Ordinance | |
Dated | |
1/7/47 | Outdoor advertising sign regulations (5.16) |
1/12/53 | (Ord. 1862) Prohibits sale to and consumption of intoxicating liquor by minors (Repealed by O-13-91) |
5/5/53 | Littering and dumping (9.08) |
10/5/53 | Auctioneer licenses and regulations (Repealed by O-13-91) |
4/4/60 | Amends §§ 1 and 7 of Ord. dated 1/7/47, outdoor advertising (5.16) |
4/3/61 | Septic tank, cesspool and sewage pit cleaning licenses and regulations (Repealed by O-13-91) |
5/7/63 | Adopts building and housing codes with amendments (Repealed by O-03-21) |
1/19/72 | Adopts building, housing and plumbing codes with amendments, repeals building code adopted by Ord. dated 1/19/66 (Repealed by O-03-21) |
9/10/73 | Fourth of July lake use regulations and restrictions (12.08) |
10/1/73 | Adoption of shoreline management act (18.08) |
10/16/72 | Speed limit in Summer Set West plat area (Special) |
11/5/73 | States that there are no prohibitions against gambling in the county (Special) |
5/26/75 | Adopts building, housing and plumbing codes with amendments, repeals building code adopted by Ord. dated 1/19/66 (Repealed by O-13-91) |
8/30/76 | Rules and regulations for Sprague Lake (12.08) |
6/20/77 | Adds Ch. 6.12A, litter control, and repeals §§ 6.12.010 and 6.12.020 of prior code (8.20) |
7/20/77 | Employee meal reimbursement (2.80) |
8/1/77 | Adopts state traffic code by reference (10.04) |
8/14/78 | Prohibits unauthorized communications with county prisoners (9.04) |
9/11/78 | Adds § 24.04.060, fire code; amends § 22.36.410, fire protection; amends §§ 23.16.060, 23.20.060, 23.24.030, 23.24.050, 23.32.030, 23.40.080, 23.44.050, 23.68.010, 23.68.250, 23.68.260, 23.84.030 of prior code, land use (16.16, Note to Title 17) |
2/23/81 | Flood damage prevention provisions (Repealed by O-13-91) |
Ordinance | |
Number | |
18-68 | One percent real estate sales tax (Repealed by O-13-91) |
76-1 | Tax levy (Special) |
76-2 | Salaries and benefits for county commissioners (Repealed by O-13-91) |
76-2.1 | Amends Ord. 76-2, county commissioners (Repealed by O-13-91) |
76-2.2 | Amends Ord. 76-2.1, county commissioners (Repealed by O-13-91) |
77-3 | Subdivision provisions, repeals Ord. dated 6/20/66 (16.04—16.28) |
77-79 | Adds Title 21 to prior code, environmental policies, and adopts State Environmental Policy Act guidelines by reference (Repealed by O-13-91) |
43-79 | Adds three new sections, amends §§ 1, 5 and 6, and repeals § 12 of Ord. 18-1968, real estate excise tax (Repealed by O-13-91) |
115-81 | Franchise grant to Sammons Communications of Washington, Incorporated, CATV system (Special) |
133-81 | Adds new article to Ch. 8, Title .02 of prior code, dogs used by sheriff’s department (9.04) |
44-82 | Dog control provisions, nuisances (6.04) |
54-83 | Amends §§ 10.16.010 and 10.16.030 of prior code, sprinkling irrigation water on roads (12.04) |
77-84 | Emergency services council (2.40) |
132-84 | Adopts State Environmental Policy Act provisions by reference (18.04) |
129-85 | Adds §§ 3.08.025, 3.08.135 and 3.08.145 to prior code, real estate excise tax (Repealed by O-13-91) |
20-86 | Adds Ch. 3.38 to prior code, sales and use tax (3.16) |
60-86 | Adds Ch. 6.22 to prior code, recordkeeping for sellers of alcoholic beverages (Repealed by O-13-91) |
75-86 | Adopts State Energy Code as prior code Ch. 51-12 (Repealed by O-13-91) |
119-86 | Adds Ch. 22.24 to prior code, short plats and subdivisions (16.32) |
48-88 | Dangerous dogs (6.08) |
66-89 | Smoke-free workplace provisions (2.68) |
69-88 | Sprague Lake use regulations (12.08) |
81-88 | Cow Lake use regulations (12.08) |
98-88 | Legal and financial protection for county officers (2.76) |
83-89 | Drug-free workplace provisions (2.84) |
O-1-90 | Adopts technical codes (Repealed by O-16-91) |
O-2-90 | Waste disposal development proposals (13.12) |
O-3-90 | Amends prior code Ch. 24.04, technical codes (Repealed by O-03-21) |
O-4-90 | Right to farm (5.24) |
O-5-90 | Amends 1988 building code (Repealed by O-5-96) |
O-1-91 | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by O-01-10) |
O-2-91 | General penalty (1.16) |
O-3-91 | General provisions (1.04) |
O-4-91 | Weapons in alcoholic beverage establishments (9.16) |
O-5-91 | Fireworks permits (8.12) |
O-6-91 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 48-88, dangerous dogs (6.08) |
O-7-91 | Auctioneers (5.08) |
O-8-91 | Beer keg sales (5.04) |
O-9-91 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 133-81, offenses (9.04) |
O-10-91 | Board of adjustment (2.16) |
O-11-91 | Creates county planning commission (2.12) |
O-12-91 | Real estate sales excise tax (3.12) |
O-13-91 | Repeals Ords. 76-2, 76-2 (Amend. 1 and 2), 1862, 10/5/53, 4/3/61, 18-68, 5/26/75, 43-79, 77-79, 2/23/81, 129-85, 60-86 and 75-86 (Repealer) |
O-14-91 | Adds prior code §§ 1.20.010—1.20.040, 1.05.070; amends prior code §§ 1.06.050(b), 1.14.050(k), 1.17.070(d), and 1.19.010; renumbers prior code §§ 1.05.070 and 1.05.080 to be 1.05.080 and 1.05.090 and Chs. 1.20 through 1.23 to be 1.21 through 1.24; repeals prior code § 1.19.220, zoning ordinance dated 1966 (Repealed by O-1-92) |
O-15-91 | Adopts technical codes (Repealed by O-5-96) |
O-16-91 | Adopts state energy code; state ventilation and indoor air quality code; and state historic building code and repeals Ord. O-1-90 (Repealed by O-03-21) |
O-1-92 | Adds prior code §§ 1.20.010—1.20.040, 1.05.070; amends prior code §§ 1.05.060(d), 1.06.050(b), 1.14.050 (k), 1.17.070(d), 1.19.010; renumbers prior code §§ 1.05.070 and 1.05.080 to be 1.05.080 and 1.05.090 and Chs. 1.20 through 1.23 to be 1.21 through 1.24 and adds subsection (j) to 1.24.030; repeals prior code § 1.19.220 and repeals Ord. O-14-91 (Repealed by O-01-05) |
O-2-92 | Adopts the Adams County Code (1.01) |
O-3-92 | Adds Ch. 3.24, enhanced 911 emergency telephone system excise tax (3.24) |
O-1-93 | Adds Ch. 2.86, improper governmental actions (2.86) |
O-2-93 | Adds §§ 15.04.040, 16.04.050, 17.64.020, 17.68.280, 17.72.050 and Ch. 18.06, critical areas and natural resource lands (Repealed by O-02-08) |
O-3-93 | Airport obstruction zone (Repealed by O-01-05) |
O-4-93 | Adds § 16.04.050 [16.04.060], subdivisions (16.04) |
O-1-94 | Adds Ch. 3.17, criminal justice sales or use tax (3.17) |
O-2-94 | Adds Ch. 13.18, payment for disposal of indigent remains (3.18) |
O-3-94 | Adds Ch. 9.16, parental responsibility for juveniles (9.16) |
O-4-94 | Adds Ch. 9.14, firearms (9.14) |
O-1-95 | Juvenile detention services—transfer of responsibility (Not codified) |
O-2-95 | Addressing and grid system (Repealed by O-03-23) |
O-3-95 | Enhanced 911 emergency system excise tax (3.28) |
O-1-96 | Adds findings of fact to Ord. O-2-93, critical areas and natural resource lands (Repealed by O-02-08) |
O-2-96 | Adds § 15.04.050, uniform fire code (Repealed by O-03-21) |
O-4-96 | Adds Ch. 3.32, agreement for sharing tax information (3.32) |
O-5-96 | Repeals and replaces § 15.04.010 and repeals § 15.04.020, construction codes (Repealed by O-03-21) |
O-1-97 | Amends § 4 of Ord. O-05-96 (Not codified) |
O-1-98 | Amends Ord. O-1-97 (§ 15.04.020) uniform building code (Repealed by O-03-21) |
O-2-98 | Amends Ord. 98-88 (§§ 2.76.020 and 2.76.030) legal defense of county officers and employees (2.76) |
O-3-98 | Adds Ch. 3.14, lodging tax (3.14) |
O-4-98 | Cable television franchise renewal (Not codified) |
O-5-98 | Adds Ch. 3.15, distressed county sales and use tax (3.15) |
O-6-98 | Adds Ch. 17.62, adult entertainment (Repealed by O-01-05) |
O-1-99 | Amends Table 17.24, zoning (Repealed by O-01-05) |
O-2-99 | Amends § 3.15.020, distressed county sales and use tax (3.15) |
O-3-99 | Amends §§ 2.76.020 and 2.76.030, legal defense of county officers and employees (2.76) |
O-1-00 | Amends §§ 12.12.020—12.12.040 and 12.12.060, addressing and grid system (Repealed by O-03-23) |
O-3-00 | Flood damage prevention; repeals Ord. O-02-00 (Repealed by O-01-10) |
O-01-02 | Adds Ch. 17.74, wireless communication facilities (Repealed by O-01-05) |
O-02-02 | Amends Ch. 3.28, radio access lines excise tax (Repealed by O-03-10) |
O-01-03 | Adds § 17.04.245; amends § 17.12.030, dairies (Repealed by O-01-05) |
O-01-04 | Amends §§ 16.32.020 and 16.32.030(C); repeals § 16.32.030(I), subdivisions (16.32) |
O-01-05 | Repeals and replaces Title 17, zoning (17.01, 17.04, 17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.28, 17.30, 17.32, 17.36, 17.38, 17.40, 17.58, 17.62, 17.64, 17.68, 17.74, 17.76, 17.80, 17.84, 17.88) |
O-02-05 | Repeals and replaces comprehensive plan (Special) |
O-01-06 | Adds Ch. 2.122, public records act (Repealed by O-01-12) |
O-01-07 | Amends zoning map and §§ 17.04.160, 17.04.290, 17.04.575, 17.08.040, 17.12.030(A), 17.16.030(A), 17.68.110(L), 17.76.060(A) and (C) and 17.76.070, zoning (17.04, 17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.68, 17.76) |
O-01-08 | Adds Ch. 2.10; repeals § 2.04.010, salary commission (2.10) |
O-02-08 | Repeals Ords. O-2-93 and O-1-96; repeals and replaces Ch. 18.06, critical areas and natural resource lands (18.06) |
O-03-08 | Adds §§ 17.04.182, 17.04.183, 17.04.191, 17.04.451, 17.04.772, 17.04.867, 17.04.881, 17.04.882, 17.04.877 [17.04.876], 17.68.016, 17.68.240 and Ch. 17.70; amends §§ 17.04.445, 17.04.450 and 17.08.040, zoning (17.04, 17.08, 17.68, 17.70) |
O-04-08 | Amends Ords. O-05-98 and O-02-99, sales and use tax (3.15) |
O-05-08 | Amends Ch. 2.92, public defense services (Repealed by O-02-09) |
O-01-09 | Rezone (Special) |
O-02-09 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.92, public defense services (2.92) |
O-01-10 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.16, flood damage and prevention (Repealed by O-03-21) |
O-02-10 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
O-03-10 | Adds Ch. 3.26; amends Chs. 3.24 and 3.28; repeals Ord. O-02-02, excise taxes (3.24, 3.26, 3.28) |
O-01-11 | Amends §§ 2.10.040 and 2.10.050, salary commission (2.10) |
O-02-11 | Amends § 2.12.010, planning commission (2.12) |
O-03-11 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
O-01-12 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.122, Public Records Act Model Rules (2.122) |
O-01-14 | Adds Ch. 9.20, public disturbance noise (9.20) |
O-01-15 | Adds Ch. 18.08, shoreline master program; repeals 1977 shorelines management master program (18.08) |
O-02-15 | Amends Ord. O-02-05, comprehensive plan (Special) |
O-01-16 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
O-02-16 | Adds § 8.12.110, fireworks prohibition due to extreme fire danger (8.12) |
O-01-17 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.56, district court (2.56) |
O-01-18 | Adds Ch. 17.60; amends § 17.08.040; repeals interim Res. R-009-2018, marijuana producers, processors and retailers (17.08, 17.60) |
O-01-19 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
O-01-20 | Amends § 17.60.090, marijuana retailing (17.60) |
O-02-20 | Authorizes a sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing (3.48) |
O-01-21 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
O-02-21 | Adds Title 14, Adams County fire prevention (14.10, 14.20, 14.30, 14.40, 14.50, 14.60, 14.70, 14.80, 14.90, 14.100, 14.110) |
O-03-21 | Repeals and replaces Title 15, buildings and construction (15.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.12, 15.16) |
O-01-22 | Amends Ch. 8.12, fireworks (8.12) |
O-02-22 | Amends Ord. O-01-21, zone change (Special) |
O-01-23 | Amends Ord. O-02-22, zone change (Special) |
O-02-23 | Amends Ch. 18.08, shoreline master program (18.08) |
O-03-23 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.12, addressing and grid system (12.12) |
O-04-23 | Adds Ch. 17.72, solar energy facilities (17.72) |
O-05-23 | Amends §§ 16.08.010, 16.32.120 and 18.04.280, subdivision applications, fees (16.08, 16.32, 18.04) |
O-01-24 | Amends Title 16, subdivisions (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28, 16.32, 16.36, 16.40) |
O-02-24 | Adopts county coroner provisions (2.108) |
O-03-24 | Rezone (Special) |
O-04-24 | Adds Ch. 8.04, food service (8.04) |