Resolution | |
Dated | |
11/29/1884 | Ritzville, Washington declared to be county seat (1.08) |
7/2/1923* | Dance and dance hall licenses (5.12) |
7/2/23* | Appoints special prosecuting attorneys (Special) |
10/5/25 | Pool halls (5.20) |
3/5/35* | Establishes herd district in portions of county (Special) |
5/6/40 | Road improvement (Special) |
4/2/40 | Fire protection district No. 1 (Special) |
5/7/40 | Fire protection district No. 1 (8.16) |
6/2/41* | Establishes herd district in portions of county (Special) |
1/19/42 | Fire protection district No. 2 (Special) |
3/2/42 | Fire protection district No. 2 (8.16) |
4/17/43 | Fire protection district No. 3 (Special) |
6/7/43 | Fire protection district No. 3 (8.16) |
5/15/46 | Fire protection district No. 4 (Special) |
8/5/46 | Fire protection district No. 4 (8.16) |
Undated | Planning commission (Superseded by Res. dated 8/4/64) |
8/24/46 | Zoning provisions (Note to Title 17) |
5/5/47 | Zoning provisions (Note to Title 17) |
8/4/47* | Fire protection district No. 2 (Special) |
12/2/47 | Fire protection district No. 5 (Special) |
2/9/48 | Fire protection district No. 6 (Special) |
2/9/48 | Fire protection district No. 7 (Special) |
4/5/48 | Fire protection district No. 5 (8.16) |
4/5/48 | Fire protection district No. 6 (8.16) |
4/5/48 | Fire protection district No. 7 (8.16) |
Undated | Platting and subdivisions (Superseded by Ord. 77-3) |
7/5/49 | Establishes election precincts and wards in Ritzville (1.12) |
6/24/50 | Fireworks (Repealed by R-30-91) |
11/16/50 | Road improvement (Special) |
1/8/51 | Rezone (Special) |
7/31/52 | Creates ward boundaries in Othello (1.12) |
12/21/53 | Establishes justice court districts (Special) |
3/16/55 | Fireworks sales (Repealed by R-30-91) |
5/18/55 | Amends planning commission resolution, permit issuance procedures (Superseded by Res. dated 8/4/64) |
4/16/56 | Resolution of intention to consider zoning amendment (Special) |
6/20/56 | Amends § 3c(1)—(3) of county zoning ordinance dated 5/5/47 (Note to Title 17) |
6/20/56 | Resolution of intention to consider zoning amendment (Special) |
7/18/56 | Amends § 3d(1) of zoning ordinance dated 5/5/47 (Note to Title 17) |
9/4/56 | Adopts official county road map (Special) |
12/13/56 | Merger of fire districts Nos. 2 and 5 (8.16) |
12/19/56 | Precinct boundaries in Othello (1.12) |
1/7/57 | Requests state highway system to adopt portions of county highways (Special) |
2/20/57 | Individual sewage disposal (13.04) |
11/5/57* | Mosquito control district (8.24) |
11/3/58 | Rezone (Special) |
5/21/58 | Rezone (Special) |
5/21/58 | Rezone (Special) |
11/3/58* | Rezone (Special) |
6/2/59 | Salary payment date for county employees (Repealed by R-30-91) |
6/17/59 | Rezone (Special) |
6/17/59 | Travel expense reimbursement for certain employees (Special) |
3/1/60 | Reorganizes precinct boundaries (1.12) |
3/1/60 | Road improvements (Special) |
3/1/60 | County prisoner meal allowance (Special) |
3/7/60 | Amends §§ 1 and 7(1) of Ord. passed 1/7/47, outdoor advertising sign businesses (Note to Title 17) |
12/21/60 | County auditor appointment (Special) |
12/21/60 | County auditor appointment (Special) |
12/21/60 | Rezone (Special) |
2/15/61 | Cemetery district No. 1 (13.12) |
12/5/61 | Creates precinct boundaries in Othello area (1.12) |
4/2/62 | Grants authority to federal, state and other entities for use of fallout shelter area at county courthouse (Special) |
4/2/62 | Grants authority to federal, state and other entities for use of fallout shelter area at county jail (Special) |
6/20/62 | Amends county commissioner district boundaries (Repealed by R-30-91) |
8/7/62 | Proposition to levy for mosquito control district (Special) |
8/15/62 | County employee sick leave provisions (Repealed by R-30-91) |
1/7/63 | Reconfirms county as a one unit road district (12.04) |
4/17/63 | Adopts building and housing codes and implements building inspection program (Repealed by R-56-91) |
8/21/63 | Amends § 11(b) of county sewage disposal regulations passed 2/20/57 (13.04) |
10/1/63 | Rezone (Special) |
11/20/63 | Rezone (Special) |
2/19/64 | Road improvement (Special) |
3/2/64 | Road improvement (Special) |
3/3/64 | Election reserve fund (Special) |
5/5/64 | Prohibits sprinkling irrigation waste water on county roads (12.04) |
6/17/64 | Amends building, housing and plumbing, inspections and enforcement (Repealed by R-56-91) |
8/4/64 | Reestablishes planning commission and creates board of adjustment (Repealed by R-56-91) |
10/6/64 | Rezone (Special) |
10/6/64 | Rezone (Special) |
10/13/64* | Establishes intercounty weed district GA-1 with Grant County (8.28) |
11/2/64 | Road improvement (Special) |
11/30/64* | Renames intercounty weed district GA-1 to be intercounty weed district No. 51 (8.28) |
12/6/64 | Rezone (Special) |
12/16/64 | Reorganizes precinct boundaries in Othello area (1.12) |
12/16/64 | Emergency budget (Special) |
12/21/64 | Intercounty weed district No. 51 (8.28) |
4/12/65 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
Vol. 16, page 178 | Comprehensive plan, filed 4/30/65 (Special) |
4/21/65 | Funds transfer (Special) |
5/4/65 | Comprehensive plan (Special) |
6/1/65 | Board of adjustment (Special) |
6/1/65 | Funds transfer (Special) |
12/15/65 | Weed district No. 1 (8.28) |
1/3/66 | Adopts environmental health code (Repealed by R-30-91) |
1/3/66 | Adopts and amends building, housing and plumbing codes; repeals § 17 of county zoning ordinance passed 5/5/47 (Repealed by R-56-91) |
1/19/66 | Adopts building, housing, and plumbing codes, with amendments, repeals building and housing codes adopted by Ord. dated 5/7/63 (Repealed by O-13-91) |
4/4/66 | Adopts state road and bridge standards (12.04) |
5/3/66 | Rezone (Special) |
5/3/66 | Rezone (Special) |
5/3/66 | Rezone (Special) |
Undated | Adopts building, housing and plumbing codes (Superseded by Ord. dated 9/14/78) |
6/28/66 | Amends §§ A, B and D of plotting and subdivision rules (Superseded by Ord. 77-3) |
7/5/66 | Rezone (Special) |
7/20/66 | Amends and adopts official zoning map (Special) |
7/20/66 | Speed limit (Special) |
7/20/66 | Rezone (Special) |
7/21/66 | Rezone (Special) |
9/13/66 | Intercounty weed district GA-52 (8.28) |
9/21/66 | Accepts bid (Special) |
10/4/66 | Port of Othello (13.16) |
10/19/66 | Combines committee for Othello migrant opportunity with Grant County community action council (Special) |
1/9/67 | Reorganizes county commissioner districts (Repealed by R-30-91) |
1/18/67 | Road improvement (Special) |
11/6/67 | Proposal to declare November 7th and 10th county holidays (Special) |
5/6/68 | Fallout shelters to be incorporated in certain county buildings (Special) |
6/19/68 | Accepts bid (Special) |
6/26/68 | Adoption of certain plat (Special) |
7/17/68 | Declaration of covenants to run with certain plat (Special) |
8/5/68 | Reward for information pertaining to destruction of county road signs (Repealed by R-30-91) |
8/6/68 | Funds withholding (Special) |
8/21/68 | Grant of authority to use county jail premises as a fallout shelter (Special) |
9/26/68 | Rezone (Special) |
10/7/68 | Funds transfer (Special) |
10/16/68 | Speed limit (Special) |
12/18/68 | Rezone (Special) |
12/18/68 | Amends Ch. 1.24 of prior code, restricted commercial zone (Note to Title 17) |
2/19/69 | Rezone (Special) |
2/19/69 | Rezone (Special) |
4/2/69 | Rezone (Special) |
4/2/69 | Rezone (Special) |
4/30/69 | Rezone, speed limit change and pedestrian crossing created in certain property (Special) |
5/5/69 | Accepts certain plat (Special) |
5/5/69* | Appointment to planning commission (Special) |
5/6/69 | Rezone (Special) |
5/6/69 | Rezone (Special) |
6/2/69 | Rezone (Special) |
6/2/69 | Rezone (Special) |
8/1/69* | Courthouse employee sick leave (Repealed by R-30-91) |
8/5/69 | Salary increase for certain county employees (Special) |
10/7/69* | Safety glasses for county workers (Special) |
10/7/69 | Road improvements (Special) |
10/7/69* | Appointments to mosquito control board (Special) |
11/18/69 | Rezone (Special) |
11/18/69 | Rezone (Special) |
12/1/69* | Comprehensive water and sewer planning account fund (Special) |
1/5/70* | Vacation for county employees (Repealed by R-30-91) |
1/5/70 | Budget adjustment (Special) |
2/18/70 | Installation of traffic control devices (Special) |
3/2/70 | County disability board (2.24) |
5/20/70 | Accepts certain plat (Special) |
7/15/70 | Adopts comprehensive road improvement program (Special) |
7/15/70 | Approves replacement of certain bridge superstructure (Special) |
9/29/70 | Accepts certain plats (Special) |
10/4/71 | Adopts certain state road standards (12.04) |
10/4/71 | Road construction (Special) |
10/5/71 | Compliance with equal opportunity employment program (Special) |
1/4/72 | Adopts county environmental health code (Repealed by R-30-91) |
1/4/72 | Truck routes (Special) |
1/4/72 | Amends salary classification and salary schedule (Special) |
2/7/72 | Air pollution control authority (2.32) |
2/7/72 | Budget increase (Special) |
2/28/72 | Supplemental retirement plan for county employees (Repealed by R-30-91) |
2/28/72 | Road improvement (Special) |
3/20/72 | Rezone (Special) |
3/20/72 | Rezone (Special) |
3/27/72 | Retirement age for county employees (Repealed by R-30-91) |
4/3/72 | Accepts bid (Special) |
7/3/72 | Rezone (Special) |
7/3/72 | Rezone (Special) |
3/15/73 | Rezone (Special) |
4/11/73 | Rezone (Special) |
6/4/73 | Reorganization of county election precincts (1.12) |
8/13/73 | Juvenile court supervision program (Special) |
2/4/74 | Excavations and grading (15.12) |
2/4/74 | Building permit system and procedures (Repealed by R-56-91) |
2/11/74 | Creates county alcoholism fund (Special) |
2/19/74 | Declaration of county shoreline inventory (Special) |
1/20/75 | Budget for developmental disabilities activity fund (Special) |
3/3/75 | Adopts building, mechanical, fire, plumbing, and handicapped accessibility codes with certain amendments (15.04) |
3/25/75 | Purchase of certain vehicles (Special) |
3/31/75 | Road name change (Special) |
3/31/75 | Establishes certain county road (Special) |
7/14/75 | Agreement with town of Ritzville for administration and enforcement of building code (Special) |
7/14/75 | Agreement with town of Washtucna for administration and enforcement of building code (Special) |
7/21/75 | Sale of certain county property (Special) |
7/21/75 | Agreement with town of Lind for handling building permits and inspections (Special) |
7/28/75 | Agreement with town of Hatton for handling building permits and inspections (Special) |
1/5/76 | Reward for information pertaining to vandalism of county road signs (9.04) |
6/14/76 | Salary increase for certain county employee (Repealed by R-30-91) |
6/14/76 | Funds transfer (Special) |
6/14/76 | Funds transfer (Special) |
6/14/76 | Funds transfer (Special) |
6/14/76* | Revision of commissioner district boundaries (Repealed by R-30-91) |
6/28/76 | Accumulated reserve fund for development disability center (Special) |
8/2/76* | Revision of precinct boundaries in Othello area (1.12) |
8/2/76* | Budget appropriation (Special) |
9/27/76 | Road paving and dust abatement (Repealed by Res. 93-79) |
10/4/76 | Speed limit (Special) |
11/8/76 | Justice court district system (Special) |
11/8/76 | Weight restrictions on county roads (Expired) |
12/6/76 | Rezone (Special) |
3/16/77* | Depository account for building and planning departments (Special) |
4/4/77 | Justice court district plan (Repealed by Ord. O-01-17) |
4/25/77 | Airport zoning board (2.20) |
4/25/77 | Funds transfer (Special) |
4/25/77 | Investment report (Special) |
4/25/77 | Petty cash fund for mailing purposes (Special) |
4/25/77 | Salary increase for certain county employee (Special) |
7/11/77 | Petition to create parks and recreation district (Special) |
8/15/77 | Special supervision program for juvenile delinquents (Special) |
8/29/77 | Solid waste management plan (Special) |
8/29/77 | Solid waste management plan (Special) |
9/22/77 | Petition for rezone (Special) |
10/10/77 | Weight restrictions on county roads (Expired) |
10/10/77 | Special supervision program for juvenile delinquents (Special) |
12/22/77* | Franchise grant to Washington Water Power Company (Special) |
2/6/78 | Rezone (Special) |
12/11/78* | Funds transfer (Special) |
12/18/78 | Funds transfer (Special) |
70-75 | Road improvement (Special) |
27-78 | Intention to establish juvenile diversionary unit in county (Special) |
32-78 | Adopts county code (Not codified) |
34-78 | Intention to continue juvenile diversionary unit in county (Special) |
50-78 | Statement of support for state constitutional amendment on tax increment financing (Special) |
54-78 | Emergency budget supplement (Special) |
55-78 | Grant application procedures (Repealed by R-72-01) |
60-78 | Sheriff’s department petty cash fund established (Special) |
63-78 | Establishes revolving account for county fair (Special) |
66-78 | Special juvenile supervision program (Special) |
69-78 | County cemetery district No. 2 (13.12) |
83-78 | Proposes parks and recreation district in Othello area (Special) |
84-78 | Proposes cemetery district No. 2 in Othello area (13.12) |
126-78 | Appoints administrator for state controlled telephone lines (Special) |
127-78* | Use of compensation time by county employees (Repealed by R-30-91) |
129-78 | Bond issue (Special) |
14-79 | Mileage reimbursements for county employees (Special) |
17-79 | Elected county officials eligible for certain benefits (Special) |
20-79 | Elected county officials not eligible for certain benefits (Special) |
39-79 | Posting commission meeting proceedings in county buildings (2.04) |
42-79 | Prohibits carrying weapons in alcohol dispensing premises (Repealed by R-56-91) |
47-79 | County vehicle identification requirements (2.72) |
60-79 | Continues juvenile diversionary unit (Special) |
62-79 | Accepts certain county roads (Special) |
67-79 | Real property acquisition procedures and personnel (2.44) |
72-79 | Key procedures for certain county building (Special) |
74-79 | Adds paragraphs G and H to prior code § 8.20.050, solid waste and refuse collection (Repealed by R-34-08) |
81-79 | Purchasing procedures (Repealed by Res. 141-79) |
82-79 | Fund creation (Special) |
88-79 | Director of public works responsible for certain county building key management (2.64) |
93-79 | County road dust treatments (12.04) |
110-79 | Continues juvenile supervision program (Special) |
113-79 | Union contract wage increase provisions (Special) |
121-79 | In-county meal provisions for certain county employees (Special) |
124-79 | Building remodeling project (Special) |
132-79 | Appoints central services director (Special) |
133-79 | County building thermostat provisions for energy conservation (Special) |
139-79 | Speed limit (Special) |
141-79 | Purchasing procedures (Repealed by R-46-91) |
142-79 | Inventory procedures (Repealed by Res. 9-80) |
145-79 | Adds paragraph 3 to page 28 § D of platting rules and regulations of 1966 (Repealed by R-56-91) |
149-79 | Traffic-control sign costs to be paid by requestor(s) (Special) |
152-79 | Accepts certain county roads (Special) |
154-79 | Creates special funds for building and planning departments (Repealed by Order 3-80) |
156-79 | Juror fees (Special) |
2-80 | Appoints fire marshal (Special) |
3-80 | Repeals Res. 154-79 (Repealer) |
7-80 | Changes fund numbers (Special) |
9-80 | Inventory procedures, repeals Res. 142-79 (Repealed by R-30-91) |
14-80 | Adopts overall economic development plan for 1979 (Special) |
22-80 | Funding for county fair board (Special) |
26-80 | Eliminates certain fund (Special) |
28-80 | Overtime compensation for certain county employees (Repealed by R-30-91) |
39-80 | Organizational structure of department of public works (Special) |
45-80 | Appoints county planner as fire marshal (Special) |
46-80 | Appoints director of planning (Special) |
51-80 | Codifies prior orders of commissioners regarding stock restricted areas as prior code § 9.24.010 (6.12) |
59-80 | Declares state of emergency (Special) |
66-80 | Continues diversionary unit for youth in county (Special) |
74-80 | Establishes fees for underground installations (12.04) |
81-80 | Reorganizes precinct boundaries in certain areas of county (2.08) |
94-80 | County commissioners’ salaries and medical benefits (Repealed by R-30-91) |
110-80 | Procedures for use of certain county building (Special) |
121-80 | Auditing services fees (Special) |
126-80 | Notice of public hearing (Special) |
127-80 | Formation of economic development district (Special) |
128-80 | Establishes special supervision program (Special) |
138-80 | Proposal to form county park and recreation district No. 2 (Special) |
145-80 | Proposal to form county water district No. 1 (Special) |
148-80 | Energy conservation measures for county offices (Special) |
167-80 | SCAN telephone line usage rules (Special) |
171-80 | Water district No. 1 (Special) |
9-81 | Appointment of public health district employees (Repealed by Res. 69-83) |
16-81 | Establishes special supervision program (Special) |
25-81 | Auditing procedures (Special) |
40-81 | Charges for copies of county documents (Special) |
43-81 | Appoints county SCAN coordinator (Special) |
44-81 | Payments of county SCAN bills (Special) |
47-81 | Mileage reimbursement rates and county vehicle use procedures (Repealed by Res. 84-86) |
69-81 | Proposal to form county park and recreation district No. 3 (Special) |
70-81 | Nominates park and recreation district No. 3 commissioners and proposes boundaries (Special) |
72-81 | Deferred compensation plan for county employees (2.88) |
76-81 | Levy issue (Special) |
84-81 | Consolidates issues to be proposed at certain election (Special) |
85-81 | Transfers certain county position to another department (Special) |
109-81 | Continuation of diversionary unit in county (Special) |
110-81 | Intention to establish consolidated juvenile services program (Special) |
111-81 | Fund establishment (Special) |
114-81 | Request for funds (Special) |
115-81 | (Missing) |
130-81 | Clerk of the board (2.04) |
30-82 | Investment of surplus funds (Special) |
32-82 | Creates precincts and legislative districts (1.12) |
45-82 | Rezone (Special) |
73-82 | Creates county social services administrative board (Repealed by R-44-93) |
74-82 | Intent to contract with Grant County in jail project (Special) |
90-82 | Water district No. 1 (Special) |
91-82 | Fee for returned checks (Special) |
125-82 | Salary increases for certain county employees (Special) |
9-83 | Medical insurance rate adjustment (Special) |
49-83 | Intent to sign interlocal cooperation agreement (Special) |
51-83 | Appoints county SCAN coordinator (Special) |
69-83 | Creates public health district No. 668, repeals Resos. 100-79, 101-79 and 9-81 (Repealed by R-55-03) |
70-83 | Road improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
72-83 | Appointment of bond counsel (Special) |
87-83 | Funds investment (Special) |
98-83 | Road improvement district No. 2 (Special) |
107-83 | Terminates road improvement district No. 2 proceedings (Special) |
3-84 | Certification of compliance with county jail custodial care requirements (Special) |
19-84 | Park and recreation district No. 2 (13.20) |
20-84 | Park and recreation district No. 1 (13.20) |
21-84 | Park and recreation district No. 3 (13.20) |
24-84 | Revises Othello corporate boundaries (Special) |
45-84 | Industrial development corporation (Repealed by R-12-08) |
46-84 | Appoints officers to industrial development corporation (Repealed by R-12-08) |
70-84 | Payment of rent for certain veterans’ organizations (Repealed by R-27-91) |
75-84 | Bond issue (Special) |
96-84 | Salary schedule (Repealed by Res. 59-88) |
98-84 | Salary policy (Special) |
128-84 | Information services for facilities for the handicapped (Special) |
138-84 | Non-discrimination policy (Special) |
7-85 | Payroll deduction plan conditions (Special) |
19-85 | Medical insurance policy adjustment (Special) |
25-85 | Inventory procedures (Repealed by R-30-91) |
33-85 | Use of travel credit cards by county employees (Repealed by R-63-99) |
45-85 | Comprehensive property management and inventory procedures (Repealed by R-06-09) |
60-85 | Reorganizes certain precinct boundaries (1.12) |
66-85 | Payroll procedures (Repealed by R-30-91) |
70-85 | Open burning prohibited (Special) |
76-85 | Bond issuance (Special) |
83-85 | Amends Res. 66-85, payroll (2.88) |
100-85 | Salary schedule changes (Special) |
102-85 | Insurance vendor acceptance (Special) |
130-85 | Holiday cancellation (Special) |
2-86 | Amends Res. 96-84, salary and benefits (Repealed by Res. 59-88) |
41-86 | Adopts Adams County Code with amendment to § 2.64.020, commissioner expense reimbursement (Not codified) |
63-86 | Designates county commissioner work stations for mileage reimbursement purposes (2.72) |
84-86 | Mileage reimbursement procedures (Repealed by Res. 37-87) |
87-86 | Authorization to invest certain funds (3.04) |
116-86 | Authorization to invest certain funds (3.04) |
11-87 | Weed lien collection by county treasurer (8.28) |
18-87 | Refuse collection tax (13.08) |
23-87 | Meal receipts required with travel expense claims (2.80) |
24-87 | Road construction authorization (Special) |
25-87 | Vehicle restrictions on certain path (Special) |
33-87 | Weed control assessment rates (8.28) |
37-87 | Use of vehicles by county employees (Repealed by R-56-91, R-41-91) |
48-87 | Road construction standards (Repealed by Res. 41-88) |
51-87 | Rezone (Special) |
79-87 | Fee for filing records of survey (Special) |
111-87 | Payment of rent for certain veterans’ organizations (Repealed by R-27-91) |
115-87 | Adopts standards for county jail holding facilities (2.60) |
18-88 | Reclassifies certain lands for weed control purposes (Special) |
30-88 | Salary increase for certain employees (Special) |
41-88 | Road construction standards, repeals Res. dated 8/4/75 and Res. 48-87 (12.04) |
56-88 | Prohibits smoking at public meetings in county buildings (Repealed by R-30-91) |
59-88 | Sets salaries for certain county commissioners, repeals Resos. 96-84 and 2-86 (Repealed by O-01-08) |
122-88 | Public employee retirement system adjustments (Special) |
41-89 | Pathway construction (Special) |
46-89 | Joint venture agreement for solid waste disposal and recycling activities (Special) |
98-89 | Commissioner salary, District No. 3 (Repealed by R-69-94) |
R-19-90 | Veteran’s relief (Repealed by R-27-91) |
R-33-90 | Amends prior code § 23.24.020, zoning (17.20) |
R-63-90 | Mileage reimbursement (Repealed by R-41-91) |
R-78-90 | Public defense services (Repealed by R-57-08) |
R-27-91 | Veteran’s relief; repeals Res. 70-84, 11-87 and R-19-90 (2.52) |
R-28-91 | Establishes benefits for county commissioners (2.04) |
R-30-91 | Repeals resolutions 8/9/23, 6/24/50, 3/16/55, 6/2/59, 6/20/62, 8/15/62, 1/3/66, 1/9/67, 8/5/68, 8/1/69, 1/5/70, 1/4/72, 2/28/72, 3/27/72, 6/7/76, 6/27/77, 127-78, 9-80, 28-80, 94-80, 25-85, 66-85 and 56-88 (Repealer) |
R-37-91 | Amends Res. 18-87, solid waste collection tax (13.08) |
R-38-91 | Park and recreation District No. 2 (13.20) |
R-39-91 | Park and recreation District No. 3 (13.20) |
R-40-91 | Adopts environmental health code and repeals Res. 1/19/66 (Repealed by R-73-01) |
R-41-91 | County vehicle use and mileage reimbursement and repeals Res. 37-87 and 63-90 (Repealed by R-33-92) |
R-43-91 | Social services administrative board (Repealed by R-44-93) |
R-46-91 | Purchasing procedures and repeals Res. 141-79 (3.08) |
R-56-91 | Repeals Res. 4/17/63, 6/17/64, 8/4/64, 1/3/66, 2/4/74, 42-79, and 145-79 (Repealer) |
R-57-91 | Adopts regional local hazardous waste management plan (13.28) |
R-64-91 | Community counseling services (Not codified) |
R-66-91 | Community counseling services (Not codified) |
R-67-91 | Community counseling services (Not codified) |
R-68-91 | Landfill permit application and intention to not solicit proposals to site regional landfill in county (Not codified) |
R-6-92 | Solid waste advisory committee (2.30) |
R-17-92 | Amends Res. 27-91, veteran’s relief fund (2.52) |
R-18-92 | Changes commissioner district boundaries (2.08) |
R-20-92 | Suggests changes to voting precinct boundaries (Not codified) |
R-29-92 | Changes voting precinct boundaries (1.12) |
R-30-92 | Changes commissioner district boundaries (2.08) |
R-31-92 | Salaries for commissioner positions in District Nos. 1 and 2 (Repealed by O-01-08) |
R-33-92 | Repeals Res. 41-91, county vehicle use and mileage rate (Repealed by R-94-94) |
R-40-92 | Use of district courtroom and commissioners’ office (2.64) |
R-44-92 | Drug testing and substance abuse treatment policy and statement (2.84) |
R-67-92 | Storage of backup data tapes (Repealed by R-84-01) |
R-74-92 | Part-time district court judge positions (Repealed by R-95-95) |
R-81-92 | Employees release time for participation in Partners Program (Repealed by R-93-92) |
R-93-92 | Employees release time for participation in Partners Program (Not codified) |
R-100-92 | Interlocal agreement (Special) |
R-116-92 | Employee choice holidays (Special) |
R-129-92 | Accommodation of utilities on county road rights-of-way (Special) |
R-132-92 | Rent allowance for VFW post (Special) |
R-134-92 | Adopts policy statement on reporting governmental misconduct (Not codified) |
R-22-93 | Amends Res. R-6-92, solid waste advisory committee (2.30) |
R-44-93 | Social services administrative board and developmental disabilities advisory board; repeals R-73-82 and R-43-91 (Repealed by R-25-11) |
R-49-93 | Adjusts district court boundaries (Repealed by Ord. O-01-17) |
R-72-93 | Marking of vehicles assigned to community counseling and juvenile services (2.72) |
R-75-93 | Interlocal agreement (Special) |
R-76-93 | County joint self-insurance liability premium (Special) |
R-91-93 | Establishes local law and justice council (Repealed by R-26-96) |
R-93-93 | Application for State Department of Community Development funds (Special) |
R-96-93 | Adopts used oil recycling amendment to regional local hazardous waste management plan (Not codified) |
R-113-93 | Adopts rules of order for county board of commissioners meetings (2.04) |
R-116-93 | County participation in juvenile state grant-funded programs (Special) |
R-128-93 | Adopts comprehensive solid waste management plan 1992 update (Special) |
R-02-94* | Local law enforcement excessive force policy (9.18) |
R-05-94* | Amends Ord. O-15-91, fee schedules (Not codified) |
R-19-94* | Approves application for unclassified use permit to construct regional solid waste landfill (Special) |
R-22-94 | Approves organization of Adams County regional surface transportation board (2.100) |
R-34-94* | Authorizes separate fund for criminal justice sales and use tax proceeds (3.17) |
R-35-94* | Official job descriptions (2.104) |
R-36-94A* | Amends § 2.04.040, clerk duties; (2.04) |
R-43-94* | Authorizes county regional landfill fund, fund #111 (Special) |
R-54-94* | Operator requirements in county vehicles and use of personal vehicles for county business (Repealed by R-48-08) |
R-55-94* | Amends Res. R-04-94, Ex. B, fee schedules (Not codified) |
R-56-94* | Endorses formation of community network tax force (Special) |
R-65-94* | Authorizes application for funding assistance from state department of community, trade and economic development for Rodeo Lake (Special) |
R-68-94* | Elected officials salaries for 1995—1998; rescinds Res. 97-89 (Special) |
R-69-94* | Annual salary for commissioner district #3; rescind Res. 98-89 (Repealed by O-01-08) |
R-70-94* | Formation of public works advisory board (Repealed by R-03-08) |
R-73-94* | Amends Res. R-68-94, elected officials salaries (Repealed by R-95-95) |
R-77-94* | Amends Res. R-91-93, local law and justice council (Repealed by R-26-96) |
R-78-94 | Approves Ord. O-4-94, firearms exemption (9.14) |
R-79-94* | Fair housing policy compliance (Not codified) |
R-88-94* | Amends Res. R-68-94, clerk’s salary (Special) |
R-89-94* | Adopts internal grievance procedure under Americans with Disabilities Act (Repealed by R-43-09) |
R-94-94* | County vehicle use and mileage reimbursement; rescinds Res. R-33-92 (Repealed by R-44-96) |
R-99-94* | Lump sum reimbursement options for county commissioners (Repealed by R-25-95) |
R-120-94* | Amends Res. dated 4/4/77, location of Othello District Court (Repealed by Ord. O-01-17) |
R-133-94* | Establishes Martin Luther King Day as paid holiday for regular full-time employees (Not codified) |
R-09-95* | Supports local planning initiatives for use of local natural resources (Special) |
R-25-95* | Lump sum reimbursement options for county commissioners; repeals Res. R-99-94 (Repealed by R-48-08) |
R-37-95* | Salaries for department heads—board action (Not codified) |
R-38-95* | Repeals Rule XVII of Personnel Policy (Not codified) |
R-54-95* | Benefits for employees in a full-time job shared position (Not codified) |
R-67-95* | Sets public hearing to consider formation of a park and recreation district (Special) |
R-75-95* | Authorizes placement on ballot of park and recreation district No. 4 (Special) |
R-86-95* | Amends Res. R-75-95 to add ballot title (Special) |
R-95-95* | District court judge salaries; amends Res. R-68-94; rescinds Res. R-74-92 and R-73-94 (Special) |
R-119-95* | Park and recreation district No. 4 established—district board (Special) |
R-26-96* | Amends Ch. 2.96 and repeals R-91-93 and R-72-94, law and justice council (Repealed by R-19-08) |
R-44-96* | County vehicle use and mileage reimbursement; rescinds Res. R-94-94 (Repealed by R-48-08) |
R-51-96* | Cellular telephone usage policy (2.116) |
R-130-96* | Compliance with intent and duties of RCW 36.70B.050 (Not codified) |
R-11-97* | Confirms commissioner district #1 and #2 salaries, 1997—2000 (Repealed by O-01-08) |
R-26-97* | Establishes internet/world wide web access use policy and procedure (2.120) |
R-27-97* | Establishes electronic messaging systems use and privacy policy and procedure (2.120) |
R-49-97* | Amends § 4 of Res. R-54-94, county vehicles and personal vehicles used on county business (Repealed by R-48-08) |
R-134-97* | Marking of county-owned vehicles (2.72) |
R-37-98 | Salaries for commissioners and other elected officials; repeals R-31-98 (Repealed by R-52-08) |
R-48-98* | Engine braking device restrictions on Booker Road #21901 (Not codified) |
R-71-98* | Establishes policy regarding telephone, written quotations from vendors (Repealed by R-46-01) |
R-97-98* | Consent agenda use authorization during board meetings (2.04) |
R-63-99* | Use of travel credit cards by county employees; rescinds Res. 33-85 (2.80) |
R-72-99* | Creates Adams County water conservancy board (Repealed by R-17-20) |
R-100-99* | Reimbursement requests for meal expenses (Repealed by R-69-03) |
R-32-00* | Amends § 2.48.040—2.48.060, county property management and inventory procedures (Repealed by R-06-09) |
R-69-00* | Establishes Othello Library District No. 1 (13.32) |
R-108-00* | Establishes Fund #001D, county current expense building reserve fund (3.36) |
R-111-00* | Establishes Ritzville Library District No. 2 (13.32) |
R-36-01* | Designates official to receive claims served upon the county (2.124) |
R-46-01* | Purchasing procedures; repeals Res. R-71-98 (3.08) |
R-66-01* | Maintains county’s exempt status for planning under the Growth Management Act (Not codified) |
R-72-01* | Rescinds Res. R-55-78 and deletes Ch. 3.20 (Repealer) |
R-73-01* | Rescinds Res. R-40-91 and deletes Ch. 8.08 (Repealer) |
R-74-01* | Amends §§ 2.48.060, 2.48.070 and 2.48.080, inventory and disposal procedures for county property (Repealed by R-06-09) |
R-84-01* | Rescinds Res. R-67-92 and deletes Ch. 2.66 (Repealer) |
R-95-01* | Amends § 2.48.060, inventory and disposal procedures for county property (Repealed by R-06-09) |
R-33-02* | Redistricts commissioner districts (2.08) |
R-39-02* | Meeting schedule for county commissioners (Repealed by R-02-13) |
R-49-02* | Salaries for elected county officials (Not codified) |
R-56-02* | Adopts voter precincts; repeals Res. R-55-02 (1.12) |
R-63-02* | Amends §§ 2.04.020(C) and 2.04.030, county commissioners (2.04) |
R-64-02* | Adopts formal order relating to maintenance of additional indexes (Not codified) |
R-55-03 | Terminates membership in health district [eliminates Ch. 8.04] (Not codified) |
R-69-03* | Reimbursement requests for meal expenses; rescinds Res. R-100-99 (2.80) |
R-106-03 | Cemetery district No. 3 (13.16) |
R-113-03 | Amends cemetery district No. 3 legal description (13.16) |
R-07-04* | Jail booking fee (2.60) |
R-62-04* | Sheriff’s fee schedule (3.40) |
R-115-04* | Environmental health services fee schedule (3.40) |
R-117-04* | Credit card policy (Repealed by R-56-19) |
R-34-05* | Elections by mail (1.14) |
R-90-05* | Public auctions site (2.50) |
R-43-06* | Amends Ch. 1.12, election precincts and wards (1.12) |
R-55-06* | National Incident Management System (2.132) |
R-108-06 | (Repealed by R-52-08) |
R-02-08* | Amends § 8.28.050(A), weed assessment fees (8.28) |
R-03-08* | Rescinds Res. R-70-94 and Ch. 2.108, public works advisory board (Repealer) |
R-12-08* | Deposits funds in fund #001; rescinds Resos. R-45-84 and R-46-84 and Ch. 2.36, industrial development corporation (Special) |
R-19-08 | Amends Ch. 2.96; rescinds Resos. R-91-93, R-77-94 and R-26-96, law and justice council (2.96) |
R-34-08* | Adds § 13.08.065; amends § 13.08.070; rescinds Res. R-74-79, garbage and refuse collection and disposal (13.08) |
R-47-08 | (Repealed by R-48-08) |
R-48-08* | Amends Ch. 2.72 and personnel policy; rescinds Resos. R-54-94, R-25-95, R-44-96, R-49-97 and R-47-08, vehicle and travel policy (2.72) |
R-52-08* | Rescinds Resos. R-37-98 and R-108-06, salaries for elected county officials (Repealer) |
R-57-08 | Adopts Ord. O-05-08; rescinds Res. R-78-90, public defense services (Repealed by R-02-09) |
R-03-09* | Emergency communications systems and facilities sales and use tax (3.44) |
R-06-09* | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.48, property management and inventory policy (2.48) |
R-14-09* | Fairgrounds cross-connection control policy (13.36) |
R-43-09* | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.112, Americans with Disabilities Act (2.112) |
R-02-10* | Amends Ch. 2.96, law and justice council (2.96) |
R-25-11* | Repeals Ch. 2.28 and R-44-93, social services administrative board and developmental disabilities advisory board (Repealer) |
R-35-11* | Redistricts commissioner districts (2.08) |
R-22-12* | Modifies voter precinct boundaries (1.12) |
R-02-13* | Board of county commissioners meeting schedule; repeals Resos. R-39-02 and R-59-06 (Repealed by R-07-21) |
R-61-14* | (Repealed by R-30-15) |
R-30-15* | Reimbursement for meal expenses; repeals Res. R-61-14 (Repealed by R-56-18) |
R-24-17* | Amends § 2.72.020(I), vehicle and travel policy (2.72) |
R-56-18* | Reimbursement for meal expenses; repeals Res. R-30-15 (2.80) |
R-17-19* | Amends Ch. 2.112, Americans with Disabilities Act (2.112) |
R-56-19* | Amends personnel policy; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.128; repeals § 2.80.010(A) and Resos. R-65-03, R-117-04 and R-07-2012, credit card policy (2.80, 2.128) |
R-17-20* | Dissolves water conservancy board (Repealer) |
R-34-20* | On-site sewage systems (13.06) |
R-07-21* | Board of county commissioners meeting schedule; repeals Res. R-02-13 (Repealed by R-63-21) |
R-57-21* | Redistricts commissioner districts (2.08) |
R-63-21* | Board of county commissioners meeting schedule; repeals Res. R-07-21 (Repealed by R-39-22) |
R-12-22* | Amends commissioner districts (2.08) |
R-21-22* | County board of health (2.28) |
R-39-22* | Board of county commissioners meeting schedule; repeals Res. R-63-21 (2.04) |
R-50-23* | Board of county commissioners meeting schedule (2.04) |
R-28-24* | Modifies voter precinct boundaries (1.12) |
R-41-24* | Adds § 17.04.642; amends § 17.08.040, nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (17.04, 17.08) |