If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Not codified” indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). “Special” means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation).
625 | Amends § 10.56.040, parking time limits (10.56) |
6401 | Repeals and reenacts § 69(b) of Ord. 450, redeeming impounded cars (10.88) |
641 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 541, motor vehicle license (Not codified) |
642 | Creates utility advisory board (Not codified) |
643 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 612, salaries (Special) |
644 | Amends Ord. 539, electric rate (Repealed by 724) |
645 | Adopts 1963 Code (Not codified) |
646 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 643, salaries (Special) |
647 | Repeals § 19-139, motor vehicle license (Repealer) |
648 | Amends § 8-5(4), taxes on personal property (Repealed by 724) |
649 | Amends § 1-40(1), compensation of city attorney (Repealed by 724) |
650 | Provides for annexation of U.S. Survey No. 550 (Special) |
651 | Accepts conveyance of tide and submerged lands from state (Special) |
652 | Adds §§ 19-38.5 and 19-99.5; amends §§ 19-58, 19-106, 19-109(a) and 19-116, vehicles (10.52, 10.56) |
653 | Provides for special election for issuance of utilities revenue bonds (Rejected by voters) |
654 | Provides for special elections for lease of grounds for swimming pool (Special) |
655 | Allows sale of intoxicating liquor on election days (5.20) |
656 | Amends § 2; renumbers and amends § 3-4; renumbers §§ 3-5 and 3-6; repeals §§ 3-3, dogs (Repealed by 769) |
657 | Amends §§ 8-12, 8-13, 8-15 and 8-19, sales tax (Repealed by 870) |
658 | Provides for special election for issuance of power utility revenue bonds (Special) |
659 | Provides for special election for issuance of telephone utility revenue bonds (Special) |
660 | Repeals and reenacts § 19-154, impounded vehicles (10.88) |
661 | Adopts Uniform Housing Code (Repealed by 1093) |
662 | Creates and regulates parking meter zones; amends §§ 19-114(a) and 19-127, loading and parking meters (Failed) |
663 | Provides for special election for issuance of utility revenue bonds (Special) |
664 | Amends § 19-114(a), loading and unloading (10.52) |
665 | Amends § 2-10, liquor sales (Repealed by 724) |
666 | Adds §§ 12-28 – 12-33, abandoned, wrecked vehicles (9.60) |
667 | Amends §§ 19-121 and 19-122, parking meters (Not codified) |
668 | Amends § 5-19, minors in public cardrooms or dance halls (Repealed by 934) |
669 | Prohibits careless smoking (Not codified) |
670 | Provides due date for delinquent taxes (Special) |
671 | Creates public utilities department and manager (2.32) |
672 | Provides for election for issuance of general obligation bonds for swimming pool (Special) |
673 | Amends §§ 1-39 and 1-40, city attorney (2.52) |
674 | Amends § 17-4, utility charges (Not codified) |
675 | Amends §§ 5-47, 5-49(3), 5-50, 5-52(2) and (4), teenage dances (Repealed by 934) |
676 | Creates civil defense organization (Repealed by 1773) |
677 | Provides for election for issuance of revenue bonds for electrical transmission and distribution facilities (Special) |
678 | Amends §§ 17-13, 17-14 and 17-15, utility charges (Not codified) |
679 | Provides for special election for annexation of Carlanna Lake area (Special) |
680 | Amends §§ 8-12 – 8-14, 8-19 and 8-22, sales tax (Repealed by 870) |
681 | Provides for special election for issuance of general obligation bonds for swimming pool (Special) |
682 | Amends § 11-6, harbormaster under direction of chief of police (Failed) |
683 | Amends § 9-1, fire prevention code (Repealed by 810) |
684 | Amends § 2-4, minors in restaurants serving liquor (Repealed by 1782) |
685 | Approves annexation of Carlanna Lake area (Special) |
686 | Amends § 16-5, determining proportion of benefits and assessments (Not codified) |
687 | Amends § 11-8, float fees for itinerant merchant vessels (Failed) |
688 | Adds § 19-90(a), helmets for motorcycle riders (Not codified) |
689 | Authorizes issuance of revenue bonds for electrical transmission and distribution facilities (Special) |
690 | Prohibits burning refuse (Failed) |
691 | Provides for special election for issuance of general obligation bonds for various projects (Special) |
692 | Amends § 7-1, voter qualifications (Not codified) |
693 | Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds for various projects (Special) |
694 | Amends § 16-5, determining proportion of benefits and assessments (Not codified) |
695 | Authorizes issuance of utility revenue bonds (Special) |
696 | Amends § 20-5, bond or liability insurance for taxicab (Not codified) |
697 | Amends § 54-1, Uniform Building Code (Not codified) |
698 | Adds § 17-23, septic tanks (Repealed by 930) |
699 | Designates Seattle First National Bank as bond cremation agent (Special) |
700 | Provides for special election for issuance of general obligation bonds for street improvement (Special) |
701 | Provides for special election for issuance of general obligation bonds Carlanna Lake area sewer project (Special) |
702 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 700, precincts for special election (Special) |
703 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 700, precincts for special election (Special) |
704 | Provides for special election for issuance of general obligation bonds for street improvement (Special) |
705 | Amends § 2-10, liquor sales (5.20) |
706 | Adds §§ 17-24 – 170-32, side sewers (Repealed by 930) |
707 | Amends Ch. 11, harbor and boat regulations (Repealed by 818) |
708 | Repeals §§ 5-54 and 5-55, billiard and pool rooms, bowling alleys (Repealer) |
709 | Sewer bond issue (Special) |
710 | Amends §§ 7-15 and 17-14, telephone and water rates (Repealed by 861) |
711 | Amends § 13-27, curfew extended for evening employment (9.36) |
712 | (Failed) |
713 | Provides for special election for public utilities acquisitions (Special) |
714 | Confirms results of special election providing for issuance of street improvement bonds (Special) |
715 | Amends Ch. 4, Art. 1, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 1093) |
716 | Bond issue (Special) |
717 | Amends § 5-47, teenage dances (Repealed by 934) |
718 | Amends Ch. 8, tax assessment collection (3.20) |
719 | Amends § 12-12, seeing eye dogs (Repealed by 769) |
720 | Amends § 19.99.5(a), parking (Repealed by 1760) |
721 | Amends § 13-14, firearms (Not codified) |
722 | (Failed) |
723 | Adopts general penalty; repeals §§ 1-30, 4-25, 4-30, 5-3, 5-11, 5-14, 5-18, 5-23, 5-46, 5-53, 12-21, 12-24, 12-33, 13-1, 17-17, 18-13, 20-30 and 20-33 (1.02) |
724 | Repeals §§ 1-13, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21, 1-41, 1-42, 3-5, 5-38, 5-39, 5-40, 5-41, 9-11, 13-56, 19-40, 19-140, 19-141, 19-142, 19-143 and Ch. 14; Ords. 644, 648, 649, 665 and §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 678 (Repealer) |
725 | Small boat harbors (Repealed by 818) |
726 | Amends prior code §§ 17-13, 17-14 and 17-15, electric, telephone and water rates (Repealed by 861) |
727 | Code adoption (1.01) |
728 | Amends Ch. 5.24, taxicabs (Not codified) |
729 | Amends § 10.60.050, off-street parking lots (Not codified) |
730 | Amends §§ 5.16.010, 5.16.020(1), 5.16.040, 5.16.050(1) and 5.16.060, teenage dances (Repealed by 934) |
731 | Amends §§ 5.20.030 and 5.20.040, alcoholic beverages (Repealed by 1782) |
732 | Annexation (Special) |
733 | Adds § 19.08.090, plumbing code, and Chs. 19.24, mechanical code, 19.28, dangerous buildings, and 19.32, violations of building regulations; amends §§ 19.04.010, 19.12.010, electrical code, and 19.16.010; repeals §§ 19.04.020, 19.04.070, and 19.16.040, Uniform Building Code, and housing code (19.32) |
734 | Annexation (Special) |
735 | (Failed) |
736 | Amends §§ 3.04.080, 3.04.090, 3.04.100 and 3.04.110, consumer’s sales tax (Repealed by 870) |
737 | (Number not used) |
738 | Municipal utility revenue bonds (Special) |
739 | Amends § 9.36.020, minors (Not codified) |
740 | Amends §§ 7.16.050 and 7.16.060, garbage and refuse disposal (Not codified) |
741 | (Failed) |
742 | (Failed) |
743 | Adds Ch. 9.68, anti-litter; repeals §§ 9.64.010 and 10.24.190 (9.68) |
744 | Amends §§ 1.02.040, 3.04.120, 7.16.110, 9.04.010, 9.36.050(a), 10.40.020, 10.40.030, 10.88.040, 11.20.020, 12.40.020, 18.24.010(a) and 18.28.110, penalties and fines; repeals and reenacts §§ 1.02.020, 10.40.010 and 10.44.040 (1.02, 9.36, 10.88, 11.20, 18.24) |
745 | (Failed) |
746 | Amends §§ 10.44.010, 10.44.020 and 10.44.030, traffic accidents (Repealed by 1760) |
747 | City planning and zoning advisory commission (Repealed by 1005) |
748 | Amends §§ 18.04.010, 18.16.010 and 18.16.030, fire regulations (18.16) |
749 | Procedure for public improvements (3.18) |
750 | Amends §§ 10.16.020 and 10.68.050, traffic (10.16) |
751 | Adds § 9.40.025; repeals and reenacts §§ 9.40.010 and 9.40.020, operation of amusement devices by minors (9.40) |
752 | Repeals §§ 9.40.040 – 9.40.070, use of tobacco by minors (Repealer) |
753 | Adds Ch. 3.24, refund of taxes (3.24) |
754 | Amends § 10.36.110(a), approaching emergency vehicles (Repealed by 1760) |
755 | Adds § 10.24.130(b), starting parked vehicles (Repealed by 1760) |
756 | Amends §§ 5.24.230(c), 5.24.250, 10.52.060, 10.26.010(11) and (14) and 10.56.060(a), taxicabs and traffic (10.52, 10.56) |
757 | (Tabled) |
758 | Adds §§ 2.04.022, 2.04.024, 2.04.026 and 2.04.028; amends §§ 2.04.010 and 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
759 | Adds § 5.08.012; amends § 5.08.040, auctioneers, peddlers and itinerant merchants (5.08) |
760 | Adds § 11.04.170; repeals and reenacts § 11.04.030 and Chs. 11.08, 11.12 and 11.16, public utilities (Repealed by 1065) |
761 | Adds § 1.08.005; amends §§ 1.08.010, 1.08.060, 1.08.070 and 1.08.200, elections; repeals Ch. 1.04 (Not codified) |
762 | Special election (Special) |
763 | Adds Ch. 3.28, homestead tax rent refund (Repealed by 781) |
764 | Amends § 5.20.100, liquor sale on election days (5.20) |
765 | Amends § 5.24.190, cab stands (Not codified) |
766 | Approves urban renewal plans (Special) |
767 | Amends § 5.24.190, cab stands (Not codified) |
768 | Adds § 1.08.165; amends §§ 1.08.080, 1.08.090, 1.08.100, 1.08.150, 1.08.160, 1.08.180 and 1.08.210, elections (Not codified) |
769 | Repeals Chs. 6.04 and 7.12 contingent upon borough’s adoption of the power of animal control (Repealer) |
770 | Amends § 10.48.020, unattended motor vehicles (10.48) |
771 | Amends § 10.24.200, vehicle operator’s license (Repealed by 1760) |
772 | Amends §§ 14.20.010 and 14.40.020, moorage rates (Repealed by 818) |
773 | Amends § 10.68.010, vehicle injurious to streets (Failed) |
774 | Amends § 2.16.010, fire chief (2.16) |
775 | Amends Ord. 734 § 2(a), annexation (Special) |
776 | Amends §§ 5.24.230, 5.24.250, 10.52.060, 10.56.010, and 10.56.060, taxicabs (10.52, 10.56) |
777 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 2.64, employee compensation and benefits (2.64) |
778 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 9.04, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace (9.04) |
779 | Adds § 2.04.015, ordinance readings (2.04) |
780 | Adds § 19.08.100, public restrooms (Repealed by 846) |
781 | Adds § 3.04.075, sales tax exemption; repeals Ch. 3.28 (Repealed by 870) |
782 | Amends § 1.08.020, election judges (Not codified) |
783 | Amends Charter § 10-3, candidates (Charter) |
784 | Adds § 1.02.050, sentencing (1.02) |
785 | Bond issue (Special) |
786 | Bond issue (Special) |
787 | Bond issue (Special) |
788 | Repeals and reenacts § 5.24.190, parking (Not codified) |
789 | Amends § 19.04.030, fire zones (Repealed by 932) |
790 | Amends §§ 3.04.010, 3.04.020, 3.04.040, 3.04.080, 3.04.090, 3.04.100, 3.04.110 (Failed) |
791 | Adds § 2.04.025, council meetings (2.04) |
792 | Repeals and reenacts § 5.24.190, taxicabs (Not codified) |
793 | Repeals and reenacts § 9.28.060, impersonating officer or employee (9.28) |
794 | Adds § 10.44.065, accident reports (Failed) |
795 | Adds Ch. 2.68, department of mental health (Repealed by 1768) |
796 | Bond issue (Special) |
797 | Animal impound facility lease agreement (Special) |
798 | Fire truck lease agreement (Special) |
799 | Special election (Special) |
800 | Adds § 3.04.075(c)(3); amends § 3.04.075(a); repeals and reenacts § 3.04.075(b), sales tax exemption (Repealed by 870) |
801 | Amends §§ 11.04.060, 11.04.080, 11.04.090, 11.04.130 and 11.04.140; repeals and reenacts § 11.04.070, public utilities, Ch. 11.08, electric rates, and §§ 11.16.020 – 11.16.090, water rates (Repealed by 1065) |
802 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.08.040, mayor and council salaries (2.04) |
803 | Amends § 5.24.200(4), taxicab rates (Not codified) |
804 | Excepting certain contract from competitive bidding (Special) |
805 | Adds §§ 14.04.050, 14.12.025, 14.20.060, 14.24.040(15) and 14.40.030; deletes and reenacts §§ 14.20.010, the second paragraph of 14.40.020, 14.04.030, 14.08.050, 14.08.150 and 14.16.060, first paragraph of 14.24.040 and 14.24.040(1), (2) and (3); deletes phrase from § 14.28.020; repeals § 14.08.020 (Repealed by 818) |
806 | Regulation of food and food-serving establishments (Repealed by 1778) |
807 | Repeals and reenacts § 11.12.150, telephone utility contracts (Repealed by 861) |
808 | Bond issuance (Special) |
809 | Bond issuance (Special) |
810 | Adds § 18.08.040 and Chs. 18.32 and 18.36; amends §§ 18.04.010, 18.08.010, 18.08.030, 18.12.020, 18.16.010, 18.16.020, 18.16.030, 18.20.010 and 18.24.010; repeals prior Ch. 18.04, Uniform Fire Code (18.08, 18.12, 18.16, 18.20, 18.24, 18.32, 18.36) |
811 | Amends Ord. 808, bond issuance (Special) |
812 | Amends Ord. 809, bond issuance (Special) |
813 | Amends §§ 14.12.070, 14.20.010, 14.32.010 and 14.40.020, harbors (Repealed by 818) |
814 | (Failed) |
815 | Adds Ch. 18.30, smoking (18.30) |
816 | Repeals and replaces § 10.56.010(a)(4), parking (10.56) |
817 | Amends Ch. 11.08, electric rates (Not codified) |
818 | Repeals and replaces Title 14, boat harbor facilities code (14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.20, 14.30, 14.40, 14.50) |
819 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, officer compensation (2.04) |
820 | Bond election (Special) |
821 | Quitclaim deed conveyance (Special) |
822 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 3.12, purchases and sales (3.12) |
823 | Agreement execution (Special) |
824 | Authorize utility revenue bonds (Special) |
825 | Amends §§ 14.20.045, 14.40.060 and 14.50.010, boat harbor facilities (14.20, 14.40, 14.50) |
826 | Amends § 5.04.020(3), pawnbroker records (Repealed by 1774) |
827 | Confirms results of April 22, 1975, special election (Special) |
828 | Amends § 14.20.070, boat harbor facilities code (14.20) |
829 | Amends § 5.24.050, taxicabs (Not codified) |
830 | Adds § 5.24.075, taxicabs (Not codified) |
831 | Amends §§ 1.08.030 and 1.08.080, elections (Not codified) |
832 | Submits question of state conflict of interest provisions pertaining to city officers to voters (Special) |
833 | Submits bond issue to voters (Special) |
834 | Creates port department (13.04) |
835 | Submits question of state campaign finance provisions pertaining to city officers to voters (Special) |
836 | Adds Ch. 2.04, conflicts of interest (Not codified) |
837 | Exception of contract from competitive bidding procedure (Special) |
838 | Amends § 5.16.060, teenage dances (Repealed by 934) |
839 | Amends § 9.04.040, penalty (9.04) |
840 | Amends § 19.08.100, public restrooms (Repealed by 846) |
841 | Rates and charges for use of port of Ketchikan (13.08) |
842 | Emergency deletion and reenactment of Ch. 11.08, electric rates (Not codified) |
843 | Deletes and reenacts Ch. 11.08, electric rates (Repealed by 861) |
844 | Adds to § 5.08.070, auctioneers, peddlers, itinerant merchants (5.08) |
845 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.40, boat harbor fees (14.40) |
846 | Repeals § 19.08.100, public restrooms (Repealer) |
847 | Authorizes certain lease agreement (Special) |
848 | Adds Ch. 18.40, municipal fire alarm system (18.40) |
849 | Authorizes sale of certain property (Special) |
850 | (Failed) |
851 | Municipal utility revenue bonds (Special) |
852 | Adds § 13.04.070(13), consumer sales tax (Repealed by 870) |
853 | Adds § 3.16.035, part of §§ 3.16.050, 3.16.100, 3.16.110, 3.16.120, 3.16.130, 3.16.140, 3.16.150, 3.16.160, 3.16.170, 3.16.180, 3.16.190, 3.16.200, 3.16.210, 3.16.220 and 3.16.230; amends §§ 3.16.040 and 3.18.070; repeals and reenacts § 3.16.030, part of §§ 3.16.050, 3.16.060 and 3.16.070; repeals § 3.16.020, improvements (3.18) |
854 | Adds § 2.52.050, department of law (2.52) |
855 | Amends §§ 14.20.030 and 14.40.030; repeals and replaces §§ 14.08.190 and 14.20.010, boat harbor facilities (14.08, 14.20) |
856 | Amends § 19.16.020; repeals and replaces §§ 19.04.010, 19.08.010, 19.08.040, 19.12.010, 19.12.050, 19.16.010, 19.16.030, 19.24.010 and 19.28.010; repeals §§ 19.08.090, 19.12.060, 19.12.070, 19.12.080 and 19.12.090, building regulations (19.28) |
857 | Housing referendum (Special) |
858 | Adds § 3.40.070(14), sales tax (Repealed by 870) |
859 | Adds Ch. 18.44, ambulance (18.44) |
860 | Adds § 17.16.060(c); repeals and reenacts § 17.16.050, garbage (Not codified) |
861 | Repeals and reenacts Chs. 11.08, 11.12 and 11.16, utilities (Repealed by 911) |
862 | Adds § 14.40.060(e), boat harbor (14.40) |
863 | Amends § 10.40.030, traffic (Repealed by 874) |
864 | Lease agreement (Special) |
865 | Lease agreement (Special) |
866 | Bond issuance (Special) |
867 | Amends § 3.16.110, LID limitations (Not codified) |
868 | Repeals and reenacts § 14.40.030, open mooring facilities (14.40) |
869 | Bond issuance (Special) |
870 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 3.04, sales tax (3.04) |
871 | Adds Ch. 10.73, driving with invalid license (Repealed by 1760) |
872 | Adds sentence to § 10.24.140, limitations on backing (Repealed by 1760) |
873 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 11.08, electric rates; repeals § 6 of Ordinance 861 (Repealed by 889) |
874 | Repeals and replaces § 10.40.030, driving under the influence of liquor or drugs (Repealed by 1760) |
875 | Repeals § 10.24.100, motorcycle crash helmets (Repealer) |
876 | Repeals and reenacts §§ 3.04.020, 3.04.040 and 3.04.080; repeals §§ 3.04.090 and 3.04.110, sales tax (Failed) |
877 | Sales tax election proposition (Special) |
878 | Tax levy (Special) |
879 | Adds provisions on Rotary Beach Park (Not codified) |
880 | Repeals and reenacts § 10.40.010, reckless driving (Repealed by 1760) |
881 | Repeals and reenacts § 10.40.020, negligent driving (Repealed by 1760) |
882 | Repeals and reenacts § 10.40.030, driving under the influence (Repealed by 1760) |
883 | Bond issuance (Special) |
884 | Repeals and reenacts § 2.28.020, utility advisory board (Not codified) |
885 | Repeals and reenacts § 2.48.030, park and recreation board (Not codified) |
886 | Repeals and replaces § 3.12.040(c), purchases and sales (3.12) |
887 | Amends § 5.24.200(4), taxicabs (Not codified) |
888 | Repeals and reenacts § 3 of Ord. 845, allocation of boat harbor funds (Repealed by 953) |
889 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 11.08, electric rates (Repealed by 911) |
890 | Adds §§ 5.08.080, 10.60.050 – 10.60.120 and Ch. 13.09; repeals and replaces §§ 9.36.010, 9.36.020, 10.60.040 and 10.60.050, dock facilities (5.08, 9.36, 10.60, 13.09) |
891 | Adds Ch. 3.25; repeals Res. 936, local improvements (Failed) |
892 | Adds §§ 3.04.065, and 3.04.100(16); repeals and replaces §§ 3.04.080 and 3.04.010(7), sales tax (3.04) |
893 | Bond issuance (Special) |
894 | Repeals and reenacts § 3.04.100(b)(1); repeals § 3.04.130(c), hospital construction (3.04) |
895 | Election (Special) |
896 | Election (Special) |
897 | Repeals and reenacts § 10.24.130(b), traffic (Repealed by 1760) |
898 | Adds material to § 5.20.040, alcohol and intoxicating drugs (Repealed by 1782) |
899 | Repeals Ch. 2.36, § 9.52.040, and Title 19 (Failed) |
900 | Ferry terminal parking (Special) |
901 | Repeals and replaces § 10.60.040, off-street parking (10.60) |
902 | Creates LID No. 1-A (Special) |
903 | Adds §§ 3.16.095, 3.16.115, and 3.16.250 – 3.16.290; repeals and reenacts §§ 3.16.090 and 3.16.240(6), improvement assessments (Not codified) |
904 | Charter amendment proposition submission (Charter) |
905 | Repeals and replaces § 2.32.030, public utilities manager (2.32) |
906 | Amends § 5.20.050, alcoholic beverages (Repealed by 1782) |
907 | Adds § 3.04.100(16)(a) and (b); amends § 3.04.100(8), sales tax exemptions (3.04) |
908 | Adds § 10.40.030(f); repeals and reenacts §§ 10.40.030(a) and (b); repeals § 10.40.030(c), driving while intoxicated (Repealed by 1760) |
909 | Create LID No. 2, authorized funding provisions (Special) |
910 | Adds § 2.24.020(7); amends §§ 2.24.030(1) and 2.24.010; repeals § 2.24.030, public works department (2.24) |
911 | Repeals and reenacts Chs. 11.08, 11.12 and 11.16, utility rates (Repealed by 987) |
912 | Adds Ch. 3.21, tax exemptions (3.21) |
913 | Amends Ord. 902, LID No. 1-A (Special) |
914 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
915 | Lease approval (Special) |
916 | Adds Ch. 3.28, transient occupancy tax (3.28) |
917 | Adds Ch. 3.26, claims against the city (3.26) |
918 | Adds §§ 19.04.010(b)(5), 19.04.012, 19.04.090, 19.04.100 and 19.08.015, building and plumbing codes (Not codified) |
919 | Dennis Shull addition annexation (Failed) |
920 | Repeals and reenacts § 5.24.200(4), taxi rates (Not codified) |
921 | Renumbers added § 3.04.100(16) to be 3.04.100(17), sales tax (3.04) |
922 | (Failed) |
923 | Adds Ch. 11.06, utility line extensions (Repealed by 1065) |
924 | Adds § 9.28.080, offenses against public authority (9.28) |
925 | Adds § 3.21.010(2), tax exemptions (3.21) |
926 | Adds §§ 5.24.200(5) and (6); amends § 5.24.100, taxicabs (Not codified) |
927 | Amends § 7.16.050(a), garbage and refuse service rates (Not codified) |
928 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
929 | Amends § 9.56.080, vehicle washing (9.56) |
930 | Repeals and reenacts Title 12, sewers (12.01, 12.04, 12.08, 12.09, 12.10) |
931 | LID final assessment roll (Special) |
932 | Amends §§ 18.04.010, 19.06.060, 19.12.010, 19.16.010, 19.24.010 and 19.28.010; repeals and reenacts §§ 19.04.010 and 19.08.010; repeals §§ 19.04.030, 19.04.040, 19.04.050 and 19.16.030, building and fire codes (19.28) |
933 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(b), (c) and (e), 14.40.030, 14.40.040 and 14.40.050, mooring facilities reservation fee (14.40) |
934 | Repeals Chs. 5.12 and 5.16 and §§ 9.40.080 and 9.40.090 (Repealer) |
935 | Repeals §§ 9.40.100 and 9.40.110 (Repealer) |
936 | (Special) |
937 | (Special) |
938 | Adds §§ 13.08.230 and 14.04.050, extraterritorial application of regulations (13.08, 14.04) |
939 | (Special) |
940 | (Special) |
941 | (Special) |
942 | (Special) |
943 | (Special) |
944 | (Special) |
945 | Establishes schedule of fines for parking violations (10.88) |
946 | Amends § 10.72.010, vehicle licensing (Repealed by 1760) |
947 | Amends § 10.40.020(c), reckless driving (Repealed by 1760) |
948 | Amends §§ 7.16.050(a), (b) and (c), garbage (Not codified) |
949 | Amends § 13.08.150(a); repeals §§ 13.08.150(b) and (c), parking at port (13.08) |
950 | Adds § 10.88.090(a)(6), traffic (10.88) |
951 | Amends § 3.16.130(a), improvements and assessments (Not codified) |
952 | Amends § 10.40.030, traffic (Repealed by 1760) |
953 | Repeals Ord. 845 § 3 (Repealer) |
954 | Creates LID No. 3A (Special) |
955 | Adds §§ 9.68.230, 9.68.240 and 9.68.250, litter (9.68) |
956 | Amends § 3.12.040(c), purchases and sales (3.12) |
957 | Adds § 10.88.120; amends §§ 10.88.090 and 10.88.100, vehicles and traffic (10.88) |
958 | Creates LID No. 4A (Special) |
959 | Adds § 14.30.030, boat harbor (14.40) |
960 | Amends §§ 14.20.060 and 14.40.020, boat harbor (14.20, 14.40) |
961 | Amends § 5.24.200, taxicab fares (Not codified) |
962 | Amends Ord. 734, annexation (Special) |
963 | Purchase (Special) |
964 | Creates LID No. 5A (Special) |
965 | Hospital lease (Special) |
966 | Amends Ch. 9.12, drug abuse and paraphernalia (9.12) |
967 | LID No. 1-A assessment roll (Special) |
968 | Adds § 10.56.040(c), parking restrictions (10.56) |
969 | Assessment roll for LID No. 4A (Special) |
970 | Amends § 14.40.020(e), mooring (14.40) |
971 | Amends § 5.20.100, alcoholic beverage sales hours (Failed) |
972 | Amends § 11.06.060(c), utility extensions (Repealed by 1065) |
973 | Swan Lake project property transfer (Special) |
974 | Swan Lake project power purchase agreement (Special) |
975 | Amends § 14.40.040(a), boat harbor gridiron user fees (14.40) |
976 | Adds § 13.08.105, exceptions to dockage charges (13.08) |
977 | Assessment roll for LID No. 3A (Special) |
978 | Annexation (Special) |
979 | Creates LID No. 7A (Special) |
980 | Creates LID No. 7B (Special) |
981 | Assessment roll for LID No. 5A (Special) |
982 | Creates LID No. 6A (Special) |
983 | Adds Ch. 3.30, alcoholic beverage sales tax (Failed) |
984 | Adds §§ 3.04.011, 3.04.012 and 3.04.013; amends §§ 3.04.010(3) and (7), 3.04.080, 3.04.090, 3.04.160 and 3.28.150(e), sales tax (3.04, 3.28) |
985 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
986 | Adds § 3.04.100(18), sales tax (3.04) |
987 | Repeals and reenacts Chs. 11.08, 11.12, and 11.16, public utilities (Repealed by 1082) |
988 | Utility revenue bonds (Special) |
989 | LID No. 8A (Special) |
990 | LID No. 8B (Special) |
991 | LID No. 9A (Special) |
992 | LID No. 9B (Special) |
993 | Adds § 10.40.040; amends § 10.40.030, driving while intoxicated (Repealed by 1760) |
994 | Amends § 13.08.160, port use (13.08) |
995 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
996 | Amends § 7.16.050(a), (b) and (c), garbage and refuse disposal rates (Not codified) |
997 | Amends §§ 2.28.010 – 2.28.040, utility advisory board (Not codified) |
998 | LID No. 9A (Special) |
999 | Annexation (Special) |
1000 | Amends §§ 13.08.170 and 13.08.180, telephone and water for port department use (13.08) |
1001 | Annexation (Special) |
1002 | Annexation (Special) |
1003 | Annexation (Special) |
1004 | Annexation (Special) |
1005 | Adds §§ 2.08.015, 2.08.020, 2.08.025, 2.16.040, 2.16.050, 14.20.035 and Chs. 2.72 and 2.76; amends titles of Chs. 2.08, 2.48 and 13.04, and §§ 2.08.010, 2.16.010, 2.48.010, 2.48.020, 14.20.045(a) and (c), and 14.20.060, administration; repeals §§ 2.16.030, 2.24.020(3), 13.04.020, 13.04.030, 13.04.040, 14.08.100, 14.12.030 and Chs. 2.30 and 2.36 (2.08, 2.16, 2.24, 2.72, 2.76, 14.20) |
1006 | Amends § 10.60.040, parking lots (10.60) |
1007 | (Number not used) |
1008 | Sale of property (Special) |
1009 | Amends § 10.88.085(a), parking violations (10.88) |
1010 | Lease of property (Special) |
1011 | Adds Ch. 2.10, city clerk (2.10) |
1012 | Adds § 14.20.110(16); amends §§ 14.20.040(3), 14.20.090(5) and 14.30.020(1), boat harbor facilities; repeals §§ 14.20.040(4) and 14.40.040(b) (14.20, 14.30, 14.40) |
1013 | Assessment roll for LID No. 6a (Special) |
1014 | Issuance of general obligation bond (Special) |
1015 | LID No. 10A (Special) |
1016 | Amends the first paragraph of § 10.88.110, vehicle impoundment (10.88) |
1017 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulances (18.44) |
1018 | Repeals and reenacts Chs. 11.08 and 11.16, electric and water rates (11.16) |
1019 | Adds § 3.21.010(4), tax exemptions (3.21) |
1020 | Amends §§ 10.88.090(c) and 10.88.100, vehicle impoundment (10.88) |
1021 | Amends §§ 10.52.010, 10.52.040, 10.52.050(a), 10.52.060 and 10.56.010(14), stopping for loading or unloading (10.52, 10.56) |
1022 | Adds Ch. 18.39, smoke detector systems (18.39) |
1023 | Adds Ch. 18.38, automatic fire extinguishing systems (18.38) |
1024 | Noise restrictions for excavation and construction activities (19.05) |
1025 | Sale of property (Special) |
1026 | Adds Ch. 3.17, improvements and assessments (3.17) |
1027 | LID No. 9A (Special) |
1028 | Power sale agreement (Special) |
1029 | Amends §§ 14.40.020 and 14.40.030, boat harbor fees and charges (14.40) |
1030 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, mayor and council (2.04) |
1031 | Amends § 3.12.040(c), purchases and sales (3.12) |
1032 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, mayor and council (2.04) |
1033 | LID No. 9B (Special) |
1034 | LID No. 7B (Special) |
1035 | LID No. 7A (Special) |
1036 | LID No. 9A (Special) |
1037 | Amends § 11.16.010, water rates (11.16) |
1038 | Amends § 11.08.100, electric rates (Not codified) |
1039 | Amends §§ 18.16.010, 18.16.020 and 18.16.030, fire code (18.16) |
1040 | (Failed) |
1041 | Adds § 1.08.065, elections (Not codified) |
1042 | Amends § 3.12.070(B)(2)(a), purchases and sales (Repealed by 1103) |
1043 | Assessment roll confirmation (Special) |
1044 | Adds Ch. 5.32, ice cream vending permits; amends § 9.56.040, obstructing streets and sidewalks (9.56) |
1045 | Amends § 1.01.110, effect of repeal of ordinances (1.01) |
1046 | Adds § 13.09.030; amends § 13.09.020, port permits (13.09) |
1047 | (Tabled) |
1048 | Amends § 3.12.040(c), local bidder preference (3.12) |
1049 | Amends §§ 10.16.050 and 10.16.060, traffic control signals (Repealed by 1760) |
1050 | Amends § 3.28.030, transient occupancy tax (3.28) |
1051 | Adds § 11.12.065, telephone rates (Repealed by 1082) |
1052 | Adds § 5.24.010(9) and Ch. 5.26, vehicles for hire; amends § 5.24.010(8), taxicabs (Not codified) |
1053 | Repeals § 3.12.040(c)(5), purchases and sales (3.12) |
1054 | Amends §§ 11.04.025 and Ch. 11.08, electric utility (11.08) |
1055 | Amends § 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
1056 | Amends §§ 3.28.020(2), 3.28.040(3), and 3.28.080, transient occupancy tax (3.28) |
1057 | (Tabled) |
1058 | Adds § 2.72.030; renumbers § 14.12.020 to § 2.72.030, port and harbors department (2.72) |
1059 | Power sales agreement with Alaska Power Authority (Special) |
1060 | Repeals and reenacts § 2.40.030, library advisory board (2.40) |
1061 | Adds § 5.20.132, alcoholic beverages (5.20) |
1062 | Amends §§ 13.08.100 and 13.08.110, port use (13.08) |
1063 | Amends §§ 3.04.010(2) and (3) and 3.04.100(13), consumers sales tax (3.04) |
1064 | Amends § 7.16.050(a), garbage and refuse disposal (Not codified) |
1065 | Adds Ch. 11.02 and § 11.08.111; repeals and reenacts Chs. 11.04 and 11.06, public utilities (11.02, 11.04, 11.06) |
1066 | Final assessment roll (Special) |
1067 | (Failed) |
1068 | Amends § (8) of § 5.24.010; repeals Ch. 5.26, taxicabs (Not codified) |
1069 | Amends § (b) of § 3.04.080, delinquent tax (3.04) |
1070 | Amends § 10.60.040, off-street parking lots (10.60) |
1071 | Amends § 3.21.010, tax exemptions (3.21) |
1072 | (Tabled) |
1073 | Adds § 9.04.050; amends § 9.04.010(9), disorderly conduct (9.04) |
1074 | Adds Ch. 19.34, contractor registration and certificate of fitness (Not codified) |
1075 | Amends § 10.60.040, parking lots (10.60) |
1076 | Adds §§ 10.56.070 and 10.88.090(8), vehicles and traffic (10.56, 10.88) |
1077 | Adds § 10.56.045, stopping, standing and parking (10.56) |
1078 | Adds § 13.09.020, port rules (Not codified) |
1079 | Amends § 7.16.050(b), garbage rates (Not codified) |
1080 | Adds §§ 12.09.105, 12.09.120 and 12.09.125; amends §§ 12.04.010 – 12.04.040, 12.08.020, 12.08.160, 12.08.170(c), 12.08.215, 12.09.020, 12.09.040, 12.09.045, 12.09.075, 12.09.120, 12.09.125, 12.09.130 and 12.09.135, sewers (12.04, 12.08, 12.09) |
1081 | Adds Ch. 3.14, local employment preference program (3.14) |
1082 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 11.12, telephone service and rates (Repealed by 1112) |
1083 | (Tabled) |
1084 | Adds § 3.04.085; amends § 3.04.080(b), consumers sales tax (3.04) |
1085 | Amends §§ 12.09.045 and 12.09.060, sewer user charge system (12.09) |
1086 | Sale of certain surplus property (Special) |
1087 | Authorizes negotiation of loan agreement between Ketchikan and Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority (Special) |
1088 | Amends § 10.60.040, parking lot regulation (10.60) |
1089 | Adds Ch. 2.80, shipyard department, and Title 17, shipyard (2.80) |
1090 | Adds § 18.40.070; amends §§ 18.40.010, 18.40.020, 18.40.030, 18.40.040, 18.40.050 and 18.40.060(a), municipal fire alarm system (18.40) |
1091 | Adds § 3.04.100(19), consumer’s sales tax (3.04) |
1092 | Amends § 9.36.030(b), curfew (9.36) |
1093 | Adds §§ 19.04.020, 19.12.060 and 19.12.080; amends §§ 19.04.010, 19.12.010, 19.16.010, 19.24.010 and 19.28.010; repeals and reenacts § 19.04.060; repeals §§ 19.04.012, 19.04.080, 19.12.020(b) and 19.16.020, building codes (19.28) |
1094 | Assessment segregation for LID 8A (Special) |
1095 | Adds §§ 3.04.130(c) and (d); amends §§ 3.04.020 and 3.04.040(b), consumer’s sales tax (3.04) |
1096 | Adds § 3.04.110(e); amends §§ 3.04.010(2), 3.04.100(13) and (16) and 3.04.110(a); renumbers §§ 3.04.100(16) and (18), consumer’s sales tax; repeals § 3.04.100(17) (3.04) |
1097 | Adds § 18.04.020; amends §§ 18.04.010, 18.16.010(a) and 18.32.010; repeals § 18.08.040(B), fire codes and regulations (18.08, 18.16, 18.32) |
1098 | Amends recital Nos. (6) and (8) and Sections 2(a) and 2(b) of Ord. 1094, assessment segregation for LID 8A (Special) |
1099 | Adds § 2.76.030, museum advisory board (2.76) |
1100 | Adds § 2.04.050, agreement for joint administration (2.04) |
1101 | Amends § 2.04.010, time of city council meetings (2.04) |
1102 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, mayor and council salaries (2.04) |
1103 | Amends § 3.12.050; repeals and reenacts §§ 3.12.060 and 3.12.070, purchases and sales (3.12) |
1104 | Adds §§ 3.12.050(11) and (12); renumbers former § 3.12.050(11) to be 3.12.050(13), purchases and sales (3.12) |
1105 | Amends §§ 3.04.100(16)(B) and 3.04.110(a) and (e), sales tax exemptions (3.04) |
1106 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1107 | Amends § 18.38.020(b)(2), automatic sprinkler systems (18.38) |
1108 | Repeals Ch. 19.08 (Repealer) |
1109 | Development agreement (Special) |
1110 | Amends § 3.04.100(18), sales tax (3.04) |
1111 | Amends §§ 11.08.045(1) and (3) and 11.08.050(3), electrical rates (11.08) |
1112 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 11.12, telephone services and rates (Not codified) |
1113 | Easement termination (Special) |
1114 | Adds §§ 14.20.110(17), (18) and (19) and 14.20.150; amends §§ 2.72.010, 10.84.010, 14.04.040, 14.08.030, 14.08.070, 14.08.130, 14.08.160, 14.08.220, 14.08.230, 14.20.040, 14.20.050, 14.20.090, 14.20.110, 14.20.140, 14.30.010, 14.30.020, 14.40.010, 14.40.060, 14.50.010 and 14.50.020; repeals §§ 14.08.110, 14.20.035 and 14.40.020(e) and (f), harbormaster, harbors (2.72, 14.04, 14.08, 14.20, 14.30, 14.40, 14.50) |
1115 | Repeals and reenacts § 9.28.040, resisting arrest (9.28) |
1116 | Amends § 11.08.111, electrical rates (Not codified) |
1117 | Amends § 19.12.010; repeals and reenacts § 19.12.060, electrical code (Repealed by 1736) |
1118 | Adds §§ 10.04.155 and 10.04.175; amends §§ 10.88.060 and 10.88.090(a)(5); renumbers § 10.60.110; repeals §§ 10.60.060, 10.60.070, 10.60.080, 10.60.090, 10.60.100 and 10.60.120 and Ch. 10.64 (10.04, 10.60, 10.88) |
1119 | Donates land to Ketchikan Gateway Borough for secondary bypass (Special) |
1120 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 11.12, public utilities (Not codified) |
1121 | Mayor and council pay (Failed) |
1122 | Amends §§ 3.04.040(b) and 3.04.130(a), (b) and (c); repeals § 3.04.130(d), sales tax (3.04) |
1123 | Amends § 11.04.040, deposits, public utilities (11.04) |
1124 | Sales tax (Not codified) |
1125 | Adds § 10.88.120, fines (Repealed by 1760) |
1126 | Amends Ch. 11.08 (11.08) |
1127 | Sales tax (Failed) |
1128 | Sales tax – one percent for public safety (Not codified) |
1129 | Amends § 2.40.030, library board (2.40) |
1130 | Historic commission (Not codified) |
1131 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 11.12, telephone rates (11.12) |
1132 | Cemetery markers – upright (Failed) |
1133 | Deletes § 11.16.100, sprinkler (Not codified) |
1134 | Add § 1.01.170; amends Ch. 1.01, code revision (1.01) |
1135 | Southeast Alaska Visitors Information Center (SEAVIC) forest service lease (Special) |
1136 | Creates Ch. 2.88, historic commission (2.88) |
1137 | Amends 2.68, mental health department, board, reorganization, create committee, name change and reorganization to human services (Repealed by 1768) |
1138 | Amends Ch. 13.09, dock vendors (Not codified) |
1139 | Amends Ch. 3.04, sales tax exemption effective 10/01/1988 (3.04) |
1140 | Amends § 5.24.200, taxi rates (Not codified) |
1141 | Ketchikan shipyard lease (Not codified) |
1142 | Amends § 3.12.060, easements, released (3.12) |
1143 | Amends § 3.04.085(c), sales tax liens (3.04) |
1144 | Amends Title 11, effective 1/01/1989 (11.08) |
1145 | Amends § 10.60.040, off-street parking lots (10.60) |
1146 | Amends § 2.04.010, option to change regular meeting (2.04) |
1147 | Amends shipyard lease with Ketchikan Shipyard, Inc. (Special) |
1148 | Adds § 3.04.100(8)(C); amends § 3.04.100(8), display of sales tax certificate of exemption (3.04) |
1149 | Amends § 10.60.040, off-street parking lots (10.60) |
1150 | Amends Ord. 1144 effective date to 3/01/1989 (Special) |
1151 | Amends § 3.12.030, contracts, purchases $50,000 (3.12) |
1152 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, compensation of mayor and council, expense allowance (2.04) |
1153 | Exempt games of chance and skill from sales tax (Failed) |
1154 | Amends § 3.21.020, exempt from property taxation (3.21) |
1155 | Lease agreement with state for Thomas Basin and Bar Harbor tidelands (Special) |
1156 | Adds Ch. 2.90, ombudsman (2.90) |
1157 | Amends § 11.60.040, parking lots, 200 Stedman Street (10.60) |
1158 | Repeals Ch. 2.28, utilities advisory board (Vetoed by mayor) |
1159 | Amends § 3.08.030, checks (3.08) |
1160 | Adds Ch. 3.30, protective custody costs (3.30) |
1161 | Amends § 11.08.010, effective date 3/01/1989 (11.08) |
1162 | Totem Heritage advisory board (Failed) |
1163 | Amends § 3.04.100, sales tax exemptions, permit (3.04) |
1164 | Utilities advisory board (Not codified) |
1165 | KPU bond defeasance $2,000,000 (Special) |
1166 | Amends § 9.44.050, criminal trespass (9.44) |
1167 | Amends § 14.40.030(a), moorage, daily fee, electricity (14.40) |
1168 | Amends § 3.08.030, checks, settle claims (3.08) |
1169 | Amends § 2.04.010, time of council meetings (Failed) |
1170 | Amends §§ 11.08.010, 11.08.020, 11.08.030, 11.08.040 and 11.08.050, electric rates (11.08) |
1171 | Amends § 10.24.100, operator’s license required, and § 10.88.120, disposition of certain offenses without court appearances (Repealed by 1760) |
1172 | Amends § 3.12.040, competitive bidding (Failed) |
1173 | Amends §§ 13.08.020, 13.08.100 and 13.08.150, port (13.08) |
1174 | Repeals ombudsman (Failed) |
1175 | Ketchikan Public Utilities bond defeasance (Failed) |
1176 | Amends § 12.09.040, cost per ERU, sewers (12.09) |
1177 | Conflict of interest (Failed) |
1178 | Amends Ch. 18.40, municipal alarm system (18.40) |
1179 | Amends §§ 10.68.030 and 10.88.120; repeals § 10.68.040, defective equipment (Repealed by 1760) |
1180 | Annexes Dawson addition (Special) |
1181 | Amends § 3.04.080, penalty and interest delinquent taxes (3.04) |
1182 | Amends § 13.09.020, port sales permits (Not codified) |
1183 | Amends §§ 3.08.020 and 3.08.030, vouchers and checks (3.08) |
1184 | Adds §§ 3.12.041 and 3.12.042, bids appeals (3.12) |
1185 | Annexes Wayne Construction Inc. land (Special) |
1186 | Adds § 3.12.051, professional service contracts (3.12) |
1187 | Amends § 3.26.010, authority to settle claims against the city, amounts (3.26) |
1188 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 7.16, garbage and refuse (7.16) |
1189 | Amends § 11.16.060, water rates (11.16) |
1190 | Amends § 2.04.025, record of private meetings (2.04) |
1191 | Amends § 2.10.020, powers and duties of the city clerk (2.10) |
1192 | Sale of surplus property (Special) |
1193 | Adds § 13.09.025, permit for sale of vehicle tours and sport fishing excursions (Not codified) |
1194 | Adds Ch. 9.70, smoking prohibited in schools (Not codified) |
1195 | Amends § 14.60.040, off-street parking lots (10.60) |
1196 | Adds § 2.76.030; amends §§ 2.76.020 and 2.76.040, museum department (2.76) |
1197 | Amendment No. 2 to the shipyard lease (Special) |
1198 | Berth II LID, District 90-1 (Special) |
1199 | Sales tax, one percent on alcoholic beverages (Not codified) |
1200 | Amends §§ 11.06.010 and 11.06.020, utility line extensions (11.06) |
1201 | Transfers 334 Front Street to general government from KPU (Special) |
1202 | Amends § 5.24.200(4), taxicab rates (Not codified) |
1203 | Repeals Chs. 2.40, parks, and 2.48, parks and recreation department (Repealer) |
1204 | Amends §§ 13.08.100, 13.08.150 and 13.08.190, port of Ketchikan (13.08) |
1205 | Amends Title 14, harbor fees (Not codified) |
1206 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
1207 | Amends §§ 3.04.130(a) and 3.04.130(b)(2), sales tax, defray cost of general government operations (3.04) |
1208 | Amends §§ 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.030, 14.20.040, 14.20.050 and 14.20.060, harbor fees (14.20, 14.40) |
1209 | Amends § 3.12.060(c), sale or disposition of real property (3.12) |
1210 | Amends § 11.08.030, electric rates (11.08) |
1211 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1212 | Sales tax exemption $2,000 (Failed) |
1213 | Amends § 11.12.080, telephone rates (11.12) |
1214 | Amends § 2.68.050, gateway human services advisory board committees (Repealed by 1768) |
1215 | Surplus Lot 25, Block 17, USS 437 (Special) |
1216 | Amends § 3.04.130, community services fund (3.04) |
1217 | Agreement between Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association and Ketchikan public utilities (Special) |
1218 | Easement with William and Janet Spear (Special) |
1219 | Amends § 11.08.070, street or yard lighting (11.08) |
1220 | Initiative ordinance, no water fluoridation, § 11.04.240 (11.04) |
1221 | Adds § 9.60.100, penalties; repeals and reenacts § 9.60.060, abandoned vehicles; repeals § 10.56.050, parking more than 24 hours (9.60, 9.68) |
1222 | Amends § 10.60.040, off-street parking lots (10.60) |
1223 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(b) and (c) and 14.40.030, moorage fees (14.40) |
1224 | Amends Ch. 3.17, procedures for local improvement districts (3.17) |
1225 | Sale of spruce mill property (Special) |
1226 | Adds Ch. 2.05, code of ethics (2.05) |
1227 | Amends § 2.76.040, add Totem Heritage Center committee, collections committee, scholarship committee (2.76) |
1228 | Berth II LID bonds (Special) |
1229 | Utility bond sale, $9,600,000 (Special) |
1230 | Amends § 3.04.010, sales tax, travel and adventure services, operative date 5/01/1992 (3.04) |
1231 | Amends § 2.04.029, process to fill vacancies, mayor and council (2.04) |
1232 | Amends § 3.04.100, sales tax exemptions, ideal net pull tabs (3.04) |
1233 | Amends Ord. 1229, $9,600,000 utility bond sale (Special) |
1234 | Adds §§ 9.40.040, 9.40.050 and 9.40.060, minors, tobacco (9.40) |
1235 | Adds §§ 10.04.151, 10.20.090(3), 10.24.100, 10.24.105, 10.24.210, 10.40.025, 10.40.050, 10.68.040 and 10.88.120, traffic regulations (10.04, 10.24) |
1236 | Amends § 9.56.040, authorizing street and sidewalk sales (9.56) |
1237 | Amends § 13.08.125, additional port fees, cruise ships (13.08) |
1238 | Surplus property, Johannsen (Special) |
1239 | Amends § 1.08.010, polling place hours (Not codified) |
1240 | Amends Ch. 5.24, taxicab operations and licensing (Not codified) |
1241 | Amends § 3.12.040, identity, number of bidders not released (3.12) |
1242 | Competitive bidding (Not codified) |
1243 | Amends § 10.88.090, vehicle impound (10.88) |
1244 | Amends §§ 10.40.030, 10.52.040, 10.52.050 and 10.52.070, tour bus stops and stands, municipal transit bus stops, prohibit stop and stand tour buses (10.04, 10.52, 10.88) |
1245 | Amends § 10.88.090(10), removal and impound of vehicles (10.88) |
1246 | Amends § 2.68.050, human services advisory board (Failed) |
1247 | Amends §§ 14.08.240, 14.40.245, 14.20.045, 14.40.020, 14.40.030 and 14.40.035, boat harbor facility (14.08, 14.20, 14.40) |
1248 | (Number not used – refer to Ord. 1252) |
1249 | Amends § 13.09.020, permitted sales on port, term of permit (Not codified) |
1250 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telephone rates (11.12) |
1251 | Sale of Washington Park land (Special) |
1252 | Disaster management plan (Not codified) |
1253 | Amends § 19.04.010, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 1736) |
1254 | Adds Ch. 19.06, street work permit required (19.06) |
1255 | Amends §§ 3.12.040, local bidder preference, and 3.14.070, computation of bonus payment (3.12, 3.14) |
1256 | Adds Ch. 5.40, public vehicles; repeals Chs. 5.24, taxicabs, and 5.28, bus franchises (5.40) |
1257 | Repeals and reenacts § 7.16.060(f), disposal rates, fees and charges for solid waste (7.16) |
1258 | Refund bonds (Special) |
1259 | Operations and maintenance agreement for Swan Lake (Repealed by 1313) |
1260 | Adds § 10.88.085, overtime parking, fines, hearing; amends §§ 10.88.050, 10.88.055, 10.88.60, 10.88.070 and 10.88.080 (10.88) |
1261 | Amends § 5.20.100, hours of liquor sale (5.20) |
1262 | Amends §§ 14.40.030(a)(1) and (2), open moorage fee (14.40) |
1263 | Amends § 9.36.030(b), suspend curfew minors employed (9.36) |
1264 | Amends Chs. 9.12, 9.16, 19.24 and 19.28, electrical, housing, mechanical, abatement, dangerous buildings codes; repeals Ch. 19.34 (19.28) |
1265 | Transfer of park lands to borough (Special) |
1266 | Adds § 3.12.055, acquisition of property, leases, easements and permits (3.12) |
1267 | |
1268 | Conveys personal property to residential youth care program (Special) |
1269 | Citations, city employees to issue, enforce ordinances (1.02, 11.20, 12.10, 14.20, 18.45, 19.35) |
1270 | Minor consuming, emergency ordinance (9.40) |
1271 | Sale of Carlanna and Tongass property (Special) |
1272 | Amends § 5.04.020, second hand dealers and pawnbrokers (Repealed by 1774) |
1273 | Forfeiture of vehicle for driving while intoxicated, effective 7/01/1994 (Repealed by 1760) |
1274 | (Number not used) |
1275 | Amends Ch. 9.32, prohibit paint ball guns (9.32) |
1276 | Amends § 14.40.020(b), mooring facilities reservation fee (14.40) |
1277 | Adds Ch. 3.15, coordination of utility and public works projects (Not codified) |
1278 | Amends § 5.40.023, prohibit human-powered public vehicles except with waiver, effective 12/31/1993 (5.40) |
1279 | Amends § 11.12.080(a), telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1280 | Amends § 13.08.150(a), port parking fees (13.08) |
1281 | Creates §§ 5.20.065 and 5.20.085, live entertainment permits; repeals and reenacts §§ 5.20.060 and 5.20.070 (Failed) |
1282 | $9,000,000 utility bonds, Series S (Special) |
1283 | $6,500,000 port bonds (Special) |
1284 | Amends § 13.09.020, port sales permits (Not codified) |
1285 | Amends § 3.28.030, transient tax six percent until 3/31/1995 (3.28) |
1286 | Amends §§ 14.08.250, 14.20.110, 14.20.150, 14.40.020, 14.40.030 and 14.40.040, harbor rates and launch ramp fee (Failed) |
1287 | Amends § 3.08.030, vouchers (Failed) |
1288 | Sale of Washington Park lots (Special) |
1289 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer charge (12.09) |
1290 | Amends Chs. 11.08, 11.12, and 11.16, utility rates (11.08, 11.12, 11.16) |
1291 | Amends Ch. 3.12, exempt $50,000 competitive bidding (3.12) |
1292 | Amends §§ 14.08.020, 14.20.110, 14.20.150 and 14.40.040, boat launch ramp permit fee (Failed) |
1293 | Amends Title 11, public utilities (11.12) |
1294 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
1295 | Amends §§ 14.40.020 and 14.40.030, moorage fees (14.40) |
1296 | Amends § 3.12.040(c)(3), bidding (3.12) |
1297 | Issuance of Series S municipal utility bonds (Special) |
1298 | Annexation Ketchikan North (Special) |
1299 | Collective bargaining (2.06) |
1300 | Deer Mountain hatchery sale or lease to Ketchikan Indian Corporation (Special) |
1301 | Amends §§ 13.08.025 and 13.08.100, charter vessel loading zones, dockage charges, effective 5/01/1995 (13.08) |
1302 | Amends § 2.72.030, port and harbors advisory board (2.72) |
1303 | Amends § 3.04.010; repeals § 3.04.100(22) (Not codified) |
1304 | Amends § 3.04.010, sales tax (Failed) |
1305 | Amends §§ 19.12.010 and 19.12.060, 1993 Electrical Code (Repealed by 1736) |
1306 | Amends § 13.08.125, vessel additional fees (13.08) |
1307 | Sale of property (Special) |
1308 | Amends § 7.16.060, collection and disposal of solid waste areawide, fee (7.16) |
1309 | Repeals § 13.09.025, permits for sale of vehicle tours and sport fishing excursions (Repealer) |
1310 | Amends § 2.28.030, utility advisory board (Not codified) |
1311 | Amends § 3.28.030, transient tax, continue six percent (3.28) |
1312 | Amends § 7.16.060(F), solid waste disposal rates, fees, charges (7.16) |
1313 | Repeals Ord. 1259, operations and maintenance agreement Swan Lake – Four Dam Pool initial project (Repealer) |
1314 | Repeals § 3.04.065, compensatory collection discount, sales tax (Repealer) |
1315 | Sale of Darigold property (Special) |
1316 | Amends Ch. 18.40, municipal alarm system (18.40) |
1317 | Amends §§ 14.40.020, moorage facilities reservation fee, and 14.40.030, open moorage fees (14.40) |
1318 | Sales of tax foreclosed and surplus property (Special) |
1319 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(a) and 14.40.060, reserved moorage fees (14.40) |
1320 | Adds § 10.56.050, parking in excess of 24 hours prohibited (10.56) |
1321 | Sale of remaining Washington Park lots (Special) |
1322 | Adds § 10.56.015, permit parking on city streets (10.56) |
1323 | Amends § 13.09.020(c), sales permits less than three years (Not codified) |
1324 | Adds § 3.28.040(4), exemption from transient occupancy tax for federal agencies and state/political subdivisions (3.28) |
1325 | Amends § 14.20.070, harbormaster designate loading areas and determine time vessel may moor in loading area (14.20) |
1326 | Amends § 2.08.020, assistant city manager (2.08) |
1327 | Adds Ch. 2.100, naming of public facilities (2.100) |
1328 | Amends § 14.40.040, grid fees (14.40) |
1329 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer charge (12.09) |
1330 | Adds § 14.40.040(b) and (c), harbors solid waste fee; amends § 13.08.250, live aboard boats (14.08, 14.40) |
1331 | Amends § 1.08.020, election boards and judges (Not codified) |
1332 | Adds Ch. 2.89, Ted Ferry civic center advisory board (Not codified) |
1333 | Amends § 14.40.040(c), additional solid waste and water fees for live aboard boats, refund (14.40) |
1334 | (Number not used) |
1335 | Amends § 3.04.010, sales tax (3.04) |
1336 | Amends §§ 14.08.240, 14.08.255, 14.20.110, 14.20.150(1) and 14.40.040, boat launch ramp fee (14.08, 14.20, 14.40) |
1337 | Amends § 10.88.080, no overnight camping in public parking lots (10.88) |
1338 | Amends § 5.40.230(e)(1), taxicab rates (Failed) |
1339 | Amends Ch. 7.16, fees for disposal of solid waste (7.16) |
1340 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.02) |
1341 | Amends and renumbers § 11.16.020 to 11.16.030, water rates (11.16) |
1342 | Amends and renumbers § 12.09.040 to 12.09.045, wastewater fees (12.09) |
1343 | Front Street extension permit parking (Failed) |
1344 | Amends Title 13, leases to dock vendors (13.09) |
1345 | Amends §§ 7.16.020 and 7.16.050; repeals § 7.16.050(g), solid waste containers (Not codified) |
1346 | Amends § 12.09.060, recreational vehicle sewage dumping fees (12.09) |
1347 | (Number not used) |
1348 | Adds § 2.24.020(8); amends §§ 2.16.010 and 18.08.030; repeals § 2.16.040, building official (2.16, 2.24, 18.08) |
1349 | Amends Ord. 1318, sale of surplus property (Special) |
1350 | (Number not used) |
1351 | Exempts sale of telephone division from competitive bidding (Special) |
1352 | Authorizes sale of telephone division to PTI Communications after voter approval (Special) |
1353 | Establishes permanent utility rate stabilization endowment fund effective upon sale of telephone division (Special) |
1354 | Amends § 2.28.030, utilities advisory board, time of meeting (Not codified) |
1355 | Authorizes city manager to offer reduced dockage for certain vessels using port facilities (Special) |
1356 | Amends § 3.08.030(b), transfer between purchased power, heating and diesel fuel accounts at discretion of utilities manager, report in writing to council (3.08) |
1357 | Exempt purchase of aerial ladder truck from competitive bidding (Special) |
1358 | Operation and maintenance agreement with Alaska Energy Authority, Four Dam Pool Initial Project (Special) |
1359 | Amends §§ 14.20.045, 14.04.020, 14.40.020, 14.40.040 and 14.40.060, reserved moorage billing (14.20, 14.40, 14.50) |
1360 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer charges (12.09) |
1361 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1362 | Adds § 11.16.065; amends §§ 11.16.060 and 13.08.180, port water rates (11.16, 13.08) |
1363 | Amends § 13.08.100, charter vessel loading zone fees (13.08) |
1364 | Amends § 10.40.045, forfeiture of vehicles used in second driving while under the influence (Repealed by 1760) |
1365(A) | Amends § 10.56.015, permit parking on certain city streets (10.56) |
1366 | Amends Ch. 10.80, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades and other self-propelled conveyances (Not codified) |
1367 | Amends §§ 11.02.020 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1368 | Adds § 3.04.065, sales tax deposits (3.04) |
1369 | Amends Ch. 3.04, payment and refunding of sales taxes (3.04) |
1370 | Retains tax foreclosed property for public purposes (Special) |
1371 | Adds § 3.04.220, refund of sales taxes on construction of owner-occupied dwellings (3.04) |
1372 | Exempts exchange and sale of utility property to Ketchikan Indian Corporation (Special) |
1373 | Amends §§ 18.40.020, 18.40.030, 18.40.040, 18.40.050 and 18.40.060, municipal alarm systems and private alarm systems (18.40) |
1374 | Issuance of municipal utility revenue bonds of $13,700,000 (Special) |
1375 | Issuance of general obligation bonds of $11,700,000 (Special) |
1376 | Adds §§ 3.12.070(f), 11.12.060(c), (d), (e) and (f), and 11.12.070(a)(7), telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1377 | Amends § 11.04.150(k)(2), water (11.04) |
1378 | (Number not used) |
1379 | Amends § 3.12.040(c)(4), local bidder preference award (3.12) |
1380 | Amends § 11.12.080(c)(4), telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1381 | Amends § 14.40.040(d), boat launch ramp use fee (14.40) |
1382 | Amends § 1.02.130, private citizens as parking enforcement agents (1.02, 10.04) |
1383 | Amends §§ 11.02.020, 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1384 | (Number not used) |
1385 | Amends § 2.04.025 to comply with state of Alaska open meetings laws (2.04) |
1386 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer charges (12.09) |
1387 | Adds § 5.40.040; amends §§ 5.04.010 and 5.40.055, public vehicles (Failed) |
1388 | Authorizes conveyance of land to Cape Fox Corporation (Special) |
1389 | Amends § 5.40.010(12), public vehicle definition (Not codified) |
1390 | Adds § 10.56.065, parking of nonmotorized vehicles on narrow roadways (10.56) |
1391 | Exempts the purchase of hardware and software for telephone (Special) |
1392 | Amends § 5.40.230, taxicab fares (5.40) |
1393 | Amends § 10.08.020, crossing guards and traffic direction duties (10.08) |
1394 | Amends §§ 11.02.020, 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1395 | Amends § 10.40.030, driving while intoxicated (Repealed by 1760) |
1396 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
1397 | Authorizes agreement with Alaska Premium Beverage and Bottling, Inc., for diversion of water from Beaver Falls hydroelectric facility (Special) |
1398 | Amends § 11.08.040, payphone lighting fee (11.08) |
1399 | Adds § 11.04.050(d), budget billing program (Not codified) |
1400 | Amends § 10.56.045, construction, repair and public utility parking permits (Failed) |
1401 | Exempts property from competitive bidding (Special) |
1402 | Adds § 11.12.080(g); amends §§ 11.02.020 and 11.12.070, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1403 | Amends § 1.02.040, violations – penalty (1.02) |
1404 | Amends § 9.04.010, loud noise definition (9.04) |
1405 | Adds Ch. 5.09, unlawful use of loudspeakers, sound amplifiers and other devices to amplify sound (5.09) |
1406 | Adds § 13.08.010, promotional port dockage rates (13.08) |
1407 | Amends § 14.20.110(16), permits for commercial activities in harbors (Failed) |
1408 | Issuance of municipality utility bonds (Special) |
1409 | Amends § 13.08.180, port water usage fees (13.08) |
1410 | Amends § 9.32.060 [9.32.040], sale of firearms to minors (9.32) |
1411 | Amends Ch. 9.36, curfew for minors (9.36) |
1412 | Amends § 12.09.040, wastewater fee (12.09) |
1413 | Amends §§ 11.02.020, 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1414 | Amends § 13.08.125, port fees (13.08) |
1415 | Authorizes renewal of five-year solid waste transport and disposal contract (Special) |
1416 | Amends Ch. 7.16, solid waste collection, in its entirety (Not codified) |
1417 | Adds Ch. 1.05, records management program (1.05) |
1418 | Amends §§ 11.02.020, 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1419 | Amends § 3.12.051(b)(3), selection committee meetings (Failed) |
1420 | Amends §§ 14.40.030, 14.40.040 and 14.40.060, open moorage fees (14.40) |
1421 | Creates Bar Harbor LID No. 99-1 (Special) |
1422 | Annexation of Lybrand property (Special) |
1423 | Amends § 3.21.020, property tax exemption for low income housing (3.21) |
1424 | Authorizes land lease for juvenile detention facility (Special) |
1425 | Adds § 3.04.035, temporary suspension of sales tax collection (3.04) |
1426 | Exempts hardware and software purchases for Internet from competitive bid process (Special) |
1427 | Authorizes additional lease of land for juvenile detention facility (Special) |
1428 | Amends § 3.08.180, power water rates (13.08) |
1429 | Authorizes staff to negotiate power sales agreement with Ketchikan Electric Company (Failed) |
1430 | Amends § 3.04.220, residence construction tax refund (3.04) |
1431 | Adds § 5.20.131, premises to be inspected; amends §§ 5.20.132(a)(7) and (8), premises fire inspection (5.20) |
1432 | Amends § 18.04.010, 1997 Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 1737) |
1433 | Amends § 3.04.010(7), single-unit sale (3.04) |
1434 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 9.12, drug abuse and paraphernalia (9.12) |
1435 | Adds § 19.14.010; amends §§ 19.04.010, uniform building code, 19.04.020, seismic zone – snow and wind loads – frost depth, 19.04.100, demolition permit fee, 19.12.010, National Electrical Code, 19.12.050, cost of permits, 19.24.010, Uniform Mechanical Code, 19.28.010, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 19.35.010, building regulations fine schedule; repeals § 19.12.060 and Ch. 19.16 (19.28, 19.35) |
1436 | Amends § 19.09.010(a), designated – penalty for violation, jumping and diving from city dock facilities (Failed) |
1437 | Amends § 9.44.050, criminal trespass – mental state – penalty (Failed) |
1438 | Amends § 11.08.030(a)(6)(C), harbor electric service (Not codified) |
1439 | Amends §§ 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1440 | Authorizes joint action agency agreement (Special) |
1441 | Repeals § 11.04.050(d), KPU budget billing (Repealer) |
1442 | Amends § 13.08.150, port parking charges (13.08) |
1443 | Amends § 13.20.010, property tax collection interest rates (3.20) |
1444 | Exempts telepsychiatry pilot project from competitive bidding (Special) |
1445 | (Number not used) |
1446 | Exempts telecommunications wireless local transmission project at Clam Cove from competitive bidding (Special) |
1447 | Amends §§ 11.02.020, 11.12.060, 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1448 | Amends § 10.40.030, driving while intoxicated (Repealed by 1760) |
1449 | Adds § 10.24.220, illegal use of mobile telephones (Failed) |
1450 | (Number not used) |
1451 | Exempts 2002 Totem Heritage Center museum store lease from competitive bidding (Special) |
1452 | Amends §§ 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1453 | Approves divestiture of the Four Dam Pool project (Special) |
1454 | Amends §§ 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1455 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
1456 | Amends § 12.09.040, wastewater fees (12.09) |
1457 | Amends §§ 11.12.070 and 11.14.080, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1458 | Issuance of municipal utility revenue refunding bonds of $6,500,000 (Special) |
1459 | Amends § 11.12.070 [10.12.070], persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles (5.40) |
1460 | Exempts right-of-way clearing for Swan Lake-Tyee Intertie from competitive bidding (Special) |
1461 | Adds § 2.04.045, residency requirement for elective city officials (2.04) |
1462 | Amends § 14.40.030(a)(4), harbor electrical service (14.40) |
1463 | Amends §§ 14.20.1109 and 14.20.150, harbor prohibited activities (Not codified) |
1464 | Amends §§ 5.40.010(18) and 5.40.055(a), limiting the number of animal-powered public vehicles (Failed) |
1465 | Amends § 13.08.150, motor vehicle parking charges (Failed) |
1466 | Amends §§ 11.12.060, 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1467 | Amends § 10.56.070, parking in spaces reserved for handicapped (10.56, 10.88) |
1468 | Adds § 10.28.070, racing (Repealed by 1760) |
1469 | Amends §§ 10.44.030 and 10.44.040, driving while intoxicated (Repealed by 1760) |
1470 | Adds §§ 14.40.050(c) and (d), harbormaster service fees and harbor department service fees (14.40) |
1471 | Amends §§ 11.04.140 and 11.12.080, rules regarding telephone service, and telephone service and rates (11.04, 11.12) |
1472 | Agreement for sale of bulk water between KPU and Ketchikan Gateway Borough (Special) |
1473 | 2003 Totem Heritage Center museum store lease with Cape Fox Heritage Foundation (Special) |
1474 | Repeals Chs. 2.28, utility advisory board, and 2.89, Ted Ferry civic center advisory board (2.32) |
1475 | Amends § 11.60.040, off-street parking lots established (10.60) |
1476 | Amends §§ 11.02.020, 11.02.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1477 | Amends § 11.12.070 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1478 | Amends § 11.16.050, metered service rates for water haulers (11.16) |
1479 | Adds § 13.09.025(e), lease of dock vending locations (Failed) |
1480 | Adds § 19.04.011, registration of vacant buildings (Failed) |
1481 | Adds § 19.04.015, prohibiting the boarding of windows and doors (Failed) |
1482 | Conveyance of Rotary Beach property to Ketchikan Gateway Borough (Special) |
1483 | Adds Ch. 3.10, passenger ship fees; amends §§ 13.08.100 and 13.08.180, increase dockage charges and water charges for passenger ships (13.08, 13.10) |
1484 | (Number not used) |
1485 | Transfers assets of Swan Lake-Lake Tyee intertie (Special) |
1486 | Adds Ch. 11.14, enhanced 911 telephone service (11.14) |
1487 | Amends Ch. 11.12, remove bronze dial-up Internet service (Failed) |
1488 | Exempts purchase of enhanced 911 system from competitive bidding (Special) |
1489 | Amends §§ 11.08.020, 11.08.030, 11.08.040, 11.08.050, 11.08.060 and 11.08.070, electrical rates (11.08) |
1490 | Amends §§ 11.16.020, 11.16.030, 11.16.050, 11.16.060, 11.16.070, 11.16.080, 11.16.090 and 11.16.110, water rates (11.16) |
1491 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 3.16, tideland leases (3.16) |
1492 | Amends §§ 2.12.010 and 2.16.010, position of public safety director (2.12, 2.16) |
1493 | Amends § 3.28.030, tax imposed (3.28) |
1494 | Adds § 10.24.190, proof of insurance to be carried; amends § 10.88.012, schedule of fines (Repealed by 1760) |
1495 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1496 | Adds Ch. 7.30, smoke-free workplaces and indoor public spaces (Failed) |
1497 | Exempts sale of surplus land at Carlanna Lake Road and Tongass Avenue (Special) |
1498 | Amends § 13.09.025, lease of dock vending locations (13.09) |
1499 | Amends § 10.88.120, schedule of fines (Repealed by 1760) |
1500 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1501 | Amends certain agreements for Four Dam Pool joint action agency (Special) |
1502 | Adds § 13.09.015, criminal trespass to city docks and port facilities (13.09) |
1503 | (Number not used) |
1504 | Amends § 10.08.020, traffic direction authorization (10.08) |
1505 | Amends § 10.04.030, driving under the influence (Repealed by 1760) |
1506 | |
1507 | Surplus water division material (Special) |
1508 | Exempts purchase of telecommunications equipment (Special) |
1509 | Exempts purchase of telecommunications equipment (Special) |
1510 | Amends §§ 13.08.150, 13.09.101, 13.08.120 and 13.09.015, sale of duty-free goods (13.08, 13.09) |
1511 | Amends Ch. 14.40, moorage and harbor fees (14.40) |
1512 | Amends § 10.40.010, reckless driving (Repealed by 1760) |
1513 | Surplus Skyline condominium unit (Repealed by 1531) |
1514 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1515 | Adds § 5.40.021, use of Third Avenue and Schoenbar Road restricted (5.40) |
1516 | Authorizes city to borrow from Alaska Clean Water Fund, wastewater improvements (Special) |
1517 | Amends § 13.10.030, passenger wharfage fees (13.10) |
1518 | (Number not used) |
1519 | Amends § 3.12.010, contractual services defined (Failed) |
1520 | Amends § 2.04.010, time of regular meetings of the council (Failed) |
1521 | Amends § 11.12.060, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1522 | Amends § 5.40.021, use of Third Avenue and Schoenbar Road restricted (Failed) |
1523 | Authorizes a concession agreement with Alaska Duty Free, Inc. (Special) |
1524 | Surplus of 225 Austin Street (Special) |
1525 | Adds § 11.06.060, recapture fees for privately constructed water main extensions (11.06) |
1526 | (Number not used) |
1527 | Adds § 3.21.030, property tax exemption for Ketchikan Shipyard (3.21) |
1528 | Amends § 9.04.030, penalty (9.04) |
1529 | Amends § 9.44.050, criminal trespass – mental state – penalty (9.44) |
1530 | Amends § 1.02.040, violations – penalty (1.02) |
1531 | Repeals Ord. 1513 and declares as surplus Skyline condominium unit (Repealer) |
1532 | Add § 11.12.090, digital video service; amends Chs. 2.32, 11.02, 11.04, 11.06 and 11.12, public utilities, and telephone service and rates (2.32, 11.04, 11.06, 11.12) |
1533 | Thirty-year memorandum of agreement exempting property tax and approves 30-year power sales agreement for Ketchikan shipyard (Special) |
1534 | Adds new sections to Ch. 9.12 regarding sale of methamphetamine precursor drugs (9.12) |
1535 | Amends § 5.40.230 taxicab fares (5.40) |
1536 | Amends §§ 11.02.020 and 11.12.080, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1537 | Amends § 9.12.103, registration of purchases (9.12) |
1538 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1539 | Amends § 12.09.045, sewer rate for two and one-half-inch lines (12.09) |
1540 | Amends Ch. 11.08, electric rates (11.08) |
1541 | (Number not used) |
1542 | Amends Ch. 14.40, harbor fees (14.40) |
1543 | Amends §§ 11.14.030, enhanced 911 surcharge (11.14) |
1544 | Exempts lease of Berth IV tidelands from competitive bidding (Special) |
1545 | Exempts management of Berth IV from competitive bidding (Special) |
1546 | Exempts Survey Point Holdings agreements (Special) |
1547 | Exempts Berth IV expansion from competitive bidding, conveys land to Survey Point Holdings (Special) |
1548 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, compensation of mayor and council (2.04) |
1549 | Issuance of port revenue bonds $38,500,000 (Special) |
1550 | Amends §§ 2.72.010, 2.72.020, 14.40.035 and 14.40.040, launch ramp fees and docking charges (2.72, 14.40) |
1551 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.12) |
1552 | Adds § 3.16.050, leases assigned by state of Alaska; amends § 3.16.010, scope (3.16) |
1553 | Adds §§ 10.04.145 and 10.24.120, operation of low-speed vehicles (10.04, 10.24) |
1554 | Repeals § 11.12.060(h), discounted telephone rates for schools and libraries (11.12) |
1555 | Amends § 13.10.030, passenger wharfage fees (13.10) |
1556 | Authorizes borrowing $2,100,000 from the Alaska Drinking Water Fund (Special) |
1557 | Interconnecting agreement with GCI and related exemptions (11.12) |
1558 | Amends § 10.88.080(a)(4), parking violations (10.88) |
1559 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1560 | Amends Ch. 12.09, sewer rates (12.09) |
1561 | Amends Chs. 14.20 and 14.40, reserved moorage (14.20, 14.40) |
1562 | Amends Ch. 3.04, consumers sales tax (3.04) |
1563 | Amends Chs. 11.02 and 11.12, utility definitions and telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1564 | Surplus Voss household items and exempts from competitive bidding (Special) |
1565 | Amends Chs. 11.16 and 13.08, water and port water rates (11.16, 13.08) |
1566 | Amends Chs. 14.20 and 14.40, increasing moorage, harbor fines and fees (14.20, 14.40) |
1567 | (Number not used) |
1568 | Amends Ch. 11.04, service upgrades of KPU facilities (11.04) |
1569 | Clarifies and amends § 3.04.220, residence construction tax refund (3.04) |
1570 | Amends Chs. 11.02 and 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1571 | Amends Chs. 11.02 and 11.12, telephone service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1572 | Amends Chs. 14.20, 14.30 and 14.40, moorage and harbor fees (14.20, 14.30, 14.40) |
1573 | Amends Ch. 11.06, extension of telecommunications wiring to subdivisions (11.06) |
1574 | Amends §§ 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, compensation of mayor and council (2.04) |
1575 | Authorizes junior lien $6,500,000 from Alaska Drinking Water Fund (Special) |
1576 | Amends Chs. 11.02 and 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1577 | Adds § 11.08.020(f), telecommunications residential service (11.08) |
1578 | Bans cell phone use while driving (Failed) |
1579 | Adds § 11.06.025, electric utility line extensions to residential subdivisions (Repealed by 1858) |
1580 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1581 | Amends § 13.10.030, passenger wharfage fees (Not codified) |
1582 | Amends Ch. 18.44, ambulance fees (18.44) |
1583 | Amends Title 18, Fire Prevention (18.08, 18.12, 18.16, 18.20, 18.24, 18.32, 18.36, 18.38, 18.39, 18.45) |
1584 | (Number not used) |
1585 | (Number not used) |
1586 | Surplus Voss property and authorizes sale (Special) |
1587 | Adds § 3.04.037, temporary exemption from tax on residential heating oil (3.04) |
1588 | Amends Ch. 14.40, harbor reserved moorage and solid waste fees (14.40) |
1589 | (Number not used) |
1590 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (Failed) |
1591 | Amends Ch. 11.08, electric rates (11.08) |
1592 | Amends § 9.68.100, garbage collection and disposal liability (9.68) |
1593 | Adds § 9.68.125, storage of garbage and other waste (9.68) |
1594 | Repeals and reenacts § 9.68.120, recovery of costs for litter removal (9.68) |
1595 | (Number not used) |
1596 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1597 | Adds § 13.08.045, assignment of cruise ship berths (13.08) |
1598 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1599 | Amends §§ 3.04.080, 3.20.010 and 3.28.080, penalties and interest for sales, property and transient taxes (3.04, 3.20, 3.28) |
1600 | Amends §§ 3.08.020 and 3.08.030, voucher register (3.08) |
1601 | Surplus 632 Park Avenue, old water warehouse (Special) |
1602 | Issuance of clean renewable energy bond $1,200,000 (Special) |
1603 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1604 | Amends Charter to provide exemption from AS 39.50, financial disclosure (Not codified) |
1605 | Amends § 2.05.025(c), financial disclosure by manager and elected officials (Not codified) |
1606 | Adds § 2.05.025, financial disclosure by manager and elected officials (2.05) |
1607 | Amends § 2.04.010, time of regular meetings of the council (2.04) |
1608 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1609 | Amends § 9.32.040, shooting air guns (9.32) |
1610 | Amends § 3.12.070(b), sale or other disposition of personal property (3.12) |
1611 | |
1612 | Adds § 7.16.020(a)(33), thrift store (7.16) |
1613 | Adds § 2.04.023, teleconferencing (2.04) |
1614 | Approves asset transfer agreement, power sales agreement, withdrawal of two members of the Four Dam Pool Power Agency (Special) |
1615 | Amends Chs. 11.02 and 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.02, 11.12, 11.16) |
1616 | Adds § 10.24.230; amends § 10.24.220, low-speed vehicle permits (10.24) |
1617 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1618 | Issues bonds for bridge and trestle repair $8,000,000 (Repealed by 1624) |
1619 | Authorizes renewal of solid waste transport and disposal contract with Regional Disposal Company (Not codified) |
1620 | Amends § 11.16.070(b), water rates for canneries and allied industries (Not codified) |
1621 | Amends Ch. 3.04, sales tax (Failed) |
1622 | Adds §§ 10.24.190(b) and 10.88.120, proof of insurance, and fines (Repealed by 1760) |
1623 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1624 | Repeals Ord. 1618, bridge and trestle repair bonds (Repealer) |
1625 | Amends §§ 2.52.010 and 2.52.050, department of law (2.52) |
1626 | Exempts lease of KAR house from competitive bidding (Special) |
1627 | Amends § 11.04.046, deposits (Not codified) |
1628 | Adds § 2.04.023(i), teleconferencing (2.04) |
1629 | Exempts purchase of enterprise resource software and services (Special) |
1630 | Adds § 18.44.020(e), charges (18.44) |
1631 | Adds § 10.24.230(e), low-speed vehicle permits (10.24) |
1632 | Adds § 3.12.043; amends §§ 3.12.035, 3.12.040 and 3.12.042, purchasing and appeals (3.12) |
1633 | Amends § 11.12.090(a)(2), direct connect Internet access service (Not codified) |
1634 | Amends § 5.20.060, permitted activities; repeals § 5.20.070, investigation of permit applicant (Repealed by 1782) |
1635 | Amends §§ 10.40.030 and 10.40.040, driving while under the influence (Repealed by 1760) |
1636 | Authorizes sale of telecommunications division (Special) |
1637 | Amends §§ 10.24.220 and 10.24.230, low-speed vehicles (10.24) |
1638 | Adds Ch. 19.16, International Energy Conservation Code; amends Chs. 19.12, cost of permits, 19.14, plumbing code, and 19.20, size and style of numbers; repeals and reenacts Chs. 19.04, building code, 19.16, housing code, and 19.24, mechanical code (19.20, 19.35) |
1639 | (Number not used) |
1640 | Amends Ord. 1516 to borrow $3,900,000 from the Alaska Clean Water Fund (Special) |
1641 | Amends Ord. 1556 to borrow $2,900,000 from the Alaska Drinking Water Fund (Special) |
1642 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1643 | Amends Ch. 11.08, electric rates (Failed) |
1644 | Amends § 3.04.010, single unit sales tax cap (Failed) |
1645 | Amends § 11.12.090, IP network service rates – Wi-Fi (11.12) |
1646 | Adds Ch. 3.06, excise tax on tobacco products (Not codified) |
1647 | Amends Ch. 1.08, elections (Not codified) |
1648 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1649 | Exempts sale of Gateway Center for Human Services surplus equipment from competitive bidding (Special) |
1650 | Exempts sale of telecommunications equipment from competitive bidding (Special) |
1651 | Amends § 3.04.010, single unit sales tax cap (Failed) |
1652 | Adds § 2.04.027, public participation; amends § 2.04.026(a), agenda (Failed) |
1653 | (Number not used) |
1654 | Amends § 11.16.050(b), bulk water sales (11.16) |
1655 | Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds of $7,200,000, fire station (Special) |
1656 | Submits bonds to voters of $7,200,000 for new fire station (Special) |
1657 | Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds of $5,200,000, library (Special) |
1658 | Amends Ch. 10.88, penalties related to parking (Not codified) |
1659 | Amends Ch. 11.13, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1660 | Amends § 10.04.030, bus (10.04) |
1661 | Amends §§ 19.05.030(d) and 19.05.040, construction and excavation – nighttime restrictions, and special variances (11.16, 19.05) |
1662 | Amends § 3.04.110, sales tax exemption for the elderly (3.04) |
1663 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1664 | Amends Ord. 1640, additional borrowing and modification to existing loans with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation loan programs (Special) |
1665 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1666 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer rates (12.09) |
1667 | Approves memorandum of agreement with state of Alaska regarding rehabilitation/replacement of off-system city bridges (Special) |
1668 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1669 | Amends § 13.10.030(d), imposition of passenger wharfage fees (13.10) |
1670 | Amends Ord. 1641, modify loan under Alaska Drinking Water Fund loan program (Special) |
1671 | Surplus fire department equipment and exempts from competitive bidding (Special) |
1672 | Issuance of general obligation bonds for improvement to harbor facilities (Failed) |
1673 | Amends § 10.88.040, penalty for violation (10.88) |
1674 | Exempts tidelands lease to University of Alaska for dock project (Special) |
1675 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1676 | Amends § 19.04.010(b)(7) and (8), International Building Code adopted (Not codified) |
1677 | Amends § 5.40.024, animal-drawn public vehicles (5.40) |
1678 | Approves lease between KPU and Alascom (Special) |
1679 | Amends § 3.04.100(aa), sales by nonprofits (3.04) |
1680 | (Number not used) |
1681 | Authorizes junior lien for sewer at Alaska Avenue of $1,700,000 (Special) |
1682 | Adds new provisions and amends Titles 13, port of Ketchikan, and 14, boat harbor facilities (13.08, 13.09, 13.10, 14.08, 14.20, 14.30, 14.40, 14.50) |
1683 | Repeals § 13.09.010(a)(2), designated – penalty for violation (3.21, 13.09) |
1684 | Amends § 13.10.030, imposition of passenger wharfage fees (Failed) |
1685 | Approves cooperative agreement between city of Ketchikan, Ketchikan Gateway Borough and Ketchikan Indian Corporation for payment in lieu of taxes (Special) |
1686 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1687 | Declares telecommunications equipment surplus and exempt from competitive bidding (Special) |
1688 | Amends § 13.10.030(d), imposition of passenger wharfage fees (13.10) |
1689 | (Number not used) |
1690 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (Failed) |
1691 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer rates (12.09) |
1692 | Authorizes food vendor leases (Special) |
1693 | Authorizes dock vendor leases (Special) |
1694 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1695 | Approves grant agreement with Alaska Energy Authority for Whitman Lake Hydroelectric Project (Special) |
1696 | Repeals §§ 9.32.010 and 9.32.020, carrying concealed weapons and loaded firearms (Repealer) |
1697 | Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds for harbor facilities, $5,000,000 (Special) |
1698 | Adds § 3.21.010(e), exemptions (Not codified) |
1699 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.02, 11.12) |
1700 | Approves lease extension of property to PeaceHealth (Special) |
1701 | Amends § 10.88.120, disposition of certain offenses (Repealed by 1760) |
1702 | Declares surplus city property and authorizes sale (Special) |
1703 | Amends § 13.08.180, port water rates (13.08) |
1704 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1705 | Amends §§ 5.04.060 and 5.04.080, public vehicle operations (5.40) |
1706 | Repeals and reenacts § 2.40.040, library rules (2.40) |
1707 | Amends § 5.40.090, public vehicle insurance requirements (Not codified) |
1708 | Amends § 3.12.050, purchasing (Failed) |
1709 | Amends § 3.21.010, exempting boats and vessels from taxation (Not codified) |
1710 | Exempts telecommunications equipment from competitive bidding (Special) |
1711 | Exempts telecommunications equipment from competitive bidding (Special) |
1712 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1713 | Amends Ch. 11.16, water rates (11.16) |
1714 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer rates (12.09) |
1715 | Amends Ch. 14.40, harbor rates and fees (Not codified) |
1716 | Approves lease agreement with Ketchikan Visitors Bureau, Berths II and III (Special) |
1717 | Amends Ch. 3.04, sales tax (Failed) |
1718 | Declares wireless license exempt, exempts sale from competitive bidding (Special) |
1719 | Exempts IRU capacity from competitive bidding, authorizes agreement (Special) |
1720 | Amends § 14.30.010(f), nuisances declared (Not codified) |
1721 | Authorizes issuance of municipal utility revenue bonds of $15,000,000 for Whitman Lake Project (Special) |
1722 | Amends § 19.28.010, abatement of dangerous buildings (19.28) |
1723 | Exempts cemetery maintenance and operations services from competitive bidding (Special) |
1724 | Amends § 3.04.100(g), sales tax exemptions for healthcare and funeral services (3.04) |
1725 | Amends Ch. 11.12, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1726 | Authorizes issuance of $43,000,000 general obligation bonds for hospital improvements, submits to voters (Special) |
1727 | Authorizes extension of lease to Akeela, Inc., for three years (Special) |
1728 | Authorizes dock vendor lease to next highest bidder (Special) |
1729 | Amends § 13.09.025(c)(1), lease of dock vending locations (13.09) |
1730 | Approves master services agreement between KPU and Citywest Cable and Telephone Corp. (Special) |
1731 | Amends § 3.21.010(e), exemptions for business personal property tax (Not codified) |
1732 | Amends § 13.10.030(d), passenger wharfage fees (13.10) |
1733 | Amends §§ 11.12.080(a) and (b), 11.12.090(b) and 11.12.100(h), telecommunications (11.12) |
1734 | (Number not used) |
1735 | Sublease agreement (Special) |
1736 | Amends § 19.14.010; repeals and replaces Chs. 19.04, 19.12, 19.16, 19.24 and 19.26, building regulations (19.04, 19.12, 19.16, 19.24, 19.26) |
1737 | Amends §§ 18.08.010, 18.08.030, 18.08.040, 18.12.010(a), 18.12.020, 18.16.010, 18.24.010(a), 18.32.010, 18.36.010, 18.38.020 and 18.38.040; repeals and replaces Ch. 18.04, fire prevention (18.04, 18.08, 18.12, 18.16, 18.24, 18.32, 18.36, 18.38) |
1738 | Adds § 3.12.053, purchases and sales (3.12) |
1739 | Adds § 3.12.043(i), purchases and sales (3.12) |
1740 | Communications site power agreement (Special) |
1741 | Sublease agreement (Special) |
1742 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer rates (12.09) |
1743 | (Refer to 1748) |
1744 | Amends § 3.04.100(q), consumer’s sales tax (Failed) |
1745 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b), 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1746 | Adds § 11.04.240 [11.04.250], water waste (11.04) |
1747 | Adds § 11.12.070(p); amends §§ 11.12.070(a)(8), 11.12.080(e), 11.12.090(b), 11.12.100(d)(4) and 11.12.100(g)(1) and (h)(2); repeals § 11.12.070(a)(9), telecommunications (11.12) |
1748 | Amends §§ 3.04.020, 3.04.040(b) and 3.04.130, consumer’s sales tax (3.04) |
1749 | Sublease agreement (Special) |
1750 | Amends §§ 2.76.040(b) and (c); repeals § 2.76.040(j)(3), museum department (2.76) |
1751 | Equipment space license and power agreement (Special) |
1752 | Equipment space license and power agreement (Special) |
1753 | Equipment space license and power agreement (Special) |
1754 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1755 | Adds § 14.20.085, 14.20.110(u) and 14.20.150(u), harbor use (14.20) |
1756 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(d), (e) and (h), 14.40.030, 14.40.040 and 14.40.050, harbor fees and charges (14.40) |
1757 | Adds §§ 11.12.070(q) and 11.12.090(f) and (g); amends §§ 11.12.070(p), telecommunications (11.12) |
1758 | Amends and renumbers §§ 1.02.050, 1.02.070, 1.02.090, 1.02.100 and 1.02.120 to be 1.02.040, 1.02.060, 1.02.080, 1.02.090 and 1.02.110; renumbers §§ 1.02.040, 1.02.060, 1.02.080, 1.02.110 and 1.02.130 to be 1.02.030, 1.02.050, 1.02.070, 1.02.100 and 1.02.120; repeals § 1.02.030, violations (1.02) |
1759 | Exempts purchase of equipment (Special) |
1760 | Amends § 10.80.050; amends and renumbers § 10.24.230 to be 10.24.020; renumbers §§ 10.16.120, 10.16.130 and 10.24.220 to be 10.16.030, 10.16.040 and 10.24.010; repeals and replaces §§ 10.12.040, 10.12.050, 10.24.030 and Ch. 10.40; repeals §§ 10.12.060, 10.12.070, 10.12.080, 10.16.030, 10.16.040, 10.16.050, 10.16.060, 10.16.070, 10.16.080, 10.16.090, 10.16.100, 10.16.110, Ch. 10.20, §§ 10.24.010, 10.24.020, 10.24.040, 10.24.050, 10.24.060, 10.24.070, 10.24.080, 10.24.090, 10.24.100, 10.24.110, 10.24.120, 10.24.130, 10.24.140, 10.24.150, 10.24.160, 10.24.170, 10.24.180, 10.24.190, 10.24.200, 10.24.210, Chs. 10.28, 10.32, 10.36, 10.44, 10.68, 10.72, 10.73, 10.76, 10.84 and § 10.88.120, vehicles and traffic (10.12, 10.16, 10.24, 10.40, 10.80) |
1761 | Amends § 13.09.010, port rules (13.09) |
1762 | True-up agreement (Special) |
1763 | (Not introduced) |
1764 | Conveyance of property to Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association, Inc. (Special) |
1765 | Amends § 2.04.022, council special meetings (2.04) |
1766 | Amends § 2.32.060, public utilities (2.32) |
1767 | Amends § 2.40.060, library department (2.40) |
1768 | Repeals Ch. 2.68, human services (Repealer) |
1769 | Amends §§ 3.04.050(a) and 3.04.090; repeals §§ 3.04.130(d) – (f) and 3.04.140, consumer’s sales tax (3.04) |
1770 | Repeals § 3.17.410, improvements and assessments (Repealer) |
1771 | Amends §§ 3.28.110 and 3.28.150(e), transient occupancy tax (3.28) |
1772 | Repeals Ch. 2.44, department of health (Repealer) |
1773 | Repeals Ch. 2.56, civil defense (Repealer) |
1774 | Repeals Ch. 5.04, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers (Repealer) |
1775 | Repeals Ch. 5.32, ice cream vending permits (Repealer) |
1776 | Repeals Ch. 7.04, infectious diseases (Repealer) |
1777 | Repeals Ch. 7.08, compulsory physical examination for prostitutes (Repealer) |
1778 | Repeals Ch. 7.20, food service establishments and regulations (Repealer) |
1779 | Repeals Ch. 9.08, gambling (Repealer) |
1780 | Repeals Ch. 9.16, loitering, vagrancy and soliciting (Repealer) |
1781 | Repeals Ch. 9.24, obscenity (Repealer) |
1782 | Amends Ch. 5.20, alcoholic beverages (5.20) |
1783 | Repeals Title 17, shipyard (Repealer) |
1784 | Amends § 9.56.040, obstructing public ways (9.56) |
1785 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer user charge system (12.09) |
1786 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070, 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1787 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(d), (e) and (h), 14.40.030, 14.40.040 and 14.40.050, harbor fees and charges (14.40) |
1788 | Amends §§ 11.12.080(b) and (f)(2)(B) and 11.12.100(g), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1789 | Amends §§ 11.12.060(e) and (g), 11.12.070(m) and (p), 11.12.080(a), 11.12.090(b) and (f), 11.12.100(e) and (g)(2) and 11.12.110(k), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1790 | Authorizes food vendor leases (Special) |
1791 | Amends § 14.40.060(f), harbor fee payments (14.40) |
1792 | Amends § 13.09.025(c)(2), lease of dock vending locations (13.09) |
1793 | (Number not used) |
1794 | Adds § 9.56.055; amends § 9.56.040, obstructing public ways (9.56) |
1795 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(d), (e) and (h), 14.40.030, 14.40.035, 14.40.040 and 14.40.050, boat harbor facilities fees and charges (14.40) |
1796 | Declaration and sale of surplus city property (Special) |
1797 | Amends § 7.16.070, community solid waste fee (7.16) |
1798 | Approves equipment space and power agreement (Special) |
1799 | Adds §§ 11.12.070(k)(1)(I) and (J); amends §§ 11.12.090(b)(1) and 11.12.100, telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1800 | Sale of properties acquired through tax foreclosure (Special) |
1801 | Amends §§ 14.30.010 and 14.30.020, nuisances (14.30) |
1802 | Amends §§ 11.12.080(c)(4) and 11.12.100(h)(2), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1803 | Adds § 11.12.100(d)(10); amends §§ 11.12.070(j), (p) and (q), 11.12.080(a) and (c)(4), 11.12.090(f) and 11.12.100(d)(8) and (g)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1804 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(b)(1), 11.12.080(b)(1) and (c)(2), 11.12.090(c)(1) and 11.12.100(h)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1805 | Amends §§ 11.08.020(c) and (d), 11.08.030(c), (d) and (e), 11.08.040(c), (d) and (g), 11.08.050(c) and (d) and 11.08.070(c), electrical rates (11.08) |
1806 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1807 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer rates (12.09) |
1808 | Temporary prohibition of marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana product manufacturing facilities, marijuana testing facilities and retail marijuana stores (Failed) |
1809 | Adds § 7.16.075; amends §§ 7.16.060(c) and 7.16.070(e) through (h), solid waste collection and disposal rates (7.16) |
1810 | Approves participation in membership participation agreement for purchase of television programming services (Special) |
1811 | Amends § 13.08.100(a), dockage charges for port use (13.08) |
1812 | Amends Ch. 5.20, regulation of alcoholic beverages and marijuana (5.20) |
1813 | Amends §§ 11.12.090(b)(1) and (2) and 11.12.100(h)(2), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1814 | Adds Ch. 9.54, off-premises commercial solicitation restrictions (9.54) |
1815 | Amends § 2.40.030(d), library department (2.40) |
1816 | Approves wireless agreement (Special) |
1817 | Amends §§ 14.08.020, 14.20.010, 14.20.060, 14.20.090, 14.20.100(a), 14.20.110(e) and 14.30.010, boat harbor facilities code (14.08, 14.20, 14.30) |
1818 | Amends §§ 11.12.060, 11.12.100 and 11.12.110(k), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1819 | Extends lease agreement (Special) |
1820 | Amends lease agreement (Special) |
1821 | Amends §§ 3.04.010, 3.04.020 and 3.04.040, consumer’s sales tax (3.04) |
1822 | Adds § 11.12.090(h); amends §§ 11.12.070(k)(1)(A), 11.12.090(b)(1) and (2) and 11.12.100(h)(2), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1823 | Amends § 3.12.050(a)(12), purchases and sales (3.12) |
1824 | Amends § 9.04.030, disorderly conduct (9.04) |
1825 | Amends § 10.12.040(b), traffic regulations (10.12) |
1826 | Adds § 11.12.070(a)(9); amends §§ 11.12.080(c)(3), 11.12.090(b)(1), 11.12.100(g)(1) and 11.12.100(h)(2), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1827 | Adds § 5.20.015; amends § 5.20.050(a), retail marijuana stores (5.20) |
1828 | Amends Ord. 1549, issuance of port revenue bonds (Special) |
1829 | Amends § 13.10.030(d), passenger wharfage fees (13.10) |
1830 | Amends § 11.12.110(i), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1831 | Amends §§ 19.12.010(a) and (b), electrical code (19.12) |
1832 | (Not introduced) |
1833 | Adds § 3.12.035(d)(9); renumbers existing § 3.12.035(d)(9) to (d)(10), purchasing (3.12) |
1834 | Adds § 3.12.050(a)(13); renumbers existing § 3.12.050(a)(13) to (a)(14), purchasing (3.12) |
1835 | Approves television programming services agreement (Special) |
1836 | Conveyance of property to AKEELA, Inc. (Special) |
1837 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(a)(8), 11.12.090(f) and 11.12.100(g)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1838 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(d), (e) and (h), 14.40.030, 14.40.035, 14.40.040 and 14.40.050, boat harbor facility fees and charges (14.40) |
1839 | Adds Ch. 10.18, electric personal assistive mobility devices (10.18) |
1840 | Adds § 13.09.035, program for performing artists at the Port of Ketchikan (Expired) |
1841 | Adds §§ 5.40.055(a)(6), 5.40.310, 5.40.320, 5.40.330, 5.40.340, 5.40.350, 5.40.360 and 5.40.370; amends § 5.40.010; renumbers § 5.40.310 as § 5.40.380, accessible taxicabs (5.40) |
1842 | Amends § 9.54.070(b); repeals § 9.54.040(e), off-premises commercial solicitation restrictions (9.54) |
1843 | Approves agreement for parking lot improvements in exchange for city property (Repealed by 1854) |
1844 | Authorizes negotiation of agreement with Vigor Alaska LLC (Special) |
1845 | Donation of surplus property (Special) |
1846 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(k)(1)(I), 11.12.090(b)(1), (d) and (f), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1847 | Amends § 11.16.070, water rates (11.16) |
1848 | Amends § 3.12.070(d), purchases and sales (3.12) |
1849 | Amends § 11.04.040(a), utility service deposits (11.04) |
1850 | Approves voting system and managed services agreement (Special) |
1851 | Repeals § 11.08.020(f), utility services (11.08) |
1852 | Adds § 3.12.080, lease of equipment and conduit space (3.12) |
1853 | Amends §§ 11.12.030(a), 11.12.070, 11.12.080(a), (c)(4), (5) and (6), (d) and (e)(1), 11.12.090(a) – (c), 11.12.100(a), (b), (d)(6) and (7), (g) and (h) and 11.12.110(f), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1854 | Approves agreement for parking lot improvements in exchange for city property; repeals Ord. 1843 (Special) |
1855 | Adds § 5.40.305, transportation network companies (Failed at election) |
1856 | Donation of surplus property (Special) |
1857 | Declaration and sale of surplus city property (Special) |
1858 | Repeals § 11.06.025, electric utility line extensions to residential state subdivisions (Repealer) |
1859 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(j), 11.12.090(j)(1)(F) [11.12.070(j)(1)(F)], 11.12.090(b)(1) and 11.12.100(h), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1860 | Adds Ch. 2.65, employment of relatives (2.65) |
1861 | Amends § 2.04.023, teleconferencing (2.04) |
1862 | Adds § 13.09.040, program for performing artists at the Port of Ketchikan (Expired) |
1863 | Amends § 5.20.015, marijuana establishment limits and prohibition (5.20) |
1864 | Amends §§ 14.20.045(d) and 14.40.020(a), moorage fees and charges (14.20, 14.40) |
1865 | Adds § 13.08.185; amends § 13.08.180(a), water rates (13.08) |
1866 | ADEC drinking water fund loans (Special) |
1867 | ADEC drinking water fund loans (Special) |
1868 | Authorizes negotiation of agreement with the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show, LLC, and John R. Dawson (Special) |
1869 | Amends §§ 11.08.020(c) and (d), 11.08.030(c) – (e), 11.08.040(c), (d) and (g), 11.08.050(c) and (d) and 11.08.070(c), electrical rates (11.08) |
1870 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1871 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer rates (12.09) |
1872 | (Failed) |
1873 | Declaration and sale of surplus city property (Special) |
1874 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
1875 | Quitclaim deed conveyance (Special) |
1876 | Adds § 3.04.130(e), use of proceeds from marijuana sales tax (3.04) |
1877 | Amends §§ 11.12.100(d) and (g)(1) and 11.12.110(f) and (i), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1878 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1879 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.14, plumbing code (19.14) |
1880 | Amends §§ 19.12.010(a) and (b), electrical code (19.12) |
1881 | Amends § 5.40.021, use of Third Avenue and Schoenbar Road restricted (5.40) |
1882 | Amends §§ 11.12.060, 11.12.100(e) and (f) and 11.12.100(k) [11.12.110(k)], telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1883 | Repeals § 2.88.010(f), historic commission (2.88) |
1884 | Adds Ch. 9.70, bird feeding nuisance (9.70) |
1885 | Adds Ch. 9.72, fireworks (9.72) |
1886 | (Failed) |
1887 | Amends § 12.09.040, sewer rates (12.09) |
1888 | Amends §§ 11.08.020(c) and (d), 11.08.030(c), (d) and (e), 11.08.040(c), (d) and (g), 11.08.050(c) and (d) and 11.08.070(c), electrical rates (11.08) |
1889 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1890 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(a)(8), 11.12.090(b)(1) and 11.12.100(g)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1891 | Adds § 13.09.040, program for performing artists at the Port of Ketchikan (13.09) |
1892 | Declaration and sale of surplus city property (Special) |
1893 | Adds Ch. 10.20, micromobility devices (10.20) |
1894 | Declaration and sale of surplus city property (Special) |
1895 | Amends § 11.04.130, access to utility customer’s premises (11.04) |
1896 | Adds § 5.20.016, on-site marijuana consumption prohibited (Failed at October 2019 election) |
1897 | Declaration and sale of surplus city property (Special) |
1898 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1899 | Request for proposals for port and uplands infrastructure improvements (Special) |
1900 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(m) and 11.12.090(b) and (f), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1901 | Amends §§ 3.04.010 and 3.04.100(q), consumer’s sales tax exemptions (3.04) |
1902 | Amends §§ 13.08.100, 13.08.125, 13.08.155(a), 13.08.185 and 13.10.030; repeals §§ 13.08.101, 13.08.110 and 13.08.120, Port of Ketchikan use and wharfage fees (13.08, 13.10) |
1903 | Declaration and sale of surplus city property (Special) |
1904 | Approves Verizon Wireless exclusive agent agreement (Special) |
1905 | Amends § 5.40.230(e), taximeters and fares (5.40) |
1906 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(a)(10) and (j)(1)(A), 11.12.080(a) and (c)(4), 11.12.090(b)(1), 11.12.100(g)(2) and 11.12.110(f) and (i), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1907 | Emergency ordinance temporarily suspending § 2.04.023(a)(1), teleconferencing (Not codified) |
1908 | Authorizes issuance of public utilities revenue bonds for undersea fiber optic cable (Special) |
1909 | Amends §§ 11.16.050(b)(16), (b)(22) and (f) and 12.09.045; repeals §§ 7.16.060(d)(5), 11.16.020(f), 11.16.030(f), 11.16.050(b), Note 5, and 12.09.045(c), Notes 5 – 7, solid waste, water and sewer rates (11.16, 12.09) |
1910 | Adds §§ 2.05.115, 2.05.155 and 2.05.175; amends §§ 2.05.010, 2.05.070, 2.05.080, 2.05.110, 2.05.120, 2.05.130, 2.05.140, 2.05.150 and 2.05.160, code of ethics (2.05) |
1911 | Adds Ch. 3.22, deferral for certain subdivided property (3.22) |
1912 | Repeals and replaces § 9.60.020; repeals §§ 9.60.030, 9.60.040 and 9.60.050; renumbers remaining sections in Ch. 9.60, abandoned property (9.60) |
1913 | Adds § 1.08.415; amends §§ 1.08.140, 1.08.370, 1.08.380, 1.08.390, 1.08.400, 1.08.410, 1.08.480(a), 1.08.500 and 1.08.760(a) and (b), elections (1.08) |
1914 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1915 | Adds Ch. 9.08, equal rights (9.08) |
1916 | (Failed – Tabled indefinitely) |
1917 | Approves consent to sublicense agreement with Prince Rupert Port Authority and City West Cable & Telephone Corp. (Special) |
1918 | Adds § 3.04.230 and Ch. 3.05; amends § 3.04.010, remote seller sales tax code (3.04, 3.05) |
1919 | Adds §§ 7.16.072 and 7.16.074; amends § 7.16.070(a); repeals §§ 7.16.060(c) and (d) and 7.16.070(d), (e), (f), (g) and (h), solid waste collection and disposal fees and billings (7.16) |
1920 | Extends Ord. 1907, teleconferencing (Not codified) |
1921 | Amends § 2.72.030(h), port and harbors advisory board (2.72) |
1922 | Amends §§ 11.12.080(c)(4) and 11.12.090(b)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1923 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1924 | Amends §§ 11.08.020(c) and (d), 11.08.030(c), (d) and (e), 11.08.040(c), (d) and (g), 11.08.050(c) and (d) and 11.08.070(c), electrical rates (11.08) |
1925 | Approves space and power agreement (Special) |
1926 | (Not introduced) |
1927 | Extends emergency ordinance temporarily suspending § 2.04.023(a)(1), teleconferencing (Not codified) |
1928 | (Not introduced) |
1929 | Approves site use agreement (Special) |
1930 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1931 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1932 | Adds § 3.12.090, sale of subsea cable services and purchase of transport capacity (3.12) |
1933 | Extends Ord. 1907, temporarily suspending § 2.04.023(a)(1), teleconferencing (Not codified) |
1934 | Amends §§ 2.04.020 and 2.04.023, council meetings (2.04) |
1935 | Adds Ch. 2.85, healthcare advisory committee (2.85) |
1936 | Amends §§ 11.12.090(b)(1) and 11.12.100(d) and (g)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1937 | Conveyance of property to Women in Safe Homes, Inc. (Special) |
1938 | Amends § 3.16.040, tideland lease terms (3.16) |
1939 | (Failed) |
1940 | Adds § 10.60.055; repeals § 10.88.080(a)(5), regulation of camping (10.60, 10.88) |
1941 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1942 | Amends § 11.12.100, digital video service rules, regulations, services and rates (11.12) |
1943 | Amends §§ 9.54.060 and 9.54.070, off-premises commercial solicitation restrictions (9.54) |
1944 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1945 | Approves maintenance authority agreement (Special) |
1946 | Amends §§ 11.12.070(j)(1), 11.12.080(a) and (c)(4) and 11.12.090(b)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1947 | Amends § 18.04.010(b)(25), residential sprinkler systems (18.04) |
1948 | Amends Charter § 10-3, candidates (Charter) |
1949 | Amends §§ 3.04.020(a), 3.04.040(b), 3.04.130(c) and (d), consumer’s sales tax (Repealed by 1966) |
1950 | Amends §§ 1.08.490(a) and 1.08.530(a), elections (1.08) |
1951 | Amends §§ 1.02.080, 1.02.090, 10.12.050 and 10.24.030, citations (1.02, 10.12, 10.24) |
1952 | (Failed) |
1953 | Amends §§ 18.04.010(b)(67) and 19.14.010(b), fire and plumbing codes (18.04, 19.14) |
1954 | Amends § 11.12.100(g)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1955 | Approves power sales agreement (Special) |
1956 | Approves site use agreement (Special) |
1957 | Amends § 3.04.070(c), consumer’s sales tax (3.04) |
1958 | (Did not pass) |
1959 | Approves voting system and managed services agreement (Special) |
1960 | Amends §§ 3.28.020 and 3.28.090(c), transient occupancy tax (3.28) |
1961 | Amends §§ 11.08.020(c) and (d), 11.08.030(c), (d) and (e), 11.08.040(c), (d) and (g), 11.08.050(c) and (d) and 11.08.070(c), electrical rates (11.08) |
1962 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1963 | Adds § 13.08.157; amends § 13.08.155, port access passes (13.08) |
1964 | Amends §§ 9.54.020 and 9.54.050, off-premises commercial solicitation restrictions (9.54) |
1965 | Grants right-of-way easement (Special) |
1966 | Adds § 3.04.040(d); amends §§ 3.04.020, 3.04.040(b) and 3.04.130(c) and (d); repeals Ord. 1949, consumer’s sales tax (3.04) |
1967 | Amends § 11.12.090(b)(1), internet service rates (11.12) |
1968 | Amends § 2.05.160, code of ethics definitions (2.05) |
1969 | (Postponed indefinitely) |
1970 | (Failed) |
1971 | Amends § 18.44.020, ambulance charges (18.44) |
1972 | (Withdrawn) |
1973 | Adds § 13.10.055; amends § 13.10.030, wharfage fees (13.10) |
1974 | (Failed) |
1975 | Authorizes execution and delivery of schedule to master equipment lease/purchase agreement (Special) |
1976 | Amends § 11.12.100(g)(1), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1977 | Lease agreement (Special) |
1978 | Adds § 5.40.125; amends §§ 5.40.030(a)(6) and (7), 5.40.060(c), 5.40.085, 5.40.090(a) and 5.40.100, public vehicles (5.40) |
1979 | Amends §§ 13.08.100(a), (b), (c) and (f), 13.08.125(a), (b) and (c), 13.08.155(a) and (e), 13.08.180(a) and 13.08.185, port fees (13.08) |
1980 | Amends § 5.40.080; repeals § 5.40.200, taxi certificate suspension, revocation (5.40) |
1981 | Adds § 14.40.005, harbor rates fee schedule (14.40) |
1982 | Amends lease agreement (Special) |
1983 | Authorizes sale of pumper truck (Special) |
1984 | Adds § 13.09.050; amends § 13.09.025(c)(1), port rules (13.09) |
1985 | Amends §§ 11.12.080(a), (c)(4) and (e) and 11.12.090(b)(1) and (f), telecommunications service and rates (11.12) |
1986 | Amends §§ 14.40.020(a), 14.40.030 and 14.40.060(g), moorage fees (14.40) |
1987 | Amends §§ 11.16.020(b), 11.16.030(b), 11.16.050(b) and (d), 11.16.060(b), 11.16.070(b), 11.16.080(b), 11.16.090(b) and 11.16.110(b), water rates (11.16) |
1988 | Amends §§ 11.08.020(c) and (d), 11.08.030(c), (d) and (e), 11.08.040(c), (d) and (g), 11.08.050(c) and (d) and 11.08.070(c), electrical rates (11.08) |
1989 | (Pending) |
1990 | Amends § 9.04.030, penalty, disorderly conduct (9.04) |
1991 | Amends § 12.09.040, cost per ERU (12.09) |
1992 | Approves lease agreement (Special) |
1993 | Amends Ord. 1867, ADEC drinking water fund loans (Special) |
1994 | Adds § 18.44.030, ambulance fees and charges schedule (18.44) |
1995 | Amends § 9.44.055, definitions (9.44) |
This table lists all ordinances from Ord. 640; information on prior ordinances may be found in the city clerk’s office.