1 | Town attorney appointment (Rescinded by 228) |
2 | Franchise grant to Homer G. Christensen for telephone system. (Special) |
3 | Franchise grant to Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Rescinded by 231) |
4 | Authorizes appointment of town marshall and police judge (Rescinded by 221 and 327) |
5 | Nuisances (Rescinded by 235) |
6 | Adopts Washington Motor Vehicle Act; regulates travel and traffic in town (Repealed by 204 and 362) |
7 | Accepts dedication by George H. Ellsbury of streets and alley shown on original plat of town (Special) |
8 | Disorderly persons (Rescinded by 204) |
9 | Animal control (Repealed by 243) |
9A | Animal control (Repealed by 243) |
10 | Adopts plan for construction of water supply and distribution system; provides for submission of propositions for funding of system to electors of town (Special) |
11 | Caucus of citizens to nomination of candidates for offices (Repealed by 20) |
12 | Provides for issuance of water revenue bonds for construction of water supply and distribution system (Special) |
13 | Curfew on children under the age of sixteen (9.20) |
14 | Adopts rates and regulations for purpose of selling, furnishing and distribution of water to the inhabitants of the town (Repealed by 256) |
15 | Regulates licensing and removal of garbage, grease, offal and other refuse matter (Repealed by 362) |
16 | Relating to intoxicating liquors, prohibiting minors to acquire, possess, consume same or others to supply or permit consumption and prescribing penalties (Repealed by 204) |
17 | Creates and sets up cumulative reserve building fund for purpose of erecting town hall and fire house (Special) |
18 | Creates office of director of civil defense (Repealed by 362) |
19 | Appropriation (Special) |
20 | Provides for the filing of declarations; repeals Ord. 11 (Repealed by 362) |
21 | Use and storage of explosives (8.20) |
22 | Relates to the licensing for use and operation of certain amusement devices and trade stimulators (Repealed by 362) |
23 | Regulates practice and teaching of hypnosis (9.12) |
24 | Regulates building in town; creates town building department (Repealed by 182) |
25 | Provides for licensing of peddlers and hawkers (Repealed by 362) |
26 | Repeals § 2 of Ord. 15, garbage (Repealed by 362) |
27 | Animal control (Repealed by 121 and 243) |
28 | Calls special election for purpose of assessing an excess levy on real property (Special) |
29 | Provides for holding of special election to raise moneys to pay for fire protection (Special) |
30 | (Number not used) |
31 | Authorizes exchange of certain properties between town and Charles A. Wilkowski (Special) |
32 | (Number not used) |
33 | (Number not used) |
34 | Speed limits (Repealed by 362) |
35 | Establishes reserve park fund (Repealed by 206) |
36 | Provides for regulation and licensing of public dances and dance halls (Repealed by 280) |
37 | (Not sent) |
38 | Agreement between town and county for street improvements in town (Special) |
39 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 15, garbage (Repealed by 362) |
40 | Animal control (Repealed by 243) |
41 | (Not sent) |
42 | (Not sent) |
43 | Annexation—Mountain View Estates (Special) |
44 | Adopts 1970 budget (Special) |
45 | (Not sent) |
46 | Appropriation (Special) |
47 | Six year street program (Rescinded) |
48 | (Number not used) |
49 | Street vacation—Dakota St. (Special) |
50 | Adopts 1971 budget (Special) |
51—57 | (Numbers not used) |
58 | Street vacation—Tipsoo Loop (Special) |
59 | Replat—Mountain View Estates (Special) |
60 | Adopts 1972 budget (Special) |
61—99 | (Numbers not used) |
100 | Annexation—Rainier Acres Lot 67 (Special) |
101 | Annexation—Rainier Acres Lot 68 (Special) |
102 | Repeals § 3 of Ord. 15 (Rescinded by 235) |
103 | Conveys town’s interest in certain real estate to James and Marcella Parker (Special) |
104 | Adopts Uniform Building and Plumbing Code of Thurston County (Repealed by 182) |
105 | Establishes council meeting dates (Rescinded by 164 and 230) |
106 | Adopts state traffic statutes (Repealed by 204 and 362) |
107 | Prohibits accumulation of debris and garbage (Repealed by 362) |
108 | Establishes council meeting dates (Rescinded by 230) |
109 | Animal control (Repealed by 243) |
110 | Criminal code (Rescinded by 204) |
111 | (Not sent) |
112 | Alley vacation (Special) |
113 | Amends Ord. 13, curfew (9.20) |
114 | Levies tax on gambling activities (Repealed by 258) |
115 | Establishes zoning regulations for the town (Repealed by 306) |
8/13/80 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 115, zoning (Repealed by 306) |
4/12/88 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 115, zoning (Repealed by 306) |
116 | Abandons consolidation of clerk office with treasurer office (Rescinded by 117) |
117 | Combines office of town treasurer with office of town clerk (2.08) |
118 | Business licenses (Repealed by 362) |
119 | (Not sent) |
120 | Establishes council meeting dates (Rescinded by 164 and 230) |
121 | Animal control (Repealed by 243) |
122 | Amends §§ 6, 7 and 9 of Ord. 118, business licenses (Repealed by 362) |
123 | Provides for transfer of funds between departments due to administrative error (Special) |
124 | Nuisances (Rescinded) |
125 | Amends Ord. 14, water services (Rescinded by 246) |
126 | (Repealed by 243) |
127 | (Rescinded by 204) |
128 | Declares need for emergency vehicle in police department (Special) |
129 | (Repealed by 218) |
130 | (Rescinded by 188) |
131 | (Rescinded by 204) |
132 | (Rescinded by 220) |
133 | (Not sent) |
134 | Provides additional funds for current expense fund for 1977 (Special) |
135 | (Not sent) |
136 | (Rescinded by 235) |
137 | (Rescinded by 235) |
138 | Amends Ord. 100 to add additional right-of-way (Not codified) |
139 | Amends Ord. 43, annexation (Special) |
140 | (Rescinded by 204) |
141 | (Rescinded) |
142 | (Repealed by 258) |
143 | (Repealed by 243) |
144 | (Rescinded) |
145 | Extends time limit on repayment of amount from current expense fund (Special) |
146 | (Not sent) |
147 | (Rescinded by 235) |
148 | (Repealed by 243) |
149 | Revises speed limits (Not codified) |
150 | (Rescinded) |
151 | Adopts 1980 budget (Special) |
152 | (Rescinded) |
153 | (Repealed by 243) |
154 | (Repealed by 225) |
155 | Alley vacation (Special) |
156 | Street vacation (Special) |
157 | (Not sent) |
158 | Relates to emergency purchase of police vehicle (Special) |
159 | (Not sent) |
160 | (Rescinded by 188) |
161 | (Rescinded by 188) |
162 | (Repealed by 243) |
163 | Provides for loan from city street fund to current expense fund (Special) |
164 | (Rescinded by 230) |
165 | (Repealed by 243) |
166 | (Rescinded by 182) |
167 | Adopts 1981 budget (Special) |
168 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 118, business licenses (Repealed by 362) |
169—172 | (Rescinded) |
172A | Franchise grant to Tribune Publishing Co. for cable television services (Special) |
173 | (Repealed by 185) |
174 | (Not sent) |
175 | Alley vacation (Special) |
176 | Adopts 1982 budget (Special) |
177 | (Not sent) |
178 | Adopts Washington Administrative Code Chs. 173-58, 173-60, 173-62 and 173-70, noise regulations (8.16) |
179 | (Not sent) |
180 | (Rescinded by 235) |
181 | Amends §§ 4 and 5 of Ord. 118, business licenses (Repealed by 362) |
1/25/94 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 181, business licenses (Repealed by 362) |
182 | Adopts uniform codes; repeals Ords. 24 and 104 (Repealed by 362) |
183 | (Repealed by 243) |
184 | (Rescinded by 220) |
185 | Confirms participation of clerk-treasurer, public works department and police department employees in retirement systems; repeals Ord. 173 and reinstates Ord. 131 (2.32) |
186 | (Rescinded by 191) |
187 | (Rescinded by 245) |
188 | (Repealed by 256) |
189 | (Rescinded on 12-18-85) |
190 | (Repealed by 243) |
191 | (Repealed by 256) |
192 | (Repealed by 256) |
193 | Establishes claim fund and payroll fund (3.32) |
194 | Imposes sales or use tax (3.16) |
195 | Imposes excise tax on real estate (3.12) |
196 | Abatement of unfit dwellings, buildings and structures (15.04) |
197 | (Not sent) |
198 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
199 | Provides for business and occupation tax (Repealed by 353) |
12/26/90 | Repeals § 7 of Ord. 199, business and occupation tax (Repealed by 353) |
200 | Adopts 1983 budget (Special) |
201 | Amends § 3[6] of Ord. 194, sales and use tax (3.16) |
202 | (Not codified) |
203 | Creates civil penalties for certain violations of uniform codes (Not codified) |
204 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic Ordinance and incorporates Washington Criminal Code (Repealed by 283) |
205 | (Rescinded by 235) |
206 | Merges reserve parks fund into current expense; repeals Ord. 35 (Special) |
207 | (Repealed by 256) |
208 | Appropriation (Special) |
209 | (Repealed by 243) |
210 | States intent of town to join the Timberland Regional Library district (Special) |
211 | Appropriation (Special) |
212 | (Rescinded by 230) |
213 | Establishes method for the auditing finance committee to approve/review warrants (Repealed by 428) |
214 | (Rescinded by 223) |
215 | Establishes town clerk-treasurer as town investment officer (3.04) |
216 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 202, permits for mobilehomes (Not codified) |
217 | Adopts 1984 budget (Special) |
218 | Establishes classified civil service; creates civil service commission; repeals Ord. 129 (Repealed by 715) |
219 | Adopts Handbook of Washington Town Officials, Municipalities of the Fourth Class as official document for city management (Repealed by 589) |
220 | Employee regulations and benefits (Repealed by 276 and 362) |
221 | Establishes municipal court for town; provides for appointment of judges (Repealed by 507) |
222 | Budget amendment (Special) |
223 | (Rescinded by 227) |
224 | (Repealed by 243) |
225 | Design and placement for litter receptacles (8.28) |
226 | Adopts 1985 budget (Special) |
227 | (Rescinded by 234) |
228 | Establishes positions of town attorney and prosecuting attorney (Repealed by 549) |
229 | Waives residency requirements for appointive positions (2.08) |
230 | Establishes time, date, and place of regular council meetings; rescinds Ords. 105, 108, 120, 164 and 212 (Rescinded by 240) |
231 | Franchise grant to Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Special) |
232 | Establishes official places for posting official town notices (1.04) |
233 | (Repealed by 256) |
234 | (Repealed by 237) |
235 | (Repealed by 259) |
236 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition; repeals § 1 of Ord. 182 (Repealed by 362) |
7/26/88 | Amends Ord. 236, adoption of Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 362) |
237 | Establishes position of maintenance workers; reiterates salaries for other positions; repeals Ord. 234 (Special) |
238 | (Repealed by 243) |
239 | (Not sent) |
240 | Establishes time and place of town council meetings (Repealed by 362) |
241 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
242 | Establishes position of building superintendent (2.08) |
243 | Regulations for keeping of livestock and dogs; repeals Ords. 9, 9A, 27, 40, 109, 121, 126, 143, 148, 153, 162, 165, 183, 190, 209, 224 and 238 (Repealed by 297) |
244 | Appropriation (Special) |
245 | Repeals Ord. 187, business and occupation utility tax (Repealer) |
246 | (Repealed by 256) |
247 | Adopts 1986 budget (Special) |
248 | (Rescinded by 253) |
249 | Disposition of abandoned vehicles (10.28) |
250 | Abatement of nuisances (Repealed by 362) |
250A | Amends Ord. 250, abatement of nuisances (Repealed by 362) |
251 | (Withdrawn) |
252 | (Withdrawn) |
253 | (Not sent) |
254 | (Not sent) |
255 | Provides for the emergency restriction and allocation of new water meter installations (Repealed by 362) |
256 | Provides for regulation of town water department; repeals Ords. 14, 188, 191, 192, 207, 233 and 246 (Repealed by 321) |
6/28/88 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 256, water rates and charges (Repealed by 321) |
257 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
258 | Regulation and taxation of certain games and coin-operated amusement devices (5.08) |
259 | Establishes rules, regulations and garbage rates; repeals Ord. 235 (Repealed by 296) |
260 | Adopts 1987 budget (Special) |
261 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule for town (Special) |
262 | Amends § 6[4] of Ord. 258, repeal of excise tax on coin-operated devices (5.08) |
263 | Budget amendment (Special) |
264 | Franchise grant to US Sprint Communications Co. (Special) |
265 | (Repealed by 282) |
266 | Regulations governing the use of off-road vehicles (Repealed by 362) |
267 | Creates town planning commission; prescribes commission’s duties, authority and procedure (2.16) |
268 | Bond issue to finance additions to town waterworks utility (Special) |
269 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
270 | Authorizes transfer of budget funds (Special) |
271 | (Rescinded by 278) |
272 | Adopts 1988 budget (Special) |
273 | Adopts system of registration of bonds and obligations of town (3.24) |
274 | Authorizes issuance and sale of a water revenue bond anticipation note (Special) |
275 | (Rescinded) |
276 | Employee regulations and benefits; repeals Ord. 220 (Repealed by 362) |
10/25/88 | Amend § 5 of Ord. 276, employee regulations and benefits (Repealed by 362) |
277 | Adds additional right-of-way to certain streets (Special) |
278 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule for town (Repealed by 291) |
279 | Changes number of pay periods for town employees (3.04) |
280 | Regulation and licensing of public dances and dance halls in town (5.12) |
281 | Imposes business and occupation tax (3.20) |
282 | Authorizes salary payment; repeals Ord. 265 (Special) |
283 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic ordinance; incorporates Washington Criminal Code; repeals Ord. 204 (Not codified) |
284 | Authorizes extension of maturity date of water revenue bond anticipation note (Special) |
285 | Authorizes mayor to issue emergency proclamations (Repealed by 362) |
286 | Rules and regulations for vacation, leave and health insurance for town employees (Repealed by 362) |
287 | Establishes town auditing committee; repeals § 5 of Ord. 278 (Repealed by 428) |
288 | Limits flow of traffic on Minnesota Street; repeals Res. 151 (10.12) |
289 | (Not passed) |
290 | Adopts 1990 budget (Special) |
291 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule; repeals Ord. 278 (Rescinded by 302) |
292 | Drug-related loitering (9.16) |
293 | Provides for issuance of water revenue bonds to finance improvement of town waterworks utility (Special) |
294 | Adopts Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 349) |
295 | Budget amendment (Special) |
296 | Rates for the collection and disposal of waste materials; repeals Ord. 259 (Repealed by 356) |
297 | Regulations for the keeping of livestock and dogs; repeals Ord. 243 (6.04) |
9/24/91 | Repeals and replaces § II(c) of Ord. 297, livestock and dogs (6.04) |
298 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
299 | Revised 1990 budget (Special) |
300 | (Not sent) |
11/27/90 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 288, weight limits (10.12) |
301 | Adopts 1991 budget (Special) |
302 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule for town; rescinds Ord. 291 (Repealed by 311) |
7/23/91 | Amends Ord. 302, salaries (Repealed by 311) |
303 | Prohibits stopping, standing or parking of vehicle on portions of Binghampton Street (10.20) |
304 | Annexation (Special) |
305 | Prohibits certain acts in town parks (12.12) |
306 | Amends comprehensive zoning regulations for town; repeals Ord. 115 (Repealed by 368) |
3/22/94 | Amends Ord. 306, commercial food services (Repealed by 368) |
307 | Adopts revised 1991 budget (Special) |
308 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
309 | Rules and regulations for vacation, leave and health insurance for town employees (Repealed by 362) |
310 | Adopts 1992 budget (Special) |
311 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule for town; repeals Ord. 302 (Repealed by 323) |
312 | Interim resource lands and critical areas protection (Repealed by 548) |
313 | Establishes emergency management organization for town (Repealed by 362) |
314 | Adopts personnel policies and procedures manual (2.20) |
315 | Provides for two regular meetings of town council per month (Repealed by 354) |
316 | Annexation—Tietjen (Special) |
317 | Bans discharge of fireworks (Repealed by 325) |
318 | Imposes mandatory outdoor water restrictions (Expired) |
319 | Interlocal cooperative agreement for Thurston County emergency management (Decodified by 589) |
320 | Enhanced 911 (E911) service (8.04) |
321 | Provides for regulation of town water department; establishes consumer water rates; repeals Ord. 256 (Repealed by 348) |
322 | Adopts 1993 budget (Special) |
323 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule for town; repeals Ord. 311 (Repealed by 328) |
324 | Budget amendment (Special) |
6/14/93 | Amends amount of time before town water bills become delinquent; abolishes late charge (Repealed by 348) |
325 | Restricts sale and use of fireworks; repeals Ord. 317 (8.24) |
326 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
327 | Adopts 1994 budget (Special) |
328 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule for town; repeals Ord. 323 (Rescinded by 352) |
329 | Rules and regulations for vacation, leave and health insurance for town employees (Repealed by 362) |
330 | Budget amendment (Special) |
331 | Recreational vehicle and trailer parking and storage regulations (10.32) |
332 | Noncommercial nuisances (8.12) |
333 | (Not sent) |
334 | Nuisance abatement (8.12) |
335 | Preliminary land divisions (Repealed by 548) |
336 | Final land divisions (Repealed by 548) |
337 | Binding site plans (Repealed by 548) |
338 | Provides definitions applicable to terms used in Ords. 335, 336 and 337, land divisions and binding site plans (Repealed by 548) |
339 | Environmental policy (Repealed by 548) |
340 | Adopts Thurston County Drainage Design and Control manual (12.08) |
341 | Adopts Thurston County road construction standards (12.04) |
342 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic ordinance; repeals Ord. 204 (10.04) |
343 | Off-highway vehicles (10.24) |
344 | Discharge and display of firearms (9.24) |
345 | Disorderly conduct (9.08) |
346 | Exempts town from state provisions on carrying of firearms (9.04) |
347 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
348 | Provides for regulation of town water department; repeals Ord. 321 (Repealed by 503) |
349 | Adopts Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 362) |
350 | Adopts 1995 budget (Special) |
351 | Rules and regulations for vacation, leave and health insurance for town employees (Repealed by 589) |
352 | Establishes maximum hourly and monthly salary rates and maximum fee schedule for town; rescinds Ord. 328 (Special) |
353 | Business license and regulations; repeals Ord. 199 (Repealed by 517) |
Undated | Amends Ord. 353, business licenses (Repealed by 517) |
354 | Town council meetings; repeals Ord. 315 (2.04) |
355 | Driving under the influence (Repealed by 453) |
Res. 193 | Rules and regulations for issuance of business license (Repealed by 517) |
356 | Garbage collection rates; repeals Ord. 296 (Repealed by 363) |
357 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
358 | Creates sewer fund (Special) |
359 | Annexation (Special) |
360 | Exchange of confidential tax information between town and state (Repealed by 364) |
361 | Parking (10.16) |
362 | Amends Ords. 185, 225, 232, 254, 280, 283, 292, 334 and 353; repeals Ords. 6, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 34, 39, 106, 107, 118, 122, 168, 181, 182, 220, 236, 240, 250, 250A, 255, 266, 276, 285, 286, 309, 313, 329 and 349 (1.04, 2.32, 5.12, 8.12, 8.28, 9.16) |
363 | Garbage collection rates; repeals Ord. 356 (Repealed by 502) |
364 | Exchange of confidential tax information between town and state; repeals Ord. 360 (3.08) |
365 | Amends §§ 6 and 7 of Ord. 335, preliminary land divisions (Repealed by 548) |
366 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
367 | Adopts 1996 budget (Special) |
368 | Adopts concurrency management provisions, vesting of development rights provisions, and zoning provisions; adds §§ 5.5, 22 and 23 to Ord. 339; amends Ord. 312 to make it permanent; repeals and replaces § 15(D)(3) of Ord. 339; repeals Ord. 306 (Repealed by 548) |
369 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
370 | General penalty (1.08) |
371 | Amends §§ 3, 4 and 5 of Ord. 355, driving under the influence (Repealed by 453) |
372 | Adopts Washington Criminal Code (9.04) |
373 | Municipal Code adopted (1.01) |
374 | General parking prohibitions (10.16) |
375 | Mobile home age (Special) |
376 | Mobile home width specifications (Special) |
377 | Tax estimate for revenue for fiscal year 1997 (Special) |
378 | Budget for fiscal year 1997 adopted (Special) |
379 | Establishes sewer fund (Special) |
380 | Truck and commercial vehicle parking provisions (1.04, 10.16) |
381 | Model Stormwater Maintenance Ordinance (Not codified) |
382 | Model Stormwater Management Ordinance (Not codified) |
383 | Estimates revenue to be raised by ad valorem taxes for fiscal year 1998 (Special) |
384 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1998 (Special) |
385 | (Rescinded) |
386 | Establishes audit committee appointment provisions (3.28) |
387 | Annexation (Special) |
388 | Annexes certain property (Special) |
389 | Approval of subdivisions (Repealed by 548) |
390 | Annexes certain property (Special) |
391 | Annexes certain property (Special) |
392 | Zoning (Repealed by 548) |
393 | Zoning (Repealed by 548) |
394 | Adopts wireless communication facility regulations (15.16) |
395 | Establishes closing time for parks (12.12) |
396 | Establishes animal control regulations (6.04) |
397 | Annexes certain property (Special) |
398 | Annexes certain property (Special) |
399 | Establishes moratorium on permits for wireless communication facilities (Special) |
400 | Adopts Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual (2.20) |
401 | Estimates revenue raised by general levy (Special) |
402 | Establishes right-of-entry provisions (1.04) |
403 | Amends fiscal year 1998 budget (Special) |
404 | Adopts fiscal year 1999 budget (Special) |
405 | Establishes flood damage prevention provisions (Repealed by 576) |
406 | Moratorium extension on wireless communication facilities permits (Special) |
407 | Annexes certain property (Special) |
408 | Regulates use of streets and other public rights-of-way for cable franchises (Special) |
409 | Establishes fee schedule for public streets and rights-of-way for franchises (Special) |
410 | Authorizes temporary permit issuance (Special) |
411 | (Not codified) |
412 | Increases business and occupation tax (Repealed by Ord. 414) |
413 | Amends business licenses and regulations (Repealed by 517) |
414 | Exempts certain business from tax increase (3.20) |
415 | Amends ordinance 413 (Repealed by 517) |
416 | Estimates revenue from ad valorem taxes (Special) |
417 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2000 (Special) |
418 | Prescribes utility services rates (Repealed by 503) |
419 | Prescribes utility services rates (Repealed by 502) |
420 | Prescribes sewer rates (13.08) |
421 | Easement of certain streets (Special) |
422 | Franchises granted to Y com Networks telecommunications (Special) |
423 | Zoning (Repealed by 548) |
424 | Annexes certain property, amends ordinance 388 (Special) |
425 | Amends Ord. 397, annexation (Special) |
426 | Annexation of certain property (Special) |
427 | Annexation of certain property (Special) |
428 | Establishes audit committee regulations (3.28) |
429 | (Not codified) |
430 | Readopts Ord. 418 (Repealed by 503) |
431 | Readopts Ord. 419 (Repealed by 502) |
432 | Readopts Ord. 420 (Special) |
433 | Establishes water service rates (Repealed by 503) |
434 | Garbage collection and disposal rates (Repealed by 502) |
435 | Estimates revenue from ad valorem taxes (Special) |
436 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2001 (Special) |
437 | Adopts nuisance regulations (8.12) |
438 | Abates unsafe or unfit dwellings, buildings, structures and premises (15.04) |
439 | Establishes animal control provisions (6.04) |
440 | Adopts newly revised personnel policies and procedures manual (2.20) |
441 | Establishes building inspector position (Repealed by 589) |
442 | Enacts moratorium for mini casino permits (Special) |
443 | Reenacts § 5.04.040 of the municipal code (Repealed by 517) |
444 | Revises business license fees (Repealed by 517) |
445 | Revises billing, collection and enforcement provisions for water service systems (Repealed by 503) |
446 | Revises collection agency for collection of public debts (1.04) |
447 | Grants cable TV franchise to Puget Sound (Special) |
448 | Adopts non-charter code for city (Special) |
449 | Provides meeting time and location for town council meetings (2.04) |
450 | Amends Ord. 447 relating to cable TV franchise (Special) |
451 | Estimates revenue to be raised by ad valorem taxes (Special) |
452 | Provides for confirmation of city appointees and employees by the city council (Special) |
453 | Revises traffic provisions (10.04) |
454 | Revises billing provisions for water service system (Repealed by 503) |
455 | Authorizes payment of claims out of solvent funds by check (Special) |
456 | Adopts budget for fiscal year end 2002 (Special) |
457 | Provides limitations and reservation of connections to water system (Special) |
458 | Estimates revenue for ad valorem taxes (Special) |
459 | Provides for a first time adjustment to a customer’s water billing (Repealed by 503) |
460 | Approves subdivision (Repealed by 548) |
461 | Authorizes court services and compensation extension (Repealed by 507) |
462 | Renames planning commission (2.16) |
463 | Provides for continuance of contracting for city attorney’s services (Repealed by 549) |
464 | (Not sent) |
465 | Designates public posting location (1.04) |
466 | Adopts moratorium on acceptance of applications for and issuance of any permit, variance, license or approval for adult entertainment (Special) |
467 | Adds alternative civil penalties for violations (Special) |
468 | Provides civil penalties (1.08) |
469 | Adopts extension on moratorium (Special) |
470 | Revises provisions for nuisances abatement (8.12) |
471 | Adopts parks and recreation board (Repealed by 715) |
472 | Adopts arts commission (2.19) |
473 | Adopts regulations on naming of parks and facilities (Repealed by 589) |
474 | (Not sent) |
475 | Revises powers of initiative and referendum (1.12) |
476 | Adds farmer’s market regulations (5.06) |
477 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
478 | Amends Ord. 368, development regulations (Repealed by 548) |
479 | Amends Ord. 368, development regulations (Repealed by 548) |
480 | Gambling activities (9.28) |
481 | Amends Ord. 479, development regulations (Repealed by 548) |
482 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
483 | Missing |
484 | Missing |
485 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
486 | Amends Ord. 457, reserving water connections (Special) |
487 | Provides water and garbage penalty relief for dependents of armed forces members during the Iraq war (Special) |
488 | Amends §§ 10.12.010 and 10.12.020, weight limits (10.12) |
489 | Amends § 13.04.040, water service installation charges (Repealed by 503) |
490 | Establishes water storage capital facilities fund (Repealed by 529) |
491 | Adds sections to Ch. 6.04; amends §§ 6.04.020, 6.04.030, 6.04.040, 6.04.110, 6.04.130 and 6.04.140, animals (6.04) |
492 | Adds §§ 10.16.046, 10.16.047, 10.16.048, 10.16.049, 10.16.0491, 10.16.0492, 10.16.0493, 10.16.0494, 10.16.0495, 10.16.0496, 10.16.0497, 10.16.0498 and 10.16.0499; amends §§ 10.04.010, 10.16.015, 10.16.020, 10.16.030, 10.16.040 and 10.16.045, parking (10.04, 10.16) |
493 | Missing |
494 | Street vacation (Special) |
495 | Charge cards (2.40) |
496 | (Number not used) |
497 | Municipal court administrator/clerk (Repealed by 507) |
498 | Amends Ord. 368, development regulations (Repealed by 548) |
499 | Amends §§ 8.08.020 and 8.08.030, garbage collection rates (Repealed by 502) |
500 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
501 | Clerk-treasurer (Repealed by 589) |
502 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.08, Ords. 363, 419 and 434, garbage collection and disposal (Repealed by 555) |
503 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.04, Ords. 348, 418, 430, 433, 445, 454, 459 and 489 (13.04) |
504 | Authorizes temporary interfund loan (Special) |
505 | Administration of city utility accounts (Special) |
506 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
507 | Interlocal agreement for court services; terminates municipal court; abolishes court positions; repeals Ch. 2.12 (Repealed by 617) |
508 | Salaries of elected officials (Not passed) |
509 | Approves interlocal agreement with Tenino for police services (Repealed by 617) |
510 | Annexation (Special) |
511 | Amends Ord. 422, franchise grant to YCOM Networks, Inc. (Special) |
512 | Adds §§ 10.16.075, 10.16.076 and 10.16.077, park and ride lot (10.16) |
513 | Amends Ord. 368, development regulations (Repealed by 548) |
514 | Amends comprehensive plan and joint plan with Thurston County for the Rainier urban growth area (Special) |
515 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
516 | Claims for damages (3.36) |
517 | Adds Ch. 5.06 [5.05]; repeals Ch. 5.04 and Ords. 413 and 415, business and occupation tax (5.05) |
518 | Adds Ch. 5.02; repeals Ch. 5.04 and Ords. 413 and 415, business licenses (5.02) |
519 | Amends § 5.06.050(A) [5.05.050(A)]; provides for a referendum, business and occupation tax (5.05) |
520 | Adds Ch. 5.07, business license fee and tax administration (5.07) |
521 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
522 | Adds Ch. 10.14, engine compression brakes (10.14) |
523 | Amends Ord. 480, gambling activities (9.28) |
524 | Motorized foot scooters (Repealed by 712) |
525 | Amends §§ 3.20.030, 3.20.040 and 3.20.080; provides for a referendum, utility taxes (3.20) |
526 | Non-motorized easement vacation (Special) |
527 | Annexation (Special) |
528 | Levies ad valorem taxes (Special) |
529 | Repeals and replaces Ord. 490, water storage capital facilities fund (Special) |
530 | Amends § 13.04.040(B), water service installation charges (13.04) |
531 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
532 | Amends §§ 8.08.020 and 8.08.030, garbage pickup fees (Repealed by 555) |
533 | Amends § 13.04.030, water service rates (13.04) |
534 | Establishes moratorium on reservation of water service connections (Expired) |
535 | Fee schedule (2.48) |
536 | Establishes moratorium on applications for certain subdivisions and commercial site plans (Special) |
537 | Parades and special events (12.20) |
538 | Rezone (Special) |
539 | Rezone (Special) |
540 | Rezone (Special) |
541 | Rezone (Special) |
542 | Adopts findings in support of moratorium on applications for certain subdivisions and commercial site plans (Special) |
543 | Extends moratorium on applications for certain subdivisions and commercial site plans (Special) |
544 | Annexation (Special) |
545 | 2007 tax levy (Special) |
546 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
547 | Approves final plat of Annalese Heights (Special) |
548 | Amends comprehensive plan; repeals Titles 16 and 17 and Ord. 368; repeals and replaces Title 18, development regulations (18.04, 18.08, 18.12, 18.16, 18.20, 18.24, 18.28, 18.32, 18.36, 18.40, 18.48, 18.52, 18.56, 18.60, 18.64, 18.68, 18.72, 18.76, 18.80, 18.84, 18.88, 18.92, 18.96, 18.144, 18.148, 18.152, 18.156, 18.160, 18.164, 18.168, 18.172, 18.176, 18.180) |
549 | Repeals § 2.08.040 (Repealer) |
550 | Approves Rainier Plaza preliminary subdivision (Special) |
551 | Annexation (Special) |
552 | Street vacation (Special) |
553 | Amends Ch. 5.06 [5.05], business and occupation tax (5.05) |
554 | Amends Ch. 5.07, business license fee and tax administration (5.07) |
555 | Adds Ch. 8.09; repeals Ch. 8.08, garbage and solid waste (8.09) |
556 | Levies ad valorem property (Special) |
557 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
558 | Amends §§ 18B.10.100(B), 18E.40.040, and Tables 18A-1, 18B.20-3 and 18B.20-11, zoning (18.32, 18.40, 18.148) |
559 | Amends § 13.04.040, water service installation charges (13.04) |
560 | Amends water storage capital facilities fund (Special) |
561 | Annexation (Special) |
562 | Amends §§ 6.04.020, 6.04.040, 6.04.110, 6.04.130, 6.04.140 and §§ 4 and 5 of Ord. 491, animals (6.04) |
563 | Amends § 13.04.030, water service charges (13.04) |
564 | Amends §§ 5.06.030 [5.05.030], 5.07.015, 5.07.100, 5.07.110 and 5.07.230, business and occupation tax (5.05, 5.07) |
565 | Street vacation (Special) |
566 | Amends §§ 6.04.020 and 6.04.130, animals (6.04) |
567 | Final plat approval (Special) |
568 | Adds Ch. 12.06, classification of public streets (12.06) |
569 | Adds new section to Ch. 3.12, additional real estate excise tax (3.12) |
570 | Adds Ch. 2.09, city administrator (2.09) |
571 | Approves final plat of Crimson Oaks (Special) |
572 | 2009 property tax (Special) |
573 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
574 | Salaries of city officials (Special) |
575 | Amends §§ 18.20.040, 18.20.060, 18.20.200, 18.20.220, 18.40.090(K), (L) and (N), 18.40.100(CC), 18.40.110(B), (N) and (R), 18.50.020(H), 18.50.070(B), 18B.10.010, 18B.10.090(A), 18B.30.070(D), 18B.30.080(E), 18B.30.100(D), 18B.30.115(A), 18B.40.040(C), 18B.40.100(E), 18C.30.020(B), 18C.30.040(A), 18C.70.020(D), 18D.10.060, 18D.10.070(F), 18D.20.040, 18D.20.060(D), 18D.30.070 App. A, 18D.40.050(E), 18D.40.060(B), 18D.50.050, 18D.70.040, 18D.70.050, 18D.80.020(C), 18D.80.050, 18D.80.060 App. A, 18D.110.010, 18E.10.025, 18E.10.040, 18E.30.040, 18E.40.040(B), 18E.50.020, 18E.60.030 and 18E.70.040, zoning (18.08, 18.16, 18.20, 18.40, 18.48, 18.64, 18.80, 18.144, 18.148, 18.152, 18.156, 18.160) |
576 | Adds § 2.16.200; amends §§ 2.16.010, 2.16.050, 18.50.080, 18D.10.085, 18D.20.050 and Table 18.40-1; repeals Ch. 8.32, land use and development, variances (2.16, 18.16, 18.20) |
577 | Amends § 8.09.100, garbage collection (8.09) |
578 | Dedication of utility easement (Special) |
579 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 574, salaries of city officials (Special) |
580 | Condemnation of water line easement (Special) |
581 | Amends § 8.09.040, garbage collection (8.09) |
582 | Authorizes issuance and sale of a water revenue bond anticipation note (Special) |
583 | 2010 property tax (Special) |
584 | Amends §§ 10.12.010 and 10.12.020, weight limits (10.12) |
585 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
586 | Amends § 13.04.030, water service charges (13.04) |
587 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
588 | Adds Ch. 15.05, building code (15.05) |
589 | Amends §§ 2.08.020, 2.08.030, 2.08.050 and 2.20.010; decodifies Ch. 2.24; repeals § 2.08.010, Ch. 2.18, §§ 2.20.020 through 2.20.120, and Chs. 2.36 and 2.441, personnel and appointed officials and bodies (2.08, 2.20) |
590 | Adds Ch. 15.20, cross-connections (15.20) |
591 | 2011 property tax (Special) |
592 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
593 | Amends Ord. 544, annexation (Special) |
594 | Amends §§ 18.08.190 and 18.48.150, zoning (18.08) |
595 | Moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
596 | Water revenue bond (Special) |
597 | Moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
598 | Adds § 18.48.130, signs (18.48) |
599 | Adds §§ 18.52.120 and 18.52.130; amends §§ 18.08.050, 18.08.080, 18.40.080, 18.40.100, 18.40.120, 18.44.050(C) and (D), 18.44.060(C), 18.44.070(C), 18.44.080(B) and (C), and 18.44.100(B) and (C), electric vehicle regulations (18.08, 18.40) |
600 | Donation of real property (Special) |
601 | Amends § 13.04.040, water meter installation charges (13.04) |
602 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
603 | 2012 property tax (Special) |
604 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
605 | Amends § 12.06.080, street closures (12.06) |
606 | Amends §§ 5.02.130, 5.07.210, 5.07.220, 5.08.090 and 5.12.090, business licenses and regulations (5.02, 5.07, 5.08, 5.12) |
607 | Adds Ch. 9.32, underage gatherings (9.32) |
608 | Amends § 8.24.010, fireworks (8.24) |
609 | Amends § 15.05.020, building code (15.05) |
610 | Amends zoning map and §§ 18.08.070, 18.08.160, 18.08.170, 18.08.210, 18.08.220, 18.08.240, Ch. 18.40 and § 18.48.030; repeals Ch. 18.44, zoning (18.08, 18.40, 18.48) |
611 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
612 | Amends §§ 13.04.050 and 13.04.070, water service system (13.04) |
613 | Amends §§ 5.05.030, 5.05.050, 5.05.070, 5.05.075, 5.05.077, 5.05.078, 5.05.090, 5.05.100, 5.07.020, 5.07.040, 5.07.090, 5.07.100 and 5.07.200; repeals § 5.05.060, business and occupation tax (5.05, 5.07) |
614 | 2013 property tax (Special) |
615 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
616 | Amends §§ 18.20.060(C), 18.20.070(D), 18.40.070, 18.48.070(B), 18.48.130(I) and (O), 18.52.120, 18.52.130 and 18.164.030(C), zoning (18.20, 18.48, 18.164) |
617 | Repeals Ords. 507 and 509, police and court services (Repealer) |
618 | Amends Chs. 18.40, 18.148 and 18.156, development regulations (18.40, 18.148, 18.156) |
619 | 2014 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
620 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
621 | Adds § 1.01.080, city authority to take action (1.01) |
622 | Amends § 18.40.070, development standards for land use zones (Repealed by 665) |
623 | Expands Rainier urban growth area (Special) |
624 | Adds § 9.04.030, marijuana prohibited (9.04) |
625 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
626 | 2015 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
627 | Telecommunications franchise grant (Special) |
628 | Telecommunications franchise grant (Special) |
629 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
630 | Amends Ch. 8.24, fireworks (8.24) |
631 | Amends § 18.48.060, outdoor storage and storage containers (Repealed by 665) |
632 | Amends Ch. 8.12, nuisances (8.12) |
633 | Adds Ch. 2.52, administrative appeals (2.52) |
634 | Amends §§ 15.04.010, 15.04.016, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.040, 15.04.060, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.110, 15.04.120 and 15.04.130, abatement of dangerous buildings (15.04) |
635 | Amends § 18.12.130, enforcement (18.12) |
636 | Amends § 2.48.010, fee schedule; repeals Res. 478 (2.48) |
637 | Amends §§ 12.16.010, 12.16.040, 12.16.050, 12.16.080, 12.16.090 and 12.16.100, stormwater management (12.16) |
638 | Annexation (Special) |
639 | 2016 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
640 | Adds §§ 3.20.015, 3.20.035, 3.20.120, 3.20.130, 3.20.140, 3.20.150 and 3.20.160; amends §§ 3.20.010, 3.20.020, 3.20.030, 3.20.040, 3.20.050, 3.20.060, 3.20.070, 3.20.080, 3.20.090, 3.20.100 and 3.20.110, utility taxes (3.20) |
641 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
642 | Amends § 13.04.030, water rate schedule (13.04) |
643 | Cable system franchise grant (Special) |
644 | Cable system franchise grant (Special) |
645 | Amends §§ 10.12.010 and 10.12.020, weight restrictions; repeals Res. 489 (10.12) |
646 | Grants final plat approval (Special) |
647 | Amends §§ 8.16.010 and 8.16.020, noise (8.16) |
648 | Amends §§ 18.08.050 and 18.124.020, flood hazard areas (18.08, 18.100, 18.110) |
649 | Amends § 18.48.130, signs (18.48) |
650 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
651 | 2017 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
652 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
653 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
654 | Grants final plat approval (Special) |
655 | Gas and energy franchise grant (Special) |
656 | Adds Ch. 15.24, fire impact fees (Repealed by 661) |
657 | Approves Rainier Heights subdivision preliminary plat (Special) |
658 | Approves Rainier Ridge subdivision preliminary plat (Special) |
659 | Adds § 18.48.114; amends §§ 18.08.040, 18.08.050, 18.08.060, 18.08.080, 18.08.090, 18.08.100, 18.08.110, 18.08.120, 18.08.150, 18.08.160, 18.08.170, 18.08.260 and Div. 5 of Title 18, critical areas and natural resource lands (18.08, 18.48, 18.100, 18.110) |
660 | Fiber optic communications system franchise grant (Special) |
661 | Repeals Ord. 656, fire impact fees (Repealer) |
662 | Amends §§ 9.32.010 and 9.32.030, underage gatherings (9.32) |
663 | Approves variance (Special) |
664 | Adds §§ 2.08.031, 2.08.032, 2.08.033, 2.09.060 and 2.09.070; amends § 2.09.010, administration and personnel (2.08, 2.09) |
665 | Adds Chs. 18.41, 18.42, 18.43, 18.44, 18.45 and 18.46; amends §§ 18.08.040, 18.08.050, 18.08.060, 18.08.070, 18.08.080, 18.08.090, 18.08.100, 18.08.110, 18.08.120, 18.08.150, 18.08.160, 18.08.170, 18.08.180, 18.08.190, 18.08.210, 18.08.220, 18.08.230, 18.08.240, 18.08.250, 18.08.260 and 18.08.280; repeals §§ 18.20.070, 18.40.010, 18.40.020, 18.40.030, 18.40.060, 18.40.070, 18.48.060, 18.48.080, 18.48.090, 18.48.150, 18.52.020, 18.52.040, 18.52.050, 18.52.060, 18.52.070, 18.52.080, 18.52.090, 18.52.100, 18.52.110, 18.52.120 and 18.52.130, development regulations (18.08, 18.41, 18.42, 18.43, 18.44, 18.45, 18.46) |
666 | 2018 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
667 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
668 | Rezone (Special) |
669 | Adds Ch. 15.24, fire impact fees (15.24) |
670 | Approves Rainier Heights subdivision final plat (Special) |
671 | Adds § 3.32.050, fire impact fee fund (3.32) |
672 | Approves Rainier Ridge subdivision final plat (Special) |
673 | Amends §§ 5.02.070, 5.05.030, 5.05.090, 5.07.040 and 5.07.160, business licenses and regulations (5.02, 5.05, 5.07) |
674 | Approves Middleton Ridge subdivision preliminary plat (Special) |
675 | Street vacation (Special) |
676 | 2019 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
677 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
678 | Amends §§ 13.04.030 and 13.04.060, water service system (13.04) |
679 | Amends §§ 5.02.070 and 5.05.030, business licenses and regulations (5.02, 5.05) |
680 | Approves Middleton Ridge subdivision final plat (Special) |
681 | Interim provisions amending §§ 18.44.070(H) and 18.44.090(C), bark yards (Expired) |
682 | Amends §§ 6.04.020 and 6.04.045, animal control (6.04) |
683 | Amends §§ 5.05.077, 5.05.090 and 5.07.040, model business and occupation tax (5.05, 5.07) |
684 | 2020 property tax (Special) |
685 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
686 | Extends Ord. 681, bark yards (Expired) |
687 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
688 | Amends § 3.08.010, tax information agents (3.08) |
689 | Amends §§ 18.42.020, 18.42.040, 18.44.010, 18.44.070, 18.44.090 and 18.45.020, zoning (18.42, 18.44, 18.45) |
690 | Amends § 18.48.100; repeals § 18.48.120, landscaping standards (18.48) |
691 | Amends §§ 5.02.010, 5.02.020, 5.02.040, 5.02.060, 5.02.070, 5.02.100, 5.02.110, 5.02.120, 5.06.030 and 5.12.020; recodifies § 5.02.030 and part of § 5.02.010 as Ch. 5.03; repeals §§ 5.02.050 and 5.07.030, business licenses and regulations (5.02, 5.03, 5.06, 5.12) |
692 | Amends § 5.05.030, business and occupation tax definitions (5.05) |
693 | 2021 tax levy (Special) |
694 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
695 | Amends Ord. 643, cable system franchise grant (Special) |
696 | Adds § 8.09.070, Thurston County solid waste handling designated (8.09) |
697 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
698 | Salaries of city officials (Special) |
699 | Approves preliminary plat (Special) |
700 | Adds § 8.24.040, fireworks (8.24) |
701 | Amends § 2.48.010, fee schedule (Not codified) |
702 | 2022 tax levy (Special) |
703 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
704 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
705 | Cable system franchise grant (Special) |
706 | Amends § 2.48.010, fee schedule (2.48) |
707 | Amends § 2.48.010(F), fee schedule (2.48) |
708 | Amends § 2.48.010(F), fee schedule (2.48) |
709 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
710 | Amends [adds] § 2.08.040, city attorney (2.08) |
711 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
712 | Repeals Ch. 10.36, motorized foot scooters (Repealer) |
713 | Adds Ch. 2.18, naming of parks and public facilities (2.18) |
714 | Renacts Ord. 589, §§ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, personnel and appointed officials and bodies (2.08, 2.20) |
715 | Repeals Chs. 2.17 and 2.28, parks and recreation board and police civil service system (Repealer) |
716 | 2023 tax levy (Special) |
717 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
718 | Franchise agreement (Special) |
719 | 2024 tax levy (Special) |
720 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
721 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
722 | Amends § 10.32.020, recreational vehicles and trailers (10.32) |
723 | Adds § 6.04.160; amends § 6.04.083, livestock (6.04) |
Code reviser’s note: Section 8 of Ord. 589 provides that the repeal of Ch. 2.44 “shall in no way effect the current term of office or conditions, employment, of any existing employee.”