Ordinance Table
This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Not codified” indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). “Special” means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation).
Ord. |
Disposition |
4-5-1878 | Nuisances within Winnemucca (Repealed by 3-24-97) |
6-5-1912 | Disinterring dead bodies (8.24) |
12-2-1912 | Speed limits within Paradise City (Not codified) |
5-6-1913 | Storing explosives within National (8.16) |
5-6-1913 | Dogs running at large within Paradise City (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-8-1913 | Speed limits within Paradise City (Not codified) |
1-6-1915 | Slot machine licensing; repeals Ord. 12 dated 7-8-13 (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-6-1915 | Law libraries (2.28) |
5-6-1915 | Dogs running at large (Repealed by 9-6-16) |
5-10-1915 | Livestock running at large within Golconda (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-6-1915 | Wolf bounties (Not codified) |
1-17-1916 | Wolf bounties (Not codified) |
1-17-1916 | Wolf bounties (Not codified) |
Ord. 22 adopted | (Missing) |
8-14-1916 | Nuisances within Winnemucca (Repealed by 3-24-97) |
8-14-1916 | Board of health (2.12) |
9-6-1916 | Repeals Ord. 5-6-15, dogs running at large (Repealer) |
10-5-1916 | Traffic regulations for Paradise City (Not codified) |
5-7-1923 | Truck and vehicle regulations (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-5-31 | Speed limits (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-6-31 | Gambling licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-5-33 | Liquor licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-5-33 | Tent shows and circuses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-5-33 | Gambling licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-5-33 | Liquor licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-6-36 | Adds § 4a to Ord. 12-5-33, liquor licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
1-5-42 | Wartime blackout regulations (8.20) |
2-5-48 | Speed limits (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-6-51 | |
8-6-51 | Throwing lighted material (8.08) |
7-6-54 | Traffic regulations within McDermitt (Repealed 8-5-54) |
8-5-54 | Repeals Ord. 7-6-54, traffic regulations within McDermitt (Repealer) |
5-21-56 | Curfew for minors (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
5-25-56 | Assessments for McDermitt sanitary district (Repealed by 7-18-74C) |
5-6-57 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 5-25-56, assessments for McDermitt sanitary district (Repealed by 7-18-74C) |
6-20-57 | Regional planning commission (Repealed by 30.005 (10-5-65)) |
9-21-59 | Subdivisions (Title 16) |
8-20-63 | Land use (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-5-64 | Vacation and leave time for county personnel (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
5-20-64 | Alcoholic beverage prohibitions for minors (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-5-65 | Curfew for minors (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
30.005 (10-5-65) | Regional planning commission; repeals Ord. 6-20-57 (2.20) |
35 (5-5-65) | Business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
35.1 (6-28-65) | Business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
35.340 (4-20-66) | Room tax (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-5-67 | Misdemeanors (9.04) |
4-20-67 | Alcoholic beverage prohibitions for minors (9.08) |
10-20-67 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
12-5-67 | Land use classification zones (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-5-67A | Marriage licenses (3.24) |
12-20-67 | Marriage licenses (3.24) |
4-22-68-1 | Rezone (Special) |
4-22-68-2 | Building and construction regulations (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-22-68-3 | Initiates Orovada general improvement district (Special) |
10-21-68 | Rezone (Special) |
1-6-69-1 | Initiates Quinn River television maintenance improvement district (Repealed by 11-20-17) |
1-6-69-2 | Orovada general improvement district (Special) |
1-20-69 | Punishment for misdemeanors (1.08) |
7-22-69 | Motor vehicle fuel tax (3.20) |
8-20-69 | Amends §§ 700.020(9), 700.170, 700.180, 700.200, 700.210, 700.220, 700.230, 700.240, 700.270, 700.320 and 700.380, motor vehicle fuel tax (3.20) |
11-20-69 | Bond issuance (Special) |
12-22-69 | Rezone (Special) |
3-20-70 | Vehicle weight restrictions (Not codified) |
8-20-70 | Outdoor festivals (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-5-70 | Rezone (Special) |
4-5-71 | County commissioners meetings (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
5-6-71 | Rezone (Special) |
5-20-71-A | County-city relief tax (3.12) |
5-20-71-B | Emergency operations (8.20) |
8-5-71 | Utility tax (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-19-71 | Anti-rabies vaccination program (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-19-71 | Amends § 1(6) of Ord. 8-5-71, utility tax (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-21-71 | Curfew for minors (9.08) |
3-21-72 | Land use classification zones (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-21-72-A | Fire protection district (8.08) |
4-6-72 | Adds §§ 11A—11C to Ord. 9-21-59, subdivisions (Title 16) |
6-1-72 | Rezone (Special) |
8-17-72 | Salaries for election officials (Repealed by 7-11-74) |
1-4-73A | Adds § 9A and amends § 9 of Ord. 9-21-59, subdivisions (Title 16) |
1-4-73B | Amends Art. 9 of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-15-73 | Rezone (Special) |
5-3-73 | Rezone (Special) |
6-7-73 | Initiates Warmouth sewer district (Special) |
6-7-73-A | Amends Ord. 4-6-15, law libraries (2.28) |
6-21-73 | Adds provisions to and amends § 7 of Ord. 35.340 (4-20-66), room tax (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-2-73 | Initiates Humboldt County solid waste management district (Special) |
8-2-73-A | Creates Warmouth sewer district (13.28) |
8-30-73 | Rezone (Special) |
10-18-73-A | Building and construction regulations; adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-18-73-B | Signs; adopts Uniform Sign Code (Not codified) |
10-18-73-C | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-18-73-D | Adopts National Electrical Code (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-18-73-E | Gas service code (Repealed by 06-17-19) |
10-18-73-F | Moving buildings (15.12) |
10-18-73-G | Business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-4-74 | Placement of mobile homes in residential zones (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-4-74A-75 | Extends provisions of Ord. 4-4-74, placement of mobile homes in residential zones (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
5-2-74 | Adds § 19(A)(5) to Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
6-20-74 | Rezone (Special) |
7-7-75-A | Amends Art. 17 of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-11-74 | Repeals Ord. 8-17-72, salaries for election officials (Repealer) |
7-18-74-A | Rezone (Special) |
7-18-74-B | Amends Art. 10 of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-18-74-C | McDermitt sewer district regulations (Repealed by 7-20-09) |
11-11-74 | Amends Art. 11 of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-21-74 | Adds Art. 11(C) to Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-19-74 | Creates Humboldt County solid waste management district (13.12) |
2-20-75 | Amends § 1.5 of Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-24-75 | Adds §§ 7—10 to Ord. 7-19-73-A, Warmouth sewer district (13.28) |
7-7-75 | Repeals and replaces § 700.150 of Ord. 7-22-69, motor vehicle fuel tax (3.20) |
7-7-75A | Amends Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-21-75 | Rezone (Special) |
9-18-75 | Amends § 1.5 of Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-25-75 | Adds Art. 22 to and repeals Art. 5 § F of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-25-75-A | Adds Art. 22A to and amends Arts. 19 § A(4) and 20 § A(1) of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-25-75-B | Adds Art. 23 to Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-25-75-C | Repeals and replaces Art. 12 of and repeals Art. 13 of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-16-75 | Amends Ord. 9-21-59, subdivisions (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28, 16.32, 16.36, 16.40) |
1-8-76 | Open space assessments (3.08) |
2-5-76A | Adds Art. 15A to Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
2-5-76B | Adds Art. 16 to Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-1-76 | Rezone (Special) |
4-15-76 | Paradise Valley sewer district regulations (13.24) |
4-15-76A | Amends §§ 5.10 and 5.14 of Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
5-6-76 | Rezone (Special) |
5-6-76A | Rezone (Special) |
6-3-76 | Rezone (Special) |
6-3-76-A | Humboldt County television maintenance improvement district merger (Special) |
6-24-76 | Rezone (Special) |
8-19-76 | Rezone (Special) |
8-19-76-A | Television department (2.32) |
9-16-76 | Amends § 3(B) of Ord. 10-20-67, speed limits (10.04) |
10-21-76 | Adds § 8.9.5 to Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-18-76 | Rezone (Special) |
2-17-77 | Rezone (Special) |
3-17-77 | Rezone (Special) |
5-19-77 | Rezone (Special) |
8-4-77 | Building and construction regulations; adopts Uniform Building Code, 1976 edition (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-18-77 | Personnel regulations (2.36) |
9-15-77 | Amends Art. 11 § C of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-3-77 | Adds Art. 20 to Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-3-77A | Amends Ord. 8-2-73A, Warmouth sewer district (13.28) |
12-1-77 | Adds Art. 24 to Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-15-77 | Rezone (Special) |
1-5-78 | Rezone (Special) |
1-19-78 | Rezone (Special) |
2-16-78 | Amends Art. 20 § D(2) of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
2-16-78A | Rezone (Special) |
2.16-78B | Rezone (Special) |
2-16-78C | Rezone (Special) |
2-16-78D | Rezone (Special) |
2-16-78E | Rezone (Special) |
2-16-78F | Rezone (Special) |
2-16-78G | Rezone (Special) |
3-22-78 | Rezone (Special) |
4-6-78 | Amends Art. 11 of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-20-78 | Dogs (6.04) |
4-20-78A | Rezone (Special) |
4-20-78B | Rezone (Special) |
6-1-78 | Rezone (Special) |
6-1-78A | Amends Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-17-78 | Rezone (Special) |
8-17-78A | Rezone (Special) |
8-17-78B | Rezone (Special) |
9-7-78 | Amends Arts. 15A, 16, 16A, 17 and 17A of Ord. 8-20-63, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-7-78A | Adds § 2.6 to Ord. 10-18-73-A, building and construction regulations (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-5-78 | Amends Art. 9 of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-5-78A | Amends Art. 8 § I of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-5-78B | Amends Art. 29 § B of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-5-78C | Rezone (Special) |
10-19-78 | Adds Art. 17A to Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-19-78A | Adds Art. 17B to Ord. 6-1-78, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-19-78B | County approval for decisions relating to public lands (Not codified) |
11-13-78 | Initiates Orovada water district (Special) |
11-13-78A | Rezone (Special) |
11-13-78B | Amends Art. 24 § B(2) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-13-78C | Rezone (Special) |
12-8-78 | Rezone (Special) |
12-8-78A | Amends Art. 10 of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-8-78B | Amends Art. 29 of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-21-78 | Abandonment of subdivisions (16.08) |
12-21-78A | Adds Arts. 20 § A(8), 22 § A(1)(c), 25 § A(6), 27 § A(5) and 29 § C(2)(a) and amends Art. 21 § A(5) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-21-78B | Creates Orovada water district (13.08) |
12-21-78C | Building and construction regulations; adopts technical building codes (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
2-15-79 | Rezone (Special) |
4-11-79 | Adds Art. 17 § A(1) to Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-11-79A | Rezone (Special) |
4-11-79B | Rezone (Special) |
4-19-79 | Rezone (Special) |
4-19-79A | Rezone (Special) |
4-19-79B | Rezone (Special) |
5-10-79 | Night hunting (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-12-79 | Rezone (Special) |
7-12-79A | Rezone (Special) |
8-2-79 | Amends Art. 17 § 1(E) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-13-79 | Sewer service regulations (13.16) |
9-27-79 | Rezone (Special) |
9-27-79A | Rezone (Special) |
9-27-79B | Rezone (Special) |
10-18-79 | Building numbering (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-15-79 | Adds Art. 16A to Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-20-79 | Rezone (Special) |
2-7-80 | Initiates Orovada cemetery district (Special) |
3-20-80 | Creates Orovada cemetery district (12.12) |
3-20-80A | Adds Art. 29 to Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
5-15-80 | Rezone (Special) |
6-5-80 | Amends § 13 of Ord. 35.340, room tax (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
6-5-80A | Initiates Paradise Valley general improvement district (Special) |
6-26-80 | Prostitution and adult businesses (5.08) |
7-17-80 | Rezone (Special) |
7-17-80A | Rezone (Special) |
8-7-80 | Rezone (Special) |
9-4-80 | Adds Art. 10A to and amends Arts. 10 §§ A(3)(b) and B(5)(b) and 11 § E(2) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-4-80A | Initiates Paradise Valley general improvement district (Special) |
9-18-80 | Adds Art. 26A to Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-6-80 | Business license fees (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-7-80 | Rezone (Special) |
12-4-80 | Rezone (Special) |
12-4-80A | Rezone (Special) |
12-18-80 | Building and construction regulations; adopts technical building codes (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
2-9-81 | Rezone (Special) |
2-9-81A | Amends Art. 28 § D of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
2-9-81B | Rezone (Special) |
2-9-81C | Rezone (Special) |
2-23-81 | Rezone (Special) |
2-23-81A | Rezone (Special) |
2-23-81B | Rezone (Special) |
3-9-81 | Board of commissioners meetings (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-9-81A | Amends § 10 of Ord. 4-20-78, dogs (6.04) |
3-30-81 | Parking and occupation of recreational vehicles (8.28) |
3-30-81A | Rezone (Special) |
4-23-81 | Data processing committee (Not codified) |
4-23-81A | Business licenses fees (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-23-81B | Rezone (Special) |
4-30-81 | Amends Ord. 5-20-71A, city-county relief tax (3.12) |
5-11-81 | Board of commissioners meetings (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
5-11-81A | Amends § 3(B) of Ord. 10-20-67, speed limits (10.04) |
5-18-81 | Amends §§ 700.020(3), 700.030 and 700.060 of Ord. 7-22-69, regional transportation commission (3.20) |
6-10-81 | Rezone (Special) |
6-22-81 | Rezone (Special) |
6-22-81A | Rezone (Special) |
7-13-81 | Rezone (Special) |
8-10-81 | Rezone (Special) |
8-10-81A | Rezone (Special) |
8-10-81B | Adds Art. 10A to and amends Arts. 10 §§ A(3)(b) and B(5)(b) and II § E(2) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-14-81 | Welfare and indigent services program (Not codified) |
9-14-81A | Rezone (Special) |
9-14-81B | Repeals §§ 4 and 5 of Ord. 2-9-81, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-16-81 | Rezone (Special) |
11-9-81 | Amends Arts. 21 § A(3), 27 § B and 29 § D(1) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-9-81A | Amends Ord. 4-5-67, misdemeanors (9.04) |
12-7-81 | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-82 | Amends § D(1) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-1-82 | Adopts cable rules and regulations (Not codified) |
3-29-82 | Rezone (Special) |
3-29-82A | Rezone (Special) |
5-24-82 | Rezone (Special) |
6-14-82 | Adds Art. 16 § D(6)(c)(C), (7), (8), (9) and (10) and amends Art. 16 § F(3)(a) of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
6-14-82A | Adds Art. 22A to Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
6-14-82B | Rezone (Special) |
6-14-82C | Amends Arts. 19 § B(4) and 29 § C(5) and (6) Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-12-82 | Amends Ord. 4-23-81, data processing committee (Repealed by 08-04-14) |
7-12-82A | Adds § 33 to Ord. 4-20-78, dogs (6.04) |
7-12-82B | Rezone (Special) |
9-13-82 | Rezone (Special) |
10-12-82 | Amends § 8.9(d) of Ord. 10-18-73-G, liquor licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
11-22-82 | Amends Ord. 10-18-79, building numbering (12.04) |
12-13-82 | Rezone (Special) |
1-10-83 | Rezone (Special) |
1-24-83 | Rezone (Special) |
1-24-83A | Rezone (Special) |
2-14-83 | Rezone (Special) |
2-15-83A | Rezone (Special) |
2-28-83 | Building and construction regulations; adopts technical building codes (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-11-83 | Rezone (Special) |
4-11-83A | Rezone (Special) |
4-25-83 | Amends Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
4-25-83 | Rezone (Special) |
4-25-83B | Rezone (Special) |
4-25-83C | Rezone (Special) |
5-9-83 | Rezone (Special) |
5-23-83 | Rezone (Special) |
5-23-83A | Rezone (Special) |
6-15-83 | Rezone (Special) |
6-27-83 | Rezone (Special) |
6-27-83A | Amends § 1(B) of Ords. 9-16-76 and 5-11-81A, speed limits (Repealed by 12-19-83) |
7-11-83 | Rezone (Special) |
7-11-83A | Rezone (Special) |
7-25-83 | Rezone (Special) |
8-22-83 | Amends §§ 5.2, 5.6 and 5.7 of Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
9-12-83 | Rezone (Special) |
9-26-83 | Encroachment permits (12.08) |
9-26-83A | Rezone (Special) |
10-10-83 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 4-20-78, dogs (6.04) |
10-24-83 | County license department; amends §§ 1, 2, 3, 8.6 and 8.8 of Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
12-19-83 | Amends § 3(B) and (D) of Ord. 10-20-67, speed limits; repeals Ord. 6-27-83A (Repealed by 12-21-87A) |
1-6-84 | Rezone (Special) |
1-16-84A | Amends Art. 29 of Ord. 6-1-78A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
2-13-84 | Rezone (Special) |
2-27-84 | Rezone (Special) |
2-27-84A | Rezone (Special) |
2-27-84B | Rezone (Special) |
2-27-84C | Rezone (Special) |
4-9-84 | Rezone (Special) |
4-9-84A | Rezone (Special) |
4-9-84B | Rezone (Special) |
5-21-84 | Rezone (Special) |
5-21-84A | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
6-11-84 | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-9-84 | Amends § 700.150 of Ord. 7-22-69, motor vehicle fuel tax (3.20) |
7-30-84 | Motor vehicle fuel excise tax (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
8-27-84 | Amends § 3(B) of Ord. 10-20-67, speed limits (10.04) |
10-22-84 | Winnemucca area solid waste management plan (13.12) |
11-13-84 | Rezone (Special) |
1-21-85 | Initiates Golconda water district (Special) |
2-11-85 | Rezone (Special) |
2-25-85 | Amends Ord. 6-1-8A, zoning (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
3-12-85 | Creates Golconda water district (13.04) |
4-8-85 | Amends § 700.060 of Ord. 7-22-69, regional transportation commission (3.20) |
4-22-85 | Rezone (Special) |
4-22-85A | Hospital district board of trustees (2.16) |
5-13-85A | Rezone (Special) |
5-13-85 | Board of commissioners meetings (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
7-10-85 | Burning regulations (Expired) |
8-1-85 | County coroner (2.08) |
8-15-85 | Rezone (Special) |
10-3-85 | Board of commissioners meetings (2.04) |
11-4-85 | Rezone (Special) |
12-16-85 | Sexual assault victims counseling and medical treatment (8.32) |
12-16-85A | Business licenses (3.16, 5.04, 5.12, 5.16, 5.20, 5.24, 5.28, 5.32, 5.36, 5.40, 5.44, 5.48, 5.52) |
2-19-86 | Building and construction regulations; adopts technical building codes (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
2-19-86A | Rezone (Special) |
2-19-86B | Rezone (Special) |
3-17-86 | Amends § 2(B) (Paradise Valley vicinity area) of Ord. 12-19-83, speed limits (Repealed by 12-21-87A) |
4-21-86 | Amends county subdivision ordinance (16.36) |
4-21-86A | Rezone (Special) |
4-21-86B | Rezone (Special) |
5-5-86 | Electronic stun devices (9.12) |
6-18-86 | Street and road repair tax (Failed) |
9-22-86 | Building and construction regulations; adopts technical building codes (Repealed by 3-20-89A) |
10-20-86 | Rezone (Special) |
12-22-86 | Amends Ord. 3-1-82 and §§ 1.12.5, 1.23.2, 2.3.2, 2.14.3, 2.14.5, 2.14.7, 3.1.7, 3.11.1 and 3.13.4 of adopted rules and regulations, cable television regulations (Repealed by 5-18-87) |
1-5-87 | Rezone (Special) |
1-5-87A | Zoning (17.02, 17.04, 17.06, 17.08, 17.10, 17.12, 17.14, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.30, 17.32, 17.36, 17.38, 17.40, 17.42, 17.44, 17.46, 17.48, 17.50, 17.52, 17.56, 17.58, 17.60, 17.62, 17.64, 17.66, 17.71, 17.72, 17.74, 17.78, 17.80) |
1-20-87 | Rezone (Special) |
1-20-87A | Rezone (Special) |
2-17-87 | Rezone (Special) |
5-18-87 | Amends Ord. 3-1-82 and §§ 1.5, 1.12.2, 1.12.5, 1.12.6, 1.18.5, 1.23.2, 1.23.2A, 1.23.2B, 2.1, 2.2.2(b), 2.3.2, 2.9, 2.14.2, 2.14.3, 2.14.4, 2.14.5, 2.14.7, 2.19, 2.21, 2.31, 3.1.7, 3.11.1, 3.11.2, 3.13.4, 3.15, 4.2.23, and 4.5 of adopted rules and regulations, cable television regulations; repeals Ord. 12-22-86 (Not codified) |
7-6-87 | Adds §§ 3A, 4A, 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D and 11E to and amends §§ 11 and 12 of Ord. 10-22-84, Winnemucca area solid waste management district (Not in effect) |
7-6-87A | Personal property tax collection (3.04) |
7-6-87B | Flood damage prevention (15.16) |
7-20-87 | Rezone (Special) |
11-16-87 | Rezone (Special) |
11-16-87A | Rezone (Special) |
11-16-87B | Rezone (Special) |
12-21-87 | Rezone (Special) |
12-21-87A | Amends § 3(B) and (D) of Ord. 10-20-67, speed limits; repeals Ord. 12-19-83 (10.04) |
1-4-88 | Rezone (Special) |
1-19-88 | Building and construction regulations; adopts technical building codes (Not codified) |
2-16-88 | Rezone (Special) |
2-16-88A | Adds Art. 25A to Ord. 1-5-87A, zoning (17.54) |
5-9-88 | Amends §§ 5.1, 5.2, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 of Ord. 10-18-73-G, business licenses (3.16) |
6-20-88 | Welfare and indigent services program (8.36) |
7-14-88 | Open burning (8.12) |
10-3-88 | Rezone (Special) |
10-3-88A | Rezone (Special) |
10-3-88B | Rezone (Special) |
10-3-88C | Amends § 25A of Ord. 1-5-87A, zoning (17.54) |
10-17-88D | Amends § 2(B) of Ord. 12-29-83, speed limits (10.04) |
1-17-89 | Rezone (Special) |
1-17-89A | Rezone (Special) |
2-21-89 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 6-20-88, welfare and indigent services program (8.36) |
3-20-89 | Adopts uniform technical codes (15.04) |
3-20-89A | Repeals Res. 4-6-31 and Ords. 5-6-13, 1-6-15, 5-10-15, 5-7-23, 3-5-31, 4-5-33, 9-5-33, 12-5-33 re: gambling, 12-5-33 re: liquor, 4-6-35, 4-6-35.1, 4-6-35.240, 4-6-36, 2-5-48, 5-21-56, 8-20-63, 3-5-64, 5-20-64, 3-5-65, 12-5-67, 4-22-68-2, 8-20-70, 4-5-71, 8-5-71, 8-19-71, 3-21-72, 1-4-73B, 6-21-73, 10-18-73A, 10-18-73C, 10-18-73D, 10-18-73G, 4-4-74, 5-2-74, 7-18-74B, 11-11-74, 2-20-75, 4-4-74A-75, 7-7-75-A, 9-18-75, 9-25-75-B, 9-25-75-C, 2-5-76A, 2-5-76B, 4-15-76A, 10-21-76, 8-4-77, 9-15-77, 11-3-77, 12-1-77, 2-16-78, 4-6-78, 6-1-78A, 9-7-78, 9-7-78-A, 10-5-78, 10-5-78A, 10-5-78B, 10-19-78, 10-19-78A, 11-13-78B, 12-8-78A, 12-8-78B, 12-21-78A, 12-21-78-C, 4-11-79, 5-10-79, 8-2-79, 10-18-79, 11-15-79, 3-20-80A, 6-5-80, 9-4-80, 9-18-80, 11-6-80, 12-18-80, 2-9-81A, 3-9-81, 4-23-81A, 5-11-81, 8-10-81B, 9-14-81B, 11-9-81, 2-22-82, 6-14-82, 6-14-82A, 6-14-82C, 10-12-82, 2-28-83, 4-25-83, 8-22-83, 10-24-83, 1-16-84A, 5-21-84A, 6-11-84, 7-30-84, 2-25-85, 5-13-85, 12-16-85A §§ 1.6 and 12.10, 2-19-86 and 9-22-86 (Repealer) |
3-20-89B | Adds (4) to § 1.6 of and amends § 1.1 of Ord. 12-16-85A, business licenses and fees (5.04) |
4-3-89 | Rezone (Special) |
4-3-89A | Rezone (Special) |
4-3-89B | Adds § 12.A to Ord. 1-5-87A, zoning (17.26) |
4-3-89C | Adds § 35A to Ord. 1-5-87A, zoning (17.26) |
5-4-89 | Amends § 2(B) of Ord. 12-19-83, speed limits (10.04) |
6-5-89 | Initiates renaming of Orovada water district and expansion of the district’s powers (Special) |
6-19-89 | Creates Orovada general improvement district (13.08) |
7-10-89 | Rezone (Special) |
8-21-89 | Rezone (Special) |
9-6-89 | Rezone (Special) |
10-2-89 | Amends county mobile home park ordinance (17.50) |
11-9-89 | Creates fund for forensic services (3.28) |
11-9-89A | Rezone (Special) |
11-20-89 | Initiates proceedings to create Denio television maintenance district (Special) |
12-4-89 | Rezone (Special) |
12-4-89A | Creates Denio television maintenance district (Repealed by 11-20-17) |
12-18-89 | Adds (D)(11) to § 14 of Ord. 1-5-87A, zoning (17.30) |
12-18-89A | Rezone (Special) |
12-18-89B | Amends § 2 of Ord. 3-21-72-A, fire protection district (8.08) |
1-2-90 | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-90A | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-90 | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-90A | Increases size of county board of commissioners to five (Failed) |
3-23-90 | Rezone (Special) |
5-7-90 | Rezone (Special) |
6-4-90 | Code adoption (1.01) |
6-4-90A | Rezone (Special) |
6-4-90B | Rezone (Special) |
6-4-90C | Adds § 3.20.115, excise tax on motor vehicle fuel (3.20) |
7-2-90 | Adds § 8.36.055, welfare department policies and procedures (8.36) |
10-1-90 | Rezone (Special) |
1-24-91 | Rezone (Special) |
5-6-91 | Rezone (Special) |
7-9-91 | Rezone (Special) |
7-9-91A | Amends §§ 6.04.020 and 6.04.110, dog license (6.04) |
7-9-91B | Amends § 8.36.030, welfare and indigent services committee (8.36) |
8-19-91 | Rezone (Special) |
8-19-91A | Rezone (Special) |
8-19-91B | Rezone (Special) |
10-21-91 | Rezone (Special) |
10-21-91A | Rezone (Special) |
12-16-91 | Rezone (Special) |
12-16-91A | Rezone (Special) |
1-23-92 | Amends § 2.04.010, board of commissioners (2.04) |
3-19-92 | Rezone (Special) |
4-17-92 | Amends Ch. 15.16, flood damage prevention (15.16) |
5-18-92 | Rezone (Special) |
5-18-92A | Rezone (Special) |
6-15-92 | Amends § 3.16.080; repeals § 3.16.040, exemption from transient accommodations tax (3.16) |
6-15-92A | Adds § 15.04.125; amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
6-15-92B | Adds § 10.04.120; amends § 10.04.020, traffic regulations (10.04) |
7-1-92 | Rezone (Special) |
7-23-92 | Rezone (Special) |
8-20-92 | Rezone (Special) |
8-20-92A | Authorizes issuance of jail facility bonds (Special) |
1-4-93 | Amends E-1 (first estates) zoning ordinance (Special) |
1-21-93 | Rezone (Special) |
4-1-93 | Rezone (Special) |
5-6-93 | Rezone (Special) |
5-6-93A | Rezone (Special) |
5-6-93B | Amends § 17.78.010, zoning (17.78) |
6-1-93 | Amends § 6.04.140, dogs (6.04) |
6-17-93 | Rezone (Special) |
6-17-93A | Rezone (Special) |
6-17-93B | Rezone (Special) |
6-17-93C | Rezone (Special) |
6-17-93D | Rezone (Special) |
6-17-93E | Rezone (Special) |
6-17-93F | Rezone (Special) |
7-8-93 | Amends § 2.04.010, meetings (2.04) |
7-8-93A | Amends §§ 2.20.030, 2.20.040 and 2.20.050, county participation in regional planning commission (2.20) |
8-10-93 | Amends §§ 2.40.010—2.40.050, office of public guardian (2.40) |
9-7-93 | Amends § 2.28.020, law library (2.28) |
9-20-93 | Rezone (Special) |
9-20-93A | Rezone (Special) |
10-4-93 | Filing fee in divorce actions (Not codified) |
11-2-93 | Rezone (Special) |
11-15-93 | Amends § 17.80.010, enforcement officers (17.80) |
12-20-93 | Amends Paradise Valley general plan (Special) |
1-18-94 | Amends Ch. 17.28, zoning (17.28) |
1-18-94A | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-94 | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-94A | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-94B | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-94C | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-94D | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-94E | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-94F | Rezone (Special) |
5-2-94 | Rezone (Special) |
5-2-94A | Rezone (Special) |
5-2-94B | Rezone (Special) |
6-6-94 | Rezone (Special) |
6-6-94A | Rezone (Special) |
6-20-94 | Rezone (Special) |
6-20-94A | Rezone (Special) |
7-5-94 | Rezone (Special) |
8-15-94 | Adds § 9.08.030, offenses involving minors (9.08) |
9-8-94 | Rezone (Special) |
11-10-94 | Rezone (Special) |
12-5-94 | Adds Ch. 16.50, standards for development of dedicated roads (16.50) |
12-5-94A | Rezone (Special) |
12-19-94 | Rezone (Special) |
12-19-94A | Rezone (Special) |
12-19-94B | Rezone (Special) |
3-20-95 | Rezone (Special) |
4-3-95 | Rezone (Special) |
5-15-95 | Rezone (Special) |
6-5-95 | Rezone (Special) |
6-7-95 | Amends Ch. 13.12, solid waste management (13.12) |
6-19-95 | Rezone (Special) |
8-21-95A | Rezone (Special) |
8-21-95B | Rezone (Special) |
8-21-95C | Rezone (Special) |
9-11-95 | Rezone (Special) |
10-16-95 | Rezone (Special) |
11-6-95 | Rezone (Special) |
11-20-95 | Amends §§ 8.20.040, 8.20.050(F), 8.20.090(C) and 8.20.100(C), emergency services (8.20) |
11-20-95A | Amends Ch. 17.22, zoning (Repealed by 8-18-97D) |
11-20-95B | R-R rural ranchette district (17.23) |
11-20-95C | Rezone (Special) |
11-20-95E | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-96 | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-96A | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-96B | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-96C | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-96D | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-96E | Rezone (Special) |
1-2-96F | Amends §§ 17.16.605 and 17.16.750, zoning (17.16) |
1-16-96 | Rezone (Special) |
1-16-96A | Rezone (Special) |
2-5-96 | Amends §§ 13.12.050, 13.12.130, 13.12.150, 13.12.180, 13.12.190, 13.12.210 and 13.12.230, solid waste management (13.12) |
2-5-96A | Rezone (Special) |
2-20-96 | Rezone (Special) |
2-20-96A | Rezone (Special) |
2-20-96B | Rezone (Special) |
2-20-96C | Rezone (Special) |
2-20-96D | Amends Grass Valley general plan (Special) |
2-20-96E | Amends § 3.20.110, local gas tax (3.20) |
3-18-96 | Rezone (Special) |
3-18-96A | Rezone (Special) |
3-18-96B | Rezone (Special) |
4-1-96 | Rezone (Special) |
4-1-96A | Rezone (Special) |
4-1-96B | Rezone (Special) |
4-15-96 | Rezone (Special) |
4-15-96A | Amends Grass Valley general plan (Special) |
4-15-96B | Rezone (Special) |
4-15-96C | Rezone (Special) |
5-20-96 | Proposes to rename Orovada cemetery district to be Orovada community services district and expand district’s powers to include provision of recreational facilities (12.12) |
6-3-96E | Provides for election to increase county board of commissioners from three to five members (2.04) |
6-17-96 | Creates Orovada community services district by renaming and expanding powers of Orovada cemetery district to include provision for recreational facilities (12.12) |
8-19-96 | Amends § 10.04.060 and repeals § 10.04.080, speed limits (10.04) |
8-19-96A | Amends Ch. 3.16, rental business tax (3.16) |
8-19-96F | Manufactured home siting criteria (17.54) |
12-16-96 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
3-24-97 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.04, nuisances (8.04) |
6-16-97 | Amends Ch. 8.04, nuisances (8.04) |
6-16-97F | Amends § 17.28.040, zoning (17.28) |
8-4-97 | Amends § 6.04.250(B), dog control and rabies control (6.04) |
8-18-97D | Amends Ch. 17.23 and repeals Ch. 17.22, zoning (17.23) |
8-18-97E | Amends Ch. 17.20 and repeals Ch. 17.18, zoning (17.20) |
9-2-97B | Adds §§ 17.52.070(E) and (F) and 17.54.030(N) and amends § 17.52.070(C), zoning (17.52, 17.54) |
10-20-97 | Amends Ch. 17.44, M-3 open land use district (17.44) |
11-3-97B | Amends Ch. 17.24, R-1 single-family residential district, and 17.26, R-3 multiple-family residential district (17.24, 17.26) |
11-3-97C | Amends general plan density designations (Special) |
12-15-97 | Adds Ch. 3.19, local aviation fuel tax (3.19) |
2-20-98A | Adds § 17.54.030(O), zoning (17.54) |
2-20-98B | RR-rural ranchette district (17.23) |
4-20-98 | Adds Ch. 5.50, regulation and licensing of outdoor assemblies and festivals (5.50) |
5-4-98A | Amends § 17.76.020, home occupations (17.76) |
6-1-98 | Amends § 17.52.070(E), zoning (17.52) |
9-8-98A | Amends general plan (Special) |
12-7-98 | Adds Ch. 13.36, water utility (13.36) |
12-7-98A | Amends general plan (Special) |
12-21-98A | Amends Ch. 17.50, zoning (17.50) |
3-22-99 | Adds Ch. 9.16, genetic marker testing (9.16) |
4-19-99C | Adds § 17.52.070(G), zoning (17.52) |
4-19-99D | Amends §§ 17.44.070 and 17.44.080, zoning (17.44) |
4-19-99E | Amends § 17.20.080, zoning (17.20) |
5-3-99A | Rezone (Special) |
7-21-99 | Rezone (Special) |
8-16-99 | Amends general plan (Special) |
8-16-99A | Rezone (Special) |
8-16-99B | Rezone (Special) |
9-20-99 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
9-20-99A | Amends § 2.08.110, coroner (2.08) |
10-4-99 | Amends Ch. 17.52, MH mobile home combining district (17.52) |
9-20-99B | Rezone (Special) |
11-2-99 | Amends general plan (Special) |
11-2-99A | Rezone (Special) |
11-15-99 | Amends general plan (Special) |
11-15-99A | Rezone (Special) |
11-15-99B | Rezone (Special) |
1-3-00 | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-00 | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-00A | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-00B | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-00C | Rezone (Special) |
2-22-00D | Amends Ch. 17.76, home based businesses/conditional use permit (17.76) |
5-1-00B | Television department (2.32) |
5-15-00 | Amends §§ 17.76.030 and 17.76.040, zoning (17.76) |
8-7-00 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
9-7-00 | Amends Ch. 2.24, information technology (Repealed by 08-04-14) |
10-2-00 | Rezone (Special) |
10-02-00A | Amends § 3.16.020, rental business tax (Expired) |
3-27-01 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
12-03-01 | Adds § 13.12.085; amends § 13.12.150, solid waste management (13.12) |
12-17-01 | Amends § 17.52.070, zoning (17.52) |
1-22-02 | Adds Ch. 9.18, offenses against public peace (9.18) |
1-22-02A | Amends § 5.04.060, general business (5.04) |
1-22-02B | Amends § 5.04.100, general business licenses (5.04) |
5-6-02 | Amends Ch. 2.32, television service rate (2.32) |
5-20-02 | Adds Ch. 1.09 [1.12], abolition of the office of constable (1.12) |
12-16-02 | Amends § 17.04, adoption of regional master plan (17.04) |
1-21-03 | Adds Ch. 5.53 [5.56], fictitious business names (5.56) |
2-03-03 | Adds Ch. 17.35, PFAD — Public Facilities Airport District (17.35) |
2-03-03A | Adds Ch. 17.59, AID — Airport Industrial District (17.59) |
3-17-03 | Repeals and replaces § 17.78.010, zoning (17.78) |
3-17-03A | Amends § 17.76.030, home based business (17.76) |
5-19-03 | Adds Ch. 8.38, family cemeteries (8.38) |
5-19-03A | Amends Ch. 12.08, encroachments (12.08) |
7-07-03 | Adds § 17.04.060, regional master plan (17.04) |
7-07-03A | Amends §§ 16.36.010, 16.36.020 and 16.36.040, subdivision; repeals and replaces 17.78.010, zoning (16.36, 17.78) |
2-17-04 | Amends Ch. 15.16, flood damage prevention (15.16) |
1-03-05 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building code (15.04) |
4-04-05A | Amends §§ 17.23.040(A) and 17.23.080, zoning (17.23) |
4-04-05B | Amends § 17.78.010(A), zoning (17.78) |
6-06-05 | Amends §§ 17.23.070, 17.23.080(D), zoning (17.23) |
6-20-05 | Amends Ch. 8.04, nuisances (8.04) |
9-06-05A | Amends §§ 16.16.030, 16.16.050, 16.16.060, 16.16.070, 16.16.130, 16.16.160, 16.16.170, 16.16.180, 16.16.210, 16.16.220 and 16.16.240, zoning (16.16) |
9-06-05B | Adds Ch. 3.32, acquisition and improvement in the office of the county assessor (3.32) |
10-17-05 | Amends Ch. 13.20, McDermitt sewer district (13.20) |
11-07-05 | Amends Ch. 17.76, home based businesses/conditional use permit (17.76) |
5-15-06 | Amends §§ 13.12.140, 13.12.150 and 13.12.270, solid waste management (13.12) |
8-07-06 | Amends Ch. 13.24, Paradise Valley sewer district (13.24) |
9-05-06 | Amends §§ 17.20.040(S)[T] and 17.20.080(F), zoning (17.20) |
9-05-06A | Amends § 17.52.070(G), zoning (17.52) |
9-05-06B | Amends §§ 17.10.010(A) and 17.10.050(A), zoning (17.10) |
9-18-06 | Amends § 16.32.170, subdivisions (16.32) |
10-02-06 | Assessment district (Special) |
11-13-06B | Amends Ch. 17.58, zoning (17.58) |
4-23-07 | Adds Ch. 2.44, county public defender’s office (2.44) |
9-04-07 | Amends § 17.20.020, zoning (17.20) |
10-01-07A | Amends §§ 17.23.010(A), 17.23.020(G), 17.23.040(A) and 17.23.070, zoning (17.23) |
10-01-07C | Amends §§ 17.10.050, 17.14.070(A), 17.16.410 and 17.44.080(H), zoning (17.10, 17.14, 17.16, 17.44) |
10-15-07 | Amends §§ 13.12.270 and 13.12.280; amends Ord. 7-6-87, solid waste management (13.12) |
4-21-08 | Amends Ord. 10-02-06, assessment district (Special) |
5-19-08 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
8-18-08 | Adds Ch. 8.40, identifying information (Repealed by 10-20-08) |
10-20-08 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.40, identifying information (8.40) |
1-05-09 | Amends Ch. 8.28, recreational vehicles and shelters (8.28) |
1-05-09A | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
3-16-09 | Amends § 16.16.030(B), subdivisions (16.16) |
5-18-09 | Amends §§ 3.16.031, 3.16.091 and 3.16.101; repeals §§ 2.1.2 and 2.2 of Ord. 10-02-00A, rental business tax (3.16) |
7-20-09 | Amends Ch. 13.20; repeals sections from Ord. 7-18-74-C, McDermitt general improvement district (13.20) |
9-08-09 | Amends §§ 2.20.030 and 2.20.040, planning commission (2.20) |
9-08-09A | Amends § 13.12.230, solid waste management (13.12) |
9-08-09B | Adds Ch. 8.44, telephone system (8.44) |
1-04-10 | Amends Ch. 15.16, flood damage prevention (15.16) |
7-12-10 | Amends Ch. 12.04, street addresses (12.04) |
County Question 1 (11-02-10) | Amends § 13.12.280, solid waste management (13.12) |
10-18-10 | Adds Ch. 2.50, fee structure (2.50) |
11-22-10 | Adds Ch. 16.18, division of land (16.18) |
4-18-11 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
1-03-12 | Amends § 17.10.090, zoning (17.10) |
1-03-12A | Amends § 17.12.030, zoning (17.12) |
1-03-12B | Amends §§ 17.23.040(A), 17.24.040(A), 17.26.040(D), and 17.50.040(A), zoning (17.23, 17.24, 17.26, 17.50) |
1-03-12C | Amends §§ 17.28.020(D) and 17.28.040(F), zoning (17.28) |
1-03-12D | Amends § 17.30.040(H), zoning (17.30) |
1-03-12E | Amends §§ 17.48.010(E)[(B)(2)], 17.48.020 and 17.48.040(A), zoning (17.48) |
1-03-12F | Amends § 17.54.010, zoning (17.54) |
1-03-12G | Amends §§ 17.56.020(A) and 17.56.040, zoning (17.56) |
1-03-12H | Amends § 17.60.070(G)(2), zoning (17.60) |
1-03-12I | Amends §§ 17.68.110, 17.68.130, 17.68.140 and 17.68.150, zoning (Repealed by 11-15-16) |
1-03-12J | Amends §§ 17.71.030(C) and 17.71.050(B), zoning (17.71) |
1-03-12K | Amends §§ 16.04.140 and 16.04.170(A), subdivisions (16.04) |
1-03-12L | Amends § 16.08.270, subdivisions (16.08) |
6-04-12 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
11-04-13 | Adds chapter to Title 3, court facilities (3.35) |
11-04-13A | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
8-04-14 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.24, information technology (2.24) |
9-02-14A | Amends §§ 17.10.050(A), 17.20.080(F) and 17.44.080(G), zoning (17.10, 17.20, 17.44) |
12-15-14 | Adds § 17.10.100; amends §§ 17.28.050, 17.30.050, 17.32.050, 17.36.050, 17.38.050 and 17.40.050, zoning (17.10, 17.28, 17.30, 17.32, 17.36, 17.38, 17.40) |
1-20-15 | Adds Ch. 2.42, county property (2.42) |
5-18-15 | Amends § 17.78.010(A), zoning (17.78) |
3-07-16 | Amends Ch. 8.28, recreational vehicles and shelters (8.28) |
11-15-16 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 17.68, zoning (17.68) |
11-15-16A | Amends §§ 6.04.010 and 6.04.190, dogs (6.04) |
11-15-16B | Adds Ch. 17.69, zoning (17.69) |
11-15-16C | Renumbers Ch. 17.70 to 17.71; amends Ch. 17.71, zoning (17.71) |
11-15-16D | Adds Ch. 17.70, zoning (17.70) |
2-06-17 | Adds §§ 2.44.110 through 2.44.160, alternate public defender (2.44) |
8-21-17 | Adds § 5.32.015; amends § 5.32.010, liquor licenses (5.32) |
8-21-17a | Adds Ch. 5.58, locksmith and safe mechanic permits (5.58) |
8-21-17b | Adds Ch. 2.06, county manager (2.06) |
9-05-17 | Amends § 8.04.030, nuisances (8.04) |
10-09-17 | Amends §§ 17.10.100, 17.28.050, 17.30.050, 17.32.050, 17.36.050, 17.38.050 and 17.40.050, marijuana establishments (17.10, 17.28, 17.30, 17.32, 17.36, 17.38, 17.40) |
11-06-17 | Amends § 13.08.020, Orovada general improvement district (13.08) |
11-20-17 | Amends Ch. 2.32; repeals Ch. 13.32 and Ord. 1-6-69-1, television department (2.32) |
4-23-18 | Amends § 15.04.010, building code (15.04) |
6-17-19 | Repeals Ch. 15.08, gas service code (Repealer) |
8-05-19a | Amends Ch. 8.44, telephone system (8.44) |
9-03-19 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building codes (15.04) |
1-06-20 | Adds § 13.04.040, Golconda water district (13.04) |
11-09-20 | Adds Ch. 3.21, diesel fuel tax (3.21) |
12-14-20 | Adds Ch. 17.81, interbasin and/or out-of-county water transfer projects (17.81) |
6-07-21a | Amends §§ 2.44.050, 2.44.060, 2.44.070, 2.44.080, 2.44.120 and 2.44.150, county public defender’s office (2.44) |
11-06-23 | Adds Ch. 13.40, Pueblo rural fire protection district (13.40) |
11-06-23a | Adds Ch. 13.44, Orovada rural fire protection district (13.44) |
1-02-24 | Amends §§ 13.36.040, 13.36.080, 13.36.380 and Art. VIII of Ch. 13.36, water utility (13.36) |
03-18-24 | Amends Ch. 2.40, public guardian and public administrator (2.40) |
12-16-24 | Adds § 13.24.080; amends §§ 13.24.045 and 13.24.060, Paradise Valley sewer district (13.24) |