Ordinance Table
This table lists all codified ordinances from 955-12 to the present. Each ordinance’s location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance.
955-12 | Amends § 10-1-3, traffic in parks (10-1) |
957-13 | Amends § 4-8-15(A), fireworks time and date restrictions (4-8) |
958-13 | Amends § 4-12-4, disorderly conduct and premises (4-12) |
962-13 | Adds § 8-4F-17; amends Ch. 8-1D and §§ 8-4F-1, 8-4F-2, 8-4F-4, 8-4F-8, 8-4F-9, 8-4F-12(B), (F) and (H) and 8-4F-16, signs (8-4F, 8-6A) |
963-13 | Adds § 7-2-5, auto emission testing (Repealed by 964-13) |
964-13 | Repeals and replaces Title 7, building regulations (Repealed by 973-14) |
966-14 | Amends § 10-1-5, parks and waterways behavior (10-1) |
967-14 | Adds § 8-2C-34 [8-2C-36]; amends §§ 8-1B-1, 8-1D-3, 8-2A-1, 8-2B-1, Tables 8-2B-1 and 8-2B-2, §§ 8-2C-2, 8-2C-5, 8-2C-7, 8-2C-24, 8-2C-32 [8-2C-33], 8-2C-36 [8-2C-37], 8-2C-40 [8-2C-41], 8-3A-1, Table 8-3A-1, § 8-7A-1 and Ch. 8-7B [8-7A-2]; repeals §§ 8-2C-25, 8-2C-35 [8-2C-36] and Ch. 8-3G, development code (8-1B, 8-1D, 8-2A, 8-2B, 8-2C, 8-3A, 8-7A) |
969-14 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3-7, massage establishments (3-7) |
972-14 | Amends Table 8-2B-1 and §§ 8-2C-13 and 8-7A-1, drive-through establishments (8-2B, 8-2C, 8-7A) |
973-14 | Repeals and replaces Title 7, building regulations (7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 7-10) |
974-15 | Amends §§ 6-6-3, 6-6-3-1, 6-6-4-7, 6-6-7, 6-6-15-2 and 6-6-17-1, industrial pretreatment (6-6) |
975-15 | Adds §§ 8-2C-6 [8-2C-5-1] and 8-6A-13; amends §§ 8-1B-2, 8-1B-3(A) through (C), 8-1C-3, amends and recodifies Ch. 8-1D as 8-6A-14, amends §§ 8-2B-1, 8-2B-2, 8-2B-3, 8-2C-2, 8-4B-3, Table 8-4D-2, §§ 8-4E-2, 8-4E-6, 8-4G-2, 8-4G-3, 8-4J-1, 8-4J-2, 8-4J-3, 8-4J-4, 8-4J-5, 8-4J-6, 8-5A-5, 8-5C-6(B), 8-6A-1, 8-6A-2, 8-6A-3, 8-6A-4, 8-6A-5, 8-6A-6, 8-6A-7, 8-6A-9, 8-6A-10, 8-6A-11, 8-6A-12, 8-6B-3, 8-6B-5, 8-6B-7, 8-6B-8, 8-7A-1, Ch. 8-7B [8-7A-2], development code (8-1B, 8-1C, 8-2B, 8-2C, 8-4B, 8-4D, 8-4E, 8-4G, 8-4J, 8-5A, 8-5C, 8-6A, 8-6B, 8-7A) |
976-15 | Amends § 1-6-1, appointive city officers (1-6) |
978-15 | Repeals Ch. 3-1a, general business registration provisions (Repealer) |
979-15 | Amends Ch. 4-15, erosion and sediment control (4-15) |
980-15 | Recodifies § 3-10-5 as § 3-10-1; repeals Ch. 3-3, §§ 3-10-1 through 3-10-4, and Chs. 3-11, 3-12 and 4-1, business regulations (3-10) |
981-15 | Amends § 1-6-3(A), mayor’s salary (1-6) |
982-15 | Amends § 1-9-3, municipal depositories (1-9) |
985-15 | Adds Ch. 5-8, traffic safety education program (Repealed by 1015-20) |
991-17 | Amends Table 8-2B-1 and § 8-7A-1; amends § 8-2C-42 to create §§ 8-2C-42 and 8-2C-43, development code (8-2B, 8-2C, 8-7A) |
992-17 | Amends §§ 4-5-3 and 4-5-5, animal control (4-5) |
993-17 | Amends § 1-6-3, compensation of municipal officers (1-6) |
995-18 | Amends §§ 7-1-1, 7-2-1(A), 7-2-2, 7-2-3, 7-2-5(B)(1), 7-3-1 and 7-4-1, building regulations (7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4) |
998-18 | Amends §§ 8-6A-2(A) and (B), 8-6A-5(A) and (B) and 8-6A-9, city council and planning and zoning commission duties and authority (8-6A) |
999-18 | Amends § 8-2C-13, drive-through establishments (8-2C) |
1002-18 | Adds §§ 8-2C-47 and 8-2C-48; amends §§ 7-1-6, 7-1-7, 8-2C-38, 8-4A-3, 8-4C-5, 8-5B-6, 8-6A-8 and 8-7A-1, building regulations and development code (7-1, 8-2C, 8-4A, 8-4C, 8-5B, 8-6A, 8-7A) |
1003-19 | Adds Title 11, impact fees (11-1) |
1004-19 | Amends §§ 8-6A-2(B) and (D) and Table 8-6A-1, planning and zoning commission duties and authority (8-6A) |
1006-19 | Adds § 8-2C-49; amends Table 8-2B-1, § 8-2C-46, Tables 8-6A-1, 8-6A-2, and § 8-7A-1, wireless communication, small cell facilities (8-2B, 8-2C, 8-6A, 8-7A) |
1007-19 | Amends §§ 6-6-1(A) and (B)(4), 6-6-3, 6-6-3-1, 6-6-4-2(A), 6-6-7, 6-6-10(B), 6-6-11(A) and (C), 6-6-13-1, 6-6-15-2(A), 6-6-17-2, 6-6-19-1, 6-6-19-2, 6-6-19-5(A), 6-6-20-2(B), 6-6-23, 6-6-24-3, 6-6-25 and 6-6-25-3(A), industrial pretreatment (6-6) |
1011-19 | Amends §§ 3-4-2 and 3-4-9, vendors, solicitors and temporary merchants (3-4) |
1012-19 | Amends § 4-12-11, intoxication by or possession of inhalants, toxicants, or solvents by adults (4-12) |
1013-19 | Repeals and replaces § 5-1-4, stopping, standing or parking (5-1) |
1014-20 | Amends §§ 4-5-4(A) and (D) and 4-5-5, animal control (4-5) |
1015-20 | Repeals Ch. 5-8, traffic safety education program (Repealer) |
1016-20 | Adds Ch. 8-4H; amends §§ 8-1B-2(C), 8-3A-1, 8-3A-3 and 8-4J-5(O), Table 8-5A-1, §§ 8-5C-4(B), 8-6A-14(C) and (D) and 8-7A-2; repeals Ch. 8-3B, flood hazard (8-1B, 8-3A, 8-4H, 8-4J, 8-5A, 8-5C, 8-6A, 8-7A) |
1018-20 | Amends §§ 8-2A-1, 8-2B-1, 8-2B-2, Tables 8-6A-2 and 8-6A-3, §§ 8-6B-6 and 8-7A-2, specific area plans (8-2A, 8-2B, 8-6A, 8-6B, 8-7A) |
1021-21 | Amends § 1-6-3(A), mayor’s salary (1-6) |
1023-22 | Adds § 4-14-25; amends §§ 4-14-2, 4-14-3, 4-14-5, 4-14-6, 4-14-7, 4-14-9, 4-14-10, 4-14-11, 4-14-12, 4-14-13, 4-14-14 and 4-14-16, storm water management and discharge control (4-14) |
1024-22 | Amends §§ 8-1A-4(A), 8-3A-1, 8-3A-3, 8-6B-3, 8-6B-8(C) and 8-7A-2; repeals Ch. 8-3C and Ord. 867-07, development code (8-1A, 8-3A, 8-6B, 8-7A) |
1025-22 | Amends §§ 8-4H-5, provisions for flood hazard reduction (8-4H) |
1026-22 | Amends §§ 8-2C-13(B)(11), 8-2C-29(B), 8-2C-46(F), 8-4A-3(A) and (D) [8-4A-3(B) and (E)], 8-4A-9(B), 8-4B-3(B), 8-4C-5(A), 8-4D-3(A), 8-4F-4(B) and (F), 8-4F-12(D), 8-4F-15(E), 8-5C-5(B), 8-6A-2, 8-6A-3(B) and (C), 8-6A-4, 8-6A-5, 8-6A-6, 8-6A-7(B) through (D), 8-6A-9(A), (B), (C) and (E), 8-6B-3, 8-6B-5(C), 8-6B-6(D), 8-6B-8(D) and (G) and 8-7A-2, development code (8-2C, 8-4A, 8-4B, 8-4C, 8-4D, 8-4F, 8-5C, 8-6A, 8-6B, 8-7A) |
1030-22 | Adds § 8-6A-15; amends § 8-5A-6(C); repeals § 8-5B-7, financial surety (8-5A, 8-6A) |
1032-22 | Amends §§ 7-1-6, 7-1-7, 8-5B-6 and 8-6A-8; repeals § 8-4F-4(D), permits (7-1, 8-5B, 8-6A) |
1033-22 | Amends §§ 8-2C-14, [8-7A-1] and 8-7A-2, accessory dwelling units (8-2C, 8-7A) |
1034-22 | Adds § 5-9-1; amends §§ 5-1-4(A) [G] and (B), 8-1C-3, Table 8-2B-1, Ch. 8-4D, §§ 8-6B-8(D) and 8-7A-2; repeals § 8-3D-3(C), parking, development code (5-1, 5-9, 8-1C, 8-2B, 8-4D, 8-6B, 8-7A) |
1036-23 | Amends Ch. 4-2, municipal refuse collection (4-2) |
1038-23 | Repeals Ch. 5-4, motor vehicle emissions control (Repealer) |
1039-23 | Amends § 1-6-3, mayor’s salary (1-6) |
1043-24 | Adds Ch. 8-8A; amends § 8-1A-5(C), adopted specific area plan project ordinances (8-1A, 8-8A) |
1045-24 | Amends §§ 8-6A-8 and 8-7A-2, expiration of approvals (8-6A, 8-7A) |
1046-24 | Amends §§ 8-4H-2, 8-4H-4(C)(3)(e), 8-4H-5(B)(1), (2), (4), (6), (8) and (10), 8-4H-6 and 8-7A-2, flood hazard (8-4H, 8-7A) |
1047-24 | Amends § 3-2A-3; repeals and replaces 3-2A-9, liquor control (3-2A) |