Chapter 8 – Aquatic Habitat
8.1 Existing Conditions
Riparian and Forest Ecosystems
8.2 Regulatory Requirements
Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual
Thurston County Noxious Weed Board
8.3 Habitat Studies and Land Cover Analyses
City of Olympia Wildlife Habitat Study (1994)
Aquatic Habitat Evaluation & Management Report (1999)
City of Olympia Habitat and Stewardship Strategy (2013)
West Bay Environmental Restoration Assessment (2016)
8.4 Challenges
Multiple Public/Private Ownership
Legacy Development and Land Development Pressure
Map 8.1 Aquatic Habitats in Olympia and Urban Growth Area
Map 8.2 Types of Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat in Olympia and Its Urban Growth Area, 2013
Figure 8.1 Habitat Loss in Olympia
Figure 8.2 Olympia B-IBI Scores Compared to Thurston County and Puget Sound Averages
Figure 8.3 Relationship of Water Quality Index to Percentage of Basin without Treatment
Figure 8.4 Relationship of B-IBI Score to Percentage of Basin without Treatment
Table 8.1 Typical Aquatic and Terrestrial Species in Olympia (*=nonnative)
Table 8.2 Riparian Cover by Basin
Table 8.3 Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI) Data for Olympia’s Streams
Table 8.4 Basin Impervious Surface and Water Quality Parameters
Table 8.5 Fish Barriers in Olympia Watersheds
The need to protect aquatic habitat from damage caused by stormwater runoff and other results of urban development is one of the major “Why’s” determining the strategies recommended for the Utility’s next ten years, as described in Chapter 10.
In undeveloped areas, mature forests generate very little runoff directly to streams and other aquatic habitats. In urban areas, stormwater runoff generally travels from impervious surfaces (streets, sidewalks, roofs, and parking lots) to creeks and wetlands via pipes and ditches instead of slowly filtering into the ground. These increased flood flows carry pollutants directly into streams, wetlands, lakes, and Puget Sound (see Chapter 7).
Chapter 4 describes how streams, wetlands, lakes, and marine waters function as “natural infrastructure” for stormwater management. This chapter focuses on how land development – increasing impervious surfaces, filling and altering wetlands, removing forests, and altering shorelines – has impacted the health and extent of aquatic habitat.
In addition to identifying and evaluating aquatic habitat, the Utility’s role in habitat management includes education and outreach, stewardship planning, and restoration and enhancement projects. These activities are described in Chapter 9.
8.1 Existing Conditions
The condition and extent of Olympia’s aquatic and associated habitats underlies the Utility’s focus on protecting, enhancing, and restoring habitat.
A variety of aquatic habitats exist within Olympia, shown in Map 8.1, including streams, wetlands, lakes, and the marine waters of Budd Inlet:
• Eight named streams and smaller unnamed streams spanning almost 39 miles and with approximately 3,250 acres of riparian areas within 250 feet of a stream
• An estimated 680 acres of wetlands
• 16 freshwater lakes and ponds covering over 370 acres
• 10.4 miles of marine shoreline and over 750 acres of Budd Inlet (includes Urban Growth Area)
Chapter 4 contains an inventory of these resources in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3.
This section describes the aquatic habitat functions and species dependent on these habitats, and then reviews available data and specific functions of the various habitat types: riparian vegetation and upland forest, streams, wetlands, lakes, and Budd Inlet.
View Map 8.1 Aquatic Habitats in Olympia and Urban Growth Area
Importance of Aquatic Habitat
Aquatic habitat areas provide functions and benefits that are critical to maintaining water quality, natural hydrology, and habitat for fish and wildlife. These functions and some of the species dependent on these habitats are summarized below.
Aquatic Habitat Functions
Aquatic habitats in Olympia vary in habitat quality and function. Streams provide cool clean water for fish and other wildlife, wetlands and ponds accommodate breeding amphibians, riparian forests offer corridors for birds and other wildlife. They also manage stormwater by conveying water and sediment downstream, regulating flood flows, and filtering water to remove fine sediment, nutrients, and pollutants.
Factors that influence these functions include past and present land uses, extent of impervious surfaces, effectiveness of stormwater management, connectivity between riparian vegetation and upland forests, vegetation species diversity, canopy layering and spatial diversity, and hydrologic alterations (e.g. culverts, fill, and ditches). An often-neglected factor is how conscientious neighboring residents are in maintaining buffers of native plants, managing vegetation on their property, properly using pesticides and other toxic substances, and maintaining drains and onsite sewage systems. Hydrologic changes due to development and increased impervious surface are often the largest stressor on aquatic systems. Urbanization impacts five critical stream attributes: flow regime, physical structure, water quality, energy sources, and biotic interactions (Booth 2001).
Aquatic Dependent Species
Migratory fish use stream and rivers for a portion of their life cycle coming into freshwater from the ocean to breed (e.g. salmon and lamprey). Resident fish spend all their lives in freshwater (e.g. trout and stickleback). Aquatic insects feed on microorganisms and provide source of food for many fish and wildlife. Freshwater mussels and crawfish are present in many local streams and rivers in the region. The marine waters of Budd Inlet and Puget Sound provide a home and migration pathway for diverse of marine organisms from salmon, orca whales, and harbor seals to shore crabs, barnacles, and anemones.
Many species depend on aquatic habitats for a portion of their life cycle, but do not rely or reside in the water all the time. These species include a variety of birds (e.g. great blue heron) that may rely on marine or wetland habitats as a food source to support raising their young. Proximity of nesting habitat in forested uplands to healthy wetland and tidal foraging area is critical to successful breeding. Many amphibians (e.g. frogs and salamanders) and insects (e.g. dragonflies) also rely on wetlands, ponds and lake edges for breeding and larval stages, but leave the water as adults and disperse into adjacent uplands. Amphibians particularly rely on undisturbed buffers and uplands with forest cover for feeding, migration and dispersal corridors. Many mammals also rely on aquatic habitat for all or part of their life history (e.g. river otter and beaver) Migratory birds and other wildlife also heavily use upland habitats near aquatic areas for food, cover, breeding locations and migration pathways (Hruby at al 2005).
Some of the typical species in Olympia closely associated with or dependent on aquatic resources are listed in Table 8.1.
Riparian and Forest Ecosystems
Riparius is a Latin word meaning “of or belonging to the bank of a river.” The term “riparian” describes the areas along streams, rivers, wetlands, and marine systems where aquatic systems transition to uplands.
Basin Land Cover
Basin land cover is directly associated with the health of streams and other aquatic areas (Booth 2005). The conversion of forest to development degrades streams by changing their hydrology and water quality. Maintaining forest cover is critical to protecting water quality and natural hydrologic patterns in streams, wetlands, and watersheds.
In Chapter 4, Map 4.1 shows types of land cover and Figure 4.2 shows land cover by basin.
Map 8.2 below shows aquatic and terrestrial habitat in Olympia, Figure 8.1 illustrates habitat loss since 1994, and Table 8.1 shows riparian vegetation cover by basin.
View Map 8.2 Types of Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat in Olympia and Its Urban Growth Area, 2013
Source: City of Olympia Habitat and Stewardship Strategy
View Figure 8.1 Habitat Loss in Olympia
Source: Habitat and Stewardship Strategy (City of Olympia Water Resources 2013)
Stream |
Forest, Scrub/Shrub, and Unmodified Wetland in 250’ Buffer* |
Riparian Vegetation** |
Trees or Shrubs in 250’ Buffer*** |
Green Cove Creek |
84.7% |
89% |
62% |
Ellis Creek |
70.7% |
74% |
84% |
Woodard Creek |
69.8% |
78% |
43% |
Percival Creek |
61.3% |
67% |
57% |
Mission Creek |
54.6% |
66% |
73% |
Moxlie Creek |
52.3% |
50% |
57% |
Schneider Creek |
55.5% |
78% |
70% |
Indian Creek |
43.8% |
55% |
57% |
*Data from TRPC 2013 based on NOAA C-CAP data and County Wetlands.
**Data from TRPC 2015 based on National Land Cover Dataset.
***Data from WDFW High Resolution Change Detection 2013.
Habitat Functions
Riparian and forest ecosystems contribute to the health of aquatic habitats by moderating stream flows and temperature, and contributing nutrients and insects to food webs and large wood to provide structure in streams and wetlands.
Elevated temperature reduces dissolved oxygen in the water and limits the health and diversity of stream life. Rapid changes in temperature, as when stormwater drains from hot pavement in summer, also stresses aquatic life. Riparian vegetation filters water from the surrounding landscape, stabilizes soils, and slows erosion.
Riparian corridors also provide continuous pathways for migration by birds and other wildlife through developed areas, and some aquatic dependent species depend on upland habitats to complete a portion of their lifecycle.
Available Data
Information on the extent and health of riparian and forest ecosystems are derived from the following sources:
• Citywide Riparian Forest Cover. Total percent canopy cover in combination with percent conifer are well accepted measures of riparian health and surrogate measures for aquatic health, given the relationships between forest cover/shade and dissolved oxygen, as well as the potential for course wood recruitment from the riparian zone. The Utility intends to continue measuring changes in riparian forest cover as a performance metric.
• Citywide Land Cover Analysis. The Habitat and Stewardship Strategy completed in 2013, included a comprehensive analysis of the remaining habitat by land cover type and by distribution across a complex landscape of ownership types. The Utility intends to continue measuring citywide land cover over time as an environmental indicator.
• Property Specific Riparian Forest Metrics. Utility staff members collect habitat-specific data for each property they work with. These data include species diversity, forest structure, course woody debris, snags, and presence and dominance of invasive species. Presence and health of wetlands, stream attributes shoreline condition, and other special habitat areas are considered. Staff identified these attributes as important standards to characterize remaining habitat in Olympia.
Eight significant streams run through at least a portion of Olympia: Ellis, Green Cove, Indian, Mission, Moxlie, Percival, Schneider, and Woodard (see Table 4.1). The condition of these streams varies depending primarily on land use, level of stormwater treatment and flow control, and intact riparian vegetation and wetlands in the basin. Some basins are in relatively good condition while others are more impacted.
Two constructed stream channels flow to natural streams in Olympia. Chambers Ditch flows from Chambers Lake through the southeast corner of Olympia into Chambers Creek in the Thurston County. Black Lake Ditch flows from Black Lake in Thurston County, crosses through a small section of Tumwater into Percival Creek in Olympia, and eventually flows into Capitol Lake.
Smaller year-round or perennial streams (e.g. Garfield Creek) drain directly to East Bay or West Bay. Other streams and rivers (e.g. Woodland Creek and the Deschutes River) are in Lacey, Tumwater, and/or Thurston County, but portions of their watersheds are in Olympia. For example, Woodland Creek runs through Lacey and Thurston County and Chamber Creek runs through the County and Tumwater.
Habitat Functions
Olympia’s streams all provide habitat for resident fish and aquatic invertebrates, and migration corridors and fresh water access for other wildlife. Fish and other organisms live directly in the water and are dependent on adequate dissolved oxygen, temperatures, water quality, food sources, and substrate and habitat structure (e.g. pools, wood, gravel) to survive and reproduce. Only Green Cove, Percival Creek, Ellis, and Woodard Creeks contain significant salmon spawning and/or rearing habitat. Black Lake Ditch also provides salmon habitat and functions as a stream for much of its length. Some of the other streams have records of salmon returning in the last few decades, but fish passage is blocked or reduced due to previous development and stormwater inputs. Resident cutthroat trout are also found in many local streams. Many wildlife species (e.g. birds, deer, and river otter) rely on the access to water, cover, habitat features (e.g. snags and downed logs), and migration corridors to feed, raise young, and travel across urban landscapes.
All streams provide hydrologic, chemical, biologic, and physical functions regardless of the degree of degradation. Even when impacted by development, streams continue to convey water and sediment, recharge and accept groundwater, transport nutrients and organic matter, and provide habitat for pollution-tolerant organisms. Streams routed into pipes continue to convey water and sometimes sediment, but lose most of their functions for fish and other wildlife (e.g. upper Schneider and lower Moxlie Creeks).
Biological Health of Olympia Streams
The biological health of Olympia’s streams is measured by sampling and evaluating the quantity and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates. Benthic macroinvertebrates live in the stream benthos, in or near the steam bed and include insects, crustaceans, worms, snails, and clams. Benthic macroinvertebrates play a crucial role in the stream ecosystem and are good indicators of the biological health of streams. Macroinvertebrate samples are collected and sent to a laboratory where they are identified and counted, and the resulting data is converted into an index score called a Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI).
B-IBI is composed of ten metrics that measure different aspects of stream biology, including taxonomic richness and composition, tolerance and intolerance, habit, reproductive strategy, feeding ecology, and population structure. The ten metric scores are added to produce the overall B-IBI score ranging from 10 to 100. Benthic macroinvertebrate data has been collected annually on Green Cove and Ellis Creeks since 2000 and on most of the other streams since 2003. Land cover of a basin, measured by increased impervious surface and decreased tree cover, strongly correlates to the biological health of receiving water bodies as measured by B-IBI.
B-IBI is often a good indicator of stream health. Some streams, like Moxlie Creek, have fine-grained substrates due to the underlying soils or geology that limit the diversity of stream biology. Maintaining high biologic integrity is difficult in an urban setting. Riparian tree cover is often lacking and runoff from pavement, even when treated, still has elevated temperatures. Macroinvertebrate populations are influenced by low frequency extremes as well as ongoing chronic conditions better representing conditions over the entire year than spot sampling.
Table 8.3 summarizes the results of B-IBI monitoring in Olympia streams since 1999. Streams with good/fair B-IBI scores include Indian Creek, Mission Creek, Green Cove Creek, Percival Creek, and Woodland Creek, although in the most recent sampling, Mission and Green Cove have higher scores than their 2013 average. Streams with recent fair/poor or poor/very poor average B-IBI scores include Moxlie Creek, Black Lake Ditch, and Schneider Creek.
View Table 8.3 Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI) Data for Olympia’s Streams
Figure 8.2 compares the B-IBI average for all streams in Olympia, Thurston County, and the Puget Sound region. Predictably, the data shows that Olympia’s average is between the relatively more rural Thurston County streams and the relatively more urban Puget Sound streams. The slight downward trend of Olympia’s stream health is likely due to normal fluctuations or other anomalies prevalent in a relatively small sample set.
View Figure 8.2 Olympia B-IBI Scores Compared to Thurston County and Puget Sound Averages.
Impact of Land Development
The health of biological communities in streams is affected by several factors related to land development:
• Extent of healthy riparian vegetation communities
• Length of the natural channel routed into pipes or culverts
• Number of road crossings or fish passage barriers
• Degree of stormwater treatment in areas draining directly to the stream
Excessive scour and erosion has affected streams such as Schneider Creek that drain older developed areas that lack flow control. Higher more frequent peak flows impact fish habitat and insect communities, and often increase erosion, degrading the stream channel and downstream areas.
Urban development prior to 1991 lacked the stormwater facilities now required by the Olympia Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual; over 60% of Olympia land surfaces lack the treatment or flow control required in newer development.
In Chapter 7, Figure 7.1 demonstrates that older parts of Olympia, tributary to Budd Inlet, Moxlie Creek, and Indian Creek basins, have the largest areas of impervious surfaces without water quality treatment. These areas thus have the greatest potential for pollutant loading. Figure 7.1 illustrates the area of impervious surface by basin and the portion of the impervious surface that does not receive water quality treatment.
Land cover analysis shows that the percentage of impervious surface with untreated runoff is correlated with basin health as shown in Table 8.3 and Figures 8.2 and 8.3.
Table 8.3 shows that basins with more acres of untreated runoff have poorer water quality. For example, in Moxlie, Indian, and Schneider Creek basins, the relatively high acreage of impervious and untreated impervious surfaces, and low percentage remaining wetlands corresponds to lower water quality and B-IBI scores.
By contrast, Green Cove and Ellis Creeks both have lower amounts of impervious cover, high levels of intact wetlands, relatively intact riparian areas, and reasonable water quality; they also support salmonid use (1999 Aquatic Habitat Study). These streams are now mid-range among Olympia watersheds for impervious surface coverage.
Since 2001, the Green Cove watershed has been uniquely zoned for low impact development, intended to protect the stream and reduce the impact of urbanization on this watershed. Ellis Creek flows through rural areas of Thurston County just north of Olympia and then through intact riparian forests in Priest Point Park.
The correlation between untreated impervious surface and stream health is further illustrated in Figures 8.3 and 8.4. As untreated impervious surface increases, water quality decreases as measured by overall water quality (measured by the Water Quality Index) and biological health (measured by the B-IBI).
Basin1 |
Total Acres |
Total Impervious2 |
% Wetland |
Acres in City |
Untreated Impervious in City3 |
WQI (avg) |
B-IBI (avg) |
Chambers |
7,559 |
19% |
10% |
917 |
0.9% |
86 |
66.6 |
Ellis |
1,441 |
7% |
30% |
292 |
1.7% |
80 |
75 |
Green Cove |
2,530 |
12% |
11% |
1,042 |
2.4% |
NA |
59.2 |
Indian |
1,322 |
29% |
12% |
1,001 |
18.2% |
67 |
46.2 |
Mission |
406 |
24% |
7% |
374 |
18.2% |
61 |
59.9 |
Moxlie |
1,562 |
40% |
4% |
1,541 |
23.0% |
47 |
33.5 |
Percival |
5,340 |
26% |
8% |
1,713 |
6.2% |
84 |
41.5 |
Schneider |
635 |
22% |
0.8% |
635 |
19.7% |
82 |
38.4 |
Woodard |
5,211 |
15% |
12% |
1,733 |
4.0% |
80 |
68.9 |
Source: Utility GIS data, - Thurston County National Wetlands Inventory data and Thurston County Water quality and B-IBI data from Puget Sound Benthos. WQI = Water Quality Index, B-IBI = measure of biological health. 1 Not all basins in the City have water quality and/or B-IBI monitoring. 2 Data based on NOAA C-CAP land cover from TRPC 2015 Basin Evaluation and Management Strategies Update. 3Data from City of Olympia hard surfaces GIS layer based on 2015 Lidar data.
Fish Passage Barriers and Road Crossings
Road crossings, culverts, and other structures can be barriers to fish passage. These features are inventoried and assessed by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Passage is important for resident fish and other aquatic life, but particularly for migratory fish like salmon.
Within Olympia are 30 partial and complete passage barriers, listed in Table 8.5. Some passage issues are on streams that do not have significant salmonid use and/or would be costly to remedy due to depth of fill over the culverts. The Utility has taken a lead role in planning and design to fix the most problematic culverts despite these challenges.
Stream |
Tributary To |
Barrier Type |
Number of Barriers |
Black Lake Ditch |
Capitol Lake |
Partial |
1 |
Ellis Cr |
Budd Inlet |
Partial |
1 |
Green Cove Cr |
Green Cove |
Total |
2 |
Indian Cr |
Moxlie |
Total |
1 |
Indian Cr |
Moxlie |
Partial |
6 |
Mission Cr |
Budd Inlet |
Total |
1 |
Mission Cr |
Budd Inlet |
Partial |
1 |
Moxlie Cr |
Budd Inlet |
Partial |
1 |
Percival Cr |
Capitol Lk |
Partial |
1 |
Schneider Cr |
Budd Inlet |
Total |
1 |
unnamed |
Black Lake Ditch |
Partial |
3 |
unnamed |
Budd Inlet |
Total |
3 |
unnamed |
Budd Inlet |
Partial |
1 |
unnamed |
Ellis |
Partial |
1 |
unnamed |
Green Cove |
Partial |
2 |
unnamed |
Indian |
Partial |
1 |
unnamed |
Moxlie |
Total |
1 |
unnamed |
Percival |
Total |
1 |
unnamed |
Unnamed Butler Cove Tributary |
Partial |
1 |
Source: WDFW data. Most of these barriers do not affect anadromous fish.
Wetlands subject to environmental regulation are defined as: “Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas” (USACE 1987).
Approximately 680 acres of wetlands remain within the City; there are a total of about 3,150 acres in all watersheds that are completely or partially in Olympia. (See Table 4.2 and Map 8.1.)
Wetlands perform important water quantity, water quality and habitat functions. They filter surface and groundwater, retain and store floodwaters, and provide habitat for wetland-dependent wildlife such as amphibians.
Urbanization significantly affects wetland hydrology, biology, and adjacent buffer habitats. Major impacts affecting plant communities and wildlife are:
• Increased volume and duration of flow that alters the degree and duration of water level changes
• Reduced groundwater recharge that affects water level
• Large amounts of sediment transported to wetlands by high flows
• Increased nutrients and pollutant carried by stormwater runoff
• Fragmentation of migration corridors
Wetlands in Olympia
An estimated 31% of wetlands in Washington has been lost between the 1780s and 1990s (Dahl 1990), with much greater losses in the urban areas around Puget Sound. In the late 1800s and early 1900s a large wetland complex at the headwaters of Schneider Creek was drained and filled and the creek placed into a pipe. During the development of Olympia’s downtown, many wetlands and mudflats were filled along the shores of Budd Inlet, as illustrated in Chapter 6, Figure 6.2. These and other historical impacts create many challenges to improving and restoring aquatic habitat.
Major wetland complexes still play a critical role in many Olympia watersheds. Intact wetlands in the headwaters and along many tributaries to Green Cove Creek are likely a key factor in the high quality of the stream. Significant wetlands also lie in the headwaters of Indian, Woodard, Percival, Moxlie, and Mission Creeks.
Loss of wetlands due to urban development makes protecting the remaining wetlands more important. Surrounding land uses continue to generate excess runoff and pollutants, and reduce the protected natural habitats and lack of connections between various habitats.
Wetland Types and Habitat Functions
Wetlands are of many types. When seasonal lakes dry up in the summer, they expose emergent wetlands with sedges and rushes (e.g. Lake Louise at Grass Lake Nature Park) or persist year-round as herbaceous plant communities. Willows and other water loving shrubs along the edges of lakes, ponds, and in the headwaters of streams dominate in scrub-shrub wetlands. Trees and shrubs tolerant of saturated soils dominate forested wetlands and often occur along streams, high groundwater areas and in seepage areas on slopes. Salt marsh and mudflats along the Budd Inlet shoreline, and often in the estuaries of creeks or rivers, form tidal wetlands. In southeast Olympia depressions or “kettles,” formed by blocks of ice left as the glaciers receded, sometimes contain small ponds or wetlands of various types.
Major wetland types and the habitat they provide are described below in order roughly from more to less wet.
• Emergent Wetlands. Perennial herbaceous plants like cattail, sedges, rushes, and wetland grasses (e.g. reed canary grass) dominate emergent wetlands. These types of wetlands often occur at the edge of open water or have open water areas that provide food, cover, and breeding habitat for native amphibians, waterfowl, and fish. The Olympia Mud Minnow, listed as a “sensitive species” by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, is found in some local wetlands. Emergent wetlands are sensitive to fluctuating water level changes, sediment loading, and excess nutrients. These stressors increase due to stormwater inputs, facilitating invasion by reed canary grass and lowered habitat value.
• Scrub-Shrub Wetlands. Woody shrubs (e.g. willow and spirea) dominate the vegetation of scrub-shrub wetlands. These wetlands are habitat for many songbirds, pollinators, and other wildlife while also serving many hydrologic and water quality functions. Many herbaceous plants also exist in shrub-shrub wetlands.
• Forested Wetlands. Trees that can tolerate a high water table into the growing season dominate forested wetlands; shrubs and herbaceous plants are present in the understory. These wetlands often occur on the floodplains of creeks or rivers, on slopes at seeps and springs, and along the fringes of other wetland types. Some common species found in forested wetlands are Oregon ash, red alder, and western red cedar, with salmon berry and skunk cabbage or slough sedge in the understory. They are used heavily by migratory birds for nesting, food, and cover.
• Tidal Wetlands. Salt marshes exist along many shorelines of southern Budd Inlet, primarily as a narrow fringe in the upper part of the tidal range or in small pocket estuaries (e.g. Mission and Ellis Creek). Salt-tolerant plants (e.g. pickleweed and salt grass) are dominant. These habitats, and the tidal channels that run through them, are an important nursery ground for many species of fish and marine species. Since the mid- to late 1800s, urban development and fill in southern Budd Inlet has significantly reduced the prevalence of salt marsh.
Olympia’s lakes range from Capitol Lake, which was created by impounding the Deschutes estuary, to large and small glacially formed kettles (e.g. Ward Lake) and shallow lakes with many wetlands and shallow water habitats (e.g. Chambers Lake). Larger lakes are listed in Table 4.3. These lakes provide a diverse array of habitats from deep water to lake-fringe wetlands. Fish, amphibians, waterfowl, other water birds, and mammals like river otter and beaver utilize lakes for all or a portion of their lifecycle. For example, Capitol Lake provides large quantities of midges and other insects that feed a colony of bats that roosts at Woodard Bay Natural Resource Conservation Area.
Puget Sound
Olympia lies on the shoreline of Budd Inlet, at the southernmost end of Puget Sound. Its land area drains primarily to Budd Inlet with smaller areas of Olympia and its Urban Growth Area (UGA) draining to Eld and Henderson Inlets. The health of Puget Sound has been a regional focus for almost three decades. It is widely understood that one of the largest stressors on the overall ecosystem is unmanaged stormwater runoff into Puget Sound.
Condition of Shoreline
Fill placement beginning in the late 1800s through the 1980s created most of the Port of Olympia peninsula separating Budd Inlet’s West Bay and East Bay. The east and west sides of Budd Inlet are primarily steep bluffs and the southern shoreline is generally flat. Within Olympia and its UGA are 10.4 miles of Puget Sound shoreline, of which 73% is modified in some way (ESA 2008). Budd Inlet’s shoreline has been heavily altered over the last 150 years with many acres of fill (Chapter 6, Figure 6.2), creating blocks of commercial and industrial development on historic mud flats and salt marsh habitats. In the most urban portion of the shoreline in downtown and the Port Peninsula, 94% of the shoreline is armored (2005 TRPC/ESA). Although portions of Olympia drain to Eld and Henderson Inlets, none of the shoreline lies within the City or its Urban Growth Area (UGA).
Habitat Functions
Puget Sound contains habitat for many important resident bottom fish, forage fish, and crabs. It is a migration pathway for outgoing juvenile salmon and returning adults. It provides migration, overwintering, and year-round habitat for many species of birds including American wigeon, northern pintails, and great blue heron. A few beaches along East and West Bay of Budd Inlet do provide forage fish spawning habitat, which has been documented by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and local Stream Team volunteers.
See Section 3.4 for a description of regional efforts to improve the water quality of Puget Sound and plan for salmon recovery.
Shoreline of Budd Inlet: Salt marsh at the mouth of Mission Creek (Priest Point Park)
Phytoplankton Monitoring
Phytoplankton are small microscopic plants that capture carbon and chemical energy from sunlight often in large blooms during spring and summer when nutrients and light are abundant. They form the base of the food web in marine systems. Many small fish, larval forms of marine species (e.g. Dungeness crab and shellfish), and invertebrates (e.g. clams and oysters) rely on these microscopic plants as a source of food. Certain species of phytoplankton produce toxins creating harmful algal blooms that can harm or kill fish, birds, and/or humans. Decaying algae that sink to the bottom after large blooms can also deplete oxygen harming or killing marine life.
As part of its Stream Team program, the Utility has worked with the Pacific Shellfish Institute to monitor phytoplankton in Budd Inlet since 2013. Each year, approximately 15 sampling events have been conducted from mid-June through September. The resulting data is compiled and shared with the NOAA/Sea Grant’s Sound Toxins volunteer monitoring program.
Pacific Shellfish Institute staff and the citizen scientists measure water temperature, salinity, water clarity, and the species of phytoplankton that are present and at what extent. Interpreting marine water quality data is a complex process influenced by many factors, including climatic and pollutant sources far removed from the South Sound. Utility staff will continue to support phytoplankton monitoring, report the findings and rely on State and federal agencies to interpret the data. This information has documented species responsible for both diarrheic and amnesic shellfish poisoning at various times, mostly at low levels, as well as improving the understanding of the plankton community that drives marine food webs.
8.2 Regulatory Requirements
A web of overlapping federal, State, and local laws and regulations are critical to protecting Olympia’s aquatic habitats and their function. The Utility’s Environmental Services staff supports the Engineering and Planning staff of the Utility and other City departments in meeting the City’s obligations under these regulations.
Utility staff also participates in the Alliance for a Healthy South Sound (AHSS), the local/regional integrating organization responsible for coordinating Puget Sound recovery planning and actions in South Sound.
Chapter 5 gives an overview of the legal and policy framework affecting the Utility’s work in flood mitigation, pollution prevention, and habitat management. The regulations most important for protecting aquatic habitat are described briefly here.
Clean Water Act
Regulations under the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) are to protect “waters of the United States” from pollution. In Washington, the Department of Ecology (Ecology) implements the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. The Utility is responsible for meeting the requirements of its NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit and the TMDL plan requirements for Henderson Inlet and Deschutes River watersheds (see Chapter 7). Habitat improvements (e.g. riparian shade) can be required under TMDL and NPDES requirements. The Utility also assists other City departments in complying with State and federal wetland regulations, for example documenting regulated resources and assisting with mitigation planning and implementation.
Endangered Species Act
The federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) is also the basis for regulations to protect threatened and/or endangered species like Chinook salmon, orca whales, steelhead trout, or certain prairie species.
• Under Section 4(d) of the statute, the federal government issues regulations to provide for the conservation of the species. A 4(d) rule may require new development and redevelopment to comply with specific requirements. Compliance with this process may be required for development projects in Olympia that have the potential to affect listed species.
• Section 7(a)(2) of the statute requires the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to consult with either the Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service when approving state or tribal water quality standards and NPDES permitting programs under the CWA. This process incorporates requirements protecting listed species into the City’s Ecology issued Phase II NPDES permit, but does not otherwise directly relate to local jurisdictions.
• Section 10 allows entities to create a Habitat Conservation Plan to minimize and mitigate the effects of any permitted incidental take of listed species. There are no known ESA-listed species in the City of Olympia so this process has not been necessary to date.
Salmon Recovery Act
Thurston Conservation District is the lead entity for implementing the Salmon Recovery Act in the Deschutes watershed (Water Resource Inventory Area 13). Utility staff participates in local technical committees. The Utility sometimes takes a lead or supporting role in implementing priority projects within the City limits (e.g. fish passage or shoreline restoration).
Shoreline Master Program
The State Shoreline Management Act requires the City to have and periodically update a Shoreline Mater Program (SMP) to guide the management of Olympia shorelines. This document and associated ordinances ensure that shoreline uses protect and maintain ecological function. A planning and permitting process aims to balance water dependent and associated uses, aesthetics, public access, and natural resource value of shorelines. The SMP is approved by Ecology and includes a restoration plan that details shoreline restoration and enhancement opportunities. Protecting and improving the ecological functions of shoreline is consistent with Utility aquatic habitat goals and strategies.
Critical Areas Ordinance
The City’s Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) protects streams, wetlands, steep slopes, important habitats and species, adjacent buffer habitats, and wellhead protection areas. Washington State Growth Management Act requires jurisdictions to have and update CAO every six years. The CAO requires review of any development within 250 feet of a wetland or stream and sets buffers of various widths depending on the attributes if the aquatic resource to be left undisturbed or restored to native vegetation. If impacts are deemed unavoidable minimization and mitigation actions will be required. Utility staff has been actively involved in updates to the ordinance, as it is a key component of protecting aquatic habitat areas and their functions across the City. Staff has also acted as a source of technical expertise for the Community Planning and Development Department about natural resources and aquatic habitat.
Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual
The Utility’s Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual regulates runoff from new development to prevent discharge of excess runoff and pollutants into streams, wetlands, lakes, and marine waters (see Chapter 6).
Low Impact Development
Implementing this aspect of the Permit and Design Manual includes working with public and private developers to incorporate habitat improvements, maintain native vegetation and forests, and avoid impacts to stream and wetlands.
Thurston County Noxious Weed Board
Washington State requires the control of specific noxious weeds on public and private properties (RCW 17.10). Species are sorted into lists of Class A, B, and C species depending on the threat to natural resources and/or agriculture and how widespread each species is. Landowners are required to eradicate Class A species. Landowners may be required to control Class B noxious weeds, depending on how widespread the species is and/or whether the species is a local priority.
In Thurston County, the Noxious Weed Board is authorized to adopt rules and regulations needed for weed control or eradication. The County employs a weed coordinator to inspect property for noxious weeds. If a landowner does not control the weeds after receiving several notices, the Weed Board may control the weeds and bill the landowner for its work, or may issue a civil penalty.
Utility staff works with the Weed Board on behalf of all City departments and coordinates internal communication, data management, and control efforts. Utility crews control weeds on Public Works properties and supports control efforts by Parks maintenance staff.
8.3 Habitat Studies and Land Cover Analyses
Over the past two decades, the Utility has performed several habitat studies and land cover analyses that evaluated the remaining habitat in Olympia. Following is a summary of this body of work.
City of Olympia Wildlife Habitat Study (1994)
Beginning in 1994, the Public Works Department commissioned Shapiro & Associates, Inc. to analyze land cover types in order to identify remaining habitat in Olympia and its UGA. This study, using the best available science, focused on mapping and classifying land cover types and creating criteria that could help managers further protect critical wildlife habitat.
Aquatic Habitat Evaluation & Management Report (1999)
In 1999, the Utility’s Water Resources staff conducted an aquatic habitat evaluation focused on the nine major basins within Olympia and its UGA. Based on research findings on the impacts of urbanization on streams and wetlands within the Puget Sound Basin, this report provided the framework for implementing a management approach with basin-specific goals and objectives.
The report found that the most important factors affecting aquatic habitat are changes in basin hydrology and loss of riparian corridor vegetation. This analysis provided evaluation and rating methodology, and recommended management goals and strategies at the basin scale. It gave managers a basis for implementing effective habitat management and protection measures.
GIS Basin Analysis (2012)
With the availability of new Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and staff with the experience to use these tools, basins were characterized in 2010 and updated in 2012. This analysis yielded a comprehensive technical evaluation of all basins in Olympia and its UGA. It incorporated almost a decade of data on water quality, biology, land cover (including tree canopy, impervious surface, and building coverage), stormwater control effectiveness, and onsite sewage system impacts.
Major findings confirmed previous research regarding basin land cover (particularly loss of tree canopy) and the correlation to water quality degradation, as measured by B-IBI. The 2012 Basin Analysis conclusions about riparian land cover include:
• The evaluation of riparian land cover composition did not indicate correlations with either aquatic health or water quality. However, the lack of correlation between riparian forest cover and aquatic health/water quality may be due to the overwhelming influence of basin wide land cover composition and the lack of variability between the riparian forest cover of the different basins.
• On the other hand, the literature strongly supports the value of riparian forest cover in maintaining aquatic health. (National Academies of Sciences 2009, Walsh et al., 2005, Alberti et al. 2006, Mayer et al. 2010, Dosskey, et al. 2010.)
• The Deschutes TMDL: Water Quality Study Findings specifically recommends riparian shade targets of 84% for Black Lake Ditch and 98% for Percival Creek. See Chapter 7 for details on the TMDL.
• Olympia streams with tree cover ranging from 54% to 69% would benefit from full riparian shade (>80%).
• In addition to the habitat-specific values of improved riparian conditions, research has demonstrated that streams with intact riparian habitat and greater channel complexity do a better job at nitrogen uptake (Johnson 2009).
City of Olympia Habitat and Stewardship Strategy (2013)
The City of Olympia Habitat and Stewardship Strategy identified and quantified the remaining habitat in the study area (Olympia and its UGA) and recommended a strategy to protect and enhance this habitat. Although the relationships between the wildlife habitat and an urbanizing city can be very complex, the City’s response as a steward of this resource can be straightforward and targeted. Since acquisition can be an expensive way to steward these resources, the report recommendations included:
• Acquire only the most important properties that are at the greatest risk of being lost to development.
• Leverage limited resources by collaborating with other departments, agencies, and organizations, such as Olympia’s Parks, Arts and Recreation Department and Capitol Land Trust.
• Pursue grant funding to leverage limited funds.
• Investigate other protection tools such as regulations or conservation easements before pursuing outright purchase).
• Without active management, habitat in an urban setting will degrade over time due to invasive plants and other stresses imposed by surrounding land uses.
• The highest priority is to focus habitat enhancement on properties currently under Utility management and collaborate with other public agencies and organizations that have comparable habitat goals, such as the Capitol Land Trust.
• Technical assistance (stewardship planning) and incentives (trees, labor, etc.) for private property owners are other cost-effective ways of improving wildlife habitat.
West Bay Environmental Restoration Assessment (2016)
This project was a collaboration between the Utility, Port of Olympia, Squaxin Island Tribe, and Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation Department to assess potential habitat restoration and water quality improvement opportunities along the western shore of Budd Inlet. In addition to shoreline restoration concepts, the report included an analysis of potential water quality treatment projects for all areas of Olympia discharging directly to West Bay. This partnership may lead to implementing one or more conceptual projects to improve the condition of the Budd Inlet shoreline in West Bay.
8.4 Challenges
The ability of the Utility to enhance, restore, protect, and steward aquatic habitat is limited by the many pressures that operate at a landscape scale, reliance on individual actions on private property, a complex array of regulations, invasive species, and the dynamic nature of natural systems themselves. The major challenges are summarized here.
Multiple Public/Private Ownership
Habitat is located within a complex landscape of many large and small parcels, public and private ownership, developed and redeveloping neighborhoods, business districts, and industrial uses. The Utility has limited authority and must rely on voluntary programs, education and outreach, and incentives to encourage stewardship on private properties. Habitat quality often relies on the independent choices of many individuals.
Habitat Fragmentation
Habitat fragmentation is a significant problem in urban areas. Large intact habitat areas are important for both wildlife and protection of aquatic resources. These core areas provide nesting/breeding, foraging, and resting habitat for wildlife, and protect water quality and hydrologic functions. The size and relative isolation of a habitat patch influences what wildlife will use an area and how they use it. Equally important are movement corridors connecting these core habitat areas. Animals need to move to find food, mates, and security from predators. Protected areas around steep slopes, stream corridors, and wetlands often serve as wildlife corridors.
Large habitat areas in Olympia are primarily located on public lands including Priest Point Park, Grass Lake Nature Park, and Watershed Park. The connections between these core areas are located on a mix of private and public property. Maintaining and improving the habitat quality of these areas requires tools and strategies that work across the landscape. See the Comprehensive Plan Natural Environment chapter for a map of critical areas and potential wildlife corridors.
Legacy Development and Land Development Pressure
Much habitat has already been destroyed or compromised. Urban development continues to increase imperious surfaces, threatening further loss of forests and wetlands, and curtailing the functions of natural systems. The state Growth Management Act specifically encourages growth and development in already urbanized areas, adding to the challenge of maintaining functional natural systems within the City.
In older developed areas, subdivisions and infrastructure were constructed without stormwater treatment or wetland and stream protection, and without an understanding of how development affects the health and function of wetlands, streams, marine shorelines, and Puget Sound. Retrofits of older neighborhoods with modern stormwater control and treatment systems are a logistical and financial challenge, but are necessary to improve aquatic habitat conditions.
Climate Change
Changing climate in the Pacific Northwest likely will influence aquatic habitats due to warmer temperatures, reduced precipitation in the summer, increased precipitation in other seasons, and a rising sea level. Evolution will continue to guide species and ecosystems toward the most successful strategies, but changes may be occurring faster than their ability to adapt. See Chapter 6, Section 6.4 for details.
Temperatures in the region are expected to continue warming over the coming decades, affecting the range and habitat conditions for many plant and animal species. Increased water temperatures may be affecting the suitability of streams and rivers for cold-water fish. The timing of many biologic processes is being altered. Examples include plant flowering and insect life cycles, availability of food resources, reproductive cycles, and migration of birds and other species. These changes are allowing new invasive plants and animals to become established, further disrupting existing ecosystems.
Hydrology/Precipitation Patterns
Predictions regarding seasonal precipitation patterns include drier summers, less snow in the mountains in the wet season, and increased heavy rain events. These changes would increase wet season flood flows, landslides, and erosion in streams and rivers. Summer stream flows are predicted to be lower with a potential loss of wetlands. All these changes will affect the life cycle of species that depend on aquatic environments.
Sea Level Rise
Increased shoreline erosion and marine bluff landslides caused by sea level rise could have both positive effects (e.g. increased sediment and large wood contributions to nearshore habitats and beaches) and negative effects (e.g. threatening structures and infrastructure). Another likely impact is loss of nearshore saltmarsh and beach habitats in areas where existing infrastructure or other factors prevent the upslope migration of these habitats and/or sufficient sediment supply is not available to allow habitat to adjust.
Ocean Acidification
Much of the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere is being absorbed into the ocean, increasing its acidity, especially in deep ocean waters. This deeper, more acidic water surfaces in areas of upwelling off the coast of Washington and Oregon and can be brought into Puget Sound with the tides.
More acidic water can affect the ability of shellfish and other marine animals to grow shells. This is already a problem for shellfish farms on the Washington coast and has the potential to affect marine food webs in the ocean and Puget Sound by influencing phytoplankton and zooplankton at the base of marine food webs.