Ordinance | |
1 | Incorporation of town (Repealed by 618) |
2 | Establishes corporate seal (1.08) |
3 | (Not available) |
4 | (Not available) |
5 | Regulates municipal elections (Repealed by 618) |
6 | Power and duties of mayor (Repealed by 618) |
7 | Payment of claims against town (3.04) |
8 | Bonding and duties of town treasurer (Repealed by 618) |
9 | (Not available) |
10 | (Not available) |
11 | Offenses and disorderly conduct (Repealed by 450) |
12 | (Not available) |
13 | (Not available) |
14 | (Not available) |
15 | (Not available) |
16 | Duties and compensation of the street department (Repealed by 618) |
17 | Vagrancy (Repealed by 618) |
18 | Regulates contracts for street work (Special) |
19 | Improvement of streets (Repealed by 101) |
20 | Duties and compensation of town attorney (Repealed by 618) |
21 | (Not available) |
22 | Sidewalks (Repealed by 101) |
23 | Duties and salary of police justice (Repealed by 618) |
24 | Working of town prisoners (Repealed by 618) |
25 | Prohibits animals running at large (Repealed by 618) |
26 | (Not available) |
27 | (Not available) |
28 | (Not available) |
29 | (Not available) |
30 | Prevention of fires and regulation of chimneys and stovepipes (Repealed by 618) |
31 | Prevention and removal of nuisances (Repealed by 618) |
32 | (Not available) |
33 | (Not available) |
34 | (Not available) |
35 | (Not available) |
36 | (Not available) |
37 | (Not available) |
38 | (Not available) |
39 | (Not available) |
40 | (Not available) |
41 | (Not available) |
42 | (Not available) |
43 | (Not available) |
44 | (Not available) |
45 | (Not available) |
46 | (Not available) |
47 | (Not available) |
48 | (Not available) |
49 | (Not available) |
50 | (Not available) |
51 | Firearms within corporate limits of town (Repealed by 618) |
52 | (Not available) |
53 | (Not available) |
54 | (Not available) |
55 | (Not available) |
56 | Street improvement (Repealed by 618) |
57 | (Not available) |
58 | (Not available) |
59 | (Not available) |
60 | (Not available) |
61 | Sewer zones and construction and maintenance of sewers (Special) |
62 | (Not available) |
63 | Repeals § 58 of Ord. 11 (Repealed by 450) |
64 | Adds § 58 to Ord. 11, offenses and disorderly conduct (Repealed by 450) |
65 | Repeals §§ 29 and 30 of Ord. 11 (Repealed by 450) |
66 | (Not available) |
67 | (Not available) |
68 | Extension of certain streets (Special) |
69 | Extension of certain streets (Special) |
70 | Extension of certain streets (Special) |
71 | (Not available) |
72 | (Not available) |
73 | (Not available) |
74 | Establishes base grades (12.04) |
75 | Grades of certain streets (Special) |
76 | (Not available) |
77 | (Not available) |
78 | (Not available) |
79 | Gambling (Repealed by 618) |
80 | (Not available) |
81 | (Not available) |
82 | (Not available) |
83 | (Not available) |
84 | (Not available) |
85 | (Not available) |
86 | Amends § 15 of Ord. 11, offenses and disorderly conduct (Repealed by 450) |
87 | (Not available) |
88 | (Not available) |
89 | (Not available) |
90 | Prohibits riding and operation of bicycles on town sidewalks and crosswalks (Repealed by 104) |
91 | (Not available) |
92 | (Not available) |
93 | (Not available) |
94 | Maintenance of sidewalks (Repealed by 618) |
95 | (Not available) |
96 | (Not available) |
97 | (Not available) |
98 | Grants franchise to Oregon Telephone and Telegraph Company (Special) |
99 | (Not available) |
100 | Amends § 18 of Ord. 12, licenses (Repealed by 618) |
101 | Width of sidewalks; repeals Ords. 19 and 22 (Repealed by 618) |
102 | (Not available) |
103 | Amends §§ 9 and 10 of Ord. 12, licenses (Repealed by 618) |
104 | Regulates use of bicycles; repeals Ord. 90 (Repealed by 618) |
105 | (Not available) |
106 | (Not available) |
107 | (Not available) |
108 | Prohibits keeping of swine in town limits (Repealed by 618) |
109 | (Not available) |
110 | Establishes grade of certain streets (Special) |
111 | (Not available) |
112 | Grants electric services franchise to J.A. Howerton (Special) |
113 | Animals (Repealed by 618) |
114 | (Not available) |
115 | (Not available) |
116 | (Not available) |
117 | Establishes public street (Special) |
118 | Establishes grade of certain street (Special) |
6-9-40 | Street vacation (Special) |
119 | (Not available) |
120 | (Not available) |
121 | (Not available) |
122 | Regulates speed of traffic (Repealed by 618) |
123 | (Not available) |
124 | Police department regulations (Repealed by 618) |
125 | (Not available) |
126 | (Not available) |
127 | Construction and maintenance of bulkhead (Special) |
128 | (Not available) |
129 | (Not available) |
130 | Regulation of saloons, pool rooms and sale of liquor, tobacco and firearms to minors (Repealed by 618) |
131 | Purchase and operation of waterworks (Special) |
132 | Licensing of moving picture exhibitions or shows (Repealed by 618) |
133 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 95, cows running at large (Note to Title 6) |
134 | (Not available) |
135 | Regulates transient merchants (Repealed by 618) |
136 | Purchase and operation of waterworks (Special) |
137 | (Not passed) |
138 | Prohibits interference or damage of water mains and pipes (Repealed by 618) |
139 | Increases and enlarges town charter concerning local improvements (Repealed by 618) |
140 | (Not passed) |
141 | Licensing of motor vehicles (Repealed by 618) |
142 | Regulates licensing for halls, moving picture shows and dance halls (Repealed by 618) |
143 | Local improvement sewer district (Special) |
144 | Establishes LID No. 2 (Special) |
145 | Abatement of certain nuisances (Special) |
146 | Prohibits manufacture or sale of liquor (Repealed by 618) |
147 | Establishes grades of certain streets (Special) |
148 | Improvements to LID No. 3 (Special) |
149 | Meetings of city council (Repealed by 618) |
150 | Improvement of certain street (Special) |
151 | Improvement of certain street (Special) |
152 | Improvement of certain street (Special) |
153 | Establishes grade of certain streets (Special) |
154 | Establishes LID No. 7 (Special) |
155 | Improvements of certain street and establishes LID No. 4 (Special) |
156 | Assessment roll of LID No. 7 (Special) |
157 | Assessment roll of LID No. 5 (Special) |
158 | Assessment roll of LID No. 6 (Special) |
159 | Prohibits animals running at large (Repealed by 618) |
160 | Regulates concert and billiard halls, skating rinks or rooms, and the disbursement of liquor, tobacco and firearms (Repealed by 618) |
161 | Regulates use of certain dock (Repealed by 618) |
162 | Assessment roll of LID No. 4 (Special) |
163 | (Not available) |
164 | Assessment roll of LID No. 9 (Special) |
165 | (Not available) |
166 | Regulation, traffic and speed of motor vehicles (Repealed by 618) |
167 | Occupation tax for motor and horse-drawn vehicles (Repealed by 618) |
168 | Assessment roll of LID No. 8 (Special) |
169 | Improvements of certain street and establishes LID No. 8 (Special) |
170 | (Not available) |
171 | Grants franchise to Peninsula Light and Power Company (Special) |
172 | Manufacture, sale and traffic of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 618) |
173 | Increases salaries of the marshal and treasurer (Special) |
174 | Grants franchise to the Ilwaco Light and Power Company (Special) |
175 | Obstructions in streets (12.12) |
176 | Establishes fire limits (Repealed by 618) |
177 | Amends Ord. 25, animals running at large (Repealed by 618) |
178 | Local improvement assessments and installments (3.28) |
179 | Starts injunction proceedings (Special) |
180 | Sale of poles and electric wires (Special) |
181 | (Not available) |
182 | (Not available) |
183 | Liquor in town limits (Repealed by 618) |
184 | Regulates the installation and operation of electric wiring in buildings (Repealed by 618) |
185 | (Not available) |
186 | Grants construction and operation of warehouses and storage tanks (Special) |
187 | Regulates licenses in corporate limits (Repealed by 618) |
188 | Increases salaries of marshal and treasurer (Special) |
189 | Grants use of certain dock (Repealed by 193) |
190 | (Not available) |
191 | Grants use of certain dock (Special) |
192 | Adjusts water rates (Special) |
193 | Repeals Ord. 189 (Repealer) |
194 | Regulates vehicles on streets (Repealed by 618) |
195 | (Not available) |
196 | (Not available) |
197 | Construction and maintenance of dock (Special) |
198 | Election/obligation bond (Special) |
199 | Use, protection and preservation of streets, roads and highways (Repealed by 618) |
200 | Licensing and regulation of peddlers, canvassers and solicitors (Repealed by 618) |
201 | Designates portions of certain street as an arterial highway (Special) |
202 | Salary of marshal (Special) |
203 | Fixes salary of water superintendent (Special) |
204 | Regulates sale of beer and wine (Repealed by 618) |
205 | Regulates care and licensing of animals (Repealed by 618) |
206 | Regulates parades and demonstrations (Repealed by 618) |
207 | Licensing and regulation of the sale and distribution of milk and cream (Repealed by 618) |
208 | Licensing for pinball and games of skill (Repealed by 618) |
209 | (Not available) |
210 | (Not available) |
211 | Prohibits interference with radio reception (Repealed by 618) |
212 | Organizes volunteer fire department (Repealed by 618) |
213 | (Not available) |
214 | Creates board for the volunteer fire department (2.16) |
215 | Vacates certain streets (Special) |
216 | Defrays mayoral expenses for conference (Special) |
217 | Defrays mayoral expenses for meeting (Special) |
218 | Creates office of purchasing agent and assistant water superintendent (Repealed by 618) |
219 | Compensation of mayor and councilmembers (Special) |
220 | (Not available) |
221 | Establishes salaries of certain town employees and create offices of fire chief and purchasing agent (Special) |
222 | (Not available) |
223 | (Not available) |
224 | Water usage and rates (Special) |
225 | Prohibits minors from loitering (Repealed by 618) |
226 | Regulates care and licensing of animals (Repealed by 404) |
227 | (Not available) |
228 | Licensing and regulation of the sale and distribution of milk and cream (Repealed by 618) |
229 | Amends Ord. 204, sale of beer and wine (Repealed by 618) |
230 | (Not available) |
231 | Council meeting times (2.04) |
232 | Establishes fire limits and adopts construction, equipment and fire limits code (Not codified) |
233 | Hazardous materials and processes (Repealed by 618) |
234 | Adopts plan for construction of town hall (Special) |
235 | Issuance of water revenue warrants (Special) |
236 | Annual caucus (Repealed by 618) |
237 | (Not available) |
238 | License and occupational tax (Repealed by 565) |
239 | Salaries of town employees (Special) |
240 | Combines offices of town clerk and treasurer (Special) |
241 | Amends § 19 of Ord. 194, regulates street use by vehicles (Repealed by 618) |
242 | Sidewalks (Repealed by 618) |
243 | Grants telephone franchise to Norman and Elanore Howerton (Special) |
5-8-50 | Amends Ord. 118, grade of certain street (Special) |
244 | Classification of streets (Special) |
245 | 1951 budget (Special) |
246 | Pensions and retirement for town employees (2.24) |
247 | 1952 budget (Special) |
248 | Approval of emergency funds (Special) |
249 | Salary of night marshal (Special) |
250 | Management of municipal water system (Repealed by 275) |
251 | Regulation of drinking age (Repealed by 618) |
252 | Street vacation (Special) |
253 | 1953 budget (Special) |
254 | Salaries of town employees (Special) |
255 | Pension coverage for volunteer fire department (Special) |
256 | 1954 budget (Special) |
257 | 1955 budget (Special) |
258 | Salary of superintendent (Special) |
259 | Water system improvements (Special) |
260 | Authorizes purchase of water system parts and equipment (Special) |
261 | 1956 budget (Special) |
262 | Purchase of fire fighting equipment (Repealed by 263) |
263 | Repeals Ord. 262 (Repealer) |
264 | Purchase of fire fighting equipment (Special) |
265 | Bond issuance (Special) |
266 | 1957 budget (Special) |
267 | (Not available) |
268 | Use of streets in connection with improvements of Baker Bay (Repealed by 618) |
269 | Combines sewer and waterworks systems (Special) |
270 | Bond issuance (Special) |
271 | Participation in the Washington State Employees' Retirement System (2.24) |
272 | Salaries of city employees (Special) |
273 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 259, water system improvements (Special) |
274 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 270, bond issuance (Special) |
275 | Sewer system; repeals Ord. 250 (Repealed by 618) |
276 | 1958 budget (Special) |
277 | (Not available) |
278 | Regulations for the construction and operation of water and sewer system (Repealed by 618) |
279 | Establishes Cumulative Reserve Fund for Fire-Fighting Equipment (Special) |
280 | 1959 budget (Special) |
281 | Grants exclusive taxi franchise (Special) |
282 | Combining offices of town treasurer and town clerk (Repealed by 618) |
283 | 1960 budget (Special) |
284 | Amends 1959 budget (Special) |
285 | Amends Ord. 238, license fees and occupational tax (Repealed by 565) |
286 | 1961 budget (Special) |
287 | Street vacation (Special) |
288 | Street vacation (Special) |
289 | Amends 275, increases water and sewer rates (Repealed by 618) |
290 | Payment of claims (Special) |
291 | Regulates the use of floats, boats and docks (Repealed by 618) |
292 | Settlement of claim (Special) |
293 | 1962 budget (Special) |
294 | Annexation (Special) |
295 | Tax levy (Special) |
296 | Street vacation (Special) |
297 | 1963 budget (Special) |
298 | Establishes arterial street fund (Special) |
299 | (Not available) |
300 | 1964 budget (Special) |
301 | Improvement to water and sewer system (Special) |
302 | Salary of water superintendent (Repealed by 302) |
303 | Borrows funds (Special) |
304 | Establishes funds for improvements (Special) |
305 | Tax levy (Special) |
306 | Bond issuance (Special) |
307 | Street vacations (Special) |
308 | Purchase of radio equipment (Repealed by 313) |
309 | Amends Ord. 194, regulates vehicles on streets (Repealed by 618) |
310 | 1965 budget (Special) |
311 | Tax levy (Special) |
312 | 1966 budget (Special) |
313 | Amends 1965 budget; repeals Ord. 308 (Special) |
314 | Annexation (Special) |
315 | Tax levy (Special) |
316 | Repeals Ord. 302 (Special) |
317 | Street vacation (Special) |
318 | Amends § 6(B) of Ord. 275 and § 8(B) of Ord. 289, water rates and charges (Special) |
319 | 1967 budget (Special) |
320 | Amends Ords. 238 and 285 (Repealed by 565) |
321 | Regulates traveling merchants and vendors (5.24) |
322 | Adopts Motor Vehicle Code (Repealed by 618) |
323 | Speed limit for certain highway (Special) |
324 | Payment of certain sewer connection charges (Special) |
325 | 1968 budget (Special) |
326 | Public nuisances (8.04) |
327 | Disorderly conduct (Repealed by 447) |
328 | Equipment purchasing fund (Special) |
329 | Amends § 2(D) and 8(B) of Ord. 275, rates and charges for water users (Repealed by 618) |
330 | Amends budget (Special) |
331 | Amends §§ 5 and 6(B) of Ord 275, rates and charges for water use (Repealed by 618) |
332 | Boat launch tax (Repealed by 618) |
333 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 238, licensing charges for charter boat operators (Repealed by 565) |
334 | Amends Ord 238, business license for landlords (Repealed by 565) |
335 | Regulates trailers and trailer parks (Repealed by 618) |
336 | 1969 budget (Special) |
337 | Amends § 19 of Ord. 194, regulates vehicles on streets (Repealed by 618) |
338 | License fees and occupation taxes (Repealed by 565) |
339 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 231, council meetings (2.04) |
340 | Compensation for councilmembers (Repealed by 618) |
341 | Tax levy (Special) |
342 | Street vacation (Special) |
343 | 1970 budget (Special) |
344 | Creates town planning commission (Repealed by 627) |
345 | Street vacation (Special) |
346 | Street vacation (Special) |
347 | Amends § 19 of Ord. 194, regulates vehicles on streets (Repealed by 618) |
348 | Regulates trailers and trailer parks (Repealed by 448) |
349 | Sales and use tax (3.16) |
350 | Requires connection with sanitary sewage disposal system (Repealed by 618) |
351 | Adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 618) |
352 | Amends Ord. 343, 1970 budget (Special) |
353 | Tax levy (Special) |
354 | 1971 budget (Special) |
355 | Annexation (Special) |
356 | Adopts Motor Vehicle Code (Repealed by 455) |
357 | Improvements to water and sewer system (Special) |
358 | Operation of bingos, raffles and games of skill (Repealed by 618) |
359 | Tax levy (Special) |
360 | 1972 budget (Special) |
361 | Zoning ordinance (Repealed by 627) |
362 | Repeals and replaces § 2 of Ord. 232, restricted fire limits (Repealed by 618) |
363 | Amends Ord. 338, license fees and occupation taxes (Repealed by 565) |
364 | Annexation (Special) |
365 | Tax levy (Special) |
366 | 1973 budget (Special) |
367 | Amends Ord. 338, license fees and occupation taxes (Repealed by 565) |
368 | Creates Federal Shared Revenue Fund (Special) |
369 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 350, sanitary sewage disposal system (Repealed by 618) |
370 | Amends Ord. 366, 1973 budget (Special) |
371 | Street vacations (Special) |
372 | Tax levy (Special) |
373 | Adopts Uniform Litter Control Code (8.16) |
374 | 1974 budget (Special) |
375 | Creates library donation fund (Special) |
376 | Amends §§ 4(D) and 5 of Ord. 350, rates and charges for sanitary sewer (Repealed by 618) |
377 | Weight and size limitations on streets (Repealed by 618) |
378 | Building permits (Special) |
379 | Adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 618) |
380 | Tax levy (Special) |
381 | Amends Ord. 380, tax levy (Special) |
382 | Construction of recreational park and creation of park construction fund (Special) |
383 | Adopts civil service system for police department (2.24) |
384 | 1975 budget (Special) |
385 | Comprehensive employment and training act (Special) |
386 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
387 | Annexation (Special) |
388 | Repair, renewal and cleaning of sidewalks (12.08) |
389 | Amends 379, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 618) |
390 | Gambling (Repealed by 527) |
391 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
392 | Property tax (Special) |
393 | Subdivision of land (Repealed by 627) |
394 | 1976 budget (Special) |
395 | Investment of municipal funds (Special) |
396 | Creates petty cash account (Special) |
397 | Prohibits discriminatory hiring practices (1.04) |
398 | Leasehold excise tax (Repealed by 618) |
399 | Establishes environmental policy (Repealed by 618) |
400 | Levies excise tax (Repealed by 618) |
401 | Ad valorem tax (Special) |
402 | Amends § 11(e) of Ord. 390, punchboards and pull tabs (Repealed by 457) |
403 | Street vacation (Special) |
404 | Regulates keeping, licensing and impounding of dogs (Repealed by 487) |
405 | 1977 budget (Special) |
406 | Creates the antirecession fiscal assistance fund (Special) |
407 | Regulates vehicles on streets (Repealed by 618) |
408 | Amends Ord. 405, 1977 budget (Special) |
409 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 404, dog control (Repealed by 487) |
410 | Annexation (Special) |
411 | 1978 budget (Special) |
412 | Street vacation (Special) |
413 | 1978 budget (Special) |
414 | Annexation (Special) |
415 | Delegates authority to issue citations (Expired) |
416 | Amends Ord. 339, council meetings (2.04) |
417 | Amends §§ 1(4), 4—7 and 9 of Ord. 350, rates and charges for water and sewer services (Repealed by 618) |
418 | Improvements to water and sewer system (Special) |
419 | Amends § 4(1) of Ord. 348, trailer court requirements (Repealed by 448) |
420 | Amends Ord. 399, environmental policy (Repealed by 569) |
421 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
422 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
423 | Establishes salary fund and claims fund (Special) |
424 | Adopts the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ord. 322 (Repealed by 618) |
425 | Flood damage prevention ordinance (Repealed by 618) |
426 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
427 | 1979 budget (Special) |
428 | Fire protection and safety in buildings (Repealed by 618) |
429 | Emergency appropriation (Special) |
430 | Amends Ord. 350, regulates use of water (Repealed by 618) |
431 | Street vacation (Special) |
432 | Amends 1979 budget (Special) |
433 | Requires permit to work on streets (12.04) |
434 | Street vacation (Special) |
435 | Creates police disability reserve fund (Repealed by 456) |
436 | Tax rates (Special) |
437 | Amends 1979 budget (Special) |
438 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
439 | Amends Ord. 340, compensation of councilmembers (Repealed by 618) |
440 | 1980 budget (Special) |
441 | Amends Ords. 429 and 440, 1980 budget (Special) |
442 | Bus loading zone (10.04) |
443 | Amends Ord. 424, motor vehicle offenses involving alcohol or drugs (Repealed by 618) |
444 | Amends Ord. 400, promotion of tourism (Repealed by 616) |
445 | Comprehensive Employment Training Act (Special) |
446 | Amends Ord. 379, adopts uniform codes (Repealed by 618) |
447 | Disorderly conduct; repeals Ord. 327 (Repealed by 618) |
448 | Regulates recreational vehicles and recreational parks (Not codified) |
449 | Amends Ord. 361, zoning ordinance (Repealed by 627) |
450 | Firearms (Repealed by 618) |
451 | Numbering of lots and structures (12.16) |
452 | Special election (Special) |
453 | Tax rates (Special) |
454 | Street vacation (Special) |
455 | Adopts Motor Vehicle Code; repeals Ord. 356 (Repealed by 618) |
456 | Creates contingency fund; repeals Ord. 435 (Special) |
457 | Reinstates provisions of § 11(e) of Ord. 390, gambling; repeals Ord. 402 (Repealed by 461) |
458 | Adopts Ch. 136 of Washington State Law (Repealed by 618) |
459 | 1981 budget (Special) |
460 | Bond issuance (Special) |
461 | Punchboards and pull tabs; repeals Ord. 457 (Repealed by 467) |
462 | Amends § 111(B.3)(B)(C) of Ord. 417, rates and charges for water service; repeals and replaces §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 350, sanitary sewage disposal system (Repealed by 618) |
463 | Regulates vehicles on streets (Repealed by 618) |
464 | Annexation (Special) |
465 | Police reserves (Repealed by 618) |
466 | Amends Ord. 446, uniform codes (Special) |
467 | Reinstates Ord. 457, gambling; repeals Ord. 461 (Repealer) |
468 | Speed limits (Special) |
469 | Tax rates (Special) |
470 | Amends 1981 budget (Special) |
471 | 1982 budget (Special) |
472 | Rezone (Repealed by 627) |
473 | Street vacation (Special) |
474 | Amends Ord. 208, licensing of amusement devices (5.08) |
475 | Timberland Region Library District (Special) |
476 | Amends Ord. 338, tax on telephone business (Repealed by 565) |
477 | Tax rate (Special) |
478 | Rates and charges for water and sanitary sewer disposal services (Repealed by 618) |
479 | 1983 budget (Special) |
480 | Adopts Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ord. 424 (Repealed by 618) |
481 | Renames certain streets (Special) |
482 | Amends Ord. 479, 1983 budget (Special) |
483 | Tax rate (Special) |
484 | 1984 budget (Special) |
485 | Volunteer fire department; repeals Ord. 212 (2.16) |
486 | Excise tax (3.12) |
487 | Dogs (Repealed by 618) |
488 | Rates and charges for water and sanitary sewer; repeals §§ (3) and (5)(A) of Ord. 478 (Repealed by 562) |
489 | Licensing and regulating of mobile food vendors (5.16) |
490 | Amends 1984 budget (Special) |
491 | Environmental Policy Act (Repealed by 618) |
492 | Tax rate (Special) |
493 | Intoxicating liquors; repeals § 3 of Ord. 251 (Repealed by 618) |
494 | Floats, boats and docks; repeals § 11 of Ord. 291 (Repealed by 618) |
495 | Traveling merchants and vendors; repeals § 3 of Ord. 321 (Repealed by 718) |
496 | License fees and occupation taxes; repeals § 7 of Ord. 338 (Repealed by 565) |
497 | Gambling; repeals § 15 of Ord. 390 (Repealed by 527) |
498 | Disorderly conduct; repeals § 4 of Ord. 447 (Repealed by 618) |
499 | Firearms; repeals § 7 of Ord. 450 (Repealed by 618) |
500 | Boarding prisoners (1.16) |
501 | Creates Community Economic Revitalization Board (Special) |
502 | 1985 budget (Special) |
503 | Amends Ord. 484, 1984 budget (Special) |
504 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 390, gambling (Repealed by 527) |
505 | Annexation (Special) |
506 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 488, rates and charges for water services (Repealed by 524) |
507 | Establishes water and sewerage system construction fund (Special) |
508 | Amends Ord. 502, 1985 budget (Special) |
509 | Tax rate (Special) |
510 | Zoning ordinance (Repealed by 532) |
511 | Special procedures for water and sewer customers (Repealed by 524) |
512 | 1986 budget (Special) |
513 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ord. 509, property tax (Special) |
514 | Tax rate; repeals Ords. 509 § 1 and 513 (Special) |
515 | Adopts State Energy Code (Not codified) |
516 | Regulates noxious vegetation and accumulated items (Repealed by 547) |
517 | Regulates security related businesses (5.28) |
518 | Adopts uniform codes; repeals Ord. 446 (Repealed by 618) |
519 | Tax levy (Special) |
520 | Adopts the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by 618) |
521 | Regulates vehicles on streets (Repealed by 618) |
522 | Amends § 2.2 of Ord. 448, recreational vehicles and recreation parks (Not codified) |
523 | Sales and use tax (3.20) |
524 | Rates and charges for water service; repeals Ord. 506 and 511 (Repealed by 561) |
525 | 1987 budget (Special) |
526 | Amends Ord. 512, 1986 budget (Special) |
527 | Gambling; repeals Ord. 390 and 504 (5.12) |
528 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 519, tax levy (Special) |
529 | Amends Ord. 433, permit to work on streets (12.04) |
530 | Seat belt use regulations (Repealed by 618) |
531 | Amends Ord. 512, water and sewer construction fund (Special) |
532 | Reinstates Ord. 361 and adopts portions of Ord. 510, zoning ordinance; repeals Ord. 510 (Repealer) |
533 | Adopts revised flood damage prevention ordinance (Repealed by 794) |
534 | Acquires property (Special) |
535 | Adopts state codes (9.04) |
536 | Adopts state codes (9.04) |
537 | Prohibits minors from appearing in public intoxicated (Repealed by 618) |
538 | Accepts grant from Farmers Home Administration (Special) |
539 | Classifies Ilwaco as a noncharter code city (1.12) |
540 | Adopts Firearms and Dangerous Weapon Code and prohibits possession and discharge of firearms within city limits (Repealed by 618) |
541 | Bond issuance (Special) |
542 | Tax rates (Special) |
543 | Amends Ord. 525, 1987 budget (Special) |
544 | Street vacation (Not adopted) |
545 | Business license fees or taxes (Repealed by 565) |
546 | Rates and charges for water service; repeals §§ 2(A) and 2.1 of Ord. 524 (Repealed by 561) |
547 | Regulates noxious vegetation and accumulated items; repeals Ord. 516 (Repealed by 618) |
548 | 1988 budget (Special) |
549 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 542, tax levy (Special) |
550 | Amends Ord. 548, 1988 budget (Special) |
551 | Tax rates (Special) |
552 | 1989 budget (Special) |
553 | Restricted parking (Repealed by 618) |
554 | Creates handicapped parking zone (Repealed by 618) |
555 | Tax rate (Special) |
556 | Annexation (Special) |
557 | Amends 552, 1989 budget (Special) |
558 | 1990 budget (Special) |
559 | Amends Ord. 439, compensation of councilmembers (Repealed by 618) |
560 | Amends § 2(C) of Ord. 527, gambling tax (5.12) |
561 | Rates and charges for water service; repeals Ords. 524 and 546 (Repealed by 581) |
562 | Rates and charges for sanitary sewer disposal services; repeals Ord. 488 (Repealed by 572) |
563 | Adopts uniform codes; repeals Ord. 518 (Repealed by 618) |
564 | Tax rates (Special) |
565 | License fees and occupations taxes; repeals Ords. 238, 285, 320, 333, 334 and 338 (Repealed by 629) |
566 | Amends 559, compensation of councilmembers (Repealed by 618) |
567 | Adopts 1991 version of Model Traffic Ordinance (Repealed by 580) |
568 | Street vacation (Special) |
568A | Amends Ord. 566, compensation of councilmembers (2.04) |
569 | Adopts environmental policy ordinance; repeals Ords. 420 and 491 (Not codified) |
570 | Street vacation (Special) |
571 | Rates and charges for water service; repeals §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 561 (Repealed by 581) |
572 | Rates and charges for sanitary sewer service; repeals Ord. 562 (Repealed by 582) |
573 | Amends § 14.4 of Ord. 361, zoning ordinance (Repealed by 627) |
574 | Local improvements (Special) |
575 | Adopts portions of RCW (12.20) |
576 | Control and abatement of noxious weeds (8.20) |
577 | Storage and removal of junk (8.08) |
578 | Removal of junk vehicles (8.12) |
579 | Regulates animals (6.04) |
580 | Adopts Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ord. 567 (Repealed by 595) |
581 | Charges and rates for water service; repeals Ords. 561 and 571 (Repealed by 635) |
582 | Rates and charges for sanitary sewer; repeals Ord. 572 (13.04) |
583 | Amends Ord. 416, council meetings (2.04) |
584 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 344, planning commission (Repealed by 627) |
585 | Amends Ord. 581, water rates (13.04) |
586 | Amends Ord. 582, sewer rates (13.04) |
587 | Establishes municipal court (2.20) |
588 | Zoning (Repealed by 627) |
589 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
590 | Combines street fund and arterial street fund (Special) |
591 | Amends Ord. 565, tax on services (5.04) |
592 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 587, municipal court (2.20) |
593 | Tax rates (Special) |
594 | 1997 budget (Special) |
595 | Adopts Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ord. 580 (Repealed by 618) |
596 | Penalties for violation of ordinances (Not codified) |
597 | Parental responsibility of minors (9.08) |
598 | Curfew regulations for minors (9.12) |
599 | Use of vehicles and streets (Repealed by 627) |
600 | Annexation (Special) |
601 | Operation of pawn shops (5.20) |
602 | Establishes penalties of Ord. 579, animals (Repealed by 718) |
603 | Amends Ord. 588, mobile and manufactured home ordinance (Repealed by 627) |
604 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
605 | Tax rates (Special) |
606 | 1998 budget (Special) |
607 | Annexation (Special) |
608 | Adopts critical areas and resource lands ordinance (Special) |
609 | Annexation (Repealed by 627) |
610 | Establishes addressing system (12.16) |
611 | Authorizes inspections for the purpose of operating or maintaining storm and surface water utility (Repealed by 618) |
612 | Rates and charges for sanitary sewage disposal (13.04) |
613 | Annexation (Special) |
614 | Critical areas ordinance (Not codified) |
615 | Bond issuance (Special) |
616 | Hotel-motel tax; repeals Ords. 400 and 444 (3.24) |
617 | Property tax levy (Special) |
618 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 214, § 1 of Ord. 271, § 1 of Ord. 344, §§ 4.1 and 17 of Ord. 361, §§ 2 and 6 of Ord. 393, Class XII of Ord. 565, § 4(B) of Ord. 527, § 1 of Ord. 535, Ord. 536, § 6 of Ord. 599 and § 8 of Ord. 601, various provisions; repeals Ords. 1, 5, 6, 8, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 51, 56, 79, 94, 100, 101, 103, 104, 108, 113, 122, 124, 130, 132, 135, 138, 139, 141, 142, 146, §§ 1 and 2 of 149, 159, 160, 161, 166, 167, 172, 176, 177, 183, 184, 187, 194, 199, 200, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 218, 225, 228, 229, 233, 236, 241, 242, 251, 268, 275, 278, 282, 289, 291, 309, 322, 329, 331, 332, 335, 337, 340, 347, 350, 351, 358, 362, 369, 376, 377, 379, 389, 398, 399, 407, 417, 424, 425, 428, 430, 439, 443, 446, 447, § 5 of 449, 450, 455, 458, 462, 463, 465, 478, 480, §§ 5 and 6 of 485, 487, 491, 493, 494, 498, 499, 518, 520, 521, 530, 537, 540, 547, 553, 554, 559, 563, 566 and 595 (2.16, 2.24, 5.04, 5.12, 5.20, 9.04) |
619 | Penalty for ordinance violations (1.20) |
620 | General provisions (1.04) |
621 | 1999 budget (Special) |
622 | City attorney (2.12) |
623 | Clerk-treasurer (Repealed by 854) |
624 | Leasehold excise tax (3.08) |
625 | Parades in public places (12.24) |
626 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
627 | Adopts unified development ordinance; repeals Ords. 344, 361, 393, 449, 472, 584, 588, 599, 603 and 609 (14.04, 14.06, 14.08, 14.14, 14.16, 15.02, 15.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.12, 15.14, 15.18, 15.20, 15.22, 15.26, 15.28, 15.29, 15.30, 15.31, 15.32, 15.33, 15.36, 15.37, 15.40, 15.44, 15.45, 15.46, 15.47, 15.48, 15.50, 15.52, 15.54, 15.56, 15.58, 15.62, 15.64, 15.66, 15.68, 15.90, 15.92, 15.94) |
628 | Code adoption (1.01) |
629 | License fees and occupations taxes; repeals Ord. 565 (Repealed by 692) |
630 | Never issued |
631 | Fee for delinquent water service accounts (Repealed by 733) |
632 | Renames certain street (Special) |
633 | Tax rates (Special) |
634 | 1999 budget (Special) |
635 | Charges and rates for water service; repeals Ord. 581 (13.04) |
636 | Amends Ord. 612, rates and charges for sanitary sewage disposal (13.04) |
637 | 2000 budget (Special) |
638 | Tax rates; repeals Ord. 633 (Special) |
639 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
640 | Bond issuance (Special) |
641 | Changes direction of certain stop signs (Special) |
642 | Bicycle, unicycle and skateboard operation on city sidewalks (12.12) |
643 | Amends Ord. 527, gambling (5.12) |
644 | Discharging prohibited substances into sewage system (Repealed by 718) |
645 | Amends § 8.12.010, definitions of junk vehicles (8.12) |
646 | Bond issuance (Special) |
647 | Charges and rates for water service; repeals Ord. 581 (13.04) |
648 | Amends Ord. 612, rates and charges for sanitary sewage disposal (13.04) |
649 | Tax rates (Special) |
650 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
651 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
652 | (Not passed) |
653 | Amends Ord. 649, tax rates (Special) |
654 | Amends Ord. 581, rates and fees for a fire sprinkler installation (13.04) |
655 | Street vacation (Special) |
656 | Rezone (Special) |
657 | Amends § 13.04.010, base rate for water service (13.04) |
658 | Franchise for a cable system (Special) |
659 | Moratorium for wireless telecommunications (Special) |
660 | Adds Ch. 6.08, exotic animals (6.08) |
661 | Tax rates (Special) |
662 | Never issued |
663 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
664 | Never issued |
665 | Amends Ord. 659, extends moratorium for wireless telecommunications (Special) |
666 | Amends Ord. 661, tax rates (Special) |
667 | Street vacation (Special) |
668 | Street vacation (Special) |
669 | Never issued |
670 | Annexation (Special) |
671 | Adds § 13.04.051, water and sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 733) |
672 | Tax rates (Special) |
673 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
674 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
675 | Rezone (Special) |
676 | Never issued |
677 | Adds Ch. 10.06, use of compression brakes prohibited (10.06) |
678 | Amends §§ 15.02.040(D), 15.04.020, 15.48.010(C), 15.48.090(C) and 15.48.090(E), zoning (15.02, 15.04, 15.48) |
679 | |
680 | Adds § 15.26.065; amends §§ 15.26.010, 15.27.070, 15.44.010 and 15.44.020; repeals Ord. 588, zoning (15.26, 15.44) |
681 | Adds § 15.06.025; amends §§ 15.06.020, 15.06.030 and 15.06.040, administrative authority (15.06) |
682 | Tax rate (Special) |
683 | Establishes Joint Pacific County Housing Authority (Special) |
684 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
685 | Amends Ord. 682, tax rate (Special) |
686 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
687 | Bond issuance (Special) |
688 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
689 | Adds Ch. 12.09, tree board (12.09) |
690 | Adopts cross-connection control program (Repealed by 797) |
691 | Property tax levy (Special) |
692 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.04; repeals Ord. 629, business licenses (5.04) |
693 | Adds § 15.08.065; repeals Res. 99-01, unified development ordinance (Repealed by 895) |
694 | Budget (Special) |
695 | Property tax levy (Special) |
696 | Amends § 13.04.020, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
697 | Amends § 13.04.110, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
698 | Budget (Special) |
699 | Budget (Special) |
700 | Amends § 3.2 of Ord. 533, flood damage prevention (Repealed by 794) |
701 | Adds § 3.7 to Ord. 533, flood damage prevention (Repealed by 794) |
702 | Amends §§ 4.1—4.3 of Ord. 533, flood damage prevention (Repealed by 794) |
703 | Amends § 13.04.110, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
704 | Amends § 13.04.100, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
705 | Closes revenue fund and expenditure fund (Special) |
706 | Imposes moratorium for issuance of land use, building and development permits, and business licenses for adult business uses (Special) |
707 | Property tax levy (Special) |
708 | Extends moratorium for issuance of land use, building and development permits, and business licenses for adult business uses (Special) |
709 | Amends § 13.04.010, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
710 | Never issued |
711 | Amends § 13.04.100, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
712 | Amends § 2.04.020, city council (2.04) |
713 | Budget (Special) |
714 | Budget (Special) |
715 | Amends §§ 13.04.100 and 13.04.110, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
716 | Moratorium on adult businesses (Special) |
717 | Adopts policies for water and sewer charges in new construction [adds § 13.04.115] (Repealed by 809) |
718 | Adds Chs. 1.18 and 2.28, and §§ 1.20.020 and 1.20.030; amends Chs. 8.08 and 8.20, and §§ 2.20.020, 3.16.050, 3.24.060, 5.04.100, 5.04.110, 5.12.150, 5.16.070, 5.20.090, 5.24.010, 6.08.020, 6.08.040, 8.04.010, 8.12.030, 8.16.020—8.16.040, 8.16.060, 8.16.230, 9.08.030, 9.08.060, 9.08.080, 9.12.070, 12.04.020 and 15.02.140; repeals and replaces §§ 5.12.070, 5.24.030, 6.04.150, 8.12.040, 10.06.040, 12.16.050 and 13.04.105, various provisions (1.18, 1.20, 2.20, 2.28, 3.16, 3.24, 5.04, 5.12, 5.16, 5.20, 5.24, 6.04, 6.08, 8.04, 8.08, 8.12, 8.16, 8.20, 9.08, 9.12, 10.06, 12.04, 12.16, 13.04, 15.02) |
719 | Drug and alcohol testing for drivers of commercial vehicles (Repealed by 838) |
720 | Adds Ch. 8.18, public nuisance noise disturbances (8.18) |
721 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
722 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
723 | Never issued |
724 | Never issued |
725 | Fixes property tax rate (Special) |
726 | Adds § 15.08.065 [15.08.210], administration of development regulations (15.08) |
727 | Amends § 13.04.010, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
728 | Amends § 13.04.100, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
729 | 2007 budget (Special) |
730 | Amends Ord. 725, property tax rate (Special) |
731 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
732 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
733 | Adds Ch. 13.06; repeals §§ 13.04.040—13.04.051, 13.04.120 and 13.04.140, combined water/sewer billing (13.06) |
734 | Bond issuance (Special) |
735 | Fixes property tax rate (Special) |
736 | Bond issuance (Special) |
737 | Amends § 13.04.010, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
738 | Amends § 13.04.100, water and sewer rates and charges (13.04) |
739 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
740 | 2008 budget (Special) |
741 | Amends § 15.44.020, allowed and restricted uses table (15.44) |
742 | Amends § 13.06.020, combined water/sewer billing (13.06) |
743 | Fixes property tax rate (Special) |
744 | Extends moratorium on acceptance of applications for and issuance of permits and licenses for adult businesses (Not codified) |
745 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
746 | Amends § 13.04.010, water rate schedule (13.04) |
747 | Amends § 13.04.100, rates and charges for sanitary sewage disposal (13.04) |
748 | 2009 budget (Special) |
749 | Moratorium on applications for adult businesses (Not codified) |
750 | Limited tax general obligation bond, 2009 (Special) |
751 | Amends § 2.04.020, councilmember salaries (2.04) |
752 | Extends moratorium on issuance of permits and licenses for adult businesses (Not codified) |
753 | Tabled |
754 | Contract for municipal court judge (Special) |
755 | Budget amendment; passed 5/11/09 (Special) |
755B | Adds Chs. 3.18 and 3.30, revenue and finance; passed 12/14/09 (3.18, 3.30) |
756 | Amends Title 13 definitions (Repealed by 809) |
757 | Adds § 2.04.030, councilmember compensation waiver (2.04) |
758 | Employee salaries (Special) |
759 | |
760 | |
761 | Establishes water and sewer utility taxes (3.19) |
762 | Interfund loan (Special) |
763 | 2010 budget (Special) |
764 | Reestablishes moratorium for adult businesses (Special) |
765 | Failed |
766 | Adds § 3 to Ord. 762, interfund loan (Special) |
767 | Cash change fund and petty cash fund (3.05) |
768 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
769 | Amends §§ 6.08.010, 6.08.020, 6.08.030, and 6.08.040, exotic animals (6.08) |
770 | Adult entertainment and sexually oriented business uses (5.32, 15.44) |
771 | Procedure for adjusting water bills resulting from metered water leak (13.04) |
772 | Property tax rate for 2011 (Special) |
773 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
774 | Amends § 13.04.010 and lien filing fees set by Ord. 760, water rates (13.04) |
775 | Amends § 13.04.100 and lien filing fees set by Ord. 760, sewer rates (13.04) |
776 | 2011 budget (Special) |
777 | Adds Ch. 2.30, parks and recreation commission (2.30) |
778 | Employee salaries (Special) |
779 | Amends §§ 13.04.020 and 13.04.110, water and sewer connection charges (13.04) |
780 | Interfund loan (Special) |
781 | Payment of claims (3.04) |
782 | Amends §§ 13.04.005, 13.04.100, 13.04.105, and 13.04.110, wastewater discharge (13.04) |
783 | Amends §§ 13.04.005 and 13.04.010, water rate schedule (13.04) |
784 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
785 | Adds Ch. 10.08, vehicle weight limits and regulation of large motor vehicles (10.08) |
786 | Amends § 5.04.060, business license fee schedule (5.04) |
787 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
788 | Property tax rate for 2012 (Special) |
789 | Employee salaries (Special) |
790 | Adds Ch. 13.08, stormwater utility fund (13.08) |
791 | Adds §§ 15.29.045 and 15.29.047; amends §§ 15.29.040 and 15.44.020, resort district uses (15.29, 15.44) |
792 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
793 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
794 | Amends § 15.08.065 and Ch. 15.16; repeals Ords. 533, 700, 701 and 702, development in flood areas (15.16) |
795 | Moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens (Special) |
796 | Amends § 3.19.050, utility tax (3.19) |
797 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.01, cross-connection control program (8.01) |
798 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
799 | Adds § 13.06.040; amends title to Ch. 13.06 and §§ 13.06.010, 13.06.020, 13.06.030 and 13.06.080, combined water/sewer/stormwater billing (13.06) |
800 | Renews moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens (Special) |
801 | Appointment of judge (Special) |
802 | Amends §§ 6.04.120 and 15.44.020, keeping of chickens (6.04, 15.44) |
803 | Amends §§ 15.62.070 and 15.68.080, time limitations on plats (15.62, 15.68) |
804 | Property tax rate for 2013 (Special) |
805 | Employee salaries (Special) |
806 | Amends §§ 13.04.005, 13.04.085 and 13.04.100, sewer rates (13.04) |
807 | Adds §§ 3.18.120(K) and 3.18.130(G); amends §§ 3.18.040, 3.18.100 and 3.30.220; repeals § 3.18.060, business and occupation tax (3.18, 3.30) |
808 | Adds § 6.08.035; amends Ch. 6.08 name and §§ 6.08.010(B), 6.08.020, 6.08.030, 6.08.040, 6.08.050 and 6.08.060, wild or exotic animals (6.08) |
809 | Amends §§ 13.04.005, 13.04.010, 13.04.020, 13.04.060, 13.04.110(A) and (F), 13.06.020(A) and 13.06.070; repeals Ord. 756 and §§ 13.04.115 and 13.06.060, water and sewer rates (13.04, 13.06) |
810 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
811 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
812 | Amends §§ 15.76.090, 15.76.120, 15.76.190 and 15.76.220, utilities (14.06) |
813 | Grants telecommunications system franchise (Special) |
814 | Amends § 13.04.085, leakage adjustments to water, sewer bills (13.04) |
815 | Employee salaries (Special) |
816 | Amends §§ 15.16.020, 15.16.050, 15.16.060 and 15.16.090, development in flood areas (15.16) |
817 | Amends § 13.04.100, sanitary sewage disposal rates (13.04) |
818 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
819 | Property tax rate for 2014 (Special) |
820 | Employee salaries (Special) |
821 | Moratorium on recreational marijuana production, processing and retail sales (Special) |
822 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
823 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
824 | Employee salaries (Special) |
825 | Employee salaries (Special) |
826 | Wheeled all-terrain vehicles and off-road vehicles (10.12) |
827 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
828 | Moratorium on recreational marijuana production, processing and retail sales (Special) |
829 | Adopts conditions and standards for utility and roadway construction (Special) |
830 | Adds Ch. 8.24, camping prohibited (8.24) |
831 | Adds Ch. 15.60, marijuana-related uses (15.60) |
832 | Amends and renumbers Title 15, Part 5, as Title 14, developer standards (14.02, 14.04, 14.06, 14.08, 14.14, 14.16) |
833 | Adds definitions to Ch. 8.18; amends § 8.18.15(O) [8.18.050(O)], public nuisance noise disturbances (8.18) |
834 | Employee salaries (Special) |
835 | Property tax rate for 2015 (Special) |
836 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
837 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
838 | Drug and alcohol policy for use with DOT-regulated employees; repeals Ord. 719 (2.32) |
839 | Appointment of judge (Special) |
840 | Employee salaries (Special) |
841 | Amends title of Title 14 and Ch. 14.02, development standards (14.02) |
842 | Adds §§ 14.06.116, 14.06.117 and 14.06.122; amends § 14.02.020, private sewers (14.02, 14.06) |
843 | Amends § 15.16.050, basis for establishing areas of special flood hazard (15.16) |
844 | Adds Title 11, code enforcement (11.04, 11.08, 11.12, 11.16, 11.20) |
845 | Amends Ch. 1.20, general penalty (1.20) |
846 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
847 | Amends § 15.16.090(A), specific standards for flood hazard reduction (15.16) |
848 | Adds Ch. 8.25, burning restrictions (8.25) |
849 | Amends Ch. 15.02, unified development ordinance (15.02) |
850 | Street vacation (Special) |
851 | Adds Ch. 3.32, investment of funds (3.32) |
852 | Amends § 2.30.010, parks and recreation commission membership (2.30) |
853 | Adds Ch. 9.01; amends § 11.04.020, burglar and fire alarm systems (9.01, 11.04) |
854 | Adds Ch. 2.10; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.08, city clerk and city treasurer (2.08, 2.10) |
855 | Adds § 13.06.025, utility billing errors (13.06) |
856 | Property tax rate for 2016 (Special) |
857 | Employee salaries (Special) |
858 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
859 | Adopts comprehensive plan update (Special) |
860 | Amends Ch. 6.04, dogs and livestock (6.04) |
861 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
862 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
863 | Readopts Ord. 857, employee salaries (Special) |
864 | Grants cable system franchise (Special) |
865 | Property tax rate for 2017 (Special) |
866 | Amends §§ 15.62.070 and 15.68.080, final plat submittal (15.62, 15.68) |
867 | Adds Ch. 15.41; amends §§ 15.04.020, 15.44.020 and 15.46.040; repeals § 15.29.045, vacation rentals (15.04, 15.41, 15.44, 15.46) |
868 | Adopts 2017 employee salaries (Special) |
869 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
870 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
871 | Amends §§ 14.14.010 and 15.04.020, building code references (14.14, 15.04) |
872 | Adds § 14.02.035; amends §§ 14.02.020, 14.06.030, 14.06.070, 14.06.080 and development standards (14.02, 14.06) |
873 | Amends § 15.14.010, shoreline master program (15.14) |
874 | Property tax rate for 2018 (Special) |
875 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
876 | Adds § 14.06.095, low pressure sewers (14.06) |
877 | Adopts salary classifications and establishes 2018 pay table (Special) |
878 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
879 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
880 | Amends § 15.60.030, state licensed marijuana facilities (15.60) |
881 | Lowers speed limit between mileposts 11.93 and 12.23; implements transition speed zone and closure of passing lane on Highway 101 (Special) |
882 | Amends §§ 5.04.020, 5.04.030, 5.04.050, 5.04.060 and 5.04.120, business licenses (5.04) |
883 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
884 | Property tax rate for 2019 (Special) |
885 | Adopts 2019 employee salaries (Special) |
886 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
887 | Interfund loan (Repealed by 891) |
888 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
889 | Adds Ch. 11.15; amends §§ 15.02.060, 15.04.020, 15.06.010, 15.06.050, 15.08.050, 15.08.110, 15.08.120, 15.08.150, 15.08.180, 15.08.200, 15.48.060, 15.48.080, 15.48.090, 15.48.100, 15.48.110, 15.50.010, 15.50.030, 15.50.040, 15.50.050, 15.50.100, 15.50.110, 15.50.130, 15.50.140, 15.52.050, 15.52.090, 15.52.110, 15.52.120, 15.64.050, 15.64.060, 15.64.070, 15.64.100, 15.66.070, 15.66.080, 15.66.090, 15.66.110, 15.92.050 and 15.92.070, hearing examiner (11.15, 15.02, 15.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.48, 15.50, 15.52, 15.64, 15.66, 15.92) |
890 | Amends § 15.06.020, planning commission (15.06) |
891 | Rescinds Ord. 887, interfund loan (Special) |
892 | Amends § 15.06.030, planning commission (15.06) |
893 | Adds Ch. 10.02, fire lanes (10.02) |
894 | Amends §§ 13.06.020 and 13.06.030, combined water/sewer/stormwater billing (13.06) |
895 | Repeals § 15.08.065, development fees (Repealer) |
896 | Growth Management Act update schedule (Special) |
897 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
898 | Property tax rate for 2020 (Special) |
899 | Establishes 2020 pay table (Repealed by 903) |
900 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
901 | Amends §§ 3.18.040, 3.18.050, 3.18.070, 3.18.080, 3.18.090, 3.18.100, 3.18.110, 3.18.120 and 3.19.040, revenue and finance (3.18, 3.19) |
902 | Adopts salary classifications (Special) |
903 | Establishes revised 2020 pay table; repeals Ord. 899 (Special) |
904 | Amends §§ 15.06.040, 15.08.110, 15.48.070, 15.48.090, 15.52.070, 15.52.090, 15.64.040, 15.66.040, 15.66.050 and 15.92.040; repeals §§ 15.48.080 and 15.52.080, planning commission duties (15.06, 15.08, 15.48, 15.52, 15.64, 15.66, 15.92) |
905 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
906 | Adds Ch. 3.34, interfund loans program (3.34) |
907 | Adds § 13.06.090, utility billing (13.06) |
908 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
909 | Adopts comprehensive plan update (Special) |
910 | Amends Ch. 15.18, critical areas (15.18) |
911 | Property tax rate for 2021 (Special) |
912 | Adds Ch. 10.10, Discovery Trail (10.10) |
913 | Establishes 2021 pay table (Special) |
914 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
915 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
916 | Moratorium on applications for short-term rentals (Special) |
917 | Amends § 14.06.070, on-site septic systems (14.06) |
918 | Adds Ch. 14.10, clearing and grading (14.10) |
919 | Amends § 6.04.120, Chs. 15.04, 15.08, 15.20, 15.44, 15.47 and 15.56; repeals Ch. 15.27, dogs and livestock, unified development ordinance (6.04, 15.04, 15.08, 15.20, 15.44, 15.47, 15.56) |
920 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
921 | Amends Ch. 15.41, vacation rentals (15.41) |
922 | Bond issuance (Special) |
923 | Amends § 13.04.100(C), sanitary sewage disposal rates (13.04) |
924 | Establishes 2022 pay table (Special) |
925 | Adopts salary classifications (Special) |
926 | Property tax rate for 2022 (Special) |
927 | Amends § 2.16.040(J), volunteer fire department membership (2.16) |
928 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
929 | Adopts fire salary classifications (Special) |
930 | Adds Ch. 9.10, fireworks (9.10) |
931 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
932 | Amends Ch. 15.06, administrative authority (15.06) |
933 | Street vacation (Special) |
934 | Amends § 15.60.030, state licensed marijuana facilities (15.60) |
935 | Bond issuance (Special) |
936 | Amends Chs. 15.32 and 15.44, C-1 core commercial district, land use table (15.32, 15.44) |
937 | Property tax rate for 2023 (Special) |
938 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
939 | Establishes 2023 pay table (Special) |
940 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
941 | Amends §§ 2.04.020 and 2.28.020, councilmember and mayor salaries (2.04, 2.28) |
942 | Grants telecommunications system franchise (Special) |
943 | Amends shoreline master program (15.14) |
944 | Establishes fire fund (Special) |
945 | Property tax rate for 2024 (Special) |