Ordinance Number | |
1 | Board of trustees meetings (Repealed by 19) |
2 | Officers' bonds (Repealed by 681) |
3 | Board of trustees meetings and procedures; publication of notices (Repealed by 681) |
4 | Public peace and decency (Repealed by 681) |
5 | Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 681) |
6 | Animal impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
7 | Officers' compensation (Repealed by 681) |
8 | Garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 681) |
9 | Sidewalk dedications and obstructions (Repealed by 681) |
10 | Business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
11 | Dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
12 | Officers' duties (Repealed by 681) |
13 | Poll tax (Repealed by 681) |
14 | Ringing town bell prescribed and declared evidence in violations of public peace; closing hours for liquor establishments (Repealed by 681) |
15 | Discharging firearms (Repealed by 681) |
16 | Prohibits fast riding and tying of domestic animals in public ways (Repealed by 681) |
17 | Property tax (Repealed by 681) |
18 | Amends Art. 3, §2 and Art 5, §1 of Ord. 10, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
19 | Amends §6 of Ord. 3, board of trustees meetings and procedures; publication of notices; repeals Ord. 1 (Repealed by 681) |
20 | Main Street width (Repealed by 681) |
21 | Main Street sidewalk extensions (Repealed by 76) |
22 | Main Street grade change (Special) |
Amdt. dated 6/4/1889, amending Ord. 8 | Amends §3 of Ord. 8, garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 681) |
23 | Burning restrictions (Repealed by 76) |
Amdt. dated 9/24/1889, amending Ord.21 | Main Street sidewalk extensions (Repealed by 76) |
24 | (Not sent) |
25 | (Not sent) |
26 | Adds S7 to Ord. 17, property tax (Repealed by 681) |
27 | Election notices (Repealed by 681) |
28 | Amends §5 of Ord. 13, poll tax (Repealed by 681) |
29 | Officers' compensation (Repealed by 681) |
30 | Board of trustees meetings (Repealed by 681) |
31 | Furnishing smoking materials to minors (Repealed by 681) |
32 | Officers' bonds (Repealed by 681) |
33 | Board of trustees meetings and procedures; publication of notices (Repealed by 681) |
34 | Public peace and decency (Repealed by 76) |
35 | Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 66) |
36 | Animal impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
37 | Garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 76) |
38 | Sidewalk widths and obstructions (Repealed by 681) |
39 | Business licenses (Repealed by 76) |
40 | Dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 104) |
41 | Officers' duties (Repealed by 681) |
42 | Poll tax (Repealed by 681) |
43 | Ringing of town bell prescribed and declared evidence in violations of public peace (Repealed by 681) |
44 | Discharging firearms and propelling foreign objects (Repealed by 681) |
45 | Prohibits fast riding and tying of domestic animals in public ways (Repealed by 681) |
46 | Property tax (Repealed by 113) |
47 | Street dedications (Repealed by 76) |
48 | Main Street width (Repealed by 76) |
49 | Main Street grade change (Special) |
50 | Burning restrictions (Repealed by 145) |
51 | Explosives (Repealed by 681) |
52 | Overhanging signs and awnings (Repealed by 681) |
53 | Marshal's duties (Repealed by 681) |
54 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
55 | Bicycles and toy vehicles (Repealed by 681) |
56 | Officers' compensation (Repealed by 681) |
57 | Board of trustees meetings (Repealed by 681) |
58 | (Not sent) |
59 dated 6/15/1894 | Throwing balls (Repealed by 681) |
59 dated 2/7/1894 | Fire department (Repealed by 681) |
60 | Board of health (Repealed by 681) |
61 | Liquor licenses (Repealed by 681) |
62 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
63 | Grants right to construct and operate telephone lines (Special) |
64 | Grants right to construct and operate telephone lines (Special) |
65 | Business licenses (Repealed by 67) |
66 | Repeals Ord. 35 (Repealer) |
67 | Repeals Ord. 65 (Repealer) |
68 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
69 | Curfew and prohibition of loitering for minors (Repealed by 76) |
70 | Business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
71 | Public peace and decency (Repealed by 681) |
72 | Board of trustees meetings and procedures; publication of notices (Repealed by 681) |
73 | Officers' bonds (Repealed by 681) |
74 | Amends §1 of Ord. 55, bicycles and toy vehicles (Repealed by 79) |
75 | Amends §6 of Ord. 56, officers' compensation (Repealed by 681) |
76 | Repeals Ords. 21, Amdt. to 21, 22, 23, 34, 37, 39, 48 and 69 (Repealer) |
77 | Regulates business hours of operation (Repealed by 113) |
78 | Meat peddlers' licences (Repealed by 81) |
79 | Repeals Ord. 74 (Repealer) |
80 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
81 | Repeals Ord. 78 (Repealer) |
82 | Waterworks (Repealed by Ord. 84) |
83 | Amends §2 of Ord. 41, officers' duties (Repealed by 681) |
84 | Waterworks; repeals Ord. 82 (Repealed by 681) |
85 | Calls a special election for waterworks funds (Special) |
86 | Waterworks bonds (Special) |
87 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
88 | Waterworks bonds (Special) |
89 | Grants right to construct and operate telephone lines (Special) |
90 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
91 | Main Street width (Repealed by 681) |
92 | Business licenses (Repealed by 113) |
93 | Waterworks (Repealed by 232) |
94 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
95 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
96 dated 4/7/02 | Grants right to construct and maintain underground telephone and telegraph lines (Special) |
96 dated 3/9/03 | Amends 555 and 8 of Ord. 61, liquor licenses (Repealed by 681) |
97 | Grants right to construct and operate telephone lines (Special) |
98 dated 11/9/03 | Grants railroad franchise (Special) |
98 dated 3/23/04 | Grants right to construct and operate telephone lines (Special) |
99 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
100 | Board of health; health provisions generally (Repealed by 681) |
101 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 681) |
102 | Amends 552 and 4 of Ord. 59 dated 2/7/1894, fire department (Not codified) |
103 | Fire prevention code (Repealed by 681) |
104 | Dog licensing and impoundment; repeals Ord. 40 (Repealed by 681) |
105 | Grants franchise to erect and maintain electric wiring (Special) |
106 | Limits number of liquor licenses to be issued (Repealed by 681) |
107 | Gambling (Repealed by 291) |
108 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
109 | Calls a special election for water and sewer services funds (Special) |
110 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 681) |
111 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
112 | Grants franchise to erect and maintain electric wiring (Special) |
113 | Repeals Ords. 92, 77, and 46 (Repealer) |
114 | (Rescinded) |
115 | Poles and overhead wires (Repealed by 681) |
116 | Liquor licenses (Repealed by 681) |
117 | Grants railroad franchise (Special) |
118 | Plumbing code (Repealed by 681) |
119 | (Not passed) |
120 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution S8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
121 | Library (Repealed by 681) |
122 | Amends §S5 and 6 of Ord. 56, officers' compensation (Repealed by 681) |
123 | Amends §1 of Ord. 44, discharging firearms and propelling foreign objects (Repealed by 681) |
124 | Calls a special election for water system funds (Special) |
125 | Town clerk (Repealed by 681) |
126 | Dogs running at large, impoundment; licensing (Repealed by 681) |
127 | Adds §§6a and 6b to Ord. 118, plumbing code (Repealed by 681) |
128 | Speed limits (Repealed by 681) |
129 | Budget (Special) |
130 | Itinerant theater and exhibition licenses (Repealed by 681) |
131 | Budget (Special) |
132 | Calls a municipal election (Special) |
133 | Repeals rule 4 of §10 of Ord. 11, liquor licenses (Repealed by 681) |
134 | Public and private sewers (Repealed by 681) |
135 | Public wharves (12.28) |
136 | Grants franchise to erect and maintain electric wiring (Special) |
137 | Budget (Special) |
138 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/13 (Special) |
139 | Main Street grade change (Special) |
140 | Board of trustees meetings (Repealed by 681) |
141 | Billiard hall (Repealed by 681) |
142 | Budget (Special) |
143 | Grants right to construct, maintain and operate telephone system (Special) |
144 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/14 (Special) |
145 | Obstruction of streets; waste burning; repeals Ord. 50 (Repealed by 681) |
146 | Voting precincts (Repealed by 152) |
147 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/15 (Special) |
148 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 681) |
149 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/16 (Special) |
150 | Budget for year ending 6/30/16 (Special) |
151 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/17 (Special) |
152 | Voting precincts; repeals Ord. 146 (Repealed by 681) |
153 | Moving picture shows (Repealed by 681) |
154 | Budget for year ending 6/30/17 (Special) |
155 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/18 (Special) |
156 | Budget for year ending 6/30/18' (Special) |
157 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/19 (Special) |
158 | Board of trustees meetings (Repealed by 266) |
159 | Budget for year ending 6/30/19 (Special) |
160 | Adds §14 to and amends §§9, 12 and 13 of Ord. 93, waterworks; repeals §8 (Repealed by 232) |
161 | Spanish influenza epidemic abatement measures (Repealed by 681) |
162 | Dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
163 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/20 (Special) |
164 | Budget for year ending 6/30/20 (Special) |
165 | Town clerk (Repealed by 681) |
166 | Amends S5 of Ord. 160, waterworks (Repealed by 232) |
167 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/21 (Special) |
168 | Amends S1 of Ord. 91, Main Street width (Repealed by 681) |
169 | Budget for year ending 6/30/21 (Special) |
170 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/22 (Special) |
171 | Liquor regulations (Repealed by 176) |
172 | Amends §1 of Ord. 123, amends §1 of Ord. 44, discharging firearms and propelling foreign objects (Repealed by 681) |
173 | Amends S1 of Ord. 130, itinerant theater and exhibition licenses (Repealed by 681) |
174 | Budget for year ending 6/30/22 (Special) |
175 | (Not sent) |
176 | Repeals Ord. 171 (Repealer) |
177 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/23 (Special) |
178 | Repeals Ord. 171 (Repealer) |
179 | (Not sent) |
180 | Calls a special election for waterworks funds (Special) |
181 | Budget for year ending 6/30/23 (Special) |
182 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/24 (Special) |
183 | Amends S3 of Ord. 56, officers' compensation (Repealed by 681) |
184 | Budget for year ending 6/30/24 (Special) |
185 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/25 (Special) |
186 | Grants right to store and distribute petroleum products (Special) |
187 | Amends §5 of Ord. 160, waterworks (Repealed by 232) |
188 | Budget for year ending 6/30/25 (Special) |
189 | Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 393) |
190 | Garage regulations (Repealed by 681) |
191 | Fire prevention inspections (Repealed by 681) |
192 | Amends §13 of Ord. 148, traffic regulations (Repealed by 681) |
193 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 681) |
194 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/26 (Special) |
195 | (Not sent) |
196 | Licenses (Repealed by 681) |
197 | (Not sent) |
198 | Amends §4 of Ord. 118, Plumbing Code (Repealed by 681) |
199 | Amends §19 of Ord. 189, Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 393) |
200 | Calls a special election for fire engine and equipment purchase (Special) |
201 | Fire department authority (Repealed by 276) |
202 | Budget for year ending 6/30/26 (Special) |
203 | Parking regulations (Repealed by 681) |
204 | (Not passed) |
205 | Garbage disposal (Repealed by 681) |
206 | Vehicle regulations (Repealed by 356) |
207 | Adopts provisions of state of California Constitution §8, Art. 11, taxes (Special) |
208 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/27 (Special) |
209 | Main Street sidewalk extension (Special) |
210 | Calls 'a special election for land acquisition funds (Special) |
211 | Dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 278) |
212 | Street and sidewalk widths (Special) |
213 | Calls a special election for land acquisition funds (Special) |
214 | Budget for year ending 6/30/27 (Special) |
215 | Amends Ord. 52, overhanging signs and awnings (Repealed by 681) |
216 | Overhanging branches (12.12) |
217 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/28 (Special) |
218 | Budget for year ending 6/30/28 (Special) |
219 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 356) |
220 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/29 (Special) |
221 | Budget for year ending 6/30/29 (Special) |
222 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/30 (Special) |
223 | Budget for year ending 6/30/30 (Special) |
224 | Overhanging signs (Not codified) |
225 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/31 (Special) |
226 | Budget for year ending 6/30/31 (Special) |
227 | Fire department rescue duties (Repealed by 681) |
228 | Garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 681) |
229 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/32 (Special) |
230 | Budget for year ending 6/30/32 (Special) |
231 | (Not sent) |
232 | Repeals Ords. 160, 166, and 187 (Repealer) |
233 | Amends §1 of Ord. 173, itinerant theater and exhibition licenses (Repealed by 274) |
234 | Budget for year ending 6/30/33 (Special) |
235 | Fireworks (Repealed by 681) |
236 | Waterworks (Repealed by 681) |
237 | Water rates for year ending 6/30/34 (Special) |
238 | Alcoholic beverage licenses (Repealed by 681) |
239 | Business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
240 | Toy vehicles (Repealed by 356) |
241 | Budget for year ending 6/30/34 (Special) |
242 | Claims against the town (Repealed by 681) |
243 | Town officers (Repealed by 681) |
244 | Closing hours for gambling and liquor establishments (Repealed by 600) |
245 | Amends §12(G)(58) of Ord. 239, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
246 | Harassment (Repealed by 681) |
247 | Amends §4(2) of Ord. 236, waterworks (Repealed by 264) |
248 | Budget for year ending 6/30/35 (Special) |
249 | Adds §1a to Ord. 189, Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 393) |
250 | Budget for year ending 6/30/36 (Special) |
251 | Gas tax street improvement fund (Repealed by 681) |
252 | Street improvement fund (Repealed by 681) |
253 | Amends §§11 and 18 of Ord. 236, waterworks (Repealed by 681) |
254 | Building permits (Repealed by 681) |
255 | Amends §5 of Ord. 239, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
256 | Budget for year ending 6/30/37 (Special) |
257 | Amends §14 of Ord. 189, Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 393) |
258 | Amends §1 of Ord. 211, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 262) |
259 | In lieu auto tax fund (Repealed by 681) |
260 | Budget for year ending 6/30/38 (Special) |
261 | (Not sent) |
262 | Amends §1 of Ord. 211, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 278) |
263 | Calls a special election for sewer funds (Special) |
264 | Amends §4(2) of Ord. 236, waterworks; repeals Ord. 247 (Repealed by 275) |
265 | Budget for year ending 6/30/39 (Special) |
266 | City council meetings; repeals Ord. 158 (Repealed by 272) |
267 | Budget for year ending 6/30/40 (Special) |
268 | Peddler and canvasser licenses (Repealed by 681) |
269 | Street excavations (Repealed by 355) |
270 | Adds §14a to Ord. 239, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
271 | Amends §7 of Ord. 269, street excavations (Repealed by 295) |
272 | City council meetings; repeals Ord. 266 (Repealed by 684) |
273 | Budget for year ending 6/30/41 (Special) |
274 | Public exhibition and concession licenses (Repealed by 681) |
275 | Amends §4(2) of Ord. 236, waterworks; repeals Ord. 264 (Repealed by 681) |
276 | Fire department authority; repeals Ord. 201 (Repealed by 681) |
277 | Budget for year ending 6/30/42 (Special) |
278 | Dog licensing and impoundment; repeals Ord. 211 (Repealed by 340) |
279 | Air raid regulations (Repealed by 681) |
280 | Amends §5 of Ord. 236, waterworks (Repealed by 681) |
281 | Amends §9 and §12(G) and (H) of Ord. 239, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
282 | Budget for year ending 6/30/43 (Special) |
283 | Grants electricity distribution franchise (Special) |
284 | Mechanical music device licenses (Repealed by 681) |
285 | Restricted lighting for public defense (Repealed by 681) |
286 | Budget for year ending 6/30/44 (Special) |
287 | Budget for year ending 6/30/45 (Special) |
288 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 343) |
289 | Calls a special election for fire house funds (Special) |
290 | Budget for year ending 6/30/46 (Special) |
291 | Repeals Ord. 107 (Repealer) |
292 | Adds §12(F)(2) to Ord. 239, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
293 | Budget for year ending 6/30/47 (Special) |
294 | Calls a special election for disposal of park lands (Special) |
295 | Amends §7 of Ord. 269, street excavations; repeals Ord. 271 (Repealed by 355) |
296 | Driving while intoxicated (Not codified) |
297 | Disposal of park lands (Special) |
298 | Calls a special election for fire apparatus funds (Special) |
299 | Business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
300 | Budget for year ending 6/30/48 (Special) |
301 | Intoxication in a public place (Repealed by 681) |
302 | Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 363) |
303 | Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 367) |
304 | Uniform Electrical Code (Repealed by 368) |
305 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
306 | Amends 553, 5, 8 and 10 of Ord. 243, town officers (Repealed by 681) |
307 | Budget for year ending 6/30/49 (Special) |
308 | Nuisance abatement (Repealed by 392) |
309 | Amends §3 of Ord. 269, street excavations (Repealed by 355) |
310 | Budget for year ending 6/30/50 (Special) |
311 | Calls a special election for water system funds. (Special) |
312 | (Not sent) |
313 | Zoning (Repealed by 371) |
314 | Amends §5 of Ord. 313, zoning (Repealed by 371) |
315 | (Not sent) |
316 | Container disposal in town park (Repealed by 681) |
317 | (Not sent) |
318 | Calls a special election for water system funds (Special) |
319 | Budget for year ending 6/30/51 (Special) |
320 | Establishes Water Bond Fund (Repealed by 681) |
321 | Adds §8-A to and amends §5 of Ord. 313, zoning (Repealed by 371) |
322 | Creates civil defense and disaster council and civil defense and disaster organization (Repealed by 471) |
323 | Bicycle registration (Repealed by 400) |
324 | Budget for year ending 6/30/52 (Special) |
325 | Business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
326 | Amends §15 of Ord. 325, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
327 | Corporate name change (Not codified) |
328 | Garbage and solid waste disposal (8.16) |
329 | Budget for year ending 6/30/53 (Special) |
330 | Amends 556 and 9 of Ord. 325, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
331 | Calls a special election for sewage disposal system (Special) |
332 | Budget for year ending 6/30/54 (Special) |
333 | Amends §1 of Ord. 309, street excavations (Repealed by 355) |
334 | Fire Prevention Code; establishes bureau of fire prevention (Repealed by 458) |
335 | Water service regulations; city water department (13.04) |
336 | Budget for year ending 6/30/55 (Special) |
337 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
338 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
339 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
340 | Dog licensing and impoundment; repeals Ord. 278 (Repealed by 681) |
341 dated 8/25/55 | Budget for year ending 6/30/56 (Special) |
341 dated 1/16/56 | Amends §§4 and 5 of Ord. 340, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
342 | Adds §24 to Ord. 340, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
343 | Traffic regulations; repeals Ord. 288 (Repealed by 356) |
344 | Budget for year ending 6/30/57 (Special) |
345 | Planning commission (Repealed by 833) |
346 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
347 | Amends §8a of Ord. 328, garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 413) |
348 | Boat operation within city limits (12.28) |
349 | Budget for year ending 6/30/58 (Special) |
350 | Sales and use tax (Repealed by 495) |
351 | Calls a special election for sewage disposal system improvement funds (Special) |
352 | Closing hours for gambling establishments (Repealed by 600) |
353 | Amends portion of Ord. 313, zoning (Repealed by 371) |
354 | Curfew for minors; repeals Ord. 71 (Repealed by 454) |
355 | Sewer system; repeals Ord. 269 (Repealed by 681) |
356 | Vehicles and traffic; repeals Ords. 206, 219, 240, 288, 343 (10.04, 10.08, 10.12, 10.28) |
357 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
358 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
359 dated 12/8/58 | Amends Ord. 325, business licenses (Repealed by 681) |
360 | Amends Ord. 340, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
361 | Amends Ord. 342, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
362 | Emergency interim zoning ordinance (Repealed by 371) |
363 | Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 302 (Repealed by 391) |
364 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
365 | Business license taxes (5.04) |
366 | Water emergency procedures (13.12) |
367 | Uniform Plumbing Code; repeals Ord. 303 (Repealed by 407) |
368 | Uniform Electrical Code; repeals Ord. 304 (Repealed by 405) |
369 | Budget for year ending 6/30/60 (Special) |
370 | Amends Art. III, §1(a) of Ord. 356, vehicles and traffic (10.12) |
371 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 313, 321, 362 (Repealed by 441) |
372 | Weed fire hazard abatement (8.28) |
373 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
374 | Budget for year ending 6/30/61 (Special) |
375 | Repeals Ord. 320 (Special) |
376 | Amends §§5.20(b) and 11.10(s-3) of Ord. 371, zoning (Repealed by 441) |
377 | Extension of sewer connections; amends §§3 and 8 of Ord. 355, sewer system (Repealed by 681) |
378 | Adds Art. I, §14 to and amends Art. II, §11 of Ord. 356, vehicles and traffic (Not codified) |
379 | Adds §15(a) to and amends SO, 6, 12, 16 and 18 of Ord. 340, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
380 | Budget for year ending 6/30/62 (Special) |
381 | Amends §8 of Ord. 355, sewer system (Repealed by 681) |
382 | Amends §§4(a)(2), 5(b)(2), 5(b)(3)(ii) of and renumbers §4(b)(4)(iii) to 4(b)(4)(ii) of Ord. 350, sales and use tax; repeals §§2(e) and 4(b)(4)(ii) (Repealed by 495) |
383 | Amends §3 of Ord. 355, sewer system (Repealed by 681) |
384 | Authorizes state employees retirement system contract (Not codified) |
385 | (Not passed) |
386 | House numbering (12.20) |
387 | Amends §3 of Ord. 355, sewer system (Repealed by 681) |
388 | Amends §8a of Ord. 328, garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 413) |
389 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
390 | Calls a special election for municipal building funds (Special) |
391 | Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 363 (Repealed by 681) |
392 | Nuisance abatement; repeals Ord. 308 (8.20) |
393 | Fire zones; repeals Ord. 189 (Repealed by 681) |
394 | Mail boxes (12.24) |
395 | Budget for year ending 6/30/64 (Special) |
396 | Sets copying fees to be charged by city clerk (2.32) |
397 | Accepts requirements of state commission on peace officer standards and training (2.40) |
398 | (Not sent) |
399 | Calls a special election for storm drainage system improvements funds (Special) |
400 | Bicycle licenses (Repealed by 520) |
401 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
402 | Motor vehicles for hire (Repealed by 754) |
403 | Amends §§3 and 8 of Ord. 355, sewer system (Repealed by 681) |
404 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
405 | Uniform Electrical Code; repeals Ord. 368 (Repealed by 468) |
406 | Budget for year ending 6/30/65 (Special) |
407 | Uniform Plumbing Code; repeals Ord. 367 (Repealed by 435) |
408 | Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 363 (Repealed by 681) |
409 | Adds §§5.51(b)--(e) to Ord. 371, zoning (Repealed by 441) |
410 | Amends §§2 and 3 of Ord. 379, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
411 | Personnel system (2.48) |
412 | Adds board of appeals for technical building codes as adopted by Ords. 405 and 407; repeals §§2.2--2.6 of Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 468) |
413 | Garbage service and disposal; repeals Ord. 328 (Repealed by 419) |
414 | Transient occupancy tax (3.20) |
415 | Proposes street vacations (Special) |
416 | Amends §1 of Ord. 354, curfew for minors (Repealed by 454) |
417 | Budget for year ending 6/30/66 (Special) |
418 | Amends §1 of Ord. 393, fire zones (Repealed by 468) |
419 | Repeals Ord. 413 (Repealer) |
420 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
421 | Adds §7(A) to Ord. 372, weed fire hazard abatement (8.28) |
422 | City councilman salary (Repealed by 681) |
423 | Budget for year ending 6/30/67 (Special) |
424 | Budget for year ending 6/30/67 (Special) |
425 | Amends §8 of Ord. 355, sewer system (Repealed by 681) |
426 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 808) |
427 | Sewer system (13.20) |
428 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
429 | Amends state employees retirement system contract (Not codified) |
430 | Adds §10(a) to Ord. 392, nuisance abatement (Repealed by 760) |
431 | Limits use of public containers for garbage disposal (8.16) |
432 | Budget for year ending 6/30/68 (Special) |
433 | Amends §8a of Ord. 328, garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 681) |
434 | Property transfer tax (3.12) |
435 | Uniform Plumbing Code; repeals Ord. 407 (Repealed by 468) |
436 | Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 363 (Repealed by 468) |
437 | Underground utility districts (13.16) |
438 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
439 | Amends §§2(c), 4(a)(1), and 5(a) of Ord. 350, sales and use tax (Repealed by 495) |
440 | Budget for year ending 6/30/69 (Special) |
441 | Zoning (Repealed by 543) |
442 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
443 | Amends §§16 and 18 of Ord. 340, dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
444 | Proposes street vacations (Special) |
445 | Amends §8 of Ord. 411, personnel system (2.48) |
446 | Adds §§6.0212(a) and 6.0213(d) to Ord. 441, zoning (Repealed by 543) |
447 | Repeals and replaces §6 of Ord. 365, business license taxes (5.04) |
448 | Curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways (Repealed by 715) |
449 | Amends §5a of Ord. 400, bicycle licenses (Repealed by 520) |
450 | Budget for year ending 6/30/70 (Repealed by 451) |
451 | Budget for year ending 6/30/70 (Special) |
452 | Dog licensing and impoundment (Repealed by 681) |
453 | Annexation (Special) |
454 | Curfew for minors; repeals Ords. 354 and 416 (9.12) |
455 | Amends §3 of Ord. 414, transient occupancy tax (Repealed by 554) |
456 | Public peace and welfare; public park regulations (9.04, 9.24) |
457 | Budget for year ending 6/30/71 (Special) |
458 | Fire Prevention Code; repeals Ord. 334 (Repealed by 482) |
459 | |
460 | Repeals and replaces §§8, 8a and 8b of Ord. 328, garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 681) |
461 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
462 | Transfers city treasurer duties to city clerk (Repealed by 902) |
463 | Abolishes office of city treasurer (Repealed by 902) |
464 | Budget for year ending 6/30/72 (Special) |
465 | Community antenna television systems (5.16) |
466 | Annexation (Special) |
467 | Annexation (Special) |
468 | Uniform codes; permits; fire zones; repeals Ords. 405, 412, 418, 435, and 436 (Repealed by 516) |
469 | City funds investment authority (3.08) |
470 | Annexation (Special) |
471 | Emergency organization; creates disaster council; creates offices of director and assistant director of emergency services; repeals Ord. 322 (2.28) |
472 | Budget for year ending 6/30/73 (Special) |
473 | Prohibits over-night occupancy on lots within city (8.04) |
474 | Regulates distribution of advertising media (Repealed by 477) |
475 | Amends Art. 4, §§4(i) and (j); Art. 5, §1(d-1) and (d-2) of Ord. 465, community antenna television systems (5.16) |
476 | Annexation (Special) |
477 | Repeals Ord. 474 (Repealer) |
478 | Distribution of advertising media (12.16) |
479 | Annexation (Special) |
480 | Repeals and replaces §8 of Ord. 328, garbage and solid waste disposal; repeals Ord. 460 (8.16) |
481 | Proposes easement abandonment (Special) |
482 | Adopts and amends National Fire Codes Edition; repeals Ord. 458 (Repealed by 539) |
483 | Annexation (Special) |
484 | Repeals and replaces Art. II, §3; Art. IX, §4; Art. 10; and Art. XI of Ord. 356, vehicles and traffic (10.04, 10.12) |
485 | Adds §402(k) and renumbers second §402 to §403 of Ord. 459, animal control officer; animals (6.12) |
486 | (Not sent) |
487 | Procedures for evaluation of environmental impact (Repealed by 681) |
488 | Amends state employees retirement system contract (Not codified) |
489 | Repeals and replaces paragraph 1 of §22 of Ord. 365, business license taxes (Repealed by 681) |
490 | Repeals and replaces §1 of Ord. 422, city councilman salary (Repealed by 681) |
491 | Budget for year ending 6/30/74 (Special) |
492 | Annexation (Special) |
493 | Garbage and solid waste disposal (8.36) |
494 | Public floats (Repealed by 535) |
495 | Sales and use tax; repeals Ord. 350 496 (3.24) |
496 | Repeals and replaces Art. II, §6 of Ord. 356, vehicles and traffic (10.12) |
497 | Abandoned vehicle abatement (Repealed by 681) |
498 | Adds §108 to; amends §§304, 305 and 520--523 and repeals §303 of Ord. 459, animal control officer; animals (6.04, 6.16, 6.20) |
499 | Annexation (Special) |
500 | Amends §2 of Ord. 378, distribution of advertising media (Repealed by 504) |
501 | Annexation (Special) |
502 | Adds §5.30 to Ord. 441, zoning (Repealed by 543) |
503 | Garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 681) |
504 | Amends §2 of Ord. 378, distribution of advertising media; repeals Ord. 500 (12.16) |
505 | Amends §§4 and 8 of Ord. 456, public peace and welfare; public park regulations (9.24) |
506 | Budget for year ending 6/30/75 (Special) |
507 | Budget for year ending 6/30/75 (Special) |
508 | Budget for year ending 6/30/75 (Special) |
509 | Police department disposal of abandoned property (2.44) |
510 | Annexation (Special) |
511 | Repeals and replaces §4 of Ord. 503, garbage and solid waste disposal (Repealed by 681) |
512 | Budget for year ending 6/30/76 (Special) |
513 | Budget for year ending 6/30/76 (Special) |
514 | Budget for year ending 6/30/76 (Special) |
515 | Amends §§2, 4 and 9 and repeals and replaces §6 of Ord. 448, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways (Repealed by 715) |
516 | Uniform codes; fees; fire zones; repeals Ords. 405, 412, 418, 435, 436, 468 (Repealed by 681) |
517 | (Not sent) |
518 | Defines “minor”; amends §2 and repeals §3 of Ord. 454, curfew for minors (9.12) |
519 | Adds §5.1601 to Ord. 441, zoning (Repealed by 543) |
520 | Bicycles; repeals Ords. 400 and 449 (10.20) |
521 | Repeals and reenacts §§6.02 and 7.11 of Ord. 441, zoning (Repealed by 543) |
522 | Street excavations (12.08) |
523 | Repeals and replaces §3 of Ord. 422 and §1 of Ord. 490, city councilman salary (Repealed by 681) |
524 | Adds §17 to and repeals and replaces §§15 and 16 of Art. II of Ord. 356, vehicles and traffic (10.12) |
525 | Use of public sewers (13.22) |
526 | Amends §6 of Ord. 402, commercial vehicles (Repealed by 704) |
527 | Budget for year ending 6/30/77 (Special) |
528 | Budget for year ending 6/30/77 (Special) |
529 | Budget for year ending 6/30/77 (Special) |
530 | Garbage and solid waste disposal (8.16) |
531 | Adds §4.119 to Ord. 441, zoning (Repealed by 543) |
532 | Annexation (Special) |
533 | Annexation (Special) |
534 | Annexation (Special) |
535 | Public floats; repeals Ord. 494 (Repealed by 778) |
536 | Annexation (Special) |
537 | Annexation (Special) |
538 | Adds §5(H) to Ord. 522, street excavations (12.08) |
539 | Repeals and reenacts §§1 and 2 of Ord. 516, Uniform codes; fees; fire zones; repeals Ord. 482 (Repealed by 681) |
540 | Water shortage emergency regulations (Repealed by 681) |
541 | (Not sent) |
542 | (Not sent) |
543 | Zoning; repeals Ord. 441 (Repealed by 796) |
544 | Budget for year ending 6/30/78 (Special) |
545 | Budget for year ending 6/30/78 (Special) |
546 | Budget for year ending 6/30/78 (Special) |
547 | Proposes alley vacation (Special) |
548 | Annexation (Special) |
549 | Adds §7.1 to Ord. 540, water shortage emergency regulations (Repealed by 681) |
550 | Proposes street vacation (Special) |
551 | Annexation (Special) |
552 | Annexation (Special) |
553 | Annexation (Special) |
554 | Amends §3 of Ord. 414, transient occupancy tax; repeals Ord. 455 (3.20) |
555 | Uniform Fire Code; repeals Ords. 458 and 482 (15.04) |
556 | Amends §4 of Ord. 448, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways (Repealed by 715) |
557 | Disabled persons parking zones (10.12) |
558 | Rezone (Special) |
559 | Authorizes nonprofit bingo games (5.12) |
560 | Prohibits gaming (Repealed by 681) |
561 | (Not sent) |
562 | Amends Art. II, §13 of Ord. 356, vehicles and traffic (10.12) |
563 | Rezone (Special) |
564 | Rezone (Special) |
565 | Amends §§12 and 16 and repeals §§14 and 115 of Ord. 365, business license taxes (5.04) |
566 | Fire department inspection authority (8.12) |
567 | Amends §2 of Ord. 456, public peace and welfare; public park regulations (9.04) |
568 | Rezone (Special) |
569 | Amends §4 of Ord. 465, community antenna television systems (5.16) |
570 | Speed limits (Repealed by 572) |
571 | Adds §§4.225, 4.234 and 5.1503 to and amends §§4.212, 4.232, 5.6, and 5.7 of Ord. 543, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
572 | Speed limits; repeals Ord. 570 (Repealed by 770) |
573 | Moving buildings (15.12) |
574 | Rezone (Special) |
575 | Amends subparagraph 3 of §3 of Ord. 516, Uniform codes; fees; fire zones (Repealed by 681) |
576 | (Not sent) |
577 | Adds §4.2556 to Ord. 543, zoning (Appendix A) |
578 | Amends Art. II, §11 of Ord. 356, vehicles and traffic (10.12) |
579 | Rezone (Special) |
580 | Adopts environmental protection guidelines; delegates duties to planning commission (8.08) |
581 | Purchasing procedure (3.04) |
582 | (Repealed by 555) |
583 | Prezone (Special) |
584 | Rezone (Special) |
585 | Rezone (Special) |
586 | Amends §1 of Ord. 565, business license taxes (5.04) |
587 | Amends §4 of Ord. 448, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways (Repealed by 715) |
588 | Includes special tax for storm drainage improvements and appropriations limit increase in general election (3.16) |
589 | Adopts Uniform codes and Titles 24 and 25 of the California Administrative Code (Repealed by 681) |
590 | Signs (17.52) |
591 | Rezone (Special) |
592 | Mobile caterers (Repealed by 809) |
593 | Regulates sale of drug paraphernalia (9.16) |
594 | Prezone (Special) |
595 | Amends state employees retirement system contract (Not codified) |
596 | Speed limits (Repealed by 770) |
597 | Rezone (Special) |
598 | Amends §§1, 2 and 3 of Art. V of Ord. 557, disabled persons parking zones (10.12) |
599 | Travel expenditures (2.36) |
600 | Repeals Ords. 244 and 352 (Repealer) |
601 | Adds §7.105 to Ord. 543, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
602 | Adds §7.2 to Ord. 543, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
603 | Limits manufactured housing to R-1 zone (Expired) |
604 | Rezone (Special) |
605 | Adds §7.105 to and amends §4.2 of Ord. 543, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
606 | Amends §§1 and 2 of Ord. 352, closing hours for gambling establishments (Repealed by 613) |
607 | Condominium conversions (15.20) |
608 | Bars excavation on newly constructed or improved streets (12.08) |
609 | Amends §14 of Ord. 335, water service regulations; city water department (13.04) |
610 | Rezone (Special) |
611 | Amends §3.1 of Ord. 543, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
612 | Calls a special election to fill council vacancies (Special) |
613 | Repeals Ords. 352 and 606 (Repealer) |
614 | Speed limits (Repealed by 770) |
615 | Temporary amendment to §3 of Ord. 414, transient occupancy tax (3.20) |
616 | Prezone (Special) |
617 | Rezone (Special) |
618 | Emergency ordinance prohibiting adult entertainment businesses (Special) |
619 | Amends Ord. 599, travel expenditures (2.36) |
620 | Rezone (Special) |
621 | Master water meters (Repealed by 677) |
622 | Adopts Uniform codes and Titles 24 and 25 of the California Administrative Code (Repealed by 681) |
623 | Amends §§501, 504, 513 and 519 of Ord. 459, animal control officer; animals (6.16) |
624 | Amends §13 of Ord. 495, sales and use tax (Repealed by 687) |
625 | Includes appropriations limit increase in general election; amends §2 of Ord. 588, includes special tax for storm drainage improvements and appropriations limit increase in general election (3.28) |
626 | Adult entertainment businesses (5.08) |
627 | Adds §§2.275, 5.1305, and 5.25 to and amends Art. IV and §§5.14 and 5.2406 of Ord. 543, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
628 | Cross-connection controls (Repealed by 697) |
629 | Adds §3(G) to and amends §2(C) of Ord. 522, street excavations (12.08) |
630 | Rezone (Special) |
631 | Rezone (Special) |
632 | Rezone (Special) |
633 | Streambed obstruction abatement (8.24) |
634 | Adds subsection 3.2 to and amends subsections 2.1 and 4.1--4.3 of Ord. 592, mobile caterers (Repealed by 809) |
635 | Park and recreation commission (Repealed by 916) |
636 | Rezone (Special) |
637 | Rezone (Special) |
638 | Rezone (Special) |
639 | Amends §7.202 of Ord. 543, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
640 | Adds §3.5 to and amends §3 of Ord. 414, transient occupancy tax (3.20) |
641 | Abandoned vehicle abatement (Repealed by 769) |
642 | Rezone (Special) |
643 | Speed limits (Repealed by 770) |
644 | Parcel mergers (Repealed by 808) |
645 | Rezone (Special) |
646 | Amends §1(7) of Ord. 530 and §§8 and 13 of Ord. 328, garbage and solid waste disposal (8.16) |
647 | Amends §5.2325 of Ord. 543, zoning (17.20) |
648 | Amends §4 of Res. 1164, sewer rates; repeals Res. 1294(82) and 1295(82) (13.20) |
649 | Declares city will indemnify city personnel (2.08) |
650 | Prohibits double parking on certain streets (10.12) |
651 | Prezone (Special) |
652 | Rezone (Special) |
653 | Rezone (Special) |
654 | Vesting tentative map procedures (Repealed by 808) |
655 | Rezone (Special) |
656 | Rezone (Special) |
657 | Fire protection standards (Repealed by 662) |
658 | Traffic mitigation fee (Not passed) |
659 | Rezone (Special) |
660 | Amends §§1, 2 and 3 and repeals §4 of Ord. 240, toy vehicles (Not codified) |
661 | Council members compensation (2.04) |
662 | Fire protection standards; repeals Ord. 657 (8.32) |
663 | Installation of elevators in senior housing (15.12) |
664 | Redevelopment agency (2.36) |
665 | Rezone (Special) |
666 | Rezone (Special) |
667 | Rezone (Special) |
668 | Rezone (Special) |
669 | (Not adopted) |
670 | Amends §2 of Ord. 456, public possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in glass containers (9.04) |
671 | Adopts uniform codes (Repealed by 777) |
672 | Rezone (Special) |
673 | Adopts zoning map (Special) |
674 | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by 711) |
675 | Amends §§8 and 9 of Ord. 635, park and recreation commission (Repealed by 916) |
676 | Rezone (Special) |
677 | Amends Ord. 335, water meters; repeals Ord. 621 (13.04) |
678 | Amends Art. II §4 of Ord. 356, parking (10.12) |
679 | Rezone (Special) |
680 | Amends Ord. 635, park and recreation commission (Repealed by 916) |
681 | Repeals Ords. 2--20, 26--33, 36, 38, 41-45, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 70--73, 75, 83, 84, 91, 96, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 110, 115, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 133, 134, 140, 141, 145, 146, 148, 152, 153, 161, 162, 165, 168, 172, 173, 183, 190, 191, 192, 193, 196, 198, 203, 205, 206, 215, 227, 228, 235, 236, 238, 239, 242, 243, 245, 246, 251--255, 259, 268, 270, 274, 275, 276, 279, 280, 281, 284, 285, 292, 299, 301, 306, 316, 320, 325, 326, 330, 334, 340, 341, 342, 355, 359, 360, 361, 377, 379, 381, 383, 387, 391, 393, 403, 408, 410, 422, 425, 433, 443, 452, 458, 460, 482, 487, 489, 490, 495, 497, 503, 511, 516, 523, 539, 540, 549, 560, 575, 589 and 622 (Repealer) |
682 | |
683 | (Not passed) |
684 | Council meeting times (2.04) |
685 | Amends §2.06(2) of Ord. 559, bingo (5.12) |
686 | Amends §2 of Ord. 437, hearings on underground utility districts (13.16) |
687 | Adds §12 to Ord. 495, sales and use tax exemptions; repeals §§12, 13 and 14 of Ord. 495, and Ord. 624 (Not codified) |
688 | Amends Ords. 365 and 484, traffic (10.08) |
689 | Amends Ord. 520, bicycles (10.20) |
690 | Amends Ord. 434, documentary stamp tax (3.12) |
691 | General penalty (Repealed by 850) |
692 | Storm drainage benefit area No. 1 (Special) |
693 | Emergency water restrictions (13.12) |
694 | Code adoption (1.01) |
695 | Adds subsections A(16)--A(19) to and amends sub- sections A(5) and A(10) of §13.20.010, sewer system (13.20) |
696 | Adds Ch. 15.05, potentially hazardous masonry buildings (15.05) |
697 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.08; repeals Ord. 628, cross-connections (Repealed by 705) |
698 | Adds Ch. 13.05, wastewater system connections (Repealed by 746) |
699 | Adds Ch. 13.30, water system connections (13.30) |
700 | Amends §§10.16.010--10.16.050, speed limits (Repealed by 702) |
701 | (Not passed) |
702 | Amends §§10.16.010--10.16.050; repeals Ord. 700, speed limits (Repealed by 770) |
703 | Rezone (Special) |
704 | Amends §6 of Ord. 402, motor vehicles for hire; repeals Ord. 526 (Repealed by 754) |
705 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.08, cross-connection control program (Repealed by 941) |
706 | Rezone (Special) |
707 | Rezone (Special) |
708 | Uniform road improvement standards (12.05) |
709 | Rezone (Special) |
710 | Rezone (Special) |
711 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.16, flood damage prevention (Repealed by 765) |
712 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.08, offenses against property (9.08) |
713 | Parkland dedication (Repealed by 808) |
714 | Adds §17.08.575; amends portions of Appendix A; repeals and replaces §17.08.550, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
715 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.04, construction of right-of-way improvements (12.04) |
716 | Rezone (Special) |
717 | Rezone (Special) |
718 | Rezone (Special) |
719 | Adds Ch. 2.22, traffic safety advisory committee (Repealed by 906) |
720 | Adds subsection (H) to Section 17.20.240, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
721 | Adds Ch. 16.29, subdivisions (Repealed by 808) |
722 | Adds §§9.08.051 and 9.08.171; amends §9.08.050, waterfront and parkland use regulations (9.08) |
723 | Adds Ch. 17.50, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
724 | Adds Ch. 16.30, subdivisions (Repealed by 808) |
725 | Rezone (Special) |
726 | Rezone (Special) |
727 | Amends §2.20.010, park and recreation commission (Repealed by 916) |
728 | Amends §§3.20.020(A) and 3.20.030, transient occupancy tax; repeals §3.20.040 (3.20) |
729 | Rezoning (Special) |
730 | Amends §13.20.020(B), sewer system (13.20) |
731 | Adds §§17.20.260 and 17.36.100; amends §17.08.360 and portions of Appendix A, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
732 | Amends §§17.20.260 and 17.20.270 and portions of Appendices A and B, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
733 | Rezone (Special) |
734 | Amends §8.28.030, weeds and rubbish (8.28) |
735 | Adopts Uniform Codes (Repealed by 777) |
736 | Amends Ch. 13.08, cross-connection control program (Repealed by 941) |
737 | Adds §§9.08.131--9.08.137, waterfront and parkland regulations (9.08) |
738 | Reinstates Ord. 495, sales and use tax (Not codified) |
739 | Adds Ch. 12.23, street names (12.23) |
740 | Repeals and replaces §9.08.110(b), public consumption of alcoholic beverages (9.08) |
741 | (Not adopted) |
742 | Adds §17.20.270 [17.20.290] and B.205 [B.207] to Appendix B, zoning (Repealed by 796) |
743 | Amends §15.05.050(F), potentially hazardous masonry buildings (15.05) |
744 | City council meeting times (2.04) |
745 | Amends §§2.16.010 and 2.16.020; adds §§2.16.030--2.16.190 and 17.36.070, planning commission (Repealed by 833) |
746 | Repeals Ord. 698 (Repealer) |
747 | Amends §15.05.050(G)(2) and repeals (G)(3), potentially hazardous masonry buildings (15.05) |
748 | Adds Ch. 9.09, graffiti abatement procedure (9.09) |
749 | Amends §§12.04.010(A) and 12.04.040(D), right-of-way improvements (12.04) |
750 | Amends §8.20.080, nuisances (8.35) |
751 | Rezone (Special) |
752 | Adds §9.08.061, Library Park hours (9.08) |
753 | Rezone (Special) |
754 | Repeals Ch. 5.24, taxicabs and other public transportation (Repealer) |
755 | (Not adopted) |
756 | Adds Ch. 8.01, alarm systems (8.01) |
757 | General elections date (1.04) |
758 | Adds Ch. 5.30, fireworks (Repealed by Measure C) |
759 | Adds Ch. 17.62, reorganization/annexation procedures and requirements (Repealed by 796) |
760 | Repeals §8.20.080 and adds text of Ord. 750 as Ch. 8.35, abandoned vehicles (8.35) |
761 | Amends §10.12.120(D), parking (10.12) |
762 | Rezone (Special) |
763 | Adds Ch. 3.30, fire service fee (3.30) |
764 | Adds Ch. 8.36, maintenance of water, sewer and storm drainage utilities that are located on private property, and Ch. 8.37, building sewer maintenance requirements (8.36, 8.37) |
765 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.16, floodplain management (Repealed by 780) |
766 | Adds §12.23.040, street names (12.23) |
767 | Adds Ch. 3.25, road maintenance, repair transactions and use tax (Failed) |
768 | Amends Ord. 767 §§13 and 19, road maintenance, repair transactions and use tax (Failed) |
769 | Amends Ch. 8.35, nuisance vehicles; repeals Ch. 10.24 (8.35) |
770 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.16, speed limits (Repealed by 854) |
771 | (Repealed by 777) |
772 | Rezone (Special) |
773 | Amends §10.12.150, parking (10.12) |
774 | Amends §10.12.090, parking (10.12) |
775 | (Number not used) |
776 | Amends §§8.37.040--8.37.060, building sewer maintenance requirements (8.37) |
777 | Building codes, repeals Ords. 671, 735 and |
771 | (15.04) |
778 | Piers, floats and launching ramps; repeals Ord. 535 (12.28) |
779 | Amends §§9.08.100 and 9.08.136, offenses against property (9.08) |
780 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.16, floodplain management (15.16) |
781 | Amends §10.16.010(B), speed limits (Repealed by 854) |
782 | Rezone (Special) |
783 | Amends Ord. 356 §1(a), parking (10.12) |
784 | Special tax for fire protection and prevention and related emergency medical services (3.30) |
785 | Rezone (Special) |
786 | Adds §9.08.110(D)--(G) (2), offenses against property (9.08) |
787 | Rezone (Special) |
788 | Rezone (Special) |
789 | Rezone (Special) |
790 | Amends §2.04.010(B), city council (Repealed by 796) |
791 | Amends §2.20.060(A), park and recreation commission (Repealed by 916) |
792 | Amends Art. V, §5 of Ord. 356, stop signs (10.08) |
793 | Amends sign ordinance (17.52) |
794 | (Defeated) |
795 | Amends §2 of Art. I, §§11 and 12 of Art. II, §3 of Art. VII and §1 of Art. VIII of Ord. 356, two-hour parking and crosswalks (10.04, 10.08, 10.12, 10.28) |
796 | Adds Chs. 17.01--17.37; repeals Chs. 17.04--17.50 and 17.62, zoning (17.01, 17.02, 17.03, 17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, 17.08, 17.09, 17.10, 17.11, 17.12, 17.13, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19, 17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.25, 17.26, 17.27, 17.28, 17.29, 17.30, 17.31, 17.32, 17.33, 17.34, 17.35, 17.36, 17.37) |
797 | City council meeting times; repeals Ord. 790 (Repealed by 805) |
798 | Amends public employees' retirement system contract (Special) |
799 | Adopts redevelopment plan for the Lakeport redevelopment project (Special) |
800 | Adopts uniform codes (Repealed by Ord. 819) |
801 | Adds §13.04.111, water system (13.04) |
802 | Abatement of nuisances (8.22) |
803 | Authorizes amendment of retirement system contract (Special) |
804 | Rezone (Special) |
805 | Amends §2.04.010, city council meetings; repeals Ord. 797 (2.04) |
806 | (Number not used) |
807 | Establishes city council/manager form of government (2.06) |
808 | Adopts subdivision ordinance; repeals Ords. 426, 644, 654, 713, 721 and 724 (16.02, 16.04, 16.06, 16.08, 16.10, 16.12, 16.14, 16.16, 16.17, 16.18, 16.20, 16.22, 16.23, 16.24, 16.25, 16.26) |
809 | Amends Ch. 5.20, mobile catering businesses (5.20) |
810 | Rezone (not codified) |
811 | Rezone (not codified) |
812 | Amends §2.04.010, changing days for regular meetings of city council (2.04) |
813 | Amends §§2.20.010 and 2.20.020, parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 916) |
814 | Amends §5.30.110, fireworks (Repealed by Measure C) |
815 | Adopts the Sunset Drive project development agreement (Special) |
816 | Rezone (Special) |
817 | Adds Ch. 8.11, outside burning (8.11) |
818 | Amends public employees’ retirement system contract (Special) |
819 | Building codes (15.04) |
820 | Repeals Ord. 414 §3.5 as added by Ord. 640, recreation fund allocation (Repealer) |
821 | Amends §§17.04.030, 17.04.040, 17.04.050, 17.04.060, 17.05.030, 17.05.050, 17.05.060, 17.06.030, 17.06.050, 17.07.050, 17.08.040, 17.08.050, 17.09.050, 17.10.040, 17.10.050, 17.11.030, 17.11.040, 17.11.050, 17.12.030, 17.12.040, 17.12.050, 17.13.035, 17.13.040, 17.13.050, 17.14.035, 17.17.010, 17.18.090, 17.20.040, 17.22.020, 17.23.020, 17.23.060, 17.24.110, 17.27.020, 17.28.010, 17.33.010, 17.36.060, 17.37.040, zoning (17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, 17.08, 17.09, 17.10, 17.11, 17.12, 17.13, 17.14, 17.17, 17.18, 17.20, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.27, 17.28, 17.33, 17.36, 17.37) |
822 | Amends Ch. 12.04, construction of right-of-way improvements (12.04) |
823 | Rezone (Special) |
824 | Amends state employee retirement system contract (Not codified) |
825 | (Not adopted) |
826 | Amends §§13.04.070, 13.04.080 and 13.04.160, water system (13.04) |
827 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.16, solid waste, garbage collection and disposal (8.16) |
828 | Amends §§17.04.020, 17.05.060, 17.06.060 and 17.09.050, zoning (17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.09) |
829 | Amends §8.16.070, solid waste, garbage collection and disposal (8.16) |
830 | Amends §§16.04.020, 16.10.070, 16.12.120 and 16.23.040, subdivisions (16.04, 16.10, 16.12, 16.23) |
831 | Adds Ch. 15.13, reimbursement agreements within the city of Lakeport (15.13) |
832 | Amends Ch. 2.28, emergency services (2.28) |
833 | Planning commission; repeals Ords. 345 and 745 (2.16) |
834 | Imposes transactions and use tax (3.28) |
835 | (Not adopted) |
836 | (Not adopted) |
837 | |
838 | Amends §2.04.010, city council (2.04) |
839 | Authorizes amendment of retirement system contract (Special) |
840 | Amends §12.04.040, construction of right-of-way improvements (12.04) |
841 | Adds Ch. 3.40, maintenance districts (3.40) |
842 | Adds Ch. 3.34, fire mitigation fees (3.34) |
843 | Rezone (Special) |
844 | Rezone (Special) |
845 | (Number not used) |
846 | Rezone (Special) |
847 | Adds §9.14 [Ch. 9.14], regulations governing the identification of purchasers and storage of products containing pseudoephedrine (9.14) |
848 | Adds §§6.24.090--6.24.110, spay and neuter program (6.24) |
849 | Authorizes amendment of retirement system contract (Special) |
850 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 1.08, general penalty (1.08) |
851 | Rezone (Special) |
852 | Amends §9.04.010, offenses against public peace and decency (9.04) |
853 | Adds Ch. 8.40, stormwater management ordinance (8.40) |
854 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.16, speed limits (Repealed by 882) |
855 | Amends §12.04.060, construction of right-of-way improvements (12.04) |
856 | Amends §§17.04.060, 17.05.060, 17.06.060 and 17.07.060, zoning (17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07) |
857 | Amends §2.20.010, park and recreation commission (Repealed by 916) |
858 | Prezone (Special) |
859 | Adds Ch. 8.40 [8.44], smoking in public places (8.44) |
860 | Adds Ch. 6.35; amends §6.04.030, feeding of waterfowl (6.04, 6.35) |
861 | Adds Ch. 9.24, marijuana cultivation (Repealed by 889) |
862 | Adds Ch. 8.09, nonnative invasive aquatic plants (8.09) |
863 | Amends §9.08.040, dogs in parklands (9.08) |
864 | (Number not used) |
865 | Rezone (Special) |
866 | Describes redevelopment agency’s program to acquire real property by eminent domain (2.24) |
867 | Amends Ch. 12.04, construction of right-of-way improvements (12.04) |
868 | Adds §§17.09.030(H) and 17.28.010(DD); repeals §17.09.050(I), zoning (17.09, 17.28) |
869 | Adds §17.04.030(H); amends §§17.04.030(B) and 17.04.060(J), zoning (17.04) |
870 | Adds Ch. 9.05, alcohol consumption by minors (9.05) |
871 | Rezone (Special) |
872 | Sewer and sewage disposal regulations (13.20) |
873 | (Number not used) |
874 | Amends §17.24.110(B)(4), use permits (17.24) |
875 | Adds §10.12.030(C), parallel parking (10.12) |
876 | Amends Ch. 5.30, fireworks, on an urgency basis (Repealed by Measure C) |
877 | Amends contract between city and public employees’ retirement system (Special) |
878 | Amends Ch. 5.30, fireworks (Repealed by Measure C) |
Measure C | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.30, fireworks (5.30) |
879 | Adds Ch. 9.25, off-road vehicle operation (9.25) |
880 | Adds §§17.11.030(K), 17.11.050(K) [17.11.050(J)], 17.23.050(A)(5) and 17.28.010(EE); amends §17.37.040, zoning (17.11, 17.23, 17.28, 17.37) |
881 | (Not passed) |
882 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.16, speed limits (10.16) |
883 | Authorizes amendment of retirement system contract (Special) |
884 | Adds §§17.52.030(U) and 17.52.040(O), signs (17.52) |
885 | Adds Article IV to Ch. 5.16, PEG channel (5.16) |
886 | Adds Ch. 3.05, uniform cost accounting (Repealed by 913) |
887 | Adds §§17.03.030(G), 17.03.050(D), 17.04.050(I), 17.05.030(H) and 17.05.050(F); amends §§17.04.030(G), 17.28.010(CC) and 17.37.040; repeals §17.03.040(B), zoning (17.03, 17.04, 17.05, 17.28, 17.37) |
888 | Adds Chs. 8.30 and 8.31, administrative citation, appeal hearings (8.30, 8.31) |
889 | Adds Ch. 17.38; repeals Ch. 9.24, medical marijuana cultivation (17.38) |
890 | Adds §5.20.045; amends §5.20.040, mobile catering businesses (5.20) |
891 | Adds Ch. 17.39, density bonuses (17.39) |
892 | Amends Ch. 10.16, speed limits (10.16) |
893 | Adds §§17.06.030(G) and 17.09.030(I) and Ch. 17.40; amends §§15.20.080, 15.20.110, 17.04.050, 17.05.050, 17.06.040, 17.06.050, 17.07.050, 17.09.050, 17.10.050, 17.11.050, 17.24.110, 17.28.010, 17.37.040, 17.39.020 and 17.39.050, land use, zoning (15.20, 17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, 17.09, 17.10, 17.11, 17.24, 17.28, 17.37, 17.39, 17.40) |
894 | Amends Ch. 3.04, purchasing system; rescinds local vendor preference policy (3.04) |
895 | Prezone (Special) |
896 | Rezone (Special) |
897 | Adds Ch. 15.24, small residential rooftop solar energy system review process (15.24) |
898 | Amends §§5.04.120 and 5.04.160, business licenses (5.04) |
899 | Amends §10.12.180, parking (10.12) |
900 | Forms industrial development authority (Special) |
901 | Adds Ch. 2.14, city finance director (2.14) |
902 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.12, city clerk (2.12) |
903 | Amends Chs. 17.18, 17.25, §§17.27.030, 17.27.070, 17.28.010(O) and Ch. 17.29, zoning (17.18, 17.25, 17.27, 17.28, 17.29) |
904 | Rezone (Special) |
905 | Rezone (Special) |
906 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.22, traffic safety advisory committee (2.22) |
907 | Adds Ch. 5.24, solicitation (5.24) |
908 | Amends §13.04.060, water system (13.04) |
909 | Amends §13.20.560, sewer use and pretreatment (13.20) |
910 | Adds Ch. 3.29, public safety and essential city services transactions and use tax (3.29) |
911 | Adds §8.31.185; amends §§8.31.040, 8.31.050, 8.31.060 and 8.31.140, administrative citation appeal hearing process (8.31) |
912 | Amends Ch. 10.16, speed limits (10.16) |
913 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.05, awarding public works contracts (3.05) |
914 | Adds §§17.04.030(I), 17.05.030(I), 17.06.030(H) and 17.07.030(G); amends Ch. 17.38, personal cannabis cultivation (17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, 17.38) |
915 | Adds Ch. 5.34 and §§17.08.050(J), 17.10.050(N), 17.11.050(K) and 17.13.040(R), commercial cannabis (5.34, 17.08, 17.10, 17.11, 17.13) |
916 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.20, park and recreation commission (2.20) |
917 | Amends §§8.28.030, 8.28.050(A) and (B) and 8.28.060, weeds and rubbish (8.28) |
918 | Rezone (Special) |
919 | Amends §§3.05.011 and 3.05.013, public projects (3.05) |
920 | Amends §9.08.061, hours of use of city parklands (9.08) |
921 | Adds Ch. 17.41, wireless communication facilities (17.41) |
922 | Adds Ch. 15.28, telecommunications infrastructure improvement ordinance (15.28) |
923 | Adds §§17.03.040(C), 17.03.050(E), 17.04.040(F), 17.04.050(H), 17.05.040(B), 17.05.050(H), 17.06.040(B), 17.06.050(F), 17.07.050(H), 17.08.040(C), 17.08.050(H), 17.09.040(E), 17.09.050(J), 17.10.040(J), 17.10.050(O), 17.11.040(F), 17.11.050(L), 17.12.040(F), 17.12.050(V), 17.13.035(B), 17.13.040(S), 17.14.040(B) [17.14.035(B)], 17.14.050(K) [17.14.040(K)], 17.16.030 and 17.16.040; amends 17.28.010(H) and (L) and Ch. 17.41, wireless communication facilities (17.03, 17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, 17.08, 17.09, 17.10, 17.11, 17.12, 17.13, 17.14, 17.16, 17.28, 17.41) |
924 | Amends §§8.22.020, 8.32.010, 8.32.020(A) and (B), 8.32.060(C), 13.04.111, 13.20.020, 13.20.310(D)(1) [13.20.610(D)(1)], 13.20.320(G)(1), 15.04.010, 15.05.020, 15.05.040(A)(4), 15.05.050(F), 15.08.010(B), 17.04.060(J)(3), 17.12.060(D), 17.20.040(A)(9), 17.22.020(F)(3) and (F)(5), 17.23.060(F), (G)(1) and (J), 17.24.110(A)(5), (B)(6), (D)(6), (F)(5), (I)(7), (J)(9), (L)(6)(b) and (M)(12), 17.28.010(F), (M), (O)(4), (Q)(1), (T) and (BB), 17.37.010 and 17.52.040(O)(6); repeals §§15.05.010 and 15.05.011, building codes (8.22, 8.32, 13.04, 13.20, 15.04, 15.05, 15.08, 17.04, 17.12, 17.20, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.28, 17.37, 17.52) |
925 | Adds Ch. 15.06, safety assessment placards (15.06) |
926 | Amends Ch. 2.28, emergency services (2.28) |
927 | Rezone (Special) |
928 | Rezone (Special) |
929 | Amends Ch. 2.36, travel expenses for officers and employees (2.36) |
930 | Adds Ch. 15.32, recycling of construction and demolition debris (15.32) |
931 | Adds Ch. 17.53, water efficient landscape requirements (17.53) |
932 | Adds Ch. 12.30; amends §§ 9.05.050 [9.08.050], 9.08.051 and 10.08.070, skateboards and skate parks (9.08, 10.08, 12.30) |
933 | Adopts military equipment use policy (Not codified) |
934 | Adds §§17.04.060(K), 17.07.070(E), 17.09.060(K) and 17.12.060(H); amends §§17.03.030(G), 17.03.050(D), 17.04.030(G), 17.04.060(J)(1), 17.05.030(H), 17.05.050(G), 17.05.060(I), 17.06.060(I), 17.07.060(I), 17.08.070(A), 17.27.020, 17.28.010(CC) and 17.37.040, accessory dwelling units, objective design standards (17.03, 17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, 17.08, 17.09, 17.12, 17.27, 17.28, 17.37) |
935 | Amends Ch. 3.04, purchasing system (3.04) |
936 | Amends Ch. 8.16, solid waste, garbage collection and disposal (8.16) |
937 | Amends §§17.52.040(C) and (I), signs (17.52) |
938 | Amends §15.04.010, construction codes (15.04) |
939 | Rezone (Special) |
940 | Adds §§17.12.050(W) and 17.28.010(FF); amends §§17.09.040(B), 17.10.040(A), 17.12.040(B) and 17.22.020(H), outdoor dining (17.09, 17.10, 17.12, 17.22, 17.28) |
941 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.08, cross-connection control (13.08) |
942 | Adopts military equipment use policy (Not codified) |
943 | Rezone (Special) |
944 | Amends §§2.48.010, 2.48.020 and 2.48.030, personnel system (2.48) |
945 | Adopts military equipment use policy (Not codified) |
946 | Repeals and replaces §17.17.080, time limit for planned development combining district (17.17) |
947 | Amends §2.10.110, powers and duties of city manager (2.10) |
948 | Amends §§3.34.070(B)(1), (D) and (E) and 3.34.080, fire mitigation fees (3.34) |
949 | Amends §§16.04.020, 16.23.030, 16.23.040 and 16.23.060, lot line adjustments (16.04, 16.23) |
950 | Adds Ch. 5.40, tobacco retailer license (5.40) |
951 | Adds §1.04.020, exhaustion of administrative remedies for challenges to fees, charges, and assessments on real property (1.04) |