1 | Emergency budget 1955-56 (Special) |
2 | Building lot size (Repealed by 62) |
3 | Building structures (Repealed by 62) |
4 | Commercial activities (Repealed by 227) |
5 | Waterfront structures (Repealed by 62) |
6 | Real property division (Repealed by 62) |
7 | License, occupation tax (Repealed by 62) |
8 | Road vacation (Special) |
9 | Repealer |
10 | Elections (Repealed by 291) |
11 | Current expense account, transfers (Special) |
12 | Road excavation (Repealed by 527) |
13 | Puget Sound Power and Light franchise (Special) |
14 | Comprehensive plan (Repealed by 57) |
15 | Plats, approval regulations (Repealed by 106) |
16 | Roads, damaging, littering (Repealed by 110) |
17 | Road vacation (Special) |
18 | Motor vehicles (Repealed by 110) |
19 | Amends Ord. 18 (Repealed by 110) |
20 | Building inspector (Repealed by 112) |
21 | Land use standards (Repealed by 111) |
22 | Guns, discharge (Repealed by 288) |
23 | Peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 287) |
24 | Combines treasurer, clerk positions (Repealed by 98) |
25 | Construction, erection, fees (Repealed by 101) |
26 | Electrical equipment installation (Repealed by 125) |
27 | Fences (Repealed by 62) |
28 | Waterborne craft (Repealed by 71) |
29 | Real property (Repealed by 62) |
30 | Plat established (Repealed by 62) |
31 | Road vacation (Special) |
32 | Public utilities franchise (Repealed by 527) |
33 | Bellevue Sewer District franchise (Special) |
34 | Traffic (Repealed by 110) |
35 | Sewer contractors (13.15) |
36 | Budget, 1960 (Special) |
37 | Sewer connections (13.10) |
38 | Amends Ord. 35, sewer contractors (13.15) |
39 | Buoys, funding (Special) |
40 | Mail box shelters, funding (Special) |
41 | Washington Natural Gas, franchise (Special) |
42 | Park property purchase (Special) |
43 | Amends Ord. 21 (Repealed by 111) |
44 | Appropriation, emergency (Special) |
45 | Site distances, right-of-way obstructions (Repealed by 186) |
46 | Combines treasurer, clerk positions (Repealed by 98) |
47 | Condemnation, Evergreen Bridge (Special) |
48 | Condemnation, Hunts Pt. Road, north turnaround (Special) |
49 | Funding, entrance (Special) |
50 | Private streets in Fairweather Basin Plat (12.20) |
51 | Planning commission (2.15) |
52 | Administrative assistant, created (Not codified) |
53 | Building code amended (Not codified) |
54 | Motor vehicles, amends Ord. 34 (Repealed by 110) |
55 | Public peace, safety, good order (Repealed by 282) |
56 | Appropriation (Special) |
57 | Comprehensive plan amendments, repeals Ord. 14 (Repealed by 269) |
58 | Hunts Point Road, arterial (12.15) |
59 | Fairweather Place, designated (Special) |
60 | Appropriation (Special) |
61 | Arterial streets designated (12.15) |
62 | Building standards, repeals Ords. 2, 3, 5, 7, 27, 29, and 30 (Repealed by 111) |
63 | Number not used |
64 | Appropriation (Special) |
65 | Appropriation (Special) |
66 | Amends Ord. 62 (Repealed by 111) |
67 | Public right-of-way, vacation (Special) |
68 | Appropriation (Special) |
69 | Safety glass (Repealed by 295) |
70 | Park commission (Repealed by 244) |
71 | Harbor code (Repealed by 266) |
72 | Number not used |
73 | Barnabee Park, purchase (Special) |
74 | Vacation, Hunts Point Lane (Special) |
75 | Park Commissioners (Repealed by 244) |
76 | Appropriation (Special) |
77 | Mailboxes, placement, maintenance (Repealed by 529) |
78 | Underground wiring, conversion (Not codified) |
79 | Funds transfer (Special) |
80 | Funds transfer (Special) |
81 | Bond interest guarantee (Special) |
82 | Underground wiring, conversion (Not codified) |
82A | Amends 22 and 38 of Ord. 71, Harbor code (Repealed by 266) |
83 | Funds transfer (Special) |
84 | Forward Thrust Park (Special) |
85 | Forward Thrust Arterial (Special) |
86 | Implied consent ordinance (Repealed by 110) |
87 | Amends Ord. 34, traffic code (Repealed by 110) |
88 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
89 | LID 67-1 assessment roll (Special) |
90 | Appropriation (Special) |
91 | LID (Special) |
92 | Millage certification to assessor (Special) |
93 | Budget 1969 (Special) |
94 | Sales and use tax (3.10) |
95 | Street plan, amended (Special) |
96 | Urban area construction program, adopted (Special) |
97 | County tax levy certified, 1971 (Special) |
98 | Positions of treasurer, clerk combined; repeals Ords. 24 and 26 (2.10) |
99 | Appropriation (Special) |
100 | Appropriation (Special) |
101 | Building code adopted; repeals Ord. 25 (Repealed by 125) |
102 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
103 | County tax levy certified, 1972 (Special) |
104 | Budget 1971 (Special) |
105 | Amends §§ 22 and 28 of Ord. 71, harbor code (Repealed by 266) |
106 | Subdivisions; repeals Ord. 15 (17.05, 17.10, 17.20, 17.25, 17.30, 17.35, 17.40) |
107 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
108 | Urban arterial trust fund (Not codified) |
109 | Budget, 1973 (Special) |
110 | Traffic, repeals Ords. 16, 18, 19. and 34 (Repealed by 147) |
111 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 21, 62 and 66 (Repealed by 212) |
112 | Building official; repeals Ord. 20 (Repealed by 295) |
113 | LID and appropriation (Special) |
114 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
115 | Tax levy, 1974 (Special) |
116 | Petty cash fund (3.25) |
117 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
118 | Tax levy, 1975 (Special) |
119 | Budget, revised, 1974 (Special) |
120 | Zoning, amends Ord. 111 (Repealed by 212) |
121 | Repeals and replaces § 4 of Ord. 110, traffic (Repealed by 147) |
122 | Shoreline master program (16.10) |
123 | Tax levy 1976 (Special) |
124 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
125 | Building code, repeals Ords. 26 and 101 (Repealed by 144) |
126 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
127 | State Environmental Policy (Repealed by 192) |
128 | Tax levy 1977 (Special) |
129 | Penal code (Repealed by 282) |
130 | Burglar alarms (Repealed by 290) |
131 | Budget 1977 (Special) |
132 | Hunts Point Lane plat (Special) |
133 | Cozy Cove Haven plat (Special) |
134 | Vacation, 88th NE, north of SR520 (Special) |
135 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
136 | Special election on tax levy (Special) |
137 | Bond issue (Special) |
138 | Tax levy 1977 (Special) |
139 | Appropriation (Special) |
140 | Budget 1978 (Special) |
141 | Tree removal code (Repealed by 216) |
142 | Six-year street plan (Special) |
143 | Streets, obstruction, defacing (Repealed by 527) |
144 | Building codes adopted, repeals Ord. 125 (Repealed by 295) |
145 | Tax levy 1979 (Special) |
146 | Budget 1979 (Special) |
147 | Traffic, repeals Ords. 110 and 121 (Repealed by 156) |
148 | Vacation, 81st and 80th NE (Special) |
149 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
150 | Building permits, amends § 4 of Ord. 112 (Repealed by 160) |
151 | Chin short plat (Special) |
152 | Tax levy 1980 (Special) |
153 | Budget 1980 (Special) |
154 | Appropriation (Special) |
155 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
156 | Traffic, repeals Ords. 110, 121, and 147 (Repealed by 272) |
157 | Bond issue (Special) |
157A | Tax levy (Special) |
158 | Budget 1981 (Special) |
159 | Business and occupation tax (5.10) |
160 | Building permits, plan review, repeals Ord. 150, and amends § 4 of Ord. 112 (Repealed by 295) |
161 | Appropriation (Special) |
162 | Eastside Disposal, franchise (Special) |
163 | Bond issue (Special) |
164 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
165 | Tax levy (Special) |
166 | Budget 1982 (Special) |
167 | Appropriation (Special) |
168 | Mileage reimbursement (2.30) |
169 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
170 | Real estate excise tax (3.20) |
171 | Substantial development permit, fee (Repealed by 194) |
172 | Sales and use tax (3.10) |
173 | Utility tax, telephone, gas, electricity, amends § 3 of Ord. 159 (5.10) |
174 | Cable TV (Repealed by 352) |
175 | Tax levy (Special) |
176 | Budget 1983 (Special) |
177 | Appropriation (Special) |
178 | Repeals § 6 of Ord. 172; initiative and referendum procedure (3.15) |
179 | Northwest Entertainment Network, franchise (Special) |
180 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
181 | Utility tax, amends § 3 of Ord. 159 (5.10) |
182 | Tax levy (Special) |
183 | Budget 1984 (Special) |
184 | Budget, amends Ord. 183 (Special) |
185 | Washington Model Traffic Ordinance adopted (10.05) |
186 | Right-of-way use, repeals Ord. 45 (Repealed by 529) |
187 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
188 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 159, utility tax (5.10) |
189 | Tax levy (Special) |
190 | Budget 1985 (Special) |
191 | Criminal code, amends § 4 of Ord. 129 (Repealed by 282) |
192 | SEPA, repeals Ord. 127 (Repealed by 337) |
193 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
194 | Substantial development permit fee, repeals Ord. 171 (Not codified) |
195 | Utility tax, amends § 3 of Ord. 159 (5.10) |
196 | Tax levy (Special) |
197 | Budget 1986 (Special) |
198 | Criminal code, amends § 4 of Ord. 191 (Repealed by 282) |
199 | Washington Natural Gas, franchise (Special) |
200 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
201 | Business and occupation tax, amends § 3 of Ord. 159 (5.10) |
202 | Tax levy (Special) |
203 | Budget 1987 (Special) |
204 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
205 | Bond issue, storm drains (Special) |
206 | Tax levy (Special) |
207 | Budget 1988 (Special) |
208 | Public nuisance, vegetation (8.05) |
209 | Puget Power, franchise (Special) |
210 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
211 | Wetherill Nature Preserve (Special) |
212 | Zoning, repeals Ords. 111 and 120 (18.05, 18.10, 18.15, 18.20, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55) |
213 | Building code, excavation, grading (Repealed by 225) |
214 | Trees, amends § 8 of Ord. 141 (Repealed by 216) |
215 | Cable TV franchise (Repealed by 221) |
216 | Tree removal code, repeals Ords. 141 and 214 (Repealed by 416) |
217 | Indemnification of town officials (Repealed by 336) |
218 | Tax levy (Special) |
219 | Budget 1989 (Special) |
220 | Budget, amends Ord. 207 (Special) |
221 | Northwest Cable, franchise; repeals Ord. 215 (Special) |
222 | Appropriation (Special) |
223 | Vacation, Fairweather Place (Special) |
224 | Wetherill Nature Preserve funds (3.25) |
225 | Site development, permits, repeals Ord. 213 (15.45) |
226 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
227 | Business, commercial activities; repeals Ord. 4 (5.05) |
228 | Cable TV, amends Ord. 174 (Repealed by 352) |
229 | Cable TV franchise, transfer to Viacom (Special) |
230 | Commercial vehicle use and site development right-of-way use (Repealed by 273) |
231 | Tax levy (Special) |
232 | Budget 1990 (Special) |
233 | Appropriation (Special) |
234 | Solid waste management (8.15) |
235 | Hazardous waste management (8.20) |
236 | Yard waste (8.30) |
237 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
238 | Harbor code, amends §§ 7 and 22 of Ord. 71 (Repealed by 266) |
239 | Street vacation (Special) |
240 | Tax levy (Special) |
241 | Budget 1991 (Special) |
242 | Fences, walls, gates; moratorium (Not codified) |
243 | Annexation to King County Library District (Special) |
244 | Park Commission, repeals Ords. 70 and 75 (Repealed by 534) |
245 | Transportation improvement program (Special) |
246 | Amends §§ 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of Ord. 212, zoning (18.10, 18.20, 18.40) |
247 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 186; public right-of-way use (Repealed by 529) |
248 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 156; traffic (Repealed by 272) |
249 | Tax levy (Special) |
250 | Budget 1992 (Special) |
251 | Fireworks ban, drought emergency (Not codified) |
252 | Sensitive areas (16.15) |
253 | Zoning, amends § 5 of Ord. 212 (Repealed by 571) |
254 | Warrant clearing fund (3.25) |
255 | Transportation improvement plan (Special) |
256 | Radon detectors, fee (Repealed by 313) |
257 | King County growth management policies disapproved (Special) |
258 | Tax levy (Special) |
259 | 1993 budget (Special) |
260 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
261 | Not passed |
262 | Bicycle helmets (Repealed by 519) |
263 | Six-year transportation improvement plan (Special) |
264 | 1994 tax levy (Special) |
265 | Six-year transportation plan (Special) |
266 | Harbor code; repeals Ords. 71, 82, 105 and 238 (Repealed by 512) |
267 | Amends 1993 budget (Special) |
268 | 1994 budget (Special) |
269 | Adopts comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 57 (11.05) |
270 | Adopts Uniform Fire Code appendices (Repealed by 295) |
271 | Amends §§ V and VIII.A.3 of Ord. 212, zoning (18.40) |
272 | Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ords. 156 and 248 (10.05) |
273 | Vehicle size limits; repeals Ord. 230 (Repealed by 284) |
274 | Six-year transportation plan (Special) |
275 | Amends § VIII of Ord. 271, zoning (18.40) |
276 | Interim sewer franchise (Not codified) |
277 | Bellevue sewer franchise (Not codified) |
278 | 1995 tax levy (Special) |
279 | 1995 budget (Special) |
280 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
281 | Council/board of adjustment meeting times (2.05) |
282 | Criminal code; repeals Ords. 55, 129, 191 and 198 (9.05) |
283 | General provisions (1.05) |
284 | |
285 | Signs (Not passed) |
286 | Adopts drunk driving statutes (10.05) |
287 | Soliciting (5.15) |
288 | Firearms (9.10) |
289 | General penalty (1.10) |
290 | False alarms (8.10) |
291 | Repeals Ord. 10 (Repealer) |
292 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 51, planning commission (2.15) |
293 | Boat motors, noise (Repealed by 512) |
294 | Fees (3.05) |
295 | Building code; repeals Ords. 69, 112, 144, 160 and 270 (Repealed by 481) |
296 | Planning commission (2.15) |
297 | Amends six-year transportation plan (Special) |
298 | Building code (Repealed by 481) |
299 | Amends Ord. 294 § 6, fee schedule (Repealed by 494) |
300 | Adopts code (1.01) |
301 | Signs; repeals §§ 6(C)(4) and 7 (C)(2) of Ord. 212 (18.41) |
302 | Adds new section to and amends § 4 of Ord. 216, tree removal code (Repealed by 416) |
303 | Amends § 7(B) of Ord. 212, zoning (Repealed by 571) |
304 | Amends §§ 18.20.050, 18.20.060, 18.20.100, 18.25.020(2), (3) and (4), 18.25.030(2), (3) and (4), 18.25.040(2), (3) and (4), 18.30.020(6)(b), 18.30.030(1) and 18.40.020(2), zoning (18.20) |
305 | Noise control (8.40) |
306 | Amends § 8(A)(1)(d) of Ord. 212, zoning (18.40) |
307 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
308 | Dangerous dogs (Repealed by 405) |
309 | Dogs (Repealed by 405) |
310 | Development permit regulations (11.10) |
311 | 1996 tax levy (Special) |
312 | 1996 budget (Special) |
313 | Repeals Ch. 8.35 (Repealer) |
314 | Amends §§ 17.15.060, 17.15.070 and 17.15.080, permit processing (11.10) |
315 | Amends §§ 15.45.080, 15.45.090(2) and 18.40.010(1)(c) and (d), board of adjustment (18.40) |
316 | Amends six-year transportation plan (Special) |
317 | Hearing examiner (2.35) |
318 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
319 | 1997 tax levy (Special) |
320 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
321 | Adopts 1997 budget (Special) |
322 | Amends six-year transportation plan (Special) |
323 | Moratorium on telecommunications facilities (Not codified) |
324 | Adopts six-year transportation program (Special) |
325 | Extends moratorium on telecommunications facilities (Not codified) |
326 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
327 | Amends §§ 15.10.040 and 15.45.070; repeals § 15.45.080, buildings and construction (15.45) |
328 | Amends §§ 2.35.030, 2.35.070, 2.35.090, 2.35.100, 2.35.120 and 2.35.180(5), hearing examiner (2.35) |
329 | Adds Ch. 18.43, wireless service facilities, and §§ 18.10.006, 18.10.035, 18.10.036, 18.10.037, 18.10.093, 18.10.094, 18.10.095, 18.10.096, 18.10.165, 18.10.166, 18.10.395, 18.10.462, 18.10.596 and 18.10.597, zoning (18.10, 18.43) |
330 | Adds Ch. 12.18, telecommunications (Repealed by 527) |
331 | 1998 tax levy (Special) |
332 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
333 | Amends § 9.05.010, penal code (9.05) |
334 | Adopts 1998 budget (Special) |
335 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 17.45 and 18.60, violations, penalties and enforcement (17.45, 18.60) |
336 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.25, indemnification of employees and officers (2.25) |
337 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.05, environmental procedures and policies (16.05) |
338 | Repeals § 18.45.070, zoning (Repealer) |
339 | Amends § 18.10.270, zoning (18.10) |
340 | Amends § 18.40.020, swimming pools and hot tubs (Repealed by 521) |
341 | Cable TV franchise (Special) |
342 | Adopts six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
343 | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.010; repeals § 15.10.020, building codes (Repealed by 481) |
344 | Adds Ch. 18.42; amends § 18.30.020; repeals §§ 18.45.030 and 18.45.040, zoning (18.42) |
345 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
346 | Amends § 5.10.030, business and occupation tax (5.10) |
347 | 1999 tax levy (Special) |
348 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
349 | Adds Ch. 2.40; amends §§ 2.35.020, 11.10.120 and Ch. 18.55; repeals § 2.35.190, hearing examiner and board of adjustment (2.35, 11.10, 18.55) |
350 | Adopts 1999 budget (Special) |
351 | Amends § 2.05.010, town council (2.05) |
352 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.20, cable television (Repealed by 454) |
353 | Cable TV franchise (Special) |
354 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
355 | Adds §§ 18.10.045, 18.10.046, 18.10.047, 18.10.048, 18.10.105, 18.10.162, 18.10.184, 18.10.221 and 18.10.222; amends §§ 18.10.180, 18.10.240, 18.10.370 and 18.10.530, zoning (Repealed by 356) |
356 | Adds §§ 18.10.045, 18.10.046, 18.10.047, 18.10.048, 18.10.055, 18.10.125, 18.10.162, 18.10.168 and 18.10.184; amends §§ 18.10.180, 18.10.240, 18.10.370 and 18.10.530; repeals Ord. 355, zoning (18.10) |
357 | Amends Ord. 269, comprehensive plan (Special) |
358 | Adopts six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
359 | Adds Title 4, municipal court (4.01) |
360 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
361 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
362 | 2000 tax levy (Special) |
363 | Authorizes increase in 2000 tax levy (Special) |
364 | Adds new section, Model Traffic Ordinance (10.05) |
365 | Amends §§ 3.05.080, 3.05.100 and 12.05.050, fees (3.05) |
366 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
367 | Maintaining clean streets (12.25) |
368 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 359, municipal court (4.01) |
369 | Adds Ch. 18.46; amends § 3.05.110(1) and (2), boundary line adjustments and lot consolidations (3.05) |
370 | Amends § 18.46.020, zoning (Repealed by 467) |
371 | Amends §§ 3.05.100, 3.05.110 and 3.05.120, fee schedule (3.05) |
372 | Amends § 10.10.040, vehicles and traffic (Repealed by 519) |
373 | Adopts six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
374 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
375 | Adds Ch. 2.09, town administrator (2.09) |
376 | Amends § 16.05.100(1)(e), environmental procedures and policies (16.05) |
377 | Amends § 17.15.020, subdivisions (Repealed by 467) |
378 | Adds § 15.45.025; repeals § 15.45.030, buildings and construction (Repealed by 458) |
379 | Amends § 18.43.007, zoning (18.43) |
380 | Amends § 18.25.020(5), zoning (Repealed by 571) |
381 | Amends § 3.05.110, fee schedule (3.05) |
382 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
383 | 2001 tax levy (Special) |
384 | 2001 tax levy (Special) |
385 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
386 | Readopts Ords. 359, 362, 363, 364 and 365 (Special) |
387 | Amends Ch. 14.05, harbor code (Repealed by 512) |
388 | Amends § 11.10.160, planning and development (11.10) |
389 | Town Hall office hours (2.45) |
390 | Traffic sign posting (10.20) |
391 | Amends §§ 8.25.050(2) and 8.25.075, tree removal code (Repealed by 416) |
392 | Parades, athletic events, block parties, and other special events permit regulations (Repealed by 509) |
393 | Amends § 3.05.080, fee schedule (3.05) |
394 | Establishes expendable trust fund and amends 2001 budget (Special) |
395 | Imposes additional one-quarter of one percent excise tax on real estate sales (3.20) |
396 | Appoints town administrator as agent for claims for damages (2.09) |
397 | Amends § 3.05.120(4), fee schedule (Repealed by 494) |
398 | Amends § 3.05.120(6), fee schedule (Repealed by 494) |
399 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
400 | 2002 tax levy (Special) |
401 | 2002 tax levy (Special) |
402 | 2002 tax levy (Special) |
403 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
404 | Adopts 2001 solid waste management plan (Special) |
405 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.05, animal control (Repealed by 500) |
406 | Amends §§ 2.35.020, 8.25.080, 8.40.020(4), 11.10.110(1), 11.10.120, 12.10.050 and 16.05.290; repeals § 11.10.130(3), hearing examiner (2.35, 8.40, 11.10, 16.05) |
407 | Repeals Ch. 2.40, board of adjustment (Repealer) |
408 | Establishes moratorium on tree removal (Special) |
409 | Adopts findings of fact supporting tree removal moratorium (Special) |
410 | Truck traffic restrictions (10.10) |
411 | Adopts 2003 comprehensive emergency management plan (Special) |
412 | Secure community transition facilities (Special) |
413 | Void |
414 | 2003 tax levy (Special) |
415 | 2003 tax levy (Special) |
416 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.25, tree code (Repealed by 480) |
417 | Adds § 15.45.075, site development (15.45) |
418 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
419 | Establishes emergency services organization (2.50) |
420 | Town Hall office hours (2.45) |
421 | Amends §§ 18.10.240, 18.25.030 and 18.25.040, zoning (Repealed by 571) |
422 | Amends §§ 11.10.100, 11.10.140, 11.10.150, 11.10.160(1), 11.10.200, 15.45.090, 18.40.010(1), 18.43.013 and 18.45.010; repeals §§ 2.05.020 and 2.35.070(3), hearing examiner (11.10, 18.40, 18.43, 18.45) |
423 | Adds §§ 3.05.160 and 3.25.040, heavy truck fee and fund (3.05, 3.25) |
424 | Amends § 2.15.020, planning commission (2.15) |
425 | Financing and method of repaving Hunts Point Road (Special) |
426 | 2004 tax levy (Special) |
427 | 2004 tax levy (Special) |
428 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
429 | Orders improvement of Hunts Point Road and establishes L.I.D. No. 4-01 (Special) |
430 | Adds § 15.10.020; amends §§ 15.10.010, 15.10.030 and 15.10.040 and Ch. 15.20; repeals §§ 15.10.050 and 15.10.060, building code (Repealed by 481) |
431 | Amends § 9.05.010, statutes adopted by reference (9.05) |
432 | Amends § 2.15.020, planning commission membership (2.15) |
433 | Amends comprehensive plan (11.05) |
434 | Amends Ch. 12.05, road excavations (Repealed by 527) |
435 | LID bond issuance (Special) |
436 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
437 | 2005 tax levy (Special) |
438 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
439 | Amends § 2.15.020, planning commission membership (2.15) |
440 | Use of town park and recreational facilities by sports organizations (8.45) |
441 | Amends § 18.40.040, nonconforming structures and uses (18.40) |
442 | Amends § 13.05.050, right-of-way use (Repealed by 527) |
443 | Town Hall office hours (2.45) |
444 | Amends § 18.55.060, variances and appeals of interpretations (18.55) |
445 | 2006 tax levy (Special) |
446 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
447 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
448 | Authorizes interfund loan (Special) |
449 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
450 | LID 04-01 final assessment roll (Special) |
451 | Bond issue (Special) |
452 | 2007 tax levy (Special) |
453 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
454 | Cable system regulations; repeals Ch. 5.20 (5.20) |
455 | Cable franchise (Special) |
456 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
457 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
458 | Amends §§ 15.10.010, 15.45.050, 15.45.070, 15.45.100; repeals § 15.45.025; repeals and replaces § 15.10.020, building code and site development (15.45) |
459 | Amends Ch. 10.20, traffic signs (10.20) |
460 | Amends § 15.45.040, site development regulations (15.45) |
461 | Amends Ch. 8.05, public nuisances (8.05) |
462 | Adds § 3.05.145, facility rental policy (3.05) |
463 | 2008 tax levy (Special) |
464 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
465 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
466 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
467 | Adds §§ 17.20.005, 17.20.008, 17.20.062, 17.20.063, 17.20.064, 17.20.065, 17.20.066, 17.20.067, 17.20.068, 17.25.005, 17.25.090, 17.25.100, 17.25.110, 17.25.120, 17.25.130, Chs. 17.27 and 17.50, §§ 18.60.020 and 18.60.030; amends §§ 2.35.070, 2.35.090, 2.35.100, 2.35.120, 11.05.010, 11.10.010, 11.10.110, 11.10.120, 11.10.140, 11.10.160, 12.10.020, 12.10.050, 17.05.020, 17.05.030, 17.05.040, 17.10.020, 17.10.070, 17.10.100, 17.10.120, 17.10.130, 17.10.140, 17.10.160, 17.20.010, 17.20.020, 17.20.030, 17.20.040, 17.20.060, 17.20.070, 17.20.090, 17.20.100, 17.20.140, 17.20.150, 17.20.180, 17.25.010, 17.25.020, 17.25.050, 17.25.060, 17.25.070, 17.30.010, 17.30.030, 17.40.010, 17.40.020, 18.50.010, 18.50.020, 18.50.030, 18.50.040, 18.50.050, 18.60.005 and 18.60.009; repeals §§ 2.35.130, 2.35.140, 2.35.150, 2.35.160, 15.45.090, 17.10.010, Ch. 17.15, §§ 17.20.160, 17.35.070 and Ch. 18.46; repeals and replaces §§ 17.20.080 and 18.60.010, subdivisions, boundary adjustments and project review (2.35, 11.05, 11.10, 17.05, 17.10, 17.20, 17.25, 17.27, 17.30, 17.40, 17.50, 18.50, 18.60) |
468 | Orders improvement of Haug Canal and establishes LID No. 8-01 (Special) |
469 | Amends § 2.15.020, planning commission membership (2.15) |
470 | Establishes Town Hall office hours (2.45) |
471 | Amends § 18.40.010(9), boat hoists (18.40) |
472 | Establishes regulations for peddlers (5.15) |
473 | 2009 tax levy (Special) |
474 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
475 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
476 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
477 | Amends § 18.55.060, variances (18.55) |
478 | Amends § 18.10.240, gross floor area exclusions (Repealed by 571) |
479 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
480 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.25, tree code (8.25) |
481 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 15.10 and 15.20, building and fire codes (Repealed by 522) |
482 | 2011 tax levy (Special) |
483 | Authorizes property tax increase (Special) |
484 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
485 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
486 | Amends § 10.05.040, parking (Repealed by 519) |
487 | 2012 tax levy (Special) |
488 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
489 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
490 | Amends § 18.10.240(1), gross floor area exclusions (Repealed by 571) |
491 | 2013 tax levy (Special) |
492 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
493 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
494 | Amends §§ 3.05.010, 3.05.040, 3.05.080, 3.05.100, 3.05.110 and 3.05.130; repeals and replaces § 3.05.120, fee schedule (3.05) |
495 | Amends §§ 15.10.010, 15.10.020 and Ch. 15.20, building and fire codes (Repealed by 522) |
496 | 2014 tax levy (Special) |
497 | Adds § 10.05.070, use of traffic circle for access to SR 520 prohibited (10.05) |
498 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
499 | Amends § 18.30.020, R-40 zone accessory uses (Repealed by 571) |
500 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.05, animal control codes adoption (6.05) |
501 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan/transportation improvement plan (Special) |
502 | Amends §§ 2.05.010 and 2.45.010, town council meeting times, Town Hall office hours (2.05, 2.45) |
503 | Amends § 12.05.040, road excavation conditions (Repealed by 527) |
504 | 2015 tax levy (Special) |
505 | Funds transfer (Special) |
506 | (Number not used) |
507 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
508 | Adopts 2015 budget, sets clerk-treasurer salary range (Special) |
509 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.25, parades, athletic events, block parties and other special events (5.25) |
510 | Amends §§ 10.05.040 and 10.10.040, parking (Repealed by 519) |
511 | Amends §§ 15.10.020, 15.10.030, 15.10.040, 15.10.050, 15.10.060, 15.10.070 and 15.10.080, building code (Repealed by 522) |
512 | Repeals and replaces Title 14, boating and harbors (14.05, 14.10, 14.15, 14.20, 14.25, 14.30, 14.35, 14.40, 14.45, 14.50, 14.55, 14.60) |
513 | Amends comprehensive plan (11.05) |
514 | Amends § 10.05.070, use of traffic circle for access to State Route 520 prohibited (10.05) |
515 | 2016 tax levy (Special) |
516 | Amends § 18.25.040(6), maximum building height in the R-20A zone (Repealed by 571) |
517 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
518 | Adopts 2016 budget, sets clerk-treasurer salary range (Special) |
519 | Amends § 10.05.070; amends and renumbers §§ 10.05.050 as 10.05.040, 10.05.060 as 10.05.050, 10.10.060 as 10.10.040 and 10.10.070 as 10.10.050; repeals and replaces Ch. 10.15; repeals §§ 10.05.040 and 10.10.040, vehicles and traffic (10.05, 10.10, 10.15) |
520 | Amends §§ 8.25.020, 8.25.030, 8.25.050 and 8.25.100, tree code (8.25) |
521 | Repeals and replaces § 18.40.020, swimming pools and spas (18.40) |
522 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 15.10 and 15.20, building and fire codes (15.10, 15.20) |
523 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan/transportation improvement plan (Special) |
524 | 2017 tax levy (Special) |
525 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
526 | Adopts 2017 budget, sets clerk-treasurer salary range (Special) |
527 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 12.05, 12.18 and 13.05, public rights-of-way and telecommunications (12.05) |
528 | Beautification fund (3.25) |
529 | Adds § 18.20.120; repeals and replaces Chs. 12.10, 12.18 and 13.05, right-of-way use, telecommunications and public utilities (12.10, 12.18, 13.05, 18.20) |
530 | Adds Ch. 8.50, fireworks restrictions (8.50) |
531 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan/transportation improvement plan (Special) |
532 | 2018 tax levy (Special) |
533 | Adopts 2018 budget, sets clerk-treasurer salary range (Special) |
534 | Repeals Ch. 2.20, parks commission (Repealer) |
535 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan/transportation improvement plan (Special) |
536 | 2019 tax levy (Special) |
537 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
538 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
539 | Adds §§ 3.25.060 and 3.25.070; amends § 3.25.030, checking, banking and credit card policies (3.25) |
540 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) |
541 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan/transportation improvement plan (Special) |
542 | 2020 tax levy (Special) |
543 | Adopts 2020 budget, sets clerk-treasurer salary range (Special) |
544 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan/transportation improvement plan (Special) |
545 | Amends § 5.10.040, business and occupation tax payment (5.10) |
546 | 2021 tax levy (Special) |
547 | Amends § 2.15.020, planning commission membership (2.15) |
548 | Amends Ch. 8.25, tree code (8.25) |
549 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
550 | Establishes tree mitigation fund (3.25) |
551 | Amends §§ 15.10.010, 15.10.020, 15.10.030, 15.10.040, 15.10.050, 15.10.060, 15.10.070 and 15.10.080, building code (15.10) |
552 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan/transportation improvement plan (Special) |
553 | 2022 tax levy (Special) |
554 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
555 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
556 | |
557 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
558 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan, transportation improvement plan and nontransportation improvement plan (Special) |
559 | Adds § 8.45.020; amends § 5.25.010(8), special events in town parks (5.25, 8.45) |
560 | Amends § 16.10.010, shoreline master program adopted (16.10) |
561 | 2023 tax levy (Special) |
562 | Authorizes acquisition of easements and other land and property rights (Special) |
563 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
564 | Amends § 17.27.020, standards for boundary line adjustments and lot consolidations (17.27) |
565 | Amends effective date of Ord. 564 (17.27) |
566 | Adopts six-year capital improvement plan, transportation improvement plan and nontransportation improvement plan (Special) |
567 | 2024 tax levy (Special) |
568 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
569 | Amends § 18.42.070, vehicle impoundment (18.42) |
570 | Repeals and replaces § 15.10.010; amends Ch. 15.10 references to the 2018 International Building Code and the International Residential Code to refer to the 2021 International Building Code and 2021 International Residential Code, building codes (15.10) |
571 | Adds Chs. 18.31, 18.36, 18.37 and 18.39; amends Chs. 18.10 and 18.20; repeals Chs. 18.25, 18.30 and 18.35, zoning (18.10, 18.20, 18.31, 18.36, 18.37, 18.39) |
572 | Amends § 15.10.010, building code adopted (15.10) |
573 | Adds § 10.15.025; amends § 10.15.020, parking (10.15) |
574 | Adopts 2025-2030 capital improvement plan (Special) |
575 | 2025 tax levy (Special) |
576 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
577 | Adopts 2025 budget (Special) |
578 | Amends § 2.45.010, Town Hall office hours (2.45) |
579 | Amends § 17.30.040, lots (17.30) |