1 – 12 | (Not sent) |
13 | Peddler and auctioneer licensing (Repealed by 90-434) |
14 – 22 | (Not sent) |
23 | Stock running at large (6.28) |
24 – 30 | (Not sent) |
31 | Staking or picketing animals (6.28) |
32 – 59 | (Not sent) |
60 | Posting signs on and hitching animals to utility poles; signs on streets (12.04) |
61 | (Not sent) |
62 | (Not sent) |
63 | (Not sent) |
64 | Explosives storage (8.24) |
65 – 84 | (Not sent) |
85 | (Repealed by 231) |
86 – 94 | (Not sent) |
95 | Volunteer fire department (2.20) |
96 – 99 | (Not sent) |
100 | Social security coverage for town officers (2.28) |
101 | (Not sent) |
101-1/2 | (Repealed by 263) |
102 | (Not sent) |
103 | Combines clerk and treasurer offices (2.08) |
104 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
105 – 113 | (Not sent) |
114 | Sewers (Repealed by 05-670) |
115 | (Not sent) |
116 | (Not sent) |
117 | Interest on sewer charges (Repealed by 86-373) |
118 | (Not sent) |
119 | Town dump (Repealed by 87-395) |
120 – 124 | (Not sent) |
125 | Burning and fire hazards; fire limits (8.20) |
126 | Arterial cumulative reserve fund (3.36) |
127 | Admissions tax (3.08) |
128 | Out-of-town water customers (Repealed by 04-645) |
129 | Town council meetings (2.04) |
130 | Diagonal parking area (10.16) |
131 | Amusement game and device licensing (Repealed by 86-376) |
132 | (Not sent) |
133 | (Not sent) |
134 | Cable television franchise (Special) |
135 | Cooperative firefighting agreement (Not codified) |
136 – 140 | (Not sent) |
141 | Nuisances (Repealed by 99-561) |
142 | Employee pensions (2.28) |
143 – 148 | (Not sent) |
149 | (Repealed by 250) |
150 – 154 | (Not sent) |
155 | Water-sewer bond issue (Special) |
156 | Merger of water and sewer systems (13.04) |
157 | (Not sent) |
158 | Planning commission (2.24) |
159 | Mobile homes and parks (Not codified) |
160 | Refuse and garbage (8.16) |
161 | (Not sent) |
162 | (Not sent) |
163 | Municipal court (Repealed by 21-862) |
164 | Traffic violations bureau (Repealed by 89-407) |
165 | Gas franchise (Special) |
166 | Gas system construction (13.44) |
167 | Amends Ord. 159, mobile homes and parks (Not codified) |
168 | Gas plumbing and appliances (13.44) |
169 | (Not sent) |
170 | Comprehensive plan (18.04) |
171 | (Not sent) |
172 | Discharge of firearms (9.08) |
173 | (Repealed by 175) |
174 | (Not sent) |
175 | Speed limits and no-parking area; repeals Ord. 173 (10.12, 10.16) |
176 | Renames alley (Special) |
177 | (Not sent) |
178 | Sales or use tax (3.04) |
179 – 185 | (Not sent) |
186 | Chief Looking Glass Park mutual agreement (Special) |
187 – 190 | (Not sent) |
191 | Police judge pro tempore compensation (Special) |
192 | (Not sent) |
193 | Conditional use permit and variance fees (Not codified) |
194 | (Not sent) |
195 | (Repealed by 263) |
196 | Loaded long guns in vehicles (9.08) |
197 – 203 | (Not sent) |
204 | Amendment, conditional use permit and variance fees for Ord. 180 (Not codified) |
205 | Amends § 9 of Ord. 166, gas systems (13.44) |
206 | Restricted parking area (10.16) |
207 – 210 | (Not sent) |
211 | Motor vehicle intoxication fund (Repealed by 86-373) |
212 | (Not sent) |
213 | (Repealed by 295) |
214 – 218 | (Not sent) |
219 | Adopts American Public Works Construction Manual (12.08) |
220 | (Not sent) |
221 | (Not sent) |
222 | Boat basin (12.12) |
223 – 225 | (Not sent) |
226 | Asotin Church historical preservation fund (3.32) |
227 | Disorderly conduct (Repealed by 86-373) |
228 | Flood hazard control (superseded by 255) |
229 – 230 | (Not sent) |
231 | Curfew for minors; repeals Ord. 85 (Repealed by 86-373) |
232 | Public works construction (12.08) |
233 | (Not sent) |
234 | (Not sent) |
235 | (Repealed by 250) |
236 | (Not sent) |
237 | Adopts noncharter code city classification of government, continues mayor and city council (1.08) |
238 | (Not sent) |
239 | (Not sent) |
240 | Deletes “gutters” standards of Ord. 232, public works construction (12.08) |
241 | Street vacation (Special) |
242 | (Not sent) |
243 | Street vacation (Special) |
244 | (Not sent) |
245 | Electric power franchise (Special) |
246 | (Not sent) |
247 | (Not sent) |
248 | Parking in Chief Looking Glass Park (12.12) |
249 | Water rates and fees (Repealed by 84-336) |
250 | Sewer charges; repeals Ords. 149 and 235 (Repealed by 05-670) |
251 | (Not sent) |
252 | (Not sent) |
253 | Gambling tax (5.04) |
254 | (Repealed by 84-336) |
255 | Flood hazard control; supplements Ord. 228 (15.28) |
256 | Alley vacation (Special) |
257 | Names Snyder Road (Special) |
258 – 262 | (Not sent) |
263 | Animals; repeals Ords. 101-1/2 and 195 (6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 6.16, 6.20) |
264 | Public drinking (9.12) |
265 | Amends § 2-b of Ord. 175, speed limits (10.12) |
266 | (Repealed by 84-339) |
267 | Dry weed nuisances (8.08) |
268 | (Not sent) |
269 | Street vacation (Special) |
270 | (Not sent) |
271 | (Not sent) |
272 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 267, weed nuisances (8.08) |
273 | (Not sent) |
274 | (Not sent) |
275 | Personnel plan (Repealed by 06-679) |
276 | (Repealed by 84-336) |
277 | Solid waste card replacement fee (Repealed by 87-395) |
278 | (Repealed by 85-341) |
279 | (Repealed by 84-336) |
280 | (Not sent) |
281 | (Not sent) |
282 | Utility tax (5.12) |
283 | (Not sent) |
284 | City employee travel expenses (2.40) |
285 | (Not sent) |
286 | (Not sent) |
287 | Library district annexation election (Special) |
288 | (Not sent) |
289 | (Not sent) |
290 | Street vacation (Special) |
291 | (Not sent) |
292 | (Not sent) |
293 | Malicious mischief (9.04) |
294 | (Not sent) |
295 | Repeals Ord. 213 (Repealer) |
296 | (Not sent) |
297 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 175, speed limits (10.12) |
298 | Local improvement district No. 1 establishment (Special) |
299 | (Not sent) |
300 | (Not sent) |
301 | Street vacation (Special) |
302 | Transfers Chief Looking Glass Park fund to current expense fund (Special) |
303 | (Repealed by 316) |
304 | (Not sent) |
305 | Local improvement district No. 1 assessment roll (Special) |
306 | Local improvement guaranty fund (Repealed by 92-458) |
307 | Local improvement district No. 1 bond issue (Repealed by 92-458) |
308 | Treasurer’s trust fund (3.20) |
309 | Claims clearing fund (Repealed by 00-580) |
310 | Payroll fund (Repealed by 00-580) |
311 | Adds to Ord. 279, water service charge liens (Repealed by 84-336) |
312 | (Not sent) |
313 | Mosquito control donations; mosquito control cumulative reserve fund (Special) |
314 | (Repealed by 85-352) |
315 | Repeals and replaces § 7 of Ord. 119, town dump charges (Repealed by 87-381) |
316 | Repeals and replaces § 3(A) of Ord. 282, telephone tax; repeals Ord. 303 (5.12) |
317 | (Repealed by 85-352) |
318 | Repeals and replaces § 10(A) of Ord. 275, work week (Repealed by 06-679) |
319 | (Not sent) |
320 | Adopts model traffic ordinance (Repealed by 94-476) |
321 | (Not sent) |
322 | Adds to Ord. 307, local improvement district No. 1 bond issue (Special) |
323 | Vegetation nuisances (8.08) |
324 – 326 | (Not sent) |
83-327 | Litter control (8.12) |
84-328 | (Not sent) |
84-329 | (Not sent) |
84-330 | (Repealed by 85-351) |
84-331 | |
332 | Use of public sewers (13.32) |
333 | Amends §§ 5 and 6 of Ord. 250, sewer charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
84-334 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 333, sewer charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
84-335 | Zoning (18.08, 18.12, 18.16, 18.20, 18.24, 18.28, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40, 18.44, 18.48, 18.52, 18.56, 18.60, 18.64, 18.68, 18.72, 18.76, 18.80, 18.84) |
84-336 | Water rates; repeals Ords. 249, 254 276, 279, and 311 (Repealed by 04-645) |
84-337 | (Not sent) |
84-338 | (Not sent) |
84-339 | Environmental policy and procedures; repeals Ord. 266 (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28, 16.32, 16.36, 16.40) |
84-340 | 1985 budget (Special) |
85-341 | Adopts Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 278 (Repealed by 86-372) |
85-342 | Subdivisions (17.04, 17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32) |
85-343 | Water system bond issue (Special) |
85-344 | Bond anticipation note issue (Special) |
85-345 | Budget amendment (Special) |
85-346 | Budget amendment (Special) |
85-347 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 84-336, water turnoff (Repealed by 04-645) |
85-348 | Special excess levy election (Special) |
85-349 | Special excess levy election (Special) |
85-350 | Traffic engineer (10.08) |
85-351 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 260, mayor and council salaries; repeals Ord. 84-330 (2.36) |
85-352 | Repeals Ords. 314 and 317 (Repealer) |
85-353 | 1986 budget (Special) |
85-354 | Real estate excise tax (Repealed by 24-890) |
86-355 | Budget amendment (Special) |
86-356 | Renames alley; designates as street (Special) |
86-357 | Amends 1986 budget (Special) |
86-358 | Energy code (Repealed by 452) |
86-359 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
86-360 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
86-361 | Open burning; repeals §§ 5 and 6A of Ord. 125 (8.20) |
86-362 | Tax levy special election (Special) |
86-363 | Tax levy special election (Special) |
86-364 | Skateboards, go carts, scooters, roller skates and other toy vehicles (10.20) |
86-365 | Fire code (Repealed by 452) |
86-366 | Uniform codes (Repealed by 452) |
86-367 | Repeals § 16 of Ord. 114 (Repealer) |
86-368 | Repeals § 2 of Ord. 64 (Repealer) |
86-369 | Housing code and abatement of dangerous buildings code (Repealed by 05-673) |
86-370 | Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 452) |
86-371 | Uniform Mechanical Code (Repealed by 452) |
86-372 | Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 85-341 (Repealed by 452) |
86-373 | Repeals Ords. 114 (1, 2, 11, 12, 15), 117, 175(1), 211, 227, 231 and 263(5) (Repealer) |
86-374 | General code provisions (1.04) |
86-375 | General penalty (1.12) |
86-376 | Repeals Ord. 131 (Repealer) |
86-377 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 114, sewer connections (Repealed by 05-670) |
86-378 | Adopts 1987 budget (Special) |
86-379 | Amends Ord. 86-378, budget (Special) |
86-380 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 84-334, sewer charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
86-381 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 119, dump maintenance charge; repeals Ord. 315 (Repealed by 87-395) |
86-382 | Cable television franchise (Not codified) |
87-383 | Cable television (Not codified) |
87-384 | Amends Ord. 86-360, water revenue bonds (Repealed by 98-547) |
87-385 | Code adoption (1.01) |
87-386 | County sheriff authority (2.10) |
87-387 | Tax levy (Special) |
87-388 | Tax levy special election (Special) |
87-389 | Flood damage prevention (15.28) |
87-390 | Investment of funds (3.40) |
87-391 | Investment of funds (3.40) |
87-392 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Repealed by 04-645) |
87-393 | Adopts 1988 budget (Special) |
87-394 | Amends 1987 budget (Special) |
87-394A | Amends 1988 budget (Special) |
87-395 | Repeals §§ 8.16.080, 8.16.090, 8.16.100, 8.16.110, 8.16.120, 8.16.130, 8.16.140, 8.16.150, 8.16.160 and 8.16.170, garbage (Repealer) |
88-396 | Adds §§ 18.12.491, 18.12.492, and 18.12.493; amends §§ 18.12.490, 18.16.020, 18.28.020, 18.28.030, 18.32.020, and 18.36.020, zoning (18.12, 18.16, 18.28, 18.32, 18.36) |
88-397 | Land use action (18.78) |
88-398 | Adds §§ 18.12.342, 18.12.345, and 18.12.565; amends §§ 18.40.020 and 18.44.020, zoning (18.12, 18.40, 18.44) |
88-399 | Adds § 15.04.015, building code (Repealed by 452) |
88-400 | Special election (Special) |
88-401 | Adds § 13.36.055, water service (Repealed by 04-645) |
88-402 | Adopts 1989 budget (Special) |
88-403 | Ordinance passage procedure (1.10) |
89-404 | Amends § 12.08.320, sidewalks and driveway maintenance (12.08) |
89-405 | Repeals § 2.04.030 (Repealer) |
89-406 | Repeals §§ 2.12.030 – 2.12.090, court system (Repealer) |
89-407 | Repeals Ch. 2.16 (Repealer) |
89-408 | Amends § 2.20.010, fire department (2.20) |
89-409 | Repeals § 3.32.030 (Repealer) |
89-410 | Amends § 12.04.040, signs and poles (12.04) |
89-411 | Adds § 2.32.045; amends §§ 2.32.040 and 2.32.080, personnel policy (Repealed by 06-679) |
89-412 | Amends § 13.44.380, gas installation (13.44) |
89-413 | Amends § 12.08.050, sidewalks (12.08) |
89-414 | Amends § 17.24.010(N), subdivision (17.24) |
89-415 | Street vacation (Special) |
89-416 | Amends §§ 2.36.010 and 2.36.020, compensation for city officers (2.36) |
89-417 | Amends § 13.36.010, water rates and changes (Repealed by 04-645) |
89-418 | Amends § 5.3 of Ord. 87-389, flood damage prevention (15.28) |
89-419 | Bond issuance (Special) |
89-420 | Tax levy (Special) |
89-421 | Small works roster (Repealed by 2000-581) |
89-422 | Amends §§ 2.36.010 and 2.36.020, compensation for city officers (2.36) |
89-423 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
89-424 | 1990 budget (Special) |
90-425 | Lodging excise tax (3.48) |
90-426 | Registration of bonds (3.52) |
90-427 | Bond issuance (Special) |
90-428 | Amends § 2.40.020, mileage allowance (2.40) |
90-429 | Alley vacation (Special) |
90-430 | Property tax levy (Special) |
90-431 | Amends § 13.36.010, meter installation and service charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
90-432 | Amends § 13.36.010, meter installation and service charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
90-433 | 1991 budget (Special) |
90-434 | Commercial solicitors and itinerant merchants; repeals Ord. 13 (5.08) |
90-435 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
90-436 | Adds § 8.20.065 and amends §§ 8.20.020, 8.20.080 and 8.20.110; repeals §§ 8.20.060, 8.20.070 and 8.20.090, fire safety regulations (8.20) |
91-437 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
91-438 | Amends § 18.36.020, zoning (18.36) |
91-439 | EMS levy (Special) |
91-440 | Amends §§ 2.36.010 and 2.36.020, compensation for city officers (2.36) |
91-441 | Levy (Special) |
91-442 | 1992 budget (Special) |
91-443 | 1991 budget amendment (Special) |
92-444 | Amends § 10.16.010, parking (Repealed by 92-454) |
92-445 | Franchise agreement (Special) |
92-446 | Exempts certain property from provisions of Ch. 13.36 (Special) |
92-447 | Exempts certain property from provisions of Ch. 12.08 (Special) |
92-448 | Establishes clear vision areas (12.16) |
92-449 | Fireworks regulations for 1992 (Special) |
92-450 | Exempts certain property from provisions of § 13.36.055 (Special) |
92-451 | EMS levy (Special) |
92-452 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 15.04, 15.12, 15.16, 15.20 and 15.24 (15.04) |
92-453 | Payment to volunteer firefighters (2.20) |
92-454 | Amends § 10.16.010; repeals Ord. 92-444, parking (Repealed by 93-466) |
92-455 | Radon measuring devices (8.28) |
92-456 | Special election (Special) |
92-457 | Surplus property (Special) |
92-458 | Termination of funds; repeals Ords. 306 and 307 (Repealer) |
92-459 | |
92-460 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
92-461 | 1993 budget (Special) |
92-462 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
92-463 | Amends § 8.20.065, fire safety regulations (8.20) |
93-464 | Inspection of public records (2.44) |
93-465 | Amends § 2.36.010, mayor (2.36) |
93-466 | Amends § 10.16.010, parking (10.16) |
93-467 | Establishes drug free workplace for city employees (2.48) |
93-468 | Special election for tax levy (Special) |
93-469 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates (Repealed by 05-670) |
93-470 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Repealed by 04-645) |
93-471 | Adopts 1994 fiscal year budget (Special) |
93-472 | Amends § 10.12.010, speed limits (10.12) |
93-473 | Budget (Special) |
94-474 | Amends § 6.24.010, animals (Repealed by 02-605) |
94-475 | Alley vacation (Special) |
94-476 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ord. 320 (10.04) |
94-477 | Amends § 13.36.060, water rates (Repealed by 04-645) |
94-478 | Adds § 17.16.045; amends §§ 17.12.010, 17.16.040, and 17.16.050; repeals § 17.16.060, subdivisions (17.12, 17.16) |
94-479 | Clearwater Power Company Franchise (Special) |
94-480 | Budget (Special) |
94-481 | Special election for tax levy (Special) |
94-482 | Exempting city from RCW 9.41.050(4) (Special) |
94-483 | Budget (Special) |
94-484 | Street vacation (Special) |
95-485 | Street vacation (Special) |
95-486 | Budget (Special) |
95-487 | Adds § 10.16.015, parking (10.16) |
95-488 | Vehicular access and connection points on ingress to and egress from the state highway system (Not codified) |
95-489 | Amends § 10.12.010, speed limits (10.12) |
95-490 | Parking (10.16) |
95-491 | Commercial and recreational vehicles (Repealed by 21-861) |
95-492 | EMT levy (Special) |
95-493 | Annexation (Special) |
95-494 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates and charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
95-495 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
95-496 | (Void) |
95-497 | Street vacation (Special) |
95-498 | Budget (Special) |
95-499 | Budget (Special) |
95-500 | Budget (Special) |
95-501 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
95-502 | Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 86-372 (15.04) |
95-503 | Parental responsibility for minor children (9.16) |
96-504 | Adds § 13.28.075, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
96-505 | Amends § 13.36.040, water rates and charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
96-506 | Amends §§ 18.28.080, 18.32.080, 18.36.080, 18.40.080 and 18.44.050, zoning (18.28, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40, 18.44) |
96-507 | Amends § 18.12.491(F), zoning (18.12) |
96-508 | Amends § 18.28.020(D), zoning (18.28) |
96-509 | Adds Ch. 18.30, rural residential zone (18.30) |
96-510 | Establishes petty cash fund (Repealed by 20-849) |
96-511 | Establishes advance travel expense fund (3.60) |
96-512 | Adds § 2.40.030; amends §§ 2.40.010 and 2.40.020, travel expenses (2.40) |
96-513 | Beekeeping prohibited (9.20) |
96-514 | Amends § 13.36.010, water rates and meters (Repealed by 04-645) |
96-515 | Special election for tax levy (Special) |
96-516 | Amends § 13.36.010, water rates and charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
96-517 | Adds § 13.36.050, water rates and charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
96-518 | Amends § 13.28.020, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
96-519 | Amends §§ 12.08.030, 12.08.040(A) and 12.08.360, public works construction (12.08) |
96-520 | Budget (Special) |
97-521 | Amends § 18.12.670, zoning (18.12) |
97-522 | Adds Ch. 13.34, unlawful cross-connections (Repealed by 04-645) |
97-523 | Amends § 12.08.230, public works construction (12.08) |
97-524 | Amends Ord. 96-520, budget (Special) |
97-525 | Adds Ch. 9.06, violations of restraining orders (9.06) |
97-526 | Alley vacation (Special) |
97-527 | Adds Ch. 8.10, exclusive ambulance service system (8.10) |
97-528 | Payment of claims or obligations of the city (3.64) |
97-529 | Establishes licensing procedure for purposes of regulation of wholesale and retail business (5.16) |
97-530 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 97-526, alley vacation (Special) |
97-531 | Call for special election (Special) |
97-532 | Adopts 1998 budget (Special) |
97-533 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 92-453 [2.20.045], volunteer fire department (2.20) |
98-534 | Amends § 18.36.030, zoning (18.36) |
98-535 | Rezone (Special) |
98-536 | Junk and junk motor vehicle abatement (Repealed by 09-744) |
98-537 | Amends § 2.40.020, travel expenses (2.40) |
98-538 | Street vacation (Special) |
98-539 | Amends Ord. 97-532, 1998 budget (Special) |
98-540 | Amends § 17.16.030, subdivisions (17.16) |
98-541 | Amends § 17.20.020, subdivisions (17.20) |
98-542 | Amends Ord. 204, amendment, conditional use permit and variance fees (Not codified) |
98-543 | Amends §§ 4 and 5 of Ord. 97-529, regulation of wholesale and retail businesses (5.16) |
98-544 | Repeals § 8.08.090 (Repealer) |
98-545 | Annexation (Special) |
98-546 | Amends Ord. 97-532, 1998 budget (Special) |
98-547 | Repeals Ords. 82-316 and 87-384 (Repealer) |
98-548 | Establishes water/sewer reserve fund, No. 408 (3.68) |
98-549 | Establishes debt service fund, No. 208 (3.72) |
98-550 | Adopts 1999 budget (Special) |
98-551 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
98-552 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates and charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
98-553 | Amends § 8.20.070, fire safety regulations (Not codified) |
99-554 | Adopts revisions to comprehensive plan (Special) |
99-555 | Adds § 2.32.046, sick leave sharing (Repealed by 06-679) |
99-556 | Amends Ord. 97-533, volunteer fire department (2.20) |
99-557 | (Not passed) |
99-558 | Alley vacation (Special) |
99-559 | Amends §§ 17.16.030 – 17.16.040, short plats (17.16) |
99-560 | Amends §§ 17.20.020 – 17.20.030, long plats (17.20) |
99-561 | Repeals Ch. 8.04, nuisances (Repealer) |
99-562 | Amends § 13.36.060, water rates and charges (Repealed by 04-645) |
99-563 | Adds §§ 10.20.010(E) and 10.20.025, bicycles (10.20) |
99-564 | 2000 budget (Special) |
99-565 | Amends Ord. 98-550, 1999 budget (Special) |
99-566 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Repealed by 04-645) |
99-567 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates (Repealed by 05-670) |
99-568 | Amends § 8.20.065, open burning (8.20) |
99-569 | Additional real estate excise tax (Repealed by 24-890) |
99-570 | Additional sales and use tax (Repealed by 99-570) |
99-571 | City cemetery rules and regulations (12.20) |
00-572 | (Did not pass) |
00-573 | Amends § 2.40.030(B), reimbursement of travel expenses (2.40) |
00-574 | City park rules and regulations (12.24) |
00-575 | Establishes change fund (3.76) |
00-576 | Amends Ord. 99-564, 2000 budget (Special) |
00-577 | Adds Ch. 18.49, occupancy of recreational vehicles within the city limits (18.49) |
00-578 | Adds § 5.12.030(A)(4); amends § 5.12.030(A)(3), telephone service (5.12) |
00-579 | Repeals Ord. 99-570 (Repealer) |
00-580 | Repeals Chs. 3.24 and 3.28 (Repealer) |
00-581 | Repeals Ord. 89-421, small works roster (Repealer) |
00-582 | Confirms and ratifies Ord. 99-566, water utility rates (Special) |
00-583 | Confirms and ratifies Ord. 99-567, water utility rates (Special) |
00-584 | Confirms and ratifies Ord. 99-569, water utility rates (Special) |
00-585 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
00-586 | Amends §§ 18.28.020 and 18.28.030, uses (18.28) |
00-587 | Amends § 18.76.050, review (18.76) |
00-588 | Establishes fire department building fund (3.80) |
00-589 | Wireless communication facilities moratorium (Special) |
01-590 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Repealed by 04-645) |
01-591 | Adds Ch. 8.04, city trees (8.04) |
01-592 | Adds Ch. 11.06 [10.06], vehicle impoundment (10.06) |
01-593 | Amends § 8.20.065, open burning (8.20) |
01-594 | Establishes prohibiting false alarms (9.24) |
01-595 | Amends § 10.16.010(b), parking area (10.16) |
01-596 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
01-597 | Rezone (Special) |
01-598 | Establishes wireless communication (18.46) |
01-599 | (Void) |
01-600 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
01-601 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
01-602 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
02-603 | Amends § 18.76.060, variances (18.76) |
02-604 | Amends § 2.24.020, planning commission (2.24) |
02-605 | Adds §§ 6.04.230 – 6.04.340 and Ch. 6.14; amends §§ 6.04.110 and 6.04.200; repeals and replaces Ch. 6.24, animals (6.04, 6.14, 6.24) |
02-606 | Adds §§ 15.28.275, 15.28.285 and 15.28.290; amends §§ 15.28.040, 15.28.270 and 15.28.280, flood damage prevention (15.28) |
02-607 | Amends § 5.04.020, gambling and amusements (5.04) |
02-608 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
02-609 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
02-610 | Amends § 18.12.140, zoning (18.12) |
02-611 | Amends § 18.20.030, building permits (18.20) |
02-612 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
02-613 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewage rates (Repealed by 05-670) |
02-614 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
02-615 | Electricity franchise (Repealed by 03-623) |
03-616 | Adds § 18.12.115, bed and breakfast (18.12) |
03-617 | Amends § 18.76.040, variance application (18.76) |
03-618 | Cable franchise (Special) |
03-619 | Amends § 6.16.060, redemption of an impounded dog (6.16) |
03-620 | Amends § 6.08.040, dogs running at large (6.08) |
03-621 | Amends § 2.40.030(B), travel expenses (2.40) |
03-622 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
03-623 | Repeals Ord. 02-615 (Repealer) |
03-624 | Electricity franchise (Special) |
03-625 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
03-626 | Amends § 8.20.065, open burning (Void) |
03-626 | Adds § 12.08.015, standard specifications and drawings and amends § 12.08.010, construction manual adopted (12.08) |
03-627 | Amends §§ 18.12.670, 18.28.090, 18.36.080, 18.48.020 and 18.76.040, zoning (18.12, 18.28, 18.36, 18.48, 18.76) |
03-628 | Amends § 1.01.010, code adoption (1.01) |
03-629 | Amends §§ 10.16.010, 10.16.015, 10.16.020, 10.16.070 and 10.16.090, parking (10.16) |
03-630 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
03-631 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
03-632 | Adds §§ 13.16.011, 13.16.021 and 13.16.031; repeals §§ 13.16.010, 13.16.020, 13.16.030, 13.16.040, sewers (Repealed by 05-670) |
03-633 | Adds § 10.16.070 [10.16.075], parking (Repealed by 06-688) |
04-634 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
04-635 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings (2.04) |
04-636 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
04-637 | Amends 2004 budget (Did not pass) |
04-638 | Street vacation (Special) |
04-639 | Amends § 18.30.020, zoning (18.30) |
04-640 | Amends §§ 18.28.020 and 18.28.030, zoning (18.28) |
04-641 | Amends § 10.20.040, skateboards, go carts, scooters, roller skates and other toy vehicles (10.20) |
04-642 | Adds §§ 5.12.035 and 5.12.055; amends §§ 5.12.020, 5.12.030 and 5.12.090, utilities business tax (5.12) |
04-643 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
04-644 | Street and alley vacation procedures (12.28) |
04-645 | Adds Ch. 13.30; repeals Chs. 13.34, 13.36 and 13.40, water service (13.30) |
04-646 | Adds Ch. 10.22, motorized foot scooters (10.22) |
04-647 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
04-648 | 2004 tax levy (Special) |
04-649 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
04-650 | Adds Ch. 2.09, police department (2.09) |
04-651 | Establishes wastewater treatment plant construction fund, No. 308 (3.96) |
04-652 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
04-653 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
04-654 | Authorizes borrowing of money from state of Washington (Special) |
05-655 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
05-656 | Amends §§ 15.28.070, 15.28.150, 15.28.210, 15.28.250 and 15.28.260, flood damage prevention (15.28) |
05-657 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
05-658 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates and charges (Repealed by 05-670) |
05-659 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
05-660 | Bond issuance (Special) |
05-661 | Adds Ch. 2.11, police reserve unit (2.11) |
05-662 | Adds § 2.09.045, police department (2.09) |
05-663 | Adds §§ 12.12.085 and 12.12.110, Chief Looking Glass Park (12.12) |
05-664 | Adds Ch. 3.84, miscellaneous service charges (3.84) |
05-665 | Adds Ch. 12.10, street and house numbering (12.10) |
05-666 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
05-667 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
05-668 | Adds Ch. 3.88, victim’s rights coordination fund (3.88) |
05-669 | Adds Ch. 3.84 [3.90], drug enforcement fund (3.90) |
05-670 | Adds Ch. 13.10, sewer administrative code; repeals Chs. 13.08, 13.12, 13.16, 13.20, 13.24 and 13.28 (13.10) |
05-671 | Adds Ch. 3.92, police vehicle replacement fund (3.92) |
05-672 | Amends § 12.24.030, Asotin City Park (12.24) |
05-673 | Amends § 15.04.010, state building codes; repeals Ch. 15.08 (15.04) |
05-674 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
05-675 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
06-676 | Adds § 18.16.040, zoning (18.16) |
06-677 | Adds Ch. 3.16, administrative fees (3.16) |
06-678 | Adds Ch. 2.06, standing council committees (2.06) |
06-679 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.32, personnel (2.32) |
06-680 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
06-681 | Adds Ch. 10.28, traffic infractions (10.28) |
06-682 | Amends §§ 8.08.070, 8.08.080, 8.08.110, 8.08.120 and 8.08.130, weeds (8.08) |
06-683 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
06-684 | Amends §§ 8.20.065 and 8.20.110, fire safety regulations (8.20) |
06-685 | Adds Ch. 15.12, utility permits (15.12) |
06-686 | Adds § 2.24.055, planning commission (2.24) |
06-687 | Amends § 12.24.030, Asotin City Park (12.24) |
06-688 | Amends §§ 10.16.070 and 10.16.080, parking; repeals § 10.16.075 (10.16) |
06-689 | Adds Ch. 3.82, fire fighters’ fund (3.82) |
06-690 | Adds Ch. 9.28, noise and public disturbance (9.28) |
06-691 | Amends § 10.16.010, parking (10.16) |
06-692 | Amends Ch. 18.20, building permits (18.20) |
06-693 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
06-694 | Amends § 6.04.300, animals (6.04) |
06-695 | Adds [amends] Ch. 3.82, fire fighters’ fund (3.82) |
06-696 | Adds § 18.76.080, zoning (18.76) |
06-697 | Adds § 18.48.025, zoning (18.48) |
06-698 | (Not passed) |
06-699 | Adds [amends] § 18.48.025, zoning (18.48) |
06-700 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
06-701 | Adds Ch. 3.90 [3.94], public defender fund (3.94) |
06-702 | Adds Ch. 2.16, municipal public defender (2.16) |
06-703 | Adds §§ 18.28.045, 18.30.035, 18.32.045, 18.36.045, 18.40.045 and 18.44.045, zoning (18.28, 18.30, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40, 18.44) |
06-704 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
06-705 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council (2.04) |
07-706 | Repeals § 13.30.720, water administrative code (Repealer) |
07-707 | Adds Ch. 18.18, critical areas (18.18) |
07-708 | Adds § 5.08.065, commercial solicitors and itinerant merchants (Repealed by 14-778) |
07-709 | Adds Ch. 8.09, noxious weeds (8.09) |
07-710 | (Not passed) |
07-711 | Amends § 3.82.050, fire fighters’ fund (3.82) |
07-712 | Amends personnel manual (Not codified) |
07-713 | Amends § 10.16.010, parking (10.16) |
07-714 | Amends § 18.56.040, signs (18.56) |
07-715 | Amends § 2.36.020, compensation for city officers (2.36) |
07-716 | Amends § 2.36.010, compensation for city officers (2.36) |
07-717 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
07-718 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
07-719 | Amends §§ 5.16.040 and 5.16.050, regulation of wholesale and retail businesses (5.16) |
08-720 | Adds Ch. 12.06, highway access management (12.06) |
08-721 | Amends § 5.08.020, commercial solicitors and itinerant merchants (5.08) |
08-722 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
08-723 | Adds Ch. 13.18, sewer assessment reimbursement agreements (13.18) |
08-724 | (Not passed) |
08-725 | Annexation (Special) |
08-726 | Rezone (Special) |
08-727 | Adds Ch. 2.62, civil service (Repealed by 09-743) |
08-728 | Annexation (Special) |
08-729 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
08-730 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
08-731 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Not codified) |
08-732 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates (Not codified) |
09-733 | Amends § 10.12.010, speed limits (10.12) |
09-734 | Adds § 15.04.015, state building codes (15.04) |
09-735 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
09-736 | Adds § 15.28.200(D); amends §§ 15.28.280(A) and 15.28.290, flood damage prevention (15.28) |
09-737 | Annexation (Special) |
09-738 | (Not passed) |
09-739 | Adds § 15.04.015 [15.04.017], state building codes (15.04) |
09-740 | Adds Ch. 13.34, illicit discharge detection and elimination (13.34) |
09-741 | Amends § 15.04.015 [15.04.017], state building codes (15.04) |
09-742 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
09-743 | Repeals Ch. 2.62, civil service (Repealer) |
09-744 | Adds Ch. 8.34; repeals Ch. 8.32, junk, junk vehicles, and solid waste (8.34) |
09-745 | Amends § 6.12.030, dog licensing (6.12) |
09-746 | Amends §§ 5.16.040 and 5.16.050, regulation of wholesale and retail businesses (5.16) |
09-747 | Amends § 5.08.060, commercial solicitors and itinerant merchants (5.08) |
09-748 | Adds §§ 6.08.022, 6.08.025 and 6.08.028, dog regulations (6.08) |
09-749 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
09-750 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Not codified) |
09-751 | Amends § 13.28.030, sewer rates (Not codified) |
09-752 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
09-753 | (Not passed) |
10-754 | Adds Ch. 13.36, storm water construction and post-construction (13.36) |
10-755 | Adds § 9.12.015, alcohol consumption in public place (9.12) |
10-756 | Amends § 10.16.010, parking (10.16) |
10-757 | Adds Ch. 13.38, storm sewer and surface water management public utility (13.38) |
10-758 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
10-759 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
11-760 | Adds Ch. 3.42, donations of property to city (3.42) |
11-761 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
11-762 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
12-763 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
12-764 | Amends § 13.10.550, sewer rates and charges (13.10) |
12-765 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
12-766 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
13-767 | Adds Ch. 15.30, contractor use of city hydrants, meters and back-flow preventers (15.30) |
13-768 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
13-769 | Amends § 2.24.020, planning commission membership (2.24) |
13-770 | Amends § 13.10.550, sewer rates and charges (13.10) |
13-771 | Adds § 8.20.090, fire pits, wood burning devices (8.20) |
13-772 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
13-773 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
13-774 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
14-775 | Adds Title 4, special events (4.04) |
14-776 | Adds Ch. 2.62, civil service for police (2.62) |
14-777 | Marijuana production, processing and retail sale moratorium (Expired) |
14-778 | Repeals §§ 5.08.020(G) and 5.08.065 (5.08) |
14-779 | Adds salary range classifications (Special) |
14-780 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
14-781 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Not codified) |
14-782 | Adds Ch. 10.32, off-road vehicles (10.32) |
14-783 | Amends §§ 10.20.010, 10.20.020, 10.20.030 and 10.20.040, skateboards, go carts, scooters, roller skates and other toy vehicles (10.20) |
14-784 | Adds §§ 12.20.070(L) through (T), 12.20.090(M) through (U), and 12.20.110(C) through (H); amends § 12.20.030, city cemetery (12.20) |
14-785 | (Number not used) |
14-786 | Amends § 5.16.050, wholesale and retail business license renewal fees (Repealed by 22-877) |
14-787 | Sewer bond issuance (Special) |
14-788 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
14-789 | Amends § 6.12.030(A), dog license tax (6.12) |
14-790 | Adds §§ 18.40.100 and 18.44.060, storage, cargo containers (18.40, 18.44) |
14-791 | Amends § 13.36.020(C), water rates (Not codified) |
15-792 | Surplus property disposition (3.44) |
15-793 | Amends §§ 18.28.080(B), 18.32.080(B), 18.36.080(B), 18.40.080(B) and 18.44.080(B) [18.44.050(B)], building height (18.28, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40, 18.44) |
15-794 | Adds § 17.24.010(R); amends §§ 13.10.160(D) and 13.30.120(D), water, sewer main installation (13.10, 13.30, 17.24) |
15-795 | Adds §§ 13.10.650(E) and 13.30.700(C), water, sewer late fees (13.10, 13.30) |
15-796 | Adds Ch. 3.44, disposition of real property surplus (3.44) |
15-797 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
15-798 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
16-799 | Adds Ch. 3.62, competitive bidding policy (3.62) |
16-800 | Adds Ch. 8.22, fireworks (8.22) |
16-801 | Amends Ord. 14-787, sewer bond issuance (Special) |
16-802 | Repeals and replaces § 12.24.030(A); repeals § 12.24.030(B), Asotin City Park (12.24) |
16-803 | Adds Ch. 8.18, public beaches (8.18) |
16-804 | Adds § 18.28.030(K) [18.28.030(J)], zoning (18.28) |
16-805 | Amends § 18.28.030, zoning (18.28) |
16-806 | Amends § 13.10.190, sewer service ownership and maintenance (13.10) |
16-807 | Adds §§ 12.24.040 and 12.24.050, Asotin City Park hours (12.24) |
16-808 | Adds § 12.12.120; adds [amends] § 12.12.110, Chief Looking Glass Park hours (12.12) |
16-809 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
16-810 | Adds § 10.16.005, no parking (10.16) |
16-811 | Adds Ch. 3.14, leasehold excise tax (3.14) |
16-812 | Adds § 2.62.080, secretary and chief examiner (2.62) |
16-813 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
16-814 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
16-815 | Gas franchise (Special) |
16-816 | Electricity franchise (Special) |
16-817 | Municipal court and magistrate (Repealed by 21-862) |
16-818 | Municipal court (Repealed by 21-862) |
17-819 | Adds Title 19 and Ch. 19.01, shoreline master plan update (19.01) |
17-820 | Amends § 2.24.060, planning commission meetings (2.24) |
17-821 | Alley vacation (Special) |
17-822 | Amends § 12.24.020, Asotin City Park rules and regulations (12.24) |
17-823 | Adds § 3.62.040, competitive bidding policy (3.62) |
17-824 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Not codified) |
17-825 | Establishes court fees (Special) |
17-826 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
17-827 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
17-828 | Cable franchise (Special) |
18-829 | Amends §§ 18.28.080(A) and (B), 18.30.070, 18.32.080(A) and (B), 18.36.080(A) and (B), 18.40.080(A) and (B) and 18.44.050(A) and (B), building height (18.28, 18.30, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40, 18.44) |
18-830 | Adds §§ 13.10.655 and 13.30.725, sewer and water late fee waiver criteria (13.10, 13.30) |
18-831 | Adds Ch. 13.11, RV sanitation station (13.11) |
18-832 | Adds Ch. 5.18, model business license (5.18) |
18-833 | Adds Ch. 6.30, cats (6.30) |
18-834 | Fire and open burn ban (Repealed by 18-836) |
18-835 | Amends § 6.04.110, kennel definition (6.04) |
18-836 | Lifts fire and open burn ban; rescinds Ord. 18-834 (Special) |
18-837 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
18-838 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
18-839 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
18-840 | Adds § 2.04.040, council rules of procedure (2.04) |
19-841 | Repeals § 13.10.050, sewer variance granting (Repealer) |
19-842 | Amends Ch. 8.20, fire safety regulations (8.20) |
19-843 | Amends § 3.08.040, admission charge collection (3.08) |
19-844 | Amends Chs.18.28, 18.30, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40 and 18.44, in-ground swimming pools (18.28, 18.30, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40, 18.44) |
19-845 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
19-846 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
19-847 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
20-848 | Grants cable television franchise (Special) |
20-849 | Repeals Ch. 3.56, petty cash fund (Repealer) |
20-850 | Adds Ch. 2.17, municipal court cash drawer fund (Repealed by 21-862) |
20-851 | Adds Ch. 3.58, general fund cash drawer fund (3.58) |
20-852 | Amends Ch. 2.44, public records (2.44) |
20-853 | Amends § 13.36.020, water rates (Not codified) |
20-854 | Amends Ch. 17.16, short plats (17.16) |
20-855 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
20-856 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
20-857 | Amends § 2.06.070, public works committee (2.06) |
20-858 | Amends Ch. 10.16, parking (10.16) |
21-859 | Amends Ch. 18.18, critical areas (18.18) |
20-860 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
21-861 | Repeals Ch. 10.24, commercial and recreational vehicles (Repealer) |
21-862 | Repeals Chs. 2.12 and 2.17, municipal court (Repealer) |
21-863 | Adds Ch. 2.12, municipal court (2.12) |
21-864 | Adds § 8.20.065(D), controlled burning (8.20) |
21-865 | Amends § 8.22.030, discharge of consumer fireworks (8.22) |
21-866 | Amends personnel manual (Not codified) |
21-867 | Amends personnel manual (Not codified) |
21-868 | Amends personnel manual (Not codified) |
21-869 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
22-870 | Creates gift acceptance and donor recognition policy (3.42) |
22-871 | (Void) |
22-872 | Amends § 18.44.030, high-intensity commercial zone uses (18.44) |
22-873 | Amends Ord. 128, sale of water to users outside the city (Not codified) |
22-874 | Amends water users association agreement (Special) |
22-875 | Amends water users association agreement (Special) |
22-876 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
22-877 | Adds § 5.16.075; amends §§ 5.08.030, 5.12.020, 5.16.010 through 5.16.040, 5.16.060 through 5.16.100 and Ch. 5.18; repeals § 5.16.050, business taxes, licenses and regulations (5.08, 5.12, 5.16, 5.18) |
22-878 | Amends §§ 13.10.655 and 13.30.725, utility fees (13.10, 13.30) |
22-879 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
22-880 | Street vacation (Special) |
22-881 | Adds §§ 12.28.200, snow removal (12.28) |
23-882 | Amends § 6.14.040, adjudication of classification of animal (6.14) |
23-883 | Amends § 2.36.010, mayor (2.36) |
23-884 | Amends § 12.24.020(C)(1), city park rules and regulations (12.24) |
23-885 | Repeals § 5.16.070, wholesale and retail businesses application posting (Repealer) |
23-886 | Amends § 12.24.020, city park rules and regulations (12.24) |
23-887 | Adds § 6.24.015, habitual offender of animal complaints (6.24) |
23-888 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
23-889 | Adds Ch. 3.06, additional sales and use tax (3.06) |
24-890 | Repeals Ord. 99-569, real estate excise tax (Repealer) |
24-891 | Adds § 18.32.020(C), chickens (18.32) |
24-892 | Regulation of public property with respect to camps and camping (9.32) |