Ordinance Table
Link to ordinances passed but not yet codified
This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by article number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. "Not codified" indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). "Special" means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation). Ordinances without dispositions may be codifiable but do not appear in legislative history in the code. Information on ordinances prior to Ord. 1138 was provided by the city and may contain errors.
| Ordinance Title | Date Approved |
1524 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 1/21/2025 |
1523 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 8/19/2024 |
1522 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 8/19/2024 |
1521 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) | 6/3/2024 |
1520 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 5/20/2024 |
1519 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 3/18/2024 |
1518 | Rezone, property located northeast of the intersection of Washington Street and East Street with an address of 1005 Washington Street, from R-R to R-SF (Special) | 2/20/2024 |
1517 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 1/2/2024 |
1516 | Annexation (Special) | 11/20/2023 |
1515 | Grants electric franchise to Evergy Kansas, Inc.; repeals Ord. 1153 (Appendix B) | 11/6/2023 |
1514 | Establishes Stone Creek reinvestment housing incentive district (Special) | 7/17/2023 |
1513 | Amends Ords. 1200, 1275 and 1506, Timber Hill Farms community unit plan (Special) | 6/19/2023 |
1512 | Rezone, property located north of State Avenue/US-24/40 and west of East Woodfield Drive and Stone Creek Avenue from R-SF, R-MF3 and GBD to R-SF-CUP (Special) | 5/1/2023 |
1511 | Annexation (Special) | 4/17/2023 |
1510 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 4/3/2023 |
1509 | Repeals and replaces Section 9-113, court costs (9-1) | 12/19/2022 |
1508 | Adds Sections 11-202 through 11-209; repeals and replaces Sections 11-101 and 11-102, uniform public offense code (11-1, 11-2) | 12/19/2022 |
1507 | Repeals and replaces Sections 14-101 through 14-103, standard traffic ordinance (14-1) | 12/19/2022 |
1506 | Amends Ord. 1200,Timber Hill Farms community unit plan (Special) | 9/6/2022 |
1505 | Repeals and replaces Section 12-012, allowed uses in the Historic Business District (Zoning Code) | 7/18/2022 |
1504 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 6/6/2022 |
1503 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 3/7/2022 |
1502 | Rezone, 304 Shawnee Street (Special) | 2/22/2022 |
1501 | Bond issuance (Special) | 2/7/2022 |
1500 | Repeals and replaces Sections 3-213 and 3-304, sales of cereal malt beverages and alcoholic liquor (3-2, 3-3) | 12/20/2021 |
1499 | Grants property ad valorem tax exemption (Special) | 8/2/2021 |
1498 | Rezone, southeast corner of 222nd Street and Kansas Avenue, from BP to BP with amended preliminary development plan (Special) | 7/19/2021 |
1497 | Rezone, 2079 Jackson Drive, from R-R to R-SF (Special) | 6/7/2021 |
1496 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 5/17/2021 |
1495 | Rezone, NE corner of 206th Street and State Avenue, from GBD to R-R (Special) | 4/5/2021 |
1494 | Annexation (Special) | 3/1/2021 |
1493 | Amends § 11-504, masks and face coverings (Expired) | 1/19/2021 |
1492 | Authorizes sewer improvements (Special) | 12/21/2020 |
1491 | Adds Art. 5 to Ch. XI, offenses against public health (Expired) | 12/10/2020 |
1490 | Rezone, 310 South Delaware Street, from HBD to R-SF (Special) | 12/7/2020 |
1489 | Bond issuance (Special) | 9/8/2020 |
1488 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 7/20/2020 |
1487 | Acceptance and use of coronavirus relief funds (Special) | 7/20/2020 |
1486 | Repeals Sections 26-010 and 30-010, planning commission and board of zoning appeals (Zoning Code) | 6/15/2020 |
1485 | Establishes West Village rural housing incentive district (Special) | 5/18/2020 |
1484 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 3/2/2020 |
1483 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 2/18/2020 |
1482 | Easement vacations (Special) | 2/18/2020 |
1481 | Rezone, 00000 West Street, from R-R to R-MF2 (Special) | 1/21/2020 |
1480 | Establishes Schoolyard Townhomes RHID (Special) | 12/16/2019 |
1479 | Repeals and replaces § 14-206, parking on unimproved surfaces (14-2) | 12/16/2019 |
1478 | Supplements Ord. 1476, temporary adjustment to rates charged for water and sewer services for large meters (Special) | 11/18/2019 |
1477 | Rezone, 304 Shawnee Street, from R-SF to R-MF2-P (Special) | 10/14/2019 |
1476 | Amends Ord. 1101, public and private sewers and drains regulations; amends water and sewer regulations; repeals Ords. 1219, 1258 and 1429 (15-2, 15-3) | 10/7/2019 |
1475 | Collection and disposal of solid waste and recycling; repeals Ord. 1245 (Special) | 9/16/2019 |
1474 | Allows consumption of alcohol at special event (Special) | 9/16/2019 |
1473 | Accepts utility easement and temporary construction easement (Special) | 6/3/2019 |
1472 | Rezone, 704 E 4th Street, from I-LT to HBD (Special) | 5/20/2019 |
1471 | Accepts utility easement and temporary construction easement (Special) | 5/20/2019 |
1470 | Accepts utility easement and temporary construction easement (Special) | 4/15/2019 |
1469 | Amends Section 14-204, work-site, micro utility and utility task vehicles (14-2) | 4/15/2019 |
1468 | Amends Section 11-101, uniform public offense code (Repealed by 1508) | 4/15/2019 |
1467 | Amends Section 14-101, standard traffic ordinance (Repealed by 1507) | 4/15/2019 |
1466 | Rezone, 520 Smiley Road, from R-R to R-SF (Special) | 4/1/2019 |
1465 | Accepts utility easement and temporary construction easement (Special) | 3/18/2019 |
1464 | Accepts utility easement (Special) | 2/21/2019 |
1463 | Accepts utility easement (Special) | 2/21/2019 |
1462 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 2/4/2019 |
1461 | Approves final plat (Special) | 1/7/2019 |
1460 | Amends Sections 3-101 and 3-201, enhanced cereal malt beverages (3-1, 3-2) | 3/18/2019 |
1459 | 11/19/2018 | |
1458 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 11/19/2018 |
1457 | Amends Section 7-201, Kansas buildings fire safety (7-2) | 11/5/2018 |
1456 | Amends Sections 4-302 and 4-313, electrical code (4-3) | 11/5/2018 |
1455 | Amends Sections 4-1101 and 4-1102, International Fuel Gas Code (4-11) | 11/5/2018 |
1454 | Amends Section 4-601, International Mechanical Code (4-6) | 11/5/2018 |
1453 | Amends Sections 4-402 and 4-412, plumbing and gas-fitting code (4-4) | 11/5/2018 |
1452 | Amends Sections 4-901 and 4-902, International Residential Code (4-9) | 11/5/2018 |
1451 | Amends Sections 4-202 and 4-213, building code (4-2) | 11/5/2018 |
1450 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 11/5/2018 |
1449 | Accepts utility easement (Special) | 10/1/2018 |
1448 | Accepts utility easement (Special) | 10/1/2018 |
1447 | Approves final plat (Special) | 8/20/2018 |
1446 | Bond issuance (Special) | 8/20/2018 |
1445 | Accepts utility easement (Special) | 2/21/2019 |
1444 | Grants natural gas franchise to Kansas Gas Service (Appendix B) | 7/16/2018 |
1443 | Adds Section 14-011(k); amends Appendix A, self-service storage (Zoning Code) | 6/18/2018 |
1442 | Approves revised final development plan for business park (Special) | 5/7/2018 |
1441 | Rezone, 500 West St., from R-R to GBD (Special) | 5/7/2018 |
1440 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 5/7/2018 |
1439 | Rezone, property north of State Ave (Hwy 24/40) and east of future 206th St., from R-R to GBD (Special) | 5/7/2018 |
1438 | Repeals Ord. 1433, annexation (Repealer) | 4/16/2018 |
1437 | Adds Art. 7 of Ch. XV, storm water management program and utility (15-7) | 4/16/2018 |
1436 | Annexation (Special) | 4/2/2018 |
1435 | Bond issuance (Special) | 3/19/2018 |
1434 | Amends § 1-208, vacancies in governing body (1-2) | 3/5/2018 |
1433 | Annexation (Repealed by 1438) | 1/22/2018 |
1432 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 1/22/2018 |
1431 | Changes January city council meeting dates (Special) | 12/18/2017 |
1430 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) | 1/8/2018 |
1429 | Amends rates charged for water use and sewer usage; repeals Ord. 1398 (Repealed by 1476) | 12/4/2017 |
1428 | Bond issuance (Special) | 11/6/2017 |
1427 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 8/21/2017 |
1426 | Authorizes first supplemental lease purchase agreement (Special) | 7/17/2017 |
1425 | Amends standard traffic ordinance (Repealed by 1507) | 7/3/2017 |
1424 | Approves preliminary development plan and preliminary plat for business park (Special) | 6/5/2017 |
1423 | Bond issuance (Special) | 5/1/2017 |
1422 | Amends § 4-1202, licensing of contractors (4-12) | 5/1/2017 |
1421 | Repeals Ord. 1415, interlocal agreement (Repealer) | 3/20/2017 |
1420 | Imposes sales tax (Special) | 4/3/2017 |
1419 | Amends § 5-102(d), business licenses (5-1) | 3/7/2017 |
1418 | (Did not pass) |
1417 | Amends § 11-101, uniform public offense code (Repealed by 1508) | 12/19/2016 |
1416 | Amends § 14-101, traffic (Repealed by 1507) | 12/19/2016 |
1415 | Interlocal agreement (Repealed by 1421) | 11/21/2016 |
1414 | Amends Ch. IV, residential code (4-9) | 11/7/2016 |
1413 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 9/19/2016 |
1412 | Repeals Ord. 1400, annexation (Repealer) | 9/6/2016 |
1411 | Amends §§ 5-202, 5-203, 5-204, 5-205 and 5-206, solicitation, peddling and canvassing (5-2) | 8/15/2016 |
1410 | Annexation (Special) | 7/18/2016 |
1409 | Amends Section 2-508; repeals Section 2-509, animal control (2-5) | 7/18/2016 |
1408 | Amends Section 33-111(B) and Section 33 fee structure, mobile vending (Zoning Code) | 7/18/2016 |
1407 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 3/21/2016 |
1406 | Amends Section 14-211, parking prohibited on certain city streets (14-2) | 3/21/2016 |
1405 | Amends Sections 1-205, 1-206, 1-303, 1-305, 1-306, 1-307, 1-311, 1-312, 1-317 and 7-103, city official responsibilities (1-2, 1-3, 7-1) | 4/4/2016 |
1404 | Lease purchase agreement (Special) | 1/20/2016 |
1403 | Rezone, 304 East 4th Street, from R-SF to HBD (Special) | 12/21/2015 |
1402 | Adds Section 11-401, animals and motorized vehicles on sidewalks and trails (11-4) | 12/21/2015 |
1401 | Amends Sections 5-102(c) and (d), business license fees (5-1) | 12/7/2015 |
1400 | Annexation (Repealed by 1412) | 11/16/2015 |
1399 | Vacates subdivision plat (Special) | 10/5/2015 |
1398 | Amends rates charged for water use and sewer usage; repeals Ord. 1389 (Repealed by 1429) | 10/19/2015 |
1397 | Amends gas franchise fees (Appendix B) | 10/19/2015 |
1396 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 9/29/2015 |
1395 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 6/15/2015 |
1394 | Grants special use permit (Special) | 5/18/2015 |
1393 | Amends zoning ordinance relating to signs (Zoning Code) | 6/1/2015 |
1392 | Repeals and replaces Section 13-206, drainage between streets and driveways (13-2) | 4/20/2015 |
1391 | Amends Ord. 1282, floodplain management (16-3) | 4/6/2015 |
1390 | Amends standard traffic ordinance (Repealed by 1507) | 2/6/2015 |
1389 | Amends rates charged for water use and sewer usage; repeals Ord. 1372 (Repealed by 1398) | 1/5/2015 |
1388 | Amends standard traffic ordinance (Repealed by 1507) | 12/15/2014 |
1387 | Amends Sections 5-101, 5-102, 5-103, 5-108 and 5-114, business regulations (5-1) | 12/1/2014 |
1386 | Amends cable franchise fee (Appendix B) | 11/17/2014 |
1385 | Amends Section 11-101, uniform public offense code (Repealed by 1508) | 11/3/2014 |
1384 | Amends Section 14-101, standard traffic ordinance (Repealed by 1507) | 11/3/2014 |
1383 | Amends Zoning Ordinance relating to special events and vending (Zoning Code) | 10/6/2014 |
1382 | Adds Sections 5-203, 5-204, 5-205 and 5-206; amends Section 5-202(G); renumbers existing Sections 5-203 - 5-206 to 5-207 - 5-210, solicitation, peddling and canvassing (5-2) | 10/6/2014 |
1381 | Adds Section 1-403; repeals Sections 1-302 and 1-312(b), administration (1-3, 1-4) | 9/15/2014 |
1380 | Amends Zoning Ordinance relating to signs (Repealed by 1393) | 9/15/2014 |
1379 | Amends Water and Sewer Regulations and Section 15-201, water and sewer (15-2) | 8/18/2014 |
1378 | Adds Section 4-211(b) and Art. 12 of Ch. IV; amends Section 4-210, buildings and construction (4-2, 4-12) | 9/15/2014 |
1377 | Grants renewal of special use permit (Special) | 7/7/2014 |
1376 | Grants renewal of special use permit (Special) | 7/7/2014 |
1375 | Grants renewal of special use permit (Special) | 7/7/2014 |
1374 | Amends Arts. 1, 2, 2A, 3 and 4 of Ch. VIII, nuisances (8-1, 8-2, 8-2A, 8-3, 8-4) | 3/3/2014 |
1373 | Amends Ord. 1331, economic development incentive (Special) | 3/3/2014 |
1372 | Amends rates charged for water use and sewer usage; repeals Ord. 1356 (Repealed by 1389) | 11/4/2013 |
1371 | Amends Section 14-601, commercial motor carriers (14-6) | 8/26/2013 |
1370 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) | 8/12/2013 |
1369 | Amends Zoning Ordinance by rezoning certain property in the City of Tonganoxie, Kansas (Special) | 6/24/2013 |
1368 | Repeals and replaces Section 9-113, court costs (Repealed by 1509) | 6/24/2013 |
1367 | Repeals and replaces Section 1-203, governing body meetings (1-2) | 8/12/2013 |
1366 | Amends Chapter II, Article 5, Section 2-509, specific breeds prohibited (Repealed by 1409) | 6/24/2013 |
1365 | Amends Zoning Ordinance relating to residential accessory use in the historic business district (Zoning Code) | 5/13/2013 |
1364 | Amends Zoning Ordinance relating to daycares and preschools (Zoning Code) | 5/13/2013 |
1363 | Amends Zoning Ordinance relating to special events, street and mobile vending and ice cream vendors (Zoning Code) | 4/22/2013 |
1362 | Amends Zoning Ordinance relating to alcohol sales and on-site consumption (Zoning Code) | 4/8/2013 |
1361 | Annexation of Christian Church Property into the City Limits of Tonganoxie (Special) | 3/25/2013 |
1360 | Condemnation for Chieftain Trail (Special) | 2/27/2013 |
1359 | Annexation of Oroke Property into the City Limits of Tonganoxie (Special) | 3/25/2013 |
1358 | Burn Ban and Fireworks Ordinance (7-1) | 2/27/2013 |
1357 | An ordinance to provide more effective enforcement for addressing inoperable vehicles (8-3) | 4/22/2013 |
1356 | Establishing water rates and sewer user charge system by amending the rates charged for water use and sewer usage (Repealed by 1372) | 1/28/2013 |
1355 | An Ordinance Amending Section XIV, Article 1 regulating traffic within the city limits of Tonganoxie, Kansas, by adding a section regulating Commercial Motor Carriers (14-6) | 1/28/2013 |
1354 | Bond issuance (Special) | 1/14/2013 |
1353 | An ordinance amending the "Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations" of the City of Tonganoxie, Kansas, 2003, Section 1, by rezoning certain property in the City of Tonganoxie, Kansas (Special) | 12/26/2012 |
1352 | An ordinance of the City of Tonganoxie, Kansas, authorizing improvements to the City’s sewage collection and disposal works; and providing for the payment of the costs thereof (Special) | 12/26/2012 |
1351 | An ordinance designating certain streets within the City of Tonganoxie, Kansas, as main trafficways (Special) | 12/26/2012 |
1350 | (Ordinance intentionally skipped) |
1349 | An ordinance establishing a school zone within the City of Tonganoxie (Special) | 11/26/2012 |
1348 | (Ordinance intentionally skipped) |
1347 | Amending Chapter XIII, Article 1, Section 13-108 and Article 4, Section 13-401 of the Code of the City of Tonganoxie, Kansas concerning Sidewalks (13-1, 13-4) | 10/22/2012 |
1346 | Amending Section 22, "Special Uses", by granting a special use to certain property in the City of Tonganoxie, Kansas, for an in-home day care (Special) | 6/25/2012 |
1345 | Changing the laws regarding maintenance of sidewalks in the City limits (13-1, 13-4) | 6/25/2012 |
1344 | Changing the speed limit on Fall Creek Drive to 20 miles per hour (Repealed by 1507) | 6/11/2012 |
1343 | Special Use Permit - Kristal Holland - 110 Grae Ct - In Home Child Day Care (Special) | 5/29/2012 |
1342 | Economic Development Incentive - adopting Retail Attraction and Retention Incentive Program - 2 Grant Applications per year - Sales Tax %, Water, Sewer, Building Permit & Sign Permit (Special) | 4/23/2012 |
1341 | Amending Ordinance 1323, STO penalty for scheduled fines (14-1) | 4/23/2012 |
1340 | Rezone - 103 W 4th St - From LBD - "Limited Business District" to PUD-C - "Planned Commercial District" to allow Used Car Sales (Special) | 3/26/2012 |
1339 | Special Use Permit - Brandon Gier - 119 Hatchell Rd - In-Home Catering Business (Special) | 3/26/2012 |
1338 | Adopting 2003 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code; repeals Ord. 1085 (4-11) | 3/12/2012 |
1337 | Adopting 2003 Edition of the International Mechanical Code; repeals Ord. 1084 (4-6) | 3/12/2012 |
1336 | Adopting 2003 Edition of the International Plumbing Code; repeals Ord. 1085 (4-4) | 3/12/2012 |
1335 | Adopting 2002 Edition of the National Electrical Code; repeals Ord. 1077 (4-3) | 3/12/2012 |
1334 | Adopting 2003 Edition of the International Building Code; repeals Ord. 1083 (4-2) | 3/12/2012 |
1333 | Adopting 2003 Edition of the International Residential Code; repeals Ord. 1083 (4-9) | 3/12/2012 |
1332 | Special Use Permit-Marlee DeGraff-In Home Child Day Care-1184 Raintree Dr (Special) | 2/27/2012 |
1331 | Economic Development Incentive - 10 applications offering $3,000.00 to new home buyer upon completion of new home construction with valuation at or above $175,000.00 (Special) | 12/31/2011 |
1330 | Amends Sewer Rates to $12.39 for first 1,000 and $3.62 for each additional 1,000; repeals Ordinance 1198 (Repealed by 1356) | 12/12/2011 |
1329 | Amending City Code Chapter 1, Article 3, Section 1-312(c) concerning City Administrator preparation of the annual budget (1-3) | 11/14/2011 |
1328 | Rezone Property from R-SF & I-MD to PUD-C southern part of 415 N Main St. (Special) | 10/24/2011 |
1327 | Special Use Permit - Nicole Holland 200 S Melrose Ln, In Home Child Day Care (Special) | 10/24/2011 |
1326 | Special Use Permit Renewal - Katie Ussery 102 N Village Terr, In Home Child Daycare (Special) | 10/24/2011 |
1325 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter VIII, Health and Welfare, of the Tonganoxie City Code relating to regulation of Nuisances within the City (8-1, 8-2, 8-2A, 8-3, 8-4) | 8/22/2011 |
1324 | An Ordinance amending Chapter XI, Article 1, Section 101 of the City Code incorporating the 2011 Edition of the Uniform Public Offense Code (Repealed by 1508) | 8/22/2011 |
1323 | Amending Chapter XIV, Article 1, Section 14-101 of the City Code Incorporating the 2011 Edition of the Standard Traffic Ordinances (14-1) | 8/22/2011 |
1322 | Added Article 3, Adult-Oriented Businesses, to City Code Chapter XI, Public Offenses (11-3) | 7/25/2011 |
1321 | Amended City Code Chapter VII, Fire, Article 3, Fireworks - New Discharge dates for Fireworks June 30th, July 1st, July 2nd, July 3rd and July 4th (7-3) | 7/25/2011 |
1320 | Added Article 10, Erosion and Sediment Control, to City Code Chapter 4, Buildings and Construction (4-10) | 7/25/2011 |
1319 | City initiated rezone from I-MD to GBD properties on Front St, Shoemaker Way, Ridge St and Hwy 24/40 (Special) | 5/23/2011 |
1318 | Ordinance amending Chapter VII, Article 3, Section 7-305, Fireworks Stand Permit (7-3) |
1317 | Ordinance amending Chapter II, Animal Control Regulations, Tonganoxie City Code (2-5, 2-6, 2-10, 2-11, 2-12, 2-15) | 5/9/2011 |
1316 | An Ordinance annexing land into the City Parcel B 14.293 acres (Special) | 1/24/2011 |
1315 | Amending the neighborhood revitalization plan for new single family construction. Amending Ordinance 1298 (Special) | 1/11/2011 |
1314 | Authorizing issuance of $1,725,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010B (Special) | 12/13/2010 |
1313 | Amending City Code Chapter XIV, Traffic; revised the section of the Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas Cities regulating seat belt use, STO section 182.1 (Repealed by 1507) | 11/22/2010 |
1312 | Granting a Twenty year Electrical franchise to Leavenworth-Jefferson Electric Coop (Special) | 11/8/2010 |
1311 | Adopt as Appendix D - Conveniently Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan to Vision 2020, a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Tonganoxie (Special) | 10/11/2010 |
1310 | Special Use Permit - Zane Peak - In Home Firearms Dealer @ 1177 S Bury Dr (Special) | 10/11/2010 |
1309 | Special Use Permit - Brady & Megan Garren - In Home Child Day Care @ 2016 E Finch Dr (Special) | 10/11/2010 |
1308 | Transfer cable television franchise agreement from The World Company, d/b/a Sunflower Broadband to Knology of Kansas, Inc granted under Ord 1169 (Appendix B) | 9/13/2010 |
1307 | Attesting to An Increase in Tax Revenues for Budget Year 2011 (Special) | 8/9/2010 |
1306 | Establishing water rates at $7.38 for first 1,000 gallons and $4.50 for every 1,000 after first; amending Ordinance 679 and repealing Ordinance 1266 and 1304 (Repealed by 1356) | 7/12/2010 |
1305 | Amending Ord. 700 and repealing Ord.1130, resetting the charge for water dispensed at the bulk water dispenser at 4th and River St. $.75 per 50 gallons (Not codified) | 6/28/2010 |
1304 | Establishing water rates at $6.58 for first 1,000 gallons and $4.29 for every 1,000 after first; amending Ordinance 679 and repealing Ordinance 1255 (Repealed by 1306) | 6/28/2010 |
1303 | Amending Chapter VII, Article 3, Section 7-305, Firework Sales Permits (Repealed by 1318) |
1302 | Increases Municipal Court Costs; repeals Ord. 1211 (Special) | 6/28/2010 |
1301 | Rezone from R (Rural District) to BP (Business Park District) 237 acres located at the Southeast Corner of Kansas Avenue and 222nd Street (Special) | 5/24/2010 |
1300 | Authorizing issuance of $1,075,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010A (Special) | 5/10/2010 |
1299 | Providing for regulations for solicitors, canvassers and peddlers within the City of Tonganoxie, amending Chapter V, Article 2 of the Tonganoxie Municipal Code (5-2) | 5/10/2010 |
1298 | Adopting a neighborhood revitalization plan and designating a neighborhood revitalization area (Special) | 4/26/2010 |
1297 | Adds § 15-5; amends Appendix A, “BP” Business Park District (Zoning Code) | 3/22/2010 |
1296 | Repeals and Replaces Chapter XI (Public Offenses) of City of Tonganoxie (11-2) | 3/8/2010 |
1295 | Correcting error made in legal description of annexation ordinance 1249 (Special) | 2/22/2010 |
1294 | Repeals and Replaces Chapter XIV, Traffic, of City Code of Tonganoxie (14-1, 14-2, 14-3, 14-4, 14-5) | 2/22/2010 |
1293 | Repeals and Replaces Chapter X, Police, of City Code of Tonganoxie (10-1, 10-2, 10-3) | 2/9/2010 |
1292 | Offers a Refund to the buyer of new housing of three thousand dollars on closing (Special) | 1/25/2010 |
1291 | Loan Agreement between City of Tonganoxie and KDOT to finance a transportation project with the Transportation Revolving Fund (Special) | 12/14/2009 |
1290 | Loan Agreement between City of Tonganoxie and KDOT to finance a transportation project with the Transportation Revolving Fund for 24/40 and Main project (Special) | 12/14/2009 |
1289 | Text amendments to Zoning and Subdivision Regulations pertaining to outside sales and display of merchandise in commercial districts (Zoning Code) | 10/12/2009 |
1288 | Granting special use permit for day care at 102 N. Village Ter (Special) | 10/12/2009 |
1287 | Amending Tonganoxie City Code concerning maximum volunteer firefighters (7-1) | 9/28/2009 |
1286 | Authorizing the governing body of the City of Tonganoxie to annex certain property owned by the City (Special) | 9/14/2009 |
1285 | Amending Ordinance 1252, Section C. 3. titled, funding, and the semi annual lease payment provided for in the interlocal agreement between the Tonganoxie Recreation Commission and the City of Tonganoxie (Special) | 9/14/2009 |
1284 | Calling an election and fixing the day for the election to be held on the 22nd day of September for the purpose of voting on Ordinance 1279 (Special) | 8/24/2009 |
1283 | Attesting to an increase in tax revenues for Budget Year 2010 (Special) | 8/17/2009 |
1282 | Floodplain Management Ordinance (16-3) | 7/27/2009 |
1281 | Amends Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision regulation regarding Maintenance Bonds and Performance Bonds (Zoning Code) | 6/22/2009 |
1280 | Amending Home Occupations in Zoning and Subdivision Regulations (Zoning Code) | 6/22/2009 |
1279 | Establishes the day and time for the sale of alcoholic liquor with the City of Tonganoxie, allowing sales on Sundays and holidays (Repealed by 1500) | 6/8/2009 |
1278 | Special Use Permit - Shannon & Lindsay Felix - Child Day Care @ 125 E. 4th St (Special) | 6/8/2009 |
1277 | Establishing the day and time of regular scheduled meetings of the governing body; change from 1st and 3rd Monday of each month to the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month (Repealed by 1367) | 5/19/2009 |
1276 | Authorize city to obtain by condemnation certain property for improvement of streets for 4th St improvements (Special) | 4/20/2009 |
1275 | Amends Ordinance 1200 granting modified building setback requirements which apply only to Lot 3, Block One (22214 Sycamore Street) and Lot 6, Block Two (22235 Sycamore Street) of Timber Hill Farms Subdivision No. 2 (Special) | 4/6/2009 |
1274 | Repeals Ordinance 1272; Issuance of GO Bonds 2009A for street improvements (Special) | 3/30/2009 |
1273 | Fourth Amendment to loan agreement with KDHE for financing a wastewater treatment project (Special) | 3/16/2009 |
1272 | Issuance GO Bonds 2009A for street improvements (Repealed by 1274) | 3/16/2009 |
1271 | Subdivision text amendments - Sections 3 and 4 - Building Lot Lines & References to Hwy 24/40 Study (Not codified) | 3/2/2009 |
1270 | Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Appendix A & B, Appendix C & Chapter 11 (Special) | 3/2/2009 |
1269 | Special Use Permit-Renewal-Rachel Rhodes In-home Day Care @ 406 E. 6th St. (Special) | 3/2/2009 |
1268 | Amending Chapter VII, Article 3 of the code of the City of Tonganoxie changing application date for fireworks to second Wednesday in June (7-3) | 2/2/2009 |
1267 | First Amendment to the loan agreement by and between the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (Special) | 2/2/2009 |
1266 | Establish water rates at $7.26 for first 1,000 gallons and $4.38 for every 1,000 after first; amending Ordinance 679 and repealing Ordinance 1255 (Repealed by 1306) | 12/15/2008 |
1265 | Increases fire department assessment on water/sewer/trash bills by $1.00 (Special) | 12/15/2008 |
1264 | Special Use Permit - Renewal - Joan Cobb In-home Beauty Salon @ 2095 Hidden Valley Place (Special) | 12/1/2008 |
1263 | Rezone 301 S. Green St from HBD to R-SF (Special) | 11/20/2008 |
1262 | Bond issuance (Special) | 11/3/2008 |
1261 | Amend code relating to bad debt; adding a 25% service charge (9-1, 15-1) | 10/6/2008 |
1260 | Establishes hours of use for the public parks within the City of Tonganoxie (Special) | 10/6/2008 |
1259 | Incorporating the International Fire Code, 2003 Edition, with omissions and additions (7-2) | 10/6/2008 |
1258 | Amends Water and Sewer Regulations increasing Water Connection Fee to $2,000 (Repealed by 1476) | 7/7/2008 |
1257 | Adopting by reference the "Purchasing Authority and Procedures Manual" and repealing Ordinance 1205 (Special) | 6/2/2008 |
1256 | Amending code concerning days and times authorized for liquor sales adding Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Repealed by 1279) | 5/5/2008 |
1255 | Establish water rates at $6.46 for first 1,000 gallons and $4.17 for every thousand after first, amending Ordinance 679 and repealing Ordinance 1196 (Repealed by 1266 and 1304) | 4/21/2008 |
1254 | Granting to Kansas Gas Service a natural gas service and prescribing the terms thereof (Special) | 3/10/2008 |
1253 | Amends loan agreement with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (Special) | 3/10/2008 |
1252 | Interlocal agreement between the City of Tonganoxie and the Tonganoxie Recreation Commission for purchase of land from Leavenworth County Fair Association (Special) | 3/10/2008 |
1251 | Establishing the day and time of regular scheduled meetings of the governing body; change from 2nd and 4th Monday of each month to the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month (Repealed by 1367) | 2/25/2008 |
1250 | Amending Chapter XIV, Article 1 of the code of the City of Tonganoxie regarding incorporation of Standard Traffic Ordinance; remove Driving While Suspended, 3rd offense (Repealed by 1294) | 2/11/2008 |
1249 | Annexing Fair Board property into the City limits for future Recreation Commission Ball Fields (Special) | 1/28/2008 |
1248 | Annexing land to the City of Tonganoxie for 8th Street (Special) | 1/28/2008 |
1247 | Calling an election and fixing the date for the election to be held on the 15th of January, 2008, for the purpose of voting on Charter Ordinance No. 17 (Special) | 11/26/2007 |
1246 | Vacating a portion of the dedicated building line setback on Lot 1, Block 7, Jackson Heights Subdivision (Special) | 11/13/2007 |
1245 | New trash service contract; repeals Ord. 624 (Repealed by 1475) | 10/22/2007 |
1244 | Renames Sycamore Court and Sycamore Drive to Sycamore St. (Special) | 9/24/2007 |
1243 | Amend zoning ordinance for off-site real estate signs (Repealed by 1393) | 9/24/2007 |
1242 | Issuance GO Bonds $1,720,000 public works building and $2,990,000 for pool (Special) | 9/24/2007 |
1241 | Requires site plan with survey by licensed surveyor for new residential and commercial building permits (4-2) | 9/24/2007 |
1240 | Repeals Ord. 1239 (Repealer) | 9/24/2007 |
1239 | Vacating dedicated 20-foot utility easement between lot 1 and lot 2 - Block 3 of Willow Pointe Subdivision (Repealed by 1240) | 8/13/2007 |
1238 | Attesting to an increase in tax revenues for 2008 Budget Year (Special) | 8/13/2007 |
1237 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and subdivision regulations by rezoning Eagle Valley 4 (Special) | 7/23/2007 |
1236 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and subdivision regulations by rezoning Vintage Park (Special) | 7/23/2007 |
1235 | Special Use Permit for Day Care Center at 714 River St (Special) | 6/25/2007 |
1234 | Special Use Permit for In home beauty salon at 622 Church Street (Special) | 6/25/2007 |
1233 | Amending zoning and subdivision regulations (Zoning Code) | 5/29/2007 |
1232 | Franchise agreement between the City and Southwestern Bell dba AT&T Kansas (Special) | 6/11/2007 |
1231 | Special Use Permit for installation of telecommunication antennas on the city water tower (Special) | 6/11/2007 |
1230 | Amending zoning and subdivision regulations (Zoning Code) | 5/29/2007 |
1229 | Imposing a special 0.75% city-wide sales tax (Special) | 5/29/2007 |
1228 | Amending City Code concerning fireworks (7-3) | 4/23/2007 |
1227 | Designating Pleasant Street as a main trafficway (Special) | 4/9/2007 |
1226 | Special Use Permit for in home office/beauty salon (Special) | 3/26/2007 |
1225 | Annexation - Eagle Valley 4 (Special) | 3/26/2007 |
1224 | Authorizes the execution of a loan agreement between the city and KDHE (Special) | 2/26/2007 |
1223 | (Ordinance intentionally skipped) | 4/9/2007 |
1222 | Special Use Permit for Day Care Center 406 E 6th Street (Special) | 1/22/2007 |
1221 | Calling an Election - Sales tax for new pool (Special) | 1/22/2007 |
1220 | Amends Ord. 624, increasing fees for residential trash service; repeals Ord. 1155 | 12/11/2006 |
1219 | Amends Ord. 1101, increasing sewer connection fee; repeals Ord. 1164 (Repealed by 1476) | 12/11/2006 |
1218 | Authorizes the execution of a loan agreement between the city and KDHE (Special) | 11/13/2006 |
1217 | Adopts 2006 Edition of the Uniform Public Offense Code (Repealed by 1296) | 10/23/2006 |
1216 | Adopt 2006 Edition of the Standard Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by 1294) | 10/23/2006 |
1215 | Amend City Code to add water connection fee (15-1) | 8/28/2006 |
1214 | Amend water and sewer regulations to add water connection fee (15-2) | 8/28/2006 |
1213 | Adopt Vision 2020, 2006 Comprehensive Plan; repeals Ord. 1137 (Special) | 8/14/2006 |
1212 | Special Use Permit for Day Care Center, 521 E. 5th St (Special) | 7/24/2006 |
1211 | Increases Municipal Court Costs; repeals Ord. 1202 (Repealed by 1302) | 6/26/2006 |
1210 | Issuance GO Bonds $370,000 water tower (Special) | 6/26/2006 |
1209 | Rezoning RK Estates from R-R to R-SF (Special) | 10/26/2006 |
1208 | Amends Zoning Ordinance - Signs (Repealed by 1393) | 5/22/2006 |
1207 | Increase excise tax; repeals Ords. 1080 and 1135 (Special) | 4/24/2006 |
1206 | Amends Ord. 1138, zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations - establishes fee for application; repeals Ord. 986 (Zoning Code) | 4/24/2006 |
1205 | Adopting the Purchasing Authority and Procedures Manual; repeals Ord. 940 (Repealed by 1257) | 3/27/2006 |
1204 | Acceptance of real estate owned by Harry and Roberta Krouse (Special) | 3/13/2006 |
1203 | Acceptance of real estate - Unified School District No. 464 (Special) | 3/13/2006 |
1202 | Increases Municipal Court Costs; repeals Ord. 998 (Repealed by 1211) | 2/15/2006 |
1201 | Mutual Aid Policy (Special) | 11/24/2005 |
1200 | Rezones Timber Hill Farms (Special) | 10/24/2005 |
1199 | Authorizing storm water improvements (Special) | 10/24/2005 |
1198 | Amends sewer rates - winter average; repeals Ord. 1103 (Repealed by 1330) | 10/24/2005 |
1197 | Amends water connection fee $1,000 (15-2) | 9/26/2005 |
1196 | Amends Ord. 679; repeals Ord. 1104, water rates (Repealed by 1255) | 11/13/2005 |
1195 | Vacates Utility Easement Stone Creek (Special) | 9/26/2005 |
1194 | Vacates Utility Easement Evans East (Special) | 9/26/2005 |
1193 | Special Use Permit - Day care (Special) | 9/26/2005 |
1192 | Special Use Permit - Day care (Special) | 7/11/2005 |
1191 | Creates Building Inspector position (1-3) | 6/27/2005 |
1190 | Amends Ord. 1100, abandoned meters (Special) | 6/27/2005 |
1189 | Special Use Permit - Home Beauty Salon (Special) | 6/27/2005 |
1188 | Rezoning Urban Hess and Highland Ridge (Special) | 6/27/2005 |
1187 | Rezoning - Scotty’s (Special) | 6/13/2005 |
1186 | Zoning and subdivision regulations - text amendments various (Zoning Code) | 5/23/2005 |
1185 | Special Use Permit - BBQ sauce (Special) | 5/23/2005 |
1184 | Zoning and subdivision regulations - text amendments various (Zoning Code) | 5/9/2005 |
1183 | Designates Village, 2nd and Cox as main trafficways (Special) | 3/14/2005 |
1182 | Adopts codification of ordinances (Not codified) | 2/28/2005 |
1181 | Special use permit - day care (Special) | 1/24/2005 |
1180 | Amends Ord. 1100, abandoned meters (Special) | 11/22/2004 |
1179 | Acceptance of real estate - Stone Creek Park (Special) | 10/25/2004 |
1178 | Amends Ord. 1083, IBC - emergency escape and rescue openings (4-2) | 10/11/2004 |
1177 | Rezones New Town Square (Special) | 9/27/2004 |
1176 | Abandoned motor vehicles - public property as nuisances (Special) | 9/27/2004 |
1175 | Junk motor vehicles on private property - nuisances (8-3) | 9/27/2004 |
1174 | Declaring health nuisances (8-2) | 9/27/2004 |
1173 | Declaring weeds as nuisances (8-4) | 9/27/2004 |
1172 | Declaring environmental code violations (8-2A) | 9/27/2004 |
1171 | Adopts STO 2004 (Repealed by 1294) | 9/27/2004 |
1170 | Adopts UPC 2004 (Repealed by 1217) | 9/27/2004 |
1169 | Franchise Agreement - Sunflower Broadband (Appendix B) | 9/27/2004 |
1168 | Amends Standard Traffic Ordinance - ATVs (Repealed by 1294) | 8/9/2004 |
1167 | Right-of-way management; repeals Ord. 689 (12-2) | 7/12/2004 |
1166 | Amends Ord. 1100; changes utility bill due date to the 15th (Special) | 6/28/2004 |
1165 | Issuance GO Bonds $1,065,000 - street improvements (Special) | 6/14/2004 |
1164 | Amends Ord. 1101; repeals Ord. 1132, sewer connection $2,500 (Repealed by 1219) | 5/24/2004 |
1163 | Rezones Tongaridge (Special) | 5/24/2004 |
1162 | Issues Special Use Permit - Cell Phone Tower (Special) | 3/22/2004 |
1161 | Deannexation - Rogers Road (Special) | 3/22/2004 |
1160 | Rezones Greystone (Special) | 2/23/2004 |
1159 | Authorizes amendment of KDHE 3 loan agreement (Special) | 2/12/2004 |
1158 | Annexation - Greystone (Special) | 1/12/2004 |
1157 | Rezones Lot 1 Block 1 Eagle Valley (Special) | 1/12/2004 |
1156 | Issues Special Use Permit - woodcraft facility (Special) | 12/22/2003 |
1155 | Amends Ord. 624; repeals Ord. 1133, refuse fee $9.00 curbside, $10.00 houseside (Repealed by 1220) | 11/24/2003 |
1154 | Rezones New Town Square (Special) | 11/24/2003 |
1153 | Franchise Agreement - Westar (Repealed by 1515) | 9/28/2003 |
1152 | Rezones - Timber Hill Farms (Special) | 9/8/2003 |
1151 | Attests to increase in mill levy for 2004 (Special) | 8/11/2003 |
1150 | Rezoning Willow Point (Special) | 7/28/2003 |
1149 | Amends Zoning - wall signs (Repealed by 1393) | 5/27/2003 |
1148 | Amends Zoning - area and height regs (Zoning Code) | 5/27/2003 |
1147 | Rezoning Jackson Heights (Special) | 4/28/2003 |
1146 | Annexation - Timber Hill Farms (Special) | 4/28/2003 |
1145 | Annexation - Willow Point (Special) | 4/14/2003 |
1144 | Rezoning Fall Creek Villas (Special) | 4/14/2003 |
1143 | Issues Special Use Permit for Bed and Breakfast (Special) | 4/14/2003 |
1142 | Adopts Uniform Public Offense 2002; repeals Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1170) | 3/24/2003 |
1141 | Adopts Standard Traffic Ordinance 2002; repeals Ord. 1043 (Repealed by 1171) | 3/24/2003 |
1140 | Annexation - Jack Willis - Jackson Heights (Special) | 2/10/2003 |
1139 | Accepting Stone Creek Park - real estate (Special) | 1/27/2003 |
1138 | Adopts Zoning and Subdivision Regulations 2003; repeals Ord. 867 (16-2) | 1/13/2003 |
1137 | Adopts the Vision 2020 Comprehensive Plan repeals 1068 (Repealed by 1213) | 1/13/2003 |
1136 | Issues Special Use for Daycare (Special) | 11/25/2002 |
1135 | Amends 1080 maximum Excise Tax on 1 or 2 family equal to an acre (Repealed by 1207) | 11/25/2002 |
1134 | Amends 780 Debt service $9.50 | 11/12/2002 |
1133 | Amends 1106 Refuse fees $8.00 curbside $9.00 houseside (Repealed by 1155) | 11/12/2002 |
1132 | Amends 1101 Sewer connection $1750 (Repealed by 1164) | 11/12/2002 |
1131 | Rezoning Almeda Bed & Breakfast (Special) | 9/23/2002 |
1130 | Resets water rate for bulk water to $.50 for 50 gallons repeals 1128 (Repealed by 1305) | 9/9/2002 |
1129 | Vacates alley by Catholic Church (Special) | 8/26/2002 |
1128 | Resets water rate for bulk water to $1.00 for 50 gallons repeals 797 (Repealed by 1130) | 8/12/2002 |
1127 | Amends 987 Tree Board to require only 3 members be residents (13-3) | 8/12/2002 |
1126 | Authorizes GO Bonds to refund 96 Water Revenue Bond (Special) | 8/12/2002 |
1125 | Repeals 862 concerning Water Rates charged to Rural #6 (Repealer) | 7/22/2002 |
1124 | Adds Bed and Breakfast as a Special Use | 7/22/2002 |
1123 | Rezoning Stone Creek Phase 3 (Special) | 7/8/2002 |
1122 | Provides for Salaries for elected officials - Pays Mayor and Council $1 per month (Special) | 7/8/2002 |
1121 | Designates US 24/40 & K-16/4th St as Main Trafficways (Special) | 6/24/2002 |
1120 | Authorizing & Providing for codification of ordinances (Special) | 6/24/2002 |
1119 | Recovery of expenses incurred by city in emergency or response to release (8-8) | 5/28/2002 |
1118 | Annexation - additional 5-foot strip for entrance Southpark Townhomes (Special) | 5/28/2002 |
1117 | Rezoning South Park Townhomes (Special) | 4/8/2002 |
1116 | Provides for conveyance of real property and acceptance of easement - Mills Trust (Special) | 3/25/2002 |
1115 | Issues a Special Use Permit for dog grooming (Special) | 3/11/2002 |
1114 | Accepting Quit Claim Deed connecting roads from LCPA (Special) | 2/25/2002 |
1113 | Authorizes Loan between KDHE & City (Special) | 2/11/2002 |
1112 | Issues a Special Use Permit for a Hair Salon (Special) | 1/28/2002 |
1111 | Annexation - Jack Willis - South Park Townhomes (Special) | 1/28/2002 |
1110 | Vacating part of an alley between Casey’s & The Mills Agency 24/40 & 16 (Special) | 1/14/2002 |
1109 | Annexation - portions of US 24 Rights of Way (Special) | 1/14/2002 |
1108 | Repealing Ordinance 1058 (Repealer) | 12/17/2001 |
1107 | Provides for salaries and allows future changes to salary be done by resolution (1-3) | 11/26/2001 |
1106 | Establishes refuse charges 7.75 curbside and 8.75 houseside (Special) | 11/13/2001 |
1105 | Establishes debt service charge for water to be placed on bills 7.50 (Special) | 11/13/2001 |
1104 | Establishes water rates 5.90 for first 1000 and 3.95 for @ additional 1000 (Repealed by 1196) | 11/13/2001 |
1103 | Establishes a sewer user charge 7.06 for 1st 1000 and 2.95 @ additional 1000 (Repealed by 1198) | 11/13/2001 |
1102 | Condemnation of Rights of Way for Geometric Improvements (Special) | 10/22/2001 |
1101 | Use of Public & Private Sewers and Drains Regulations by Reference (15-3) | 10/8/2001 |
1100 | Water and Sewer Regulations by Reference (15-2) | 10/8/2001 |
1099 | Special Use Permit - Jeff & Jody Hupe - Day Care Center (Special) | 9/24/2001 |
1098 | Authorizes issuance IRB 2,300,000 to MDDC (Special) | 9/10/2001 |
1097 | Amends Ord 1059 Public Offense allow liquor in restaurants within 200' zone | 9/10/2001 |
1096 | Repeals 786 providing regulation of liquor establishments (Repealer) | 9/10/2001 |
1095 | Rezoning (Special) | 8/13/2001 |
1094 | Attests to increase in mill levy for 2002 (Special) | 8/13/2001 |
1093 | Business License requirements repeals 431 (5-1) | 7/9/2001 |
1092 | Adopts Leavenworth Sanitary Code by reference repeals 753 (Not codified) | 7/9/2001 |
1091 | Acquisition land by condemnation for interceptor sewer project (Special) | 6/25/2001 |
1090 | Adopts by Reference the Discrimination & Harassment Policy (1-4) | 6/25/2001 |
1089 | Designates the Enforcement Officer for administering Ordinances | 6/25/2001 |
1088 | Amends 674 sewer connect fees to only the initial tap on the lot (Repealed by 1101) | 6/25/2001 |
1087 | Manufactured Home Occupancy Permit (4-7) | 6/25/2001 |
1086 | Cable Franchise amending 921 (Appendix B) | 6/25/2001 |
1085 | Adopts Inter Plumbing Code - 2000 repeals 900 (4-4, 4-5, 4-6) | 6/25/2001 |
1084 | Adopts Inter Mechanical Code & Uniform Housing Code 1997 repeals 901 (4-6) | 6/25/2001 |
1083 | Adopts Inter Building Code 2000 & Residential Code 2000 Repeals 899, 929, 991 (4-2) | 6/25/2001 |
1082 | Amends Zoning Ord Subdivision Regs Final Plat Procedure Repeals 1028 (Not codified) | 6/11/2001 |
1081 | Debris Deposit - Mud Bond (Special) | 6/11/2001 |
1080 | Excise Tax Ordinance - $.05 square foot (Repealed by 1207) | 6/11/2001 |
1079 | Adopts the Kansas Buildings Fire Safety Handbook (7-2) | 6/11/2001 |
1078 | Adopts Uniform Code for the abatement of Dangerous Structures (4-5) | 6/11/2001 |
1077 | Adopts National Electric Code - Repeals 902 (4-3) | 6/11/2001 |
1076 | Condemnation of Easements for Interceptor Sewer (Special) | 5/21/2001 |
1075 | Rezoning (Special) | 5/21/2001 |
1074 | Fire Insurance Proceeds Fund (8-7) | 5/14/2001 |
1073 | Designates the Enforcement Officer for Unsafe or Dangerous Structures | 5/14/2001 |
1072 | Water Drought/Emergency Ordinance (15-6) | 5/14/2001 |
1071 | Authorizes Loan between KDHE & City (Special) | 4/30/2001 |
1070 | Permit Fees for Sewer Connection $1500 (Repealed by 1101) | 4/30/2001 |
1069 | Amends Zoning Ordinance to add the Stormwater Detention Plan (Not codified) | 4/23/2001 |
1068 | Adopts by reference - Comprehensive Plan "Vision 2020" (Repealed by 1137) | 4/23/2001 |
1067 | Calling an Election - Charter Ordinance No 12 (Special) | 4/9/2001 |
1066 | Establishes the amount of levy for the Transient Guest Tax (Special) | 3/26/2001 |
1065 | Rezoning (Special) | 3/26/2001 |
1064 | Adopts by reference - Stormwater Detention Plan (Not codified) | 3/12/2001 |
1063 | Vacating internal drainage and dedicated utility easement - Urban Hess (Special) | 3/12/2001 |
1062 | Regulates vehicle height, length, width and weight | 2/12/2001 |
1061 | Rezoning (Special) | 2/12/2001 |
1060 | Vacating Dedicated Building Line Setback - Lot 1, Block 48, Schilling Subdivision (Special) | 1/22/2001 |
1059 | Uniform Public Offense & Supplement (Repealed by 1142) | 1/8/2001 |
1058 | Annexation - portions of US 24 Rights of Way (Repealed by 1108) | 1/8/2001 |
1057 | Dedicating Utility Easements - Defries, Brotherson Ind Park No 2 (Special) | 1/8/2001 |
1056 | Authorizes Loan between KDHE & City (Special) | 12/20/2000 |
1055 | Authorizes Land Acquisition by condemnation for interceptor sewer project (Special) | 12/20/2000 |
1054 | Junk Vehicles (Repealed by 1175) | 12/20/2000 |
1053 | Noise Ordinance (Repealed by 1173 and 1296) | 12/20/2000 |
1052 | Junk & Weeds Etc Ordinance (Repealed by 1174) | 12/20/2000 |
1051 | Reaffirms the adoption of Comp Plan and extends the expiration date (Special) | 12/20/2000 |
1050 | (Repealed by 1103) | 12/11/2000 |
1049 | (Repealed by 1104) | 12/11/2000 |
1048 | (Repealed by 1105) | 12/11/2000 |
1047 | (Repealed by 1106) | 12/11/2000 |
1046 | Issues GO 2000 Bond 630,000 - 4th Street (Special) | 12/20/2000 |
1045 | Amends Zoning Regs for Parking | 11/13/2000 |
1044 | Rezoning (Special) | 10/23/2000 |
1043 | Standard Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by 1141) | 9/25/2000 |
1042 | Amends 1039 levying special assessments 4th Street (Special) | 9/25/2000 |
1041 | Amends 1039 levying special assessments Evans (Washington) (Special) | 8/23/2000 |
1040 | Nudity Ordinance - prohibits certain conduct | 8/14/2000 |
1039 | Levies Special Assessments - Evans (Washington) & 4th Street (Special) | 8/14/2000 |
1038 | Amends Subdivision Regs design standards and improvement plans (Not codified) | 7/10/2000 |
1037 | Amends Zoning Ord Subdivision Regs Final Plat Procedure (Not codified) | 7/10/2000 |
1036 | Adopts by Reference - Flood Plain Mgmt Plan; repeals 805 (16-3) | 7/10/2000 |
1035 | Amends 1020 Site Plan Review Standards concerning 5.1 site review board | 6/26/2000 |
1034 | Establishing Employee Benefits for Library | 6/12/2000 |
1033 | Rezoning - Eagle Valley (Special) | 5/22/2000 |
1032 | Rezoning from I1 to B2 (Special) | 5/8/2000 |
1031 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Underground Wiring (Not codified) | 4/24/2000 |
1030 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Manufactured Homes (Not codified) | 4/24/2000 |
1029 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Preliminary Plat Procedure and Content (Not codified) | 4/24/2000 |
1028 | (Repealed by 1082) | 4/24/2000 |
1027 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Survey Monuments (Not codified) | 4/24/2000 |
1026 | Annexation - Eagle Valley (Special) | 4/10/2000 |
1025 | Rezoning from R to B-3 (Special) | 4/10/2000 |
1024 | Rezoning from R to R-5 (Special) | 4/10/2000 |
1023 | Rezoning from R to R-1 (Special) | 4/10/2000 |
1022 | Repealing Ordinance 714 - location of taverns (Repealer) | 3/13/2000 |
1021 | Amends Subdivision Regs Light Industrial - Height Regs and Setbacks (Not codified) | 2/28/2000 |
1020 | Amends Zoning by adding site review standards repeals 997 (Not codified) | 2/28/2000 |
1019 | SWB Franchise Agreement - $.81 per line (Appendix B) | 3/27/2000 |
1018 | Approves Transfer Cable Franchise Ord 921 to WorldNet (Appendix B) | 2/28/2000 |
1017 | Amends Subdivision Regs Section 15 Light Industrial District (Not codified) | 1/24/2000 |
1016 | Amends Subdivision Regs Section 32 Temporary Use (Not codified) | 1/24/2000 |
1015 | Rezoning from R to R4b - Mobile Home Park District (Special) | 1/24/2000 |
1014 | Changes name of Village Street Terrace to Village Street (Special) | 1/10/2000 |
1013 | (Repealed by 1049) | 12/27/1999 |
1012 | (Repealed by 1048) | 12/27/1999 |
1011 | (Repealed by 1059) | 12/13/1999 |
1010 | (Repealed by 1043) | 12/13/1999 |
1009 | Amends 675 prohibiting bottle rockets repealing 897 (Repealed by 1268) | 11/22/1999 |
1008 | Changes name of Evans Road West to West Washington (Special) | 11/22/1999 |
1007 | Rezoning 701 E 4th St from I-1 to B-2 (Special) | 11/22/1999 |
1006 | Amends Subdivision Regs Preliminary Plat Procedure Section 2.1 (Not codified) | 11/8/1999 |
1005 | Rezoning 822 E 4th St from I-2 to B-2 (Special) | 11/8/1999 |
1004 | Rezoning Lot 16, Tongaridge from R4a- to R-5 (Special) | 10/25/1999 |
1003 | Amends Subdivision Regs Section 3.2 Final Plat Content (Not codified) | 9/13/1999 |
1002 | Attests to increase in mill levy for 2000 (Special) | 8/23/1999 |
1001 | Special Use Permit for Day Care Center 224 Grace (Special) | 8/9/1999 |
1000 | Rezones From R to R-5 (Special) | 7/26/1999 |
999 | Amends Subdivision Regs section 3.1 Final Plat Procedure (Not codified) | 7/26/1999 |
998 | Municipal Court Costs Repeals 956 (Repealed by 1011 and 1202) | 7/26/1999 |
997 | (Repealed by 1020) | 6/14/1999 |
996 | Rezoning from R to B-3 (Special) | 6/14/1999 |
995 | Rezoning from R to R-5 (Special) | 6/14/1999 |
994 | Rezoning from R to R-3 (Special) | 6/14/1999 |
993 | Rezoning from R to R-1 (Special) | 6/14/1999 |
992 | Amends Subdivision Regs Section 5 Improvements (Not codified) | 5/10/1999 |
991 | (Repealed by 1083) | 4/26/1999 |
990 | Amends Section 95 of 955 Standard Traffic Ord stopping or parking in congested (Not codified) | 4/26/1999 |
989 | Issue GO Bond 10,279.63 - Hatchell Road (Special) | 4/26/1999 |
988 | Annexation (Special) | 4/12/1999 |
987 | Establishes Tree Board (13-3) | 3/22/1999 |
986 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Application Fees repeals 887 (Repealed by 1206) | 3/22/1999 |
985 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Off street parking and loading (Not codified) | 3/8/1999 |
984 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Section 4 minimum subdivision design standards (Not codified) | 3/22/1999 |
983 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Minimum Floor Area Dwelling Unit - Section 7,8 & 8a (Not codified) | 3/8/1999 |
982 | Amends Subdivision Regs - Section 31 Multi Family Residential (Not codified) | 2/23/1999 |
981 | Rezoning from R to R-1 (Special) | 2/23/1999 |
980 | Special Use Permit - Wood Working Shop 838 E 8th (Special) | 2/23/1999 |
979 | Annexation (Special) | 1/25/1999 |
978 | Rezoning from B-3 to R-2 (Special) | 1/25/1999 |
977 | Rezoning from R to R-1 (Special) | 1/25/1999 |
976 | Provides for conveyance of real property to Recreation Commission (Special) | 1/14/1999 |
975 | Annexation (Special) | 1/25/1999 |
974 | Annexation (Special) | 1/25/1999 |
973 | Establish Assessment for water customers to fund Fire Dept Capital Improvements (Special) | 12/21/1998 |
972 | (Repealed by 1101) | 12/21/1998 |
971 | (Repealed by 1100) | 12/21/1998 |
970 | (Repealed by 1050) | 12/21/1998 |
969 | Levy Special Assessments Hatchell Road (Special) | 12/14/1998 |
968 | Amends Sub Regs Section 2.1 Preliminary Plat Procedure (Not codified) | 11/9/1998 |
967 | Amends Sub Regs Section 3 (Not codified) | 11/9/1998 |
966 | Rezoning R to R-3 (Special) | 11/9/1998 |
965 | Rezoning R to B-3 (Special) | 11/9/1998 |
964 | Rezoning R to R-4 (Special) | 11/9/1998 |
963 | Rezoning R to R-4 (Special) | 11/9/1998 |
962 | Rezoning R-1 to R-2 (Special) | 11/9/1998 |
961 | Rezoning R to R-1 (Special) | 11/9/1998 |
960 | Special Use Permit - Computer Software Company 300 E Eighth (Special) | 11/9/1998 |
959 | (Repealed by 1083) | 9/28/1998 |
958 | Amends Sub Regs Sign Requirements (Not codified) | 9/14/1998 |
957 | Annexation (Special) | 9/14/1998 |
956 | (Repealed by 998) | 9/14/1998 |
955 | (Repealed by 1010) | 7/13/1998 |
954 | (Repealed by 1011) | 7/13/1998 |
953 | (Repealed by 1013) | 12/22/1997 |
952 | Rezoning R to B-3 (Special) | 12/22/1997 |
951 | Rezoning from I-2 to B-3 (Special) | 12/22/1997 |
950 | Rezoning I-1 to R-3 - Oroke Subdivision (Special) | 11/25/1997 |
949 | Rezoning I-2 to R-4a (Special) | 11/25/1997 |
948 | Rezoning I-2 to B-3 Defries Brotherson (Special) | 11/25/1997 |
947 | Rezoning from I-2 to B-3 (Special) | 10/27/1997 |
946 | Amends the 1st operating agreement pwwd#6 (Special) | 5/12/1997 |
945 | Special Use Permit - Day Care Center 119 E 4th (Special) | 10/13/1997 |
944 | (Repealed by 1012) | 5/12/1997 |
943 | (Repealed by 953) | 5/12/1997 |
942 | Rezoning R to R-1 and B-3 (Special) | 4/28/1997 |
941 | Amends Zoning Ord section 5.1 (B) Roadways (Not codified) | 4/28/1997 |
940 | Adopts by Reference the Purchasing Authority and Procedure Manual (Repealed by 1205) | 3/24/1997 |
939 | Annexation (Special) | 1/27/1997 |
938 | Authorizes issuance Revenue Bond for Water 1,500,000 (Special) | 12/2/1996 |
937 | (Repealed by 955) | 12/9/1996 |
936 | (Repealed by 954) | 12/9/1997 |
935 | Special Use Permit - Little Angels Learning Center (Special) | 12/9/1997 |
934 | Special Use Permit - Day Care Facility 913 Somers (Special) | 9/23/1996 |
933 | Special Use Permit - Day Care Facility 712 Pleasant (Special) | 9/23/1996 |
932 | Special Use Permit - Beauty Shop 1005 South Delaware (Special) | 8/12/1996 |
931 | Levying Special Assessments (Special) | 7/15/1996 |
930 | Vacating a portion of Cross St (Special) | 6/17/1996 |
929 | (Repealed by 1083) | 5/28/1996 |
928 | Adopts Uniform Code - Repeals 904 (Not codified) | 2/26/1996 |
927 | Annexation (Special) | 1/8/1996 |
926 | Special Use Permit - Day Care Center (Special) | 11/27/1995 |
925 | Adopts Standard Traffic Ordinance repeals 905 (Repealed by 937) | 11/27/1995 |
924 | Annexation (Special) | 11/13/1995 |
923 | Amends 779 regulation of Cereal Malt striking the words resident LV CO for 6 mo | 10/9/1995 |
922 | Amends 921 (Appendix B) | 8/28/1995 |
921 | Cable TV Franchise Amended by 921, 1086 (Appendix B) | 8/28/1995 |
920 | Vacating Dedicated Utility Easements between Lots 9&10 Tongaridge (Special) | 8/14/1995 |
919 | Issue GO Bond 255,000 - acquisition 75' aerial pumper truck (Special) | 6/29/1995 |
918 | Rezoning (Special) | 6/26/1995 |
917 | Amending 909 Franchise Agreement (Special) | 5/22/1995 |
916 | Vacating Dedicated Utility Easements between Lots 8&9 Tongaridge (Special) | 4/24/1995 |
915 | Amends 867 zoning related to the size of farm buildings in a "r" zone (Special) | 4/10/1995 |
914 | Amends 904 - alarms and false alarms (Repealed by 1296) | 3/13/1995 |
913 | Change the street name 10th Street to 11th St Terr (Special) | 3/13/1995 |
912 | Change the street name Ridge Terr to Shoemaker Way (Special) | 1/9/1995 |
911 | (Repealed by 912) | 1/9/1995 |
910 | Annexation Repeals 908 (Special) | 1/9/1995 |
909 | Franchise Agreement - Southwestern Bell 3% (Repealed by 1019) | 11/28/1994 |
908 | Annexation (Repealed by 910) | 11/28/1994 |
907 | Amends 904 - unauthorized presence | 10/10/1994 |
906 | Amends 867 to allow Planning Commission to serve as BOZA KSA 12-759 | 8/22/1994 |
905 | Adopting Standard Traffic Ordinance Repealing 882, 822, 823, 829, 863 (Repealed by 925) | 8/22/1994 |
904 | Adopting Uniform Public Offense Code Repealing 889 (Repealed by 928) | 8/22/1994 |
903 | An Ordinance providing for peddling and selling repealing 494 | 10/10/1994 |
902 | (Repealed by 1077) | 8/8/1994 |
901 | (Repealed by 1084) | 8/8/1994 |
900 | (Repealed by 1085) | 8/8/1994 |
899 | (Repealed by 1083) | 8/8/1994 |
898 | Change the street name of 10th St to 13th Street (Repealed by 913) | 6/27/1994 |
897 | (Repealed by 1009) | 6/27/1994 |
896 | Vacation a part of Elm Street & reserving easements & rights of way (Special) | 6/27/1994 |
895 | Annexation (Special) | 5/9/1994 |
894 | Establishment of an adult entertainment business | 5/9/1994 |
893 | Keeping & Harboring Rottweillers Amends 886 & 892 = Temp Nature (Expired) | 5/9/1994 |
892 | Adopts by Reference SNAP "Safe Neighborhoods for animals and people" (2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13, 2-16) | 12/27/1993 |
891 | Rezoning Goldthwaits Sub from R-1 to R-3 (Special) | 12/27/1993 |
890 | Amends Zoning by changing beauty parlor from home occupation to Special Use (Not codified) | 12/27/1993 |
889 | (Repealed by 904) | 11/8/1993 |
888 | (Repealed by 1100) | 10/25/1993 |
887 | Vacating a part of E 11th St & Reserving Easements & Rights of Way (Special) | 10/11/1993 |
886 | Keeping of Rottweillers - amended by 893 | 9/13/1993 |
885 | (Repealed by 986) | 9/13/1993 |
884 | Rezoning Tongaridge from I-2 to R-4a (Special) | 8/23/1993 |
883 | (Repealed by 897) | 8/9/1993 |
882 | (Repealed by 905) | 7/26/1993 |
881 | (Repealed by 889) | 7/26/1993 |
880 | Special Use Permit - Beauty Shop 105 E 10th (Special) | 7/26/1993 |
879 | Vacating a part of Elm St (Lot 5) & Reserving Easements & Rights of Way (Special) | 7/14/1993 |
878 | Authorizes the issuance of GO Bond Street Improvements 200,000 (Special) | 7/12/1993 |
877 | (Repealed by 1100) | 7/28/1993 |
876 | Levying Assessments BD #8 Sewer (Special) | 7/28/1993 |
875 | Adopts by Reference Ordinance against discrimination (1-8) | 6/14/1993 |
874 | Rezoning Tongaridge from I-2 to R-4a (Special) | 5/24/1993 |
873 | Prohibits Smoking at City Owned Public Places designating PD as Smoking Area | 3/8/1993 |
872 | Annexation (Special) | 3/8/1993 |
871 | Authorizes issuance Health Facilities refunding Revenue Bond for Water 1,800,000 (Special) | 3/8/1993 |
870 | Authorizes temp note for Sewer BD #8 (Special) | 12/14/1992 |
869 | Annexation - Rec Commission Property N of Fairgrounds (Special) | 12/14/1992 |
868 | Annexation Ordinance - Historical Society - Repealed in the same meeting (Special) | 12/14/1992 |
867 | Adopts by Reference 1991 Zoning Ordinance & Subdivision Regs (Repealed by 1138) | 10/28/1992 |
866 | Adopts Standard Traffic Ordinance repeals 905 (Repealed by 905) | 9/28/1992 |
865 | Vacating a part of 6th St fr Delaware to the center of abandoned RR reserv easement row (Special) | 9/14/1991 |
864 | Annexation (Special) | 9/14/1992 |
863 | (Repealed by 905) | 6/22/1992 |
862 | Water Rates Charged to Rural District No 6 (Repealed by 1125) | 4/27/1992 |
861 | Reserves 4 Parking spots on Delaware for Police Vehicles (Special) | 4/27/1992 |
860 | Vacating a part of Yoeke St reserving easements and right of way (Special) | 4/27/1992 |
859 | Vacating alleys and reserving easements and right of way (Special) | 4/27/1992 |
858 | Annexation (Special) | 4/27/1992 |
857 | Refuse Rates amends 624, repeals 815 (Repealed by conflict) | 4/27/1992 |
856a | Amends 792 raising deposits to $50 (Repealed by 1100) | 3/9/1992 |
856 | (Repealed by 866) | 11/11/1991 |
855 | (Repealed by 1100) | 11/11/1991 |
854 | Special Use Permit - Beauty Shop 607 Shawnee (Special) | 8/26/1991 |
853 | Sewer Rates (Repealed by conflict 1100) | 8/26/1991 |
852 | Water Rates (Repealed by conflict 1100) | 8/26/1991 |
851 | Special Use Permit - retail craft supply business - no address legal in Ord. (Special) | 8/22/1991 |
850 | An Ordinance repealing 634 salaries for Mayor and Council (Repealer) | 7/22/1991 |
849 | An Ordinance repealing 470 establishment of Park & Pool Board (Repealer) | 7/22/1991 |
848 | Rezoning R to R-1 3 unnumbered lots Pleasant Hill and East View Sub (Special) | 7/8/1991 |
847 | Annexation (Special) | 5/28/1991 |
846 | Weed Ordinance (Repealed by 1052) | 4/22/1991 |
845 | (Repealed by 1052) | 4/22/1991 |
844 | (Repealed by 1054) | 4/22/1991 |
843 | Ordinance authorizing repair and reconstruction of sewer - issue temp note (Special) | 4/22/1991 |
842 | Unlawful for under 21 to possess CMB & unlawful use of DL | 1/28/1991 |
841 | Rezoning R - R1 - Unnumbered block pleasant hill addition (Special) | 1/14/1991 |
840 | Sewer Rates (Repealed by conflict 1100) | 12/10/1990 |
839 | Prohibits Skateboards and Rollerskating on 4th from Main to Shawnee (Special) | 11/13/1990 |
838 | Authorizes Tax Abatement for Magnatech 10 years sliding scale down (Special) | 10/22/1990 |
837 | Rezones from R-1 to B-1 Lots 29, 30 and 31 Block 2 Elm Park (Special) | 8/27/1990 |
836 | Parking in front of Temporary City Hall (Expired) | 8/13/1990 |
835 | The 2nd Reading of 834 was inadvertently labeled 835 and later changed |
834 | Leavenworth Jefferson Franchise Agreement (Special) | 9/10/1990 |
833 | Top Soil Cover over water lines 42" | 4/23/1990 |
832 | Amends 667 registration fee for dogs (Repealed by 892) | 4/9/1990 |
831 | Criminal Code by Reference (Repealed) | 3/26/1990 |
830 | Cross Connection Control model by Reference (15-5) | 3/12/1990 |
829 | (Repealed by 905) | 3/12/1990 |
828 | Annexation - Laming Road (Special) | 1/22/1990 |
827 | Debt Service Surcharge (Repealed by conflict) | 1/22/1990 |
826 | Specifications for Streets, Waterlines and Sewers in City Limits | 12/11/1989 |
825 | Creates the office of City Administrator (1-3) | 10/9/1989 |
824 | Creates Municipal Equipment Reserve Fund (Special) | 10/9/1989 |
823 | (Repealed by 905) | 9/25/1989 |
822 | (Repealed by 905) | 9/25/1989 |
821 | Rezoning from R-1 to I-1 (Special) | 9/25/1989 |
820 | Rezoning from R to R-1 (Special) | 8/28/1989 |
819 | Vacates Easement in Lot 8 Oroke Subdivision - not published or recorded not necessary (Special) | 8/28/1989 |
818 | Issue GO Bond 350,000 Construction City Library (Special) | 8/28/1989 |
817 | Authorizes Acquisition Construction Equipping Furnishing City Library (Special) | 8/21/1989 |
816 | Standard Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by conflict) | 8/14/1989 |
815 | (Repealed by 857) | 7/17/1989 |
814 | Rezoning from R and B-3 to I2 (Special) | 6/26/1989 |
813 | Leavenworth Jefferson Franchise Agreement (Repealed by conflict) | 6/26/1989 |
812 | Vacates an Easement in Woodland Estates (Special) | 5/22/1989 |
811 | Rezoning from R-1 to R-2 (Special) | 5/8/1989 |
810 | Annexation (Special) | 5/8/1989 |
809 | Levies one/half cent sales tax effective 07/01/89 (Special) | 4/24/1989 |
808 | Regulates the sale of CMB Ord 779 on Sunday (Repealed by 1500) | 4/10/1989 |
807 | Issues 30,000 No fund Warrants for PD (Special) | 2/13/1989 |
806 | Renaming Village St to 1st Street and Village St Terr (Special) | 2/13/1989 |
805 | (Repealed by 1036) | 12/19/1988 |
804 | Annexation (Special) | 12/29/1988 |
803 | Annexation (Special) | 9/12/1988 |
802 | Leavenworth Jefferson Franchise Agreement (Repealed by conflict) | 9/12/1988 |
801a | Annexation (Special) | 9/12/1988 |
801 | Ordinance against discrimination by reference | 7/11/1988 |
800 | (Repealed by 816) | 7/11/1988 |
799 | Leavenworth Jefferson Franchise Agreement (Repealed by conflict) | 6/27/1988 |
798 | Related to Suspension of Sale of Fireworks (7-3) | 6/27/1988 |
797 | Establishes water dispenser charge of .25 for 50 gallons (Repealed by 1128) | 6/27/1988 |
796 | Amends Standard Traffic Ord (Repealed by conflict) | 6/13/1988 |
795 | Issues Special Use Permit for a non-profit thrift shop and food bank (Special) | 5/23/1988 |
794 | Construction or reconstruction of sidewalks | 4/11/1988 |
793 | Annexation (Special) | 4/11/1988 |
792 | (Repealed by 1100) | 3/28/1988 |
791 | Amends 667 registration fee for dogs (Repealed by 892) | 1/25/1988 |
790 | Provides Regulations for Caterers - alcohol (3-6) | 12/21/1987 |
789 | Provides for Temp Permits to serve alcoholic liquor (3-7) | 12/21/1987 |
788 | 12/21/1987 | |
787 | Provides for the Regulation of Drinking Establishments (3-5) | 12/21/1987 |
786 | (Repealed by 1096) | 12/21/1987 |
785 | Rezoning from R-1 to R-2 (Special) | 12/21/1987 |
784 | Issues 13,000 No fund Warrants for PD (Special) | 11/9/1987 |
783 | Standard Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by conflict) | 11/9/1987 |
782 | Issues Special Use Permit for a non-profit thrift shop and food bank (Special) | 8/24/1987 |
781 | Establishes water rates 3.25 for first 1000 and 1.75 for @ add 1000 (Repealed by conflict) | 8/24/1987 |
780 | Established Debt Service and Maintenance cost surcharge for PWWD #6 (Special) | 8/24/1987 |
779 | Regulates the sale of CMB (3-2) | 9/28/1987 |
778 | KP&L, KPL Gas Service Franchise Agreement (Appendix B) | 9/28/1987 |
777 | Amends 678 Criminal Code to add section 130 - Yelling, Shouting | 8/10/1987 |
776 | Rezoning from B-3 and R to I-2 Light Industrial -- Property e of B&J (Special) | 7/13/1987 |
775 | Changes City Council mtg time from 8:00 to 7:00 p.m. (Special) | 7/13/1987 |
774 | Annexation (Special) | 7/13/1987 |
773 | Issues Special Use Permit for a private club in I-2 zoning (Special) | 5/26/1987 |
772 | Amends 678 Criminal Code section 189, 191, 193, 194 alcohol and age | 3/12/1987 |
771 | Rezoning from I-2 to B-3 and a part to R-2 repeals 764 (Special) | 4/27/1987 |
770 | Pertains to the keeping of pit bulls amends 667 by adding Section 31, 32 | 4/13/1987 |
769 | (Repealed by 844) | 2/9/1987 |
768 | Boundary Ordinance 1986 (Special) | 12/22/1986 |
767 | Amends Standard Traffic Ord (Repealed by conflict) | 11/10/1986 |
766 | Issues a Special Use Permit for Day Care 126 W Second Street (Special) | 11/10/1986 |
765 | Rezoning from R to I-2 and part to R-2 (Special) | 9/22/1986 |
764 | (Repealed by 771) | 8/25/1986 |
763 | (Repealed by 783) | 7/28/1986 |
762 | Annexation (Special) | 4/14/1986 |
761 | Annexation (Special) | 4/14/1986 |
760 | Amends 606 and 655 (both repealed) water & sewer regs (Repealed by conflict) | 1/27/1986 |
759 | Establishes fees to be charged for copying/obtaining open public records (1-6) | 10/28/1985 |
758 | Amends Ord 603 Board of Zoning Appeals appointments repealed conflict (Repealed by 867) | 8/12/1985 |
757 | Amends Zoning Ord 603 to regulate amendments (Repealed by 867) | 8/12/1985 |
756 | (Repealed by 899) | 7/22/1985 |
755 | (Repealed by 792) | 7/22/1985 |
754 | Charge for Refuse Services (Repealed) | 7/22/1985 |
753 | (Repealed by 1092) | 7/22/1985 |
752 | Amends Standard Traffic Ord - DUI (Not codified) | 7/1/1985 |
751 | Amends 675 - sale use & possession of fireworks | 6/10/1985 |
750 | Ordinance Vacating an Alley retains easements Goldthwaits subdivision (Special) | 3/25/1985 |
749 | IRB 1,800,000 - Nursing home (Special) | 3/25/1985 |
748 | Charge for Refuse Services (Repealed) | 3/11/1985 |
747 | Issues a Special Use Permit for Nursing Home (Special) | 2/25/1985 |
746 | Establishes Fine Schedule for Traffic Infractions | 1/28/1985 |
745 | Adopting Standard Traffic Ordinance Repealing 882, 822, 823, 829, 863 (Repealed by 925) | 1/14/1985 |
744 | IRB 1,800,000 - Nursing home (Special) | 12/17/1984 |
743 | Rates for Cable TV (Special) | 11/26/1984 |
742 | Vacating an alley maintain easement main/Delaware & 1 & 2nd (Special) | 10/22/1984 |
741 | Levies sales tax 1/2 cent (Special) | 8/13/1984 |
740 | Rezoning from R-1 to R-2, north village area - repeals 726, 737 (Special) | 6/25/1984 |
739 | Amends 675 - sale use & possession of fireworks | 4/23/1984 |
738 | Rezoning from R-1 to R-3 (Special) | 4/23/1984 |
737 | (Repealed by 740) | 4/9/1984 |
736 | Charge for Refuse Services (Repealed) | 3/12/1984 |
735 | Rezoning from R to B-3 (Special) | 2/27/1984 |
734 | Vacating a part of Bury Street reserving utility easements (Special) | 2/13/1984 |
733 | Vacating a part of 7th Street reserving utility easements (Special) | 2/13/1984 |
732 | Adopting Standard Traffic Ordinance Repealing 445, 637, 645, 681, 721 (Repealed by 745) | 12/19/1983 |
731 | Amends 603 Zoning Code 1972 (Repealed by conflict) | 10/10/1983 |
730 | Rezoning from R-4 to I-2 (Special) | 10/10/1983 |
729 | Amends 561 & 707 FD Chief $300mo Treasurer $35mo & FF get $5 @ call or mtg (7-1) | 8/22/1983 |
728 | Amends 680 Establishes Winter Usage Rates for Sewer Charges in the Summer | 7/18/1983 |
727 | Vacating a part of 7th Street reserving utility easements (Special) | 7/11/1983 |
726 | (Repealed by 740) | 6/27/1983 |
725 | Rezoning from R-1 to I-1 (Special) | 6/27/1983 |
724 | Charge for Refuse Services (Repealed) | 2/14/1983 |
723 | Granting KP&L Electric Franchise (Special) | 1/10/1983 |
722 | Granting Jefferson County Cable Corp Cable Franchise (Special) | 10/25/1982 |
721 | (Repealed by 732) | 10/11/1982 |
720 | Rezoning from R to R-4b (Mobile Home) District (Special) | 10/11/1982 |
719 | Amends 603 Zoning Code 1972 (Repealed by conflict) | 9/27/1982 |
718 | An Ordinance Repealing Reso 07-82-02 IRB for cable TV system (Repealer) | 9/13/1982 |
717 | Uniform Traffic Code (Repealed) | 7/12/1982 |
716 | Issues $120,785 GO 1982 Series Sewer Districts #6 & #7 (Special) | 6/7/1982 |
715 | Establishes hours for private clubs | 4/12/1982 |
714 | (Repealed by 1022) | 4/12/1982 |
713 | Levy’s assessments for Sewer Benefit District No. 7 (Special) | 3/8/1982 |
712 | Levy’s assessments for Sewer Benefit District No. 6 (Special) | 3/8/1982 |
711 | Vacating a part of Yoeke St reserving easements and right of way (Special) | 2/22/1982 |
710 | Vacating alleys and reserving easements and right of way (Special) | 2/22/1982 |
709 | Rezoning from R-1 to I-2 (Special) | 2/15/1982 |
708 | Authorizes issuance of temp notes for sewers (Special) | 9/28/1981 |
707 | Allows for 35 volunteer FF, pays Chief $50 Amended by 729 (Special) | 9/14/1981 |
706 | No Fund Warrants for $35,000 Fire Equipment (Special) | 9/14/1981 |
705 | Granting Kansas Broadband and Cable a Franchise Agreement (Special) | 6/8/1981 |
704 | Amends 519 disposal of Rubbish, trash, ashes establishes penalty | 4/27/1981 |
703 | Prohibits Stopping Standing or parking on private parking lots establishes fines (Repealed by 1294) | 4/27/1981 |
702 | Amends 678 prohibiting under 21 to private clubs | 4/6/1981 |
701 | Charge for Refuse Services (Repealed) | 2/23/1981 |
700 | Bulk Water Rates (Repealed) | 2/9/1981 |
699 | Amends 1972 Zoning Ord - Dr Offices in Residence subject to SUP (Not codified) | 1/26/1981 |
698 | Issues a Special Use Permit Dr’s Office - 600 E 5th St (Special) | 1/26/1981 |
697 | Rezoning from R-1 to I-1 (Special) | 10/13/1980 |
696 | Amends 678 related to curfew | 10/13/1980 |
695 | Prohibits Drinking Liquor on the streets, sidewalks | 9/8/1980 |
694 | Amends 678 concerning disorderly conduct | 8/11/1980 |
693 | Issues a special use permit - Senior Citizen’s Apt Complex (Special) | 8/4/1980 |
692 | Amends 1972 Zoning Ord - Senior Citizen apartment complex as SUP (Not codified) | 8/4/1980 |
691 | Ordinance eliminating intangible tax | 4/28/1980 |
690 | Amends 667 registration fee for dogs (Repealed by 892) | 4/14/1980 |
689 | Ordinance requiring excavation permits (Repealed by 1167) | 4/14/1980 |
688 | Prohibits Screeching of Wheels or Spinning of Tires & Penalty (Repealed by 1294) | 3/24/1980 |
687 | Charge for Refuse Services (Repealed) | 2/11/1980 |
686 | Establishes User Charges for WW Treatment Plant (Special) | 4/28/1980 |
685 | Vacates a part of Pleasant St maintaining utility easement (Special) | 11/12/1979 |
684 | Provides for appointment of Building inspector adds duties amended by 899 | 10/22/1979 |
683 | Adopts by Reference Flood Plain Management Code (Not codified) | 10/22/1979 |
682 | Amends 672 concerning parking at PO and Street Cleaning/Snow Removal | 9/10/1979 |
681 | (Repealed by 732) | 9/10/1979 |
680 | (Repealed by 686) | 6/25/1979 |
679 | Water Rates (Repealed by conflict 1100) | 6/25/1979 |
678 | (Repealed by 831) | 6/25/1979 |
677 | Regulates Parking on Private Property for Public purposes | 6/11/1979 |
676 | (Repealed by 899) | 6/25/1979 |
675 | Prohibits Sale Use & Possession of Bottle Rockets (7-3) | 5/28/1979 |
674 | (Repealed by 1101) | 5/28/1979 |
673 | Vacates 3 Alleys carvers subdivision maintaining utility easement (Special) | 4/23/1979 |
672 | Parking in front of PO and overnight parking on 4th St prohibited (Special) | 3/26/1979 |
671 | Condemnation of private property for permanent easement for sewer line (Special) | 3/12/1979 |
670 | Condemnation of private property for permanent easement for sewer line (Special) | 2/5/1979 |
669 | Directing removal of unsafe structures 418 E 4th (Special) | 1/8/1979 |
668 | Vacating a part of Vaughn St maintaining easements (Special) | 10/9/1978 |
667 | Regulating Licensing and registering of dogs | 10/9/1978 |
666 | Establishes employee benefit fund (Special) | 9/25/1978 |
665a | Storage of Flammables - bulk oil | 9/25/1978 |
665 | Sewer User Charges (Repealed) | 8/28/1978 |
664 | (Repealed by 792) | 8/14/1978 |
663 | Adopts by Reference Minimum Standards for Mobile Home Parks Code 1978 (Not codified) | 7/10/1978 |
662 | Authorizes $350,000 GO Bonds for WW Sewer Improvements (Special) | 6/26/1978 |
661 | (Repealed by 680) | 5/8/1978 |
660 | Adopting by Reference the new goods public auction law of the State of Kansas (Not codified) | 4/10/1978 |
659 | (Repealed by 792) | 3/29/1978 |
658 | (Repealed by 701) | 1/23/1978 |
657 | Authorizes construction of sewer disposal works (Special) | 1/23/1978 |
656 | Governs Private Clubs and requires license | 1/9/1978 |
655 | (Repealed by 792) | 12/19/1977 |
654 | Amends 607 Subdivision Regs - Survey Monuments (Not codified) | 12/19/1977 |
653 | Specifies duties of the municipal judge pro tem (9-1) | 12/19/1977 |
652 | Changes the name of Poulsen Road to Village Street (Special) | 9/26/1977 |
651 | Amends 610 parking in public and private lots | 9/26/1977 |
650 | (Repealed by 909) | 7/11/1977 |
649 | Issues Special Use for Senior Citizen Center (Special) | 5/23/1977 |
648 | Issues No Fund Warrants $66,000 for Fire Equipment (Special) | 5/9/1977 |
647 | Vacating an alley maintain easement (Special) | 1/24/1977 |
646 | Authorizes issuance of GO Bonds $25,000 1976 Streets (Special) | 11/22/1976 |
645 | (Repealed by 732) | 11/22/1976 |
644 | (Repealed by 687) | 5/10/1976 |
643 | Rezoning from R-2 to R-4 (Special) | 4/12/1976 |
642 | Rezoning from R-1 to I-2 (Special) | 4/12/1976 |
641 | Amends 603 Zoning Ordinance Sections 6, 8, 16.1 & 25 (Repealed) | 4/12/1976 |
640 | Amends 603 Zoning Code 1972 (Repealed by conflict) | 4/12/1976 |
639 | Amends 603 Zoning to amend the future land use map in the comp plan (Repealed) | 4/12/1976 |
638 | Rezoning from R-1 to R-3 Carvers Subdivision (Special) | 12/8/1975 |
637 | (Repealed by 732) | 11/10/1975 |
636 | (Repealed by 661) | 9/8/1975 |
635 | Rezoning from R to B-3 (Special) | 8/11/1975 |
634 | Salaries for Mayor and Council (Repealed by 850) | 7/14/1975 |
633 | Providing for the appointment of assistant city attorney add duties (1-3) | 2/10/1975 |
632 | Rezoning from r-4 to I-2 - Sturgeon property (Special) | 12/23/1974 |
631 | Issues a Special Use Permit public utility service bldg (Special) | 12/23/1974 |
630 | Rezoning from R-4 to B-1 (Special) | 12/23/1974 |
629 | Amends 603 Zoning Section 10-1 B-3 Hwy Service District (Not codified) | 12/23/1974 |
628 | (Repealed by 645) | 11/11/1974 |
627 | Establishes office of the clerk of municipal court (9-1) | 8/12/1974 |
626 | Authorizes Sale of City Property - formerly known as City Dump (Special) | 7/22/1974 |
625 | Relating to designating and marking of streets as one way (Special) | 7/22/1974 |
624 | Rules and regulations regarding trash service | 6/10/1974 |
623 | Rezoning from R-2 to R-3 repeals 619 & 620 (Special) | 9/10/1973 |
622 | (Repealed by 661) | 8/27/1973 |
621 | Rezoning from R to R-1 (Special) | 7/23/1973 |
620 | (Repealed by 623) | 12/18/1972 |
619 | (Repealed by 623) | 10/23/1972 |
618 | (Repealed by 679) | 7/23/1973 |
617 | Cruelty to animals | 7/23/1973 |
616 | Provides for the appointment of a judge pro tem - duties & compensation (9-1) | 7/9/1973 |
615 | Established Police Reserve Unit no more than 12 (Repealed by 1293) | 6/11/1973 |
614 | Unlawful acts minors 18 under in tavern repealed conflict | 6/11/1973 |
613 | (Repealed by 645) | 5/28/1973 |
612 | Fees for use of dump (Expired) | 4/23/1973 |
611 | Issues $49,000 for improvements to water pant GO 1973-a (Special) | 4/9/1973 |
610 | Regulates parking in Public and Private lots | 3/26/1973 |
609 | Parking on Delaware St in front of City Hall 15 minutes $2.00 fine (Special) | 1/22/1973 |
608 | Boundary Ordinance 1972 (Special) | 12/11/1972 |
607 | Adopts by reference subdivision regulations (Not codified) | 10/23/1972 |
606 | (Repealed by 792) | 10/23/1972 |
605 | Calling for an election charter ordinance No 2 (Special) | 10/9/1972 |
604 | (Repealed by 899) | 8/28/1972 |
603 | (Repealed by 867) | 8/14/1972 |
602 | Water conservation (Repealed by 1072) | 6/26/1972 |
601 | Authorizing and directing removal of unsafe structure 418 E 4th St (Special) | 5/22/1972 |
600 | Annexation (Special) | 4/24/1972 |
599 | Issues 43,000 for improvement to water plant GO 1972a (Special) | 4/10/1972 |
598 | Authorizes improvements to the water plant (Special) | 4/10/1972 |
597 | Amends Zoning Ord 590 defines number of members of the zoning board of appeals (Not codified) | 3/27/1972 |
596 | Amends Planning Commission defines number of members | 3/27/1972 |
595 | Calls for special election to issue 250,000 to improve 4th st & bridge Tongie Creek (Special) | 3/6/1972 |
594 | Designates 4th Street as a main trafficway (Special) | 12/27/1971 |
593 | Boundary Ordinance 1971 (Special) | 12/27/1971 |
592 | Annexation (Special) | 12/27/1971 |
591 | Annexation (Special) | 12/13/1971 |
590 and 590a | Redefines Residential structures as multi family dwellings | 9/13/1971 |
589 | Annexation (Special) | 8/9/1971 |
588 | Annexation (Special) | 7/26/1971 |
587 | Annexation (Special) | 7/12/1971 |
586 | Annexation (Special) | 6/28/1971 |
585 | (Repealed by 618) | 6/14/1971 |
584 | Annexation (Special) | 5/24/1971 |
583 & 583a & 583B | Defines the place for lines for Southwestern bell & annual permit to city (Special) | 5/24/1971 |
582 | Annexation (Special) | 12/28/1970 |
581 | Amends 521 redefining trailers and location thereof (Repealed by 603) | 12/28/1970 |
580 | (Repealed by 899) | 10/12/1970 |
579 | Limiting customers of water districts that city supplies water to | 8/10/1970 |
578 | Concerns removal of trees diseased or dead (13-3) | 2/9/1970 |
577 | Safety of travel and trees in sight distance (13-3) | 2/9/1970 |
576 | (Repealed by 899) | 2/9/1970 |
575 | Repeals 574 (Repealer) | 12/8/1969 |
574 | (Repealed by 575) | 11/24/1969 |
573 | Authorizes issuance of $25,000 GO 1969-1 Street Improvements (Special) | 10/13/1969 |
572 | License Fee & Closing hour for business selling CMB (Repealed) | 9/22/1969 |
571 | (Repealed by 678) | 8/11/1969 |
570 | (Repealed by 645) | 8/11/1969 |
569 | (Repealed by 645) | 5/12/1969 |
568 | (Repealed by 618) | 10/28/1968 |
567 | Annexation (Special) | 4/8/1968 |
566 | Sewer Connection Fees (Repealed) | 3/11/1968 |
565 | Amends 519 disposal of Rubbish, trash, ashes establishes penalty | 2/26/1968 |
564 | (Repealed by 645) | 1/22/1968 |
563 | Grants Natural Gas Franchise to The Gas Service Company (Repealed) | 10/23/1967 |
562 | Rates to use landfill (Repealed) | 8/11/1967 |
561 | Establishes Fire Dept and duties of chief Amended by 729 (7-1) | 7/24/1967 |
560 | Authorizes issuance $32,815 for Waterlines GO 1967-2 (Special) | 7/17/1967 |
559 | Biennial election 1967 (Special) | 3/13/1967 |
558 | Authorizes issuance $28,714 for Sewerlines GO 1967-1 - BD#5 (Special) | 2/27/1967 |
557 | Authorizes Assessments Sewer BD #5 (Special) | 1/9/1967 |
556 | Extend City Boundaries (Special) | 12/12/1966 |
555 | Amend Zoning Ordinance (Repealed by 603) | 9/26/1966 |
554 | Vacating Alley (Special) | 9/12/1966 |
553 | Sewer BD #5 Temp Notes $21,243 (Special) | 8/8/1966 |
552 | Extend City Boundaries (Special) | 7/11/1966 |
551 | Amend Zoning Ordinance (Repealed by 603) | 7/11/1966 |
550 | Storage of Flammables- bulk oil (Repealed by 665a) | 2/14/1966 |
549 | Penalties for delinquents, tampering & reconnect fees | 1/10/1966 |
548 | Cause Repair of Removal of Unsafe Structure (Special) | 11/8/1965 |
547 | Tax Levy 1965 (Special) | 7/12/1965 |
546 | Vacating Streets Church Street N. of 2nd Street (Special) | 6/14/1965 |
545 | Issue Revenue Bonds for Water Plant $150,000 (Special) | 4/26/1965 |
544 | Water Rate (Repealed by 568) | 4/12/1965 |
543 | Animal Control (Repealed) | 4/12/1965 |
542 | Biennial Election 1965 (Special) | 2/8/1965 |
541 | Limits number of licenses to sell beer in unopened containers to 2 | 8/24/1964 |
540 | Limits number of beer places (consumption on premises) to 2 | 8/24/1964 |
539 | Limits number of liquor stores to 2 | 8/24/1964 |
538 | Issue Revenue Bonds for Water Plant (Special) | 6/22/1964 |
537 | Annual Tax Levy 1964 (Special) | 6/22/1964 |
536 | Issue $25,000 GO Bonds for Streets (Special) | 6/8/1964 |
535 | Driving within 500' firetruck or parking one block of call (7-1) | 10/14/1963 |
534 | Electric Franchise Agreement 20 years (Special) | 9/9/1963 |
533 | Annual Tax Levy 1963 (Special) | 7/8/1963 |
532 | Biennial Election 1963 (Special) | 2/25/1963 |
531 | Annual Tax Levy 1962 (Special) | 7/9/1962 |
530 | Amends 521 Zoning (Repealed by 603) | 1/22/1962 |
529 | Annual Tax Levy 1961 (Special) | 7/10/1961 |
528 | Issue $10000 GO Bonds for Fire Station (Special) | 6/19/1961 |
527 | Water rates and Sewer Maintenance fees (Repealed by 568) | 5/22/1961 |
526 | Vacating alley between Shawnee & Church (Special) | 5/22/1961 |
525 | Biennial Election 1961 (Special) | 3/13/1961 |
524 | Telephone Franchise - 5 years (Special) | 1/30/1961 |
523 | Declare Emergency - Allow purchase of Fire Truck (Special) | 9/26/1960 |
522 | Annual Tax Levy 1960 (Special) | 6/27/1960 |
521 | Zoning Ordinance (Repealed by 603) | 6/13/1960 |
520 | Fire Limits & Construction of Building Therein (Repealed by 899) | 1/11/1960 |
519 | Accumulating Trash | 1/11/1960 |
518 | Issue Bond Sewer BD#3 $30461 (Special) | 11/9/1959 |
517 | Sewer BD#4 (Special) | 10/12/1959 |
516 | Levy Special Assessment BD#3 (Special) | 8/10/1959 |
515 | Annual Tax Levy 1959 (Special) | 8/10/1959 |
514 | Creation of Planning Commission | 7/20/1959 |
513 | Temp Note Sewer BD #3 (Special) | 5/4/1959 |
512 | Vacation of 5th Street (Special) | 3/23/1959 |
511 | Biennial Election 1959 (Special) | 3/23/1959 |
510 | Corporate Boundaries (Special) | 1/26/1959 |
509 | Construct Sewer for BD#3 (Special) | 1/12/1959 |
508 | Telephone Franchise (Special) | 12/8/1958 |
507 | Sewer BD#3 (Special) | 10/27/1958 |
506 | Tax Levy 1958 (Special) | 7/14/1958 |
505 | Fireworks | 6/23/1958 |
504 | Toilet or privies - must separate sewer from water | 8/28/1957 |
503 | Disturbing the Peace (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
502 | Disturbing the Peace (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
501a | Escaping from Jail/Custody (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
501 | Escaping from Jail/Custody (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
500a | Interference of an Officer (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
500 | Interference of an Officer (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
499a | Destroying Personal Property (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
499 | Destroying Personal Property (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
498a | Cheating & Fraud (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
498 | Cheating & Fraud (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
497a | Theft (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
497 | Theft (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
496a | Assault & Battery (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
496 | Assault & Battery (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
495a | Dumping (Repealed by 678) | 11/11/1957 |
495 | Dumping (Repealed by 678) | 8/28/1957 |
494 | Peddling - Door to Door (Repealed by 903) | 7/22/1957 |
493 | Tax Levy 1957 (Special) | 7/22/1957 |
492 | Weed Ordinance (Repealed by 846) | 7/8/1957 |
491 | Noise caused by Motor Vehicles | 6/10/1957 |
490 | Enlarging Boundaries (Special) |
489 | Biennial Election 1957 (Special) | 2/25/1957 |
488 | Issue $35,000 GO Streets (Special) | 10/29/1956 |
487 | Issue $15,000 GO Water (Special) | 10/29/1956 |
486 | Issue $130,000 GO for Sewer (Special) | 10/29/1956 |
485b | Special Election $15,000 for Water (Special) | 9/18/1956 |
485a | Biennial Election 1955 (Special) | 3/28/1955 |
484b | Special Election $35,000 on Streets (Special) | 9/18/1956 |
484a | Tax Levy 1955 (Special) | 2/14/1955 |
483b | Special Election Build a Sewer Plant for $130,000 (Special) | 9/18/1956 |
483a | Issue $9975 Bonds for BD#2 (Special) | 12/13/1954 |
482b | Tax Levy 1956 (Special) | 7/23/1956 |
482a | Amends 479 (Special) | 12/13/1954 |
481 | Tax Levy 1954 (Special) | 8/16/1954 |
480 | Temp Note Sewer BD #2 (Special) | 6/28/1954 |
479 | Condemnation of private property for permanent easement for sewer line (Special) | 6/28/1954 |
478 | (Missing) |
477 | (Missing) |
476 | (Missing) |
475 | Sewer Benefit District #2 (Repealed by 479) | 3/2/1954 |
474 | Tax Levy 1953 (Special) | 8/10/1953 |
473 | Biennial Election 1953 (Special) | 2/23/1953 |
472 | Traffic Regulations | 10/29/1952 |
471 | Tax Levy 1952 (Special) | 8/11/1952 |
470 | Establishment of Park Board - City Park & Pool (Repealed by 849) | 10/22/1951 |
469 | Special Election to purchase Park Land (Special) | 9/10/1951 |
468 | Tax Levy 1951 (Special) | 8/13/1951 |
467 | Sewer Use Charge $.50 each month (Special) | 6/25/1951 |
466 | Biennial Election 1951 (Special) | 2/12/1951 |
465 | Speed Limit 24/40 in City Limits (Special) | 10/9/1950 |
464 | Tax Levy 1950 (Special) | 8/14/1950 |
463 | Tax Levy 1949 (Special) | 8/8/1949 |
462 | License Liquor Stores $300 (Special) | 7/11/1949 |
461 | Sewer Plant Construction GO Bond $6000 (Special) | 5/23/1949 |
460 | Biennial Election 1949 (Special) | 2/14/1949 |
459 | Electric Franchise Agreement 20 years (Repealed by 534) | 12/13/1948 |
458 | Tax Levy 1948 (Special) | 8/9/1948 |
457 | Special Election use of BD (Special) | 5/24/1948 |
456 | Gas Franchise Agreement 20 years - Repeals 387 (Repealed by 563) | 11/24/1947 |
455 | Tax Levy 1947 (Special) | 8/11/1947 |
454 | Vicious Animals | 2/24/1947 |
453 | Biennial Election 1947 (Special) | 2/24/1947 |
452 | Tax Levy 1946 (Special) | 8/12/1946 |
451 | Special Election use of BD Refund (Special) | 7/8/1946 |
450 | Issuance 4000 - Extend Main Street (Special) | 4/16/1946 |
449 | Describes Land extended, relocated (Special) | 2/25/1946 |
448 | Extend Main St & Relocate West Street (Special) | 2/25/1946 |
447 | Post War Federal Aid - Hwy Construction | 2/25/1946 |
446 | Animal Control | 2/25/1946 |
445 | Regulates Traffic (Repealed by 681) | 11/12/1945 |
444 | Tax Levy 1945 (Special) | 8/13/1945 |
443 | Issuance 12,000 - Refunding (Special) | 7/30/1945 |
442 | Prohibits parking trucks w/o blocking wheels | 7/23/1945 |
441 | Extend Corporate City Limits (Special) | 7/9/1945 |
440 | (Missing) |
439 | (Missing) |
438 | (Missing) |
437 | Tax Levy 1943 (Special) | 8/9/1943 |
436 | Biennial Election 1942 (Special) | 3/8/1943 |
435 | Tax Levy 1942 (Special) | 8/10/1942 |
434 | Tax Levy 1941 (Special) | 8/11/1941 |
433 | Biennial Election 1941 (Special) | 3/10/1941 |
432 | Tax Levy 1940 (Special) | 8/12/1940 |
431 | Business License (Repealed by 1093) | 6/24/1940 |
430 | Refunding Bonds $53,000 (Special) | 5/16/1940 |
429 | Provides for Summer Water Rates (Special) | 4/8/1940 |
428 | Issues Refunding Bonds $10,000 (Special) | 2/26/1940 |
427 | Tax levy for the year 1939 (Special) | 8/14/1939 |
426 | Provides for Summer Water Rates (Special) | 5/9/1939 |
425 | Calling for an election 1939 for Mayor, Police Chief, 5 Councilmembers (Special) | 3/13/1939 |
424 | Issues Refunding Bonds $15,000 (Special) | 3/13/1939 |
423 | Grants KS Electric Power Co Franchise (Repealed) | 1/9/1939 |
422 | Provides for the creation and organization of Library Board | 11/15/1938 |
421 | Tax levy for the year 1938 (Special) | 8/22/1938 |
420 | Calling for an election to establish a public library (Special) | 8/1/1938 |
419 | Authorizes the issuance of $15,000 for Water Plant (Special) | 1/10/1938 |
418 | Calling for an election to issue bonds for $15,000 for water plant (Special) | 11/6/1937 |
417 | Tax Levy for the year 1937 (Special) | 8/9/1937 |
416 | Refunding Bonds $19,500 (Special) | 6/29/1937 |
415 | License Fees for selling cereal malt beverages | 4/27/1937 |
414 | Biennial Election 1937 (Special) | 3/9/1937 |
413 | Tax Levy for the year 1936 (Special) | 08//18/36 |
412 | Refunding Bonds 21,000 (Special) | 8/1/1936 |
411 | Tax Levy for the year 1935 (Special) | 8/12/1935 |
410 | Issues Bonds for $1,500 for providing relief for unemployment (Special) | 7/22/1935 |
409 | Biennial Election 1935 (Special) | 3/12/1935 |
408 | Tax Levy for the year 1934 (Special) | 8/13/1934 |
407 | Refunding Bonds 16,500 amends 406 (Special) | 8/13/1934 |
406 | Refunding Bonds 16,500 (Special) | 6/26/1934 |
405 | Prohibits the operation of slot machines | 4/24/1934 |
404 | Amends 322 concerning water rates repeals 376 | 8/15/1933 |
403 | Tax Levy for the year 1933 (Special) | 8/15/1933 |
402 | Issues Bonds for $6,900 to pay for outstanding indebtedness (Special) | 7/1/1933 |
401 | Refunding Bonds $13,500 (Special) | 6/13/1933 |
400 | Biennial Election 1933 (Special) | 3/13/1933 |
399 | Refunding Bonds $3,500 (Special) | 12/28/1932 |
398 | Tax Levy for the year 1932 (Special) | 8/16/1932 |
397 | Refunding Bonds $6,000 (Special) | 2/27/1932 |
396 | Tax levy for the year 1931 (Special) | 8/11/1931 |
395 | Biennial Election 1931 (Special) | 3/10/1931 |
394 | Provides for construction of 3rd class sidewalk order owners to construct (Special) | 8/19/1930 |
393 | Tax Levy for the year 1930 (Special) | 8/19/1930 |
392 | Tax Levy for the year 1929 (Special) | 7/17/1929 |
391 | Refunding Bonds 10,000 (Special) | 5/28/1929 |
390 | Vacates 5th Street between Pleasant and Cross (Special) | 5/9/1929 |
389 | Annexation (Special) | 4/9/1929 |
388 | Biennial Election 1929 (Special) | 3/12/1929 |
387 | Gas Franchise (Repealed by 456) | 12/26/1927 |
386 | Tax Levy for the year 1928 (Special) | 8/9/1927 |
385 | Issues $10,000 Bonds to fund outstanding warrants and floating debt (Special) | 7/14/1927 |
384 | Supplying Natural Gas to Tongie - Franchise (Repealed) | 7/19/1927 |
383 | Biennial Election 1927 (Special) | 3/15/1927 |
382 | Issues 23,330 curb & gutter Delaware between 3rd and 5th (Special) | 3/1/1927 |
381 | Issues 13,000 to pay to extend waterworks repeals 379 (Special) | 12/14/1926 |
380 | Levies Special Assessments - Curb & Gutter Downtown (Special) | 11/9/1926 |
379 | Issues 13,000 to pay to extend waterworks (Repealed) | 10/2/1926 |
378 | Tax Levy for the year 1927 (Special) | 8/16/1926 |
377 | Provides for grading, curbing, and paving 3rd street (Special) | 8/2/1926 |
376 | (Repealed by 404) | 7/12/1926 |
375 | Provides for grading, curbing, and paving Shawnee (Special) | 6/14/1926 |
374 | Provides for grading, curbing, and paving Bury (Special) | 5/31/1926 |
373 | Grants authority to sink wells and run water for $1.00 per 1000 (Special) | 5/13/1926 |
372 | Provide for extension of waterworks | 5/11/1926 |
371 | Tax Levy for the year 1926 (Special) | 8/25/1925 |
370 | Vacates Pleasant between 1st and 3rd (Special) | 8/11/1925 |
369 | Prohibits the sale of fireworks | 6/30/1925 |
368 | Prohibits breaking glass or bottles in the streets | 6/30/1925 |
367 | Refunding Bonds $10,000 (Special) | 6/29/1925 |
366 | Provides for a change of grade on 2nd street (Special) | 6/15/1925 |
365 | Refunding Bonds 8,000 (Special) | 6/13/1925 |
364 | Biennial Election 1925 (Special) | 3/10/1925 |
363 | Tax Levy for the year 1925 (Special) | 8/16/1924 |
362 | Regulates Traffic | 5/13/1924 |
361 | Levies Special Assessments for Sidewalks (Special) | 4/29/1924 |
360 | Issues $22,500 for street improvements Main Street (Special) | 11/15/1923 |
359 | Provides for construction of 3rd class sidewalk order owners to construct (Special) | 10/23/1923 |
358 | Levies Special Assessments for curb and gutter downtown (Special) | 10/8/1923 |
357 | Issues $25,500 to construct laterals in Sewer District #1 (Special) | 9/23/1923 |
356 | Levies Special Assessments in Sewer District #1 (Special) | 8/15/1923 |
355 | Tax Levy for the year 1924 (Special) | 8/16/1923 |
354 | Creates Sewer District #1 repeals 348 (Special) | 7/9/1923 |
353 | Provides for widening and improving first street - condemnation (Special) | 4/17/1923 |
352 | Regulates plumbing provides for inspector | 4/7/1923 |
351 | Requires city officials to provide surety bonds (Special) | 3/27/1923 |
350 | Provides the cost for sewers will be borne by city at large | 3/24/1923 |
349 | Biennial Election 1923 (Special) | 3/12/1923 |
348 | (Repealed by 354) | 3/12/1923 |
347 | Issues $47,000 Debt for main sewers and disposal works (Special) | 2/26/1923 |
346 | Repeals Ordinance 345 (Repealer) | 2/19/1923 |
345 | (Repealed by 346) |
344 | Orders improvements street curbs and gutters (Special) | 1/16/1923 |
343 | Established grade of 1st Street (Special) | 11/14/1922 |
342 | Establishes the grade of Main from 4th to 1st (Special) | 11/14/1922 |
341 | Designates a road for ingress/egress for sewage disposal plant (Special) | 9/26/1922 |
340 | Establishes system of sanitary sewers (Special) | 9/26/1922 |
339 | Condemnation of private property for permanent easement for sewer line (Special) | 9/11/1922 |
338 | Tax Levy for the year 1923 (Special) | 8/14/1922 |
337 | Declares necessity of sanitary sewer (Special) | 8/7/1922 |
336 | Grants standard oil authority to erect storage tanks (Special) | 5/29/1922 |
335 | Extends City Limits - Annexation (Special) | 3/28/1922 |
334 | Issues Bonds for improvement and extension of waterworks (Special) | 3/9/1922 |
333 | Tax Levy for the year 1922 (Special) | 8/8/1921 |
332 | Funding Floating indebtedness with refunding bonds $9000 (Special) | 3/11/1921 |
331 | Biennial Election 1921 (Special) | 3/14/1921 |
330 | Provides for curb & gutter Pleasant St (Special) | 8/30/1920 |
329 | Tax Levy for the year 1921 (Special) | 8/10/1920 |
328 | Grants Bonner Electric Franchise (Special) | 6/11/1920 |
327 | Issues 3,800 Bonds for waterworks system (Special) | 3/23/1920 |
326 | Tax Levy for the year 1920 (Special) | 7/29/1916 |
325 | Biennial Election 1919 (Special) | 3/10/1919 |
324 | Provides for the disposal of human waste | 10/5/1918 |
323 | Annual Tax Levy 1919 (Special) | 8/12/1918 |
322 | Fixes Rates for Water and rules for plumbers | 1/30/1918 |
321 | Provides for construction of 3rd class sidewalk order owners to construct (Special) | 11/27/1917 |
320 | Giving Kemper Fair Milling Company RR tracks (Special) | 9/25/1917 |
319 | (Missing) |
318 | Levies Special Assessments - 4th Street (Special) | 6/11/1917 |
317 | Pertaining to Business License or Occupation Tax | 6/11/1917 |
316 | Issues $40,000 for construction water plant (Special) | 6/11/1917 |
315 | Provides for the salary of the City Clerk (Special) | 5/14/1917 |
314 | Pertaining to Business License or Occupation Tax | 4/30/1917 |
313 | Biennial election for Mayor and 5 councilmembers 1917 (Special) | 3/12/1917 |
312 | Issues $40,000 for construction water plant (Repealed by 316) | 2/14/1917 |
311 | Provides for the issuance of improvement bonds grading, curbing and paving $4370 (Special) | 1/8/1917 |
310 | Levies special assessments - 4th Street (Special) | 11/15/1916 |
309 | Declaring necessary to construct sidewalk on 4th st ordered owner to build (Special) | 9/25/1916 |
308 | Calling for a special election to approve $40,000 for water plant (Special) | 9/12/1916 |
307 | Granting Standard Oil to construct warehouse & tanks for 20 yrs (Special) | 9/12/1916 |
306 | (Missing) |
305 | Annual Tax Levy 1916 (Special) | 8/14/1916 |
304 | Provides for grading, curbing, and paving 4th Street (Special) | 3/15/1916 |
303 | Levies Special Assessments - 4th Street (Special) | 3/13/1916 |
302 | Issues GO 2000 Bond 14,971 - 4th Street Benefit District (Special) | 12/14/1915 |
301 | Establishes elevations and slopes for sidewalks on 4th Street (Special) | 11/27/1915 |
300 | Standardizes the construction of sidewalks on 4th Street (Special) | 11/27/1915 |
299 | Levying Special Assessments - 4th Street Improvements (Special) | 10/11/1915 |
298 | Annual Tax Levy 1915 (Special) | 8/10/1915 |
297 | Petition requesting 4th St improvements benefits District (Special) | 6/22/1915 |
296 | Establishes permanent standard of level for elevations and depressions - benchmarks | 6/15/1915 |
295 | Established grade of 4th Street (Special) | 6/15/1915 |
294 | Established grade of 4th Street (Special) | 6/15/1915 |
293 | Establishes grade of 4th Street (Special) | 6/15/1915 |
292 | Changes the time of the regular meetings to 2nd & 4th Mondays each month (Special) | 5/10/1915 |
291 | Biennial Election, Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers 1915 (Special) | 3/9/1915 |
290 | Annual Tax Levy 1914 (Special) | 8/10/1914 |
289 | Provides for construction of 3rd class sidewalk order owners to construct (Special) | 10/14/1913 |
288a | Annual Tax Levy 1913 (Special) | 8/12/1913 |
288 | Ordinance amending Business License Ordinance | 5/20/1913 |
287 | Biennial Election, Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers 1913 (Special) | 3/10/1913 |
286 | Appropriates money to pay for a fire engine, hoses $1225 (Special) | 12/10/1912 |
285 | Appropriates money to pay for a new city hall, $1650 (Special) | 5/20/1912 |
284 | (Missing) Annual Tax Levy 1912? | 08/0?/1912 |
283 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 9/12/1911 |
282 | Gives Kemper Mill & Elevator to build water pipeline through city (Special) | 8/18/1911 |
281 | Annual Tax Levy 1911 (Special) | 8/14/1911 |
280 | Establishes Fire Limits and regulating improvements | 3/28/1911 |
279 | Biennial Election, Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers 1911 (Special) | 3/16/1911 |
278 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 9/12/1910 |
277 | Annual Tax Levy 1910 (Special) | 8/8/1910 |
276 | Prohibits the discharge of milk, or chemicals or other wastes in any stream | 6/20/1910 |
275 | Provides for Parking and directs curbs to be constructed (Special) | 5/5/1910 |
274 | Amends 272 Loitering under 18 around pool halls | 4/18/1910 |
273 | All Males between 21 & 50 to pay Road Tax of $3 or work for 2 days (Special) | 4/11/1910 |
272 | Loitering under 21 around Pool Halls | 3/10/1910 |
271 | Establishes a grade on River Street (Special) | 9/21/1909 |
270 | Establishes a grade on 6th Street (Special) | 9/21/1909 |
269 | Establishes a grade on Pleasant Street (Special) | 9/21/1909 |
268 | Annual Tax Levy 1909 (Special) | 8/9/1909 |
267 | Amends Business License Ordinance | 7/12/1909 |
266 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 6/21/1909 |
265 | Prohibits Spitting on Sidewalks and Crossings | 4/12/1909 |
264 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 4/12/1909 |
263 | (Missing) |
262 | Combines offices of Street Commissioner & Marshall pays $50 @ month (Special) | 10/12/1908 |
261 | Grants FB MacKinnon a Franchise for Electric (Special) | 10/12/1908 |
260 | Annual Tax Levy 1908 (Special) | 8/11/1908 |
259 | Gives Union Pacific RR consent to operate tracks throughout city (Special) | 3/16/1908 |
258 | Provides for appointment of City Attorney, duties | 3/9/1908 |
257 | Levies Business License Tax - Occupation Tax (Special) | 2/10/1908 |
256 | Annual Tax Levy 1907 (Special) | 8/13/1907 |
255 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 5/19/1907 |
254 | Biennial Election, Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers (Special) | 3/11/1907 |
253 | Annual Tax Levy 1906 (Special) | 8/13/1906 |
252 | Amends Ord 250 concerning RR operation and tracks (Special) | 4/23/1906 |
251 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 4/23/1906 |
250 | Gives Kansas City Northwestern RR consent to operate tracks (Special) | 4/23/1906 |
249 | Calling for an election to issue bonds for $15,000 for water plant (Special) | 11/19/1905 |
248 | Annual Tax Levy 1905 (Special) | 8/14/1905 |
247 | Appropriate $535 to pay well bonds (Special) | 3/15/1905 |
246 | Biennial Election, Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers (Special) | 3/13/1905 |
245 | Calling for an election for issuing bonds for city water plant (Special) | 2/27/1905 |
244 | Grants a natural gas franchise (Special) | 11/14/1904 |
243 | Annual Tax Levy 1904 (Special) | 8/8/1904 |
242 | Calling for a special election for a Mayor and 5 councilmembers (Special) | 4/11/1904 |
241 | Salary of City Marshall to be $25 @ month (Special) | 2/29/1904 |
240 | (Repealed by 241) | 11/10/1903 |
239 | Prohibits illegal keeping, sale and use of intoxicating liquors unless by druggist | 10/22/1903 |
238 | Annual Tax Levy 1903 (Special) | 7/13/1903 |
237 | Prohibiting a living, boarding or sale stable facing 4th St w/o consent (Special) | 5/13/1903 |
236 | Appropriates $1000 to pay for bonds due (Special) | 4/13/1903 |
235 | Requiring licenses for shows, entertainment or circus | 5/13/1903 |
234 | Ordinance establishing Board of Health - Require Report SmallPox & Removal of Person | 3/11/1903 |
233 | Annual election Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers (Special) | 3/9/1903 |
232 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 11/17/1902 |
231 | Annual Tax Levy 1902 (Special) | 8/11/1902 |
230 | Making it illegal to obstruct any street with anything, or for any purpose | 7/14/1902 |
229 | Making it illegal to billiard or pool table without first obtaining license | 7/14/1902 |
228 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 5/12/1902 |
227 | Annual election Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers (Special) | 3/10/1902 |
226 | Levies Special Tax Assessment for the construction of Sidewalks (Special) | 8/14/1901 |
225 | Annual Tax Levy 1901 (Special) | 8/14/1901 |
224 | Granting Franchise for Tonganoxie Telephone Service (Special) | 6/10/1901 |
223 | Declaring necessary to construct first 8' class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 5/13/1901 |
222 | Declaring necessary to construct third class sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 5/13/1901 |
221 | Annual election Mayor, Police Judge and 5 Councilmembers (Special) | 3/11/1901 |
220 | Levies Special Tax Assessment for the construction of Sidewalks (Special) | 2/11/1901 |
219 | Appropriates monies to pay for sidewalk construction (Special) | 2/11/1901 |
218 | Annual Tax Levy 1900 (Special) | 8/13/1900 |
217 | Declaring necessary to construct third class 4' sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 6/22/1900 |
216 | Declaring necessary to construct second class 6' sidewalk ordered owner to build (Special) | 6/22/1900 |
215 | Declaring necessary to construct first class 8' sidewalk order owner to build (Special) | 6/22/1900 |
214 | Related to Construction of Sidewalks defines each class | 6/15/1900 |
213 | Repeals any previous Ordinance in conflict with 210, 211 & 212 (Repealer) | 5/15/1900 |
212 | Amends 141 related to dogs | 5/15/1900 |
211 | Declaring necessary to construct fourth, fifth and Sixth class Sidewalks, owner resp (Special) | 5/15/1900 |
210 | Amends 153 related to sidewalks | 5/15/1900 |
209 | Annual election Mayor, Judge, Clerk, Marshall, Streets and 5 Councilmembers (Special) | 3/12/1900 |
208 | Prohibits the sale of liquor | 1/11/1900 |
207 | Declaring necessary to construct a third class sidewalk order owner to build (Special) | 11/13/1899 |
206 | Annual Tax Levy 1899 (Special) | 08/14/1899 |
205 | Establishes the grade of Shawnee from 2nd to 6th (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
204 | Establishing the grade of Green from 1st to 6th (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
203 | Establishing the grade of Bury from 1st to 6th (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
202 | Establishing the grade of Delaware from 1st to 6th (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
201 | Establishing the grade of Main from 1st to 6th (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
200 | Establishing the grade of Pleasant from 1st to 6th (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
199 | Establishing the grade of 6th from Pleasant to Shawnee (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
198 | Establishing the grade of 5th from Pleasant to Shawnee (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
197 | Establishing the grade of 4th from Pleasant to Shawnee (Repealed by 293) | 07/14/1899 |
196 | Establishing the grade of 3rd from Pleasant to Shawnee (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
195 | Establishing the grade of 2nd St. from Pleasant to Shawnee St (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
194 | Establishing the grade of 1st St. from Pleasant to Green St (Special) | 07/14/1899 |
193 | Special election vacancy by resignation Mayor & 1 councilman 1899 (Special) | 06/27/1899 |
192 | Election Mayor, Council, Police Judge, Marshall, Clerk & Street Comm 1899 (Special) | 03/13/1899 |
191 | Tax levy for the year 1898 (Special) | 08/08/1898 |
190 | Providing for employment of prisoners in default of fine 50 cents @ day (Special) | 04/29/1898 |
189 | Provides for salary for city marshall, duties assigned (Special) | 04/29/1898 |
188 | Election Mayor, Council, Police Judge, Marshall, Clerk & Street Comm 1898 (Special) | 03/14/1898 |
187 | Compensation of City Marshall to $1 @ yr payable quarterly (Repealed by 189) | 09/13/1897 |
186 | Loitering about or creating disturbance at RR station or grounds | 09/13/1897 |
185 | Tax levy for the year 1897 (Special) | 08/09/1897 |
184 | Calling Election of Mayor, Council and Police Judge - 1897 (Special) | 03/08/1897 |
183 | Tax levy for the year 1896 (Special) | 08/10/1896 |
182 | Establishes curfew for under 16 years of age 8 during school 9 in summer | 05/12/1896 |
181 | An Ordinance establishing Fire Limits & regulating improvements - repeals 168 | 03/11/1896 |
180 | Calling Election of Mayor, Council and Police Judge - 1896 (Special) | 03/09/1896 |
179 | Tax Levy for the year 1895 (Special) | 08/12/1895 |
178 | Vacating certain street and alleys - Maple Ave (Special) | 06/10/1895 |
177 | Payment for Wind Mill, tower, Pump & piping to draw water $205 (Special) | 06/10/1895 |
176 | Calling an Election of Mayor, Council & Police Judge - 1895 (Special) | 03/11/1895 |
175 | Payment for 2 cisterns and construction of engine room. $260 (Special) | 02/12/1895 |
174 | Purchase a Fire engine & issuing warrants for payment $700 (Special) | 12/26/1894 |
173 | Tax Levy for the year 1894 (Special) | 08/13/1894 |
172 | Calling an Election of Mayor, Council & Police Judge - 1894 (Special) | 02/12/1894 |
171 | Tax Levy for the year 1893 (Special) | 08/14/1893 |
170 | Compensation of City Marshall to $60 @ yr payable quarterly (Repealed by 187) | 07/17/1893 |
169 | Compensation of Road Overseer to $1.50 @ day - amends Ord 126 (Special) | 05/08/1893 |
168 | Establishes a fire limit & requires improvements (Repealed by 181) | 02/13/1893 |
167 | Calling an Election of Mayor, Council & Police Judge - 1893 (Special) | 02/13/1893 |
166 | Prohibits the sale, barter or giving away of liquor | 02/13/1893 |
165 | Tax Levy for the year 1892 (Special) | 08/11/1892 |
164 | Necessary to construct Sidewalks (Special) | 08/11/1892 |
163 | Unlawful for cattle, horses, asses, goat, sheep to run at large - amends Ord 130 | 04/25/1892 |
162 | Calling an Election of Mayor, Council & Police Judge - 1892 (Special) | 02/11/1892 |
161 | Tax levy for the year 1891 (Special) | 08/10/1891 |
160 | Necessary to construct Sidewalks (Special) | 1891 |
159 | Calling an Election of Mayor, Council & Police Judge - 1891 (Special) | 03/1891 |
158 | To straighten Bury Street (Special) | 03/1891 |
157 | (Missing) |
156 | Tax levy for the year 1890 (Special) | 07/28/1890 |
155 | Calling an Election of Mayor, Council & Police Judge - 1890 (Special) | 03/1890 |
135 | (Repealed by 170) | 08/01/1888 |
130 | Section 1 (Repealed by 163) |
126 | Section 3 (Repealed by 169) |
Ordinances Pending Codification
The following ordinances have not been codified yet. Click on the ordinance number to view the changes.
(No uncodified ordinances at this time.)