site plan review (2.80, 17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 17.25, 18.215) |
15-24 | Rezone (Denied) |
16-01 | Adopts master development agreement (Special) |
16-02 | Rezone (Special) |
16-03 | Amends § 18.70.050, commercial gateway zone (18.70) |
16-04 | Rezone (Special) |
16-05 | Rezone (Special) |
16-06 | Rezone (Special) |
16-07 | Street vacation (Special) |
16-08 | Amends Ch. 18.150, sign regulations (18.150) |
16-09 | Adds Ch. 18.130, pedestrian oriented overlay zone (18.130) |
16-10 | Adds § 18.135.025; amends § 18.135.020, zoning amendments, rezone applications (18.135) |
16-11 | Adds Ch. 18.63, historic buildings and sites preservation ordinance (18.63) |
16-12 | Rezone (Special) |
16-13 | Rezone (Special) |
16-14 | Rezone (Special) |
16-15 | Amends Edge Homes RM-18-SD ordinance (Denied) |
16-16 | Adjusts common boundaries between Riverton City and City of Herriman (Special) |
16-17 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
16-18 | Rezone (Special) |
16-19 | Amends § 13.20.040(4)(a), stormwater system design and management standards (13.20) |
16-20 | Amends § 8.10.070, nuisances (8.10) |
16-21 | Amends §§ 11.10.010, 11.10.020 and 11.10.030, smoking in city parks (11.10) |
16-22 | Rezone (Special) |
16-23 | Rezone (Special) |
16-24 | Amends § 18.155.110, fences (Denied) |
16-25 | Amends Ch. 18.160, mobile home regulations (18.160) |
16-26 | Amends general plan (Special) |
16-27 | Amends Ch. 18.90, zoning (18.90) |
16-28 | Amends Ch. 18.110, geologic hazards ordinance (18.110) |
16-29 | Rezone (Special) |
16-30 | Amends §§ 18.20.050(1), 18.25.050(1), 18.30.050(1), 18.35.050(1) and 18.40.050(1), unit densities (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
16-31 | Amends Ch. 18.195, conditional use permit (18.195) |
16-32 | Amends § 18.155.110, fence within a fence (18.155) |
16-33 | Rezone (Special) |
16-34 | Rezone (Special) |
16-35 | Rezone (Special) |
16-36 | Amends Ch. 18.15, agriculture zones (18.15) |
16-37 | Amends § 18.70.050, commercial gateway zone lot coverage (18.70) |
16-38 | Amends § 18.135.080(5), park strip landscaping (18.135) |
16-39 | Rezone (Special) |
17-01 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
17-02 | Amends Section 9.1 of the Edge Homes RM-18SD zone (Special) |
17-03 | Rezone (Denied) |
17-04 | Rezone (Special) |
17-05 | Rezone (Denied) |
17-06 | Amends § 10.10.050, limited winter parking (10.10) |
17-07 | Rezone (Special) |
17-08 | Amends §§ 18.65.060(4), 18.70.060(4), 18.75.050(5), 18.80.060(4) and 18.85.060(4), architectural standards for rooflines in commercial zones (18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85) |
17-09 | Amends §§ 18.45.050 and 18.45.080, RM-6 zone setbacks (18.45) |
17-10 | Amends §§ 18.70.040 and 18.70.060(2), setbacks for zero lot line development (18.70) |
17-11 | Rezone (Special) |
17-12 | Amends §§ 13.20.090 and 13.20.100, stormwater (13.20) |
17-13 | Rezone (Special) |
17-14 | (Denied) |
17-15 | Amends §§ 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020 and 18.135.090, chickens in residential zones (18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.135) |
17-16 | Adds § 18.190.080(10); amends § 18.190.060(4) and (5), home occupations (18.190) |
17-17 | (Died) |
17-18 | Adds §§ 18.20.140, 18.25.140, 18.30.140, 18.35.130 and 18.40.115; amends § 18.135.040, buildings (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.135) |
17-19 | Temporary moratorium on rezone applications (Special) |
17-20 | Rezone (Denied) |
18-01 | Amends § 2.95.020, planning commission (2.95) |
18-02 | Amends § 18.63.030, historic preservation commission (18.63) |
18-03 | Amends § 18.90.010, zoning (Denied) |
18-04 | Amends § 18.155.080, fences (18.155) |
18-05 | Adds Ch. 15.70, standard specifications and plans manual (15.70) |
18-06 | Amends §§ 2.95.010 and 2.95.020, planning commission (2.95) |
18-07 | Adds Ch. 2.140, creation of commissions and committees (2.140) |
18-08 | Rezone (Special) |
18-09 | Rezone (Special) |
18-10 | Adds §§ 2.10.020 and 2.10.030; repeals § 2.25.010, communications department positions (Denied) |
18-11 | Adopts culinary water, secondary water, stormwater, transportation, and parks and open space impact fee facilities plan (Special) |
18-12 | Amends §§ 18.20.050(5), 18.25.050(5), 18.30.050(5), 18.35.050(5) and 18.40.050(5), density and lot regulations (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
18-13 | Amends §§ 17.15.030(8) and 18.135.050(5), driveway approaches (17.15, 18.135) |
18-14 | Amends § 18.225.040, accessory structure architectural standards (18.225) |
18-15 | Rezone (Special) |
18-16 | Rezone (Denied) |
18-17 | Rezone (Special) |
18-18 | Rezone (Denied) |
18-19 | Amends § 18.175.080, monopole antennas (18.175) |
18-20 | Rezone (Special) |
18-21 | Amends Ch. 18.45, zoning (18.45) |
18-22 | Amends § 18.05.030, land use definitions (18.05) |
18-23 | Boundary adjustment (Special) |
18-24 | Rezone (Special) |
18-25 | Rezone (Special) |
18-26 | Rezone (Special) |
18-27 | Amends § 18.90.010, table of commercial uses (18.90) |
18-28 | Amends Ch. 18.205, impact fees (18.205) |
18-29 | Adds § 10.05.120, speed bumps (10.05) |
18-30 | Adds §§ 18.50.180, 18.53.180, 18.55.190, 18.57.190 and 18.60.190; amends §§ 18.45.080, 18.45.110, 18.50.110, 18.55.060 and 18.55.070, residential setbacks (18.45, 18.50, 18.53, 18.55, 18.57, 18.60) |
18-31 | Adds Ch. 12.30, wireless communication services (12.30) |
18-32 | Adjusts common boundaries between Riverton City and City of Bluffdale (Special) |
18-33 | Amends Ch. 5.35, sale of tobacco products (5.35) |
18-34 | Amends §§ 18.55.060, 18.150.040 and 18.150.110, design standards, sign regulations (18.55, 18.150) |
18-35 | Amends §§ 18.20.050(5) and (8), 18.25.050(5) and (8), 18.30.050(5) and (8), 18.35.050(5) and (8) and 18.40.050(5) and (8), density and lot regulations (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
18-36 | (Withdrawn) |
18-37 | Amends Ch. 8.15, garbage and waste collection (8.15) |
19-01 | Rezone (Denied) |
19-02 | Adds §§ 18.30.020(5), 18.35.020(5), 18.40.020(5) and 18.135.090(3), pygmy goats in residential zones (18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.135) |
19-03 | Amends § 6.05.720(1), hobby license fees and required vaccination (Repealed by 22-25) |
19-04 | Rezone (Denied) |
19-05 | Amends Ch. 15.10, building code (15.10) |
19-06 | Suspends implementation of Ord. 18-28, impact fees, until May 1, 2019 (Special) |
19-07 | Rezone (Special) |
19-08 | Rezone (Special) |
19-09 | Rezone (Special) |
19-10 | Rezone (Denied) |
19-11 | Amends § 18.225.060, carports/temporary vehicle storage (18.225) |
19-12 | Amends Ch. 18.165, residential facilities for elderly persons or persons with a disability (18.165) |
19-13 | Rezone (Special) |
19-14 | Rezone (Special) |
19-15 | Adds Ch. 3.35, municipal transient room tax (3.35) |
19-16 | (Skipped) |
19-17 | Amends Ch. 18.100, planned commercial center (PCC) zone (18.100) |
19-18 | Rezone (Special) |
19-19 | Amends § 10.10.010(6); repeals § 18.145.110(2), parking of utility and accessory vehicles (10.10, 18.145) |
19-20 | Rezone (Special) |
19-21 | Adds § 18.225.080; amends §§ 18.05.030, 18.145.120 and 18.225.020(1)(d), accessory dwelling units (18.05, 18.145, 18.225) |
19-22 | Adjusts common boundaries between Riverton City and City of South Jordan (Special) |
19-23 | Amends Ch. 2.140, creation of commissions and committees (2.140) |
19-24 | Rezone (Denied) |
19-25 | Rezone (Special) |
19-26 | Rezone (Special) |
19-27 | Amends § 18.155.060, fencing along major roads (18.155) |
19-28 | Amends Ch. 2.140, creation of commissions and committees (2.140) |
19-29 | Amends Ch. 3.05, procurement ordinance (3.05) |
19-30 | Amends general plan (Special) |
19-31 | (Denied) |
20-01 | Amends § 18.150.110, sign requirements (18.150) |
20-02 | Adds § 18.135.200; amends § 18.190.090, temporary commercial uses (18.135, 18.190) |
20-03 | Rezone (Special) |
20-04 | Amends § 13.10.320, schedule of secondary water use (13.10) |
20-05 | Amends Ch. 18.190, home occupations (18.190) |
20-06 | (Withdrawn) |
20-07 | Rezone (Special) |
20-08 | Amends §§ 18.175.010 – 18.175.050, wireless communication towers (18.175) |
20-09 | Amends § 2.105.010(1), compensation and salaries (2.105) |
20-10 | Rezone (Special) |
20-11 | Amends §§ 18.70.070(3) and 18.85.070(2), sidewalk and frontage improvements (18.70, 18.85) |
20-12 | Adds Ch. 2.150, administrative interpretations (2.150) |
20-13 | Rezone (Special) |
20-14 | Rezone (Special) |
20-15 | Amends § 18.145.100, accessible parking (18.145) |
20-16 | Amends § 18.150.110(2), secondary monument signs (18.150) |
20-17 | Amends §§ 18.150.110 and 18.150.120(8), signs (18.150) |
20-18 | Amends § 18.10.010, zoning districts (18.10) |
20-19 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
20-20 | Adds § 18.95.040; amends §§ 18.65.060(2), 18.70.060(2), 18.75.050(3), 18.80.060(2), 18.85.060(2) and 18.100.060(2), building heights (18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85, 18.95, 18.100) |
20-21 | Amends §§ 18.225.030 and 18.225.040(1), accessory structures (18.225) |
20-22 | Amends § 18.145.050(5), landscaping in parking areas (18.145) |
20-23 | Amends Ch. 15.70, standard specifications and plans manual (15.70) |
20-24 | Adds Ch. 9.30, free speech (9.30) |
20-25 | Amends §§ 18.85.020(12) and 18.90.010, gasoline service stations (18.85, 18.90) |
20-26 | Amends §§ 17.15.030(2) and 18.215.030(10), water shares for new development (17.15, 18.215) |
20-27 | Amends § 18.90.010, commercial uses (18.90) |
20-28 | Amends § 18.135.090, animals and fowl (18.135) |
20-29 | Rezone (Special) |
20-30 | Amends § 18.205.080, impact fee schedule (18.205) |
20-31 | Amends §§ 18.225.030(6)(c) and (7)(a), 18.225.040(1) and (3)(a), (b) and (d), accessory structures (18.225) |
20-32 | Adds Ch. 18.230, mobile food vendors (18.230) |
21-01 | Rezone (Special) |
21-02 | Rezone (Special) |
21-03 | Rezone (Special) |
21-04 | Amends transportation element of general plan (Special) |
21-05 | Amends § 13.15.110(2); deletes Appx. A to Ch. 13.15, wastewater discharge prohibitions and limitations (13.15) |
21-06 | Amends §§ 18.100.040(2) and 18.100.070(3), setbacks adjacent to noncompatible uses (18.100) |
21-07 | Adopts city seal (1.12) |
21-08 | Rezone (Special) |
21-09 | Amends Ch. 13.25, stormwater utility (13.25) |
21-10 | Amends §§ 18.65.030, 18.70.030, 18.75.020, 18.80.030, 18.85.030, 18.90.010 and Ch. 18.120, land use regulations (18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85, 18.90, 18.120) |
21-11 | Amends § 18.225.050, agricultural structures (18.225) |
21-12 | Rezone (Special) |
21-13 | Rezone (Special) |
21-14 | Rezone (Special) |
21-15 | Adopts FY 2021-2022 officers’ compensation schedule (2.105) |
21-16 | Amends §§ 18.20.070, 18.25.070, 18.30.070, 18.35.070 and 18.40.070, lots located on private lanes (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
21-17 | Amends master development agreement (Special) |
21-18 | Rezone (Special) |
21-19 | Amends §§ 18.135.020, 18.190.050(1) through (4) and 18.215.050(3), public notices (18.135, 18.190, 18.215) |
21-20 | Amends Ch. 18.225, accessory structures (18.225) |
21-21 | Amends § 11.05.080, regulations applicable to the Riverton City Main Park (11.05) |
21-22 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
21-23 | Amends § 18.25.110(1), farm animals (18.25) |
21-24 | Amends § 18.155.080, fencing between noncompatible zones/uses (18.155) |
21-25 | Amends master development agreement (Special) |
21-26 | Rezone (Special) |
21-27 | Amends § 18.150.120(8), monument signs (18.150) |
21-28 | Amends Ch. 18.45, RM-6 residential zone (18.45) |
21-29 | (Denied) |
21-30 | Amends Ch. 15.45, flood damage prevention ordinance (15.45) |
21-31 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
21-32 | Amends standard specifications and plans manual (15.70) |
21-33 | (Denied) |
21-34 | Rezone (Special) |
22-01 | Amends Ch. 10.10, parking (10.10) |
22-02 | Rezone (Special) |
22-03 | Rezone (Special) |
22-04 | Rezone (Special) |
22-05 | Amends § 2.10.010, responsibilities of the mayor (2.10) |
22-06 | Rezone (Special) |
22-07 | Council district boundaries; repeals Ord. 13-02 (2.05) |
22-08 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
22-09 | Amends §§ 18.225.040(1) and (2) and 18.225.080(8), accessory building height and size (18.225) |
22-10 | (Denied) |
22-11 | Adopts Redwood Road community reinvestment project area plan (Special) |
22-12 | Adopts 12600 South community reinvestment project area plan (Special) |
22-13 | Rezone (Special) |
22-14 | (Denied) |
22-15 | Rezone (Special) |
22-16 | Adopts Title 7; repeals §§ 8.10.140 – 8.10.220 and Ch. 8.35, administrative code enforcement program (7.01, 7.02, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05, 7.06) |
22-17 | Adopts FY 2022-2023 officers’ compensation schedule (2.105) |
22-18 | |
22-19 | Rezone (Special) |
22-20 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
22-21 | Rezone (Special) |
22-22 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
22-23 | Amends §§ 10.10.010, 10.10.020 and 10.10.030, parking (10.10) |
22-24 | Rezone (Special) |
22-25 | Amends Ch. 6.05, animal control (6.05) |
23-01 | Amends §§ 18.90.010 and 18.100.020; repeals § 18.100.090, commercial uses (18.90, 18.100) |
23-02 | Amends general plan (Special) |
23-03 | Rezone (Special) |
23-04 | Amends § 18.05.030, land use definitions (18.05) |
23-05 | Amends Ch. 18.235, water efficiency standards (18.235) |
23-06 | Rezone (Special) |
23-07 | Amends § 18.135.090, animals and fowl (18.135) |
23-08 | Amends §§ 18.65.020, 18.65.030, 18.70.020, 18.70.030, 18.75.010, 18.75.020, 18.80.020, 18.80.030, 18.85.020, 18.85.030, 18.100.020 and 18.100.030, commercial uses (18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85, 18.100) |
23-09 | Dissolves Redwood Road South Neighborhood redevelopment project area (Special) |
23-10 | (Denied) |
23-11 | Adopts FY 2023-2024 officers’ compensation schedule (2.105) |
23-12 | Amends §§ 3.10.020(1) and (2), sale of real property (3.10) |
23-13 | Amends §§ 18.20.050(9), 18.25.050(9), 18.30.050(9), 18.35.050(9), 18.40.050(9), 18.45.050(9) and 18.95.030 [18.05.030], density and lot regulations (18.05, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45) |
23-14 | Amends Ch. 2.55; replaces the term “sheriff,” “chief of police,” “city marshal,” “town marshal,” or “marshal” with the term “chief of the Riverton police department” or “police chief,” police department (2.55, 5.35, 9.35, 10.05) |
23-15 | Amends § 18.235.040(6), landscape design standards (18.235) |
23-16 | Adds § 6.05.425, feeding wild birds/fowl (6.05) |
24-01 | Adds Ch. 17.35, review and approval process in compliance with Utah State Code (17.35) |
24-02 | Amends Ch. 10.10, parking (10.10) |
24-03 | Amends Chs. 13.05 and 13.10, culinary and secondary water (13.05, 13.10) |
24-04 | (Denied) |
24-05 | Amends § 3.05.270, city contracts (3.05) |
24-06 | Adds § 18.135.300; amends § 18.216.060(2) [18.215.030], outdoor commercial lighting (18.135, 18.215) |
24-07 | Rezone (Special) |
24-08 | Adopts FY 2024-2025 officers’ compensation schedule (2.105) |
24-09 | Adopts FY 2024-2025 officers’ compensation schedule (2.105) |
24-10 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
24-11 | Rezone (Special) |
24-12 | Rezone (Special) |
24-13 | Amends § 18.195.060(3), special standards and considerations governing particular uses (18.195) |
24-14 | Amends § 11.05.010, unlawful use of parks (Repealed by council motion) |
24-15 | Adds Ch. 8.45, prohibited camping (8.45) |
24-16 | Amends Ord. 21-22, right-of-way vacation (Special) |
24-17 | Amends § 18.190.050(5), conditional use home occupation (18.190) |
24-18 | (Denied) |
24-19 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
24-20 | (Denied) |
24-21 | (Denied) |
24-22 | Amends §§ 18.225.020(h), 18.225.040(3)(i) and 18.225.050(1)(e), accessory structures (18.225) |
24-23 | Amends § 2.95.060, organizations, actions and recommendations (2.95) |
24-24 | Adds Ch. 2.130, Riverton City youth council (2.130) |
24-25 | Amends and renumbers Ch. 5.30 as 9.35, alarm services (9.35) |
24-26 | Amends §§ 2.130.030(1), 2.130.040(1) and (3), youth council (2.130) |
24-27 | Rezone (Special) |
Code reviser’s note: Several ordinances are numbered identically as Ord. 6-2-98-1. Letters have been editorially appended to these ordinance numbers for ease of reference.