779Ord. 779 PDF

Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special)


778Ord. 778 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 768 (Special)

777Ord. 777 PDF

Adopts 2025/2026 budget (Special)

776Ord. 776 PDF

Tax levy for 2025 (Special)

775Ord. 775 PDF

Amends §§ 21.62.060 and 21.62.170, building codes (21.62)

774Ord. 774 PDF

Amends 2023/2024 budget; repeals Ord. 760 (Special)

773Ord. 773 PDF

Amends Chapter 7.0 of the capital and facilities element of the comprehensive plan (Special)

772Ord. 772 PDF

Adds § 3.39.180; amends §§ 3.39.020, 3.39.030, 3.39.040, 3.39.050, 3.39.080, 3.39.085, 3.39.090 and 21.90.060, transportation impact fees (3.39, 21.90)

771Ord. 771 PDF

Amends § 3.38.060, school impact fees (3.38)



769Ord. 769 PDF

Amends §§ 21.11A.170, 21.11B.050, 21.37.040, 21.37.050, 21.37.100, 21.37.140 and 21.41.020(4); repeals and replaces §§ 21.37.060, 21.37.070 and 21.37.080, off-street parking (21.11A, 21.11B, 21.37, 21.41)

768Ord. 768 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 759 (Repealed by 778)

767Ord. 767 PDF

Amends § 21.42.040, active and residential uses in the central business district zone (21.42)

766Ord. 766 PDF

Amends §§ 21.11A.020, 21.11A.060, 21.11A.070, 21.11A.090, 21.11A.140, 21.11A.170, 21.11A.190, 21.11A.200, 21.11A.240, 21.80.050 and 21.82.100; repeals and replaces Ch. 21.44 and § 21.82.070, signs (21.11A, 21.44, 21.80, 21.82)

765Ord. 765 PDF

Adopts 2024 transportation plan (Special)


764Ord. 764 PDF

Rezone (Special)

763Ord. 763 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan land use map (Special)

762Ord. 762 PDF

Amends § 3.38.060, school impact fees (3.38)

761Ord. 761 PDF

Amends Chapter 7.0 of the capital and facilities element of the comprehensive plan (Special)

760Ord. 760 PDF

Amends 2023/2024 budget; repeals Ord. 747 (Repealed by 774)

759Ord. 759 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 752 (Repealed by 768)

758Ord. 758 PDF

Tax levy for 2024 (Special)

757Ord. 757 PDF

Telecommunications franchise (Special)

756Ord. 756 PDF

Amends §§ 21.32.050 and 21.42.030, residential development standards in the tourist business (TB) zone (21.32, 21.42)

755Ord. 755 PDF

Adds Ch. 8.16, tenant protections (8.16)

754Ord. 754 PDF

Amends §§ 3.43.010, 3.43.030 and 3.43.050, multifamily housing property tax exemption (3.43)

753Ord. 753 PDF

Amends §§ 10.12.010, 10.12.030, 10.12.050, 10.12.060, 10.12.100, 21.62.080, 21.62.100, 21.62.110, 21.62.120, 21.62.140, 21.62.150, 21.62.160 and 21.62.180; repeals and replaces §§ 21.62.010, 21.62.020, 21.62.040 and 21.62.170, fire lanes, building codes (10.12, 21.62)

752Ord. 752 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 746 (Repealed by 759)

751Ord. 751 PDF

Amends § 9.03.100, state statutes regarding firearms and dangerous weapons adopted (9.03)

750Ord. 750 PDF

Compost procurement (Not codified)


749Ord. 749 PDF

Adds § 21.80.230, project permit review procedures (21.80)

748Ord. 748 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

747Ord. 747 PDF

Creates and abolishes specific funds; adopts 2023/2024 budget (Repealed by 760)

746Ord. 746 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 736 (Repealed by 752)

745Ord. 745 PDF

Tax levy for 2023 (Special)

744Ord. 744 PDF

Adopts 2021/2022 budget; repeals Ord. 729 (Special)

743Ord. 743 PDF

Amends § 21.62.060, building permit fees (21.62)

742Ord. 742 PDF

Amends § 3.38.060, school impact fees (3.38)

741Ord. 741 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)



739Ord. 739 PDF

Amends § 21.32.040(4), building and structure height standards (21.32)

738Ord. 738 PDF

Repeals and replaces official zoning map (Special)

737Ord. 737 PDF

Adds Chs. 21.46, 21.47, 21.48 and 21.93; amends §§ 1.06.040, 1.06.330(1)(a), 3.10.010(7), 3.36.030(1), 3.36.055(1), 3.39.030(1), 5.07.010, 6.02.020, 8.08.050(1), 8.12.020(2), 15.05.020(23), (27) and (28), 15.05.030(2), 15.39.010(4) and (5), 21.50.050(2)(b) and (d), 21.50.130(3), 21.51.050(1), 21.51.080(4) and (5), 21.51.310(8), 21.51.410(7), 21.63.020(1), 21.80.210(3), 21.81.020(1), 21.82.040(2), 21.82.060, 21.82.070(4), 21.82.100, 21.82.130, 21.83.020(2), 21.87.020(1) and 21.92.050; repeals and replaces Chs. 21.10 through 21.45; repeals Ch. 1.09 and § 15.05.160, zoning (1.06, 3.10, 3.36, 3.39, 5.07, 6.02, 8.08, 8.12, 15.05, 15.39, 21.10, 21.11A, 21.11B, 21.12, 21.13, 21.14, 21.20, 21.21, 21.22, 21.23, 21.31, 21.32, 21.33, 21.34, 21.35, 21.36, 21.37, 21.40, 21.41, 21.42, 21.43, 21.45, 21.46, 21.47, 21.48, 21.50, 21.51, 21.63, 21.80, 21.81, 21.82, 21.83, 21.87, 21.92, 21.93)

736Ord. 736 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 734 (Repealed by 746)

735Ord. 735 PDF

Adds §§ 2.06.030 through 2.06.050; amends § 2.06.010, salaries for city councilmembers (2.06)

734Ord. 734 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 730 (Repealed by 736)

733Ord. 733 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

732Ord. 732 PDF

Readopts and renews Ord. 722, interim zoning amendments for supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency housing, and emergency shelters (Not codified)

731Ord. 731 PDF

Amends § 21.22.040, maximum height standards in the central business district (Repealed by 737)


730Ord. 730 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 715 (Repealed by 734)

729Ord. 729 PDF

Adopts 2021/2022 budget; repeals Ord. 710 (Repealed by 744)

728Ord. 728 PDF

Tax levy for 2022 (Special)

727Ord. 727 PDF

Adds Ch. 12.02, complete streets policy (12.02)

726Ord. 726 PDF

Amends §§ 13.04.065 and 13.05.020(9), surface water design manual and stormwater pollution prevention manual (13.04, 13.05)

725Ord. 725 PDF

Amends § 3.38.060, school impact fees (3.38)

724Ord. 724 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

723Ord. 723 PDF

Comcast franchise agreement (Special)

722Ord. 722 PDF

Adopts interim zoning amendments to §§ 21.11.220, 21.21.050 and 21.26.050, supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency housing, and emergency shelters (Not codified)

721Ord. 721 PDF

Amends §§ 3.33.010 through 3.33.050, 3.33.080, 3.33.100, 3.33.130, 3.33.150, 3.33.180, 3.33.200 and 3.33.210, utilities tax (3.33)

720Ord. 720 PDF

Adds Chs. 21.91, 21.92 and Title 21, Division 9 heading; amends §§ 21.11.030, 21.11.040, 21.11.050, 21.11.060, 21.11.070, 21.11.080, 21.11.100, 21.11.140, 21.11.180, 21.11.210, 21.11.220, 21.22.040(B)(28), 21.32.060, 21.42.030, 21.43.130, 21.50.100, 21.63.030, 21.80.050, 21.82.100 and transportation infrastructure standards and specifications; repeals and replaces Chs. 21.61 and 21.90; repeals Chs. 15.36, 21.60, §§ 21.22.170 and 21.42.040, zoning (21.50, 21.61, 21.63, 21.80, 21.82, 21.90, 21.91, 21.92)

719Ord. 719 PDF

Amends §§ 21.11.030 and 21.44.040, automated and mechanical parking systems (Repealed by 737)

718Ord. 718 PDF

Rezone (Special)

717Ord. 717 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

716Ord. 716 PDF

Adds Chs. 21.71 through 21.77; amends comprehensive plan; readopts shoreline restoration plan; repeals and replaces Ch. 21.70, shoreline master program (21.70, 21.71, 21.72, 21.73, 21.74, 21.75, 21.76, 21.77)

715Ord. 715 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 709 (Repealed by 730)

714Ord. 714 PDF

Grants franchise to Puget Sound Energy; repeals Ord. 381 (Special)

711Ord. 711 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

658Ord. 658 PDF

Adds Chs. 6.01 through 6.10; amends §§ 21.31.020 through 21.31.040; repeals Ch. 6.03, animals (6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05, 6.06, 6.07, 6.09, 6.10)


713Ord. 713 PDF

Amends §§ 13.03.020 and 13.03.030, surface water management fees (13.03)

712Ord. 712 PDF

Amends §§ 3.39.030, 3.39.110 and 3.39.120(1), transportation impact fees (3.39)

711Ord. 711 PDF

(See 2021 ordinances)

710Ord. 710 PDF

Adopts 2021/2022 budget (Repealed by 729)

709Ord. 709 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 695 (Repealed by 715)

708Ord. 708 PDF

Tax levy for 2021 (Special)

707Ord. 707 PDF

Adopts revised 2019/2020 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 694 (Special)

706Ord. 706 PDF

Adds §§ 2.27.040, 2.27.060 and Ch. 21.90; amends §§ 2.36.060(8), 3.36.130, 3.38.110, 3.39.130(1), 12.30.280, 13.05.020(10), 15.04.070, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.05.060, 21.10.070(5), 21.10.090, 21.11.060, 21.11.140, 21.11.170, 21.11.180, 21.11.210, 21.20.120(4) – (7), 21.21.020(1) – (5), 21.21.030(B)(20)(a), 21.24.010(6), 21.32.040, 21.32.050, 21.35.120(8), 21.35.130(8), 21.36.120(9), 21.37.030(3), 21.40.035(2), 21.40.050, 21.40.060, 21.40.070, 21.43.020, 21.51.400(1)(c)(ii), 21.52.240, Ords. 278, 302 and 572; repeals and replaces §§ 2.27.030, 21.51.060, Chs. 21.80, 21.81, 21.82, 21.83, 21.84 and 21.85; repeals Ch. 2.30, §§ 15.05.080, 15.05.090 and 21.51.070, project permit review, administrative review, and appeal procedures (2.27, 2.36, 3.36, 3.38, 3.39, 12.30, 13.05, 15.05, 21.51, 21.52, 21.80, 21.81, 21.82, 21.83, 21.84, 21.85)

705Ord. 705 PDF

Adds Chs. 21.62, 21.63, 21.64 and 21.65; amends §§ 10.12.030, 10.12.040, 10.12.110, Ch. 12.15 and Title 21, Division 6 heading; repeals Chs. 15.04, 15.15, 15.17 and 15.19, fire lanes, assigning names to city streets, zoning (10.12, 12.15, 21.62, 21.63, 21.64, 21.65)

704Ord. 704 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

703Ord. 703 PDF

Annexation (Special)

702Ord. 702 PDF

Amends § 3.38.060, school impact fees (3.38)

701Ord. 701 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

700Ord. 700 PDF

Adds § 21.21.120; amends §§ 21.11.030, 21.21.030, 21.21.040, 21.21.050, 21.21.060, 21.21.070, 21.21.080, 21.21.090 and 21.21.110, zoning (Repealed by 737)

699Ord. 699 PDF

Adds Ch. 21.53; amends §§ 21.51.350, 21.51.380, 21.80.100 and 21.80.110; repeals and replaces § 21.51.360; repeals §§ 21.51.370 and 21.51.450 through 21.51.490, zoning (21.51, 21.53)

698Ord. 698 PDF

Moratorium on residential evictions for nonpayment of rent (Special)

697Ord. 697 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.08, affordable housing sales and use tax (3.08)

691Ord. 691 PDF

Amends §§ 10.06.050 and 10.06.060; repeals § 10.06.070, speed limits (10.06)


696Ord. 696 PDF

Adds §§ 9.03.015, 9.03.230 and 9.03.240; amends §§ 9.03.010, 9.03.020, 9.03.060, 9.03.080, 9.03.100, 9.03.120, 9.03.130, 9.03.150, 9.03.160, 9.03.170, 9.03.200 and 9.03.210; repeals § 9.03.180, criminal code (9.03)

695Ord. 695 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 687 (Repealed by 709)

694Ord. 694 PDF

Adopts 2019/2020 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 670 (Repealed by 707)

693Ord. 693 PDF

Tax levy for 2020 (Special)

692Ord. 692 PDF

Amends §§ 3.38.060 and 3.38.070, school impact fees (3.38)

691Ord. 691 PDF

(See 2020 ordinances)

690Ord. 690 PDF

Amends §§ 13.04.040 and 13.04.050, stormwater discharges (13.04)

689Ord. 689 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

688Ord. 688 PDF

Amends § 21.22.040(B), zoning (Repealed by 737)

687Ord. 687 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 681 (Repealed by 695)

686Ord. 686 PDF

Adds §§ 1.08.010, 1.09.015 and Ch. 8.07; amends §§ 1.09.010, 1.09.020 and 8.14.040; renames Ch. 1.09; repeals § 1.09.070, nuisances (1.08, 8.07, 8.14)

685Ord. 685 PDF

Adds Ch. 15.06; amends §§ 3.10.050, 5.02.110, 5.04.060, 5.05.050, 12.40.030, 12.40.040, 15.17.020, 21.12.010 through 21.12.030 and 21.50.140; repeals and replaces Ch. 1.06 and § 21.12.040; repeals Chs. 1.05, 1.07, §§ 2.27.040, 15.04.140, 15.05.230 and 21.12.050, code enforcement (1.06, 3.10, 5.02, 5.04, 5.05, 12.40, 15.06, 21.50)

684Ord. 684 PDF

Amends § 2.22.030, public spaces commission (2.22)

683Ord. 683 PDF

Adds Chs. 21.86 through 21.89; recodifies Ch. 21.86 as 21.85; repeals Ch. 21.85, legislative amendments, annexations (21.86, 21.87, 21.88, 21.89)

682Ord. 682 PDF

Amends § 2.12.020, planning commission (2.12)

681Ord. 681 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ord. 671 (Repealed by 687)

680Ord. 680 PDF

Amends § 2.22.030, public spaces commission (2.22)

679Ord. 679 PDF

Amends §§ 3.43.040, 3.43.050 and 3.43.090, multifamily housing property tax exemption (3.43)

678Ord. 678 PDF

Amends §§ 21.21.030(B) and 21.22.040, zoning (Repealed by 737)


677Ord. 677 PDF

Adds § 21.40.035; amends § 21.21.030(B), zoning (Repealed by 737)

676Ord. 676 PDF

Amends § 3.33.140, utilities tax (3.33)

675Ord. 675 PDF

Adds Ch. 2.22; amends the title of Ch. 2.24 and §§ 2.24.005, 2.24.010, 2.24.015, 2.24.070, 2.24.075, 2.24.080, 2.24.090, 2.24.120, 2.24.140, 2.24.190, 21.26.010, 21.43.090, 21.50.040 and 21.83.020(3); repeals Ch. 2.23, §§ 2.24.020, 2.24.030, 2.24.040, 2.24.050, 2.24.060, 2.24.065, 2.24.068, and Res. 300, 347 and 380, public spaces commission and public trees (2.22, 2.24, 21.50)

674Ord. 674 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.38; repeals Ch. 22.20 and Ord. 280, school impact fees (3.38)

673Ord. 673 PDF

Adopts 2017/2018 revised biennial budget; repeals Ord. 654 (Special)

672Ord. 672 PDF

Tax levy for 2019 (Special)

671Ord. 671 PDF

Adopts employee salaries, wages, and benefit plans; repeals Ords. 653, 659 and 666 (Repealed by 681)

670Ord. 670 PDF

Adopts 2019/2020 biennial budget (Repealed by 694)

669Ord. 669 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

668Ord. 668 PDF

Amends § 3.39.050, transportation impact fees (3.39)

667Ord. 667 PDF

Amends § 10.03.110, parking (10.03)

666Ord. 666 PDF

Amends Ord. 659, 2018 employee positions, succession planning (Repealed by 671)

665Ord. 665 PDF

Amends §§ 10.12.010, 10.12.030 and 10.12.050; repeals § 10.12.080, fire lanes (10.12)

664Ord. 664 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.43, multifamily housing property tax exemption (3.43)

663Ord. 663 PDF

Adds § 10.03.035; amends §§ 1.06.110, 10.03.030, 10.03.080, 10.03.110, 10.03.120, 10.03.140 and 10.12.100; repeals § 10.03.160, traffic code and infraction penalties (10.03, 10.12)

662Ord. 662 PDF

Adds § 5.02.025; amends §§ 5.02.020, 5.02.030 and 5.02.050, business licenses (5.02)


(Number not used)

660Ord. 660 PDF

Amends § 2.36.020, code of ethics (2.36)

659Ord. 659 PDF

Amends Ord. 654, 2018 employee positions, pay and benefits (Repealed by 671)

658Ord. 658 PDF

(See 2021 ordinances)

657Ord. 657 PDF

Amends §§ 3.21.030 and 3.21.040, investment of excess funds (3.21)

656Ord. 656 PDF

Amends §§ 21.22.040 and 21.40.030, zoning (Repealed by 737)

650Ord. 650 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

645Ord. 645 PDF

Rezone (Special)

644Ord. 644 PDF

Adds § 21.36.120; amends § 21.80.260, temporary encampments (Repealed by 737)


655Ord. 655 PDF

Tax levy for 2018 (Special)

654Ord. 654 PDF

Adopts 2017/2018 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 640 (Repealed by 673)

653Ord. 653 PDF

2018 employee positions, pay and benefits; repeals Ord. 639 (Repealed by 671)

652Ord. 652 PDF

Amends §§ 2.21.070, 2.21.080, 2.21.090 and 2.21.100, disclosure of public records (2.21)

651Ord. 651 PDF

Rezone (Special)

650Ord. 650 PDF

(See 2018 ordinances)

649Ord. 649 PDF

Repeals Ch. 2.25, emergency preparedness and public safety commission (Repealer)

648Ord. 648 PDF

Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.10, emergency management (8.10)

647Ord. 647 PDF

Amends § 21.81.030, adequate sewage disposal (Repealed by 706)

646Ord. 646 PDF

Rezone; amends comprehensive plan land use map (Special)

645Ord. 645 PDF

(See 2018 ordinances)

644Ord. 644 PDF

(See 2018 ordinances)

643Ord. 643 PDF

Adds Ch. 21.61; amends § 21.60.040, Chs. 21.80, 21.84, 21.85 and § 21.86.040; repeals and replaces Ch. 21.83; repeals §§ 21.60.260, 21.60.270, 21.60.280, 21.60.290 and 21.60.300, zoning administrative procedures (Repealed by 720)

642Ord. 642 PDF

Deletes § 8.10.080, regional disaster plan (Repealer)

636Ord. 636 PDF

Right-of-way vacation (Special)


641Ord. 641 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

640Ord. 640 PDF

Adopts 2017/2018 biennial budget (Repealed by 654)

639Ord. 639 PDF

2016 employee positions, pay and benefits; repeals Ord. 618 (Repealed by 653)

638Ord. 638 PDF

Tax levy for 2017 (Special)

637Ord. 637 PDF

Adopts 2015/2016 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 609 (Special)

636Ord. 636 PDF

(See 2017 ordinances)

635Ord. 635 PDF

Adds Ch. 15.05, site development regulations (15.05)

634Ord. 634 PDF

Adds §§ 13.04.065, 13.04.090, Ch. 13.05 and § 21.44.030(4); amends §§ 12.09.010, 21.11.040, 21.11.100, 21.11.110, 21.11.140, 21.11.180, 21.22.030, 21.22.040(A), 21.23.010(2)(e), 21.26.010(2)(f) and (6)(h), 21.40.110, 21.40.170, 21.40.370(2), 21.40.380, 21.43.040, 21.43.070, 21.43.090(3), 21.43.120, 21.43.130, 21.44.120, 21.51.080, 21.60.110 [21.60.100] and transportation infrastructure standards and specifications; repeals Chs. 14.06 and 14.09 and § 21.43.060(4), surface water manual and low impact development standards (12.09, 13.04, 13.05, 21.51)

633Ord. 633 PDF

Amends § 12.12.030, collector arterial streets (12.12)

632Ord. 632 PDF

Amends Ord. 618, 2016 employee positions, pay and benefits (Special)

631Ord. 631 PDF

Amends § 10.03.110, parking (10.03)

630Ord. 630 PDF

Amends §§ 3.36.090, 3.39.050, 3.39.090 and 22.20.110, impact fees (3.36, 3.39)

629Ord. 629 PDF

Amends §§ 17.17.010, 17.17.030 and 17.17.040; repeals §§ 17.17.020 and 17.17.060, appeals (Repealed by 706)

628Ord. 628 PDF

Amends § 21.14.260, fences (Repealed by 611)

627Ord. 627 PDF

Amends § 10.03.110, parking restrictions (10.03)

626Ord. 626 PDF

Amends zoning map and § 21.08.080, manufacturing land uses (Repealed by 611)

625Ord. 625 PDF

Amends Ord. 606, planned action for central business district (Special)

624Ord. 624 PDF

Amends Ord. 618, 2016 employee positions, pay and benefits (Special)

623Ord. 623 PDF

Amends § 3.33.140, utilities tax (3.33)

622Ord. 622 PDF

Amends §§ 21.11.040, 21.11.120 [21.11.210] and Ch. 21.43, landscaping (Repealed by 737)

621Ord. 621 PDF

Adds § 21.06.391; amends §§ 21.32.100, 21.32.110, 21.32.120, 21.32.130 and 21.32.140, temporary use permits and mobile vendors (Repealed by 611)

611Ord. 611 PDF

Adds Ch. 15.19; repeals and replaces Title 21; repeals Chs. 14.04 and 15.21 and Titles 17, 20 and 24, zoning (21.50, 21.51, 21.52)

589Ord. 589 PDF

Amends §§ 21.11.100, 21.11.160, 21.11.210, 21.11.220, 21.11.240 and Ch. 21.50, tree protection (21.50)


620Ord. 620 PDF

Adopts interim zoning amendments to § 21.08.080 (Not codified)

619Ord. 619 PDF

Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special)

618Ord. 618 PDF

2016 employee positions, pay and benefits; repeals Ord. 599 (Repealed by 639)

617Ord. 617 PDF

Tax levy for 2016 (Special)

616Ord. 616 PDF

Amends Ch. 8.12 and § 12.50.430, special events (8.12, 12.50)

615Ord. 615 PDF

Amends Ch. 21.18, parking and circulation development standards (Repealed by 611)

614Ord. 614 PDF

Amends §§ 15.04.050, 15.04.070, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.15.010 and 15.15.020, building and fire codes (Repealed by 705)

613Ord. 613 PDF

Repeals Ord. 512, shoreline master program (Repealer)

612Ord. 612 PDF

Amends § 10.03.110, parking restrictions (Failed)

611Ord. 611 PDF

(See 2016 ordinances)

610Ord. 610 PDF

Adds Chs. 5.04, 5.05 and 5.07; amends title to Ch. 5.02; amends §§ 5.02.030, 5.02.040 and 5.02.050; repeals Chs. 5.03 and 5.09, business licenses and regulations (5.02, 5.04, 5.05, 5.07)

609Ord. 609 PDF

Adopts 2015/2016 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 600 (Repealed by 637)

608Ord. 608 PDF

Adds § 3.33.045 and Ch. 5.03; amends §§ 3.33.020, 3.33.030 and 3.33.140, solid waste handling (Did not pass; subject to recall)

607Ord. 607 PDF

Adds § 5.03.040, door-to-door canvassers, peddlers and solicitors (Repealed by 610)

606Ord. 606 PDF

Establishes planned action for central business district (Special)

605Ord. 605 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.241a [21.06.240a] and 21.06.282; amends §§ 21.06.135, 21.06.136, 21.06.245, 21.06.353, 21.06.520, 21.06.536 and 21.06.695; repeals and replaces Ch. 21.24, critical areas (Repealed by 611)

604Ord. 604 PDF

Amends §§ 2.03.020 and Ch. 3.03, claims and other obligations (2.03, 3.03)

603Ord. 603 PDF

Amends § 2.48.020, credit card regulations for city officials and employees (2.48)

602Ord. 602 PDF

Amends § 15.39.010, undergrounding of utilities (15.39)

601Ord. 601 PDF

Amends § 21.37.060, development agreement procedure and criteria (Repealed by 611)


600Ord. 600 PDF

Adopts 2015/2016 biennial budget; renumbers utility tax fund (Repealed by 609)

599Ord. 599 PDF

2015 employee positions, pay and benefits; repeals Ord. 578 (Repealed by 618)

598Ord. 598 PDF

Tax levy for 2015 (Special)

597Ord. 597 PDF

Adopts 2013/2014 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 594 (Special)

596Ord. 596 PDF

Amends § 21.08.070, zoning (Failed)

595Ord. 595 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

594Ord. 594 PDF

Adopts 2013/2014 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 579 (Repealed by 597)

593Ord. 593 PDF

Amends § 2.11.020, finance director (2.11)

592Ord. 592 PDF

Adds § 21.18.030(7), off-street parking requirements (Failed)

591Ord. 591 PDF

Adopts updated comprehensive plan and parks, recreation and open space plan (Special)

590Ord. 590 PDF

Amends § 15.04.060, right-of-way improvements (Repealed by 705)

589Ord. 589 PDF

(See 2016 ordinances)

588Ord. 588 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

587Ord. 587 PDF

Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.02, business registration (5.02)

586Ord. 586 PDF

Amends §§ 21.08.050 and 21.38.065(2)(f), zoning (Repealed by 611)

585Ord. 585 PDF

Amends § 21.46.020, zoning (Repealed by 611)

584Ord. 584 PDF

Amends § 3.39.110, traffic impact fees (3.39)

583Ord. 583 PDF

Adds §§ 10.03.110(17) and (18), parking (10.03)

582Ord. 582 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

581Ord. 581 PDF

Adds § 21.06.379; amends §§ 21.02.040 and 21.08.010, marijuana uses (Repealed by 611)


580Ord. 580 PDF

Establishes six-month moratorium on marijuana retail sale, growing, production and processing (Special)

579Ord. 579 PDF

Adopts 2013/2014 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 570 (Repealed by 594)

578Ord. 578 PDF

2014 employee positions, pay and benefits (Repealed by 599)

577Ord. 577 PDF

Tax levy for 2014 (Special)

576Ord. 576 PDF

Amends § 3.33.140, utilities tax (3.33)

575Ord. 575 PDF

Amends § 21.16.080; repeals § 21.12.040(B)(15), zoning (Repealed by 611)

574Ord. 574 PDF

Amends § 5.06.050, gambling (5.06)

573Ord. 573 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

572Ord. 572 PDF

Amends §§ 21.14.310, 21.14.320, 21.14.330, 21.14.340, 21.14.350, 21.14.360, 21.14.370, 21.14.890, 21.38.065(7) and Ords. 278 and 302, zoning (Repealed by 611)

571Ord. 571 PDF

Adds § 21.06.265; amends Ch. 21.26, wireless service facilities (Repealed by 611)

570Ord. 570 PDF

Adopts 2013/2014 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 558 (Repealed by 579)

569Ord. 569 PDF

Amends Ord. 561, 2013 employee positions, pay and benefits (Special)

568Ord. 568 PDF

Amends § 2.25.020(1), emergency preparedness and public safety commission (Repealed by 649)

567Ord. 567 PDF

Amends §§ 15.04.030, 15.04.050, 15.04.070, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.120, 15.04.130, 15.15.010 and 15.15.020, building code and fire code (Repealed by 705)

566Ord. 566 PDF

Amends commute trip reduction plan (Special)

565Ord. 565 PDF

Amends § 21.08.050, private school zoning (Repealed by 611)

564Ord. 564 PDF

Amends §§ 12.03.010(3) and 12.09.010 and transportation infrastructure standards and specifications; repeals § 12.03.050, streets, sidewalks and public places (12.03, 12.09)

563Ord. 563 PDF

Amends § 3.39.110(1), transportation impact fees (3.39)

562Ord. 562 PDF

Adds Ch. 1.11, city office hours (1.11)

561Ord. 561 PDF

Amends Ord. 555, 2013 employee positions, pay and benefits (Special)

560Ord. 560 PDF

Adds §§ 21.14.410 and 21.14.420; amends Ch. 21.08, zoning (Repealed by 611)

559Ord. 559 PDF

Adopts 2011/2012 biennial budget; abolishes contingency fund and SR 522/202 fund; repeals Ord. 545 (Special)

558Ord. 558 PDF

Adopts 2013/2014 biennial budget (Repealed by 570)

557Ord. 557 PDF

Tax levy for 2013 (Special)

556Ord. 556 PDF

Amends §§ 21.14.371 and 21.14.960, pedestrian-oriented streets (Repealed by 611)

555Ord. 555 PDF

2013 employee positions, pay and benefits (Special)

554Ord. 554 PDF

Adds § 21.44.020; amends §§ 17.07.030, 17.09.030(10), 17.09.060, 17.11.040, 21.06.123, 21.08.020, 21.12.040, 21.15.030, 21.18.030, 21.20.030, 21.22.050, 21.24.080 and 21.28.060, zoning (Repealed by 611)

553Ord. 553 PDF

Amends § 21.08.040, zoning (Repealed by 611)

552Ord. 552 PDF

Amends §§ 8.08.050, 8.08.060(11) and 21.38.065(9), noise (8.08)

551Ord. 551 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

550Ord. 550 PDF

Amends §§ 20.06.080 and 21.28.030, sanitary sewer regulations (Repealed by 611)


549Ord. 549 PDF

Amends § 3.33.140, utilities tax reserves (3.33)

548Ord. 548 PDF

Amends § 8.12.020(1)(a), special events (8.12)

547Ord. 547 PDF

Adds § 12.50.285, tobacco use in city parks (12.50)

546Ord. 546 PDF

Renews moratorium on permit applications for residential density incentives and/or transfers of residential density as provided in § 20.06.055, Chs. 21.34 and 21.36 (Special)

545Ord. 545 PDF

Adopts 2011/2012 biennial budget; abolishes affordable housing fund; repeals Ord. 534 (Repealed by 559)

544Ord. 544 PDF

Renews moratorium on development of detached buildings on lot sizes smaller than base density of underlying residential zoning district (Special)

543Ord. 543 PDF

Moratorium on development of detached buildings on lot sizes smaller than base density of underlying residential zoning district (Special)

542Ord. 542 PDF

Condemnation and appropriation of real property (Special)

541Ord. 541 PDF

Adds §§, and; amends § 21.08.050, cannabis collective gardens, dispensaries (Repealed by 611)


540Ord. 540 PDF

Moratorium on permits for certain land uses within the GB and CBD zoning districts (Terminated by 560)

539Ord. 539 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan future land use map, zoning map and §§ 21.08.030, 21.12.040 and 21.14.310(2), zoning (Repealed by 611)

538Ord. 538 PDF

Adds § 13.03.020(5), storm and surface water utility (13.03)

537Ord. 537 PDF

Renews moratorium on permit applications for residential density incentives and/or transfers of residential density as provided in § 20.06.055, Chs. 21.34 and 21.36 (Special)

536Ord. 536 PDF

Pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ord. 514 (Special)

535Ord. 535 PDF

Tax levy for 2012 (Special)

534Ord. 534 PDF

Adopts 2011/2012 biennial budget; abolishes affordable housing fund; repeals Ord. 515 (Repealed by 545)

533Ord. 533 PDF

Amends §§ 20.06.020 and 20.06.200, subdivision and short subdivision regulations (Repealed by 611)

532Ord. 532 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.375.0010, 21.06.375.0020, 21.12.180, 21.24.085 and 21.32.095; amends §§ 21.12.030, 21.12.040, 21.12.080, 21.14.160, 21.38.050(4) and 21.50.040(2); repeals §§ 20.06.055, 21.06.145, 21.06.488, 21.06.540 and Chs. 21.34 and 21.36, zoning (Repealed by 611)

531Ord. 531 PDF

Moratorium and interim regulation on medical cannabis collective gardens (Special)

530Ord. 530 PDF

Adds Chs. 2.10 and 2.11; amends §§ 2.03.020, 2.42.030, 2.42.040, 3.10.020, 3.10.025, 3.10.035, 3.10.040, 3.12.010, 3.18.030, 3.21.010, 3.27.030, 3.33.020, 3.33.030, 3.33.050, 3.33.060, 3.33.110, 3.33.190, 3.33.200, 5.06.040, 5.06.060, 5.06.070 and 14.12.120(5)(i), city clerk, finance director (2.03, 2.10, 2.11, 2.42, 3.10, 3.12, 3.18, 3.21, 3.27, 3.33, 5.06, 14.12)

529Ord. 529 PDF

Amends §§ 2.24.020(2) and (5), tree board (Repealed by 675)

528Ord. 528 PDF

Amends §§ 2.36.020, 2.36.030, 2.36.040, 2.36.050 and 2.36.060, code of ethics (2.36)

527Ord. 527 PDF

Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.39, transportation impact fees (3.39)

526Ord. 526 PDF

Amends § 2.25.020(2), emergency preparedness and public safety commission (Repealed by 649)

525AOrd. 525A PDF

Amends § 2 of Ord. 525 to include § 20.06.055 within the moratorium (Special)

525Ord. 525 PDF

Moratorium on permit applications for residential density incentives and/or transfers of residential density as provided in Chs. 21.34 and 21.36 (Special)

524Ord. 524 PDF

Adds § 21.14.970; amends §§ 21.08.030, 21.12.040, 21.14.301, 21.14.390(3) and 21.14.960, zoning (Repealed by 611)

523Ord. 523 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.004, 21.06.047, 21.06.048, 21.06.049, 21.06.099, 21.06.152, 21.06.198, 21.06.199, 21.06.200, 21.06.201, 21.06.202, 21.06.203, 21.06.204, 21.06.382, 21.06.409, 21.06.411, 21.06.460 and 21.06.487; amends §§ 14.04.100, 21.08.100 and 21.18.105; renumbers §§ 21.06.048 to be 21.06.050, 21.06.050 to be 21.06.051, 21.06.051 to be 21.06.052, 21.06.195 to be 21.06.194, 21.06.197 to be 21.06.195, 21.06.198 to be 21.06.196, 21.06.200 to be 21.06.197, 21.06.203 to be 21.06.205, 21.06.205 to be 21.06.206 and 21.06.460 to be 21.06.459, electric vehicle infrastructure (Repealed by 611)

522Ord. 522 PDF

Designates official posting places (1.10)

521Ord. 521 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.22, donations of property to city (3.22)

520Ord. 520 PDF

Amends § 21.20.090, development standards – signs (Repealed by 611)


519Ord. 519 PDF

Amends §§ 14.04.120 and 17.11.040, environmental checklist and notice methods (Repealed by 611)

518Ord. 518 PDF

Amends 2009/2010 biennial budget (Special)

517Ord. 517 PDF

Amends title to Ch. 15.39 and §§ 15.39.010 and 20.06.110, undergrounding of utilities (15.39)

516Ord. 516 PDF

Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.05, false alarms (8.05)

515Ord. 515 PDF

Adopts 2011/2012 biennial budget; abolishes and renumbers specific funds (Repealed by 534)

514Ord. 514 PDF

Pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ords. 495 and 502 (Repealed by 536)

513Ord. 513 PDF

Tax levy for 2011 (Special)

512Ord. 512 PDF

(Repealed by 613)

511Ord. 511 PDF

Adds §§ 21.28.050(6) and 21.28.060(5); amends §§ 21.06.117, 21.06.697, 21.08.030(B)(15), 21.08.040(B)(13)(e) and (14)(c), 21.08.050, 21.08.070, 21.24.280, 21.38.050(8)(a) and 21.38.065(4) [5] and (6) [7]; deletes §§ 21.16.050(8), 21.16.060(7) and 21.16.080(3), zoning (Repealed by 611)

510Ord. 510 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

509Ord. 509 PDF

Adds Ch. 13.04, illicit discharge and/or dumping detection and elimination; deletes § 1.07.030(7) (13.04)

508Ord. 508 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

507Ord. 507 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.032 and 21.06.221; amends § 21.08.050; renumbers §§ 21.06.032 to be 21.06.033, 21.06.033 to be 21.06.034, 21.06.034 to be 21.06.035, 21.06.035 to be 21.06.036, 21.06.036 to be 21.06.037, 21.06.037 to be 21.06.038, 21.06.038 to be 21.06.039, 21.06.039 to be 21.06.040, and 21.06.040 to be 21.06.041, zoning (Repealed by 611)

506Ord. 506 PDF

Amends Ch. 2.25, emergency preparedness and public safety commission (Repealed by 649)

505Ord. 505 PDF

Amends § 21.12.040(B)(21), density and dimensions (Repealed by 611)

504Ord. 504 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.297 and 21.14.312; amends § 21.12.040, interim zoning (Expired)

503Ord. 503 PDF

Adds Ch. 15.04, building codes; repeals and replaces Chs. 15.15, fire code, and 15.17, property maintenance code; repeals Chs. 15.06, 15.09 and 15.12 (Repealed by 705)

502Ord. 502 PDF

Amends Ord. 495, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Repealed by 514)

501Ord. 501 PDF

Amends § 2.06.020, city councilmember compensation (2.06)

500Ord. 500 PDF

Adds Ch. 10.18, roadside memorials (10.18)

499Ord. 499 PDF

Rezone (Special)


498Ord. 498 PDF

Grants cable television franchise extension (Special)

497Ord. 497 PDF

Adopts transportation master plan as a component of the comprehensive plan (Special)

496Ord. 496 PDF

Amends §§ 2.30.040, 2.30.060, 8.08.090, 14.04.040, 14.04.050, 14.04.070, 14.04.100, 14.04.180, 14.04.190, 14.04.230, 14.04.240, 14.04.260, 14.04.320, 14.04.330, 17.07.020, 17.07.030, 17.07.040, 17.07.070, 17.07.090, Chs. 17.09, 17.11, §§ 17.13.010, 17.13.030, Chs. 17.15, 17.17, §§ 20.08.030, 20.08.040, 20.08.070, 20.08.090, 21.01.130, 21.01.150, 21.02.070, 21.02.090, 21.08.030, 21.14.301 through 21.14.370, 21.17.040, 21.17.070, 21.20.130, 21.25.030, 21.25.040, Chs. 21.40, 21.42, §§ 21.44.030 through 21.44.060, 21.44.080 and 21.44.090, appeals, noise, environmental protection, land development, subdivisions and zoning (8.08)

495Ord. 495 PDF

Pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ords. 471 and 484 (Repealed by 514)

494Ord. 494 PDF

Adopts 2009/2010 biennial budget; repeals Ord. 473 (Special)

493Ord. 493 PDF

Tax levy for 2010 (Special)


(Number not used)

491Ord. 491 PDF

Approves transfer of control of cable television franchise (Special)

490Ord. 490 PDF

Adds § 21.06.574; amends §§ 21.06.559, 21.06.561, 21.06.568, 21.06.569, 21.06.575, 21.06.590, 21.06.595, 21.06.596, 21.06.599 [21.06.600] and Ch. 21.20, signs (Repealed by 611)

489Ord. 489 PDF

Adds § 21.06.297; amends zoning map, §§ 21.08.030, 21.08.050, 21.08.055, 21.08.060, 21.08.070, 21.08.100, 21.12.040, 21.14.300 through 21.14.960 and 21.38.050, zoning (Repealed by 611)

488Ord. 488 PDF

Amends § 21.08.050(A), general services land uses (Repealed by 611)

487Ord. 487 PDF

Amends Ord. 466, shoreline master program (Repealed by 611)

486Ord. 486 PDF

Repeals Ords. 269 and 329 (Repealer)

485Ord. 485 PDF

Rezone (Special)

484Ord. 484 PDF

Amends Ord. 471, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Repealed by 495)

483Ord. 483 PDF

Amends § 12.03.010, official street map (12.03)


(Number not used)

481Ord. 481 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.035, 21.06.079, 21.06.111, 21.06.534 and 21.06.649; amends zoning map and §§ 2.24.100, 2.24.130, 2.24.180, 15.21.100, 15.21.110, 15.21.120, 20.06.210, 20.06.220, 21.08.040, 21.08.060(B), 21.08.070 and 21.08.080, Ch. 21.15 and §§ 21.31.030, 21.32.020, 21.38.065 and 21.44.040(12); renumbers §§ 21.06.035 to 21.06.036, 21.06.036 to 21.06.037, 21.06.037 to 21.06.038, 21.06.038 to 21.06.039, 21.06.111 to 21.06.112, 21.06.168 to 21.06.166, 21.06.166 to 21.06.168, 21.06.534 to 21.06.535, 21.06.535 to 21.06.536, 21.06.649 to 21.06.650 and 21.06.650 to 21.06.651, tree board, flood hazard regulations and zoning (2.24)

480Ord. 480 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

479Ord. 479 PDF

Amends § 2.25.020, emergency preparedness commission membership (Repealed by 649)

478Ord. 478 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.089, 21.06.140, 21.06.168 [21.06.174], 21.06.299, 21.06.309, 21.06.359, 21.06.486, 21.06.599, 21.06.616 [21.06.617], 21.06.680, 21.06.681 [21.06.683], 21.06.695, 21.06.716 and Ch. 21.15; amends §§ 2.24.010, 2.24.090, 2.24.140, 20.06.175, 20.06.220, 21.06.100 [21.06.101], 21.06.166 [21.06.168], 21.14.710, 21.16.020, 21.16.030, 21.16.090, 21.16.100, 21.17.050, 21.24.430, 21.34.040, 21.34.080, 21.38.060 and 21.38.065; renumbers §§ 21.06.140 to 21.06.141, 21.06.309 to 21.06.310, 21.06.310 to 21.06.311, 21.06.599 to 21.06.600, 21.06.600 to 21.06.602, 21.06.680 to 21.06.682 and 21.06.695 to 21.06.697; repeals and replaces § 21.06.139; repeals §§ 21.06.679, 21.16.125, 21.16.128, 21.16.130, 21.16.140, 21.16.150, 21.16.160 and 21.16.170, tree board, subdivisions and zoning (2.24)

477Ord. 477 PDF

Rezone (Special)

476Ord. 476 PDF

Rezone (Special)


475Ord. 475 PDF

Amends Ord. 348, telecommunications franchise (Special)

474Ord. 474 PDF

Amends Ch. 14.12, commute trip reduction (14.12)

473Ord. 473 PDF

Expands and abolishes specific funds; adopts 2009/2010 biennial budget (Repealed by 494)

472Ord. 472 PDF

Tax levy for 2009 (Special)

471Ord. 471 PDF

Pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ords. 453 and 464 (Repealed by 495)

470Ord. 470 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

469Ord. 469 PDF

Adds § 2.36.025; amends § 2.36.020, code of ethics (2.36)

468Ord. 468 PDF

Amends § 10.12.030(3)(f), fire lanes (10.12)

467Ord. 467 PDF

Grants franchise to Verizon Northwest, Inc. (Special)

466Ord. 466 PDF

Adopts shoreline master program; repeals Ord. 173 (Repealed by 611)

465Ord. 465 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.594, 21.06.599 and Ch. 21.37; amends comprehensive plan and map and §§ 17.09.010, 17.09.030, 20.06.020, 20.06.200, 20.06.210, 20.06.220, 20.08.030, 20.08.040, 20.08.070, 21.02.070, 21.04.040, 21.06.080, 21.06.160, 21.06.168, 21.06.169, 21.06.458, 21.06.559, 21.08.030, 21.08.040(B)(13) and (14), 21.08.050, 21.08.060, 21.08.070, 21.12.050, 21.14.170(1), 21.14.240, 21.14.320, 21.14.330, Ch. 21.20, §§ 21.32.070 and 21.40.035, zoning; changes “planning director” to “development services director” in Title 21; renumbers §§ 21.06.594 to 21.06.595, 21.06.595 to 21.06.596, 21.06.596 to 21.06.597, and 21.06.597 to 21.06.598; repeals § 21.38.095 (Repealed by 611)

464Ord. 464 PDF

Amends Ord. 453, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Repealed by 471)

463Ord. 463 PDF

Amends Ord. 272, street vacation (Special)

462Ord. 462 PDF

Adds § 8.14.030(1)(c), motorized watercraft (8.14)

461Ord. 461 PDF

Amends § 10.06.050(2), speed limits (10.06)

460Ord. 460 PDF

Repeals § 10.03.110(9), no parking restriction (10.03)

459Ord. 459 PDF

Adopts downtown Little Bear Creek corridor master plan as a component of the comprehensive plan (Special)

458Ord. 458 PDF

Adds § 2.06.020, councilmember waiver of compensation (2.06)

457Ord. 457 PDF

Condemnation and appropriation of real property (Special)

456Ord. 456 PDF

Rezone (Special)

455Ord. 455 PDF

Rezone (Special)

454Ord. 454 PDF

Amends § 10.16.070(e) [10.16.070(5)], truck route exceptions (10.16)


453Ord. 453 PDF

Pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ords. 435 and 451 (Repealed by 471)

452Ord. 452 PDF

Tax levy for 2008 (Special)

451Ord. 451 PDF

Amends Ord. 435, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Repealed by 453)

450Ord. 450 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

449Ord. 449 PDF

Condemnation and appropriation of real property (Special)

448Ord. 448 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.228 [21.06.224], 21.06.453, 21.06.551 and 21.06.800; amends Ch. 17.03, §§ 17.07.030, 21.01.130, 21.04.100, 21.08.030(A), 21.08.060, 21.12.030, 21.12.040, 21.16.050(4), 21.16.075(1), 21.18.120, 21.20.110(6) and (10)(c), 21.26.070(2), 21.26.080(1)(a), 21.28.020(4), 21.30.040, 21.32.120, 21.38.030, 21.38.065, the comprehensive plan, and zoning maps; renumbers § 21.06.453 to 21.06.454 (Repealed by 611)

447Ord. 447 PDF

Extends Ord. 431, amending § 21.04.080 on interim basis (Repealed by 611)

446Ord. 446 PDF

Amends Ord. 438, right-of-way vacation (Special)

445Ord. 445 PDF

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.37, rules of procedure (2.37)

444Ord. 444 PDF

Amends § 15.06.050; repeals and replaces Chs. 15.09 and 15.15, international building and fire codes (Repealed by 503)

443Ord. 443 PDF

Adds Ch. 10.16, truck routes; repeals § 10.03.150 (10.16)

442Ord. 442 PDF

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.21, disclosure of public records (2.21)


(Number not used)

440Ord. 440 PDF

Amends §§ 3.24.010 and 3.24.020, petty cash fund (3.24)


(Number not used)

438Ord. 438 PDF

Right-of-way vacation (Special)


437Ord. 437 PDF

Creates and abolishes specific funds; adopts 2007/2008 biennial budget (Special)

436Ord. 436 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan and future land use map (Special)

435Ord. 435 PDF

Pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ords. 411, 421 and 429 (Repealed by 453)

434Ord. 434 PDF

Tax levy for 2007 (Special)

433Ord. 433 PDF

Payment of claims or obligations; repeals Ord. 142 (3.33)

432Ord. 432 PDF

Acceptance of donation from Woodinville Rotary Club (Special)

431Ord. 431 PDF

Amends § 21.04.080, residential zones, on interim basis (Repealed by 611)


(Number not used)

429Ord. 429 PDF

Amends Ord. 421, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Repealed by 435)

428Ord. 428 PDF

Amends §§ 21.06.118, 21.06.140, 21.06.288, 21.08.030, 21.08.040, 21.08.050 and 21.08.100, zoning (Repealed by 611)

427Ord. 427 PDF

Amends Ord. 419, land use moratorium in R-1 zone (Special)

426Ord. 426 PDF

Adds § 21.06.589; amends §§ 17.09.040, 21.04.110(1), 21.06.102, 21.08.050, 21.08.060, 21.08.070(B)(16), 21.12.030, 21.12.080, 21.18.110(10), 21.24.330(2), 21.24.350(5), 21.24.390(7), 21.32.030, 21.32.060, 21.38.060(1); repeals §§ 21.14.180 and 21.14.190, zoning (Repealed by 611)

425Ord. 425 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.217, 21.06.218, 21.06.219 and Ch. 21.25; amends §§ 21.06.216 and 21.44.060 and comprehensive plan; renumbers § 21.06.218 to be 21.06.220, zoning (Repealed by 611)

424Ord. 424 PDF

Amends Ord. 419, land use moratorium in R-1 zone (Special)

423Ord. 423 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

422Ord. 422 PDF

Amends 2005/2006 budget (Special)

421Ord. 421 PDF

Amends Ord. 415, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Repealed by 435)

420Ord. 420 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

419Ord. 419 PDF

Establishes land use moratorium in R-1 zone (Special)

418Ord. 418 PDF

Adds Ch. 2.25, emergency preparedness commission (Repealed by 649)


(Not adopted)

416Ord. 416 PDF

Amends §§ 2.37.020(5)(c) and (7), 2.37.060(1), 2.37.090(4), 2.37.110(1), (2)(c) and (4), council rules of procedure (Repealed by 445)

415Ord. 415 PDF

Amends Ord. 411, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Special)

414Ord. 414 PDF

Amends § 21.08.100, regional land use (Repealed by 611)


(Number not used)

412Ord. 412 PDF

Adds Ch. 8.14, motorized watercraft (8.14)


411Ord. 411 PDF

Pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ord. 377 (Repealed by 435)


(Number not used)


(Number not used)

408Ord. 408 PDF

Amends 2005/2006 budget (Special)


(Number not used)

406Ord. 406 PDF

Tax levy for 2006 (Special)

405Ord. 405 PDF

Extends cable TV franchise grant to Comcast of Washington (Special)


(Number not used)


(Number not used)

402Ord. 402 PDF

Amends employees’ retirement system plan (Special)

401Ord. 401 PDF

Amends § 3.33.140, utilities tax (3.33)

400Ord. 400 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.102, 21.06.117, 21.14.300, 21.14.301, 21.14.310, 21.14.315, 21.14.320, 21.14.330, 21.14.340, 21.14.350, 21.14.360, 21.14.370, 21.14.371, 21.14.380, 21.14.390, 21.14.400, 21.14.500, 21.14.600, 21.14.700, 21.14.710, 21.14.800, 21.14.810, 21.14.820, 21.14.830, 21.14.840, 21.14.850, 21.14.851, 21.14.860, 21.14.870, 21.14.880, 21.14.890, 21.14.900, 21.14.910, 21.14.920, 21.14.930, 21.14.940, 21.14.950, 21.14.640 [21.14.960], 21.24.410, 21.24.420, 21.24.430, 21.24.440, 21.38.095; amends §§ 17.07.020, 17.09.040, 21.01.010, 21.08.040, 21.12.030(B)(8), 21.16.125, 21.24.070, 21.24.180, 21.24.330, 21.24.350, 21.38.010, 21.38.020, 21.38.030, 21.38.040, 21.38.050, 21.38.060, 21.38.065, 21.38.070, 21.38.080, 21.38.090, 21.44.070; amends comprehensive plan, zoning map and future land use map (Repealed by 611)

399Ord. 399 PDF

Amends § 3.36.170 and Attachment A to Ch. 3.36 (3.36)

398Ord. 398 PDF

General obligation bonds (Special)

397Ord. 397 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.262, 21.06.441, 21.06.662 and 21.38.090; amends §§ 21.12.040 and 21.12.070, zoning (Repealed by 611)

396Ord. 396 PDF

Amends Ch. 7 of comprehensive plan, parks, recreation and open space plan (Special)


(Number not used)


(Number not used)

393Ord. 393 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

392Ord. 392 PDF

Amends 2005/2006 budget (Special)

391Ord. 391 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

390Ord. 390 PDF

Amends §§ 17.07.030, 21.12.020, 21.12.170, 21.38.010, 21.38.020 and 21.38.030, land development and zoning (Repealed by 611)

389Ord. 389 PDF

Adopts pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ord. 377 (Special)

388Ord. 388 PDF

Adds § 10.03.135, parking adjacent to residential mailboxes (10.03)

387Ord. 387 PDF

Amends §§ 10.03.020 and 10.03.070; repeals §§ 10.03.040, 10.03.050 and 10.03.060, traffic code (10.03)


(Number not used)

385Ord. 385 PDF

Amends Ord. 353 and 377, pay, benefit and classification schedule (Special)

384Ord. 384 PDF

Amends §§ 2.24.020, 2.24.030 and 2.24.050 and Figure 1-1, tree board (Repealed by 675)

383Ord. 383 PDF

Amends 2004 budget (Special)

382Ord. 382 PDF

Adds Ch. 15.17; amends § 15.09.010, buildings and construction (Repealed by 503)

381Ord. 381 PDF

Grants franchise to Puget Sound Energy (Repealed by 714)


380Ord. 380 PDF

Amends transportation infrastructure standards and specifications (Not codified)

379Ord. 379 PDF

Adds Ch. 15.21; amends §§ 17.17.040, 17.17.060, 20.06.130, 20.06.200, 20.06.210, 20.06.220, 21.04.090, 21.06.046 [21.06.043], 21.06.060, 21.06.070, 21.06.108, 21.06.156, 21.06.263, 21.06.273, 21.06.278, 21.06.279 [21.06.280], 21.06.310, 21.06.328, 21.06.376, 21.06.388, 21.06.410, 21.06.450, 21.06.455, 21.06.618, 21.08.030, 21.08.040, 21.08.050, 21.08.060, 21.08.070, 21.08.080, 21.08.090, 21.08.100, 21.12.040, 21.24.220, 21.24.230, 21.32.030, 21.32.040 and 21.32.060; amends comprehensive plan and zoning map (Repealed by 611)

378Ord. 378 PDF

Biennial budget (Not codified)

377Ord. 377 PDF

Adopts pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ord. 353 (Repealed by 389, 411)

376Ord. 376 PDF

2005 tax levy (Special)

375Ord. 375 PDF

Amends Chs. 21.06 and 21.24, zoning (Repealed by 611)


(Number not used)

373Ord. 373 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

372Ord. 372 PDF

Amends Ord. 369, Tent City 4 temporary location (Special)

371Ord. 371 PDF

Amends Ord. 369, Tent City 4 temporary location (Special)

370Ord. 370 PDF

Amends §§ 12.50.070, 12.50.420, 12.50.430 and 21.32.110, public parks and temporary use permits (12.50)

369Ord. 369 PDF

Tent City 4 temporary location (Special)

368Ord. 368 PDF

Adds § 21.06.596; amends §§ 21.20.040, 21.20.060 and 21.20.070, land use (Repealed by 611)

367Ord. 367 PDF

Amends § 1.08.020(1); repeals Ch. 10.09, abandoned vehicles (1.08)

366Ord. 366 PDF

Amends Chs. 15.01 through 15.33, building codes (Repealed by 503)

365Ord. 365 PDF

Capital improvement plan for 2005-2010 (Special)

364Ord. 364 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.17, lodging excise tax (3.17)

363Ord. 363 PDF

Adds Ch. 12.40, street debris removal (12.40)

362Ord. 362 PDF

Biennial budget (Not codified)

361Ord. 361 PDF

Amends 2004 budget (Special)


(Number not used)

359Ord. 359 PDF

Salaried, exempt employee pay deductions (Not codified)

358Ord. 358 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

357Ord. 357 PDF

Amends Ch. 2.37, council rules of procedure; repeals Ord. 315 (Repealed by 445)

356Ord. 356 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.39, transportation impact fees (Repealed by 527)


355Ord. 355 PDF

Amends retirement system plan (Special)

354Ord. 354 PDF

Adopts 2004 budget (Special)

353Ord. 353 PDF

Adopts pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ords. 333 and 341 (Repealed by 377)

352Ord. 352 PDF

2004 tax levy (Special)


(Number not used)

350Ord. 350 PDF

Adds Chs. 1.05, 1.07, 1.08, and 1.09; repeals and replaces Ch. 1.06, general provisions (1.08)

349Ord. 349 PDF

Admission tax exception (Special)

348Ord. 348 PDF

Telecommunications franchise (Special)

347Ord. 347 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.040 and 21.06.611 [21.06.609]; amends §§ 2.24.140, 21.02.070, 21.04.090, 21.06.018, 21.06.023, 21.06.060, 21.06.070, 21.06.100, 21.06.140, 21.06.150, 21.06.178, 21.06.223, 21.06.263, 21.06.273, 21.06.278, 21.06.280, 21.06.310, 21.06.328, 21.06.338, 21.06.395, 21.06.398, 21.06.400, 21.06.450, 21.06.453, 21.06.455, 21.06.468, 21.06.478, 21.06.618, 21.06.620, 21.06.695, 21.06.700, 21.08.030, 21.08.040, 21.08.050, 21.08.055, 21.08.060, 21.08.070, 21.08.080, 21.08.090, 21.08.100, 21.12.040, 21.20.110, 21.20.130, 21.20.140, and 21.26.070, zoning, and comprehensive plan, future land use map and zoning map (2.24)

346Ord. 346 PDF

Amends 2003 budget (Special)

345Ord. 345 PDF

Amends Ch. 12.50, public facilities rules and regulations (12.50)

344Ord. 344 PDF

Amends employees’ retirement system plan (Special)

343Ord. 343 PDF

Annexation (Special)

342Ord. 342 PDF

Annexation (Special)

341Ord. 341 PDF

Repeals Attachment A of Ord. 333 and adopts new employee benefit schedule (Repealed by 353)

340Ord. 340 PDF

Amends §§ 15.33.030 and 15.33.120, fire code (Repealed by 503)

339Ord. 339 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

338Ord. 338 PDF

Amends Ch. 21.26, personal wireless service facilities development standards (Repealed by 611)

337Ord. 337 PDF

Amends 2003 budget (Special)

336Ord. 336 PDF

Right-of-way vacation (Special)

335Ord. 335 PDF

Adds § 21.06.679, definitions; amends Ch. 21.16, tree retention and landscaping development standards (Repealed by 611)


334Ord. 334 PDF

Adopts 2003 budget (Special)

333Ord. 333 PDF

Adopts pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ord. 331 (Repealed by 353)

332Ord. 332 PDF

2003 tax levy (Special)

331Ord. 331 PDF

Adopts pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ord. 300 (Repealed by 333)

330Ord. 330 PDF

Establishes confidential fund (3.23)

329Ord. 329 PDF

Amends Ord. 269, advance travel expense fund (Repealed by 486)

328Ord. 328 PDF

Amends 2002 budget (Special)

327Ord. 327 PDF

Amends Ord. 191, cable television franchise (Special)

326Ord. 326 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.051, 21.06.341 and 21.24.200; amends comprehensive plan and §§ 21.06.545, 21.06.550, 21.08.030 – 21.08.100, 21.12.040, 21.12.050, 21.24.110, 21.24.120, 21.26.050, 21.26.060, 21.26.070, 21.34.040 and 21.42.120; repeals § 21.06.335, land use (Repealed by 611)

325Ord. 325 PDF

Adds § 21.06.534; amends §§ 21.08.100 and 21.44.060, secure community transition facilities (Repealed by 611)

324Ord. 324 PDF

Amends Ch. 21.08, land use tables (Repealed by 611)

323Ord. 323 PDF

Cable television franchise (Special)

322Ord. 322 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

321Ord. 321 PDF

Credit card payments (3.40)

320Ord. 320 PDF

Amends § 2.12.020, planning commission (2.12)

319Ord. 319 PDF

Amends § 2.23.020, parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 675)

318Ord. 318 PDF

Amends § 2.24.030, tree board (Repealed by 675)

317Ord. 317 PDF

Adopts regional disaster plan (Superseded by Res. 493)

316Ord. 316 PDF

Amends 2002 budget (Special)

315Ord. 315 PDF

Amends Ch. 2.37, council rules of procedure; repeals Ord. 258 (Repealed by 357)

314Ord. 314 PDF

Adds Ch. 15.13; amends Chs. 15.03, 15.06, 15.09, 15.12, § 15.15.020, Ch. 15.18, § 15.27.020, Ch. 15.33; repeals Ch. 15.21, buildings and construction (Repealed by 503)

313Ord. 313 PDF

Amends Ord. 26, storm and surface water utility (13.03)

312Ord. 312 PDF

Amends Ord. 280, Attachment A, school impact fees (Not codified)

311Ord. 311 PDF

Annexation (Special)

310Ord. 310 PDF

Adds Ch. 8.12, special events (8.12)


309Ord. 309 PDF

Amends Ord. 236, dedication of private streets (12.27)


Number not used

307Ord. 307 PDF

Adds § 21.06.134 and Ch. 21.17; amends § 21.06.268, forest practices (Repealed by 611)

306Ord. 306 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

305Ord. 305 PDF

Amends future land use and zoning maps (Special)

304Ord. 304 PDF

Amends Ch. 21.08, permitted uses (Repealed by 611)

303Ord. 303 PDF

Right-of-way vacation (Special)

302Ord. 302 PDF

Multifamily design guidelines (Not codified)

301Ord. 301 PDF

Adopts 2002 budget (Special)

300Ord. 300 PDF

Adopts pay, benefit and classification schedule; repeals Ords. 275 and 287 (Repealed by 331)

299Ord. 299 PDF

2002 tax levy (Special)

298Ord. 298 PDF

Right-of-way vacation (Special)

297Ord. 297 PDF

Amends § 17 of Ord. 93, no parking zones (10.03)

296Ord. 296 PDF

Amends 2001 budget (Special)

295Ord. 295 PDF

Adds § 21.04.085; amends §§ 21.04.010, 21.04.090, 21.08.030 – 21.08.100, 21.12.040, 21.20.065, 21.20.070, 21.20.130, 21.32.110, 21.34.020 and 21.36.040, zoning (Repealed by 611)

294Ord. 294 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.568.1 and 21.20.105; amends § 21.20.070, employment signs (Repealed by 611)

293Ord. 293 PDF

Amends 2001 budget (Special)

292Ord. 292 PDF

Co-designates street name (Special)

291Ord. 291 PDF

Annexation (Special)

290Ord. 290 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

289Ord. 289 PDF

Amends future land use and zoning maps (Special)

288Ord. 288 PDF

Amends 2001 budget (Special)

287Ord. 287 PDF

Adopts classification schedule (Repealed by 300)

286Ord. 286 PDF

Amends employee’s benefit plan (Not codified)

285Ord. 285 PDF

Right-of-way vacation (Special)

284Ord. 284 PDF

Amends § 3.33.140, utilities tax (3.33)


Number not used

282Ord. 282 PDF

Rezone (Special)

281Ord. 281 PDF

Rezone (Special)

280Ord. 280 PDF

School impact fees (Repealed by 674)

279Ord. 279 PDF

Adds § 2.30.060 and Ch. 3.36, park impact fees (3.36)


278Ord. 278 PDF

Adopts industrial design guidelines (Not codified)

277Ord. 277 PDF

Amends Ord. 245, 2000 budget (Special)

276Ord. 276 PDF

Adopts commercial design principles; repeals Ords. 112 and 123 (Not codified)

275Ord. 275 PDF

Adopts benefit schedule; repeals Ord. 270 (Repealed by 300)

274Ord. 274 PDF

Adopts 2001 budget (Special)

273Ord. 273 PDF

2001 tax levy (Special)

272Ord. 272 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

271Ord. 271 PDF

Amends § 21.20.130, signs (Repealed by 611)

270Ord. 270 PDF

Adopts benefit schedule; repeals Ord. 253 (Repealed by 275)

269Ord. 269 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.22, advance travel expense fund (Repealed by 486)

268Ord. 268 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

267Ord. 267 PDF

Adds § 21.06.116; amends §§ 17.19.010, 17.19.060, 17.19.070, 17.19.080, 17.19.100, 17.19.110, 17.19.130, 17.19.160, 17.19.170, 17.19.180, 17.19.270, 21.04.100, 21.04.130, 21.06.015 and 21.08.070; repeals §§ 17.19.250 and 21.06.615, sexually oriented business (Repealed by 611)

266Ord. 266 PDF

Bond issuance (Special)

265Ord. 265 PDF

Amends Ord. 245, 2000 budget (Special)

264Ord. 264 PDF

Credit card use by city officials (2.48)

263Ord. 263 PDF

Adds §§ 15.33.380, 15.33.390 and 15.33.400, fire code (Repealed by 503)

262Ord. 262 PDF

Adds Ch. 9.06, vehicle impoundment (9.06)


Number not used


Number not used

259Ord. 259 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

258Ord. 258 PDF

Adds Ch. 2.37; repeals Ord. 206, Res. 63, 67, 98, 108 and 143, city council rules of procedure (Repealed by 315)


Number not used

256Ord. 256 PDF

Adds § 21.16.128; amends §§ 21.16.020 and 21.16.125, tree retention and landscaping (Repealed by 611)


Number not used

254Ord. 254 PDF

Amends § 2.24.020, tree board (Repealed by 675)

253Ord. 253 PDF

Adopts benefit schedule; repeals Ord. 246 (Repealed by 270)

252Ord. 252 PDF

Sexually oriented business moratorium (Special)

251Ord. 251 PDF

Adds Ch. 5.02; amends § 5.03.010, business registration (5.02)

250Ord. 250 PDF

Repeals § 3.33.220 (Repealer)

249Ord. 249 PDF

Landmark protection and preservation (Repealed by 611)

248Ord. 248 PDF

Adds Ch. 8.10; repeals Ord. 40, emergency management (Repealed by 648)


247Ord. 247 PDF

Sexually oriented business moratorium (Special)

246Ord. 246 PDF

Adopts benefit schedule; repeals Ord. 199 (Repealed by 253)

245Ord. 245 PDF

Adopts 2000 budget (Special)


Number not used

243Ord. 243 PDF

2000 tax levy (Special)

242Ord. 242 PDF

Amends Chs. 21.04 and 21.40, §§ 21.06.550, 21.06.694, 21.08.030, 21.08.040, 21.08.050, 21.12.040, 21.12.080, 21.12.170, 21.14.250, 21.14.260, 21.16.040, 21.18.020, 21.20.140, 21.28.090, 21.28.100, 21.28.110, 21.28.140, 21.28.160, 21.28.170, 21.28.180, 21.38.065, 21.42.010 and 21.42.040, zoning (Repealed by 611)

241Ord. 241 PDF

Amends Ords. 226 and 240, 1999 budget (Special)

240Ord. 240 PDF

Amends Ord. 226, 1999 budget (Special)

239Ord. 239 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.101, 21.06.166, 21.16.125 and 21.16.200; amends Chs. 20.02 and 20.06, §§ 21.16.050, 21.16.075, 21.16.090, 21.16.130, 21.16.140, 21.16.150, 21.16.160, 21.16.170, 21.16.180 and 21.16.190; repeals § 21.06.598, zoning (Repealed by 611)

238Ord. 238 PDF

Amends Ch. 2.24, tree board (2.24)

237Ord. 237 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

236Ord. 236 PDF

Dedication of private streets (12.27)

235Ord. 235 PDF

Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.03, fireworks (8.03)


Number not used

233Ord. 233 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.029, 21.06.032, 21.06.033, 21.06.034, 21.06.087, 21.06.111, 21.06.121, 21.06.169, 21.06.209, 21.06.233, 21.06.307, 21.06.401, 21.06.451, 21.06.452, 21.06.639 and 21.32.185; renumbers former § 21.06.033 to be § 21.06.031; amends §§ 21.06.115, 21.08.055, 21.08.100, 21.12.170 and Ch. 21.26, wireless communication facilities (Repealed by 611)

232Ord. 232 PDF

Amends § 12.09.010; repeals § 12.09.020, street and construction standards (12.09)

231Ord. 231 PDF

Adds Ch. 12.27, public utility and telecommunications right-of-way use (12.30)

230Ord. 230 PDF

Amends § 21.50.030; repeals and replaces Ch. 1.06; repeals §§ 5.03.040, 5.03.050, 8.05.120, 8.08.100, 12.15.070, 12.50.090 – 12.50.360, 12.50.410, 13.03.030, 14.06.030, 14.09.030, 15.03.140, 15.36.080, 15.42.310 and 17.03.050, enforcement (Repealed by 611)


229Ord. 229 PDF

Amends 1998 budget (Special)

228Ord. 228 PDF

Adopts urban forestry plan (Special)

227Ord. 227 PDF

Adopts findings of fact, wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special)

226Ord. 226 PDF

Adopts 1999 budget; repeals Ord. 161 (Special)

225Ord. 225 PDF

1999 tax levy (Special)

224Ord. 224 PDF

Wireless telecommunications facilities moratorium (Special)

223Ord. 223 PDF

Amends Ord. 158, surface water design (Repealed by 634)

222Ord. 222 PDF

Sexually oriented business moratorium (Special)

221Ord. 221 PDF

Amends benefit schedule (Special)

220Ord. 220 PDF

Adds Ch. 8.05, false alarms (Repealed by 516)

219Ord. 219 PDF

Adds Ch. 8.08, noise regulation (8.08)

218Ord. 218 PDF

Adds § 21.06.139; amends §§ 21.06.598, 21.16.130, 21.16.140, 21.16.150 and 21.16.170, significant trees (Repealed by 611)

217Ord. 217 PDF

Sexually oriented business moratorium (Special)

216Ord. 216 PDF

Adds § 21.06.141; renumbers § 21.06.330 to be § 21.06.331 and adds new § 21.06.330; amends § 21.08.040, zoning (Repealed by 611)

215Ord. 215 PDF

Amends Chs. 15.03, 15.06, 15.09, 15.12, 15.18 and 15.33, §§ 15.15.020 and § 15.27.020; adds Ch. 15.13; repeals Ch. 15.21, uniform codes (Repealed by 503)

214Ord. 214 PDF

Natural gas and electric power franchise grant (Special)

213Ord. 213 PDF

Water and sewer system franchise grant (Special)

212Ord. 212 PDF

Sewer system franchise grant (Special)

211Ord. 211 PDF

Amends official street map (Special)


Number not used

209Ord. 209 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)


Number not used

207Ord. 207 PDF

Amends §§ 2.24.010, 2.24.020, 2.24.040, 2.24.050, 2.24.060; adds § 2.24.065, tree board (2.24)

206Ord. 206 PDF

Adds Ch. 2.37, rules of procedure (Repealed by 258)

205Ord. 205 PDF

Street name changes (Special)

204Ord. 204 PDF

Amends Ch. 14.04, SEPA; repeals Ords. 53 and 118 (Repealed by 611)


Number not used

202Ord. 202 PDF

Amends budget (Special)


Number not used

200Ord. 200 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.30, utilities tax (3.33)


199Ord. 199 PDF

Amends benefit schedule (Repealed by 246)


Number not used

197Ord. 197 PDF

Adopts 1998 budget (Special)

196Ord. 196 PDF

1998 tax levy (Special)

195Ord. 195 PDF

Commute trip reduction; repeals Ord. 73 (14.12)

194Ord. 194 PDF

Amends Chs. 21.04, 21.06, 21.08, 21.12, 21.16, 21.18 and 21.20, zoning (Repealed by 611)

193Ord. 193 PDF

Amends §§ 22.10.030(1) and 22.10.070, development impacts (22.10)

192Ord. 192 PDF

Amends Ord. 62, salaries (2.06)

191Ord. 191 PDF

Cable television franchise (Special)

190Ord. 190 PDF

Adds Ch. 5.50, cable television (5.50)


Not adopted

188Ord. 188 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.30, debt collection (3.30)

187Ord. 187 PDF

Repeals Ord. 183, benefit schedule (Special)

186Ord. 186 PDF

Amends budget (Special)

185Ord. 185 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

184Ord. 184 PDF

Amends Ord. 55, planning commission (2.12)

183Ord. 183 PDF

Amends benefit schedule (Repealed by 187)


Number not used

181Ord. 181 PDF

Adds Ch. 12.50, public facilities rules and regulation (12.50)

180Ord. 180 PDF

Adds § 9.03.162, lewd conduct (9.03)


Not adopted

178Ord. 178 PDF

Bond issuance (Special)

177Ord. 177 PDF

Adds Ch. 3.10, admissions tax; amends § 5.03.010, business regulations (3.10)

176Ord. 176 PDF

Amends § 9.03.130, criminal code (9.03)

175Ord. 175 PDF

Subdivision and zoning codes; repeals Ords. 43, 45, 79, 80, 83, 101, 109, 113, 126, 127, 128, 129, 133, 152, 155 and 156 (Repealed by 611)

174Ord. 174 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.241, 21.06.309, 21.06.559, 21.06.561, 21.06.569, 21.06.581, 21.06.582, 21.06.594 and 21.06.597; amends §§ 21.06.558, 21.06.560, 21.06.563, 21.06.570, 21.06.590, 21.06.595, 21.12.040, Ch. 21.20, and § 21.38.065, signs (Repealed by 611)

173Ord. 173 PDF

Shoreline master program; repeals Ord. 44 (Repealed by 466)

172Ord. 172 PDF

Comprehensive plan amendment procedure (Repealed by 611)

171Ord. 171 PDF

Amends § 21.12.080(1), zoning (Repealed by 611)

170Ord. 170 PDF

Wireless digital communications franchise (Special)


169Ord. 169 PDF

Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 87, parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 675)

168Ord. 168 PDF

Revised benefit and classification pay range (Special)

167Ord. 167 PDF

Adopts 1997 budget (Special)

166Ord. 166 PDF

Amends 1996 budget (Special)

165Ord. 165 PDF

1997 tax levy (Special)

164Ord. 164 PDF

Amends § 17.07.030, types of project permit applications (Repealed by 611)

163Ord. 163 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

162Ord. 162 PDF

Amends § 10.03.110, parking (10.03)

161Ord. 161 PDF

Amends 1996 budget (Repealed by 226)

160Ord. 160 PDF

Bond issuance election (Special)

159Ord. 159 PDF

Administrative rule amendments (2.31)

158Ord. 158 PDF

Amends section of adopted King County Code, surface water run-off policy (Repealed by 634)

157Ord. 157 PDF

Adopts comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 31 (Repealed by 611)

156Ord. 156 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.014, 21.12.030(B)(17), 21.12.040(B)(14), 21.16.050(F), 21.16.060 (E), 21.16.070(F), 21.20.060(I) and (J), 21.20.080(C), 21.20.095(C), 21.20.100 (C), 21.20.130(F) and 21.24.180(D); amends §§ 21.06.010(A)(1) and (A)(8), 21.06.123, 21.06.323, 21.06.545, 21.06.640, 21.08.030 – 21.08.100 (Tables), 21.08.030(B)(3)(a)(4), 21.08.040(B)(9), 21.08.060(B)(16), 21.08.080(B)(11), 21.12.130, 21.12.200, 21.14.100, 21.14.180(A)(3), 21.16.110(C), 21.16.120(A) and (B), 21.18.010(E), 21.18.030(A) and (C), 21.18.090(C), 21.18.100(A), 21.18.130, 21.20.060(E), 21.24.180(C), 21.24.300(B), 21.34.040 (F)(2)(a) – (d), 21.38.065(E)(2) and (E)(11)(e) and 21.42.120; repeals §§ 21.12.080(D) and 21.42.090(F), zoning (Repealed by 175)

155Ord. 155 PDF

Adds §§ 21.06.329 and 21.08.040(B)(13); amends § 21.08.040(A), zoning (Repealed by 175)

154Ord. 154 PDF

Amends § 2 of Ord. 111, cable communications franchise (Special)


Number not used

152Ord. 152 PDF

Adds § 21.40.015; amends §§ 21.42.030(B), 21.42.050(A), 21.42.080(B), (C) and (D), 21.42.090(A) and (B), 21.42.100, 21.42.110(A), (B), (C) and (D), 21.42.120 and 21.42.130; repeals §§ 21.40.010, 21.40.020, 21.40.030, 21.40.040, 21.40.050, 21.40.060, and 21.40.080 – 21.40.130, zoning (Repealed by 175)

151Ord. 151 PDF

Amends §§ 21.16.130, 21.16.140 and 21.16.160, tree retention and landscaping (Repealed by 478)


Number not used


Not adopted

148Ord. 148 PDF

Amends benefit schedule (Special)

147Ord. 147 PDF

Adds §§ 12.03.010(3), (4) and (5), and 12.03.050; amends §§ 12.03.010(2), and 12.03.020(1) and (3), official street map (12.03)

146Ord. 146 PDF

Amends §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Ord. 93, driving under the influence; repeals §§ 1, 2 and 3 of Ord. 114 (10.03)

145Ord. 145 PDF

Adopts Woodinville Municipal Code (1.01)

144Ord. 144 PDF

General obligation bonds (Special)

143Ord. 143 PDF

Adds Chs. 17.07, 17.09, 17.11, 17.13, 17.15, and 17.17, administrative procedures for project permit applications (Repealed by 611)

142Ord. 142 PDF

Amends Ord. 7, payment of claims or obligations (Repealed by 433)

141Ord. 141 PDF

Adds subsection 12.4.33 to Ord. 121, fire apparatus access roads (Repealed by 503)

140Ord. 140 PDF

Amends Ord. 103, tree board (2.24)

139Ord. 139 PDF

Revised benefit and classification pay range (Special)


138Ord. 138 PDF

Budget for 1996 (Special)

137Ord. 137 PDF

Amends Ord. 105, budget for 1995 (Special)

136Ord. 136 PDF

1996 tax levy (Special)

135Ord. 135 PDF

Signs (Repealed by 611)

134Ord. 134 PDF

Fire code (Repealed by 503)

133Ord. 133 PDF

Amends § 21.38.065, zoning (Repealed by 175)

132Ord. 132 PDF

Annexation (Special)

131Ord. 131 PDF

Employee pay range (Not codified)

130Ord. 130 PDF

Vehicle weight limits (Repealed by 443)

129Ord. 129 PDF

Rezone (Repealed by 175)

128Ord. 128 PDF

Amends § 21.40.110, notice requirements (Repealed by 175)

127Ord. 127 PDF

Zoning (Repealed by 175)

126Ord. 126 PDF

Subdivisions and zoning (Repealed by 175)

125Ord. 125 PDF

Code of ethics (2.36)

124Ord. 124 PDF

Adds § 6N and amends § 7 of Ord. 29, fireworks (Repealed by 235)

123Ord. 123 PDF

Amends Ord. 112, design principles (Repealed by 276)

122Ord. 122 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

121Ord. 121 PDF

Buildings and construction; repeals Ords. 35 and 36 (Repealed by 503)

120Ord. 120 PDF

Annexation (Special)

119Ord. 119 PDF

Power of initiative and referendum (2.33)

118Ord. 118 PDF

Amends § 1 of Ord. 53, SEPA (Repealed by 204)

117Ord. 117 PDF

Amends §§ 4 and 10 of Ord. 29, fireworks (Repealed by 235)

116Ord. 116 PDF

Franchise to Starcom Service Corporation (Special)

115Ord. 115 PDF

Amends § 1(C) of Ord. 13, real estate sales tax (3.12)

114Ord. 114 PDF

Amends §§ 4, 5 and 7 of Ord. 93, driving while under the influence of alcohol (Repealed by 146)

113Ord. 113 PDF

Amends comprehensive plan map (Repealed by 175)

112Ord. 112 PDF

Interim design principles (Repealed by 276)

111Ord. 111 PDF

Cable communications franchise (Special)

110Ord. 110 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

109Ord. 109 PDF

Signs (Repealed by 175)


108Ord. 108 PDF

Employee pay range (Not codified)

107Ord. 107 PDF

Amends 1994 budget (Special)

106Ord. 106 PDF

Amends Ord. 51, business licenses (Repealed by 610)

105Ord. 105 PDF

Budget for 1995 (Special)

104Ord. 104 PDF

Tax levy for 1995 (Special)

103Ord. 103 PDF

Tree board (2.24)

102Ord. 102 PDF

Amends 1994 budget (Special)

101Ord. 101 PDF

Amends zoning code SOB overlay (Repealed by 175)

100Ord. 100 PDF

Amends Ord. 82, revised pay and classification structure (Special)

99Ord. 99 PDF

Sexually oriented businesses (SOB) (Repealed by 611)

98Ord. 98 PDF

Street vacation (Special)

97Ord. 97 PDF

General obligation line of credit note (Special)

96Ord. 96 PDF

Procedure for impoundment of junk vehicles (Repealed by 367)

95Ord. 95 PDF

Traffic code (10.03, 10.06)

94Ord. 94 PDF

Business licenses (Repealed by 610)

93Ord. 93 PDF

Repeals Ord. 71; amends Ord. 88, Model Traffic Ordinance; amends Ord. 71, traffic code revisions ordinance (10.03, 10.06, 10.12)

92Ord. 92 PDF

Amends Ord. 29, fireworks (Repealed by 235)

91Ord. 91 PDF

Capital improvement program for 1994-1999 (Special)

90Ord. 90 PDF

Annexation (Special)

89Ord. 89 PDF

Annexation (Special)

88Ord. 88 PDF

Reenacts and readopts the Model Traffic Ordinance and amends Ord. 71 (Repealed by 93)

87Ord. 87 PDF

Parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 675)

86Ord. 86 PDF

Cable communications franchises (Special)

85Ord. 85 PDF

Amends Ord. 55, planning commission (2.12)

84Ord. 84 PDF

Adopting 1993 comprehensive sewer plan of Woodinville water district (Special)


83Ord. 83 PDF

Amends zoning code (Repealed by 175)

82Ord. 82 PDF

Pay, benefit, and classification structure (Not codified)

81Ord. 81 PDF

Amends Ord. 18 and time for appeal (Repealed by 706)

80Ord. 80 PDF

Amends zoning code (Repealed by 175)

79Ord. 79 PDF

Amends zoning code map (DeYoung Rezone) (Repealed by 175)

78Ord. 78 PDF

Tax levy for 1994 (Special)

77Ord. 77 PDF

Budget for 1994 (Special)

76Ord. 76 PDF

Amends 1993 budget (Special)

75Ord. 75 PDF

Amends Ord. 31, interim comprehensive plan, UG-2 and UG-3 (Not codified)

74Ord. 74 PDF

Adult entertainment (Not codified)

73Ord. 73 PDF

Commute trip reduction (Repealed by 195)

72Ord. 72 PDF

Criminal code (9.03)

71Ord. 71 PDF

Traffic code (Repealed by 93)

70Ord. 70 PDF

Regulations for converting apartments to condominiums (Repealed by 611)

69Ord. 69 PDF

Adopting State Highway Access Management Class System (12.21)

68Ord. 68 PDF

Fees for work in public/private rights-of-way (15.42)

67Ord. 67 PDF

Setting fees by resolution (Repealed by 503)

66Ord. 66 PDF

Amends Ord. 12, gambling (5.06)

65Ord. 65 PDF

Amends §§ 1 and 13 of Ord. 38, municipal court (2.42)

64Ord. 64 PDF

Procedures for assigning names and numbers to city streets (12.15)

63Ord. 63 PDF

Disclosure of public records (Repealed by 442)

62Ord. 62 PDF

Salaries for city councilmembers (2.06)



60Ord. 60 PDF

Amends 1993 budget (Special)

59Ord. 59 PDF

Street vacations, notice, fees and conditions (12.18)

58Ord. 58 PDF

Requiring utility extensions underground (15.39)

57Ord. 57 PDF

Petty cash fund (3.24)

56Ord. 56 PDF

Amends Ord. 46, revising fees for temporary fireworks stand (Not codified)

55Ord. 55 PDF

Planning commission (2.12)

54Ord. 54 PDF

Taxi businesses and drivers (Repealed by 610)

53Ord. 53 PDF

SEPA (Repealed by 204)

52Ord. 52 PDF

Adopting King County Code road standards, subdivisions, land use and health and safety regulations during transition (12.24)

51Ord. 51 PDF

Business licenses and regulations (Repealed by 610)

50Ord. 50 PDF

Designing street classifications (12.12)

49Ord. 49 PDF

Street and construction standards (12.09)

48Ord. 48 PDF

Retirement system (2.39)

47Ord. 47 PDF

Fees for building permits (Repealed by 503)

46Ord. 46 PDF

Fees for uniform fire code and certain land use permits (Repealed by 503)

45Ord. 45 PDF

Subdivision code (Repealed by 175)

44Ord. 44 PDF

Shoreline Management Act (Repealed by 173)

43Ord. 43 PDF

Zoning code and official city map (Repealed by 175)

42Ord. 42 PDF

Granting franchises for various utilities (Not codified)

41Ord. 41 PDF

Unemployment insurance benefit account (3.27)

40Ord. 40 PDF

Emergency services (Repealed by 248)

39Ord. 39 PDF

Sidewalks (12.06)

38Ord. 38 PDF

Municipal court (2.42)

37Ord. 37 PDF

Permit system for moving buildings (Repealed by 720)

36Ord. 36 PDF

Additional fire protection requirements (Repealed by 121)

35Ord. 35 PDF

Buildings and construction (Repealed by 121)

34Ord. 34 PDF

Capital improvement plan (Special)

33Ord. 33 PDF

Official street map (12.03)

32Ord. 32 PDF

Animal control (Repealed by 658)

31Ord. 31 PDF

Adopting comprehensive plan and maps for city (Repealed by 157)

30Ord. 30 PDF

Mitigation of impacts (22.10)

29Ord. 29 PDF

Fireworks (Repealed by 235)

28Ord. 28 PDF

Investment of excess funds (3.21)

27Ord. 27 PDF

Enforcement (Repealed by 230)

26Ord. 26 PDF

Storm and surface water utility (13.03)

25Ord. 25 PDF

Surface water runoff policy (Repealed by 634)

24Ord. 24 PDF

Water quality standards (Repealed by 634)

23Ord. 23 PDF

City manager (2.09)

22Ord. 22 PDF

Budget for 1993 (Special)

21Ord. 21 PDF

Speed limits (10.06)

20Ord. 20 PDF

Adopting certain traffic infractions (Repealed by 71)

19Ord. 19 PDF

System of registration of bonds and obligations (3.18)

18Ord. 18 PDF

Appeal procedures (Repealed by 706)

17Ord. 17 PDF

Hearing examiner (2.27)

16Ord. 16 PDF

General penalty provision (1.03)

15Ord. 15 PDF

Bonds for city manager, clerk, finance director (2.03)

14Ord. 14 PDF

Leasehold excise tax (3.15)

13Ord. 13 PDF

Excise tax on real estate sales (3.12)

12Ord. 12 PDF

Gambling (5.06)

11Ord. 11 PDF

Amends Ord. 9, additional sales and use tax (3.09)

10Ord. 10 PDF

Amends Ord. 8, sales and use tax (3.06)

9Ord. 9 PDF

Additional sales and use tax (3.09)

8Ord. 8 PDF

Sales and use tax (3.06)

7Ord. 7 PDF

Payment of claims by checks (3.03)

6Ord. 6 PDF

Indemnification for city officials and employees (2.18)

5Ord. 5 PDF

Line of credit with Key Bank (Special)


4Ord. 4 PDF

Budget for 1993 (Special)

3Ord. 3 PDF

Interim budget for 1992 (Special)

2Ord. 2 PDF

Annexation to King County library district (2.45)

1Ord. 1 PDF

Annexation by fire and life safety district (Special)