Ordinance | |
1 | Time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 284) |
2 | Zoning (Repealed by 16) |
3 | Creates city planning commission (2.20) |
4 | Creates office of clerk-treasurer (Repealed by 8) |
5 | Duties and compensation of town attorney (Repealed by 199) |
6 | Compensation of clerk-treasurer (Repealed by 24) |
7 | Authorizes mayor to appoint attorney; sets limits on compensation (Repealed by 199) |
8 | Repeals Ord. 4 (Repealed by 79) |
9 | Adopts comprehensive plan and map (Repealed by 193) |
10 | Motor vehicles and traffic (Repealed by 81) |
11 | Contract with city of Edmonds for fire protection (Repealed by 210) |
12 | Compensation of deputy marshal (Repealed by 23) |
13 | Tax levy (Special) |
14 | Appropriation (Special) |
15 | Cumulative reserve fund for general capital purposes established (Repealed by 18-588) |
16 | Zoning; repeals Ord. 2 (Repealed by 20) |
17 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, and specifies other plumbing, drainage, sewage and electrical regulations (Repealed by 193) |
18 | Police court established (Repealed by 193) |
19 | Adds §§ 6 and 7 to Ord. 17, moving and occupancy of buildings (Repealed by 193) |
20 | Zoning; repeals Ord. 16 (Repealed by 202) |
21 | Creates board of adjustment (Repealed by 01-412) |
22 | Election of town officials; declaration of candidacy (Repealed by 193) |
23 | Law enforcement (Repealed by 38) |
24 | Compensation of city clerk; repeals Ord. 6 (Repealed by 29) |
25 | Funds transfer; amends Ord. 15 (Special) |
26 | Void |
27 | Adopts county subdivision resolution (Repealed by 193) |
28 | Rezone (Special) |
29 | Compensation of city clerk; repeals Ord. 24 (Repealed by 37) |
30 | Public nuisances (6.08) |
31 | Comprehensive plan adopted (Repealed by 297) |
32 | Rezone; amends official zoning map (Special) |
33 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 203) |
34 | Rezone; amends official zoning map (Special) |
35 | Curfew for persons under eighteen (Repealed by 193) |
36 | Funds transfer (Special) |
37 | Compensation of city clerk; repeals Ord. 29 (Repealed by 193) |
38 | Appointment, compensation and duties of law enforcement officials (2.28) |
39 | Requires public and private utilities to be franchised (10.04) |
40 | Franchise grant to Washington Natural Gas (Special) |
41 | Repeals and replaces §§ 2.20, 2.30, 5.04(f), 6.04(f) and 7.04(f) of Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 202) |
42 | Adopts fire prevention code and creates bureau of fire prevention (Repealed by 193) |
43 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, and specifies other plumbing, drainage, sewage, electrical and structure movement regulations (Repealed by 92) |
44 | Funds transfer (Special) |
45 | Franchise grant to Olympic View Water District (Special) |
46 | Sewage disposal (Repealed by 95) |
47 | Salaries of town officials (Repealed by 193) |
48 | Franchise grant to Deer Creek Park Corporation (Special) |
49 | Franchise grant to General Telephone Company (Special) |
50 | Equal residential opportunity (7.20) |
51 | Amends Ord. 3, planning commission (2.20) |
52 | Funds transfer (Special) |
53 | Adopts state statutes regarding implied consent intoxication tests (Repealed by 81) |
54 | Animals (Repealed by 89) |
55 | Establishes traffic violations bureau (2.48) |
56 | Storm drainage standards and specifications (Repealed by 307) |
57 | Penal code (Repealed by 193) |
58 | Appropriation for police department (Special) |
59 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
60 | Licensing requirements for public functions with more than fifty people (6.12) |
61 | Adopts 1971 budget (Special) |
62 | Salaries of town officials (Repealed by 193) |
63 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
64 | Adopts 1972 budget (Special) |
65 | Sales tax imposed (3.04) |
66 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
67 | Adopts 1973 budget (Special) |
68 | Parking and storage of motor vehicles, mobilehomes, trailers and recreational vehicles; abandonment (Repealed by 173) |
69 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
70 | Funds transfer (Special) |
71 | Adopts 1974 budget (Special) |
72 | Amends Ord. 1, time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 284) |
73 | Annexation (Special) |
74 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
75 | Funds transfer (Special) |
76 | Adopts 1975 budget (Special) |
77 | Rezone; amends official zoning map (Special) |
78 | Subdivisions; supplements Ord. 33 (Repealed by 166) |
79 | Creates office of clerk-treasurer; repeals Ord. 8 (2.12) |
80 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
81 | Adopts model traffic ordinance; repeals Ords. 10 and 53 (Repealed by 296) |
82 | Adopts 1976 budget (Special) |
83 | Zoning map amendment (Special) |
84 | Amends SSI and 2 of Ord. 81, model traffic ordinance (Repealed by 186) |
85 | Amends Ord. 1, council meeting times (Repealed by 284) |
86 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
87 | Adopts 1977 budget (Special) |
88 | Rezone (Special) |
89 | Animals; repeals and replaces Ord. 54 (Repealed by 146) |
90 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
91 | Adopts 1978 budget (Special) |
92 | Adoption of uniform codes; repeals Ord. 43 (Repealed by 104) |
93 | Permits for moving of buildings (Title 12) |
94 | Adds § 2.32, and repeals and replaces §§ 2.06, 2.12, 5.07(d), 5.07(f), 6.07(e), 6.07(f), 7.07(e) and 7.07(f), zoning (Repealed by 202) |
95 | Sewage disposal (Repealed by 200) |
96 | Tax levy (Special) |
97 | Emergency medical care tax levy proposition (Special) |
98 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
99 | Repeals and replaces § 15 of Ord. 21, board of adjustment (Repealed by 01-412) |
100 | |
101 | Amends Ord. 33, subdivisions (Repealed by 201) |
102 | Adds § 2.06.010 to Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 202) |
103 | Supplements Ord. 81, traffic code (9-08) |
104 | Adoption of certain uniform codes; amends § 22 of Ord. 95, and repeals Ord. 92 (Repealed by 157) |
105 | Tax levy on utility revenues (Repealed by 136) |
106 | Amends § 3.01, and repeals and replaces §§ 5.02, 6.02 and 7.02 of Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 202) |
107 | Adopts 1980 budget (Special) |
108 | Demolition permits and road permits (Title 12) |
109 | Construction permit fees (Repealed by 201) |
110 | Amends § 22 of Ord. 95, sewage disposal, and amends §§ l, 2 and 3 of Ord. 104; provides sanctions for violation of construction codes (Repealed by 157) |
111 | Electrical code adopted; repeals § 4 of Ord. 104 (Title 12) |
112 | Time limits for completion of construction projects (Title 12) |
113 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
114 | Adopts 1981 budget (Special) |
115 | Compensation of town officials (Repealed by 193) |
116 | Street vacation (Special) |
117 | Sanitary sewer service charges (10.08) |
118 | Claims clearing fund established (Repealed by 18-588) |
119 | Payroll clearing fund established (Repealed by 18-588) |
120 | Amends 1981 budget (Special) |
121 | Treasurer’s trust fund established (Repealed by 18-588) |
122 | Amends certain parts of Ord. 31, comprehensive plan (Repealed by 297) |
123 | Funds transfer (Special) |
124 | Setback defined (Repealed by 202) |
125 | Funds transfer (Special) |
126 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
127 | Adopts 1982 budget (Special) |
128 | Compensation of town officials (Repealed by 139) |
129 | Amends § 1B of Ord. 109, side sewer permit fees (Repealed by 151) |
130 | Establishes additional sales and use tax (3.08) |
131 | Establishes real estate excise tax (3.12) |
132 | Amends §§ 5.04, 6.04 and 7.04 of Ord. 20, zoning (Repealed by 202) |
133 | Adds § 7.08, and repeals and replaces §§ 2.06, 2.12, 5.07(d), 5.07(f), 6.07(e), 6.07(f), 7.07(e) and 7.07(f), zoning (Repealed by 202) |
134 | Solid fuel burning appliances regulated (Repealed by 98-344) |
135 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
136 | Tax levy on utility revenues; repeals Ord. 105 (Repealed by 144) |
137 | Mobilehomes (Repealed by 98-344) |
138 | Adopts 1983 budget (Special) |
139 | Compensation of town officials; repeals Ord. 128 (Repealed by 150) |
140 | Amends subsection 1B of Ord. 109, side sewer permit fees (Repealed by 164) |
141 | Utility fund established (Repealed by 18-588) |
142 | Amends Ord. 130, additional sales and use tax (Repealed by 193) |
143 | Amends Ord. 136, utility revenue taxes (Repealed by 144) |
144 | Repeals Ords. 136 and 143 (Repealer) |
145 | False burglary and robbery alarms (Repealed by 97-329, 98-346) |
146 | Animals; repeals Ord. 89 (5.04) |
147 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
148 | Amends Ord. 147, ad valorem taxes (Special) |
149 | Adopts 1984 budget (Special) |
150 | Compensation of town officials; repeals Ord. 139 (Repealed by 162) |
151 | Amends §§ I and 2 of Ord. 140, side sewer permit fees; repeals Ord. 129 (Repealed by 162) |
152 | Transportation fund established (Repealed by 18-588) |
153 | Amends Ord. 149, 1984 budget (Special) |
154 | Waiver of compensation (2.16) |
155 | Compensation of road crew employees (Repealed by 162) |
156 | Amends §§ 5.05, 6.05 and 7.05 of Ord. 20, zoning; repeals subsection (11) of § 3 of Ord. 30 (Repealed by 202) |
157 | Adopts uniform building, plumbing, mechanical and fire codes, 1982 editions, and prescribes sanctions for violation; repeals Ords. 104 and 110 (Repealed by 236) |
158 | Amends § 22 of Ord. 95, sewage disposal (Repealed by 200) |
159 | Office of disaster coordinator created (Repealed by 206) |
160 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
161 | Adopts state environmental policy act (16.04) |
162 | Compensation of town officials; repeals Ords. 150 and 155 (Repealed by 170) |
163 | Adopts 1985 budget (Special) |
164 | Amends subsection 1B of Ord. 109, side sewer fees; repeals Ords. 129, 140 and 151 (Superseded by 201) |
165 | Establishes 1985 side sewer installation fee (Repealed by 171) |
166 | Supplements Ord. 33, subdivisions; repeals Ord. 78 (Repealed by 204) |
167 | Emergency medical care tax levy proposition (Special) |
168 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
169 | Amends 1985 budget (Special) |
170 | Compensation of town officials; repeals Ord. 162 (Repealed by 189) |
171 | Establishes 1985 side sewer installation fee; repeals Ord. 165 (Repealed by 190) |
172 | Adopts 1986 budget (Special) |
173 | Parking and storage of motor vehicles, mobilehomes, trailers and recreational vehicles; abandonment and impoundment; repeals Ord. 68(9.12) |
174 | Small works roster established (2.44) |
175 | Legal defense of town employees (3.20) |
176 | Adopts state energy code (Repealed by 253) |
177 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 170, road crew foreman’s compensation (Repealed by 189) |
178 | Sale and distribution of malt liquor in kegs (7.24) |
179 | Adopts classification of noncharter code city (1.08) |
180 | Violations bureau (2.40) |
181 | Tax levy (Special) |
182 | Budget amendment (Special) |
183 | Telephone utility tax (Repealed by 187) |
184 | Disposition of revenue from town investments (3.28) |
185 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 157, building code amendments (Repealed by 236) |
186 | Repeals Ord. 84 and § 1 of Ord. 103 (Repealer) |
187 | Utility tax; repeals Ord. 1-83 (Repealed by 277) |
188 | Boundary line adjustments (13.24) |
189 | Compensation for certain officers and employees; repeals Ord. 170 (2.16) |
190 | Sanitary side sewer installation permit fee; repeals Ord. 171 (Repealed by 201) |
191 | 1987 budget (Special) |
192 | Amends §§ 5.1 and 6.1 and repeals § 1.5 of Ord. 100, criminal code (Repealed by 22-640) |
193 | Repeals Ord. 9, 17, 18, 19, 22, 27, 35, 37, § 2 of Ord. 38, 42, 47, 57, 62, 115, 142 (Repealer) |
194 | General penalty (1.12) |
195 | Building codes; repeals Ords. 157 and 185 (Repealed by 236) |
196 | General code provisions (1.04) |
197 | Amends Ords. 3 and 51, planning commission (2.20) |
198 | Amends § 16 of Ord. 21, board of adjustment (Repealed by 01-412) |
199 | Town attorney; repeals Ords. 5 and 7 (2.08) |
200 | Repeals Ords. 95 and 158 (Repealer) |
201 | Fee schedule; amends §9.06 of Ord. 20, §15 of Ord. 21, §3(B)(2) of Ord. 33, §1 of Ord. 99, §§1(4) and 2(4) of Ord. 132, §5 of Ord. 134, §4(C) of Ord. 166 and §2(D) of Ord. 188; repeals Ords. 101, 109 and 190 (13.24) |
202 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 20, 41, 106, 124, 132, 133 and 156 (14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36, 14.44, 14.52, 14.56) |
203 | |
204 | Short subdivisions; repeals Ord. 166 (13.32) |
205 | Amends §2 of Ord. 108, road permits (Title 12) |
206 | Emergency services; repeals Ord. 159 (2.36) |
207 | Tax levy (Special) |
208 | Budget amendment (Special) |
209 | 1988 budget (Special) |
210 | Fire service contract; repeals Ord. 11 (2.32) |
211 | Solid waste management planning agency authorization (Not codified) |
212 | Agreement with county for minor street projects (Not codified) |
213 | Code adoption (1.01) |
214 | Adds §§14.24.030(Q), 14.28.030(R) and 14.32.030(N), secondary structures; amends §14.32.030(1), front yard fences and walls, and §14.44.040(A), rezone petitions (14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.44) |
215 | Adds §2.14.010, appointment of department heads; amends §§2.08.010, 2.12.010, 2.24.020 and 2.28.010, council confirmation of officer appointments (2.08, 2.12, 2.14, 2.28) |
216 | Civil action to abate nuisances, amends § 6.08.030, nuisances (6.08) |
217 | Tax levy (Special) |
218 | Amends §2.24.110, variances (Repealed by 01-412) |
219 | 1989 budget (Special) |
220 | Council meetings (Repealed by 284) |
221 | Amends §2.16.010, officers and employees compensation (2.16) |
222 | Adds subsection Q to §14.24.030, zoning (14.24) |
223 | Adds new section to Ch. 10.04, utility franchises, and Ch. 12.04, buildings and construction (10.04, 12.04) |
224 | Woodway centennial committee fund (Repealed by 18-588) |
225 | Amends §10.08.010, sewer service fees (10.08) |
226 | Amends §§2.20.060 and 13.12.120, time limits for preliminary plat applications (2.20, 13.12) |
227 | Surcharge for sanitary sewer system (10.08) |
228 | Public records (2.48) |
229 | (Not adopted) |
230 | Public works payment (Special) |
231 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
232 | 1990 budget (Special) |
233 | Amends 1990 budget (Special) |
234 | Amends §2.16.010, officers and employees compensation (2.16) |
235 | Waste management plan (Repealed by 239) |
236 | Building codes; repeals Ords. 157, 185 and 195 (Repealed by 267) |
237 | Amends §§14.24.030, 14.28.030 and 14.32.030, zoning (14.24, 14.28, 14.32) |
238 | Amends §10.08.010, sewer charge (10.08) |
239 | Waste management plan (10.10) |
240 | Clerk-treasurer; amends §2.16.010, compensation (2.12, 2.16) |
241 | Grants franchise to Washington Natural Gas (Special) |
242 | Amends Ord. 161, SEPA (16.04) |
243 | Adds §12.04.045, cash bond for certain permit work (Title 12) |
244 | (Not passed) |
245 | Amends §14.08.300, zoning (14.08) |
246 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
247 | 1991 budget (Special) |
248 | Adds Ch. 10.12, yard waste (10.12) |
249 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation (2.16) |
250 | Creates LID (Special) |
251 | Adds Exhibit A to Title 15, comprehensive plan (Repealed by 297) |
252 | Adds §12.04.060, sewer hookups (Title 12) |
253 | Adopts state energy code (Repealed by 267) |
254 | Adopts state ventilation and indoor air quality code (Repealed by 267) |
255 | Condemns certain property (Special) |
256 | Special election (Special) |
257 | Amends §10.08.010, sewer service fees (Repealed by 281) |
258 | Amends Ord. 250, LID; creates local improvement fund, district No. 90-1 (Special) |
259 | Adds Ch. 7.28, noise disturbances (Repealed by 07-476) |
260 | Adds Ch. 7.30, door-to-door selling and soliciting (7.30) |
261 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
262 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
263 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
264 | 1992 budget (Special) |
265 | Local improvement guaranty fund (3.25) |
266 | Adds Ch. 10.06, public sewer system availability and connection charges (10.06) |
267 | Adopts technical building codes; repeals Ords. 236, 253 and 254 (Title 12) |
268 | Adopts Washington State Energy Code; repeals Ord. 253 (Title 12) |
269 | Adopts Uniform Building Code and Uniform Building Code Standards; repeals Ord. 236 (Title 12) |
270 | Adopts Uniform Mechanical Code; repeals Ord. 236 (Title 12) |
271 | Adopts Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards; repeals Ord. 236 (Title 12) |
272 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards; repeals Ord. 236 (Title 12) |
273 | Extends maturity date of certain LID notes (Special) |
274 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
275 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
276 | 1993 budget (Special) |
277 | Repeals Ord. 187, utility tax (Repealer) |
278 | Amends § 2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
279 | Assesses tax against property in LID 90-1 (Special) |
280 | Extends maturity date of certain LID notes (Special) |
281 | Amends § 10.08.010, charge for connection to sanitary sewer system; repeals Ord. 257 (Repealed by 97-333) |
282 | Adopts registration of bonds and obligations (3.36) |
283 | LID No. 90-1 bonds (Special) |
284 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings; repeals Ords. 1, 72, 85, and 220 (Repealed by 304) |
285 | Amends Ch. 13.32 and Ord. 204, nonconforming subdivisions (13.32) |
286 | Adopts local government whistleblowers act (2.50) |
287 | Adds Ch. 10.02, use and occupancy of public ways by unfranchised facilities (10.02) |
288 | General obligation bonds for sewage disposal facility (Special) |
289 | Adds Ch. 2.52, personnel policies manual (2.52) |
290 | Adds Ch. 4.04, cable television (FCC) rate regulations (4.04) |
291 | Adds Ch. 4.01, business licensing regulations (Repealed by 18-597) |
292 | Ad valorem taxes for 1994 (Special) |
293 | Amends 1993 budget (Special) |
294 | Budget for 1994 (Special) |
295 | Adds chapter to Title 14, signs; repeals §§ 14.24.030(H), 14.28.030(H) and 14.32.030(F), zoning (14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.42) |
296 | Adopts Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ord. 81 (9.04) |
297 | Adopts comprehensive plan (15.02) |
298 | Adds § 14.08.105 and amends §§ 14.24.030(M), 14.28.030(M) and 14.32.030(I), fences (3.32, 14.08, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32) |
299 | Amends § 2.16.010(A), (B), (C), (D), (F), (J), (K) and (L), compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
300 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
301 | Adds § 3.24.065, funds (Repealed by 18-588) |
302 | Adopts 1995 budget (Special) |
303 | 1995 tax levy (Special) |
304 | Amends § 2.04.010(B) town council; repeals Ord. 284 (2.04) |
305 | Fireworks (6.16) |
306 | Initiative 164 claims processing (Special) |
307 | Adds Title 11, stormwater management and drainage design; repeals Ch. 13.28 (11.02) |
308 | Amends § 3.32.010, fee schedule (Repealed by 03-423) |
309 | Amends § 2.52.010, personnel policies (2.52) |
310 | Adopts 1996 budget (Special) |
311 | 1996 tax levy (Special) |
312 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
313 | Amends § 2.16.010(L), compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
314 | Amends Ord. 305, fireworks (6.16) |
315 | Cable communications franchises (4.04) |
316 | Cable television franchise grant (Special) |
317 | Amends §§ 12.08.010 and 12.08.080, building codes (Title 12) |
318 | Amends § 2.16.010(F), compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
319 | Land use permit processing (14A.04) |
320 | Adds Ch. 15.04, comprehensive plan amendments or revisions (15.04) |
321 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 319, land use permit processing (Repealed by 322) |
322 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 319, land use permit processing; repeals Ord. 321 (14A.04) |
323 | Adopts 1997 budget (Special) |
324 | 1997 tax levy (Special) |
97-325 | Boundary revision (Special) |
97-326 | Six-year property tax levy (Special) |
97-327 | Adds § 14.08.348; amends §§ 14.08.105, 14.24.030(M), 14.28.030(M) and 14.32.030(I), fences and walls (Title 12, 14.08, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32) |
97-328 | Adds Ch. 4.02, home occupations (Repealed by 18-597) |
97-329 | False alarms; repeals Ord. 145 (6.04) |
97-330 | Amends Ord. 97-328, home occupations (Repealed by 18-597, effective 1/1/19) |
97-331 | Moratorium and interim procedures for tree removal (Not codified) |
97-332 | Additional sewer connection charges (Special) |
97-333 | Sewer service rates; repeals Ord. 281 (10.08) |
97-334 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
97-335 | 1998 tax levy (Special) |
97-336 | Adopts 1998 budget (Special) |
98-337 | Extends moratorium on tree removal (Special) |
98-338 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
98-339 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
98-340 | Tax levy on gross income of public utilities (3.16) |
98-341 | Amends §3.24.064, change and petty cash fund (Repealed by 18-588) |
98-342 | Annexation to Sno-Isle Regional Library District (Not codified) |
98-343 | Amends §2.20.010(A) and (B), planning commission (2.20) |
98-344 | Amends Title 12, uniform building codes (2.16, 12.04, 12.06, 12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.12, 12.19, 12.24, 12.40, 12.45, 12.50) |
98-345 | Amends Ch. 3.32, fee schedule (Repealed by 03-423) |
98-346 | Amends Ord. 97-329, false alarms; repeals Ord. 145 (6.04) |
98-347 | Amends Ord. 98-340, public utility tax (3.16) |
98-348 | Amends §2.04.010, town council meetings (2.04) |
98-349 | Adds to Ch. 3.12, real estate excise tax (3.12) |
98-350 | Expendable trust fund (Repealed by 18-588) |
98-351 | Amends §2.24.050(A), board of adjustment (Repealed by 01-412) |
98-352 | Amends §§2.24.160 and 14.44.050, land use procedures (14.44) |
98-353 | Amends §10.08.010(A), sewer service rates (10.08) |
98-354 | Amends §3 of Ord. 98-340, public utility tax (3.16) |
98-355 | Moratorium on tree removal (Not codified) |
98-356 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
98-357 | Budget (Special) |
98-358 | Budget (Special) |
99-359 | Amends §6.16.020, fireworks (6.16) |
99-360 | Extends moratorium on tree removal (Special) |
99-361 | Amends Ord. 175 § 2, legal defense, town employees (3.20) |
99-362 | Amends §§ 2.24.160, 14.44.050 and 14A.04.100(B), land use application procedures (14.44, 14A.04) |
99-363 | Adds §§ 13.05.060 [13.04.060], 13.12.015, 13.12.115, 13.32.035 and 13.32.065; adds Chs. 13.36, 13.40 and 13.48; repeals §§ 13.12.070 and 13.32.060 (Repealed by 99-372) |
99-364 | Extends moratorium on tree removal (Special) |
99-365 | Amends §§ 12.06.010 and 12.06.030, building codes (12.06) |
99-366 | Adds § 2.48.055, public records fees (2.48) |
99-367 | Amends Ord. 164, § 2 [§ 3.32.010(A)(2)], side sewer installation fees (Repealed by 03-423) |
99-368 | Establishes hearing examiner system for land use and subdivisions (2.56) |
99-369 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
99-370 | Amends §§ 14.08.160 and 14.16.010; amends Ch. 14.36 in its entirety, zoning (14.08, 14.16, 14.36) |
99-371 | Continues moratorium on tree removal (Special) |
99-372 | Adds §§ 13.05.060 [13.04.060], 13.12.015, 13.12.115, 13.32.035 and 13.32.065; adds Chs. 13.36, 13.40 and 13.48; repeals §§ 13.12.070 and 13.32.060, subdivisions (Expired) |
99-373 | Continues moratorium on tree removal (Repealed by 99-379) |
99-374 | Repeals Ord. 98-338 and §§ 1(a), (b) and (d) and 3 of Ord. 98-339, amending comprehensive plan (Special) |
99-375 | Adopts moratorium on wireless communications facilities land use permit applications (Special) |
99-376 | Amends § 3.32.020(B), fee schedule (Repealed by 03-423) |
99-377 | Amends § 2.16.010, town employees compensation (2.16) |
99-378 | Adds §§ 10.08.011, 10.08.012, 10.08.061 and 10.08.080; amends §§ 10.08.010 and 10.08.060, sewer service charges (10.08) |
99-379 | Trees preservation and protection regulations; repeals Ord. 99-373 (Repealed by 03-425) |
99-380 | (Not available) |
99-381 | Amends §10.08.010, sewer service rates (10.08) |
99-382 | Amends §3.32.020 [3.32.010], public records fees (Repealed by 03-423) |
00-384 | Interim subdivision and zoning regulations (Not codified) |
00-385 | Repeals and replaces §§15.04.020(B)(4)--(B)(6), 15.04.020(E) and 15.04.040(A); repeals §15.04.020(E), comprehensive plan amendments (15.04) |
00-386 | Budget (Special) |
00-387 | Environmentally sensitive areas regulations (Repealed by 20-611) |
00-388 | Council meetings [amends §2.04.010] (2.04) |
00-389 | Adopts moratorium on acceptance of applications for land use permits for wireless communications facilities (Special) |
00-390 | Enforcement of compliance with zoning, public health and regulatory ordinances (1.14) |
00-391 | Amends Ord. 99-368 §8, hearing examiner (2.56) |
00-392 | Amends §14A.04.080, land use (14A.04) |
00-393 | Amending tree preservation ordinance (Not adopted) |
00-394 | Adopts master parks plan (Special) |
00-395 | Wireless communication facilities siting and development standards (14.46) |
00-396 | Amends §§13.05.060 [§13.04.060], 13.12.015, 13.12.115, 13.32.025 and 13.32.065; amends Chs. 13.36, 13.40, 13.44 and 13.48, subdivisions (Expired) |
00-397 | Amends §16.04.090, environment (16.04) |
00-398 | Amends §7.28.020, noise (Repealed by 07-476) |
00-399 | Adopts moratorium on acceptance of applications for land use permits for wireless communications facilities (Special) |
00-400 | 2001 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
00-401 | Funds transfer; 2001 budget (Special) |
00-402 | Amends §§3.32.020 and 10.08.010, fees (10.08) |
01-403 | Amends Ord. 99-383 |
01-404 | Amends §§13.05.060 [13.04.060], 13.12.015, 13.12.115, 13.32.035 and 13.32.065; amends Chs. 13.36, 13.40, 13.44 and 13.48, subdivisions (13.04, 13.16, 13.32, 13.36, 13.40, 13.44, 13.48) |
01-405 | Amends §7.28.020, noise violations (Repealed by 07-476) |
01-406 | Adopts revised land use, transportation and capital facilities elements of the comprehensive plan (Special) |
01-407 | Amends §2.44.030(A), utilization (2.44) |
01-408 | Shoreline master program (Not codified) |
01-409 | Adds §14.42.100; amends §14.42.010, signs (14.42) |
01-410 | Amends §§13.05.060 [13.04.060], 13.12.015, 13.12.115, 13.32.035 and 13.32.065; amends Chs. 13.36, 13.40, 13.44 and 13.48, subdivisions (13.04, 13.16, 13.32, 13.36, 13.40, 13.44, 13.48) |
01-411 | 2002 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
01-412 | Adds Ch. 12.52, 14.50, §§14.08.095 and 14.08.175; amends §§1.01.080, 1.04.070, 2.16.010, 2.20.030, 2.20.060, 2.56.080, 7.04.020, 12.04.043, 12.24.040, 13.12.010--13.12.050, 13.12.080, 13.12.100--13.12.130, 13.16.020, 13.16.040--13.16.080, 13.24.020, 13.24.040, 13.24.050, 13.32.010, 13.32.035, 13.32.040, 13.32.065--13.32.080, 13.32.090, 13.32.100, 13.36.010, 13.36.020, 13.36.040, 13.36.050, 13.48.010, 14.04.020, 14.04.060, 14.08.050, 14.08.060, 14.08.110, 14.08.140, 14.08.190, 14.08.220, 14.08.348, 14.24.020--14.24.040, 14.28.020, 14.28.030 [14.24.030], 14.28.040 [14.24.040], 14.32.030, 14.32.040, 14.36.030, 14.36.040, 14.40.010, 14.44.040, 14.52.010, 14A.04.010--14A.04.030, 14A.04.060--14A.04.110, 14A.04.130, 14A.04.140, 14A.04.170, 14A.04.180, 15.04.020 and 15.04.080; renumbers §13.04.060; repeals and replaces Ch. 16.04; repeals Chs. 2.24, 13.20 and 14.48, §§13.04.030, 13.12.140, 13.32.085, 14.08.120, 14.08.130, 14.44.070 and 14.44.090, code amendments (1.01, 1.04, 2.16, 2.20, 2.56, 7.04, 12.24, 12.52, 13.04, 13.12, 13.16, 13.20, 13.24, 13.32, 13.36, 13.48, 14.04, 14.08, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36, 14.44, 14.48, 14.50, 14.52, 14A.04, 15.04, 16.04) |
01-413 | 2002 budget (Special) |
01-414 | Amends Ord. 309, personnel policies (2.52) |
02-415 | Cable communications franchise transfer (Repealed by 02-416) |
02-416 | Cable communications franchise (Special) |
02-417 | 2003 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
02-418 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of employees (2.16) |
02-419 | 2003 budget (Special) |
02-420 | Declares moratorium on accepting and approving applications for permits for land use (Special) |
03-421 | Land use development permit fees (Special) |
03-422 | 2003 budget (Special) |
03-423 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.32, fee schedule; amends §§4.01.020--4.01.030, business licenses (3.32) |
03-424 | Amends §3.32.010, fee schedule (3.32) |
03-425 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.12, tree preservation (Repealed by 05-452) |
03-426 | Tax levy (Special) |
03-427 | 2004 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
03-428 | Amends Section 1 of Ord. 03-427, ad valorem taxes (Special) |
03-429 | 2004 budget (Special) |
04-430 | Repeals and replaces §§2.36.020--2.36.050; adds §2.36.055, emergency services (2.36) |
04-431 | Amends §§2.48.055 [2.48.050], 3.32.010, 4.02.070, 4.02.100, 5.04.030, 6.04.020, 10.02.050, 11.02.420, 12.04.040, 12.04.050, 12.06.030, 12.08.030, 12.12.020, 12.24.020, 12.52.030, 13.16.030, 14.04.020, 14A.04.150, 14.42.010, 15.04.060, 16.04.820, fees (2.48, 3.32, 5.04, 6.04, 10.02, 11.02, Title 12, 13.16, 14.04, 14A.04, 14.42, 15.04, 16.04) |
04-432 | 2003 budget (Special) |
04-433 | Amends §12.04.020, right-of-way permits (Title 12) |
04-434 | Amends §3.32.010, fees (3.32) |
04-435 | Franchise agreement with Olympic View Water and Sewer District (Special) |
04-436 | Acknowledges transfer of town water and sewer system to Olympic View Water and Sewer District (Special) |
04-437 | Amends §12.04.040, right-of-way encroachments (Title 12) |
04-438 | Amends §16.04.120, flexible thresholds for categorical exemptions (16.04) |
04-439 | Amends §§14.24.030, 14.28.030 and 14.32.030, exterior lighting (14.24, 14.28, 14.32) |
04-440 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
04-441 | Adds Ch. 2.10, administrative project manager (2.10) |
04-442 | Repeals §§10.08.010--10.08.070, sewer service fees (10.08) |
04-443 | Establishes amortization period for non-conforming outdoor lighting (Special) |
04-444 | Adds Ch. 2.60, appeal procedures (2.60) |
04-445 | Amends §3.32.010, license fees (3.32) |
04-446 | Amends Ord. 03-429, 2004 budget (Special) |
04-447 | Adds §§12.06.025, 12.13.010, 12.30.010--12.30.030; amends §§12.04.010--12.04.060, 12.06.030, 12.08.020, 12.08.030, 12.09.010--12.09.030, 12.10.010, 12.12.010--12.12.030, 12.19.010, 12.19.020, 12.21.010, 12.21.020, 12.24.010--12.24.040; repeals and replaces §§12.06.010, 12.06.020 and 12.08.010; repeals §§12.04.005, and Chapters 12.40, 12.45, 12.50 and 12.52, buildings and construction (Title 12) |
04-448 | Adds §§5.04.092--5.04.095, 5.04.190 and 5.04.200; amends §§5.04.020 and 5.04.090, animal control (5.04) |
04-449 | 2005 budget (Special) |
05-450 | Adds §14.50.015; amends §14.50.010, variance (14.50) |
05-451 | Amends Ord. 05-451, 2004 budget (Special) |
05-452 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.12, tree preservation (Repealed by 20-611) |
05-453 | Adds §12.04.006, general provisions (12.04) |
05-454 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
05-455 | Amends §§3.16.020 and 3.16.030, public utility tax (3.16) |
05-456 | Amends §12.13.010, fire code (12.13) |
05-457 | Adds Ch. 9.16, motorized foot scooters (9.16) |
05-458 | 2006 budget (Special) |
05-459 | Amends Ord. 14-449, 2005 budget (Special) |
05-460 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
06-461 | Adopts moratorium on all land uses and development applications regarding helicopter landings, air facilities etc. (Special) |
06-462 | Adopts moratorium on all subdivision applications for properties in R-87, R-43 and R-14.5 zone districts (Special) |
06-463 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
06-464 | Adopts findings of facts supporting the moratorium on all subdivision applications for properties in R-87, R-43 and R-14.5 zone districts (Special) |
06-465 | Adopts findings of fact supporting the moratorium on all land uses and development applications regarding helicopter landings, air facilities etc. (Special) |
06-466 | Adopts §457(b) deferred compensation plan for qualified town employers (Not codified) |
06-467 | Adds §12.04.008, buildings and construction (12.04) |
06-468 | (Not adopted) |
06-469 | Amends §§13.12.030, 13.12.060, 13.32.050, 13.36.020 and 13.36.030, subdivisions (13.12, 13.32, 13.36) |
06-470 | Adds [amends] Ch. 11.02; repeals Ord. 56 and Ch. 13.28, stormwater management and drainage design (11.02) |
06-471 | Annexation to Sno-Isle Regional Library District (Not codified) |
06-472 | Amends §16.12.050, tree preservation (Repealed by 20-611) |
06-472A | Amends §16.12.050, tree preservation (Repealed by 20-611) |
06-473 | Establishes stormwater utility (Special) |
06-474 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
07-475 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
07-476 | Adds §6.08.031; amends §6.08.030; repeals Ch. 7.28, public nuisances (6.08) |
07-477 | Adds Ch. 11.01, storm and surface water utility (11.01) |
07-478 | Amends Ch. 12.06 and §§12.08.010, 12.09.010, 12.10.010, 12.13.010, 12.19.010, 12.21.010 and 12.30.010, buildings and construction (Title 12) |
07-479 | Amends Chs. 2.10--2.16, administration and personnel (2.10, 2.12, 2.14, 2.16) |
07-480 | Amends 457 plan and authorizes certain amount of payment to current and former employees (Special) |
07-481 | Number not used |
07-482 | Amends §§5.04.091, 5.04.093 and 5.04.180, animal control (5.04) |
07-483 | Budget (Special) |
07-484 | Number not used |
07-485 | Amends §§11.02.070 [11.02.270], 16.10.070(D)(2) and 16.10.080(B)(3), landslide hazard areas (11.02) |
07-486 | Amends §14.08.300, setbacks, front, rear and side yards (14.08) |
07-487 | Amends budget (Special) |
08-488 | Amends personnel policies (Not codified) |
08-489 | Adds §§14.08.120, 14.08.235, 14.08.285, 14.24.030(T) and (U), 14.28.030(T), 14.32.030(P) and 14.36.030(O); amends §§14.08.300, 14.24.030(Q), 14.28.030(R), 14.32.030(N) and 14.36.030(M), structures (14.08, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36) |
08-490 | Adds §11.01.130(D), billing and collection (11.01) |
08-491 | Amends §§13.12.020, 13.24.020 and 13.32.040, title reports and plat certificates (13.12, 13.24, 13.32) |
08-492 | Amends Ch. 2.52, personnel policies and procedures manual (2.52) |
08-493 | Repeals §12.04.043 (Repealer) |
08-494 | Adds §12.04.020(K), right-of-way permit (12.04) |
08-495 | Amends §§2.48.030, 2.48.050, 2.48.055, 3.32.010 and 3.32.020(F), fee schedule (2.48, 3.32) |
08-496 | Verizon Northwest, Inc., franchise grant (Special) |
08-497 | Amends §4.01.010, business licensing (Repealed by 18-597) |
08-498 | Amends §12.06.025(B), International Residential Code (12.06) |
08-499 | Repeals §12.04.043 (Repealer) |
08-500 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
08-501 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
09-502 | Amends §16.12.100(B), tree preservation (Repealed by 20-611) |
09-503 | Amends Ch. 16.10, environmentally critical areas (Repealed by 20-611) |
09-504 | Election for tax levy (Special) |
09-505 | Election for bond issuance (Special) |
09-506 | Amends references to "sensitive areas" to read "critical areas" throughout code (11.02, 13.36, 13.40, 14.46, 14A.04, 16.04) |
09-507 | Adds §13.04.030, building permit submittal (13.04) |
09-508 | Amends §§2.16.010(E) and (F), officers and employees compensation (2.16) |
09-509 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
09-510 | Amends §16.12.035, tree preservation exemptions (Repealed by 20-611) |
09-511 | Amends §14.42.010(C), sign regulations (14.42) |
09-512 | Amends §3.32.010, fee schedule (3.32) |
09-513 | Amends Ch. 13.32, short subdivisions (13.32) |
09-514 | Amends §2.16.010(G), officers and employees compensation (2.16) |
09-515 | Approves transfer of franchise (Special) |
09-516 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
09-517 | Amends §§3.16.030, 3.16.040, 3.16.060, 3.16.070 and 3.16.080, public utility tax (3.16) |
09-518 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
10-519 | Amends §11.01.130(D), stormwater utility billing (11.01) |
10-520 | Adds §§14.20.035, 14.24.035, 14.28.035, 14.32.035, 14.36.035 and Ch. 14.48, conditional uses (14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36, 14.48) |
10-521 | Amends §§2.44.020(A) and 2.44.030(A), small works roster (2.44) |
10-522 | Adds §14.32.030(I)(7) [amends §14.32.030(I)(9)]; amends §§14.08.020, 14.08.050, 14.08.175, 14.24.030(D)(2), (M)(1), (M)(8)(a), (M)(9) and (S), 14.28.030(D)(2), (M)(1), (M)(8)(a), (M)(9) and (S), 14.32.030(B)(2), (I)(1) and (O), 14.36.030(B)(2), (H)(1), (H)(8)(a), (H)(13) and (N); repeals Ch. 14.40, zoning (14.08, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36) |
10-523 | Adds §12.04.080; amends §§12.04.050, 12.06.020, 12.06.025, 12.08.010, 12.09.010, 12.10.010, Ch. 12.13, §§12.19.010, 12.24.020 and 12.30.010; repeals Ch. 12.21, building codes (Title 12) |
10-524 | Amends Ch. 2.16, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
10-525 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
11-526 | Amends §11.01.040 [11.01.140], unrecorded sewerage liens (11.01) |
11-527 | Amends §§11.01.040 and 11.01.050, storm and surface water utility (11.01) |
11-528 | Adds §12.09.030(C); amends §12.06.025(B), plumbing code (12.06, 12.09) |
11-529 | Adds §§14.08.002, 14.08.003, 14.08.005, 14.08.007, 14.08.009 and 14.08.345; amends §§14.08.105, 14.08.300, 14.24.030, 14.28.030, 14.32.030 and 14.36.030, zoning (14.08, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36) |
11-530 | Amends §13.12.020(F), preliminary plats (13.12) |
11-531 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
11-532 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
11-533 | Street vacation (Special) |
12-534 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
12-535 | Amends §§16.10.410(F), 16.10.510(D) and 16.10.610(D), environmentally critical areas (Repealed by 20-611) |
12-536 | |
12-537 | Adds §7.16.030, indigent defense standards (Repealed by 22-640) |
12-538 | Reaffirms categorical exemptions for minor new construction (Special) |
12-539 | Amends §§14.32.030(T), 14.32.035(A) and 14.32.040; repeals §14.20.035, zoning (14.32) |
12-540 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
12-541 | Bond issuance (Special) |
12-542 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
12-543 | Amends §§5.04.092 and 5.04.094, animal control (5.04) |
13-544 | Amends personnel policies and procedures manual (2.52) |
13-545 | Amends §§9.12.040(A) and (B), parking (9.12) |
13-546 | Amends §14.24.030(J), zoning (14.24) |
13-547 | Adopts shoreline master plan and cumulative impact analysis (Special) |
13-548 | Adds §§12.04.035, 12.04.080 and 12.30.040; amends §§4.02.020(C), 12.04.050, 12.06.020, 12.06.025, 12.08.010, 12.09.010, Ch. 12.13, §§12.19.010 and 12.30.010, buildings and construction (Title 12) |
13-549 | Amends comprehensive plan and adds §§ 14.08.085, 14.08.087, 14.08.347 and Ch. 14.40; amends Ch. 14.36 and §16.10.610(E); renumbers §14.08.160 as 14.08.346, zoning and critical areas (14.08, 14.36, 14.40) |
13-550 | Amends §2.16.010, officer and employee compensation (2.16) |
13-551 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
13-552 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
13-553 | Condemns certain property (Special) |
14-554 | Amends §§5.04.091, 5.04.092, 5.04.093, 5.04.094 and 5.04.095, dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs (5.04) |
14-555 | Six-month moratorium on marijuana cultivation, production and sale (Expired) |
14-556 | Amends §2.16.010, officer and employee compensation (2.16) |
14-557 | Adds §4.01.050(E); amends §4.01.010, business licensing (Repealed by 18-597) |
14-558 | Authorizes establishment of employee retention bonus program; repeals Res. 03-264 (Not codified) |
14-559 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
14-560 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
15-561 | Amends §2.16.010, officer and employee compensation (2.16) |
15-562 | Amends §3.32.010, fee schedule (3.32) |
15-563 | Amends Ch. 4.02, home occupations (Repealed by 18-597) |
15-564 | Adds §§13.32.095 and 14.08.102; amends comprehensive plan and §§13.04.010, 14.04.050, 14.08.090, 14.24.035, 14.28.035, 14.32.035 and 14.36.035, subdivisions, zoning (13.04, 13.32, 14.04, 14.08, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36) |
15-565 | Amends §§6.12.020, 6.12.030(B); amends and renumbers §6.12.050 to 6.12.040; repeals §6.12.040, fairs, concerts and public functions (6.12) |
15-566 | Approves agreement regarding annexation and development of urban growth area (Special) |
15-567 | Amends §14.36.040, zoning (14.36) |
15-568 | Amends §14.32.040, zoning (14.32) |
15-569 | Amends §2.16.010, officer and employee compensation (2.16) |
15-570 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
15-571 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
16-572 | Annexation (Special) |
16-573 | Adds Ch. 12.40; amends §§12.06.020, 12.06.025, 12.08.010, 12.09.010, 12.13.010, 12.13.030(G)(2), 12.19.010 and 12.30.010; repeals §12.06.030 and Ch. 12.10, buildings and construction (Title 12) |
16-574 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
16-575 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
17-576 | Town office and department office hours (2.02) |
17-577 | Amends Ch. 14.50, variance (14.50) |
17-578 | Adds Ch. 16.08; amends Titles 1, 2, 6, 11 and 12, housekeeping ordinance (1.01, 1.04, 1.08, 1.12, 1.14, 2.02, 2.04, 2.08, 2.10, 2.12, 2.14, 2.16, 2.20, 2.28, 2.32, 2.36, 2.40, 2.44, 2.48, 2.50, 2.52, 2.56, 2.60, 6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 6.16, 11.01, 11.02, Title 12) |
17-579 | Amends §§1.14.030(B)(3), 1.14.130(A), 2.08.010, 6.08.030, 6.12.020(A), 11.02.270(B), 11.02.310(A), 16.08.080(A) and 16.08.100(C), housekeeping amendments (1.14, 2.08, 6.08, 6.12, 11.02) |
17-580 | Amends Ch. 16.12, tree preservation (Repealed by 20-611) |
17-581 | Authorizes mayor to reduce speed limits (9.20) |
17-582 | Adds Ch. 14.54, temporary tent encampments (14.54) |
17-583 | Amends §§2.48.040 and 2.48.050, public records (2.48) |
17-584 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
17-585 | SnoCom consolidation (Special) |
17-586 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
18-587 | Amends §2.16.010, officer and employee compensation (2.16) |
18-588 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.24, funds (3.24) |
18-589 | Amends §2.16.010, officer and employee compensation (2.16) |
18-590 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
18-591 | Amends §§3.32.010 and 3.32.020, fee schedule (3.32) |
18-592 | Amends §1.14.100(D), civil enforcement of the code (1.14) |
18-593 | (Not enacted) |
18-594 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
18-595 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
18-596 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
18-597 | Repeals Chs. 4.01 and 4.02, replacing with new Ch. 4.01, business licensing (4.01) |
19-598 | (Not enacted) |
19-599 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) |
19-600 | Amends §§16.10.020, 16.10.300, 16.10.310 and 16.10.320, environmentally critical areas (Repealed by 20-611) |
19-601 | Amends Ch. 4.01, business licensing (4.01) |
19-602 | Amends §11.01.130, stormwater utility billing and collection (11.01) |
19-603 | Amends §9.12.030, vehicle impoundment (9.12) |
19-604 | Amends §3.24.040, capital projects fund (3.24) |
19-605 | Approves franchise transfer (Special) |
19-606 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
19-607 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
19-608 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
19-609 | Amends §1.04.010, definitions (1.04) |
20-610 | Amends §2.04.010, council meetings (2.04) |
20-611 | Amends §1.04.010; repeals and replaces Chs. 16.08, 16.10 and 16.12, clearing, grading, environmentally critical areas and trees (1.04, 16.08, 16.10, 16.12) |
20-612 | Amends §3.32.020(G), fees (3.32) |
20-613 | Amends Ch. 3.24, funds (3.24) |
20-614 | Amends employee benefits (Special) |
20-615 | Amends §§3.32.010 and 12.04.050, fee schedule and permit extensions (3.32) |
20-616 | Adds Ch. 3.10 and §3.24.035, sales and use tax for affordable housing (3.10, 3.24) |
20-617 | Amends Ch. 4.04, cable communications franchises (4.04) |
20-618 | Franchise grant to Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC (Special) |
20-619 | Amends §3.16.030, utilities subject to public utility tax (3.16) |
20-620 | Adds Ch. 3.18, franchise fee (3.18) |
20-621 | Amends §4.01.060(B)(2), home occupations (4.01) |
20-622 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
20-623 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
20-624 | Adopts Point Wells Subarea Plan 2020 (Special) |
20-625 | Adds Ch. 14.60; amends Ch. 14.40, urban village zone district, design standards (14.40, 14.60) |
21-626 | Amends Title 12 and §16.08.080, buildings and construction and clearing and grading (12.04, 12.05, 12.06, 12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.12, 12.13, 12.19, 12.24, 12.30, 12.32, 12.34, 12.36, 12.40, 12.50, 16.08) |
21-627 | Amends §§2.20.010 and 2.20.030, planning commission (2.20) |
21-628 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
21-629 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
21-630 | Adds Ch. 2.42, contracts (2.42) |
21-631 | Amends §§14.40.030 and 14.40.040, urban village zone district (14.40) |
21-632 | Amends §7.30.040, door-to-door selling registration procedure (7.30) |
21-633 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
21-634 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
22-635 | Amends §1.04.010, general definitions (1.04) |
22-636 | (Not passed) |
22-637 | Amends §11.01.130, storm and surface water utility (11.01) |
22-638 | Amends §§16.10.600, 16.10.620, 16.10.630, 16.10.640 and 16.10.650; repeals §16.10.610, geologic hazard areas (16.10) |
22-639 | Amends §3.24.060, custodial fund (3.24) |
22-640 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.16, town criminal code--state provisions adopted (7.16) |
22-641 | Adds Ch. 7.14, unlawful occupation of public property (7.14) |
22-642 | (Not passed) |
22-643 | Adopts investment policy (Not codified) |
22-644 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
22-645 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
22-646 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
22-647 | Adds Ch. 2.46, locally sourced compost materials (2.46) |
23-648 | Amends §3.32.020, fee schedule (3.32) |
23-649 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
23-650 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
23-651 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
24-652 | Amends Ch. 2.16, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
24-653 | Adds §1.04.100, authority to correct scrivener’s errors (1.04) |
24-654 | Amends §§11.01.040, 11.01.110 and 11.01.150, storm and surface water utility (11.01) |
24-655 | Amends §§12.05.020, 12.05.050, 12.05.075, 12.05.076, 12.06.020, 12.06.025, 12.08.010, 12.09.010, 12.10.010, Ch. 12.13, §§12.19.010, 12.32.010, 12.34.010, 12.36.010 and 12.40.010, buildings and construction (12.05, 12.06, 12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.13, 12.19, 12.32, 12.34, 12.36, 12.40) |
24-656 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
24-657 | Annexation (Special) |
24-658 | Adds §§14.08.082, 14.08.086, 14.08.305, Chs. 14.70 and 14.71, flood hazard areas, permits (14.08, 14.70, 14.71) |
24-659 | Adds §1.04.075; amends § 3.32.020(C), general provisions, fee schedule (1.04, 3.32) |
24-660 | Amends §14.70.120, floodproofing standards (14.70) |
24-661 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
24-662 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
24-663 | Adopts 2025 budget (Special) |
24-664 | Amends §2.16.010, compensation of officers and employees (2.16) |
24-665 | Adopts 401(a) plan for Town employees (Special) |
24-666 | Adds §3.24.032; amends §3.24.010, funds (3.24) |